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game-and-more · 5 years ago
That's the first minute of the 23rd episode of the 12th season from @bigbangtheory_cbs. I finished up the very last episode of a show which is incredibly important to me. It were some special minutes to finish a series which was on my side for years. No show ever I rewatched more often than this one. This show was way more than a way to kill some time. I was able to connect a little bit with every one of the characters. I was able to join them in their different apartments having fun and sad moments. Success and failure. Love and heartbreak. This show has and will ever have a very special place in my heart. Thank you for everything @sanctionedjohnnygalecki, @kaleycuoco, @missmayim, @therealjimparsons, @simonhelbergoficial, @kunalkarmanayyar, @themelissarauch, @kevsussman and all the other beloved actors and special guests appearing in this show. #thebigbangtheory #thebigbangtheorylove @cbstv #cbs #tbbt #tbbtforever #tbbtfan #bestshowever #intro #flashback #finalseason #neverwantittoend #thankyou #bestsupport #ingoodandinbadtimes #tvseries #series @netflix #netflix #nerdlife #nerd #nerdtweet #nerdpost #instanerd #nerdshow https://www.instagram.com/p/B8j69bKIgvo/?igshid=129xg3d9td6vo
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dani8v · 11 years ago
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#TheBigBangTheoryLove 😻
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game-and-more · 6 years ago
Random thoughts: @bigbangtheory_cbs found its show finale this year and I'm excited to see the closure... But I am rather sure that my most favorite scene will always be this one! Sheldon rambling around which console he should buy. This awkwardly reminds me of my own experience during the decision process 😅 These days the @e3expo delivers all new information of the #gamingindustry and I love this time. So it's a great coincidence that this very episode run right now 😊 My second favorite scene #btw is one of the following scenes where Sheldon ask the group for their opinion and Bernadette states that she like the @nintendode "Wii 😂😂 @missmayim @therealjimparsons @sanctionedjohnnygalecki @kaleycuoco @officialsimonhelberg @kunalkarmanayyar @themelissarauch #thebigbangtheory #tbbt #thebigbangtheorylove #fanmode @xboxdach @playstationde #console #xbox #playstation #loveit #happynerd #nerdlife #nerd #nerdtweet #nerdpost #instanerd #videogames https://www.instagram.com/p/ByhLykSj6Dg/?igshid=1wha32gcdbya9
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