#Fred Kang
thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: Avengers #294: "If Wishes Were Horses...”
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August, 1988
WHO leads the Avengers?!
-vibrates in anger-
You suck, Anthony Druid.
Let’s get into this.
Last times in Avengers: Despite having shown herself to be competent previously, leader of the Avengers Monica Rambeau Captain Marvel actually sucks and you’re a fool if you think otherwise. She spends all of her time thinking to herself about how incompetent she is and she never accomplishes anything without someone telling her to do it.
Also, Namor’s wife and former member of Alpha Flight Marrina turned into a giant sea monster for some reason. How mysterious. Dr Druid wanted them to murder her immediately if not sooner due to the damage giant sea monster Marrina was doing to shipping and coastal settlements. The other Avengers wanted to at least try to cure her, which Dr Druid saw as a foolish sentiment.
So after Druid mind manipulated into attacking Atlantis to get Namor on board, the Avengers tried a cure Hank Pym whipped up.
It worked for a hot minute before Marrina started turning into a monster again.
Thor and Captain Marvel shocked the transforming Marrina with electricity to try to stop her from transforming. But when it didn’t work, Namor took Black Knight’s extremely cursed sword the Ebony Blade and killed Marrina. With disastrous, to be revealed consequences for Black Knight because the extremely cursed sword had a blood curse on it and whoops slicing Marrina’s head open got blood on the blade.
Only after the fact does Dr Druid notice that Monica disappeared after she tried to shock Marrina.
Where could she beeeeee?
And what will happen to Black Knight?
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This will happen.
So, at the end of last issue, he passed out on his Atomic Steed flying device. So when they brought him into the Quinjet, why did they put him near the controls? Don’t they have a medical bed or something in the back?
Anyway, Black Knight is freaking out and thrashing so hard that even Thor and She-Hulk - who can probably throw buildings - are having trouble holding him down.
Cough cough bullshit cough.
He calls out for this sword so Thor being Thor decides nothing wrong with giving a man a sharp object when he’s having a fit.
How dare you doubt Thor!
Dane immediately calms down once he has the blade in his hand. So he’s able to explain to the Avengers (who at least knew that the Ebony Blade was extremely cursed) that despite not being the one who did the deed, the curse is upon him as the owner of the sword.
And the first part of the curse is that he feels like his blood is on fire if he’s not holding the extremely cursed sword.
So, that’s going to be a little awkward. Carrying it around everywhere. At least he’s shown in the past that he can magically summon the sword to his hand. Buuut I’m pretty sure the pain of not holding it is so severe that he can’t focus to do that. He couldn’t even focus to pull it from its scabbard at his waist.
Yeah, this is going to suck. You should just go ahead and get one of those locking gauntlets or tie your hand to the hilt. Otherwise, you’re just asking for it to get knocked from your hand to incapacitate you during fights.
Now that he’s not writhing in pain, Black Knight remembers that Monica is missing.
She-Hulk proclaims that Monica has got to be alive! And they really have no reason to jump to the assumption that she’s dead.
Dr Druid, proving himself the worst, thinks to himself: “And good riddance, if she’s not [alive], She-Hulk. Captain Marvel was too soft to have been an effective leader of the Avengers. And her departure from the active ranks couldn’t have been more timely for me.”
I hate you, you fuckboy.
Anyway, Druid proclaims he’s laying in a course so She-Hulk interrupts to insist that they not leave until they find Monica.
Dr Druid: “Please, Jennifer. Don’t let your emotions run away with you. I was about to say I’ve already laid in search pattern coordinates... and calibrated our instruments for a total electromagnetic spectrum and radiation scan. If there’s... anything left of her to find, we’ll find it.”
This reminds me when that future Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, was on the Avengers as Ms Marvel. When a writer change brought with it disdain for Carol’s feminist roots. So she started taking things people said the wrong way and blowing up at them when really they hadn’t meant it that way at all.
But since Dr Druid is secretly hoping Monica is dead and because he changes his wording from laying out a course to laying out a search pattern, he’s probably just gaslighting She-Hulk.
The Avengers search the Atlantic for hours for a sign of Monica but can’t find anything. With the Quinjet quinfuel running low, She-Hulk finally agrees they’ve done all they could.
Can’t believe Monica is gone forever. And yet Dr Druid is still here for some reason.
Back at Hydrobase, She-Hulk and Thor discuss Monica’s disappearance. She-Hulk argues that energy can’t be destroyed so Monica has to be somewhere, right? And Thor don’t know. She just vanished after the big electricity attack.
Meanwhile, Dr Druid excuses himself because, remember, he doesn’t give a fuck and hopes Monica is dead.
Plus, it’s Sex Dream O’Clock.
Dr Druid sits down in an uncomfortable looking chair and immediately feels like someone is calling out to him.
Nebula Kang appears saying she’s the one calling him “for danger threatens at every hand and you are needed.”
Dr Druid goes hey wait you look different from the other sex dream and Nebula realizes, shit, she forgot to turn on the generic blonde filter.
So she does and Dr Druid doesn’t ask follow up questions.
Possibly because Not-Godzilla is attacking.
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I should contextualize.
That’s actually Destructikon. He’s come to destroy this ancient sex dream civilization.
And only Super Druid can stop him.
Because this crisis has brought out his Real True Power and given him a slightly better costume.
Super Doctor Druid: “Mine is almost the power of a god! And why not? Is Dr Druid not a man gifted above other men? Older? Wiser? Stronger of spirit? Is it any wonder that ultimate power must be mine?”
Destructikon doesn’t go down in just one punch. And starts smashing up the city.
Super Dr Druid angrily shouts that Destructikon is threatening his people and smashes the beast in the chin.
Sex dream Nebula Kang tells Dr Druid to wrap this up already.
Like, okay. Jumping ahead a little, this whole thing is playing to Dr Druid’s ego. It’s working like a charm. Just scroll up a little and see his speech about how he’s the best dude of all dudes and deserves to be the best.
Consider how as a newbie to the Avengers, he was already thinking “if I ran the zoo!”
Dr Druid is soooo vulnerable to flattery and Nebula Kang is playing him like a fiddle with this savior of the world scenario.
And no surprise that she feeds him a scenario where its good and right to kill a giant monster menacing a world considering he’s just been through the Leviathan Marrina stuff. It doesn’t just play to his ego in a general sense, it’s affirming how he acted recently.
But even she can only take so much before going ‘lets move this along.’
So Druid punches Destructikon’s teeth in and then uses the eye beams that he totally has to explode the beast like a parade float.
Super Doctor Druid: “It is over! Virtue has triumphed over evil. Let those who would enslave humanity in bondage tremble. For the vigilance of Dr Druid is unrelenting... and he shall crush the serpent beneath his heel!”
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And after the victory parade, Blonde Nebula Kang waggles her ass at him for him to finally get to the sex part of these ominous power fantasy sex dreams.
I hate this storyline but I do love this extended sequence of Dr Druid turning into Superman and fighting Godzilla. Its so dumb that its great. And the sucker fully buys into the fantasy.
Blonde Nebula Kang tells Dr Druid that he’s now king of whatever place this is because he’s won the right to rule by trial of combat. And suggests not just this world, you’re going to save Earth too and be the big sexy ruler of that planet too.
Once again, he eagerly buys into this.
Dr Druid: “Finally I understand. This is the realm of precognition and I have been granted foreknowledge denied lesser men. You’re right. It is time for Dr Druid to step forward.”
He’s so dumb.
Later, at Hydrobase, She-Hulk bemoans what has happened to the team.
Marrina is dead. Namor is off somewhere chasing monster babies. Captain Marvel is missing. And Black Knight is super cursed.
With bad fashion.
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Also with curses.
Holding the Ebony Blade stops Dane from feeling all the cursed agony but his body is slowly paralyzing.
To work around this, he’s built an exoskeleton he can wear over his armor.
It looks bad.
The light purple of whatever its made of messes up his color palette and hides his tunic or whatever with his crest. It looks baaaaaaaaad.
Why not build an exoskeleton that can fit under his armor so he doesn’t look so bad?
His armor is fused to his body and can’t be taken off.
Truly, this is a lot of curse.
Also, the curse gives him a bad attitude.
When She-Hulk suggests calling reserve members since they’re down to four people, Black Knight explodes in a torrent of insults at everyone who isn’t him.
Black Knight: “The Waspis no brain surgeon, Hercules was an airhead, Mantis became a cosmic valley girl, the Black Widow was always a waste... Starfox a mincing fop, and the rest of them weren’t worth a tinker’s dam! Not a decent warrior among the lot! Would Good King Richard have countenanced such wastrels in his legions? Aargh!”
How dare you speak ill of the Wasp!
Go to your room and think about what you’ve done!
(Oh, and he’s back to thinking he’s from Crusade times. Except now its explicitly something happening because the curse is fucking his brain, and not because Simonson didn’t get the character.)
The curse also apparently gives Black Knight A SIXTH SENSE OOOOooooOoooOOO spooky. Because he senses an intruder in the building when none of the security systems do.
This curse sure does a lot.
But Black Knight is insistent that there’s an intruder so the Avengers decide to form a search party and go room by room.
(Also, Jarvis is here. He delivers the exposition about Black Knight being fused to his armor. He doesn’t do a lot else so I wanted to just say Hi Jarvis! I appreciate you!)
It doesn’t take long before the Avengers find the “intruder” that Black Knight sensed.
A plume of energy erupts from the floor and forms into the shape of... Captain Marvel!
Hi Monica! I appreciate you!
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But she’s not looking food. She looks emaciated and is at death’s door from exhaustion.
What could have happened to her??
Bad writing? Web MD says these are the symptoms of bad writing!
The Avengers call the hospital and Thor personally flies her there. Very alarmed that she feels lighter than a feather in his arms.
But have you considered Thor that your arms are massive? You’re really strong. Maybe that’s why she feels so light?
But now we look into the Kang subplot.
Nebula Kang is preparing to ditch.
She changes out of her Kang armor and into a casual outfit. Casual but just loaded with cleverly hidden technology. Perfect for the modern terrible lady on the go.
Nebula Kang: “Farewell, Kangs great and small. You may all be masters of temporality, able to travel at will through and across time without limit... But your collective times are running out! When next we meet... it shall be without compassion, without compromise, without facemasks!”
Her only regret is that she didn’t find the time to give Fred Kang a fuck but doesn’t think he has any information or technology that would be helpful to her.
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Then she disguises herself as Blonde Sex Dream Lady again and gets in the warp hatch.
Where she selects the Far Out option.
... That seems way too whimsical to be Kang technology. They all hate whimsy.
But as she warps, Fred Kang (Kang-123488.23497) is spying on her. He didn’t trust the way she flirted with him so he watched her change clothes and go to use the warp hatch.
He’s very confused that she’s going to Earth and specifically the Earth of his own time stream. (Fred Kang is from the current Avengers time stream? Huh. But she specifically goes to the current day and to Hydrobase.
But while Fred Kang has been spying on Nebula Kang, Beard Kang and Yellow Mask Kang have been spying on him.
Beard Kang is apparently called Lord Kang and Yellow Mask Kang is apparently called Kang Cobra but we’ll see if I use those names instead of Beard Kang and Yellow Mask Kang.
Beard Kang has a beard and its coming out of his mask somehow. Why wouldn’t I call him Beard Kang?
Anyway, Beard Kang and Yellow Mask Kang have been spying on Fred Kang, as the newest Kang in their Kangllective. I can’t believe they went with the name Council of Cross-Time Kangs when Kangllective was right there. They could do Kangllective Action.
Anyway again. Fred Kang seemed like any other Kang, except for taking a shorter time to adjust than usual. But when Yellow Mask Kang was spying on him, he became unable to pinpoint Fred Kang’s actual physical location because Fred Kang is “jumping randomly back and forth through nanoseconds of time.”
Y’know, as ya do.
But the result is, Yellow Mask Kang isn’t able to figure out what Fred Kang is up to.
Beard Kang decides that its time to have a talk with their new pal Fred Kang.
Meanwhile, AT THE ACTUAL PLOT,She-Hulk and Grumpy Black Knight have gone to pick up Monica’s parents to take them to the hospital.
Did Monica ever mention that her parents were in on the secret? Because this would be really presumptive if she didn’t.
She-Hulk gives the explanation for what happened with Monica, giving the poor woman one last kick while she’s down.
As I said last East Coast Avengers post, when Captain Monica tried to electrocute Leviathan Marrina the same way Thor did, Monica fucked up because god forbid she do anything right ever. She somehow managed to electrify the entire Atlantic Ocean, vaporized trillions of tons of water which will surely do something to the climate, and dissipating her energy so that when she managed to reform she was all emaciated.
IN FAIRNESS, this is following up on an established downside of Monica’s powers. If she overuses them, she loses some of her own mass. This happened when she overexerted herself to knock down the shields of the Sanctuary II.
In unfairness, she did that to help take out an enemy that was willing to and capable of blowing up planets. This recent happening happens because by editorial mandate, she’s a dipshit who can’t even tie her shoes, one imagines.
Thor greets the Rambeaus before they see Monica and tries to set expectations for what kind of shape she’s in.
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Because she looks like she’s terminally ill.
Maria declares Monica should come home with them so they can nurse her back to health. With home cooking.
Monica admits that she’s not capable of Avengersing right now so that’s probably a good idea.
Leading Dr Druid to smoothly butt into this family conversation to insist that a new chairman be selected right now. I mean, they’re all already here, right?
Then he kicks the Rambeaus out of the room so the Avengers can talk shop.
She-Hulk: “For crying out loud, doc.”
For real.
As soon as the concerned parents have been booted from the room, Dr Druid nominates himself.
Why shouldn’t the newest person on the team not lead?
Okay, I’m being very critical. Monica was newish to the team but not the newest. This is not like that.
But as Dr Druid argues:
“The Black Knight is partially incapacitated, Thor has other concerns than just the Avengers... and the SHe-Hulk, with all due respect, fails to project the proper image of leadership while wearing purple leotards.”
Fucker in his feetie pajamas thinks he can throw stones about someone’s costume!
I CANNOT believe.
Black Knight chimes in to say that he admires the image She-Hulk projects.
So some people in this room have taste.
Thor privately wonders if any of the people on the team can handle the responsibility of leadership.
And Dr Druid starts panicking when Thor asks Monica her opinion.
Generic Blonde Nebula Kang pops into his thoughts to tell him not to let his dreams be dreams so Dr Druid decides to be like every other Marvel psychic. An invasive asshole.
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He uses his powers to force Monica to say that Dr Druid would be a wise choice. When a skeptical She-Hulk asks Thor what he thinks, Dr Druid uses his powers again.
I can’t tell if Druid fails or succeeds in this attempt. Thor somewhat suspects that his thoughts are being manipulated and shouts NO! unprompted. And then says that as the most experienced person still on the team, he’d make the best choice. But: he’ll agree with the majority decision.
Democracy! It’s good! When the votes aren’t manipulated!
Dr Druid makes She-Hulk says that he’s the best man for the job. Black Knight seems about to go into one of his Crusades adjacent rants about Dr Druid but a little bit of the ol’ psychic razzle dazzle and Black Knight is instead saying Dr Druid is the best candidate for chairman and in fact, Richard the Lionheart would think he was really cool.
So that’s four votes for Dr Druid and one for Thor.
Thor is suspicious about the way things played out but doesn’t seem willing to call it out.
(I will say that having Druid’s thought bubble merged with the speech balloons is a good way to show psychic manipulation.)
New Chairman of the Avengers Dr Druid arranges for the Rambeaus to be sent back to Atlanta. By public plane, not by Quinjet. Pssh, sure Monica was the former chairwoman but she doesn’t require the Avengers’ personal attention any more!
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Dr Druid: “But the Avengers must prepare themselves for battle! The cosmos reverberates with the approach of unseen foes. Our enemies are gathering and the time is coming when we must face them together as a team. All of us! For the Avengers have a new leader. And the future is going to be much different than anyone expects!”
I wish him a very stub his toe.
Follow @essential-avengers​ and you too can wish bad occurrences on Dr Druid. Like and reblog and maybe comment. I’m lonely down here in the italics.
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westworldproject · 2 years
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Wizarding World: 2022-2023 graduates.
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Seulgi (Red Velvet) - Vogue Magazine August Issue '22 (FRED)
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shintaru · 3 months
characters I’ll write for + tags ~ prompt list
Who wants to be tagged for which characters when I post the finished project?
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Juwan Jang 🦈 TJ
Kazuma Takeda
Sung kwon Monster @jesusownsme @cozyunderworld
Mahon Jo
Humming bird
Jo Jay @ankita607
Junsu Lee / June Lee
Minu yoon
Shelly Scott Dom kang @cozyunderworld @samuelseowife
Hyuk Kwon @inosukehana Wooin yoo @cozyunderworld Vinny hong @ankita607Joker (Hajun) @cozyunderworld @inosukehana
Light Calvary
Owen knight @catsrkool @rossesnd Camilla Nelson
Harry shepherd
Chris D’ Char ~ @rossesnd @cozyunderworld @inosukehana
Noah Austin
League of street
Sangho Choi @cozyunderworld @koiiiiijiii Hwangyeon Choi @koiiiiijiii
Juwon ryu
Kenji ikusaba
Kaneshiro Takeda Ryohei Hachijō Hyōma Nagase
Daniel Park @koiiiiijiii Vasco @koiiiiijiii Jay Hong @koiiiiijiii Zack Lee @koiiiiijiii Jace Park @koiiiiijiii Jiho Park @koiiiiijiii Mary Kim Vin Jin @koiiiiijiii Jaegyeon Na @koiiiiijiii Samuel Seo @vynnyll @samuelseowife @koiiiiijiii @dessmq Eli Jang @koiiiiijiii Johan Seong Jong Gun @vynnyll @koiiiiijiii Joon Goo @koiiiiijiii Jake Kim @vynnyll @koiiiiijiii DG @eugueen @koiiiiijiii Eugene @koiiiiijiii Ryūhei/Nōmen @koiiiiijiii Magami kenta @koiiiiijiii Seonji Yukcho @koiiiiijiii Cho Yisu @koiiiiijiii Cheon taejin @koiiiiijiii gongseob ji @koiiiiijiii gapryong Kim @koiiiiijiii jinyeong park @koiiiiijiii
Jaekyung Kim dan Heesung Yoon gu Baek Junmin
Kuroko’s basketball:
Tetsuya Kuroko Taiga Kagami @cozyunderworld Junpei Hyūga Teppei Kiyoshi Ryōta Kise Yukio Kasamatsu Shintarō Midorima Kazunari Takao Daiki Aomine @cozyunderworld Shōichi Imayoshi Atsushi Murasakibara @cozyunderworld Tatsuya Himuro Seijūrō Akashi Reo Mibuchi Makoto Hanamiya Kotarō Hayama Katsunori Harasawa  Chihiro Mayuzumj  momoi satsuki Alex Garcia 
Gaara @aishabbbb kankuro Sasuke @aishabbbb itachi @aishabbbb Kakashi hatake jiraiya Sai Pain sasori orachimaru
blue lock:
Michael Kaiser  shidou Ryusei Meguru Bachira  Rensuke Kunigami Yoichi Isagi  Ryosuke Kira Zantetsu Tsurugi  Reo Mikage  Seishiro Nagi Rin itoshi Sae itoshi Jinpachi Ego pablo cavazos ikki Niko Akira Endoji Jin Kiyora Jingo Raichi Oliver Aiku
one piece:
Luffy @ydkm00 Sanji @hi3431 Zoro Law @nah-idwin Eustass Kid Boa Hancock  Nami  Nico Robin Shanks  Portgas D’Ace  Vivi Nefertari  Crocodile  Smoker Donquixote Doflamingo  Paulie Dracule Mihawk Koby  Pell Hina  Sabo  Katekuri Koala Perona corazon
Osamu Dazai Chuya Nakahara Saigiku Jouno Atsushi Nakajima Doppo Kunikida Ranpo Edogawa Poe Bram Stoker Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Hell’s paradise:
Gabimaru Aza chobe Aza Toma Yamada Asaemon Shugen Yamada Asaemon Sagiri Yamada Asaemon, Tenza Yamada Asaemon, Shion Yuzuriha
Miya atsumu @cozyunderworld Miya osamu Aran ojiro Semi Eita Suna Ushijima wakatoshi Tendou Oikawa toru Tanaka Mad dog kyotani Kentarou Kunimi Akira Bokuto Koutarou Akaashi Keiji daishou suguru Nishinoya Kuroo tetsuro Kenma Kageyama tobio Hinata shoyo Tsukkishima kei Terushima yuji Kita Hoshiumi Yamakoto Lev haiba Haiba Hiroo
Gojo Choso Toji Yuta Sukuna Naoya that one hot guy with the mask Nanami
Aether Childe ZHONGLI scaramouche Kaveh alhaithum
Windbreaker anime:
Burning kabaddi:
@duaajpeg Tatsuya Yoigoshi Kei lura Masato ojo Shinji date Ren takaya Manabu Sakura Yu eikura Yuuki hitomi
Grimmjow Ichigo Renji
Black clover:
Langris vaude Leopald Julius Vangeance Yuno Nozel Asta Luck Magna Klaus Jack Zora
Outer banks:
Rafe JJ Pope
Bruce Wayne (bale) Dr. crane (cillian)
Harry Potter:
Draco Voldemort Fred George Harry
Suicide Squad:
Joker (Leto) Harley (Margot)
Jojo’s bizarre adventure:
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stargirlstabber · 8 months
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alright, here's a list of the fandoms and characters I write and accept requests for, although some posts might include characters not mentioned here. this list will be in constant update and more/other characters/fandoms will be added from time to time ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა
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könig | simon 'ghost' riley | captain price |
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mattheo riddle | theodore nott | draco malfoy | fred and george weasley | more coming soon, or just ask🌸
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sukuna ryomen | nanami kento | toji fushiguro | geto suguru | gojo satoru |
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suna rintaro | osamu miya | atsumu miya | kuroo tetsurou | tendou satori | kenma kozume | ushijima wakatoshi | bokuto koutarou | akaashi keiji | iwaizumi hajime | kentarou kyotani |
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| ran haitani | rindou haitani | izana kurokawa | kakucho hitto | kokonoi hajime | sanzu haruchiyo | hanma shuji | mitsuya takashi | taiju shiba | adding kazutora hanemiya just for lola :3 (only she can request him! sorry sorry) |
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kang dooshik | koh daehwi | koh daekwang | choi pilwon (i know these three are assholes, but- urgh, so fucking hawt) |
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joo jaekyung |
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valentino | alastor | vox | husk | angel dust | lucifer | (currently unavailable)
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(coming soon :3)
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(coming soon :3)
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lucifer | mammon | leviathan | satan | asmodeus | beezlebub | belphegor | (currently unavailable)
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malleus draconia | lilia vanrouge | leona kingscholar | jack howl | jade and floyd leech | jamil viper | kalim al-asim | vil schoenheit | (currently unavailable)
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katsuki bakugou | dabi | eijiro kirishima |
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suo hayato MY CUTIE PATOOTIE | sakura haruka | KIRYU MITSUKI OMFG I LOVE HIM |
more to be added once ss2 comes out :3
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(coming soon :3)
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alhaitham | ayato | childe | cyno | diluc | kazuha | neuvillette | scaramouche | tighnari | wriothesley | xiao | zhongli
more to be added :3
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(soon to be added!! )
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(soon to be added!! )
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oohhh i love your p21 wishes potential and unlikely!!
i would love these (also a good few unlikely lmao)
there is quite a lot but these are just all of my fave possibilities and long shot dream switches really!
from k2:
jessica and rebecca sutton
neriah karmann
eva wright
skylar harman
from studio x:
mila renae
brielle arias
snow griffiths
madi luckman
from ocpaa:
charlotte wolk
charlotte delong
esme lee
eden roberts
ariel lantz-loza
maggie zhou
from pave:
addyson and alexa paul
sofia cuevas
liv matson
stella fisk
ava and alexa rauth
aryanna la fontaine cooper
from mather:
helena olaerts
skye harrell
ava guttmann
leighton brandt
from 4pm:
addelyn muesse
sarahi lopez-prieto
from JDI:
ava pracanica
from dance precisions:
kennedy truax
from n10:
madison ng
claire avonne kingston
sloane adams
elise kim
emmersyn van
juliana kang
ariella truong
fiona chen
from avanti:
rosie zahoul sans
kaylee randeniya
from dance dimensions:
serena wilcox
victoria safahi
from the academy:
francesca jen
ella carlson
from westside:
isabella and diana kouznetsova
from premier youth:
carissa hsu
from hart:
lydon thach
from fred astaire:
cali cassidy
yessss! This is so good! So many dancers that would slay or have slayed Mollys choreography!
Didn't realize Cali danced at Fred Astaire!
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rustedpipe · 10 months
things that happened on degrassi but i make them about riverdale
they had cheryl say cuckoo bananas one time, zig novak was heraldo, and also vanessa morgan was mike dallas's baby mama so like clearly there's existing connections here. and just like riverdale and degrassi writers-- i love putting characters into situations. so. without further ado..... things that happen on degrassi (tng & next class) that should've happened on riverdale.
betty pelts dodgeballs at jughead during gym class after he is vague about going on a date or not
dolly zoom on archie's face as fred says "your mom is gay"
betty and gay kevin have a fight while filming a fake commercial for unisex cologne for class
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^ this with gay kevin
reggie does elaborate business deals with locker trading so that veronica can have the best one
archie sending veronica flowers with a card that says ”you rock! xoxo archie”
jughead choking and needing the heimlich but refusing to let gay kevin give him the heimlich because it would mean gay kevin has to touch him.
betty getting into an actual violent physical fight with blood with a random girl at school
^ okay go watch this video right now you only need to watch like the first minute exactly. the rest is completely optional. i have several scenarios in mind here:
- idea one is gay kevin having issues with fangs for the billionth time and so when in doubt kiss archie? - idea two is something jarchie related either betty or veronica is the dylan here . - IDEA THREE IS DYLAN=JUGHEAD GAY MARCO=ARCHIE. SO WHEN IN DOUBT KISS REGGIE?! - but also. the very first episode of riverdale is veronica so when in doubt you kiss betty. okay like realistically the scene is not like that but i think they shouldve let betty say "so when in doubt you kiss betty." for me personally. she would not fucking say that but i want her to
veronica and jughead go to the college admissions fair while extremely high.
RAS plays a similar role to kevin smith and gives advice to cheryl about being gay
kangs toxic poker game. what more can i say
veronica: as you and jughead’s closest friends- jughead: oh actually i don’t really like you. veronica: SHH!
natasha bedingfield performs at prom. archie gets to dance his heart out and cry a little to unwritten. and pocket full of sunshine woah oh
toni gets so much into vampire books that she makes out with cheryl and thinks about vampires too hard and bites her on the neck (this would be a great reference to vanessa morgan's time on another canadian teen show my babysitter's a vampire and also i think we should let toni be a little crazy for fun)
lgbt mixer at la bonne nuit. nothing crazy happens on the degrassi episode but i just wish it had happened on riverdale. like maybe veronica and kevin sing same love or born this way. (again that did not happen on degrassi just using the fact they did an lgbt mixer at the teen speakeasy as a jumping off point.)
when jughead gets hired by tabitha at pops, he immediately burns down the restaurant. they then go to a casino in niagra falls and get vegas-style married
cheryl adopts a pig (that later destroys her house) instead of coping with being alone
reggie attends a meeting about homophobia brought on by locker room bullying and someone explains the definition of internalized homophobia and he says out loud "im a homophobe" and starts crying
jughead poisons bret with stuff that makes you throw up. this involves cups being switched and a reference to roman history (but in the riverdale version betty supports and enables it)
jughead writes a story about a girl getting stalked who has a protective boyfriend trying to stop it but he makes the ending be that the boyfriend realizes he can never protect her from the stalker so he kills her. and betty is like dude um what that is insane. and hes genuinely like what it's just a story. later jughead ends up still not being able to figure out an ending and burns the script on stage while having a breakdown
they have to build rube goldberg machines for class. it doesnt matter who i just want this to be something
fp and alice wedding where bughead break up and get back together like five times about it
core four smokes weed during 2x14 The Hills Have Eyes (degrassi had an episode where teens were unsupervised in a cabin. Just Like.)
gay kevin does a gay musical production of romeo and juliet.
some film guy that jughead adores comes and does a guest lecture and so in order to impress the guy he smokes weed with chic and makes a terrible insane short film to show said film guy
timeskip jughead does mdma at an artsy party where people are very high and painting with their bodies on the walls and floors. in order to avoid his problems.
gay kevin wears a beret at least once
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^ bughead texts
veronica sings triangle tra la le la by patsy cline while in the midst of one of her 'reggie or archie' moments
betty gets really into axe throwing with lesbians (the pretty poisons) in the woods
unfortunately i cannot find a video uploaded of gay tristan performing it but. gay kevin voice riverdale you make drama look! so! good!
veronica trying to tank her father's mayoral campaign by being gay with betty and outing hiram as a homophobe
reggie: for the last time i'm not gay. or homophobic. just missing my best bro....
jughead won't shut up in class so cheryl cuts off some of her hair and then asks jughead to hold the scissors for a sec. and then she raises her hand and tells the teacher jughead cut her hair
beronica has a heartfelt moment about admitting feelings for each other and in the middle of it reggie walks up to them with saddest look on his face and says "am i hotter than archie? be honest. actually don't." and then walks away
veronica comes out to avoid political backlash and the word gets around to hermione who tries to comfort her by saying "no one's gonna believe you're gay. it happens to all powerful women. even hillary"
cheryl and veronica have a fake trial in class over twitter beef
cheryl auditions for a boy part in a play directed by gay kevin. gay kevin initially says no, but cheryl points out that it should be about relating to the pain of the character, not gender. gay kevin agrees and says that he is going to play the part himself because no one understands what he's going through better than him, right?
i'm constructing a reality where fangs is dating gay kevin when he is in the infamous bus crash but instead of dying he goes into a coma. and gay kevin is loyally by his bedside until he snaps like three months in and hooks up with moose. the night he does that, fangs wakes up from said coma.
veronica, speaking to reggie: even though we're a toxic couple, i really miss you and i want our break to be over.
betty has a terrible reaction to weed and someone finds her sadly eating slices of bread from a bag saying “i thought the bread would make me less high but it isnt working”
and finally, and crucially, they should've done a shark in the water style promo for at least one of the seasons. thanks for tuning in.
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alice3876 · 1 year
Fic recommendations
all fluff and comfort because my heart can't deal with angst
this is really self-indulgent. just a list of fics for when I'm feeling in a particularly soft and vulnerable mood
Last update: Thursday, January 4th, 2024
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ enhypen━━━━
Yang Jungwon
Chasin' Your Pretty Thoughts ♡ written by @jaeminvore
Love Grows (Where Jungwon Goes) ♡ written by @soobnny
Nice to meet you, boyfriend ♡ written by @delcakoo
Wishlist ♡ written by @soobnny
Jay Park
Bejeweled ♡ written by @seattlesolace
Have you seen this wizard? ♡ written by @seattlesolace
Jake Sim
Your Name ♡ written by @soobnny
Park Sunghoon
Little Lucky Charm ♡ written by @jaeminvore
Kim Sunoo
It doesn't really matter to me (I just need you) ♡ written by @jaeminvore
The Damsel In Distress Initiative ♡ written by @jaeminvore
Nishimura Riki
After Hours ♡ written by @soobnny
Always Japan ♡ written by @soobnny
Do you have to? ♡ written by @bearseulgs
Sharing a bed ♡ written by @delcakoo
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ le sserafim ━━━━
Huh Yunjin
Valentine ♡ written by @shuhwaa
Nakamura Kazuha
Love-shaped Lips ♡ written by @shuhwaa
Hong Eunchae
Nap ♡ written by @shuhwaa
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ day6 ━━━━
Kang Younghyun Brian
A fan having an emotional meltdown ♡ written by @yeongfil
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ stray kids ━━━━
Lee Minho
New Year's Day ♡ written by @soobnny
Seo Changbin
The girl with the pretty smile ♡ written by @scoupsworld
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ seventeen ━━━━
Wen Junhui
Charcoal-stained hands ♡ written by @rubyreduji
Jeon Wonwoo
Screw finals, let's cuddle ♡ written by @kwanisms
Hansol Vernon Chwe
Say you love me (I love you) ♡ written by @viastro
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ the wizarding world ━━━━
━━ slytherin boys ━━❁━━━━━
Draco Malfoy
Brooding Baby ♡ written by @dmslvt
A Bubbly Companion ♡ written by @blue-sadie
Love Letters ♡ written by @dreamingonfilm
Sea Salt Candles ♡ written by @dreamingonfilm
You have a beautiful smile ♡ written by @destourtereaux
Mattheo Riddle
Softer Side (pt.1 of 3) ♡ written by @suugarbabe
Tom Riddle
Hufflepuff reader headcannons ♡ written by @ slytherinslut0
━━ main timeline characters ━━❁━━━━━
Fred Weasley
Amortentia ♡ written by @iiwontgiveuponmilkk
Poor Mrs Norris ♡ written by @characters
George Weasley
Very adorable idiots ♡ written by @tacobacoyeet
Cedric Diggory
Let Everyone Know ♡ written by @englishmensbitch16
━━ marauders ━━❁━━━━━
Regulus Arcturus Black
untitled (little comfort fic) ♡ written by @justtwotired
Calling For You ♡ written by @reysdriver
Various Characters
Love Language ♡ written by @urwhorecrux
We about to kiss right now? ♡ written by @ohthewh0rror
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ once upon a broken heart ━━━━
Jacks of The Hollow
The Hollow ♡ written by @lost-in-a-daydream20
━━━━━━༻❁༺━━ actors ━━━━
Timothée Chalamet
Books, pillow talks and an attention-craving boy ♡ written by @babyflorencee
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spencerzakwrites · 6 months
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johnny cage, kenshi takahashi, bihan, kuai liang, kung lao, liu kang, tomas vrbada, syzoth, raiden
bi han x reader- room full of people DNF
kenshi x male!reader- society sucks DNF
bloodhound, catalyst, crypto, fuse, horizon, lifeline, loba, mirage, octane, rampart, revenant, valkyrie, vantage, wattson
there’s nothing here!
pezzy, grizzy, elasticdroid, bigpuffer (platonic only!), blarg, smii7y
pezzy x reader- insomnia
droid x tall!reader
pezzy x fem!reader- jealousy
dad!puffer x reader- WIP
droid x reader- “im sorry for being like this.” WIP
pezzy x reader- streaming WIP
blarg x reader- vacation hcs WIP
fred weasley
afraid of death
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coq-courage · 1 year
If you needed to be told, here it is, the following Miraculous Ladybug characters are queer:
Marc Anciel
Luka Couffaine
Juleka Couffaine
Anarka Couffaine
Jagged Stone
Penny Rolling
Lila Rossi
Kagami Tsurugi
Tomoe Tsurugi
Rose Lavillant
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Chloe Bourgeois
Andre Bourgeois
Audrey Bourgeois
Zoe Lee
Butler Jean
Sabrina Raincomprix
Roger Raincomprix
Barbara Keynes
Olympia Hill
Jessica Keynes
Harry Clown
Gabriel Agreste
Emilie Agreste nee Graham de Vanily
Nathalie Sancoeur
Amelie Graham de Vanily
Felix Fathom-Graham de Vanily
Adrien Agreste
Colt Fathom
The Gorilla
Fei Wu
Ivan Bruel
Mylene Haprele
Fred Haprele
Max Kante
Claudia Kante
Kim Le Chien-Ature
Nino Lahiffe
Theo Barbot
Aurore Beaureal
Mireille Caquet
Jean Duparc
Jessica Keynes
Alec Cataldi
Alim Kubdel
Alix Kubdel
Jalil Kubdel
Armand D'Argencourt
Anne-Jeanne Theoxanne du Bocquale (Dino lady)
Bob Roth
Xavier-Yves Roth (XY)
Caline Bustier
Camilla Hombee
Clara Contard (reporter)
Clara Nightingale (musician)
Denis Damocles
Didier Roustan
Wang Fu
Jean-Pierre Monlataing (art teacher)
Marianne Lenoir
Socqueline Wang
Alya Cesaire
Marlene Cesaire
Otis Cesaire
Alya Cesaire
Nora Cesaire
Penny Rolling
Sabine Cheng
Tom Dupain
Gina Dupain
Rolland Dupain
Shu Yin Cheng (sister to Sabine)
Yan Cheng
Mei Cheng
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Uncle Wang Cheng
Simon Grimault (Simon Says)
Nadja Chamack
Thomas Astruc (the OC)
Xavier Ramier
Vincent Aza (stalker photographer)
Vincent (good photographer, mama's spaghetti)
Veronique (wax museum)
Andre Ice Cream Man
Jiao (Shanghai special)
Kang (shanghai)
Lian (shanghai)
Ms Mendeleiev
Vivica (desperada)
Cash the guy that tricks Fei
Dean Gate (New York special)
Bustier’s Partner Seen Only In Season 5 Episode Collusion
Hot Dog Dan
Nora's Partner Seen Only In Season 5 Episode Transmission
Lila's Parents
Delmar (new York special)
Prince Ali
Mr. Banana
All unnamed characters
All characters with a name who I forgot
All named characters I straight up forgot to mention
A note: I have purposefully excluded the children but not the characters based on IRL people.
The children are excluded because as in real life, they are constantly changing and are more prone to feeling judged by society if we try to bog them down with answering a question with a straight answer versus letting them vibe however they are.
The characters based on IRL people were included because the people they were based on may be queer, we just don't know, we also wont assume. Also because once a character is created, they belong to the public and the public will assign any headcanons to them regardless of what was intended or what is true.
Further note: if the point of this post flew past you, its that anyone can be queer, there are no signs, someone may be in closet.
You never know who around is queer, even if they seem to scream "I am not queer" there's always a chance they are, whether they know it or not
And if you as a person, decide to spout off your hatred of anything queer, because you think, "there's no way someone near me is queer", I want you to think again
Because there are many flavors of being queer
And all you're doing by being hateful, is ensuring that when you need help, no one will be around and no one will want to be around
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1-800-c3dr1c · 1 year
requests : open! (will slowly but surely get to them, i have lots of unfinished ones at the moment.)
emoji anons always open! taken ones: none so far <3
if in bold i much prefer to write for these characters more.
if in italics i will only write sfw content of them.
let me know if you’d like to be in any of these character’s tag lists to be tagged whenever i post anything related to them, whether it be in a post with them, under this post, or my inbox asks! <3
also, please ask questions (if you have any) about what i will write below! i will answer them all to the best of my abilities, but currently, i’m obsessed with writing yandere characters. (I DO NOT CONDONE YANDERE ACTIVITIES/TENDENCIES OR ANYTHING ELSE IRL.)
theresa “tessa” gray. james carstairs. william herondale. magnus bane. cecily herondale. gabriel lightwood. charlotte branwell. henry branwell. jessamine lovelace. gideon lightwood. sophie collins. james herondale. thomas lightwood. cordelia carstairs. lucie herondale. anna lightwood. christopher lightwood. jesse blackthorn. grace blackthorn. matthew fairchild. alastair carstairs. ariadne bridgestock. charles fairchild.
kaz brekker. inej ghafa. nina zenik. matthias helvar. jesper fahey. wylan van eck.
adrik zhabin. alina starkov. david kostyk. genya safin. malyen oretsev. nikolai lantsov. tamar kir-bataar. the darkling. tolya yul-bataar. soya nazyalensky.
aether. albedo. alhaitham. amber. arataki itto. baizhu. barbara. beidou. bennett. candace. collei. cyno. dehya. diluc. diona. dori. eula. faruzan. fischl. freminet. ganyu. gorou. hu tao. jean. kaedehara kazuha. kaeya. kamisato ayaka. kamisato ayato. kaveh. keqing. kirara. klee. kujou sara. kuki shinobu. layla. lisa. lumine. lynette. lyney. mona. nahida. neuvilette. nilou. ningguang. noelle. qiqi. raiden shogun. razor. rosaria. sangonomiya kokomi. sayu. shenhe. shikanoin heizou. sucrose. tartaglia. thoma. tighnari. venti. wanderer. wriothesley. xiangling. xiao. xinqiu. xinyan. yae miko. yanfei. yaoyao. yelan. yoimiya. yun jin. zhongli.
percy jackson. luke castellan. annabeth chase. nico di angelo. grover underwood. clarisse la rue. will solace.
arlan. asta. bailu. bronya. clara. dan heng. gepard. herta. himeko. hook. jing yuan. luocha. march 7th. natasha. pela. sampo. seele. serval. stelle. caelus. welt.
9S. 2B. A2.
america singer. maxon schreave. aspen leger. marlee tames. celeste newsome.
newt. gally. minho. teresa agnes. alby. chuck. thomas. aris jones. brenda. frypan. sonya. zart. winston. harriet. clint. jeff. ben.
lavender brown. cho chang. fleur delacour. cedric diggory. seamus finnigan. hermione granger. neville longbottom. luna lovegood. draco malfoy. harry potter. dean thomas. bill weasley. charlie weasley. fred weasley. george weasley. ginny weasley. percy weasley. ron weasley. oliver wood.
eleven. mike wheeler. will byers. lucas sinclair. erica sinclair. max mayfield. dustin henderson. steve harrington. nancy wheeler. jonathan byers.
regina george. karen smith. gretchen wieners. cady heron. aaron samuels. janis ian. damian.
akane heiya. chota segawa. daikichi karube. hikari kuina. kodai tatta. mira kano. morizono aguni. rizuna an. ryohei arisu. shuntaro chishiya. suguru niragi. yuzuha usagi.
beatrice prior. tobias eaton. caleb prior. peter. uriah pedrad. eric coulter. christina. tori wu.
katniss everdeen. peeta mellark. rue. cato hadley. clove kentwell. gale hawthorne. primrose everdeen. finnick odair. johanna mason. young! coriolanus snow. sejanus plinth. clemensia dovecote.
seong gi-hun. kang sae-byeok. hwang jun-ho. ali abdul.
lee cheong-san. yoon gwi-nam. nam on-jo. lee su-hyeok. lee na-yeon. choi nam-ra.
daryl dixon. rick grimes. carl grimes. michonne. maggie rhee. shane walsh. glenn rhee.
shota aizawa. hizashi yamada. nemuri kayama. yuga aoyoma. mina ashido. tsuyu asui. tenya ida. ochako uraraka. mashirao ojiro. denki kaminari. eijiro kirishima. koji koda. rikido sato. mezo shoji. kyoka jiro. hanta sero. fumikage tokoyami. shoto todoroki. toru hagakure. katsuki bakugo. izuku midoriya. momo yaoyorozu. yosetsu awase. sen kaibara. togaru kamakiri. shihai kuroiro. itsuka kendo. yui kodai. kinoko komori. ibara shiozaki. jurota shishida. nirengeki shoda. pony tsunotori. kosei tsuburaba. tetsutetsu tetsutetsu. setsuna tokage. manga fukidashi. juzo honenuki. kojiro bondo. neito monoma. reiko yanagi. hiryu rin. mirio togata. nejire hado. tamaki amajiki. hitoshi shinso. mei hatsume. emi fukukado. camie utsushimi. keigo takami. rumi usagiyama. yu takeyama. tomura shigaraki. dabi. himiko toga. rody soul.
kenma kozume. yu nishinoya. toru oikawa. tobio kageyama. tetsurō kuroo. kei tsukishima. shoyo hinata. kiyoko shimizu. kōtarō bokuto. asahi azumane. koshi sugawara. hitoka yachi. tadashi yamaguchi. ryūnosuke tanaka. hajime iwaizumi. daichi sawamura.
giyu tomioka. mitsuri kanroji. obanai iguro. sanemi shinazugawa. gyomei himejima. muichiro tokito. shinobu kocho. kyojuro rengoku. kanae kocho. tengen uzui. kanao tsuyuri. tanjiro kamado. zenitsu agatsuma. inosuke hashibira. genya shinazugawa. aoi kanzaki. nezuko kamado. muzan kibutsuji. tamayo. yushiro yamamoto. susumaru. sabito. makomo. senjuro rengoku. hinatsuru uzui. makio uzui. suma uzui. kokushibo. doma. akaza. nakime. hantengu. gyokko. kaigaku. gyutaro. daki. enmu. rui.
emma. ray. norman. isabella. krone. don. gilda.
lucifer. mammon. leviathan. satan. asmodeus. beelzebub. belphegor. diavolo. barbatos. luke. simeon. soloman.
ayano aishi. ayato aishi. osana najimi. osano najimi. amai odayaka. amao odayaka. kizana sunobu. kizano sunobu. oka ruto. asu rito. aso rito. muja kina. mujo kina. mida rana. mido rana. osoro shidesu. osorō shidesu. hanako yamada. hanakō yamada. megami saikou. megamo saikou. umeji kizuguchi.
pete “maverick” mitchell. bradley “rooster” bradshaw. jake “hangman” seresin. natasha “phoenix” trace. robert “bob” floyd. reuben “payback” fitch. mickey “fanboy” garcia.
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Seulgi (Red Velvet) - Vogue Magazine August Issue '22 (FRED)
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msweebyness · 1 year
This is a list of all the characters currently assigned in my AU, it will be updated as I go along. As always, credit to @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27 for their support and help with this AU!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Fa Mulan
Adrien Agreste- Rapunzel
Alya Cesaire- Tiana
Nino Lahiffe- Fairy Godmother(brother)
Rose Lavillant- Belle
Juleka Couffaine- Beast/Prince Adam
Max Kante- Hiro Hamada
Le Chien Kim- Hercules
Alix Kubdel- Aladdin
Ivan Bruel- Quasimodo
Mylene Haprele- Snow White
Chloé Bourgeois- Anastasia Tremaine
Zoe Lee- Cinderella
Sabrina Raincomprix- Pinocchio
Nathaniel Kurtzberg- Aurora/Sleeping Beauty
Marc Anciel- Elsa
Ondine- Ariel
Kagami Tsurugi- Merida
Aurore Beaureal- The Blue Fairy
Mireille Caquet- Simba
Jean Duparc- Kuzco
Cosette Bellamy- Robaire
Denise Cabello- Wreck-It Ralph
Simon O’Connor- Peter Pan
Ismael Prisk- Genie
Reshma Leghari- Isabela Madrigal
Lacey Greene- Tinker Bell
Austin Tomassian- Jasmine
Lila Rossi- Ernesto de la Cruz
Felix Fathom- Cassandra Gothel
Markov- Baymax
Caline Bustier- Flora
Ms. Mendeliev- Yen Sid
Principal Damocles- Prince John
Sabine Cheng- Fa Zhou
Tom Dupain- Fa Li
Gina Dupain- Grandmother Fa
Gabriel Agreste- Mother Gothel
Nathalie Sancoeur & Emilie Agreste- Rulers of Corona
Marlena Cesaire- Eudora
Otis Cesaire- James (Tiana’s father)
Luka Couffaine- Julebeast’s brother, a Grand Piano due to the curse
Anarka Couffaine- Mrs. Potts/Julebeast’s Mother
Penny Rolling- Cogsworth/Julebeast’s stepmom
Jagged Stone- Lumiere/Julebeast’s father
Roger Raincomprix- Gepetto
Aya Kurtzberg- Queen Leah
Kiran Anciel- Anna
Penny & Alyssa Anciel- Rulers of Arendelle
Tomoe Tsurugi- King Fergus/Queen Eleanor of Dunbroch
Jessica Keynes- Pocahontas
Aeon Hill- WALL-E/EVE (Composite Character)
Austin Armbruster- Charlotte LaBeuff
Austin Quinlan- Moana
Austin Boulet- Winston Deavor
Audrey Bourgeois- Lady Tremaine
Sarah(Fred’s Producer)- Evil Queen
Manon Chamack- Vanellope Von Schweetz
Bob Roth- Hades
Alec Cataldi- Timon
Theo Barbot- Pumbaa
Jalil Kubdel- Abu
Clara Nightingale- Lead Muse
Amelie Graham De Vanily- Ursula
Grand Master Su Han- Arendelle Royal Advisor
Mr. XY- Gaston
Chung, Kang, and Jiao- Yao, Ling and Chien-Po
Fei Wu- Li Shang
Plagg- Mushu
Tikki- Cri Kee
Kaalki- Khan
Sass- Pascal
Xuppu- Pegasus
Nooroo- Jiminy Cricket
Duusu- Scuttle
Stompp- Hugo
Pollen- Victor
Wayzz- Laverne
Mullo- Jaq
Fluff- Gus
Longg- Angus
Roaar- Rajah
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thebibliomancer · 1 year
Essential Avengers: Avengers #297: FUTURES IMPERFECT!
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November, 1988
The CLASH That WRECKED The Avengers!
Seems to be wrecking Nebula instead.
Which. I’m pretty okay with.
Not sure when she changed back into the Kang outfit. Or why she changed back into the Kang outfit.
So last times in East Coast Avengers: Dr Druid manipulated and connived and undermined and election frauded his way to chairmanship of the Avengers. Due to ominous sex dreams, he was convinced that a great calamity was coming and only the Avengers could stop it and only he could get the team in shape to stop it. Because Captain Marvel was too soft with her -checks notes- not wanting to kill people if it could be avoided.
Then it turns out that the ominous sex dream lady was actually Nebula Kang, manipulating Dr Druid’s sense of self-importance so she could get control over the Avengers. With Dr Druid under her thumb and the Avengers under Dr Druid’s thumb, she plans to go to the Bubble at the Heart of Time to get some super-duper-uber weapon to overshadow all other weapons and. Just be the boss of everything, I guess.
The Kangs of the Kang Klubhouse belatedly realize that Nebula infiltrated them and stole all their technology. A team of three Kangs, one of which is named Fred, try to stop her but arrive too late.
Nebula and the Avengers took off in an FTL-enabled Quinjet and after a lot of timebulance, arrive at the Bubble at the Heart of Time.
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Which sure is a big, red bubble-shaped thing.
Nebula announces that the Best Weapon will be hers!
Thor asks what the best weapon even is but Nebula says he’s on a need-to-know basis.
She-Hulk: “You don’t know, do you? You actually don’t know what the weapon is!”
Nebula Kang: “Shut up, She-Hulk! I’ll thank you to speak only when you’re spoken to!”
I love that She-Hulk’s sass is so strong that even under mind-control, she’s tossing barbs at her boss.
Nebula implicitly admits that she doesn’t actually know by saying that the Council of Cross-Time Kangs want it and that’s a good enough reason for her.
Also, then thousands of Quinjets show up.
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The Quinjets are indistinct “phantoms of light!”
Team Nebula can’t even tell who is in the cockpits of the other Quinjets. But they’re all racing in the same direction and some of them are getting ahead of Team Nebula.
Nebula Kang speculates that their presence is generating probability shadows. Or something.
She then also gets paranoid that they’re not shadows, they’re other Avengers teams from other timelines who might get to the prize first!
So she tells Black Knight to get out on the bow of the craft and swing the Ebony Blade at any Quinjet that gets in their way. And for Thor to get out there too and make the Quinjet go faster with his hammer, somehow.
It’s cool though. Black Knight says that his helmet, the one with a big opening for his lower face, protects him from the icy vacuum of space. Well, also his state of being super cursed.
Team Nebula’s Quinjet passes “a great metropolis of the future!” for exactly one panel before the city disappears.
Marvel wiki says this city never shows up again. It is entirely pointless. Or a point that Simonson never got around to.
Anyway, Black Knight claims they’ve broken through the outer shell of the bubble. Now they’re passing over weird landscapes and other cities. Since they’ve broken through, Nebula Kang orders Black Knight and Thor back inside the Quinjet.
Meanwhile?, back at Hydrobase, the three Kangs complain about arriving too late to stop Nebula Kang.
Then they realize that they’re all time travelers, duh.
Like. Duh.
They just hop back ten minutes before the Quinjet left.
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Before the Quinjet leaves, the three Kangs sneak up to the Quinjet and attach themselves to the underside of the wing.
This is some goofy shit for Kangs to do.
I kind of love it.
Back at the Avengers’ present time.
Nebula Kang notices that they’re consuming fuel faster than they should be. Also, the weird, wacky settings they keep flying through? Just more phantoms. Or maybe their Quinjet is a phantom to the settings inside the bubble?
They just fly through the weird cityscape. Literally through. And then the city dissolves and the Quinjet hits more time turbulence.
Mesozoic Kang loses his grip on the Quinjet, flies off into the time turbulence, and ceases to exist.
Aw, Mesozoic Kang you waste of a character, we barely knew you. We only knew your name and that you were a fighty boy, basically.
Inside the Quinjet, Nebula realizes that they haven’t actually penetrated the bubble. They just keep skating around its surface. Except with more time words like flux and local time track.
What she thinks the problem is, is that only the Avengers can get into the bubble and she’s not an Avenger!
She orders Dr Druid to nominate her to the team and for everyone else to vote her in.
Aw, dammit, does that mean Nebula Kang needs to be included in lists now?
Hm. Marvel wiki does list her as joining the team in this issue.
Just to be sure that this Avengers roster of Dr Druid, Nebula Kang, Thor, She-Hulk, and Black Knight is the right Avengers roster to penetrate the bubble, she has Dr Druid precognitively scan each one to see if he sees a future of them getting into the bubble.
Sure, that makes sense!
Hrrg. This idea that the right combination of Avengers is like a combination lock is annoying me. The idea that the Kangs presented is that it was more that an Avengers team would eventually get in but I guess Nebula Kang is just a big dumbass who heard it the wrong way.
Anyway, after a scan, Dr Druid declares that Thor is very definitely one of the correct people. Which corresponds with what the Kangs have said.
She-Hulk gets a maybe. Dr Druid’s precognition senses a woman will be in the group but he can’t say for sure its She-Hulk.
Annnd Black Knight’s future scan just shows a void.
Ah ha, clearly, he’s not supposed to be here!
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Nebula Kang orders Black Knight to jump out of the Quinjet.
He’s mind-controlled so he’s perfectly happy to do it. But he can’t actually do it because of the muscle stiffness caused by the super curse afflicting him.
Nebula Kang loses patience and tells She-Hulk to throw Black Knight overboard.
Black Knight: “Thank you, Jennifer. Sorry I was unequal to the effort.”
She-Hulk: “No problem, Dane. Good-bye.”
Its probably horrifying that this level of mind-control also forces you to thank someone for killing you. But its so casual that I have to laugh.
The two Kangs stowing away on the underside of the ship panic when Black Knight gets ejected. Because he might be one of the Avengers that’s going to get into the time bubble. Dr Druid’s precognitive scanning is very likely to be unreliable!
So Beard Kang catches Black Knight with a tractor beam. The Avenger has passed out from the stress but is safe from flying off into nothing.
Beard Kang also deduces that Nebula Kang is doomed to fail in this attempt. If for no other reason than the two Kangs hanging out will passively negate her efforts to force her way into the bubble with some random Avengers.
But even so, Beard Kang decides the Kangs need to act before Nebula Kang and her stubbornness destroys the Quinjet and everyone aboard, attached to the outside, and floating like twenty feet behind the ship.
Fred Kang has been spending this time decrypting the mindbenders attached to the Avengers. He’s not finished but he can at least overload the mindbenders attached to Thor and hope he survives the attempt.
(Given that Thor is the One Dude they know for sure is predestined to penetrate the bubble, its a big gamble to use him as the guinea pig, holy shit.)
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Thor doesn’t seem to regain his right mind. He’s not talking at all. But overloading the mindbenders drives him in a rage and he’s not taking orders anymore.
He tries to SMASH Nebula Kang. She dodges out of the way and orders She-Hulk to grab him.
She-Hulk can’t hold him for long because he’s truly gone berserk. So Nebula Kang decides, fuck it, she’ll just kill Thor rather than risk dealing with a Thor she can’t control.
And the Kang-armor she’s wearing has enough power to do it.
Which is probably why she put it on between issues. Good to know. Or speculate.
Fred Kang decides he’s gotta stop her (because of Thor being The One Guy they know for sure penetrates the bubble). So while Beard Kang keeps working on deactivating the mindbender on Black Knight.
So Fred climbs up on the wing so Nebula Kang can see him, drawing her attention from Thor.
And the analysis on She-Hulk’s mindbender completes so he also deactivates it.
She-Hulk is very put out.
She-Hulk: “My thoughts! I’m free again! Oh, my god, woman! What have you done to me? And with this little thing! You’ve made me kill Dane! You’ve used me like garbage! I swear I’ll kill you if its the last thing I do!”
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Panicked, Nebula Kang steers into the time turbulence, to disorient She-Hulk.
Nebula Kang probably wasn’t thinking about this with a She-Hulk staring her in the face but the turbulence also knocks the two remaining Kangs off the Quinjet.
Before they disappear, one of the Kangs zkeeek!s Black Knight’s mindbender at the last moment.
Black Knight has his own mind again and regains consciousness just in time to realize ‘oh shit!’
Without Kangs here, the tractor beam starts weakening. So he increases the power of his exoskeleton and climbs back toward the Quinjet.
Can’t say I know what he’s climbing though. The beam?
The turbulence hasn’t cooled She-Hulk’s temper and she tries to go after Nebula Kang.
Apparently, the mindbender overload that put Thor in an indiscriminate fury has worn off and he’s back to being Nebula Kang’s muscle. She orders Thor to protect her and he intercepts She-Hulk.
Thor: “Desist, Jennifer, and I will slay thee as gently as possible!”
She-Hulk: “I can’t say the same, Goldilocks! In fact, now that you mention it, I can see I had the wrong idea! I’m putting you out of your misery here and now, Thor! And this last punch ought to do it!”
And She-Hulk whallops Thor and knocks his head through the cockpit window.
Wow, good thing there’s no vacuum out there, I guess?
Thor: “Uhhh! Jennifer, enough! I am myself again! Thou hast shattered the electronic demons which held me fettered! And though I have a headache that even mortal wonder drugs could not cure... I have never felt so alive, so ready to fight in all my days!”
Nebula Kang scrapes the bottom of the barrel and commands Dr Druid to protect her.
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Dr Druid versus She-Hulk and Thor goes as you’d think.
Enjoy the concussion, dick.
(There is something very funny about Dr Druid declaring his superior mind and then just using a tackle.)
Black Knight finishes climbing up an energy beam?? and climbs back inside the Quinjet. Easy since there’s now a giant hole in the window.
Since nobody is actually piloting the thing, he grabs the controls and steers away from the time bubble.
She-Hulk is thrilled to see she didn’t toss him out to his death after all and Black Knight asks that maybe they stop breaking the ship, please?
She-Hulk, to Nebula: “There’s only one thing here I’m going to destroy! When we’re done, honey, they aren’t going to be able to pick you up with a sieve!”
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She-Hulk starts tearing apart Nebula Kang’s Kang outfit. To Nebula Kang’s shock, since the Kang armor is “designed to withstand the fury of cosmic storms!”
She-Hulk: “Maybe you better sue the manufacturer!”
Nebula Kang doesn’t really have a lot of ground to complain since she did steal this equipment.
She-Hulk gets ready to punch Nebula Kang, despite Thor protesting that’d kill her, but Nebula Kang wiggles loose.
Nebula Kang: “All right, Avengers! You’ve had your chance! Maybe I should have killed you all in the first place... But it’s still not too late for that end! When you’re dead, the Kangs will never be able to retrieve the great weapon either! I’ve got enough reserve power to teleport out of here! The energy unleashed will fry this entire cockpit... and all of you with it!”
Except when she activates the teleport, all it does is electrocute her, because of the damage to the armor.
Hah and I say hah.
Thor uses his hammer to absorb the energy coming off Nebula Kang, to prevent damage to the Quinjet controls.
Black Knight finally manages to steer away from the time bubble. On their way out, they spot another illusory Quinjet headed towards the bubble with Thor and She-Hulk in the cockpit.
There’s in fact, a lot of illusory Quinjets still heading toward the bubble. One of the Quinjets flies toward the bubble which opens before it.
Guess those’re the guys that get to learn what all this nonsense is about.
BUT APPARENTLY the bubble opening up creates suction and the suction sucks Nebula Kang right out of the hole in the cockpit window. And Dr Druid? Why, he tries to grab her and gets sucked out too.
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The love the dull expressions on the Avengers as teammate and chairman Dr Druid gets sucked into a time hole.
They’re like “Eh.”
They’re maybe too charitable to think “and nothing of value was lost” but I’ll do it for them.
And I can finally say Dr Druid isn’t here and for good reason.
Thor tells Black Knight to take them home.
Black Knight: “With pleasure, Thor. There is nothing more to be done here.”
But secretly She-Hulk is thinking that she wished she had killed Nebula Kang, because this whole terrible day cost Jen everything, even her self-respect. “After this, nothing will ever be the same again.”
And so they go home. BWRAM!ing on their FTL Quinjet. Back to Hydrobase.
And there’s only two pages left so everything happens really quickly.
When they arrive, Jarvis (hi Jarvis!) asks what happened to Dr Druid. Thor simply replies that Dr Druid won’t be coming back. And when Jarvis asks about the mysterious lady he sorta but doesn’t really remember, Thor tells him less said the better.
Thor pulls off Jarvis’ mindbender, since its apparently deactivated now that Nebula Kang is gone. Or now that she fell into a time hole and doesn’t exist? Or whatever?
Anyway, She-Hulk suddenly announces that she’s quitting the team.
She-Hulk: “She made me do horrible things! Things that were partly from inside my own soul. I’m not sure how I can live with that. I need time to think, time to heal, time to be alone. I... I just can’t bear to see either of you looking at me now.”
Instead of trying to talk her out of it, Thor is just like ‘alright, bye.’
IN FAIRNESS, he does tell her that nothing he’s not holding anything against her from when Nebula Kang was controlling their brains but Jen’s not hearing it.
This is all very sudden! Like, yeah, She-Hulk has that thought bubble where she’s thinking how she lost her self-respect or whatever but still!
And with Dr Druid gone (finally) and She-Hulk quitting, the Avengers is down to just Thor and Black Knight.
Except not.
Thor decides that he’s going to do some Asgard stuff and Black Knight is going with him because of a conversation they apparently had in Thor #396.
Jarvis: “But... what of the Avengers, Master Thor?”
Thor: “They were a team... and now the team is gone, loyal friend.”
Hey, fuck you.
Okay, so. This is also sudden. Apparently, Thor tried contacting the reserve members off-panel and nobody is available. And he doesn’t have time to bother training newbies.
Thor: “I have notified the West Coast Avengers of our dissolution. If any can be spared, perhaps... who can say? And there are other heroes still. But to me, the Avengers stood foremost in honor and in courage. Their glory and tradition shall not tarnish with age. Farewell.”
I think someone should just tell the West Coast Avengers that they’re the Avengers now. And if the New York... uh, Hydrobase team reforms, they have to go by the East Coast Avengers.
This is so stupid.
They JUST set up an expensive new base and Thor is like ‘eh.’
“Eh” is for Dr Druid dying, not for disbanding the Avengers!
I should also add that this makes Jarvis unemployed and he just got out of the hospital to start doing his job again.
What a bummer.
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Jarvis locks up and leaves, missing the incoming big crossover alarm.
Obviously, the Avengers book isn’t ending here.
The Worst Roster is upcoming in only a few issues. There’s an Inferno tie-in. There’s so much going on.
But I don’t have to like how we got here.
This story didn’t have to be bad. Well-meaning but self-aggrandizing jackass weasels his way to the leadership of the Avengers and is actually under the thumb of a supervillain is not a bad concept.
Its actually a good one!
Simonson blows it in, like, one issue.
The Avengers don’t even get a regular story with Dr Druid as their leader before he’s trying to kill people for being too ornery to control.
And then it turns out that Nebula Kang just has better mind control tech. So she didn’t even need to try to use a robot dinosaur to kill Thor.
I think this would have been better if there had been a couple stories with Dr Druid being a terrible leader but where She-Hulk and Black Knight (under his influence) insist he’s doing a great job to Thor’s increasing frustration.
But this story can’t actually be told well because Simonson wants to clear the deck for a new roster all his own. He inherited the Captain Marvel, Namor, Marrina, Black Knight, Dr Druid, Thor, She-Hulk team from Stern. And getting rid of Monica was clearly editorial influence. But Simonson also doesn’t seem to want to build on what Stern had been doing, he wants to write the Worst Roster.
I’m maybe being unfair.
But this story arc has been a drag.
This whole stupid time bubble story that isn’t even a story, its to foreshadow another future time bubble story Simonson wants to write, making its early appearance pointless except to get rid of characters he doesn’t want to write.
Nebula Kang forces the Avengers to go to some time bubble. Some Kangs hang onto the outside of a Quinjet and fall off (admittedly funny). The Avengers wrassle with Nebula Kang inside a Quinjet. Dr Druid dies. Then the Avengers go home and dissolve the team.
There are graceful ways to nudge a book towards what you want to be writing but this wasn’t it.
And I know there’s a lot more editorial pressure hitting the writers in this era and I don’t know how much of that was at play.
But so far? Simonson is not a good Avengers writer.
His run isn’t over. I’ll give the Worst Roster a fair shake.
Things that seem dumb conceptually can often be awesome. See, for example, Frog Thor, from good Thor writer Simonson.
There’s another East Coast Avengers issue next week because I have to sync the books up for Evolutionary War. A post that will probably kill me because the event crosses eleven annuals. I’ll only be giving a lot of focus to Avengers and West Coast Avengers but I’ll have to at least skim the other annuals since they all (supposedly) tell one story.
At least Dr Druid is dead forever.
That cheers me up.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because Dr Druid is dead forever. Like and reblog because Dr Druid is dead forever. Have any comments about Dr Druid and him being dead forever? I want to hear them!
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densesindealer · 7 months
Ask/Prompt Requests
Now that I finally updated my muse list, I'm going to ask or beg (take your pick) for more asks or prompts featuring characters I don't get to see as often as I'd like, or just some more for characters I really like. Also asking for asks or prompts featuring certain themes or kinks. You don't have to send in asks for the characters or asks with the kinks, though either would be greatly appreciated, but any ask in general is appreciated. That being said, I do really like these kinks or these characters and would love to have stuff in my inbox featuring them.
Kink Requests
Gender Transformation (Male To Female) (Can Involve Muses Not On My Muse List From Any Series)
Mind Control/Hypnosis
Slow Corruption
Mind Break
Instant Loss
Heart Eyes
Love Potion
Character Requests
Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa) (I Have A Lot Of Makoto, But He's Also My Favorite To Write)
Kaname Date (AI The Somnium Files)
Aiba (AI The Somnium Files)
Iris Sagan (AI The Somnium Files)
Mizuki Okiura (AI The Somnium Files)
Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Momo Yaoyorozu (My Hero Academia)
Mt. Lady (My Hero Academia)
Nejire Hado (My Hero Academia)
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Ema Skye (Ace Attorney)
Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney)
Jaune Arc (RWBY)
Velvet Scarlatina (RWBY)
Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat)
Cassie Cage (Mortal Kombat)
Kitana (Mortal Kombat)
Dick Grayson/Robin (Teen Titans)
Komand'r/Blackfire (Teen Titans)
Raven (Teen Titans)
Ganyu (Genshin Impact)
Yoimiya (Genshin Impact)
D.VA (Overwatch)
Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass)
Cornelia li Britannia (Code Geass)
Muffet (Undertale)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Aqua (Kingdom Hearts)
Audrey Belrose (Huniepop)
Yu Narukami (Persona 4)
Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4)
Akira Kurusu/Joker (Persona 5)
Lavenza (Persona 5)
Sae Niijima (Persona 5)
Hifumi Togo (Persona 5)
Sigma Klim (Zero Escape)
Clover Field (Zero Escape)
Alice (Zero Escape)
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil)
Eveline (Resident Evil)
Draculaura (Monster High)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Faith Seed (Far Cry 5)
Velvet Crowe (Tales Of Berseria)
Alice Angel (Bendy And The Ink Machine)
Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
2B (Nier Automata)
Lola Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Yor Forger (Spy x Family)
Anya Forger (Spy x Family)
Shaggy Rogers (Scooby Doo)
Daphne Blake (Scooby Doo)
Bowsette (Super Crown)
Booette (Super Crown)
Any Animatronic (Five Night's At Freddy's) (All Are Women)
Ankha (Animal Crossing)
Character Requests For TF Asks (Males To Transform)
Jin Kirigiri (Danganronpa)
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead (My Hero Academia)
Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic (My Hero Academia)
Fred Jones (Scooby Doo)
Lie Ren (RWBY)
Cardin Winchester (RWBY)
Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat)
Flowey (Undertale)
Riku (Kingdom Hearts)
Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5)
Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
Morgana (Persona 5)
Sojiro Sakura (Persona 5)
Takuto Maruki (Persona 5)
Dio (Zero Escape)
Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)
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crims0nwritess · 2 years
Helloooo, this is my first tumblr post so I apologize for how bad it is😭
Anyways I write fanfics! Here are the fandoms I will write for:
Stranger things
The owl house
Enola Holmes
Harry Potter
Avatar the last airbender/ Avatar legend of korra
What I will write:
Gay stories (M/M & M/GN)
Character x reader
Platonic stories with female characters
Poly Relationships
LIGHT smut/suggestive situations (!only for characters that are not underage!)
Coming out imagines (trans/queer/ace/poly friendly!)
What I will NOT write:
Angst (im bad at it😭)
Straight stories (M/F)
Romantic stories with female characters
Long/Multi chapter stories
Character x character (unless its a poly ship with the reader)
Extreme age-gap
Extreme smut
About me!
My name is Crimson!
Im gay
My pronouns are he/they
Very amateur writer
I prioritize requests!!!
I won't be constantly writing cuz ya know life but I will make sure that I see and respond to requests
I have an ao3 account with the same name but I havent posted anything yet😭
Will be accepting requests for these characters
Peter Parker (My #1)
Andrew!Peter Parker
Tobey!Peter Parker
Marc Spector
Steven Grant
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Eddie Brock
Matt Murdock
Clint Barton
Scott Lang
Stephen Strange (Platonic only)
Pietro Maximoff
Tony Stark (Platonic only)
Wade Wilson
Steve Rogers
Bruce Banner
Scott Summers
Leo Fitz
Kang the Conqueror/Nathaniel Richards (New!)
Stranger things
Dustin Henderson (my #1)
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Jonathan Byers
Steve Harrington
Jim Hopper
The Owl House
Thats basically it but I will do a lot of platonic imagines with all the other characters
Ajax (my #1)
Enola Holmes
Sherlock Holmes
A lot of platonic imagines for the rest of the characters as well
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley (my #1)
Neville Longbottom
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Oliver Wood
Cedric Diggory
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Avatar TLA/LOK
+bunch of platonic stuff
Thats basically it
Please send requests! :) Im really bad at coming up with ideas lol
I probably forgot a bunch of stuff on here but yeah
Thats it! Byeee
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