#Frederick Perls
dabiconcordia · 2 months
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Gestalt Prayer
I do my thing and you do your thing I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful. By Frederick Perls
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divulgatoriseriali · 11 months
Psicoterapia della Gestalt - "Io, la fame e l'aggressività", l'Eredità di Perls nella psicologia contemporanea
Nel tumultuoso panorama della psicologia, il libro “Io, la fame e l’aggressività” di Frederick Perls emerge come un faro illuminante, proponendo un’analisi audace e pionieristica dei limiti dell’opera di Sigmund Freud. Questo articolo si propone di esplorare l’eredità di Frederick Perls nella psicologia contemporanea, concentrando l’attenzione sulle visioni audaci e pionieristiche che hanno…
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susieporta · 1 month
“I traumi sono tutti delle bugie alle quali ci si attacca per giustificare la propria non disponibilità a crescere.”
Frederick S. Perls
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chicinsilk · 2 years
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US Vogue December 1953 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dovima, poses in a brocade dress made to order by Elizabeth Arden, who traveled to India and brought back a few hundred yards of brocade, but just enough of each design to make a single dress. The makeup, very individual too; it's one of the bespoke evening makeup looks that are a famous specialty of the Arden salon. Diamonds and Pearls by Harry Winston. Sideboard by Frederick Victoria.
Dovima, pose dans une robe de brocart réalisée sur commande par Elizabeth Arden, qui est allée en Inde et a rapporté quelques centaines de mètres de brocart, mais juste assez de chaque motif pour faire une seule robe. Le maquillage, très individuel aussi ; c'est l'un des maquillages de soirée sur mesure qui sont une célèbre spécialité du salon Arden. Diamants et perles de Harry Winston. Buffet de Frederick Victoria.
Photo Horst P. Horst
vogue archive
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anglokonigsberger · 8 months
Fort Friedrichsburg
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Fort Friedrichsburg or Feste Friedrichsburg was a fort in Königsberg, Germany. The only remnant of the former fort is the Friedrichsburg Gate (Russian: Фридрихсбургские ворота, German: Friedrichsburger Tor) in Kaliningrad, Russia.
Construction of the fort began in 1657 during the Second Northern War by the order of Frederick William of Brandenburg-Prussia. The fort was built in place of a tollhouse on the southern shore of the Pregel River at the western edge of Königsberg.[1] It was included within the new ring of Königsberg fortifications constructed from 1626 to 1634. Districts neighboring the fort were Vorstadt to the east, Nasser Garten to the southwest outside of the city walls, and Lastadie to the north across the river. Construction of the fort was resented by the constituent towns of Königsberg, especially Kneiphof.
Friedrichsburg was designed by Christian Otter, court mathematician and Albertina professor. Friedrichsburg's position allowed its cannons to defend the city from the west, monitor incoming traffic from the Frisches Haff, and suppress civil uprising. The fort originally consisted of earthwork, bricks, and ditches. The square-shaped structure included four bastions, nicknamed Smaragd, Perle, Rubin, and Diamant.
(Photos and writing are not mine, information and photographs about this location are more accessible than others on the map.)
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itchy-9884 · 10 months
It’s the awareness, the full experience … of how you are stuck, that makes you recover.
—Frederick S. Perls
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martiove · 1 year
Głównym zadaniem, według Perlsa, nie jest przekonanie pacjentów do zaakceptowania nieprzeniknionych interpretacji ich przeszłości, lecz pomoc im w odżyciu w bezpośrednim doświadczeniu w teraźniejszości. Cel ten nie jest osiągany przez przebłyski intelektualnego wglądu ani przez przepięcie behawioralnych obwodów, jednak nie jest też osiągany przez zwyczajne wyzwolenie emocji (jak Perls zdawał się czasami sugerować). Jest to bardziej jak przebudzenie się na bezpośredniość i prostotę rzeczywistości, jak to zostało przedstawione w tych wersach krótkiego wiersza Wallece'a Stevensa:
Gdy siedzę w swoim pokoju, świat znajduje się poza moim zrozumieniem;
Lecz gdy po nim chodzę, widzę, że składa się z trzech lub czterech wzgórz oraz chmury.
Z punktu widzenia Perlsa sarkazm, humor, odgrywanie różnych ról, szok mogły służyć do wyciągnięcia pacjentów na świeże powietrze ze stęchłych pokojów ich psychoz, w których pozostawali za zamkniętymi drzwiami w stanach zamraczających fiksacji. W zasadzie jego teatralne taktyki podobne były do sztuczek mistrza zen, takich jak uderzenie medytujących uczniów drewnianym mieczem, by przypomnieć im o namacalności teraźniejszości.
Michel Vincent Miller o terapii Gestalt (Frederick S. Perls, Terapia Gestalt, s. 17)
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Three Approaches to Psychotherapy III In 1986
The first two series of this title, THREE APPROACHES TO PSYCHOTHERAPY II, 1965, and THREE APPROACHES TO PSYCHOTHERAPY II, 1977, have been used in the education and training of thousands of students of psychotherapy and related fields. The first series with Carl Rogers, Frederick Perls, and Albert Ellis, the famous “Gloria” films, is believed to be one of the most watched series in psychology. And the second series, with Carl Rogers, Everett Shostrom, and Arnold Lazarus, interviewing Kathy, has achieved comparable recognition. In the 1980’s we offer you a three-part series to compare and contrast Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive-Behavior Modification and Cognitive Therapy. These approaches widely differ but have many common threads also worthy of study. Hans Strupp, Ph.D., Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D., and Aaron T. Beck, M.D. are each noted research-clinicians concerned with validation of their models – what works, how does it work, and why?
By Psychological & Educational Films
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lapeaudelamemoire · 1 year
Many of the individual's needs contend with those of society. Competitiveness, need for control, demands for perfection, and immaturity are characteristic of our current culture. Out of this background emerge both the curse and the cause of our neurotic social behavior. In such a context no psychotherapy can be successful; no unsatisfactory marriage can be improved.
Frederick S. Perls, Gestalt Therapy and Human Potentialities
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vtgbooks · 2 months
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FREDERICK s PERLS Gestalt Therapy 1977 Vintage PSYCHOLOGY Book Personality Book
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fritzfreud · 8 months
Chapter 22: The paradox of control
    https://monkeytraps.files.wordpress.com/2023/12/chapter-22-w-outro-v2.wav . The most interesting thing about the control-mad people is that they always end up being controlled. ~ Frederick S. Perls . The second important difference between control and power lies in how they operate in the real world. Power is straightforward, but control works paradoxically. People who depend on control…
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dabiconcordia · 1 year
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Gestalt Prayer
I do my thing and you do your thing I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful. By Frederick Perls
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psiclarasa · 1 year
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O que é Gestalt-terapia?
Introduzindo um pouco sobre o que é a Gestalt- terapia, pois vamos falar muito sobre este assunto aqui e também porque esta abordagem é pouco conhecida fora do campo da psicologia e até mesmo dentro dele.
A Gestalt- terapia é uma abordagem psicoterápica, que teve como o marco do seu surgimento a publicação do livro “Gestalt-Therapy: excitement and growth in the human personality” em 1951, escrito por Frederick Perls, Ralph Hefferline e Paul Goodman. Essa abordagem se desenvolve dentro da psicologia humanista, organizando uma visão de ser humano diferente de outras abordagens muito notáveis como a psicanálise e o behaviorismo. Assim, a Gestalt-terapia considera o ser humano como um ser que está em relação com o mundo que o envolve. Essa abordagem pretende proporcionar ao indivíduo que ele dirija a sua atenção para o aqui-agora e desenvolva suas potencialidades sendo livre para fazer suas próprias escolhas. Portanto, na relação terapêutica, busca-se direcionar o foco pra o contato, privilegiar o momento presente e promover uma ampliação da consciência.
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Amer!c@sus & emP!r@tlant
L'AEI et plusieurs de ses collaborateurs, dont Michael Ledeen et Richard Perle, ont été associés au début de la guerre en Irak. Le président George W. Bush a profité d'un dîner de l'AEI en février 2003 pour plaider en faveur d'un Irak démocratisé, censé inspirer le reste du Moyen-Orient. En 2006-2007, des collaborateurs de l'AEI, dont Frederick W. Kagan, ont fourni un cadre stratégique pour la politique étrangère et de sécurité commune de l'Union européenne.
William J. Baroody Jr. (1980–1986) Baroody Sr. prend sa retraite en 1978 et est remplacé par son fils, William J. Baroody Jr. Baroody Sr. meurt en 1980, peu avant l’entrée en fonction de Ronald Reagan en tant que président des États-Unis. Pendant les années Reagan, plusieurs membres du personnel de l’AEI sont partis pour l’administration. Cette situation, combinée à une croissance prodigieuse,…
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chicinsilk · 2 years
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US Vogue October 1, 1963 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Model Mrs. Frederick Cushing
Crystal-set pink, a satin dress with beautiful high-but-strapless shape, covered in pink and clear-glitter beads. Gleam to wrap it in-a pink satin stole, bordered in beads. From the Sophie Custom Collection. Coiffure, by Mr. Fred of the House of Revlon.
Rose serti de cristaux, une robe en satin avec une belle forme haute mais sans bretelles, recouverte de perles roses et de paillettes claires. Brillez pour l'envelopper d'une étole en satin rose, bordée de perles. De la collection Sophie Custom. Coiffure, par M. Fred de la Maison Revlon.
Photo Horst P. Horst
vogue archive
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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This Land Is Mine (Jean Renoir, 1943)
Cast: Charles Laughton, Maureen O'Hara, George Sanders, Walter Slezak, Kent Smith, Una O'Connor, Philip Merivale, Thurston Hall, George Coulouris, Nancy Gates, Ivan F. Simpson, John Donat. Screenplay: Dudley Nichols. Cinematography: Frank Redman. Production design: Eugène Lourié. Film editing: Frederick Knudtson. Music: Lothar Perl. Charles Laughton plays a cowardly mama's boy schoolteacher in a Nazi-occupied country not unlike director Jean Renoir's native France. Albert Lory is secretly in love with his fellow teacher, Louise (Maureen O'Hara), but she's engaged to George Lambert (George Sanders), the administrator of the local railway yard who thinks the best way to proceed under the occupation is to submit to the Nazis under the command of Major von Keller (Walter Slezak). But Louise's brother, Paul (Kent Smith), is a member of the Resistance who tries to assassinate von Keller, provoking reprisals -- and a good deal of plot complications -- when he fails. Some dubious casting -- Sanders and O'Hara make an odd couple -- and a too-heavy reliance on melodramatic posing undermine a film that seems aimed more at Renoir's compatriots than at American audiences, though it was a box office success. 
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