#GNS Agency
gnsajans · 2 years
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GNS Ajans | Web Tasarım Ajansı
Detaylı bilgi için; https://bit.ly/GNSAjansMerhaba
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https-lxtus · 4 months
One of my favorite things about the dead boy detectives fandom is that regardless of if you ship Crystal and Charles or Edwin and Charles the ship names are absolutely hilarious
Cryland & Payneland?? I mean, come on.
I think those say a lot about us as a fandom
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moonyswritinq · 5 months
runs in the family — platonic! edwin payne x sibling! gn reader
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SYNOPSIS ➢ Edwin had been dead for decades and you had wandered the earth as a ghost in search for him. Who would have thought that you would find him in a small town in America, just strolling down the street?
PAIRING ➢ platonic! edwin payne x sibling! gender neutral reader
CONTENT WARNING ➢ mentions of death, kind of flirty reader, not much more warning needed than that, takes place end of chapter three, so spoilers?? not beta read
WORD COUNT ➢ 2.7 k
AUTHORS NOTE ➢ seeing as the reader is written as a sibling to Edwin it is implied they are biologically related and therefore caucasian. But since I have not specified anything the reader could just as well be adopted and of another ethnicity, so I leave it up to be your choice.
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It had been a hundred years.
A century had gone by since you died. And still you had not managed to finish your business in order to move on to the afterlife. How could you? When your older brother had mysteriously gone missing from his boarding school, simply presumed dead, and labeled as ‘an act of God’ and nothing else had happened. No one made inquiries. No one bothered to try to do him justice.
No one cared.
And it infuriated you. So much to the point of taking up the quest of finding him yourself. But no one knew anything, nor cared to tell you anything, so you were unable to find anything worthy of interest. Edwin simply did not matter to anyone besides you—even your parents were frustratingly unhelpful. It broke your heart. You didn’t want to live in a world that didn’t care about its people. Luckily, you didn’t have to for long.
It happened a year after you graduated from high school, making you three years older than the age Edwin  had been when he disappeared. As soon as you’d completed school you had gotten out of your conservative town, opting to travel to London instead to settle down there. The aftermath of the war had just calmed down and you thought you could get a new start. You hadn’t entirely left the business of Edwin behind you, but knowing there was nothing more you could do for him settled your guilt slightly.
When you had finally started getting used to the idea of Edwin actually being gone and of the possibility of moving on with your life, you died. A simple case of wrong place, wrong time in a robbery. And you reckoned some part of you weren’t completely ready to let go of Edwin because you had woken up again, as a ghost.
It was strange at first, feeling nothing but still being there, invisible to everyone but yourself. And it hadn’t hurt much—you had died immediately.
What should have been a tragedy left you feeling nothing but relief. You were finally free from the world’s boundaries and rules and the idiotic people that wouldn’t help your brother. Then being able to travel anywhere you wanted, speak to other dead people, and uncover all the supernatural entities that had been hiding under your nose your whole living life was more than you could have wished for. Was it possible Edwin could also be somewhere? Wandering around as a ghost, the same as you?
The thought was too good to even hope to be true. As it turns out, it was.
You visited all the places Edwin had been or he had talked about going to or anywhere you could have imagined his ghost to have gone. But there were no signs of him—at least no signs that you could find. No one had any information about your brother. It almost left you feeling like how you had when you were alive. Your world had gone from the bright colours of hope back to the dull monochromaticity that your life had been.
For years you had wandered the planet, going from country to country, adapting to the changing years and humanity’s new technology. It interested you to figure out the new things that were invented and to keep up with the modern world—not to talk about all the different ghosts, people, and other supernatural beings you met. While it was nice to travel around without a clear goal, your mind was constantly stuck on the thought of your brother being alone somewhere.
You needn’t have worried though, you realised, when you had found yourself in the small town of Port Townshend, walking down the street and seeing a very familiar face. Right across the road, a figure clad in a brown coat was walking with an all too rigid posture and pursing his lips at the teenagers surrounding him. You were too stunned to speak, your tongue felt as if it were locked, unable to voice any of the jumble of thoughts currently bouncing through your mind.
“Edwin?” you croaked, voice strained as it fought against the constricting of your throat. You hurriedly ran to cross the road, narrowly missing a car. It wouldn’t have hurt, but habits die hard—even if it had been a hundred years since you were alive. And so you let out a loud curse, swivelling out of its path, “Oh, bloody hell!”
When you turned to continue to the other side of the street you already found a familiar pair of eyes locked onto yours. Edwin had stopped completely in his path and with his mouth agape, arms hanging by his side. You couldn’t fight the grin that made its way to your face and broke out in a run, crashing into his frame with a hug.
“Wha—” he stumbled, before embracing you back and nestling his face into your shoulder.
It felt as if he would never let you go by the grip he had on you—and you couldn’t blame him. It had been way too long since you had hugged him like this and you couldn’t help the relieved chuckle that escaped you. It also felt weird hugging another ghost—it was like he was there and he wasn’t, but you could feel his presence in a way you couldn’t when you touched the living.
“It’s you,” you whispered, pulling away to grab him by the shoulders and really take him in. “It’s really you.”
Edwin looked just like you had remembered him to have looked when he disappeared. The same eyes, with which he always sent glares your way, and the same smile he hid in the corner of his lips by turning away from you, although it shone through at you then as a grin. He couldn’t help it, and neither could you.
“I—I never thought I would see you again,” he said.
You scoffed. “As if you could get rid of me that easily.” Then your eyes softened. “Though you scared me half to death.”
“More than half, it would seem,” he said, looking you up and down. “What are you still doing here?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” you asked, a smile on your lips despite your soft tone. “You were my unfinished business.”
You went in for another hug with a chuckle, holding him even tighter as if he would disappear if you didn’t. All that worrying, all that searching, all that trouble you had gone through to find your brother and it was all finally worth it. The thought made you almost want to cry—almost. You pulled away then for real, letting the both of you go back to your regular composure as a relaxed grin settled against your lips and Edwin’s went back to hiding in the corner of his lips.
That was when you noticed the questioning stares from his three friends. They were all glancing back and forth between you in clear confusion. 
“Sorry, did everyone just see what I saw?” questioned the dark-haired girl with a frown, gesturing between the two of you. “Who are you?”
You smiled at her. “Forgive me for being rude. I forgot myself for a second,” you said with a glance at Edwin. “I’m y/n, Edwin’s sibling.”
The three of them stared in astonishment upon hearing the words uttered, again looking between you two.
“I see the resemblance now that you mention it,” said the tall boy.
You shot him a playful smile. “I’m clearly the better sibling, though.”
“As if,” scoffed Edwin and tugged at his cuff. “At least I am older.”
You raised an eyebrow and pursed your lips. “Don’t know if that is actually true, anymore. I was alive longer than you were.”
“What? No.” He looked affronted at your words. “My birth was before yours and I am thus older than you.”
The boy next to him cleared his throat with a pointed glance. Edwin resumed to his usual composure, a curtain falling over his features as his bickering spirit died out. You let out a snicker, glancing between the four of them.
“You gonna introduce me to your handsome friends, Edwin?” you asked with a grin, eyeing the tall boy specifically.
Edwin glared at you. “Don’t,” he spit out, warning lacing through his tone. When you held up your hands in surrender he turned to his friends, gesturing to them all in turn with their names. “Y/n, this is Charles, Niko and Crystal.”
“Nice to meet you,” Niko’s soft voice said, hopping forward to give you a hug.
It caught you slightly off guard, but it was welcomed even though you couldn’t feel it as well as you could feel Edwin’s ghost hug. Crystal gave you a hesitant hand to shake and you took it enthusiastically with a smile. She smiled then, apparently less apprehensive. Charles also thrust out a hand along with a charming smirk.
“Any sibling of Edwin must be brills,” he said. “Also a ghost, by the way.”
You took his hand with an appreciative nod. “Did you hear that, Edwin? I’m brills,” you said and looked over your shoulder.
By doing so, you didn’t miss the soft gaze Edwin was looking at Charles with and nodded to yourself, smiling coyly. While you had learnt to adapt to the modern times, and even back then had always been quite open about yourself, Edwin was a shyer and more private person. You would let him work it out by himself.
“You know, I missed your miserable face,” you remarked, turning to nudge him with your elbow. “I also think we have a lot to catch up on, Edwin.” 
“I would say that is quite correct. We will take care of that, later,” he nodded in his stilted way. Weird as it was, you had missed his gestures.
When the four of them turned to keep walking, Niko suddenly let out a loud gasp. “There’s Monty, our new friend,” she exclaimed.
You turned to look where she was gesturing and saw a very handsome boy looking up when hearing his name. He smiled easily at the five of you and stood up from the bench he had been sitting on with a few books in hand. The boy, Monty, let out what sounded like a nervous chuckle while glancing between the group, definitely noting the closeness between you and Edwin.
“Hey. Wow, quite the crew you got here.”
“So, he’s alive and he can see the boys?” asked Crystal.
“Oh, he can definitely see Edwin,” replied Niko. You saw Monty smile at Edwin and turned to your brother with a questioning glance. He only shrugged.
When you turned back, you found Monty was already staring at you. His eyes were dark and thoughtful, jumping from your face to your clothes and your boots and your frame and your hair and your smirk—which spread even wider. His mouth opened in a silent gasp as he took in the sight of you. You could feel your lifeless cheeks warm with blood—if they could do that—and let your gaze skirt away nervously.
“Oh, hi, I, uh, don’t believe I have seen you before.” Monty smiled sheepishly at you and his voice was warm and sweet. “I feel, uh, like I would have remembered a face like yours.”
His face got redder the longer he talked and the more he tripped over his words. It was weirdly endearing and you smiled at him as his gaze jumped between you and Edwin.
“Edwin’s my brother,” you said. “I’m y/n. Also a ghost.”
“Charmed.” Monty’s grin grew wider. “I suppose good looks run in the family.”
You saw Edwin shift uneasily out of the corner of your eye and smiled at him. Monty’s unashamedly flirting was clearly not something Edwin was entirely ready for yet, but it only made the whole thing more amusing. And you couldn’t ignore the playful smirk Monty was giving you nor the glint in his eye.
“And I’m Charles. Nice to meet you, mate,” interrupted the other ghost, his own charming smile fixed on his lips, and extended a hand for Monty to take. “Any pal of Edwin’s is aces in my book.”
Monty’s lips pursed. “Yeah, sorry, hands are full,” he said, his voice suddenly cold and stand-offish.
He moved past you, closer to Edwin, but you didn’t miss the way his gaze lingered on you. You smiled to yourself as you turned to the other three, looking back at Monty.
“I was polite, wasn’t I?” asked Charles. His voice sounded much smaller, almost insecure.
“Yeah, you did good,” replied Crystal and patted him reassuringly on the shoulder.
You crossed your arms over your chest and leant closer to him. “Don’t take it personal just ‘cause you aren’t pretty enough to earn Monty’s kindness.”
Charles turned to you, affronted, and glared at your cheeky smile. “Oi, hurtful. I’m very pretty, I’ll have you know.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said, glancing up at him. “And don’t you worry, Edwin knows it too.”
His brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
You only shrugged, glancing back at your brother and Monty. You saw Edwin take the book from him, completely oblivious to the way his gaze was fixed on him, and Niko was unashamedly listening in on their conversation. You took the opportunity to study Monty’s feature’s more carefully, gazing at the ways his lips lifted ever so slightly, and how his eyes suddenly jumped to yours. Immediately, you looked away in shame at being caught staring at him and you were sure to be blushing if you were still capable of it. When you dared look back at him his eyes were yet again on Edwin, but his smirk a bit wider.
“Hey.” You looked to Charles again, nudging him in the side. “If Edwin doesn’t know, though, at least I do.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed his grin widen as his eyes fixed on you. That was when Edwin glanced past Monty, meeting your eye briefly before flickering over to Charles. You noticed him hesitate in his reply to Monty and furrowed your brows. It wasn’t like your brother to be careful about his words. Crystal seemed to know what he was thinking as she suddenly brought her hands together.
“Ah, well,” she began, sighing with what sounded like very bad conviction, ”Axe-murder, suicide Groundhog Day drained me, so, uh… I’m gonna head up.”
You shot her a questioning glance but decided against asking her about it. Whatever Edwin and his group had been up to you had more than enough time to figure out. Now that you had found him, there was no chance you were letting him go.
Niko nodded at Crystal’s words, still caught up with whatever Edwin and Monty were speaking about. “Okay, I’ll be up soon,” she said.
Crystal sighed and went over to the other girl, taking ahold of her arm and dragging her away from the boys. You shot a questioning glance at Edwin, but he just nodded for you to go without him. Briefly, you met Monty’s gaze as well and were almost pinned to the spot by his smile before he turned back to your brother. You swallowed and made to walk away when you noticed Charles was still stuck to the same spot, his gaze pinned to Edwin.
“Come on, mate, let’s go.”
He scoffed but let himself be guided away to follow the other two. You heard the traces of Edwin and Monty’s conversation follow behind you, their voices floating through the air. Monty’s was melodic and it made you sigh at the sound of it.
“He’s very cute, isn’t he?” you asked Charles, nudging his side with your elbow.
“Yeah,” he nodded, glancing over his shoulder.
You weren’t sure you were talking about the same person.
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Tag list: @a-gay-dumbass @eunxhan @loverclear
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frickingnerd · 5 months
being the new lawyer at the wright anything agency
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pairing: phoenix wright x apollo justice x gn!reader x athena cykes x trucy wright
tags: newbie lawyer!reader, wholesome fluff, platonic, victory celebrations, mentions of food (eating ramen together), gossiping with trucy (about prosecutors)
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athena is so happy that she isn't the newbie anymore, when you join the wright anything agency!
apollo and trucy both try to help you feel as welcome as possible at the agency, though athena and phoenix do their best too, of course!
trucy knows every nook and cranny of the office, so she's showing you around, while apollo adds important details that trucy forgets to mention
phoenix is the one who helps you with all the paperwork and gives you much needed pep talks before all your trials!
phoenix, apollo and athena are always there for you during trials! during your first few trials, phoenix is the one by your side. but later on, apollo and athena join you as well and you switch around who your partner is for you current case
after every trial won, all five of you get invited to a bowl of ramen by phoenix, to celebrate your victory! and you never miss a victory celebration!
outside of work, you often get roped into trucy's magic show and need to help her out with her tricks! athena is relieved that as the newbie, you're now the one trucy asks for help, instead of her…
trucy also loves to gossip with you in secret, telling you about everything that happened before you joined the agency!
you get to know everything about the three prosecutors related to the other three lawyers at the wright anything agency! and you can't help but wonder if you'll have a prosecutor rival as well some day…
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
MONTY FINCH ; just kiss
summary ; basically the edwin & monty swing set scene
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; reader doesn't know shit about astrology, word vomit
track ; like real people do, hozier
word count ; 951
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Monty slowly swings himself on the swingset, the metal chain links creaking at every slight movement. He stays low to the ground, feet inches from the dirt below.
You swing beside him, a wired earbud hanging from your right ear, the left open so you could hear him if he spoke. The metal creaking enters your left ear, your music entering the right.
"How do you know so much about astrology?" You ask him, leaning your head against the metal chainlinks on the left. "Like, I obviously don't get it. How and why, like... how does it work?"
He smiles, looking up at you. He rests his hands on the right side's chain link, cozy fingerless gloves protecting him from the cold metal. "Basically, the way the stars align kind of predict fate in people, the way they act and think," He shrugs, trying to give you a basic definition.
"How do zodiac signs work then?" You ask
"Well, it's not like... science-confirmed, actually disproven, but believe what you will. But the constellations in the stars change per every month, aligning to its matching sign. Like, take Edwin for example" He speaks. "He's a Capricorn. They're usually described as ambitious, practical and focused"
"Sounds a lot like him" You shrug. "So it's just kind of a coincidence that you act a certain way with when you were born?"
"Yeah, basically."
You hum.
You're both silent for a moment, trying to find something to turn the conversation too.
"What's it like being a ghost?" He asks. "I know you've been with Charles and Edwin for God knows how long, but, like, what's it like?"
You shrug. "Solving mysteries and supernatural stuff. It's what it sounds like. But being dead is a lot like being alive. Most people just can't see you, you can't feel things, like your sensory skills are broken" You wiggle your fingers, aware that your fingerpads were basically broken. "You don't need to sleep or eat, but you have free will to change clothes"
He nods, following along.
"It doesn't feel the way you'd think it would. You don't know when you die, you just keep on going before you realize no one can see you or you see you're walking outside your body" You continue, "It's like everything always feels like TV static, but after a while you get used to it and it feels like it less and less. But when you're really down and lost, it comes back stronger than ever."
"Sounds like shit"
"It is" You chuckle. "Wish I got to say goodbyes to the people I love. Death is so unexpected but... it's the only thing everyone, everything, on Earth has in common. Death is after us all"
He nods, eyes softened. "You speak very wisely. Not in an Edwin way because you've been dead since the early 1900s. But you know a lot, you're very knowledgeable, you know how to speak your mind"
You softly smile. "Thanks, Monty"
Your faces stand inches apart between the swings, your eyes just examining each other's faces.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have nice hair?" You ask him.
He airily giggles. "No, actually. Thank you. You have nice hair too, for being dead"
"Well, it doesn't grow, so I never have to book an appointment at the ghost barber's," you joke with a giggle. "Another pro of being dead. Less people, more me"
He smiles. "You have a very attractive smile, y'know that?"
You glance away, a little flustered. "Oh, thanks"
He glances between your lips and your eyes, admiring your harmonious features, the way everything you owned made you special and unique. He couldn't imagine you looking any different, you were perfect to him.
That look in his eyes killed you, that smile, God, it was to die for. You'd do anything to just pause time and stare at his little smile, to stare at his infatuated gaze.
"Have you ever kissed anyone before? Or like, before you died?" He asks quietly.
You shake your head no. "Charles said kissing when you're dead is a lot different than when you're alive. I dunno what he meant by it though"
"Wanna figure it out?"
Your lips curl into a smile, which you'd failed to keep contained. You snicker, looking away for a moment.
"You seem very desperate, Monty"
"I am," He admits. "You're very attractive. We should just kiss, like normal people do."
You roll your eyes before quickly leaning toward him, pulling yourself closer. You place your hands on the sides of his face, your thumbs and index fingers against the sides of his ears. He rests his left hand against your neck, his right hand on top of your left hand.
His lips tasted like oranges. He smelled like cucumbers and eucalyptus leaves. He was soft and warm, like fresh baked cookies. You didn't know if kissing was like this when you were alive, but when you were dead, you noticed every small thing, you could feel him, like his aura was rolling off his skin and burying itself inside you. It did so like it was trying to make sure you couldn't pull away, so you'd just fall in love with him on the spot.
He pulls away to breathe, something you didn't need. He looks up at you, scanning your face like he was attempting to read your expression.
"You taste like oranges," you comment. "But, like... do you feel every single thing when you kiss me? Like I could feel your feelings, if that makes sense"
He shakes his head no. "That's cool" He smiles. "Being dead sounds really cool"
"Don't say that"
"Oh, sorry"
"I'm fucking with you. C'mere"
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crowpickingss · 2 months
Crow Fever
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monty x gn! reader
summary: you just moved to port townsend and develop a friendship with a certain crow, with your help he turns human
warnings: witchcraft
a/n: I am so happy I finally did a monty fic, I maybe like him more than hook
The crow turned around and landed on top of the table. You intiatily were shocked that the bird didn’t fly away but when its foot landed on your hand you realised that maybe something was up. The bird lightly pecked at your hand as you ran your hand down its back.
Over the next couple days the crow would return and you would sit with it until it flew away. After the third time you started feeding it nuts which the crow didn’t eat at first but eventually did.
However one day when the crow flew away it came back a couple hours later holding a book. Very surprised you took the book from the tired crow. The book cover read “Guide to witchcraft”
You were very confused until the bird flicked to one page in particular. On the page had instructions on how to turn a witch familiar into a human. You petter the bird again “Are you sure?” He pecked at your hand which you took as a yes.
You gathered the necessary ingredients and began the spell. In a matter of seconds the crow had turned into a human. The boy put his hand out for you to shake “I’m Monty” He smiled giddily “uh hi Monty” You shook his hand still very confused
“I feel like I’m missing something, why did you bring me this book” He placed his hands over yours “Well, ever since you joined me on the balcony I may have developed a little crush” He laughed again “I though crows didn’t have feelings” He smiled at your ignorance “They don’t normally, but I was human”
You lift your eyebrow in confusion for what felt like the tenth time “You were human, I’m so confused” He laughed “I was originally a familiar to a witch named Esther, she turned me human for her plan” You sat back up “Plan?” He rubs his eyes “These two ghost boys ruined her plan, but she’s dead now”
Your eyes widen in shock “She dies and wait did you say ghosts” He laughed again “It’s a lot to take in, but I was wondering if I could stay here. As much as I love being a crow I have wanted to be a human for so long” You nodded “Sure you can stay here, you said Esther bought you too life where did she live”
He stands up and helps you too your feet “Follow me but just be warned, it hasn’t been touched since she died” You grabbed onto his hand as the two of you walked out of your apartment and headed towards Esther’s house
When you arrived into the house you noticed something that locked like a torture machine “Maybe just grab everything you need and we can get out of here” You squeezed his hand harder as you walked through the house.
Monty walked around and picked up a couple spare clothes some books and his cage “I think that’s everything” You grab into his hand and basically yank his out of the house “Great, let’s go” He smiles as you pull him out of the house.
On the way back you happen to glance over at the books and notice most of them are about astrology “Do you like astrology Monty” He squeals a little “Yes, I love it” You turn the key into your apartment door “I’ve never really looked into it but sounds fun” He latches onto your shoulder when you walk inside
“So, what does this make us” You turned around to face him as he said that “I’m not sure what do you think” He pulls your hands to his chest “I think it makes us a couple” You laugh at his very subtle confession “I think I like that”
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musamora · 9 months
— 𝖉𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 + 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖆𝖉𝖆 ₊˚⊹
pairing(s): the armed detective agency (bungou stray dogs) & gender-neutral!reader, (minor) osamu dazai (bungou stray dogs) x gender-neutral!reader
content warnings: holiday sweaters, brief mention of nooses, the armed detective agency is one giant family, sweet tooth-rotting fluff, cuddling
would you like to see more? join the taglist or comment under this post!
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You stumbled your way into Armed Detective Agency, knees threatening to buckle under the weight of boxes and bags carried in shaking arms, unable to ask for help as you let out panted breaths.
"Here! Let me help you with those."
You sighed as the pressure was alleviated, the ache brought out from your wrists and elbows as you nodded towards your blonde savior.
"Thank you, Kenji!"
He returned your gratitude with a beaming smile, lifting the presents with distinctive ease as he settled them underneath an expansive, prickly tree in the corner, illuminated by a descending sun as beams struck objects with an unrelenting glow. The entire room seemed warmed by the rays, buzzing like a beehive as clerks shuffled between desks. 
Atsushi and Kyoka had been tasked with decorating the monstrous tree, but the poor things needed clarification on how to start. Naomi and Tanizaki started mixing steaming mugs of hot chocolate, much to the delight of Ranpo, who munched on marshmallows from his desk while oogling the rich drink. Yosano had attempted to smuggle some booze out of her office, only to face a lecture from Kunikida on the importance of sobriety. Fukuzawa and Haruno remained in the lounge area, silently sipping on their drinks as they watched over the room.
And then there were the matching sweaters everyone was wearing — a tiger, a rabbit, a book, a butterfly, a cat, and a candy cane — to name a few. You snuggled into your own, thankful that many people from your cases had chipped in to buy these for all of you.
The entire party left you feeling so bubbly and bright. You made your way over to the tree to catch a large ornament that Atsushi almost dropped when he tripped over his own two feet.
"Careful, Atsushi." You pressed the ornament back into his hand, conscientious to not let him drop it a second time. 
He flashed a sheepish grin. "Thanks!"
"Here." You took a couple from the box, spreading them along the tree branches with a quick check to ensure everything was evenly distributed. With your combined skills, you covered the tree from head to toe in shining ornaments. You stepped back to admire your handiwork, only to slip over a stray garland on the floor.
You mentally braced yourself to fall flat on your ass, only to land on a much softer object. It only took two bandaged arms to snake around your waist for you to realize what, or more accurately, who had caught you as those same arms squeezed you tight.
"Falling for me, love?" you shivered as his warm breath bristled against your ear, the familiar brown tresses of Osamu Dazai brushing against your cheek as he unabashedly snuggled into your neck.
I was wondering where he could be.
You pulled away, only to look him over with a confused glare.
"How'd you get a sweater with a noose on it?"
He grinned lazily. "Isn't it amazing!"
You huffed before feeling someone push past you from behind, forcing you to fall back into Dazai's arms. He was basically spooning you from behind, a small purr rolling from his lips as a satisfied smile curled upwards.
"And my (Name) is back again."
"Time to open presents!" Ranpo yelled, already tearing the wrapping paper off of one. You smiled softly, leaning back into Dazai as you watched everyone dig into their presents gleefully.
Such a perfect day.
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ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @imhandicapableofmath @lovedazai @hauntedsol @ruru-kiss @ishqani @zyilas @lovesick-fairy @fedyascoffin @squigglewigglewoo @kelperspelt @miloofc @thesilvernight0wl @s1eepybunny
© 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐋 2023 — do not repost or modify my works for any reason. do not steal graphics w/o explicit permission. reblogs are appreciated.
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tinkerleaf · 7 months
Beach Day with the ADA :)
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Since Bungou Stray Dogs doesn't have a 'beach episode', I thought I'd make one myself with the reader. If y'all would like a separate one without the reader, let me know. :) Genre: fluff, comfort? Warnings: probably a few gramatical errors Pairings: platonic everyone, a little extra bit of dazai Words: 880 ish
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It had been a rather tiresome week at the agency, so when Fukuzawa offered to let you all have a day off, you were ecstatic. It was Atsushi’s idea to do something together as a group, which prompted some interesting ideas. After Dazai suggested bar hopping, he received a harsh smack from Kunikida.
After looking at the forecast on your phone, you had an idea. “Why don’t we go to the beach? It’s not too far away. It’s close enough for a day trip." And with that, the decision had been made.
Kunikida opted to drive, with you in the passenger seat. He agreed to come along only if Dazai was in the other car (thankfully not driving) with Kyoka, Atsushi, and the Tanizaki siblings. He figured if this was going to be his day off, he should at least get some form of stress relief.
After a stop at the convenience store for snacks and sunscreen, everyone finally arrived at the beach. You got out of the car and helped everyone unload before heading out. The weather was phenomenal and the water was the perfect temperature. The waves were calm enough to relax in the ocean and the sand was incredibly soft.
It was around noon, and you had finally blown up your little ring float to bring into the water with you.
“Aww, can’t swim?” Dazai teased.
“Actually, I can swim just fine.” You playfully flicked him on the shoulder. “Just wanted to ride the waves a bit while they’re smooth.”
He paused. “Well, since you can swim…” He picked you up before you realized what he was doing and ran toward the water.
“No, no! Put me down!” you pleaded. He started to throw you in, but you clutched onto his arms. “You’re coming with me!” You both fell into the salty water. Laughter came from the rest of the gang, except for Kunikida who merely sighed a you two.
“Don’t think we won’t come for you next!”
You ran after Yosano, and Dazai caught Jun’ichiro. Not long after that, everyone had been submerged at least once, sparing Kunikida for their own safety. He had been sitting in a chair underneath one of the umbrellas trying to read a book. He looked over to find Ranpo eating snacks. “You know you have to save some of those for everyone else, right?”
He stopped chewing, “Hm?”
Atsushi and Kyoka were building a sandcastle together. They were fixing up the moat before filling it up with water.
“It looks great! Now we can collect some shells to decorate!” The boy offered.
“Can we use this?” She held up a big crab that was desperately trying to get away.
He made a face. “…Sure!”
The girl placed the crab on top. However, it jumped off and skittered away into the sand. “Well, there goes that.”
The Tanizaki siblings were playing volleyball. Naomi was winning by one point.
“Hey! Anyone wanna play with us?” She called out to everyone.
“Me!” Yosano jogged over to them along with Kenji.
You had been in your swim tube, floating with the waves while Dazai held onto it, keeping you from drifting too far. “This was a good idea. I have to admit, this is quite refreshing.”
“I know, right? I couldn’t think of a better way to spend our day off.” You squinted at his pink nose. “I think you need a little more sunscreen.”
He shrugged, “I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, but if you’re burnt to a crisp tomorrow, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
He laughed at your remark before flipping you into the water. You popped you head up.
“What was that for?”
“If I leave you here to put on more sunscreen, you’ll float away! You must come with me.”
“You’re so dramatic.” You walked with him back to where the group had settled. Kunikida was still buried in his book. You had grabbed the last bag of chips from Ranpo.
“You havin’ fun?” Dazai asked his partner.
The blonde put a single finger towards him, “Don’t.”
“Oh, come on. I haven’t even done anything-”
You chuckled at the two, “Why don’t we go play volleyball with the others?” Dazai nodded.
After hours of playing in the sun, you all had decided that it was time to go back. Everyone mentioned they were hungry, so you found yourselves at a restaurant nearby. It was a great way to end the day before heading back to the agency. You were satisfied with your food as you listened to everybody talk. The restaurant was cozy and warm, and you were getting tired. After leaning back against the back of the chair, you slowly nodded off.
You felt someone tap your shoulder. “Hey! It’s time to go!” Kenji whispered. “We’re leaving!”
“Hmm? Oh-” You quickly woke up and went with the crew back to the vehicles outside.
You couldn’t remember the ride back since you were out like a light. Thankfully, the loud ones were in the other car, allowing you to get some sleep. There may or may not be a photo floating around of your face squished against the window. Dazai sent it to you the next morning, along with the other pictures taken the day before.
"Which one of you took that?"
"Not telling!" It was him.
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ultimateissuessimp · 4 months
Could you do Cat King x gn reader, they are a mage that came to port Townsend and tried to warn Edwin about using magic on cats. As they escort the dead boy detectives to the King they try to have Thomas go easy on Edwin. Cat King gets a little jealous as to why his partner wants to let Edwin off easy. (Edwin reminds the reader of their younger sibling they haven’t seen in while)
I love, love, LOVE this request SO MUCH! Thank you for giving me the honour of writing it! I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
For me? For you.
The Cat King x GN Reader
Word count: 3,041
Warnings: A dead body appearing, but only for a second and without gruesome description, some jealousy coming from the Cat King and a mention of having a dead younger sibling
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Y/N had known about the Dead Boy Detectives Agency for quite some time now. They had been watching the two boys' adventures the moment they heard about them, taking care of bigger problems when they encounter them from the shadows, taking on a role of a guardian angel. Well, guardian mage, but the point stands. The reason why they took such interest in those boys was because one of them, Edwin Payne, reminded them of their little brother who died quite a long time ago due to an illness that even magic couldn't cure. They stayed with their brother until Death showed up to collect them.
So the moment they felt their presence in Port Townsend alognside a very skilled medium, they had to finally show themself to the trio. A small lesson in dos and don'ts when it came to this town, something that would not only keep them safe, but also inform them about what could be hiding in it.
Y/N teleported themself into the little apartment that Crystal was renting, scaring the three people inside it to death. Well, at least one of them since the other two were already dead. Immediately Charles got into an offensive stance, ready to fight if needed while Edwin remained cautious and Crystal stood behind both of them, still a bit in shock, a fight or flight mode ready to go in a case of an emergency.
-Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?! - Charles asked, hand at the ready to reach for his cricket bat. At the same time Edwin was thinking of different exits out of the possible danger.
-Calm down, calm down. I come here as a messenger - Y/N said, raising their hands up in defense before crossing them over their chest and looking the trio over. - You could say I've been observing from the shadows what you've been doing for quite some time now. The difference now is that you're in a new place you have no knowledge of. There are dangers here. Rules even. If you like your peace, keep to them. Most important would be to stay away from the cats. Don't even think about using magic on them, you don't want to find out what will happen if you do - they stated, uncurling their index finger as they started talking about the first rule. Then the second one when they mentioned watching out for a witch that lived in Port Townsend, a menace to deal with. Then another one and another one until they were out of fingers to show and rules to tell.
-Why the hell would we believe anything you just said? - Charles asked, suspicious look on his face as he carefully observed Y/N, not even for a second dropping his guard.
-Because I saved your ass so many times you could at least try to trust me. Remember that nasty poltergeist in 30 East Drive, Pontefract? How you got cornered because he smashed all the mirrors and quite literally trapped you inside that house? Yeah, that was me. So have some faith kids. Alright, that should be it. Remember what I said and don't get into any trouble. If you dive, head first, into deep shit, then I don't know how well my influence in town could help to save you. Again - they said before doing a little wave with their fingers and dissappearing in a swirl of black fog.
You'd think that after such a warning, people would listen. Yeah, not Edwin. As much as Charles is stubborn, he's somewhat not dumb enough to not listen to someone who clearly wants to help them, albeit reluctant. Crystal doesn't even know much what to do, so she wouldn't try anything either way, but Edwin... Oh Edwin. Mr. Edwin, Know-It-All, I-Know-Better-Than-You, Why-Should-I-Listen-To-You?, Payne. Of course he would be the one so intelligent, yet so stupidly stubborn, to pull shit like that.
Obviously he just HAD to cast a magic spell on a cat. Now not only does Y/N have to save his ass from a harsh punishment, they also have to deal with a certain moody Cat King that was currently throwing a hissy fit, pacing around and cursing out everything in bloody existence. Y/N rubbed their temples as they listened to their partner rant continously.
-The nerve! Magic! On my cats! They'll be lucky if they walk out of here alive! - Thomas said angrily, running a hand through his hair as he did another circle in front of his throne.
-My love, will you take a deep breath with me, please? I'm sure there's a logical explanation to this. I know you're mad, I understand where that's coming from, I really do, but let's not make rushed decisions okay? - Y/N proposed, walking over to Thomas and stopping him gently by placing their hands on top of his shoulders, before sliding them down his arms to his hands, catching them in theirs and holding tightly.
-Sugar, I don't think there's a logical enough explanation to using magic on my fucking cats - the Cat King hissed out, before finally closing his eyes for a second and taking a deep breath to slightly calm down, not wanting to lash out on his partner.
-I'm sure there is. Will you hear him out at least? - Y/N asked, rubbing soothing circles with their thumbs into the backs of Thomas' hands, wanting to calm him down a bit more.
-Him? Kitty cat, it sounds to me like you know who it was - Thomas said, slight accusation in his voice as he looked at Y/N with his head slightly shifted to the side, eyebrows furred as a scowl started appearing on his face making Y/N cup his cheeks in their hands.
-I think I know who it is for almost a hundred percent, but I've warned them that they would be wise to stay away from your cats - they said, pressing their forehead against Thomas', hoping that they convinced him at least just a bit to go easy on Edwin without particularly saying anything.
-Yet they didn't listen now did they? - The man asked, huffing out some air before wrapping his arms around their waist. - I'll think about being less harsh, but there still must be a punishment. No one gets away with hurting or damaging what belongs to me - he added before planting a kiss on Y/N's lips.
It was finally time for the trio to have a little talk with the Cat King. He had already sent the cat Edwin used the magic on to go and fetch them, but Y/N wanted to be there too before they actually get there to give them another small advice. They promised Thomas that they'll be back soon before they departed in a swirl of black fog like the one before.
-You've done fucked up. What did I tell you, huh? Stay away from the cat and what did you do? You went and used MAGIC on one. Are you out of your mind, Edwin Payne? - Y/N asked with a certain edge to their voice, clearly very annoyed with, mostly Edwin, the group, because there was no guarantee that Thomas would actually go easy on all of them. Especially with all of their smart mouths that only get them into even more trouble.
-I don't see what's all the fuss about. It's just a bit of magic - the ghost teenager said, rolling his eyes sassily before placing his hands on his hips to add even more sass to his statement.
-Don't give me that attitude, young man, you have no idea in what deep shit you are and I specifically told you not to dive head first into any shit. It already took me some time to try and get him to calm down and not send out a swarm of cats to rip you to shreds. Talk any more shit and I won't be able to get your ass out of this one - Y/N said, crossing their arms over their chest as they stared Edwin down before Charles chimed in.
-Him? Who's him? And why is he so important that you speak of him as if he was about to send Edwin back to the pits of Hell? - he asked with a look of confusion on his face as he looked simultaneously at Y/N and the cat that was now sitting a few feet behind them, patiently waiting to continue navigating the group to the warehouse.
-You'll see soon enough. Now come on. There's no time to waste - they said before finally turning sideways and gesturing to their right as an indicator for the teenagers to finally move.
When they got inside the warehouse, Y/N couldn't help, but smile softly and shake their head at their boyfriend's antics. Of course he would put on a show. He wouldn't be the diva cat that he was if he didn't. As they approached the throne and the cats dispersed from before it, leaving only a very massacred body behind alongside three disturbed teenagers with an unfazed mage in front of them, the said teenagers behind Y/N observed the orange cat with confusion and caution written on their faces.
-We were invited to see the Cat King - Edwin said, trying not to let the shakiness in his voice after seeing the dead guy before the be heard.
The trio flinched when the cat disappeared in purple fire, making space for the gorgeous man that is Y/N's boyfriend to appear. They smiled brightly at him and bowed down jokingly, making the Cat King chuckle with endearment, just to get that fire back into his eyes that spoke of danger and anger at not only the disrespect of his rules, but also endangerment of one of his subjects after he saw the group behind his partner.
-Hi - he said as he observed the trio, a faux friendly smile on his face.
-Can all cats do that? - Crystal asked the boys quietly, yet not quiet enough that the Cat King didn't hear which only made him chuckle in amusement.
-"Can all cats do that?" Of course not, I'm a Cat KING - He answered, putting an emphasis on the 'king' part, going full on sass as he usually did. - I can tell you're not the brains of the operation. Sorry, I'm already bored - Thomas added, making a rather mean comment, which he didn't really seem to care about, wanting to get to the center of the problem quickly.
-No need to be rude, darling - Y/N said with a gentle pout to their face before they walked over to where Thomas was sitting and stood right next to the throne, putting their hand on the man's shoulder, a little sign that he could tone it down a bit.
-Hmm - The Cat King only mused before letting out a soft sigh and turning his head towards the cats gathered in the back. - Which one of them used the magic on you? - he asked the cat that fell victim of Edwin's antics.
-The scrawny one that just had the nerve to talk to you - the cat answered, clearly showcasing where the it's personality came from.
That brought out a little 'oh' out of Thomas, before Edwin spoke up again, trying to explain what they were doing and who they were until the Cat King interrupted him.
-Oh I don't care. Using magic on my cats is a total car crash on your part - He said with a cynical smile before lazily pointing with his index towards Edwin. - We... Should discuss your offense. Privately- the man added while standing up from the throne.
Of course Charles didn't like that and tried to stop anything from happening, but Y/N shook their head as a signal not to do it. It would only make the matter worse and they already had a plan of action, so he could screw it up with his little outburst. Edwin talked it out with the other two while Y/N walked over to Thomas and slightly fixed his messy hair, sighing softly as they thought over what to do when they actually go and sort this out.
When the trio came back, Thomas departed himself, Y/N and Edwin to the bedroom they both shared. Weird choice of a place to sort this situation out, but Y/N didn't really question it. Out loud at least.
-So... What should your punishment be? - Thomas said with a large amused grin as he stepped closer towards Edwin.
-How about something that wouldn't involve dangerous things that would result in Edwin going to the afterlife? - Y/N proposed an idea with arms crossed over their chest and eyebrows slightly raised as they looked at their lover with a, just a smidge, pleading look.
-Why not? I don't think that would really be over the top. Seems quite fitting in my opinion - the Cat King said shrugging his shoulders with a smirk as he looked back towards Y/N.
-Please? He just made a mistake. A dumb one, I admit, but it was a mistake. He shouldn't have to lose his ghost life for that - they said, straightening their pose before slightly tilting their head to the side as they kept their gaze only on Thomas.
Clearly he didn't like that constant defending of the boy coming from his partner, so he decided to have a small talk with them off to the side, excusing them both for a moment before guiding Y/N to the one spot he knew Edwin wouldn't see or hear much.
-Why do you care about this ghostly twink so much? What, do you find him cute, is that what it is? I've got to admit, he's quite cute, but I'm literally right here, hello? - Thomas began asking a series of questions, an aura of jealousy surrounding him as he loosely caged Y/N against the wall, his cat personality clearly kicking in as the respect for personal space completely flew out of the window in a matter of seconds when he leaned in so their faces were centimeters away.
-What? No! Kitty cat, he just... He reminds me of Alexander... They both didn't get to grow up and they are similar so much personality wise... I can't help but see Alexander in him, even though I know that he had moved on to the afterlife. Somewhere where I can't follow. Not yet - Y/N explained, letting out a sigh before turning their head and looking off to the side at the clear as day memory of their younger brother filled their mind.
-Shit... I'm sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions... - He said with a look filled with guilt before he rested his head against their shoulder, wrapped his arms around their waist and closed his eyes. - I'll go easy on him for you. Give him something not too hard to do, looking at the fact that he seems like a clever fella. He will have to stay here for quite some time to do that though - Thomas added after pressing apologetic, small kiss against the skin of their neck and then pulling away a bit to look into their eyes.
-Really? You'll do that for me? - they asked quietly, looking back at Thomas with a soft smile.
-For you. Always for you - he said and leaned it to capture their lips with his own in a sweet, short kiss.
After that they went back to Edwin who was looking around, more than likely looking for a way out, but even if he wanted to run, he would get lost, so that would be unsuccessful.
-Alright. I've got just the right punishment for you - Thomas said, stretching out his arms to the sides slightly with a large grin on his face. - Show me your arm. Come on, I don't have the whole night - he told Edwin, doing a little 'Come on' motion with his hand at the same time he said it out loud.
-For what? - Edwin asked cautiously, clearly not trusting the Cat King. Obviously so. After all he was about to receive a punishment that he had no idea what it was.
-Edwin, just do it - Y/N said, encouraging the teenager with a small smile and a nod of their head.
Finally, the boy agreed, although reluctantly, and stretched out his arm towards the Cat King before pulling it quickly back when a gold bracelet showed up around it.
-What is this? - Edwin asked with suspicion, immediately trying to take it off yet finding himself unable to do so.
-A little piece of jewellery that will keep reminding you of your punishment. All you have to do is count all the cats that reside in Port Townsend. It will also keep you in the town for that time. Until you finish counting of course. Also only the one who put it on can take it off, so I'd recommend hurrying if you want to go back to wherever you came from - the Cat King said, a cheeky smirk on his face as he observed the boy's flabbergasted expression with amusement.
When Edwin started lamenting and protesting that the task was unfair and impossible to do, Thomas explained why he received such a punishment before sending him back to the other two teenagers while Y/N and him stayed back in the bedroom.
Y/N walked over to the Cat King, wrapping their arms around the man's neck and leaning in to press a sweet kiss, thanking him without words while he wrapped his arms around their middle and pulled them close.
-That went well. Next time he pulls something stupid, then you won't be able to save his ass from the harsher punishment though - he said before burying his face in their neck and simply resting there.
-Yeah, yeah, we'll see about that - they said, both of them knowing how different the reality will be if such a thing actually happens. Y/N having so much control over Thomad without trying too much. After all, the Cat King was such a romantic and he hated it.
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willowser · 10 months
okay i've never really watched friends but the other day a clip came up on tiktok and it was like. ross listening to a voice-mail and finding out that rachel had/has a "thing" for him, and they just like. stare at each other 🥺 and i can't stop thinking about it aifbriskakal
i think confessing to bakugou could be a lot like that 🥺 either you tell him or he finds out someway and he just 🥺 looks at you, trying to keep a hold on his expression 🥺 and he doesn't even know what to say 🥺
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gnsajans · 1 year
Türkiye'nin ilk pilotu Fesa Evrensev, ilk uçuşu 26 Nisan 1912 tarihinde gerçekleştirdi.
Dünya Pilotlar Günü ise 26 Nisan 2000 yılından beri kutlanıyor.
Tüm pilotlarımızın “Dünya Pilotlar Günü” kutlu olsun.
Şehit pilotlarımızın ise ruhu şad olsun.
“İstikbâl göklerdedir.”
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sirhyst · 1 year
Dad!Fukuzawa x gn! Reader headcanon + Drabble
Note: I kind of like doing this format of having a headcanon and a short fic to show a possible scenario. Oneshot will be italicised and it isn’t specified whether or not your blood related so go wild lol.
Otosan = Father
Fukuzawa is always willing to help you with your assignments, but sometimes he gets distracted with whatever he’s working on and accidentally give you the wrong answer. The look of embarrassment on his face when you call him out for it is absolutely hilarious.
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“Otosan,” you said in a concerned voice. Fukuzawa looked up at you, worried you’ve done something—he’s learned the hard way that nothing good comes when you use that tone of voice.
“I got my assignment back graded,” you turned it towards him with an obviously forced smile.
“I appreciate your help and I got a good grade, but,” you pointed at one of the questions.
“I can’t help but notice that the questions I got wrong were the ones you helped me with,” you raised an eyebrow challenging your dad to try and explain himself. He simply closed his eyes, they creased a bit as he tried to avoid eye contact knowing he was clearly guilty.
“What do you have to say for yourself old man?” You said. If it had been anyone else who called him ‘old man’ Fukuzawa would’ve had words for them, but of course since you were his child, you got away with things most would’ve been stoned for.
He cleared his throat before continuing his work.
“I’m busy right now Y/N, why don’t you sit on the couch and rest,” he said with a strained low voice. You rolled your eyes but still smiled at the serious façade your father usually had on fumbling.
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Old guy’s not even surprised anymore he’s just tired
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moonyswritinq · 4 months
charles x american!reader? inspo from the song so american by olivia rodrigo? like him just making fun of an american accent lol
so american — charles rowland x gn reader
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SYNOPSIS ➢ Headcanons/oneshot for Charles with an American reader, based on Olivia Rodrigo’s song ‘So American’.
PAIRING ➢ charles rowland x american gender neutral reader
CONTENT WARNING ➢ pining, banter, implicit sex, ish-canon timeline, no use of y/n
AUTHORS NOTE ➢ I didn’t know if you wanted a one shot or headcanons, but I felt like this would best fit as a mix of the two. I sort of got carried away. thank you for the request and hope you enjoy!
And if you do enjoy, I URGE you to like, reblog AND comment!!! It's so important to me as a writer.
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Drivin' on the right-side road He says I'm pretty wearin' his clothes And he's got hands that make Hell seem cold Feet on the dashboard, he's like a poem I wish I wrote I wish I wrote
Charles had a habit of taking everything lightly and making jokes to play off serious situations, something that could bother you at times.
The first time you met, for instance, was one of those times.
You were driving down the road of your little town and had to slam the brakes as to not run over the incredibly handsome, but incredibly stupid, boy that had just tried to cross the road.
You had honked at him and he looked up in surprise before immediately being pulled back by the hands of a red-headed girl. He broke out in a grin as you drove off with a scoff, internally cursing him.
The next time you saw him was only later that same day, surprisingly at your family friend’s, and the local butcher’s, shop.
You had walked in an immediately let out a sigh of annoyance, one of which he heard and turned around with that same grin plastered on his face.
“Well, if it isn’t the boy with a death wish,” you muttered, ignoring him and his friends to go up to the counter. Unluckily for you, Jenny was not there.
The boy scratched his neck bashfully. “Yeah, sorry ‘bout that. Forgot you lot drive on the right side of the road, which is technically the wrong side of the road. Just wasn’t looking.”
An eyebrow raised in his direction. English.
He stepped forward with a hand outstretched. “The name’s Charles. Pleased to meet you.”
You took it as a shiver ran up your spine, weirdly so cold to the touch he felt warm. It was the first time you managed to get a proper look at him, admiring his stylish clothes and sharp features. And his eyes were as warm as his hand was, deep swirling pools of darkness that seemed to emit nothing but light. You smiled back, introducing yourself.
“Pleasure. And this is Edwin, Crystal, and Niko,” he introduced his friends behind him, who all gave you a smile except for the uptight-looking Edwin.
“Well, I’ll let you guys get back to it,” you said, turning back to the counter as Jenny came out. You handed her the keys to the car with a wink. “Thanks for letting me borrow your car, Jenny. Told you I would return it without a scratch.”
She raised a doubtful eyebrow. “That is left to be seen, kiddo.”
You were about to turn around just when you caught the end of the other teenagers’ conversation. “Did you guys just say ‘Point No Point?” you asked and swivelled around to face them.
Niko nodded enthusiastically, briefly glancing at the boys. “Yeah, we’re going there for a—um, to meet someone there.”
“That’ll take ages without a car,” you remarked.
Crystal sighed. “Well, I can’t drive. How are we gonna get there?”
Your lips lifted into the beginning of a smirk as you turned back to Jenny. She heaved a deep sigh and threw back the keys into your hands.
Your smile broke out as you thanked her and motioned for the others to follow you. “Come on, I’ll give you a ride.”
Charles insisted on sitting in the front seat beside you, his feet up on the dashboard, tapping his finger along to the music in the car. You thought it was oddly charming.
You had asked what their whole deal was and Niko had inevitably revealed that they were the Dead Boy Detectives and that Charles was, in fact, dead. Upon hearing it, you almost slammed the breaks again in pure shock but managed to keep driving as if nothing.
And he laughs at all my jokes And he says I'm so American
It also started raining on your way there, making you groan in frustration as you remarked that “all this water is going to get Jenny’s car so muddy.”
“‘Wa-der,’” he had chuckled under his breath.
In an instant, you had turned to him with a harsh glare. “What?”
“Nothing,” came his amused reply. “You’re just so American.”
It wasn’t nothing, though. It was the first of many remarks against your American accent.
You had arrived at the lighthouse and very warily gotten out of the car. Somehow you had gotten roped up in their case and was now there to help them out through the end.
Charles had noticed your shivering in the cold rain and offered you his jacket which, despite ghost physics, was quite heavy and warm. You supposed ghosts couldn’t really get wet by normal rain, as both Edwin and Charles seemed unbothered by it.
You had tried to argue against taking it, claiming that you wouldn’t want to ‘strip him of any of his Britishness’, to which he had only scoffed and heaved the thing onto you while saying, “so American of you to assume my Britishness can be stripped away merely by my coat.”
Charles had then given you an appraising look and, while the others were distracted by the ghosts on the pier, bent down slightly to say, “You look pretty wearing my clothes.”
Your cheeks had warmed immediately and you’d turned away to not give it away, earning a chuckle. It made you smile though.
He learnt quickly that complimenting you would earn him a blush and a soft nudge against his ribcage, which made him do it even more.
That was also when he liked pointing out your accent. It started as a small observation, but eventually evolved into insults and bits.
He did it every chance he got; saying ‘lit-er-ally’ with an over-exaggerated vocal fry; ‘aloominum’; ‘hey, y’all’; and, his absolute favourite of them all, ‘i’m walkin here!’. Half of them made you laugh incessantly and the other half made you drag a hand over your face in frustration.
The worst was when he would parrot you personally, making you half wondering if you should be ashamed of your accent. When you had asked him about it, though, he had been quick to assure you that he loved your accent.
And that was when you started doing it back to him.
It became a game for the two of you, often just imitating each other’s accents.
“Are you ‘schewpid’?” you asked, turning to him.
He chuckled dryly, cocking his head in your direction. “Yeah, yeah, while you’re throwing insults at me I am just going to go grab a ‘kawfee’.”
You scoffed. “You’re a ghost, Charles. You can’t have coffee.”
“I can, but it just tastes disgusting.”
“Okay, well, while you’re at it, ‘kan I please ‘ave a cupa wa’a’?” you said, meeting his defiant gaze before he  burst out in laughter. It made your insides warm knowing you were the cause of that laugh.
“Would you two please stop it?” came Crystal’s irritated reply. Edwin only rolled his eyes at your antics but you knew he agreed with Crystal’s discontent. You caught Charles’ gaze and broke out in a smile.
“I don’t know,” said Niko, fiddling with her fingers, “I think it’s cute when they do that.”
And just like that, you both fell silent and turned away from each other.
Oh, God, it's just not fair of him To make me feel this much I'd go anywhere he goes
You knew you liked him, a lot. But you hadn’t dared admit anything to him or anyone else and tried your best to hide it—not that you were doing a very good job.
The only thing that knew what you felt were the thrown-away poems you had written on a whim, his beaming face starkly imprinted in your mind.
You didn’t think it was fair for him to make you feel that much, enough to actually write poems about him. God, you were whipped (Charles would have definitely made fun of your using that word if he heard it).
You came with the Dead Boy Detectives on all their cases, now an honorary member in their Detective Agency. You enjoyed a lot of detective stories, like Sherlock Holmes and so seemingly had absorbed some of it, because you were quite good at figuring out clues.
It was all practically worth it to see Charles' smile directed at you after you had discovered something.
God, I'm so boring, and I'm so rude Can't have a conversation if it's not all about you The way you dress, and the books you read
And despite it all, you didn’t feel quite enough for him. He was a charismatic and vibrant person, while you thought of yourself as quite rude and boring.
Sometimes you wondered if you were too harsh in your remarks at Charles’ britishness, but then remembered his always-present smile that met your gaze and your worries fell away.
Nothing had happened up until that point, but it became increasingly more difficult denying anything being between you two.
Even Edwin started catching on and asking if something was between you two, which lead to some very awkward silences where Charles would drag Edwin away with an apologetic smile thrown your way.
Until finally it got too difficult to deny.
Niko would ask you something about a case and somehow you would end up talking about Charles’ smile, his eyes, the way he dressed and what he was interested in. She finally got so sick of it and decided to just call you out on it.
“You like Charles.”
You opened your mouth to protest but she put a finger against your lips, causing you to be too stunned to speak.
“And don’t say that you don’t, because it’s obvious,” she said, removing her finger.
“It’s not that obvious, is it?” you asked. You refused to meet her gaze and instead tried to look anywhere but her.
“Yes, it is.” She sighed, bringing her hands up to clasp your shoulders. “We all know it. Even Charles. But he won’t admit it either, so please go talk to him before we all die.”
You rolled your eyes, but felt a small smile start to form on your lips. “OK, just a little dramatic there?”
Niko shook her head with a serious expression on her face. “No. Now go find him.”
She had shooed you away after that, making sure that both Edwin and Crystal were distracted enough so that you could slip out to talk to Charles privately.
You found him in the other room, rooting through his backpack to find something ridiculously large, no wonder.
And he says I'm so American Oh, God, I'm gonna marry him If he keeps this shit up I might just be in lo-lo-, lo-lo-, lo-lo-, lo-lo-lo-lo-love
He seemed to have heard your footsteps as you were coming in because he tilted his head in your directing, flashing his trademark smile.
The sight of it made you swoon and you had to take a deep breath in order to collect your thoughts. When he finally asked what was up, your words came out jumbled and very much not like you had planned them to come out.
“Hey, hey,” he said, taking ahold of your shoulders and meeting your nervous gaze with his steady one. “Take a deep breath. C’mon, breathe with me.”
You did as he said, breathing with him, trying and failing to ignore the shivers that spread along with his touch. When you had collected yourself, he smiled and let go, much to your disappointment.
“That’s it. Now, what’s on your mind?” he asked.
You strode past him, opting to face the window instead of seeing his face. It only made it harder to get out any coherent sentences. “Why’d you think anything was on my mind?”
“Well,” remarked Charles, strolling after you, “it’s not everyday you storm in here as if the world is ending and then end up babbling like a stroke patient.”
You stared at him in horror before rolling your eyes. “Stop being so British, Charles.”
“Sorry, no can do, love.”
“That’s the problem, isn’t it?” you muttered to yourself.
“What?” he asked immediately, striding right in front of you so he could look you in the eyes.
“Look,” you started, refusing to meet his eye and instead looking anywhere else. Although, you could feel his  gaze burning into your skull. “I might have developed some… feelings for you.”
Charles’ eyes widened at your words and you tried to turn again but he grabbed your shoulder to hold you in place. You sighed and finally met his gaze. His eyes were the same mysterious pools of darkness that you were used to, but you might have fooled yourself to imagine something else in them—something hopeful.
You decided to continue your confession because you were far past the point of redemption and might as well get it all out in one go.
“And the problem is, Charles, that however hard I try not to, I keep developing feelings for you. Even your annoying habits and antics cause me to fall for you. And, I swear to God, that if you keep this shit up I’m going to be properly gone for you.”
You waited a breath for his reaction, but when nothing came you were forced to ask him again. “Charles?”
“Uh, yeah,” he stammered out, his voice suddenly dry and cracked. “Sorry, I—uh, I was not prepared for that.”
You shrugged. “That’s alright. We’ll just go back to being friends. Nothing needs to change.”
He shook his head violently. “That’s absolutely not OK.”
You had but a moment to be surprised before he went in for the best kiss you had had yet in your short life. He held you like he had never touched anything before in his life and kissed you like he was a dying man and you were the cure. You weren't sure how much of it he could feel, but the psychological effect was immediate and mind blowing.
He may be dead but he had never felt more alive than in that moment.
I really love my bed, but, man, it's hard to sleep when he's with me When he's with me
Your relationship escalated quickly after that first kiss. You didn’t define it as anything, but it made you happier just knowing he was there by your side—and you could all him yours.
And you wasted no time in physically progressing your relationship—AKA you did not get much sleeping done.
It was a different kind of vulnerable, allowing yourself to give your soul and body to Charles, and him trusting you with himself.
Because of his being a ghost, it felt like so much more an emotional and psychological experience which only made you appreaciate it, and him, more.
By the looks of it, he enjoyed it as well—more than enjoyed it. He couldn’t stop smiling at you afterwards, while he laid on the bed beside you and gazed at you with half-dazed eyes.
Charles let himself curl around you, embracing you. You weren’t sure if ghosts could get tired, but nonetheless he whispered out a, “I’m knackered.”
You had nuzzled into the crook of his neck. “You’re so British.”
He kissed your forehead softly, and you felt it more than you had ever felt him before. “And you’re so American.”
You only chuckled and let yourself drift off to sleep in his arms holding you close.
You never wanted to get out of bed or leave him, and he utilised that fact to his every advantage.
He did everything he could to keep you in bed with him, even though he probably didn’t sleep much, just wanting to hold you close.
It wasn’t fair how easy he made your heart melt.
I apologize if it's a little too much, just a little too soon But if the conversation ever were to come up I don't wanna assume this stuff But ain't it love? I think I'm in love
It didn’t take long for you to know that it wasn’t merely affection you felt for Charles, but something much deeper.
You didn’t want to presume Charles felt anything close to what you felt, though.
So you continued acting like whatever the two of you were—kissing and hooking up—not quite a couple but not quite friends with benefits, but something in between that went deep between you two.
Without any real definition for what you two were, it frightened you out of saying anything to him.
So you kept going with the featherlight kisses, the quiet giggles after one of you said a joke and were trying to cover it up as to not disturb the rest of the group, and the endless nights where you could be in his arms and have not a care in the world.
But it was on your mind, constantly.
Oh, how you just wished to say those three words to him, to just have it out in the open. So he could have you with the truth staring into his face and do with you what he pleased.
You wanted to splay yourself open for him, vulnerable and unafraid, show him yourself and let him love you back with the same ferocity with which you loved.
And finally, it became too much.
He was on his way out for one of the cases, one of which you chose not to go with them to. He had just collected all his belongings in that backpack of his and went in for a goodbye kiss.
“Be careful,” you whispered between parted lips, leaving the ghost of your words on his mouth. He smiled through it and pulled away.
“Always am,” came his cheeky reply, winking at you before turning to the door. “Bye.”
“Bye,” you called, and then, without thinking, “Love you.”
It took a mere moment for his brain to register your words before he halted and slowly turned in his step.
Your own eyes widened in surprise of yourself and you were quick to come up with a way to play it off as a mistake or a stumble upon your words. But he crossed the distance between you with long strides, dropping his backpack and bringing his hands up to hold your cheeks tenderly.
“What did you just say?” he whispered, eyes shifting back and forth between yours trying to find the truth in your words. Your mouth fell agape, but you couldn’t find the words to tell him again, so close now so that you could feel his short breaths of air on your skin. “Please,” he said again, voice so soft you had to strain to hear him.
“I mean, it might be a little too much, too soon, and I don’t want to assume anything, but..” Your voice trailed off, breaking. Your lips fought to form the words that so desperately wanted to make their way out of you. “But I—I love you, Charles.”
He breathed out huge sigh of relief and captured your lips with his. “I love you too,” he whispered between breaths, barely audible.
Your smile could not be hindered as he kissed you back, fiercely and passionately. He kept pressing kisses on your mouth, on the corner of your lips, trailing to your cheeks, to your neck, down to your shoulders and your chest. All the while he kept repeating those same three words, “I love you,” over and over again, pressing them into your skin. Into your soul, essentially.
Your hands were grasped in his hair, fingers curling around his locks as you felt every touch of his lips that brought forth a shiver down your spine. Not from the coldness, though, but from the feeling of his soul connecting to yours.
He kept pressing featherlight kisses to you with small ‘I love you’s, and you couldn’t fight the laugh that escaped its way through you.
“Okay, stop it” you whispered, pulling his head away to grasp his face in your hands. You met his eyes with a smile and his beaming grin made your insides melt. “I love you so much, Charles.”
He laughed, pressing another kiss to your lips. “I love you too.”
“Now, come on, you got a case to solve.”
Charles let himself be lead away to the others, refusing to let go of your hand. He even pressed kisses to the back of it every chance he got, and you were roped into going to the case with the rest of them, if only not to leave Charles’ side.
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Tag list: @bookholichany, @heartsfromcoco, @scriblezz, @a-gay-dumbass, @eunxhan, @loverclear, @shobolanya, @edit-me-prettyplease
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frickingnerd · 1 month
tonight is when our stars align
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pairing: phoenix wright x gn!reader (+ wright anything agency)
summary: the wright anything agency spends friday night together, ordering take out and chatting. but you seem a little distracted… luckily, phoenix has some kind words for you!
tags: found family, lowkey dad!phoenix, worries about the future, phoenix reassuring reader, phoenix calling reader ‘kid', apollo + athena + trucy are here, mentions of klavier gavin + the gavinners
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when you started working at the wright anything agency, you would've never expected to grow so attached to the people working alongside you. yet here you were, on a friday night, sitting around the small table in the office with phoenix, apollo, athena and trucy beside you, talking and laughing about the most trivial things.
“did you hear klavier's new song already?”
“ugh, don't remind me about it! he won't stop playing it whenever i see him and i hate how catchy it is. i can't get that tune out of my head…”
“wait, i haven't heard it yet! can you play it, ‘thena?”
“no, don't encourage her, trucy–!”
apollo, athena and trucy were loudly talking about the gavinners new song. soon, they were blasting the song through athena's phone, with her singing along, while apollo covered his ears and trucy watched the two of them, laughing amused.
yet you were somewhat out of the loop. while the others had already finished their take out, you were quietly poking holes into your food and watched them. a small smile lingered in the corner of your lips, yet this odd feeling lingered in your chest, that you couldn't quite describe.
“are you alright…?”
it was phoenix, who quietly whispered to you. he didn't want to alarm the other three, yet he had noticed that you were spacing out. you stopped poking your food for a moment and turned towards him, forcing a little smile.
“i'm fine.” you assured him, yet even you knew that didn't sound too convincing. “i… i'm just thinking, that's all.”
phoenix quietly nodded, not wanting to push things. yet when you didn't add anything more, he asked: “care to share what's on your mind?”
you found yourself subconsciously poking your food again, as you tried to find the right words.
“i'm just wondering if there'll ever be a time where we won't sit together like this on friday nights anymore. those times mean a lot to me and…”
“don't overthink this” suddenly, phoenix put a hand on your head, softly ruffling through your hair. the gesture caught you off guard and you snapped out of your somber state, to look up at him. “we'll have many more nights like this, i promise. but if you already think about what comes afterwards, you won't be able to enjoy what's right in front of you.”
your gaze wandered towards apollo, athena and trucy, who were still blasting that silly new song. a small smile hushed over your lips, before you turned back towards phoenix.
“you're right, mr. wright. thank you…”
“don't mention it, kid.”
your gaze lingered on phoenix for another moment, the two of you softly smiling at each other, before you finally turned towards the other three members of the wright anything agency.
“hey, can you play that song again? i'd love to hear it from the start!” you chirmed into the conversation, causing apollo to whine in response.
“no, not again! please, i can't hear it anymore…”
“actually…” phoenix joined in. “i'd like to hear it too!”
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
HIIYA!! may I request a Monty x reader who used to be an owl? Like how he used to be a crow? Ty!!
ooo yeah okay!! ; I tried my best w this one cause it was a little hard for some reason?? idk I just couldn't think of shit lmfaooo ; but thanks for requesting!! I love seeing ur user in my inbox lol ; hope you enjoy!
MONTY FINCH ; bird buddies
summary ; you were an owl, he was a crow
warnings ; language
word count ; 262
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you bond a lot over the whole bird thing
being human is not easy bro
you often reminisce on being small and being able to fly
being a human is definitely easier than being a bird, like scavenging for food or not being able to be understood by humans
but there is something inside you both that's like "I love being human cause I love having complicated emotions and relationships but being a bird was so much more simple"
"if esther ever tries to feed me bugs again, im gonna hurt someone"
"whyd she even try..."
but he loves how much he can bond with you
like no one else understands how hard it is to change species overnight and just have to fit in like that
but you try a lot of new things together
like trying hobbies, trying new food, etc etc
you both came to realize really quick that life has so so so much more to offer as humans
you guys do that 🤯 type look when you see something new / something that looks cool
"what is that?"
"i dunno but I'm getting it"
you get phones together (thanks to niko)
oh my lord
they're so confusing but SO FUN
he gets addicted to cut the rope and toca boca games
meanwhile you're obsessed with spotify and making playlists / finding new songs to listen too to make him listen
"whats hooters?"
"owl food? maybe?"
"you wanna try it? if it has an owl on the logo it must be good"
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THE duo of all time
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crowpickingss · 29 days
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monty x gn! record store owner reader
summary: the reader is a record store owner and monty happens to find his way into the readers life
warnings: crying, mention of monty’s death
a/n: Monty fic finally, if your wondering what record he picked up it was folklore
When you found out that your father was shipping you off to some random place called Port Townsend to open a new record location you were less than appreciative. However over time you grew to love the town you called home.
You had only ever had a few encounters with Esther Finch. She would always buy classical records. Another supernatural customer you had was The Cat King. His music was interesting to say the least. A lot of jazz. It seemed he was more interested in you than the record.
You knew everyone in town’s music taste. In the break room you kept a list with everyone’s favourite genres. What you didn’t expect was having to extended that list.
One day a black haired boy walked into the store. You greeted him like any other customer trying to spark up a conversation but it eventually fell flat.
You went back to the counter and watched him look around for a bit. Passing by a couple different records. You walked to the back room and when you came out he was walking towards the counter “Hey, ready to check out” He nodded “I would hate to be intrusive and assume things, but if you don’t mind me asking are you new too town?”
He placed the record on the counter “I was in a coma for a while” You rung up the record “I’m so sorry, that must’ve been really hard for you” He shrugged “You don’t really feel it” He handed you a couple of bills “Did you want grab lunch together?”
He seemed a bit taken aback but smiled after a bit of thought “Sure, I’m free Tuesday” You slid his record into a bag and handed it too him “Tuesday it is, see you later” He waved and walked out.
After your date you two started going on more dates until you confessed your love for one another. You did everything together until one night.
You were meant to go on a date with Monty. But he never showed. You were very confused and slightly worried. You asked around town begging and pleading for information.
After the only answer you got was no you gave up. You sat on a bench in the pitch black crying. Until someone approached you.
You looked up and noticed Thomas the cat king looming over you. He sat down next to you “What do you want Thomas” He rubbed his hand up and down your back “I know your probably worrying about Monty and I have some news” You lifted your head to face him “What news?”
He swallowed hard “You’re boyfriend kinda died” Hearing those words your body went in too complete shut down mode. You were a crying mess. Thomas tried his hardest to comfort you. Just then a crow landed on the bench, it clawed its way over to your arm. It pecked at your arm until you picked it up.
The crow jumped in circles and played in your hand. You took the crow back to your apartment after you said goodbye to Thomas. Over the next couple days you took care of the crow and you grew quite attached to it. When the news about Esther’s plan had reached you, you were more than shocked.
That night The cat king showed up at your apartment holding a book “Look y/n, I think I know how to get Monty back” You furrowed your brow “Monty’s dead, remember” Thomas just laughed while flicking through pages “Yeah he’s not actually dead, he’s your pet crow” You turned to your crow then back at Thomas “That crow is my boyfriend, sure” Thomas found the page and went to approach the crow “Woah, calm down I’ll do it”
Thomas stepped back and let you do all the work. After a couple swift movements your boyfriend who you hadn’t seen in a while was sitting right in front of you. You hugged him so hard in that moment that he almost suffocated. He was finally back, you two were finally back. Your life was better with him in it. Just you and Monty against the world
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