#Foodio 3000
invadernurse · 9 months
Catching Flies (Revised) Ch.11
Eh? Eh??? She's back?
Yep. I am.
If you're unfamilliar with the story: It's an Invader Zim fanfic with a Found Family trope, a slow burn romance with Professor Membrane, and a afab non-binary teacher!Reader (that's really more of an OC than anything at this point.)
Anyways Here's the link to the first chapter. And a link to the master post. And the previous chapter in case you wanna see if that sparks your memory.
Chapter 11: House of Chaos
Overall rating: Teen
Summary: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. That’s what they say anyway.
Teacher!Reader makes the mistake of trying to help the two most troubled kids in your class. This leads to forming a science club, learning some childhood psychology, adopting an alien older than you, and somehow catching Professor Membrane’s interest.
Afab Non-binary Reader;
The reader does have a last name: Nemo– which means no-name.
The Membrane house was a bit different than you expected. You had thought it would be something grand-- a high-tech and sleek home that was the height of both technology and modern architecture. Instead, while it did stand out, it was also more...common. Like an ordinary two story house that was slightly modified but not much. And the inside, while eccentric, was normal. 
Absolutely normal.
It was so extremely weird. 
"So this is your teacher?" A small girl appeared next to Dib, who had answered the door along with Zim. She peered at you through thick eyelashes, a dark look in her golden eyes. "They don't look special."
"Gaz, be nice," Dib warned, shooting his sister a look. "Please?"
You offered a faint smile, a little disturbed by the odd feeling climbing up your spine. You weren't exactly one to believe in auras and energies, yet something about Gaz was decidedly ...different. You vaguely recall Meyer’s words, and could almost believe them. Almost. 
"You must be Gaz,” you greeted after a moment. “Your reputation precedes you."
She briefly looked at your offered hand and decided to glare at you instead. "And?"
Was this really an elementary student? She seemed far more than just a child. You could almost see why Meyers seemed so terrified of her. "...I try not to let my first impressions be tainted by other people's opinions," you said after a moment, gaining a faint smile. More of a smirk, really.
"Wise idea." She dismissed you as she pulled a GameSlave2 from her pocket, already absorbed in it by the time she settled on the couch. 
"Gaz is a terrifying creature," Zim whispered as the boys led you away from the living room and into the kitchen. "I have yet to see another human as formidable as her. Thankfully, as long as you don’t interrupt her video games or get between her and pizza, she will leave you alone.”
“Uh huh,” you said doubtfully, though you couldn’t help but notice the slight awe in his voice. 
“Master Dib! Oh and guests!” A robot rolled into view as you entered the kitchen, and as odd as it was, it made absolute sense for the Membrane home. It wasn’t anything like Zim’s parent-drones, but a blocky kind of robot, a chef’s hat on its head and an oven inside its body. “May Foodio 3000 interest you in an afternoon snack? Pizza rolls? Fruit? Smoothie? A nine-course banquet?” 
“Uh, pizza rolls I guess,” Dib answered distractedly as he set his computer up on the table. 
“Perfect! And for you?” The robot turned towards Zim expectantly, a smile on its simulated face, which Zim glowered at. 
“I don’t want any of your disgusting food,” he waved him off, settling into the chair across from Dib, while you reluctantly took the last seat. 
“Disgusting?” The robot… gasped. Somehow.  “Au contraire! I am the latest Foodio model, able to cook any desired course in a matter of minutes! From delicate baklava to something like a simple corn dog, nothing is too complicated for me! Please, I must insist! What is your favorite dish?” 
“Just order something,” Dib said before Zim could open his mouth. “It’s a fault in his programming, but he won’t give up until he gives you something.”
“Fine,” Zim sighed. “How about, I don’t know, a taco. Meatless!” he quickly added, “And plenty of that one sauce, what does Gir call it again? Flaming poo of death?” 
“Ah! Taco palace’s infamous deathly poo sauce!” Foodio’s eyes lit up as he clapped its hands together before turning to you. “And for you?"
“Uh,” you paused, racking your brain before asking about your favorite snack. 
“Perfect! I will be right back with your food!” 
“Whatever happened to Clembrane?” Zim asked as you watched in fascination as Foodio buzzed about the kitchen, his two hands moving faster than your eyes could keep up. 
“He just disappeared one night,” Dib answered, apparently knowing who (or maybe what?) Zim was referring to. “Which is kinda disappointing, I was starting to like the pudding too. Dad was happy though, he thought it meant he was completely healed from his hallucination.” 
“What?” You turned back, brows knitted in confusion at the last piece of the conversation. Both boys paused, as if caught red handed. 
“Nothing!” Both boys denied instantly, making you even more suspicious. You readied yourself to pry more when you heard a door open. The door just off the kitchen had opened, and you presumed it was to a basement of some sort as Professor Membrane stepped out, wiping some kind of dust off his white lab coat. 
"I figured you boys were ready to start on the blueprints today." Membrane stated as he entered, making you pause. You knew he had expressly invited you, but you were still expecting some kind of negative reaction. Instead, he seemed more preoccupied with a small device in his hands. "I borrowed this prototype from the R and D department. I think it will be quite helpful, and there is only a moderate risk of it self-destructing…" 
Professor Membrane trailed off, and it took a second to realize his attention was on you. You blushed and gave a small wave shyly, which seemed to spur him to action. 
"R-right, Mx Nemo. Sorry, I was, ehem, joking about the risk of this exploding. It's quite minimal, I assure you." 
Did he...stutter? The realization caught you off guard as he settled in between the boys, directly across the table from you. Yet there were no other oddities in his behavior; in fact as soon as the small device turned on, creating a holographic model of the boys' device, it was pure professionalism. 
Well, not pure professionalism. You were delightfully surprised to watch the three discuss the schematics, even if it was completely impossible for you to try to follow along. The discussion of hydraulics, power sources and outputs were far out of your level comprehension, but obviously not theirs. And watching the boys engage positively with someone other than you, someone who completely understood them, was amazing. Professor Membrane was patient to listen to them, and then either agree or explain the flaws or alternatives that would be better. 
After a while, however, you started to wonder what exactly you were doing here. The three were obviously off in their own little world, the two boys actually behaving and arguing productively without fighting or name calling. 
Maybe you should just leave? You glanced up at the clock; it was approaching supper time. You could use that as an excuse, even if Foodio's snack had quelled any hunger. 
"Are you sure we can't add a laser?" Membrane asked almost petulantly, drawing your attention from your thoughts. "It's the most practical means for guidance and targeting."
"You read the requirements," Dib sighed, scratching his head. "No lasers. Plus it would be too much for the battery. We're already pushing it."
"Well if you let me put a fission fuel cell there, we would have enough power for a million lasers to destroy our enemies with!" Zim snarled, frustration evident in his voice as well as the snarling expression on his face. 
Dib sighed and rubbed his nose. "For the last time, Zim. We're not using a nuclear power cell and it isn't a weapon. It's supposed to be for exploration only."
"We would explore our enemy's world first and then destroy them!" 
Zim started with the maniacal laughter until Gaz (who must have entered during the discussion without you noticing) decided it was too much and threw a cookie at him. "It's too early for that, Zim. Shut up."
"Now daughter, throwing food at our guests isn't nice."
"But his voice is so annoying." Gaz made her way from the counter to your side, and you tried not to act unsettled as she glared up at you with squinted amber eyes. "Are you smart enough to be more than cannon folder?"
"Uh…" What?
"We've talked about recruiting others for your schemes, Gaz," Professor Membrane said without missing a beat, his attention not even drifting from the holographic model he was tinkering with. "Besides, Mx. Nemo is hardly cannon fodder."
You swore he glanced at you from behind his goggles, yet you could see nothing but the light reflecting off them. Either way, you were highly curious, and rather disturbed, by what they meant by ‘cannon fodder.’ And the fact they were discussing it as if talking about meaningless death was normal… 
"It's Vampire Piggy Deus Ex Machina 3,” Gaz explained to her father, as if that made perfect sense. Which, it did actually. You were well aware of the Vampire Piggy series. “I need a second player and no one online is volunteering. Their day will soon come where they will regret not offering their sacrifice to me, but first I have to beat this boss." 
"While video games have their benefits, I am sure Mx Nemo likely has more important things to do," Professor MEmbrane sighed before you could say anything. “I can assist you later tonight or tomorrow.”
“But I need it now,” Gaz growled, clenching her small fists. “I have the other side quests completed. This is the only one left! If I don’t get it done now, I will die.” 
"Actually, I enjoy the Vampire Piggy saga,” you boldly interrupted as Professor Membrane sighed at the child’s dramatics. “I haven't played the Deus Ex Machina spin offs yet, but I'd be willing to give it a shot. I haven't been much help to you boys anyways." 
Was it slightly immature and improper of you to slip away from where your students were working to play videogames with their younger sibling? Probably. Would you have a massive anxiety attack about it later? Undeniably. 
Were you enjoying yourself as you and Gaz cleared out a den of vampiric swine together? Absolutely.
 The girl played far better than you expected someone of her age group with her quick reflexes and keen mind. There was no looking up walk throughs or anything as you put your minds together to figure out the puzzles, or strategize to defeat the Boar of all Vampires. 
It was like a throwback to your college days, making you almost giddy. When was the last time you were able to play a video game? Usually you were so overwhelmed with papers to grade and plans to revise that you never had time to even think about it.
Granted, you still had those left to do, and would regret this come morning. But right now you were enjoying the fleeting happiness and serotonin.
"Gazleen, Mx. Nemo, Dinner will be ready in exactly ten minutes and thirty seconds," Foodio called, and you glanced over, seeing the oven (?) that comprised his middle section glow warmly, though you couldn't see what was inside. "Please find an acceptable place to end the game and join us in the dining room."
"Ugh," Gaz sighed, already opening the menu to save while your gaze shot to the clock. It was a quarter past seven, which was far longer than what you intended. 
You swore under your breath, then winced as you noticed Gaz's cheshire smile, confirming she heard you. "I really should head home. It's far too late and I…"
"No no no! Dinner is nearly complete! I have calculated everything perfectly for everyones over all nutrition and dietary needs!" If it was possible for a robot to look distressed, Foodio looked absolutely panicked as it interlaced its fingers. "Having guests over has been an exciting new experience! Please stay!"
"Don't reject his food," Gaz muttered from your side. "He tends to malfunction when you do and can get a little murdery." 
You quickly looked between the robot and the small girl, trying hard to decide if she was kidding or not. Surely Professor Membrane wouldn't allow a defect like that to be around his children. After all, children could be notoriously picky eaters. 
Or maybe that was the way he got his children not to complain about their food. You couldn't tell if that was insane or brilliant.
"Mx. Nemo, I insist you stay. It's the least I could do to repay you." Professor Membrane spoke as he exited the kitchen, no doubtedly hearing your protest. 
"Y-you don't need to repay me…" you protested, wringing your hands together nervously. It was one thing to visit a student’s house to help with an after-school project…. Then end up playing video games for over an hour. But then to stay for dinner? As Repayment?  For what? "Honestly, I've been unprofessional enough today." 
His head tilted slightly while he crossed his arms. "I'm puzzled, I haven't seen any kind of unprofessional  behavior from you, today or any time before." 
You opened your mouth, already partially gesturing to the large tv where the game system's home screen was still visible, before Gaz grabbed your hand and pulled hard. 
"Just give up now and accept your fate." 
Surprisingly, dinner was going much better than you expected. It was more like a family affair despite you and Zim's presence, with all three children bickering between mouthfuls of food; something about bigfoot versus yeti which went over your head. Not that you were paying much attention. 
You had taken the seat next to the professor, and subsequently was pulled into an...interesting  conversation.
"Dib had explained how there was a reassignment for the science club," He started, eyebrows knitted in a frown. "I have to admit, that is quite disappointing."
"I know, I was so pi--frustrated," you quickly corrected as three pairs of relatively innocent eyes focused on you, as if they had specialized hearing for forbidden words, "when I was told. Mr. Boltzmann and Meyers made their mind up and I didn't even get a chance to throw my two cents in. I mean, I know I'm not exactly an expert in the scientific field, but no one else was trying. No one seemed to give a damn, and I bet that they still don't. Boltzmann only cares because he has new equipment to play with, and Meyer's a sexist pig who seems to thrive on causing misery." You stabbed the carrot with a little more force than needed, the metal of your fork scratching against the plate. The jarring sound broke through your dark thoughts and reminded you of your surroundings. 
Gaz didn't seem to be paying any attention as she devoured the pizza slice in front of her, while the boys on either side of her were either snarling with rage (Zim) or at least upset on your behalf (Dib.)
But you were more worried with the Professor's reaction to your impromptu rant. While he may somehow find your somewhat unprofessional behavior acceptable to this point, there was no way he wouldn't frown upon such behavior (or language) in front of the children. 
Of course, there was no possible way to study his facial expression; the goggles reflected the light that hung over the table, and the collar of his lab coat still covered everything below the bridge of his nose (though you had sworn you had caught a glimpse of his unshaven jaw while he had been eating. Just a split second of a dark five-o'clock shadow and pale skin. But it was more than anything you had seen on the web.) 
"Those insignificant pigs will cower before us!" Zim suddenly shouted, jumping up onto his chair and holding his spoon as if it were a weapon. "They shall rue the day-"
"Sit down," Gaz snapped, tugging harshly on his oversized shirt to set him off balance. "Be quiet. I'm eating."
"But revenge-!"
"No," you and Professor Membrane echoed one another, causing you to glance briefly at him and then blush. You didn't fail to notice he cleared his throat and adjusted his goggles almost nervously. 
"I'm touched that you feel that way," you started after a moment. "But it would be wrong of you to get involved. You could get in serious trouble, and that is the last thing you guys need."
"Mx. Nemo is right. We'll settle this, and in the meantime we want you to focus on your project." 
It was awkward yet inspiring to have Professor Membrane agreeing with you. Yet, you wondered if there really was anything anyone could do. "Besides, Meyers is sort of right," you admitted with a sigh. "Science and literature are two vastly different subjects. Boltzmann is far more qualified on paper for running a science club."
The outrage for Dib and Zime was instantaneous. "No!" Dib shouted while Zim scoffed.
"Hah! As if!" 
"I have found that just because someone has the right degrees and diplomas hardly means they are qualified for the job," Professor Membrane agreed. "While I have yet to meet this Bolt-man, I am inclined to disagree he is more qualified." 
"Can't a girl just eat her pizza? In peace?" 
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asexual-spongebob · 3 months
Wail Of The Siren - Chapter 4 - Chopsticks
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(Originally published 5/11/24)
It was a cold, rainy morning. 
Giant gray clouds in the sky, the sound of pouring rain banging on the windows and roof tops, and the faint sound of chirping birds in the distance.
I wish I could stay here. Dib thought sleepily, not wanting to leave the comfort of his bed. 
Dib crawled out of bed with a frown. 
Dib rummaged through his closet for the perfect outfit. “Yeah this looks fine.” Dib remarked as he looked at himself in mirror.
He was wearing his light blue ghost shirt, black pants boots, trench coat and a beanie.
He had put the beanie on so his hair wouldn’t become soaked. 
Dib  went to the bathroom and brushed their teeth. Then spitting it out and heading downstairs. 
They noticed Gaz wasn’t downstairs, only Dad, who was eating some breakfast, the Foodio 3000 and Clembrane, who was making pudding like usual.
Dib sat down at the table. “U WANT SOME PUDDIN’ SON?” Clembrane asked “uh… no thank you.” Dib responded, hoping to not offend the robot. “OOOOKAY THEN!!!” Clembrane responded back, then directing his attention back to the pudding.
“Good morning son.” Professor Membrane smiled “Morning Dad, where’s Gaz?” Dib asked “She isn’t feeling well today, she’ll be staying home.” Professor Membrane explained, then taking a sip from his coffee. “Oh, alright then.” Dib mumbled in response, then eating his waffles that were drowned in maple syrup. 
“Dad… shouldn’t you be at work?” Dib remarked after glancing at the clock, it was 8:30 and Professor Membrane was usually at work by 8:00 sharp.
Professor Membrane spat out his coffee and let out gasp “OH- oh no! I’m late!” Professor Membrane began to panic, frantically looking for his car keys. “Gotta go son! See you later!” Professor Membrane said, then rushing out the door.
Dib finished his food and placed his dirty dishes in the dishwasher and headed to school.
Dib felt cold raindrops fall on his face, they made sure to watch out for puddles, they didn’t want drenched, soaking wet socks. 
Just imagining the feeling of drenched socks made them cringe. 
Dib then made it to Skool and walked inside. 
Dib made their way to their locker to put their things away. 
Ah shit what’s my combination again? Dib asked himself oh wait isn’t it 156798 Dib figured. 
The locker was unlocked, Dib let out a sigh of relief and put away their things. 
Dib then walked down the hall to his class room, the sound of his wet boots squeaking across the floor made him cringe. He hated that sound. 
Dib walked into class, only to see Zim giving him a judgmental stare.
It was early, class started at 9 but Dib was there at 8:48 am.
What is Zim doing here so early? Dib wondered, Ms Bitters then greeted him.
Dib greeted her back, then taking his seat. 
“Why are you here so early, Dib Stink?” Zim sneered, “Asking you the same thing, Spaceboy.” Dib replied, then taking a dramatic sip from his orange juice. 
“Not sure Dib stink.” Zim said, answering Dib’s question. 
Dib then took another dramatic sip of his orange juice.
“No food in class Dib!” Ms Bitters scolded.
Dib then put the empty juice box away.
Once everyone else arrived, class began. 
“Okay class, open your horrible text books to page 2005.” Ms Bitters ordered. 
Dib sat in class, hoping the day would be over soon, so they could head home and relax, and watch their favorite show, Mysterious Mysteries. 
I can’t wait for that new episode! They mused with excitement. 
It was about a Mothman sighting near Virginia.
It’d be airing at 11 pm.
The bell finally rang, Dib quickly rose from his desk and was getting ready to leave. 
Dib and Zim were about to leave class, until Ms Bitters called them. 
“Dib, Zim. I need to talk to you.” She stated sternly.
Zim and Dib froze and turned to face Ms Bitters.
“Dib. Your grades in math have been absolutely horrendous lately, so I’m assigning you a tutor.”  Ms Bitters stated. 
“Oh… okay…” Dib sighed, it wasn’t surprising to him. 
“Zim will be your math tutor.” Ms Bitters proclaimed.
“WHAT?!” Zim gasped, wishing this was all a nightmare he’d soon wake up from.
“Why do I have to tutor the Dib?! I hate him!!” Zim demanded. 
“Look Zim. You have some of best grades in math in this class, that’s why assigning you as Dib’s tutor.” Ms Bitters explained.
Dib glanced at Zim angrily, Zim gave him the same glance, crossing his arms and letting a “hmph”.
Zim then walked out of the class room, Dib followed in unison.
“I hate that I have to tutor you, you dumb, stinky human.” Zim complained, then sticking out a it’s tongue.  “I hate that a green cockroach lizard creature has to tutor me.” Dib scoffed.
“ZIM IS NO COCKROACH!!!!” Zim shouted, the older kids in the hall staring at it.
“What is wrong with those kids?” One older kid remarked, another standing beside them shrugged their shoulders.
Dib and Zim continued on their way to Dib’s house.
Gaz walked into the garage, she was going to get her clothes from out of the dryer. 
She noticed that Tak was in the garage, she was busy doing something, Gaz glanced over her shoulder.
“What are you doing?” She asked curiously in a nasally manner, “building a base for myself.” Tak replied, “it should be done soon.” She adds.
“I think I could use a break though, I’ve been working on it for hours.” She remarked “Also… are you okay? You sound kind of sick.” Tak expressed “Yeah… I don’t feel very good today.” Gaz replied, then blowing her nose with a tissue she was holding.
“Is there something I can do to make you feel better?” Tak asked, concern in mew’s voice. “Uh.. some soup I guess?” Gaz answered.
Tak then grabbed Gaz’s hand and dragged her to the kitchen. “Hey!” Gaz exclaimed “oh sorry- I forgot you didn’t like being touched.” Tak apologized.
Tak let go of Gaz’s hand before rummaging through the cabinets, looking for a can of soup.
“Is chicken noodle fine?” Tak asked, Gaz nodded.
Tak grabbed a can of chicken noodle soup and poured it into a pan.
She turned it medium heat.
Tak and Gaz stood there for a few minutes as they watched the soup cook. “Is it done yet?” Gaz questioned “I think it’s almost done.” Tak replied, taking a closer look.
“Yeah it looks done to me.” Tak confirmed. 
Tak poured it into a bowl “thanks” Gaz said “No problem. Anyway, I gotta go set up base. See you later.”  Tak smiled “bye Tak!” Gaz rasped as Tak walked out the door.
Zim walked to the Membrane house, he knocked on the door and was greeted by Professor Membrane.
“Hello Zim!” He greeted, welcoming Zim inside. 
“Dib’s upstairs waiting for you.” Professor Membrane said “kay” Zim replied, heading upstairs to Dib’s room.
The door was plastered in posters of cryptids like Mothman and Bigfoot. 
Zim opened the door “Hey Dib stink. IT IS I. ZIIIM!!!” Zim shouted “Hey Zim.” Dib replied with a bite of his lip. “You can sit with me I guess” Dib adds.
Zim climbed up the ladder on the side of Dib’s bed and lied down on his stomach. 
Zim glanced at the paper, it was all problems with variables, like x or y, or even z or a.
“You have trouble with this? Irken smeets do more complicated math than this.” Zim cackled. “Can you just help me with this so we can get this over with.” Dib spat with annoyance.
“Ugg fine.” Zim spat back.
“Okay so, you want to get X alone okay?” Zim began, Dib listened carefully to the best of his ability, his eyes glued to the paper. “So you want to do this to each side. So then this stuff cancels out. You kill it off!” Zim adds.
Zim then explained how to do the rest of problem. “And our quotient is 2x.” Zim finished “Now you try, you stinky human.” Zim adds.
“Okay..” Dib replied, then beginning to work on the problem “Is this right?” He questioned “yeah it looks fine so far, Dib worm.” Zim answered with a bite of his lip.
Once Dib finished, Zim examined it.
“Good job Dib. Surprising to say that about you.” Zim remarked after examining the problems. “Oh uh… thank you?” Dib replied Zim was nice about it? Dib thought out of disbelief, used to Zim’s typical self absorbed and prideful behavior. 
However, the two flinched when they heard Gaz barge in “Hey Dib, dinner’s done.” Gaz said “Okay, great. I’ll be down there.” Dib replied. “Isn’t he coming too?” Gaz questioned, pointing to Zim.
“Uh. Yeah I guess.” Zim mumbled. 
The three went downstairs to the dinner table.
“Hello Zim! Pleasure to have you here.” Professor Membrane grinned, “Thanks for helping out Dib.” He adds. “It is my pleasure, as the very best.” Zim smirked.
Zim sat at the table eating his food. Thankfully it was breakfast for dinner, and waffles specifically.
He was glad he didn’t have to awkwardly explain his meat allergy and get dirty looks in the process. 
Zim chewed on his waffles and sipped some cola, something he’d surprisingly grown a tolerance for. “YOU WANT SOME PUDDIN’ ZIM?” Clembrane asked “Nah. I’m good.” Zim insisted. 
The waffles were drenched in maple syrup and had some whipped cream on top, along with some strawberries for good measure.
They tasted sweet, sugary and delicious.
Gaz sipped some orange juice, it was tart and sour, yet sweet. 
Dib awkwardly ate his dinner, how am I sitting at the dinner table with him? Dib asked himself as he glanced at Zim from across the dinner table.
Please just let this be over soon. He thought desperately, just wanting to go back upstairs and go in his room and draw his cryptid  oc’s and listen to Lemon Demon.
Finally, dinner was over and Zim went home.
Dib let out a sigh of relief when Zim walked out the front door, they immediately went upstairs to their room.
Dib climbed into bed and grabbed their sketchbook and started jotting and doodling some concepts for this story they were working on. 
“Hm… should that happen… Nah that’d be stupid.” Dib decided, scribbling out what they’d written with a blue glitter gel pen they had found laying around.
“Hm… I guess I can finish this tomorrow.” Dib decided, climbing off his bed and putting his stuff away. 
Dib then climbed back in bed and pulled out his laptop to work on something different. 
“Time to finish this drawing I guess.” Dib mumbled, then getting to work as Lemon Demon blasted through his headphones, finishing some line art of one of his Mothman oc’s.
Mimi lied on the sofa in Tak’s newly set up base.
On the exterior it was a Victorian style house, mostly light purple with darker purple accents. 
On the inside, it had dark, wooden looking floors and light, muted purple walls.
On the living room floor, there was a small burgundy sofa. And a small, muted toned bluish purple rug lied on the floor below. 
There was also a tv on a small black tv stand.
Mimi snacked on some popcorn, with chopsticks. 
Tak walked into the room, “Hey Mimi. Please keep watch over the base. I’m going Gaz’s house.” Tak said, then noticing the chopsticks.
“Why are you eating popcorn with chopsticks?” Tak asked “so my claws don’t get greasy.” Mimi answered “Oh, okay then. Anyway, I’ll be going now. See you later.” Tak said, then heading out the door.
Meanwhile, Gir had dried his dog suit.
“I’m glad you finally washed that revolting thing.” Zim commented “Me too!” Gir grinned.
Gir then put on its dog suit and headed out the door.
“I wonder where it’s going..” Zim mumbled “probably somewhere, like what the human’s call a “shopping mall” Zim figured, then going back downstairs to the lab to work on something.
Gir made his way to Tak’s base. 
Gir walked up the steps to the porch and knocked on the door.
“Hm… who could that be?” Mimi wondered, dropping her chopsticks and walking to the front door. 
“Hello?” Mimi questioned as she carefully cracked open the door. 
“HI MIMI!!!” Gir shouted, “Hi Gir!” Mimi greeted, allowing him inside.
“You got any taquitos?” Gir asked “No sorry. We have gummy worms though.” Mimi replied, fetching the gummy worms.
Gir and Mimi took a seat on the sofa. 
Mimi noticed something, Gir didn’t smell horrible? He actually smelled nice?
“Hey Gir, did you wash your suit? It smells really nice!” Mimi complimented “Yeah!!!!” Gir replied. 
“I washed because I knew it’d make you happy! And I like seeing you happy!” Gir stated “Oh.. thank you?” Mimi mumbled, not sure what to say. 
“Do you want to watch something?” Mimi asked “Sure!” Gir replied.
“You should choose!” Gir smiled “alright then… how about this Nirvana documentary? My master likes it.” Mimi suggested.
“What’s a Nirvana?” Gir asked “Its this band that Gaz and my master like.” Mimi answered.
“Yeah we can watch it!” Gir verified, Mimi then put in the dvd and sat back down on the sofa.
Gaz and Tak lied on a blanket at the park, drinking some cola, Tak had finished setting up her base a few hours ago. 
The sun had set about 30 minutes ago. A  moon stood in its place, stars glimmering in the night sky. 
Tak and Gaz had been talking about rock bands and video games for a while, with the occasional mention of a tv show.
Gaz stared but at the stars as she listened to Tak ramble about her favorite band’s new album. 
“The new Bloody Lizards album is great! I don’t understand the hate for it.  I didn’t think it was bad.” Tak said.
“I still need to listen to it. I was planning on getting it after I pick up a newly released game at the mall this weekend, wanna come with?” Gaz asked. 
“Sure!” Tak answered. 
Gaz then noticed something in the sky, shooting over the treetops. Huh? What’s that? Gaz asked herself, then sitting up, then realizing what it was.
A shooting star?
“Hey Tak! Look!” Gaz urged, pointing to a blazing object in the sky.
“Hm… perhaps it’s a meteor?” Tak guessed. 
However,  the object then crashed in the distance.
Gaz and Tak decided to go investigate, carefully tiptoeing through the grass.
Gaz inspected it from a safe distance. “I don’t think this is a meteorite.” She said, glancing at Tak. “Me neither.” Tak replied in agreement, deciding to take a closer look. 
Tak couldn’t believe her eyes.
An Irken space craft?!
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crimsonfacets · 2 years
Send me “alt!” and I’ll introduce you to a character I’ve rped in the past, want to play in the future or are currently playing somewhere else!
There was no one in the kitchen, yet a dark figure suddenly walked by the doorway in Dib's peripheral, a breeze clipping his hair and ear to solidify the fact that something did just pass. Peeking back in, he'd see that someone was in the kitchen: a woman, decked in all black with only hints of a dusty mauve cuffing her collar and the long sleeves of her dress. Her hair was weirdly familiar.. Gaz? No. No way. It couldn't be. Gaz was paler, and her hair was way shorter than this. Also, Gaz was a kid, not an ADULT.
"Foodio has made your coffee, ma'am." And Foodio 3000 just rolled up to her like she wasn't a total STRANGER who broke into the house, not whipping out Mega Membrane(tm) lasers and electric taser buzz saws, but instead whipping out hospitality by serving her a steamy mug of what smelled like super strong coffee. "Only one tea spoon of sugar, no milk. Just like [ PROFESSOR MEMBRANE PROGRAMMED INTO IMPORTANT MEMBRANE HOUSEHOLD FAMILY FAVORITES ]! I hope you enjoy it."
The woman appeared to be trying to keep quiet, glancing over her shoulder now and then with a squint, eyes actually open in comparison to how his little sister's always preferred a tight scowl. Same eye color as both of theirs, though. Gloved hands reached to grab for the coffee when Clembrane came bodyslamming through the wall into the poor food service bot, holding up a spoon.
"I GOT IT, HONEY!" He announced happily, wiggling it around in the woman's face. "You so clumsy, but that what so cuuuuUUUuuute about yoooou!" He cooed, rubbing fingers into the woman's quickly heated features as she twitched. Her brows popped. Dib could hear her growling.
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"Yes, you did. Thank you... dear." She responded with a low tone of voice. A wispy, black tendril emerged from the shadows beneath her and wrapped around the spoon wiggled about in the air, flinging it from the clone and out the window. "Oh, poor me. I lost it again. What will I do without it. Oh no. I'm sad. Tragedy."
"!!!!" Clembrane whipped around and threw his bowl of fresh pudding to the side with a loud smash. "I'LL GET IT! DON'T YOU WORRY YOUR PRETTY LITTLE HEAD, NEESY DEESY!" BAM! Annnnd there was another hole in the kitchen as the enormous second father figure went bounding out again, car horns quickly emitting in the distance with the sound of crash.
The mug of coffee that should have sailed into oblivion with the recovering robot was instead frozen in the air, still steaming and untouched. The woman gripped it and inhaled the vapors deep, sighing with tension leaving her body. She murmured something to herself, an indiscernible bout of mumblings in Spanish with a few words in there that were definitely not appropriate for children's ears.. that was until her eyes flicked across the way and made contact with Dib's. She stopped in an instant.
Uh-oh. She was Aware of him now. What was going to happen?
.. Apparently, she was going to cross the kitchen and pull... oatmeal? Off the stove? What the heck is oatmeal doing there?? And mix it in a bowl that was nearby, throw in a few fruits with cinnamon and chocolate and bring it to him. She gave his head a few gentle pats and a ruffle while in the background, those weird eldritch tendrils stretched from shadows beneath the dinner table and sucked a black typewriter that he'd never seen before into its shade.
The woman fussed over his coat and fixed it, buttoning it up. "This needs to be buttoned, Dib. It's cold outside." Was she really bossing him around? Who the heck was she? How did she know his name?? Then she did something WEIRD.. She kissed him on the head! "You never seen me. I wasn't here. I need a break." She told him, hand cutting to the side of her face to block out the Clembrane-shaped holes in the wall before slipping past.
Those holes weren't there anymore, and there was no debris all over the kitchen. Foodio was idle and in one piece, humming to himself as he charged in the wall socket. There was no pot on the stove or oat-smattered spatula. But, there was still the faint scent of that super black coffee in the air, and Dib would notice he was still holding a bowl of hot oatmeal in his hands, and his coat was still buttoned up. There was no sight of the woman though, even if he looked the house up and down, she just wasn't there. Foodio had no idea who he was talking about either when he asked.
Why did this stuff always happen to him when he had nothing to record it with!?!
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fall-out-boytoy · 3 years
I know this episode technically isn't an actual episode, but, Ten Minutes to Doom?
Ten Minutes to Doom :DD
First off, I absolutely DO consider the unfinished eps to be "actual episodes"! Just because the crew didn't have time to finish them doesn't mean they aren't canon. Same goes for the episode ideas that don't have scripts!
Anyway! Ten Minutes (I almost never bother to add 'to doom' or 'of doom' for any of the episode titles) is a GREAT episode that would've been at least Bolognius Maximus level had it been finished! (To be clear I consider Bolognius Maximus a pretty dang good episode, but not Backseat Drivers level.)
It's got a LOT of PAK lore (it kinda has to based on its premise haha)! Aaron Alexovich made a piece of concept art showing just how much Zim deteriorates in those ten minutes:
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anyway what was I saying? oh yes! PAK lore! The timer being exactly ten minutes is fascinating.
I've heard at least one theory that irkens should be able to survive without their PAK (for over 10min), but they were specifically engineered to not be able to. Because the PAK (supposedly) controls their emotions, makes them loyal to the empire, etc. If an irken took off their PAK, they've basically gone rogue and the empire wouldn't be able to control them at all. So, naturally, the empire made it so irkens COULDN'T SURVIVE without their PAK. That's why it's exactly ten minutes - because it was engineered that way.
I'm here to tell you that is complete and utter bullshit! One simple reason: minutes are an Earthian unit of time. There is NO reason for irkens to measure in them. In fact, there's some canon evidence that "timethings" are the wider-used unit, or at least the unit in Moo-Ping 10 (comic issue 35):
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So I hc that either the ten minutes thing is just a weird coincidence (there've been weirder), or it's actually something like 10.0004 minutes.
"But Pants, Zim's lifeclock was showing in minutes!" yeah and I bet you also think all alien species always converse in perfect English in IZ. It's being converted for the benefit of us, the viewers!
Moving on from that now! It'd probably have been REALLY annoying for the storyboard artists to plan this one, since Zim's lifeclock is in real time, so they couldn't do any time skips (even a couple seconds long).
What else? Oh, right! We get the first appearance of Foodio here :D This also means that Membrane, rather predictably, solved world hunger between now and Florpus.
Dib's speech patterns with the PAK on him are interesting! Instead of simply having Richard do Dib, they had Andy try to mimic Richard, which is a much better idea really - Dib's still got the same vocal chords. It kinda sounds like Zim's robot Dib in Future Dib, haha. It's also how I imagine Zib sounds, or pretty close to it!
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this must've been VERY confusing for the Skool with all the places Zim and Dib go, hehe. They've both been to several different places in space as well as Antarctica off the top of my head. It's also..like..if you have the money to buy HOMING CHIPS, why couldn't you buy desks in Door to Door? the skool has got to have, like, the worst budgeter ever.
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muscular-lettuce · 2 years
Dib taught himself how to cook simple meals for him and gaz before foodio came along
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joemerl · 5 years
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Heart? In MY Invader Zim movie? It’s more likely than you think. 
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wizardwatch · 5 years
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When Dad isn’t home except Dad’s never home 😔
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magicstar16 · 4 years
Invader zim Sitcom au (Part 2)
Okay so this is gonna go over all the other famlies. For characters who’s last names I don’t know I just gave them random last names.
The membranes: AKA The next door neighbors who get a spinoff later or something 
Professor Membrane: Doesn’t change much besides from being actually supportive this time. He’s like how he was in ETF. He’s still a successful scientist, but the “Smartest man in the world” thing is only just a title now. He let’s Gaz and Dib help him during some of his experiments as a fun, family bonding activity. (This does not mean they’re all safe, they can still be pretty chaotic, such as that one time where the house got overrun by gerbils). He still has robotic limbs from the shark incident, the incident actually left him deathly afraid of sharks (Yaaaaayyy PTSD)
Dib Membrane: Still a feral little paranormal investigator, he Zim go on crazy paranormal-hunting adventures together (YAAAYY Zadf), which Gaz joins sometimes. Sometimes it just ends up like a scooby-doo mystery where it turns out nothing supernatural was actually going on, sometimes they actually find some sort of paranormal thing. A lot of they’re hangouts are paranormal investigations. Dib’s still feral but he’s still calmer and more rational than Zim, while ZIm is much more rash and impulsive. Though Dib’s still more of a logical thinker, while Zim is a much more outside-the-box thinker, so they work well together. Sometimes they’ll butt heads and their competitiveness flares up again, but it’s more of a friendly, chaotic rivalry.
Gazlene “Gaz” Membrane: Gaz is a lot like how she was in the comics, still a jerk, but she still cares about her brother. Her care commonly shows in anger born of worry, she’s pretty much 80% of his impulse control.
Clembrane and Foodio 3000: Clembrane was a clone made by membrane so that membrane could get more stuff done, but the cloning didn’t go so well, which is why Clembrane is the way he is. Clembrane just ends up doing housework, and has an odd fixation on pudding. (Professor doesn’t know why, he thinks it might be because that was one of the first thing they taught him to cook that came out edible). Foodio’s pretty much the same, but was instead created as a robo-butler to clean the house and do chores when membrane was to busy.
Skoodge Brians: Zim’s best friend besides Dib, he’s gullible, but he’s got a good heart and he means well. He’s also a strong boy, physically and emotionally. He, Zim, Dib, and Gaz make up a ragtag bunch of misfits and stand up for eachother togther, and go on their own misadventures. Skoodge takes the bullying he receives in stride because he tells himself (Or at least tries to) that they’re just empty insults. He’s usually the shoulder to cry on for the group. He’s the type of friend to just let himself into the house if he’s close enough with whoever lives there (I.e, The Membrane sibs and Zim).
Tak Vessel:  (I wanted her surname to be a reference to her ship in the show. Vessel is an actual surname, albeit rare, and is a synonym for ship). Tak is a transfer student from the UK (Hence her accent) causing occasional culture shock for her (”IT’S NOT CALELD SOCCER! IT’S CALLED FUTBOL!!!” “Tak please it’s just a game). She’s kind of a bully who usually targets Zim, but mostly because he keeps ticking her off. She does have her soft spots for the Membrane siblings and her little sister Mimi. She holds some begrudging respect for Skoodge for putting up with everyone’s BS, her included, she can’t even imagine having that kind of patience. She mellows down if you get on her good side and can be a good friend when she wants to, She’s not much of a bully as she is just able to go from 0 to 100 real easily. 
Minerva “Mimi” Vessel: Tak’s “creepy” little sister around Gir’s age. Tak is really close to her,  which comes as a surprise to most people since Tak is seen as the kind of person who’d bully their little sibling. Mimi is a creepy little Satan child, at least at surface level. She checks all the boxes on the creepy little kid list. She doesn’t talk, she has big ole eyes that stares into your soul, she usually plays or sits alone, and is into some dark things, like she’s the kid who’d read the original tale after watching a disney movie, and would prefer the original. But deep down she’s just shy. She opens up to Gir later in the series, and usually lets him talk for her (Either by whispering in his ear and having him repeat what she just said, or communicating in sign language and having him translate, Gir’s translations are the same quality as google translate, not entirely accurate but you can get what she’s trying to say if you connect the dots). Mimi only speaks when she deems it necessary, since she has a stutter and a bit of a lisp when she speaks, which she’s really insecure about.
Tennessee “Tenn” Michaels: (I know literally nothing about Tenn please forgive me) A lively girl who’s kind of a ditz, but always tries her best and is quick to know when she’s made a mistake. She’s a friend of Skoodge’s so she knows the main squad just by proximity. She’s much more of a girly girl then Tak and Gaz, but they humor her because it makes her happy. Her parents run a daycare which she helps with sometimes, although “Help” usually means “Be offered as a sacrifice to a bunch of insane toddlers” in her eyes (Kinda like being sent tons of defective sir units in the show, except she’s only stuck with them until they’re parents pick them up). Sometimes she joins the main squad with they’re paranormal investigations or general shenanigans, but usually she can’t because she’s busy helping her parents at the daycare. She’s pretty much the only main character who’s not unpopular and has more then 4 or 5 friends.
Floog Gregor: Floog is a shy boy who’s also friends with Skoodge. He’s timid but he tries to be a good leader, and he’s even vice president of the student council at Skool. He looks up to his Dad, Theen, who’s a commander serving in the navy seals. Floog doesn’t get to see his dad very often, at least not in person (They do things like phone calls and video chat, but it’s not the same) Floog knows that his dad’s very busy, and that he has to sacrifice family time for his job. But since Theen’s a navy seal (I’ll keep it vague where Theen is serving specifically because I don’t want to offend anyone) Floog feels selfish for wanting his dad to come home, because of this, Floog has a tendacy to put others before himself. Like Tenn, Floog sometimes joins the main gang in their misadventures, but he’s usually too scared. When he does join them, he’s the most hesitant to do anything, and pretty much takes orders from the others. He’s pretty much the Shaggy of the group.
Minimoose: The Invaedirs pet cat. (I made him a cat because cats go “Nyah!” like Minimoose) He’s a chubby lil good boi who waddles and causes trouble and cutes his way out of it. Zim found him in a dumpster and named him “Minimoose” because according to Zim, he looks like a miniature moose. Red and purple thought the name was stupid, Gir liked it, Miyuki thought it was hillarious, Spork didn’t really care, so Minimoose got his name via majority vote. Zim’s the closest with him, and Zim even talks to Minimoose sometimes. (”MINIMOOSE! Red pushed me again, how can I get him to stop pushing me?! “Nyah” “Good Idea Minimoose! Putting Red down means I WOULD get pushed less!” “Nyah” “Yes Minimoose, I love you too.”)
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catherine-sketches · 4 years
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The Membrane-Utonium Family: The First Contact
Local Science Dads meet. Have you meet someone so beautifull that your brain just... fucking deletes english???
Paranormal son has nearly a heart attack.
Green children are confuse.
Flying girls can’t understand the local big headed child.
Originaly posted on @the-lovely-gicath (old me)
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puppyxchaan · 5 years
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Ya’ll: Membrane is trying his best to be a good dad! He cares about his kids!
Membrane: *sells Dib in favor of Foodio 3000*
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piddies0709 · 5 years
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Been a little behind on Inktober, so have some “normal” family portraits... 
(Invader Zim)~Jhonen Vasquez
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kassiopeiakitten · 5 years
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asexual-spongebob · 3 months
Wail Of The Siren - Chapter 2 - An Invader’s Return
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(Originally published April 27th 2024)
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It was a nice, warm day, a breeze blew by as two figures stood in the dark, gloomy alleyway. 
Tak of them glanced at her sir unit, Mimi.
“I’m sorry but it looks like we’ll have to stay here for now.” Tak frowned “Why?” Mimi questioned, “We crashed here and I don’t have my ship and we can’t leave without it. I would built a new one but I don’t have the right equipment to do so. And even if I did it would take months to finish.” Tak explained. “Alright. I guess we’ll stay here for now.” Mimi grumbled with a sigh.
“Anyway, I’ll find a place for us to stay for the meantime. You can do whatever you want I suppose.” Tak said, Mimi nodded, she then went to get herself some food. 
Mimi padded around for bit, trying to find something to eat.
Mimi then stumbled upon Krazy Taco.
“Hm.. I guess that’s okay.” She mumbled to herself.
Mimi walked inside, only to see a familiar green dog.
Gir was eating its beef taco and licking its lips. It was getting food everywhere. 
A small purple moose floated beside it.
Mimi stared at it for a moment how improper! She thought, disgusted at Gir’s messy eating.
“Hey, you shouldn’t be eating like that. It’s really gross and unpleasant.” Mimi remarked, catching Gir’s attention.
Huh? Who was that? Gir questioned after hearing the unfamiliar voice, it sounded like a British accent. He turned around to face the unknown person. 
“Who are yo- Mimi? You can talk?” Gir gasped, dropping his taco on his tray, Minimoose let out a squeak of shock.
“Yes, I can Gir. My master built me a voice box.” Mimi explained. 
“What are you doing here?” Gir asked “that’s none of your business.” Mimi snapped “well.. HOW ABOUT WE GO MAKE BISCUITS!” Gir cheered, Mimi gave him a confused glance.
“OH COME ON IT’LL BE SOOO MUCH FUN!!!” Gir grinned happily, dragging Mimi by the paw. Mimi let out an angry hiss but Gir continued on, Minimoose followed them.
Gir dragged Mimi to Zim’s base and ran straight to the kitchen “what are you doing?” Mimi questioned, then licking its  fur like how a normal cat would.
“GETTIN’ THE INGREDIENTS!!!” Gir cheered, looking for the ingredients in the cabinet.
Gir placed all the ingredients on the table, Mimi watched carefully “Hey no! That’s unsanitary!It’s cross contamination!” Mimi scolded at the sight of Gir not sanitizing it’s hands after getting raw eggs on them “Here, use these to sanitize your hands.” Mimi spat, handing some disinfectant wipes to Gir. 
“Thank you!” Gir smiled, Mimi bit its lip in response. 
Gir set a timer for 10 minutes, him and Mimi then sat on the couch. 
“What is this?” Mimi questioned after she glanced at the tv, “my favorite show!” Gir beamed “oh okay.” Mimi said, she then glanced back at the tv.
Hm… this may not be like BBC but it’s still decent. Mimi thought.
Soon, a ping was heard and Gir got the biscuits out of the oven. 
Gir and Mimi ate the biscuits once they were cooled down enough “Thanks Gir. That was actually very good.” Mimi admitted “thank you!” Gir replied. 
“Well… I better get going. I don’t want Tak to get mad at me. Also. Don’t tell Zim I was here.” Mimi said “bye bye!” Gir said after giving Mimi a hug.
Mimi walked out of the door of Zim’s base and headed to the alleyway, where she was going to meet Tak.
“Mimi?! Where were you?!” Tak demanded “you were gone for two hours!” She adds. “Just getting a snack, master.” Mimi replied, Tak didn’t really buy that but she gave Mimi a free pass.
Gaz stood in the kitchen, she had asked the Foodio 3000 to make some popcorn.
Professor Membrane wouldn’t be home until the early hours of the morning unfortunately. 
The house smelled just like the mouth watering salty and buttery goodness.
Dib rushed downstairs in his trench coat. 
“Damn where are you off to in such a hurry? Are you gonna beat up Zim or some shit?” Gaz remarked, then taking a sip of the poop cola she was drinking. 
“Nah. I’m going to the beach.” Dib responded as he tried to catch his breath. “Oh alright. See you later I guess.” Gaz mumbled, grabbing her popcorn and taking a seat on the couch. 
Dib walked out of the house and went straight for the beach, it was starting to get dark, and the stench of incoming rain filled the air.
Dib felt a cold rain drop splatter on their nose, then it began to pour.
Damn it! Dib thought, wishing they would’ve worn a hoodie.
It had become dark. 
Dib walked through the neighborhood’s near the beach, he watched as the rain banged on the tin roof tops of the houses, the moon and the dim light stars were the only light amongst the cold darkness.
Dib glanced over his shoulder before taking a dive.
The siren then slivered into the dark, deep blue salt water like a snake. 
Gaz sat on the couch, munching on her popcorn while watching Beavis and Butthead reruns.
It was a commercial break, she had gotten off the couch to grab herself a drink.
Gaz grabbed a strawberry cola poop and placed it on the counter, however, she then heard a knock on the door.
Maybe Dad’s home early. She thought, she knew it was probably unlikely but it was possible.
Gaz walked to the front door and opened it
A familiar blue haired girl and her cat stood in front of her. 
“Tak?” Gaz gasped, not believing her eyes. 
“Hi Gaz, I’m just here to grab my ship, then I’m gonna go.” Tak explained “Alright, I’ll show you where it is.” Gaz replied, not questioning how Tak knew it was even there. She guided Tak to the garage. 
“Here.” Gaz said as she took the trap off of it.
“Why does it say Dib on it?” Tak questioned “Oh. Well once Dib was an idiot and decided to import his personality into the ship, however it didn’t work out and it reverted back to your personality somehow.” Gaz explained. “Good.” Tak replied.
“Tak! Your back! I’ve been waiting for ages. I’m glad you’re back!” Tak’s ship beamed “Me too ship, me too.” Tak smiled. 
“Well anyway, wanna play video games or watch something for bit?” Gaz asked “I think it’d be a bit hard to steer a ship with all that rain.” She adds. “Yeah sure I guess.” Tak agreed, the two then heading back inside, along with Mimi.
Gaz and Tak sat on the couch, munching on the popcorn.
“What show is this?” Tak asked as mew glanced at the tv “Beavis and Butthead.” Gaz answered, then taking a dramatic sip of her strawberry cola.
Hm.. this is interesting. Tak thought positivity.
Dib glided through the water, trying to get used to his new tail.
He noticed some fish swimming about “Oh! Tuna!” Dib beamed as he pointed to the fish. 
“Hm… it’s probably pretty late… I should head home.” Dib decided, then swimming up to surface. 
It was 11 pm, Gaz and Tak were in the living room as the loud music blasted through the speakers.
Now if you wouldn't mind, I would like it blew
And if you wouldn't mind, I would like to lose
And if you wouldn't care, I would like to leave
And if you wouldn't mind, I would like to breathe
However, they were interrupted by Dib sending a transmission from that watch like thing he had given her.
“Hey Gaz. Can you please come get me? I need a towel, I forgot to bring one.” Dib asked “Yeah yeah whatever.” Gaz replied, rolling her eyes. 
Gaz let out a grunt. “Sorry, I gotta go for a minute. Dib did something stupid again.” Gaz grumbled, then walking up to the stereo and pausing the music. 
Gaz put on her coat and boats, grabbed a towel from the linen closet and walked out the door.
She ran to the beach, it’d stopped raining but, giant puddles littered the roads and sidewalks. 
Once Gaz had finally made it to the beach, she saw Dib on the deck, flopping around like a fish. 
“Hey shithead, here’s the stupid towel you asked for.” Gaz grumbled, throwing the towel at Dib. “Thanks!” Dib smiled “Yeah whatever.” Gaz replied, once Dib was dry they headed home. 
Dib noticed the large puddles that littered the roads. “Why did you go to the beach in that horrendous weather Dib? It was a really stupid idea.” Gaz commented, then biting her lip.
“Yeah it was kinda stupid.” Dib acknowledged. 
Once the two arrived at their house, Gaz opened the front door, a familiar person was sitting on the couch. Dib couldn’t believe his eyes.
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jinks050 · 5 years
More Invader Zim Hcs
Zim has stowaway on a few Membrane family trips. The most recent one was when the family visited Mexico around the same time Zim was stranded there in “Walk of DOOM”. It’s how he got home after the events of that episode.
Zim may hate a lot of things about earth but he’s pretty interested in the bugs they have on that planet. Especially ants, he plans on using for his future plans so he stored some in his lab. (He made an ant farm and is very proud of it)
GIR has a habit of going through the neighbors trash for fun. It drives Dib and his father nuts when it’s garbage day and find the trash bags outside have been torn to shreds.
There have been two times where Zim interrupted the Membrane’s family dinners. This of course leads to Prof Membrane asking his son why he didn’t tell him his little foreign green friend was coming over for dinner and gets him a plate. It’s probably the longest hour and 30 minutes that both Dib and Zim dealt with their entire lives.
Professor Membrane is near-sighted just like Dib and so is Gaz to some degree. I just love the idea that he has Gaz’s eyes without his goggles and looks like Dib when he wears regular glasses at home.
Prof Membrane robotic arms have magnetic properties. Its a life saver when he needs to put both arms on right after taking them off. They both have a set timer button before activating the magnetism circuits so they’ll come back in almost an instant.
Prof Membrane has only like three friends from work, the two scientists in the robotics department and the security guard that’s always at Membrane Labs the same time he is; after hours or early morning that guard keeps him company for some reason.
Gaz hates party games like I’m talking about the Mario party equivalent of party games in their universe. They’re even more unforgiving than ours in comparison.
Clembrane and Foodio 3000 become enemies to friends later on in his addition to the family. Foodio does his best to teach Clembrane how to make good and edible pudding along with new flavors.
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looney-swooney657 · 5 years
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credexen · 5 years
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me drawing this guy: i just think he’s pretty neat!
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