#Frida Diaz
burnthatbridge · 11 months
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BUDDIE SHIP STATS [inspiration] + [template by @marissources]
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capseycartwright · 2 years
I will be nice, and will send you the "doing a pinky swear" instead 💞
“You know,” Eddie’s tone was droll as he spoke. “Given the state of my last marriage, I thought I would be the one having a panic attack the night before our wedding.”
Buck glared up at his fiancé from where he was hiding behind the couch. It was hard, to hide as a six-foot something man, but he’d done his best, squeezing himself behind their new green couch. There weren’t many places to hide in their house – not least of all because they weren’t done unpacking yet.
Whose idea was it to get married and move house in the same month?
“That’s not funny,” Buck huffed.
“It is, a bit,” Eddie hummed, stepping over Buck so he could sit down on the floor across from him. “So,” he said, folding his legs underneath him carefully. “Are you going to tell me why you’ve been acting like you’re headed for the guillotine and not the altar tomorrow?��
“We’re not having a church wedding, there’s no altar,” Buck mumbled. He knew he was being pedantic. Being pedantic meant that he was saved from having a big emotional conversation he didn’t feel like having with the man he was going to marry in the morning.
“It’s a metaphor,” Eddie didn’t sound offended. “Come on. Penny for your thoughts and all that.”
So, there was no escaping this conversation.
“It’s not that I don’t want to marry you,” Buck blurted out, wide-eyed as he looked at Eddie.
“Okay,” Eddie said, drawing out the word. “I didn’t think you didn’t want to marry me.”
“You might, after I say what I’m going to say,” Buck admitted. “So that’s why I had to say it first. I want to marry you, Eddie.”
“It’s not a but, not really,” Buck paused, for a second, trying to think of a way to said what he wanted to say without hurting Eddie’s feelings. He didn’t want to hurt his feelings or cause a fight the night before their wedding. “I just – I’m terrified, Eddie.”
“What are you terrified of?”
That was the question, wasn’t it?
Buck was scared of a lot of things – he was man enough to admit that – and most of all, he was scared of messing his relationship with Eddie up. Loving Eddie was the greatest privilege of his life, and Buck wanted to love him for the rest of his life: but it’s not as if Buck had been surrounded by examples of the healthiest relationships growing up. He’d never learned how you might be a good partner, a good husband.
He was terrified he’d go nuclear one day, and ruin it all.
“I’m so afraid I’m going to mess this up,” Buck admitted, wiping roughly at his already watery eyes. It wasn’t going to take much to push him over the edge, was it? “I – I’m terrified that I’m not going to be able to be the husband you deserve. That we’ll – that we’ll get married, and build a life together, and it’ll all implode anyway.”
Eddie was quiet, for a second. “I can’t sit here and promise you what life is going to look like for us in ten, or fifteen, or fifty years,” he admitted. “I wish I could tell you that nothing is ever going to go wrong. But I’d be lying – because I don’t know.”
“That’s the bit that scares me,” Buck said, his lip starting to wobble. “That I’m going to give this everything and it mightn’t work out in the end.”
“It mightn’t,” Eddie relented, though the look in his eyes made Buck think that Eddie didn’t really believe in the possibility of it not working out. “But it might. You’ve got to remember that, too, baby,” he reassured. “Look. I can’t see the future, I can’t tell you what’s going to happen tomorrow, or in a year – but I can promise you one thing, Evan Buckley, and that’s that you and I will never stop trying to make this, us, work.”
Buck sniffed back his tears. “You promise?”
Eddie grinned, offering out his pinky finger. “I pinky promise.”
Buck laughed wetly. “You’re such an idiot,” he teased, but he wrapped his pinky finger around Eddie’s. Even in the dim light of their dark living room, Eddie was beautiful – his hair was soft, and free of product, and he was wearing a shirt that Buck knew belonged to him, the material stretched out and worn at the elbows. He was beautiful, in the way he looked, but also in the way he smiled at Buck, kind and genuine and reassuring, more than Buck ever deserved to call his.
“But you love me,” Eddie grinned cheekily.
“I do,” Buck nodded. “I do – I really, really do Eddie. You know that, right?”
“I know,” Eddie shrugged, keeping hold of Buck’s pinky finger. “Do you – promise me that we’ll always  talk, when you – or I – feel like this. Because I – I think we can figure anything out, if we talk about it, but I need you to talk to me about it.”
“I promise,” Buck sighed. “I’m sorry I freaked out.”
“Don’t be,” Eddie said. “I’m glad you freaked out tonight – not in the morning. I want you to be excited in the morning.”
“I’m excited, baby,” Buck reassured.
“I know, I’m just teasing,” Eddie pressed a kiss to the tip of Buck’s pinky finger. “It’s your last night as a free man, after all.”
Buck had heard the joke – before they were ever engaged, and so many more times since they’d gotten engaged, and even more, in the weeks leading up to their wedding. The thing was – Buck had never been freer than when he was with Eddie. It was cheesy, but it was true – and he couldn’t wait to be a married man.
He told Eddie as much.
Eddie’s eyes were glassy, as he smiled at Buck. “You’ve got to save the soppiness for your vows,” he joked, but he squeezed Buck’s finger again. “You feeling okay, now?”
Buck nodded. “Can we stay here five minutes longer, though?”
Eddie’s smile was going to light up the rest of Buck’s fucking life. “We can stay here as long as you want, Buck.”
send me a touching prompt
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leothil · 4 months
Actually incredible that they chose to bring back Eddie's S2 hair so that the visual parallels to the situation with Shannon that season are even stronger.
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doeeyeseddie · 6 months
hi pia i'm thinking about heart eyes diaz again so "15. watching their oblivious s/o lovingly" spoke to me
frida my love! so true, it fits perfectly <3
[read on ao3]
When Bobby offered Eddie the spot on the 118, he fully intended for him to become Buck’s partner on the job. He picked him specifically for that, feeling like Eddie could be exactly the kind of person Buck needed to become the amazing firefighter he had the potential to be.
He also hoped they’d get along on a personal level too, obviously – his entire team is built on that hope. Eddie was supposed to fit with all of them, but Buck most of all.
Now, as he’s standing in the firehouse kitchen with a clear view of Eddie at the table, his chin resting on his hand as he watches Buck explaining something to Hen with big gestures across from him, Bobby can’t help but think that this all worked out much better than he could ever have hoped.
They’ve had their ups and downs – Buck and Eddie, yes, but all of them, really – but if that time a year or two where their team was splintering was good for anything, it was making it clear just how lucky they are to be working with this team. How lucky they are to have this family, at work and outside of it.
Eddie’s face is soft, almost tender, as he looks at Buck, who’s still focused on Hen.
It gives Bobby pause.
These two have had a special connection from nearly the beginning on, except for that short period where Buck’s irrational fear of being replaced translated to hostility. Since then, Bobby has watched them become friends, then best friends very quickly, and eventually, they grew into their own little family unit within their bigger family.
He’s aware of this, aware of how important they are to each other. How could he not? He’s seen them go through the worst and the best times together, seen them support each other, seen them grieve for each other.
He’s even seen this expression on Eddie’s face before, usually in flashes or from far away. Never as open and unguarded, so obviously full of love, without caring who sees it.
Bobby turns back to the food he’s preparing and can’t help thinking that maybe he’s missed one more layer of it after all.
So when, two weeks later, Bobby gets another up close look at the look on Eddie’s face while Buck is stumbling his way through an explanation for why they need disclosure of relationship forms, he’s not completely surprised.
“So we, uh, wanted to talk to you because– You see, Eddie and I, we sort of, um, realized recently,” Buck stammers, and all the while, Eddie smiles at the side of his face like he’s the best thing he’s ever seen. “That what we f-feel for each other, is, um–”
“Buck,” Bobby interrupts him gently. “Are you trying to tell me that the two of you are in a relationship?”
“Yes, he is,” Eddie says, and he’s still smiling at Buck, who doesn’t seem to have noticed. “We are.”
At that, Buck turns towards him and his face melts into a smile like he can’t help it. 
“Yeah,” he says, without looking away from Eddie.
Bobby watches them smile at each other for a minute, fondly, but eventually, he clears his throat.
Eddie blinks and turns to him first. “Um, sorry. So, what forms do we have to fill out? And is there anything else we need to do?”
“We– We know there’s a married couple working the same shift at the 139, so we’re good, right? We can keep working together?” Buck asks worriedly.
“I don’t see why not,” Bobby says. “I’ve got a whole stack of forms I can give you to take home with you, you can bring them back signed on your next shift. Apart from that, it’s up to my recommendation. If I find that you can’t work together with appropriate professionalism anymore, then I can recommend that one of you is moved to another station. But you’re not in the same chain of command and I assume that your feelings at least aren’t all that new, are they?”
“They’re not,” both of them say at almost the same time, then smile at each other again.
“Then I see no reason why you shouldn’t work just as well together now that you’re making it official,” Bobby says, and finally lets the captain act drop with a smile. “So you’re happy?”
“Yeah,” Buck breathes. “Yeah, Bobby, we’re so happy.”
Eddie reaches for his hand and Buck grips it tightly.
“Disgustingly so, if you believe Christopher,” Eddie grins, and Bobby laughs.
“Well, I’m really happy for you. You both deserve happiness, and looking at you right now – well, it just makes sense that you found it with each other.”
“Thanks, Bobby,” Eddie says, eyes bright.
Bobby remembers him sitting in front of him like this, but alone, adrift, scared. He remembers how worried he was that he’d never be happy.
And Buck – how lost he used to feel, never aware of how loved he already was by the people in his life, always chasing after the idea he’d built up in his head.
Well, it kind of makes Bobby want to congratulate himself for pairing these two up.
A year later, while Bobby is recounting the story of Buck and Eddie from his view at their wedding reception, his eyes keep straying to the grooms.
Buck is watching him with teary eyes and a wobbly smile that makes Bobby choke up a little, but Eddie is looking at Buck. He’s wearing that same tender, lovesick expression Bobby has seen on his face so many times by now, and he finds himself hoping that the wedding photographer will capture it in one of their photos, because he’d like Buck to get a good look at it.
He knows that Buck knows that Eddie loves him, but knowing Buck, it wouldn’t hurt for him to see photographic evidence of the naked adoration on his new husband’s face.
But he shouldn’t have worried, because when Buck turns to look at Eddie, his expression doesn’t waver at all. Buck doesn’t seem surprised to see it, either, so clearly he’s not as oblivious as Bobby may have thought.
Good, he thinks. Everything is exactly as it’s supposed to be, and better than he ever could have hoped.
He smiles and lifts his glass to finish his toast. “To Buck and Eddie. May you always look at each other the way you are right now.”
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 year
Going to wade into the Bucks Red umbrella conversation going on, because I have thoughts!! @leothil wrote this brilliant post connecting all the umbrella sightings in season 6 and @usercowboy made this post which is also amazing.
I agree that the umbrella seems to be showing us the line in the sand where Buck will ultimately stand - on the same side as Chris (and by extension the Buckley-Diaz family of it all) and on the opposite side from Connor. That whatever is about to go down in the sperm donor arc, will lead to a break of some sort.
The thing that I want to add - that plays into the idea of family and parenthood and raising a child is 5x18 starting over - the only time (I can remember) we’ve seen that umbrella opened - in a scene where Maddie and Buck have a conversation about what love actually is etc etc. but most importantly a conversation about brain injury and missing or losing out and making the same mistakes over and over again. 
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Now obviously that scene is very much about Maddie realising what she’s missing out on with Chimney by not starting over with him and fully parenting their child together etc. But it’s also a scene between two siblings who’ve had a black hole in their lives in terms of parental experiences and who have been there for each other in the difficult times and offered the other protection from whatever storms they’ve been facing. As Bia says - Umbrellas are things that can be used for protection and it being open for this scene - where Maddie, who for all intents and purposes raised Buck and was a parent to him just adds weight to both the idea of the Buckley siblings protecting each other, as well as the concept of Buck coparenting Chris - of him recognising that that is what he is doing and that ultimately it is the most important thing- in the same way we’ve seen Buck inthe last couple of seasons realising and understanding the full extent of how and why it was Maddie who raised him (and I’d argue coming to full understanding and acceptance of that in 6x11 when the Buckleys are taking over and redecorating his loft (and thats why I think we see it in the background of those scenes Frida!)) and embracing it 
Anyway yeah this isn’t coherent at all, but  that Red umbrella is a big signal to us and I’m fascinated by its use!!!
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chaos-burst · 2 years
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[ID: The Brooklyn Nine-Nine meme of Rosa Diaz, labeled “me”, holding a white puppy, labeled “F.R.I.D.A.”. The caption reads: "I've only had Frida for a day and a half, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself." End ID]
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toondisneyartz · 1 year
Love is Love - Pride Month Edition
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So, this may be my last post for pride month, however, I promise to post more of these ships all year round. Before you comment, I did include a few heterosexual-looking couples because people in heterosexual couples are still LGBTQ+. I want to be able to represent all kinds of couples. Cagney Carnation, Blind Specter, Hilda Berg, and Cala Maria are owned by Chad and Jared Moldenhauer and Studio MDHR Marcy Wu and Anne Boonchuy are owned by Matt Brady and Disney TVA Joan of Arc, JFK, Cleopatra, and Frida Kahlo are owned by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller and MTV Studios Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Willow Park, and Hunter are owned by Dana Terrace and Disney TVA Professor Venomous, Lord Boxman, Enid Mettle, and Red Action are owned by Ian Jone Quartey and Cartoon Network Studios Pacifica Northwest and Mabel Pines are owned by Alex Hirsch and Disney TVA Marco Diaz, Tom Lucitor, Jackie Lynn Thomas, and Star Butterfly are owned by Daron Nefcy and Disney TVA Made using Procreate Template created by unknown (please tag the creator in the comments if you know them)
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igglemouse · 6 months
Song of the Day!
In case anyone wants to know why I do these song of the day's its mainly done to just separate my posting. You know if you're scrolling that another day has passed. Someone once told me that they really liked that about my blog!
Episode 2.3 should post tomorrow! No possible date on 3.1 right now but if you look at my master post you will see the name and hint of the 3rd heir! Definitely an alien! That one should be fun I've been wanting to do an alien for a loooooooooooooong time. Since starting really lol, one just never won a heir vote and I just never thought to start with one but I can't wait to reveal more about Zer! Just a hint, for those who have been around with me for a long time if you enjoyed old Ben Diaz you will enjoy Zer!
Capping off episode 2 my confidence is high! While I know it won't get any more likes/comments than my other stuff for 'reasons' I do know the story will be awesome for anyone that chooses to join along on the ride!
As for the pace, I'm happy with the pace of it, have had some things slow down the posting more than I would like but even with that Frida is 25% done with her first year (of what I've played) and that's with a pretty busy month I've had!
Also I'm posting this on pillowfort, which is behind, and always looking for other alternatives!
ALSO! If anyone ever wants to collab just let me know! I don't get many offers for that but it'd be cool to do!
Truth is strong, and sometime or other will prevail. ~ Mary Astell
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onward--upward · 1 year
Hi beloved! I'm asking you 5, 11, 13, and 24! 🦀💖
frida!! helllo!! 💖💖🦀🦀
5. character you were most surprised to end up writing?
this is actually a really tough one? i think a lot of the characters i write tend to track pretty closely, actually! in that they do not surprise me at all, lol. especially recently!! (for example evan buckley, michael guerin, and alex claremont-diaz are all disaster bisexuals in different ways)
i guess the answer would be when i wrote waiting game, which is more through bobby and athena’s perspective!! i love them deeply, but i hadn't really set out to write their POV
11. what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
i think dialogue. when i was younger i always had an idea of what i was trying to do with dialogue, but in execution it was always very... clunky. and trying too hard, lol. but now i would say it's one of my favourite things to write! honestly these days sometimes if i'm stuck i start with the dialogue and build the rest of the scene around it, so it's definitely improved significantly
13. your strengths as an author
related to the above answer: these days i would actually say dialogue is my biggest strength! i also like to think i have a solid grasp of the voice of a character
24. have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or story?
the short answer is: actually no hahah! i am a lazy person in general, and i tend to write about things that i'm at least passably familiar with
the long answer is: i'm in the process of learning a lot about tarot for the novel i'm trying to write! but i still feel like i know nothing
thank you sm for the ask bestie!! 🦀💖
get to know your author
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superspy2222 · 2 years
(tener en cuenta esto para armar outfits para podcast o photoshoots)
I learnt how to be a lady
nuestra señora del carmen
miss magic jesus
cantos militares
terrorismo 90s
baila baila princesita
el tatuaje de la rosa azul en la barriga
piledriver waltz
bromas que matan
I made you and I can destroy you just as easy
violet, new name
me como a mi
tratame suavemente
tatuado alejo en la planta del pie
alice, a stripper
vestido azul
flores amarillas
dance with me the gallowdance
the toxicity of our city
how do you own disorder?
you could have anyone you want, why would you want to be with me?
a little peace of heaven
zapatos rojos
me como a mi
tratame suavemente
tatuado alejo en la planta del pie
daniela suicidandose dsps de perder el pageont
Lizzy grant
“Everybody knows that I'm a good girl, officer”
“Prison isn't going to keep me from you”
zapatos dorados, sombrero rosado, labios rojos
limusina negra
seul national university
💗 avenged sevenfold
a little piece of heaven
cause a really always knew that my little crime would be cold thats what a get a heater for your thighs
jenny humphrey
lonely boy
lipstick longs longer but gloss is more fun
fantasia pop
mia colucci
elite way school
the ballad of the sexual dependency
por la musica olvide que yo era la unica
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darkskiesrpg · 2 months
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♡ ━ ACCEPTED ━ ♡ welcome to new mystic orleans falls, Hayley Marshall-Kenner, Lorelai Lockwood, Oaklee Whitlock, Roxelana Demir, Skyla Fairlight, Charlotte Kenner, Scout Morgrave, Beau Reine, Ryker Bradenton, Ruslan Jamakovich, Hope Mikaelson, Jackson Kenner, Bonnie Bennett, Riley Lockwood, Jesse Kenner, Peyton Morgrave, Sebastian Mondragón, Aliyah St. John, Luna Diaz, Blossom Bellerose, Georgie Kenner, Henrik Mikaelson! be sure to send in your account within fourty-eight hours or your role will be reopened. don’t forget to look over our checklist. Phoebe Tonkin, Elizabeth Lail, Madelyn Cline, Hande Ercel, Josefina Frida Pettersen, Sophia Bush, Emma Stone, Garrett Hedlund, Casey Deidrick, Can Yaman, Danielle Rose Russell, Nathan Parsons, Kat Graham, Kathryn Newton, Damian Harding, Samantha Logan, Samuel Larson, Willa Fitzgerald, Bailee Madison, Richard Madden, Abigail Cowen, and Priscilla Quintana are now taken!
[ Phoebe Tonkin | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. HAYLEY MARSHALL-KENNER, an 20/43 year old HYBRID, is one of those from the FUTURE learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re BLUNT but the truth is that they’re really PROTECTIVE. Their style can best be described as LEATHER JACKETS AND BLACK COMBAT BOOTS, NIGHTLY RUNS IN WOLF FORM, CHANNELING AGGRESSION WITH HAND TO HAND COMBAT, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( Sushi, 28, EST, She/Her)
[ Elizabeth Lail | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. LORELAI LOCKWOOD, an 25 year old SIPHONER/WEREWOLF HYBRID, is one of those from the FUTURE learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re OPINIONATED but the truth is that they’re really EMPATHETIC. Their style can best be described as IVORY KEYS, SUNFLOWERS, AND SCRUBS, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( Sushi )
[ Madelyn cline | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. OAKLEE WHITLOCK, an 23 year old WEREWOLF/WITCH HYBRID, is one of those from the FUTURE learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re GUARDED but the truth is that they’re really COMPASSIONATE. Their style can best be described as OCEAN WAVES, OLD RECORDS, AND SEASHELL JEWELRY, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( Sushi )
[ Hande Ercel | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. ROXELANA DEMIR, an 23 year old WEREWOLF, is one of those from the FUTURE learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re EVASIVE but the truth is that they’re really METICULOUS. Their style can best be described as CAMERAS AND ART SUPPLIES, LITTLE BLACK DRESS, AND MOTORCYCLES, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( Sushi )
[ Josefina Frida Pettersen | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. SKYLA FAIRLIGHT, an 23 year old FAIRY, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re DETACHED but the truth is that they’re really BUBBLY. Their style can best be described as FLOWER SHOPS, CUPCAKES, AND SUNDRESSES, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( Sushi )
[ Sophia Bush | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. CHARLOTTE KENNER, an 43 year old WEREWOLF, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re STUBBORN but the truth is that they’re really LOYAL. Their style can best be described as POLICE SIRENS, MOONLIGHT, AND FLANNELS, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( Sushi )
[ Emma Stone | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. SCOUT MORGRAVE, an 29 year old PHYSIC, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re SNARKY but the truth is that they’re really MATURE. Their style can best be described as BOOKS, HERBAL TEAS, AND FRESH FRUIT AND VEGGIE GARDEN, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( Sushi )
[ Garrett Hedlund | he/him ] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. BEAU REINE, an 35 year old WEREWOLF, is one of those from the PAST learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re NONCHALANT but the truth is that they’re really INTUITIVE. Their style can best be described as FLANNELS, GUITAR AROUND A FIRE, AND A NICE COLD ONE, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( Sushi )
[ Casey Deidrick | he/him ] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. RYKER BRADENTON, an 27 year old WEREWOLF, is one of those from the PAST learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re UNPREDICTABLE but the truth is that they’re really COURAGEOUS. Their style can best be described as LEATHER JACKET, MOTORCYCLE, AND CRIME SCENE TAPE, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( Sushi )
[ Can Yaman | he/him ] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. RUSLAN JAMAKOVICH, an 35 year old WEREWOLF, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re STUBBORN but the truth is that they’re really SELF-DISCIPLINED. Their style can best be described as MAN BUNS, ART SUPPLIES, AND FIRE ENGINES, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( Sushi )
[ danielle rose russell | she/her ] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. HOPE MIKAELSON, a 20 year old TRIBRID, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re COLD but the truth is that they’re really CARING. Their style can best be described as WET PAINT AND THE SMELL OF BLOOD, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( rei, so old, mst, they/them ).
[ nathan parsons| he/him ] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. JACKSON KENNER, a 20 year old WEREWOLF, is one of those from the PAST learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re NAIVE but the truth is that they’re really NOBLE. Their style can best be described as FLANNEL AND CAMPFIRES, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( rei, so old, mst, they/them ).
[ kat graham | she/her ] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. BONNIE BENNETT, a 19 year old WITCH, is one of those from the PAST learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re ARROGANT but the truth is that they’re really SELFLESS. Their style can best be described as BURNING SAGE AND FLOATING FEATHERS, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( rei, so old, mst, they/them ).
[ kathryn newton | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. RILEY LOCKWOOD, an 25 year old HYBRID, is one of those from the FUTURE learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re SARCASTIC but the truth is that they’re really SOLICITOUS. Their style can best be described as LEATHER JACKETS, GUITAR PICKS, AND CIGARETTES and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( kelsey, 28, est, she/her ).
[ damian hardung | he/him] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. JESSE KENNER, an 23 year old WEREWOLF, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re PROTECTIVE but the truth is that they’re really LEERY. Their style can best be described as CAMERAS, HOSTING MOVIE NIGHTS WITH A PROJECTOR ON A FRIDAY NIGHT, AND THE SPENDING HOURS IN A LOCAL COFFEE SHOP and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( kelsey, 28, est, she/her ).
[ samantha logan | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. ALIYAH ST. JOHN, an 26 year old WITCH, is one of those from the FUTURE learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re IMPERIOUS but the truth is that they’re really CONFIDENT. Their style can best be described as HIGH HEELS, SHOPPING SPREES, AND NIGHTS OUT WITH HER FRIENDS and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( kelsey, 28, est, she/her ).
[ samuel larsen | he/him] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. SEBASTIÁN MONDRAGÓN, an 400 year old SPECIES, is one of those from the PAST learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re ENIGMATIC but the truth is that they’re really IMPULSIVE. Their style can best be described as TATTOOS AND DRUM SOLOS, SMOKE FILLED ROOMS, BACKROOMS AND AFTERPARTIES, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( kelsey, 28, est, she/her ).
[ willa fitzgerald | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. PEYTON MORGRAVE, an 31 year old PSYCHIC, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re CRASS but the truth is that they’re really PERCEPTIVE. Their style can best be described as CLOTHES HANGING ON THE LINE IN A TRAILER PARK, LIVING ROOM TEA PARTIES WITH HER DAUGHTER, AND WORKING LATE NIGHTS AT THE BAR and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( kelsey, 28, est, she/her ).
[ bailee madison | she/her ] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. GEORGIANA 'GEORGIE' KENNER an 21 year old WEREWOLF, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re ARGUMENTATIVE but the truth is that they’re really LOYAL. Their style can best be described as RIPPED JEANS, COVERED IN STAINS, A TEMPER THAT HAS TO BE HELD BACK, EYES THAT ARE ALWAYS ROLLING, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( lizzie, 30, she/her, gmt). 
[ richard madden | he/him ] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. HENRIK MIKAELSON, an 33 year old WITCH, is one of those from the FUTURE learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re COCKY but the truth is that they’re really VENTURESOM. Their style can best be described as A SURNAME THAT CAN STRIKE FEAR, AN AIR OF CONFIDENCE THAT NEVER SEIZES, A POWERFUL MAGIC RUNNING THROUGH HIS VEINS, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( lizzie ). 
[ abigail cowen | she/her] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. BLOSSOM BELLEROSE, an 24/28 year old FAIRY, is one of those from the PRESENT learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re NAIVE but the truth is that they’re really CARING. Their style can best be described as FLOWER CROWNS IN HER HAIR, A HAPPINESS THAT NEVER FADES, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( lizzie ).
[ PRISCILLA QUNITANA | SHE/HER] A new face takes refuge under Dark Skies. LUNA DIAZ, an 30 year old BANSHEE/WITCH, is one of those from the PAST learning to navigate this changed world. People say behind their back that they’re RECKLESS but the truth is that they’re really CREATIVE. Their style can best be described as AESTHETIC, and we’ll see how that helps them fit in. ( lizzie ).
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Transformation of Touch
Natalie Diaz - Touch
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Jaime Bernard - Women At Night
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Egon Schiele - Gli Innamorati
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Frida Kahlo - Letter to Jose Bartoli
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Antonio María Esquivel - Saint Justa and Saint Rufina
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Jeanette Winterson - The Poetics of Sex
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Käthe Kollwitz -Der Kuss
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Sue Zhao - Untitled
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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec - Abandonment (The Pair)
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leothil · 5 months
Do you have any thoughts or predictions on where eddies storyline is going this season?
Not many, because whatever I come up with the show will usually outperform anyway. I'm seeing a Marisol breakup in the future, though whether it's because he comes to some realizations about how he treats the relationship as the important part and not the person or she grows an actual spine is debatable.
I'd like to see him confront his conflicted feelings about Helena too, because I'd argue she's the worst out of the two Diaz parents. Eddie clearly blamed his dad the most for his fucked-up headspace growing up, but that's probably much easier for him, seeing as Ramon was the one away a lot, and also the one Eddie probably got directly compared to (and compared himself to). Helena was there daily, and I do think she provided support for him growing up, but at the same time... every time we've seen her, she's been the one taking the charge on putting Eddie down. She said "don't drag [Christopher] down with you." She told the story of Eddie trying to drive his father's truck when Helena went into labor as a funny anecdote, completely missing how that was a semi-traumatic or at least sad memory for Eddie. She was the one taking charge on the attempt to make Eddie move back to Texas after Shannon died. I think there's a lot of really juicy stuff the show could dig into there!
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doeeyeseddie · 1 year
Pia pls, something with "sweater weather" 🥹💛
frida, it's 32°c outside and as far from sweater weather as it could be, but this was very fun to write, thank you 💘
send me a soft prompt
[read on ao3]
Winter in LA isn’t cold by any means, and having grown up in El Paso, Eddie should be used to lower temperatures – but he’s been living in LA for six years now, and clearly he’s become used to LA temperatures instead.
So when he wakes up on a cold December morning and the other side of the bed is cold, he grumbles unhappily as he gets out from under the cozy blanket, and looks for a sweater to put on over his sleepshirt.
He finds one of Buck’s thrown haphazardly over the back of the chair Eddie has in his bedroom, and pulls it over his head. It’s soft and smells like Buck, and Eddie breathes in deep once before going on the search for the man himself.
He finds him in the kitchen, leaning against the counter holding a cup of coffee and reading a book. His back is halfway turned, so Eddie gets a good look at the bold letters spelling out DIAZ on the back of the sweater he’s wearing. His stomach does a somersault and he pads into the kitchen, causing Buck to look up from his book.
“Hey,” he smiles, putting down the coffee and lifting his arm so Eddie can tuck himself under it in search of Buck’s warmth.
Once he’s wrapped around Buck completely, his cold nose pressed to Buck’s neck, he mumbles, “Morning.”
Buck presses a kiss to the side of his head. “You okay?”
“I missed you,” Eddie says, and doesn’t even feel ridiculous for it. “The bed was cold without you.”
“Sorry,” Buck says. “Do you want coffee?”
“In a minute.” 
Buck lets his book close without putting a bookmark in it and wraps his second arm around Eddie too. He’s barely taller than Eddie, but sometimes Eddie really likes being tucked against his side like this, kept safe from the world. Especially when the world is cold and gray, like today.
“Love you,” he says eventually, lifting his head.
Buck smiles and meets him for a short kiss. “I love you, too. Coffee now?”
“Yeah,” Eddie nods, reluctantly taking a step back. “Thanks.”
Buck presses the button on the coffeemaker he’s programmed to make Eddie’s coffee (perfectly, unfortunately, which is why Eddie hasn’t thrown it out yet), and turns back to look at him again, a slow smile spreading across his face.
“You look good in my clothes,” he says, and Eddie shimmies his shoulders a little to make him laugh. It’s true he’s wearing a pair of Buck’s sweatpants too, which he forgot when he grabbed the sweater, but it’s not like they don’t share clothes all the time.
They sit at the kitchen table with their coffees, feet tangled under it, and start planning their day.
Breakfast in a bit, once Christopher is up, then laundry, grocery shopping and maybe some Christmas shopping, evening plans to be determined once they know if Christopher’s got any or if he’ll be spending it at home with them.
Buck gets up to look in the fridge and start writing their grocery list, and Eddie watches him, the same somersault feeling in his stomach as earlier.
“You look good in my clothes too,” he says, and Buck looks at him over his shoulder from where he’s half sticking his head inside the fridge. “You look good in my everything.”
Buck’s smile goes a little confused. “I– thank you?”
Eddie shakes his head with a laugh. “I just mean– you look good in all of my things. My clothes, my kitchen, my bed, my house. My life.”
Buck closes the fridge door and turns around to face him fully, eyes soft. “Eddie–”
“I love you,” Eddie barrels on, “and I want you here with me all the time. You should move in with us.”
“Yes,” Buck breathes, and he’s crossed the kitchen within a second, cupping Eddie’s face between his hands and sliding onto his lap. “Yes.”
Eddie has half a mind to worry about the chair – or maybe a quarter, because the biggest part of his brain is focused on Buck in his lap.
“Yeah?” he asks, hands running up Buck’s thighs on either side of him to settle at his hips.
“Of course,” Buck says, and he’s smiling so wide his eyes are almost disappearing. “I hate leaving here.”
“And I hate when you leave, and I know Christopher does too.” 
Not that Buck leaves much, these days. Honestly, this is more of a formality at this point, but Eddie really does hate whenever Buck goes to the loft instead of coming home with him, so he can’t wait to be rid of the thing.
“We can throw out your bed and move mine here instead,” Buck suggests, and Eddie glowers at him playfully.
“What’s wrong with my bed?”
“Come on now, you know mine is more comfortable. And bigger.”
Eddie, who spent a lot of time in Buck’s bed especially in the early days of their relationship, when Buck still felt awkward knowing Christopher slept just down the hall, does know that.
“Okay,” he agrees. “I guess we can keep your bed.”
“Make it our bed,” Buck says, and Eddie wants to make fun of him for being a sap, but he’s pretty sure his face is showing exactly how much he likes it.
“Sap,” he says anyway, and Buck’s hands that have migrated to Eddie’s shoulders, move back up to his face.
“You love it,” he grins. “And you’re just as much of a sap, Mr “You look good in my life”.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie says happily. “You’re moving in with me anyway.”
“I am,” Buck crows. “You’re never getting rid of me now.”
“Good,” Eddie says, and tilts his head up.
Buck gets the hint and bends down to kiss him, softly at first and then deeper when Eddie opens his mouth and pulls him closer by the hips. He runs a hand up Buck’s back and feels the letters on his sweater under his fingertips.
He never wants to get rid of Buck, no. He’s gonna marry this man.
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3gnoticias · 2 years
Juárez y Chihuahua protagonizan eliminatoria de Esgrima en Juegos Estatales Conade 2023
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El pasado fin de semana, en las instalaciones del estadio olímpico de la Ciudad Deportiva, se llevó a cabo la esgrima, disciplina perteneciente a la sexta semana de competencias de los Juegos Estatales Conade 2023.
Chihuahua logró 17 medallas de oro, 8 de plata y 13 de bronce, mientras que la delegación de Juárez consiguió 7 preseas doradas, 9 de plata y 5 más de bronce.
En la modalidad de Espada, en la categoría Cadete Mayor Varonil, algunos de los ganadores fueron Jesús Emiliano Barraza Treviño (Chihuahua), Francisco Morales Hernández (Chihuahua), y en tercer lugar los juarenses Eder Rodríguez Miranda y Santiago Álvarez de la Rosa.
Asimismo, en la categoría Mayores Varonil, en la modalidad de Espada, la medalla de oro fue para Rubén Eduardo Barraza Treviño (Chihuahua), plata para Jesús Emiliano Barraza Treviño (Chihuahua) y la tercera posición fue para Alberto Ángel Hernández Ayala (Chihuahua) y Emiliano González Leyva (Juárez).
En otros resultados, en Espada Juvenil Varonil, el primer lugar fue para Mateo Barragán Anchondo (Chihuahua), plata para Christian Alejandro Rodríguez Muñoz (Cd. Juárez) y bronce para Diego Israel Ruíz Carmona representante de la capital del estado.
Florete Infantil Olímpico Femenil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Danna Miliany Páez Chihuahua
2 Alexa Kareli Corona Aguirre Juárez
3 María José Aquino Cedillo Chihuahua
Espada Infantil Olímpico Femenil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Danna Miliany Páez Chihuahua
2 Alexa Kareli Corona Aguirre Juárez
3 María José Aquino Cedillo Chihuahua
3 Jimena Domínguez Chihuahua
3 Karla Lazos Chihuahua
Espada Cadete Menor Femenil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Frida María Barraza Treviño Chihuahua
2 Camila Aliceé García Rocha Juárez
Florete Infantil Olímpico Varonil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Santiago Calderón Acosta Juárez
Florete Cadete Menor Femenil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Camila Aliceé García Rocha Juárez
2 Daniela Hernández Rivera Juárez
3 Citlaly Valeria Jiménez Niño Juárez
Florete Cadete Menor Femenil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Camila Aliceé García Rocha Juárez
2 Daniela Hernández Rivera Juárez
3 Citlaly Valeria Jiménez Niño Juárez
Espada Cadete Menor Femenil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Frida María Barraza Treviño Chihuahua
2 Camila Aliceé García Rocha Juárez
Florete Cadete Menor Varonil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Emiliano González Leyva Juárez
2 Christian Giovanny Ramírez Medina Juárez
3 Diego Azcary Peregrino Ramírez Chihuahua
Espada Cadete Mayor Femenil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Eline Alejandra Estrada Martínez Chihuahua
2 Kristel Carely Porras Doran Chihuahua
Florete Cadete Mayor Varonil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Jesús Emiliano Barraza Treviño Chihuahua
2 Eder Rodríguez Miranda Juárez
3 Francisco Morales Hernández Chihuahua
Espada Juvenil Femenil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Danna Cristina Medina Quintero Chihuahua
2 Dafne Paola Peregrino Ramírez Chihuahua
3 Jennifer Natalia Guzmán Burciaga Chihuahua
Florete Juvenil Varonil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Christian Alejandro Rodríguez Muñoz Juárez
2 Mateo Barragán Anchondo Chihuahua
Espada Cadete Menor Varonil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Emiliano González Leyva Juárez
2 Christian Giovanny Ramírez Medina Juárez
3 Liam Paul Urueta Macías Chihuahua
3 Ángel Zahir Ortega Núñez Chihuahua
Espada Infantil Olímpico Varonil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Santiago Calderón Acosta Juárez
2 Pablo Alejandro Zapata Terrazas Chihuahua
3 Ricardo Enrique Chretin Quezada Chihuahua
Florete Infantil A Femenil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Rebeca Naomi Morales Ahumada Juárez
2 Fátima Catalina Barraza Treviño Chihuahua
3 Andrea Corona Aguirre Juárez
Florete Infantil AA Femenil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Carolina Hernández Beltrán Chihuahua
Florete Infantil AA Varonil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Raúl Tadeo López Diaz Chihuahua
Florete Infantil AAA Varonil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Enrique Madariaga Fernández Chihuahua
Sable Infantil Olímpico Varonil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Ricardo Enrique Chretin Quezada Chihuahua
Sable Infantil Olímpico Varonil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Nallely Huerta Silva Chihuahua
Florete Infantil A Varonil
Lugar Nombre Municipio
1 Carlos Alejandro Torres Faudoa Chihuahua
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themalandra · 4 years
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Estos son mis OC selecctionados y con su Respectivo Poke Acompañante
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