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spanky606 · 6 years ago
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@Regran_ed from @therealremyredd - Well #LetsTalkAboutIt is he telling any lies????? #BeingBlackInAmerica WAKE UP DO YOU KNOW WHO DANYE JONES IS ???????????He was lynched and left for his mother to find in their back yard. Think about how bold these racists have to be that they lynched her son in her own back yard. TAKE A SECOND AND THINK ABOUT THAT. They left his body hanging for her to find. If that doesn’t make you want to do something you are dead already. We have to come together or more people will be waking up to their children hanging in trees. ------------------------------------------------- SO PLEASE Go donate to Melissa Mckinnies Go Fund Me Page. Help her attain the financial resources to cover the cost of her son's unsolved murder investigation. Link will be in my bio, Click on the link to help. @melissadeno2 SAID "she Sat down with Sandra Bland’s sister and attorney and he said that after getting Danye’s body back up and for the PI, legal team, and autopsy, we’re looking at more like $400,000 or $500,000! ". #JusticeForDanyeJones SHARE GO DONATE to Danye's mothers cash app or her GoFundMe in Memory of Danye Jones. Let's show Melissa Mckinnies that we love her son as if he was our own. Go support the Family of Danye Jones MOTHER ⬇️ facebook.com/melissa.mckinnies Instagram @melissadeno2 BROTHER ⬇️ facebook.com/VON.Jones3 Instagram @jv.world SISTER⬇️ https://www.facebook.com/melishaj2 THESE ARE CALCULATED ASSASSINATIONS CARRIED OUT BY WHITE SUPREMACIST. This is not a WAR OF ANY KIND it’s a GENOCIDE. -------------------------------------------------- #getthestrap #ThisisAmerica #danielclary #DanyeJones #MelissaMcKinnies #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BqKiNCNniGE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r5oh3hujdcz2
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hunidrackmack-blog · 6 years ago
@Regran_ed from @societysconcerns - 🙏 @Regran_ed from @wokevideo - The son of Ferguson activist #MelissaMcKinnies, Danye Jones was found lynched on October 17. Police are investigating Jones' death as a suicide. McKinnies says her son was lynched with a sheet that did not come from her house. #STAYWOKE to the new rules of White Supremacy, here's the play: McKinnies is going to get loud, news of her son's death will be reported mainstream. There will be a quick investigation, and in the end it will be judged a suicide. And that's how the Police communicate Black Lives Don't Matter. That's how they slowly pick us off one by one, the bold and the mighty first, the ones that stand up and inspire others to rise. But Hey, What can she do about it? Right? Black children taken from their mothers is an American tradition. #ferguson #thisisamerica #DanyeJones #blacklivesmatter - #regrann #justicefordanyejones - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpw_Wh6B2NE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=101xra1laoktw
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wolverinetwentynineteen · 5 years ago
@anakasparianofficial @misspinkiemarie #ivsaver(@get_ivsaver) Social Justice Saturday via @xblacktivistx (@get_repost) ・・・ this is very accurate, also it is one of the reasons i believe that white people are racially privileged. sure there may be white people who aren’t the most fortunate when it comes to wealth or something else, but no matter what in America white people are racially privileged because they don’t have to worry about things that a black person or person of color has to worry about because of the color of their skin. #justice #blacklivesmatter #whiteprivilege #trump #danyejones #justiceforjunior #justicefordanyejones #trayvonmartin #emmetttill #tamirrice #philandocastile #sandrabland #sayhisname #sayhername #amerikkka #malcolmx #martinlutherking #blackpantherparty #bobbyseale #hueypnewton https://www.instagram.com/p/B8HWMPsFMne/?igshid=3srchut20xb6
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dmvlituations · 6 years ago
Repost By therealremyredd: I keep telling y’all freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences. -------------------------------------------------- Follow me also @therealremyredd #therealremyredd @colossill (The Black App) #BotherVex (BackUp) #blackinamerica #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHistory #blackhistorymonth #StephCurry #Lebron #Nas #Beyonce #Jayz #KimKardashian #cardib #WillSmith #Worldstar #getthestrap #colinkaepernick #Hiphop #DanielClary #JusticeForDanyeJones #Rkelly #survivingrkelly #JazmineBarnes #NiaWilson #Souljaboy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt68ouKBSKd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12jlc57460qlu
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drinhiding · 6 years ago
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#RIPDanye He was lynched in St. Louis, MO. The Local Police Department wants to rule his death a suicide. It's crazy out there and these white supremacists are really lynching on a low key in 2018. Stay woke guys. No Justice, No peace!!! #JusticeforDanyeJones DrKinu - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BpsLiz9BGpj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12y37zt6hv2q6
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youngbuddy25-blog · 6 years ago
This #4barfriday flow was to bring light on a situation that occurred 2 weeks ago. Young man by the name of Danye Jones was found beaten and bruised hanging from a tree with his pants down in his own backyard. It was ruled as a suicide. The mother Melissa Mckinnies is fighting to have the case re opened to have it reviewed again. This news has not been broadcast and televised therefore most do not know. #justicefordanyejones (at Flagler County, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpsGEagldRH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j6lt7j4uqjfe
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nosugarradiollc · 6 years ago
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#justicefordanyejones ✊🏽 He could have been your son, brother, cousin, but REMEMBER WE’RE ALL GODS CHILDREN❗️ #NoSugarRadio #SpeakOnIt #ThaWorldTourMixtape #radio #radiostation #undergroundhiphop #internetradio #radiohost #new #love #music #dmv #bmore #baltimore #bmoreradio #indiemusic #black #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #spotify #musician #musicvideo #radioshow #radioplay #nextup #followforfollow #follow4follow (at No Sugar Radio) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpqe_IRgPbO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wnjujrsaeb47
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lionzkingsview-blog · 6 years ago
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@chakabars ・・・ #getout is real Need you to make some noise about this family! Share this, dm it to friends etc. We need to protect black women and seek justice, when they are facing mad stuff because they are black and women. JUSTICE FOR TAMLA ST. JOUR HORSFORD. WE WONT STOP. Black woman murdered At football moms sleep over. This is 40 year old Tammy, mother of 5 boys and a daughter. She was murdered on November 4th 2018 , while attending a sleep over with 7 white woman. What was suppose to be an all woman’s slumber party, ended in a mysterious night of questions.Tammy was found brutally beaten facedown in the yard later that morning. Her body was discovered by the homeowner's aunt at 7:30 a.m.. 911 was called around 930 a.m..at the same house these women shared laughs and drinks earlier that evening. Now here’s the strange part three men also attended this sleep over, so out of the 10 people present nobody knows what happened to Tammy??? So you mean to tell me Tammy was murdered at this sleep over, and nobody heard or seen anything. Yes correct nobody knows what happened. To top it off there was no thorough murder investigation, and procedure was not followed ie. THE NEWS WAS NEVER INVOLVED. Tammy’s family hasn’t received autopsy reports stating the cause of death.So this black lady gets murdered, and everyone walks out that house FREE... back to their football Mom duties.These families involved have political ties and lots of money. They’re covering up her murder. In fact they believe noone cares enough about this BLACK LADY. Since they have already been successful in delaying documents on her case and keeping things under wraps.Sound like white privilege to me, what y’all think?? Please share this story Justice for Tam!! LET ME KNOW IF Y’ALL WANNA SEE THE REST OF THE NEWS REPORT! Love to @techimmortal for sharing and Sheila bray for writing this! -------------------------------------------------- Follow me also @therealremyredd #therealremyredd @colossill (The Black App) #BotherVex (BackUp) #blackinamerica #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHistory #blackhistorymonth #JusticeForDanyeJones #JusticeforTamlaHorsford #TamlaHorsford #justicefortammy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt-pTAXBoPQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11seaojmyj18a
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arianabusbee · 6 years ago
Look how they treat the man with the gun and telling the kids to go outside and be shot,the establishment didn’t call the police,just told the kids to leave whilst using profanity and calmly told the gentleman standing up for them they have to leave(CHILDREN) outside with the MAN WHO HAS A GUN #wakeup #outaracist #boycott companies who want ur money but not ur life #✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿 do what’s right no matter the situation,no matter what people look like Posted @withrepost • @therealremyredd #BeingBlackInAmerica - So a white man pushes a black teenager and than pulls a gun on the rest of the teens. The teens were visibly shaken by the incident but instead of getting help, the manager yelled for them to get out. She doesn’t call the police on the man who is clearly the aggressor. NO SHE ATTTACKS THE CHILDREN KICKING THEM OUT PUSHING THEM INTO HARMS WAY. This all happened in McDonald's in Minnesota. RACIST PROTECTING RACIST. I am happy one man was willing to say what was right and tell her to call the police on the man with the gun. THE SAD THING IS WE ALL KNOW THE COPS WILL COME AND BLAME THE CHILDREN AND THEY WILL FIND SOME WAY TO MAKE THEM WRONG. -------------------------------------------------- Follow me also @therealremyredd #therealremyredd @colossill (The Black App) @Blitter #Blitter (BlackTwitter) #BotherVex (BackUp) #blackinamerica #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHistory #blackhistorymonth #StephCurry #Lebron #Nas #Beyonce #KimKardashian #cardib #nickiminaj #Worldstar #getthestrap #ThisisAmerica #colinkaepernick #Hiphop #Nike #boycottnfl #danielclary #DanyeJones #MelissaMcKinnies #loveandhiphop #Thanksgiving #snoopdogg #JusticeForDanyeJones https://www.instagram.com/p/BqcvP3TBqw3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dxvml4of6leh
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jedihersh · 6 years ago
Reposted from @therealremyredd - I waited to post this to see what people had to say. To see how much hypocrisy I would see. How many people who are doing exactly what Steve said are acting like he is so wrong. Many of us don’t want to admit that our lives are lives trying not to piss off white People. While many of you sit behind a private account pointing fingers. You don’t think of what it cost the ones who don’t hide. You don’t think about the effect of putting your face out there in this world. Many of you same people had so much to say about Monique. Bad talked her yet now y’all are all on her side, makes you wonder. It’s funny how quick we jump sides. So many of these celebrities have shown their ass to many times. So now we compare her to the right and him to the left. When they are both behind enemy lines. Trust me I get people like Steve who are #comfortableslave are a problem for our people. Yet are we learning from it and trying to fix it or just pointing blame when it fits. HOW MANY OF YOU WHO ARE MAD GOT UP AND SUPPORTED A BLACK BUSINESS? How many of you help any one black? See being mad is ok if you do something with that anger. Just being mad does nothing but make you a hypocrite. -------------------------------------------------- Follow me also @therealremyredd #therealremyredd @colossill (The Black App) #BotherVex (BackUp) #blackinamerica #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHistory #blackhistorymonth #StephCurry #Lebron #Nas #Beyonce #Jayz #KimKardashian #cardib #WillSmith #Worldstar #getthestrap #colinkaepernick #Hiphop #DanielClary #JusticeForDanyeJones #survivingrkelly #grammys #oscars #allstar #nbaallstarweekend - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt5NIS4B1jWWjT6MqTYG8bvvCoHFpOaQT5ivsw0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g4pgaa96h2lt
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sixsideent · 6 years ago
Via @therealremyredd: What have I been saying our children are feed up and willing to fight back. Y’all help me find this child. We need to support her against the attacks that will be coming now. If the principal did use racial slurs we know she won’t get in trouble. We know how the system is set up. We must take care of our own. --------------------------------------------------@wokevideo ・・・ Student Fights Principal for Racial Slur and Laying Hands Frankford High School Philadelphia a student gets in to a fight with the principal for allegedly calling her a racial slur and then making the mistake of touching her while she was removing her earrings and didn't realize she wasn't the one to mess with. Principal is pressing charges. Stay Woke In the United States, the school-to-prison pipeline (SPP), also known as the school-to-prison, is the disproportionate tendency of melanated minors from disadvantaged backgrounds to become incarcerated, because of White supremacist policies. How should a Black student respond to a Teacher calling them a n-word, darky or porchmonkey?  #BlackConsciousness #frankfordhighschool #racialintimidation #racialslurs #philadelphia -------------------------------------------------- Follow me also @therealremyredd #therealremyredd @colossill (The Black App) #BotherVex (BackUp) #blackinamerica #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHistory #blackhistorymonth #StephCurry #Lebron #Nas #Beyonce #Jayz #KimKardashian #cardib #WillSmith #Worldstar #getthestrap #colinkaepernick #Hiphop #DanielClary #JusticeForDanyeJones #JazmineBarnes #NiaWilson #Tbt #throwbackthursday https://www.instagram.com/p/BtoRY9RAdNIR7Vv_UyBWk1HM7ffEc06VYfv_Gw0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y5hahyz1xt18
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highheelzndollabillz-blog · 6 years ago
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This Joseph Paul Franklin!! The man who murdered my father in cold blood...like a coward on March 25, 1979!! It was 39 years ago. I was 7 years old. This murderer was a member of the KKK trying to start a race war in the 1970's. He murdered a strong black man, a son, a brother, a father, a friend and a 25 year old student attending Jackson State University to be a doctor...among many other amazing things!! There is not a MOMENT that goes by when I don't MISS HIM!! EVERY...SINGLE...MOMENT!! He is my 1st love, my father, my protector and the grandfather of my 3 beautiful children!! He was worthy of all the things life and love have to give!! There are SO MANY stories like this!! MUCH TOO MANY!! They are NOT going to STOP!! EVER!! He was executed by the state of Missouri for his hate crimes. But there are MANY MORE like him!!!!! THEY ARE NOT GOING TO STOP!!! EVER!!! #sickofthisshit 😍 ❤️❤️✊🏽✊🏽 I am fearless in my journey to a stronger…more healthy…more pleasure…more treasure filled life!!! I feast on my success!! Black love is black power!! Black power is neither racist, nor is it a hatred of others!! It is a spiritual way of life promoting self love, determination and wellbeing of the #blackfamily !! #blm #ilovebeingblack✊🏾 💕🖤🖤💕 #teammelanin #melanin #blackunity#blackexcellence #blacksuccess #blackpower 💕🖤🖤💕 #Blitter #BotherVex #blackinamerica #BlackLivesMatter #BlackHistory #blackhistorymonth #StephCurry #Lebron #Nas #Beyonce #KimKardashian #cardib #nickiminaj #Worldstar #getthestrap #ThisisAmerica #tupac #colinkaepernick #Hiphop #Nike #DanyeJones #loveandhiphop #icecube #snoopdogg #JusticeForDanyeJones https://www.instagram.com/p/BquCiJhFraH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=114jsww2a2zhn
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apoet333 · 6 years ago
@Regran_ed from @therealremyredd - People have so much to say but this woman needs our help. She needs to be able to fight back. So what you don’t think voting works. What are you doing other then telling people what to do and getting rich off your people. Who are you giving money to that is black?? What are you doing to educate the children? What are you doing to change stuff? I DONT WANT NOTHING FROM YOU BUT TO HELP THIS WOMAN. SO PLEASE Go donate to Melissa Mckinnies Go Fund Me Page. Help her attain the financial resources to cover the cost of her son's unsolved murder investigation. https://www.gofundme.com/in-memory-of-danye-jones?member=1041180 Link will be in my bio, Click on the link to help. @melissadeno2 SAID "she Sat down with Sandra Bland’s sister and attorney and he said that after getting Danye’s body back up and for the PI, legal team, and autopsy, we’re looking at more like $400,000 or $500,000! ". _ NOW everyone who loves Danye needs to go even harder in the journey for #JusticeForDanyeJones SHARE GO DONATE to Danye's mothers cash app or her GoFundMe in Memory of Danye Jones. Let's show Melissa Mckinnies action that we love her son as if he was our own. Go support the Family of Danye Jones MOTHER ⬇️ facebook.com/melissa.mckinnies BROTHER ⬇️ facebook.com/VON.Jones3 Instagram @jv.world SISTER ⬇️ https://www.facebook.com/melishaj2 #EdwardCrawford #DarrenSeals #DanyeJones THESE ARE CALCULATED ASSASSINATIONS CARRIED OUT BY WHITE SUPREMACIST. This is not a WAR OF ANY KIND it’s a GENOCIDE. -------------------------------------------------#therealremyredd #Blackmedia #BotherVex #blackinamerica #BlackLivesMatter #StephCurry #Lebron #Nas #NFL #policebrutality #patriots #BlackPeople #Hiphop #worldstar #mondaynightfootball #getthestrap #colinkaepernick #nike #boycottnfl #football #sundayfootball #mondaynightfootball #kanyewest #getthestrap #footballseason #MelissaMckinnies #Justicefordanyejones https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp7PCDwAJ9e/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=77885ran6ktp
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audiofamnetwork · 6 years ago
New #IGTV video. #JusticeForDanyeJones Click on the 📺 icon in bio . . . . . . #podsincolor #podcast #dopeblackpods #PodbrosNj (at Starbucks) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp4WeyxH3Mm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fymniw0r8ocy
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