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theroguequeenaniki · 2 months ago
#KimickaPhotoADay December Day 27: Free Space 😸🦒
This little giraffe kitty from a mystery toy thing in my stocking is so cute. What should I name her???
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simplevanquish · 8 months ago
Let Me Look After You
@sambuckylibrary this is a short thing i made for the freespace o the pink 'loving' card for this sambuckysummer :D Short summary: Bucky loves Sam. What he doesn't love is seeing him so stressed to the point he's ignoring dinner. Rating: Teen and Up
Sam pinches his brow, eyes retracing the same sentence he's read about five times now.
He's reading the words in his head, sure, but everytime it just doesn't seem enough. He can't seem to catch a feeling that he's comprehending any of it beyond face value.
Which, a tiny part of him is trying to tell him that he's alright to move on to the next sentence. Maybe even the next page, wondering why this worn down studybook is even on his desk considering he's got a thick study guide sitting to the side that the professor so generously gave out in an attempt to offer some more help to their students.
Yet Sam still hasn't reached out for it. He's gone through the whole thing multiple times and rechecked his work. The majority of him itches to check it again, but he hasn't read through the book far enough. He doesn't think so, anyway, so he doesn't turn the page yet, he doesn't close it shut, and just tries to focus his brain even more. Attempting even harder at understanding the written material just in case it'll help. It has to help, he thinks.
He's made the progress of two sentences further when there's an abrust orchestra of noises, shuffling of sheets and short huffs from movement. He blinks to his side, catching his boyfriend adjusting his position where he resides on Sam's bed, flipping through a comic book Sam probably picked up when he was fifteen. He scans over it briefly, then fixes his hair after he sets it back down neatly.
"Wanna eat dinner?" He asks, casual, distracted as he leans back into the softness of one of Sam's pillows. He lifts a hand to the ceiling and pretends to throw a dart at the imaginary target he's set in his mind.
Sam looks away from it and blinks down at the mess of papers, sticky notes, and images splayed across the wooden surface of his desk. "Uh, later, Bucky. I'm busy."
Bucky hums. "With what?"
Sam's lips twitch, he glares harder at the words on the page and forces his brain to soak them in. A couple seconds past by and he finishes two more sentences.
"You know what," Sam says, obviously Bucky knows he's too busy with uni. He's got to be prepared when he walks in and takes the final exam. He faintly hears Bucky click his tongue.
The man sighs and crosses his legs, knees hanging off the edge of the bed as he lays on his back. "Busy dreaming about a delicious meal? Some stuffed bell peppers, perhaps?"
Sam carries on reading, restarting the sentence when the voice reading in his head stumbles and says a word twice.
"Pasta," Bucky comments dryly, turning to his side and glancing at Sam who is incredibly hunched in his seat with his finger underneath the line he's currently situated on.
Sam doesn't feel like the sentence is grained in his mind. He reads it again.
"Or we can get Chinese food," Bucky says, voice trailing at the end as he watches Sam's finger tap on the page, brows furrowed in an intense manner. It's clear he's not getting his boyfriend to put down the book by tempting him with meals.
It's silent for a moment, Sam flips the page, and Bucky sighs.
"When do you think you'll be hungry?"
Two more sentences read. Sam clicks his tongue. "Dunno."
Then Sam has to reread the first six letters on the next line, huffing. "Not right now."
"Okay," Bucky mumbles, drawing in his arms to cross them across his chest, planting a foot on the ground. Bucky tilts his head, blue eyes gazing at Sam. "Well, I hope you know you can't keep doing this."
Sam's eyes stop scanning the page for a second, finger pausing. Bucky waits, hoping for an answer, some sort of announcement of defeat, where Sam will give in and go eat with him.
But Sam inches the book closer to his face, a faint frown pulling on his lips. "Doing what?" He asks but not really, Bucky can tell, his tone- this isn't a question. It's a statement of denial.
Bucky huffs. "How many times have you actually eaten dinner recently?"
Sam reads through a sentence flawlessly and shrugs. "Uhm-"
"Not enough," Bucky answers his own question, cutting Sam off as he steps forward.
"Baby, I'm a little busy-"
"You can still take care of yourself," Bucky argues and Sam hangs his head for a second, breathing in.
"I got to do this."
Bucky eyes him carefully, squinting at the crease between his eyebrows, and holds a hand out. "Come eat dinner, Sam."
"I will," Sam says, then looks down at his book. "Later."
Bucky groans. "That means never in your book."
"Actually, my book's about-"
"Sam, I'm trying to help you, dammit." Bucky extends his arms for emphasis, a look of frustration on his face, meeting Sam's eyes when the man finally tilts his head up.
"I'm trying to help myself, Bucky," He defends and Bucky shakes his head.
"No, avoiding eating isn't helping anyone-" Bucky scrunches his nose, taking a second, and setting a hand on Sam's shoulder when he tries to return to reading. "I get that this is important but you need to listen to me."
"Bucky, this is important, I need to be prepared," Sam states, holding a hand to his chest, passionate as he places his other hand on the book. "I need to be, okay?"
"You need to eat food like every other human."
"I need you to stop argu-"
"Sam." Bucky tries again.
"Bucky," He copies him.
Bucky stares for a moment, a little lost and very concerned. Currently, it's like it's impossible to make Sam let up, to persuade him to finally eat something. He blinks at Sam, observing his tense stature, and he frowns, noticing the underlying worry behind his partner's eyes.
He breathes in, careful, and hesitates for a second. Then, he braces a hand on Sam's shoulder again. "This isn't healthy, yknow," He whispers and Sam glares extra hard at the page. "Everyone needs a break, even you."
Sam doesn't respond so Bucky leans closer, attempting to make his rough voice as smooth as possible. "You don't have to have a full meal, okay? How about just a snack?"
"Bucky, I don't know," Sam whispers back, tapping the paper to show him where he's at. Then he runs a finger through all the pages. "I've got a lot of stuff I have to do."
"And it will all be waiting for you in a couple minutes, how about that?"
Sam stirs at the offer. There's a heavy hanging silence as he does, weighing it out in his head as Bucky slowly hopes he's managed to slip into his window of convincing Sam, like perhaps this is it, he's got the hook in cheek.
Eventually, after a moment, Sam's whole body deflates as he drops his hands to his lap.
"Just a couple."
And that sounds like first steps, Bucky thinks. It's good. He offers a grateful smile and when Sam stands up, Bucky closes the distance and presses his lips to Sam's, humming with satisfaction when Sam leaves the book behind to redirect them to the kitchen. Of course, not without stealing a bunch more kisses on the way there. 
Progress, Bucky reminds himself as Sam sorta laughs at him for kissing Sam with a 'lovestruck' gaze, as Sam calls it.
Which, sure, that's accurate, Bucky supposes. I wrote it while on the verge of falling asleep cus i'm tired but hopefully it's alright lmao
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jackiebranc · 2 years ago
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castellankurze · 2 years ago
Imagine a version of Mass Effect where the Reapers never spoke.
No Sovereign, no Harbinger, hardly even a Saren or indoctrinated TIM, and no Leviathans.
Imagine a version of Mass Effect where Shepard's investigation of these weird historical records of dead civilizations and "reapers" was one day interrupted by a legion of angry mechasquids sailing into known space, doing indiscriminate mass murders and seizing control of the FTL mechanisms, and there is just. no explanation. No seeming rhyme or reason.
Maybe such a plot wouldn't have worked in Mass Effect (I would truly lament a version of ME without Sovereign) but by god Volition made it work for the Freespace games.
Part of that is undoubtedly because we never got a proper conclusion to the series, thus leaving the true motives of the alien Shivans down to speculation and guesswork. But for what we got, good god they made for a terrifying enemy.
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fyeahcindie · 7 months ago
I've enjoyed a couple songs from this Ivana Wong 王菀之 concert, I hope she uploads the full show! =D
The band is outstanding, and Ivana is in great form. This opening number is a jazzy rocker, kinda gives me a Shiina Ringo vibe. This was from a series of July shows at The Box, Freespace, West Kowloon 西九文化區自由空間大盒劇場
The YT clip has no info, but the musicians are listed in a post at her IG:
Drummer:1Ding Bassist:Chan Siu Kei Pianist:Daniel Chu Guitarist:Jason Kui Cellist : Anna Kwan Violist:Sun Yu Programmer:TonYnoT
Links:  Spotify,  Instagram,  YouTube,  Weibo
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thereadingaddic7 · 5 months ago
Just got fucking jumpscared by a video game soundtrack that I associated with a completely different video game because it was used in a mod for it.
I cannot adequately describe the feeling of whiplash I got by clicking play on this, expecting Command and Conquer and getting Freespace instead. Goddamnit, I should have fucking known, ASW already did this to me with A:TLA's Agni Kai but damnit what the fuck lmao.
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sun-gaming-yt · 2 years ago
Fuck Embracer Group, Actually.
Volition shuts down after 30 years
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Hello! N on top of the SJ Sathanas from Freespace 2 please? also have a great day! :D
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N isn’t supposed to be on top of the SJ Sathanas from Freespace 2.
Requested by girlzrok-99
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berryshiara · 1 year ago
N7 Month 2023 Day 7 FREESPACE (Loss) Interview with an Ardat-Yakshi
This prompt was chosen by my partner. I hoped to surprise and delight them. These posts are not in any order. This particular one happens right after Fen fights for Kari's freedom, and destroys the old Krogan lord in charge. She is a bit messed up, but healing. https://archiveofourown.org/works/51456439/chapters/130037068
@n7month @maskydoolovesmasseffect
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kpslp · 2 years ago
After All is Said and Done, Chapter 2
Walking down the pathway that leads toward the outer grounds, Shirayuki discovers there is no limit to the amount of times she can wring her hands. 
Read more on AO3.
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gotcharobo · 2 years ago
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The GTCv Deimos class capital ship from FreeSpace 2
Painted by me. 3D model provided by Llaren at: https://www.printables.com/model/244875-gtcv-deimos
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csleko · 2 years ago
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HEY, remember that Shivan render I posted a little while ago? Well I kinda sorta maybe made the model into a 3D-printable mini a couple months ago, and never got around to actually trying to print it.
So I did that today. Well, yesterday. Printed it yesterday, painted it today. I gave Lychee Slicer a try, and I'm finding I like it a lot more than Chitubox. For one, Lychee doesn't make my video card freak out whenever I switch windows. I also really like the default support settings, and how you can export models with supports on them. (I did wonder how people made pre-supported models, and *figured* it was probably part of some software they used, and it's nice to confirm that.)
Lychee loses points for hiding some useful features behind a subscription paywall, but the basic stuff is still enough for everything I need.
If you want to print a legion of Shivans yourself, you can find this model on Thingiverse!
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foxgirlchorix · 3 months ago
freespace question
freespace 1 as installed by steam weighs 1.5 gigabytes. why does the port of freespace i can download off knossos weigh 13.5 gigabytes. also how
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rivvytrick · 2 years ago
maybe this time is the time i get really into Homeworld with homeworld 3 being out real soon. the story doesnt even interest me all that much compared to 1 and Cataclysm but its Close Enough. what happened since halo dude. what happened since freespace
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extemporaneousrabbithole · 2 years ago
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life is full of so many details that are lost between love and hate. i want to dig those out as carefully as possible. i want to learn about the things that make our lives liveable and yet we’re unaware they exist. i want to do the job everyone needs done but doesn’t know it happens or how it’s done. i want to squeeze into the space just between the shadows and the light so i can live there.
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smellybead · 2 years ago
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I finally drew him a jacket damn 🙏🙏
I might colour this who knows. Brain tired.
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