#GOD this was long
corkinavoid · 2 days
Fun Facts about Fiance to a Star
Lore/relationship drama of Phantom family and those connected to it, this time. Long post, be warned.
It all started like a fairytale - Madeline Walker was the fairest in all lands, beauty and grace, genius magical prodigy, skilled with a sword, kind, loyal, and fierce. When she first came to AMITIE, young and full of stars in her eyes, Clockwork had warned her not to dig too deep.
She did not give his warning much thought.
Over the years, a lot of men tried to win her over, but she declined all of them. Vlad, who had fallen in love with her at first sight, decided to be smarter than most and claimed the place of her best friend, hoping that later she would notice him. Madeline did not. Instead, she had fallen - both literally and metaphorically - all over Jack Fenton, who, unlike all others, had never given much thought to her beauty or genius. Jack only saw a girl who was just as interested in studying otherlings as he was.
The three of them together - Maddie, Jack, and Vlad - had created lots and lots of trouble during their years in AMITIE. It was Jack who once overrun the fifth floor by a giant plant spirit - a weave of a charm gone wrong. Even now, years later, it is not recommended to bring any plants on the fifth floor hence they may come to life. It was Vlad who accidentally forced a blessing of Nocturn over a whole class of White Golds, and Clockwork had to spend a week trying to release them from their forever sleep. It was Maddie who engraved an explosion charm into her staff, which backfired splendidly a month later - the ceiling of the cafeteria still has a few scorch marks from that day.
And it was all them together who created the first unmarked door.
It was a breakthrough, a path to the Other Side, an accomplishment like no other. For the first time, humans could come to the Other Side at will.
Unfortunately, it also meant that otherlings could come into the Mortal Realm just as easily. But nor Maddie, nor Jack or Vlad knew it then.
Excited at the successful experiment, the working door to the Infinite Lands, Madeline proposed to Jack then and there, and he, overwhelmed by his happiness from all sides, agreed instantly. Vlad was forced to accept it - he did not like it, but Maddie made her choice, and he could not convince her otherwise.
Just a year later, Jazz was born. And, by sheer coincidence, the second unmarked door had appeared, not in the research labs in the underground floors, but on the eighth floor, by Vortex's classroom, without anyone noticing.
It was not long until the Darkest Pariah had noticed these new paths. And, when he went through out of curiosity, what did he find? A place full of mages of all sizes and shapes. Ancients - his subjects - teaching humans of the ways of magic. And a charming maiden with hair as bright as fire and a wicked grin on her lips, with magic like no other. It must have been destiny.
Yet, when he asked, the maiden turned him down, just like she did with every other man. She claimed she was already married. Pariah did not understand - her soul was untied, which meant whatever marriage she was speaking of has not been official in his understanding. So, finding no other way to claim what he already thought of as his, he stole the love of his life and brought her to the Other Side.
She fought him. Again and again, every day, until Pariah saw no other way than to simply charm her into accepting him.
A year later, the Wandering Star was born. Maddie insisted on him having a human name as well, but Pariah never liked how 'Daniel' sounded.
Meanwhile, as Pariah was enjoying his play-pretend at a family, back in the Mortal Realm, both Jack and Vlad were going insane with worry. They kept searching and searching for Madeline, first together, then separately after a fair share of arguments between them. It was Vlad who had finally found her through many trials and dangers. In Pariah's castle. With a kid.
Long story short, he stole her away, together with Danny, and brought them both back to the Academy. The charm Pariah put Madeline under fell just as they got to the Tower, and Vlad, in his frenzied and panicked state, confessed to her at that moment. He told her he could protect her and do it better than her oaf of a husband, he would accept the half-otherling kid, he would do anything for her. He already did everything for her, he stood in the way of a burning curse that was guarding Pariah's castle...
But Maddie, overwhelmed by a sudden flood of memories that came back after Pariah's charm fell, pushed him away and ran to find Jack, leaving the heartbroken, cursed man where he stood.
In the next few years, everything seemed to go back to normal. The doors - each and every one that spawned over the Tower - were sealed and locked away. Jack and Jazz reunited with Maddie, and Danny was accepted into the Fenton family easily. Clockwork offered them to stay, to live in the Tower - if Maddie or Danny ever stepped out, they would immediately be found by Pariah. The Academy was the only place that was hidden from his gaze.
Danny grew and learned more and more. He met Tucker when he was five - the boy's family were magi-blacksmiths, and they moved to the town near the Academy to have access to its research and labs. Later, they both met Sam. She was undergoing a course of Trait control in the Tower since her familial plant powers were amplified by a blessing granted by Undergrowth. Sam bragged about a prophecy that spoke of her gaining unlimited power in the future.
Vlad, who disappeared shortly after Maddie's return - supposedly to gain control over the remains of the burning curse that were left in his body - came back when Danny was eleven. Yet, he didn't try reconnecting with Fentons, nor did he speak to Danny about anything. He buried himself in research and, slowly, merged in the background. Just another unfamiliar face in the crowd, another researcher in the Tower.
When Danny was twelve, he found one of the sealed unmarked doors. What happened next, everyone in the Academy remembered as the Time Catastrophe: when re-opened by a child that had way more power than he could control, the door did not lead him to a different place. Rather, it led him to a different time. Clockwork later explained it as a mistake caused by the fact he was personally mentoring Danny most of the time, so the boy must have unconsciously picked up a thing of two from him, from the Ancient of Time.
In any case, through that door came Dan. And it went... Not very well, but by the end of it, the older, different, wrong version of Wandering Star stayed in this dimension. After all, it was an accident that brought him here, and there was no way to send him back. Jack and Maddie offered him to join the family, of course, but the man declined. And, seeing that he was not the Child of King to the Other Side, not the one Pariah was looking for, Clockwork let him leave the Tower. He became a mercenary - a wanderer - and wasn't that ironic, given his name.
Everything came to an end two years later, when Danny turned fourteen. The Rift, a giant portal to the Other Side, opened over the Tower, and countless demons came through it. And, at the front lines of the otherling invasion, was the Darkest Pariah.
On his right side was Vlad and a girl who looked so much like Danny.
The demons, born over the years from Pariah's loss, grief, and anger, could not get through the walls of the Tower. Guarded by the oldest Ancient, it stood tall and protected by numerous shields the Ancients have created over the ages. Fentons were safe inside, but... There was no one to stop Pariah. The Ancients, bound by the Crown, could not fight the King, only defend themselves. So, in his attempt at luring the ones he desired out, Pariah sent the demons to towns and cities around, threatening to keep killing everyone they find until the Academy gives him what he wants. And he wanted Maddie.
When she heard about it, she knew she had no choice. One life over hundreds, maybe thousands of others, it was a simple decision. Yet, before she could make it, a child stood up in front of Pariah.
Danny, who cared for his mother and called Jack his father, despite knowing he was not born to him. Danny, who spent his life in the Tower, closed off from the wide world because of Pariah's obsession. Danny, with two friends by his side, an ice blade in his trembling hands and silver in his eyes that spoke of anger, of hurt, and of a burning desire to protect those he loved.
The Rift was closed only half a day after it was open.
Darkest Pariah met his end at his son's hand.
To the outside world, the Rift had been an unfortunate catastrophe caused and later handled by the mages of Academy. Only a handful of people - and the otherlings, of course - knew the truth, and none of them really wanted to share it.
Vlad, narrowly escaping death with the help of Dani, was made to stay at the Academy, where Clockwork could keep an eye on him. He never confessed it, but everyone was sure he's been the traitor who told Pariah of Maddie's and Danny's whereabouts.
Dani - Vlad's poor attempt at recreating Danny, the reasons for which he also never told another soul about - had spent nearly a year in Frostbite's care. At first, she remained loyal to Vlad as her creator, but over time, with the help of many talks with both Danny and Clockwork, she learned the whole ugly truth about everything that happened. Since then, she never spoke to Vlad and never returned to the Academy, spending her life as a free spirit and roaming the world.
Soon after the fall of Pariah, Maddie, who was now free to leave the Tower, decided that her life as a mage and researcher had come to an end and left it behind. Jack followed her, deeming his wife more important than magic. They offered both Jazz and Danny to go with them, but Danny could not leave the Tower yet - not because of someone or something keeping him there anymore, but because of the responsibility that fell on his shoulders after Pariah's defeat. He was the Heir now, the rightful Prince to the Other Side. Jazz stayed behind as well, for many reasons, starting with the fact she did not want to abandon her brother and ending with her own goals, most of which were related to magic.
Two years later, Clockwork had given Danny a scroll with a long-forgotten prophecy that tied him with one of the Gotham princes.
This is the very brief run-through Danny's life before the events of Fiance to a Star. I skipped over a lot of details here, like how Sam's prophecy turned out, for example (short answer to that is pretty much 'unfortunate plant possession'). If you have any questions about other characters, feel free to ask them! Depending on how much I get, I might end up making a whole another post with answers.
Oh, yeah, by the way, about Fenton/Phantom. Fenton is Jack's last name, and, naturally, both Jazz and Danny have it. Yet, Dan and Dani technically do not belong to the family, so after Jack and Maddie left, Dani jokingly offered Phantom as a last name for Danny, Dan, and her. Since they are phantoms of each other, she thought it was poetic. The boys thought it was a great idea, and later, Jazz was also included in the Phantom family. It wasn't long before Sam and Tucker also started using it, so now they are a weird mix of friends and family that all go by one last name in certain circles (among otherlings, mostly).
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underratedgrapeju1ce · 10 months
the difference between book jekyll and musical jekyll is so fascinating to me
because on one hand, jekyll being a Not Good person adds to the horror, the underlying feeling that hes manipulating everyone around him, trying to gain pity and trust from people to save his reputation, springs at the opportunity to carry out his most violent desires with no accountability. and yet in the end hes torn himself apart so horribly, no sense of self, only to forever be reduced to a whispered urban legend in the london streets about that mad scientist and the mysterious murders. and you cant help but feel bad for him.
but on the other hand, theres the musical, with jekyll as a genuinely good person who wants to help the world. he obviously still has some pride and ego (claiming he made it this far on his own despite his relationships with john, lisa, etc.,) but he doesnt feel like manipulative selfish man from the book. he feels like someone who's already been mostly isolated from society, told that his work will never amount to anything. you're rooting for him! but the story is the story, and he ends up having to be killed by his closest friend, on what was supposed to be the happiest day of his life. and he didnt get the luxury of dying a mystery. everyone saw what he was and what he turned into, and that everyone who ever doubted him was right: he turned out to just be a madman, and only utterson will know who he really was.
tl;dr: the book is a better horror. the musical is a better tragedy.
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robbie-verse · 2 years
i've been thinking a LOT about how Last Christmas by Wham! is THE steddie song for the holidays bc listen it was released on 1984. 1984 !!!! guys !!! steve and nancy had just broken up, right after they spent the previous christmas together ! (/last christmas,/ i gave you my heart,/ and the very next day, you gave it away) and you bet recently dumped steve harrington was listening to this on loop, nursing his broken heart ...
so it leaves steve with a bit of that broken heart everytime he listens to it,,, that is till one morning, christmas '86, steve and eddie already dating, already maybe feeling a bit too much for each other than they should (but who can judge how two trauma filled hearts behave ?),
then this one morning steve shuffles into the kitchen and he hears eddie singing lowly, he doesnt recognize the song at first, too busy wrapping his arms around eddie's waist and nuzzling into his boyfriend... that's till he really listens and
/this year to save me from tears,/
/i'll give it to someone special/
steve's heart spins and thumps so hard against his chest that he misses whatever joke eddie cracked about either steve poisoning his head with pop music that's too catchy or how come he had to get a christmas song stuck ?? his uncle wayne is going to never going to let him live it done (i hc the munsons as jewish) but it doesnt matter bc eddie spins around in place, holds steve's face with way too much affection and
/but if you kissed me now, i know you'd fool me again/
how can steve not fall in love with both the song and eddie right then and there, on a tuesday morning with both of them still barefoot against the cold tile ?
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ends-chronicles · 5 months
The Dark Lord in my opinion... isn't completely evil and villainous.. who simply just attacks everything l,,, no no no...
There's more to him(?) than that.
The Dark Lord was created in 2010 (on Newgrounds) and uploaded to YouTube in 2011.
The reason for his purpose, was to destroy The Chosen One, [4 years older than him]. He had probably no clue on who this guy was, but he just needed to destroy him. That, is what he knows.
Imagine being only created for one hollowhead only, that being your only reason of creation.. without him, The Dark Lord wouldn't be.
Dark isn't as powerful as Chosen, though he does keep up a fight till the end, where he unfortunately gets blown up by minefields.
He crawls up in a corner as Chosen walks closer to him, holding a weapon... he expects the dude who he just provoked to kill him or smth...
Nope, absolutely not, Chosen spares the dude and literally gives him power [bruh].
(oh yeah forget killing Chosen cuz he spares you)
They destroy noogai’s computer and enter the Outernet!!
Oh and they become friends-... and then besties cuz why not!!
[They live in one house, together. They 'free' stick figures from their websites, together.]
At first, they were attacking creators websites, seemingly freeing the creations.
Then it turned to full destruction, not a care in the world!
It suddenly became more chaotic, now The Dark Lord attacking at a group of sticks-..
Finally, it was directly at one person. I think this was Chosens breaking point. Not even a website, group but rather a single person (well really it was Captain but ok).
The Dark Lord brought out his code, [destroy the chosen one], and instead inflicted onto other stuff. He was protecting Chosen, in a sense.
But why must he suffer like this?, the person who started all of this is Alan-.. so TDL builds a virus to destroy, his creator.
Chosen, his best friend, the one who he was supposed to destroy, befriended.. wasn't going to let him destroy Alan.
The only person who he trusts-.. declines his offer. He feels betrayed, used, almost.
So he lets his code out.
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crescentcampbell · 2 years
See, the reason they don’t end up together the first time is because they don’t know how to care for each other and it’s perfect that Daisy is the one that recognizes it. Both Daisy and Billy have had everyone take care of them their whole lives. For Daisy, its Simone and Teddy, and for Billy, its the band and Camila. In both respects, they love Daisy and Billy and do whatever they can to care for them. Taking them to rehab when they need it. Making excuses for shitty behavior. Following them to Los Angeles and giving up their lives. Making homes for them. Meanwhile, Daisy and Billy are good at feeling love for people and telling them about it, but they’re not good about showing it. Daisy almost gives up her chance to work with Teddy despite Simone’s love and support in multiple ways from letting her live with her to encouraging her to sing in the first place,  and Billy nearly walks out on the band and Camila multiple times even though they do everything for him. 
When Daisy realizes that Billy is drunk on stage, and she sends him home, it’s because she knows that while she loves him, she doesn’t know how to care for him yet. Daisy and Billy at that point would destroy each other, as Billy says, and Daisy would hate herself if she destroyed him. Because love and caring are two, separate things. You can love someone and not care about them. And you can care for someone and not love them. Daisy knows that Camila both cares and loves about Billy, and Billy does love Camila, but the reason they’ve grown apart is that he hasn’t shown her that he actually cares for her. Think about it. Camila’s home, alone raising a kid while Billy goes off and lives his rockstar dream and sings with another woman. Camila knows how to make Billy be his best self. To keep him off of the drugs. To make sure that he shows up. Because she’s invested in him and cares about him. While Daisy struggles to even care about herself. And in that moment, sending Billy away, she is learning to care. About herself and other people and that’s why its the PERFECT change. Because in the book, while it’s a power move for Camila to say, “Please leave,” to Daisy, it still comes off like Daisy is the only part of the problem. Whereas Daisy realizing there’s a difference between passion and caring for someone signalizes she’s changing in the right direction. And Billy going home to Camila after she says that is the same thing. They might be performers that write and sing about love, but love isn’t always love songs and grand gestures. It’s everything in between them. And that’s what they had to learn. Once they figured out that, then they could be okay. Because if you can’t live without big moments and grand gestures, then things will get hard for you. 
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goodluckclove · 1 day
A Very Very Muppet Christmas Movie Deserves All the Hate it Gets, and Maybe More Actually
Okay so someone said I can talk about this so I'm going to talk about it. Spoilers I guess? For a shitty Muppets movie?
This got long. Fuck.
I have seen, at this point, every Muppets movie aside from Muppets Oz. I couldn't really rate them in order of best to worst like other online sites do. I like The Muppets. Even the movies that didn't touch my heart like Muppets Treasure Island I still found fun and enjoyable. My favorite will always be the original movie from 1979, but I found all of them to be comforting and enjoyable.
Until this one. This one is bad. A Very Very Muppets Christmas Movie was so immediately bad on every level. It is the first movie I've seen in some time that actually made me angry.
A little context for those who haven't seen the movies. Muppets movies fall into two categories that I'll call Muppets Lore and Muppets Theatre. In Muppets Theatre you get a loose retelling of some classic story where the cast is primarily Weird Felt Perverts - think Christmas Carol, Treasure Island, Wizard of Oz. The Great Muppets Caper isn't technically based on source material but I'd put it in this category since they're playing characters.
On the other hand, the Muppets Lore movies focus on the origins/misadventures of the Muppets as an ensemble. Think the original movie, as well as Muppets Take Manhattan, Muppets in Space, and the two reboot films.
Muppets Haunted Mansion is technically both a Muppets Lore and Muppets Theatre film. It's also. I wouldn't say bad, but it - it's weird to talk about. It does canonize that Gonzo's worst fear is dying alone - which, like, yeah. That tracks.
Anyways, A Very Muppet Christmas (I refuse to keep using the full title), though it does heavily draw from It's a Wonderful Life (but badly), is primarily a Muppets Lore movie. The basic plot is that the Muppets, who by now are well-known for producing shows out of their own Muppet Theater, lose their venue. This devastates Kermit, driving him to believe that the lives of his friends would be better if he was never born. He gets to see this alternate reality, realizes it's apparently way worse, and begs to go back. He does, the theater is saved through randomly being declared a historical site, and everyone's happy forever.
I don't know where to start with this. Let me break it up.
They Had The Same Message For a Like 30 Years At This Point How Did You Fuck it Up This Badly
So a majority of the Muppets Lore movie focuses on the central theme of chasing your dreams. The main cast are all performers (barring Scooter, who seems to be the entirety of their tech crew. Kermit also directs and writes. I think Doctor Honeydew is a war criminal but no one talks about that.) with aspirations of making a living doing what they love. They make mentions of fame but are pretty loose with what that means. Miss Piggy is the only cast member who explicitly wants mass amounts of stardom.
The rest appear content with being career artists. Rowlf is chill wherever there's a piano. The Electric Mayhem prefer their jam rock but seem fine playing any gig with an audience and also probably a plug for hard drugs. In a lot of Gonzo origin appearances he's actually working a separate day job and just shoots himself out of cannon as a hobby. The major draw in the original depiction of their dreams (for me at least) is that it really does paint them all as people who would be doing their art anyway regardless of whether or not they Hit it Big. They push for fame, they try again and again to find an audience that appreciates them even when most of them don't, and it works out in the end. They get rewarded for the effort their dreams push them commit to - what Real Life, Non-Muppet Artist wouldn't at least acknowledge how that's cool to see?
I think this is why a Lore Muppet movie doesn't really work when it depicts The Muppets already being successful. The reboot worked for me because it took place when they were all major celebrity figures past their prime and mostly forgotten (except for Rowlf who I think was on so much Oxy that he didn't realize they were famous). When the movie focuses on their career the fame is a better goal than a starting point.
It really does make A Muppet Christmas fall apart immediately. They run the risk of losing their theater if they don't make the money to pay rent? They're famous. They're on talk shows. There's a statue dedicated to the joy Kermit brings to the world. I do not accept this to be a universe where they can't get another venue immediately. I wouldn't be able to accept this as a universe where they're both successful performers who sell out every show and also almost broke, if not for the fact that I can think of like four Muppets off the top of my head who probably generate a new court case against them every year. Legal fees.
They had one scene where Kermit calls a bunch of mid 2000s celebrities and none of them want to guest for the Christmas show. That works in the reboot where Kermit does the same thing only to find that most of his old contacts are either retired or dead. In this one? It's nonsense.
No, Really, You Fucked it So Bad
In every Muppet movie that focuses on following your dreams, that message is paired with maddening levels of determination. The Muppets, mainly Kermit, do not give up. All his friends ditch him while he's trying to get their musical produced on stage? He's gonna work a minimum wage job and keep looking for producers so he can get that venue and perform with his friends. His career is kind of over but he runs the risk of losing the studio that served as a landmark for the legacy he made with the people he loves? Fuck it, cross-country road trip to get the band back together.
He's trying to make a name for himself but there's a entrepreneur who runs a frog legs restaurant and, after being unable to hire him as a spokesperson, sends a paid assassin to kill him? That's less important than making the Big Audition in Hollywood!
So when being faced with losing the Muppet Theater in A Muppet Christmas, Kermit stays true to his character by giving up immediately and abandoning his friends to die alone in the snow.
Tumblr media
Like I get it, you're doing the It's A Wonderful Life thing but you can't make Kermit do an explicit suicide attempt. But the film establishes he is fully frozen and unresponsive when his Religiously Unspecified Celestial Guardian finds him, and that is WAY more disturbing than having him jump off a bridge in my mind. It's just so bleak holy fuck. And this happens immediately. First fifteen minutes of a movie that inexplicably starts in the middle and Kermit slinks off to die.
It's not earned at all. He didn't fuck up to the extent for this to make sense. We find out later that the money was lost because he gave it to Fozzie to give to the bank and Fozzie loses it. Kermit then becomes convinced that he ruined all of his friends lives because of this.
Like it's a common thread to depict Kermit being the lynchpin that moves the ensemble forward. He's the guy with the plan, so it makes sense story wise to take that character and get him to a point where he's out of ideas. Only we never see him really try anything? He makes no attempts that fail before he falls into despair. He sits on the sideline and when things don't go well he's like "I fucked it" and loses his will to live. When people say Kermit is a boring buzz kill this is the Kermit they must be imagining.
All the Characters are Bad Here
The major crux of the film is seeing how the ensemble would live without Kermit, who inexplicably thinks he ruined their lives in a way I still don't understand (Did he take out a bunch of loans in their name? What happened???). The intention is to show that their lives are better for having him in them. This, for some reason, looks like the following:
Gonzo: talented street singer/musician, maybe implied to be homeless?
Fozzie: pickpocket, apparently. Why? Bullshit
The Electric Mayhem: Irish step dancers I guess
Scooter: go go dancer. Living his best life.
Sam the Eagle: nightclub enthusiast. Seems fine.
Statler and Waldorf: I could be wrong but it did really look like they were depicted as a gay couple
Rizzo: I - actual rat? Rat actor? Non-sentient rat? I don't really understand what was happening there.
Miss Piggy: I thought they were going the path of having her give up on acting and become a crazy cat lady (not good but fits the era) but apparently she's a phone psychic who uses a Jamaican accent and wig. I guess Kermit is the only person keeping her from race baiting - which I can believe.
So my issue with this is that it's fully inconsistent to all of their characters. If you wanted to show how their lives would be worse without Kermit, it's very easy to do so using the aspects of their personality depicted in like 40 years of media. I think the issue comes in the fact that the obvious downfalls aren't really fitting for a kids movie, which is probably why Jim Henson didn't go there. But I will right now! Here is my take:
Fozzie: super bigoted comedian. He doesn't realize his audience are racists and he doesn't really get the jokes but he's happy people are finally laughing
Gonzo: drug mule
Miss Piggy: probably got famous but not though acting and she's trying to pretend like that's just as good
Rizzo: pays Gonzo be his drug mule
The Electric Mayhem: long dead. Either OD or murder-suicide. Maybe Animal lived but he's absolutely in prison.
Statler and Waldorf: divorced because they never got to bond over their mutual hatred of live theater
Scooter: still in technical theater but he gets treated like shit and probably has a drinking problem
Sam the Eagle: full-on Nazi. Obviously.
There's a plot there in showing what the muppet ensemble would be like without their director and biggest cheerleader. It's just that the depiction in the movie we got was so far removed from what they were like in the present reality that it didn't - like, without Kermit, Gonzo would've learned how to play the guitar? Huh? The only thing that's keeping Fozzie Bear from doing petty crime is making vaudeville theater? Fucking how? Based on what?
It doesn't work as a Muppets story and it doesn't work as a Wonderful Life reference because there's really not anything real that proves that Kermit is the thing that kept this from happening. Except for Piggy doing phone blackface. I can see him having to have that conversation with her a lot.
Anyways, it sucks. The framing is bad, the guest stars are weird (Joe Rogan and Matthew Lillard?), and the one song for the film is awful. Kermit's emotional arc is nonsense and the film fails to see that the point of the ensemble is that they're better and happier together, not that they're all useless and miserable without their leader.
Brian Henson did an important thing taking over for The Muppets after his dad died. He did a lot for the way the movies he wasn't involved in production wise - he worked on the rig that allowed Muppets to appear to ride bikes. This is his life and his dads legacy and it's clear - at least at one point - he valued continuing it.
But yeah this movie was awful. Near incoherent. It's like fanfic from someone who's only research was doing a Google image search of The Muppets. Christ.
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inklessletter · 1 year
8 and 11 for the steddie ask game!
Hello sweetheart, thanks for asking!
Question 8 is already answered! You can read in this post.
11. Which one would confess their attraction/love first? Why?
Eddie. In my personal headcanon, I think it would be Eddie. Steve might have been more experienced in relationships in the past, but his heart is damaged. His heart has been broken before, and I think he would be careful, especially when it is something new. He's gotten so good at platonic relationships, he has learnt how to be a great friend, and I think that he would have deeply befriended Eddie before he developed feelings towards him, so he wouldn't want to mess up because things are good between them. There's this sad headcanon about Steve, and it is that he might actually agree with the fact that he does not deserve what his heart wants, since he's been denied over and over again, so if he yearns for Eddie's love, and he already has him as a friend, I don't think Steve would risk that friendship over some other doomed desire that is born and meant to die in his silent, patched up heart. He would settle with friendship for ever if that would mean to keep Eddie.
I don't think Eddie is a patient person, and I think he feels too much, if that makes any sense. I see Eddie as a loud, obnoxious person that had to learn to be that way because the world didn't treat him right. I think his personal world is narrow, and he hates when things slips from his control. It makes sense to me that Eddie has been for a long while trying not to let his emotions take control over his actions because that is chaotic. He's not a player, he's a dungeon master for a reason. I see Eddie as a character that needs to know every bit so nothing can surprise him. So, when Eddie catches Steve looking at him a few times, when he begins to understand the throat clearing that Steve does before his mouth turns into a smile and looks away anytime Eddie does something silly, or jokingly flirts with him... Eddie knows. Eddie knows, and he grows confident. He also knows about Steve's self loathing because he actually sees the shapes of Steve's negative spaces. He knows that behind every "nah, you pick what we eat", and "fucking Henderson, man, he's always making me drive him around" (and then proceeds to drive him around), and "Robs, come on, do it! Buy that fancy lipstick! You deserve it! It's okay, we'll go to the movies any other night," what lies is that his the fact that he always puts himself in second place. So, yeah, when Eddie learns about Steve's feelings he already knows that he won't act on them, precisely because he wants to, so Eddie confesses first. Not in any way, no. He would do it using every piece of information that he has to shape that confession into a memory to revisit. Eddie would confess by telling Steve that he's in an unbeatable first spot in his priority list of people, because he deserves to be, and if he doesn't realize that himself and puts himself in the first place, Eddie would do it for him, so he doesn't forget.
So, yeah. Eddie confesses first.
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darkfictionjude · 10 months
Why do you want their to be? 🤨
(original anon here) honestly it was more me wondering if anything would happen rather than advocating for a jealousy mechanic (I don't mind either way). I was just thinking about how all MCs get a scene with Imre at the party, which has flirt options. But then you can pick another character to accompany MC in the police car, & pick a flirt option for them. Obviously it's still early on so the flirt options are subtle and internal, but it may be more obvious later on.
So it's more would the ROs notice and react? Not necessarily in a love triangle/fighting over the MC way, but it could be negative as well (even ending their interest in the MC). Imre and Nia are close friends, so wouldn't it bother them if they find out you're flirting with both of them? Or will there be a romance route lock-in before it can get to that stage?
Especially because I think you said the MC wouldn't officially get together with the ROs in this season and there's a time skip before the sequel. That leaves a grey area where the MC might not “technically” be doing anything wrong, but due to their lack of social skills, they might not handle it sensitively and end up hurting the ROs feelings/pride. Also all these characters are teenagers and not best equipped to deal with situations like this in an emotionally mature way (based on RO asks), which just increases the likelihood for messiness lol.
The way I realized I didn’t put a common next to Why and so it looks aggressively answered. Tone means everything online 😭
Yeah jealous lite (looks and maybe a sly comment here and there) is the extent of what I would do. And it would only occur during a little over half the season since episode 7 is when romance truly comes into force and the ROs would immediately discard mc if they saw them making out with another just moments after kissing them. With Imre and Nia, they both would feel weird about it because they don’t want to be interested in the same person but they would never go against each other (before episode 7, during episode 7 and after then they would chose each platonically other over mc).
The way I treat romance lock in is that this is the point where mc gets into a serious relationship with the ROs. That’s why it’s not in season 1 but the game is done in a way that if you chose to hang out with one RO romantically then another it will simply only give you platonic options. The mc and the ROs both influence the way romance is done opposed to in other ifs where the mc is solely in charge of that. I wanted the ROs to feel real not be willing to accept things they usually wouldn’t, it’s fine if it’s a npc rando mc flirts with (as in the jealously asks) but the ROs have such strong feelings either negative or positive for each other that they wouldn’t tolerate anything further as the season goes on.
So yeah it’d do the mild jealous but never something full blown as mc might not know they are willingly hurting someone but that isn’t an excuse because you don’t need to be socially knowledgeable to know that being seriously romantic with people and not choosing when they want you to is shitty. Mc might not have ever been in love nor understand the mechanics in that but if anything they understand cruelty (done to mc, done by their parents to each other throughout the years of marriage and unconsciously done by mc to others). Also unless it’s tied to the overall plot or theme (say hunger games) I don’t like ongoing unresolved jealous that leads to love triangles or love rhombus it makes me think badly on the mc and the ROs.
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hxfinnic · 1 year
i hate hate hate hate hate the god damn coffee theory (GO 2 spoilers)
I might not be saying anything that hasn't already been said but I gotta get this off my chest.
Aziraphale loves Crowley. He loves him more than he knows what to do with. But love isn't something celestial beings do. Love is for humans. THAT is why he hangs out with Crowley so much, he loves him and the only way he knows how to get that across is to spend time with him. Again, something that other celestial beings don't do. We see in heaven that its miraculously empty and no one really seems to "hang out" unless they need to for their jobs. Same with hell, demons are constantly stabbing each other in the back and only helping each other when it is mutually beneficial. Spending time with each other, trusting each other is how they show their love. Because of that it goes unspoken for so long.
Crowley, by far, hangs around humans much more than Aziraphale does, and he generally understands them better. He's incredibly invested in Earth and its inhabitants. Over the thousands of years he's been around he's seen them fall in love, holding hands and sneaking kisses when no one else is watching. It's something (I believe) that he deeply wants to experience. Secretly, I think Aziraphale does too.
But the issue lies in Aziraphale's constant struggle, between the two parts of himself: Duties to Heaven and his Love of Earth. Which is why, he hangs around with Crowley so much. They form some strange understanding with each other, while also managing to keep each other at an arms length. Because Crowley is good company and all but Aziraphale only hangs out with him because he believes that Crowley is actually good, instead of the blood thirsty and cruel demons he is accustomed to. BUT, when it really come down to it, when ever anything important arises, one that challenges how Aziraphale has been living he always falls back to the basics.
He is an angel and Crowley is a demon. There is nothing that either of them can do to erase that form Aziraphale's mind and it is the issue with seeing everything in black and white. Its not that he doesn't love Crowley as much as Crowley loves him, its that Crowley has been blazing his own trail for thousands of years. He constantly tows the line between what he's supposed to do and what he wants to do. Aziraphale doesn't have that luxury, not with the way he was taught to think.
So when Crowley kisses him, god, does he want to give in. He wants to experience something he'd watched humans do since the beginning of time. But, nothing will ever be able to erase the fact that Crowley is a demon and Aziraphale is an Angel. So when he gets the opportunity to bring Crowley back to angelic status, he jumps at it. Finally they can be together. There is nothing wrong with two angels being together, not anything that he can see. Its their chance, their one chance at something. But Crowley doesn't want it.
Its a rejection of everything Aziraphale is and he can't see why Crowley wouldn't want to come to heaven. Aziraphale want to help and do good, this is his chance and he won't pass it up. Eventually Crowley will come around...right? He always does. All Aziraphale can do is hope because he can't let his chance at doing some real good, to try and shape things so that everyone is happy.
So don't you dare tell me that Aziraphale went back to Heaven because of something as simple as a miracle channelled into a coffee. Or that he didn't love Crowley as much as Crowley did for him. He loves him more than anything he just doesn't know what to deal with that. Both of them are so so clueless that it causes them pain. (And the entirety of the good omens fandom).
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ghost-writer29 · 2 years
The isekai genre but interesting
Ok I know isekai is overrated and all yada yada but there's been one specific idea that someone close to me proposed an just stuck.
So, what if the main character had dissociative identity disorder?
Like, think about it. The body dies irl and gets transported to a fantasy land with demons and witches and whatnot, and the alters are scattered across the country. They can still communicate due to their souls being LITERALLY connected but they don't recognise the landmarks they give each other; implying how they're all in different cities, states, kingdoms, etc.
So you'd at first follow one of the alter's journey, and as the alter finds the rest of the system the story switches povs to that alter that was found
And when the whole system is complete they all gain this extra ability that makes them able to 'front', where one alter can be seen while the others are able to hang out in their headspace and stuff.
And for the plot I was thinking of like a system's body dying in the real world, and their souls get transported to another world, but they all get separated. The system is small, consisting of 4 people. A 16 year old boy, a girl 3 years younger than him, a shapeshifter that prefers to stay a blob with glowing green eyes and a young demon with white hair.
The storyline follows the 16 year old dealing with the fact that what he considered his family (the system) is far away from him, and the fact that he can't see them. He's happy that he's in his actual body (being in the body of a girl a few years younger than him back in his past life was REALLY uncomfortable at first) but he misses easily slipping out of the world and talking to the other alters. He comes from a poor family and helps his parents (who are not abusive like the ones from his past life) out with work and ends up signing up to be a butler for one of the nobles.
He befriends the younger son of one of the nobles and manage to get a scholarship to a prestigious school thanks to being the younger son's butler and meets the first alter after 16 years of separation, the girl 3 years younger than him. I can just imagine the girl running up to him and hugging him from behind and when they both turn to look at each other they basically cry together since it's been so long since they've last seen each other.
They both would meet the shapeshifter and young demon later on when the two of them gets captured, with the shapeshifter basically throwing a hissy fit as the students gawk and try to poke the both of em. The chapter could end on like a cliffhanger with the 16 year old hearing about the shapeshifter and demon and then it switches povs to the shapeshifter.
Now obviously since the two non-humans had essentially been kidnapped the shapeshifter tries their best to try and protect the younger demon and basically chemically burns anyone who comes remotely close to them. Since it's in 1st person pov you could see the desperation and overprotectiveness of the shapeshifter to the demon and how theyre basically on the verge of a panic attack when the 16 yr old and the girl waltz into the room and basically makes the blob freeze.
And yknow typical isekai anime style everyone wants to kill the eViL bAd dEmOns and shit until the 16 year old claims that the demon's life is connected to both him and the girl. This kickstarts a mystery/thriller plot as the now-completed system try to figure out just why demons are so hated, while trying to deal with how the hatred of demons makes the system a target for bullying and shite like that. Only to find out that the reasons all of the magical species (like elves and furries I guess-?) united with the humans to destroy the demon race was to shift the blame of humans to another species that was AT FIRST, innocent. After some human intervention, demons had became what they are today, aka bloodthirsty war-mongering beasts who are brutes and such (if the rumors are to be believed).
The only reason the non humans of the system (the shapeshifter and demon) aren't like that is cuz theyre not from the world. So watch as the system basically force their asses in difficult politics and shoehorn world peace because 'goddamnit our last life had too much of that bullshit'.
Also to make things spicier: idk if this is just me torturing the first mc or the guy I'm basing the 16 yr old boy being persistent but the 16 year old and the noble he's working under are def fucking-
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thetruearchmagos · 1 year
Breakaway In Brief: Or, Why Upepwani Left, And The Commonwealth Came
I'd like to thank @hessdalen-globe for the queries that led to this particular post coming into being. If anyone would ever like to know anything about some part of the 12 Worlds, feel free to Ask!
For the sake of attempting to institute brevity, which I preety much always lack, I'll try and keep the answers narrow to the questions, and in scope generally.
If it's alright, I'll Tag @lividdreamz @writeblrsupport @caxycreations @theprissythumbelina @thatndginger @sanguine-arena @the-stray-storyteller @orphicpoieses @dogmomwrites
1. Why is it that Upepwani is trying to break off?
In short, Slaves, egregious Nepotism, and the almost inevitable results of an institution of Empire about as well unified and centralised as Holy Rome.
I'll start with that last one. The Fuhrati Empire had gained its dominance over the continent on the twin methods of crushing military capability, and comparatively soft-handed governance. Upepwani was one of seven Princedoms in the Empire, ruled by assorted lines of the House of Tharoon whose main dynasty held court over the Empire as a whole, and like the rest of the princely states it was risen from the ashes of the once powerful Kingdom of Sabto, whose people had been turned to slaves in the bloody wars that secured Fuhrati ascendancy. The rest of the Empire was divided between the Homeland Provinces, the Old Country of the Empire which had birthed the dynasty and was once the old Sultanate of Merkat, and the Client, or Vassal Provinces, which were formerly states in their own right which had, by fair means or foul, been turned to the light of the Empire.
As it relates to the Upepwani Seccession, this particularly sprawling system of government resulted in distinct, highly independent polities to grow wealthy and achieve significant autonomy for themselves, with Fuhrati rule relying as much on complex social and familial systems of patronage to ensure compliance as the formal structures of a bureaucratic state. The dynastic line which ruled Upepwani would take advantage of this generally detached system of government to conduct what was effectively its own secret foreign and trade policy, building the economic ties to foreign states it bordered as well as the United Commonwealth and the rest of the 12 Worlds that it needed to secure the development of an otherwise resource poor and centrally neglected Province.
The reasons for that particularly alien relationship between Upepwani and the broader Imperial whole would be summarised by those other two points: Slavery, and Nepotism. I'll start with the latter.
Of the seven dynastic branches which were given their own slice of the Sabto corpse, that which had received the province of Upepwani were said to have received it mostly to keep them away from the capital in a respectable sort of exile. They were the 'black sheep' of House Tharoon for various court-politics related reasons I shall not get to here, but to cut a long story short by the time of the 50s to 70s A.S. the only thing that stood in the way of the destruction of the provinces autonomy by the other seven Princes or its absorbtion into the Heartland itself was the particularly close relationship between Emperor Sayed II and a former Prince of Upepwani forged in their combined experiences in the foreign conquest of Santa Mateo. Much to the entirely unstated indignation of more senior and prestigious dynastic lines, Sayed II, who was no saintly figure himself, had taken to siding with the Prince and his descendants in matters of court politics, and despite fairly considerable contempt for their choices in government allowed them to keep their autonomy so long as they didn't bother anyone else. At the turn of the 7th Decade in the UC Calendar, however, the ailing monarch was quite obviously drawing his final breaths, and everyone within or beyond Fuhrati itself knew that when Sayed's time came and his eldest son, Haroon III, would ascend the throne, Upepwani's time in the sun would come to an end. This, thus, put quite the impetus behind the Provinces desire to preserve its hard won autonomy.
One particular feature beyond family squabbling which would mark a definite distinction between Upepwani and the rest of the Empire was its attitudes towards slavery, which were seen in time as almost a direct assault against the Imperial system and order of things. From the first Princes to the Seccession, the dynastic court and the Provinces populace and institutions of state more broadly had taken an extreme aversion to the practices of slavery which defined so much of the Imperial economy, external and internal. The Princes had declared all peoples free within its borders, and only the threat of very direct violence had prevented a declaration that any enslaved person who stepped foot on Upepwani soil would be under the Prince's protection. Upepwani's refusal to participate in the system of Fuhrati slavery would have three main effects:
Economic decoupling from the Empire
When it came down to it, Upepwani conducted more trade with the foreign states that bordered it than the fellow provinces of its own Empire, which meant that when the time came for decision to be made very few ties of necessity existed to pressure the Province to stay behind. The Province would refuse to participate in the Imperial Grain Levy, or "Daribat Alhubub", either in receiving the food products or submitting them, on account of the fact that the majority of the Empire's crop production and export was produced by millions of generational or imported slaves across the rest of the Empire. Thus, Upepwani was fairly insulated from agricultural pressures compared to many other provinces, which gave it the freedom to act more independently
Industrialisation And Liberalisation
Unable to support inefficient farms off the cheap labour of forced servitude, the Upepwani government and its major economic actors would turn to industrialisation and modernisation to provide the economic production - and export potential - needed to sustainits autonomy. To cut another long story short, with significant Commonwealth aid in capital investment and education, a solidly well-educated, productive urban middle class of both ethnic Merkats and Sabtos who carried with them an ever-increasing political movement for further liberalisation in government and society, and a positive view of foreign states such as the United Commonwealth for having attained the sorts of societies this new class wished to create in Upepwani. The Prince and provincial government were broadly in agreement with the push for modernisation and liberalisation, showing their support by allowing for the creation of local-level elected assemblies. Simultaneously empowered by this public fervour and incentivised by the need to maintain strong foreign economic access, Upepwani would forge treaties with the UC which would eventually lead to an agreement on the Commonwealth's part to support a bid for Upepwani independence and to preserve its sovereignty against any Fuhrati invasions. Without the creation of this new political class, such lofty dreams as seccession would have been impossible to attain, or even imagine.
The Sabto Socio-Cultural Enclave
While the old Kingdom was quite firmly dead, many of the Sabto people who survived its fall could remember a time when its pride still stood. While the court and monarch were slain and so many of its people enslaved, in Upepwani thousands of refugees and the diaspora would find a safe place for themselves. Many integrated heavily into the provincial social fabric heavily dictated by the Merkat majority, but otherwise they had found a place wherethey could practice their faiths and ways in peace and dignity. Many notable Sabto leaders would describe the province as a "new home" for their people, and word would spread into neighbouring provinces and their Sabto populaces of this apparent haven for the vestiges of the old cultural identity. Thousands of Sabto would immigrate or escape to the province in search of a better life, even without the official protection of the Prince, and when their freedoms and home seemed threatened by the Imperial crown, they would be first and most willing to fight to protect it.
In short, the Upepwani Secession came to be for many reasons, and considering the cirumstances that birthed it merely a matter of time. While there stood a decent chance that a bid for independence was inevitable, the intervention of the United Commonwealth would turn it from a hopeless cause to the act which would destroy the Fuhrati Empire.
2. And how come the UC felt the need to get involved?
In short, Slavery, Hegemony, and Ideology had set the Commonwealth and the Empire on the path to conflict long before Upepwani made its choice, but the act of and opposition to secession was the spark that lit the flame of UC intervention.
In a roundabout fashion, the United Commonwealth had been both fighting the Fuhrati Empire and aiding Upepwani for over two decades, quite seperately. Every one of the Commonwealth's founding states were varyingly democratic nations with significant maritime and mercantile interests, which already set them up for competition with an Empire in the habit of sponsoring Corsairs to raid coastal cities and seize shipping for loot, slaves, and political leverage. The moral fury that the fairly 'progressive / liberal' populations ofthe states that would over time be admitted to the UC was matched by the concerns in its 'unified' government that the naval capabilities of the Fuhrati Empire could threaten the lines of trade and communication that the Commonwealth, split as it was across so many Worlds and continents, relied on for its prosperity, legitimacy, and very existence. Independent slaver ports and states known to have aided the Empire were mercilessly destroyed where found, and systems of repatriation were created to return freed slaves to their homelands or admit them to migrate to Commonwealth shores, while nations that fell victim to raids were declared to be under Commonwealth protection, received aid to their economic and political structures to bring them in line with the UC, and often eventually integrated into the United Commonwealth.
The Fuhrati Empire wished to avoid direct confrontation with one of the few states that could rival it, but wishing to preserve its interests in the form of the Inter-World market for slaves and slave-made goods the Empire did what it could to prop up colonies and puppets abroad, and even attempted to sow discord in the Commonwealth itself when it supported seperatist movements in the founding UC member state of the Battezid Empire. The constant, back and forth competition for international influence and trade would continue for decades, growing ever more violent for all, until it soon became obvious that sooner or later the matter would be settled by the fire of the guns and the clash of the greatest powers in the 12 Worlds.
That this clash would come in the manner of the Upepwani Seccession was no accident on the Commonwealth's part, which is not to say the UC's various arms of foreign policy actively manipulated events in the province to reach the state it did. A core founding principle of the United Commonwealth, which has held for nearly two centuries, was the conviction that the ways of the democratic, liberal state in general, and of the Commonwealth in particular, should be extended by free association and the will of the people as far and wide as is absolutely possible. This missionary zeal had seen the polity grow from seven states to thirty in less than fifty years, with a combined population of over two hundred million souls. To the most fervent followers of the Commonwealth dream, the Fuhrati state was its darkest enemy, and the province of Upepwani a prisoner of that autocratic, oppresive regime. And to the more practically minded of them, a chink in their greatest rival's armour.
Hope was harboured that if the conditions that had led to democracy and liberalisation in the Commonwealth states could be replicated in the Province, a victory would be at hand and a blow dealt to the stability and political unity of the ever divided Fuhrati state. To that end, the Commonwealth would 'covertly' sponsor and support the creation of over a thousand schools from the ages of six to sixteen in Upepwani, in lockstep with the Provincial authorities, and acting through the bordering neutral states ensure that Upepwani would always have access to the capital, commodities, and markets it needed to fuel its industrial growth and development, creating links between the markets of Upepwani, its neighbours, the Commonwealth, and the rest of the 12 Worlds. Having invested so much wealth and political capital on creating the new Upepwani state, there was a very real desire to see it join the United Commonwealth soon after seccession as a beacon of resistance to the Fuhrati Empire for all to see, to further expand the Commonwealth way, and to ensure the promised-by-the-Prince eventual conversion of Upepwani to complete democratic rule could take place.
Simply put, in many ways it was inevitable that the Commonwealth and the Empire would find cause to apply their fullest strengths against each other, but it would be the circumstances surrounding the Province's path and dreams for the future that decided where the gauntlet would be thrown and the great battle held.
Author's nOte:
All translations and place names are to be considered placeholders. If anyone's got a good source for Arabic translators, I'd love to hear it.
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danganhana1 · 1 year
well this is my first post on my main blog about the editor if you don't know who tf that is it's my character from the showfall ask blog cinematic universe (not really as cinematic as it is just text but i can dream!) and i wanted to say some stuff on my main as to not clutter the editor blog with ooc stuff that bury the ending posts so here's some ideas that were unused some random facts
ok starting with unused content the biggest one was i was originally gonna have editor's escape be a choose your own adventure when you the reader were presented with options like "take the pipe" or "don't take the pipe" being one of the more pointless options and "ask for help" or "just run" being one of the more important with at least three and a half endings i though of for editor depending on the choices.
Ending 1: good? ending editor escapes with little to no harm done to her but she remains in the unknown about what really happened until the day she died.
Ending 2: game over ending editor is killed simple as that the last thing she would have seen is a image of her and her family as her life flashes before her eyes.
Ending 3: worse ending editor is trapped forever was only gonna be accessible if everyone chose the bad options or if no-one voted.
Ending 0.5: plant ending the plant gets mad if you leave it behind trapping the editor in christian hell forever (this wouldn't have been a possible ending just a troll i thought of)
another cut idea was i would have made a post about editor trying to kick down the door to the editing room but everytime falling
one was cut idea was originally editor was gonna steal a mannequin and fucking grind the rails of the stairs to the bottom floor (this was cut because i didn't want to include to many jokes in the escape stuff and i thought the pure comedy of editor running through showfall with a big plant was funny enough)
now for some little facts
1. editor actually lost an eye getting the broken pieces of the mask off before the escape
2. editor's ending was left open ended on purpose i felt it was kinda weird for the other characters to have for the most part bad endings and for those who didn't die or get y'know reprogrammed they didn't really have a yippee good ending either suffering from trauma that will last them forever so i decided to give editor the ending she has it's completely up to the reader of the blog what happens at the end to editor and what happens after the story it's what i thought was the best ending for the character
3. editor's real name is rose
4. the plant rose/editor (will be calling her rose for the rest of this post) took is named clippy after the Microsoft assistant
5. rose hates the color black because she thinks it's scary
final thing. rose's birthday is August 16th (year unknown) and has been in showfall since she was 14 though her age was locked at around 16 after she tried to escape
(also im gonna use some of the same tags as the editor posts to help this be easier to find for the editor blog fans that don't follow my main
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All except 44 for Crimson for the ask game :)
*cracks knuckles* remember, you asked for this
1. She’s the type of person who that’ll happen to only when she’s in a bad mood, so it’ll just kinda make her mood worse (least till she cuddles with gold nehehe)
2. Hot chocolate chocolate with the mini marshmallows
3. Um, honestly anyplace quiet and with no/few people she trust deeply
4. Consistently going out of your way to severely harm her or her friends (lemons on a list at this point and on thin ice (not too seriously though shhh just between us) )
5. Umm, not made by themselves, gold sometimes calls her crimmy (thank you for the idea btw) and other friends sometimes call her crim for short (once again thank you)
6. Mainly books that have nothing bad w in them (so no death or the like, teeth rotting fluff baybeee) or books some would consider “for kids” (read whatever you want kids, cringe culture is dead <3)
7. Honestly kinda a mix? Like base is just introvert, however if it’s someone who’s trying to get to a friend for bad reasons, then she’s gonna stand up and make herself look bigger
8. They like to think of them self’s friendly (when they can actually talk to the new person on their own)
9. Again, harming/attempting to harm any of her close friends (or pokemon)
10. Hmmm… kinda depends on context or the situation I guess? Like don’t be insensitive or a jerk and she’ll probably laugh at least somewhat
11. They’ll enjoy the occasional prank every now and again, everything in moderation is good. They’ll definitely fall for one though if it isn’t blatant (like shock gum probably)
12. We’ll, since she is code, it’s at least very hard for her to get sick, thus actually never has to go to a doctor, though if she did, then she’d mainly be chill… unless there’s needles, she doesn’t like needles or anything really being injected in her
13. For a home day, just what she slept in lol, but, if she’s going out then just a t-shirt and jeans will do (sometimes she’ll go in her “game outfit” is she really want to but that’s usually reserved for some type of adventure)
14. It’s pretty easy honestly, ether be nice or give food, that’s all you really need to do
15. Ummm, her hair I guess? If she’s in her “outfit” then it’ll tend to be that, but if it’s an average outfit then ether the grey eyes or the long hair (if she doesn’t have it up)
16. Just general niceness and perhaps a similar social battery to them (so they do t feel bad when the other wants to do all these things but crimson just wants to stay home and eat goldfish) she never expected a love interest, so golds all we’re getting
17. Gold. Very easily gold. She can also be soft around glitchy or Steven, but it’s mainly gold who’s she’s softy around. It’s a bit hard to be soft at the beginning (*ahem* deletion of her world and thinking it was her that caused it till she learned a while later *ahem*) but she definitely gets around to it
18. Never seen it, sorry
19.umm, probably when she couldn’t get out of their gameboy and was stuck there, in the dark void, with only their main Pokémon who was also pretty much mangled, thinking everything was because she tried to talk to one of the developers
20. One of her many Pokémon dolls that she sleeps with
21. Again, one of her Pokémon dolls (or gold/her Pokémon)
22. Depends, sometimes she’ll eat the same bag of goldfish throughout the whole day, and sometimes she’ll forget to eat at all till gold reminds her and they eat together (he’ll also stop her from just eating all day if need be)
23. Cinnamon rolls, she honestly doesn’t really care who makes them if they’re the pillsbury thing, but if they’re homemade Steven has it down pat somehow
24. Kinda like glitchy, she has good control over technology, but unlike glitchy she can use gameboys as mini portals to ether specifically a Pokémon cartridge or just wherever the other gameboy is
25. Sometimes she’ll accidentally glitch minorly in public and have to make sure it didn’t get worse and stop it (tends to just resort to bathroom if in party or restaurant or something to calm down)
26. Yes absoulty
27. Entirely depends on the kid, though likes to think all of them are at least trying to be good (unlike glitchy)
28. They’d just have a tumblr and watch YouTube and twitch, nothing else incase someone who worked on her finds her
29. The only reason the house doesn’t look worse is because gold helps with the cleaning and maintaining as well, so crimson didn’t have to suffer alone as well
30. … depends. Mainly on mood I guess. Sometimes she’ll be totally ok with a plan going awry and just wings it, other times she’ll be in a near total panic if plans go even slightly bad
31. Goes to goodwill/thrift store and looks for a good mask they like and a somewhat nice dress, they know they aren’t the main even anyway so it’ll be fine
32. Again, nice dress but not princess like, if with gold, might even go In suit just because
33. Definitely shy, will stick by anyone she knows side till it’s time to leave
34. They do not have a license, do not let her drive/lh but actually, they just walk everywhere, sometimes uses her roller skates
35. If lovers, again gold just kinda happened (not that she’s complaining) but for friends? Look at 16
36. Honestly I don’t plan on making a “page” for them anytime soon, so everything I say about them is off page!
37. Probably not just Some Guy(Tm) but depending on the dude, it could range anywhere to gold himself, to Steven and glitchy, or bellze, or if it’s really bad, all
38. Cuddle with gold and just watching random videos on the tv
39. At most, maybe watching YouTubers others would find “cringe” but she considers cringe culture dead, so nothings really a “guilty” pleasure
40. Go after them in their dream dreams and give ‘em just a few bruises
41. Punch back and win the fight that was started
42. We’ll, they don’t really have a “birthday” besides whenever she was made or her kinda “coded” one she grew up with, but she’s uncomfy with both so she just picks a random day each year and eats cake
43. … maybe true neutral? Or lawful neutral? Honestly don’t fully know
44. Skip
45. Also unknown
46. Not really? At least not enough to consider herself religious and things like that, but she knows arceus is out there so.. that’s gotta at least count for something, right?
47. Typically gratitude, and if possible will try to do something nice in return
48. Again, depends on the day, some days she’s just happy, and others they are one mean comment to snapping and taking refuge in the bathroom (till gold or close friend comes to the rescue)
49. Mainly just being trapped again, with no way out or to contact anyone again…
50. They sleep like a rock, they would probably accidentally sleep through a tornado or something, unless it’s a nightmare, In Which case thankfully it’s fairly easy to wake her up
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Why ethereal.? There are many other unique species of endermen and out of all of them, why him? Is there something way to special about him- sure he seems to be special but just curious as to why you choose eth
Dixter: alright lisen up i got him once by luck i got him twice only because i wanted the experiment to save my life and all of the population but it apears to not work AND THE THIRD FUCKING TIME WAS BEACUS SPECIMEN 808 SPOILED ABOUT HES SON AND THAT WIERD MONSTER THAT TRYS TO KILL ME IF I DON'T KILL A MONSTER FORCED ME TO HOSTAGE HIM, i would have left him alone if it wasn't FOR 808 .... But nother the less HES FREAKING CLOSE TO BE EXTINCT specie sorta scenario and i like exotic monsters they are more complicated in biology and dear God I AM THE MAN OF SCIENCE.
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kochei0 · 7 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Expertise can't help you here.
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