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cinemundofreak · 6 years ago
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🙌THE FUNKO POP THEORY🙌 . . 👉EL ELENCO COMPLETO DE 'THE BIG BANG THEORY' TENDRÁN SUS PROPIAS VERSIONES DE FUNKO. . . #thebigbangtheory #sheldoncooper #leonard #penny #raj #tbbt #tbbtfans (en La Plata, Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Eh0HJHye5/?igshid=15pw79yi7864a
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thebigparsonstheory · 5 years ago
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Goodmorning. Coming to wish y'all a lovely day, morning, afternoon, evening, midnight, merry christmas, happy hanukkah, happy easter, happy whatever😁 #jimparsonsismybaby💘 #jimparsonsisamagnificentactor❤️ #jimparsonsismine👀 #jimmyparsons #jimparsons4ever🔥 #jimparsonsisafluffyjellybean😍 #jimparsonsismyhero #jimparsonsfan #jamesjosephparsons #thebigparsonstheory #thebigbangtheory #tbbt #tbbtforever #sheldoncooper #drcooper #drsheldoncooper #tbbtfan https://www.instagram.com/p/B5hcyJZDcEl/?igshid=140dupf1qg6au
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game-and-more · 5 years ago
That's the first minute of the 23rd episode of the 12th season from @bigbangtheory_cbs. I finished up the very last episode of a show which is incredibly important to me. It were some special minutes to finish a series which was on my side for years. No show ever I rewatched more often than this one. This show was way more than a way to kill some time. I was able to connect a little bit with every one of the characters. I was able to join them in their different apartments having fun and sad moments. Success and failure. Love and heartbreak. This show has and will ever have a very special place in my heart. Thank you for everything @sanctionedjohnnygalecki, @kaleycuoco, @missmayim, @therealjimparsons, @simonhelbergoficial, @kunalkarmanayyar, @themelissarauch, @kevsussman and all the other beloved actors and special guests appearing in this show. #thebigbangtheory #thebigbangtheorylove @cbstv #cbs #tbbt #tbbtforever #tbbtfan #bestshowever #intro #flashback #finalseason #neverwantittoend #thankyou #bestsupport #ingoodandinbadtimes #tvseries #series @netflix #netflix #nerdlife #nerd #nerdtweet #nerdpost #instanerd #nerdshow https://www.instagram.com/p/B8j69bKIgvo/?igshid=129xg3d9td6vo
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countrymusiclover · 1 year ago
25 - Dungeons and Dragons!!
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The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl31 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I rolled over towards the window. I saw the sun was just starting to come through the window curtains. Looking around the room I noticed the Guns & Roses poster and that's when I realized I wasn't in my room. Quickly dropping my gaze downward I remembered the night before the second I saw I wasn't wearing anything underneath the covers. "Georgie…Shit. Georgie, wake up. We're late for school." I started shaking him trying to get him up seeing it was almost 8: 30am and we had class at 9am.
"Mmm." He made some noise but made no move of getting up for school and just put his bare back to my view.
Grabbing the pillow out from under me I smacked him across the head with it calling his name again thankful that we locked the bedroom before we slept together for the first time last night. "George Marshall Cooper wake up!"
"Huh what…oh morning darlin'." He rubbed his eyes after feeling the pillow hit his head so he rolled over to face me trying to snuggle into me and go to sleep. "I didn't hurt ya too bad last night right. Cause I rather enjoyed it."
Laying the pillow in my lap I tilted his chin up to meet mine needing him to realize we were late. "It was so good last night but we are going to be late for class if we don't get up right now."
"Oh crap!" Georgie finally figured out what was rolling and fought to get out of the tangled blankets. He grabbed his jeans and fell on the floor while putting them on.
Climbing out of the bed I remembered that I couldn't wear the same shirt from school that I wore last night. Whipping my head around I shrugged my jeans on eyeing Georgie. "I need to borrow one of your shirts."
"Here ya go. We can take my Meemaw's car." He responded by tossing me a shirt that I quickly throw on. Grabbing our bags we thankfully didn't have to deal with his family since the house was empty. We ran across the street and he found the spare key to get in her house.
Tapping my foot nervously Georgie quietly looked around but couldn't find her keys where she normally kept them. "What are we gonna do, Georgie?"
"We could just skip class." I launched a couch pillow at his head when he suggested that yet he ducks and the pillow knocked over the toaster and made a loud noise. Georgie teased me raising himself upright again. "Now you've gone and done it, Y/n."
"You made me do it. We can’t miss the math test today." I whispered a scold back to my boyfriend.
"What the hell are you two doing in my house?" We both snapped our heads around seeing Connie standing at the bottom of the stairs twirling her keys in her hands still in her sleep clothes.
Running my hand throughout my hair I dropped my shoulders not expecting her to be there. “Connie, I’m sorry but we need your car to get to school on time.”
“You two must have had fun last night. I take it. I’m surprised you could keep it in your pants that long.” She scoffed eyeing her older grandson while I just turned a deep red avoiding her gaze,
Georgie took my hand in his. “Can we just borrow your car? Y/n is freaking out about missing class. But I know she liked what we did last night too.”
“Fine. Just don’t scratch it.” Connie tossed him the keys, turning to leave us but she paused at the stairs. “Oh and I won’t tell your parents what I know about you two. God knows what the people of this town would think if you got pregnant.” She left and we did make it to school with neither of us thinking how our lives would never be the same after last night.
Rain hit the windows of the house hard and there was thunder coming in while I saw the girls and Montana sadly looking out the window. Entering the room and coming out of the kitchen I sighed knowing we were supposed to go camping with Missy and her kids. “I’m sorry guys. But we can’t go when it is storming like this outside. So no camping trip this weekend.”
“But mommy!” Montana whined sliding off the top of the couch and sitting down.
Eve turned her head eyeing the driveway. “When will dad get home if it’s storms?”
“What are we doing instead?” Aurora asked finally the secluded before my phone started ringing from the bedroom. I left the kids waiting going to answer my phone without them hearing me.
"Hello, who is this?" I hadn't bothered to look at the caller ID.
"Y/n, this is Sheldon Cooper. My sister told me you were supposed to go camping but it's gonna rain. So Ami is making me - uh suggested that we all come play dungeons and dragons over at your house since we will be heading back to California in the morning." The genius explained to me.
Sitting down on the bed I could hear the rain getting worse outside and then I heard Eve scream through cheers. "Daddy's home!"
"I'll talk with Georgie. But that sounds like fun." I responded hanging up the phone going back into the living room.
Coming around the corner I saw Georgie racing around the room carrying Eve on his shoulders with her cackling in such joy. Aurora and Montana were hot on his boots laughing too until he caught sight of me gently laying down on the couch and sitting his youngest daughter down in the process. He came over to me putting one hand on my hip and I leaned forward kissing him. "You're brother called me."
"Oh he huh…what about this time?" He broke the kiss and responded down to me.
Tilting my head towards the kids on the couch. "Ami said we should play d and d with them tonight since we can't take the kids camping."
"I'd rather just spend the night with y'all then entertain my brother." He shrugged his shoulders, but I knew he cared slightly about hie young brother.
Sending him a glare. "George Marshall Cooper."
"Fine, tell him they can come over." He caved in knowing that I would win in the end.
It was an hour before they showed up and Sheldon brought in pretty much the entire board game and everything we needed for it. But I knew he never jokes about what he cares about…like ever. His mother Mary, Connie, Amy carrying baby Leonard and Missy came inside first before we saw Sheldon. Georgie had ordered pizza for the night thankfully before the storm had gotten any worse. He sat the boxes down on the kitchen table hugging his sister first. “Hey Missy, where are the kids tonight?”
“Oh I let them spend the night with their daddy even though momma didn’t agree.” She embraced him in a hug and then we hugged where I felt her mother eyeing us.
Mrs. Cooper stands off to the side. “I don’t entirely like this game but I am happy that we are all spending time together.”
“Oh calm down. My moon pie will be perfectly fine.” Connie entered the kitchen going to the fridge looking for a drink. “Do ya got any beer?”
“Back of the fridge. Did Sheldon get stuck in the car or something?” I glanced around the room confused as to why he wasn’t in the house yet.
Montana was attempting to play with baby Leonard and Amy sitting on the couch. And I heard footsteps coming down the hallway showing that Aurora and Evelyn were wearing caps and did their best to look like D & D outfits of their own. “Mommy, look at it. I’m a thief.” She had one of my jackets on so it looked like a cloak, a bandana hung around her neck, with some brown boots.
“Rogue princess.” Eve twirled in her boots wearing her Leia dress that we bought for Halloween. Paired with the Indiana Jones whip her sister got and she had a blue tiara on her head.
Clasping my hands together I grinned with Georgie grabbing himself a piece of pizza. “You guys look great. Now we’re just waiting on-“
“Dungeons and Dragons!” The front door got kicked open causing everyone to turn their head at the sound of it hitting the wall. Sheldon holds up the box of stuff for the game wearing a shirt that reads ‘ I am the Dungeon Master ‘.
Aurora and Eve ran straight to their uncle Sheldon. “Dungeons and Dragons, Uncle Sheldon!”
Mary, Connie and Amy sat around the table with Missy but decided not to play. So that left me, Georgie, Sheldon, Aurora and Eve playing the game. Sheldon was obviously the dungeon master of the four of us. “So you first create your character. This is the list Thief, Druid, paladin, wizard and Barbarian.”
“I’ll be a Wizard.” I held my hand up taking a bite out of my pizza, setting it down on my plate in front of me.
Missy chuckled while talking with a mouthful full of pizza. “I was a Ninja Turtle Princess of Power when we played. Do you remember that Shely?”
“I remember everything. Now who is everyone’s character going to be?” He responded by waiting to start his favorite game sooner rather than later.
Evelyn throws her hands up in the air. “Thief!”
“Thief.” Aurora said, throwing her hood up over head and gesturing to our family. “See I am dressed up like one and everything.”
Georgie ran a hand through his curls. “I’m confused about most of this game but what in the world of dungeons and dragons is a Paladin?”
“A paladin is a holy knight who crusades in the name of good.” Sheldon explains to his brother.
Mary smiled, clasping her hands together. “A god to fight the demons.”
“I guess I’ll be that.” Georgie leans back in his chair.
It had been an hour since we started the game and we all had been having some fun with the game he had created for us. Sheldon held his notebook up where we couldn’t see what he had written down next making it more interesting. “You come face to face with an Ogre who declares you shall die. He has a vault full of treasure that you have sought to gain. What do you do?”
“I draw my sword and try to attack it.” Georgie said quickly.
“You’re supposed to be the good guy and not be violent.” Sheldon corrected him.
My husband held his hands up glaring at him. “You didn’t let me finish. Y/n attempts to attack it but it tries to kill her so then I attack it to rescue her.”
“You don’t decide what happens the dungeon master does.” He fought back.
Eve reached for the dice in the middle of the table. “I say we steal whatever matters most to the Ogre.”
Aurora and I stared at one another thinking of a team strategy since the other two are just picking random things during most of the night. Throwing a fist in the air Aurora called out. “Mom uses her magic and casts a sleep spell on the Ogre while I steal the treasure he was keeping in the vault.”
“You…defeat the Ogre and gain the treasure.” Sheldon rolls the dice getting a sixteen. Everyone cheers before Sheldon holds his hands up, calming us all down. “Hold on, hold on, before he dies the Ogre mutters out with a smile “I enjoyed playing with my family”.
Rushing over I hugged Sheldon laughing and he slowly hugged me back instead of just hesitating because he actually tightly hugged me back. “Awe Sheldon. Thank you for doing this.”
“You’re welcome, Y/n. Now we need to discuss why you let Batman, Princess Leia and Indiana Jones all be in the same household. I’ve told you they aren’t even close to being in the same universe.”
He broke the hug scolding me, making me chuckle. Georgie and our daughters who all gave me a shocked look. “I tried to warn y’all.”
Montana ran in the room holding the Twister board up to our view. “Can we play this now?”
“Oh yeah but I am doing the board spinner.” Connie got up from her chair heading back to the kitchen.
Everyone else headed into the living room to start the next game leaving me and Georgie alone for a moment. He wrapped his arms around me from behind until I spun around draping my arms over his shoulders smiling. “Maybe you were right that it can be fun to play with my brother. Cause I actually had some fun.”
“That’s good and I’m glad you trust my judgment Georgie. And you should know for certain that I always love you.” Leaning up on my toes he leans down kissing me softly. Running one hand through his hair I deepened the kiss until we needed air. “Always have and always will.”
Georgie grinned ear to ear, squeezing me against his chest, both arms wrapped around the middle of my waist. “I love you too, Y/n. Truly cause you never saw me as dumb.”
“Daddy, mommy. Come play with us!” Montana called from the other room so we separated and headed to join our family.
Comments really appreciated 🧡
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countrymusiclover · 1 year ago
Does anybody have any good suggestions for a possible new Georgie Cooper story???
Or do y'all like this idea???
Twin sister's Y/n and Penny had more history with the Cooper family then they realized when one night that Y/n gets a call from an old flame. Question is will a relationship from the past come back to the present?
If so, dm me or send them to my ask box
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Tags just ask - @lover-of-books-and-tea @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley
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countrymusiclover · 1 year ago
24 - Pumpkins and Costumes
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Part 25
The Texas Tire Family
Tags just ask - @supernaturalgirl31 @bvbwestfall @bubble-blu @patriciaplictisita @liesanddreams @bethanymccauley
Pushing the stroller through the grocery store I had our kids with us shopping for their Halloween costumes while Georgie was holding down the store. Going down the isle of costumes Montana was sitting inside the cart with the girls walking beside me. Evelyn rushed forward spotting a star wars costume of Princess Leia. She tugged on the bottom of the package since she wasn't tall enough. "Mommy, can I get this one?"
"Sure. I'll have to find you a headband that has her hairstyle though." Tossing the package in the cart we kept moving forward.
Aurora scanned the pictures until she found one that looked like a female version of Indiana Jones. "Mom, look at this. I want this one."
"Alright. What is it, Montana?" He was tugging on my shirt a little harshly trying to get my attention.
Shifting my gaze forward I saw his tiny fingers were grabbing a hold of a batman package. "Bat…bat."
"Oh I get it." I nodded grabbing both costumes until something came to my mind making me chuckle at my son and my youngest daughter. "You know you're uncle Sheldon won't like it that Leia and Batman are friends. Since they're from two different franchises…but don't worry we're still getting them."
Walking up to the woman at the cash register she eyed me and my three kids clearly remembering who I was. And I remembered who her parents were too. Her mom helped George Sr when Missy had her first period and now I was interacting with her teenage daughter. "My mom knew you. You’re the girl who had a kid before she was married. You slept with that Cooper boy. Not the smart one, but his brother."
"Can I just check out please." I changed the subject, putting my items on the table for her. "Are you excited for Halloween tomorrow?"
The girl nodded seeing the kids costumes they'd picked out. "Yes I am. Oh and you’re kids are adorable…"
I could she wanted to say more than that but I handed her the money and grabbed our stuff quickly before she could say more. "Happy…Halloween." Montana called out to her as I held him in one arm, carrying the bag in my other.
"Bye." Evelyn waved to the cashier woman with Aurora following behind her.
Putting the bag in the truck and Montana in his carseat in the back with Evelyn I got in the driver's seat. Aurora got in the front with me looking over at me where I was almost crying. "Mom, are you gonna cry?"
"Uh…no. I'm fine." I sniffed some tears back using my jacket sleeve to stop them. But my other hand gripped the steering wheel knowing that this still shouldn't affect how people in this town saw us. Turning the engine of the car on I started driving home not saying anything until we got back. "Mommy is totally fine. I just remember that woman's mother is all. Now let’s go carve pumpkins."
The girls went around and covered the kitchen table with newspapers. I had their costumes hanging in the laundry room. Montana was in his highchair eating some Mac and cheese so I could help the girls with their pumpkins. The front door opened when I cut off the top of one of them, seeing Georgie. "Hey honey, how was the store today?"
"Pretty good. I managed to sell almost 100 tires in an hour." He shrugged off his leather jacket hanging it on the hook by the door.
He walks over the second I sat the knife down on the table and he spun me around so that he could kiss me which caused Eve and Montana tp make disused noises. Breaking the kiss I put a hand on my hip so they knew I was serious. "Be nice or daddy and I won't help you carve pumpkins."
After the kids ate their lunch we got straight to work. Georgie started pulling out some of the seeds and then let the kids each do it on their own. "This is so gross.." Aurora said pulling out a huge handful and putting it on the newspaper.
"Rora, Rora think fast." Evelyn suddenly launched a handful of pumpkins skin and seeds at her sister’s face.
It got all over her face and even in her hair where she grumbled going into the bathroom. "Seriously Eve. Act your age."
"I'm this many." Montana held up two fingers showing me and Georgie.
Georgie held down his hand to his son's level giving him a high five. "That's my little man."
"Eve, I told you don’t make too much of a mess or no TV before bed tonight." Sending a raised brow to my daughter she looked at the ground sadly.
"Sorry Mommy." She apologized.
Kissing her forehead I heard my phone going off in the other room. Moving to grab it I could see that it was a video call coming in from Penny. Clinking the answer button I waved. "Hi Penny, what's up girl?"
"Leonard and I decided to have a Halloween party and you guys haven't seen the baby yet. So why don't you come up for the weekend?" She suggested it to me.
Georgie and Evelyn were laughing when I looked in their direction seeing that the pair were throwing some pumpkin guts at Montana but weren't making as much of a mess as earlier with Aurora. Turning my attention back to the blonde I responded. "That sounds great, Penny. We should be able to make the trip. I'll let you know if something changes. I'll talk to you later." Hanging up the phone and laying it on the table going back over to the trio.
"Hey honey, what was Penny calling about?" Georgie asked, walking over to me putting a hand on my hip tugging me close to his chest, sending me a smile.
Draping my arms around his neck I grinned up to my husband leaving up on my toes to give him a kiss. "She wants us to come up to California for a Halloween party where they are having to meet their baby, Wyatt."
"I think that's doable, darling." He responded by kissing the crown of my head.
Aurora came back from the bathroom finally wiping off the mess that her sister had covered her in. "Eve, no more pumpkin launching at me. I'll do marshmallow fights but not with pumpkins."
"Okay…sissy." Eve responded simply.
Montana reached inside the pumpkin on his own baby one that we had bought him. "Here we go, little man." Georgie came back over taking the knife carving a smile into his pumpkin.
"Can I have fangs on mine, dad. That would be school." Aurora questions her father sitting back down on the kitchen barstool by her pumpkin watching him carve.
Her father nodded in agreement finishing the carving. "There's some rocking fangs, Rora. Eve, what do you want?"
"One with rounded eyes and mouth." She clapped her hands together.
It was a few hours before sunset before we could put out the pumpkins. The kids were heading to bed by the time I had cleaned the kitchen and threw away the newspapers covered in pumpkins guts. Georgie was sitting on the couch in front of the TV tuning into a football game. "How was your day, Y/n?" He lifted his right arm allowing me to snuggle up against him once I laid down.
"Pretty good. Hopefully since Halloween is on a Friday the kids will go to bed for most of Saturday to give us time to rest." I sighed in relief meeting his soft brown eyes running one hand through his curls, seeing him send me a soft expression. "But I did feel off when the teenage girl working at the gas station recognized me. I remember her mom from when Missy had her first lady mouth."
"I bet that would be weird. Like seeing my mom at the Tire store or at the laundromat we used to work at." Georgie got lost in thought. "That would be super odd if I saw any of our kids working where we used to work."
Laying my head back down on his chest I intertwined my freehand with his. "Even though it's hard living in a small town where everyone knows everyone, I do enjoy it here. And I know the kids do too. What about you, Georgie?"
"I wouldn't change anything cause I get you and our beautiful babies." He tucked some loose hair behind my ear watching my eyes begin to fall closed from the lack of sleep. He felt my body falling against him where he slowly got to his feet picking me up bridal style, carrying me to our bedroom. He crawled in the bed beside me mumbling when I peaked my eyes open slightly. "I love you so much, Y/n Cooper."
"I love you too, Georgie." Squeezing his hand in mine I buried my face against his chest when he wrapped his arms around my waist letting me fall asleep in his arms.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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