#Fusion request is currently still open!
mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Floragato babytwo? 👀
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
Finish Line request!
I find the first meetings fascinating, so I'm sorry if I always ask for them... But if possible, first time nerdyJK and MC met, please!
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"I think this one looks angry." You speak up, making Jungkook snap his head up towards you.
He's- a little taken aback. You.. do not look like the type of girl to really go to a motor show on your own accord. And, considering how utterly pretty you are, you're probably here with your boyfriend- who must be a total idiot to leave you alone like that, if one was to ask Jungkook.
"Don't you think?" You look at him now, curious smile on your shimmering lips. "It's frowning." You giggle, and he can't find words for a second, before he moves a little to stand next to you, looking at the front of the currently displayed race car.
It's a Ford Fusion- one of the cars with some of the most wins in Nascar history up until now. And now that he looks at it..
"It uh.. it does." He mumbles, making you laugh. At him? Or with him?
"See! Told you." You beam, swaying back and forth on your high heeled shoes. Your skirt is short, nails a pale pink. There's a hello kitty charm on your bracelet. Your entire outfit seems to be matched by the theme of that little cat, in fact.
"I guess.." He says, scolding himself. This is why he's fucking single. He just can't talk to girls at all, not at his school, not now. He's about to graduate for fucks sake, and he's still a virgin.
"Do you know a lot about cars?" You wonder, and he shrugs.
"A little." He admits. He actually knows a lot. But he doesn't want to seem nerdy.
"Heh, I don't buy that." You grin at him with a suspicious gaze. "I don't know shit about them. I'm scared to drive, actually." You admit.
"H-how so?" He asks. Keep the conversation going Jungkook, you're doing great!
"My dad and I went camping like, five years ago I think?" You say, tilting your head a bit in thought, before you lift your skirt a little- not enough to show off anything scandalous, but enough to show a clear scar, faded, but very visible on your thigh. "He crashed that car 'cause he was drunk. One of the metal pipes went right-" You turn your body and leg- another scar on the other side of your thigh, "-through my leg." You explain.
"Oh.." Jungkook doesn't know what else to say.
"I'm terrified of it now. My friends and I went here by train because I still can't stand driving in a car." You laugh.
"M-maybe.. you could start with slow steps?" He wonders. "Like- just sit in one for a bit. No driving, just.. I don't know, read a book. To.. make yourself feel comfortable little by little." He explains, muscles trembling a little as he forces his voice to stay strong.
"Huh. That.. sounds actually really smart." You pout to yourself. "I think I'll do that." You chirp, and he smiles in return, making you open your mouth to say something, when a friend calls your name, catching up to you, and taking your attention away as you wave at him as you walk away.
And Jungkook brushes it off in disappointment, unaware that just a year later he'd meet you again, at a coffee shop he'd visit with his friends.
"Oh." His eyes widen as he recognizes your pretty face, hair a bit different now, but still fitting you well.
You seem to think for a second, and then you smile that million-dollar-smile at him again, ceramic braces almost invisible to him if he wasn't so focused on details all the time.
"Oh, it's you!" You beam at him happily.
"It's me." He chuckles, friends behind him both confused and a little impressed that he seems to know you. "I uh.."
"Do you wanna go on a date?" You ask him boldly, and his eyes are as wide as they go. "I mean- this is the second time I meet you. Gotta be a sign from upstairs- or downstairs, I don't really care." You joke, leaning forwards a bit.
"I mean- yeah? Yeah! Yeah let's uh.. I don't know?" He stutters a bit helplessly.
"Cool!" You giggle. "That's.." You mumble, writing something down on his receipt. "..my number. Just text me whatever- just no dick pics please, those are kinda cringe." You say, making him frown a bit to himself before he laughs.
"Don't worry, I won't." He promises, before he pays for his drinks, and leaves with his friends-
His first date with you not even a week later, marking the beginning of a love that will last forever.
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vegitoswife · 8 months
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SFW Alphabet with Vegito because I felt like it. GN!Reader taken into consideration wherever applicable.
Didn't do much proofreading because this is long so y'all have to accept this how it is, typos and all!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
It depends on the current point in the relationship. Early on, Vegito isn't too affectionate. He's still at an awkward stage where he doesn't fully know how to display affection, at least not without growing flustered or uncharacteristically clamming up. Sweet words, slow caresses, gentle touches...all of it is foreign territory to him. Complete and utter contrasts to the brutality of a battle. He'll express his feelings in his own ways, but with time and your patience, he'll slowly grow more comfortable with more open displays.
After that comes to pass, you might end up thrown for a loop with how readily he shows affection. He probably would even initiate it more often than you! It's like he's transformed into a devoted puppy, with how eager he is to be around you or stick closely to your side.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Vegito would be the kind of best friend who likes pushing at your buttons and poking fun at your flaws, but he's undeniably loyal to and caring of you at the end of the day. A friendship with him wouldn't be the easiest thing to start up, since he is rather introverted and often keeps up walls.
The circumstances surrounding his permanence as a fusion has a heavy influence with how prickly he can get, because he's dealing with figuring out his identity on top of having to bear the reality of he not truly being what Goku and Vegeta were to their families. Chi Chi and Bulma aren't warm to him, and the children have an assortment of mixed feelings. It's a stressful situation to be in all around.
If you were to show Vegito that you do think of him as his own person and you don't try to shove him into the Goku box or Vegeta box, he will become more receptive of you and your company. He'll eventually start almost clinging to you, in a way. He really does need a friend in this depressing world.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Once he becomes open to it, he would like cuddling. He'd even love it. Getting to hold you close, nuzzle you, bathe in your ki signature...it'd swiftly become something that brings him comfort. Surely you wouldn't complain. Who would, about getting cuddled by such a sweet, handsome, muscular man? You'll feel so snug too.
Vegito would default to having you sit on his lap or wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you into his side, but he'd engage in whichever way you want if you request it of him.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Though he would (try to) casually brush it off and have difficulty in admitting it, he really would want to settle down. Deep down, Vegito craves the concept of having a home for himself, and it would be even better if you were a part of that home. He can't imagine settling down with anyone else, nor does he want to.
When it comes to cooking, he's actually not bad at it. You can thank pre-existing knowledge bestowed upon him through Goku, as he learned how to cook at an acceptable level from his wife Chi Chi. Vegito would only try to improve his cooking skills, both for his sake (he has a massive appetite) and yours since he wants to take good care of you. He finds cleaning quite simple to do, and would do his best to keep things neat & tidy. It'd be very unbecoming for someone of his grandeur to live like a slob after all, and you also deserve better.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Oh...breaking up with you would be very painful for Vegito, but if he deemed it best, he'll do it. He's not one to back down from anything, even if it's with you. He'll be very blunt, laying down that he thinks the two of you should end things and give his reasons as to why. Whether you believe them or not, understand them or not, he'll walk away literally or figuratively (via Instant Transmision).
If it's all rooted to a big misunderstanding, or maybe he got an idea in his head that took hold of his inner insecurity problems, you could try to at least talk to him more. See if there's any way your relationship could get a second chance.
But if you made the grave mistake of betraying his trust...you're out of luck. He would never lay his hands on you outside of a sparring scenario, but he'd make his hurt and anger very apparent. Vegito is not one to forgive and forget, especially for someone he gave his heart to. You're never getting it back.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Contrary to how long it would take him to adapt to the concept of loving someone and especially being loved himself, commitment comes easy to him. Vegito's already attached to you and wants to dedicate himself to you, so why wouldn't he want to be committed? It's a no brainer to him.
He would be content enough with how the relationship manifests as long as you're content though, so he wouldn't voice any desire to get married himself. He wouldn't mind it if you wanted to get married, and if a fair amount of time has passed since the two of you started dating, he'd have little to no concerns. The only thing that would be changing in his eyes is that he'd get to call you his spouse, and it be accurate.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Vegito can be very gentle physically if he wants to be. You know his hands are capable of bending thick steel like it's paper or smashing massive boulders to pieces, but with you? Unearthly power is absent from his hands when they grab your own. When they rest on your waist or leg. When they brush against your cheek or arm. He treats you so carefully that it's almost surreal.
Emotionally? Hm. Vegito cares for you immensely, but when it counts, he's honest if nothing else. He'll tell you something harsh if he thinks you need to hear it. On some days, he has moments of indifference or callousness - it's just who he is. Overall, he's not as gentle emotionally as he can be physically.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are some of his most favorite things in the world. Again, once the affection barrier has been breached, you will find yourself being scooped into his arms at semi-regular intervals - especially if he's in a rather cheerful mood. His hugs are tight, but not too tight, and very warm since it's like his body is constantly giving off heat like a radiator.
You giving him hugs would tickle him pink, though you may have to be somewhat careful. Some days, some moods, he's not really up for heavy physical contact like that. When in doubt, you can always just ask him if you can hug him.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes a long time before Vegito gets to the stage where a "I love you" is even possible to form. Even then, you'll have to understand that he processes and feels love a different way from most. You could even say that he doesn't experience romantic attraction (or sexual for that matter) the "standard" way. What "love" means to him will be probably different from what it means to you. So, while the actual "I love you" statement won't make a fast appearance, it will likely have manifested in some other fashion prior to that point.
Vegito will show his love for you in many ways, through actions or how he speaks to you (even with his sassiness or snark), that you should probably at least have a knack for recognizing if you've been dating him for a while. Before he ever says it outright, if you've been paying attention to him for all this time, you'll have a strong understanding that he's loved you for a good while already and it shouldn't come as a surprise.
When he does say it, he'll be meek with a red face. His voice will be so low that you might have to ask him to repeat himself. Understand that for him to feel comfortable enough saying "I love you", shows that he utterly adores you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Vegito frankly isn't the jealous type. He trusts you and dislikes obnoxious coddling, so he'll believe that you can handle yourself in most situations. The closest he'll get to being jealous is more so when he gets protective, if he thinks someone is stepping to you the wrong way or is getting to you too closely.
While he has problems with his sense of self, he's ironically brimming with pride and confidence at the same time, so he'll very rarely believe there's a chance someone could "steal" you from him.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
What Vegito's kisses are like varies based on his mood in the moment. If he's just feeling affectionate, they'll be light and brief. If he's needy or in more of a "romantic" mood, his lips will be pressed to you more firmly and will linger. If he's amped up for whatever reason, irritated or mad or desperate, they'll be strong and rapid fire.
He likes kissing you in many places around your face. You'd think your own lips would be a common target, but he goes for your forehead, nose, cheeks, ears, and jawline more often in general. Your neck also won't be spared, especially if he's feeling spicy or playful. Most of the times where he guns for your lips right away is to try and quiet you while you're talking, just to be cheeky.
Vegito likes to be kissed no where in particular; he'll just be thrilled that you're kissing him at all. You could aim for his neck or collarbones if you want to get an...amusing reaction out of him. If you really want to show your affection, kiss his tail. The color of his skin will rival a red rose.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Children are a funny subject with Vegito. He has his own already and from what you've seen, he interacts with them just fine. With as old as Gohan is he treats him like a fellow adult, though he's more playful with Goten and Trunks, even somewhat bullying the latter. But as a whole, you can see that he does genuinely love them.
When it comes to other children that aren't his own? Well. If they're well behaved and have decent manners, he doesn't mind them. Don't ask him to stay around a kid or more that are whining or running around and making a ruckus though; he'll become increasingly annoyed.
If you ever want to have kids with him? He'll be initially surprised and will need some time to think about it, but chances are, he would like to have at least one with you. For your baby, he'll do his utmost best to be attentive and nurturing, though he'll be sure to teach them how to fight when they're old enough!
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Aside from unpredictable circumstances, mornings will Vegito will follow the relatively same routine on weekdays. He usually gets up before dawn - doing his best to not wake you up - to go out and exercise for hours. When he's done, he'll return home if he can sense you still in the house.
If you're still in bed or currently up, he'll shower and join you in whatever it is that you're doing or start up breakfast if you haven't. If you're out working or running an errand, he'll skip going home to move forward with his near daily routine of checking in on his families and helping Chi Chi with the Son family farm.
On weekends, assuming you can sleep in and stay home, he'll still go out to exercise & train but will come home to shower before rejoining you in bed. He loves spending mornings with you when he's able to, so whatever you're feeling up to doing, you can count him in.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are almost always chill. Vegito usually won't have anything else to tend to for the rest of the day, so he'll be eager to just relax with you - watching TV, movies, or playing games if you want. Or, you could spend a little time sparring with him if you can. In his eyes, there's nothing like a good workout before a nice hot bath with you to end the night off with.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Vegito will be slow at opening up. You have to spend time on chipping away at his walls to receive glimpses of what's standing behind them. Eventually, he'll feel close enough to you to share more about himself. The fact that he's a fusion will be the most glaring thing he'll want to confess since hiding it will only cause problems down the line, so he'll need to be absolutely sure that he can trust you before he'll disclose such personal information. Once that's off his chest, other things will come more easily.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It really depends, but in general Vegito isn't the most patient. If he cares enough about something, if he feels committing time to his current focus is worth it, or if he's not really taking something seriously & just going with the flow, he can be very patient. If he starts thinking his time or energy is being wasted however, then a switch will flip and his temper will flare.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Vegito doesn't have a perfect photographic memory, but he'll be damned if he doesn't put in effort to learn & remember things about you! Your likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc - he'll take it all in and even create little notes if he doesn't want to risk forgetting a detail. And hey, when he's focused enough, he has moments of recalling minor things you mention in passing.
For example: if the two of you are walking out in the city and you appear to like some kind of item on display in a shop's window, he'll soon go back there and buy it as a gift for you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When he took you to a gathering of his families and few associates. He admittedly was nervous, only because he wasn't sure if someone would start drama with you or not. While they're on fine terms, he isn't terribly close to Chi Chi, and he gets into arguments with Bulma almost every time they talk. Not to mention, he still feels out of place with everyone and is reminded of the fact that Goku is no longer around. Krillin especially has been...very tense territory ever since Vegito was first created.
Above all else, he just hoped you had a good time. And, you did! Much to his relief. Chi Chi, Bulma, and Krillin were polite with you, and you hit it off well with Yamcha. You and Gohan had a pleasant conversation. Goten had manners, and Trunks thankfully chose to behave. When it was time to leave, you had a big smile and he felt the stress flee his body.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
When he thinks it's warranted, Vegito can be extremely protective. He's capable of horrible violence and you know it, but you also know that he has a lot of restraint and knows he shouldn't be causing harm to others just because they bothered you a bit. If you ever get attacked though and you end up getting injured, may the gods have mercy on the assailant. Vegito's fury is something to be terrified of, but don't worry. All he needs to know is that you're fine and you'll recover. He'll calm down quickly then cling to you a bit.
Protecting him? There's really no need, but you actually growing protective of him would honestly make him pretty happy. It would be more proof that you care about him, and he'd eat the attention up. Might tease you a bit afterwards once the situation has been dispelled.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
As much effort as he can! He's not the most imaginative outside of combat-related scenarios, but he'll stick to things and variants of them that he knows you'll always like. As long as you're smiling, he won't feel like his effort is all for naught. He'll be especially pumped to do more for you if you respond in kind and put in effort on your end. He's fairly easy to please.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
For all of Vegito's merits, he no doubt has flaws. He's arrogant and gets a kick out of putting others down, can be callous and shrug off someone's emotional plight, has a volatile temperament, and can overall say pretty rude or cold things.
He is who he is, and people can take it or leave it. With those who show genuine care towards him though, he'll try to be more considerate. He truly isn't as bad as he can come across sometimes, but not everyone will know that. Or care, if he upsets them.
Apologies from the warrior are uncommon, but he'll give one if he actually does feel regretful.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Vegito is devoted to his appearance. He knows he's handsome, pretty, gorgeous, sexy, all of the positive descriptors. He takes much pride in his looks, so he'll always attempt to keep up good hygiene and look his best. He does like to praise himself on his appearance and brag about it too, but it's mostly in a semi-joking manner.
He's more modest than most know, but again, he does genuinely think he's good looking.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He will always believe in independence. Vegito can live and get by on his own. He doesn't need anyone for anything. That being said...his life without you would feel far more empty.
He doesn't need you. But he wants you. He wants you to be in his life. He didn't grow attached to you because he was lonely or lost, he did because he realized how great of a person you are, and he wants to make you a permanent part of his world.
His world without you is one with less warmth, less passion, and less optimism to face the future. It's not one he would live in, if he could help it.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Vegito loves domestic cats. Dr. Brief's cat Scratch is what first endeared him to the species, and ever since, he's thought they're very cute and funny. If you wouldn't mind a pet and didn't hate cats, he might ask you if the two of you could adopt one.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He's surprisingly carefree enough to mix well with an assortment of people, though Vegito of course still has his preferences. For one, he has no interest in getting involved with anyone who he'd group in with the "bastards" of the universe, like the Frieza Force. On a more realistic standpoint, he detests those who are malicious and delight in spreading suffering - on a small or large scale. Needless indifference or heartlessness also rubs him the wrong way.
He's not fond of the dishonest sort who will lie or trick other people to take advantage of them either. Vegito definitely would not ever entertain a relationship with someone who's shown that they can't be trusted.
This is minor, but he is turned off from people who don't clean up their living spaces and have poor hygiene if they're actually able to take care of themselves. Especially if they have bad body odor. His sense of smell, as a Saiyan, is sensitive you know.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
If Vegito goes to bed not feeling all that tired, he more so naps rather than fall into deep slumber, and thus wakes up easily from a sound that's just slightly louder than the room's ambiance. If he is tired, then he'll crash and sleep soundly. He won't wake up if you stir next to him or get up, but he will if you shake him. He doesn't snore, though if he's in deep enough sleep and his mouth is open, he can drool.
When it comes to positions, he likes cuddling you or pressing his body against yours, so they'll depend on you. One the two of you take up often is he laying on his back and you resting your head on his chest. Another is either one of you being the big or little spoon and snuggling your face into the crook of one another's neck.
Something funny you noticed after a couple of nights of sleeping in the same bed, is that even if Vegito falls asleep on the other side of the bed, he'll often find his way over to you - just to be closer or to drape an arm or his tail over you. It's cute.
(3 sleep habits here because wynaut.)
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minhosbitterriver · 2 months
🏵️ BEAUTIFUL MESS. ( xdinary heroes )
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❛ After winning a bet against you, Jiseok decides that he would be the dominant one for a change...though that doesn't last long.
𝐤𝐰𝐚𝐤 𝐣𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 + female reader ೯ ( 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 ) 4.2k
꒰ 💌 ꒱ ミ Another amazing request made by the wonderful 🍀 Anon! I hope you guys enjoy, reblogs and feedback are much appreciated! Requests are currently open! ── ( 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 )
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: MDNI, Gaon gets pegged, he's also a brat that crumbles quickly, smut, Reader uses strap, overstimulation as punishment, let me know if I missed anything!
( 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ) ( 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 & 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ) ( 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 )
꒰ 🫙 ꒱ ミ Tip Jar!
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Jiseok’s intoxicating moan permeated the room, a symphony of desire that hung in the air like a heavy, sweet perfume. His body moved with an almost languid grace as he settled fully onto your lap, the weight of him grounding you in the moment. His head tipped back, exposing the elegant curve of his throat, while his lips parted in a silent cry of pleasure, capturing the very essence of his rapture.
For a heartbeat, he remained perfectly still, his body tense as he adjusted to the sensation of your strap. The room seemed to pulse with the rhythm of his breath, each exhale a testament to the intensity of the moment. The heat between you was palpable, a magnetic force drawing you closer.
Your hand moved with purpose, fingers curling around his cheeks with a commanding yet tender touch. The pads of your fingers pressed gently but firmly into his skin, guiding his gaze to meet yours. His eyes, dark and glazed with lust, locked onto yours, creating an electric connection that sent shivers down your spine. The dominance in your grip was undeniable, but it was tempered with a deep, unspoken affection, a silent promise of pleasure and trust.
Although he turned his gaze towards you as you desired, the playful glint in his eyes was a tantalizing reminder of the agreement you'd struck earlier. That sparkle of mischief was undeniable, a testament to the unspoken game that had woven itself into your intimate encounter.
His hand, warm and firm, wrapped around your wrist, pulling your touch away from his face. The loss of contact was a sharp contrast to the previous closeness, creating a sense of longing that deepened the intensity of the moment. His other hand moved with a similar purpose, capturing the ones resting on his hips and effortlessly locking them by the sides of your head.
A mean smile curled on Jiseok's lips, a blend of dominance and playful cruelty that sent a thrill through your veins. The power dynamic shifted as he asserted control, leaving you helplessly bound beneath him. The heat of his skin and the strength of his grip were both captivating and consuming.
With a slow, deliberate motion, Jiseok began to lift himself off your lap. His body arched gracefully, and another intoxicating moan escaped his lips, a sound that reverberated through the room and settled deep within you. The deliberate pace of his movements was a torment, a slow burn of pleasure and anticipation that made every second feel like an eternity.
As he descended once more, the connection between you was electric, a fusion of bodies and desires that left you breathless. The sight of him above you, the feel of his hands pinning you down, and the sound of his moans created a sensory overload, a beautifully torturous experience that bound you together in a dance of passion and control.
Watching as he shamelessly used you for his own pleasure was a stark departure from your usual dynamic, a reversal that sent a thrill of unfamiliar excitement through you. Typically, you held the reins, but now, with Jiseok in control, you found yourself on the precipice of a new and tantalizing experience. There was a fleeting moment where you almost wished you’d won the bet, to reclaim that familiar dominance, but the allure of this role reversal was undeniable.
The way his own leaking length slapped against your stomach with each glide up and down your strap was a vivid, tantalizing sensation. Each movement sent ripples of heat coursing through you, a physical manifestation of his pleasure and a reminder of your current submission. His every action, every deliberate thrust, elicited filthy, unrestrained sounds from his lips. Those moans, raw and primal, traveled down to your very core, igniting a fire that burned with intensity.
Jiseok was utterly mesmerizing. His body, a study in fluid grace and raw desire, moved with a rhythm that was both hypnotic and intoxicating. The interplay of power and vulnerability in his eyes, the way they flickered between control and surrender, held you captive. His pleasure was palpable, a living thing that enveloped you both, drawing you deeper into the moment.
The intensity of the situation was heightened by the contrast to your usual roles. The sight of him lost in ecstasy, taking what he needed from you with such shameless abandon, was a heady mix of power and submission that blurred the lines of dominance and desire. Each glide, each slap, each moan was a symphony of sensations that wove together into an exquisite tapestry of pleasure and connection.
In this moment, Jiseok was not just using you; he was unveiling a new facet of your relationship, one that was as captivating as it was unexpected. The raw honesty of his desire, the unguarded vulnerability of his pleasure, created a space where you both could explore the depths of your connection in a way that was beautifully, intoxicatingly real.
Jiseok's pace quickened, driven by an increasing neediness that was palpable in every movement. His lewd moans and groans filled the air, a symphony of raw desire that echoed around the room, amplifying the intensity of the moment. The sound of his pleasure intertwined with the rhythmic slap of his body against yours, creating an intoxicating soundtrack to your shared passion.
As his need grew, Jiseok's hands released your wrists, leaving behind the ghost of his touch. His fingers, now free, moved with an eager purpose, reaching up to grasp your breasts. The sudden shift sent a shiver down your spine, your body responding to the unexpected contact. The weight and warmth of his hands on your skin, the way they molded to the curve of your breasts, was a heady sensation that added another layer to your shared ecstasy.
Your breasts bounced in time with the rhythm he set, each movement a visual testament to the intensity of your connection. His hands, once gentle, became more assertive, groping and squeezing with a fervent hunger. The pressure of his touch, the way his fingers moved against your flesh, was an exquisite blend of pleasure and pain.
An unexpected moan tore from your lips, raw and unfiltered. The sound seemed to ignite something within Jiseok, a spark that fanned the flames of his desire. His eyes, dark with lust, gleamed with satisfaction as he heard your response. His fingers found your nipples, pinching them with expert precision, sending jolts of pleasure through your body. Each pinch, each twist, was a calculated move designed to elicit the sounds he craved from you.
Jiseok's actions were a dance of dominance and desire, a carefully choreographed performance that left you breathless and yearning for more. His hands, his touch, the way he moved—everything was a testament to his understanding of your body and the pleasure it could bring. The room pulsed with the heat of your shared passion, a heady mix of power and vulnerability that left you both on the edge of ecstasy.
“Fuck,” Jiseok panted, his voice a hoarse whisper as his eyes remained glued to your breasts, bouncing rhythmically with his every movement. His gaze was fervent, filled with a raw, unrestrained hunger as he chased his own high. “You’re so gorgeous like this,” he breathed out, the words drenched in genuine admiration and lust.
The moment his declaration reached your ears, you felt one of his hands abandon its grip on your breast, the loss of contact momentarily jarring. His fingers trailed a burning path up your torso, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake, before wrapping firmly around your neck. The pressure was calculated, just enough to squeeze in a way that was both erotic and thrilling. The sensation sent a shiver down your spine, and another moan, raw and unbidden, escaped your lips.
The sound you made seemed to resonate deeply within Jiseok, fueling the fire of his desire. His eyes, dark with intensity, widened as he took in the sight of you beneath him, your reactions heightening his own arousal. The eroticism of the moment was almost too much for him to bear; his breaths came faster, each one a ragged gasp, and his moans grew louder, filling the room with a symphony of lust.
His pace quickened, the urgency of his movements mirroring the escalation of his need. Every thrust, every squeeze of his hand around your neck, was a testament to the powerful connection you shared. The way he moved, the way he sounded, it was all a beautiful, chaotic dance of desire and dominance.
Jiseok's body tensed as he drew closer to his peak, his sounds becoming a harmonious blend of desperation and ecstasy. The sight of you, the feel of you, the sounds you made—it was all an intoxicating mix that drove him to the brink. His grip tightened slightly, just enough to send another wave of pleasure through you, his eyes locked onto yours with a fierce intensity.
In that moment, the world outside ceased to exist. There was only Jiseok, his need, his desire, and the incredible, electrifying connection between you. The way he looked at you, the way he moved with you, it was all a testament to the depth of your shared passion, a beautifully detailed tableau of pleasure and intimacy.
“Yeah?” you grunted, your voice a mix of challenge and desire. Deciding to take control for a moment, you bucked your hips upwards, meeting his pace with a deliberate force that sent a shockwave of pleasure through both of you. The sudden movement elicited a sharp gasp from Jiseok, his eyes widening as he seemed to teeter right on the edge of his climax.
Your actions spurred him on, pushing him closer to that precipice of ecstasy. His breath came in short, ragged bursts, each exhale a testament to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through his body. The intensity of your connection was almost palpable, a physical force that bound you together in this intimate dance.
“You love it when you use me, huh?” you taunted, your voice dripping with a provocative mix of mockery and allure. The words seemed to resonate deeply with Jiseok, his expression shifting to one of pure, unrestrained need. The provocative edge in your voice only served to heighten his arousal, pushing him further towards the brink.
“Shameless boy,” you added, your tone a sultry whisper that sent shivers down his spine. The term of endearment, laced with playful reproach, hung in the air between you, adding another layer to the intricate tapestry of your shared pleasure. 
Jiseok's response was visceral, a guttural moan that tore from his throat as he bucked against you with renewed fervor. His eyes, dark with lust, locked onto yours, the connection between you deepening with every passing second. The way he moved, the way he responded to your taunts, was a testament to the powerful dynamic you both shared.
In this moment, the roles of dominance and submission blurred, creating a beautifully intricate dance of power and pleasure. The heat of your bodies, the intensity of your gazes, and the raw honesty of your words all combined to create a moment of unparalleled intimacy. Jiseok’s vulnerability and shameless need, matched by your confident control, wove together to form a scene of exquisite passion that neither of you would soon forget.
Taking advantage of Jiseok's dazed state, his focus solely on his own pleasure, you slid your hand between your bodies, fingers wrapping around his leaking, sensitive length. The heat and pulsing hardness of him filled your palm, and his immediate reaction was a sharp yelp at the unexpected contact. The sound was almost sweet in its vulnerability, a stark contrast to the mischief that had previously clouded his eyes.
In that instant, the playful defiance in his gaze was replaced by a silent, desperate pleading. His eyes, wide and dark with need, locked onto yours with an intensity that made you smirk. The power shift was palpable, his bravado crumbling as his desire took over. He was so, so close to finishing—that much was obvious from the way his length twitched and pulsed in your hand, his body betraying his imminent release.
Despite his earlier bratty behavior, you decided to grant him what he so clearly craved, though not without a touch of your own mischief. With a deliberate slowness, you began to stroke him, matching the rhythm he had set for himself. Your movements were precise, calculated, designed to drive him wild with need. The contrast of your cool control against his desperate urgency created a delicious tension that heightened the intensity of the moment.
Your fingers moved expertly, each stroke sending shivers down his spine, his hips bucking instinctively in response. The feeling of his hot, slick length in your hand, combined with the sight of his face contorted in pleasure, was intoxicating. Every gasp, every shudder, was a testament to the exquisite torture you were inflicting upon him.
As you continued, his breathing grew ragged, his body trembling with the effort to hold back. The silent begging in his eyes deepened, his lips parting in a wordless plea for release. Your smirk widened, savoring the power you held over him in that moment. The combination of his need and your control created a heady, electric atmosphere that thrummed with shared desire.
With each stroke, you brought him closer to the edge, his moans growing louder, more desperate. The friction, the pace, the sheer intimacy of your touch was pushing him to his limits. The sight of him, so undone and vulnerable, was a beautiful contrast to his earlier defiance. It was a dance of dominance and submission, a beautifully orchestrated performance that left you both breathless and yearning for more.
As he teetered on the brink, his eyes begged for mercy, for release. And in that moment, you knew you had him completely, utterly at your mercy. The power was intoxicating, the control exhilarating, and the pleasure, both his and yours, was a symphony of sensation that filled the room with a palpable, electrifying energy.
Jiseok's face nuzzled into your neck, his moans loud and unabashed as he sought the comfort of your closeness. The intensity of his orgasm wracked his body, sending shudders of pleasure through him as ropes of his release stained both his stomach and yours. The heat and wetness of it created an intimate connection, a tangible reminder of the pleasure you'd just shared.
As the last tremors of his climax coursed through him, you took advantage of his dazed state, swiftly shifting your bodies so you were on top of him. The transition was seamless, a fluid motion that left him momentarily disoriented. His eyes fluttered open, confusion and surprise mingling in their depths as he processed the change in position.
His bewilderment deepened when he realized you were still buried to the hilt inside of him. The sensation of fullness, combined with the unexpected shift in dominance, sent another wave of pleasure through his already sensitized body. You couldn't help but chuckle meanly, the sound a dark, tantalizing promise of what was to come.
With deliberate slowness, you began to withdraw, watching the emotions play across his face. The startled moan that tore from his lips was music to your ears, a symphony of need and surprise that only fueled your own desire. His eyes widened, a mixture of shock and anticipation as he felt you pull out almost completely.
Then, without warning, you snapped your hips back into him, the sudden, powerful thrust drawing another moan from deep within his chest. The sensation was overwhelming, the intensity of your movement sending sparks of pleasure shooting through both of you. Each snap of your hips was a calculated strike, designed to elicit the most exquisite responses from him.
Jiseok's body responded instinctively, his back arching, his fingers clutching at the sheets as he tried to ground himself against the onslaught of sensations. His moans grew louder, more desperate, filling the room with the raw, unfiltered sounds of his pleasure. The way he writhed beneath you, the way his body reacted to every thrust, was mesmerizing.
You reveled in the control, the power you held over him in that moment. Each movement, each sound, was a testament to the depth of your connection, a beautifully orchestrated dance of dominance and submission. The pleasure was all-encompassing, a heady mix of physical sensation and emotional intensity that left you both breathless.
“Wait, wait!” Jiseok panted, his eyes wide with a mix of desperation and lingering sensitivity. “I’m still so sensitive, please!” Despite his pleas, his nails dug deliciously into the skin of your hips, urging you to stay inside him each time you attempted to pull away. The contradiction between his words and actions was intoxicating, a testament to the depths of his desire.
“Aw, is my shameless boy still sensitive?” you cooed, your tone laced with feigned sympathy as you pouted. The mockery in your voice was deliberate, a playful taunt that only heightened the intensity of the moment. Without hesitation, you picked up your pace, your movements becoming more deliberate and powerful. Jiseok responded by burying his head deeper into the pillows beneath him, his body trembling with unrestrained pleasure.
The sight of his exposed neck, so vulnerable and inviting, was too tempting to resist. You leaned in, attaching your tongue and lips to his skin, leaving a messy trail of kisses and licks that he loved. The wet, heated contact sent shivers down his spine, adding another layer to the sensory overload he was experiencing. His moans grew louder, each sound a symphony of pleasure that resonated through the room.
As you continued to thrust into him, you reached down, grabbing ahold of one of his hands. Guiding it with a firm yet gentle touch, you directed it towards his own sensitive core. The look in your eyes was stern, a silent command that left no room for disobedience. “Touch yourself,” you ordered, your voice low and authoritative. “And don’t you dare stop until I’m done with you.”
The combination of your firm grip, the intensity of your gaze, and the raw power of your words sent a thrill through Jiseok. His eyes widened even further, a mix of surprise and arousal evident in their depths. Obediently, he wrapped his hand around his own length, his touch tentative at first, then growing more confident as he began to stroke himself in time with your thrusts.
The added stimulation pushed him closer to the edge, his moans becoming more desperate, more pleading. Every movement, every sound, was a testament to the exquisite torture you were inflicting upon him. His body was a canvas, and you were the artist, painting a masterpiece of pleasure and submission.
Your lips never left his neck, the wet, messy kisses a constant reminder of your presence and control. Each thrust, each command, each touch, was a deliberate act of dominance, designed to bring him to the brink and keep him there, teetering on the edge of ecstasy. The power you held over him was intoxicating, a heady mix of control and desire that left you both breathless.
As Jiseok’s strokes grew more frantic, his body trembling with the effort to maintain control, you could see the raw need in his eyes. The sight of him, so vulnerable and desperate, was a beautiful contrast to his usual bravado. It was a moment of pure, unfiltered connection, a dance of power and submission that left you both craving more.
Though Jiseok was rendered speechless, his response was visceral. He nodded vigorously, his movements driven by instinct rather than thought. His eyes fluttered shut, rolling back into his head as waves of pleasure overwhelmed him. His mouth, parted in a breathless gasp, emitted a continuous stream of erotic sounds—moans, whimpers, and gasps—that filled the air with a symphony of raw desire.
The pace you had set was relentless, each thrust precise and unyielding. The rhythm of your movements was a powerful force, pushing him closer to the edge with every stroke. His body responded instinctively, bouncing beneath you with each snap of your hips, the force of your actions leaving him helplessly at your mercy.
You could see the culmination of his orgasm approaching, a visible wave of pleasure that crested before he even had the chance to fully experience it. His entire body trembled with the intensity of his release, the tension and ecstasy etched across his features as his senses were inundated with the overwhelming pleasure you had orchestrated.
Despite the overwhelming sight of his climax, you did not relent. The snap of your hips continued with unyielding precision, maintaining the rhythm that kept him on the precipice of his ecstasy. The relentless force of your movements only added to the intensity, ensuring that he was swept up in the powerful, unending wave of sensation.
As Jiseok's body was rocked by the force of your thrusts, the combination of his vocal responses and the visual impact of his pleasure created a scene of exquisite, almost violent intimacy. Each thrust, each push, was a testament to the power you held, a beautifully detailed expression of control and desire that left you both breathless and craving more.
Jiseok’s whines began to rise in pitch, the sound a desperate plea for respite as you continued, relentless, after his second orgasm. His eyes brimmed with unshed tears, a telltale sign of the overstimulation that left him vulnerable and overwhelmed. Despite his evident distress, he didn’t dare disobey; his hands, trembling with the effort, shakily tried to keep pace with the rhythm you set. Each quiver of his fingers was a testament to his surrender, an acknowledgment of your absolute control.
You kept your gaze fixed on his face, savoring the exquisite display of his unraveling. His expression was a mix of helplessness and desperate need, a beautiful contrast to the confident persona he usually projected. The sight of him so utterly undone beneath you was intoxicating, his whimpers and pleas a perfect accompaniment to the raw pleasure you were inflicting.
It wasn’t long before a third orgasm tore through him with a surprising ferocity, more intense and aggressive than the first two. The force of it was almost overwhelming, a powerful wave that left him trembling and gasping. This time, you allowed yourself to slow your pace, guiding him through the tumultuous waves of his climax with a deliberate, measured rhythm. Each thrust was calculated, designed to prolong his pleasure and deepen the intensity of his release.
As his body continued to writhe beneath you, the rhythmic pulse of his orgasm gradually subsided. His movements became more frantic, a clear sign of his need for relief. You watched with a mix of satisfaction and possessive delight as he squirmed, finally wriggling under you in a final, desperate attempt to escape the overwhelming sensations. With one last, deliberate thrust, you brought the relentless rhythm to a halt, your body coming to rest against his.
The room was filled with the echoes of his pleasure, the air thick with the remnants of his intense release. You took a moment to bask in the aftermath, your control and dominance etched into every breath he took. The scene before you was a testament to the exquisite power of your connection, a beautifully detailed tableau of desire and submission that left both of you breathless and spent.
He lay before you, a beautiful mess of flushed skin and disheveled abandon. His cheeks and ears were painted a deep crimson, a vivid contrast to the pale expanse of his neck and shoulders. His pink lips were parted, still gasping for breath as he struggled to regain his composure. The sight of him, so utterly spent and vulnerable, was a portrait of exquisite pleasure and surrender.
Yet, it was the adoration in his eyes that captivated you the most. Despite the chaos of the moment, his gaze remained steady, a soft, glowing warmth radiating from his eyes as they followed your every move. It was a look of profound devotion, a silent testament to the connection you shared. The sight was both endearing and electrifying, a stark contrast to the wild, urgent sounds that had filled the air moments before.
"You’re so good to me," he murmured, his voice a tender whisper against the lingering echoes of his earlier cries. The contrast between his previous loud moans and the soft, heartfelt admission was striking, adding a layer of intimacy to the moment. His words were a balm to your own exhaustion, a reminder of the depth of the bond you both shared.
A chuckle, full of affection and warmth, escaped your lips as you absorbed the sweetness of his confession. With a gentle, almost reverent touch, you leaned down, your movements slow and deliberate. You pressed your lips against his forehead, a soft, lingering kiss that spoke of comfort and reassurance. Moving to his nose, you placed another kiss, this one lighter and more playful, before finally capturing his lips in a tender, lingering embrace.
The kiss was a silent promise, a wordless declaration of your feelings as you melted into the intimacy of the moment. The softness of his lips against yours, the warmth of his breath mingling with yours, created a cocoon of affection that wrapped around both of you. In that shared space, amidst the aftermath of passion and pleasure, you found a quiet, beautiful connection that transcended words and left you both basking in the gentle glow of your shared intimacy.
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꒰ 🏷️ ꒱ ミ My permanent taglist is open! (Click on the link to join! All you have to do is answer a few questions to help me stay organized!)
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tideswept · 11 months
I was tagged by @yourfavoritefridge and am taking a page from @sendpseuds ('s) book and answering this while deeply compromised. Sober, I am not.
You have been warned!
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
800,347! (Ooh, big round number!)
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
Currently: Kingsman & Star Wars. (I really never thought I'd be in either of them but I'm glad I am.)
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
gold and pink and glittering: 498, Hartwin, E. I'm still surprised to this day how much people liked it. First smut in several years.
the lean and hungry type: 453, Obikin, E. First time getting to do alpha/beta, and written from around 11pm to 4 am and then another hour proofreading. I was mildly delirious, ngl.
offer a little salt for that wound: 463, Hartwin, E. OOH man I had this one in my head and wouldn't leave me tf alone. My plot bunnies aren't USUALLY visual, but this one was!
cold water on your tongue: 429, Obikin, E. Still surprised this one took off tbh! I had a lot of moments where the fic felt awkward to me and not worth salvaging. But I think it makes people happy, and god, I can't really ask for more than that!
somebody to lie in the dark with: 302, Obikin, E. That's the second time today I've typed something instead of someone in that title. HMM. (Sith-Wan, my darling!)
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do when I can! Have a pretty decent streak going, I think? I think I owe a really lovely commenter from like 5 days ago and nnnghh the guilt is heavy.
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Potentially empty spaces, empty phrases (Obikin) depending on how you decide the ending goes! But objectively: let me stay (TimJon).
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh fuck, who are you, the cops? (me, looking at my fics in despair)
I think the honor goes to cold water on your tongue. Everything else tends to end in a bittersweet or incomplete ("to be continued") kind of way.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Not outside of TMA. It's been absolutely lovely being in Kingsman / Obikin fandoms. I genuinely showed up here low-key scared for my life, and I've been shown nothing but kindness and support.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes, and welcome to the first of the "UH IDK? [awkward shrug/hand wave]" questions because... I have no idea how to answer that. Like, what are the quantifiers here? Level of depth (NO PUN INTENDED) in how explicit it is, or what bits are rubbing against what bits, or like, if I specialize in any particular kind of smut (if there aren't pins for "I WRITE BDSM SMUT", I demand we print them) or— tldr: IDK. Vibe. The vibe kind. oh my god not vibrator vibe brain why are you doing this
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nope. I've thought about fusions, though! Like, I feel a fic where Obi-Wan is a Kingsman and picks Anakin as his candidate--maybe it was Qui-Gon's dying request still, and when Obi-Wan became a knight and a seat next opened up, he reluctantly said, FINE.
(Now I'm wondering what knight Obi-Wan would be. Gawain? The original version of him, not the vulgarized mythos of later romances. Which leaves Anakin to be Agravaian, which is pretty perfect tbh. I mean he could also be Mordred since they're all brothers)
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yup! Multiple times. It never stops feeling Not Okay.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of?
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
oh fuck you are the cops.
Uh. tbh this is a really hard question until I asked myself: a 100k fic written by an amazing author: what pairing would you be more excited about? And my heart... my heart said Hartwin.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Ahh, sadly the post-Vday canon divergence Hartwin fic. I'm told it stands on its own as is, though. So maybe that counts for something?
16.) What are your writing strengths?
I have no idea. You saw what happened during the smut question, I fell apart like a jenga tower! And that was a simple question!
Honestly though, I don't know. That I manage to carry enough vibes to be entertaining? That's pretty good.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
I will not clutch the camera and shove my face into it and whisper everything in a voice ragged with despair I will not clutch th—
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Google Translate, my dearest friend. (Unless it's Spanish, I can handle that on my own.)
Granted, if I have a friend who speaks the language, you can bet I'm knocking down their door like a SWAT squad.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
UH SO FUNNY STORY. I watched IT (the TV series) when I was like, 7. Was very confused for many reasons (partly because I missed the first hour) but also i was a Weird Child, and also Not American.
But! I didn't know it was based off a book written by a dude, so one day I just... started writing the story down in a notebook when I was 8. Because I figured I liked the movie (I assumed it was a movie at the time) so much, why NOT turn it into something to read?
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
Beholding's Own. Lightning-in-a-bottle kind of situation, 10+ year break from writing, and also re-entering fandom after said 10+ year long break. It's really hard to live up to that kind of fondness.
From new fics? the devil is a gentleman. I can't help it, this Obi-Wan and Anakin are hilarious. They are so dumb and yet so smart.
I'm supposed to tag people now for this, so imagine me throwing Your Candy of Choice at @irrationalsense, @veloursdor, @kingdomvel and @howlbrooklyn like a fastball. (And anyone else who'd like to do it!)
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7grandmel · 8 months
Blog Update - 04/02/2024
TL;DR - Google Form for rip requests and other anonymous comments is open. Link to it can be found on the blog's Pinned Post, which has been overhauled. Tagging system on daily posts has been vastly expanded with individual tags per ripper and more. "Media Player" has been scrapped - rips using tentative names are being edited per their official releases.
Hey everyone! Been a hot minute since I did one of these. I've wanted to make a post talking about the tinkering I've done with the blog for a while, but figured it'd be best to wait until all of it had been done. Well, now's that day - conveniently right as Season 8 of SiIvaGunner is rolling out, fresh out of the oven with Puyo Puyo day.
Let's start with the most recent, but most important change - I've opened a Google Form for requesting rips to be covered on the blog. Tumblr's default Ask box is mighty convenient for me, but over the months I've noticed several users troubled by having to start Tumblr accounts just to submit to the blog, even anonymously! You can of course still use the Ask box if you're a Tumblr user already, but now even non-Tumblr users should be able to request to the blog - or just leave anonymous comments! - completely hassle-free.
Next, to help promote this new request system and to accommodate for all the other changes made to the blog recently, The Pinned post of the blog has been given a pretty significant overhaul, alongside adding the current Eighth season to its per-season filtering buttons. I've done my best to also reword the main body of the post to more properly convey the blog's goals, and to help readers new and old navigate it easier. For instance, I've added descriptors of some of the tags that I use for the blog's contents, as well as links to said tags and their Archive views. Take a look around yourself if you wish!
I've been doing a lot more than than just explain the tags, however - you'll notice that the tags #high quality art and #epic flintstones have been added! To help make this blog the ultimate hub for SiIvaGunner activity on Tumblr, I'll be reposting fanart/official art and just various funny posts under these tags to feature on the blog! If you're only here for the daily posts, you're of course still able to use the prior mentioned navigation buttons on the pinned posts to only see posts tagged as #todays siivagunner. But what if you want to get more specific than even that?
Well, alongside retroactively tagging all fanart and shitpost reblogs with the two aforementioned tags, I've added a few more categorizing tags to all 490+ of the Daily SiIvaGunner posts - most notably, the names of every person credited per rip. This both makes it easier for myself to check how many times a ripper has been featured on the blog prior, and should help you find out more about your favorite rippers on your own! There's also some other miscellaneous tags added, such as tags denoting if a rip has visuals, if a post is covering multiple rips at once, if a rip is a Fusion Collab, and so on - I'll have a post properly denoting all of these tags up sometime in the future.
Finally, back in July of last year I described my thought process for how to handle rips that, due to lacking album releases, lack proper official names per the time of writing - alongside spitballing an idea for a post-navigation "media player". First off, I can say now after six months that I'm not moving forward with the media player concept, as fun of an idea as it was - I don't believe it offered much benefit over what can be done through just using the pinned post's links to begin with. Second off, though, a lot of the rips I've covered with tentative names, primarily rips from Season 7, have gotten official album releases, and thus been retroactively edited to feature their new official names. You can see an example of how this looks with Persona 64, which was previously titled I'll Face Gay Bowser. All mentions of a rip with its tentative name as featured across other posts will also be edited to feature their official release name.
Whew! What a big update! I've been having the time of my life with this blog in the months since the last Update, and the lack of updates here have certainly not been due to a lack of confidence in the blog - I've simply had too many ideas on what to do for them to be properly distilled to just one post! Hopefully this conveys everything I've been doing in the background of it all. If you have any feedback or other changes you'd like to see happen on the blog, please let me know!
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pocket-gems · 10 months
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I'm genuinely unsure what to do with this blog. Like I do wanna post SU art and I reworked on my style, something I knew I was rusty but dang not that muchh. Here's a WIP of Blizzard to show that yeah I do stuff-
I'm just unsure I guess, unable to focus on the current SU world and so unable to continue. So, requests are open! Never thought I'd say it again but ages have passed so things are calm.
Request rules:
-My own SU ocs
-Random gems that don't exist (labradorite, dumortierite...)
-Fusions. Gay gay
-Idk man just nothing canon or others ocs, im tired of problems
-Gem donations (yes this happened before)
Just any kind of question, I appreciate it haha. It's just nice to see if anyone still shows interest. Spam allowed as long as it's no hate (assuming there's any edkhgdwihg).
I also really REALLY want to judge character designs now that I have kkknowledge so if anyone wants me to critizice your SU oc you can submit the gem. Or not, do what you want.
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theblueskyphoenix · 2 years
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Next massive post we have for Court of the Kings is the Dragon King, Yusei! 
Yusei has become quite the scientist for Neo Domino City. Mainly in working on advancements for the city and trying to make life better for everyone. (And prevent any huge disasters like that ones he had to deal with.) He still duels on occasion in tournaments (mainly by Jack's request)  but for the most part prefers to duel with friends and most of the time is at his home lab with his family. He also runs a repair shop that's right under Aki's medical practice. (Handy to have a doctor and mechanic present when someone takes a spill during a turbo duel.) Yusei is always looking to the future and hopes to continue to make things better going forward.
Speaking of his family, Yusei is happily married to Aki and they have three kids. Himari, Koharu and Yuki Fudo. 
Aki, as mentioned above, have her own small practice that’s above Yusei’s mechanic shop. She still does work for bigger hospitals but opened a private practice when they had their first child. She wanted to be a good mother for her kids and to be there for them. She is busy as a doctor but she will always make time for her kids if she is able to.
As for the kiddos here is a quick summary for each of them.
Himari is a sweet young lady with a big heart and a sharp mind. From a young age she took a huge interest in mechanical works of anything. From small little gadgets to the D-Wheelers her family uses. She just loves learning how things work and is shadowing her father whenever she can when he's working in his shop. She's currently attending Duel Academy in Neo Domino. Her deck is a machine based deck. (Her Uncle Lua is proud.) She is also best buds with Ruby Atlas. (Jack and Carly’s daughter. Art for that family to come at a later date.)
Koharu is a quiet little girl. Doesn't really speak unless she has to and mainly keeps to herself. She loves reading books and is rarely seen without one under her arm. She has no interest in becoming a duelist and is more than happy to be a cheer leader for her siblings. She's attending Black Rose Academy.
Yuki is a very very shy little boy. Always clinging to his father or mother when he can. It takes a bit to get him to come out of his shell. He really loves Duel Monsters and wants to be brave like his dad he's just... Not there yet. He's more comfortable around Duel Spirits than people. He's being home schooled at the moment till they can get his social anxiety under control.
And that’s it for this post. Not as hefty as Fusion King’s buuut to be fair still working on watching 5D’s so some things are still a work in progress research wise for certain characters.
Anyways, hope you enjoy and I’ll catch you on the next post.
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moon-kitkat134 · 1 year
Hi hello! Welcome to my page! Here’s a lil about me for those interested.
All my other socials:
For starters, I’m currently 23. I like to watch anime and binge nostalgic shows from my childhood (ncis and leverage being two big ones). I also enjoy reading and writing. I got my start into drawing by wanting to draw my warrior cat ocs back in middle school, and man I’ve come a long ways. I’ve had this account since highschool so feel free to look at my old stuff, I know I do! I’m a huge fan of LoZ, Gravity Falls, and FNaF if that tells you anything about my interests 😂😂
I get art block easily so if I disappear I either forgot to update my queue or I’m stuck- so feel free to drop a request!
I mostly draw feminine characters because it makes my brain buzz, though you’ll catch me drawing other stuff too from time to time.
I do sfw and some nsfw, and I do take commissions, though I’d prefer to stick to concept design when I can-
Speaking of concept design, I have a whole thing I’m working on right now where I take inspiration from Steven Universe characters and try to make a fusion from them. Don’t ask me why it’s giving me the happy chemicals when I haven’t sat and watched the show in a while, but I’ll take the inspiration lmaoooo! 😂
I like doing shop art too, I just have little motivation to past my own characters or friends characters, but I will draw them more if they get requested!
Dms? They’re conditionally open. If I’m getting a lot of spam at any point I may ignore them (scammy or rude kinds of spam) but other than that feel free to reach out with questions or if you ever need to vent to a stranger
Tipping? I have cashapp ($Repheric) and I haven’t set anything else up yet since I’m still a bit newer to this whole thing.
Safe space? Absolutely! I don’t do hate here to real people or issues, the worst you’ll see is me not enjoying my art or a character I drew, but I plan to keep this page free from being problematic, same with my main! Speaking of, it’s just a bunch of reposts from my timeline
That’s all I can think of for now, but feel free to ask if y’all have
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eyebeastposts · 1 year
July 2023 Update
Happy Blind Patriotism Month! Here's what's going on with my stuff.
Time for the monthly Discord invite. Open to all who don't mind hearing the ravings of degenerates like myself or are ones themselves: https://discord.gg/gPuXndbK
Upcoming Stories
I currently have two stories in the works based off of last month's polls. First up we have a feeder fairy turning her host into as much as a slob as herself. After that, will be the unholy fusion of a pig, a dragon, and Tharja from Fire Emblem. In addition to those, there's also the usual output of commissioned stories as they're finished. $3 and up Patrons will have early access to these stories as they come out.
Patreon: https://patreon.com/user?u=3751356&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
Prompt Requests
The Color Wheel Bounty Prompt Request session is no longer accepting submissions. That being said, I'm going to keep pecking away at it until I manage to fill up. I'll go through some of the requests that have already been sent in, but I may make calls for specific bounties if I need some more ideas.
If you wish to make a writing prompt request that may or may not have to do with a specific color, there are two ways.
$5 and up Patrons can make weekly prompt requests: https://www.patreon.com/posts/july-2023-prompt-85325696
You can also donate to my Ko-fi in exchange for a prompt request: https://ko-fi.com/post/Ko-Fi-Prompt-Request-Guidelines-S6S2HGJCV
Story Suggestions
Submissions have opened up for $10 and up Patrons to submit story ideas for this month's poll. The deadline is going to be July 15th at 11:59PM CST, so make sure you get them in early in-case any adjustments need to be made.
July 2023 Story Poll Suggestions (Open to $10+ Patrons): https://www.patreon.com/posts/july-2023-story-85325848
Life Stuff/Miscellaneous Things
As of time of writing, I am unfortunately still unemployed. That being said, I've been able to get a grip on several interviews for more stable income while keeping myself in the green thanks to your support. As I keep applying to day jobs and writing various stories, I want to thank you all for helping me get through this rough time.
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mushroom-for-art · 7 months
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First image transcript: Welcome to my blog! I'm Mush! I'm an adult artist currently hyperfixated on Pokémon (specifically mewtwo) I have Autism & Anxiety & I'm doing my best! He/She/They
Second image transcript: Currently I'm (Slowly) working on:
Art and story for my PKMN blog
Crackship babies (Requests still open)
I.Pokemon (Requests still open)
Inbox invasion asks
Espetwo comic
Free to use bases
Au art & stories
& Other side projects & designs
Third image transcript: If you like my stuff please [Heart/like] + [Reblog symbol]! Tags + comments make this all the more worth it! My inbox/Asks are open (with anon on!) But please be nice, rude/out of context remarks are seen and they hurt. Please don't steal or use my designs/ideas or concepts! Cause that really sucks!!
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rebelpeas · 1 year
hello. do you like blorbo? do you like aus? do you like putting your guy in brand new worlds and situations?
well great news. the alternate universe exchange will give you EXACTLY THAT. the gist of how it works is: you pick from a pre-established list of fandoms and characters, and a pre-established list of au options, and you hand both of these things to your gifter and say “pretty please?”
do you dream of third life scarian as space pirates? what if the origins smp characters worked at a renaissance faire? maybe you don’t even care which characters star in the show, but you HAVE to see a qsmp hell’s kitchen fusion. all of these ideas and SO MUCH MORE are possibilities in the tagset, right now. (with more to be added - as of writing this, there are multiple dsmp nominations waiting to be approved.)
please sign up i wanna write mcyt
Nominations Open: Friday 16 June
Nominations Close: Saturday 24 June
Signups Open: Wednesday 28 June
Signups Close: Sunday 9 July
Assignments Deadline: Saturday 26 August
Works Reveals: Saturday 2 September
Author Reveals: Saturday 9 September
“dee my blorbo isn’t on the list :(“ you can nominate them!! go to the tagset, make sure you’re signed in to ao3, and click the nominate tags button. from there, you’ll be able to request up to 6 fandoms, up to 10 relationship tags per fandom, and up to 20 freeform au tags.
“okay, dee, but i don’t really have time to write/draw that much this summer…” fair and valid and you do what you need to do. however, the minimum is only 1,000 words or whatever you consider to be a single completed piece of art, with a deadline of august 26th. sooo doable, right? 👀
“dee this looks so fun but i have no idea how to sign up for an ao3 exchange i’m scared” I WILL HOLD YOUR HAND. you can dm me you can send me asks you can cry on this post and i will tell you all you need to know. promise
these are the current available mcyt tags (again, dsmp tags have not yet been approved, but i know there’s at least 15 of them waiting to go through):
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and if you’re not really into mcyt these days anymore but you still wanna join in the fun - don’t worry. there’s a lot of other fandom options. trust me.
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exchange. you know you want. get your blorbo now
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Alpha Reader(s) Wanted!
I’m looking for an Alpha Reader(s) to help me out with two stories in my Ikemen Sengoku: Iron Chef Sengoku universe. Please feel free to reblog if you think your followers might be interested.
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku, modern AU fusion with Iron Chef - fandom-blind readers are welcome, see General notes
What do I need? I am looking for feedback on plot points, story structure, and general cheerleading to get me going again. Especially appreciated would be anyone open to voice chats on discord or other platforms to talk through things in real time - I benefit greatly from Rubber duck debugging and it’s even better if the rubber duck talks back.
I’ve never worked with alphas or betas before, so this might involve a bit of a learning curve for me. I work in google drive and will share a commenters-access document with you.
I appreciate frank feedback. As long as you’re not deliberately mean, and you’re willing to explain your negative feedback to me, I’m pretty thick-skinned. Even if your feedback upsets me, I promise to take notes and sit with it until the upset passes so I can take it objectively.
That said, the Shingen/OFC story I need help with is coming from a pretty personal place, emotionally, and I might be more married to some aspects of it than I realise.
I absolutely plan to credit my alpha/beta readers publicly unless requested otherwise. 
Timelines: I don’t really have a set timeline for finishing either fic aside from being frustrated with my current lack of progress. I’m not committed to a posting schedule, but would prefer being able to talk with my reader(s) at least once every week or two for a couple of hours.
Contact me: You can DM me on tumblr as @ikementally-deficient, or on discord as GottabeKD#7725. I live in the Eastern timezone and work ‘normal’ business hours. While I’m online pretty much constantly, involved conversations or voicechats are best for evenings and weekends. 
General notes: Because this is an alternate universe to the original canon, no in-depth knowledge of the Ikemen Sengoku universe is required. If you are coming in fandom-blind, I can easily provide you a context summary and a chart of the canon characters’ relationships as I’ve translated them to this universe. 
The canon characters are intended to be consistent with their in-game portrayals (with appropriate updates to a modern setting). The only exception is Kenshin, who is a cis woman in this universe (cis man in canon), with the same yandere personality (she is only a supporting character in these two stories, so that aspect will probably not come up much).
I don’t believe either of these stories contain any triggering elements - the Shingen/OFC story does contain a blind date with a throw-away character who gets physically aggressive, but the POV character is rescued before any harm is done. The Masamune/MC story contains a lot of dirty jokes and innuendo, plus allusions to the characters’ implied sex lives, but no on-screen sex or graphic violence is planned. There are no non/dub-con elements in the main relationships.
For examples of my previous writing, you can check out my stories on AO3 or my writing tag on tumblr, which includes small ficlets and head-canons that never made it over to the archive. If you’re interested in alpha reading the Shingen/OFC story, I specifically recommend reviewing Oncoming Storm (explicit first-time virgin smut), or Advanced Entomology (explicit smutty smut with some dark psychology). 
ICS Season 1
I put the first chapter up on AO3 about three years ago, wrote two more chapters, and then got sucked into real life things and didn’t touch it again until a month ago. I’m still very excited about the story and have been re-plotting and outlining, but I’m having trouble with the actual writing part.
Rating: General/Teen audiences
Genre: Heterosexual Romance, cooking competitions
Summary: Date Masamune owns a restaurant in Tokyo and is invited by his former mentor and investor, Oda Nobunaga, to join a revival of Iron Chef as Iron Chef Japan. Masamune reluctantly agrees after seeing the audition tape of Mizusaki Mai, a baker and line cook who works to integrate and publicise Ainu culture in her cooking. He is attracted to Mai, but hesitates to act because of his own emotional history and their positions as rivals on the show. Complicating the issue is the other competitor, Mouri Motonari, who has his own attraction to Mai.
Length: My finished chapters are clocking in around 25 pages right now (8-9K words). This was originally planned as a 9 chapter story, but may end up giving or taking a chapter. Currently chapter 1 and 2 are written, chapter 3 is progress. The chapter posted on AO3 will probably be altered when the work is completed.
What do I need? Bonus points for anyone with big thoughts and lived experience in minority cultures, as Mai is half-Ainu in this continuity. I am fully open to being told my representation is inappropriate or insensitive and updating it to do better. Also you should probably enjoy cooking shows, since at least a third of this story involves me blathering on about food.
Iron Chef Sengoku Season 1 Untitled side story - Shingen/Original Female Character
This is a side story taking place in the same universe as the above, but not related to that plot. I've kind of gotten stuck up my own ass with overthinking and desperately need some tough love/encouragement
Rating: Explicit - heterosexual sexual activity in the climax (heh) of the story. Smutty, but vanilla. 
Genre: Heterosexual Romance
Summary: Akiyama Maki, a divorced mother of one, is getting back into the dating scene at the urging of her best friend Sumire. It’s not going great. Dating with a small daughter is hard, and Maki’s insecurities from the breakup of her marriage (and the general crappiness of dating) is making it harder. But her best friend’s friend Takeda Shingen is just so supportive, and nice . . . 
Length: Currently about 5K words, I suspect the finished work will be somewhere between 10-15K. 
What do I need? Bonus points for anyone with female experiences of divorce, pregnancy, and body/sexual insecurity; this OFC and story grew out of some of my own ambivalence about and after giving birth. The themes of this story are very personal to me.
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imaginatorcreates · 2 years
More Gods and Fusions
16 June 2022 — 17 June 2022
Summary: New powers, new gods, and so many thoughts.
Word Count: ~2.4k words
Una had to process this before she could decide on how to move forward with dealing with…this whole situation. She turned away from the taller figure that lay in front of her and willed her breathing to subside back to something that resembled being calm and collected about this. A breath in through her nose, hold, then exhale through her mouth. Repeat.
She fixed her twin braids that held her wavy dark blue hair in place and dusted herself off. She turned around to face ‘The Situation’. She looked up at the taller figure that lay in front of her. They — it? She would have to ask soon — tilted their head at her. They blinked at her. All four eyes blinked at her. Oh dear, that was a bit unnerving.
“Zenith? Mehr?” the fallen goddess asked after a few seconds of pause. “Can you hear me?”
The figure blinked at her again. But this time, the rate at which each set of eyes blinked differed. Zenith’s white eyes completely consumed their black sclera and were more like slits when they slowly opened. Comparing that to Mehr’s larger, light gold iris which still retained a semblance of black sclera and were wide with an emotion that the goddess couldn't quite place.
Una turned her attention down to the rest of the fusion’s body. White lines made its outline visible, which was Zenith’s speciality. But their skin wasn’t the nightly dark that Zenith’s was. Not fully. Most of their body was made up of Mehr’s russet brown, doll-like skin. Patches of wispy black at the joints made it clear that Zenith’s influence was still present.
But the thing that caught Una’s eye the most was a large cloud of baby blue that floated around the figure’s head. Mehr’s cloth that constantly covered their hair was wrapped around their neck like a small scarf and combined with Zenith’s habit of making their own hair float around, it was mesmerizing to watch.
But the silence was deafening to Una. “Zenith? Mehr?” she called again. “Could any of you give a sign if you can hear me?”
At first, it seemed like nothing was happening. Then, the fusion of the two blessings slowly nodded its head. Una let out a sigh of relief and allowed a smile to cross over her face. Good.
“Could you maybe – WOAH!” Whatever she was going to say next was thrown out of her mind when a pair of hands formed beneath her and gingerly lifted her up until she was face to face with the fusion. White eyes bore into her while golden ones stared at the ground as a second pair of arms pushed the fusion up from its prone position and into a seated one.
“You…you have four arms.” Una gestured to the extra limbs, then to their face and added, “And you have four eyes.” Her own dark blue orbs widened as she fully took in just how tall the fusion was now. Before, she was comfortably placed in between the two blessings in terms of height. But now, they definitely towered over her. “I…I just…wow. How did this happen?”
With that question out in the open, the awe washed off her and was replaced with the reality of the situation. Never in the history of all gods had two blessings ever fused. Then again, blessings were rare on the mortal plane, and the chances of them ever coming into contact with each other was even rarer.
Una turned her gaze to the heavens above her. It was nighttime, and they were currently hiding out in an abandoned outpost. No one was around for miles. She sighed and mentally prepared herself for what came next. “Zenith, Mehr? Actually, I need to come up with a name for you because saying both of your names separately is a mouthful. But, could you place me down please?” The fused blessings complied with her request, and she thanked them before moving away from them.
The cosmos goddess raised both her hands to the night sky and focused on a few stars she could see. She reached out to them and moved them in a specific way.
I'm the goddess of the cosmos! I can move the stars however I please, she thought. Still, she couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that came with such an ability.
“I told you so! The stars are melting away!”
Her cries from before she remembered her godhood still bore into her mind. Still poked and prodded her to never forget the ultimate power she wielded over the mortal plane. She could easily wipe out several towns with a flick of her wrists. She could extinguish the sun and replace it with a new one. She could —
“Oh Una~” A voice, more masculine compared to her own, shocked her out of her thoughts. Quite literally, as electricity raced through her entire body and raised her hair on end. “I know you were always the favorite god for the Weaver and the Shepherdess, but pulling something like this? Now, you’re just pushing your limits.” The cosmos goddess turned to face the owner of the voice, and was met with blue, almost white eyes and untamable dark gray hair. He was taller than her by a few inches, and he used that to his advantage by running his fingers through her gravity-defying, static hair.
“Rai,” Una hissed. “Stop with your sudden entrances like that! You know my hair — ”
The god of storms laughed. “I know your hair frizzes or whatever you call it.” He casually checked under his nails and continued with a sharp, “But I don’t care.”
“Of course you don’t.” She quickly stepped out of his space and gestured for him to follow her. “I need your advice. It’s about the blessings.”
“Don’t tell me you found another one,” he chuckled. “You seem to pick those up like mortals pick up strays.” But he followed her nonetheless.
She led him to the outpost, rambling about how she woke up and found no traces of Zenith and Mehr but instead a large figure that had both of their features. “And I have no idea about how this happened, but I thought to ask you since you have a blessing roaming around here last time I caught up with you and — ”
“Una. Oh, Una.” Rai laughed and placed a hand on her shoulder, sending another small shock through her body. “I’d love to catch up with you too, but you just picked a bad time for this. As you can see, your ‘fused blessings’ aren’t here.” He gestured out to the open sand and shrugged. “I knew you were an exaggerator, but a liar never crossed my mind to describe you yet.”
“No. I swear, they were right here!” She turned in her spot and looked around. She told them to wait outside the outpost. They walked through the outpost and there was no one around. “They were right here.”
A heavy pit started to swirl around in her stomach and she bit it down lest she start creating something that shouldn’t be here. The last time she let these abilities go unchecked, she created a star on the mortal plane. She had to dispel it before it could burn to its greatest potential. It pained her, in a way.
Her intuition prickled. She looked upward and screamed as the fusion plummeted towards her. She scrambled to get out of the way and Rai glanced up in confusion before his eyes widened and an “By us, what the — !” escaped him.
The fusion spread their main arms outward while gripping onto their cloak, opening it like a sail. The second pair of arms manifested and moved in a way that could only be done when casting a spell. A cloud of darkness billowed outward and the fused blessings disappeared into it.
The darkness disappeared as soon as it swallowed up the fusion and a creaking soon came from behind the two gods. Una turned around and let out an undignified squeal of relief as the fusion reappeared from the shadows of the outpost. She ran toward it with arms outstretched, ignoring the sand that entered her sandals.
“You two! Don’t scare me like that again!” she called out lightly as she closed the distance between them. The lower half of the fusion’s face twitched and split with a white line and a crack. It curled in a grin and the goddess could almost hear the air get sucked in before — 
“UNA!” the fusion shouted. Una skidded to a stop and covered her ears as the volume of the fusion’s voice caused her ears to ring. It was a mix of two voices, one that sang like the birds and one that rumbled with higher pitches. “UNA! Look, look! We did magic!”
“By us Una, you weren’t lying,” Rai breathed. He came up next to Una and hopped upwards by making small storm clouds beneath his feet. The dark gray cloud fluffed up just as the god needed them to. As he applied his weight on them, a small flash burst from them. When he stepped off, a burst of thunder rumbled as the cloud dissipated. The cloud became larger for better balance in midair as he stared the fusion in the eyes.
“Hmm, your magic is stronger than the baseline blessing,” Rai noted loudly so Una could hear his observations from the ground. “Your bond with each other and additional practice to blend in better with the mortals seemed to have caused your magic to combine with each other. In other words — ” he floated down on his cloud and hopped off it, causing it to dissipate with another flash and clap — “their magic can be separated and they’ll return to being two blessings instead of this amalgamation.”
Una processed this, and looked him in the eye. “Surely, you have some sort of cure or process to help reverse this?”
“Did you not hear what I just said?” Rai rolled his eyes and flicked Una’s forehead lightly, sending another fizzle of electricity through her hair. “I have no idea.”
Unbeknownst to the two bickering gods, Zenith and Mehr were having their own conversation. It was a mental one, so the fusion appeared to have just sat down and proceeded to stare into the distance.
“That’s a new god, isn’t it?” Mehr asked as they pointed to the stormy individual. “I’ve never met them before.”
Zenith shook their head. “That’s Rai. He’s not new. Una talked about him a few times.”
���Oh, I see.” Mehr bounced on the balls of their feet and looked at the floating space blessing. “Do you know how to separate our magic?” they asked as they gracefully hopped near them. A lock of baby blue hair freed itself from the cloth on their head.
A dusting of white flooded Zenith’s face at the closed distance and they let their feet touch the ground of the shared headspace. “I–well…I think?” They took a small step back and some of their hair drifted to cover their face as they murmured, “But don’t you enjoy it like this?”
Mehr whistled affirmatively. “I like my own body too.” Their gold eyes dimmed and the shape of their mask’s eye holes shifted downward as they twiddled their fingers. “I wouldn’t be against doing this again though.” Their voice was soft and — dare Zenith say — bashful. They didn’t want to cross any limits that the two blessings set up with each other, so they took the smaller blessing’s hands in their own and pressed the knuckles against where a mouth would be. A flustered warble came from Mehr at the contact but they made no effort to move away.
“I understand,” Zenith whispered, gently letting the smaller blessing’s hands down. “I’ll let you lead then?”
“Sometimes only. I still like it when you lead.” Mehr’s eyes crinkled upward and they laughed. It turned into a yelp when Zenith picked them up and spun them around. It was a sudden impulsive decision, but they didn’t stop when Mehr started to laugh again. And they joined in.
The headspace brightened and their magic swirled around them before — 
The fused blessings glowed before a burst of smoke erupted from them. Una and Rai fanned their hands to clear the smoke before it revealed Zenith and Mehr, separately yet very, very close. Zenith had Mehr dipped as if they were dancing, their foreheads pressed against each other.
“Zenith! Mehr!” Una clapped her hands together and her eyes shone. “You’re back!”
Mehr broke the trance between the two of them first, wriggling out of the dip and chirping at the gods. Zenith’s hair covered their face as white erupted upon it and they slowly followed.
Una grasped them both in a hug and said, “Please don’t do something like that again unless I’m aware of it.” The tone of her voice betrayed that she didn’t mean all of what she said, but she was just worried. These were blessings under her watch after all. She had every right to fret over them.
“Well, as much as I like a good family reunion, I’d best be going.” Rai hopped onto another storm cloud and started to float away. Before he got too far, he turned and called out, “Una. Just give up already. Come back.”
She shook her head. “Rai. You and your friends up there play a sick game of seeing who can handle our blood on the mortal plane. Three out of the seven vials have already killed people when they tried to ingest it.” She released the hug and pointed at the storm god as she announced, “I’ll return when all of you give up.”
He chuckled and just waved a farewell as the cloud rushed off in a burst of speed. Una’s eyes dimmed and she sighed. A game induced by boredom unleashed many problems on the mortal plane indeed. She shook her head. Now wasn't the time to worry about that right now. She faced the blessings. One of her own, and the other she took under her wing. “Let's rest for tonight.”
The stars twisted and turned under her command again. They were towards the same god she called out for, but this time, it was a simple ‘Thank you’.
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Human Augmentation Market: Exploring the Impact on Healthcare and Beyond
Human augmentation, the fusion of human abilities with cutting-edge technology, is not just a concept out of science fiction; it's a rapidly growing industry. As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented rate, the boundaries of what it means to be human are expanding. From wearable devices that monitor our health to genetic modifications that could eliminate diseases, human augmentation is poised to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. The market for human augmentation is expected to surge from USD 171.4 billion in 2023 to a staggering USD 719.7 billion by 2030, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.8% during this period.
Market Size and Growth Projections
The human augmentation market is currently valued at USD 171.4 billion in 2023. This market has been growing steadily, driven by advancements in technology, increased consumer interest, and the rising demand for enhanced human capabilities. By 2030, the market is projected to reach USD 719.7 billion. This growth is attributed to several key factors:
Technological Advancements: Continuous innovation in wearable and implantable devices, genetic engineering, and bionics is driving market expansion.
Increasing Healthcare Needs: As the global population ages, there is a growing demand for medical solutions that enhance human capabilities, such as advanced prosthetics and exoskeletons.
Military and Defense Applications: Governments are increasingly investing in human augmentation technologies for military purposes, including enhanced physical abilities and cognitive functions.
However, the market also faces challenges, including high costs, regulatory hurdles, and ethical concerns surrounding the modification of human abilities.
Download Sample Report @ https://intentmarketresearch.com/request-sample/human-augmentation-market-3025.html 
Key Technologies in Human Augmentation
Wearable Devices
Smartwatches and Fitness Trackers: These devices have become mainstream, offering real-time health monitoring and fitness tracking. They represent the entry point into the world of human augmentation, with their ability to track vital signs, monitor sleep patterns, and provide personalized health insights.
Augmented Reality Glasses: AR glasses are set to transform the way we interact with the digital world, overlaying information directly onto our field of view. These glasses have applications in gaming, healthcare, and even in industrial settings where hands-free information access is crucial.
Implantable Devices
Neural Implants: These devices, often referred to as brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), have the potential to revolutionize the treatment of neurological disorders. They also open the door to advanced human-machine integration, allowing for direct control of devices through thought alone.
Biochips: These tiny devices can be implanted under the skin to monitor various biological processes. Biochips are being developed for use in personalized medicine, where they can provide real-time data on an individual's health status.
Genetic Augmentation
CRISPR Technology: CRISPR is a groundbreaking genetic editing technology that allows for precise modifications to DNA. It holds the promise of curing genetic diseases and even enhancing certain human traits.
Gene Therapy: This approach involves altering the genes within a patient's cells to treat or prevent disease. Gene therapy is still in its early stages but has shown promise in treating conditions like blindness and certain cancers.
Bionics and Prosthetics
Advanced Prosthetic Limbs: Modern prosthetics are becoming increasingly sophisticated, offering greater dexterity and control. These devices are often integrated with the user's nervous system, allowing for natural movement and feedback.
Exoskeletons: Originally developed for military use, exoskeletons are now being adapted for civilian applications, particularly in healthcare. They can assist individuals with mobility impairments, allowing them to walk and perform tasks they would otherwise be unable to do.
Access Full Report @ https://intentmarketresearch.com/latest-reports/human-augmentation-market-3025.html 
Market Segmentation
The human augmentation market can be segmented in several ways:
By Product Type: Wearable devices, implantable devices, genetic augmentation, and bionics.
By Application: Healthcare, military and defense, consumer electronics, and industrial applications.
By End-User: Hospitals, military organizations, research institutions, and individual consumers.
By Region: North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Rest of the World.
Leading Companies in the Human Augmentation Market
Key Players Overview
ABB, Alphabet, Apple, Boston Dynamics, Cyberdyne, Ekso Bionics, Fanuc, KUKA, Magic Leap, NEC, Samsung
Impact of Human Augmentation on Various Sectors
Human augmentation technologies are revolutionizing healthcare by providing new ways to treat chronic conditions, improve patient outcomes, and enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities.
Military and Defense
The military sector is one of the largest investors in human augmentation. Technologies such as exoskeletons and neural implants are being developed to enhance the physical and cognitive abilities of soldiers.
Consumer Electronics
Wearable devices like smartwatches and AR glasses are driving growth in the consumer electronics sector. These products are becoming increasingly popular among consumers looking for ways to enhance their daily lives.
Industrial Applications
In industrial settings, human augmentation technologies are improving worker safety and productivity. Exoskeletons, for example, are being used to reduce the physical strain on workers, leading to fewer injuries and greater efficiency.
Regulatory and Ethical Considerations
Regulatory Landscape
The rapid advancement of human augmentation technologies presents challenges for regulators. Ensuring the safety and efficacy of these products is paramount, but the regulatory landscape is still evolving.
Ethical Challenges and Considerations
Human augmentation raises significant ethical questions, particularly around the potential for inequality, privacy concerns, and the modification of human traits. These issues must be carefully considered as the market continues to grow.
Investment Opportunities in Human Augmentation
Current Investment Trends
Investors are showing increasing interest in human augmentation, particularly in companies developing wearable devices and genetic technologies. Venture capital is flowing into startups that are pushing the boundaries of what human augmentation can achieve.
Future Opportunities
As the market matures, there will be significant opportunities for investment in areas like personalized medicine, advanced prosthetics, and consumer electronics. Companies that can navigate the regulatory and ethical challenges while continuing to innovate will be well-positioned for growth.
Future Trends in Human Augmentation
The future of human augmentation is bright, with numerous technological innovations on the horizon. Emerging applications include brain-computer interfaces, advanced gene editing techniques, and the integration of artificial intelligence with human capabilities.
The human augmentation market is on the cusp of a major expansion, driven by technological advancements and increasing demand across various sectors. As we look to the future, the potential for human augmentation to transform our lives is immense. However, with this potential comes the need to address the regulatory and ethical challenges that accompany such profound changes.
What is the Human Augmentation Market? The human augmentation market involves technologies that enhance human capabilities, such as wearable devices, genetic modifications, and bionic limbs.
What are the key drivers of market growth? Key drivers include technological advancements, increasing healthcare needs, and military applications.
How are ethical issues being addressed? Ethical issues are being addressed through ongoing dialogue among stakeholders, including regulators, companies, and ethicists, to ensure responsible development and use of these technologies.
What sectors will benefit most from human augmentation? Healthcare, military and defense, consumer electronics, and industrial applications are the primary sectors benefiting from human augmentation.
How can businesses invest in this market? Businesses can invest by focusing on innovation, partnering with research institutions, and navigating the regulatory landscape to bring new products to market.
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govindhtech · 10 months
FHIR + HL7 Magic: Elevate Your Healthcare Apps and Data
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Mastering FHIR + HL7 Integration
To manage their everyday processes, latest healthcare providers depend on a vast network of partners and a diverse range of apps and data. Their success depends on their ability to integrate these apps and data, which enables them to provide effective and efficient patient care.
Due to the sensitive and complicated nature of the data involved, the healthcare sector has fallen behind even with the advancements in data transformation and integration technologies that have enabled quicker and simpler data transmission between applications. The fact that some healthcare data are still transferred in physical format actually prevents providers from taking use of automation and integration.
Describe HL7
A set of international standards called Health Level Seven (HL7) was created to address this issue. A group of technology and healthcare professionals called Health Level Seven International developed the standards, which were first launched in 1989 with the intention of improving hospital workflow assistance. For the purpose of enhancing interoperability in healthcare, HL7 has offered a common set of patient traits and clinical events.
The FHIR Standard: What Is It?
HL7 has been updated to the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR).
The FHIR protocol establishes guidelines for the interchange of healthcare data, encompassing the transfer of medical records across various computer systems, irrespective of their storage type. Electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic medical records (EMRs) can be exchanged via an application programming interface (API), which is described in the FHIR standard along with data components, communications, and document formats. Since FHIR offers open APIs, continuous real-time data sharing is made possible.
What advantages does FHIR offer?
Even if a patient uses many plans (many payers utilizing numerous EHRs) and sees multiple physicians in various healthcare organizations, FHIR makes it easier for them to manage their treatment. FHIR standards provide a comprehensive picture of patient information to enhance overall care coordination and clinical decision support by establishing a single, unified personal patient health record that combines data from various formats. More efficient, individualized, integrated, and economical healthcare options are advantageous to everybody.
What distinctions exist between HL7 and FHIR?
FHIR employs popular web standards including RESTful APIs, XML, JSON, and HTTP and pulls on earlier standards like HL7 Version 2 (V2) and HL7 Version 3 (V3). FHIR is more efficient when REST APIs are used since they let data consumers request information on demand instead of having to subscribe to a feed that shares all data, regardless of whether it is needed right away (as was the situation with previous HL7 versions).
Mobile apps, cloud-based communications, EHR-based data sharing, real-time server connectivity, and other applications may all be utilized using the HL7 FHIR REST API. Software developers may create uniform browser-based healthcare apps with FHIR, enabling consumers to access clinical data from any healthcare system on any device or operating system.
FHIR offers out-of-the-box compatibility and is simpler to understand and use than previous iterations. Different architectural strategies that can be utilized to obtain data from a contemporary or old system are also permitted under the FHIR standard.
Is HL7 and FHIR compatible?
Organizations should switch to FHIR to take advantage of the new approach for health information data interchange, even if it is compatible with HL7 V2 and CDA standards. Nonetheless, a lot of providers continue to use older iterations of the HL7 standard, so some IT teams aren’t sure if they need update or rework their current apps to support HL7 V2.
Fusion with IBM and FHIR
Without requiring the rewriting of current programs, IBM App Connect can convert HL7 to FHIR in both directions. It can transfer medical records between systems, including an EHR functioning as an FHIR server.
A specific version of IBM App Connect designed for the healthcare sector is called IBM App Connect for Healthcare. It provides pre-built patterns for intelligent routing and transformation of FHIR. The ability of the patterns to transform FHIR into any other format gives healthcare companies the chance to take use of the advantages of FHIR and investigate cutting-edge integration techniques, such as event-driven architectures. With IBM API Connect, health IT providers can establish, administer, protect, and socialize FHIR APIs, expanding the reach of these resources for a variety of use cases.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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