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just-call-mefr1es · 8 months ago
pls just infodump on your tbp aus. any one of them. i don’t care which, i will literally take any au material you give me and ill eat it WHOLE.
wait omg???!?!? fr??? eeeeee tysmmm>_< 💗💗💗
i will never turn down a chance to talk abt my thg x tbp au>:333
where do i even begin? (SPOILERS FOR THE HUNGER GAMES)
intro/74th games
so first off, districts and year/age they won. finney, gwen, robin n donna r all in 12 with finney n robin winning 74th games at 16. bruce is in 1 winning the 65th at 14. billy in 6 winning 72nd at 15. vance in 7 winning 66th at 15 and (my newest change) griffij in 10, winning the 73rd at 12. he used to be in 4, then 11, before i switched it to 10 cus im just thar indecisive. ph and the gr@bber twkes the place of president $now (yes i have to censor both their names)
so, id just like to say that donna takes the role of madge in this au, but dw she doesnt die befause i dont want her to, same goes with gwen i just cant😵‍💫🤕 but that doesnt mean i cant make them suffer !! thsts for later tho, cus gwen gets her name picked in the reaping at fourteen (im checking my notes for this), finney obviously volunteers for her, and you may be asking how he’s able to do that. well, finneys trans, which means hes stil technically legible for the girls part of the reaping thing, so boom. he goes into the hunger games. so does robin!! theyre still besties in this point in time so when they both go to the games together theyre all sad and stuff. they still hace to go thru the love act thing, which obviously gets awkward between them because,,, thats your best bro, bro. so yeah they totally dont get crushes on each other whaaa… so they pull the berry technique from the og hunger games thing and there you go! they both win yipee. so obvs pres. sh@w (thars his name in the au) gets PISSED and arranges the quarter quell to reap victors for the tributes (in my au it WAS rigged lol). and thats how our og ghost gang meet up!!
first off, a lil bit of backstories.
bruce n vance knew each other from the 66th victory party thing (because those exist) and at first vance did NOT like bruce becus he thought he was just a fake little capitol doll who’s full of himself, then the two started developing some more and hey theyre gay now! but uh oh! the capitols not homophobic they just dont like cross district relationships so bruce n vance have to be quiet bout that. i love brance so much. just thought id say that.
also, billy’s a spy!! im pretty sure i drew something about that wayyy back then but im saying it again. hes a spy for district 13, and their plans for rebellion and the shit like that. they recruited him to be a spy because in his games he did a lil anti capitol act which was enough to spark controversy but not enough for president sh@w to kill his family (*cough* WHAR HAPPENED TO VANCE *cough cough*) and 13 saw that and was like ‘hey this kid could really help us!’ and boom hes recruited. president sh@w was suspicious as SHIT of him and used the quarter quell to pick his name out of thst bowl and put hik into the arena.
griffij is the youngest victor in hunger games history ever, winning at twelve (yeah ikr). he kinds just waiter his games out and gecause he was from a poor district, and wirh how young he was, the other tributes sorta just forgot about him/didnt think he was a threat to remember if he actually died or not(just like in the movie how nobody knew him ;) see im super good with this) until the ‘last’ tribute was celebrating his victory and griffin jumpscared him and barbaque skewered him to death (stabby). oh and his district partner blew up right infront of him before the game started. lolz. so that happened:P
now soley bruce! hes definitely the most privileged one out of the gang because of his district, but that doesnt mean he cant suffer!🎉🎉 so, from the start, bruce was immediately a capitol hit, since he was charming, handsome and athletic. he won his games pretty easily, at fourteen i wrote down?yep fourteen! so he won his games, and the captiol people started to really like him, wanting to see more of him and such. pres sh@w was 100% part of that crowd and well, made a deal with him. at 16, bruce had to make a decision. sell your soul for the hollywood dream capitol audinence or everyone he loves dies. i think irs obvious which option he picked.
and heres where vance comes in! vance was also a pretty big hit when he won his games a year after bruce at 15, since he was strong, aggressive, and simp material ig. so, president sh@w gave him the same choice as bruce: become a capitol slave or everyone you love dies. vance, being vance, told pres sh@w to fuck off and that he would kill hom before he could lay a finger on his family. well, that onviously didnt end well. andddd now we’re at the 75th games!
3rd quarter quell
pres sh@w rigged it so that billy and vance would get in (he hated those two so much) he didnt need to rig it any more for robin n finney, and griffin and bruce just got in there. fun fact! griffin didnt actually get his name reaped for the 75th, he volunteered becuase the man that did get reaped had kids and griffin was like ‘awh they deserve to have a father figure’ (cause he doesnt have one /frfr) so he was like ‘i volunterer!!’ his mama was devastated.
now theyre in the capitol! finney and robin r both having crisis since they both want each other to live, griffin knows hes gonna die and is terrified, vance knows hes gonna die and doesnt give two shits, bruce promised his family hed make it out so hes trying to convince himself hes not gonna die, billy got instructions from 13 to evacuate as much peeps as he coukd to 13 so hes stressed about that. as you can see, theyre all SO mentally stbale! 💞
(their ages in the 3qq: finney, robin r 17, billy is 18, bruce n vance r 24 and griffs 14:P)
practivijg for the games, griffin watched thru all the tapes for the games for each of the tributes (like how they did in og hunger games yk) snd was amazed at vance for vancecing out ig. so while theyre in the practicing place thing (i forgort what its called😿) griffiin tries to talk to vance and stuff to see if they can ally together despite literally everyone telling him theres no use in doing it (after the famiky death incident, everyoje just all agreed to ignore hik and shit). griffin didnt care shit, and tried to twlk tk vance, but he got too scared:( butttt they managed to ally in the actual arena! how? ill tell you later
speaking of allies, billy was instructed by 13 to gather all the tributes that would be useful in their plans of reblelloon which obvs included finney. but, billy obvs knew that finney wouldnt go anywhere without robin (he asked himself if he (finney) would ally with him , and finney responded with exaxtlu that) so yay now theyre all teamed. then billy thought, hey, if bruce joined us, the crowd would totes join in the rebellion, since, yk bruce is the capitol’s golden boy; now theyre all allies since brucey agreed. honestly, bruce knew that if he wanted to win, he shouldnt team, because he has trouble hurting people (“how did he win his games then?��- THROUFH GUILT AND BREAKING HIS MORALS.) but he couldnt resist. plus, he thought the three were so cute (not in a sus way🤬) and, just to mention, when bruce n vance shared their last dance (cus the capitol threw em a lil party b4 the arena) they agreed not to meet each other because they knew they would be forced ro kill each other if they did and they didnt want that😕
[ let me go ooc for a sec, ik katniss being mockingjay was caused by rue- without rue there is no mockingjay, so in order for finney to become the symbol of rebellion, i need a rue, which i DONT have. this is actually a hole in the au which ive relly needed to patch up for some time but never brainee enough to do it so sorrs bout that😿 jus prtend finney did shit to become the symbol of rebellion for now until i actually find something💔⛓️]
so, in the arena, they do their thing and boom. group 1 (billy and others) head into the forest thing (cus the arenas r the same from og hg to this au) and so do vance n griffin. griffin thought it would be a wonderful idea whatsoever to surprise vance with an attack so that they could ally cus he thought thst if he ‘proved hijself’ vance would want to ally with him. so, with a crusty ass rake thingy, he surprise attacked him (hes actuallys not so bad at combat ngl). vance, knwoing shit about what the fuck griffin’s thinking process is, assumed it was just your usoal hg ambush and instantly fought back, despite not caring for death (hes still competitive, okay), which resulted in him harming griffin pretty bad. before vance could finish him off, he noticed griffin for the first time. like- how young he was, blah blah blah, and also got a deja vu at how similar he looked to his sister, who, if you remember 70 paragraphs ago, fuckin died. so vance gets all mushy and guilt piles up and hes like ‘oh shit i needa help this kid’ and boom. theyre allies now. okay, you see this is the part where hopperstagg (non biological) brother bonding happens, okay? OKAY???
then, rhey run into billy’s gang, bruce and vance see each other and are like ‘oh shit’ but theres no getting out because now griffin wants to join billys group cus he n billy became friends during his victors tour thing so yeah. now theyre allied together<33
andd thats how that shit happens! they all have this lil bonding time, enough for them to start really caring about each other and want each other to survive and shit, so yippee. but if you thought it ended there, oh no, buddy i have expanded upon this au farther thwn the universe okay. so ik ive mentioned this in another post, billy gets vance in on the lil spy from 13 thing and they both agree to try to get them all to safety. but, unfortunately, theyre too late and- oh shit are we in district 13 now?!?!???
yep. its mockingjay time.
how rhe hell are we in district 13 now???
so, assuminf you know everything about the huhger games, they obvs get finney out, but were too late for robin, bruce n griffin. i explained all this in that separate post i menetioned, but if u didnt see it (i dont blame u if u didnts) basicslly they didnt rip their capitol tracking devices things out of their arms when they had time, but billy did get finney’s so yay! now, theyre all in a depresed era because theyre safe while the rest of the gang isnt, and is instead being tortured by yours truly, the capitol!! how exciting frfr
since they also bombed 12, following the timesline of og hunger games, finneys family survives (i dont think ive mentioned this but their mom died a kong time ago, their dad was abusive but is working on getting better after thr 74th games/trauma happening. just like og hunger games, just like og black phone) and meets up in 13. so with donna becauee im not oetting girlie die🤬🤬 then seeing all that, billy gets big brain idea to round up all the victors families that they can and let them stah in district 13, and with enough convincing, they do! they go to district 1 for bruce’s family, and everyone else’s. vsnce didnt come along with them (billy finney, gwen and some district 13 soldier dudes) and stayed in 13, and tood everyoje to skip his district. finney, who didnt know his family was dead went anyways and found out abt his damilys death the hard way. fun fact! i wrote a fict abt this!! jus click on the link in my pinned post, ignore the fic that the link sends u to and check out ky works😅 its kinda old but canon in my au nonethless
so thats that, and just got to let yall know, gwen and amy got along super well upon first meeting and uh. lesbian. theyre canon in this au btw😋 now more angst! 13 is finally able to get the other half of the old basement boys gang out of the capitol and into 13. stuff followed regular hg canon, bruce and vance can finally kiss cus they coukdnt do that before (capitols always watching,,,,,,,) and robin hates finneys guts now! wait robin what-
thars right, folks! capitol brainwashing go brr and now robin thinks everyone around him is a mutt! how awesome! i also tried incorporating the boys’ movie scars and stuff into this au, so bruce got an eye scar from his games, vance, billy and finney too, but robin n griffin got their ‘movie scars’ from the capitol’s torturing, so once griffy came back, voice go bye bye:3 OH! cant leafe out the fact that bruce and vance then got MARRIED!!!!! YAY!!!!!
time time time skip,, the boys r in the capitol, and ready to kill pres. sh@w! finally! oj the trip, robin starts to get more and more understanding about finney and starts to not hate him, also getting some of his memories restored! in the au, he wasnt entirely converted into hating finney like how peeta was in hg, he was just giving in to the capitol after a bunch of fighting against them; he just reallu wanted sll the suffering to end:( anygays theyre all sneacking around, bruce gets to beat the shit out of people (as he deserves, king) and bada bing bada boom, pres. sh@w’s dead, everyone dances on his grave, panem becomes an actual good country or something, robin gets better and him and finney kiss and shit abd boom. end of au. uh.
shit that was a LOT of yapping😭 im so sorry bout the whole ass college essay length of au lor- thats how you know ive been developing this au for a while lmao. anygays i do hope that made sense and that you enjoyed it, and if u have questions, feel free to ask:3 thanks again anon for letting me ramble!!
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scliffe · 2 months ago
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Ciel in this chapter is so awe-inspiring and phenomenal because… who the hell steals someone’s identity then gets mad at the person when they want their name back? Earl Ciel Phantomhive, that’s who.
Is it understandable emotionally? Of course. He worked very hard to reclaim the title and the lands; even putting up his own soul as a collateral to the demon. Even if r!Ciel had survived, there is no guarantee he could have done as good a job as our Ciel did. But it’s also… hilarious?? Just unthinkable to any common person.
Look at The Audacity™ of this little young master 😭 yes, that’s definitely the child who collared Sebastian… no one else could be like him.
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lil-vibes · 5 months ago
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Day 29: Claws
(prompt list here!)
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comfortabletogether · 7 months ago
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It’s Scott Summers hours, if I don’t response I am praying for the MCU to write him correctly
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ju-nebugg · 3 months ago
if i had a nickel for every time i fixated on a lanky, beautiful, queer, disabled boy with pretty eyes and cheekbones that could slice through stone and who’s soft spoken with a mean streak, driven primarily by a horrible, unending need for perfection and ultimate knowledge, who ends up studying at a prestigious academy despite his lower class background because he’s stupidly brilliant and is constantly surrounded by reminders of the privileges he can’t obtain, and one of those reminders is his classically beautiful, charismatic golden-boy best friend (who he has a bit of a crush on) who’s a bit clueless about his privilege but has a heart of gold and tries his best to reach out to his friend but often makes things worse, and the two of them attempt to understand obscure magic that could (and will) change the course of their entire lives, and the boy, in a moment of desperation, gives himself up to a manifestation of this magic and ends up being a vessel for the magic and for TONS of biblical imagery, irrevocably changed and always just out of reach, eyes so much wider and seeing so much more than those around him, a magician whose ideas literally mold reality
then, SOMEHOW, i’d have two goddamn nickels. which isn’t a lot but it’s fucking WILD that it happened twice.
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nanami-is-nanamean · 5 months ago
nanami falls first. gojo falls harder.
thank you and goodnight.
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mikalilys · 2 months ago
Something I’ve seen a lot recently, is people saying “why is that so popular, when this exists?”
And it makes me so annoyed.
The marauders fandom is like a mansion, it’s really fucking big, and that means you can go into whatever room you like. If you like jily, you can find a room where people are talking about jily!! I guarantee you that you’ll be much happier there, than if you were sitting outside the jegulus room and complaining about the amount of people in there.
There will also always be some people that sit outside the jily room and say that they think jegulus is better. You know what you can do? You can shut the door. You can block them.
(The metaphor means stay in the space where people enjoy what you want to hear about and block the people you don’t want to hear from, if you didn’t catch that.)
Fandom is a creative space, people are always going to be creating what they enjoy. Just because there aren’t that many people creating what you like, doesn’t mean you should diss what others are creating. Also no one’s going to want to create something about that if all you’re doing is complaining. Fandom is built off of ideas, people post headcanons or ideas they have and it inspires others to create something. If you want something, and it’s not there, then you’re going to have to give a little yourself. Stop posting about the fact that there isn’t that thing, and start posting about the thing!!!!
The addition or popularity of something, does not mean the subtraction of another thing. There’s no limit to fandom, there’s no limit to what you can create, so for the love of the marauders please stop acting like there is.
Feminine Sirius doesn’t mean all the content about masculine Sirius goes away, it still exists!!! You can still create about it, without mentioning the fact that you hate feminine Sirius, because all hating is doing, is making you look like you hate femininity. You don’t have to like something, you don’t even need a reason to dislike it, and you definitely don’t need to hate the opposite thing, to like something.
It’s fandom, it all comes down to what you enjoy interacting with. You don’t need a reason to find something fun, you don’t need a reason to ship anything, other than the fact you enjoy it. No one’s forcing you to interact with something or have an opinion on certain things. Just do what you enjoy. Please. Unless you enjoy hating, then make some hater friends and hate in private. Or get a diary.
Some people say “hitting post was unnecessary ☹️” in the comments of angsty tiktoks, but I fucking mean it. I mean it when I see a TikTok made literally just to hate. I mean it!!! Please think before you post. Please think about your tags. Please think about who might see it. Yes, fandom is freedom, yes, you can post what you want. But fandom is also a community, and being a community means being considerate to others feelings. You learn this in nursery!!! Come on guys!!! You don’t have to be friends with everyone, you don’t need to agree with everyone, there’s a block button for a reason, use it!!!
I don’t want to search up a fanfic, and see a video going “I didn’t finish this” because I did. That’s why I’m searching up content about it. Because I enjoyed it. And I don’t give a shit that you didn’t. I actually couldn’t care less that you thought it was boring, or you hated it. Because guess what?? I didn’t!! The algorithm can’t differentiate between hate and appreciation. You don’t need to post something publicly, and you definitely don’t need to name drop the fic. I don’t finish a bunch of fics and you don’t see me shouting from the rooftops about it. And the fucking audacity some people have using the fucking fics tag????
…uhhh anyway!! I got a little mad!! And off topic in that last paragraph and I should really be posting this on TikTok since that’s the actual problem. But no one on TikTok likes to read 😞 and I don’t like to talk. I also debated deleting my entire TikTok account like 3 minutes ago, but I would miss the edits. 😖😖
Okay it’s the next day and I’ve already opened 3 different comment sections to see fem sirius hate so im posting this
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rakkuntoast · 1 year ago
holding onto hardcore season 4 like my life depends on it cuz i love the lore, i love his world i love how passionate he is about it and i hate how sometimes little love it gets from the latter half of the people that only stick to qsmp streams
cuz its the little details and dedication he puts to each build that makes it so special to me, the history and storytelling behind each build while still giving it a purpose and function and how much genuine love he has for it, even when we give him shit about him downplaying his own abilities he's proud of what he's built
like hell the fact that he is going to revisit old locations to add more to them its just so ausefh i love passion projects, i love being passionate about things people are passionate about
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nellandvoid · 1 month ago
irving b enjoyers how we feeling tonight.
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riripaws · 2 months ago
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I’m obsessed with Drifter’s eye glow
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mechanicalowls · 1 month ago
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terrornogloss brain eating amoeba got hands
original template under the cut:
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trenchcrows0 · 27 days ago
I expect people familiar with and interested in liminal horror to make the most horrifying art and fics using Mumbo’s lore of living forever in hermitcraft after everyone else moves on
Wandering through the server, seeing traces of his friends but never seeing them again. Alone in an empty world with artificial “people” living their artificial “lives”, alongside the remnants of the life he used to have.
Other peoples bases start to age and decay over time, leaving Mumbo to tend to what he can. Making him go mad as life falls apart around him and he can do nothing but continue to live in it forever.
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cervinae-canine · 16 days ago
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remembering his coat and scarf combo in the last comic oof
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blondeaxolotl · 3 months ago
One of the few headcanons I somewhat really attach onto is just my hc that Jamil is Bigender and goes by He/She. But in the way that you have to have such an INSANELY CLOSE BOND with Jamil in order to be allowed to refer to him as "she". You can't be an average joe and call him "she", cause if you do that, not only will your ass get beat, but your ass is getting beat so hard you wake up five months later cause you were put in a coma.
Surprisingly one of the few people that are allowed to call Jamil "she" is Kalim, but only when they're by themselves, since Kalim realized he can't go around referring to Jamil as her in public or that will influence others into doing it as well and Jamil wouldn't like that, so he's keeping it low.
Also yeah because I CAN, yes, Floyd is allowed to call Jamil she as well (<- flojami maniac), but unlike Kalim, Floyd doesn't hide it in public that much unless Jamil asks him to. Thankfully no one is influenced by him cause whenever someone else calls Jamil she , Floyd will full on go "oh you can't call Sea Snake that, you aren't allowed to, now I have to get rid of you. C'mere" and chase them around the school on all fours like some paralysis demon until someone physically stops him
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lilacxquartz · 5 months ago
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[wip] once again i decide to put myself through the horror of collars huh
finished version
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luifaro · 3 months ago
holy fuck had everyone except mira die in battle for the first time (isabeau was technically just frozen but...) and oh my god. i've never seen that screen before siffrin died saving their friends. the way the text grew slower and slower as they struggled...
hollyy shit... letting siffrin sit for a bit with his friends while i type this.
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