#raj koothrappali x reader
Rajesh Koothrappali x Female!Reader: The Comic Con Redemption
Author's Note: I love Raj very much and want to rewrite moments from the series including a girlfriend for him to pretend he didn't end up alone.
P.S.: English is not my first language, and this is my first imagine. Sorry for any mistakes.
Warning: none
Summary: You've just been promoted to Girlfriend of the Millennium.
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(gif just to illustrate their happiness, lol)
Raj sighed, disheartened. "The tickets sold out… I didn’t get any."
It was another tense day at the opening of Comic Con ticket sales. The friends had gathered at Sheldon’s apartment, all agitated, each with their laptop in hand. They frantically pressed F5 until they managed to get into the virtual queue—if they managed to.
"I didn’t get one either," Howard replied. From the frustrated faces of Leonard and Sheldon, it was evident they hadn’t succeeded either.
"This was supposed to be the best Comic Con in the last 20 years," Leonard lamented. "I can’t believe we’re going to miss it."
"Now I know how Mexican immigrants feel when they’re barred from entering the United States and living the American dream they desire so much," Sheldon commented, his voice monotone in a sad tone.
"…No, Sheldon, you don’t know," Leonard said. Despite the frustration, he didn’t agree with Sheldon’s exaggerated drama.
When you arrived at the apartment from your shift at Caltech’s Computational Mathematics lab, where you worked as a researcher, the atmosphere was similar to a funeral. The last time you saw them this sad was when Tony Stark had died.
"Oh, no," you said, going to your boyfriend Raj’s side and sitting on the arm of the chair he occupied. "Don’t tell me another superhero died… when Tony Stark died, you were in mourning for three days, it was horrible."
"It’s worse," Sheldon said. "We didn’t get tickets to Comic Con."
"I already had my cosplay ready," Leonard sighed.
"Speaking of which," you stood up, took the bag that was still on your shoulder, and pulled out four identical pieces of paper. "Julie’s husband, who was my roommate at Harvard, works in event organization and is organizing this year’s Comic Con. I got four tickets for you guys."
You placed the tickets on the table, and everyone stood still for a few seconds, completely immobile. Sheldon picked up one of the tickets from the coffee table, analyzed it cautiously, and held it up to the light to verify its authenticity. When he finished, he put the ticket back on the table and sat up straight, in complete silence.
"Well?" Howard asked.
"They’re real," Sheldon replied.
"Y/N, YOU GENIUS, WONDERFUL WOMAN!" Raj instantly shouted. He quickly got up from the chair, went to you, gave you a hug that lifted you off the ground, and spun you around. Then he kissed you intensely.
"Why didn’t you tell us you had the tickets?" Leonard asked.
"Julie’s husband could only confirm if he could get them 30 minutes before the official batch opened," you explained. "I didn’t want to say anything before to avoid creating expectations. And when I got them, I called Raj five times, but he didn’t answer. So I called you guys, and no one answered. But I decided to get the tickets anyway, and if you managed to buy some, I could sell them, so it would be a win-win situation."
"We were doing finger stretches to avoid cramps while buying the tickets," Sheldon explained. "That’s why we missed the call."
You laughed. "Well, I guess you owe me one."
Raj hugged you again, kissing your temple. "Consider me your servant for the next weeks."
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dd122004dd · 1 year
Author’s Note: The inspo for this fic was: In the season 7 episode "The Table Polarization", Raj talks about naming his first child Dileep after his grandfather. 
He’s 32 in this fic, according to the season.
So, some preg fluff, bruh. Like, they’re in the nursery, and it’s all finished, with like a star-constellations night-light like the think they had in the planetarium where raj worked once. And the room is like, space-themed and beautiful.
Warnings: None unless you hate pregnant women or they trigger you
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Golden light streamed through the white curtains into the little nursery bouncing off the silver constellations on the navy walls, glowing ethereally as if the stars were stolen from the sky and suspended within that very room.
A couple stood within the room in front of a cradle. Inside, were white linens with a starry blanket and children’s toys placed delicately against a tiny baby pillow. A pillowy soft haven for a delicate child was laid before the couple in anticipation for their first newborn.
The woman leaned against her husband as he slightly elevated her pregnant belly, providing her with relief and momentary reprieve from the babe’s weight resting on her back. Though the woman was exhausted, she seemed perfectly content in that moment, simply swaying in the nursery with her lover as the smooth breeze cooled her heated body. The light reflected on her skin, making her almost glow. The couple was locked in an intimate embrace when he whispered, “What should we name them?”
“Hmm?” She asked lazily, too blissfully.
“The little bean. What should we call them?” he asked gently.
“I haven’t really thought about it. Have you?”
“Since the moment I first met you.”
At his response she grinned widely and slowly turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck, she salaciously asked, “Really Mr. Koothrappali?”
Smiling back at her he responded, “Yes, Mrs. Koothrappali.”
She smiled at her husband before leaning in to kiss him gently.
The man moaned softly as his wife laved his mouth with attention. The sweet taste of her recent craving filled his mouth as he pulled her closer, ensuring not to hurt the baby between them.
When she started running out of air she broke free from the kiss, peppering soft pecks against his lips, unwilling to part from him.
Placing their foreheads together and swaying for a few moments she gently asked, “What did you want to name our little bean?”
He hesitated before saying, “If they’re a boy, I’d like to name him Dileep, after my grandfather. What do you think?”
She hummed at his response before replying, “If they’re a girl, we can name her Deepa.”
Releasing a breath of relief he replied, “Perfect.” Before kissing the forehead of the woman he loved.
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Rajesh Koothrappali x Female!Reader: Swallow
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Summary: There’s a chance you won’t end up with as many cats as Sarah expects after all.
Rating/Tags: T (drinking; drinking in excess; designated driver; texting; meet-cute; bars; set when Raj couldn’t talk to girls; set before Penny and Bernadette getting married to their canonical spouses; Penny & Bernadette; Penny & Bernadette & Raj; reader & original characters; mild language)
Challenge: “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire
Notes: Yeah, I used to watch this show with my parents. I stopped way before them, but I got requests for some of the characters, so...Anyway, please keep in mind any references to Raj being foreign and all were my attempts to reflect the show itself, not actually my own personal views. Same with the dismissive references to nerd culture.
“Ready? On the count of three. One…two…three!”
With a chorus of clinking and several shudders, three shot glasses hit the hard tabletop. The sound had barely faded when one of the surrounding girls started giggling. Five stops into this barhopping experience and someone was sure to snap sooner or later. Sure enough, the next words spoken were, “Shut up!” 
The giggling stopped.
“Wow, guys,” you said, as you gathered up the empty cups. “Much more of this and I’ll be peeling you all off the floor.”
“Shut up,” Sarah snapped again, which only caused Cassie to break out in another fit of giggles.
You lifted a single eyebrow, and she quieted quickly enough. Then again, that might have had more to do with the death glare that Sarah shoot her. Angry Sarah, silly Cassie…you were starting to get a bad feeling about this entire venture.
“Seriously. I think you’ve had enough. All of you,” you added at Jess’s blank fidgeting right across from you. 
The entire adventure was for her benefit, but she looked the least enthusiastic of the bunch. Letting her drink herself into oblivion sounded kind on paper, sure. Forcing her to get up for work the following morning with a raging headache? Not so much. You took her silence for agreement; unfortunately, your attempt to take pity on poor Jess went absolutely nowhere.
Cassie shook her head frantically. “Whaaaaat? You mean we have to go home? But that’s not fair, [Name]! That’s just not fair!”
“Calm down, Cass.” Sarah patted the distraught woman clumsily on the back. “[Name] can’t make us go anywhere.”
“She can’t?”
“I can’t?” you asked.
Sarah downed another shot, then threw you a wide grin that you liked the look of not at all. “Just because you’re the designated driver–”
“Because I have to be.”
“Shut up. You’re the last person to have a breakup before Jess, so it’s your turn. That’s how it works.”
“And when’s it gonna be your turn?”
“When I break up with Dan. Which I won’t. So shut up.”
“This is a load of malarkey," you muttered
“Maybe we should ask Jess,” Cassie suggested, turning to the blonde still staring morosely at the table. “You ready to go home, Jess?”
“I thought Jake was my Dan,” was Jess's mumbled reply.
“Not enough booze!” Cassie cried with barely concealed delight. She reached for another tiny glass. “Sorreeee, [Name].”
“What do you mean, not enough booze? She's practically crying already,” you said, as Jess’s eyes filled with tears. ”
“She has to drink until she forgets Jake or until the bars close,” said Sarah.
“Are you kidding me? You three are already drunk off your asses!”
“Them’s the rules,” Sarah’s smirk swiftly transformed into her typical drunken scowl. “Until you get yourself paired off with some guy, you’re the driver on these things. Consider it an incentive to not wind up the crazy cat lady of the group.”
“I only have one cat,” you pointed out.
“Oh! Oh! Didn’t you say you were thinking about adopting another?” Cassie asked.
You shot her a death glare of your own this time, though its effect was not as great as Sarah’s.
Sarah was too far gone to find any amusement in this revelation. She rolled her eyes and slid her empty cup toward your growing collection. “You don’t want to sit here watching us drink, fine. Why don’t you make yourself useful and go get us another round?”
“Oooor you could work the room,” Cassie said as she handed her glass over to you as well. “There’s loooots of boys here, and I’m sure you could find at least one smart enough to tempt even yoooou, [Name]!”
“Oh, you’re sure are you?” Sarah said.
“I’m sure!”
“Yeah, well you were sure at the last bar, too. And the one before that. And the one before that.”
“So your optimism is grating. Shut up.”
“I think you should shut up!”
“I don’t think so. Why don’t you…”
Sarah’s voice faded into the background as you moved away from your friends. By the time you got back, Cassie and Sarah were likely to be at each other’s throats with Jess in tears over it. 
Barhopping always sounded a lot more fun when you were the one drinking away a breakup. Maybe Sarah was right. Maybe it was time for you to find someone else. You weren’t still hung up on your ex anymore–far from it, the jackass–but sometimes another cat seemed more appealing then another guy. You had yet to meet anyone that really made you want to work at a relationship. A few dates here and there. Nothing serious.
The bartender didn’t seem all that thrilled at you returning his dirty cups, though you were grateful that he didn’t send you away. The last thing you wanted was to be drawn into a fight that would be completely forgotten in the morning. 
Turning on your stool, you made to face the indie band playing at the back of the bar. They weren’t very good, but they beat the tar out of whatever was going down back at your friends’ table. You figured you could give the lot of them twenty more minutes, and then they’d all be so annoyed with each other that they would agree to go home. Until then, crummy music and snatched bits of nearby conversation would have to do for entertainment.
“Come on, Raj. Go out and buy some girl a drink,” a shrill voice punctured the otherwise dull buzzing surrounding the bar. 
You glanced in the direction it came from without thinking to see a tiny blonde woman–even tinier than Jess–gesturing at the wide selection before her and her two companions. The nearest to you was another blonde, taller than the other and with an air of practiced charm, who did not speak up until she had finished whatever was in her bottle:
“Yeah, you don’t gotta marry her or whatever. Just practice talking to a few. Otherwise you might as well have stayed back with the guys playing Call of War.”
The man they were speaking to simply looked pained. He clutched a beer so tightly in his hand that you were surprised it hadn’t shattered. Why he was even there, you didn’t know. He didn’t seem to be having a good time, and it was pretty obvious that he wasn’t the designated driver. He wasn’t even dressed to be at a bar–then again, neither were you.
“Come on, Raj,” said the tinier one again. “You can talk to us, can’t you?”
Raj shook his head.
“Not enough booze,” she said in a stage whisper.
The taller of the two women rolled her eyes heavenward, then mussed her hair up with her free hand before making to disappear into the crowd. “I’ve got an audition tomorrow. We wait much longer to do this, and there’ll be no one left here worth meeting. Let’s go.”
“Right. Our racks’ll probably do a better job than a pet scientist anyhow.” The other took a step to follow her friend. She didn’t get very far before she stopped and turned back to Raj. “If you drink enough that you can use that tongue of yours, feel free to join us.” 
A nervous nod on his part, then she was off at a trot. The two girls passed by you closely enough that you distinctly heard her mutter:
 “As if that’ll ever happen.”
Now it was you, this Raj fellow, and a few other mostly silent patrons at the bar. As bad as the band was, it was still live music, and most people seemed more interested in that than sitting around waiting for someone to buy them a drink. Not that you needed a drink, since you had three stops to make on your way home, and not that Raj needed another one before he finished the one he already had. You sighed and tried to concentrate on the music, though you were pretty sure it was giving you a headache. How much longer until Jess passed out?
A few minutes passed before you looked over at Raj again. He was still there, still looking downcast. Every so often he would sway to the music. You felt for him, poor guy. This didn’t look like his scene at all, and it must have sucked being ditched by his girlfriends like that. Perhaps you were two peas in a pod for the time being. 
It might have taken you another five minutes, but finally you worked up the nerve to go over to him. His eyes darted to you and away not once, not twice, but three times as you walked toward him in the semi-darkness. Raj was kind of cute, in a dorky sort of way. Not the kind of guy you normally met at these sorts of venues. Perhaps not the kind of guy who wanted to meet you at these sorts of venues, since he looked outright terrified by the time you stopped in front of him.
“Hi,” you said awkwardly.
He took a gulp of beer.
“I’m [Name].”
Raj smiled. Your heart banged uncomfortably in your chest. Obviously this guy didn’t want to talk to you. Why not bail? But somehow the way the small woman had dismissed him earlier made you want to try harder.
“And you are?” you prompted him.
He opened his mouth. 
You leaned forward eagerly to catch whatever came out, and…
He closed it again. Raj closed his mouth and swallowed and smiled and bobbed his head, and then went on to stare past you, as though you were nothing more than yet another license plate on the wall. 
You were so disappointed that you couldn’t find it in yourself to move away for nearly thirty more seconds. Well, you thought as you walked off, at least you tried. Maybe now everyone would be ready to leave so that you could escape the site of your most recent embarrassment as quickly as possible. Your first time talking to a guy in months, and it had to turn out like that. Maybe Sarah was right. Maybe you were doomed to be the crazy cat lady.
“Don’t forget we have to pick up our pet scientist before we leave.”
“I won’t, I won’t. Would you quit worrying? He’s not even drunk. He can find his way home just fine. He’s not our child, Bernadette.”
You looked up at the familiar voices. The two women from before stood just a little bit in front of you, looking bored and a bit more pink around the edges.
Before you could stop it, your mouth was saying, “Um. Hey.”
They looked over at you in perfect unison. 
“Hi,” said Bernadette hesitantly. “Can we help you?”
Probably not. Almost certainly not. Why you were bothering, you didn’t know, but you took a step closer and nodded your head in the direction of the bar. “About your friend back there.”
The taller one frowned. “Who? Raj? What about him?”
“Does he speak English?”
They stared at you so hard that you wished you had never spoken to either of them. Then they burst into laughter. Having no idea what you had said that was so funny, you could only watch on, bewildered. What? He looked foreign. No big deal. Him not speaking English would explain a lot–and perhaps bolster your. confidence a little. 
No such luck. Bernadette recovered first: “Of course Raj can speak English,” she said, as though this were obvious.
“Oh, I just thought–he wouldn’t talk to me...”
“Oh, sweetie,” the larger woman said, leaning forward and patting your shoulder so hard that you nearly toppled over. “He can speak English. He just can’t speak to women.”
But they were already moving past you. “Pity he can’t find enough alcohol here to get him to talk. That one was actually cute,” Bernadette said, just before they walked out of earshot. 
Cute? You looked back over at the bar. Raj remained there, still intent on swaying to the music.
“Hey, [Name]! You gonna help or what?” Sarah shouted at you.
Startled, you twisted around to see her and Jess struggling to keep Cassie on her feet. 
“Move your ass! We gotta get her home before she starts vomiting. It’s your car, remember?”
You remembered. Raj forgotten, you hurried over to take the brunt of Cassie’s weight. What with Jess and Sarah being so inebriated, they could only hinder the group’s slow and unsteady progress toward the door. What followed was another chunk of time dedicated to getting Cassie in the car and buckled in while the other two made jokes at her expense. 
You had finally got everyone settled in and were about to open the car door to get inside yourself when you spotted the same trio from before leaving the building. Raj looked more upset than ever, but what did that matter to you? He didn’t speak to girls.
Wait. Speak?
“[Name]!” Sarah shouted after you as you raced away from the car and toward Raj and his two friends.
“H-Hey! Wait up!” you called. 
They did, though you suspected this was because you looked like a madwoman, running up with your arms flailing above your head.
“Oh. It’s you,” said Bernadette. “Did you need something, or…”
“Raj!” you said, slightly out of breath after all the physical labor. 
The look on his face made it obvious that you knowing his name was not something he’d expected. He didn’t talk this time either, but he didn’t have to. 
You dove into your purse, resurfaced with a pen and paper, and quickly scrawled your name and number across the scrap. “Here.”
Looking confused, he took your bit of paper.
“Text me?”
Before you could get a straight answer, you scuttled off. You had to get Cassie home, after all. 
Bernadette’s said one last thing in her high voice before your car door shut behind you: “You better text that one, Raj! Before all that beer leaves your system!”
“What was all that about?” Sarah wanted to know.
“I’ll tell you in the morning,” you said as your vehicle left the bar parking lot. “Let’s be quiet for now. Wouldn’t want to wake up Cass and Jess.”
She made a scoffing noise, but did as you directed. The drive home was relatively quiet and uneventful–save, just as you came back from laying Cassie out on her couch, your phone buzzing in the cup holder. You allowed yourself a peek and grinned.
“Rajesh Koothrappali. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
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river13245 · 6 months
Do you do multiple Fandom requests? Like more than one Fandom in one post? If not these can be separate or not done at all.
If you're interested, I would wanna see the orange peel theory with, Thor [marvel], Argyle [stranger things], Raj [big bang theory], and Fred [Scooby doo]. Or just general little quirks and cute things they do in relationships. I would like a headcanon format and the gender of the reader is up to you! <3
Orange Peel Theory
how would they act if you asked them to peel your orange for you.
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he wouldn't even question why you were asking him.
he could be in the middle of a conversation and he would just grab the orange and peel it for you.
Knowing thor he would probably struggle to get it going at first because he doesn't want to break the orange in half.
But when he gets it going he does it so gently.
He would hand it back to you and when you place your hand on his arm and thank him. He would act as if it wasn't that big of a deal and say your welcome.
He would not know about the orange peel theory. Honestly just thinking you needed his help.
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Argyle would be in his living room on the couch. He would be smoking and getting high.
He would probably be talking to Jonathan when you enter and sitting next to him.
You would politely wait until he was finished with what he was saying before holding the orange in front of him.
he would be confused as to why your handing him an orange and take it anyways.
"thanks" he says in a questioning tone. You shake your head and tell him that you need his help peeling it.
He nods and he pushes his thumb into the middle of it and begins to peel it. He had slightly longer fingernails than you did so he did it quite easily.
Once he was finished he took one slice of an orange and ate it.
Then handed you the rest and when you gave him a look he laughs and shrugs. "hey im hungry too"
You ended up sharing the orange with him anyways.
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you wouldn't even have to ask Raj to help you.
He would look at you and notice you struggling and would offer to help.
Doesn't matter if he was with his friends or not. He would offer to help.
If sheldon or someone asked why you needed help. He would stick up for you.
Sheldon would understand if you didn't like how sticky oranges were. Because he himself has problems with textures and things like that.
Raj would peel the orange then hand it back to you. Then throw away the peel.
He would even come back with a napkin for you.
Raj would know about the orange peel theory.
however he wouldn't say anything just wanting you to never really have to ask him for anything.
if he had it his way. he would do everything for you and with you.
for his help you would kiss his cheek and he would be very flustered
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Fred would definitely be oblivious to you needing help.
he would be preoccupied with setting traps.
it would take you a few times of saying his name so you would have to go and tap on him.
he would be patient with you and when you ask him for help he would.
fred would struggle for a second before getting it.
Once it was peeled he would hand you the orange
then when you would place a kiss to his cheek he would blush.
he would go back to his trap and whatever he was working on.
But the whole day he would be in a happier mood.
he wouldn't miss the change to help you.
only if you asked though.
he wouldn't want to be over bearing and make you feel like you couldn't do anything.
so he would wait until you asked for help.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
14 - Best Birthday Gift
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Part 15
The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @liesanddreams
Pushing open the bedroom door in our apartment I smiled brightly seeing that my husband was still peacefully asleep in our bed. He was doing his best to earn more money since Dale was getting tired of running his shop. I could tell that he was interested in opening up a tire shop since he was looking to work for Mandy’s dad. “Georgie, I have a surprise for you. Wake up sleepy head. I made some waffles.”
“Oh hey babe…you didn’t have to make me breakfast in bed.” He rolled over onto his side so he was facing me. His hair was a mess more than its usual curly mess and he still had his sleepy morning voice.
Sitting the tray down on the bed he scooted over where we could both sit on the bed. “Well I think that my husband and father to my two beautiful children should be treated well on his birthday. Especially when he is turning eighteen years old. That is a big deal.”
“Oh man I totally forgot. You are the best Y/n.” He sat upright starting to quickly dive into eating the waffles and bacon. Laying my head against his shoulder I smiled watching him for a few minutes. I would be turning eighteen in two months so then we would both be adults.
He turned his head holding out the fork feeding me a piece of waffle talking with his mouth full of food. “So what are we gonna do today. Movies or something?”
“I was thinking dinner at the Mexican place. I convinced Meemaw to make you some of your favorite foods for tomorrow night and let the kids help her make it. But tonight I want it to just be us.” I explained leaning forward pressing my lips onto his.
He moved his freehand up to rest against my cheek drawing me in closer to kiss him. He smiled, breaking it when we heard some tiny feet running towards our bedroom. “That sounds perfect, darlin’.”
“Hi daddy!” Aurora and Evelyn both giggled running inside climbing up onto the bed. The pair tackled their father in hugs and kisses almost every morning but this time they were longer since I said it was his birthday.
He made them both giggle and cackle their heads off when he tickled the crap out of them singing a song that he was taught as a child. “The stars at night are big and bright deep in the heart of the Texas. The prairie sky is wide and hot deep in the heart of Texas…remember always four claps never three.” I smiled knowing that no matter how old they are we could never stay mad at them. Our girls would be our whole world.
“What exactly were you two thinking. Stealing the truck and driving through downtown!” I raised my voice at our two daughters sitting in the lobby chairs of where the guys worked at.
Aurora raised her hand trying to say something but she had nothing. “Mom I, we just wanted to see Uncle Sheldon and Aunt Amy.”
“So you didn’t think to wake us and up ask could we take you!” I shouted at her.
Evelyn jumped backwards in her chair whimpering at my raised tone. I never ever really yelled at them until right now. “You guys were too busy with the new baby…”
Georgie turned his head in our direction. He was leaning his back against the wall, arms crossed over his chest frustrated with them. “Well that doesn’t excuse what you two did. You two aren’t allowed to watch tv for two weeks when we get back home and no random trips to Dairy Queen either. You both understand that?”
“I’ll ride back with Penny and Montana. I think it’s better if you have them with you.” Spinning around on my feet I crossed my arms over my chest. He nodded, staring down at me, handing me my jacket that I had thrown off terrified that they were injured when we first came inside.
Penny came inside from one of the doors waving to us when she walked up. “Hey, I can follow you guys home. You know, keep an eye on them if you want. That way you two aren’t worried about little Montana.”
“Uh thanks Penny. That’s great.” I responded following her outside watching our daughters climb in the backseat of her car. Georgie and I went to his truck with me carrying Montana in my arms. Shutting the passenger door with my right hand I cradled my son in my arm’s just watching him sleep like his daddy until what Eve said came back to my mind. “Do you think that Eve was right…that we are focusing too much on this little guy?”
Georgie sent me a look having one hand on the steering wheel. “In his defense he ain’t even one year old yet. So they have nothing to be jealous about.”
“Don’t act like you don’t think about it. Remember when growing up with Sheldon you and Missy always felt left out or ignored. I don’t want anything like that to happen to our girls.” Glancing in his direction we stopped at a red light where he rested his freehand to my cheek being able to tell it was worrying me.
“Hey, stop worrying about it. They are old enough to know that we have to give him extra attention right now since he is a baby. We won’t do what my parents did to them. I promise.” He vowed simply before we made the rest of the drive back to our place. The girls were sent off to their room leaving us alone laying in our bedroom watching Montana sleep in the crib.
Laying my head on Georgie’s chest where he wrapped his arms around my waist. “Even though I am angry at them I can’t stay mad at them forever. Honestly we couldn’t even make it an hour without them on your birthday once.”
“You’re right about that, darlin’. He replied, kissing me gently where I ran one hand through his curly hair remembering his eighteenth birthday.
We entered the restaurant where I was wearing a dark green dress and a Jean jacket thrown over it. I had some ankle brown boots on it. Georgie had on some jeans with a red shirt and we had Connie watching the kids for us. “You really didn’t have to take me out tonight. Especially since we are having dinner with my family tomorrow.”
“Georgie, don’t worry. You deserve to have some fun on your birthday. You only turn eighteen once in your life so let me treat you.” I shrug my shoulders, forking some of his chimechonga since we decided to split just one.
He smiled, shoving some food in his mouth pointing the fork end at me. “It is weird though by this point Eve would have been starting a food fight.”
“Oh right. Remember the time when Aurora decided to stick the cheese sticks in her mouth and pretended to be a walrus. I almost spit out my food that night.”
Georgie snorted, picturing the memory. “The victory dances that they would do when they managed to beat us at bowling when they can use the bumpers…huh crap Y/n. I think we have to head home.”
“You’re missing them too don’t you?” He nodded to my question where I grabbed my coat following him toward the door throwing some money down on the table. He pushed open the door to Meemaw’s house seeing that the girls were passed out under some blankets on the couch meaning that his meemaw was asleep in her own room.
He leaned his elbows on the back of the couch smiling down at the little angels. “Thank you for taking me out for Mexican. But I just want to stay right here. These two make my birthday great.” He kissed me slowly and I smiled. “I love you.”
“I love you too and happy birthday.” Laying my head on his shoulder I smiled Intertwining our hands together. “They really are the best thing to ever happen to you and me.”
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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tiredly101 · 2 years
He's shy and I'm stupid
Fandom: The big bang theory
Pairing: Howard Wolowitz x Rajesh Koothrappali x Argentinian Male!Reader
Timeline: Bernadette didn't marry Howard because she wasn't ready so they broke up but stayed friends. Howard and Raj eventually started dating as a joke but then they never broke up so they went from fake dating to real dating. They meet you because your also an astrophysicist and you needed help with a theory you came up and needed an engineer and another astrophysicist opinion. (Theory shall not be named since they are both to busy simping over you)
Warning: Nothing, its fluffy fluff fluff. Raj and Howard in a poly relationship with Male!Reader. Male! Reader known as M/n through story.
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Rajesh pov;
I smile while I make my way down to where the guys were sitting and those guys were Sheldon, Leonard and my secret boyfriend Howard.
— Hi guys, what are you talking about? — I asked while I sat down next to Howard who only smiled a little bit before looking at Leonard.
— I'll let you tell him — said Howard while Leonard looked at me and simply said "Sheldon talked" making me slightly chuckle. Suddenly I feel a vibration from my pocket so I pulled out my phone at the same time than Howard.
— Hey Howard, did you get an email from a astrophysicist called M/n? — I asked Howard to see him nod.
— Dr. M/n sent you a message? That's odd, his in the top of his career, why would he want to speak to you? — said Sheldon looking surprised meanwhile Leonard looked at me and said "I told you he talked" making Howard chuckle.
— He said that he needs an engineer and another astrophysicist opinion on a theory he has about how quantum leaps may be connected with string theory — I said to Howard while smiling. I knew this would make him feel important since he gets teased a lot because of being an engineer.
— I told we could meet today, is that okay with you? — asked Howard while I nodded.
— Oh look at that, he also sent my a message to meet a day after your meeting — said Sheldon while putting his phone away. Sound's about right.
Howard pov;
I look at Raj as I stand outside of the famous Dr. M/n office and see that he is just as nervous. I sight and look at Raj and before I could knock the door opens.
— Dr. Koothrappali and Wolowitz, it's a pleasure to meet you. Come in — said what appeared to be an angel. Dr. M/n never posted a picture of himself but he is beautiful.
— Hello beautiful — I said while smiling at the slight blush that came from his cheeks. I looked at Raj and he nodded reading my offer of the eye contact.
M/n has at least explained his theory twice but it was so hard to focus on what he was saying when I could only concentrate on that ass. I'm sorry Captain America, but that right there is America's ass.
— So did you get it? What do you think about the theory? — asked M/n radiation curiosity until he noticed that neither rod us were paying attention to what he was saying.
— Estos boludos, vos no le podés explicar a unos pelotudos cómo ellos — said M/n under his breath making me fluster.
— Im sorry handsome but we never introduced ourselves. He's shy and I'm stupid, would you like to explain this for a last time on a date? — I asked making him smile while he grabbed his coat.
— Let's go then stupid and shy because I know a perfect Italian place where we can eat — M/n said while we followed behind him. Raj looked at me and we hooked hands; I guess we are getting a third person on our not so secret relationship.
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specialagentlokitty · 3 years
Raj x reader - About time
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Can I please request and Raj x reader, where reader is Leonards sister and has never been super brainy. She's a musician or fiction writer, your choice. Just run with it. - @tofeartheunknown 💜
Knocking on the door to your brother apartment, you waited for someone to answer which thankfully wasn’t long.
Leonard threw his arms around you, and you laughed loudly hugging him back.
Once you guys parted, he grabbed your suitcase and you walked into the apartment waving at everyone.
“Hey guys!”
“It’s nice to see you again!” Penny grinned.
You hugged her, Amy and Bernadette, and waved at the boys.
Sitting on the chair, you smiled as your brother sat on one arm and Penny sat on the other one.
“You’re just in time, we’re having pizza.” Penny smiled.
You happy tucked into the food while you listened to the group talk.
“Now hold on, where is (Y/N) going to sleep?” Sheldon asked.
“Relax Sheldon, I’ve got a hotel.” You laughed.
“Well good. I didn’t have time to prepare a contract for you to stay.” He replied.
You laughed and rolled your eyes. You’d spoken to Leonard enough times and been fo visit more than once to know exactly what Sheldon could be like.
As the night drew on, you didn’t make listening to what they were talking about, though most of it went right over your head.
“Don’t worry, I’m just as lost.” Penny whispered.
“Thank god. I feel like I’m in a room full of aliens.” You whispered back.
“Well that’s not nice.” Sheldon said.
“What?” Amy asked.
“She called us aliens. I don’t you talking about your achievements.”
“Sheldon! That’s my sister, be nice.” Leonard warned.
You smiled and raised your hands in defence.
“Relax Leonard. You’re right Sheldon, I don’t. I fell no need to.”
“You know, I don’t think we know what you do.” Howard smiled.
“He’s right, we’ve known you for a few years now, and we still don’t know your job.” Bernadette nodded.
You chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck with a sheepish smile.
“She’s an author!” Leonard beamed.
“Woah! That’s so cool! What do you write?!” Raj gushed.
You smiled at the man, you knew he was always awkward around woman. But he hardly ever spoke when you were around, even when he’d been drinking which you heard was his cure for this problem.
“Well… here.”
Digging through your backpack, you pulled out a book and handed it over to him.
“No way, the Millard chronicles?!” He gasped.
“What?! That’s the recent best seller in fantasy crime dramas!” Amy yelled.
You laughed softly and nodded your head, awkwardly averting your gaze.
Though you were famous, no one really knew who you really were. You hated being the centre of attention, but you loved writing.
“So, you’re Apollo?” Sheldon asked.
“The one and only.” You smiled.
He frowned a little and crossed his arms across his chest.
“Show is proof.”
“Sheldon!” Leonard hissed.
You pulled out your phone and headed to your Twitter, handing the phone over to him and the other so they could see.
“There’s a real life celebrity sitting at our dinner!” Raj laughed.
“This is amazing!” Howard gushed.
You smiled at the men, leaning into your brothers side as he ruffled your hair.
It felt nice to tell other people, and seeing their reaction brought joy to your heart.
You stayed for a little bit longer before you looked at the time. It was getting late and you were exhausted, wanting nothing more than to just go and sleep.
“Well, it’s been nice but I gotta go.”
“I’ll drive you.” Leonard smiled.
“It’s okay, I’ll grab a cab. You’ve gotta be up early anyways.”
You grabbed your things and hugged by to everyone aside from Sheldon, who you offered a simply wave.
“Wait, I’ll walk down with you.” Raj called.
You waited at the top of the stairs for the man, and he beamed as he closed the door behind you.
“Here let me.”
He picked up your case and started to walk down the stairs.
“Thanks Raj. Such a gentleman as always.”
“Now, it wouldn’t be very nice of me to let a lady carry such a heavy case.”
You smiled warmly at him, and he quickly looked away shyly.
“You know, I can drive you to your hotel. I don’t mind.” He said softly.
When you reached the bottom of the stairs you waited for him to come down and gave a small nod.
“I’d like that.”
He led you to his car, and you guys stayed quiet for a few minutes until he spoke up.
“So, are you here for any reason?” He asked.
“Mainly to see my brothers presentation, but after that Nope.”
“So… you would be available to get a coffee?”
You flicked your eyes to him, smiling warmly.
“I would.”
“Would.. you like to get a coffee then? Before you go?”
Raj pulled up to your hotel and you quickly got out, heading to the trunk of his car to grab your case.
Quickly he rushed out after you, eyes wide and worried.
“I’m sorry! You don’t have to!”
Leaning forward, you pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek and pulled away.
“Raj I’ve been waiting for you to ask me. I’d love to, just don’t tell my brother.”
“No promises, I’m going on a date with a hot famous woman.” He grinned.
Laughing, you shook your head and gave him a wave as you headed inside.
You wanted to ask him to coffee ages ago, but you didn’t want to scare him off so you waited for him to ask. Now you were excited to finally go on a date with him
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Helping- Howard Wolowitz (2)
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Pairing: Howard Wolowitz x Reader
Characters: Howard Wolowitz, Leonard Hofstadter, Raj Koothrappali
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon: “Hi!! Please could I request a Howard Wolowitz x Hofstadter! Reader where Y/N and Howard have been dating in secret for nearly 3 years because Leonard wouldn’t approve of them. Then everyone finds out. Thanks.”
Word Count: 954
Author: Hannah
Ever since Howard had barged in on you and Leonard having coffee, Leonard had not given it a rest about finally meeting your boyfriend. You were getting very close to just blurting it out, but you knew Leonard wouldn’t take it well.
You and Howard had spoken about telling everyone again, and eventually decided to tell them all that night at Leonard and Sheldon’s flat as they were hosting a games night.
Howard came to pick you up and he could practically feel the nerves radiating off you as you got into the car.
“Hey love,” he greeted as he leant over to kiss you. “You look as white as a sheet.”
You laughed nervously. “Because I feel as if I’m about to throw up the contents of my stomach.”
Howard sighed, placing his hand on your thigh. “Me too,” he admitted. “But it’s time.”
And with that Howard set off to Leonard’s apartment building. It wasn’t a pleasant drive over, Howard kept his hand on your thigh the entire time but more for reassurance for himself than for you but you couldn’t begrudge him that, he was about to tell one of his best friends that for the past three years he had been dating his sister, his twin.
Howard held your hand tightly as the two of you walked up the stairs and went to let go out of habit when you reached the door, but you shook your head.
“We’re doing this from the get-go,” you told him, and he kissed you quickly, a smile on his face, before you pushed open the door.
Howard stayed hidden behind you momentarily as everyone turned to see you and greeted you warmly.
“Uh, I have a bit of a surprise for you all,” you addressed the room, and you were met with some confused faces. “I thought it was about time to introduce my boyfriend to you all.”
Surprise replaced their confused expressions, but Raj soon spoke up. “Howard isn’t here yet; do you want to wait for him?”
It was then that Howard pushed the door open fully and walked in with his fingers intertwined with yours. “Surprise?”
There was a mixture of confusion and surprise across everyone’s faces as they put two and two together.
Penny and Amy rushed forward to hug you, whilst Raj came to hug Howard and Sheldon offered smiles to the both of you, but Leonard stayed put.
“Wh- why didn’t you tell me?” hurt laced his voice as he asked the question. “You couldn’t trust me with this? You didn’t think I’d approve?”
Before you even got a chance to say anything Leonard left the living room, and you heard his bedroom door slam.
Silence fell on the room, everyone shocked at Leonard’s reaction, but you couldn’t say you were surprised. “I should go and talk to him,” Penny broke the silence as she made a move.
You shook your head, stopping Penny in her tracks. “I’m the one that’s hurt him, I’ll go.”
She nodded, giving you a smile of encouragement, as you walked to your brother’s room.
Knocking on the door, you didn’t know what to expect but when you got silence you took a deep breath and walked in anyway.
“What?” Leonard’s voice came from where he was sat on the floor, his back against his bed as he stared out the window.
Sighing you walked to sit down next to him and throwing caution to the wind to rest your head on his shoulder.
To your surprise Leonard didn’t push you away, he rested his head on top of yours. “I can never stay mad at you,” he sighed. “But I can stay hurt.”
“I’m so sorry,” you breathed out. “I didn’t mean to keep it from you this long, neither of us did, but at the first date Howard made a joke of how you’d kill him for going out with your sister, and how you’d warned all of the guys to stay away from me ,so we thought we’d keep it under wraps at first, not knowing if it would work out,” you explained as you kept your head on his shoulder. “And then as time went on, I started to think you really wouldn’t approve of it, I know Howard’s past and I know what he was like in bars and with girls.”
Leonard sighed but stayed silent, allowing you to continue.
“I never wanted to hurt you Leonard, you have to know that,” he could hear the upset in your voice, you were upset about hurting him and he knew you well enough to know you’d never mean it. “Leonard I could never keep it from you fully, I needed to tell you I was seeing someone as I was excited about it and I wanted you to know, I wanted to tell my best friend.”
Leonard laughed, putting his arm around your shoulder to hug you. “Well as your best friend, and your twin, I’m happy you’re happy,” he admitted. “You were right  to not say anything, but not for as long as you did.”
“I know,” you stated, the guilt hitting you. After a few beats of silence, you took your head off Leonard’s shoulder and looked at him properly. “There’s something else too.”
His face dropped. “If you’re going to tell me you’re pregnant, I will kill him,” he told you with a slight glare.
You laughed, shaking your head. “No not that, not yet anyway,” you joked just to see his reaction. “You know how I said I was helping Howard redecorate?” Leonard nodded, wanting you to continue. “It wasn’t because he just asked me to, it’s because I’m going to live there too.”
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Say Anything — Raj Koothrappali x Reader
Author's Note: I kind of liked this one? I hope you like it too!
P.S: English is not my first language, sorry if it's bad!
Warnings: insecurities, ending relationships and cheesy things!
Summary: you and Raj break up, but he decides to fight for your love
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You knew that Raj had a rather peculiar past when it came to women and relationships.
In his youth, Raj would easily fall in love, yet due to his extreme shyness and selective mutism, he couldn't even manage to say "hello" to them. It was during a turbulent phase, what Penny referred to as "the Martini incident," that Raj discovered alcohol helped him loosen up and converse with women, albeit adopting an arrogant and self-assured personality.
His journey towards forming meaningful relationships was slow and steady, marked by several romances until he eventually began dating you. You dubbed him "Raj 5.0," believing you had found the most refined version of him, the perfect boyfriend.
There had never been issues with his past relationships or his tendency to swiftly transition from one romance to another, as he seemed to have changed. However, that night, you discovered he harbored a darker side.
"So, Y/N," Penny said while pouring you a glass of wine during a girls' night where you were invited as Raj's new girlfriend, "how are things going with him?"
"Wonderfully," you replied with a smile. "When I used to see him around the Caltech corridors, I thought he was just a funny nerd. I never imagined he could be such a passionate lover."
"We're all surprised by Raj's transformation," Bernadette remarked. "We knew he was a good boyfriend to my husband, but we weren't sure if he had the same skills with other women."
"Yes, he doesn't seem like the Raj who broke up with his girlfriend on Valentine's Day to pursue another woman, and when she rejected him, he tried to backtrack. Or went out with his ex while he was dating another girl" Penny commented, inadvertently laughing at the memory.
You stopped laughing immediately.
"Raj did that?" you asked, a mixture of concern and sadness in your tone. "That's terrible."
"Sweetie, Raj had his moments," Penny began, trying to justify. "But he's changed."
"Do his 'moments' mean he's acted like this more times?" you inquired, placing the wine glass carefully on the table, trying to process everything.
"He's come a long way since then, Y/N," Bernadette attempted to explain.
"I thought he was just clumsy, I didn't knew he had been so terrible to his ex-girlfriends"
A heavy silence filled the room. Bernadette nervously played with the wine glass.
"Unbelievable," you murmured, getting up to fetch your purse. "I thought he was different, he's just like everyone who hurt me"
With tears in your eyes, you left the house.
"Remember when you explained to me about comments that help and those that don't?" Amy said to Penny “I think that one definitely didn't help, bestie"
That night, you decided to end things with Raj. It was overwhelming for your mind, having been hurt enough in past relationships.
You had thought he was different, a man you could trust. He was romantic, kind, attentive, and cooked for you every night. Yet you knew that all princes could turn into beasts, and Raj seemed to have great potential for that. You didn't want to be around when that happened.
You went to his house to break up. You could have sent a message or ended it remotely, but that seemed heartless. With red-rimmed eyes from crying, you knocked on his door. He tried to hug you, mentioning he was surprised you were there since it was supposed to be a girls' night. You dodged the embrace and amid his confused expression, you ended it. He said nothing, just stood there for a while. You didn't explain your reasons, simply stating it couldn't go on.
In his stunned silence, you left.
 Raj gently knocked on Penny's door at ten o'clock in the evening. Just two hours ago, you had broken up with him, and since then he had cried like never before. His head throbbed intensely, and he felt dizzy.
"Sweetie, what happened?" Penny asked, visibly concerned, as she opened the door. She led him to the sofa and waited for him to gather himself.
"Y/N broke up with me," he said, tears welling up again. "She didn't even explain why, just said she needed to end it. I already miss her so much." It was then that he broke down in tears. "Why did she end it like that? Has she grown tired of me? Am I so hard to love?"
Penny remained silent for a moment, guilt squeezing at her heart. She comforted Raj while summoning the courage to speak.
"Raj... Y/N knows about Emily's story."
"What!?" Raj exclaimed, startled. "She must think I'm a jerk!"
"Well... Kind off."
"How did she find out? It doesn't matter. Maybe I am a fool, but I've changed so much for her. Before, I couldn't see sincerity in people, I'd fall in love and then grow tired... but she has held me in a way that I can't imagine my life without her now. But it's no use, she's gone."
"Don't give up just yet," Penny said, her tone encouraging. "Y/N is frightened, you know how impulsive she can be at times. She's had many bad relationships before and she's afraid this might be just another one."
"And what if it is?"
"It won't be. You love her and you've changed for her. Get some rest and talk to her tomorrow, give her time to cool her head as well."
Raj knew he should have waited a little longer. Lying on his bed, he tossed and turned all night.
Penny had given him hope that he should try, and he had decided to try. At three in the morning, he felt he could wait no longer and made his way to her apartment, with an old and ridiculously large sound system that until then had served only as decoration in his Raj Mahal.
And at three-thirty in the morning, you were awakened by the sound of "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel. At first, you squirmed in bed, thinking it was just a dream. Upon waking and realizing the music wasn't just in your head, you considered the possibility of a party or a neighbor. However, as the music grew louder, you decided to look out the window, and there was Raj holding the sound system for you like Lloyd Dobler in "Say Anything."
"Raj, what are you doing!?" you exclaimed, opening the window. A cold front blew in, causing you to clutch your long-sleeved blouse pajamas tighter.
"I'm showing you that I haven't given up on our love, like Lloyd Dobler!" he replied, and you couldn't help but laugh.
"That's so cheesy!" you responded amidst laughter. "Come up here, it's terribly windy out there."
He turned off the music and stowed it back in the car before coming up. His heart was racing; he hadn't planned much beyond surprising you.
When he knocked on your apartment door, you hugged him tightly, your warm body contrasting with his cold one in the predawn chill.
"Who would've thought, cold in July and in Pasadena. They weren't kidding about global warming, huh?" you said, a habit of making random comments in stressful situations. Raj knew this, and he knew he wasn't here for small talk, so, holding your face gently, he gave you a passionate kiss, even knowing you might hate him for it for the rest of your life.
"The guy you hate, the Raj of the past who was a jerk with women and reminds you of your exes... I hate him too. I hate him and I'm disgusted by him, but he doesn't exist anymore... thanks to you."
"I can't explain what happened, maybe it's just a soulmates thing where after just one day with you, I knew you're the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with and do things right."
"I was really scared when I found out you used to be such... I guess the word is a jerk. I've been hurt and deceived many times, and when they told me about your past, my instinct was to end it before it got worse."
"I wouldn't be like that with you."
"I don't know. There's no way for me to know. You could get tired of me or fall in love with someone else, there are so many ways this could end with a broken heart. And I'm scared."
"But I like being with you, and I've decided to take a risk. I thought a lot from the moment I broke up with you and I know I was very... Intense with my decision, and I regretted it because everyone can be horrible, I can't predict that. 
But to stay with you, you need to promise me that you will always be honest with me. Communicate any feeling and don't make me look like a fool."
"Always, Y/N, I will always do whatever you want," he said, embracing you tightly.
"The Say Anything move was a nice touch," you said with a laugh, breaking the embrace.
"Oh, you know I'm a hopeless romantic," he chuckled, holding your face again for another kiss.
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dd122004dd · 7 months
Raj Koothrappali
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Originally posted by backroad-song
“I love you, too.”
Pairing: Raj Koothrappali x Reader Genre: Angsty fluff with a happy ending Summary: So Penny interferes and drunkenly tells reader all about Raj’s dating history and reader asks him for some time.He tries asking his friends what he did wrong and that’s when Leonard fesses up to what Penny did and he barges into her house and berates her but his girlfriend is planning a surprise for him to make him feel loved as she feels sad about his rough dating history.
Pairing: Raj Koothrappali x Pregnant!Reader Genre: Fluff Summary: Raj finally found someone to settle down with, getting the happily every after he thought was out of his reach. Come take a sneak peek into his domestic bliss with his beloved.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
18 - Mr and Mrs. Cooper
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( image from Pinterest )
Part 19
The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley
Missy ran down a hallway to the last bedroom putting her baseball and mit away. She came back grinning ear to ear. “So my brothers are weird. My dad drinks beer and my mom is really strong about god. Other than that I’m the normal one.”
“Okay I’ll keep that in mind.” I nodded, putting my hands inside the pockets of my jacket until the back room opened.
I noticed Sheldon was carrying some mittens in his hand and he stood in front of us. “You’re Y/n from my math class that sits in the front row. You did well on our last test. Not as good as me but not bad.”
“Uh thanks Sheldon. Can I ask why you have mittens?” I made the mistake the first night I had dinner with his family.
Missy rolled her head back. “Oh no.”
“I don’t know where your hands have been. I don’t want to risk the likelihood that you have some kind of disease. There are too many in the world.” He explained moving around us to watch a science tv show.
The back door opens and I saw their mother come in with some brisket getting the table set in the dining room. The bedroom door in front of me and Missy opened and I smiled seeing it was Georgie. “Hey Georgie.”
“Hey Y/n.” He smiled wearing a yellow tea shirt with a football number on it. He had blue jeans on with henna shoes. I gulped feeling nervous since I was just wearing a Texas tea shirt that was light blue and some dark blue jeans with my hair in a ponytail.
The three of us headed into the kitchen seek Mr. Cooper had come in from work wearing his red coach gear. “Hey ya’ll. Georgie, did you invite a girl from school to dinner?”
“No!” He fought back.
Missy piped up. “I did.”
“Alright well let’s eat.” He shrugged his shoulders sitting down at the end of the table. Missy sat across from me. Georgie and Sheldon were on the same side.
Someone entered the house where I saw an older woman sit down at the other end across from George Senior. “Hey ya’ll who’s the new girl?”
“Y/n, ma’am.” I smiled while putting some brisket on my plate.
She smiled at me. “Call me Connie.” Mrs. Cooper had us all take hands while she blessed the food before we all dug in.
“This is really good, meemaw.” Georgie told Connie with his mouth full of meat.
She sat her fork down on her plate. “Really good. You’re spitting the best brisket in Texas all over the damn table.” I snort covering my mouth with my hand holding the fork trying not to laugh out loud.
“Close your mouth.” His mom said.
Sheldon suggested back. “Or aim your face the other way before you spit on Y/n.”
“You're acting like a barn animal. Y/n probably won’t ever kiss ya.” Missy stuck her tongue out towards her brother causing my face to turn red at the thought.
Georgie hit his other hand on the table where I glanced out the corner of my eye seeing that he was blushing too where a smile grew on my face. “Shut up, Missy. I ain’t gonna kiss the girl in my class that you invited to dinner.”
“I bet you a dollar that you will get with her in two years.” She challenged him.
I added on playing her game smirking at Georgie. “When she is going into middle school.”
“Oh yay!” Missy leaned across the table high fiving me grinning with me. Unknown to either of us it would actually happen when we were both sixteen years old.
Georgie and I were huddled up as close as we could be. Aurora, Eve and Montana in between us with the storm crashing outside the upstairs of the church. I didn’t know how long we had been down in the basement. But it was scary as hell that much I knew. Clutching my eyes shut tightly I whimpered like a dog until someone peeked outside announcing to our group. “The storm has passed now. We can go check out the damage.”
Everyone got to their feet and shuffled outside as best as we could. Georgie got to his feet first helping me to stand on my own two feet. “I’m sorry about your dress, darling.” He dropped his gaze downward to my wedding gown.
“It’s just a dress, Georgie. I’m more relieved that my family is safe.” I shrug my shoulders pushing hair behind my ear. The dress was stained with dust and dirt on the bottom train but otherwise it was white still for the most part.
Aurora and Eve ran towards the main doors pushing them open. I was carrying Montana in my arms where he was drooling a little on my shoulder. “Mommy, look at the truck.” Eve points out where we both gasped in relief.
“Holy crap.” I sighed seeing that a large tree limb was laying right beside our car meaning it was fine but it definitely was a close call.
Georgie put a hand on my shoulder squeezing it gently. “Things could have been worse.”
“Thank you lord.” His mother said, holding her hands together praying to the sky.
Sheldon just glanced at Amy who gave him a look. “Don’t say it.”
“She probably will say God sent the storm and then took it away.” He didn’t listen and said it anyway.
Connie came over to us pulling a box of firecrackers in her hands. “I thought I’d get you two of these as a wedding present. Since Mary is going to be watching your kids tonight.”
“Oh mom.” Mary rolled her eyes.
Georgie glanced down at me wrapping his arm around my waist tugging me into his side smirking. “Take you back doesn’t it, Y/n?”
“For sure. At least this time we won’t have to worry about being grounded.” I chuckled at him, grinning up at him. I would remember that night forever.
Mary came over gently picking up Montana from my arms. “I know your father would be happy if he was here. You’re a good father and husband Georgie.”
“Mommy, can we throw the poppers?” Eve asked tugging on the side of my gown.
I bent down handing the box to my husband, opening my arms for her. “Unfortunately no sweetheart. They are for your father and me. But we will let you throw some if we don’t use them all. Now give me a hug.”
“I love ya.” She mumbled jumping into my arms hugging me gently.
She ran towards her daddy jumping up into his arms where he grunted at how fast she ran at him. “Woah Eve. I love ya too.”
“Rora, behave for Connie.” I warned our eldest daughter when I noticed something in her pocket when she walked over to her father hugging him. “And don’t set you or your sister on fire with that cracker in your jacket pocket.”
Georgie smiled when I sent him a raised brow. “Don’t look at me. I didn’t give it to her.”
“Sure, you didn’t Mr. Cooper.” I trailed off, raising myself to stand heading over to his truck. Georgie came over to me making me squeal when he picked me up bridal style sitting me in the passenger seat. He got in the driver's seat taking us back to our house that was down the road from Connie’s.
We finally had gotten enough money to move out of the apartment and buy a house of our own. Georgie opened his door coming over to my side where I wrapped my arms around his neck when he picked me up again. “Georgie, I can’t believe we’re actually doing this now.”
“Neither can I, babe. Now let’s do this the right way.” He opened the door when I grabbed the keys from his back pocket. After fiddling with the lock I got it open since he was still carrying me in his arms. “Welcome home, Mrs. Cooper.”
My dress hit the floor where I spun around underneath his arm when he gave me a spin. “Thank you, Mr. Cooper. I love you, Georgie. Just thought I needed to say it again.”
“You don't have to stop saying it ever. Cause I love you too. I’ll never stop, darling.” He tugged me against his chest watching when I moved my hands up undoing the tie he had on throwing it off when he shut the door with his boot.
I smiled up at him leaning up on my toes and he closed the gap kissing me slowly. One of his hands moved to the back of my dress tugging on the zipper where I broke the kiss smirking. “We should probably move this to the bedroom.”
“Probably a good idea.” He nodded leading me by our intertwined hands into our bedroom. We both kicked off our shoes and he removed his jacket just being in jeans and his white tea shirt.
Laying down on the bed I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in for another kiss. He put one hand on my hip, kissing me slowly. His other hand was in my hair tugging on it for a second until he broke the kiss. “What’s wrong?”
“With our track record of when we sleep together I just….I want to make sure you're cool. With ya know maybe a fourth kid and all.” He searched my face for any hesitation and he has done it every time since we were teenagers when we had Aurora.
Running one hand through his hair I drew him in for another kiss. “Georgie, I said this with Eve and I said it with Montana. I ain’t gonna run because you get me pregnant. I love you always. Now kiss me, Mr. Texan.”
“God you don’t know what that nickname does to me.” He smirked quickly trying to shrug his shirt over his head and then helped me remove my dress by tossing it on the chair by the shut bedroom door so it wouldn’t end up on the floor.
Resting my hands on his shoulders I smiled up at him hovering above me. “Probably the same way you call me darling. Every time it drives me crazy and I love you for it.”
“And I’ll never stop cause you're always going to be my darling.” He smiled wrapping his arms around me when I put my legs around his waist pressing my lips onto his. The rest of the night was spent in bed enjoying being in each other's arms finally as a married couple after ten years.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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countrymusiclover · 11 months
25 - Dungeons and Dragons!!
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The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl31 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I rolled over towards the window. I saw the sun was just starting to come through the window curtains. Looking around the room I noticed the Guns & Roses poster and that's when I realized I wasn't in my room. Quickly dropping my gaze downward I remembered the night before the second I saw I wasn't wearing anything underneath the covers. "Georgie…Shit. Georgie, wake up. We're late for school." I started shaking him trying to get him up seeing it was almost 8: 30am and we had class at 9am.
"Mmm." He made some noise but made no move of getting up for school and just put his bare back to my view.
Grabbing the pillow out from under me I smacked him across the head with it calling his name again thankful that we locked the bedroom before we slept together for the first time last night. "George Marshall Cooper wake up!"
"Huh what…oh morning darlin'." He rubbed his eyes after feeling the pillow hit his head so he rolled over to face me trying to snuggle into me and go to sleep. "I didn't hurt ya too bad last night right. Cause I rather enjoyed it."
Laying the pillow in my lap I tilted his chin up to meet mine needing him to realize we were late. "It was so good last night but we are going to be late for class if we don't get up right now."
"Oh crap!" Georgie finally figured out what was rolling and fought to get out of the tangled blankets. He grabbed his jeans and fell on the floor while putting them on.
Climbing out of the bed I remembered that I couldn't wear the same shirt from school that I wore last night. Whipping my head around I shrugged my jeans on eyeing Georgie. "I need to borrow one of your shirts."
"Here ya go. We can take my Meemaw's car." He responded by tossing me a shirt that I quickly throw on. Grabbing our bags we thankfully didn't have to deal with his family since the house was empty. We ran across the street and he found the spare key to get in her house.
Tapping my foot nervously Georgie quietly looked around but couldn't find her keys where she normally kept them. "What are we gonna do, Georgie?"
"We could just skip class." I launched a couch pillow at his head when he suggested that yet he ducks and the pillow knocked over the toaster and made a loud noise. Georgie teased me raising himself upright again. "Now you've gone and done it, Y/n."
"You made me do it. We can’t miss the math test today." I whispered a scold back to my boyfriend.
"What the hell are you two doing in my house?" We both snapped our heads around seeing Connie standing at the bottom of the stairs twirling her keys in her hands still in her sleep clothes.
Running my hand throughout my hair I dropped my shoulders not expecting her to be there. “Connie, I’m sorry but we need your car to get to school on time.”
“You two must have had fun last night. I take it. I’m surprised you could keep it in your pants that long.” She scoffed eyeing her older grandson while I just turned a deep red avoiding her gaze,
Georgie took my hand in his. “Can we just borrow your car? Y/n is freaking out about missing class. But I know she liked what we did last night too.”
“Fine. Just don’t scratch it.” Connie tossed him the keys, turning to leave us but she paused at the stairs. “Oh and I won’t tell your parents what I know about you two. God knows what the people of this town would think if you got pregnant.” She left and we did make it to school with neither of us thinking how our lives would never be the same after last night.
Rain hit the windows of the house hard and there was thunder coming in while I saw the girls and Montana sadly looking out the window. Entering the room and coming out of the kitchen I sighed knowing we were supposed to go camping with Missy and her kids. “I’m sorry guys. But we can’t go when it is storming like this outside. So no camping trip this weekend.”
“But mommy!” Montana whined sliding off the top of the couch and sitting down.
Eve turned her head eyeing the driveway. “When will dad get home if it’s storms?”
“What are we doing instead?” Aurora asked finally the secluded before my phone started ringing from the bedroom. I left the kids waiting going to answer my phone without them hearing me.
"Hello, who is this?" I hadn't bothered to look at the caller ID.
"Y/n, this is Sheldon Cooper. My sister told me you were supposed to go camping but it's gonna rain. So Ami is making me - uh suggested that we all come play dungeons and dragons over at your house since we will be heading back to California in the morning." The genius explained to me.
Sitting down on the bed I could hear the rain getting worse outside and then I heard Eve scream through cheers. "Daddy's home!"
"I'll talk with Georgie. But that sounds like fun." I responded hanging up the phone going back into the living room.
Coming around the corner I saw Georgie racing around the room carrying Eve on his shoulders with her cackling in such joy. Aurora and Montana were hot on his boots laughing too until he caught sight of me gently laying down on the couch and sitting his youngest daughter down in the process. He came over to me putting one hand on my hip and I leaned forward kissing him. "You're brother called me."
"Oh he huh…what about this time?" He broke the kiss and responded down to me.
Tilting my head towards the kids on the couch. "Ami said we should play d and d with them tonight since we can't take the kids camping."
"I'd rather just spend the night with y'all then entertain my brother." He shrugged his shoulders, but I knew he cared slightly about hie young brother.
Sending him a glare. "George Marshall Cooper."
"Fine, tell him they can come over." He caved in knowing that I would win in the end.
It was an hour before they showed up and Sheldon brought in pretty much the entire board game and everything we needed for it. But I knew he never jokes about what he cares about…like ever. His mother Mary, Connie, Amy carrying baby Leonard and Missy came inside first before we saw Sheldon. Georgie had ordered pizza for the night thankfully before the storm had gotten any worse. He sat the boxes down on the kitchen table hugging his sister first. “Hey Missy, where are the kids tonight?”
“Oh I let them spend the night with their daddy even though momma didn’t agree.” She embraced him in a hug and then we hugged where I felt her mother eyeing us.
Mrs. Cooper stands off to the side. “I don’t entirely like this game but I am happy that we are all spending time together.”
“Oh calm down. My moon pie will be perfectly fine.” Connie entered the kitchen going to the fridge looking for a drink. “Do ya got any beer?”
“Back of the fridge. Did Sheldon get stuck in the car or something?” I glanced around the room confused as to why he wasn’t in the house yet.
Montana was attempting to play with baby Leonard and Amy sitting on the couch. And I heard footsteps coming down the hallway showing that Aurora and Evelyn were wearing caps and did their best to look like D & D outfits of their own. “Mommy, look at it. I’m a thief.” She had one of my jackets on so it looked like a cloak, a bandana hung around her neck, with some brown boots.
“Rogue princess.” Eve twirled in her boots wearing her Leia dress that we bought for Halloween. Paired with the Indiana Jones whip her sister got and she had a blue tiara on her head.
Clasping my hands together I grinned with Georgie grabbing himself a piece of pizza. “You guys look great. Now we’re just waiting on-“
“Dungeons and Dragons!” The front door got kicked open causing everyone to turn their head at the sound of it hitting the wall. Sheldon holds up the box of stuff for the game wearing a shirt that reads ‘ I am the Dungeon Master ‘.
Aurora and Eve ran straight to their uncle Sheldon. “Dungeons and Dragons, Uncle Sheldon!”
Mary, Connie and Amy sat around the table with Missy but decided not to play. So that left me, Georgie, Sheldon, Aurora and Eve playing the game. Sheldon was obviously the dungeon master of the four of us. “So you first create your character. This is the list Thief, Druid, paladin, wizard and Barbarian.”
“I’ll be a Wizard.” I held my hand up taking a bite out of my pizza, setting it down on my plate in front of me.
Missy chuckled while talking with a mouthful full of pizza. “I was a Ninja Turtle Princess of Power when we played. Do you remember that Shely?”
“I remember everything. Now who is everyone’s character going to be?” He responded by waiting to start his favorite game sooner rather than later.
Evelyn throws her hands up in the air. “Thief!”
“Thief.” Aurora said, throwing her hood up over head and gesturing to our family. “See I am dressed up like one and everything.”
Georgie ran a hand through his curls. “I’m confused about most of this game but what in the world of dungeons and dragons is a Paladin?”
“A paladin is a holy knight who crusades in the name of good.” Sheldon explains to his brother.
Mary smiled, clasping her hands together. “A god to fight the demons.”
“I guess I’ll be that.” Georgie leans back in his chair.
It had been an hour since we started the game and we all had been having some fun with the game he had created for us. Sheldon held his notebook up where we couldn’t see what he had written down next making it more interesting. “You come face to face with an Ogre who declares you shall die. He has a vault full of treasure that you have sought to gain. What do you do?”
“I draw my sword and try to attack it.” Georgie said quickly.
“You’re supposed to be the good guy and not be violent.” Sheldon corrected him.
My husband held his hands up glaring at him. “You didn’t let me finish. Y/n attempts to attack it but it tries to kill her so then I attack it to rescue her.”
“You don’t decide what happens the dungeon master does.” He fought back.
Eve reached for the dice in the middle of the table. “I say we steal whatever matters most to the Ogre.”
Aurora and I stared at one another thinking of a team strategy since the other two are just picking random things during most of the night. Throwing a fist in the air Aurora called out. “Mom uses her magic and casts a sleep spell on the Ogre while I steal the treasure he was keeping in the vault.”
“You…defeat the Ogre and gain the treasure.” Sheldon rolls the dice getting a sixteen. Everyone cheers before Sheldon holds his hands up, calming us all down. “Hold on, hold on, before he dies the Ogre mutters out with a smile “I enjoyed playing with my family”.
Rushing over I hugged Sheldon laughing and he slowly hugged me back instead of just hesitating because he actually tightly hugged me back. “Awe Sheldon. Thank you for doing this.”
“You’re welcome, Y/n. Now we need to discuss why you let Batman, Princess Leia and Indiana Jones all be in the same household. I’ve told you they aren’t even close to being in the same universe.”
He broke the hug scolding me, making me chuckle. Georgie and our daughters who all gave me a shocked look. “I tried to warn y’all.”
Montana ran in the room holding the Twister board up to our view. “Can we play this now?”
“Oh yeah but I am doing the board spinner.” Connie got up from her chair heading back to the kitchen.
Everyone else headed into the living room to start the next game leaving me and Georgie alone for a moment. He wrapped his arms around me from behind until I spun around draping my arms over his shoulders smiling. “Maybe you were right that it can be fun to play with my brother. Cause I actually had some fun.”
“That’s good and I’m glad you trust my judgment Georgie. And you should know for certain that I always love you.” Leaning up on my toes he leans down kissing me softly. Running one hand through his hair I deepened the kiss until we needed air. “Always have and always will.”
Georgie grinned ear to ear, squeezing me against his chest, both arms wrapped around the middle of my waist. “I love you too, Y/n. Truly cause you never saw me as dumb.”
“Daddy, mommy. Come play with us!” Montana called from the other room so we separated and headed to join our family.
Comments really appreciated 🧡
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
1 - Look At US Now
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Part 2
The Texas Tire Family
Tags - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita
10 Years Ago
Entering the garage I snuck in quietly back into the bed seeing Georgie cuddling up with our little Aurora. Closing the door gently I nudged him over on his other side making him roll over mumbling. “Hmm Y/n…what are you doing’?”
“Shhh you’ll wake her up. I just needed to tell you that I love you Georgie.” I mumbled kissing him softly, making him smile. Since my memories had come back I have made sure to tell him everyday that I love him regardless if I said it more than once.
He rested a hand on my waist and the other ran through my hair deepening the kiss until we heard Aurora shifting in her sleep over his shoulder. “Dang it. I love you too Y/n.”
Sitting up in the bed I watched Georgie rolling over seeing our daughter clapping her hands together giggling as he tickled her stomach. Running a hand through my hair I cleared my throat, getting him to look me in the eye. “Hey so I looked into that apartment we were interested in a while back and apparently he goes to the gamboling room. He said he would give us a much lower payment for the first few years.”
“That’s great. We could go get Dairy Queen and go check it out.” He smiled holding our daughter in his lap.
Reaching into my pocket of my jeans I gingle the keys in his eyes smiling ear to ear. “I actually talked with him earlier yesterday. He gave us the place already. Basically insisted upon it. Now let’s go.”
Georgie and I got Aurora in the truck a lot quicker than we did in the past. The drive to the apartment wasn't bad. Picking up our daughter in my arms I gave Georgie the key and he opened the door letting me inside first. "Wow. It still looks way bigger than the garage." He chuckled looking around the room.
"Everything will look bigger than the garage honey. But look we won't have to barge in through the house every time me and Aurora have to use the bathroom. Plus there's a tiny kitchen even though we'll probably be ordering take out or going over to your parents for dinner." I exclaimed pointing towards the bathroom then over to a very small kitchen. "Also he actually upgraded us to have a two bedroom apartment. So one for us and the other for babies."
Georgie sits our daughter on the floor letting her play with her pony before quickly rising to his feet. "Babies?"
"I didn't - did I say that. Oh geez it was supposed to be a surprise." Running my fingers through my hair I didn't think it would slip out like that.
Georgie took a step closer taking my hands in his asking slowly. "Is it true Y/n. Are we gonna have another baby?"
"I wanted it to be a surprise at the family dinner tonight when we announced we are moving out. But secrets out so yes. Yes, we're having another baby." I squealed when he picked me up, twirling me around in circles of laughter.
Gently gripping his shirt he finally sat me on my feet where I still kept my arms around his neck grinning like a child. "I can't believe it, babe. You hear that Rora you're gonna have a little brother or sister." Aurora was crawling around on the floor searching around the apartment. I was secretly hoping that the baby would be another girl. But Georgie would probably want a boy to keep the Cooper family name going. "I guess we're gonna have to move our stuff in tonight huh. My mom won't be happy we are leaving."
"Yeah but don't worry she can visit us. Now let's talk about how we are doing the room situation. I think Rora should get the little room then we take the bigger one." Shrugging my shoulders he nodded wrapping his arms around my waist.
Georgie smiled, pulling me closer to his chest. "I don't care I just feel like my wife deserves to be taken out to eat tonight."
"For getting pregnant really? I think I can settle with brisket. We're gonna have to pay rent now." I pointed out that he thought I deserved something like Red Lobster or something way more expensive.
Before he could respond his phone went off so he pulled it out of his jeans answering it. "Yeah what's up…sure we can come get you."
"Who was it…ow?" I asked picking up our daughter from the floor where she pulled on my hair a little.
He put the phone away heading for the truck with me putting her in the car seat. "Missy, she needs to be picked up from practice and both my parents are busy." The drive to the school was fine so we waited for his sister seeing her stomp up to the vehicle.
She slammed the backseat door behind her making all three of us jump a little in the air. "Woah Missy. What the hell is wrong?"
"I got in trouble in class because Heather M was judging you and Y/n. She said you two wouldn't be able to raise a baby or that Rora would grow up to be stupid." Missy crossed her arms over her chest huffing.
Georgie and I sent the other a disappointing look. Even though we had been improving on raising her. We always try our best to ignore the others who thought wrong. Regardless it was still difficult as teen parents. "Heather M shouldn't be in our business. I'd say just ignore her." He told her gently gripping the steering wheel.
She just turned to face the window and the drive home was silent. Flopping down on the bed once we got Aurora settled until we would wake her up for dinner I watched my husband. He was watching her and just leaning against the doorframe. "Georgie?"
"Hmm. What darlin'?" He shook his head when I pulled him from the long stare.
Holding myself up by my elbows I could read what he was thinking by the look on his face. "We can't listen to them, Georgie. Everyone in this town will have their own opinion. But like you told your sister we have to ignore them."
"What if Aurora struggles in school or doesn't finish at all Y/n?" He blurted out a question.
Getting to my feet I intertwined our hands together so he would look me in the eye. "Georgie I promise we are going to prove everyone wrong one day. We are going to be the best teen parents ever."
"Mom! Eve won't give me back my phone!" Lifting my head up from looking at the computer screen I watched my two teenagers come in fighting.
Georgie was off helping a customer in our store leaving me to reschedule any appointments if we were full. "Eve give your sister back her phone." I told her in a warning tone. Our second daughter was named Eve and she had her father's hair color and my eyes.
"But mom, she made me break my phone last week!" She fought back by playing keep away from her sister. Like they were ten years old again.
Rising to my feet I pressed my right hand onto the desk for balance staring sternly at my girls. "I don’t care. Just because you guys don’t have school today doesn’t mean you get to cause problems at your father’s store.”
“What are you gals bickerin’ about?” Georgie came around the corner with me catching sight of a customer walking out with some paperwork for tire’s meaning he had made another sail.
Aurora stomps her foot on the ground throwing her braided hair over her shoulder. “Dad Eve won’t give me back my phone because I apparently broke hers and - is that uncle Sheldon?”
Georgie and I both moved around the corner peaking a little around the wall seeing that she was telling the truth. “Why is he back here. I thought he would never come back?” I mumbled looking up at my husband.
“What the hell are you doin’ here?” Georgie moved forward and I stood slightly behind him eyeing his younger brother in confusion.
“Hello Georgie, Y/n.” Sheldon replied with a nod towards us. Biting my lip I knew this conversation would be interesting.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
2 - George
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Part 3
The Texas Tire Family
Tags - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita
“Hello Georgie, Y/n.” Sheldon replied with a nod towards us. Biting my lip I knew this conversation would be interesting. 
Georgie raised his hand correcting him. “It's just George now.
“Fine, George. No, I don't like it-- Georgie.” Sheldon huffed, reminding me of when he was little. 
Moving my eyes over to the other guy standing behind him, he looked like a scientist because he was wearing glasses and was nervous when he extended his hand. “Hey, I'm Leonard. I'm here for-for no reason.”
Georgie shakes his hand seeing he was nervous so I stepped up shaking his hand with a smile. “Hi Leonard, I’m Y/n. His wife.” 
“What do you want, Sheldon?” Georgie grumbled walking around the countertop picking up some papers. Leaning my back against the desk I watched the girls from inside our office messing around with some games on the computer. 
“Why aren't you returning my phone calls?” Sheldon asked, crossing his arms over his chest. 
My husband raised a brow, flipping them some papers, sending me an annoyed look. “You're supposed to be the smart one; you figure it out.”
Leonard hinted. “He's not that kind of smart. You might want to give him a hint.” 
“We haven't talked in over ten years, and now that you need something, you think you can just show up at my store? Well, let's just drop everything to accommodate Sheldon.” Georgie mocked his childhood where I have to hold my tongue and not jump in agreement with him. Georgie and I had to fill the big shoes of being adults which wasn’t easy. 
Sheldon scoffed, glancing at me. “Nice try, but I am not a gullible little boy anymore. I can recognize sarcasm.” 
“Mom, can we have money to go to the mail?” Aurora opened the door standing in front of the four of us. She was wearing some ripped up jeans and a shirt that said Texas football. She had her hair up in separate ponytails falling over her shoulders. 
Turning around to face her I looped my fingers in the belt loops of my jeans. “Sure I guess. Just be sure to keep an eye on your sister. Oh and tell her I will get her a new phone tomorrow at some point.” Reaching into my jacket I handed her a twenty. 
“Thanks, mom. Hi Uncle Sheldon.” Aurora waved at him. 
He nods at her. “Hello Aurora.” 
The office door opened with jingling my car keys in her hands riding on a skateboard we had gotten her for Christmas a year ago. “Woah I got’em! Let’s go Rora…oh hi mom, dad, uncle Sheldon.” 
“Evelyn Cooper!” Georgie sent her a warning look crossing his arms with his head raised a little in the air. She looked up to her father a lot more than Rora does. Aurora looks up to me compared to her but she loved her aunt Missy.
Eve hands him the keys looking sadly at her shoes. “Sorry dad.” 
“It appears that the youngest child takes after you Georgie. Has Aurora taken Y/n’s intelligence?” Sheldon questions us looking between the pair. 
“Sheldon.” Leonard grumbled to his friend sensing the uncomfortable feeling we were getting from his question. 
The former child genius went silent for a moment.”What it is a scientific question. I wish to know if one of them is smarter than the other. I mean it still baffles me that I was born a genius and my sister poses an average intelligence at best.” 
“So can we go now or…” Eve pointed towards the door with her thumb over shoulder standing beside her older sister. 
Waving my right hand I shoved them off before things got more complicated. With the Cooper boys back together there was a positive possibility that there would be a fight between them. “Absolutely go go girls. Just text us when you are done and then we will come get you when we are done.” The girls left the store so the four of us entered the office, closing the door. 
“Hold up. I-I'm confused. You didn't want me at your wedding, but now that Mom won't come, you want me there.” Georgie was sitting back in his computer chair and his feet were on the desk eyeing his brother flat out confused. 
His younger brother gave him a half compliment. “I know you don't hear this a lot, but that is exactly right. Good job.” 
“Not helping, Sheldon.” Leonard spoke up.
Knitting my brows together I pressed my index finger to my temple grumbling. “Same old Sheldon.” 
“Listen here, you want me at your wedding, all you got to do is ask nicely.” Georgie rose to his feet leaning his hands on the desk so he was eye level with him. 
Sheldon replied simply. “Georgie.” 
“George.” Georgie cut him off with a smirk on his face. 
Sheldon grumbled under his breath, annoyed at him acting like a child. “I would like you at my wedding.” 
“Thank you, Sheldon. That is so nice to hear. But I would rather swallow a pregnant wildcat and crap out a litter of kittens.” Georgie put a hand over his heart where I hit him in the arm. He glared at me watching me cover my face with my hand grumbling. 
Sheldon stomped out of the store with Leonard. “It is fitting that you got into tires, because you are tiresome.” Turning back towards my husband I couldn’t believe that Sheldon wanted us to come to his wedding when we haven’t talked with him since his father died. 
3 Years After Texas Romance 
Bursting into the hospital with little baby Aurora in my arms and Evelyn in her stroller that he was pushing her in. Georgie and I had finally made it through traffic and to the hospital. Mary had called us and said that something was wrong with my father in law. It wasn’t the first time we had been called to the hospital for him…but it would be the last. “Mom, where is he? Where’s dad?”
“He’s in surgery at the moment.” She was sitting in a chair sniffing through tears. Connie was sitting beside her and the twins on the other side of her. 
Sitting down across from them I hold Aurora on my lap with Georgie standing in front of all of us. I could see his entire body stiffen against the silence so we could only hear the sounds of beeping and some patients coughing. “Georgie don’t worry he’s gonna get through this.”
“Mommy I gotta go to the bathroom.” Aurora calls to me with me looking at her sleeping sister by my side.
Getting to my feet I took her hand in mine standing in front of my husband before leading her down the hallway to the bathroom. The sudden car ride didn’t leave us time to let the kids get ready. “I’ll be back, Rora needs the bathroom.” He nodded watching us walk away. 
Leaning against the wall I waited for my daughter to get done which was only a few seconds before I heard some shoes shrieking on the tile floor. “Y/n!” Missy ran forward to me when I heard the bathroom door open. 
“Aunt Missy.” Aurora replied. 
Turning to face my sister in law I could see that she was crying and that meant either something good had happened or the other option. “Missy, what happened. What did the doctors say about your dad?” 
“They said…said he…he won’t..” She couldn’t finish the sentence before flinging her arms around me where I stumbled backwards in my boots to catch her sobbing form. “He’s gone!”
Wrapping my arms around her shaking form I rested my head on top of hers. She clutched my shirt in her hands and we remained this way for a long while. Intertwining her hand with mine, my other held my daughters returning the girls to the lobby. "Georgie…" I rushed forward towards my husband wrapping my arms around him. 
"I can't believe he's gone.." He mumbled into my shoulder burying his face there sobbing. Gripping his shoulders it took me a second to really process that his father had passed away. He was always the one to tell me that Georgie and I were good together and that we would be good parents. I just hoped we could make him proud. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
9 - Family Contract Agreement
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Part 10
The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @liesanddreams
Sheldon and Amy were going on their honeymoon tonight right before I got a call in our hotel. We weren’t planning to head back to Texas until next week since the girls seemed to enjoy the sites of the city. “Hello who is?”
“Y/n this is Sheldon Cooper. I am calling to ask for your assistance. I know that I have already asked you for one to get my brother to come here. But it would help me out.” Sheldon’s voice came through the phone.
Sitting down by the window looking out at the city inside our hotel room. Georgie was out getting some food for just me and him since Missy and Connie we’re watching the girls tonight for us. “Sheldon, if you’re asking for a favor you don’t have to worry about me saying no. We’re family. Whatever you need, just ask.”
“I am requesting that you and Georgie watch my apartment for me while Amy and I are away on our honeymoon. With a strict set of rules of how to look after it. I already have a contract in place.” He explained making me shake my head, chuckling even though he couldn’t see it.
The door to the hotel room opened with me seeing Georgie sit down with a bag of food from the Cheesecake Factory. We decided to just order a steak and fries to split together since we didn’t have to worry about feeding the girls. “Sure Sheldon. I’ll tell Georgie and we will be over in a few.”
“What were you talkin’ about with my little brother?” Hanging up the phone Georgie put the food on two separate plastic plates coming over to sit across from me by the window. He stabs the fork cutting part of his steak asking me.
Stabbing a piece of my steak I stuck some in my mouth tucking hair behind my ear. “He asked if we could house sit while they were away. Would you mind moving the girls there for the rest of the week?”
“I don’t mind at all. It’s my baby brother who might have a problem with them running around his place. But he’ll have to accept that.” He shrugged his shoulders with some food in his mouth reminding me of when he was kid and would do that at the dinner table. His mother and Sheldon would hate when he would do it.
Finishing off my steak I smiled seeing that he had finished his food too. We packed our bags and what the girls had left driving to the apartment building where the boys lived. Georgie and I made our way up the stairs with our suitcases before he knocked on his door. “Oh great you guys showed up. Come on in.” Amy answered the door with a grin moving out of the way.
“Yeah we did. Aurora and Evelyn are being babysat tonight. But they will be staying here with us later if that is alright.” I explained dropping my bag at my feet, closing the door behind me.
Amy took a drink from a glass sitting it down on the table nodding in our direction. “It’s fine. Sheldon, they are here.”
Footsteps walked out of the room carrying a notepad in his left arm and a pencil in his other hand. He sat down on the couch looking between Georgie and I. “I have drawn up a contract explaining the specific instructions that you need to follow while taking care of our apartment.”
“Alright you’re wish is our command I suppose.” Georgie sat down on one of the corner chairs. I sat down on the other end of the couch seeing Amy standing at the island table.
Sheldon nodded, flipping over a page. “According to the house sitting agreement. One, the temperature of the room can be adjusted but it must be set back before we come home. Two, little Eve and Rora are not allowed to mess with any of my stuff. Three, there is not supposed to be any quotis at all on my bed or on the couch.”
“Sheldon, I don’t think you have to worry about me and Georgie having sex while you’re gone. Considering I am carrying our new baby now.” Resting my hands on my stomach I eyed my husband.
Georgie hit the sides of the chair flashing me a smirk leaning forward towards me. “Awe don’t say that darlin’ I mean we did it a few times during Eve’s pregnancy.”
Sheldon sent him a glare flipping through some more pages. He hands me a pen and the notepad pointing to the lines that we needed to sign. “Just sign lines two and three on page five. Then on seven through ten. And finally sign your names here, both of you.” Georgie took the pen signing his name after mine.
“Okay Sheldon we have to go. Penny said she would drive us to the airport.” Amy sat her bag down by the door hugging me goodbye once I had gotten to my feet hugging her bye. We waved bye to the pair watching them leave where Georgie plopped down beside me on the couch.
He draped his arm over my shoulder where I laid my head on his chest sighing in relief. Lifting my head up after a few minutes of silence. His eyes met mine deeply. “Do you remember the night you sang me one of Luke Bryan’s songs. I know you think you aren’t as smart as Sheldon but you are. And you’ve got a good singing voice.”
“You want me to sing to you again, Y/n. Cause I don’t have a guitar now.” He asked me to move the hair behind my ear gently. He didn’t care much about singing but he knew it made me happy.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I leaned forward kissing him softly. He wrapped his arms around my waist tugging me onto his lap. “Ya don’t need a guitar, Georgie. I’m a simple girl and you meet my needs. Plus I can sing with ya since I’m picking the song.” Digging through my suitcase I found my phone searching through the songs on my playlist picking one and showing him the lyrics.
“Don't have to leave this town to see the world. 'Cause it's something that I gotta do. I don't wanna look back in 30 years. And wonder who you're married to.” Georgie started off singing the Blake Shelton song Nobody But You.
Squeezing his hand intertwined with mine I started jumping in. “Wanna say it now, wanna make it clear. For only you and God to hear. When you love someone, they say you set 'em free. But that ain't gonna work for me.”
“I don't wanna live without you. I don't wanna even breathe. I don't wanna dream about you. Wanna wake up with you next to me. I don't wanna go down any other road now. I don't wanna love nobody but you. Looking in your eyes now, if I had to die now. I don't wanna love nobody but you (You).” We both started singing together.
Georgie rose to his feet tugging me to stand with him intertwining our hands together. He twirled me underneath his arm making me giggle before I attempted to do the same even though he was taller than me. “All the wasted days, all the wasted nights. I blame it all on being young. Got no regrets, 'cause they got me here. But I don't wanna waste another one. I been thinkin' about what I want in my life. It begins and ends the same. If I had to choose what I couldn't lose. There'd only be one thing..”
Tugging him onto the couch twirling my wedding ring on my hand with him kissing me once more. He mumbled resting his forehead against mine, grinning back. “I don't wanna live without you. I don't wanna even breathe. I don't wanna dream about you. Wanna wake up with you next to me. I don't wanna go down any other road now. I don't wanna love nobody but you. Looking in your eyes now, if I had to die now. I don't wanna love nobody but you (You). I don't wanna love nobody but you (You).”
Georgie gently pushes me back onto the couch where my hands ended up in his hair drawing him into the kiss. “I don’t think Sheldon would know if we ended up making out on this couch. It’s not like he knows.” Pulling him back down I wrapped my arms around his neck passionately kissing him until my phone vibrated.
“Hello Sheldon.” I pressed the phone to my ear reading the caller ID.
He responded back simply. “Amy said that you can sleep on our bed instead of the floor. But the no quatis law is still a rule.”
Hanging up the phone I shake my head dragging Georgie into the bedroom where we both kicked our boots off. “You’re brother shouldn’t be mad at us sleeping in here. After all, the next baby might be able to outsmart him. I love you Mr. Texan.”
“I love you, Y/n. I’ll always love ya.” He whispered back moving his hands under my shirt kissing my growing belly.
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
3 - Cooper Girls and Boys
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Part 4
The Texas Tire Family
Tags - @supernaturalgirl30 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita
Parking in the driveway I got out of the truck following my husband into the house we had bought near the old Cooper house. Shutting the front door behind I removed my coat seeing him grab a beer from the fridge. “Georgie we need to talk about what you said to Sheldon."
"No we don't honey. You saw what it was like growing up with him. He needs to learn what it is like to not get everything he wants in life." He sat his beer down, sending me an annoyed look from over his shoulder.
Slumping my shoulders I tilted my head to the side a little. Moving into the living room I run a hand through my hair. "That may be true but he's still your little brother. You shouldn’t still treat him mean."
"You don't have a sibling Y/n. You wouldn't understand. Do you want a drink?" He asked sitting down on the couch beside me taking a long sip of his beer.
The night after George Sr passed away everything changed for us. Mary became broken as did Connie/Meemaw. Sure his brother was a pain but that didn't give him the freedom to help make him happy. "No, I don't want a beer. Now I may not understand entirely what it was like since I was an only child. But it still doesn’t make it right to be mean to him when you’re both grown adults.”
“Urgh you’re sounding like my father right now! And is it really so bad to get what he wants? I mean sure when the girls were younger we couldn’t give them everything. But now we can, so in a way we taught them to work hard to earn something.”
Georgie sat his beer on the table turning to face me with a heavy grumble under his breath. “That’s true, I just got frustrated when he barged into the store demanding that we do exactly what he wants like he’s a king.”
“It’s not right, that's for sure. But we had our fill of a rude teenager with Missy and Rora whining all the time.” Laying my head on his shoulder he draped his arm over my shoulder playing with my hair.
He turned his head kissing my forehead before his phone vibrated in his pocket so he answered it. He pressed the phone to his ear. “Hey baby girl. Yeah…yeah we’ll come.” He hangs up the end of the phone getting to his feet.
“The girls?” I asked to get to my feet with him grabbing the truck keys once he gave me a nod yes. The drive was silent where I rested my chin in the palm of my hand looking out the window.
Coming through the back door of the Cooper house I heard Missy blaring her music from her brother's old room. Walking down the hallway I knocked on her door where she flung it opened. “What do you want, Y/n!”
“Miss, are you alright? I’ve never heard you blaring your music like this before.” I asked, hooking my fingers in the belt loops of my jeans.
She rolled her eyes, stomping her foot on the ground. “It’s just a middle school drama why do you care anymore? You don’t have to deal with it anymore.”
“Because we’re friends and now family too. So don’t think that I can’t be here for you-“ I cut myself off hearing a loud commotion from the kitchen with Aurora and baby Evelyn.
Missy crossed her arms over her chest scoffing back. “You better go be mommy. Looks like you have more important girls to take care of.”
“That isn’t true, Missy. I am still here for you-“ Whipping my head around Aurora and Eve just started screaming at the top of their lungs where it was really hard to ignore them. “Give me one second.”
Running towards the kitchen Missy slammed the door closed yelling down the hallway. “Now you’re choosing babies over me!”
Picking up Eve I bounced her on my knee getting her to fall asleep in my arms a second before the back door got opened where I saw Georgie. “Hey little Evie. You havin’ fun with mommy.”
“Hey, can you watch them for a second? I need to talk with your sister.” Handing Eve to him I ran down the hall happy that once she stopped crying then Aurora did too. “Missy, Missy open the door. Please, I can talk now.”
“Oh really you pawn the kids off on my brother. Just so you can attempt to help me-“ I cut her off throwing my hands up in the air.
“Missy, just stop it. Okay how about we go take a ride in my truck. Because we’ve gotta talk.” I told her to turn on my heels and head outside. She got in the passenger seat in the front huffing with her arms crossed. “Alright Melissa. We are taking a drive and I want you to tell me what is going on.”
The drive was short until we ended up parked outside a Dairy Queen when I put the truck in park shifting in my seat to my sister in law. “Marcus tried to ask me out again even though he broke my heart. Why do boys have to be such idiots and makes us feel dumb.”
“Don’t worry, Missy. When you’re older you will find a guy who treats you right. And worse comes to worst you can always throw a baseball at his head like I did your brother once.” I chuckled hearing her smile giving me a side hug.
Georgie and I decided to grab some food inside the mall and just told the girls to meet us where we were eating. Taking a bite out of my pizza slice I heard footsteps coming towards us with Eve quickly picking up her skateboard giggling. “Rora likes a boy. Rora likes a boy.”
“Ugh Eve just shut up. I don’t like anyone.” Aurora came and sat down beside me laying her head on the table trying to hide when there was a group of boys for their school walking in our direction.
Glancing over my shoulder with some of my hair falling over my eyes there was a boy with blonde curly hair that smiled in our direction. “Hmm he is cute, Aurora. Should go say hi to him.”
“No! No she should not!” Georgie hit his fists on the table making me and Aurora both send him a look. “What I thought about my sister and boys was weird. So it’s extremely weird when it is my own daughter.”
Eve hit the table with her hands singing to just annoy her older sister. “Aurora likes a boy. Aurora likes a boy!”
“I’m going to kick your butt, Evelyn!” She threw some fires at her where they started having a food fight like they were five again.
Raising my voice I started scolding them until my phone went off. “Girls enough we are in public. No food fights…uh hi…oh my god Missy!”
“What does she want?” Her brother asked to take another bite out of his piece of pizza with a raised brow towards me.
Holding the phone to my ear I was grinning so big that we still had a close connection to each other. Even though we had our fights when I was having to help raise her I still love the Cooper girl’s company. “She’s coming home for a little bit. She wants to spend time with the girls.”
“Aunt Missy!” Aurora and Eve both squealed pausing their food fight super excited.
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