#Fred Weasley becomes a marauder
lonlylook · 11 months
New marauders
*Fred enters in wizard heaven. Sirius, Remus and James welcome him*
Sirius: Hey Freddie, we're missing a fourth marauder.
James: Would you do us the honor?
Fred: Absolutely yes
Remus: Well, we had a few pranks planned for Merlin...
Fred: *smiles and thinks George will love this.*
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papercorgiworld · 7 months
Wear my name, be my girl
Theo, Blaise, Draco, Enzo and Mattheo
Bonus: Regulus Black (Marauders era)
An innocent laugh with the Weasley twins before the quidditch game gets someone jealous. When he intervenes it becomes clear that he wants you to wear his jacket and be his girl.
Thanks to this request!
I kinda processed the request wrong in my brain and instead of just writing for Theo and Mattheo, I wrote it for all of them. I wanted to write for Tom II Riddle but he doesn’t give me quidditch vibes, so I’m sorry no Tom. Also, not to sure about this piece, but I did have fun writing this. Anyways hopefully you have fun reading it.
For the Regulus Black bonus you can skip the intro.
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It was a sunny, but chilly day. You breathe in the fresh air and head for the quidditch stadium. You arrived at the entrance and looked over to see if your friends were already at your regular spot, not noticing that a certain slytherin was staring at you. The slytherin team had just finished warming up when you arrived and he was about to get off his broom and leave his friends when the Weasley twins approached you.
“Early bird are we?” Fred sings as he sees you scanning the stands. You nod and smile, happy to have found someone you know. “Apparently too early, my friends aren’t here yet.” Fred chuckles and takes a step closer. “We’re here. We’ll keep you company.” George senses someone staring and looks over to the slytherins. “Yeaah. That might cost us the freaking game.” You and Fred look a bit confused at George’s words, so he points in the direction of the slytherins “Your boyfriend doesn’t seem too pleased with us.” You follow his finger and you can’t help but blush, before quickly looking away. “Not my boyfriend.” You chuckle. Unfortunately.
“Mind telling him that.” Fred jokes. “Hermoine told us he’s crazy obsessed with you always trying to impress you and stuff.” You shake your head at George’s words. “Don’t believe everything she says.” Fred smiles, noticing the slight blush on your face. “She says he’s answering questions during class faster than she can.” George says and Fred immediately follows. “And let’s not forget that whenever he flies near you he’s always doing cool tricks to get your attention.” George nods in agreement. “This game is going to be a curse, since he’s going to be even more arrogant and more eager to win.” Fred looks back to you. “And the way he’s staring daggers right now. That’s just unhealthy behavior.” You lick your lips and smile as the twins complain. “You guys really don’t like him?” Fred and George are baffled by your ridiculous question. “No, we don’t like him at all.” They both sing with humor as they state the obvious, making you laugh so hard you place a hand on your chest.
You were too busy laughing to notice Theodore walk over to you, but the Weasley’s do see him and quickly say their goodbyes. You look up at Theodore when he stops next to you, but continues to stare at Fred and George with dead eyes. “Please, don’t curse them.” You chuckle and make Theo look at you. “What were you talking about? You know they’re just fools, no good knuckleheads.” You stare at him through your lashes, judging him with your eyes only. He sighs and throws his head to the side. “Maybe I’m overreacting but I don’t want them to get the wrong idea.” Your expression changes as you think for a moment. “What do you mean?” Theodore shrugs. “If you’re always nice to them they might think you like them.”
You frown for a second. “But I do like them.” Theodore rolls his eyes, a bit annoyed by how oblivious you were. “I mean like as in really really like them.” You chuckle at the suggestion. “Theo, we’re talking about Fred and George. We’re really just friends. And don’t tell me that guys and girls can’t be friends, because we’re friends.” His face goes blank and you struggle to figure out what he’s thinking. After a few seconds Theo presses his lips into a line. “Right, of course.” Theodore almost wants to reach for his chest as he feels his heart squeeze. Arm I stuck in the friendzone? How did I end up in the friendzone? He tries to shake the insecure feeling that slowly creeps up on him, but just then he notices Fred and George looking your way and snickering.
“Uhm, silly idea, but how about you wear this for good luck and to make sure that nobody bothers you again.” You watch him carefully take off his jacket and feel yourself get flustered at the idea of wearing a jacket with the name Nott on it. A nervous laugh rolls over your lips. “People will think something is going on between us. Earlier George already referred to you as my boyfriend.” You bite your lip softly after saying that last bit and Theodore can’t help but wonder if you would like him to be your boyfriend. He definitely wants to be yours. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” He smirks when he notices you blushing at his words. He takes a step closer to you and watches your pretty face heat up a little more as he drapes his jacket over your shoulders.
You slip your arms in the sleeves and allow yourself to get comfortable. You scan Theo’s face in an attempt to figure out what he’s thinking about, but just then Mattheo, who was running late, enters the stadium. As he passes you he notices you’re wearing Theo’s jacket. “Finally won her over, Notty-boy? About time.” Mattheo jokes and wants to ruffle Theo’s hair, but Theodore angrily pushes his hand away and gives Mattheo a scowl. Mattheo just laughs and walks over to the rest of the team to get scolded by Draco for being late. Theo continues to stare at Mattheo, cursing his friend and avoiding you. You watch Theodore as he refuses to look at you and you’re forced to take a step closer to get his attention. “Just ignore him.” Theo says with a sigh and you smile before looking down at your fidgeting hands. When you look up after a few seconds you’ve made up your mind and shake your head. “No, I won’t ignore it. How about you explain what he meant by ‘finally won her over’.”
Your eyes don’t leave Theodore’s face and a nervous hand moves through his messy hair. His tongue moves over his lips as he searches for the right words. “Let’s just say, I wouldn’t mind if people thought you were my girlfriend, because I like that idea.” You take another step closer to him and look at him with teasing eyes. “You like that idea of…” A smile tugs on his lips as he notices you get closer and urge him to confess. “I like the idea of you being my girlfriend.” A ridiculously happy smile spreads on your lips. “I must say I like that idea as well.” You try to sound as calm as possible, teasing him a little more, but your excitement is obvious. A soft laugh escapes his lips and he quickly reaches for your face holding you for a passionate kiss. When you break the kiss, his lips stay close to yours as you drown in each other’s eyes. “You should go back to your team before Draco freaks out.” He ignores your words and brushes over your bottom lip to ask for another intense kiss. “Just a few more kisses for good luck.”
When Blaise approaches you three with his serious demeanor all laughter goes quiet and the twins awkwardly say their goodbyes. As soon as they’re out of sight you turn towards Blaise, who’s frowning in the direction they left. “Don’t worry they’re just being friendly.” He huffs, before finally turning towards you. “Trust me, no guy is ever just friendly.” You frown, before a smirk starts to tug on your lips. “Oh, so every guy has an agenda?” Blaise nods, his eyes still dark with jealousy. “Yes.” He answers without thinking it through and still glancing over in the direction of Fred and George. “So what’s yours?” You ask cheekily, happy that he got caught in your little trap and you cross your arms as you stare up at him. Immediately he looks at you and realizes what he said. You notice a hint of nervousness glimmer in his eyes as he averts his eyes and chuckles.
“Maybe not all guys. All Gryffindor guys. And Matt, he has like three agendas. And Enzo but his agenda is obvious, dude flirts with everyone.” Blaise tries to change the topic by ridiculing his friends. “But you don’t have a secret agenda?” You ask, not pleased with his answer. “Nope.” He tries to sound casual, but his brain is working on an excuse to leave, because he could feel himself heat up. You chuckle. “Good, because for a moment there I thought you were jealous.” Blaise forces an awkward laugh. “Nah. Why would I be?” You take a step closer and bite your lip. “I don’t know, it’s not like we’re dating.” Blaise nods, but there’s a hint of disappointment in his eyes. We’re not dating. I’m very much aware. No need to shove it in my face.
“Anyways, I better get going. Cedric’s waiting for me.” You make up on the spot, hoping to confirm your suspicion. “Cedric?” Blaise’s voice raises a bit, making his displeasure obvious. You try to suppress your cheeky smile and nod seriously. Blaise quickly realizes that he has no reason to keep you away from Cedric, but he hates the idea of you spending the entire game cosying up next to that damn hufflepuff.
Luckily Blaise’s brain comes up with the perfect plan. “Yeah, uhm, but before you go- I was just up there and it gets pretty cold, so… here take this and uhm be sure to wear it so you stay warm.” You can no longer contain your smile as Blaise takes off his jacket and hands it to you. You hold the jacket and stare at the letters forming his name. “Isn’t it weird that I’m wearing this? I mean we’re just friends.” Thanks for the reminder, not necessary. “Friends can wear jackets with their friend’s name on them.” Blaise argues and you laugh softly as you put on his jacket. “I’ve never seen you wear Draco’s.” He loved you wearing his jacket and couldn’t help but stare, ignoring your counter argument. “Would it really be so bad if people thought we were more than friends?” Blaise suddenly blurs, still adoring you in his jacket. He needed to know, because he wanted you to be his girl and wear his name every game, and maybe even have his name one day.
You close the last bit of space between you two, so you’re now almost pressed against him. It’s then that he realizes his feelings might not be one sided. You meet his eyes and with a soft voice you speak up. “No, it wouldn’t-” You fall silent when Blaise tilts your chin up. “And would it be so bad if we were more than friends?” You gently shake your head no and he leans in to kiss you tenderly. “Took you a while.” You tease when the kiss breaks and he smiles. “Shut up.” He whispers, before kissing you again and wrapping his arms around him.
You both break the kiss when you hear the slytherin team cheer for Blaise and you. You look over to them and chuckle. Blaise pulls you against his chest. “How about you wear that jacket to every game and I go search for some new friends.” You laugh at the last bit and press your lips against his. “Don’t worry, if I can have you and your jacket, I’ll gladly make peace with your merry band of idiots.” Blaise leans in for another kiss, but is interrupted by Draco’s yelling. “Hey! You should be preparing for the game.” Blaise rolls your eyes. “Minus Draco.” You joke and Blaise raises his eyebrows in agreement. “One last kiss for good luck?”
Draco frowns in annoyance as you and Blaise kiss for what feels like minutes. “They’re gonna have to part at some point right?” Enzo joins Draco. “I don’t know if I got to kiss her, I wouldn’t need air either.”
You’re too busy laughing with the twins to notice an agitated Draco strut over to you. It’s only when he literally pushes them aside that you meet his eyes. “Can you fools stop bothering her.” He snaps, his voice poisonous, and you cross your arms looking at Draco with a stern look. “They were not bothering me.” Draco huffs, thinking he clearly knows better than you. “They are always bothering you, talking to you for no reason.” Fred and George snicker. “Like you.” Draco looks at them with disgust and wrinkles his nose, before turning his face towards you. “Walk with me.” He demands with a calm and surprisingly gentle voice.
As soon as you're a few steps away from the Weasleys you meet his eyes with a stern look. “What was that for?” You snap and Draco drops his head knowing that you hated it when he was unkind to your friends. “I was saving you. They were clearly flirting.” You shake your head. “There’s no need for you to be so protective of me.” Draco moves closer to you and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “Yes, I do. You’re sweet, innocent and ridiculously beautiful. If I don’t watch over you… you’ll end up with the wrong type of guy.” You soften, knowing that his concern for you is genuine. “I know you mean well, Draco, but can’t you be a little less aggressive.” Draco sighs, not really seeing any problem in pushing people and snapping at them. He adores your sweet face and calms down. “Maybe there is a less aggressive way to keep idiots away from you.” You look at him questioningly and Draco slips off his jacket.
”Here, wear my quidditch jacket.” He hands it to you and you take it, but then you start to worry. “Isn’t it weird if I wear it? It’s something normally only girlfriends do.” Draco watches you put on his jacket regardless of your own argument and he shrugs. “I’m not really a labels kind of guy, but if you want to be my girlfriend, fine.” Your mouth drops a little. “That’s not what I was saying.” Draco takes your hand and pulls you closer, placing his other hand on the small of your back. You blush as you're now pressed against him. You close your eyes and sigh. “Why can’t you just admit that you like me like a normal person.” Draco licks his lips and waits for you to look up at him, before speaking. “I’m in love with you, (y/n) (y/l/n). Wear my name, be my girl.” You feel stripped of all air as his honest words reach your heart and make it swell. “Happy now?” He whispers and you nod, cheeks burning with color.
“Love confessions aren’t free.” He whispers before slowly leaning in. You smile and meet his lips for a soft kiss. “I’ll wear your name and be your girl.” He stares at you and feels himself fall even more in love with you as you say those words. “Gods, how can one person be so perfect?” He pulls you into a tight embrace, feeling like he needs to keep you close and safe with him. “Cheer for me, will you?” Draco’s soft whisper makes him sound almost vulnerable. You lock his lips with yours, kissing him passionately in an attempt to show him how much you love him. “I’ll cheer for you like a crazy fangirl.” A bright smile forms on Draco’s lips and he leans in to leave one more soft peck on your lips.
You see Enzo approach and smile at him, but you also notice something’s different about him. “Hello, fellas, how’s it going?” Lorenzo places his arms on Fred and George’s shoulders. Fred and George look at each other and then to you. “I take it this is our cue.” Fred laughs and they both disappear out of Enzo’s arms. “Did I say something wrong?” He asks innocently, like his little dominant move wasn’t obvious. You smile at him and softly shake your head. “You came off a little jealous I guess.” You try to explain and Enzo shrugs. “I’m not, you can have friends.” You laugh and close the distance between you two.
“Uhuh but you’ll always be best friend, Enz.” Enzo groans. “Yey me.” His words make you frown and he immediately feels embarrassed about his childlike behavior. “Sorry, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just- I got my feelings all messed up after last night's kiss.” He had been crushing on you and at first he thought it was just a small thing that would pass, but it didn’t. Terrified to ruin his friendship with you and lose what little he had with you, he buried his feelings. However, after last night all of those suppressed feelings were back in his head and heart, stronger than ever.
You feel your heart sink as he refers to the stupid drunk kiss that happened last night during a ridiculous party game. You had banished that memory to the back of your head, not allowing your feelings of love to ruin your friendship. “You said it was just a silly kiss.” Enzo clenches his jaw. “I know what I said.” You’re surprised by his harsh tone, this was a rare part of Enzo that almost never surfaced. You take a step closer to him and place your hands on his shoulder. “Don’t tell me that some stupid kiss ruined our friendship?” Lorenzo sighs. “No, I did that long before last night.” Your eyebrows knit together as you don’t know what he’s talking about. Enzo shuts his eyes and presses his lips into a line before sighing. “I’ve loved you since forever and… not being with you it’s eating me up (y/n). Please don’t hate me for this, but if I can’t have you, then I can’t be your friend.”
There’s so much sadness in his voice it almost breaks your heart. When you don’t immediately react Enzo moves away, but your hands on his shoulders won’t lead him and you pull him closer. “I know exactly what-” Enzo shakes his head. “No, you don’t.” You laugh. “Yes! Yes, I do, Enzo Berkshire! Because I’ve been in love with you since forever!” It takes a moment for him to process, but when his eyes go wide you see his eyes light up again. The next moment his lips crash against yours for a long and intense kiss, while his arms wrap around you tightly, hugging you like only Enzo can. When he breaks the kiss his head still rests against yours. “Can I ask you for a silly little thing?” He whispers with playful eyes. You nod and Lorenzo lets go of you to take off his jacket. “Wear this, for me. For good luck… and maybe also to make sure those Gryffindor’s know that you’re off the market.”
You turn around and Enzo helps you slip on his jacket. His body fills with pride as he sees you wear his name. “I’ll wear it with pride.” You say and tug him by his shirt to demand another kiss. His hand holds your head, fingers entangled in your hair as his lips passionately move over yours. “I’m winning this game for you.” He whispers, before leaving to join his team.
You were too busy laughing at Mattheo’s expense to notice him walk over. With a foul smile and head held high he looks at the twins. “What are we laughing about?” His voice is calm, but he’s radiating fury. However, Fred can’t resist fuelling him especially with the Gryffindor - Slytherin game starting in half an hour. “You.” Fred says bluntly and Mattheo instantly steps in between you and the twins. Dark eyes focused on Fred. “What’s so funny about me?” Fred’s about to open his mouth when George decides to be the wiser one and slings his arm around his brother. “Time for one quick last round around the stadium, I think.” Coming to George’s aid you place a hand on Mattheo’s biceps, urging him to turn away from Fred and face you.
“They’re absolute tossers.” Mattheo snaps at you when he finally turns away from Fred. You laugh at his frustration. “They’re funny, though.” Your little joke doesn’t sit well with him. Part of him grew worried that maybe you had a thing for one of the twins. “Are you going to cheer them on or me?” He asks with an annoyed tone and piercing eyes, but as soon as he notices you take a step back he softens. He hated himself for getting so jealous and being so possessive of a girl that wasn’t even his. Instinctively his hand reaches for your arm, softly brushing it as a gentle way of asking you to not move away from him. “I- I didn’t mean to- I- I just thought they were flirting or something.” He chuckles, partly confessing he was jealous. He feels himself get flustered as you study him. You had never seen him behave like this, but he quickly regained his confident composure. “Shall I fly you to your spot in the stands?” He offers in an attempt to distract you from his confession.
But you’re not letting him get away this easy. “So what if they were flirting with me, Riddle? Is that a crime? Because last time I checked I was still single so-” Your teasing his cut short when Mattheo snorts, making you raise your eyebrows. He slightly clenches his jaw, cursing himself for not being able to control himself and allowing his arrogance to have the upper hand. “So what… you want those guys to flirt with you?” His eyes focus on yours. “They weren’t flirting and if they were there’s no reason for you to get all snappy about it.” You retort, crossing your arms. In his mind you were already his and he hated that you kept on reminding him that in reality you weren’t his at all. When you notice his jaw clench, you roll your eyes and remind him once more of the one thing he can’t stand hearing. “Matt, you don’t need to worry about me, I’m not your girlfriend.”
Okay, now you've done it. You notice a flicker in his eyes and then he quickly reaches for your arm, moving you behind the stands so you’re alone. “Wha-?” He pushes you against the wooden wall of the stadium and cups your cheek. “You should be my girlfriend.” His lips crash into yours forcefully and he pushes himself against you. It takes a moment, but you can’t resist the intensity of his kiss and your hand sneaks up to his curls as you part your lips and kiss back. When he breaks the kiss he stays close to you and studies you while you press your lips into a line, realizing how quickly you kissed him back. You feel your cheeks heat up as you notice the smug smile appear on Mattheo’s lips. His fingers entangle with your hair as he leans in for another kiss, this time softer but still intense.
When he breaks the kiss, his eyes glimmer with pride and his smirk frustrates you. “I think you should wear this.” He says, taking a step back and taking off his jacket. “You know, since you’re my girlfriend now.” You roll your eyes, but nevertheless turn around so he can wrap it around you. He pulls you with your back against his chest, strong arms wrapped around you, and traces your neck with sweet kisses. “Can I now fly you to the stands? I know your regular spot.”
Having you close against him as he flies around, making sure everyone has seen you with him while wearing his green jacket with his name on, was an unnecessary ego boost. He makes sure you land safely on your feet next to your friends. “Don’t be too insufferable.” You warn him and a smug smile tugs on his lips. “Can’t make any promises.” You go stand on your tiptoes. “If you promise to behave, I’ll kiss you now that everyone’s watching.” You swear you saw little lights in his eyes at your suggestion.
Bonus Regulus Black
Sirius seriously needed to keep his hands to himself, Regulus was fuming as he watched his brother brush a strand of hair out of your face. He had not been desperately trying to impress you for his idiot brother to swoop in and charm you with one decent gesture. “Not that you have any value to the Gryffindor team, but shouldn’t you get ready for the game.” Regulus walks over to stand by your side with his broom still in hand, staring his brother down with disdain.
Sirius grins at his brother’s obvious jealousy. “Be careful brother, your true colors are showing.” Regulus clenches his jaw and averts his eyes feeling a little caught, but thankfully his grinning fool of a brother leaves. When he looks over at you, you’re already smiling at him. “That was a bit harsh of you. Nervous for the game?” You ask and he’s glad you offer him an excuse for his behavior. “Yes, definitely the game. Though, I’m confident we’re gonna put Gryffindor to shame.” A smug smirk tugs on his lips and you laugh at his confidence, but he immediately gets a little serious. “You know, my brother’s not a bad guy, but he can be a bit… uhm- invasive at times. So if he’s ever too much, let me know.” You smile and nod softly, not going to argue with a worried Regulus. “Promise?” Regulus watches you carefully, waiting for you to make the promise. You take a step closer to him and lock your eyes with his. “Promise.”
Just as he seems to be reassured enough to turn around and go back to his team, he notices a few guys glance over at you. He sighs and turns back around to you with a face filled with annoyance. Frustrated, he licks his lips as his eyes dart around. “Why are you so tense?” You ask genuinely worried and you reach for his arms, gently squeezing them to calm him. “You really are too precious to leave unchaperoned.” He breathes and you laugh at his choice of words. He sighs, but then a genius idea pops up in his head. “Here, wear this.” He sets his broom aside for a moment and lets his slytherin training jacket slide off his shoulders. When he hands it to you look at it with confused eyes. “It’s rather chilly today.” Regulus explains, but feels himself heat up. Maybe his attempt to claim you and protect you from others was a bit too obvious. You tilt your head and stare at his blushing cheeks, but you refuse to take his jacket since you’re a bit annoyed with his inability to come clean about his feelings.
He notices that you’re being a bit difficult about it and sighs, getting a little flustered. “Just do me a favor and wear it.” You shake your head in amusement. “Fine, if you'll do me a favor as well.” You reach for the jacket and he nods, feeling a bit more confident now that you’re complying. You slip the jacket on and enjoy the warmth of it and Regulus’ scent, before taking a step closer to him so there’s no space left between you two. “Kiss me.” You demand and his eyes widen, not believing that that’s the favor you’re asking for. Clearly you had seen through his subtle flirting and obvious jealousy of the past months. No denying it now, time to step up. He leans in, simultaneously wrapping an arm around, and brushes your lips before kissing you tenderly. You rest your hands on his shoulders and allow him to pull you against him as he intensifies the kiss. Slowly you break the kiss, but your eyes still linger on his as you enjoy being in his arms. “Be careful up there.” You whisper and it’s then that Regulus realizes exactly how perfect of a girlfriend you’re going to be. He nods and moves away from you, unable to hide smile. He takes his broom and heads back towards his grinning teammates.
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Harry Potter Masterlist
All of my Harry Potter works! More coming soon!
A quick disclaimer: I am writing when I can! Please be patient with me, I work full time and I am also a college student, I have a lot on my plate.
If you find any mistakes in my writing, please call me out on it! I usually don't have the time to proofread my works before publishing and even then I do miss some errors. I want to become a better writer so please tell me!
If there is any way at all that I can make my writing more inclusive please leave your suggestions either in my asks, my messages or in my comments! I am whiter than white so please help me become a more inclusive writer!
Enjoy my works!
not my gifs
Marauders Era
Severus Snape
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Always There Series Masterlist The Holidays Are Better With You Different Fiercely Loved Chipper and Pleasant
Remus Lupin
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A Happy Christmas A Good Book
Sirius Black
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Admiration The First Christmas
Golden Trio Era Weasley Twins (written separately)
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Fred No Matter What
Long Days and Quiet Nights
George The Muggle Way 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
Draco Malfoy
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Stubborn Sickness Last Minute
Theodore Nott
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Personal Heater Embarrassment
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thestorycomesalive · 11 months
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You, Baby
George Weasley x Reader
Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: You had been suffering from nightmares for a while now. This was nothing new to you. But when you have a nightmare that wakes you up in tears, you find yourself instinctively in front of George's dorm, seeking his comfort.
AKA: George is a softie. Two idiots in love, oblivious pining. Fred and Lee will not stop teasing the two dummies.
Lyrics included from the song: Nothing's Gonna Hurt You, Baby by Cigarettes After Sex
You were not a stranger to nightmares. These terrifying dreams had haunted you since you were very little. But you mostly suffered through them alone. You never wanted to wake anyone else or concern them with your deepest fears and troubles. You guessed a part of you didn’t want to accept that you had these fears at all. So, one cold, autumn night, you found yourself sneaking up to the Astronomy Tower, hoping not to be seen, but daring to do so anyways. For another haunting dream had plagued your sleep just moments ago. These days, they seemed to be getting worse, and your first instinct tonight was to escape and get some fresh air.
As you walked through the entrance of the tower, you felt the breeze flow in through the open walls, chilling your skin and, ever so slightly, whipping your hair. You wrapped your arms around yourself as you approached the opening of the tower. The frigid wind woke you from your sleepiness and seemed to remind your body that you were here. That you were okay. You overlooked the black skyline and closed your eyes, breathing in the burning atmosphere. You weren’t sure how long you stayed like that. It wasn’t until you heard the sound of the railing creak next to you that you awoke from your hypnotic state. Your eyes opened and you turned to look to where you had just heard the weight of the metal bar on your right, moments before. There stood a tall and sleepy George, adorned in a knitted sweater and sweatpants, arms crossed, as he leaned against the railing next to you. He looked out at the skyline. His expression mirrored the one you had sported before, but his eyes were open as he saw you turn to him in his peripheral vision.
“I honestly thought you might’ve been sleepwalking,” he chuckled as he stared at the darkness ahead of him.
“What are you doing here, Georgie?” you asked, puzzled.
“I could ask you the same thing, love,” he said with a small smile on his face. He turned his head to bring his eyes to meet yours.
You smiled back at him lightly. “I meant, more so, how did you know I’d be here?”
He dramatically placed his hand on his chest and faked shock and offense, his mouth wide. “Who said I knew? Maybe I just needed some fresh air too,” he tested, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Well then it seems great minds think alike,” you laughed at your best friend.
George quickly dropped his act, a mischievous grin on his face. “I’m only kidding. Fred and I borrowed the Marauder’s Map from Harry last night. I couldn’t sleep and gave it a look. I saw you wandering,” he said with a shy grin on his face.
“Bad dream?” you asked him, softly, your eyes slightly become distant at the memory of your own nightmare.
“Nah,” he said. “I had the coffee cake at dinner tonight. I ate so much of it, I could’ve run the entire quidditch field twenty times over,” he chuckled. He took in your slightly distant eyes as you laughed slightly at his response. “You?” he asked, concerned.
“Yeah. It was stupid. I just needed a change of scenery,” you sighed.
“I’m sorry,” he said gently as he wrapped his arm around your shivering form, pulling you into him. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“It’s okay. It was nothing,” you lied. You leaned your head into George’s shoulder, your heart doing cartwheels at the unexpected contact from him. You, the twins, and Lee had been best friends since your first year, but it didn’t take long for your friendship with George to quickly blossom into more, in your heart. You had fallen for him completely, but you knew you would never utter a word about it out of fear of losing your best friend in the whole entire world.
Oblivious to you, George felt the same exact way. He loved everything about you. The way your hair bounced when you walked, the glisten in your eyes when you looked at him, the way you tilted your head slightly when you laughed, the sound of your voice. Everything. He had entirely fallen for you over the years. What started as a simple crush in his first year, never subsided. Rather it took his body and soul by storm. He felt warm whenever you were near. His heart skipped in his chest and his knees weakened. But how could he ever tell his best friend that he was completely and entirely in love with her? He thought that you would likely feel obligated to awkwardly thank him, never to talk to him again. And to him, a world in pining and longing with you in it, was better than one in relief without you there.
He felt his heart rate patter as you reciprocated his touch and rested your head on his shoulder.
“Aren’t you cold out here?” he asked quietly.
“A little bit,” you smiled up at him. “But I don’t mind it.”
George hesitated. He wanted to just take you completely into his arms and hold you through the cold, sharp wind. But he didn’t want to scare you away. The last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. He settled upon simply draping his other arm over you gently rubbing up and down your arm to generate some heat to you.
Your legs nearly gave out from the feeling of his touch. You and George had hugged many times before, but this time, he was so close to actually holding you. You wanted nothing more. You loved the feeling of George’s strong arms around you and his large hand running along your arm. You decided to be a little bit brave as you tucked into him a little bit more, wrapping your arms around his waist, your cheek in his sweater.
George’s arms froze in surprise as you curled yourself into him. He felt his cheeks flush red with warmth as he tried his best to bring himself back to reality. He moved his frigid arms to gently wrap around you, squeezing you to him. “Is… is that a little bit warmer?” he asked, hesitantly.
“Much. Thank you,” you smiled up at him as your own face flushed red with longing and bashfulness.
The two of you stayed that way for another half an hour or so, neither wanting to let go of the other. But when you let out a yawn, George looked down at you, a gentle smile on his face.
“We should probably get you to bed,” he rubbed your arm gently, in his embrace.
“You too,” you said, looking up at him with a sleepy smile.
The two of you walked back to the Common Room where George walked you up to the door of your dorm. George stood there awkwardly, his arms at his side as he bid you goodnight. Everything in him wanted to pull you into him again, to hug you. His arms felt so empty without you. Hell, he wanted so badly to kiss you. To feel your lips against his gently as you parted ways for the night, but his mind convinced him against it. What he didn’t expect was for you to take a step closer to him and to move up on your tiptoes. He didn’t expect you to wrap your arms around his neck and whisper in his ear. But you did.
“Goodnight, Georgie. Thank you for everything,” you said sweetly as you hugged the boy you loved so dearly. You wished you could ask him to stay. You wanted him to hold you all night, but you convinced yourself that you had to let him go. He wrapped his arms around you in return, his eyes wide in surprise as he spoke, “N…No problem, goodnight.”
And you parted ways.
In the coming days, neither George nor you brought up that night to anyone. Not to your friends, not to each other. To you, it was a beautiful memory that you would cherish forever. You didn’t want to share it with anyone else. You didn’t want it to belong to anyone but you. You wanted it all to yourself… and to him. You survived on small, happy moments like that with George. Moments where you allowed yourself to feel all of the love you had for the boy fully and completely. You knew you would never be able to confess your feelings to him, so this is how you would live. Off of every happy and soft moment you could possibly get with the gentle, ginger boy. And although you two never spoke of that wonderful, simple night, you always found your place next to him, and he always found his next to you.
Fred and Lee had constantly teased the two of you on the subject. Anytime you had to choose partners for a project in Potions, Fred would utter an “Oi, ten galleons I can tell you where George is headed as soon as Snape lets us up." This would earn him a glare and an eye roll from George and a snort from Lee. Another time, at the end of a long, random day, you were writing in the Common Room with your friends, and your legs found themselves draped over George’s. You sat horizontally on one side of the sofa, and he sat facing forward, his hand mindlessly holding your ankle in place, in his lap.
This wasn’t something unnormal for the two of you. George and you had a sort of magnetic force and you always seemed to be engaged in the smallest motions of physical touch in some way. You were never as close as you had been that night in the astronomy tower, but you were nearly always touching, none the less. The domestic picture of you and George instinctively sitting together on the couch, had Fred rolling on the floor laughing. Lee was trying to shush him, not wanting to embarrass either of you, however this seemed to be a fruitless prospect. The two boys couldn’t understand how oblivious you and George both were. It was obvious to your best friends that you liked each other, but no matter how many times they tried to convince each one of you, you never seemed to believe that it could be remotely possible. They could’ve given both of you Veritaserum and forced you to confess your love plain and simple, and both of you would probably still be too blind to see it.
“A little bit comfortable, are we there, Y/N?” Fred asked you, eyebrows wiggling in a teasing manner.
Your face flushed completely red, giving away your thoughts on the matter right away, to everyone but George.
“Don’t worry, I think our Georgie likes it,” Fred said, shooting a wink to George.
It was George’s turn to flush red with embarrassment. He took a pillow from next to him on the sofa and launched it at Fred’s face, causing him to roll back, holding his stomach as he laughed uncontrollably. Lee joined in on the chuckle and playfully slapped Fred’s arm.
“I think it’s sweet,” Lee said, laughing still.
George and you said nothing as you both found your hands to suddenly become increasingly interesting, trying to diffuse the situation in your minds.
The next day, you had dropped your books all over the stairs as you were walking with Fred, Lee, and George from Transfiguration. A first year Hufflepuff had accidentally bumped into you as it was clear she was running late to her next class, and she wasn’t looking where she was going. As your books tumbled down the stairs, she apologetically called out to you.
“I’m so sorry!” She automatically turned down the stairs to head back down to help you retrieve the books she had thrown from your hand, disregarding her rush. But you gently smiled at her and stopped her in her tracks.
“It’s okay, darling. Go on, I’ve got it,” you said as gave her a reassuring wave onwards and a bright smile.
She thanked you quickly and nodded, as she returned to rushing up the stairs. As you turned back to look down at the books you had dropped, you saw that George was already bent down collecting them. He had a smile on his face as he had just watched the interaction you had had with the little Hufflepuff girl. You bent down too, collecting the last two books, as George placed the remainder of them into your hands.
“Here you go,” he said.
“Thanks, Georgie,” you smiled at him. His hand brushed against yours as he placed the books into your possession. He let them linger there, as you both stared at each other for a fraction of a moment.
“Good grief!” You were pulled out of your trance by Fred who had his arms crossed and eyebrow raised. Lee was next to him as they had turned to see what had kept you two from following them down the stairs. “Get a room, you two!” he shouted up at you as other students passed by.
You both immediately shot up from the ground, your faces heated, and your vision slightly blurred from embarrassment.
As the two of you headed down the stairs to catch up with Fred and Lee, Lee elbowed you playfully and whispered, “Your hero to the rescue.”
You lightly, and playfully slapped him on the shoulder with one of the smaller books in your arms as you exclaimed, “At least he helped me! You lot just stood there and watched.”
Lee laughed as he tried to dodge your whacks to his shoulder. “It’s more fun that way! Besides, it looked like George was eager to help. You didn’t need us.”
The teasing never did stop and your feelings for George only grew and grew. You weren’t sure how it was possible to be so enamored with anyone. But here you were,  living proof that it was not only possible, but real.
After a particularly stressful day, you curled up in your bed and tried to think of pleasant thoughts to lull you to sleep. Most of the thoughts consisted of George. You eventually found yourself counting each individual thing you loved most about him, which could honestly take you forever. You figured it was like counting sheep. You weren’t intent on ever finishing your count, but rather falling asleep in the middle of it. Today had been a day of rarity. Everything seemed to go wrong. You failed your Potions exam, and you had gotten scolded by Professor McGonagall because you had slept in too late, missed breakfast and nearly missed the first half of her class. You were usually a pretty decent student, but your nightmares had been keeping you up at night, making it hard for you to focus and stay awake in class. Which, of course, now that you actually wanted to go to sleep, your body had to make it as difficult as possible for you to do.
You had drifted off into a deep sleep at some point, somewhere between recounting the sound of George’s laugh and the deep color of his eyes. But your sleep didn’t last long as you began tossing and turning, shooting up in a cold sweat. You were shaking and… crying? You reached up to touch your cheeks. You were definitely crying. Quiet sobs wracked from your body, as you covered your mouth, trying your best not to wake your dorm mates. You had to leave. You had to escape. But there was only one place you wanted to go. The Astronomy Tower hadn’t even crossed your mind this time.
In a daze, your feet subconsciously carried you down the stairs, up another set, and stopped in front of a large, brown, wooden door. Normally, your brain would’ve told you that it was wrong to enter people’s rooms uninvited. Your brain would’ve reminded you that you were crossing a boundary and that you were completely disregarding other peoples’ privacy. But tonight, there was only one thought playing over and over in your mind. You creaked the door open and quietly shut it behind you. It was like you were on autopilot as you made your way to the side of a bed, George’s beautiful, sleeping frame facing you.
Tears were still flowing down your face, but your sobs had stopped now that you could see him here. You gently, nervously brought your hand to his shoulder and shook it softly. “Georgie…” you squeaked out.
George’s eyes fluttered open in a confused daze. He took in his surroundings for a moment and when he saw you standing there, his heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline coursing through him. He thought for sure, he must be dreaming. There was no way that you were actually here, right in front of his bed, in the quiet of the night.
“Y/N/N…” he called out, brows furrowed in confusion. As the moonlight shone in from the window, he finally caught a glimpse of the tears that stained your face and the sadness in your eyes. He sat up immediately, his hand reaching for your cheek as he wiped your tears away.
“Oh, love. What’s wrong?” he murmured to you. “Another bad dream?” he asked, softly.
Concern filled his eyes. It split his heart into two seeing you this sad and frightened. You simply nodded your head in response, like a petrified doe in headlights.
“Do you wanna take a walk? We can go to the Astronomy Tower.” he offered gently, pushing his blankets off of him.
You didn’t want to be anywhere but right here, with him. You mustered up the courage, or rather cowardly gave in to the urge that was telling you to ask George a question that could quite possibly put your friendship on the line. You shook your head.
“Can…” you took a deep, unhelpful breath, “can I stay with you?” you looked up at him with defeated eyes, searching his for any sign that you had just crossed a line.
His eyes went wide. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He couldn’t believe that you were here, and he really couldn’t believe what you were asking him. He nodded his head quickly.
“Of course,” he whispered hurriedly. Without hesitation, he moved over to make room in his bed for you, lifting the covers as an invitation for you.
You sighed out in relief and disbelief. He had actually said yes. You hadn’t ruined anything. You gently laid yourself down as George sat there awkwardly next to you, afraid to touch you as if the act would send you running. He didn’t want to do anything to scare you off or make you feel like you had to leave him. But he wanted to move. He wanted to hold you, to run his hands through your hair and tell you that everything would be okay. That he would keep you safe.
But you couldn’t hold back. You had no sense of logic tonight. You only knew that you need to see George, to feel him. You needed to hear his heartbeat and know that he was there. You moved your head to rest on his chest, curling your legs closer to your stomach. You could feel him tense up and you hoped that you didn’t make him uncomfortable. Your own body tensed when you felt his apprehension.
George was feeling an immense number of emotions. He was in complete shock at the close proximity you had placed yourself into him, but he also felt his entire body melt at the sensation. Now was his chance. He could finally give into all of the urges he had felt pile up inside him just moments ago. Well, at least a select few of them. He allowed his arm to curl underneath you, pushing you closer to him, bringing his other arm around you, over your side, completely enveloping you in his embrace.
“It’s okay, I’m right here,” he whispered as he held you in his strong arms.
You had been holding your breath, waiting to see George’s reaction to your embrace. When he didn’t respond right away, you felt your heart drop and your eyes begin to water once more, but when he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into him, you breathed out and snuggled in closer to him, as he whispered to you. You listened carefully to the pattern of his heartbeat, as if it was your lifeline keeping you tied to reality. He felt you sigh into him and whispered to you once more.
“Nothing’s going to hurt you. As long as you’re with me you’ll be just fine.”
And you truly believed that. As long as George was here, you would always be okay. Which is why losing him felt like the most frightening thing in the world to you.
“Thank you, Georgie,” you whispered, as you felt yourself creeping into a deep sleep, listening to his heartbeat, feeling your lifeline in the arms of the man that you loved so dearly.
He tossed the idea of kissing the top of your head around in his mind. It was a big risk and normally he would turn the thought away, but tonight was a night full of new progressions and big chances. So, he did it. He gently kissed the top of your head and waited with bated breath to see how you would react.
Your mouth turned up into a gentle smile that you pressed into his chest. You took one of your legs and curled it around his, entangling the two of you together. He couldn’t hide the huge smile that grew on his face and the rapid increase of his heartbeat that you had been listening intently to. He didn’t sleep much that night, going in and out, in the awe of having you curled into him. He wanted to soak up every minute that you were entangled with him, in his arms.
When the morning arrived, George had finally fallen asleep, arms still wrapped around your body. He awoke quickly to a loud shout from Fred.
“BLOODY HELL!” Fred shouted as his face was mere inches away from George’s own.
George startled awake, nearly jolting from the image of his brother’s shocked face so close to his.
“George, I think you have a visitor!” Lee said from across the room, grinning widely at the scene before him.
“Your ‘best friend’ is sleeping in your bed, ole’ Georgie!” Fred shouted at him, rolling his eyes sarcastically at his own use of the term best friend, taunting George who had always insisted your relationship was platonic. “Better yet! She’s laying on top of you! Do you treat all of your friends like that? Because I assure you, Lee and I want no part of that!” Fred teased George loudly, still in shock from the scene in front of him. He was nearly bouncing up and down with excitement at the prospect of his brother and his best friend finally owning up to their feelings for each other. George quickly looked down at you, hoping Fred hadn’t awoken you. But you had been so tired from your nights of missed sleep, that you were still as a rock, breathing shallow as you continued into your unconsciousness.
“Will. You. Quit. It?!” George whispered furiously as he launched the pillow next to him straight into Fred’s face.
Fred rolled back off of his bed as the pillow met his face, laughing maniacally as he did so.
“It’s not what it looks like,” he whispered stubbornly. “She had a bad dream.”
“And so she had to come find her sweet, heroic Georgie to comfort her?” Fred taunted as he crossed his arms in front of himself.
“Come on, George. Why won’t you accept that she likes you too?” Lee asked George, supportively.
“Aren’t you two late for breakfast?” George shot back.
“Oooo, I see. Georgie wants alone time with his lady,” Fred teased as he gave George a big wink.
“Come on, Fred. Let her sleep. We’ll meet you two down there,” laughed Lee playfully.
George nodded and Lee and Fred began to exit the dorm room. However, Fred purposefully slammed the door shut on the way out trying to wake you , making George glare sharply at the other side of the door. George could hear Fred’s evil laugh fade as he raced down the stairs. Fred’s plot had worked. The jolt of the door jostled you awake. Your eyes shot open as you took in your surroundings for a moment. You lifted your head, your face flushing red as the memories of the night before came rushing back to you. You sat up and turned to George. He smiled at you.
“George…I’m so sorry,” you started. “I shouldn’t have let myself in last night.”
George felt his heart drop. Did you regret coming to see him? Staying with him?
“Oh,” George said. “You don’t have anything to be sorry for. I really don’t mind,” he tested.
You smiled, a bit relieved. “Thank you for everything. You don’t know how much I needed that.” You weighed your words carefully.
George felt his heart lift back up, at your words. Hope filled his chest. “Of course, love. I will always be here for you. Anytime you need me.”
Your smile burned brighter. Did he really mean that? Anytime? If you could have it your way, you would always be curled into the tall boy. And although you didn’t know it, he wished for exactly the same thing.
“Thank you, Georgie. You know, I’m always here for you too,” you said softly as you placed your hand gently on top of his.
He smiled at you in pure adoration. “Do you wanna talk about it?” he asked, his brows furrowing as his eyes searched yours.
You realized he was referring to your nightmare that you had encountered the night before. You had previously turned down the opportunity to talk about your nightmares to him before, so he was surprised when you released a sigh and spoke up. You felt he deserved an explanation.
“It was the worst dream I think I’ve ever had. It felt so real… so terrifying.” Your eyes became distant as you recalled your dream that had frightened you to your deepest core.
“What was it?” he whispered, as he brushed his hand against your cheek in an attempt to comfort you.
You leaned into his touch. “It was you, Georgie. I dreamt I lost you. It was like my whole world fell apart. That’s why…” you started and sighed, “I had to know you were okay. That you were here.”
He felt his chest twist and his brows furrow as his he began to open his mouth to speak, but stopped, speechless. You had dreamt about him. Your most terrifying dream was losing him. He knew just how much you mattered to him, but was it possible he meant just as much to you? “I’m here,” he said. “I will always be here for you. Nothing could ever keep me from you, Y/N.”
You wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed your cheek into his chest as you hugged him. You then pulled away and kissed him lightly on the cheek.
“Thank you, Georgie,” you simply murmured.
His face turned bright red in shock and love. Your own face flushed at the realization of what you had just done. It had come so naturally, in the moment, that you hadn’t even thought twice about it. You cleared your throat gently, as a smile creeped up onto George’s face.
“I should apologize to Fred and Lee for crashing their room without asking,” you laughed, embarrassed.
“It’s my room too,” he said. “And in my opinion, you are perfectly welcome whenever you want.”
The two of you decided that even though you were significantly late to breakfast, you would still make your way to the Great Hall. You had run off to your dorm to change into your clothes for the day and planned to meet up with George near the Portrait of the Common Room. Eventually, when you came down the stairs and found George waiting for you, you gave him a small smile as you skipped to his side. He watched you walk to his side with a look of awe on his face. You looked so beautiful, as always.
You made your way to the Great Hall, the two of you mentally preparing for Fred’s teasing. But, Merlin, was it worth it. You had planned to apologize to Fred and Lee for crashing in their dorm, but as you and George walked side by side into the Great Hall, the wide, goofy grins on their faces when they made eye contact with you, told you they would take your apology just fine. It also told you that you were in for a rough day of pestering and flustered faces. Hell, the way they were looking at you two this time, this one would probably last weeks.
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Vulnera Sanentur [Weasley twins x reader]
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Part 3
Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Title: Vulnera Sanentur
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley {established relationship}
Timeline: DH1- set during the battle of the seven potters. Canon and certain plot points have been altered for the needs of the story.
Summary: The battle of the seven Potters throws your world into chaos when one of your boyfriend’s is cursed. As Snape’s ex-potions assistant and previous protégée, you recognise the inflicted curse immediately and demand answers from your mentor.
Warnings: Angst, mentions of war and Voldy, descriptions of injury and blood, descriptive smut, p in v sex, shower sex, tension. Outside sex. Semi public sex. None sexual nudity. Crying. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Arguments. Probably some cursing. Mentions of nightmares. Reader is part of the Order of the Phoenix. Mentions of death (Dumbledore). Mentions of Tonks’ pregnancy. Not spellchecked nor beta read, we die like Madeye.
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With a loud clack you were gone and appeared only moments later in a small, deserted park, surrounded by metal railings and vacant benches, knowing you had to be safe and not go straight to your destination. You set off on your little walk and in no time at all you were facing Grimmauld Place. With a flourish of you wand and a wordless charm, the building began to rumble and pull back, sliding out between the next door residences that were totally black in the dead of night until number 12 was clearly visible.
"Homenum revelio," you cast as you walked through the door, looking down at the slightly illuminated hallway, the dark walls and grotesquely gothic architecture making you feel a little more than uneasy but you couldn't allow yourself to be frightened now. Nothing happened from your spell and you realised you were entirely alone in the property, an sigh of relief falling from your lips at the revelation.
"Lumos," you said quietly as you walked deeper into the safe house, illuminated wand guiding your way, walking directly up the creaking staircase towards the third room on the right, the bedroom you'd been sharing with Fred and George only a year ago. You prayed it was still here.
You didn't divert from your path and immediately crouched down towards the small round rug in the centre of the room as you entered your old bedroom and peeled back the rug to check the floorboards beneath it. Knocking three times, then two, and saying a muffled 'revelio', you watched as the floorboard popped up out of its socket just as it had been enchanted to do. You pulled the floorboard away and smirked to yourself as you saw the very thing you'd hidden all that time ago, still in perfect condition. The marauders map.
During your last year at Hogwarts, Harry had spent an agonising amount of time following Draco on the map, so much so that it was becoming detrimental to his school work, his sleep and his life. You and Hermione had both decided to remove the map from his possession, knowing the risks that the map held if it were to get into the wrong hands and so you'd each vowed to hide the map with only the pair of you knowing it's hiding place.
Pulling the map from its confines, you uttered the words you'd heard Fred and George say so many times before and right in front of your eyes the words appeared, brown ink bleeding onto the page.
I solemnly swear I am up to no good.
It took mere seconds for you to locate exactly what you were looking for, spotting the singular name on the map exactly where you'd predicted it to be. The climax of your plan could now take place.
You realised that this whole step of the plan could have been avoided but you wanted to make sure that the figure you followed on the map was exactly where you'd planned them to be, no doubt slipping into your determination.
"Mischief managed," you uttered, tapping it once with your wand and the writing began to fade away, leaving the parchment bare once again. You quickly stuffed it into the hole and replaced the floorboard, uttering the enchantment you'd placed upon it and exited the house completely. As you left, the creaking of the metal and rumble of the bricks faded into the background as the house fought to conceal itself once again.
You walked quickly back to the park and with a quick glance around to determine no one was around, you disapparated straight to your next destination.
Hogsmeade was notoriously cold early in the morning, in fact you'd called it the coldest place in the U.K. numerous times over the years and as your feet landed on the dewy ground, you had to hold back a shiver. Your stomach lurched as you landed, the multiple apparitions and disapparitions taking their toll on your body but you pressed on, wanting to get this over with.
You'd apparated just outside the border of the anti-disapparation jinx that was placed upon Hogwarts and the surrounding grounds, knowing the range of the jinx from a side along apparition you'd undertaken with Snape two years ago to collect ingredients for his personal store.
You trudged around a deserted Hogsmeade in the darkness using only your memory to guide you and appeared around the back of the only illuminated shop in the entire village; Honeydukes.
They were notorious for baking their homemade treats overnight, prepared fresh for the morning trade the next day. Fred had told you a while back that all their deliveries were made in the early morning as to have everything on hand for the busy morning rush; something he'd seen firsthand when him and George had been to visit a vacant unit in Hogsmeade after store close back when they considered expanding before putting that plan on hold. All it would take was a carefully timed entry through the small cellar door and you'd be on your way to your last destination. As you crouched in the darkness, concealed by the shadows of the nearby shops, you mentally wished that you'd managed to acquire Harry's invisibility cloak for your mission but there was no going back now.
As one worker excited the back door, leaving it swung right open, you ran in and rounded the corner, running straight down the back stairs that lead to the cellar, a route you'd taken many times with your boyfriends in your school years. With a quick look around, you lifted the slab and slipped into the passageway, carefully replacing the stone slab behind you. You breathed out a large breath and cast a light spell so that you could see, quickly making your way through the hidden passage that led to Hogwarts.
It was freezing and damp in the passageway and you briefly pined for the company of your boyfriends as you walked the long distance towards the castle. You took the time to consider how you were going to do this but quickly put it out of your mind, realising that your anger was your greatest weapon in this instance.
You finally appeared at the alcove behind the one eyed witch statue and expertly made your way around it like you had many times before, finding yourself in the deserted great staircase. Only once you'd breached the castle did the overwhelming sense of danger register with you. If Snape had turned in his allegiance, you could be in serious danger, coming face to face with a death eater, the same one that you knew had cursed your boyfriend so severely. The very thought of George lay there covered in his own blood and looking so gravely ill made the adrenaline inside you surge and suddenly you didn't feel fear anymore.
You marched directly over to the headmaster's tower, reaching the concealed gargoyle staircase that led to Dumbledore's office, or rather Snape's office now.
"Sherbet lemon," you said, expecting the staircase to appear but the Gargoyle you had seemed to disrupt from slumber suddenly cursed you out for getting it wrong. You hadn't considered that Snape would change the password, though of course it made sense.
"But, Dumbledore," you began to argue until falling silent only a moment later as the staircase opened up and slowly unfurled, making you momentarily frown in confusion.
Taking a deep breath, you ascended the moving stone staircase until you were met with the closed door to the office. You considered knocking, but thought better of it and burst through the doors, directly facing the man who had betrayed your trust.
He was sat at his desk, eyes wide open as he looks upon the indignant intrusion, first with a glare of complete outrage before it transformed into confusion and from what you could see, guilt, as he realised it was you that had stormed into his office.
It was the first time you'd seen him since the news that he had killed Dumbledore that night on the astronomy tower had spread around members of the order, though it was not known to the general public. Years of bonding and working closely together, of building something that could be described as friendship now felt fragmented and broken as you stepped into the office, your anger consuming you at his attack on George.
"Y/n," he says, rising from his seat, casting aside the book he'd been reading on the desk without thought.
"Save it," you spat out, your fury building within you as you slammed the door behind you closed with a resounding bang. You looked at him in pure disgust, with such hatred in your eyes that you could almost see his shoulders sagging under the force of your gaze. Clearly he had not expected you, nor had he expected to be on the receiving end of your fury.
"How could you?" You said, already raising your voice as the emotion overwhelms you, the memories from the formative years of you working hard under his initial harsh scrutiny, the slightly odd but important bond you'd formed, your important role working as his assistant and the time you'd shared together. "I trusted you!"
"Then you are a fool," he says quickly with a cold, dismissive tone, averting his gaze from you.
"Don't play that with me, you should know it doesn't work headmaster," you retort warningly, the last word dripping from your mouth with loaded sarcastic aggression.
You'd been used to his cold and harsh exterior, had seen it weaponised and utilised for his benefit many times before but you knew the real Snape, the intelligent and warm man underneath.
He turns and casts a few spells with a flourish of his wand that leads you to believe they are strong silencing charms as a translucent barrier forms around the room, as if keeping your conversation isolated.
"I had to watch the man I love be carried in, completely limp and haemorrhaging blood knowing there it was you that cursed him. He could have died Severus!"
"You have no proof it was me-" he begins to say, still keeping his hardened resolve, deflecting your accusations but it only infuriates you more, tears beginning to well in your eyes as the emotions overcome you completely as you interrupt his pathetic denial.
"No? I was there that night with you and Draco, remember?" You say hatefully, "I saw how that curse slashed Draco apart, the very same curse Harry found in your own copy of advanced potion making,
For the first time since entering his office, Snape turned to look at you in shock, realising now that you knew all along. "You really believe the person that has worked with you closely and tirelessly over the years would fail to recognise your handwriting?"
He falls silent as he takes in your words, which prompts you to continue your verbal assassination.
"I saw the very same slash marks on George's head, I knew that curse could only have come from you. Funny how you knew exactly what incantation to use to heal the marks when it was an entirely unheard of curse! Do I mean that little to you that you'd go so far as to curse the ear off the man I love?! I thought we were... friends." A singular tear fell from your eye as the anguish inside you disappeared, leaving only sadness and betrayal.
He remains silent for a moment and you prepare yourself to walk out, realising this was a pointless and fruitless endeavour. Just as you turn to walk away, his quiet voice cuts through the silent, tension filled room, pausing your movement. It appears that your words and willingness to leave had broken his resolve, the truth finally coming out.
"It was never meant for George," he says quietly, not meeting your eyes. "There's so much of this you do not and cannot know but you must understand it was never my intention to hurt him, it was a miscalculation in logistics. I saw a masked one aim at Lupin and Weasley and I retaliated in kind, but it all moved so fast, the curse bounded towards him and I was powerless to stop it."
He turns to you then, looking directly into your eyes with a sadness that seemed to reach his soul.
"And to answer your question, your friendship means everything to me, you mean very much to me."
"Severus," you breath out, listening to his explanation and finding yourself believing him, though you tried to resist.
"You've always overlooked my predisposition for life's negativity, shown me kindness that no one else has in a very long time, like a beacon of goodness in what seems a lifetime of darkness and solitude. I value our friendship a great deal."
He looks up at you once again, focusing his complete attention on you.
"I'm sorry that George was hurt, it was very much never my intention. How is he?"
"Alive," you say, feeling suddenly exhausted by the journey and your emotions as you perch yourself on the edge of the chair. He nods solemnly just once, eyes lingering over you as an awkward silence falls between you both. There's so much that isn't said between you, of friendship and war and questions of loyalty, but all of those go unsaid.
"You're no longer on our side are you?" You said quietly after a moment, slowly looking up into his emotion filled eyes as you keep your tone neutral and unaccusing. You'd surmised as much, though you were loathe to actually believe it even after the events of the previous day which you assumed could only have been down to him. He had leaked the information to Voldemort, you were now sure if it. Mundungus might have had questionable morals but he wasn't brave enough to supply the death eaters with information, he'd have been too cowardly, which only left the one order member that wasn't present or assisting with the removal of Harry.
He blinks slowly and you can almost physically see him deflate as he looks into your eyes with a piercing intensity, not wanting to answer your question.
"I should go," you say, looking at the patterns in the stone floor. You don't hear a reply but you can envision him nodding in reply and so you move to stand, straightening out your jacket.
"Use the floo, Hogsmeade is no longer safe if not accompanied," he says, gesturing vaguely towards the fireplace in the corner. With a wave of his hand, the fireplace immediately ignites into green tinted flames, ready for your exit.
"Y/n," Severus says, stepping closer to you with uncharacteristic hesitation before you can step into the fire. He looks plagued, like he wants to say so much but can't for whatever reason.
"I'm sorry it has to be this way, I hope one day you will understand and find it in yourself to forgive me."
You're briefly taken aback by his words, finally realising that from this point onwards you would no longer have the relationship you had always had, you'd be natural enemies on either side of a budding war. His words felt like a final goodbye and you bit the inside of your cheek to prevent tears from forming in your eyes once again.
"I hope you can forgive yourself, and I don't just mean for George. I hope one day you realise that you're a good man and finally see yourself the same way I have always seen you. Goodbye Severus."
Your eyes remain locked on each other for a few moments, sad eyes meeting as you part ways, both physically and emotionally. You take a handful of floo powder and with one last look at your now ex-friend, you speak loudly and clearly into the fire, 'Diagonal Alley' before the fire consumed you and you're transported to the Leaky Cauldron, just as you had envisioned in your mind, knowing their fireplace would be one of the few open for all use even at this time of night, or rather early morning. You exit the deserted Inn and exited onto the cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley, walking absently until you were directly outside your boyfriends' shop.
You wheezed and caught your breath as you stood looking up at the shop, guilt niggling at you as you thought of how you couldn't go straight to the Burrow, sensing that it would give Snape the advantage of knowledge that you could no longer entrust him with, if he hadn't known already.
You walked to the door of the shop and cast the charm to unlock the door, the specific spell that Fred had created that was specific to this lock and acted as an anti-unlocking charm that couldn't be penetrated by alohamora or even the more creative unlocking spells. Once inside, you pointed your wand at the lock and cast the charm to lock the door before closing your eyes and with tired determination, you climbed the stairs until you reached the flat you lived in upstairs with Fred and George.
Fred had cast a anti-apparition jinx in the shop and the surrounding areas that they owned as a precaution and right at this moment you were mentally cursing his efforts, feeling exhausted, though apparating your current state would be incredibly dangerous anyway, the tiredness in your body and mind would most likely have gotten you splinched.
You entered your flat and immediately grabbed a glass of water, taking a seat at the kitchen table, feeling suddenly very alone without the usual company of one or both of your loves, the flat seeming empty and without life. You needed to get back before sunrise and you maybe only had an hour before the sun would begin to peak over the lowest points on the horizon so you quickly went into the bathroom to relieve yourself and wash your face, changing your clothes on the way back through.
In your note to the twins, you'd lied and stated that you needed something from home and would be nipping back to get it so you moved a couple of things around on the coffee table and kitchen, as if you'd been searching for something before walking to the bedroom you all shared and pulled out your jewellery box, reaching for the locket they had bought you on your 17th birthday. Inside was a picture of each of them, Fred on the left and George on the right you'd taken at the Yule ball all those years ago.
You'd realised during the wait for the order to return that you'd forgotten to pack it and you knew the twins wouldn't question you going back for it, knowing how sentimental you were about this particular piece, making it the perfect rouse.
Stepping towards the fire, you yawned and cast one last spell to connect the floo, seeing green flames once again rising. You thought about Severus and felt a pang of sadness hit you but you carried on regardless, feeling more than ready to crawl into bed with your boyfriends again.
Hagrid, still sleeping soundly on the floor, no doubt knocked out by his firewhiskey intake, didn't even flinch as the flames surged in the fireplace as you returned to the Burrow, feeling exhausted. Your confrontation with Snape had been tiresome but cathartic and though there was so much that went unsaid, you were pleased overall with how things had gone. You were exhausted in both body and mind but somehow you didn't feel tired, at least not tired enough to sleep. You considered making a cup of tea but with another look at a snoring Hagrid, you decided it was best not to.
You trudged up the staircase, mindfully stepping in a perfected sequence that avoided all the creaking steps and noisy floorboards until you reached the door to your boyfriends' room. You gently twisted the door handle and crept inside the mostly dark room, the essence of first light creeping in over the hills.
Immediately, you felt yourself engulfed into a large figure and had to hold back a scream at the sudden movement, realising only when the voice whisper yelled at you that it was Fred.
"Where the bloody hell have you been?" He asks in a harsh whisper and you freeze, realising with one single glance at his face that you'd never seen him look so worried before.
"Had to get my necklace," you said, your gut dropping as you lied to the man you loved, feeling more than uneasy about it. To solidify your lie, you reached into your pocket and pulled out your locket to show him. He visibly took a deep breath and pulled you deep into his chest.
"Next time let me go with you, I was so worried," he says, holding you tightly in his arms. You simply nodded and allowed yourself to melt into his embrace. "He woke up, asked for you."
Suddenly your guilt felt immeasurable, not being here for your other love. "Said you'd nipped to help mum, didn't want him worrying too."
"I'm sorry Freddie," you said with full honesty, feeling ashamed.
"You're back now," he says, stroking your back, keeping you pressed into him. "You must be tired."
"Not really," you admitted. Exhausted and weary yes but you could sleep if you were paid to.
"Want to go to our spot? He'll be knocked out for a few hours now, mum topped him up with some sleeping potion," he says, gesturing towards George who is evidentially deep asleep, mouth hanging wide open and breathing deeply and steadily from what you can see over Fred's wide shoulders.
"Lead the way Weasley," you say with a smile and he steps out of the room towards the top of the staircase and with two perfectly synchronised cracks, you apparate to the spot in the forest behind the burrow you'd claimed as your own years ago.
He took your hand as soon as you'd landed and lead you further into the clearing, stopping only briefly to help you over the little wooden stump and logs that created a barrier around your spot. You each sit around the fire that Fred starts with a flourish of his wand, sitting on the larger logs around it.
"I want to feel normal again," he says quietly a little later on as you sit in silence, Fred's wand enchanting some of flames to idly play with them as you watched the sun very slowly begin to creep higher in the sky, though it was hidden by the vast number of trees around you, keeping you mostly in the dark. You turn to him with concern, seeing his eyes blankly staring at the fire, his face expressionless.
"Seeing George like that, then waking up without you there, I've never felt so lost in my life," he says.
"Freddie," you begin to apologise, feeling overwhelmed by guilt again until he shakes his head.
"I'm just so used to always having one of you there, if not both. It's never been just me, always been 'the twins' or Gred and Forge and then you came along and we became a three. For the first time tonight I had a glimpse of being alone, completely alone without you both and it was unbearable."
"You're not alone, me and George will always be there," you say, shuffling closer to him to take his hand.
"We don't know what will happen, if something happens in the war and I lose you both," he begins to say.
"Then we'll still always be with you," you say firmly, squeezing his hand to force him to look up at you which he does.
He gazes at you for what seems like forever, as if he's searching your face for something before he leans in and kisses you with surprising intensity. You kiss him back just as feverishly, your body igniting under his touch as his hand creeps up into your hair to hold you to him. His tongue licks into your mouth and massages your own tongue as his other hand begin to wander.
"I need to feel you," he says breathlessly and desperately against your lips, never quite pulling away from you, "please sweetheart, let me feel you here with me."
"Freddie, yes," you say in reply, just as breathless as he. You sense a primal need in his desperate plea and can't deny him, nor did you want to. Much to how open you had both been during your shower earlier, you couldn't help but feel the pure connection between the two of you, the desperate need for comfort in the way only you could provide.
He blindly reached for his wand, still fixed to your lips and cast a spell against your lips that made a large blanket appear, a spell you recognised him creating a few years back when you'd pulled him right here to this spot for some alone time.
The past 24 hours had been a whirlwind of emotion, loss and pain. When George had been cursed, he became your primary focus and after he was healed, you'd been hell bent on getting answers if not revenge from your ex-friend and mentor, overlooking Fred and the torment you'd endured having to wait for his return, knowing he was in danger too.
You wrapped yourself around eachother, a tangle of passionate, sloppy kisses and wandering hands as you desperately clawed at each others clothes, needing to feel each other's warm skin and beating heart against your own.
Fred ripped off your shirt and wasted no time in lifting your bra up above your breasts so that he could bend down and suck on them, both of you finding comfort in the sensation of his lips sucking at your nipples as he briefly fiddled with the clasp before throwing the garment to one side, never once pausing his assault of your sensitive nipples. You had already tore away his sleep shirt and then pulled at his pyjama bottoms to feel him naked beside you. Your jeans were shimmied off somewhere along the way and your panties were physically ripped from your body at the waistband and thrown into the distance, leaving the both of you completely bare.
"Freddie, need you, don't make me wait," you said breathlessly, pulling away from his ravishing lips, feeling them connect to your neck almost as soon as you'd began talking.
"But," he begins to protest, his hand creeping down between your thighs to test how ready you were for him, not wanting to hurt you.
"I'm ready, fuck please I need you," you begged, opening your legs further as if to beckon him to you. You heard him groan as your words, capturing your nipple between his lips once more as he shifts to move between your legs, his muscular arms bulging either side of your head as he shifts into position, needing to see your face. He kisses you again and you feel the evidence of his arousal pressing into the crease of your groin before he pulls back to adjust himself and take hold of his cock with one hand and slides into you slowly and carefully. You both erupt in moans as you feel him sink into you, not stopping until you were taking nearly every inch of his thickness.
"Fuck, y/n," he groans, slowly pulling out of you before crashing his hips back into yours, making you throw your head back in pure pleasure, feeling his cock stretching you out and filling you in all the right ways. His eyes are clenched tightly shut as his mouth opens on its own accord as he begins to rock back and forth into you, building up to a slow but forceful rhythm.
Your legs wrap around his hips as your hand begin to grab at his wide shoulders, pulling him further into you as he reaches down to kiss you passionately once again. His hips speed up and he finally gives you what you want, both of you moaning once again at the change of angle, feeling him hit the deepest parts of you which makes you gasp and moan out his name.
It's primal and desperate as your bodies meld together, never really pulling apart even as his hips rock in and out of you with pure need. Neither of you can hold back your cries of pleasure, moaning each other's name and verbal curses echoing through the woods as he pounds into you. Suddenly needing something new, you place your hands on his chest and as he pauses his rhythm, you force him into his back and begin to ride him with all the strength you have left over. His big hands immediately lock onto your hips, guiding you and helping with your movements as he looks up at you with adoration in his eyes and mouth agape. His eyes are fixed onto your bouncing breasts and you make no move to conceal yourself as you bounce on his cock, hips bucking wildly and your hair falling over your shoulders. You steady yourself on his thighs as you lean back, giving him the perfect view of your bodies meeting and his cock disappearing in and out of you and he roars with arousal at the sight, hips thrusting upwards to fuck up into you as you both near your end.
Suddenly, his right hand reaches up to cup the back of your neck and he forcefully pulls you down onto him to kiss you again, sloppy kisses and teasing tongues as you lay chest to chest, his hips pounding into now. His other hand grins your hip and he lets out a loud groan against your lips as you feel him cumming. You're powerless to move as he holds you in place, fucking up into you with abandon and the sensation of him overpowering you hurtles you towards your own finish, your walls squeezing his twitching cock as you cum together, feeling his warm seed flood you from the inside.
As your orgasm ebbs away, the tingling sensation fading slowly, the world around you seemed to fade back into your conscious again. You looked down at Fred and saw him lay with his eyes closed, a peaceful look on his face with just the hint of a smirk tugging at the left side of his lips as his hands caressed your skin where he'd been holding you. His eyes slowly fluttered open a moment later and he looked up at you with love in his eyes, a look that you were certain was mirrored in your own.
You lifted your hips gently and his softening cock slipped out of you, both of you groaning in sensitivity at the sensation as you felt some of his load slipping out of you with the movement.
"I needed that," you half chuckled as you bent down and rested your head on his shoulder, legs extending either side of him so that you were essentially lay on top of him, which he was only happy to accommodate.
"Me too princess," he smirks, running his hand over your naked back. "We should get dressed, don't want you getting cold."
You dressed quickly with whatever clothes had survived your mass, frantic scrummage earlier. Fred ended up having to give you his sleep shirt as he'd literally ripped your T-shirt apart and your jeans chafed your bum uncomfortably as your panties were also beyond repair, leaving you without.
The sun had risen almost completely now, noticing as soon as you walked out of the tree line and you had no doubt that Molly would be up soon, delegating chores to every unsuspecting resident and guest. You wanted to be back with George, hopefully before he woke and so you both walked back and crept into the house, walking tiredly towards the twins bedroom where George was still sound asleep.
You took a moment to look at him, smiling and grimacing briefly as you saw the little puddle of drool that had formed on his pillow and the little snores he was omitting.
"I'll tell mum you've been brewing some healing potion all night," Fred says as you slip off your jeans, leaving you in just Freddie's T-shirt as you both slip into the small bed beside George's as Fred tucks the duvet around you both and pulls you into him so that you can cuddle into his chest. "At least you'll get some more sleep."
"Thank you Freddie, love you," you say sleepily, true tiredness hitting you immediately as you snuggled down into the soft covers.
"I love you too princess, so much," he says with a kiss to your head before your eyes close and you cuddle down into him, feeling sleep already taking over you.
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t1oui · 4 months
tastastastassss please would you share some percy weasley headcanons or thoughts about him in general
(just remembered he and oliver wood were in the same year and thus dorm... and percy gives me Massive twink energy, like a less dramatic francis abernathy)
HI YES i will indeed do this
so yeah in canon percy and oliver shared a dorm but in my mind there is no way percy weasley isn't in slytherin so my percy shares a dorm w marcus flint instead. anyways here are some headcanons
he's very bisexual and yes definitely a twink
he's also tall. probably one of if not the tallest guys in his year
good poker face but this man is a huge simp. for christmas, valentine's day, oliver's birthday, etc. he always panics on what to buy and gets oliver like 40 things including like 8 bouquets of flowers lol
penelope clearwater and marcus flint are his best friends other than oliver !! these four are chaotic. marauders vibes but they don't get caught
definitely a bit of a drama queen, but he hates when people (marcus) point it out b/c he does not see himself that way.
studies too hard for his own good and still has time for quidditch somehow (he's only playing to beat fred and george. he's a chaser btw)
actually very sensitive. like he will be stoic until something inconveniences him and then he will SOB
hates himself a little bit (sometimes a lot) because he's so different from his family
insecure about his freckles
takes younger slytherin students (like draco malfoy) under his wing because he knows what it's like to be part of the house everybody hates
fully despises dumbledore
always the first to notice when something's wrong (quirrell being sus, something being wrong with "moody"/crouch sr, etc) but alwasy the last person adults listen to
has been best friends with ginny since she was a little kid
does more for his siblings than they realize. cares about them so much, and his heart breaks every time they choose to fight with him or tease him instead of seeing how fucked up it is that he was shunned for being different
was almost put in gryffindor/is in gryffindor because he's extremely brave
was put in slytherin/almost put in slytherin because he will do anything for those he cares about, even if it's considered morally wrong
has and will use unforgivables; they're just spells to him, they're not anything scary or different
patronus is a crow
animagius form (i told you he and his friends were like the marauders lol) is a cat
if he notices two people pining for each other he will do everything in his power to make them date because he's quite the romantic. oliver helps.
has trained himself not to blush because he's so pale he just turns into a beet if he blushes at all (his friends, oliver especially, still make him go red occasionally)
cut off contact with arthur and molly for a little while after the war and was only really talking to ginny, occasionally charlie and bill
becomes head of the dmle
starts a petition after the war to get the atrium statue at the ministry - which shows a bunch of non-wizard creatures looking up to wizards like they're the superior beings - taken down. he does not shut up about this project until the statue is replaced, he hates it so much
that's all for now !! but feel free to send me more asks, ty for this one :)
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bittersweetarts · 10 months
Fanfic Recommendations ✴ by bittersweetarts (Volume I)
Fandoms: Harry Potter (Books), House of the Dragon (TV), The Bear (TV), Criminal Minds (TV)
As much as I like writing fanfiction, I love reading it even more! I enjoy a beautifully-written story as much as anyone does, and recommend the following for those looking for a wonderful read that will make you feel like you're in another world –
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dirty old town – Regulus Black x OC
Author: WizardGod
Status: Complete - AO3 Page
One of my favourite stories that I have ever read.
Set during the Marauders Era, the plot follows a young woman named Finn Lynch, who lives a reserved life in rural Ireland, until her uncle, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, asks her temporarily house a war defector from a Wizarding World she is not part of.
Word Count: 286,984
Tropes: Slow Burn, Mild Enemies-to-Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Mutual Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Found Family
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Thy Wicked Torment – Fred Weasley x OC
Author: this_pendent_world
Status: Complete - AO3 Page
You know it's a good fanfic when the writing actually makes you feel like you're in Hogwarts, and this story is impeccable!
Set during the Tri-Wizard Tournament, the story follows a young Slytherin named Evangeline Parkinson Rothchild, and the trouble she ends up finding herself in as she becomes involved with Fred Weasley, Gryffindor's resident troublemaker.
Word Count: 218,347
Tropes: Enemies-to-Lovers, Slow Burn, Angst, Found Family
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Where the Gold Meets the Green – Aemond Targaryen x OC
Author: vhagarapologist
Status: WIP - AO3 Page
Well-written House of the Dragon fanfiction with romance, political intrigue and minimal Targ-cest?? Say less. This is a fairly recent-read and is still being regularly updated, but I am really enjoying it and look forward to reading new chapters when they come out.
The story follows Leona Lannister, the only surviving child of Tyland Lannister, during the Dance of the Dragons, as she navigates life in King's Landing and catches the eye of two Targaryen princes.
Current Word Count: 67,148
Tropes: Slow Burn, Enemies-to-Lovers, Angst, Toxic Relationship
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The Fool and the Dragon – Aemond Targaryen x OC
Author: prince_aemond_targaryen / @prince-aemond-targaryen
Status: WIP (Almost Complete) - AO3 Page
The first Aemond Targaryen story that I adored (written before the episodes with him as an adult aired) - back when Season 1 was airing, I would re-read the chapters between the weekly episode premieres to tide me over; it's just that good.
Faune Follard, the valued lady-in-waiting of Princess Helaena Targaryen, navigates life in King's Landing whilst enduring the ire of the One-Eyed Prince.
Current Word Count: 99,899
Tropes: Slow Burn, Angst, Mild Enemies-to-Lovers, Toxic Relationship
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How Can You Mend a Broken Heart – Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto x Reader
Author: justfantasy
Status: WIP - AO3 Page
Finding good Carmy fanfiction is akin to searching for water in a drought, and I do really wish there was more! This is my favourite one, but sadly there aren't many chapters and it hasn't been updated in a while.
Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto, a man of few words, has a one night stand which turns into something more.
Current Word Count: 11,345
Tropes: Friends-to-Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining
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The Keeping of Words – Spencer Reid x OC
Author: BryWrites
Status: Complete First Version on Fanfiction.Net + WIP Second Version Re-Write on AO3
I read this story originally when it started being published seven years ago, and I was obsessed!
The story follows an aspiring human rights lawyer, Bianca Brown, as she is asked to assist on a BAU case and ends up finding herself intertwined with a member of the BAU, an elusive man named Dr. Spencer Reid.
Word Count: 264,402 (FFN) / 202,439 (AO3)
Tropes: Hurt/Comfort, Second Chances, Slow Burn
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This list is not very long, but like said, these are stories that I really enjoy and feel passionate about. Evidently I prefer self-insert fanfiction, but I do read anything and everything. If you have a recommendation (for any fandom and any pairing), feel free to share in the comments!
I also write fanfiction myself, and my masterlist is linked below incase you'd like to give any story a read.
– Masterlist ✴ by bittersweetarts
Until next time, Happy Holidays!
PS. I still don't know how to respond to comments on posts (as this is a secondary blog), but I read and appreciate them all! If you ever want a direct response from me, you can private message me or send a question in my ask inbox.
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r2d2lover · 1 year
❀ fic masterlist ❀
All of the little one shots I've written!
Everything is crossposted on Ao3! Longfics are only posted on Ao3.
Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
🌱 A Court Of Lies Pt. 1 Pt. 2 (Ao3)
You get Leander Prewett off your back by telling him that you're already courting Sebastian (insp. by a Tik Tok Audio Story)
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Fred Weasley x Reader
(5 Galleons and The Truth Slips ended up being pretty similar in plot. I'M SORRY)
🌱 5 Galleons 🔞 Pt. 1 Pt. 2 (Ao3)
The Hufflepuff Princess becomes the focus of Fred Weasley's newest dare
🌱 The Truth Slips Pt. 2 🔞 (Ao3)
You spill some dirty secrets about Fred Weasley, Hogwart’s premier jock, after playing Veritaserum Roulette.
[request: “i wanted to request a fred oneshot where reader is shy/bashful and a virgin and fred's his usually cocky self but sorta fuckboy-eee and yanoo they do the dirty… my guilty pleasure”
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Ginny Weasley x Reader
🌱 Sore Loser 🔞 (Ao3)
Gryffindor Captain Ginny Weasley always remembers your post-game ritual. WLW
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Draco Malfoy x Reader
🌱 Cruel Reality 🔞 (Ao3)
After a messy breakup, Draco still can't get his mind off of her.
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Sirius Black x Reader
🌱 Illicit Affairs 🔞 (Ao3)
Sirius Black helps you out with some frustrations about your new boyfriend (Marauders Era).
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My Fics on Wattpad
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Since I don't really have anything to post on here yet, I thought why not promote my stories from Wattpad on here, so here we are! If you are interested in any of the stories below, I have linked them so please do consider checking them out as it would mean a lot to me! <33
𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙏𝙤 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙪𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨
Fred and George steal Hermione's Time-Turner to pester her, but a fight between Rubina Black and Fred Weasley causes the Time-Turner to shatter, landing the troublesome three in the past, specifically during the rise of the First Wizarding War.
What will happen when this trio teams up with four pranksters at Hogwarts, known as the Marauders? And, will Rubina decide to save her loved ones from the horrible fate that awaits them?
(This is a spin-off to my two other stories "Destiny's Game" & "Fate's Game" but you can read this without reading the others)
𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖙𝖔𝖗'𝖘 𝕯𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗
Carina Marlene Black, a sweet and innocent girl, is raised in a orphanage. One day, she is reunited with her father, known in the Wizarding World as the notorious mass-murderer, Sirius Black.
Life can only look up for Carina now, right?
Her father directs his attention onto one person. His godson, Harry Potter. While poor Carina is neglected by everyone she thought of as family. Well, everyone except for a certain, Draco Malfoy.
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞┃𝙎𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙪𝙨 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠
𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐅𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐒𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬, 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞…
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
Fiona Potter has never liked Sirius Black but the young Black always loved to annoy her. Over the years, things remain the same between the two, the constant teasing from one end to receiving frustrated replies from the other. After an unexpected end to her fifth year, Fiona Potter heads into her sixth year at Hogwarts thinking it would be just like any other. Unbeknownst to her, Destiny has other plans for her and a certain Marauder named Sirius Black.
"𝐈'𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞."
(Prequel to "Fate's Game" but can be read as a standalone)
𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞'𝐬 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞┃𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙮
Rubina Aurora Black will be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for her third year of education after being home schooled for the first two years. At Hogwarts, she befriends the pranksters of the school, bringing the mischief and pranks to a whole new level within the castle.
But not everything is fun and games.
Old secrets that were meant to be buried away seem to be reappearing, causing Rubina to raise suspicions. She also finds herself bonding too closely with a certain ginger haired twin.
Amidst all this, what will Rubina Black do?
(Sequel to "Destiny's Game" but can be read as standalone)
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭'𝐬 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞┃𝙎𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙪𝙨 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠
He placed his hands on either side, pinning her to the wall. "It's you, isn't it?"
She gulped, "I'm not sure what you mean."
He threw his head back and laughed, "Oh darling," He said, gazing into her eyes once more, "you know exactly what I'm talking about."
Her breathing was becoming fast, "I-I don't know what you're going on about, Black, so let me go." She tried to push him away but Sirius didn't budge. Instead, he smirked, bringing his face dangerously close to hers.
"Your grey eyes are like Firewhiskey, an addiction. Ring a bell?" Her eyes widened for a moment, as she felt her heart picking up speed by the second, and his breath on her face sent shivers down her spine. She closed her eyes for a moment.
"Sirius…" She barely whispered out.
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
𝙄𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙝 𝙎𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙪𝙨 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙨 𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙖𝙙𝙢𝙞𝙧𝙚𝙧, 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝��𝙨 𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙜𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙩𝙤 𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙚𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙞𝙨…
If you do end up going to check one of these out, I hope you enjoy and thank you so much! <33
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m00ny-0 · 7 months
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‘Tabitha Lupin-Black returns for her seventh and final year at Hogwarts amidst the looming threat of Voldemort's return. Alongside her closest companions - Fred, George, and Lee - Tabitha finds herself torn between the desire to fight alongside the Order of the Phoenix and the restrictions placed upon her by those who seek to shield her from danger.
As she navigates the challenges of her last year at Hogwarts, Tabitha must balance her academic pursuits with the growing tensions surrounding Voldemort's resurgence. While preparing for her N.E.W.T.S., she finds solace in the familiarity of her friendships and the thrill of late-night adventures around the castle.
But amidst the chaos, Tabitha discovers a new sense of purpose as she becomes involved in a secret group dedicated to resisting Voldemort's influence from within the school walls. With her bravery and unwavering determination, Tabitha takes on an important role in the fight against darkness, even as her heart is pulled in unexpected directions by the allure of a certain someone.’
Bear with me as I re learn how to write well lmao
Fred Weasley x female oc written by a queer person from the marauders side of the fandom
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teaforthotxxx · 1 year
My marauders post-hogwarts career HC is:
(Gryffindor Edition)
James becomes a professional quidditch player. He’s a legend at Hogwarts and almost every student (YES! Even slytherins because he’s married to one) absolutely adores him. He still comes back to Hogwarts every once in a while just to scout for prospective recruits (and check up on his family) and hosts a quidditch mini-league every year. He loves to shout out his friends and his son (Harry hates this because he gets embarrassed). He also comes back to Hogwarts to make sure Regulus isn’t overworking himself and occasionally sneaks a prank or two at Snape (even though Reg and Remus will chastise him after).
Remus is obviously DADA professor. However, he doesn’t live on campus. Instead, he has a cottage that he bought near Hogsmeade. He spends his weekends there making tea and hanging out with Sirius. They have a portkey to the forbidden forest where they spend full moons with the rest of the marauders. He is also working in a dissertation about wolfsbane and how to make it more readily available. He also looks out for students being picked on and maybe not so secretly implies a prank idea or two. When he started teaching, the first thing he did was look for the confiscated Marauders map in Filch’s cupboard (HE WANTED IT BACK HE SPENT A LOT OF TIME ON IT) but realised it was missing. It didn’t take long though for him to realise that it was in the crafty hands of Fred and George Weasley. He couldn’t wait to tell the other the other three marauders when he found out!!
Sirius is a philanthropist explorer who goes around supporting new medicine and exploring new unique places. He probably turned grimmauld house into a orphanage (specialising in helping werewolf children and muggleborns). It may seem like he has a flexible schedule but his job keeps him really busy and he never knows when his next break is. So, he is always stumbling into Remus’ cottage at random times or making surprise visits to Hogwarts. When he’s there, he brokers deals with Dumbledore to allow more werewolf students in. He even renovated the shrieking shack so its more comfortable for them during the full.
Peter (he was a triple spy for the order! He had to because Voldemort was threatening his already sick mother) grew out of his shell more and became the head of publishing at the Prophet. Since he was such a gossip in school, he came into the job with a pre-existing network of information. It doesn’t hurt that his besties are all war heroes. When the war ended and he realised that people were picking on young deatheaters (those forced into the cause by their parents), he was the only newspaper brave enough to publish an exclusive with war heroes Regulus Black and Evan Rosier about how family can shape your choices and how to break out of it. Of course, he is also the only one that can get Sirius Black to sit down for an interview (no one realises these articles always suspiciously get published after a full moon aka the only time Peter can get Sirius to SIT THE FUCK DOWN). He
As the one who sent the finishing blow to the Dark Lord, Lily BAMF Evans was immediately indicted into the Auror Hall of Fame. She has since risen up the ranks and is basically Moody’s second in command. She was originally apprehensive about taking on such a challenging job so close after the war (esp cause her son was still a baby) but was convinced by Mary (her then Fiancee now wife). And, even then, she only said yes because Harry’s other parents: Mary (a model), Regulus (a potions teacher) and James (a quidditch player) had large chunks of the year off and would be able to take care of him. She is campaigning for more muggle borns to be allowed into Auror training (since most of them are still purebloods) and has been working hard with Regulus to make appeals to the Wizengmot.
No one was surprised that Marlene Mckinnon became a professional Quidditch player too. But everyone was shocked when they found out that she purposefully picked a different team from Potter! It had something to do with the fact that she always wanted to properly play against him but never had the chance to. But, also she picked her team because it was her wife, Dorcas’, favourite team! She loves taunting James because she happens to be in Reg’s favourite team (and well, Regulus sits with Dorcas in her stands during their games). As a proud Gryffindor, she still likes to dunk on Slytherins (esp when she is near the Slytherin Skittles) and makes a show of only hugging “the only bearable one” Pandora. Everyone just rolls their eyes because not only did she marry the Slytherin Head Girl, she was also the first to propose (she did it half an hour after Lily vanquished the dark lord and she was still in bandages).
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kneecoal-mooma · 1 year
Marauders' Map + The Twins Headcanon
Okay but like. How did Fred and George know that the password to the map was "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good?" There was no way they guessed that.
But then I remembered that when Snape was trying to get answers out of the map, the Marauders sent him a message that was essentially telling him to F off.
Basically, that got me thinking. What if the Marauders sensed that Fred and George would use the map for what it was made for and told them the password?
Obviously from canon, we know Fred and George stole the map from Filch's office. They would probably tap their wands on the parchment and say something like, "Fred and George Weasley command you to reveal your secrets".
And the soul of the map would realise that the twins would use it for pranks, so the Marauders would write back a message like; 'Mr. Moony officially recognises Mr. and Mr. Weasley as his fellow troublemakers. Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony. The Marauders are blessed to have met the company of Mr. and Mr. Weasley. Mr. Padfoot would like to add that he is absolutely convinced Mr. and Mr. Weasley would use this map for a "good cause". Mr. Wormtail is pleased to grant you access; "We solemnly swear that we are up to no good".
Fred and George would obviously tap the parchment again and say "We solemnly swear that we are up to no good" and see the map for what it really is.
But can you imagine Fred and George talking to the Marauders like Ginny did to the diary?
Fred + George: *taps parchment* Merlin, Snape put us in detention again!
The Marauders: Oh no, how disgusting! Does he not see your potential?? 😩
I feel like they would get really attached to bad mouthing Snape with the Marauders. (Also, I feel like this is how the Marauders find out that Snape has become a teacher, because in "Prisoner of Azkaban" it states "'Mr Padfoot would like to register his astonishment that an idiot like that ever became a Professor.'", but I have no idea how they knew he became a teacher in the first place.)
Fred and George would trust the map less after "The Chamber of Secrets", especially when Arthur says to Ginny something along the lines of; "If you can't see it's brain, you can't trust it."
Like, they obviously know the map is safe because they've had it for so many years at this point, but after what happened to Ginny, I don't think they were willing to risk it.
So they just give the map to Harry because why not 😭. Probably because they were like, "Eh, Harry saved Ginny, if the map actually is harmful, I'm sure he'll be fine-"
And the reason Harry never gets any messages from the Marauders was because Fred and George just straight up told him the passwords, so he never went through the process of tapping it and learning that way.
BASICALLY, the Marauders Map is kind of like Tom Riddle's diary but they don't actually split their souls because they don't give a rat's tail about that.
And you know that headcanon that when Fred dies, Sirius, James and Remus recruit him as the 4th Marauder? I feel like they would remember Map and be like, "Yes, this was the man our souls on earth trusted, so we trust you too."
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sleyu · 1 year
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ultimately, i cannot fully control who views my blog, therefore, i want to preface by saying that your media consumption is your own responsibility. do not come whining in my inbox if you see something you personally do not like because you opening it after viewing the warnings is on you. i also do not care.
reposting and/or translating is not allowed!
writing: i will not write themes relating to weight, self-harm, suicide, scat, piss, non-con, or incest (step-cest is fine). i also do not write character x character, mlm/flf, male!reader, or a hyper subservient/childlike reader. anything that is not listed here, you can simply ask!
i only write for the following:
james potter
remus lupin
sirius black
harry potter
ron weasley
fred weasley
george weasley
poly!marauders / poly anything
please be descriptive with what you want !! if you send me a request that says, ‘james potter smut with praise,’ i likely won’t write it because it doesn’t sound interesting enough to write. furthermore, it becomes tedious constantly having to think of new ideas that haven’t been done before. the longer and more descriptive your requests are, the more exciting and easier it becomes to write. please don’t ever feel like you’re asking too much, because trust me, i love to read it :)
imagines/fics take me a while to respond, but asks (small blurbs about a character and a scenario) are really fun to write so i prefer getting those as i am able to finish them quicker.
i want to clarify that all of my smut writing is female!reader. i will be using she/her pronouns for my writing as that is what i am familiar with. furthermore, i do not want to misrepresent anyone.
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New WIP Game
Rules: share your unpublished WIPs. No updates to ongoing fics, just new shenanigans : )
Thank you for the tag, @merlins-sequined-hotpants!
Titled WIPs:
Andromeda Rising - the first part of a longfic centering on Andromeda's life. I posted a chunk of the first chapter awhile back. While I get other WIPs out of the way, this one's on hold.
Dear Aunt Petunia - a crack fic (I'm full of these). Harry writes his Aunt Petunia a letter and the story goes very differently.
The Death of Fred Weasley - exactly what it sounds like, with a wizarding afterlife. I've got a series on this - the only one up is Teddy Lupin's. It is very emotionally taxing to write these types of fics. After Fred, I've got a few others in the outline stage: Molly and Harry.
Lord Voldemort's Tea Party - yes, another crack fic. It answers the question that no one asked: how does Lord Voldemort take his tea?
This is Getting Ridiculous - an self-insert (sort of)/original character (sort of) crack fic in which a fictionalized version of me and my long-suffering husband @rawr-gorg-smash become Ron and Hermione (somehow, blame it on *magic*). I have a snippet of it here, in this other WIP game.
Arthur's Favorite Sitcom - this was written initially for a competition but never saw the light of day because I couldn't find a good ending. Maybe I'll revisit it.
Untitled/Tentatively Titled WIPs:
Pride and Prejudice fic (title undecided): Lizzy/Darcy forced marriage. 'Twill be sexy.
Regulus Black fic: I can't say much about this one yet.
Tonks as a Marauder: this is set as Tonks growing up alongside the Marauders, not as time travel, but with Andromeda as Walburga's sister.
Let's see, I'll tag @takearisk-ao3, @passionatewrites, @messrmoonyy, @ventoserenowrites, and @whinlatter
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jegulusmyfavs · 2 years
Marauders Era Timeline
I’ve wanted to make this for a while and I’ve done a bunch of research but some things could still be wrong or inaccurate so please let me know if you found a mistake. I tried my best and hope you can use this for something.
??: Born-Gideon, Fabian Prewett (unclear which year but they are older than Molly)
1949: Molly Prewett is born
1950: Arthur Weasley is born
1951: Born-Bellatrix Black, Rita Skeeter
1953: Andromeda Black is born (see end notes)
1954: Lucius Malfoy is born
1955: Narcissa Black is born
1959: Sirius Black Black is born
1960: Born- James Potter, Lily Evans, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape and others
1961: Born-Regulus Black, Evan Rosier, Pandora Rosier (see end notes) ; 1st year-Molly Prewett, Arthur Weasley
1962: Bartimus Crouch Jr is born; 1st year-Bellatrix Black, Rita Skeeter
1964: 1st year-Andromeda Black; Gilderoy Lockhart is born
1965: 1st year-Lucius Malfoy
1966: 1st year-Narcissa Black
1968: 7th year-Molly Prewett, Arthur Weasley
1969: 7th year-Bellatrix Black, Rita Skeeter; Molly and Arthur leave Hogwarts
1970: Bill Weasley is born; Bellatrix and Rita leave Hogwarts; 7th year-Andromeda Black (if she was born in 1953)
1971: 1st year-James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape; Andromeda Black leaves Hogwarts; Andromeda and Ted Tonks get married.
1972: Charlie Weasley is born; 1st year-Regulus Black; 7th year-Lucius Malfoy
1973: Nymphadora Tonks is born; 7th year-Narcissa Black; Lucius Malfoy leaves Hogwarts
1975: Percy Weasley is born; 1st year-Gilderoy Lockhart. Narcissa Black leaves Hogwarts
1977: Born-Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory; 7th year-James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape; Regulus Black becomes a death eater and gets the dark mark.
1978: Born-Fred and George Weasley; James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape leave Hogwarts (the rest of their year as well).
1978: Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy get married -> Narcissa Malfoy.
1979: Hermione Granger is born; Died-Regulus Black (while attempting to destroy the locket)
1980: Born-Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter
1981: Ginny Weasley is born; First Wizarding War ends; Died-James and Lily Potter, Fabian and Gideon Prewett, the McKinnon family, etc.
Sybil Trelawney was born before 1962.
Every member of the Order of the Phoenix were born before 1964.
Andromeda Black is the middle child and was born between 1951 and 1955. I personally go with 1953 so she is two years younger than Bellatrix  and two years older than Narcissa.
Even though Molly Prewett was born the year before Arthur Weasley, because of the month, she was in his year (just like Hermione, Harry and Ron).
I am not sure when Barty and Evan are born, but according to my research, Regulus and Evan are born in 1961 and Barty is born in 1962 but they are only a few months meaning that they are still in the same year at Hogwarts.
It isn’t really clear when Narcissa and Lucius got married, but according to my research it happened between 1976 and 1979. I personally got with 1978 (two years before Draco is born)
Ted Tonks was born in the 1950s.
Not sure when Ted and Andromeda got married, but I’m assuming it was when she left Hogwarts in 1971. After marrying him, she was disowned and then in 1973 Andromeda gives birth to Nymphadora.
I headcanon Pandora and Evan and twins
Amos Diggory was born in 1960 or earlier.
Frank Longbottom was born between September 2, 1957 and August 31, 1959 or earlier.
sorry if this is very messy and confusing
That was it for now but I will probably add more stuff!
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Who and What I Write For!!!
If a Fandom/Character is Bolded, that means requests for them are Open. If it is not bolded, they are closed. Thank you!
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
George Weasley
Fred Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Draco Malfoy
Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin (Marauders Era)
James Potter (Marauders Era)
Sirius Black (Marauders Era)
Regulus Black (Marauders Era)
Lily Evans (Marauders Era)
Marlene McKinnon (Marauders Era)
Mary MacDonald (Marauders Era)
Fear Street
Simon Kalivoda
Kate Schmidt
Tommy Slater
Nightwing Killer
Ziggy Berman
Nick Goode
Solomon Goode
Mad Thomas
Richie Tozier (young and old)
Bill Denbrough (young and old)
Stanley Uris (young and old)
Ben Hanscom (young and old)
Eddie Kaspbrak (young)
Beverly Marsh (young)
Mike Hanlon (young)
Peter Parker (MCU)
Peter Parker (TASM)
^ frat!peter… iykyk
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Sam Wilson
Bruce Banner
Tony Stark
Scott Lang
Sidney Prescott
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Randy Meeks
Dewey Riley
Tatum Riley
Derek Feldman
Mickey Altieri
Roman Bridger
Kirby Reed
Charlie Walker
Tara Carpenter
Wes Hicks
Chad Martin-Meeks
Mindy Martin-Meeks
Richie Kirsch
Amber Freeman
Anika Kayoko
Ethan Landry
Back to the Future
Marty McFly
George Mcfly
The Breakfast Club
Andrew Clark
Brian Johnson
John Bender
Claire Standish
Allison Reynolds
Stand By Me
Teddy Duchamp
Chris Chambers
Dead Poets Society
Neil Perry
Charlie Dalton
Todd Anderson
Knox Overstreet
Steven Meeks
Gerard Pitts
Richard Cameron
Chris Noel
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Bill Preston Esquire
Ted Logan
Billy The Kid
The Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
TV Shows
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Carl Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Rosita Espinosa
Tara Chambler
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Mike Wheeler
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Robin Buckley
Jonathan Byers
Billy Hargrove
Ginny and Georgia
Marcus Baker
Abby Littman
Hunter Chen
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Video Games
Jimmy Hopkins
Gary Smith
Petey Kowalski
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
Red Dead Redemption
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Durch van der Linde (1899)
Jack Marston (1911 and 1914)
Sean Macguire
Karen Jones
Charles Smith
Javier Escuella
Detroit: Become Human
Life Is Strange
Chloe Price (specifically BTS)
Nathan Prescott
Warren Graham
Sean Diaz
Daniel Diaz (older obvi)
Steph Gingrich
Ryan Lucan
Hogwarts Legacy
Sebastian Sallow
Ominis Gaunt
Gareth Weasley
Leander Prewett
TellTale’s The Walking Dead
Miscellaneous 80s Characters
Edgar Frog
Allen Frog
Sam Emerson
Johnny Cade
Ponyboy Curtis
Sodapop Curtis
Dally Winston
Ferris Bueller
Egon Spengler
Peter Venkman
Alex P. Keaton
Miscellaneous Non-80s Characters
Harley Quinn
Peter Kavinsky
Donnie Darko
Detective David Loki
Homer Hickam
Beck Oliver
Jade West
Rodrick Heffley
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