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valerievidalmedia · 2 years
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papipop-fajet · 1 year
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Fajet est composée d’une équipe de quatre permanents, de bénévoles pour l’accueil, le secrétariat, l’entretien des locaux. Fajet est un lieu d’activités et d’accueil au cœur de Nancy. En effet, la maison permet aux jeunes de s’insérer et de devenir acteur de la société. Fajet c’est avant tout un lieu qui laisse libre court à la parole, au partage et à l’échange.
Outre cette mission d’accueil remplie au quotidien par Fajet, cette association est également une radio animée par plus d’une centaine de bénévoles qui assurent l’animation et la technique de la radio (70 programmes hebdomadaires…) qui rayonne dans le paysage des ondes nancéiennes à tous points de vue. La diversité de ses programmes est grande : cinéma, emploi et formation, littérature, culture sous toutes ses formes, sport, santé, jeux etc…. Quant à la musique, chaque style a sa place : jazz, chanson française, hip hop, pop rock, country, musiques électroniques, musiques libres et bien d’autres encore. Fajet se revendique à juste titre d’être une radio locale, elle fait vivre l’actualité de sa région en annonçant sur ses ondes toutes les sorties et manifestations qui y ont lieu.
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asleepinawell · 2 months
let's fucking gooooooo
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as misery loves orphans
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notherpuppet · 6 months
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Scenario inspired by this tweet
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Language! Part 1
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This comic is older, but clean enough that I didn’t feel the need to redraw! Darn perfectionism lol
So the ways that different animals communicate varies vastly between them. For example, rats hear things on a spectrum slightly above human hearing, and there are recent studies touching on how with special microphones, scientists have discovered that rats squeak a lot to one another in high pitches to communicate between them like their own little secret language! While there are significantly less studies on turtle behavior the same can be said for them, as baby turtles will make low noises that signal when the others of their nest are hatching, and in general they hear much lower frequencies on account of their scale covered eardrums and need for underwater listening.
So with that, how do the animal traits of Splinter and his kids line up?
They probably have a base hearing range similar to a humans, but the turtles can probably hear and speak lower sounds than Splinter and vice versa. What shenanigans could they get up to?
Cue cussing in a frequency range that Splinter shouldn’t be able to hear…
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kreuzwalt · 9 months
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
For all my fellow ADHD and soft voice-havers when we get interrupted/can't say anything constantly
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so we're out for a meal at one of those fancy tasting menu places and they went on about the sourdough for some elements of it so i was obv delighted to talk yeast with the chef
and when they bring us out our bill stuff and little extras at the end of the night look what i was gifted:
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he's goin in my checked luggage, looks like lassy is getting a NEW SIBLING SOURDOUGH!
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valerievidalmedia · 2 years
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soaked-doors · 8 months
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dreamin bout U-R-L-I-P-S
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olivianyx · 6 months
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Welcome to this challenge, babygirls and babyboys 🗣️🗣️🗣️
So are you ready to manifest everything you desired in April? Then start up rn!
I'll show you 5 important, simple steps you can use to manifest your dream life!
This challenge will be done for 30 days throughout April. At the end of this month, the results are guaranteed!
You might be wondering if its gonna be hard... Buuuut! The steps are super duper simple, just follow them!
Y'all heard it right, maintain a strict mental diet, like literally stop wavering! Stop focusing on things you don't want! Don't accept things you don't want! It's that simple. Only focus on positive and favourable thoughts.
Your mornings should go like, 'uhh it's such a beautiful day. It's gonna be amazing day as always. But it's gonna be fun today! I literally love this life, it's freaking amazing, I literally don't know how to thank myself for this. The fact that I'm the ultimate creator is soo mind blowing for me even though I've always been for my entire life. I'm literally thankful for everything! My life's being too perfect and I get what I want everytime, everything's in my favour always. I literally look soo amazing in every outfit I wear, it's such a slay everyday. Uhh I'm soo lucky to have what I want. Literally my self concept is supreme' and blah blah blah. You can add whatever you want further lol.
So like literally throughout the day steady yourself in this mindset. If you catch yourself wavering, be like *sike there ain't no chance bitch* come back on track! Catch yourself waver ---> stop ---> drop ---> flip it into something positive or favourable.
Literally robotic affirming is the only way you can keep your thoughts in check. So go bestie! Keep your head high, keep a check on those thoughts inside your pretty/handsome head 😩 keep slaying everyday ✨
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Keep affirming babygirls and babyboys! Like literally don't even stop (unless you're doing smth important, then stop affirming for a while lol) y'all got your dream lives already 💅 so why y'all telling yourself that you don't?? Well y'all do have it, so tell yourself the ULTIMATE FACT that you have your dream lives already 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ tell yourself whenever you're free, like even doing your daily chores such as taking a shit or shower, or brushing your teeth, eating, scrolling through the phone, or walking, waiting in a queue (I'd never wait in a queue... Cus I don't go to places with long ass annoying queues 😭) or listening to music or watching TV, doing the dishes or doing self care (I love my babygirls and babyboys taking care of themselves like there's no tomorrow 😩✋🏻I'mma give y'all a nice smooch 😚) just do it my babies! It's the ultimate way to get (which you already have it) your dream lives! So get tf up babies! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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This step shouldn't be missed at all babies! So focus on the end! Focus on having it! Focus on thinking from the end! Like you already are living yor dream lives, you have that car you wanted cus you already drive it everyday! You have that sp that loves you till death, that spoils you with their love, money, and what not?! You have that house you've been dreaming of! No, I mean living! You're living in that house already! It's yours my love! You got that perfect sculptured summer body ody that the normal human beings are jealous?? Like you have that body effortlessly 😩✋🏻 FOCUS ON HAVING IT BITCHES 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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Listen here, my babygirls and babyboys! You sleep 7 to 8 hours a day, and sleep, according to medicals, is a state of complete rest. That means you're not aware of your surroundings. You're just being a black, quiet, space like floaty state (the void actually) so things are easier to manifest Instantly in this state! So why not do psych k or sats or the lullaby method before bed and after you wake up my loves?? It's so much more effective that what you do in the day time! Trust me! Go prepare yourself well for the bed babies 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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Since you already affirming that you have your dream lives, you have it already! But you can begin to doubt that why is it not in the 3d... BITCH DON'T EVEN THINK LIKE THAT. Be like 'bitch wtf my life literally feels like a dream come true moment everyday 😭😭 like I'm literally living the life I wanted, I already am experiencing it wtf are you talking about' like literally GASLIGHT YOURSELF INTO THINKING LIKE THAT (cus you already have your dream life) like literally decide that you already have! Hold onto the new story no matter what! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
So ig I've told you what you needed to do... So all you gotta do is follow the fucking steps babies 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
Okay, take care, love y'all babies! Byeee
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- olivia 🤍
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lorenzonuti · 5 months
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Hard. Soft. Deep. Wet.
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389 · 9 months
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