#Four State Comic-Con
wonderlesch · 7 months
Can’t Miss April 2024 Events
Can't Miss April 2024 Events shares travel destinations for sci-fi conventions, music festivals, beer festivals and more. Get your calendar out and start planning your next April vacation or getaway! Let's travel! #newblogpostalert
Hello and welcome to my latest travel destination blog post Can’t Miss April 2024 Events. Read on the discover Cyphacon, a small but very geeky place to be in April. Fall in love with Jordan Con, Atlanta’s top literary sci-fi fantasy convention. North Park Festival of Beers, they had me at Southern California and craft beers. What more do you need for a springtime getaway? Read on for more must…
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morezelenka · 5 months
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erinkeifer · 3 months
The Informant Pt. II
[Anakin Skywalker x Padawan!Fem Reader]
Part I | Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3
Summary: After that turbulent night, he had one simple task for you - to make it to training in one piece. Was it really that problematic? Perhaps... However, the real troubles lie ahead of you...
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Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI | hate sex | slapping | blowjob | deepthroating | PiV unprotected | cursing | degradation | dom!Anakin | sub!Reader | no comfort | no aftercare | threats | force choking/regular choking | angst Author Note: I don't know if I've ever written a story after which I got as many requests for Part II as The Informant. Uni, changes in life, and the chaos of Essen Comic Con made writing exceptionally difficult for me, but one day I simply sat down in focus and decided to give it my all to deliver your request in the best possible version. ♡ Word Count: 4,4k
How fortunate that droids don't ask too many questions. You thought to yourself, lying on the medical chair as the mechanical creatures stitched up the cut on your brow.
“This might hurt a bit.” you heard faintly as the needle with the painkiller approached, but it made no difference to you—this single prick was no different from the pain you had been feeling up until now.
“Will you be able to get to your quarters on your own? Or should we send help…”
“No. I’ll manage.” you interrupted the droid without hesitation. Hearing your statement, it quickly returned to its work.
“Fortunately, the wound isn't infected, but we've administered an anti-inflammatory as a precaution. The stitches should be removed…”
“Yes, thank you, I know… It's not my first time.” you interrupted the droid in as calm a tone as you could muster as you began to rise from the chair.
“Please take care of yourself.” added the droid, setting aside the tools it had used on you, as you walked towards the exit of the medical wing.
“Sure, thanks.” you mumbled in a confused tone as the automatic doors to the room closed behind you, and ahead of you lay only the dark, grim corridor, its details blurring before your eyes.
You felt drowsy and could slowly feel the effects of the painkillers administered by the droids. You never reacted well to them, but this time, you felt even worse. You barely noticed when you managed to shuffle to your quarters, luckily on the same floor. Despite your daze, you did manage to close the door this time. Without changing or even taking off your boots, you simply collapsed onto your bed and fell asleep so quickly that your body barely registered it.
And that was the most painful mistake. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
You usually woke up for training with the alarm you set before sleeping, but this time, your eyes opened only when the sun was already rising above the skyscrapers visible from your window. It was almost noon. Yes, noon—more than four hours had passed since your training was supposed to start. As soon as you realized this, your face turned ashen pale. Although you instinctively knew it was too late and that Anakin had probably long since left the training room, maybe even the temple, you jumped nervously out of bed. Trying to disguise your disheveled morning appearance, you threw on a loose, brown cloak. Breathless, without even glancing in the mirror, you rushed out of your quarters, leaving the door ajar behind you, and started running—not even knowing where you should go at that moment.
“Hey! Young lady!” You heard a familiar male voice just before you nearly collided with a figure standing in your path, clad in Jedi robes.
“Sorry, I…I just…” you began to stammer breathlessly when you looked up to see the sympathetic gaze of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The older Jedi's hands landed gently on your shoulders in a calming gesture. Although finding calm was difficult in your current state, deep down, you were grateful that you had run into Kenobi along the way. Perhaps only he could help you catch your breath and offer a bit of comfort in that moment.
“Easy now, breathe in and out…” the elder Jedi began, and you nervously lowered your gaze as his eyes seemed to read your face like a book.
“What’s the rush? Oh… This doesn’t look good… How many were there?” Kenobi continued after a moment, and you could barely hide your evident confusion. Who does he mean?
“Are you talking about…?” you began to brainstorm frantically in your mind, gesturing chaotically with your index finger as Kenobi looked at you with a mix of confusion and sympathy.
“Trauma or painkillers? Last night, I met Anakin and he mentioned that a gang in Coruscant got out of control…” Of course… Anakin’s excuse was a plausible way out. How else could he explain to his master why he was wandering the corridors at night with disheveled hair, tattered robes, and his Padawan’s blood on his hands?
“Ah, right… Honestly, I don’t know… It all happened so fast, and I’m not sure if…” you began to explain chaotically, but Obi-Wan could see you were straining yourself trying to piece things together.
“Okay, calm down. Anyway, I’m glad you were in the right place at the right time—one can never know what dangers lurk around the corner—not just for the Order, but for ordinary civilians too.” Kenobi explained as if trying to fill in the gaps in your thoughts, though he didn’t address the real concern gnawing at you—how much trouble you were actually in.
"Master Kenobi… I know, but… Yes… I just wanted to ask if Anakin is okay after that incident… I couldn’t make it to training today, so I didn’t have a chance to check if everything’s alright…" you replied, trying to tactfully skirt around your real question.
"Since when do Padawans look after their Masters' safety? Oh, heavens… Things were never this good in my day…" Kenobi responded in a light-hearted tone, which did little to satisfy you. But when he noticed your serious expression, waiting for more, he began to recall his morning encounter with Anakin.
"I thought he wouldn't plan anything for the morning after a rough night, but he was safe and sound when I saw him briefly in the training hall… I had some duties, but I'm quite sure he left after an hour or so…"
"Was he… angry?" you asked, and Kenobi narrowed his eyes in visible confusion.
"Angry..? Should he have been?" he replied after a moment of contemplation.
"Never mind… Just… Do you know where I might find him right now? I just want to…"
"Are you in some kind of trouble?" Kenobi interrupted, noticing and sensing your unease.
"No. But I might be if I don’t find out where he is." you answered with a grave seriousness. The older Jedi sighed, his expression puzzled as if debating whether he should answer your question.
“If I should intervene, just let me know and…”
“Master, there’s no reason to intervene. All I want is an answer to this simple question… You were a Padawan once, and then Anakin… Both of you must have felt, at times, like you messed up or were trying to salvage things because you thought you’d upset your Mentor.” you clarified, and Kenobi’s expression softened as he processed your words, seeming to drift momentarily into his own thoughts.
“Anakin declined the meeting in the council chamber. I suspect he’s gone to his quarters.” Kenobi replied after a moment's thought. You nodded in thanks and were about to head off in the intended direction when you felt the older Jedi’s hand on your shoulder.
“I know you should face your problems on your own, but remember, if anything goes wrong, you can count on me.” Kenobi said, making one last eye contact with you.
“Yes, Master. Thank you…” You replied with a faint but uncertain smile, which was quickly reciprocated. You felt Kenobi’s hand finally slide off your shoulder as he nodded to you and started to walk in the opposite direction.
Without waiting any longer and trying not to arouse any suspicion, you set off with a determined but slightly nervous pace toward Anakin's quarters. Your emotions were conflicted—a part of you felt indifferent, thinking you couldn’t bring any more disgrace upon yourself, while another part urged you to stop before facing him again.
Which part you would listen to was entirely up to you, but as you realized you had a choice, you were already gripping the handle to his quarters.
You pulled on the door, which wasn’t even fully closed—as if left ajar for an expected guest. In that moment, you felt he knew. He knew you would come back. That’s why he was there, waiting.
Coruscant was shimmering in the sunlight at this hour, and the city’s streets were bustling with life. Yet, neither the sunlight nor the city’s energy could be seen through the carefully drawn curtains. The darkness in the room was unsettling, but it wasn’t the fear of the dark that stunned you as you crossed the threshold into the main chamber.
“The door.” you heard from in front of you, and the harshness of the voice sent shivers down your spine.
“Close. The door. Behind you.” the voice repeated as you stood frozen in the doorway. The ominous emphasis on those words made you shut the door without further hesitation, but you soon realized that wasn’t enough.
“Lock it.” he continued, but instead of acting, you stared at his back for a moment longer than necessary.
Anakin sat at his desk, wearing the familiar robes with a long brown cloak draped over his shoulders, its hood resting messily. Since you stepped into his quarters, he hadn’t looked at you once, but you didn’t need to see his eyes to feel the coldness, frustration, and tension radiating from your master. You might have wondered if your actions had caused him to be so devastated today, but the chaos you sensed in his mind went far beyond your conflict.
“Do I need to repeat myself?” His increasingly frustrated tone jolted you enough that, without waiting another second, you turned the key twice, locking the door.
As you noticed Anakin’s silhouette move from his seat, you straightened up, feeling as if every muscle in your body tensed simultaneously. Anakin rose from his place, and with his hands clasped behind his back, he walked slowly toward you. For a moment, his gaze was fixed on the floor, but when it finally landed on you, you saw a contrived pity and disdain. The kind of “pity” that isn’t for the innocent. A “pity” mixed with the anticipation of delivering a deserved punishment.
"Get on your knees."
You were too flustered to quickly comply - and that was your mistake. The moment he noticed your mouth opening to speak, and your knees not bending - he was quick to motivate you even more.
"Did I say it clearly? On. Your. Fucking. Knees."
You heard something in his voice that was inhuman. It felt as though something alien had possessed Skywalker, but you couldn’t tell if you were frightened by it or strangely energized. Maybe it was recklessness, or perhaps your inherent tendency to defy everything, but your legs stood firm, as if rooted to the ground, and your lack of response only added to Anakin's growing tension.
“I don’t think I made myself clear…”
He added in an unusually low voice, then turned on his heel and walked back toward his desk, his hands still clasped behind his back. Despite everything, you didn’t move a muscle—your eyelids froze, locked on every movement of Skywalker’s as if you were instinctively watching for a trap or threat in the seemingly calm motions of your Master.
And this time, your instincts didn’t fail you. Although you stood your ground, your knees suddenly began to weaken—not from fatigue, but from a strange shift in pressure that shot through you from head to lungs.
You were suffocating.
You could no longer focus on Anakin’s movements as your hands instinctively grabbed at your throat, trying to force air back into your lungs. In doing so, you didn’t notice Anakin’s clenched hand at his side, even though it was what was affecting you.
You struggled with yourself for several seconds until your legs finally gave way beneath you, and you felt your knees hit the floor.
At that moment, relief came abruptly.
As your lungs slowly began to fill with air again, you still heard the ringing in your ears, typical of a sudden change in pressure within your body. However, it didn’t stop you from hearing the sound of metal clashing with wood—Anakin’s lightsaber hilt, which he had just taken from his desk.
You audibly swallowed as your eyes lifted towards your Master, holding the unignited weapon, and he, with an indescribable, stony expression, locked eyes with you. Finally, instead of standing opposite his desk, he turned his entire figure towards you and with alarmingly slow steps, moved in your direction, making no move with the lightsaber.
Not yet.
“Don’t worry…”
He began in a hushed voice, and his free hand slowly reached towards your face. He saw fear in your eyes—not of him, but more so of the weapon he inexplicably held. You stared at it with wide eyes, tracking every micro-movement of Anakin's hand, as if he might ignite it at any moment.
“I won’t let you die… At least not until you’re useful enough and…”
He spoke with a slowed, seemingly calming voice as he brought the lightsaber hilt closer to your face.
The metal, cold hilt touched your warm skin, and you involuntarily flinched, feeling as though someone had pressed a gun to your temple. Anakin handled it as if it were a caress for you. You felt the coolness of the material on your cheek, jaw, until finally, the metal tip of the hilt rested against your lips.
He murmured closer to your face, his knees bending so he could lean towards you and look into your eyes. Your lips trembled, and Anakin could see that you wouldn't quickly respond to his requests, so his free hand moved closer to your face, eventually resting 'motivationally' under your chin to urge you to open your mouth.
"Come on…"
He added after a moment of impatience, yet his tone wasn't bitter—it sounded as though he wanted to give you a chance—and though you didn't want to show yourself to your Master, you were absolutely prepared to accept it. Finally, your lips parted as he wanted, and for the first time in a long while, a disturbing smile appeared on Anakin's face.
"Good girl."
He said, lifting the corner of his mouth, and at the same time, you felt the cold, metal hilt slipping into your mouth, teasing your sensitive palate with its texture.
"You see… It doesn't have to be bad between us."
He said, rotating the hilt in your mouth as if he wanted you to feel it from every angle.
"And that's all, if you behave nicely…"
He lowered his voice to a whisper, making another turn inside your mouth.
"I won't have to hurt you…"
"…And you won't have to be a little, treacherous bitch."
He finished with a mocking smile on his face as he pushed the metal hilt a bit further than before, triggering a gag reflex in you.
"Ironic, isn't it?"
He chuckled lightly, and seeing you tense up from his actions, he withdrew the weapon from your mouth, then did something that couldn't quite be explained.
He said, placing the lightsaber hilt on the floor by your feet, then straightened up and took two slow steps back.
"You have one last chance to escape. You can use this to attack me. You can do whatever you want…"
After his words, which shook you slightly, the room fell into dead silence. You had no idea what was happening or what to do with yourself, so finally, you decided to use your own voice.
Anakin smiled with slight regret at your question. You knew there was a catch to this, and you were certain that in your current situation, Skywalker wouldn't simply let you escape, let alone allow you to harm him.
"But if you run now and don't hide well enough…"
He folded his hands behind his back and began to slowly move away, simultaneously lowering his gaze from you as if giving you the opportunity to attack him.
"And if I or my people find you… I'll order you to be killed on the spot."
After uttering the last sentence, Anakin looked you in the eye as if he had just started a stopwatch and was waiting for your appropriate reaction.
He stated and once again dismissed you from his attention as if implying that this could really be an easy opportunity for an attack.
Your eyes wandered from place to place. You glanced at the lightsaber lying next to you, then at your Master—and though you could do something at this moment—your hands didn't even flinch. For some reason, this question seemed absurd to you. You had always been fixated on Anakin, always begged for his attention, and the mere fact that after last night you had decided to knock on his quarters made you realize that for you there was never any other answer than "I stay."
Anakin knew this very well, too.
"I won't leave." you assured, your head slightly bowed, feeling Skywalker's gaze settle on you after a few seconds.
"Hm?" He replied, seeming unsure if you meant it, yet sensing your resolve. He knew he had you wrapped around his finger.
"I don't want to go." you reiterated. After hearing your words again, Skywalker turned towards you and took a slow step closer.
"I hope you realize there's no turning back from here." he stated, his gloved hand approaching your face in an oddly tender manner. You nodded, meeting his gaze, sensing that Anakin was no longer just your mentor.
He has power over you.
"Good." he muttered, withdrawing his hand from your face and directing his gaze to the lightsaber still lying beside you.
"Give it to me… Attach it to my belt."
He ordered firmly, and you looked down at him with a gaze full of doubt, but his impatient stare didn't allow you to kneel any longer. As Anakin took a step forward, his belt was at the level of your face, and trembling, you reached for the weapon lying on the floor, clumsily hanging it on the leather belt. You constantly felt his gaze on you, focused like never before, hungry like never before—and just as hungry, impatient.
"Unfasten." Skywalker's hoarse voice resonated, and for a few seconds, you felt almost paralyzed.
"What? Unfasten. Now."
After his more impatient and ominous command, your hands moved immediately, trembling almost more than before. You weren't sure if it was the pressure of time hanging over your head, simple stress, or the growing… excitement within you. For some reason, you excluded fear. You weren't afraid. Not of Anakin. And you would swear you were ready to obey his every command.
"I see, I see… Soon you won't need to use your hands, I promise you that." Anakin said with a sneer, watching you struggle with his belt, but patiently waiting for you to finish on your own, without his assistance. The belt initially resisted—only when you accidentally found the right spot to press and release the buckle did the tightly held parts of his attire loosen as the undone belt revealed the tense fly of his pants.
"Continue." murmured Skywalker, and this time, knowing perfectly how to deal with the clasp of his trousers, you revealed his…
"Anakin… You're already har…"
"Shut up!"
He didn't even let you finish. He had no intention. He seized the opportunity as quickly as he could, thrusting into your mouth while your lips were still parted in speech.
"Keep your hands to yourself. Don't even try anything. It'll only get worse."
Though it was hard for Anakin to consider it pleasurable for you, you simply felt it. You were ready to shed tears from your eyes as he penetrated your throat in a way that hindered your functioning - to say it was a vision that had long formed in your mind.
"I give, you take. Understood?"
Skywalker spoke, trying unsuccessfully to conceal heavy breaths and sighs between words. When you tried to nod in agreement, your nose was almost pressed against his lower abdomen, and for a fraction of a second, you looked up at him communicatively from below, but shortly after, you impulsively closed your eyes, feeling his size exceeding your boundaries. "Fuck!"
Anakin began to pant as if he could no longer hide the fact that his body was reacting to what you were doing. You couldn't see it, but his gloved hand clenched, affecting you in a way you couldn't predict.
His hips, initially motionless, involuntarily began to thrust, as if he could press even deeper into your throat, but it was no longer possible. Anakin, however, had a ready solution. You felt a tightening in your throat, much like when he had used his power before to force you to kneel.
"Exactly like that. Fuck. Take it. I said, take it!"
He snarled through gritted teeth, smiling sinisterly and somehow proudly that he was fucking your throat like a fleshlight. Initially disorientation prevented your body from reacting to the sudden, numbing sensation, but after a few more thrusts, uncontrollable reflexes began to surface, indicating that Anakin was pushing the limits of your endurance. You choked, your eyes watering, but it wasn't a significant signal for him.
Impulsively, you gritted your teeth.
"You slut!"
Anakin growled loudly, then withdrew from you, and in the next moment, everything around you started to blur, and you felt pain.
Sudden pain.
Out of nowhere, after your throat released, and after a mixture of precum and your saliva dripped down your chin, Anakin slapped you across the cheek with an open hand.
"Is this how you want to play? Then let's fucking play."
Your mind was still foggy as you felt yourself no longer touching the ground. Anakin forcefully lifted you from the floor, tossing you clumsily over his shoulder. As your vision began to clear, you collided with the bed in the adjacent room.
"I'm sorry, I won't…"
"Not now."
Skywalker interrupted, forcefully stripping away what you had on. He had no intention of romanticizing anything. He didn't care to strip you completely naked; he wanted access.
So instead of playing the undressing game, he left scraps of fabric on you. His strong hands tore the fronds of your bra, exposing your breasts to view, before ripping apart your elastic training pants, which offered no resistance due to their material.
"Now that we know how easy it is to shut you up… Now you can fucking scream."
You lay flat on your back as Anakin climbed onto you, and after lifting your thigh, he thrust into you without warning. You emitted an almost animalistic scream when you felt that not only did he push himself into you to full length, but he had no intention of starting slowly.
"I knew you were going to leak, little bitch. I fucking knew it!"
Anakin uttered in a growling voice, imposing such a pace that he had to interrupt almost every word with panting. His thrusts were very fast and deep from the very beginning. His tip was hitting your cervix, with the full guarantee that tomorrow you would wake up bruised from the inside. But did it really matter?
Anakin's gaze was wild and hungry, but although you could tell he was clouded by his lust to unload, he was still able to read your emotions perfectly. You were writhing and moaning-you couldn't string a sentence together, but Skywalker could see without words that you were deriving pleasure from your brutal teaching, so he allowed himself more and more.
You didn't know if it was an impulse or your usual thoughtlessness, but taking advantage of the fact that your body wasn't yet completely impaled on the bed, your head lifted as if to reach his mouth.
"Are you kidding me, slut!?"
Suddenly, Anakin howled in a raised voice, very quickly bringing you back to your place. Skywalker took his hand off your hip and pressed you against the pillow, gripping your neck tightly.
"In your dreams… Fuck… In your dreams."
He muttered, breathing heavily over your face as you clenched your eyes shut from the sudden pressure. Those were Anakin's words once again, echoing in your head ironically, because, contrary to appearances, it was here and now that your dream was coming true. One of the most abstract, vulgar, and animalistic thoughts that had ever crossed your mind.
You melted as you listened to his heavy breaths, his growls and moans that pushed you to the edge along with the brutal thrusts you were receiving with pleasure.
Well, not just you.
Up until now stable, Anakin's hand, which had been firmly immobilized on your neck, began to tremble, and his thrusts were no longer as rhythmic as before. A growl escaped his vocal cords that you had never heard before, and his other hand, which had been holding you in place so far, gripped your body in a bruising hold.
A current of electricity ran through your body, preventing you from further controlling the situation. You didn't even feel the moment when the warm fluid flooded your insides, and Anakin, though trying to distance himself before his orgasm, let his head fall towards your neck, where his sweaty strands of tousled hair rested.
You both reached the climax, and your dizziness caused total darkness to fall around you, with only a ringing in your ears and Anakin's heavy breaths. It took a while for both of you to synchronize your breaths, and you wanted to close your eyes to momentarily disconnect from the sensations, but it didn't last long until Skywalker's breathless voice reached your ears again.
"From now on, it will be like this every day…"
He uttered those words with extraordinary gravity, then paused for a moment and took a deep breath.
"But don't worry… You'll get used to it quickly."
You absorbed each of his words with acceptance, and his heated hand that held your neck began to touch your face.
"Every day, I will break you down just as you broke me… And you will accept it with humility."
Although a sense of unease began to creep over your body, you continued to listen.
"I will fulfill your dream of being close to me every day. I will prove to you every day how wrong you were about me…"
You did so with unease, but upon hearing those words, you directed your gaze towards him to see him staring straight at you with deadly seriousness.
"And if you ever have enough… If you ever want to escape from me… Even at the end of the world...
…I will find you."
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allgremlinart · 1 year
The Most Underrated Line In All Of ATLA/TLOK And Its Many Worldbuilding Implications - A Ramble
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In S2E7 of TLOK we get this dialogue from Wan and The Aye-Aye Spirit: "There are other Lion Turtles?" "Of course there are - dozens of them!" [timestamp 3:38 in this video]
It's such a quick line it's easy to miss, but there's one thing about it that made a LOT of things click into place for me about the Avatar universe's worldbuilding; the fact that there are (or were) dozens of Lion Turtles. NOT four, with one for each element, like you would assume. Dozens.
What does this mean in terms of the Four Nations? What connections might this have with other previously established lore? Well uhm follow me on this journey. I guess.
Pre-Unifications - A Global Warring States Era?
A warring states era on a wouldn't be nearly as compelling if there were only four Lion Turtles. If this were the case, everything would be perfectly balanced; why would there be disarray, violence, cultural disparity and struggles for power within each elemental group if the world was already perfectly divided into four solid groups? Why would a national identity be in question at all?
But the fact that there are more than one Lion Turtle per element... that means different groups of people being isolated from one another for long periods of time. This means different bodies of identity, regardless of element. Different city states, regional Kings, Queens, fiefdoms, dynastic power struggle, etc etc, before any sort of inherent loyalty the ones element as a national and cultural identity was established.
We know the Avatar world was not always divided into Four Nations. In Chapter 21 of The Rise Of Kyoshi we learn that Guru Laghima - a name you'll recognize from TLOK S3 - was from an era when the Four Nations had not yet been formed. We also know from Zaheer that he lived about 4,000 years before the events of TLOK (for context, thats about 6,000 years after Wan became the first Avatar).
There's further confirmation of this in Smoke And Shadow, where we learn about the first Firelord and the Fire Nation's unification wars.
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However there's implications of this even in the original series; it's not some sloppy ret-con from the books and comics, it fits. Think Omashu:
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In S2E2 of ATLA we get the story of Oma and Shu - and we learn that they come from "warring villages." Now why exactly would their villages be warring if The Earth Kingdom already existed? Why the need for a power struggle? Why is it not presented as a civil insurrection or civil war, but as a conflict between two distinct groups of people? The answer is that the "Earth Kingdom" as we conceptualize it did not exist. I'd go further and say that we can assume that after Omashu was established it became a powerful regional kingdom, and created strong sphere of cultural influence. Think about it - Bumi is King Of Omashu. King. NOT the Earth King, King Of The Earth Kingdom, but still King Of Omashu.
[Now there's some debate about where Omashu's founding sits on the timeline but to me it HAS to be post-Wan, probably very nearly immediately post-Wan. The line that calls them the "first earthbenders" and that they "learned earthbending from the badger moles" has caused some to question if they fit in with the "Lion Turtles bestowed bending" lore, but to me it fits pretty easily. The Lion Turtles may have bestowed the power but the actual technique was learned from the badger moles and dragons and blah blah blah.]
I also find this line from Jianzhu in The Rise Of Kyoshi very illuminating:
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VINDICATION !! And Jianzhu's moaning over the cultural diversity within his country brings me to the second part of this post...
FC Yee And Gene Luen Yang Accidentally (?) Make Avatar's Cultural Mish Mash Make More Sense
Avatar's cultural gumbo of visuals has always been a little hard to parse. If you follow @atlaculture then you know it'd be kind of fruitless to try and apply any one single ethnicity/culture to one nation. A common, and very valid, criticism of Avatar is the pan-asian approach it takes to worldbuilding. I'm not here to defend that lol. I think people who dislike Avatar on that basis are well within their rights to do so, and I also think it's important to enjoy things critically.
HOWEVER, from a worldbuilding perspective, the mish mash becomes easier to swallow when you think of it in terms of multiple groups of people being unified into different nation states over a very long period of time and slowly intertwining their cultures into a single(ish) identity.
Take the Fire Nation for example: in FC Yee's The Shadow Of Kyoshi we learn that the government was much more decentralized and the country was controlled by different clans, like the Saowon and Keosho, who had individual spheres of influence and strong senses of identity. It makes me think about Mai and Ty Lee
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They're both Fire Nation nobles and they both live in the Fire Nation capital - but their styles/clothes are completely different. Now, obviously that can be boiled down to personality-based character design but. There's a wide discrepancy between Mai's Edo Japan inspired hair and Ty Lee's Thai inspired performance outfit, and a little retroactive canon about them being part of different but powerful clans .. ? Yeah. That'd be fun, at the very least.
I could go on about this... was there a Water Lion Turtle at the north AND the south? How did the airbenders transition from relatively sedentary life on a Lion Turtle to nomadism? etc etc etc BUT in conclusion: TLOK and the comics have some very fun worldbuilding implications snuck in there !! Which makes up for a lot in my opinion. Personally I'd KILL for an Avatar series set in the warring states/unification period... I think that could be insanely cool...idk. The End. For Now.
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almondmilktargaryen · 1 month
The Girl Who's Got Agoraphobia (Part Four)
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*pictures not mine. layout made via canva
Summary: You're the girl with agoraphobia Michael told Oliver about. You're known for not leaving your room much (obviously). But that doesn't stop Michael from checking on you.
Couple: Fem!Reader/Michael Gavey
Category: Flangst, friends to lovers
Content warnings: Fic begins with a panic attack
Word count: 2.3k
Also on my Ao3
Part one | Part two | Part three | Part four
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Fucking Losers
You were having a fit. A moment. An episode. Whatever it’s called. It didn’t matter as your body shook in the dark.
Of course, you were thinking about Michael. How could you not? He was one of the few people who saw you in this state before, apart from your mother. He quickly learned how to help, often asking you from the foot of your bed if certain parts were accurate as he read from the academic journals he pulled from the library. You would be at the head, hunched over homework or your book as you give him a simple yes or no.
But Michael’s not here. You haven’t seen him since the end of finals. Then you both went home for winter break and didn’t check in on one another for two weeks; the longest either of you have gone without speaking since you met. It was unheard of, terrifying. Despite how things were left, you did not want things to stay that way. You weren’t the one who needed to mend this with an apology, but leaving the wound open isn’t helping anymore. Perhaps calling time of death is the only answer.
Rising slowly from the floor, you took your time and your breaths. To avoid exacerbating the situation, you made an effort not to gasp for air. You press your back against a blank wall while steadying your knees as they shake. You mentally map out the pathway from Fleming to Haygood. It’s nighttime, but there’s plenty of lights on the paths, surely. The ones you can see from your window are.
You made up your mind. You picked up your coat and scarf from your chair. While following the same light from your peephole, you observe the dust looping around itself in the stream before vanishing back into the dark. You don’t even think to look out of it before opening the door.
And Michael was there. He stood in the yellow-lit hallway in his trench coat, barely hiding the d20 graphic tee he bought at the last Comic-Con. His glasses were fogged, and he was out of breath. “Hey,” he says like his lungs aren’t burning.
“Michael.” You held your door. You dare not sniffle.
“Figured you’d be here.”
Your face turned to stone. “Did you?”
“No-no, not like that,” he coughs on his own words. “I only meant—that I—I was hoping you were here.”
That hits you, but you don’t want to show it. “You’ve been running,” you say.
“I have.”
“You never run.”
“Painfully true.”
You look him up and down. His runners (irony) are soaked as well as his khakis from the calves down. Not only did he run, but he ran through the snow. Your eyes dart to his, which are slowly being revealed as his glasses adjust to the indoor temperature. It gets harder to look at him; slanted brows and Cheshire Cat lips turned downward. They’re parted slightly to let in more air. Unlike you, he doesn’t look away. Because he doesn’t know what you were about to do, but you know why he’s here. Michael never runs. So why else would he be here? In the most delightful way possible, he surprised you. Not a high bar to meet after last time, but you might as well get to the point. You clear your throat. “Michael, I—”
“I’m sorry.”
You meet his eyes, still fogged, but you don’t speak a word. Not because you want him to grovel (entirely), but because you don’t know what to say.
“What I said was wrong. But you knew that already. I shouldn’t have said it. And I shouldn’t have taken this long to say it.”
You lean on your door, blotting your snot on your sleeve. “Why did you?”
Michael shrugged, then his eyes turned away from you, trailing to the wooden floor beneath your feet. “Stubbornness. Geniuses don’t like being told they’re wrong. Even when they are absolutely wrong. And… uh…”
Your brows quirk.
“I’m afraid of saying it aloud. Because it sounds so bad, but I don’t mean it to be because it’s not—oh my God, you’ve been crying!” His glasses finally defogged. He comes closer and you don’t stop him when his hands take a gentle hold of your arms, the only thing adjacent to a hug at this moment. It’s all the rift between you will allow, even in the midst of mending. “What happened?”
It was your turn for your eyes, dry and irritated, to fall toward the floor as you finally cave and sniffle to spare your sleeves. “Panic attack.” There it is. That’s what it was. The description came to you when you needed it. “I’m fine now.”
“You should sit down.” His breath is a mix of beer and mint gum. “They always take the energy out of you.”
“Yeah.” You step back, still holding the door. It has a habit of leaning forward and closing on its own. You wait for Michael to step in. He eventually inches forward until he’s under the doorway, keeping eye contact with you and his hands in his pockets. Then he’s in.
You take off your coat and scarf, then Michael’s, setting them all on the arm of your big chair. With your silent permission, you both take refuge in your designated spots on your bed after slipping off your shoes. You take a pillow each to hold, then you turn on your bedside lamp. Instead of an old yellow light, the room glows with a soft orange instead. Michael nestles up to the wall next to your astronomy posters, his skinny legs stretched out straight in front of him and away from you. The lines of his eyes are redder than usual. You noticed them in the hallway, but you still didn’t say a word about it.
“What’d you want to say?” You eventually asked.
“Promise you won’t get upset?”
“Even if it comes out bad?”
“As long as you explain yourself. I promise.”
Michael sighed. His head bumped against the wall as yours did with the headboard. Your post-attack exhaustion is already taking over. “Oliver ditched me. At the pub.”
“He did?” It explained the beer.
Michael nodded. “For Felix Catton and his vultures.”
“Oh, Michael.” It sounds bad. A typical primary school reaction of retreating to the closest person to avoid being alone, and possibly even a target. It sounds absolutely selfish. But you kept yourself composed because you couldn’t help but feel for him still. He knows that pain too. You’ve joked in the past about how hopeless you both are at making friends, but it doesn’t hurt less when you’re proven right. “I’m sorry he did that.”
“I went to grab us some pints. When I came back, he was at their table. Barely spared me a glance.”
“Guess he wasn’t meant to be your friend.” You say it like you turned into your mother. She always said it when you found yourself in the same grief time and time again.
Michael shrugged. “He was boring. He barely spoke at all. And that’s why I came straight here. Because I knew you would never do that to me.”
You sniffled again. It thickened in your nose. “You’re a prick sometimes, Charles. Even when you’re an absolute arse to me, I like you too much to do that to you.”
“Even when you call me Charles?”
“Of course.” You pull your lips into a half smile because you don’t have the energy for much more. “So why’d it take you so long to realize that?”
“We’re hopeless at making friends. You left so quickly. I thought I fucked it all up from the start.”
You pursed your lips as his words settle in. The exhaustion only creeps in as you sink into your bed. “We’re both terrible at making friends, aren’t we?” You try to lighten the mood with a chuckle, even though it’s terribly depressing.
“But it’s easy with you.” He holds the pillow close to his chest, looking you in the eyes as he says, “I don’t want to lose that.”
You push your leg out to nudge him on the nose. He thins out his lips as he takes it, even though you took off your socks. Once you’re successful, your leg drops to his side. “Well, you won’t lose it.”
And the silence in the room stretches as you watch the wound heal between you in the lamp’s soft glow. The vulnerability in Michael’s eyes mirrors yours.
“You know,” your voice breaks the silence as you sit back up and put your pillow back in place. “What Oliver did to you was awful, but we can still take advantage of the night. Let’s go to the pub.”
Michael raises an eyebrow. “It’s Saturday night. It was so crowded down there.”
You shrug. “You said you wouldn’t let anything happen to me, right?”
The corners of his mouth quirked up. “I did say that.”
“So, let’s go.” You stand up, turn on your bare heels, and extend your hand to him. “Maybe it’ll be good for us. Better than being around those fucking losers.” It’s uncharacteristic as the last words fall out of your mouth, but it certainly felt appropriate.
“You sure you’re not tired?”
“I’ll let you know when I’m tired.”
“I’ll take it then.” And Michael takes your hand When he lands on his feet, though, it’s closer than expected. He’s so close to falling into you, which would make you both collapse on the hard floor. But he balances himself by taking a hold of your hip with his other hand.
It would be normal to step back and let go of his hand to give him space. It certainly would make sense. But you can’t explain the sudden surge of boldness that hits you. And without thinking something through for the first time in your life, you push yourself up on your toes and kiss him. It was quick, and spontaneous, much like the whole decision.
You open your eyes to see Michael’s face illuminated by the lamp, part of its shade reflected in his glasses. The weight of what you just did started stacking on your shoulders, brick by brick. But before you can pull away and apologize, Michael’s lips meet yours again. His kiss is different—frantic and eager, filled with the desperate need to connect again (or proof he’s never kissed someone. You’ve never talked about it). It’s sloppy as both his hands move to your waist and grip at the fabric of your sweater. Your hands meet his chest as you try pushing him away. Your lips are drenched by the time you finally separate.
“Michael, slow down.” You wipe your mouth.
“Sorry,” he whispers. Beer still lingers in his breath.
“It’s okay. Just… do it like this.” You urge him to loosen his hold on your sweater as your hands find their way to his face. You show him how to kiss with tenderness.
And he responds accordingly, his kisses becoming softer and more deliberate. His hands rest on your waist now. No force in them. The urgency fades, and his skin is warm as your hands lace around his neck. He pulls back this time, though, and the look in his eyes shows you how dazed he is. “Maybe we should stay in,” he suggests softly.
“Well, I—”
“Not anything like that. I’m not ready for… that. I just know you’ll be exhausted soon.”
You couldn’t lie. You were already there. “But you said you—”
“I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. But that’s a simple thing to prove in a pub at any time. We’ll go soon.” He pecks you on the lips. “But for now, you should rest.”
You don’t argue further. Instead, you pull away from Michael completely and make way for your wardrobe. Luckily, this isn’t the first time Michael’s spent the night in your dorm, so you pull out some of the spare pajamas he’s left behind during late movie nights. You both turn away as you change, but meet again in an attempt to make room in your single bed. Michael wraps an arm around your waist as you both get comfortable and squeezes in close, keeping you from the edge. He props himself up on his elbow.
“Are you going to fall asleep?” You ask him.
Michael leans over to put his glasses on the end table. “Shouldn’t be too hard. And it’s already more comfortable than your couch. If I can’t, your bookcase is easy to reach. I can always grab a memoir.”
Your knuckles brush against his sweatshirt, a weak attempt at a smack as you giggle. Michael takes that hand and turns it in his hold like he is examining it. He kisses your fingers and cradles them against his chest. He knows you feel his still rapid heartbeat.
“This is all… a lot for me.”
“Me too.”
“What made you do it?”
“Did you wish I didn’t?”
“God no. I’d been wanting to for a while.”
“So did I.” You trace the Oxford logo on his chest. “So I did it. Just in a brief moment where I stopped overthinking.”
The air blown out of Michael’s nose is cool against your face. “You actually stopped thinking?” His lips find your forehead as he still keeps hold of your hand—an assurance that he is joking. “Had to say it.”
“It’s difficult. But it’s easier with you.”
The smartass grin leaves his face at that. Instead, he lets his head meet your pillow as his eyes refuse to stray from yours. He brushes your hair back, his short nails just scratching your scalp. It’s soothing, and it encourages you to close your eyes in bliss as your mind is blank.
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Taglist: @anukulee
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Rajesh Koothrappali x Female!Reader: The Comic Con Redemption
Author's Note: I love Raj very much and want to rewrite moments from the series including a girlfriend for him to pretend he didn't end up alone.
P.S.: English is not my first language, and this is my first imagine. Sorry for any mistakes.
Warning: none
Summary: You've just been promoted to Girlfriend of the Millennium.
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(gif just to illustrate their happiness, lol)
Raj sighed, disheartened. "The tickets sold out… I didn’t get any."
It was another tense day at the opening of Comic Con ticket sales. The friends had gathered at Sheldon’s apartment, all agitated, each with their laptop in hand. They frantically pressed F5 until they managed to get into the virtual queue—if they managed to.
"I didn’t get one either," Howard replied. From the frustrated faces of Leonard and Sheldon, it was evident they hadn’t succeeded either.
"This was supposed to be the best Comic Con in the last 20 years," Leonard lamented. "I can’t believe we’re going to miss it."
"Now I know how Mexican immigrants feel when they’re barred from entering the United States and living the American dream they desire so much," Sheldon commented, his voice monotone in a sad tone.
"…No, Sheldon, you don’t know," Leonard said. Despite the frustration, he didn’t agree with Sheldon’s exaggerated drama.
When you arrived at the apartment from your shift at Caltech’s Computational Mathematics lab, where you worked as a researcher, the atmosphere was similar to a funeral. The last time you saw them this sad was when Tony Stark had died.
"Oh, no," you said, going to your boyfriend Raj’s side and sitting on the arm of the chair he occupied. "Don’t tell me another superhero died… when Tony Stark died, you were in mourning for three days, it was horrible."
"It’s worse," Sheldon said. "We didn’t get tickets to Comic Con."
"I already had my cosplay ready," Leonard sighed.
"Speaking of which," you stood up, took the bag that was still on your shoulder, and pulled out four identical pieces of paper. "Julie’s husband, who was my roommate at Harvard, works in event organization and is organizing this year’s Comic Con. I got four tickets for you guys."
You placed the tickets on the table, and everyone stood still for a few seconds, completely immobile. Sheldon picked up one of the tickets from the coffee table, analyzed it cautiously, and held it up to the light to verify its authenticity. When he finished, he put the ticket back on the table and sat up straight, in complete silence.
"Well?" Howard asked.
"They’re real," Sheldon replied.
"Y/N, YOU GENIUS, WONDERFUL WOMAN!" Raj instantly shouted. He quickly got up from the chair, went to you, gave you a hug that lifted you off the ground, and spun you around. Then he kissed you intensely.
"Why didn’t you tell us you had the tickets?" Leonard asked.
"Julie’s husband could only confirm if he could get them 30 minutes before the official batch opened," you explained. "I didn’t want to say anything before to avoid creating expectations. And when I got them, I called Raj five times, but he didn’t answer. So I called you guys, and no one answered. But I decided to get the tickets anyway, and if you managed to buy some, I could sell them, so it would be a win-win situation."
"We were doing finger stretches to avoid cramps while buying the tickets," Sheldon explained. "That’s why we missed the call."
You laughed. "Well, I guess you owe me one."
Raj hugged you again, kissing your temple. "Consider me your servant for the next weeks."
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cypherscript · 1 year
Comic Con-versation
Had this little blurb idea while I was mowing at work, I seem to get these a lot while doing that...
This comes from the idea that during the episode Reign Storm, when Pariah Dark rips Amity Park from the land of the living it's not quite put back into its right dimension which ties into Reality Trip when Danny finds out there's a comic book series about him that heavily goes into his backstory to his dread. The universe? DC where Danny Phantom is essentially the same level as DC is here.
The Justice League was currently called into a meeting, not that is was a new thing for Billy aka Shazam. What WAS a new thing was that Constantine, workaphobic/smokeaholic Justice League Dark member, was the one to call in the meeting. Billy gets deposited by the zetatubes and sees some familiar faces around the table; Batman, Nightwing and Red Robin on one side while Flash and Kid Flash/Impulse sat across from them adamantly talking. Constantine stood by the projector controls with huge stacks of comics, newspapers and magazines.
One of the comics catches Billy's eye; a young man in a hazmat suit looking into a screen that loops onto him watching the screen titled Masters of All Time. He quickly flies over and snatches it from the pile, "Awesome! I didn't know we were aloud to bring comics up here. I've been meaning to catch up on this series." He kicks up his feet and starts reading.
Constantine gives a tired look at Shazam, "You mean to tell me that you know this series? I've just spent that last bloody three weeks studying this bollocks."
"Of course, who doesn't know about Danny Phantom?!"
The remaining league walks in at that point as Batman, Nightwing and Flash raise their hands. Impulse flashes over and reads them in a second.
"Dude that's so crash, these are CLASSIC~. Dad had an incomplete set that he gave me for my birthday. Oh dude! Reality Trip, I remember this one; Danny, Sam and Tucker are chased-"
"HEY! Spoilers!"
"Constantine if you can just start the meeting about why we're here?"
"Right. As Shazam said; this is a comic book series about a ghost themed superhero. Sorta like Deadman but not magical." Constantine types into the console and brings up multiple pictures of Danny Phantom's scenes from the book. "The comic book series has been running for nineteen years, it's had multiple adaptations and crossovers. Thousands of roleplaying accounts across multiple social medias, millions of enjoyers of the media across the globe."
"How is this a problem for us," Aquaman asks as he flips through one of the comic books. "It's fictional."
"Yes and no." John presses a key and a real life picture of a town comes on screen."
"Holy Geez! Is that Amity Park?!" Red Robin exclaims as he takes over a personal console and makes a 3D render of the city, rotating and zooming until he finds a brick building with a heaping monstrosity of metal atop of it with a sign stating Fentonworks. "It's real..."
Batman looks at Red Robin calculatingly, "I wasn't aware you partook in that kind of media."
"It's a guilty hobby."
Constantine clears his throat, "It appears real. This city didn't exist four months ago and not just that." He pulls up an actual picture of Danny Phantom in the flesh, "This has magical bullshit written all over it and the only thing to explain it is a Tulpa. All of the evidence points to it; millions of thoughts based on one subject, it suddenly appears out of nowhere and there wasn't a blip on our systems."
"Is a tulpa that much of a problem," Wonder Woman asks as she looks over the pictures of Phantom and Amity Park."
"It can be difficult; seeing how this character's powerset changes more than Supe's does and he's just as strong. The problem is if it's NOT a tulpa and the comics are prophetic."
"Why," Batman asks straight to the point.
Constantine looks through the stacks of comics and pulls out two of them; one with a black gauntlet wearing a green skull ring taking up the front page and the other a grim scene of a large blue skin version of Danny Phantom with fire like hair standing amidst skulls and ruin buildings.
"This first one is about a King of Ghosts ripping the city from their plane of existance, he manages to defeat him in single combat and return his city to his world. Sound familiar?" John gestures at the images of Amity Park. The second is where the problem comes from; this is an evil version of the stories hero, corrupted after the lose of his family. He destroys his world with Amity Park being the only remaining city."
"Ok," Flash asks bored as he flips through the comics.
"Ok? Ok?! It's not bloody ok. It hasn't happened yet but other things have happened exactly as they did in the comics!" He pulls up videos of Danny Phantom and Danny Fenton being split apart and a satellite feed of a massive armored vehicle firing at something that can't be seen.
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"The next part is Doomsday! Those two events happen directly after the city is ripped from its dimension and dropped into this one. We all die! Dark Danny comes back in time to reassure his future, we have to stop this."
The Justice league shares a look as Constantine keeps ranting about the incoming apocalypse from a comic book.
"Constantine when is the last time you had a vacation?"
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autistichalsin · 16 days
I love my mom but the lying and guilt tripping gets to be so much sometimes.
IE she overheard me talking about getting my brother a ticket to fly to comic con with us. She got pissed about money (fair enough I guess since he still lives with her and my dad) but then I brought up we were helping, and she got mad at me saying she missed my college graduation because of money so why didn't we help?
I just about lost it. I BEGGED her to come. I offered to pay for all the hotels or plane tickets. She's scared of flying so wouldn't do that, and won't let my dad go anywhere without her, so that was a no. And she said the drive was way too long, she'd be really uncomfortable, and my dad couldn't take that long off work.
She didn't come because she didn't think it was important. Bottom line.
In fact, I even mentioned at one point before the graduation I was grateful, as much as the pandemic sucked, that the graduation would be getting livestreamed because it meant she and my dad would see it no matter what. And she (granted, drinking at the time, but still) said it was horrible for me to celebrate people dying just so I could have a graduation.
EVERY TIME I brought up my graduation, she never showed the slightest interest, nor the slightest bit of sympathy that she was missing it. She went out of her way to blame me, act like I was the one being unreasonable. She continued showing absolutely no interest for my Masters graduation, so that I ended up not even bothering to travel (online program) because I knew no one would be there for me anyway, so why bother.
I didn't even get to go to my high school graduation, because it was an online program on the other side of the state. I had to be held back a year when depression hampered my academic performance, and my older siblings had already dropped out; in desperation, trying to motivate me not to do the same, my dad promised me that if I made it, they would too. So I worked through, got the credits I needed... and nope. My mom screamed that my dad spent too much on getting the car up to pass inspection standards (how does that even make sense) and that we therefore couldn't afford to go. So I didn't get to attend that either.
And you know what? Honestly, I made my peace with it- with the fact that my mom will never care about me the way she cares about my sister, that she just doesn't think my successes are worth celebrating (unless she can brag to someone online to seem like a good parent, I guess) and lacks the empathy to understand why me having my parents with me at major life events is a big deal. I worked through that and made my peace with it and have quietly decided I am not even going to bother inviting them to any future events I have, unless maybe I get married one day, I guess, though I feel she'd still try to find excuses not to go to that if it was more than a four hour drive from her.
I could deal with all that. But she fucking LIED about it to guilt trip me. She lied that she WANTED to come and it was money preventing her. That I never tried to help her get to me. And that's the part that hurts the most. That she wasn't there to celebrate when it mattered, but now has the nerve to lie about it and play victim, as though I'm the reason she wasn't there.
She always does this shit! When I was a senior in undergrad, there was an undergraduate research symposium everyone in my major was required to present at. It was ALSO on Zoom, so no excuse not to make it. I asked her and my dad multiple times if they'd like to see my present my research paper on a Japanese death cult and the effects it had on Japanese culture. They BOTH declined. So I invited my grandma, who was happy to be invited, and my best friend even walked her through setting up Zoom for the first time. AFTER the event, when I was telling my mom and dad on the phone about my grandma loving my presentation, THEN my mom got livid and said she had NEVER been invited, and of COURSE she would have come if she had the chance, why did I invite my grandma and not her?
She doesn't want to share in important things with me but then she gets pissed if I then share them with others instead. I guess she wants to feel so important that her declining would make me refuse entirely instead (as with my Masters degree ceremony?) I don't know.
I'm just tired of this man.
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animesavior · 1 month
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“Find your dream, Akira. Find the biggest one you can. Your dreams keep a man solid; don't you ever forget that.” -          Teruo Tendo, Zom 100 (Ep. 12)
“If that's the case, I think it's time I leave the village. If what Shizuka's said was true and the zombies are caused by a virus, I'll travel the country and look for a cure to it. they'll convince dad to get surgery for his hemorrhoids, yeah. Do your best to help humanity and do what you can for the world. Those were dad's last wishes after all.” -          Akira Tendo
This Toonami Trending Rundown is a double feature for June 28 & 29-30 and July 5 & 6-7, 2024, as these two weeks marked the season finale of Zom 100.
In regards to trending, during both Toonami Rewind broadcast of June 28 and July 5, #ToonamiRewind would trend in the USA. And for both nights of June 29-30 and July 6-7, #Toonami would trend in the United States alongside My Adventures with Superman and Zom 100. #Toonami would also trend on Tumblr during the latter week.
The Zom 100 manga continues on Akira, Shizuka, Kencho, and Beatrix’s storyline, which is also being published stateside by Viz Media, which is still going strong with 17 volumes and 67 chapters and counting. Unfortunately, there’s no word yet on when and if we’ll see a second season of the Zom 100 anime as of now. As previously mentioned, the anime saw numerous production issues and setbacks that regularly delayed the release of episodes during its original Japanese run, most notably with the final three episodes being delayed for over three months. So even if a second season is already greenlit, it’s quite understandable that the animation studio might need some time to get things back together. Nevertheless, Zom 100 sure was a fun ride, and hopefully we’ll see this show return in the future. In the meantime, feel free to check out the manga, in addition to a live action film by Netflix, that has been on their service since August 3, 2023.
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This week’s feature was a game review of Animal Well, a platformer developed by Shared Memory and published by Bigmode. It received an 8/10 score.
During the Production I.G panel on the Saturday of Anime Expo 2024, the panelists revealed the voice cast of the upcoming anime adaption of Junji Ito’s Uzumaki. The English cast will include:
Abby Trott as Kirie Goshima
Robbie Daymond as Shuichi Saito
Cristina Vee as Azami Kurotani
Doug Stone as Kirie's father
Aaron LaPlante as Shuichi's father
Mona Marshall as Shuichi's mother
Max Mittelman as Katayama
As for a potential release date, In an interview with The Japan Times released on June 29, Ito revealed that “the first of four episodes is complete, and lives up to his expectations.” The article also mentioned that Uzumaki is set to air later this year. During San Diego Comic-Con, Toonami announced that Uzumaki would indeed be premiering this September 28, 2024 at 12:30 a.m., following premiere episodes of Rick and Morty: The Anime.
Speaking of Comic-Con, we also got some news regarding several original productions and acquisitions. We got a new show announcement in Rooster Fighter by Shū Sakuratani. Rick and Morty: The Anime will also be premiering on Adult Swim on August 17, with the Japanese with English subtitled version of the episode premiering on Toonami starting August 19. Lazarus by Shinichiro Watanabe will be premiering in 2025. And finally, Aniplex has announced that Toonami will be airing Demon Slayer’s Swordsmith Village arc on August 10 at midnight, with successive episodes airing on 12:30 a.m, at least until September 28.
Crunchyroll has revealed a new trailer, key visual, and release date for the third and final season of Fire Force. Season 3 will be split into two cours (roughly around 24-26 episodes combined), the first half premiering in April 2025, while the second premieres in January 2026. In terms of trending, #FireForce would trend in the USA as a result.
As I attended San Diego Comic-Con in person, unfortunately, we’re running a bit behind on posting the most recent trending rundowns. We’ll have the trending rundown for the rest of July, featuring the season finale of My Adventures with Superman, up in the coming days. And be sure to tune in tonight for the premiere of Demon Slayer’s Swordsmith Village arc. Until next time, stay gold, be sure to register to vote for this year’s elections if you’re eligible and haven’t already, and let’s go Team USA.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
June 28, 2024 Toonami Rewind Trends
United States Trends:
#ToonamiRewind [#13]
Tweet Counts:
#ToonamiRewind [1,435 tweets]
#Naruto [6,288 tweets]
June 29-30, 2024 Toonami Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [Trended with #MyAdventuresWithSuperman]
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [#5]
#Zom100 [Trended with #MyAdventuresWithSuperman]
Tweet Counts:
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [3,128 tweets]
July 5, 2024 Toonami Rewind Trends
United States Trends:
#ToonamiRewind [#24]
Tweet Counts:
#Toonami [1,218 tweets]
#SailorMoon [3,321 tweets]
July 6-7, 2024 Toonami Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [#8]
#MyAdventuresWithSuperman [#9]
#Zom100 [#9]
Tumblr Trends:
#Toonami [#5]
If you wish to send me a tip for the work on the trending rundown, donations can be sent to https://paypal.me/DanielLimjoco.
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Secrets upon secrets. Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
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Red Sky In Morning
By a-really-good-lawyer (BAMFspock)
Fandom: Daredevil (TV); The Defenders (TV); The Avengers (Marvel Movie)
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 500,593
Chapters: 27 (complete)
Pairings: Matt Murdock/Frank Castle, Matt Murdock & Peter Parker, brief Matt/Natasha
"You ever been tired, Red?"
Captain America and his allies are allowed to come out of hiding under the terms of a stripped back Sokovia Accords, overseen by a newly-rebuilt SHIELD. An agreement is struck, and four Avengers are assembled once more.
Then Midland Circle Financial falls, and they find Daredevil among the ruins.
Identity revealed, Matt is forced into his own agreement. But SHIELD has a hidden agenda, and it's not the only organization making its move. A long-hidden secret is slowly working its way into the light, and now the race is on to find the truth.
Matt just wishes he'd never escaped from Midland Circle.
Tags: Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Rape/Non-Con; Post-Defenders AU; Sokovia Accords; Mystery; Conspiracies; alternates between present time and flashbacks; Matt-Centric; multiple POVs; Hurt/Comfort; Angst with a Happy Ending; Found Family; Matt being protective of kids; like so many kids; flagrant perversion of Marvel comic canon for plot purposes; some AU NMCU Punisher references; Teamwork makes the dream work; mostly ignores other NMCU/MCU shows except Iron Fist S1
WARNINGS: Discussions and portrayal of suicidal ideation; discussions and portrayal of sexual assault; allusions to and some portrayal of self-harm behaviors; discussions of trauma; discussions and portrayals of depression; discussions and portrayal of dissociative states (DP/DR); mentions of depression-related weight loss; allusions to and discussions of child abuse; portrayals of non-consensual drugging; ableism; sanism and sanist language; eugenicist talk; graphic violence; depictions of adults and children in captivity; depictions and discussions of eugenics; discussions of substance abuse; rated M for themes and sexual content
Read It Here!
(click here for links to other profiles, gifs, and where to find me)
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bardonardo · 1 year
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Four state comic con photos part 1
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uncannyzuck · 5 months
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All set up for Four State Comic-Con tomorrow! Come by and say hello! And yes, Plo is available as a print
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dumbingofage · 2 years
Hi, I hope this is the account managed by David Willis. It's pretty hard to find an email adress to contact the artist.
I have a very simple question. Are you ever coming to Europe to do a comic con stuff? I would really really like to shake (or wave) to you. For the last +10 years, you have made my life pleasant by your comics. I started with Shortpaced, for the sole reason I liked the art. The awesome storyline got to me later, went reading It's walky and after that, I begin reading Joyce and Walky. I started reading Dumbing of Age from the start.
Anyway I stop with the praising. Don't want to make this awkward, so let me start asking if you are aware that you have fans in Europe?
It would be awesome if you could visit Holland or any of the west-european countries on the mainland, so not UK.
Greetings from The Hague, The Netherlands.
Thanks for reading! It warms my dark heart. I mail quite a few books each Kickstarter to various European countries, so I know you folks are over there.
In order to get me to Europe, I'd basically have to have my way paid for by a convention, because otherwise such a trip is a little out of my financial comfort zone, especially if I want to be not a terrible father/husband and bring my family with me. Because I live in the United States, I'd basically have to choose between Europe Trip or Healthcare. Well, okay, US Healthcare for a family of four is like ten Europe Trips. I live in a great country! Just a wonderful, amazing country, full of freedom and getting charged $300 for a 15-minute annual checkup because they billed the wrong insurance and then you spend six days on the phone.
Long story short, if you want me in Europe, start begging local conventions to have me flown in as a guest.
or get the united states to implement nationwide socialized medicine, either or
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
It's come to this? by u/Hermes_Blanket
It's come to this? Variety has a new article on something called the ATX TV Festival, which has just announced they will hold a reunion for the cast and creatives of "Suits" in Austin, TX from May 30-June 2 of next year:https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/atx-tv-festival-suits-reunion-halt-and-catch-fire-1235798585/"Creator Aaron Korsh and cast members Patrick J. Adams, Sarah Rafferty and Dulé Hill are confirmed, with more to be announced soon.""More to be announced soon". Does that mean MM? If so, correct me if I'm wrong, but she will now have sunk to the level of having to appear at a form of Comic Con for attention/money."Suits" will share the festival with a retrospective panel celebrating the 10th anniversary of the series premiere of “Halt and Catch Fire,” which aired on AMC for four seasons from 2014 to 2017. Also appearing at the festival will be a “Presidential Forum: On TV, the Industry, and What’s Next,” featuring "TV’s top executives" about the current state and future of the industry. Confirmed panelists include Nicole Clemens (Paramount Television Studios), Lisa Katz (NBCUniversal Entertainment), Erin Underhill (Universal Television) and Katherine Pope (Sony Pictures TV). Networking alert!​ post link: https://ift.tt/83A2B9v author: Hermes_Blanket submitted: November 20, 2023 at 05:55PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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charmixpower · 1 year
Issue Twenty-Four: Love Potion
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Jester Comic Jester Comic Jester Comic Jester-
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Um fnsbdnsksbs girlie???
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I'm so obsessed with Stella's top jacket and headband 🥰 so so cute
Musa is so adorable as well 😍😍😍
Bloom, why, just, why
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Imagine opening a book and it's just "make a motorcycle outfit appear, for second years" I'm so obsessed
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They are so cute!!!! Love all their outfits!!!
Flora's off the shoulder sweater 😍 Aisha's sweater vest over the open button up 😍 Tecna's thigh highs and electric horns 😍 Musa's sideways music note 😍
Bloom's is very mid next to Tecna's
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This is so so so cute, most couple ever
So adorable 🥰🥰🥰
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Shilly, stop trying to be a home wrecker plzz
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Shilly stuttering when talking to Icy is everything to me, she so clearly is confused and freaked out by Icy talking to her and then remembers Icy doesn't have her memory
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Important question for this comic
Uh why the fuck does Icy do this??? Boredom??? Because the only reasonable answer is boredom
This actually gets more confusing later on, but we get there when we get there
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Comics Tecna you are not my baby girl even a little bit 💓 Look at how they massacre my girl
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Why does this random ass student dislike Stella so much??
"She was always so full of herself just because she had a boyfriend"
incorrect, Stella is always full of her self
But also Stella literally save Alfea form being destroyed, learn some fucking respect
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I have no comment, I am rolling on the floor
Nothing to see here folks
Also Bloom you wouldn't be saying this if it was Sky
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Look at Musa's sweater 😍 she's so adorable I'm obsessed, she looks super cute in orange
Hate the under shirt tho
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Literally the only explanation is wavy she wanted to exert control over someone and control their actions though her words, because that's the only thing she gains from this situation
Which is an interesting characterization of Icy as a toxic manipulator who enjoys dragging people around to her whims, but that's never stated, so my only recourse is to assume that the writers don't even know and just wanted this plot to happen
Also they somehow made Icy's top WORSE
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Bloom is literally just watching this without doing anything, amazing job looking out for your friends
Even if Brandon's been acting weird, this is v good evidence that isn't his fault, and you don't sit there and observe what's happening. You confront Shilly about what she's doing because maybe she's making it WORSE
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This moment is really sweet tho, god I hope Shilly becomes a reoccurring character as a witch who is friends and helps the Winx bc all witches are evil is sooooo annoying to me
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"I prefer to win you over, day after day!"
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thenixkat · 2 months
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[id: Three comic panels. In the first Blue Beetle 1 (Dan Garrett- Blue and red costume) and Blue Beetle 2 (Ted Kord- two-toned blue costume with yellow goggles and accents) are fighting. In the second panel, the blue Scarab amulet flies into the air between them briefly stopping the fighting. The ghostly visage of a pharaoh behind it. Both heroes stand looking up at the Scarab, which radiates yellow light as it talks to them.
Ted: Dan--if it really is you somehow-- you've got to fight this thing--! Don't let it control you--! Dan: ...Con...trol...me...?
Ted: It's this lousy Scarab--! Gotta get rid of it before-- The Scarab: No! I am not so easily discarded!
The Scarab: I am part of you-- Part of you both!! /end id]
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[id: Three comic panels the view starting far away looking up at the buildings where the heroes were fighting on top of as the Scarab radiates yellow waves of energy. The view zooms in across the next two panels till the viewer is looking at the two Blue Beetles as the Scarab amulet speaks.
The Scarab: It was I who saved Garrett's life those long months ago on Pago Island-- Keeping him alive during his long imprisonment beneath the Earth-- Until your recent battle with Carapax unwittingly released him!
The Scarab: For countless centuries, I have sought a champion to wield my power! For a time, I thought that one was Daniel Garrett-- But I know now that I was wrong!
The Scarab: You are the one I have waited for, Ted Kord! Slay Daniel Garrett-- and the power will be yours! Ted: What--?!? Dan: No!! /end id]
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[id: A single comic panel featuring Blue Beetle 2's face in profile, eyes blank, as the Scarab amulet talks to him. In pink lineart are hypothetical scenarios of Ted using the Scarab's power to fly, shoot beams, and tear things apart with his bare hands.
The Scarab: Think of it, Ted Kord-- the power to sunder mountains-- to soar through the skies like your insect name-sake--! All this can be yours-- And yours alone! /end id]
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[id: Four comic panels. Blue Beetle twists and turns struggling against the influence of the Scarab on his mind visualized by yellow beams surrounding his head. Once he finally shakes off the Scarab's influence Blue Beetle 1 appears behind him, heavily shadowed which hides his human features before attacking Ted, punching the other Blue Beetle into a brick wall with a 'Pow' sound effect.
The Scarab: All you need to do is take it! Ted: Yes! Yes!!
Ted: What wonders I could work with such power--! I could-- could--
Ted: --No!! I can't listen to this--! I won't listen!! It's wrong! It's--
Ted: --Uunnhh!! Dan: Fool!! /end id]
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[id: Three comic panels. Blue Beetle 1 tackles Blue Beetle 2 off of the roof they were on. As they fall Ted manages to switch positions with Dan. They fall into an alleyway knocking over a dumpster and other trash.
Dan: You've already stolen my name! You won't live long enough to steal my power! Ted: Dan--Uunnff-- Please! You've got to listen to me!
Ted: The Scarab is using you! It's using us both!! Dan: No! The Scarab saved me--transformed me--!
Ted: Yes-- into what it needed you to be! The Scarab is alive, Dan-- some sort of alien entity--! It must require a human host to give it mobility and-- uunnff!! /end id]
Continuing Khaji Da's original speaking role in the original solo Blue Beetle run from 1986. In which it attempts to mentally dominate Ted, and try to seduce him with ultimate power for the low low cost of murdering the old Blue Beetle. Ted manages to fight off the Scarab's influence and hypothesizes that it's actually an alien parasite.
Unfortunately, Ted can't get through to Dan who was revived/kept alive by Khaji Da and healed of his injuries as Dan's entrapment underground without food or water for months in a state of near death likely left him easily dominated by Khaji Da's will.
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