#Food festival
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The Festival of San Gennaro, the patron saint of Naples, begins in Little Italy on the second Thursday of September and lasts a week. The main event is eating, as these folks were doing in September, 1958.
Photo: Robert R. McElroy via Getty Images
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brattylikestoeat · 7 months
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lilspidermonkey · 2 years
Bakugou x reader Touch Chapter V
Chapter V is finally here, took me a bit to figure it out, but hipe you guys like how it turned out and the progress!
Spelling and grammer apologies, as always.
Hope you guys enjoy, let me know what you think!
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Feeling the slow wakening of consciousness, Bakugou groaned, cracking his eyes open. His face was squished into your chest, your arms trapping him in an embrace around his head as yours laid on top of his. Your legs were also wrapped around his torso, you were almost like a backpack he’d put on backwards. You mumbled in your sleep, cuddling Bakugou deeper into your chest. The boy turned pink from the squish, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t find the steady beat of your heart relaxing. He was torn between tearing himself away from you, or just casually falling back asleep. Glancing over at the alarm clock, that was magically facing his way, the boy sighed. It was time to get up. The boy attempted to tear himself out of your hold, but he just couldn’t get your arms to untangle themselves from around his neck. He rolled you over onto your back, looking down at you as you continued to lock your arms around his neck. Bakugou stared down at your sleeping form, almost in a trance. But snapping out of it, he soon started to shake you, “Hey, common now, get up, Cry Baby. You groaned and glared up at him through the cracks of your eyelids, “I hate you.” You said. Bakugou smirked down at you through half-lidded eyes, “Nah, you don’t.” he said. Blinking, your eyes widened, a small blush dusting over your nose, “What makes you so sure?” you asked, turning your face away. Bakugou tilted his head, “Cause if you did, you would’ve left last night.” He said. You looked back to him, pouting, “Shut up..” you mumbled. The boy just kept looking at you, with his stupid-cute-stupid face, and those stupid-serious-stupid-gorgeous red eyes. One of the things you always liked about Bakugou, ever since you first met him, was his eyes. There was something about them that just completely captured you, his emotions were always so much clearer through his eyes. It confused you, you used to compare his eyes to Kirishima’s eyes, considering they’re the same colour, colour was their only similarity. Bakugou leaned in closer, “What’re you looking at?” he asked. You blinked, captivated, “You’re eyes.” You said. The boy’s eyes widened at hearing this, but he settled back into his smirk, “Interesting.” He said. Pouting, you tilted your head now, “What about you, what’re you looking at?” you asked, teasingly. Bakugou kept his stare, “You.” He grinned mischievously. “Under me.” Your face broke out into a flustered red. Bakugou lifted his head up and laughed, you pulled your hands back finally, to push him. As you got up to stretch, you turned to the boy, your arms stretching behind your neck, “So, what’s the plan for today?” you asked. “You said you were taking me somewhere?” you asked. Bakugou stared up at you, his eyes darting over you for a few seconds occasionally, “There’s a food festival tonight.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Thought you’d like something like that.” You practically skipped over to him, excitement in your eyes, “Yes!” you yelled. Bakugou smiled at you, “Guess I chose right then.” He said. You blinked, realizing your exaggerated response. Stepping back you started fiddling with your hair, pretending to fix it and set it up. Going over to the mirror, fiddling with your hair turned to fiddling with your hands, “If that’s later tonight, what’re we doing in the meantime?” you asked. Glancing back at him in the reflection you noticed him leaning back on the bed, resting on his arms, head tilted back slightly and to the side, “You’ll see. You’ll like it.” He said. You blinked, looking a little closer, his eyes were looking low, and his cheeks were tinted pink with a dust of blush. You turned around the face him, “What’re you looking at?” you asked. Bakugou cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck, “You…” he muttered. You titled your head, “It was cute the first time, but now I’m confused.” You said, hands on your hips. Bakugou side-eyed you, “You thought it was cute?” he asked. You pouted, “Don’t answer a question with a question.” You said. Bakugou looked away again, his blush worsening, “I already told you.” He said. You sighed, and shrugged, but as you turned to look into the mirror again, your eyes widened. You looked to him with a deep blush, “W-were you staring at me, because I’m wearing this!?” you asked. Bakugou didn’t move, but the increase in his blush was confirmation enough.
Going downstairs, you and Bakugou walked into the lounge room. Looking over, Sero and Kirishima nearly began crying while they laughed, “W-what happened to your face, Bakugou?” they eventually managed to stammer between their giggling. Bakugou glared ferociously at them, a red handprint decorating his cheek, “Shut your traps.” He grumbled. You huffed, “Nothing you didn’t deserve.” You mumbled. Bakugou continued to grumble and mumble angrily to himself. Kirishima came over, “I’m assuming things are better?” he asked. Momo came over as well, “Yes, we heard there was a little bit of…an argument.” She said with worry. Uraraka put her hand on your shoulder, “You guys are okay, right?” she asked. You smiled and nodded, “Things are fine, someone just couldn’t keep themselves from exploding over something dumb.” You smirked at the boy. “But I got him to chill out eventually.” Bakugou huffed, crossing his arms, “Cry Baby.” He mumbled. You kicked him lightly in the shin, “Common, we should get going.” You said. Mina popped up with a grin, “Oh? You guys going out?” she asked. You nodded, “Yep, not sure where for the first few hours, but Bakugou’s taking me out to a food festival later.” You said with a smile. “I’m really excited about it!” Kaminari smiled, “Hey, that sounds like fun!” he said. He winked at Bakugou, “Good choice.” Mina leaned on Bakugou’s shoulder, “I’m so proud.” She said, wiping away at a fake tear. Kirishima and Sero had tissues that came out of nowhere, sniffling into them, “He’s growing up so fast.” They said. Bakugou growled, “Shut up!!” he yelled. But you could tell that there was no real anger behind his words. You laughed, “We gotta go, see you guys later.” You said with a wave, Bakugou dragging you away to the door. Mina waved after you, “Take your time! Don’t come back early! Have fun!” she called with the others.
On the train, you leaned against a bar, looking up at Bakugou who was standing over you, one hand on the bar and the other on his phone. “Are you going to spit out where we’re going?” you asked. Bakugou kept his eyes on his phone screen, “You’ll see.” He said. You pouted, “You are so annoying.” You mumbled. Bakugou lowered his phone to grin at you, “And yet, here we are.” He teased. You chuckled, shoving the boy, “Whatever, as if I could say no when you dug so deep past your pride to ask me to come with you today.” You teased back. Bakugou glared, “Shut your face.” He said. You scrunched up your nose at him, “You make teasing you too easy.” You said. Bakugou cupped your chin with his hand, his fingers squishing your cheeks together, “Says you.” He said. You continued to laugh together, talking about the food festival and your poor stomachs full to bursting later when you’d eat all that food. Arriving to a place in the city, Bakugou pulled you into a building. Your eyes widened, eyebrows raised, “Seriously?” you asked, smiling. Bakugou grinned, “Excited?” he asked. You nodded and practically ran in, dragging him behind you. He had taken you to go rock climbing! You were practically jumping and glowing with joy as you were both set up with the necessary equipment and instructions. It didn’t take long for the both of you to get the hang of the climbing, and it took even less time before the two of you started to compete against each other. You squealed as Bakugou climbed ahead of you, giving you a nudge with his foot. You grinned at him, “That’s cheating!” you laughed. Bakugou raced on, “Not cheating if there wasn’t any competition, to begin with.” He grinned. You grinned and set your eyes, “You are so dead.” You said. Soon you quickly managed to get up to Bakugou. Mischief flirting with you, you leaned into Bakugou, “Are you going to end up staring at me in nothing but your shirt and my underwear again later?” you whispered into his ear. Bakugou flushed, and in that moment, lost his footing, dropping a little before catching himself. He glared up at you with a flushed face, but you just zoomed on ahead and reached the top. Looking down at the boy who was glaring and pink in the face, you just smiled and giggled. He soon smiled up at you, “What was that about cheating?” he asked. You shrugged, “Don’t start something if you don’t plan to finish it.” You said blowing the boy a kiss. Bakugou grinned and started shooting up for you. Squealing, you tried to escape, dropping down to the ground, but as you were trying to get free of your harness, Bakugou dropped down beside you and caught you, “Gotcha!” he said, wrapping his arms around you. You squealed, laughing, and faked fighting against him. Getting cleaned up and returning your items, your eyes spotted something. When Bakugou caught up to you, he could swear he saw your eyes sparkling, “What’d you spot now?” he asked. You grinned at him and started dragging him. Looking up to where you were dragging him, the boy grinned, “Fuck yeah.” He said. Next door to the rock climbing, there was paintball. It was weirdly themed, it was designed to be like a farm, there was hay everywhere on the ground, along with a few haystacks. There were props of things that would normally also be on a farm, tractors, large tires, and the likes. Both you and Bakugou were put into white jumpsuits and goggles and were given a big bag each that was filled with balloons filled with paint. Bakugou grinned, “Was half expecting to get guns, that way I could finally shoot you.” He said. You laughed, “I’d totally be a sharpshooter, you’ll never escape my shot.” You said, pointing your finger, hand shaped as gun, at him. Separating, a buzzer went off and you both started to play, the two of you laughing and running around as paint went flying everywhere. You screamed, Bakugou out for vengeance as you got a face shot at him. Running, Bakugou caught hold of you, making you scream as he tackled you into a haystack. You were both laughing, sliding off your goggles. You smiled up at him, as he just grinned down at you. Sighing, you raised your hand to wipe away some paint on his cheek, his eyes softening as he continued to watch you with a smile. You blushed, leaning up on your free arm, planting a kiss on his cheek, close to the corner of his mouth. Pulling back you smiled at his shocked face, then slammed a paint balloon on his head. Bakugou gaped, and then grinned. You got up and started running away as he unleashed a flurry of balloons back at you, and you him.
Afterwards you were so glad that they had showered that you were free to use and had soap that easily removed the paint. You both held hands, laughing down the street and making fun of the other as you left. Soon it was time for the food festival, you were so excited. Both of you got a bunch of food, and went to a secreted spot, where the two of you could sit and share the food, along with enjoying the scenery. Bakugou laughed as you chomped down something you were enjoying, “Take it easy, no ones going to take it from you.” He laughed. You smiled through your full mouth, “It’s so yummy!” you said after swallowing. Bakugou grinned, “You’re such an idiot.” He laughed. You scrunched your nose at him with a playful pout, then grinned. The two of you continued to eat everything, after eating some cake the two of you had previously bought, you smiled and put your hand to your cheek, “So good!” you called. The boy grinned ear-to-ear, “That good?” he asked. You hummed, “I dare say better than your cooking.” His smile dropped completely, making you laugh. “I’m joking! Haven’t had anything as good as your cooking, yet.” Bakugou looked over your face, reaching over, he pulled crumbs away from the corner of your mouth. You blinked in surprise, and almost flushed pink as he licked the crumbs. The boy smiled, “Yet?” he repeated. You looked down in embarrassment, why did he have to look so stupidly attractive? You then felt his fingers again, he was pushing hair behind your ear, “Going pretty pink there, huh?” he said. You blushed more, shoving him playfully, “I’m cold!” you defended. Bakugou laughed, but looped his arm around your waist, his hand slipping under your thigh. Before you could even register what, he was doing, he lifted you for a spilt second, shuffling you closer to him. You flushed pink looking up at him, “What’re you doing?” you asked, suddenly shy at how close your faces were. Bakugou half smirked, “You said you were cold.” He said. Shuffling slightly, you felt his hand still under your thigh. You looked down to avoid his red eyes, and turned to look over the festivities, it was nothing but happiness in the air. Kids were laughing, happy chatter, friends, and families talking amongst themselves and laughing. It was all such a happy glow. You smiled; you loved it here. Bakugou watched you, rubbing his thumb across your cheekbone with a feather-soft touch. You looked to him, his red eyes meeting yours, he tilted his head, “What’re you looking at?” he asked. You glanced back at the crowds, “It’s just so nice here, everyone is happy, and everything smells amazing, tastes amazing, it’s just so nice here.” You looked back up at him, your noses almost touching as you smiled at him. “Thank you for bringing me.”’ Bakugou's eyes darted between yours, “I’ll take you other places too.” He said. You smiled widely, “Promise?” you asked. Bakugou slid his hand to cup your jaw, bringing you closer to him, “Promise.” He said back. You hummed and shook your head, “You’re too slow.” You said. Bakugou grinned, finally leaning the rest of the way to kiss you. You smiled into the kiss, turning to fully face him, sliding your arms up, and resting them on his shoulders. The boy was surprisingly gentle at first, but his hands traveling to your hips, gripping at you, was telling you he was impatient, but holding back. Pulling back from each other, you grinned at the boy, earning you a smile back. You leaned back in, catching him in a kiss again, and from the smile on his lips, and the kissing back, you could tell he was more than happy to continue.
Going back to the dorms hand in hand, you were both laughing. Laughing together as you walked into the dorms, you were both spotted by your classmates. Sero whistled, “Looks like it was a lot of fun!” he commented. You smiled, “It really was, the food was so good!” you said. Bakugou leaned in from behind you, “Just the food?” he whispered. Trying to hold back your smile from growing, you bit your lip, lowering your head, “Shut up, idiot.” You said. Mina grinned ear to ear, “Looks like it was more than just good.” She teased. Feeling Bakugou go in for another whisper, you nudged him, “It was amazing, I definitely recommend it.” You said. Before anything more could be said, Bakugou pulled back on your waist, “We’re going now.” He said. You walked backwards with him, “We’ll talk to you guys later!” you called, as he practically dragged you away. Getting to the elevator, you pushed against Bakugou, “I’m going to bathe first, so let go for a bit.” You laughed, leaning up to land a kiss on his cheek. Bakugou smirked, rolling his neck and leaning to the side, he snaked his arm back around your waist, bringing you to his chest, “Don’t be long.” He said, bringing you in for another kiss. You smiled as you pulled away, “Sure thing, Attachment Issues.” You teased. Finally getting to the baths, you were sitting in the water, soaking, and smiling to yourself. Bringing your fingers to your lips, you couldn’t help but giggle, you felt so intensely happy. Your chest felt full, and fluttery, you hated it, but as you think it, you just smiled. But echoing in your head, you suddenly were reminded, ‘Bakugou won’t be able to go for long without being in your presence and skinship.’ Your smile faltered, but the more you thought about it, the more your worries seemed useless. Bakugou wasn’t the type to express his feelings with words, but definitely with actions. If the quirk accident was going to make him feel like this, something would’ve happened a lot sooner. You sighed, tiredness creeping up on you. Hoping out of the bath, you got yourself dressed and headed to Bakugou’s room. You kept trying to tell the butterflies in your gut and chest to piss off. Clearing your throat you knocked on the door, the door flying open and you being dragged in. Why did this feel like Deja Vu? You were pressed up against the now closed door, Bakugou caging you. Looking up you met his red eyes, “Impatient?” you asked. Bakugou snickered, “Whatever you say.” He said. You looked down with a smile, but Bakugou brought your chin up to look at him. He was now waiting for a response from you, and you couldn’t help yourself at all. Leaning up, you caught Bakugou’s lips. Pressing into the kiss, Bakugou leaned into you more, bringing a hand down to your hip. You sighed into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck, playing with the hair at the back of his neck. Bakugou groaned lightly, leaning down to your neck. You sighed again, shivering a little. The boy smiled against your skin, “You good?” he asked. Leaning your head to the side, you caught his eye, making him raise his head. Bringing him closer to you, you leaned your head against his, “Yeah, I’m great.” You said, sighing against him. Bakugou brought you in for a hug, resting his chin on your head, “Tired?” he asked. You nodded against him, but then realized. Shooting your head up, you looked at him, “Wait, it’s not that I don’t-“ Bakugou cut you off with a flick to the forehead, “Calm down, Cry Baby.” He stared at you for a moment and then hugged you again. “You know what I’m like, let's go to bed for the night.” Taking you over to the bed, Bakugou scooped you in the bed, his arm under you as you were against his chest. He groaned and flicked you again, “Go to sleep.” He said. You snickered, putting your finger around to hook on his jaw, making him face you. Smiling at him, you kissed him, “Goodnight.” You said. Bakugou nodded, and kissed you back some more. The two of you kissing each other sweetly before eventually falling asleep.
-Chapter V Fin-
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davetada · 5 months
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DJ at a food festival
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
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seniouesbabes · 3 months
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Lily Maymac 🌸🍒💋🌸 Soufflé pancakes 🥞 😋
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cakenoodle · 5 months
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Right after work I booked it over to EastHonoluluFoodFestival. The boys were working an event and ur just there vibing with them. Enjoyed the all you can eat and drink specials while they went back2back with the music.
Katsu sando 808 - Tonkatsu & portabello sando
Kamitoku ramen with the beefy shoyu lite noodles.
These were the highlights of my night. So good 😮‍💨
P.s. I’m typing this on 22 hrs no sleep 😵‍💫
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kgdanny02 · 4 months
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Can’t wait to go there again!
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exchiinyxx · 9 months
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Oh, you alr know 🤭😈 hehehe
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lifeofloon · 2 years
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Food items we tried at the 2023 Knott's Boysenberry Festival.
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The winner by far was the Beignets with boysenberry sugar. Super light and fluffy inside with a nice crisp shell.
Other items included Barbacoa beef mac and cheese, boysenberry sausage in (horrible) hoagie roll, Tangy sweet chili chicken wings, boysenberry elote, beef tips in boysenberry bbq sauce over grits, and boysenberry bread pudding.
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thefantasticone21 · 1 year
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Some photos from the 2023 Afro Caribbean Food Festival.
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sweet-existences · 1 year
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White Picket Fence Cafe ☕️
Sunshine Coast, Australia 😍
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brattylikestoeat · 7 months
She so pretty.
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gabi-trollastic · 2 years
Happy Halloween! 🎃👻🦇💀☠️😈👽👹
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dahliadew · 2 years
Some good fucking food that I had at a food fest last summer. I forgot to post these but I might as well do this now.
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davetada · 6 months
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Crowd getting down
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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National Pierogi Day
Each year, we set aside October 8 to celebrate everyone’s favorite flavorful Polish dumplings (or Ukrainian ‘varenyky’). Pierogis were traditionally considered a peasant food, but they eventually gained popularity and spread throughout all social classes—including nobles in Europe.We can see why—they’re made of unleavened dough, boiled, and then baked and fried with butter. Then, they’re stuffed with the most delicious of fillings: potato and cheese, potato and onion, cabbage, mushrooms and spinach… the list goes on! And if that isn’t decadent enough, Pierogi are often served with melted butter, sour cream, fried bacon crumbles, sautéed mushrooms and onions and/or green onion. If you’re pining for pierogi, come on and celebrate with us!
National Pierogi Day Activities
Visit your local Polish restaurant
Make your own pierogi
Throw a Polish-themed potluck
Every neighborhood Polish restaurant has pierogi on its menu, and we guarantee they’ll have a few different varieties. Maybe it’s time to branch out and try a dessert pierogi!
Pick your favorite recipe online and go for it! Stuff them with whatever you like — cheese, sausage, potato, or all three. There’s no right way to pierogi—and no wrong way either.
Challenge your guests to make their best pierogi. It’s a great way to get more familiar with Polish cuisine, and the best part is you get to taste them all! Go crazy—you have our permission.
Why We Love National Pierogi Day
They’re stuffed
You can have them as a dessert too
They're comfort food
You can put anything you want in these Eastern European dumplings—from spinach to ground beef. And that means textures and flavors are combined in every bite to create a delicious combination.
Can you name any other food that’s an appetizer, side dish, and dessert? No, you can’t, and that’s why we love pierogies. The dessert variety (they’re filled with fruit) can be enjoyed topped with applesauce, maple syrup, chocolate sauce and/or whipped cream.
After a long, hard day, nothing makes us feel better than a savory, rich meal. While pierogies are small, they’re the best comfort food because they’re fried and stuffed with whatever your heart desires. All hail the pierogi!
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