avariceaside · 1 year
AAHHHH!! I finally watched Across the Spider-verse and OH MY GOD!!! It was amazing!!! The animation, the storytelling, the soundtrack!!!! How did they manage to outdo ITSV!!? 
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nyxypoo · 14 days
whoever chose to have payment disputes DURING A MULTI PART EPISODE kys.
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yumeka-sxf · 1 year
Was not expecting such a major cliffhanger at the end of today's chapter!
What's interesting is that Twilight could have shot Yuri but he hesitates (note the "waver" sfx in the panel where he's holding his gun).
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Another subtlety is that Twilight is the one lowering his gun on the next page.
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And there was also only one "bang" in the next panel.
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Then we get the scene with Yor, obviously foreshadowing this bad turn of events.
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She seems to have forgiven Loid and is only upset with Yuri for suspecting him of cheating...obviously because she was never truly angry at him to begin with and only invented those "gripes" to seem normal.
The blood dripping in the final panel of the chapter is not from Yor's cut but from the previous scene of Twilight vs Yuri (it's a bit confusing since it immediately follows the panel of her looking at her cut, but you can see the pebbles on the ground, so it's not in the kitchen).
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My guess is that Twilight is the one who got shot, for the reasons I pointed out before of him seeming to hesitate about shooting Yuri. It makes sense since he knows that Yor would be devastated if anything happened to him. And maybe, deep down, he's grown slightly fond of his wacky brother-in-law. On the other hand, Yuri doesn't know that Loid is Twilight...but if he did, would he hesitate too, for the same reason? Regardless, I doubt the wound will be fatal, but it looks bad enough to be something that Loid (or Yuri) won't be able to hide from Yor or anyone else. Some people are speculating that Twilight and Yuri will meet up back at the Forger house, and Loid will have to somehow hide his injury to keep Yuri from being suspicious. But we'll see! I don't want to theorize too deeply since the arc is still ongoing and anything could happen. Heck, someone else could have gotten involved off-panel and will turn out to be the one who actually got shot. So many possibilities!
But gosh, this arc is turning out to be exciting! I wasn't sure at first, but now I think there's a chance we will indeed get something major from it, like an identity reveal for Yuri and Twilight. Or Twilight could manage to get away without Yuri finding out that he's Loid. But we haven't even seen the real Wheeler yet, and I feel like the arc wouldn't end without him showing up, and probably interacting with Twilight.
Gah, this is really shaping up to be a long and possibly plot-altering arc! The two-week wait for the next chapter will be torture! But at least (per this latest illustration from Endo), Anya is having a nice time at the zoo.
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I can already envision her shocked expressions when she reads Mama's, Papa's, and Uncle's minds later.
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Hiiiii cal!!! I’m so glad you’re enjoying writing this way because I love getting to read these snippets - it’s like a bunch of mini cliffhangers that prompt my imagination to go wild and it’s so much fun!! I’ll be sending emojis for as long as you’re wanting them!
⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️(they’re getting a house! And about to get married!!! And i might be misremembering but i don’t think you’ve done a detailed buddie wedding in any of your fics yet? I’m very excited to see how you do it!!)
🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨(the shenanigans and tomfoolery of being bad at hiding a secret relationship… it amuses me so!)
🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸(as i’ve said many times before, my love for this fic goes beyond words!! And you’re venturing into truly riveting territory here i’m so pumped!!)
🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮(my heart breaks for babby - my typo for baby bobby and i’m keeping it - my dear sweet babby)
🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟🧟(i can already feel this one becoming my new obsession! Idk why i thought it was going to be something shorter when you first started posting about it but i was thrilled to see that anticipated chapter count on ao3!)
👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑(islands in the stream has been stuck in my head all day and i blame you! I’m so looking forward to the madney sweetness!)
🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼🔼(oh my god cal the angst! It’s angsting!)
💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐(huge fan of mays crush being named april - it makes me giggle every time)
🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮🦮(cranberry my baby! And the covidness of it all is so vivid - i’m loving the buck-chris dynamic!)
I never count the amount of emojis i type as i go so i’m always a bit shocked at how many sentences i’ve requested of you when you post the reply 😬 thank you so much for putting up with my crazy requests it brings me such joy!
I hope you have a lovely weekend and week!!
For TWATYTK and Zombies, those parts have already been posted, because as I said, this was taking so long. GAH!
I had a whole message typed out about how much I appreciate you. You are so kind! IT'S LOST TO TIME NOW.
I think this was what I had for ⚡️:
Their next call is to the scene of a fire. 
This should not be especially eventful, considering that they are firefighters and all. And, for the drive there, it isn’t. The transit process? Just fine. 
It’s the rest that sends Buck into a tailspin. 
He spends the ride seated next to Eddie, thighs touching. They’re back being partnered together. Sadie earned her shield a couple months back, and has been working as Ravi’s partner since. Buck is pretty proud of her - and himself, for training her. He liked working with her a lot. But he’s happy to be back where he belongs, in terms of workplace duos. 
Buck and Eddie - okay, mostly Buck - talk everyone’s ear off about the house for the time it takes them to get to the fire. They should possibly be a little less giddy headed towards an actual three alarm fire, but at that point, Buck thinks his mood simply can’t be shaken. How naive. 
It is perhaps due to this focus on the house, which is nowhere near the direction they’re headed in to get to this fire, that Buck doesn’t realize what is in the direction of the fire. In his defense, neither does anyone else! Not even Eddie! Even Bobby, who knows better where they’re going, doesn’t put the pieces together. 
Maybe it’s because they spend so much time driving around the city. Here and there. Fires and car accidents and medical emergencies everywhere. Everywhere looks familiar! They could all be city tour guides. It’s not like driving through a city where you only know a few places, so the places you know feel like beacons.
Or Buck is just making excuses for his lack of attention. Either way. 
Really, it’s not until they turn onto the street that Buck notices. Though, it’s a long road, and they’re still a few miles out. 
“This is weird,” Buck says. 
“What is?” Sadie asks. She’s sitting across from him. Noticing his sudden onslaught of nerves. 
“We’re on the same street as the wedding venue.”’
That makes Eddie look. He’d been typing a rather long message to his mother and not paying much attention to where they’re going. At Buck’s words, his attention snaps to the window.
“Shit, you’re right.” 
Well, obviously Buck knows he’s right. 
“Bobby,” he asks. “What’s the address of where we’re going?”
“Uh, it is…” Bobby reads. “Oh.”
“Oh?” Buck repeats. He grabs Eddie’s arm. “Oh? Oh, what?”
“Okay, well first let’s remember we don’t know how bad it is yet,” Bobby says, maintaining a steady facade. 
“Bobby, it’s a three-alarm fire!” Buck exclaims, voice raising an octave.
“And the wedding is in days,” Eddie adds, voice wavering with stress. “There’s no time to do any repairs, even if it’s not totally ruined.”
Days. Days. What the fuck are they going to do?
“Okay, let’s not jump to any conclusions. Technically, the address is for the building next door,” Bobby explains. “Everything might be fine.”
Everything is not fine. Quite the opposite, in fact. 
Two minutes after his painstaking revelation, Buck finds himself standing next to his fiancé on the street in front of their wedding venues, watching it plume with smoke. The wind blew the flames from the building next to it, and the roof caught. It won’t fare as badly as the other building, but it certainly won’t be available for their wedding. 
They are getting married.
In three days. 
Their wedding is in three days. 
Their wedding is in three days and has no venue. 
Because their venue is burning right in front of him. 
Their venue was also their caterer, so add that to the fucking fire. 
“Buck! Eddie!” Bobby calls. “Work first, react later!”
Easy for him to say! It’s not his wedding venue! 
“Come on.” Eddie tugs on his turnouts. “We’ve got to go.”
Buck feels like he’s been possessed by a heap of barbed wire. 
He turns his head to Eddie. His eyes are bugged out so wide they might pop from his head. An absurd but sticky thought pops into his head. 
“You jinxed us,” Buck accuses. 
“Buck!” Eddie complains.
And 🚨:
“Okay, that makes sense. Was it his family?”
Buck nods. “They were religious. Conservative. Southern.”
“I can relate,” Eddie tells him. 
“Eventually, I just wanted to be able to relax, though,” Buck says. “I made him promise we’d do it at the end of the tour. Not to his family. Just, to friends… And in public.”
Eddie’s expression softens as he realizes.
“And then he died.”
And then he died. 
“I’m so sorry,” Eddie exhales.
Buck shakes his head. His eyes start to sting. 
“It’s stupid, Eddie. I know there’s no logic behind it. It just feels like once something is out loud, it can be taken away.”
Eddie nods, understanding the thought process. 
“We both know I can’t promise you I won’t spontaneously die,” he says. “Especially in a global pandemic.”
“I know,” Buck nods. 
“But, uh…” Eddie sighs. “It’s like you said when I was worried about Chris, right? I’ll just have to prove it to you.”
“Prove it to me?” Buck asks.
“Yeah,” Eddie nods. “I’ll just prove that we get to have a life together. Even if we’re both a little bit scared of dying.”
“I’m scared of you dying,” Buck reminds him. 
“Okay, well we’re at an equal risk, so… Not the point, actually. Buck, the point is, I’ll show you every day, alright?” Eddie promises. “We get to have this.”
Buck takes a deep breath. He leans forward in bed and grabs Eddie’s hand. 
“I don’t know if I’d believe anyone else,” he says quietly. 
Eddie shuffles up the mattress, closer to Buck.
“Believe me,” he says. 
“Okay,” Buck relents. “But only because you’re very pretty.”
Eddie smirks. “It’s a gift.”
“Mmm, or a trick.”
Eddie chuckles and kisses his temple, right beside the birthmark. 
“I love you,” he says. “That’s not going anywhere, okay?”
“Okay,” Buck breathes. 
He decides to try his best to believe him. 
And the 90 sentences I wrote for this damn 🩸:
But it does show Buck what she’s up to. 
It kind of makes him mad, actually. Eddie has gone to such intense, devastating lengths to hide himself. Meanwhile, his attacker has been out here, just living life. Posting about walks through the park and her latest baking experiment. How is that fucking fair? 
It’s not. 
It’s not fair. 
And while Buck knows what he has to do isn’t fair either - isn’t right or human or good - he tries to keep that in mind. 
She ruined Eddie’s life. Twice. She didn’t have to do that. Now, what choice does Buck have? 
February 10th, 2025
Eddie does something on Monday that he perhaps should not do. Something the tiniest bit risky. After his call with Adriana, he’s feeling that a bit of risk taking to get his life back where it needs to be is necessary. And anyway, he’s not doing anything illegal. Not doing anything wrong. Nothing he can be arrested for. 
He’s picking his son up from school. 
Chris pauses, exiting Durand School to see Eddie in the driver’s seat of the truck. His eyes widened with nerves for a moment. Eddie felt a rush of guilt. He doesn’t want to make Chris worry. Doesn’t want to cause any undue stress. He just wants to feel like a normal dad again, picking his kid up from school. 
But then Chris breaks out into a wide grin, and Eddie feels his whole body relax. 
“You came!” Chris exclaims, surprised, when he reaches the vehicle. 
Eddie climbs out to help him into the front seat. Not that Chris needs a lot of help anymore. Mostly just someone to hold his crutches and bag. 
“I did,” Eddie confirms. He tries to keep his voice even. 
“You’re not worried?” 
“No,” Eddie says. “Well, maybe a little. But I’m not doing anything I’m not allowed to do.”
Chris thinks about this. “I’m glad you came today.”
“Me too,” Eddie decides. “Do you want to grab ice cream or something on the way home?”
Chris narrows his eyes. “I’m not a little kid, remember?”
“Jeez, I didn’t know ice cream had an age limit,” Eddie frowns. “Buck will be devastated to hear this. You know how seriously he takes his Neapolitan.”
Chris smirks. “Fine. Okay. I want ice cream.”
Eddie grins. “Thought so.”
Fifteen minutes later, they’re sitting on a little patio, under the shade of an umbrella. Eddie is in the darkest seat, also covered by sunglasses and a hat. Chris sits in the sunshine, spooning strawberry ice cream from a little paper bowl. 
“So, I wanted to run an idea by you,” Eddie says. 
“Me?” Chris asks. 
“Yeah, you. Who else?”
“I don’t know,” Chris shrugs. “What is it?”
“Well, I think I need to get a job,” Eddie says. 
“But you can’t be a firefighter,” Chris fills in.
“No,” Eddie says. “I don’t think I can.”
“So, then what?” 
“Well, May suggested I look into telehealth services. Like a hotline for medical advice or something,” Eddie says. 
Chris nods. “You’d be good at that.”
“Thank you,” Eddie replies. “But, uh, I did a little research and I think I found something different that suits me even better.”
“What is it?”
“Well, there’s this nonprofit that operates out of Los Angeles looking for people with medical experience. Nurses. Doctors. Paramedics.” 
“Like a charity?” Chris asks. 
“Yeah, but I’d get paid,” Eddie says. “It’s a job. Bringing emergency medical care to people who maybe don’t feel safe to call for help.” 
“Like… You?” Chris whispers the last part. 
“Yeah, but not just like me,” Eddie explains. “All kinds of people. People facing deportation. Homeless people. People who can’t afford an ambulance ride. Stuff like that.”
This is easier to count again haha 🔮:
Buck wakes up with his cheek pressed into the bannister support poles of Bobby’s apartment stairwell. He can feel their imprint as he woozily pulls his upper body upright. His head is pounding and he feels vaguely nauseous. Almost like he’s been drugged. Though, the comedown when they’d been spiked with LSD had been far more gradual than the sudden, brutal snap back to reality that had been whatever that was. 
Not a coma, he realizes. If he’s sitting in the stairwell to Bobby’s apartment, not a hospital room, then it wasn’t a coma dream. Kind of an insane regular dream, though? And why had he passed out in the first place?
Acutely aware he won’t find any answers here, parked on his ass, Buck pulls himself to his feet. Slowly, and gripping the bannister for support, just in case, he straightens out his body. His legs give a little wobble. 
What the fuck happened to him?
Partway down the stairs, Buck looks up and down. Should he go out to the Jeep and risk driving home? Feeling like this? He supposes he could call Eddie. Eddie would come for him, no questions asked. He knows he could ask Bobby for help, too. No matter what just happened between them. But his brain is battling two contradictory memories; the fight he had with Bobby in the kitchen and the memory he somehow intruded on of Bobby at his father’s funeral. If that was even real. The easy thing to do would be to go downstairs and call Eddie, not deal with any of it. Hold onto the only thing he knows really happened. 
With a sigh, Buck turns and climbs the stairs. Up towards Bobby’s. 
The moment his foot hits the landing on Bobby’s floor, Buck sees the breathless, similarly disoriented face of his captain jogging down the hallway. He looks pale. Hair a little mussed. Half his face is red, like it’s been pressed against something, too. 
A bunch for this guy here 🧟:
“May is awake and lucid,” she says. “She’s asking for you.”
Athena grabs one of Hen’s hands and squeezes it. 
“Thank you. Thank you.” 
Then she hurries off in the direction of her daughter’s sickroom. 
Hen doesn’t go after her. She waits, lingering, to speak with Bobby. 
“Did you find Michael?” She asks. 
Bobby shakes his head slightly. 
“It looks like he was infected in the initial outbreak or sometime soon after.”
Hen’s shoulder sag. “Damn it. Poor Athena. Poor kids.” 
Bobby nods. He doesn’t know what else to say. Yes. It’s horrendous. Everything is always so horrendous and everyone’s families are always dying. 
“We should ask her to stay,” Hen says quietly. “She’s a friend. We trust her. The kids will be good for Denny.”
Bobby knows they have enough food to stretch to more than just the three of them. Plus, more hands means more potential to harvest more. Fish more. Preserve more. 
“It’s not just my decision,” Bobby says. “We’ll have to discuss it as a group.”
“No, but it’ll go whatever way you want it to go,” Hen says. “You know that.”
He does. 
“I think it’s a good idea, Hen. But I want everyone’s input.” 
“Like you did with the radio?” She asks.
Bobby raises his eyebrows in surprise. “Buck told you?”
“Oh, yes.” She says. “Wanted to get ahead of it, I guess.”
“Do you think I did the wrong thing?” Bobby asks. 
Hen might be the only person he’s willing to ask this of. The only person whose answer he really wants to know. 
“No,” she says. “I don’t think you did the wrong thing. But I’m worried about him anyway.”
“Me too, Hen.” Bobby admits.
He’s always worried about Buck. All the time. Every minute. Even when Buck hasn’t done anything deserving of Buck’s worry. 
One day, Buck is going to finally let himself realize they’re all dead. Maddie. Abby. Every person he knew and loved before this. He’ll realize they’re all gone. And Bobby worries, every moment, that it will destroy him. He worries he won’t find a reason to keep pushing forward.
A few here 👑:
Chim finally gets a chance to talk to Hen about it, privately, somewhere around four in the morning. They’re in the ambulance, driving back from yet another party gone wrong that resulted in a hospital transport. At least this time no one puked. Just a badly broken ankle from a drunken trampoline adventure. 
“So you forgot to get her number,” Hen says. “Can’t you go back?”
“Stroll up to a gated mansion tomorrow and say, ‘hi, I’m the guy who kissed your daughter while you were trying to set her up with rich hedge fund types?’ I don’t think so, Hen.”
“She’s probably trying to find your information, too,” Hen tries. 
“I hope,” Chim grumbles. 
“And, hey, you’re very findable on social media,” Hen adds. “She won’t have trouble.”
“Should I message her brother?” Chim asks. “Is that crazy? He was nice!”
“Mmm, maybe wait until you’ve slept for all forms of communication,” Hen advises. “She knows you’re at work, anyway. She won’t be expecting to hear from you.”
“Right. Right. You’re so smart. Why are you so smart?”
“I had a nap in the bunk room while you were at the party.”
Damn. Yeah. A nap would make him sharper. 
“So, it’s just a waiting game for now,” Chim sighs. This is not helping with the resounding feeling that he may, in fact, be a complete fool.
“I think so,” Hen agrees. “Sorry, Chim.”
By some stroke of fate, he’s not waiting very long. 
When they park the ambulance in the engine bay and climb out, sore and tired, Chim is met with the sound of a strangely familiar voice. One he thinks he may just be hallucinating. 
“You’re the captain? That’s so cool!” He hears. “That means you’ve been doing this forever, right? You know a lot about it?”
30 for 🔼:
She accepts the cards she’s been dealt, just like last time. After all, didn’t she shuffle the deck?
She sees her son as much as she can. She goes back to her office admin job as soon as she’s able. She misses Eddie’s shield ceremony. His request. She avoids his parents while they’re in town altogether. Her choice. 
Other than coworkers, she really has no adults to see. Compounded with that, she and Eddie have made the decision not to tell family - even Christopher - until her second trimester. So Shannon finds herself existing in this strange vacuum of silence. Again, one of her own making. But difficult to navigate nonetheless. 
That changes about seven weeks after her accident. Completely unintentionally, she might add. 
None of it was ever a plan in her head. 
She’s been seeing a physical therapist for her shoulder. Her ankle has healed on an intended timeline, not causing her much additional trouble. Her shoulder, on the other hand, has been a source of difficulty. Perhaps with everything else changing in her body, it can’t quite figure itself out. It wouldn’t be the only thing. 
She’s thirteen weeks along now. Almost at that second trimester mark. Almost at the point where not only will they be able to tell people, but they’ll have to. Namely their son. She’s not really showing per say, but she certainly feels bigger and tighter. Her chest is another matter entirely. 
So, to paint the picture, there she is; thirteen weeks pregnant with a man whose trust she shattered, shoulder hardly functional, sitting in the waiting room of her physical therapist in loose sweats and her baggiest tee shirt because nothing fits her boobs properly anymore, and who walks in? Or hobbles in, rather? Her soon-to-be-ex-husband’s best friend. 
She orders a wine spritzer. April orders a cider. They sit in a corner booth and for a good few minutes, it’s awkward as hell. Neither of them really seems to know where to start. Which makes sense, because they didn’t exactly have any solid communication foundations to begin with. May is reminded, strangely, of the time Sue left her and Claudette to sort out their issues in the quiet room, right before the fire at Dispatch. Not that she thinks this will end the same way, obviously. 
“Listen,” May starts after the server brings them their drinks. “I’m sorry if I misunderstood things. I really got the sense you didn’t like me.”
April frowns. “I’m not sure how, honestly. I was trying pretty hard to get to know you.” 
“I think I definitely, uh, read things wrong,” May admits. “I’m definitely… Confused about things. But, come on, April. You have to admit, you were acting super competitive with me in class.”
Her brows furrow, hazel eyes giving the impression she’s sifting through memories. 
“Was I that bad?” She asks. 
“Yes,” May insists. “You disagree with everything I say. You compete over grades. When you did better than me on the criminology midterm exam, you literally said April always comes before May.” 
April’s cheeks redden. 
“Oh my god,” she mumbles.
“You did say it!” May reiterates. 
“No, I know,” April says. “I’m sorry, I just… God, it’s stupid. You thought I was serious?”
“Well, yeah?” 
April takes a long sip of her cider.
45 for darling Cranberry! 🦮:
Cranberry brings Chris the ball, pressing it eagerly into his hand. 
“Ew, so much slobber,” Chris complains, wiping his hand on his pants. Luckily, laundry day is tomorrow. 
“Well, you’re the one who keeps throwing it for her,” Buck says. He’s just been snapping photos to send to Eddie. 
“Gross, Cran,” Chris chides, and throws the ball again, a little absentmindedly. This time, the ball goes high. Higher than Buck would have liked. And at an awkward angle.
Cranberry twists her body as she jumps, catching the ball midair. When she comes back down, she fumbles, front left paw hitting the ground hard and buckling under her. She yelps and stumbles forward. 
“Cranberry!” Chris shrieks. 
Buck lurches forward to where they’re playing, straining his leg. 
Cranberry stands and stumbles a little again. She lifts her injured paw, favoring it. Tail tucked between her leg, she limps towards Buck, seeking comfort.
Buck lowers himself down as quickly as he can manage to examine her. 
“Are you okay, baby?” He asks. 
“Did she break her leg?” Christopher asks, bottom lip trembling.
Buck lifts Cranberry’s injured leg. It doesn’t look broken. He flexes it. Her elbow and shoulder move without resistance, but she fights him when he tries to straighten her wrist. It can move, it just hurts her. 
“Is she okay?” Chris asks again. 
Buck feels a pang of annoyance. 
“This is why I asked you not to throw it too high,” he grits out. 
Tears spill out from the boy’s eyes. 
“I-I’m sorry, Buck.” He blubbers. “I didn’t mean to hurt her!”
Buck clenches his jaw. He feels unreasonably angry and panicked. If Christopher had just listened this wouldn’t have happened. 
“I know it was an accident,” Buck manages. 
“I’m sorry, Cranberry,” Chris cries. He takes his glasses off to wipe his eyes. 
“I think it’s just twisted,” Buck says. “I’m going to bring her inside and call the vet to see if she needs to get checked out. Okay?”
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atlaskrr · 1 year
Here's a penny for my thoughts:
The animation team continues to impress me with the animation and in this movie more so than the first cause of how they made each universe feel
THAT OPENING (love me ambiguous openings where you slowly piece it as it continues)
Spot = traumatized silly guy turned into very dangerous traumatized guy
We all thought pavitr would be ✨TRAUMATIZED✨ but I'm so glad miles was able to help him save both (maybe he is traumatized if his universe is destroyed but let's hope not since he's so blorbo)
Love his silliness with his whole introduction introduction the romantic tension comments and "Oh he doesn't know about hobie" like a whole romantic drama is about to play out
I thought I was gonna hate hobie with how much police he was talking but I grew to be amused and fond of him (the true mvp)
Idk if this is controversial or not but even though miguel o'hara is traumatized I still don't like him (if it's not clear I hate it when people try to be "the system". Looking at you light yagami)
Like the color shifts in gwen's universe and the inverted colors on the scenes of earth 42 and gwen's universe is another on point moment
There is so much more that I can't possibly mention of the top of my head at the moment but all the visual symbolism (not just in color) is *muah*
PARALLELS (that's all I have to say)
I love peter b. parker having a child cause he liked the idea of raising his child to be like miles... cause he's a good person
Also peter b. parker is SUCH a father figure towards miles
Speaking of miles THEY REALLY CANT LEAVE THE POOR BOY ALONE WTF (give him a break man)
The humour in this movie. PEAK. (Idgaf what you say)
I love all the cameos and references of the many spiders and will deffo pick apart every scene once I can get my hands on the full length movie on my pc
They make every spiderperson's attack feel unique and get creative with techniques and styles
I love the 2d-3d look it has as always
I love miles' parents and its nice to see gwen reconcile with her dad
I'm glad they brought back the old spiders that miles first met into the squad
i LOVE all the details in this movie
I also love the theme and characterization
228 notes · View notes
karingu · 1 year
Chapter 474 made me want InuKag to break up (temporarily)
There's something that always bothered me about this chapter, but I finally have the words to explain what it is. (This is the one with Kaou, the weird sadness eating demon that made Inuyasha have a dream of Kikyo and cry blood and stuff.)
Sigh. I don't agree with how the ending of this chapter was written (sorry, Rumiko). It made me, an InuKagger, feel devastatingly frustrated about InuKag's relationship for the first time... specifically for Kagome's dignity.
Okay, so Inuyasha's thoughts basically got blasted on speakerphone in the previous Ch:
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UM, HI? Kagome is RIGHT FUCKIN' THERE. God, at that point, for Kagome's sake, I had had enough of it. I love InuKag, but in this moment, I don't give a frank fuck what Inuyasha has done to prove he loves Kagome, or what he truly thinks — for Kagome to hear that is so. damn. hurtful. And you know those words had hurt her: they echoed in her mind in a later panel. And she cried.
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Up until now, Inuyasha had been reaping the benefits of Kagome's patience. But Kagome is HURTING as much as he is, and she keeps choosing not to show him that side of her because she feels sorry for him… GAH!
I don’t mind that it took a villain like Kaou for Inuyasha to find out how much Kagome was hurting because of him. Pretty gnarly. However, I'm upset that Kagome herself didn’t fully admit to Inuyasha how hurt she got. And she shut up Kaou before he could say that the "cause of her pain"... was Inuyasha.
I get it — her reasons were personal. But I cannot express how FREAKIN' disappointed I still was about that. Let Inuyasha find out, DAMN IT!!!
I know; Kikyo had just passed on. Kagome was trying to be considerate, and Inuyasha's guilt toward Kikyo was probably made raw again — so I'm not faulting him for his feelings at all. Truly, I understand he's having hard time. AT THE SAME TIME, REALISTICALLY SPEAKING, it is clear it was not healthy for him to be in a relationship with Kagome at that point. And likewise for Kagome.
I wanted Kagome to stand up for herself. When Inuyasha told her that he dreamed of Kikyo, I wanted her to tell him something like, "Hey, I know she's on your mind, and that's okay, really, but... I just don't think I can endure it right now."
How would Inuyasha react to that? He’d probably be disquieted, but I think he’d try to accept it.
Yes, I guess it could come off as "selfish," because Inuyasha is grieving and having a hard time. But look... Kagome is hurt. She had been withstanding it all this time... she had been selfless enough. It is not selfish; it’s an act of self-love. She is her own person, no? She's entitled to look out for herself too, regardless of the circumstances.
Strength is also knowing when to retreat.
Instead of this chapter ending on a jokey note, I truly wanted Kagome to put a pause on their relationship. Have a lil’ time-out. Let Inuyasha grieve for Kikyo properly. Let Kagome be free to feel whatever it is for herself, with no strings attached.
Then, they can reconcile later when they're both at a better place.
From a writer's standpoint, WOOWEE that would've been a great cliffhanger. Tune in next week! LOL (Ok tbh Inuyasha prob wouldn’t last more than 3 days or something before he wants to get back with Kagome LMAO… but at least he knows how Kagome truly feels.)
No matter how much I love InuKag, I recognize a bad situation when I see one. I really... wanted Takahashi to make Kagome take a stand for her own well being. Just this once. JUST THIS DAMN ONCE.
It may seem important to put others first… but man, give yourself some love, too, Kagome.
Sorry… maybe I’m getting too carried away. (I’m seeing too much of my past self in her here.) And who knows? Maybe Takahashi didn’t have time for them to break up, or did this to show that Kagome, still a teenager, doesn’t always make perfect decisions. At any rate, I think Kagome's weakness is being too understanding sometimes :(
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ladyartemesia · 1 year
would just like to send my appreciation for The Alpha!! i ate that shit up and we ended on such a cliffhanger when he found out it was *her* all along. if you don’t have anymore plans of writing this i completely understand!! i just wanted to give the story a shoutout bc i love it so so much
🤗 Gah! Thank you anon! The Alpha… that story is my baby. I mean I know exactly what happens and for two years it’s just been a little hole in my heart. I’m glad it wasn’t TOO much of a cliffhanger lol—I mean at least she’s safe. But I can’t tell you what it means to hear that people still love it after all this time. I’ve never written anything that inspired so much passion in myself or in the people I shared it with. I do want to finish it. I think I need to finish it in some ways… We shall see! In the meantime, thank you so much for coming to talk to me about my work! Feedback feeds my motivation and I am eternally grateful…
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lawomi · 3 months
From The Start - Trans!Trafalgar Law x AFAB Mink Reader
LINKTREE for Ao3, Wattpad ext.
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Chapter 5 - The Wolf Listens
Law isn't the only one interested in you; he hates this fact. But you aren't the only one interested in him, either. A chapter exploring jealousy amongst Law's closest friends.
Minors DNI
LawBepo & Penguin/Reader are focuses in this chapter! Sorry for reposting this one, deleted it on accident lmfao. Next chapter may take a bit as it requires me to read Novel Law, hah.
CW's: Rape threats, Dubious Consent, Manipulation, Sex toys, Smut cliffhanger :P
Bepo yawned, stirring from his sleep to find that his captain wasn’t in bed with him. This was odd as his captain slept best with him. Law would call him over if he knew the night would be unpleasant, if he (very often) had nightmares, or if the Tang had grown too cold. He supposed his captain had gotten too hot thanks to the stuffiness of the inn, so he got up first. Bepo couldn’t help but feel guilty that he may have made Law’s night worse.
Getting up with a start when he realized what time it was, he rushed to the restroom. After, he combed down his messy fur with a thick brush, removing the gathered fur ball into the trash every so often. He tended to fill the trashcan with it, so he replaced the bag for the cleaner himself to dispose of his bag elsewhere. Once the fur that was typically visible was to his liking, he slid his signature orange boiler suit back on. Gathering up the key to the room and his and Law’s few things into his backpack, he headed downstairs to the main floor.
Shachi had insisted they— Penguin, Law, Y/N, Ikkaku and Bepo himself— should sleep at the hotel to be at the diner as early as possible. It had been a while since they’d done so and Shachi was excited to introduce Y/N to food they hadn’t had before. They weren’t the only ones with the idea as not only civilians were filling the tables, but so did the Straw Hats. Bepo could see the civilians looked nervous, clearly recognizing their notorious faces. Not to mention, there was definitely a wall lined with some of their wanted posters.
Something inside Bepo felt off when he realized Law was conversing with his childhood friend, Y/N, who looked particularly happy today. He narrowed his eyes, wondering if captain had left bed early for a different reason… He shook his furry head and walked forward, forcing a big grin as he greeted everyone, sitting beside Penguin. Penguin, notably, was resting his elbow on the table, chin in hand, staring at Law and Y/N with a grimace. They hadn’t taken notice, Law was too entangled in explaining why the bone structure of minks and humans were so similar. Ikkaku and Shachi would occasionally interject with a question or a joke. Law glared at Shachi whenever he emphasized how much of a nerd he was.
Bepo’s ears flickered in surprise when Y/N laughed. It was common to hear them laugh, they were a very giggly individual. But this was a genuine laugh, clear as day, and he watched his captain’s icy heart melt. For just a few moments, Law looked at them with a crooked smile, a smile that only Bepo ever saw. Could he be in love? No, that’s impossible. I mean, Captain has a busy life, he has no time for that, Bepo sighed through his nose. He luckily was distracted by the waiter who took their requests. As soon as they were done they left to submit the orders to the kitchen and to prepare drinks.
After the meal, Shachi, Penguin and Bepo separated from the small group. Finally, Bepo felt he could voice his concerns. What could this mean for them— if Captain was in love? Would they still look for the One Piece? Would Captain still want him around?
“Penguin,” Bepo fumbled with his fingers, he glanced up to see Penguin kick a rock clumsily, his hands were stuffed in his pockets. “Why are you so upset?”
Penguin looked up at Bepo, the speed in which made his hat flaps slap him in the face. “Gah!” he rubbed his face, his cheeks tomato red. “Fuck Bepo, don’t scare me like that.”
“I’m sorry…” Bepo looked down at the floor, classically depressed over being scolded.
Shachi leapt ahead of them, walking backwards to face them. “Isn’t it obvious, Bepo? He’s jealous! He’s in lo~ve,” Shachi teased him, predictably sending Penguin in a fury. Penguin lunged at him, ready to punch him in the face. Shachi dodged, then the two were running circles around their big bear friend.
“Jealous? Jealous of whom?” Bepo watched the two come to a halt soon enough, panting from the effort. Penguin glared at his best friend, but he stood straight to respond, patting himself down.
“No one,” Penguin tried to keep calm. “It’s not a big deal, y’know?”
“Don’t be fooled,” Shachi grinned evilly. “It’s obvious he likes Wolfy. If you…” he made a hole with his right hand, penetrating the hole with his left pointer finger, “…connect the dots, it’s pretty clear who he’s jealous of.” Shachi honorably accepted Penguin’s fist to his face this time. Although, Penguin proceeded to jump on him, forcing him to the ground and kicking up dust.
“I’m not above killing you!” Penguin snarled, punching him a second time. Bepo quickly picked his friend up by his armpits, easily raising him off of Shachi. Shachi was still laughing, his hat had been thrown off and he looked a mess. He was spent, he remained on the floor with his limbs splayed out.
“There’s no way I could compete with Captain!” Penguin blurted when Bepo put him down. “That dude’s a fucking model and my boss. Y/N deserves better than me anyhow. It’s fine! I’ll get over it. I’d be glad if that emo was happy for once, too.”
“I want Captain to be happy, too.” Bepo said, though his drooping ears betrayed him. “I wonder if Y/N would replace me.”
Penguin laughed at this, “Replace you? That’s insane. They may be a fluffy wolf or whatever but you’re way softer. You are Captain’s best friend, Bepo. No one knows as much about him as you do. And you refuse to tell us his secrets, too! You’re fluffy and you’re loyal!”
“Say,” Shachi finally got up, patting down his dirty boiler suit. “I’m asking this seriously, I swear. I mean, Y/N is a mink, right? Minks can like other races... And we can like minks, right? Do you like Captain more than you let on, Bepo?”
Bepo’s eyes widened, he glared at Shachi, but then hung his head. “I don’t know.”
“I see,” Shachi rubbed his chin. “Well, boys, whatever may happen we should support Y/N. It’s their choice in the end. Plus, we haven’t even persuaded Captain to let them join yet… If he likes them, there’s a greater chance they’ll join.”
“Or Captain will just resign the possibility entirely,” Penguin shook his head. “He’s protective of us, imagine someone he falls for? And a devil fruit user? Impossible. He’d send them to live at the best resort he could find, but keep them here? No way!”
The three friends laugh dryly. Maybe this was worse than they thought. “Should we,” Shachi offered, “Break them up, then…?”
The Heart Pirates gathered on the deck of the Polar Tang. They stood in their assigned positions, waiting for Law to come out of his office to evaluate their work. Uni was in charge of keeping track of purchases, so he was to provide the receipts. The others would have to explain and correct any excess or missing items purchased with the Heart’s funds. Meanwhile, the three samurai and the four Straw Hats stood in the back or leaned on the railings. Zoro was already asleep, as usual.
“I can’t go out like this!” Came a muffled voice from behind the Tang’s main entrance. Everyone looked on expectantly, finally seeing the door open. Law’s scarlet face could be seen clearly as he walked out, dressed in all black; black shoes, black jeans, black long sleeve shirt, all black save for his signature hat. Y/N was clinging to his back in human form, grinning and wagging their tail. Law let out a long, exasperated sigh.
“Are ya’ll dating now?!” Several voices asked this at once.
“NO!” Law barked, Y/N’s cheek was rubbing against his ear. “She’s a mink. What do you want me to do about it?! Whatever, get on with it. Uni-ya, come forward please.” Still flustered, Law did his best to hide his face behind the brim of his hat. Y/N stared at the paper, remaining calm enough to allow him to read. Predictably, the crew and guests were snickering in the meantime.
After clarifying a few things, Law seemed satisfied with their stock. “This should get us to Wano. Meanwhile, I had some new clothes tailored for us. Modify them to your heart’s content, but remember we must resemble Wano’s civilians, especially everyone guaranteed to enter Wano. Understood?”
As the Heart’s scattered to prepare the ship to dive, Bepo walked over to Law. He had a sour look on his face, his black lip jutting out in a pout. Law glanced up from the paper he was reading, raising an eyebrow at him. “What is it, Bepo?”
“Omi, you can’t just cling on to Captain all day,” Bepo had ignored Law. Y/N perked up, not removing their arms from around Law’s neck.
“Bepo, are you jealous?” Law smirked, eye brows raised in surprise. “Relax, it’s fine. My dignity was already shot. They’re hardly heavy to me.”
“What about me then? Can I do that?” Bepo frowned, crossing his arms.
The couple laughed, Law grinned at Bepo. “Quit being cute. I could carry you, but uh… Not only would you be heavier, I’d have trouble navigating with my face covered by those big arms of yours.”
Bepo’s fur was pink. “Tsk, whatever. Well, you said you aren’t partners, right? Are they your new favorite mink? You didn’t even sleep the whole night with me!”
It was Law’s turn to grow red, “Yeah, well sometimes I just can’t sleep, okay! I needed some air. You know this!”
You think back to the hotel. Law had snuck himself to your room— he had purposefully gotten you your own— and ended up in your arms shortly after. You were both shirtless, but nothing happened beyond casual dry humping and French kissing. It left you awake, that was for sure. Both of you had gone to breakfast first after taking turns in the shower; it was disappointing that Law wanted to shower alone. You didn’t understand why he didn’t want to show you what he’d already shown you! You weren’t going to force it, though.
At the moment, you yawned thinking about your bed bunk. Law glanced toward you, “Anyway, we should head inside. We need to take off. Right, navigator?” Law looked at Bepo with an authoritative gleam in his eye.
Bepo sighed and raised his hand to his forehead in salute, “Aye aye, Captain.” He waited for Law to turn and enter first before following.
The Tang was soon ready to sink into the sea and continue it’s journey. It was mid morning by now, the crew had to make sure the Tang was in tip top shape before departing. Bepo, Penguin and yourself are assigned to work with Clione to prepare lunch now that the sub was on the move.
It was a little awkward. Bepo was avoiding you, he had gone to fetch some ingredients in the pantry. You were asked to cut some vegetables, which you weren’t great at, so Penguin decided to help you. Shyly, he leaned behind you and guided your hands, showing you how he properly cut each slice. You smile at him in thanks, making him blush. You lean in to give him a peck on the cheek, to which he melts and rests his chin on your shoulder.
“You’re quite submissive,” you tease him, a sly grin on your face.
“Huh?!” Penguin stood straight again and shook his head. “N-no! I mean, I can dom. Aha… What were we talking about again?” He pulled at his boiler suits collar, unbuttoning it to get some cool air.
You busied yourself with slicing and dicing various veggies for the meal. You wanted to give Penguin some space as he seemed uncomfortably flustered. He hovered around you, making sure you were okay. Occasionally you heard him stop, distracted by his thoughts, then suddenly begin working again. You can’t help but laugh, relishing in your work. Once Bepo returned with the spices work flowed faster, Penguin made extra effort to stay focused. Bepo continued ignoring you for now, until lunch was ready.
Law, surprisingly to his friends, was one of the first to arrive to lunch. He leaned over the counter and addressed you, to Penguin’s dismay, and gently touched your hand as he thanked you for helping, despite not being a Heart Pirate. A sleazy grin adorned his face as he stared at you.
“Hey, Captain!” Bepo half shoved you out of the way. “We have grilled fish, aren’t you happy? Penguin did a great job prepping the fish.”
Law smirked and scoffed, “Heh, yeah Bepo. Thank you, too, Pen’.” Of course, shoving you only resulted in you walking over to touch Law’s arm, causing him to admire you again. Bepo frowned, furrowing his brows in annoyance.
“Hands off,” Bepo couldn’t help it. “I’m his mink, not you.”
You laugh, “Oh, I’m so sorry, Bepo. I never meant to upset you.” You back away a few paces. Law gave Bepo a neutral faced pout, raising an eyebrow in question.
“Omi~,” Penguin mimicked the name he heard Bepo call you on occasion. He placed his hands on your forearms from behind, then guided you towards the table. “C-come sit with me, leave them be, yeah?” He could feel Law’s glare burning the back of his head.
You couldn’t contain yourself, amazed that you had caused a rift between the friends. You’d have to have a conversation with Law about this and avoid any more conflict. It wasn’t your intention to cause jealousy, you simply didn’t understand it. You sidestep away from Penguin, gently touching his arm to let him know to stop. You look over at Bepo who was focused on Law.
“Why would you want to replace me,” Bepo teared up, his anger showing with bared teeth.
“I wasn’t trying to replace you, Bepo…” Law stared up at his giant friend. “Nothing can replace our bond. I’d sink anyone who got in our way. But, you can’t stop me from having other relationships,” Law’s eyes widened in surprise thinking back to what you said about having more than one partner. He stroked his chin thoughtfully.
Bepo didn’t seem convinced. “Yeah, well, they’re replacing me as the person you sleep with—”
“—You really need to stop phrasing it like that, Bepo—”
“I’ve slept with you since you were little, when we lived with Wolf! I care that you don’t have those night terrors…” Bepo covered his snout. “Oh… Right.” Penguin and Shachi burst out laughing in unison. You couldn’t help but laugh, too, but you cover your mouth and try to stifle it.
Law’s face was on fire. He stood up and jabbed a finger at Bepo accusingly. “You can’t just tell everyone that!”
“This isn’t everyone! It’s Penguin & Omi!” he held his arms to his sides, hands balled into fists. It was rare to see Bepo yell at the captain.
You walk to Law and place a hand on his shoulder. He whirls his head around and grits his teeth at you, but calms as he realizes it wasn’t Penguin. He scoffed defiantly, blush apparent on his cheeks, “I don’t have time for this shit. I’m having lunch in my office,” Law walked over to pick his plate off the table, place a few onigiri and fish on his plate, then stepped out. As though on queue, the others arrived only to dodge Law, watching him in confusion as he headed for his office.
Bepo sighed, glaring at you.
“After lunch, can we talk?” you say to him, simple and straight to the point. His eyes widen in surprised and after deliberating a short time he nods. You needed to explain how your relationships worked or you would ruin the sweetest relationship on this sub. Bepo was important to you, too. Seeing that little cub you knew as a child in him at every turn made you want to protect him. If he loved Law, you needed to know, and you would support it.
The lunch was easier once you were all settled. You tried to act normal, enjoying your time with Robin on one side of you and Penguin on the other. Penguin seemed jealous of how you interacted with Robin as well, so you invited him to talk to you later, too. He seemed nervous after you asked, as though he was panicking that you knew. It was painfully obvious.
Valuing communication in relationships is important and necessary. Maybe Bepo is sold on this idea I’m trying to take Law away…, you think as you walk towards the Tang’s library. You decided it was here you would talk, while everyone was busy elsewhere. Bepo awaited you patiently, fumbling with his paws while in deeply conflicted thought. Did he love the captain? He still wasn’t sure. This could ruin everything.
“Hello, Bepo,” you smile at him, walking over to sit beside him. He frowned and glanced away, nervous of your confidence.
“Hello, Y/N.”
“I need to explain what’s going on between Law and I. Are you okay with that?”
“I feel like I already know, but sure.” Bepo wrinkled his nose at you.
“We… are friends with benefits,” you point out. “It’s just for fun. We aren’t in a romantic relationship, but it’s a new dynamic and so… Law is excited to show affection.”
Bepo raised an eyebrow at you. “Captain isn’t someone who shows affection publically…”
“The crew already assumed things when I was hanging off his back,” you chuckle, picturing the flustered Law accepting his fate. “Besides, I’m the one initiating it first.”
Bepo seemed quizzical. The fact Law allowed them on his back at all told him otherwise. He wasn’t sure how to go about explaining. He knew very little about sex in general nor relationships. Law had taught him the basics, but he wasn’t sure how to word what he suspected.
You twiddle your own fingers now, “He… is a bit jealous of Penguin, though.”
“What about Nico Robin?” Bepo’s ears perked. “I noticed his disappointment when you’re cuddling her. Zoro as well, when he tries to defend you.”
You rub your chin. You aren’t one to be oblivious, but Law was enigmatic. You didn’t want to tell Bepo outright that Law enjoyed dominance. If he didn’t own you, it didn’t feel as fun. Maybe there was a romantic element to it, but he won’t even let you join the crew, let alone ask for a committed relationship. You couldn’t see him loving you.
Bepo sighed, trying to release awkward tension. “Well, whatever the case may be… If he likes you, he could replace me. If he likes you, he’ll want to sleep with you often. You will become his comfort, not me.”
You stare at the ground, unsure what to say. You couldn’t reassure him, since that was entirely in Law’s hands. “If it helps, Bepo…” you lean back into the soft couch, running your hands along your thighs. “I am polyamorous. I date more than one person. I do not think Law could ever want to share… So I cannot make this relationship any deeper. Do you get what I mean?”
Bepo’s expression softened. “Oh… I’ve never thought of that. I don’t understand, but I see that Captain could be incompatible with you. Thank you for telling me. Although, now I worry this could break Captain’s heart,” he stifled a laugh, much happier overall. “I don’t want him to get hurt… If that’s how this works, though, then you’d want time with others giving Captain plenty of time with me as well. I suppose I feel relieved, so, thank you,” he paused a second and gave you a dirty look, “Though if you do hurt Captain, I’ll punish you myself.”
You grin, giving him a big hug. With a start he returned the cuddling. “Garchu!” you muffle your words in his fur. His giggle vibrated through your body, it felt genuine. You hoped that this would stop his jealousy from escalating any further; his love was too important to you and too important for Law. Next, you would have a talk with Penguin.
“And where are you off to?” Law stood in the hall as you walked towards the library the second time that day. He was standing towards the center of the hall, coyly blocking your path. You roll your eyes at him, but your smile is persistent.
“I’m just going to see Penguin,” you say honestly, tone soft. However, you can’t seem to make eye contact. His eyes bore into you, you felt a fiery envy radiating from him. This, too, was a relationship you didn’t want to ruin for him. Even if his feelings were out of your control.
“Let’s go together,” Law commanded, his air of authority suffocating. “I don’t want you alone with him.”
You snarl, your skin crawls, feeling as though you’ve been violated. “I told you the truth, sir. I want you to respect my privacy, sir.”
Law let out a howling laugh. He was grinning, although his eyes told you he could hurt you. “You don’t tell me what to do, love. I go where I please on my submarine.”
“Save the dismembering for the bedroom,” you retort. “I’m just going to explain that you and I aren’t in a relationship, but if he feels a certain way, it likely won’t work out.”
Law furrowed his eyebrows, grimace darkening his face. “And if you’re lying to me?”
Your heart was racing now. “The fuck do you mean by that? Am I a whore to you?” You notice Law’s grip on his Kikoku falter.
Law grit his teeth in anger, he reached forward and took your jaw in hand firmly, forcing you to look into his eyes. “Anything you say to him you can say to me. I let you stay here. I want to fuck you. You aren’t dating nor fucking my crewmates.”
You hiss, his grip felt like it’d bruise you. An involuntary heat pooled in your stomach; you curse yourself. God, he was hot when he was angry. But the things he said felt like a personal attack.
“Later, I’ll finally take you,” Law said, voice rich and smooth in your ear, “And I’ll mark you. And I’ll break you.” He let you go. Both of you glare at one another for a moment before Law turns around. “It’s up to you, though. Fuck this up and I won’t. Stay away from me and I won’t chase you.” He began walking in stride to his library. You stagger after him, the haze of rage and desire swirling in your head.
“Penguin,” Law opened the library’s door. His friend panicked, causing him to jump up from his seat and drop the book he was reading.
“C-Captain,” Penguin saluted. He dropped his arm when he saw you, “Y/N?” You roll your eyes again, arms crossed tightly to signal to Penguin you hadn’t planned this. Penguin pressed his lips into a line, looking up at Law who stood quite close, intimidatingly so.
“You came to talk to Y/N, I see? Well, go ahead. What are we talking about?”
Penguin narrowed his eyes at Law, “Erm… We planned this for us two. It’s not that you shouldn’t hear, Cap’, but… It has nothing to do with—”
“It has everything to do with me,” Law countered, now sitting coolly on the round couch that wrapped around the center pillar of the room. “Out with it.” Penguin clicked his tongue, tensing his jaw.
You walked up to him and began, with a clear voice, “I don’t want to date a single person on this ship. And by that I mean, I don’t date individuals, I date in multiples. I’m polyamorous.”
Penguin looked surprised, at first unable to open his mouth. “I,” Penguin began, slowly, “I would do anything for you.”
A blush spreads across your cheeks, as hard as you tried to maintain confidence. You glance at Law, who’s face was hidden under the brim of his hat.
“I know it’s soon,” Penguin admitted, “but I’m in love with you, Y/N.” It took an absurd amount of courage to say this in front of Law. Law was now standing, which caused Penguin to shiver. “C-Captain!” he turned to him, “I don’t need to date them. I just wanted to let it out,” he held his hands in front of him, “I’m not leaving this crew. I’m not choosing them over you,” he got to his knees and bowed his head, forehead touching the ground. “Please forgive me!” Tears began to flow down his face and onto the floor.
Law seemed to soften. “Penguin,” he crouched and placed a hand on his shoulder firmly, coaxing him to straighten himself. “As your captain, my goal is your earned respect. Don’t fear me that way. You’re one of my closest, most trusted friends. No one stands between us.”
Penguin pulled his own hat down over his face. He was sobbing, tears flowing and chest heaving. “I-I’m sorry, Captain.”
You watch the scene unfold, unsure what to do. Penguin had just confirmed this meant you were unable to reciprocate even if you wanted to. Although you had mixed feelings, an undeniable warmth filled you knowing Law was just being stubborn and did not plan to cut Penguin off or treat him like a traitor.
Law focused on Penguin, guiding him to stand back up. He sighed through his nose, conflicted on what he himself should do. He wasn’t accustom to relationships like these and he hadn’t realized it could cause rifts between his friends and himself. Should he allow Penguin to ask if you reciprocate or should he end this meeting immediately? Should he give the two of you privacy? Jealousy still crawled along his skin. He didn’t like this feeling at all. Y/N was driving him insane, he didn’t know if he loved them. Penguin was inspiring and Bepo had made him question, too… Was being poly viable? Should he share? Did he want to explore others, too?
“Okay, I trust you both,” Law whispered quietly. “I’ll leave you two alone to finish this.” He smiled at Penguin, who’s red teary face just got redder. “Be wise,” he teases his friend, “I don’t want to regret my choice.”
As Law left the room, you approached Penguin and gently take his hand. You smile widely, gently kissing his knuckle. Penguin was still recovering, rubbing his eyes. He was scarlet thanks to your attention. Unsure what to say, he silently watches you, turning his hand to cup your cheek.
“I don’t feel the same,” you say softly. His hands falls from your face, his lip quivers as he holds back more tears. “But,” you hold his face, gently wiping tears away. “Would you be happy if we had sex? That way, you can enjoy me without that commitment.”
Penguin was so flustered, overflowing with emotion, his throat was tight. He smiled shakily, then shook his head. “I won’t use you like that,” he croaked out.
You take his face and press a deep kiss to his lips. The taste of salty tears and his warm, soft lips makes you lick them. His hands wrap around your waist, reciprocating the kiss, despite how fast and hard his heart was beating. He felt light headed, but he chose to focus on the kiss. After a few moments of this, you had backed him up to sit down again and sat on his lap. He was hard, his member poking at your core.
“Wait,” Penguin slowly parted the kiss. “I… I don’t want to do this,” he rubs his damp cheek again with his wrist. “You’re… gorgeous, but… We need protection and… I don’t think Law wanted us to do this. I don’t want to upset him.” He glanced down longingly at your chest, shivering as he adjusted himself, his dick rubbing up against your heat. “I-I really want to, but, I can’t.”
You smile, kiss his cheek and stand, reaching a hand out to help him up. “You’re right…” you glance away. “I… do like you, actually, but you’re right. I want to love Law and I want him to feel satisfied before I choose anyone else.”
Penguin nods, a happy, drunk grin spread across his face. “I-I’m glad that you like me,” he whispered. “I think Law really likes you. I think that idiot is in love, too. He won’t show it to you easily, we live a dangerous life, y’know.”
You nodded, giggling slightly at his expression. “Y-yes. I’ll figure it out. I can move on from the both of you if things don’t work out, I promise you.”
Law was out of his office, active around the ship, making note of what needed to be done. His eyes would fall on you whenever he passed you, be it with Robin or Ikkaku or both. You could see a distrust in those yellow orbs; a longing, a hunger. He would be waiting tonight. He was clearly anticipating it. You wonder, based on his early behavior, if he still wanted to hate fuck you.
The idea was remarkably arousing. You liked mean. You liked a bit of pain. You worried, though, if he ever was sincere—as other pirates would be—on wanting to own you. He probably meant it in a possessive monogamous way, sure, but how he spoke earlier felt as though he didn’t respect your humanity. Did he have the urge to enslave you? Maybe in his darkest fantasies, he made you do what he wanted. The thought made you hot, it also made you sick. He could easily just switch around and do what he wanted. He was so much stronger than you.
“Wolfy,” Robin gently stroked your hair, making sure to adjust some away from your face and scratch behind your ear. “You seem nervous.” She leaned near your face, smirking sweetly. You both sat on the women’s quarters couch.
She was right. You felt pressured. Even though he was dreamy, even if he was just your type, you feared he’d stop talking to you if you failed to show your face. This was a forceful situation. You’d have to trust that he would stop if you told him to.
“I’m fine, Ms. Nico,” you grin as brightly as you could, given the circumstances. “I’m sorry, what were we talking about?”
“Oh,” Robin laughed softly, “Yes, I was telling you about Ikkaku coming to bed soon; she was busy helping Uni with a broken pipe. We can wait until she arrives, but you seem tired. Maybe you should rest now.”
Anxiously, you run your nails along your upper arms. You changed form, hunching your longer body forward. You felt safer like this, stronger like this. Many arms surrounded you; Robin used her ability to give you an all encompassing hug. She enjoyed the feel of your mink.
“I miss Chopper,” Robin said absentmindedly. You glance up, seeing her bright eyes come closer. “Tell me what’s wrong,” she coaxed.
“It’s private,” your black lips curve into a weak smirk. “I can take care of it myself, but I appreciate your willingness to help. Law wants to see me tonight, though, so…” you hesitantly add.
“Hm… I see,” Robin nods, skeptical of your secrecy. “Well… You know I can eavesdrop if you need help, right?”
“He-He’s not dangerous!” You stammer, not wanting the conversation to continue in this direction. “Thank you, Robin.” You blush deeply as she kisses your cheek, rubbing her face into your cheek fur.
“If he does not respect you, make as much noise as you can. Even if his crew will do nothing, the Straw Hat pirates will fight for you,” Robin purred. She backed away and released her technique, the flower petals distract you for a few seconds as they whittled away mid air.
You sigh and stand. “Thank you. I should go now before Ikkaku talks me out of it,” you chuckle half heartedly. Turning back to your human form, you wave at Robin as you walk out of the room. Robin waves in return, watching your tense back with slight concern. She trusted Trafalgar Law, so she would not make a move until a problem was apparent.
The halls were still bustling with activity as the crew finished up their tasks. Law was nowhere to be seen, as expected. You jump when a flash of blue passed through you. Law’s Room ability. None of his crew expressed concern, accustom to their captain monitoring their activity at certain points of the day. There was a curfew on the Tang, so it wasn’t surprising to them. As you neared the door to his quarters, this area of the Tang rather quiet, you take deep breaths to calm yourself before attempting to knock.
Inside, Law had activated his ability for another specified purpose. He wanted to know where you were. Relief washed over him when he saw you in the hall walking towards him, thus he proceeded with the rest of his inspection of his crew. Penguin was on task cleaning, he noted, and so was Bepo. Shachi and Franky were helping Ikkaku and Uni. They had finally fixed the pipe someone had accidentally damaged that day, so Shachi and Franky were cleaning up.
The samurai were also making themselves busy cleaning as they liked to do among the crew, wrapping up their own tasks and heading for the guest quarters. Usopp was already in the men’s quarters, finishing up an artwork he’d been painting. Zoro was sleeping in the helm room, he liked to help keep watch with the Heart Pirates already tasked for night watch as he slept most of the day anyhow. Law couldn’t help but value him as Zoro easily put any sea kings that disturbed them in their place.
Outside of the room, you lift a hand only for the bolted door to open, revealing a shirtless Law. He stared down at you with a neutral expression, tall and intimidating. As you usually did, you brush your fingers along his tattoos, coaxing a smirk to form on his face. With slight force, he grabs your arm and pulls you inside, closing the door behind you.
In a whirlwind, Law was on top of you. He had pushed you onto the bed, locked himself between your spread legs, and kissed your lips roughly, forcing his tongue through. You whine, trying to breathe as all your senses are overwhelmed. He pressed your hands into the sheets, fingers laced together, and he roughly humped your core.
“You’re mine,” he growled as he parted the kiss. He freed one of his hands and grabbed your chin roughly. “Don’t you want to belong to me?” he bit under your ear, sucking the skin so the blood would collect.
“No,” you finally squeak, although it became a moan as he sucked hard and slammed his hips into yours.
“You know the safe words,” Law licked at the hickie he left. He rubbed his core into yours and you suddenly realize something.
You glance down to see an especially large bulge in his pants. A little confused, you adjust yourself, wrapping your legs around his waist to bring him closer. The tent was hard and didn’t bend as easily as you’d expect. “Is that a dildo?” You gently pinch his ear to make him stop biting your neck.
“Yeah,” he responded, his voice husky and rough by now. “You want it now?”
“Red,” you whisper. He stops and pushes himself up with both arms to look at you.
“What?” he frowned. “You don’t like straps?”
“I need to talk to you,” you state firmly. Fear boiled inside you, your hands gripped his wrists tightly.
Although he was clearly displeased, he got off of you instantly. He helps you sit up and sits down beside you, making the bed jolt. “What is it?” he demanded.
“Am I… a person to you?” You shiver, not looking at him now.
“I told you already,” Law sounded a tad annoyed. “No matter what form you’re in you’re still you. … I say nasty things when I’m jealous, alright.”
Your eyes land on his face again. He was flustered, looking anywhere but at you. “You were that jealous I was going to talk to Penguin?” You knew, you just needed him to admit it a bit clearer.
His defiant eyes narrowed at you, moving in close so his breath mingled with yours. “I don’t like sharing. We aren’t partners, but you’re on my ship. You can touch who you want once you’ve left.” His large inked hand slipped on top of yours, squeezing it tight.
You found yourself kissing him, tongues rubbing together. Your free hand runs up his thigh and grips his tent, making him moan in your mouth. You part the kiss, curiously locking eyes with him, then glancing down.
“It’s a fun toy,” Law grinned wickedly. “It doesn’t need a belt. It has an egg attached that fits inside me, typically called a strapless dildo. Has a nice textured padding to rub my dick against, too.”
“So,” you giggle, pinching his chin, “You seem to have some extensive knowledge on uncommon toys, don’t you? Do you have a collection?”
He stuck his tongue out playfully, “I do love having various collections. I always want to explore.”
This felt so intimate. Law was being honest, vulnerable, nothing how you expected since he faced you in front of the library. You weren’t in danger, you weren’t in need of help. Still, you felt weary of him. He was still stronger than you. He still had abilities you couldn’t dream up. It made you worried you could step on an eggshell during a conversation. You knew nothing about him.
“Tell me,” you whisper, stroking his hair and sideburns, “Tell me about yourself, won’t you?”
Law reached for you, hooked his thumbs in your pants and forced you both to fall onto your sides. You blush, laughing at his suggestive eyebrow wiggles. He reaches up and squeezes both your wolf ears, stroking them inside, making you shutter. He waited for you to relax, before finally speaking.
“You have more questions, huh? Always curious. Why do you need to know? You could waltz off and spread rumors, reveal my darkest secrets to the world,” he bit your lip, still grinning as you bit him back.
“Why are you so paranoid?” you press your lips against his and blow a raspberry. He sputters in surprise.
“Hey!” He pushes your face away with his right hand. You giggle and raspberry into the palm of his hand. Law’s heart was fluttering, his face burning up. His perturbed expression becomes a loving, serene smile, truly appreciating that you could play at a moment like this.
“Are you in love with me?” It was a blunt question. You whispered it into the palm of his hand, your eyes closed as you kissed it. Your fingers rub along where you knew his tattoos decorated his fingers.
Law didn’t respond. He stared at your actions, his golden eyes become a somber, amber color. You peak at him, opening one eye as his fingers close around your face, gently running down your cheeks until he pinched your jaw loosely, tracing your lower lip with his thumb.
Giggling, your hands wraps around his hand. “You’re bad at this,” you tease.
“What about you?” He interjected. “Are you in love with me?”
“I don’t know,” you admit, the smile never leaving your face. “You make me exceptionally happy,” you grin wider, “You’re so fascinating. Being this handsome is a bonus to me…”
His thumb traces your smile, playfully hooking his thumb at the end. You complain with some grunting. He laughs softly at you, pinching your cheek. A few moments pass and he stretches his arms, one under your head and the other around your waist. Again, you are kissing, though this time his lips simply pecked you, then pressed yours firmly in passion, holding the pressure with his eyes closed. Your heart thuds against your chest and you feel his thundering as well, resting your hand on his chest above it, rubbing the skin tenderly. You supposed this was his answer.
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jungkookschin · 7 months
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hils79 · 1 year
Hils Watches The King's Avatar - Ep 9
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Look at him symbolically walking in the opposite direction to everyone else at training camp. My best boy is walking his own path now
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Not to be all Wu Xie but I do love the architecture in this drama. All the different buildings are unique and interesting. Love the grass/moss on top of the training camp building.
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I bet this is Team Tryanny's building. Look at it. It's all dark and angular.
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HAH! I knew it!
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I love that occasionally they remind us that he does actually have a job and isn't just getting paid to sit around playing games (except when suits Chen Guo for him to distract her girlfriend)
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I love them
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LOL as soon as she makes Ye Xiu do his actual job she starts getting nagged about her homework again. Bet she makes him go back to playing soon.
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Oh, yeah, I'd forgotten about this guy
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LMAO he's practicing his speech and doesn't realise the person he wants to talk to is right in front of him
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Haha! And of course Ye Xiu thought he was talking to him, and this dude (argh I can't remember his name) thinks some rando has just sat down to talk to him.
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I really hope he's about to learn a valuable lesson about not treating service workers like shit. You never know when they might secretly be the player you are trying to suck up to and also your pro gamer idol.
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Aww he's a big softy who can't resist a sad story and virtual puppy eyes
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This continues to delight me
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I know they're trying to show that this dude is very maths oriented but, my dude, this an in internet cafe not a stationery shop
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LOL they're having a team meeting to discuss how annoying Ye Xiu is (but only when he's not helping them)
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MY TWO BEST BOYS ARE HANGING OUT! It's fine I'm not crying.
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I want to see the Void Walk guild
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All the other guilds have teamed up to take down Ye Xiu and his team. DO NOT HURT MY SONS
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Oh I think they are going to regret pissing off the angry lesbian
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karahalloway · 1 year
This or That - Tag Game
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Thanks for the tag @angelasscribbles!
Historical or futuristic?
Historical - always. While I've read/watched sci-fi, it's not one of my favourite genres as I much prefer fantasy (which tends to be more 'historical' in setting). Dunno why... Just always been more intrigued by the past than the possible future. Maybe because there is more 'romance' to it, somehow...
Opening or Closing Chapter?
Ohh... Hard! Opening chapters are great if they can grab your attention and suck you into the story from the first page... but closing chapters can be awesome too if they tie up everything nicely, or leave you on a cliffhanger (in an earlier book - hate cliffhangers at the end of the series/standalone book - I NEED CLOSURE PEOPLE!)
Light and Fluffy or Dark and Gritty?
Dark and gritty - while I don't mind light and fluffy, I don't think I could deal with it for an entire book. Like @angelasscribbles and @jerzwriter said, it is much more satisfying to struggle through the hardship with the character, see what they're made of, and come out of the other side stronger and more mature/aware.
Animal Companion or Found Family?
Gah! This is hard! I love animal companions - they are basically like people! But found family also works, so... Both?
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Horror or Romance?
100% romance 😅 Can't stand horror - never could. I have nicer things to do than intentionally scare myself half to death and deal with heart palpitations for 2 hours lol
Hard Magic or Soft Magic?
Not quite sure what this question is asking... But if it's asking whether I prefer 'overt' magic to 'implied' magic, then definately overt magic (magic wands, spells, sparkling light shooting from fingertips, etc.) Because I love the idea of there being more to this world than we can see/touch with our 5 senses!
One project at a time or Juggling 2 or more?
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A year ago, I woud've totally said one project at a time. But now I'm in the brave new world of having half a dozen projects on the go at the same time 🫣 So while it's nice to have options to bounce between depending on what mood I am in, I am desperately trying to get this list down to like 2-3 projects max because having to many unfinished things on my plate stresses me out 😅
One award winner or One bestseller?
Bestseller, definately. Partly because (a) I don't think I can write the type of book that would be considered to be an 'award winner', and (b) just because you've written an award winning book does not mean that people actually 'like' you book (as award winners tend to be avant guard in some sense, and deal with 'heavy' topics... at least that's been my experience/impression). I 100% believe that books should be for enjoyment, and I think that's better reflected with a bestseller, as opposed to an award winner.
Fantasy or Sci-fi?
As I said above, definitely fantasy over sci-fi.
First Draft or Final Draft?
Ohh... Hard 😅 While starting a first draft is always exciting, I do love the final, polished aspect of the final draft ever so slightly more.
Love triangle in everything or No romantic arcs?
Love triangle, definately! I much prefer some sexual tension in my fics rather than just platonic interactions. It ups the ante to delicious and juicy heights!
Constant sandstorm or rainstorm?
Rainstorm, obviously. I mean, I don't know about you, but sand sucks. It gets everywhere and it's itchy and annoying and gah! While I don't particularly like being wet, I'd take that everyday over sand - sorry residents of Arrakis!*
*Just because sci-fi isn't a fave genre of mine, does not mean I'm not aware of it lol
Tagging my permas in case anyone else wants to share!
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @angelasscribbles @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @kristinamae093 @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fangirling12566 @queenmiarys @lancelotsimp @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine
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jcpostsobsessions · 2 years
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Holy when Jang Uk appeared out of nowhere. Gah I had a feeling when I saw the bird egg keep shining.
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The way he’s looking at her eyes. Naksu avoids his eye contact but it’s too late!
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I’m literally mind-blown how they decided to end on this cliffhanger. Throughout this entire drama, I kept wondering how they were going to end, it was such a thrill and great way to enter finale week.
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koppiki · 1 year
gah, I HATE how long chapter 30 is taking to get out, and I also hate that my ability to translate more chapters is directly tied to my sureness that it will actually COME OUT at any point, given how things are going, it's not really anyone's fault, but when stuff takes so long I start feeling like it'll never happen again y'know?
doesn't help that my cleaner has gone what I would charitably call "minimum contact," so I got NO fuckin' clue what the progress/situation is on ANY of that, I would get more cleaners but I have known this man for like SEVEN YEARS (since high school) so like... I feel like I can't do that
oh also still looking for a typesetter for Q, What is Love, not that anyone here would necessarily interface because of that, but I figure may as well say it anywhere that I can
especially since it seems I can't actually make a damn CHAPTER ANNOUNCEMENT when the chapter ain't gonna be OUT
thankfully takeshino works pretty quick (and is communicative) so at least once the cleans are done (as they are now) I get some gosh-darn EMOTIONAL SECURITY for once, feeling like it'll actually get done
I also just feel bad for leaving people on cliffhangers, I guess- chapter 29 is a real cliffhanger, after all. Chapter 30 is not. On account of being... the last chapter of the volume. Those don't tend to be quite so cliffhangery. Except in romcoms. Which this is not. It is a com, though. Solidly a com.
OH I also read a gl that I thought was quite good called "Throw Away the Suit Together." With the period and everything, in the romanized title. I really liked it. The art was great, and was used to good effect in expressing the emotions and whatnot. Good stuff. I also just tend to like any gl that isn't just... schoolgirls. Since, y'know, over-saturated, and not relatable, and tends to have all those issues of like... implying that bein' a lesbian is just a phase, or some weird pure thing to be put on a pedestal, or anything like that. This doesn't have that. It does have explicit imagery though, so don't read it if you don't like that sort of thing. If you don't mind it, though, this is expressly a recommendation to go and check it out.
my sleep schedule has been slipping. I need to get up at 8 now, which means I need to go to bed before 12, and I am not doing that now. I was doing it for a while. Today and yesterday, not so. Probably still fine. I'll get used to it.
Oh, I also started reading the Kamonohashi Ron mango that my dear mutual headinabox posted about, since it looked interesting, and it certainly is! Deeply fun manga. Really enjoying it so far.
I ALSO read Futari Escape (very good), My Solo Exchange Diary (excellent, and I didn't know it existed until just recently), Mizuno and Chayama (quite good, if disjointed- the artistry made up for it though), Hello, Melanchoic! (fun one)... and started and dropped some other stuff that wasn't so good.
When I read My Solo Exchange Diary, I read it in math class. This would've been a bad call if the math teacher was good, because it meant I would've missed out on Crucial Learning, but (un)fortunately he is a very not-so-good teacher (who I have had the misfortune of having before) so... is good. But it was also STILL not a good call, because that mango made me cry, and crying is not really what I want to be doing in Discrete Math. Usually. Really good, though. Sorta wish I had read it at home so I didn't have to tamper my emotional responses.
Also back to the ron mango, I read that one in modern physics. Which was actually a bad call, as that class calls for pretty active participation, so I got in a little bit of trouble. I blame the mango, for being too enjoyable. How dare it distract me (I guess). Ha.
I wanna talk more about mangoes with people. I don't get a ton of opportunities to do it? I mean, I do get opportunities. I got the fishcord, and that has discussion aplenty should the situation arise. I guess I just meant... vocally. In person. That sort of thing. Don't know a lot of in-person folks that share my hobbies, or at least that aspect of them. I got folks I play games with, certainly, and they know me well enough now (and are comfortable enough with their sexuality) for me to talk about that sort of thing, but the mangoes (especially translation, and any gls and bls) remain pretty solidly outside of their zone. Not that that's a problem. I'm content on my own, in this specific case. Mostly. Though I guess half the reason I read these things is to fill that on-my-own-edness, so... sort of a... catch-22? I want to talk about the things I read, but I read the things I read because I don't have so many folks to talk to. Not really an exact cyclical relationship (cuts out a lot of middlemen) but it sorta is? If you squint?
Oversimplification is a bad thing to do, but sometimes it's all you can do.
Anyways, if you actually read all this, hello. How are you? I hope all is well. Enjoy your day, and all that. Reading my solo exchange diary kinda made my brain go funky (in a good way, I think? somewhat?) with respect to conceptualizations of relationships and interpersonal reactions generally. Makes me both... want to try talking to people, and more okay with the fact that I don't talk to as many. Though she is certainly right that it's important to have a variety of people to spread the load amongst, as it were. Can't get all my social interaction (even though I don't necessarily need a ton) from just the same one guy. I imagine it's bothersome, somewhat. Much like this would be if I actually said it to someone. That's why typing is a magical thing. I don't need to say it, and there's no obligation to read it. It just is, and if someone reads it, that's on them. It's not like it's addressed to anyone, it's not like there's social expectation... though I guess on the other side of things, it makes it all that less likely to actually be heard or responded to.
Which, I think, is sort of half the point of saying anything in the first place. So, whatever.
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lemmingsunday · 11 months
OKAY so I watched the first episode of arcane the animation is SO GOOD and Vi is such a good sister to powder and the cliffhanger is ABOMINABLE although I promised myself to watch one episode per day :(
Gah, i know right? Powders so adorable too
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hydrangeawise · 2 years
I'm not sure who's following The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy At All on here, but man, that cliffhanger!!! I really like how it's 4 pages per chapter, but gah! I'm so excited for the next pages!!
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suzie-shooter · 2 years
✅🤡✨🏆❌😈💔🤗🧠 for alex rider!! (milking it for all it’s worth :bun_runs:)
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to? Ooh I don’t know. People get drunk quite often? 🍾
🤡What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh Oh I am fond of a terrible pun, which makes writing Alex a lot of fun (or occasionally sliding them in for Yassen makes it even funnier) and also snarky dialogue. Can’t think of any exchanges offhand, but My Bloody Valentine is a fic that still makes me laugh as a whole.
✨Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. Gah. Idk, I think it’s quite good? I generally enjoy re-reading most of them, anyway.
🏆What's your most popular fic? Uncharted Shores (One Direction get stranded on a desert island and bang in pretty much every combination. I mean, there was plot and drama and angst and stuff as well...) Remains the only thing I’ve written over 100k. Currently on 1587 kudos.
(Most popular fic for AR is Honey Trap on 1073 kudos)
❌What's a trope you will never write? A/B/O
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers? Oh I love me a cliffhanger! If I’m posting this puppy in instalments you can be sure I’m going to leave you hanging 😂. In terms of actual plot I can’t remember what it was but I definitely added something to Between A Rock And A Hard Place to fuck with @afewbulbsshortofatanningbed in response to a comment she’d left 😆
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart? I tend not to write unresolved angst, weirdly the most heartbreaking fic I wrote started out with the intention of being a comedy. It was a Top Gear vampire fic – hey, Jeremy wakes up in a coffin as a vampire, that’s funny right? But – that means he’s died somehow. And the others are going to be legitimately upset. And then he falls in love with James who refuses to be turned so they live out his life together then after his funeral Jeremy deliberately lets the sun take him. Fun huh? Never writing death fic again.
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started? Write what you want to read, not what you think people like/want/approve of.
🧠 (Alex Rider) Pick a character, and I'll tell you my favourite headcanon for them. These headcanon questions are difficult tbh, because I am quite willing to go with whatever fits with the story/prompt/whatever rather than a fixed idea of ‘this person is x’. I guess for Alex it would be his capacity to be just as deadly as Yassen (his canon body count is let’s face it hilarious and he shows zero remorse).
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