#Frankford high school
gracie-bird · 2 months
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Gladys Skinner, president of the Frankford High School student body, recieves the Lemuel Whitaker sportsmanship trophy from Fred Foertsch, assistant director of physical education in the city, at student exercises on October 12, 1947. John B. Kelly, Sr., (left) was the principal speaker. The cup was voted to Frankford by teams, coaches, and principals of all Public High League teams.
Temple University Archives.
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charleswiedenmann · 10 days
A Morning in September
In the crisp morning air of September 1978, a group of excited kids from Lawndale gathered at the corner of Rising Sun Avenue and Martins Mill Road, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the N bus. Their chatter echoed the nervous energy that comes with the anticipation of something new—their first day at Frankford High School. The N bus, an iconic part of their daily routine, finally rumbled into…
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houseofbulletsrp · 7 months
→ 1901
The idea of an intelligence agency to govern behind/beyond the existing government’s occupation is born. The Gold Curtain is founded.
→1938 - 1950
The three men responsible for conceiving the idea of The Gold Curtain are sent to war. Ronald Bishop, Grant Underwood, and Jameson Rose. Grant loses his life leaving the idea’s future in the hands of his friends. 
→1951 - 1963
The US government establishes their own foreign intelligence agency known as the CIA. Soon after, multiple intelligence agencies were erected in several countries as the world descended into the meat of the Cold War. JFK is killed. 
Ronald Bishop’s son becomes the head of the US secret service and Jameson Rose’ daughter is the assistant to the Secretary of Defense. Together they renew the idea of ISO and seek funding through the government’s most influential and wealthy. 
Jameson Rose’ daughter, Marybeth gives birth. ISO is founded, officially, and under the name ‘International Special Operations’. China, Great Britain, Japan and the US’ work together to secretly fund the private agency as a deterrent for war crimes. 
Jameson Rose passes away of natural causes, leaving behind several children and grandchildren. He is remembered in ISO headquarters as one of the founding fathers of peace. 
Ronald Bishop passes away under mysterious circumstances in Washington, DC. His son, Wyatt Bishop,  is named ‘Chairman’ of ISO. He begins reorganizing the agency immediately. 
The UK agency headquarters is established in London, UK. A director is named and staff sent from functioning US offices to assist in launching the new branch of the agency. 
The UK’s first operation is successful and its agency fully operational. Michael Douglas is named Director of the UK's Agency. 
The US’ office announces its new Director, Lorenzo Armani. Lorenzo immediately recruits agent veteran Donovan Marcus to become the head of Agent Coordination, AKA, The Handler of its operation agents.
Dante is recruited out of High School by the CIA and sent to bootcamp.
Miles joins the Marines and is subsequently recruited on Dante’s recommendation.
CHICAGO JOB. Thomas ‘Banshee’ Idlewood is introduced as a Rogue Agent attempting to obstruct agents’ Miles and Dante Ackerman. 
Miles and Dante Ackerman are announced as ‘deceased’ publicly and labeled KIA to their respective agency.
Henry Daniel’s is apprehended by Federal Agents after agents intervene in his affairs during a trip to New Orleans, LA.
Agent Emily Palmer is killed in Syria. 
Several UK agents go Rogue and are labeled as Kill On Sight. Including Sweeney, Frankford, and Isaiah, following the death of the unit’s original leader. 
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brandedcities · 1 year
Frankford High School to likely remain closed next school year due to damaged asbestos
The School District of Philadelphia has announced that Frankford High School is expected to remain closed for the 2023-2024 school year due to damaged asbestos.
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justkending · 5 years
Used to Be Overlooked. Chapter 3.
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Summary: Steve Rogers was walking down the streets of Brooklyn after finishing a mission. The goal was just to take some time to clear his mind along the city streets, but when he runs into a gorgeous young lady that looks extremely familiar… How can he go about moving on? Who is she? What does he know her from? Was that memory even from this decade?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader (Rosalyn Ember/ Y/N ?)
Word Count: 2400+
Warning: SLOW BURN. Soooo slow, but sooooo worth it...
Series Masterlist
Chapter 3:
Steve woke with a jolt mid-sleep after he thought of something he haven’t realized he overlooked. He glanced over at the alarm clock and saw the bright red numbers.
4:08 am
He hesitated getting up and bothering someone knowing that everyone was most likely asleep still. It could be early enough for Nat or Bucky to be training, but they weren’t necessarily the people who could help him with this. Maybe Nat, but he knew she would hound him with questions about what he was doing if he did ask.
He threw his body back into the bed with an exaggerated huff of annoyance. Running his hands through his hair roughly, he let out another sigh.
After a few seconds of getting lost in his thoughts, he rolled his eyes at himself.
“Just go to bed Steve. Sleep it off,” he mumbled as he turned on his side.
Seconds that felt like hours went by before he quickly threw the sheets off to the side.
“I can’t. I can’t sleep thinking about it,” he groaned throwing his hands in the air, and walking to grab a shirt before heading to a computer.
He trudged through the hallways as quietly as he could. The next thing he knew, he found himself in front of a laptop in the kitchen. It wasn’t really hard to find some type of computer in the Avengers home, since almost every turn you took Tony had one installed.
He stared at the screen for a second still trying to decide if it was too late to call this obsession off. But of course, his curious nature won, and he opened google looking up the company’s name that he caught on the files you dropped.
“Williamson Lab,” he read. “Ok, she definitely wasn’t a guy named Jonah, or someone named Hunter Williamson.” he mumbled with a hand over his mouth as he continued to scroll and quickly became engrossed on the website determined to figure out who the woman who was a little too familiar to forget. “Ok now mystery gal. Who are you?”
He woke up to a loud clang in the kitchen and jutted up instantly looking around trying to remember where he was. The sun was barely coming in as it was just starting to rise, but that didn’t make the brightness any less harsh. He blinked a couple a times, and rubbed his eyes as he thought back to the night before, and the whole process of where he was now.
As he looked around, he noticed the sheets of notes that he had taken that were now scattered around him. One stuck to his arm from falling asleep on it.
“Morning sunshine,” a deep voice said snapping him out of his thought process, and reminding him that he wasn’t alone. “Busy night?”
He looked over at Bucky who was turning around from grabbing a cup a of coffee and had a devilish grin on his face.
“Morning,” he yawned gathering the papers hoping his friend didn’t catch them.
“Don’t try and hide it. I saw what you were looking up,” Bucky said taking a sip of the coffee. “Surprised you even knew how to work that thing, you prehistoric dinosaur,” he chuckled.
“We’re the same age. Technically, you’re older,” Steve said standing and going to grab a cup of coffee himself. “What time is it anyway?”
“7 am. I’m surprised you weren’t on one of your 10 mile runs, but I guess a girl getting in your head does that to you.”
Steve turned and shot a glare at his friend who still had a smug grin on his face as he drank his coffee looking out of the giant glass windows.
“Shut up,” Steve mumbled.
“So, find anything interesting?” Buck asked turning to him.
Steve rolled his eyes once again, but trudged back over to the computer before taking a drink and going over his notes. He knew Bucky wouldn't let up on the subject, and honestly, was the only person he felt comfortable talking to about it. He knew if anyone else figured out about his obsession with this girl, it would stir rumors that would lead to the whole crew teasing him.
“A lot actually. It took some deep research, but I think I found her.”
“Really?” Bucky asked walking over and standing across the counter from him. “What deep dark secrets did you get off of her?”
“Well, apparently, she’s the top Lab Tech Scientist Coordinator at this corporation called Williamson’s Lab. One of the youngest women to have such a high up job. She oversees all the operations they conduct, and a majority of it is vaccines and cures for illnesses and disease,” Steve explained reading the notes that he acquired over the four hours he spent researching.
“So a well known, young, female scientist that saves lives? Impressive. Sounds like a good one,” Bucky said smiling taking another sip.
“Apparently, she’s found cures for a lot of strange and severe fevers and colds that broke out over the last 2 years that others thought would take 10-15 years to get done,” he continued to read. “But that’s not even the big stuff Buck. As I kept looking things up, nothing goes past the last 5 years. She started at the company a year ago, and a couple of years before that she was recognized for some reward that was for youngest microbiologist to work alongside two extremely well known doctors.”
“Dr. Higa and Frankford. I didn’t really look too much into them,” Steve waved off. “All I know is that every time I found something on her it was for youngest something. But Buck?” he said looking up. “This is some high level stuff. Someone as young as her wouldn’t be able to get to this point without years and years of studying and school. She’s what?” he looked back at the papers. “26 almost 27.”
“I don’t see what you’re freaking out about. She just sounds super intelligent. I mean look at Tony he could do things at a really young age that a lot of people who spent their whole life doing couldn’t even begin to explain.”
“Yeah, I guess. But the thing that makes me wonder even more it the lack of information on her for anything further than 5 years back.”
“What’s her name? You didn’t even lead with that,” Bucky said coming around to look at the screen himself.
“Rosalyn Ember. 26 and from Fairview, New Jersey.”
“Hmm,” Bucky hummed. “I mean that is strange, but maybe her or her parents weren’t one for media and kept her out of it at a young age.”
“Why are you trying to find a solution for it all Buck?” Steve asked genuinely curious.
“Cause. This is the first time you’ve shown interest in a girl in a while, and I feel like you’re trying to sabotage it.” Bucky sighed motioning at the screen with multiple tabs open on this Rosalyn Ember.
“What? I’m not trying to-”
“You are literally trying to pick at the weak spots and break it down. Anything that seems vaguely off, your trying to poke and prod at to find an excuse for something to be wrong with her.”
“That’s not-”
“It’s the 2000’s now Steve. Women are finally allowed to come out and show off their brains. I don’t know about you, but I like my women with some activity up there. They are a whole lot better than some of the girls we used to hook up with.”
“Correction. You used to hook up with,” Steve laughed lightly putting his head in his hands.
“Whatever. Just don’t- don’t try to mess it up before it’s even begun,” Bucky said patting his best friend’s shoulder. “Maybe get Stark or Nat to look her up. I’m sure they can get you an address, and you can really go full stalker mode on her,” he winked leaving the room.
Steve wadded up a piece of paper, and threw it at him before he could get away. All he heard was the laugh as Bucky dodged it and ran down the hallway.
He rubbed at his eyes as he tried to wake up a little more, and took a big drink of the coffee in front of him.
“I’m not a stalker,” he mumbled into the cup before looking around to see if anyone else was going to come in. When he saw the coast was clear he put the mug down and began typing again. “I’m curious. There’s a difference.”
“Claire, go ahead and take the rest of the day off,” you said walking up to the counter and dropping off reviewed files.
“Are you sure? I mean you still have a lot to get done. I can stay a few more hours,” she said with a sincere look.
“Don’t worry about it. I know you have a date night with your fiance, and I’m not going to keep you from it,” you smiled.
“You’re positive?”
“Positive,” you waved as you walked back to your office, but quickly turned around. “Oh, one thing before you go though?”
“What’s that?”
“Send Dr. Higa that report that we went over. I told him I would make a copy, but all you need to do is fax it to his office.”
“On it,” she smiled starting to organizing things.
You walked back into your office, and began getting ready for another long night at your desk. Honestly, you could go home and do the work, but you tend to work better in this environment. No temptations of curling in your bed to binge another series on Netflix, or staying up to bake random sweet treats. Something you did to relax when stress was too much and you needed to satisfy your sweet tooth.
It had been over 24 hours since running into Steve, but that didn’t seem to be enough time to rid him from your thoughts. Every time you would throw yourself into work and just be getting enough done to get on a roll, he would pop right back up.
As you sat at your desk you let out a low groan running your fingers through your curls.
“Get it together. You are a professional,” you threw your hands on the desk and turned to your computer monitor trying to go over some lab results that were sent to you for approval, but once again became distracted. This time by a knock.
“Come in,” you said irritated before straightening up and put on a fake smile.
“Miss. Ember?” a man's head peaked out of the door.
“Yes. How can I help you?” you said cocking your head trying to get a better look at the man.
He smiled showing the small wrinkles at the corner of his brown eyes before fully entering and shutting the door behind him.
“I’m here to discuss an interesting matter that’s I’m having some troubles solving, and I heard you were the one that would have the most expertise in the area,” he said walking to your desk and putting a hand out for you to shake. “I made an appointment to talk with you about a week ago. You seem to have an extremely busy schedule.”
You furrowed your eyebrows not remembering having said appointment, but greeted him kindly anyway.
“Yes, quite busy indeed. A lot going on at the moment,” you laughed. “Take a seat Mr.-?” you waited for him to finish.
“Banner. Dr. Bruce Banner,” he smiled.
Your chest constricted knowing exactly who that was. The Avenger’s mad scientist himself. The Hulk was sitting 3 feet away from you. Shit, did Steve figure out who you were and now has his people seeking you out. No, no… That would be too much effort. How would he even be able to find you just off appearance? He didn’t remember you. Yet again, they were the Avengers and most likely could find anyone they wanted within seconds of typing in an eye color.
You weren’t sure if your facial expression changed or what, but Bruce gave you a worried look.
“Uh, are you ok? You look like you’re in shock,” he said leaning forward in a concerned way.
“Hm?” you said straightening up. “What? Oh, no. I’m fine,” you waved off. “I, uh, sorry excuse me. I guess you could just say I’m a little shocked that Bruce Banner is asking for my advice on something,” you said genuinely shocked, but not for those reasons. “How can I be of assistance?”
“Well, you are one of the top scientist in the nation for a multitude of things. I mean you’ve accomplished so many things at such an early part of your life,” he grinned.
“Right. Early part of my life.” you mumbled. He quirked an eyebrow, but you laughed it off. “Sorry, it’s been a long day. Lot of things on my mind. Don’t mind me talking to myself,” you played off organizing things on your desk
“If I need to come back another day, I-”
“Oh no! I would love to help with whatever you need. Honestly, I need to get my brain thinking about anything other than interns work.” you said walking over to the coffee machine on the wall. “Would you like some coffee?”
“No, thank you. It gets my heart rate up. I’m supposed to be careful about that,” he chuckled.
“Right.” you laughed softly bringing the mug back to your desk. “So what exactly do you have for me? I’ll answer as best as I can,” you smiled.
“Remind me, you have specialty in multiple fields, correct?” he asked pulling out some papers.
“Yes, although I specialize in microbiology, I did minor and master in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, epidemiology, and molecular biology.”
He gave you a blank stare. 
“How old are you again?”
You laughed. “26, I know. A lot of people don’t believe it, but when all you do your whole life is reading and wanting to learn, you get places. I was a unique adolescent to say the least.”
“I can tell. You seem extremely mature for your age as well.”
“Yes, my age,” you said through a smile as you looked down at the papers. “Well, it’s all about how you use your time, isn’t it?”
“I guess so.”
“Anyway, shall we?” you said motioning to the binder he had yet to fully pull out.
“Oh! Right!” he said taking it out. “I needed your help on a formula. I think I just plugged it in wrong, or maybe I’m using the wrong substances. Think you can go through and see what I’m missing?”
“I would love to.”
Chapter 4
Used to be Overlooked Tag:
@xa-dia  @losersunitetonight  @fashionlive15 @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @steverogersxreader @laneygthememequeen @lauravic @shreddedparchment @iheartsebastianstan @almostelegantfire @iheartsebastianstan @manymaria111 @shreddedparchment @carol-damn-vers @angelkurenai @squirrelgirl67 @stevieboyharrington @deaniebean
Other Tags:
@shamelesslydean @sleepless-sin  @sandlee44 @gripmetight-raisemefromperdition @supersleepygoat @justanotherwaywardsister-libary @spnwoman @ravengirl94 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @ezilyamuzed @thosekidswhohuntmonsters @purpleskiesandcherrypies @anise-d-castle6 @tailsoflightning @spookycowz @eve05glee @snffbeebee @deans-baby-momma @natura1phenomenon @tftumblin @gh0stgurl @screechingartisancashbailiff @kersumgen @herscrunchiehairtie @dreaminemz @staradorned @monkeymcpoopoo @a-girl-who-loves-disney@andthatsmyworld @greenarrowhead @savio-the-depressed-moose @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @greyeyedsmile14 @sundownridge @adoptdontshop-blog @casper57 @twentyonesupernaturalartist @traceyaudette @rainflowermoonlibrary @luciathewinchestergirl @almostelegantfire @thefaithfulwriter @deansgirl-1968
If I tagged you and you aren’t normally on my tag list, I thought you would enjoy the story. Fair warning, it is a slow burn so we will get to the bottom of the issue later, but the burn is what makes it soooooo sweet. I’m really excited for this series, and would love your feedback:) Thank you!
If you want removed let me know. After 3 chapters I will only tag those that I normally do, or those that ask:)
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phillyphangirl · 5 years
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August 14: The School District of Philadelphia held a press conference at Citizens Bank Park to encourage families to get excited about the first day of school, which is Tuesday, September 3. Dr. William R. Hite, Superintendent; Mayor Jim Kenney; Board of Education President Joyce Wilkerson; and District students, including the championship-winning Frankford High School baseball team and their coach, Juan Namnun, will join Phillies outfielder Roman Quinn and the Phillie Phanatic to build excitement for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. Miles Kennedy/Philadelphia Phillies
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verifiedaccount · 6 years
I was tagged by @antediluvianbaby
Nicknames: Phil
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5′7″
Time: 8:07 PM
Favorite band/artist: Wire
Song stuck in my head: Godz // Permanent Green Light (have found myself absentmindedly repeating “Perrrrrmmmaannennnnnnt green light” in my head over and over recently)
Last movie I saw: In theaters, First Man (which I guess was more than a month ago now), watched Goodbye South, Goodbye over the past three days (I kept not getting to it until it was late and I was tired so it ended up spread out).
Last thing I googled: “filthy frank joji” to make sure I couldn’t remember whether Joji or Yaeji was the Filthy Frank one
Other blogs: I’m part of @wwwyzzerdd-dot-com @trynsave @pop-squared all of which are currently inactive
Do I get asks: rarely. I don’t usually know how to respond so I think my answers are pretty dull most of the time
Why I chose this username: Just because
Following: blogs
Average amount of sleep: Hard to determine. Often spend nights feeling unable to fall asleep and getting up and down from bed but the time has passed and I must have been asleep for some of it
What I’m wearing: comfortable clothes
Dream job: Behind the scenes creative job in film and/or television
Dream trip: I’m not a huge fan of traveling, would prefer being visited
Favorite food: More something I miss due to moving to CA from PA but hoagies and cheesesteaks, especially from Lee Brothers on Frankford Ave in Philly
Play any instruments: Used to play double bass in orchestras/chamber groups from elementary through high school and played a bit of bass guitar but haven’t touched either in years
Hair color: brown
Languages you speak: English
Most iconic song: Can // Oh Yeah
Random fact: I’ve just received news that George HW Bush has died
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: I’m not sure how to do that
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distrolord · 6 years
#Repost @therealremyredd ・・・ What have I been saying our children are feed up and willing to fight back. Y’all help me@find this child. We need to support her against the attacks that will be coming now. If the principal did use racial slurs we know she won’t get in trouble. We know how the system is set up. We must take care of our own. --------------------------------------------------@wokevideo ・・・ Student Fights Principal for Racial Slur and Laying Hands Frankford High School Philadelphia a student gets in to a fight with the principal for allegedly calling her a racial slur and then making the mistake of touching her while she was removing her earrings and didn't realize she wasn't the one to mess with. Principal is pressing charges. Stay Woke In the United States, the school-to-prison pipeline (SPP), also known as the school-to-prison, is the disproportionate tendency of melanated minors from disadvantaged backgrounds to become incarcerated, because of White supremacist policies. How should a Black student respond to a Teacher calling them a n-word, darky or porchmonkey?  #BlackConsciousness #frankfordhighschool #racialintimidation #racialslurs #philadelphia -------------------------------------------------- Follow me also @therealremyredd #therealremyredd @colossill (The Black App) #BotherVex (BackUp) #blackinamerica #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHistory #blackhistorymonth #StephCurry #Lebron #Nas #Beyonce #Jayz #KimKardashian #cardib #WillSmith #Worldstar #getthestrap #colinkaepernick #Hiphop #DanielClary #JusticeForDanyeJones #Rkelly #survivingrkelly #JazmineBarnes #NiaWilson #Souljaboy https://www.instagram.com/p/BtmCIe7Fc_5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l9b728e1nr0r
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The recipient of March's Giving Tap is The Grateful Shed, a non-profit self-serve community food pantry located in Frankford Township, NJ. The Grateful Shed is a dignified place for residents to turn to in their time of hunger and food insecurity, whether it be personal or to help support someone in need. 🍻 This unique food pantry was started by three friends during the first shutdown of Covid19. It began with a simple idea of adding snacks to the school’s vestibule for families when picking up their school lunches. With overwhelming community support, their outreach was soon covering the township and a local regional high school. They quickly realized this was an unchecked need and it has become part of who we are as people and our community. The Grateful Shed now has a forever home at the Frankford Township Municipal Building with self-service for patrons five days a week. 🍻 The Grateful Shed will receive $1.00 from every “No Limit” sold during the month of March and monies received will help continue to grow their community and service journey! No Limit is a Schwarzbier dark lager and a guest beer from Magnify Brewing Company. Cheers! 🍻 @thegratefulshed_frankfordnj @magnifybrewing #thegratefulshed #thegratefulshednj #foodpantry #stophunger #selfservefoodpantry #feedthehungry #communityhelp #communitysupport #kroghs #kroghbar #brewpub #brewpubnj #thegivingtap #drinkbeer #drinkbeeranddonate #donateforagoodcause #charity #foragoodcause #lendahelpinghand #connectivity #giveback #peoplehelpingpeople #handcraftbeer #handcraftbeernj #craftbeer #craftbeernj #lakemohawk #lakemohawknj #spartanj (at Krogh's Restaurant & Brew Pub) https://www.instagram.com/p/CakQPENuWVx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gracie-bird · 5 years
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1947-12-10: Gladys Skinner, president of the Frankford High School student body, receives the Lemuel Whitaker sportsmanship trophy from Fred Foertsch, assistant director of physical education in the city, at student exercises today. John B. Kelly, Sr., (left) was the principal speaker. The cup was voted to Frankford by teams, coaches, and principals of all Public High League teams.
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charleswiedenmann · 2 years
Phicklephilly - The Going of the Dark Lord
Phicklephilly – The Going of the Dark Lord
It’s funny how life works. You think you’re destined for one thing and then you become something else. I guess that’s what evolution is. I went to high school at Frankford in Philly. Started a band and was flourishing. Was ripped from that and dropped off in Wildwood, Nj  do wither in the winter. Did well in that school, and started another band. Left Wildwood, and went to California. Rocked out…
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stephen-barry · 3 years
3 month old article, but this type of training will help Pennsylvania with green energy related jobs. Can we get more similar training in other districts?
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Philadelphia school district starts 3-year solar training program
The Philadelphia Energy authority marked a milestone in Pennsylvania’s equitable transition to clean energy, opening the Solar Training Lab at Frankford High School. “Philadelphia is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050, and that effort will create thousands of jobs,” said Mayor Jim Kenney. “We need our young people to have access to those careers,…
The post Philadelphia school district starts 3-year solar training program appeared first on Solar Power World.
from Solar Power World https://ift.tt/3CrVnWz
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brandedcities · 1 year
Philadelphia school staff hold rally to draw awareness to asbestos issues
Building 21, Frankford High School and Mitchell Elementary are currently closed due to asbestos.
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imaginationlane · 7 years
The Assistant [Part 4 of ? // Bill Skarsgard x Reader Imagine]
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Warnings: Adult Language, Adult Themes, Sexual Situations / Smut
Need to catch up on previous chapters? Click here.
[As always, please ignore any typos, errors and so forth as I generally catch any that I miss -- after publication. Therefore I’ll fix them as time progresses.]
Musical Inspiration: Delicate by: T. Swift [I’m trying to avoid getting this site flagged because she is way too serious about streaming sites right now lol.]
Another song that ended up becoming a good inspiration for this chapter is Lonely Together (Acoustic Version) by: Avicil & Rita Ora.
Original Chapter Posted On: December 10, 2017 Newly Edited & Revised Chapter Posted On: September 10, 2020
A night out on the town for a few drinks, was all I had signed up for. But in reality… I got way more than I had ever bargained for when my boss and close personal friend, Bill Skarsgard, asked me to join him during a wrap party that the crew was hosting that night. In hindsight, I should have seen this coming. After all, we were both having issues in our own respective relationships and for some reason, we had found it easier to just confide in each other – rather than in our own significant others. Yet in the end, do the reasons ever truly matter when you begin an affair with your friend who also happens to be your boss? I often ask myself just how selfish could we be; he and I? The answer is: we’re completely selfish and neither of us really cares if this secret burns us alive – because it’s within each other, that we have finally found the things we had been looking for the whole time…
September 15, 2013 --
Champagne flowed freely and classical piano music played in the background as people happily mingled amongst one another. Well, everyone except for me that is. Instead, I sat at the bar and continued to play with my drinking glass. My father was proudly hosting a party for one of our models, Olivia Moore, who had just gotten signed to walk in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show this year.
When I considered the astounding implications of my surroundings, I was forced to admit that I was in vastly strange and unforgiving territory. I had went to school for four years to earn my degree in Communications, while this chick had nothing more than a high school diploma and was excelling further in life than I could ever hope to. The thought alone was depressing as hell.
Upon graduating earlier this year from NYU, my folks had gifted me with a 1.8 million dollar condo in the city in hopes that I would be the sibling that stayed behind and came into the family business. After all, when your parents run one of the most sought-after modeling and talent agencies on the east coast of the United States, The Frankford Talent Institute, they clearly had high hopes that I would eventually want to join in the family business at some point. It was only natural really. However, I wanted to build a life for myself and find my own success, which was why I informed them that I had dreams and aspirations of being able to take my degree into the media industry. Or perhaps even work my way up as a Director of Communications for a well-known company that was doing some good in the world. Of course, I could tell they were slightly let down by the revelation, but they decided to support me regardless.
After three months of endless application processes, I was soon faced with the reality that not one single office in the city I had applied to had even called me back for an interview. With the economy trying to recover, I quickly discovered that trying to get in with one of these companies was going to be next to impossible unless I knew someone who worked in any of these places. As my savings started to dwindle into the red, I came to grips with the fact that I had to shelve that dream and ultimately take my parents up on their employment offer. They were ecstatic with my change of heart while I, on the other hand, had to gently remind them that me coming on-board was only temporary, as I did want to build my own life and career at some point.
Now here I was, sipping on pink champagne at the bar and watching my new boss, Olivia, mingle around and put herself out there with other talent scouts that had been invited to the party. Upon arriving within the company, my dad immediately placed me as Olivia's assistant. My job? Keep her on time for all of her appointments, handle her scheduling needs, and most importantly of all, keep her happy. I soon found out, however, that Olivia was almost next to impossible to please. In fact, I was sitting here feeling like a cheap prostitute, thanks to her insisting that I wear this incredibly short black dress, because in her words, "my assistant has to look at least halfway decent if she's going to appear with me in public."
Fuck my life.
This dress was so short, I texted my father prior to us arriving tonight simply to apologize for how I would look and inform him that Olivia was making me wear it. Luckily, my dad was a patient person who understood that sometimes the talent we acquired had outlandish requests for us once in a while.
It was enough to make me feel like jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge, to be honest. 
"You look ready to throw yourself off the balcony and give everyone the finger while you do it," a voice suddenly spoke out from behind me, startling me out of my daze.
I swiveled my seat around in hopes of figuring out who had exposed my master plan so carelessly in public. Yet when I finally looked up and into his eyes, I wasn't exactly prepared for how insanely gorgeous this stranger was.
Oh, holy shit... Hello, handsome.
"How rude. Don't you know it's terrible manners to expose people's plans so publicly? Now I have to come up with a new idea. I smiled back at him, watching as a smirk lit up the features on his handsome face.
His hand extended outwards, waiting for me to take it. After a brief moment, I set my glass back down on the bar and grasped his larger hand within my own.
“I’m Bill, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Y/N, and it’s nice to meet you too.”
Bill's head tilted towards the side slightly, almost as if he were trying to put a puzzle together inside of his mind. "Y/N? You wouldn't happen to be related to the guy whose company is throwing this get together, would you?"
Momentarily, I closed my eyes and bit my lip nervously as I allowed my hand to slip away from his.
"Mister Julius Y/L/N happens to be my father, and our new Victoria's Secret model, Miss Olivia Moore, just so happens to be my boss. I'm her assistant, I explained whilst slowly reaching for my glass on top of the bar.
After I finished taking a sip of the bubbly liquid, I set my glass back down once again before I refocused my attention back to him.
"If you're looking to network with someone truly important, you might want to try my dad. Otherwise, you're barking up the wrong tree as I can't help you with much of anything else," I warned him playfully, hoping he would get the hint that I wasn't anyone he should waste his time with.
A chuckle escaped his lips, and his delightfully green eyes landed solely upon mine. "It's a good thing I wasn't looking to mingle with anyone truly important then," he replied with a wink.
My laughter bubbled to the surface, as I shook my head at his poor attempt at possible flirting.
“That was terrible!” 
His smile grew into larger than life proportions as he took in my reaction.
“Was it?”
August 25, 2016 -- Present:
My eyelids fluttered open, bringing me back to reality. It had been a while since I had dreamt about that fateful meeting between Bill and I. It also left me wondering how the hell I had missed some of the most obvious signs from our past.
Gray clouds rolled in, darkening the morning sky. Thunder rolled in the distance, and the last thing I wanted to do was crawl out of this bed, especially since Bill was snuggling against my back and I could feel his soft breathing gently ghosting across my neck and shoulder. It was our last official day here and he hadn't left my side all night, refusing to leave me to my own devices after what had previously transpired between us. Instead, after we had collected ourselves off the floor, he ran a bath for me and insisted that I get in it and relax, while he stayed behind in the kitchen and cleaned up the remnants of our ruined dinner. I guess after what had happened between us, he wanted to handle me more tenderly, almost delicately. I didn't think I would even need that kind of affectionate attention, but it felt nice to receive it nevertheless.
My eyes slipped shut, as the events of last night flashed through my mind: his fire and passion, all-consuming and never-ending.
What an intricate web we weave.
Surprisingly, I had always thought that if a man were to treat me as roughly as I had been treated last night during sex, that I wouldn't enjoy it. But the truth was... I highly enjoyed it. And I think it was because it was with him. For some reason, it was just easy with Bill. Perhaps it was because I knew him better than most others did, and therefore I was more comfortable to fall back and allow him to take the lead. Ultimately, I had deduced that it was solely because I trusted him to lead the way.
It's a rare and fickle thing, trust. It's not easily attainable and can be shattered with just the tiniest infraction. Yet, given our remarkable circumstances, I trusted Bill immeasurably. He had seen me through several high and low points over the few precious years we had known each other, and never once had he judged me. I could say the same for my interactions with him as well, because of working so closely together. He had sometimes just needed a friend to vent to and be there with him, and that’s what I provided without fail. He did a lot of growing up alone over the years, basically only seeing friends and family back home whenever the opportunities had managed to present themselves outside of his work schedules. But underneath it all, I knew how difficult it was to live and grow on your own, and he did it all in a different country because his goals and aspirations in his life had demanded it from him. Underneath the growing affection I so obviously began developing for him, was a deep layer of profound respect for him as well.
Before we had met each other, we were simply a couple of young adults just stumbling through life. In a lot of ways, we still were even today. Bill has had a few discrete liaisons over the years before getting with his current girlfriend, while I was just a city girl with a dream of a bigger life who normally played things safe in the romance department. I didn't sleep around, particularly in my past, nor did I just jump into everything with my now ex-boyfriend John either. The fact of the matter was, this illicit little affair is probably the most risque thing I've ever done in my entire life. Alas, here we were, and I was enjoying what little time we had left together before reality was due to set back in tomorrow.
My ever-increasing thoughts were interrupted as I felt his arm tighten around my midsection and a pair of pillow-soft lips land perfectly in the crook of my neck.
“Good morning,” I whispered with a smile. 
Damn, I could get used to this.
He simply hummed against my neck, allowing his hands to begin gently wandering up towards my breasts. Upon giving my left breast a tender squeeze, I breathed out an airy giggle, hoping he would continue his subtly sweet exploration of my body.
"God, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," he grumbled quietly. His lips started drifting towards my exposed ear while he licked and nipped at my exposed skin.
He says that to me a lot now, but deep down I'm still wondering how long it's been like this for him. Has it truly been from the very beginning, since our very first meeting? It couldn't be. Yet, with the way this is currently playing out, I can't automatically discredit that possibility either.
"You should have just told me, you know. We could have possibly been doing this a hell of a lot sooner," I mused softly, taking in his tender affections and closing my eyes. I wanted to fall into the moment and submerge myself in his touch.
He halted his task at hand and sat up, pulling me back so I could turn and face him, causing the sheet that was covering me to slip down my body and expose my chest to him.
At that moment, it didn't matter that I probably had an insane case of bedhead or that I felt like I needed to get up and make myself look more presentable. None of those trivial things mattered presently. All that mattered right now was that we had each other all to ourselves, and the only thing I could do was burn this moment into my memory, praying that it never fades away.
How is this even my life right now? What the hell did I manage to do right?
Bill's eyes locked me in under his intense gaze and all I could do was bite my lip as I watched him observe me.
"You're right, I should have done this a hell of a lot sooner," he whispered to me before his lips came to rest on top of my own in a delicately tender kiss.
It never ceased to amaze me just how much his kisses always seemed to make me halt in my tracks and have me come to a complete mental standstill. With him, it felt as if time stopped and it was only just the two of us. The world outside of these four walls ceased to exist, and the only thing that made any sense anymore was his skin pressed so close to mine.
"I need you," I pleaded quietly whilst he pulled back and peered into my eyes.
“I know, I need you too.”
I could hear the thunder coming closer while a flash of lightning briefly illuminated the room for a second, and the rain started to gently tap against the window behind my bed.
I pressed my lips to his, drinking in his intoxicating kiss as his hands began to drift down the side of my body, bringing me even closer to him. Wrapping my leg around his hip, he shifted his body atop of my own and settled deep between my thighs. My hands wandered aimlessly across his body As his left hand cupped my face, he pulled back and closed his eyes, resting his forehead against my own. His breath fanned across my face effortlessly, while my hands drifted into his feathery brown hair.
“Are you okay?” I asked him, suddenly worried that he may be second-guessing this whole thing after all. 
“With you, I’m perfect.” 
Pulling his head back up, he stared down at me once more, almost as if he were committing this moment into his memory too. I began to feel slightly exposed and shy under his intense scrutiny. Bill's piercing gaze made my breath catch in my throat, which caused me to momentarily avert my eyes away from his. His eyes were so intense that it suddenly made me feel bashful.
"Please... Please don't do that. Look at me," he paused, causing me to shift my attention back to him. "You're so beautiful."
There’s my head, my heart, and I’m so caught in the middle.
As I pulled his lips back down to my own, I poured my feelings into the kiss, hoping that whatever I couldn't articulately verbalize to him, he would possibly understand through my actions instead. I knew better than to hope that he would be just mine, but that didn't mean that I didn't wish for it either. And if I could only have him during these few fleeting moments, then so be it. I would selfishly take it all.
Our bodies molded together in a perfect rhythm of forbidden ecstasy as I felt him slip inside of me with ease. His thrusts were tortuously slow, burning me alive with want and need. Bill temporarily broke our kiss, causing our eyes to lock as his right hand drifted outwards, splaying itself across my arm and interlocking with my left one. His gentle thrusts never stopped as I kept my eyes solely upon his. The intimacy of this act wasn't lost upon me. If anything, I openly welcomed this unique change of pace.
Leaning his head towards mine, he leisurely kissed me once again. His tongue darted against my lips, silently begging for entrance, which I readily granted him. Deliberately, his tongue slowly intertwined with mine. This kiss felt lazy and beautiful all at the same time. I could feel myself getting even wetter as he sensuously thrust himself inside of me. Bill was stimulating me not just on a physical level, but perhaps even more so on an emotional one as well -- and I wasn’t entirely prepared for it.
Maybe that was why my orgasm snuck up on me and blindsided me, causing me to pull back from our kiss and gasp. My brows furrowed as I felt myself free-fall over the edge and my blood caught fire within my veins. Bill realized what was transpiring the second it happened, as my muscles had clamped down onto him.
"Eyes on me, darling, keep them on me," he reminded me breathlessly, all while he continued to watch me in sheer amazement, tortuously grinding himself further into my body and working himself through my orgasm.
The second I came back down from my high, his head came to rest against my own while I finally allowed my eyes to slip closed for a moment. The sound of thunder, along with our heavy breathing filled the room while he continued pushing himself further inside. My hands came to rest on his scalp, threading themselves within his luscious chocolate-colored locks as he dipped his head to take my nipple into his fiery hot mouth. Sparks ignited within me once again the second his wet tongue swirled around the perky bud, and I felt myself losing grip once more.
It was maddening, just how easily he could make me come undone. It was almost as if my body spoke a certain language that only he knew fluently. I felt the passion, desire, and heat building between us whilst he gingerly thrust his hips against my own. I had never experienced something as tender or as sensual as this before, not with anyone. Not even John. It felt as if time was suspended and reality no longer existed. I had completely forgotten where Bill ended and I began. It was beautiful, all-encompassing, and was only eclipsed by the fact that I felt my fortified walls beginning to crumble down around me.
It was only then that it finally dawned on me about what was truly transpiring here: we weren't just having sex. He was making love to me.
A moan fell from my lips as I tossed my head back against the soft pillows. My vision began to blur and I felt another wave of release rip straight out of me -- causing me to feel as if I were going to explode. Bill's lips sought mine while his thrusts grew slightly more erratic. His hand clasped mine as he pulled back so he could watch me free-fall into the abyss all over again. His heavy breath fanned against my face as lightning flashed across the room once again. The thunder rolled overhead in the dark and foreboding skies outside, but inside -- we had never felt safer, cocooned, or more alive.
Our interlocked hands gripped each other tightly, neither one of us willing to stop the undeniable inevitability of what was happening. The rain pounded relentlessly against the glass, letting us know that the storm had picked up momentum outside, just as we did right here in this bed. It was a beautiful symphony of emotion and physicality that never ceased to amaze me every time we came together.
"Oh God," he moaned aloud, gripping my hand even tighter than before, allowing his release to pull him into a world of sheer euphoria. Bill's green eyes stared hard into mine as he let go of my hand, cupped the side of my face, and brought my lips to his for a searing kiss that almost left me completely breathless. I could feel him twitching and spasming deep within my body, while I just stared up at him in wonder-filled amazement.
After he finished, he breathlessly collapsed atop of me, unable to move while he caught his breath. I laid there silently, softly running my fingers through his partially sweaty hair and kissed the side of his head, giving him the few moments he so desperately needed to collect himself.
“What have you done to me?” He groaned weakly from beside me.
The truth was, I didn't have an answer to that question, because I was wondering just what the hell he had done to me as well.
August 26, 2016 -- 6:24 A.M. 
The storm from yesterday refused to yield while the rain continued to pour down endlessly, as I stood behind the glass storm door, waiting for our taxi to arrive. Bill and I had decided several days ago to catch a car to the airport together. We would both catch a flight to New York's JFK International Airport and from there, he would catch his next flight into Sweden. I should be happy to be heading home, but the truth was... I wasn't. I was feeling slightly depressed knowing that tomorrow morning, I wouldn't be waking up by his side.
He has clearly spoiled me...
My heart began to race, as I felt a pair of lean muscular arms slip around my waist and pull me closer towards his body.
"Are you trying to get seen by the neighbors?" I kept my tone light, as I humorously tried to point out the obvious to him.
"Fuck 'em," he mumbled, placing his lips against the crook of my neck. I was beginning to wonder if that was his favorite spot to kiss on my body. Not that I was complaining though.
His response caused me to laugh and finally relax into his embrace. This vacation house had turned into our own private little sanctuary over the past few days. Leaving it all behind to return to our normal lives seemed like a very depressing idea indeed.
"This really sucks," I whispered on bated breath, hoping I hadn't just fucked up and made him think I couldn't handle this.
“I know,” he nudged me gently, working his way towards my ear. 
"Time away should do us both a world of good, to be honest. We're not sure of what this is, so maybe we both need time to figure it out, and for you to decide what you want." My suggestion came out as a pleading whisper, hopeful that he would understand that both of us needed time to think about where we stood.
At the moment, he and I were dancing around something. What though, I couldn't be sure. But he needed to get things on his end together. The truth was, I didn't know if I felt comfortable continuing this if he decided to keep his current relationship going. I felt bad enough already, I knew my conscience wouldn’t be able to handle carrying this on for much longer.
Bill pulled back slightly, releasing his hold on me enough to simply turn me around to face him. 
“I know that I like who I am when I'm with you, and I know I can trust you more than anyone else in my life. I also know that I can't get enough of you, and you drive me fucking insane with need." He paused as he growled out that last part and pecked my lips once again. "I just need some time to get things straightened out on my end, but I swear... I will. And when I do, you’ll know."
A small and meek smile graced my lips as I glanced away from his intense gaze.
Only time would tell if he still felt this way in a few weeks, especially after seeing her again.
"I like who I am when I'm with you too," I answered back quietly. Bill lifted my chin towards him and laid a gentle kiss upon my lips.
It never failed to amaze me just how much his lips could hypnotize me. His kisses were intoxicating, and all I wanted in that second was to shut the door and miss our flights.
"Why did you have to book our flights so early?" He whined as he pulled back from our kiss. It felt nice to know that I wasn't the only one who had similar thoughts racing through their mind.
I gave him a small giggle, turning my attention back to him. "I would think after practically all day yesterday, you would be good to go and begging for a break by now," I surmised breathlessly, my hand gently brushing against his right cheek.
"I can never get enough of you, and I don't want to," he told me, capturing my lips with his own once more.
I'm an actual idiot for this, I know I am, but I'm a willing idiot because right now, I don't care how badly this will hurt me when this whole thing crashes and burns.
Gathering a fist full of his black leather jacket in my hands, I sunk deeper into his kiss without a care in the world.
It was only when a car horn blared outside that we were brought back into the real world, and faced with the grim reality that once we stepped outside of this door, we could no longer be this affectionate with one another.
As I pulled back from his grasp, I released my hold on him and leaned down to grab the handle on my rolling suitcase.
"Are you ready?" I asked him sadly, while I prepared myself to make the best of this time apart.
"Unfortunately, I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Let's go," he suggested as he opened the door and popped open the umbrella so we could make our way out towards the cab.
There you go, Part 4 is done! 
Tagging: @kikilikes, @readsalot73, @diianawonka, @goswedish, @rougxlips @ffixation, @shadowpriestess6, @vladsgirl, @mrsbillskarsgard, @billgardskars, @adoresfandoms, @mightbelindsey, @we-are-like-a-timebomb, @fandomimcurrentlyobsessedabout, @negan5589, @decayingdeathh, @unicorn-glitter-princess, @voidpaintings, @the-fandom-phantom-fanfics, @mishdennise
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