#Four flocks
puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 274
You know what is fun? Baby Ghost Jason. You know what could be even more fun? Ghosts are Dragons. 
Jason? Aware of none of this. 
He was on comms, y’know listening and rolling his eyes at Dickwing, who used his real name, really Dick, he mocks. It’s just a stakeout, nothing new there, honestly boring when he could be blowing something up instead. It should have just been a stakeout. 
Yet there’s something suddenly there, something behind him. Something that causes his hair to stand on end and his comms to spark into static like some sort of horror movie. Something, something with clawed hands with corpse-pale skin tipped in black, stained or dead or something else, tilting his head up and up and up as he’s frozen. 
“A child, out here? Alone?” a voice crackles, hisses, hums, and purrs, somehow all at once, unnatural in its tone. He can’t move, he needs to move, he has to move, but it’s like the space around him has gone cold and dead, like he’s stuck in the Pits once more as claws hold his head and his vision blurs. “Sleep, child. Rest- we’ll be home soon.” 
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longseries · 2 years
Four flocks
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Production companies: The Patwood Company, Bristol PicturesĬast: Braeden Lemasters, Uriah Shelton, Isaac Jay, Dylan Riley Snyder, Reg E. Neither validating Joey’s calling nor quite berating him, this weary old performer delivers a prognosis that speaks to innumerable bebop buffs since: “You was born in the wrong decade.” Cathey) makes for the picture’s most credible scene, with Cathey offering a mix of condescension and sympathy. But it’s the white visitors, of course, who wind up causing a ruckus - two ruckuses, in fact, which bring action to a halt in the manner of a stage play looking for a break between acts two and three.ĭespite some contrivances in the ensuing action, the eventual meeting between Joey and Dixon (Reg E. There, they’ll be caught up to by Joey’s big brother Sam (Shane Harper) and his friends, who are convinced the kids aren’t savvy enough for South Central. Then it’s off to a second club, which is supposedly getting a surprise visit from Dixon. Ava coos that “jazz is a thick smoke, a smooth ride…it’s happiness and pain” her brother, annoyed at the white carpetbaggers, demands, “You two are such big jazz fans, tell me one thing - how did it start?” His answer, slavery, is supposed to put them in their place, but Joey and Bud are so insistent on their love for the music that they wind up getting pulled onstage to prove their knowledge of Charlie Mingus’ work. Their meeting offstage finds Caruso and co-writer Michael Nader trying embarrassingly hard to boil the essence of jazz down into a couple of moments of dialogue. But they catch a set by the club owner’s children, pianist Clifford ( Nadji Jeter) and singer Ava (Coco Jones) - the latter of whom entrances Joey’s bass-playing friend Bud (Isaac Jay). They show up at the club only to find that Dixon has already played. But Joey is consumed by the need to hear him play - “When he goes, jazz goes with him,” he insists - so the four head down to Central Avenue despite knowing their parents would never let them venture into such a black neighborhood. Judging from later bits of dialogue, Dixon may be a stand-in for Louis Armstrong, a genuine trailblazer whose willingness to entertain white-bread America eventually caused many to dismiss him. It’s 1959 in Pasadena, and he’s relaxing with his musician buddies (some good, some not) when he hears on the radio that the legendary Pope Dixon will be playing that night in Los Angeles. Four Flocks & Larder 433 Spring Garden St, Greensboro, NC 27401 33 View Business Details. Braeden Lemasters plays that kid, Joey, a talented amateur pianist whose dad introduced him to jazz before going off to fight (and die) in Korea. Lelystad to detect Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection was used on 329 sheep from four pedigree Suffolk flocks in which clinical cases of.
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cfjust · 2 years
Four flocks
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burnetii are especially high in goats (up to 70–90%) ( 4, 11) but lower in sheep (usually below 6%) ( 12). burnetii through birth products, vaginal fluids, feces, milk, and urine for several weeks after abortion or normal parturition ( 4– 10), but the bacterial load shed by aborted animals is higher than that shed by those that deliver normally ( 9). burnetii enters into a flock, infection spreads rapidly. Q fever causes abortions in small ruminants ( 3), and once C. burnetii, and both have a significant role as source of human infection ( 1, 2). Goats and sheep are considered the main reservoir of C. Q fever is a widespread zoonosis caused by the intracellular bacterium Coxiella burnetii. The results showed that infection can remain active for over 5 years if effective control and biosafety measures are not correctly implemented. Coxiella burnetii viability in dust measured by culture in Vero cells was demonstrated in two of the flocks, even during the fourth lambing season. Three genotypes were identified: SNP8 (three flocks, 52.9% of the samples), SNP1 (two flocks, 44.8% samples), and SNP5 (one flock, two environmental samples). burnetii fecal shedding and the bacterial burden detected in dust, whereas shedding by vaginal route affected the detection of C. A significant relationship was found between C. burnetii shedding in the flocks, with a general progressive decrease in bacterial shedding throughout the years, interrupted in three flocks by peaks of reinfection associated with specific management practices. Real-time PCR analyses showed different trends in C. BTM samples and aerosols (outdoors and indoors) were monthly collected between lambing and the end of milking. During four consecutive lambing seasons (2015/16–2018/19), samples were collected within 1 week after each lambing period from animals (vaginal swabs, milk and feces from ewes, and yearlings) and the environment (dust indoor sheep premises). burnetii DNA in bulk-tank milk (BTM) and a high seroprevalence in yearlings during the previous milking period (Spring 2015). Flocks with an active infection were selected based on the presence of C. Progression of Coxiella burnetii infection in four naturally infected sheep flocks, and in their farm environment, was monitored throughout four lambing seasons. 3Department of Animal Pathology, Veterinary Faculty, University of Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain.2Laboratory of Special Pathogens, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Madrid, Spain.1Animal Health Department, NEIKER-Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, Derio, Spain.Barandika 1, Isabel Jado 2, Ana Hurtado 1, Ceferino M.
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dykealloy · 10 months
one piece filler ep where they run into another peto-peto villain of the week guy but this time instead the devil fruit power rearranges people's brain chemistry so they have the thoughts behaviours emotional intelligence etc of a dog. zoro gets hit but he's just exactly the same
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flashhwing · 8 months
I like how with da2 it feels like everyone has their One Romance that they can’t do the game without. now my viddy game experience is limited but it does seem to me with like, dao or dai or bg3 that people will replay these games and romance different people, explore all their options and whatnot. but with da2 everyone has Their Person that no matter how hard they try they just can’t romance someone else they just keep coming back to them
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breannasfluff · 7 months
The Right to Lead
Legend doesn’t wait a second longer, throwing himself at Warriors. The hawk stumbles for a second, then shoves back against his slighter weight. He flares his wings and Legend does the same. All their feathers are puffed, appearing as large as possible.
They break apart, posturing as they pace. The flock chatter and warble with tones of worry, unhappy.
There’s never been a fight for the position of flock leader before. While Warriors kept them in line to start, he was happy to pass it off to Time when the kite offered. No one wanted to challenge the old man.
Legend snarls and hisses, darting in again. Weapons were dropped to the side, so the captain catches his arm and shoves him, using his momentum to throw him off balance.
Taking advantage, Warriors throws his weight against the vet and sends him to the ground.
Legend screams in anger, wings flapping and buffeting Warrior’s face. He’s forced to roll free and the vet is on him in a moment.
“Think you can boss us around?” The bowerbird swings at him, but Warriors catches the fist in his palm. “Think just because you’re a loner the rest of us don’t have feelings?”
“Oh what, like you? You’ve never had to lead a day in your life! The only people you worry about are your precious sub-flock!” The hawk shoves him off and gets up, wings flaring again.
Legend is up, wings spread as well. His feathers tremble and his hiss would make another bird think twice. “At least I have people who like me! You can’t stand to be around us, but you still give orders!”
“Why would I want to be around a group of children? You’re all hatchlings! You need orders to survive!”
“We survived just fine without you!”
“Is that why you cling to Wild and Hyrule? Why you could never confess to Ravio? You’re scared!”
“And you’re selfish! We’re not here to carry out your orders! You can’t solve your past with us!”
Warriors stalks closer, fists clenching. “And what happens when you drive your sub-flock away, huh? What happens when they leave? You need to wake up!” The last word is punctuated with a shove.
Challenge! Hate you! Legend’s scream is only instinct as he rams into Warriors. The force of it takes them both down to the ground. “I hate you! I hate you!” Legend swings at the hawk and this time, it lands.
Coward! Obey! 
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simeonscott · 3 months
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The Party Assembled.
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stardestroyer81 · 3 months
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Nearly four years ago, long before you could find them just about anywhere, I found a post praising the plague doctor Squishmallow, jokingly calling it 'bingus'. Jokingly— and as a byproduct of being in my plague doctor phase at the time— I quipped that if I ever wound up finding one, I would name it Dr. B. Ingus.
Fast forward to 2024, and not only does the real Dr. B. Ingus now reside on my bed, I've also finally concocted an original design for the brilliant plague doctor turned plushie, largely in part of being invited to a plague doctor community on tumblr! 💜🖤💜
(If you would like to read a brief explanation on how Quincy T. Page's mentor now assumes a plush form, check underneath the cut for a bit of lore!)
Dr. Brenius Hildegard Ingus, better known as 'Doctor B. Ingus' or even simply 'Dr. B.' was once a standard plague doctor... for lack of a better term. Ever since his youth, he knew he wished to pursue a career in tending to patients, and he would make good on this dream once our nation found itself plagued with a contagion most potent... the Everdark Plague.
Brenius spent every waking moment of his corporeal life formulating a cure, though as the years went on, he feared that old age would put an end to his research, effectively doing away with everything he had done to rid of the Everdark Plague. However, Brenius— ever steadfast— made a vow that not even death could stop his heroic efforts.
Somehow, a deal is made, and Brenius' soul is set free from his mortal vessel, allowing him all the time in the world to continue his studies... at the hefty cost of immortality. Ever selfless, he hires a local toy maker to create a new vessel to store his restless soul in; a charming plush toy designed in his likeness. While it takes a while to get used to his new form, Brenius resumes his studies in secrecy as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened, now vowing to only speak to plague doctors he trusts with his studies.
Personality-wise, Dr. Brenius is a very well-spoken, considerable and sophisticated man in spite of his now-smaller stature. In his past life, he was quite the fashion aficionado, and collected headgear of all kinds to top off his outfit, his current hat he immortalized himself with being his favorite.
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knockoff-conlon · 3 months
albert who's the oldest of like seven or eight and his whole family is a fucking mess. his parents are barely around so albert takes care of them and tries to keep them in check. race and jack and crutchie are around at his house a lot, too, and help with all his siblings.
it's kinda like a shameless situation- all the kids help out with money so they can pay bills and the neighborhood is all in a similar state of mess but they're all helped by the others. race and jack and crutchie are like an extra set of siblings- they give albert money, help him take kids places, give them clothes, get them food. it is a weird family they created.
when albert meets finch, they're about 24. albert has seven little siblings, the other oldest only being seventeen. so he's still taking care of then. finch is always a little annoyed that albert cancels plans last second or just never really has time and albert refuses to let finch in on the whole family thing he has going on.
one of the big points of this story comes when albert and finch finally get a night to go on a date. jack offered to keep watch on the kids. the date night is going great, it's awesome. up until albert gets a call from jack saying one of his siblings got injured and is in the hospital. finch drives albert there and then comes in with him- the first time finch has ever met everyone.
the whole family is posted up in his sibling's room, all seven siblings plus jack, crutchie, and race. finch looks out of place and uncomfortable. all the siblings flock to albert and start talking and freaking out. finch asks where their parents are and doesn't really get why everyone laughs at him. race, crutchie, and jack introduce themselves and the kids as albert checks on the injured one.
finch tries to help out with the kids but albert quickly gets annoyed at him. crutchie explains the whole family situation to finch, who looks a little more uncomfy. albert breaks up with him pretty quick because he doesn't wanna burden finch with his whole family thing. the kids liked finch a lot though so he has to stay around and they eventually get back together after a lot of pushing from the kids and his friends.
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risingsunresistance · 2 months
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at least i got to see tommy
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cosmicrhetoric · 7 months
actively dating (🤢) during the release of some new lesbian film is so funny cause theres ONE single first date activity this whole month and it's going to see drive away dolls. that being said i cant tell if the film is good yet cause you guys wont shut up about pedro pascal
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highmoon-deepwoods · 1 year
Three figures are in a private building. One dressed in robes and one in a suit are kneeling respectively towards the other figure, who is much larger and magnificent, with thick antlers protruding from his forehead.
"Tomorrow night," the grand figure spoke, "Is the supermoon. It'll be our only chance to crush our enemies and strike fear into any stragglers and cowards."
He turned to the robed man. "Father Proctor, I want you and the other DeepWoodlanders to prepare to go all out. Transform our opposition, and maul any others."
He then turned to the suited man. "High Priest, I want you to set up a trap at every worship establishment the Church of the High Moon runs. The enemy does not know of your involvement with the Deep Woods, and we will use that to our advantage. Lure them in with promises of protection, and keep them safe and sound for us to deal with later."
With that the imposing figure turned around. Father Proctor and the High Priest got up and left, to prepare for the next day.
"Tomorrow is the day that the forest will be safe from the Anti-Werewolf League and their prejudice. No more will they harm us, no more will they destroy the land, and no more Phalanges will be killed. And as for their leader.
I will make his torture one of my greatest memories."
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allpromarlo · 1 year
hang it in the louvre.
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breannasfluff · 7 months
Flock Leader - 1
Wild and Hyrule have vanished from sight. Twilight stands and stares, shifting from foot to foot and glancing at Warriors for direction. Sky is missing—although that’s hopefully because he’s still getting firewood.
“Twilight! Get those two apart! Legend! Wild and Hyrule better have their feathery arses back here by the time I’m done with these two!”
Warriors wades into the mess of wings and screeches, helping Twilight pull the two avians apart. Four hisses, but doesn’t pull out of the rancher’s grip.
Wind, however, tries to smack the captain in the face with his primaries.
Settle! Drawing on his army training, Warriors pulls on the role of flock leader. Asking as a flockmate isn’t enough anymore. He’s out of patience. If orders are what the group needs, that’s what he’ll give.
Wind stills in his grip at the call, then continues thrashing. No! Challenge!
Challenge? He’s barely more than a child and he’s challenging Warriors for flock leadership?
Flock leader! Listen!
Wind flinches, but where his instincts would push him to stand down for Time, here he does not. Instead, his wings flare in challenge and he opens his mouth, likely to dig himself in deeper.
“What is going on here?” Sky comes up, arms full of wood. “I leave for a few minutes and everything falls apart?”
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simeonscott · 3 months
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To the Victors go the Spoils.
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festaventurine · 1 year
the four horseman of a female sensei's straightness apocalypse: Ogata Kanna, Mikamo Neru, Joumae Saori, and Shiraishi Utaha
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