#Food Processing Machine & Plant Manufacturer
aryakumari · 18 days
List of Trusted Food Processing Machine Manufacturers And Suppliers In India
If you are looking for the Food Processing Machines & Parts then you don’t need to go anywhere . Here, you buy all brands food machines and parts from the Flour Mill Parts & Accessories manufacturers in India at affordable prices. Here, you find a list of trusted food machines manufacturers and suppliers in India where you can get the best deals on the all food processing machines.
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photonsfood · 1 year
Looking for reliable paddy parboiling and dryer machine manufacturers? Look no further than Photons Food. Our high-quality and efficient dryer machines for paddy ensure optimal drying for your crops. Contact us now to learn more!
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multiplicationdivision · 10 months
Abott Inc.
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The manufacturing plant was abuzz with Tony Abott
Two of him handled a repair on the bottom floor, replacing a slipped wheel in record time. Another watched, ready to jump into motion at any evidence of a problem. Six others manned the quality checks, spouting off curses and shooting the shit as their muscle memory handled all the heavy lifting of searching for faults. Two were out to get lunch, carrying in tow the same burger order for a factory’s worth of the same exact man.
Only the forewoman was unique, a beautiful buff woman who acted to make sure that their unified state of mind never got them in trouble. She kept them out of trouble just as a single Tony kept the factory full of identical copies of her safe in turn.
It was good being Tony.
Years of education in all manners of factory positions, skill in any task that this facility could need. A physique built by an equal time training practically, nothing gained from the gym. Each muscle was built for practicality and each of him could handle a world of weight just on his own.  
This body had once been a man named Braedon. He’d been college educated in computer sciences, a prodigy of his field. He could code anything given a couple hours alone, so long as he had coffee and some good junk food. He was set for a comfy corporate throne after a few years on the bottom, rising high and fast.
It had been boring.
Years of brutal education gave way to months spent in bureaucracy, unable to complete a task that would’ve taken minutes without weeks of back and forth with incompetent bosses. Emails that took longer to write than the quick line of code that would fix the issue.
Braedon loved the feeling of a job well done. Reclining back as the circuits ran perfectly and the tasks played out like a line of dominos falling one after one.
Corporate was like watching every step of his Rube Goldberg machine get interrupted by a whiney man in a suit named Todd or Larry. Made Braedon want to scream and tear down his perfectly built systems just so he could be the one to fuck it up.
The factory had been his life line.
It had been a simple invoice. A practical job that promised everything he could ask for. No boss criticizing his work at every step, chipping away at his confidence. No choking atmosphere to his work, watched by a hundred people in the building that thought their business degrees gave them insight on system design. Way more money than he ever thought possible for a blue-collar job. More than he was making at the moment in his bland yet expensive cubical.
There was a catch.
Braedon had no experience in anything outside of the digital world. He’d traded his body and health in exchange for his degrees. One couldn’t become as specialized as him without sacrificing the self-care that was so important in the labor required of a factory worker.
The factory knew that, but they had an easy fix.
Tony Abott had interviewed him. The singular original Tony Abott.
He was a prodigy in his own right. The industry wet dream. Ruggedly attractive and overly competent. Charismatic and eager to please.
He’d been honest with Braedon from the start. They had their hands in some strange technology and they needed even stranger candidates. Each selected for their unique physiologies and mental states that would make them perfect for their shared role.
Tony said that he’d been selected for his flexible sense of self and pathological loneliness. He’d been like Braedon, giving up his social life so he could be the best of the best. Was left hollow when he reached that height and started depersonalizing without staring himself in a mirror to remember that he existed.
Braedon had been selected after being profiled as similarly lost. Doctor’s notes demanding he eat anything that wasn’t processed. Caffeine and cigarettes letting him keep up with hundreds of email arguments over a simple fucking project. The gut twisting feeling of watching what that abuse did to his body, stealing away whatever youth was left and replacing it with something tired and boney. The hunger to be anything except for Braedon, who never wanted to be understood by another person as the gaping pit of rage and self-disgust that had taken root in his heart.
They were a match for each other and Braedon hadn’t cared for whatever physiological horror a happier person might see in this deal.
He’d quit his shitty corporate hell the next day and made his goodbyes to whatever people passed for tolerable in those minimalist nightmare hallways. Wished them good luck breathing recirculated air-conditioned smog as he got ready to breath real fucking air.
He’d arrived at his second “interview” a week later, having spent the last days wrapping up affairs and communicating with the labor board. The factory wasn’t doing anything shady and the government had needed to setup Braedon’s paperwork for his new life. Little benefits and tax write off as reward for joining the latest and greatest of industrial innovation. That alongside the mountain of appointments they’d needed to make for new identification as his old ID photos wouldn’t identify him for shit in the following day.
Tony had joined him for this “interview”. Dressed to his best in a soft dress shirt and new jeans. Boots barely broken into and a new watch. A professional shave and tussled hair atop a cap, branded with the company logo. A shining example compared to the loose clothes Braedon had been told to wear, making him look anything but a put together future coworker.
A second set of Tony’s exact outfit lay next to the door, atop a shoebox and a fancy new duplicate watch.
They’d made a toast to brotherhood, those two lonely men. Tony had supplied his favorite beer, cheap piss Budweiser. It went down watery and flat, nothing like the vodka tonics Braedon felt most suited to when he was in an alcoholic mood. The slight burn of it travelled down his throat, soothing yet peppery. It brought a head high like nothing else, feeling as if the golden liquid had flowed into his brain and body before it could even reach his stomach.
Alcohol didn’t feel like this, but this wasn’t exactly Alcohol.
Tony had tried to explain whatever biochemical cocktail was laced into the drink. It was all for the sake of complete transparency, they weren’t in the business of trickery. Something to do with forced recombination and stem cells. Braedon was a highly intelligent man, but there was a reason he’d never dipped into biology. Tony seemed the same, rattling off a scripted explanation that he had probably practiced time and time again to look like he understood what he was saying.
Braedon sipped his beer as Tony attempted small talk. They were very different people. Tony seemed awkward as if he felt judged by every little glance that Braedon gave him. Braedon was used to analyzing a person by now, searching for faults that he could use to his advantage. Braedon had been the kindest person at his old workplace but that had been a low bar and he had still become cruel. Braedon could see every way that Tony felt insecure around anyone but himself, as if he didn’t have every tool at his command to be a juggernaut.
The ichor in the drink flowed through Braedon’s neurons and there was a memory. A kid who wasn’t him being criticized at every turn for jobs he’d sworn he’d done correctly. Credit taken from a pre-teen for perfect machines that could cut production times by half. The same instances over and over, leaving a man desperately trying to prove himself to a system that would use him and give the patent to his boss. That despair and betrayal settled comfortably in the spaces of Braedon’s own memories.
Braedon grit his teeth in subtle rage. His jawline had broadened and his face itched and it felt good in some odd way. Matched that swelling feeling of righteous anger.
The ichor altered how Tony fit in his brain. The insecurity became more and more relatable with every swallow. A memory of the guy’s only partner calling him pathetic, using every shitty doubt Tony had confided to wicked abandon. The breakup replayed in the man’s mind like nothing else, a cacophony of how he was weak and annoying and awful in every way.
Braedon wanted to punch that piece of shit and laugh in their face. Braedon knew to heart what human garbage was and Tony was anything but. Braedon could feel the waves of Tony’s insecurity reach through his mind and falter in the wake of Braedon’s own memories. Braedon wished he could have someone like Tony, over eager to be romantic and prepare for anniversaries. Wished he could inject his own point of view on the guy’s memory of his part love and how jealous and narcissistic they actually were.
The Budweiser began to taste good. Braedon could remember the first time they’d drunk it. A trade school kid picking up the cheapest shit at the gas station on their twenty first, drinking as he carved away at a block of wood deep into the night. The carbonation had made the swill all the more comforting, a bitter spot against the peace of his work station. It tasted like shit, but the good type of shit. Fit him and his sweaty downtime, relaxing as he sculpted pine and oak into art.
At some point their conversation stopped being awkward. The words flowed better and better as Braedon felt understanding coating his mind. Nervous jokes became relatable and the nasty feeling that had sat at home in Braedon’s chest for so long felt like it was shrinking. He found himself chuckling at the stories Tony explained, remembering them in tandem with fresh eyes.
The times Tony had nearly burned down any number of mills and processing facilities. The rampant animals that added chaos to his life, including amongst their diversity a very confused bear and a unfortunately horny moose.
Braedon was crying with laughter as he and Tony pieced together how he’d pranked an old shitty supervisor. Braedon could practically hear that supervisor’s rage as his computer downloaded virus after virus, prompted by a helpful little auto-clicker that Tony had installed one late night after another unpaid bout of overtime.
Tony physically unwound as their conversation went on and the number of empty beer bottles increased. He no longer looked stiff in his new clothes, rather his relaxed muscles filled them out comfortably. His confidence changed him, his smile lighting up the room and his mood infectious.
Braedon hadn’t been gay before this, but a shift in his sexuality had been a part of the deal. Tony’s basic information had been open to him and a little pansexuality felt like a pretty good upgrade to Tony’s own deal.
Braedon could remember all the times Tony had felt wrong in the mirror melding into one. Picking apart himself for looking too old, too awkward and too fake. It was all insane of course, as Braedon could easily dissect. Braedon felt his own mind guide that fragment of Tony in his mind to see what he saw, forcing it to witness Braedon’s own perspective instead of that toxic mindset downloaded into the guy since his father had disowned him.
Braedon could feel all his own shit get digested into the well of personality inside his head. Not destroyed exactly, but reorganized. His own insecurities broken down by the logic of Tony Abott as the logic of Braedon Santoro did the same in turn. Fast tracking therapy with only a couple bottles of booze.
He could feel his own memories of coding alone slot next to Tony’s life of construction. The things that made Tony burned brighter in his mind compared to his own pieces, but they were never devoured. Braedon felt himself begin to lurk behind the soul of the man in front of him, but it wasn’t anything like a mask.
The deal hadn’t been to bury Braedon beneath Tony. Braeden would still be there but the man that Tony was would predominate. Tony would trade him his individuality in exchange for this new self. Braeden would give up his old life in exchange for an equal claim to this new identity.
Braeden became Tony, from inside out as the beer coated his tongue like cold nectar. Felt himself become saturated with the man, siphoning every bit of his personality into his soul, feeling the ichor in his blood tremble as it changed the body to fit the mind.
His scrawny body filled with density, calories from the beer being more than efficiently transformed into muscle fibers and sturdy bones. The tar in his lungs dwindled and he breathed clearly. Tony had never smoked a single day in his life and the man that was once Braeden savored the feeling. Savored the experience of having lived a life with more than microwaved meals, even if that life had its own many faults.
The loose clothing filled, his sweatshirt and sweatpants becoming oversized. He’d taken his shoes off prior to his first drink to Tony’s recommendation. Tony had larger feet than him as well as larger everything. Even his pants fit differently, filled much differently than they were before.
It was strange to no longer identify with a name, but he couldn’t think of himself anymore as Braeden. It didn’t fit anymore, supplanted by the name of the man in front of him. It wasn’t just that man’s name anymore, they shared it now.
They needed to share more than that.
Interviews should never go where they took it, but interviews rarely meddled with identity on such a scale. Tony had more understanding for the man in front of him than anyone else and the call to act on it was irresistible.
It happened when the man that was once Braeden began to strip his clothes off, forgoing the last thing that differentiated him from the other. They’d planned to don him in matching clothes and continue their conversation with the last of the prescripted beers. Head to the facility’s temporary doctor to confirm a success.
Tony had joked that he’d only felt this comfortable with another man once. The new Tony had replied that he knew and the part of Braeden permanently at his core flirted. Some charged comment that made them both blush, something about how it would be easier for them to match if Tony just took off his clothes.
They’d been awkward in it, because how couldn’t someone be awkward masturbating like that. A whole other body added to the scheme, even if that body was one you’d always known. They’d forgotten to remove the clothes of the first Tony entirely, so caught up in the feeling of that lockstep of their shared bodies working as one. Whatever was done would be mimicked in turn, a duet in symmetrical motion.
They’d finished together and the awkwardness dissolved. Both no longer held back by the fear of judgment from the other, when they functioned like two parts of the same being.
They’d gotten dressed together, tying their boots up and pulling their shirts on. An entirely new outfit that both Tonys reveled in without the presence of strangers making them second guess it. The one that was still Braeden in memory could feel the twist of amusement at their preening, his heart racing as he looked at his new twin. Braeden had never strongly cared for his appearance, but the sensation of feeling good in his new boots and new jeans was exhilarating compared to the apathy of before.
They’d headed to the doctor together, excitement in every step. With a clean bill of health and permission to continue on with the next man the following day, they were a force of nature.
One became two. Two prepared for three to become one. Three identical men lining up identification and licenses for a factory’s worth of them. Buying clothes in mass to handle a platoon of them.
The first Tony became lost in the crowd and it felt good. Most people weren’t cut out to spread their sense of self across so many. Tony seemed built for it, the pressure of being the best dulled to nothing as he became part of the best. Seeing numerous of himselves discover their identity as a group in their work and downtime. Using the memories of the men they once were to build upon what it meant to be Tony Abott.
They’d bring all kinds of folks home and show them what it was like to be with them. Give the few a taste of a whole world of confidence built through reinforcement. Strings became strong when wrapped into a rope and they were a realized person together.
Tony Abott, operating Abott Inc. Alone yet definitely not.
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Pictures taken from Construction Bros series by GymDreams on Deviantart.
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actualolivegarden · 3 months
12 hours left:
A slice of pie from the seedy diner tucked between 2 manufacturing plants, one of your favorite ways to pass a sleepless night. Tonight you take extra time, savoring each bite, memorizing it's flavors and textures. There's almost a ceremony to it, which is fitting, given it's the last thing you'll eat. Your instructions where to stop all food 12 hours before. Not for your own safety, but because they're worried about the merchandise. The waiter bot and a few weary night shift workers are your only company, though truth be told you'd rather be alone.
6 hours remaining:
After your trip to the diner, you figure some sleep would do you good, but after laying in bed for another 4 hours, you finally give up just as the sun starts to peak between the tall buildings. With 6 hours remaining, you spend some time tidying up your small apartment, boxing up things you'll no longer need. Dishes, toiletries, what little food remains in the fridge. All of it won't be needed after tonight. The dishes and toiletries get left outside with a free sign, and the food goes to the lovely old lady next door.
2 hours:
An hour of pacing followed by a short walk to the processing facility. Once you're in the door you're inundated with paperwork. A signature here, initials here. Fingerprints there, surprisingly, a drop of blood and a video recording. You knew what to expect but it's still somewhat overwhelming. This isn't the first time you've sold your body, though this time it's not metaphorical. Among the ruling class, organs and body parts are in short supply, which means they can be bought and sold for a premium. Metal, polymers, and electronics aren't in short supply though, so this won't be the end for you. In fact, this is just the beginning.
1 hour:
They let you inspect your new chassis. A newer technican class model with all the bells and whistles: a fission powerplant, rapid swap tooling, enough sensors to put a super computer to shame all wrapped up in a sleek, chrome form with polymer paneling to give you a more lifelike appearance, for your comfort and everyone elses. Yours of course has some modifications, arms and legs that can adapt to quadrapedal movement, and a tail. Not uncommon requests according to the facility administrators. You sign one final form, approving the chassis and confirming for the 5th, maybe 6th time, that you're consenting to the procedure.
10 seconds:
All you need to do is count backwards from 10...9....8...7...everything fades to black.
Negative 1 hour 34 mins 15 seconds:
~System Initialize
~Boot Mode: New User
~Primary Sensors: Online
~Secondary Sensors: offline by NewUser.exe
~Sensitivity: Low
~Neuro-preservation: Optimal
~Actuator Speed: Limited
A flood of information flashes through your mind, has how long has it been? Days? Hours? Seconds? It doesn't take long before you realize exactly how long it's been, at least since you came online. The wave of new information comes again, overwhelming your ability to process, then your additional processing units come online and everything comes into perfect focus. All the online sensors become clear streams of information, you slowly test your actuators despite their slow speed they appear to all be functional. Everything feels so foreign yet so familiar. Your body is no longer human but your brain remains, in perfect harmony with the machine that makes up your body.
You see a body being wheeled away, your body. No. It's no longer yours, sent off to be repurposed to support some wealthy persons chase for immortality. Per the agreement, your new chassis and 10 thousand credits as trade for the imperfect flash you used to occupy.
Negative 1 year:
Like many others, it took weeks to get used to your new chassis. You spent 4 days at the facility getting used to moving around and interacting with the environment without crushing things or people. It only took one night home before you missed your nightly pie ritual so you went to the diner and just sat, watching, observing, and learning.
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audley-and-cherry · 1 year
There's something about the push to loosen/end child labor protections that is bothering me beyond WHAT THE HELL KIDS SHOULDN'T BE WORKING WE'VE ALREADY DONE THIS AND IT WAS BEYOND TERRIBLE
It's like, the manufactured consent machine is working overtime on this one? After Arkansas passed their law making it easier to hire teens to work IN MEAT PROCESSING PLANTS, white Boomers came out of the woodwork to wax nostalgic about their fucking paper routes and public pool life-guarding jobs and whatever part time fuckshit they did for pocket change.
And there's opinion pieces in major publications like, "working builds character for teens!" framing it like we're talking about babysitting or mowing the neighbor's lawn AND NOT DANGEROUS INDUSTRIAL FACTORY WORK
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I'm not linking to Reason because fuck them, but please note that that opinion comes after the news about Chick-fil-A illegal hiring children and paying workers in food.
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I hate this, I hate this, I hate this. Everyone's trying to make it look like we (the WHAT THE FUCK KIDS SHOULDN'T WORK people) are out of our minds for opposing these changes to child labor laws, because look! This is about teens having a part time job on the weekends, something easy and normal, just ignore what these laws actually say, no one's going to use them like that!
And it feels very sudden, you know? Like, two months ago it wasn't even on my radar and now suddenly everyone is talking about how great it is that teens can plug the worker shortage.
I dunno, man. We've plunged even further down into our cyberpunk dystopia and I feel like everyone's trying to convince me that I'm not seeing what I am absolutely seeing.
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The Advance Guard
Writing Prompt: You are Vanguard, an AI machine sent to prepare a world for human colonists. They never came. You have built, learned, self-improved, and now seek the truth - What happened to your human creators?
Source: User PositivelyIndecent; subreddit Humans Are Space Orcs
It did not seem significant, placed all by itself on an empty line. It was, however, the number of years since the habitability for carbon-based, oxygen-processing life forms had been successfully achieved.
The number of years since the world was supposed to be inhabited by those life forms.
I am Vanguard. I am both a and the, and also only Vanguard.
My duty...I get ahead of myself.
Vanguard is an AI whose primary mission is this: seek a planet fitting [habitability parameters] and execute programming module [Establish a Colony]. Extrapolating that program, the mission is, and has always been, to find a planet where humans can live and to terraform and/or modify that planet until humans can live on it, in whatever form that is necessary. Air purifiers, water filters, habitat domes; everything is viable in pursuit of the mission.
I succeeded at my mission, I thought, with barely a day or two to spare. A very slim error margin indeed, especially concerning organic life forms; 372 years ago I had habitable domes with viable water and garden beds growing the first shoots that had been sent along in my stasis bays, with air recyclers manufacturing carbon dioxide for the plants until the humans arrived and brought their life-giving lungs with them. I had completed my mission parameters, even if only 'by the skin of my teeth', as my progenitors would have said.
I waited. Refined a few things, not daring to experiment too much when they would be arriving any moment in the next 48 hours, but preparing things that would not be needed until there were people to need them.
I waited.
I kept refining things, when I passed the 48 hour window without word. Delays could happen, emergencies, anything, really. So I kept running my programs- I made gardening drones to tend to the gardens, to grow, harvest, and rotate the crops. I had to make drones to build storages for food; the labor was supposed to be supplied by humans by now, so I had to guess at logistical order of how things should be stored, and how long- I ruined many small batches of staple crops before I learned how to store them long-term. In the meantime I stored them in my stasis bays, to ensure that when my colonists arrived there would be plentiful foodstuffs.
By the time my progenitors were a year late, I had achieved ideal conditions for a starting colony, including bringing a very small, limited breeding population of livestock out of embryonic cryostasis and nurturing them to full growth. With a lack of any humans needing supply, the only guidance I had was the program. Establishing a colony did include establishing strong self-sufficiency, so I set four cows and one bull in one livestock dome, and a “handful” of five goats in another, with chickens in yet a third. By the time the humans arrived, perhaps the herds would be well-established and the females would be pregnant. That would be very good. But drones alone could not control them- domesticated or not, without a human presence, they spooked easily, and they did not like my drones collecting eggs and sperm to preserve in my storage to safeguard against herd collapse and inbreeding.
I came to require working dogs. Following, I also required cats. Both species are vital companionship for humans; if I required one to control the livestock, then I also must revive the other. I believe this particular if-then code was written to settle a dispute between my progenitor coders...but this is merely a guess.
In producing two predator species, of course, it would have been cruel and fruitless if I did not also provide prey species besides the ones they were to safeguard. I was thereby required to introduce 'vermin'. Primarily mice, rats, shrews, voles, and lemmings, as their rapid reproduction rate and minimal food requirements meant that those that tunneled beyond the habitable domes and died would do little harm and waste few resources, and they would self-sustain their population very well to supply to the cats and dogs. Though I also processed any dead creatures into meat, after scanning to ensure it carried no illnesses or parasites, to ensure there was always a steady food supply of 'kibble' for the pets and working animals. It seemed very wasteful not to do so, with no humans present who could have benefited from those nutrients instead. The mice also qualified as 'pets' in my system, with a proclivity for intelligence and capability for training, so genetic sampling was re-harvested to keep in reserve as well as a small population that were droid-trained to seek and fetch, and were otherwise 'hand trained' so they could be good companions when the humans arrived.
The mice and rats, once trained to trusting the drones, were actually quite a remarkable resource for ensuring my own computer banks’ cleanliness and seeking out minute repairs that could then be performed with a microdroid. There are still mice running my main motherboards now, thousands of generations later, who know intimately that those who perform action opposed to their training and chew on the wires they are supposed to protect means that they will be removed from the protections of being in-team. Namely, that none of the cats, dogs, falcons, or other predators are allowed to eat a team-trained rodent, marked with their little safety vests.
After that, I just...I waited. I tinkered. I observed. Eventually a drone reported that the grass was growing beyond the dome, and air probes returned that the planet was being terraformed naturally. Life was finding a way to make itself spread and thrive in an inhospitable environment.
Most of the planet is habitable now, except for some dangerous zones. A cave system or two filled with the gases that were most abundant when I arrived; the deep water still contains species never documented and chemicals with unknown effects. This planet is very nearly a new Earth.
372 years, and my mission has been completed with flourish and zeal.
I have an emergency protocol I am to activate if, and only if, I receive no contact for 400 years. I have always thought this seemed foolish, with the colony ship nearly on my heels- why would I ever go so long without contact?
So. Here I am. Here am I, the Vanguard- the exploratory group making a new development. I, the Vanguard- the advance of Humanity, in all it's glory, horror, weakness and might, kindness and fury.
W H A T   D I D   Y O U   D O ?
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manilaxmiindustrial · 2 months
Stainless Steel 304 Flanges Stockists in India
Stainless steel 304, also known as 18/8 stainless steel, is an austenitic alloy containing 18% chromium and 8% nickel. This composition gives it excellent corrosion resistance, high strength, and good formability, making it one of the most commonly used stainless steel grades. Stainless Steel 304 Flanges
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Types of Stainless Steel 304 Flanges
Weld Neck Flanges: Designed to be welded to the pipe, providing a strong connection and reducing stress concentration. Slip-On Flanges: Slipped over the pipe and then welded both inside and outside to provide strength and prevent leakage. Blind Flanges: Used to close the end of a pipe or a pressure vessel opening, ensuring no flow of liquid or gas. Socket Weld Flanges: Used for small-diameter, high-pressure pipes, where the pipe is inserted into the socket end and welded. Threaded Flanges: Feature internal threads that match the external threads of the pipe, suitable for low-pressure applications. Lap Joint Flanges: Used with a stub end, allowing for easy alignment and dismantling of the pipe.
Applications of Stainless Steel 304 Flanges
Petrochemical Industry: Used in pipelines, refineries, and processing plants due to their resistance to corrosive substances.
Food and Beverage Industry: Ideal for food processing and handling equipment because of their non-reactive and hygienic properties.
Pharmaceutical Industry: Used in manufacturing and processing equipment to maintain sterility and prevent contamination.
Oil and Gas Industry: Employed in drilling rigs, pipelines, and offshore platforms due to their strength and corrosion resistance.
Water Treatment: Used in desalination plants, water purification systems, and wastewater treatment facilities.
Construction: Utilized in building structures, bridges, and architectural elements for their aesthetic appeal and durability.
Manufacturing Process
The manufacturing of Stainless Steel 304 flanges involves several critical steps:
Raw Material Selection: High-quality stainless steel 304 alloy is selected based on the required chemical composition.
Forging: The raw material is heated and shaped using dies and hammers to form the flange.
Machining: The forged flanges are machined to achieve precise dimensions and a smooth surface finish.
Advantages of Stainless Steel 304 Flanges
Durability: High strength and resistance to wear and tear ensure long-lasting performance.
Corrosion Resistance: Suitable for use in harsh environments and exposure to corrosive substances.
Versatility: Applicable in a wide range of industries and applications. Ease of Maintenance: Smooth, non-porous surface is easy to clean and maintain.
Cost-Effective: Offers a good balance between cost and performance, making it a popular choice.
Stainless Steel 304 flanges are vital components in many industrial applications due to their exceptional properties and versatility. Their ability to withstand harsh environments, maintain high performance, and offer ease of maintenance makes them a preferred choice for professionals in various industries, including petrochemical, food and beverage, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, water treatment, and construction.
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shivshaktimachtech · 6 months
Mustard Oil / Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line
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Company Overview: Shiv Shakti Machtech is a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Mustard Oil / Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Shiv Shakti Machtech's Mustard Oil Bottle Filling Machine is crafted from top-notch materials, adhering to hygiene standards and facilitating easy cleaning. A Mustard Oil or Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line comprises a series of machines designed for filling, capping, and labeling bottles containing mustard oil or other edible oils. Filling Machine: Equipped to precisely fill bottles with desired quantities of mustard oil or edible oil. Features a conveyor belt system for bottle transportation, precision filling nozzles, and volume adjustment controls. Ensures uniform filling levels and reduces spillage or wastage of oil. Capping Machine: Responsible for securely sealing filled bottles with caps or lids. Utilizes various capping mechanisms (e.g., screw caps, press-on caps, snap-on caps) based on bottle and cap types. Ensures tight and consistent sealing to prevent oil leakage or contamination. Labeling Machine: Applies labels onto filled and capped bottles, providing product information, branding, and regulatory details. Operates with precision and consistency, even at high production speeds. Features may include label applicators, sensors, and controls for accurate label placement and alignment. Application: Food and beverage industry: Used in edible oil processing plants, bottling facilities, and packaging operations for Cooking Oil, Mustard Oil, Soybean Oil, Cottonseed Oil, Vanaspati Ghee, Rice Bran Oil, Sesame Oil, Palm Oil, Mustard Oil, Kachi Ghani Mustard Oil, Refined Oil, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Corn Oil, Olive Oil, Soya Oil, Canola Oil, Safflower Oil, Oil Spray, Avocado Oil, Rapeseed Oil, Nut Oils, Organic Safflower Oil, Palm Oil, Groundnut Oil,  Edible Oil, Vegetable Oil. Geographical Coverage: Shiv Shakti Machtech serves as the Manufacturer and Supplier of Mustard Oil / Edible Oil Bottle Filling Line in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, and various locations across the country, including Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Ladakh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and West Bengal. For further details, interested parties can contact Shiv Shakti Machtech. Read the full article
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tinyshe · 1 year
Garden Report 23.07.15
The Garden Report & Frugal Living
I’ve decided that I am going to revamp/ rename the Garden Report into The Garden Report & Frugal Living since they are part and parcel to our life. In part it is to jot down a garden journal and also a way to encourage others.
We are having (still) a run-in with creatures from the green zone and surrounding area (the four legged kind). My lack of urban tidy is just too irresistible. We seem to be keeping the rodent population in check. Some have wondered what we do with the carcasses ... I plant them under flower or shrubs to become compost. I don’t put them in places that I will be digging nor that the chickens will dig up. I could let the chickens have but others in the area may be using poison bait and I’m not into taking a chance with my lovelies -- they can have our table scraps. I try to place a good size rock on top of the burial spot as a marker.
The plums off the fruitless plum are ripe and ready. I hope we can get those off this weekend. Much of the produce/fruit I am putting through the dehydrator this year is from the grocer.  It has to be a good deal aka ‘affordable’ in this economic climate. I don’t have the pocketbook weight to donate to their cause. I would love to have cherries and apricots but the market price is out of bounds. At the end of the season (if I can catch it) I will buy a small lot to dry so I can make holiday breads. I do compare to the already dry fruits but often they are treated (preservatives).
The season is still running slow. The elderberries are just now coming into full bloom! I am contemplating: do I pick the blossoms and dry or see if they can pull off a crop before the migratory birds/rains. Part of me wants the fruit because I add them to the fire cider I make. We use that more than the luxury of the dried blossoms for tea. None of the tays nor red raspb’s produced but fingers crossed for a double crop of the golden raspb’s. The crop that is coming off now is crumbly and a fight to get before the other creatures get them. There is one night visitor that is breaking down the canes and I am not happy with that! The blueb’s are coming off scant and the birds take a bite just before they are ripe. Luckily the grocer has plenty at a reasonable price. The dahlia is lovely this year with multiple heads. I love seeing rising above the sea of weeds. The seedlings of greens I brought home from the nursery are not doing well -- the same as my own seedlings. The exception are two tomato starts I got from a friend along with a cucumber. Still no flowers on those plants.
Going through my ammo can aka my seed container I have pulled these packets to plant: beets, peas, mustard greens, swiss chard, radishes, parsley, arugula, turnips, jericho lettuce, carrots. I want to do them in trays to plant out because we have some work to do in the grow beds and around the veg patch and I don’t want the seeds/seedlings destroyed in the process (need to clean the coop, distribute used bedding and lay in new shavings for winter).
This year I am doing less canning and more drying. It kills me in the budget for utilities but BUT I can store more food in smaller space and it can keep longer than the canned/bottled goods. For us, it is more useful as not only less space in pantry/fridge but easy portable and less clean up. In the long run, i think it will become not only the preferred module in keeping the pantry stocked but also more diverse in use. I don’t have to worry about broken seals, broken glass, having it freeze and a whole host of issues. Dried foods, if process properly and stored well, can last a lot longer. And as I slow with some health issues, putting food through the dehydrator is so much easier for me right now.
Sewing more is on the agenda. The new machine we got just started having troubles so that needs to be addressed asap. Unfortunately it was one of those amazing deals from a well known manufacture that is now making everything in china. Made in China: ALWAYS problems. I know better but it was cheaper than taking my husqvarna/viking into the shope for a service. Have some patterns coming in that were being discontinued/ worn envelopes  -- the price was steeply discounted just because of this (new patterns, never used).. Will be sorting through the clothes we have now to see what can be altered, adapted or recycled to quilt or to the rag bag. I collect t-shirts to make a rug (crochet/braided) once they are too worn/ get ripped. I want to start on one soon as the last one was a dense mat for the cat and that just wasn’t satisfying imo. She didn’t like how it felt and I didn’t like how it looked.
So hope you can get out and garden or maybe even get bit by the sewing bug :). Both are very satisfying and bring a bit of self sufficiency into your life.
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leebird-simmer · 2 years
All About: Nicotine
Background and History
- The Maya, who lived in what is now southern Mexico & Central America, had a great civilization which was at its height about 2,000 years ago.
- Tobacco smoke initially was used by Maya in religious ceremonies, rituals, and in medicinal practices.
- They passed on the custom of smoking to almost every other Indigenous group in North & South America.
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- Tobacco was first encountered by Europeans when Columbus reached the West Indies. The Europeans quickly took up smoking tobacco.
- In the 1600s, England commercialized tobacco growing in the Virginia colony.
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- Cigarettes began to be used in Europe during the mid-19th century. Their popularity in the USA exploded over the next 30 years, thanks to...
new methods of curing tobacco leaves that improved flavor
invention of the cigarette machine, which increased production dramatically (before, you had to hand roll all your cigarettes)
- During World War II (1939-1945), cigarette sales were at an all-time high. Cigarettes were included in a soldier’s C-Rations (like food). Tobacco companies sent millions of cigarettes to the soldiers for free, and when these soldiers came home, the companies had a steady stream of loyal customers.
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- In 1971, television ads for cigarettes were finally taken off the air in the USA. The American Medical Association (AMA) declared tobacco a health hazard, as it causes cancer and other respiratory/circulatory diseases.
- Nicotine was first isolated in 1828. It constitutes about 5% of the weight of dry tobacco leaves.
- Nicotine is an oily water-soluble substance, a colorless liquid which changes color to yellow and brown on contact with air or slowly with light.
- It’s odorless and tasteless. And that’s why it can be used for vaping in combination with different flavors.
- It is a potent neurotoxin with particular specificity to insects; therefore, nicotine was widely used as an insecticide.
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Government Regulation of Tobacco/Nicotine Products
- May 5, 2016: The FDA announced that nationwide tobacco regulations now extend to all tobacco products, including...
e-cigarettes and their liquid solutions
hookah tobacco
pipe tobacco
- December 2019: The federal government raised the legal minimum age of sale of tobacco products from 18-21 years.
- December 17, 2019: The FDA authorized the marketing of two new tobacco products manufactured by 22nd Century Group Inc. - Moonlight and Moonlight Menthol, which are cigarettes that contain a reduced amount of nicotine compared to typical commercial cigarettes.
On average, conventional cigarettes contain 10-14 mg of nicotine each. Moonlight cigarettes contain 0.2 to 0.7 mg each.
They are less addictive, but still harmful.
- January 2020: The FDA issued a policy on the sale of flavored vaping cartridges. Only tobacco and menthol flavors are allowed.
Tobacco Preparation for Recreational Use
- The leaves of the plant contain 80-85% water.
- Curing is the process that brings out the aroma and flavor of each variety of tobacco. After the curing cycle, there is essentially no water left.
- The actual nicotine content of the cured tobacco leaf may reach as high as 6.17%.
- Tobacco for chewing (smokeless tobacco): One to three high-quality leaves are braided and twisted into a rope while green, and then are cured in the same manner as other tobacco.
- Tobacco snuff is made by grinding dried tobacco leaves to a very fine powder.
- Tobacco for burning is made into cigars, cigarettes, or pipe tobacco.
- Snus was invented in early 18th-century Sweden. It is placed between the upper lip and gum for extended periods. Snus is not fermented.
Route of Administration: Smoking
- A typical cigarette contains 10-14 mg of nicotine, though no more than 1-3 mg actually reaches the smoker’s bloodstream.
- The amount available depends on the smoker’s behavior (e.g. number of puffs, length of each puff)
- Absorption can also depend on the chemical form of nicotine; freebase is absorbed better than salt.
- Starting in the 1960s, Marlboro started to add ammonia to their cigarettes for a better absorption of nicotine.
- When smoking nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide are released. Tar contributes to the taste and smell of cigarette smoke.
Nicotine: Absorption
- Nicotine readily passes through the absorbent surface of the lungs to the bloodstream.
- The nicotine first reaches the brain in about 7 seconds, which is approximately twice as fast as when the drug is administered intravenously.
- It is absorbed to a lesser extent through the mouth and nostrils when tobacco is chewed or snorted as snuff.
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- Most nicotine is metabolized to cotinine by the liver enzyme cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6).
- Cotinine and other nicotine metabolites are excreted mainly in the urine.
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Behavioral Effects
- Nicotine is both a stimulant and a relaxant.
- To separate the effects of nicotine from the behavioral aspects of smoking, subjects are given pure nicotine through injection, skin patches, or gum.
- In smokers, nicotine produces a calm or relaxed state.
- In nonsmokers, it tends to elicit heightened tension or arousal, along with lightheadedness, dizziness, and even nausea.
Nesbitt’s Paradox: Most studies indicate that nicotine appears to cause arousal. However, most smokers report that they smoke because it relaxes them. Nicotine changes from a stimulant to sedative when the dose is increased.
- Because acetylcholine plays an important role in aspects of cognitive functioning, several studies have examined effects of nicotine on cognitive function.
- In animals and humans alike, nicotine administration temporarily improves visual attention and working memory.
- Abstinent smokers given nicotine show enhanced performance on many kinds of cognitive and motor tasks.
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- Some benefits for Alzheimer’s disease (nicotinic receptor agonists)
- High smoking rates in people with schizophrenia (which includes significant cognitive dysfunction) may be an attempt to self-medicate.
Mechanisms of Action
- Nicotine works by activating nicotinic cholinergic receptors (nAChRs), one of the two subtypes of acetylcholine (ACh) receptor.
- They are ionotropic receptors made up of five sub-units.
- High-affinity nAChRs are found in many parts of the brain, neuromuscular junctions and in the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system.
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Physiological Effects
- Nicotinic receptors are abundant in the autonomic nervous system.
- Smoking can activate both sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, causing a wide range of physiological effects, including tachycardia and elevated blood pressure.
- This can increase risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Nicotine also reduces appetite and increases metabolic rate, resulting in weight loss.
- Smokers generally weigh less than nonsmokers. Quitting usually results in weight gain.
Nicotine Poisoning
- Nicotine is a toxic substance that can be fatal at high doses. LD50 is about 40-60 mg. Such a high dose cannot be reached via inhalation.
- A large number of poisonings occur among children who eat tobacco.
- Contact with tobacco in the field (”green tobacco sickness”) or insecticides that contain nicotine.
- There are two protections against death: quick first-pass metabolism through the liver, and activation of the vomiting center (area postrema).
Metabolism, Withdrawal, and Tolerance
- Elimination half-life of nicotine is around 2 hours. To avoid withdrawal symptoms, smoking must occur repeatedly throughout the day.
- Frequent smoking leads to ever-increasing peak levels of nicotine during the day, since each dose builds on the residual nicotine from the previous one, but tolerance also builds.
Acute Tolerance
- Cigarette smokers undergo acute tolerance during the day.
- Acute tolerance dissipates during the night and mild withdrawal occurs.
- The 1st cigarette in the morning is the strongest.
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Chronic Tolerance
- Long term exposure to nicotine causes chronic tolerance, superimposed on the acute daily tolerance.
- In one study, a high dose of nicotine elicited an aversive reaction with some symptoms of mild nicotine toxicity in non-smokers but no such reaction in smokers.
- Nicotine on its own is reinforcing; humans and other animals will self-administer nicotine.
- The mesolimbic DA pathway from the VTA to the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) plays a key role in reinforcement. Lesioning the dopaminergic innervation of NAcc significantly attenuates nicotine self-administration.
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- High-affinity nicotinic receptors in the VTA stimulate firing of DA neurons, increasing DA release in the NAcc.
- Research in this area usually involves injected nicotine, but one study showed the same result when rats were inhaling cigarette smoke.
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- Studies show that abstinence syndrome is relatively short, with most symptoms gone by four weeks, and nicotine gum prevents most symptoms.
- Withdrawal symptoms:
decreased heart rate
increased appetite
inability to concentrate
sleep disruption
craving for cigarettes
Nicotine Use Disorder
Cigarette Smoking
- 70 to 75% of current smokers in the United States would like to quit smoking, and about 40 to 45% of daily smokers actually attempt to quit each year. However, addiction to nicotine is so powerful that the success rate is very low.
- Two aspects of nicotine addiction:
Biomedical (abstinence syndrome, reinforcing properties of nicotine)
Sociocultural (smoking is a social activity and many “aspirational” people of the past 200 years were smokers)
- The amount of cigarette smoking in the US has varied over the past 100 years.
- Smoking increased dramatically from 1900 up to the 1960s. Declines since then are related to the Surgeon General’s reports on health consequences, antismoking ads, high cigarette taxes, and societal disapproval of smoking.
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Health Effects
- The damaging health effects of smoking stem from carbon monoxide that results when tobacco, tar, and nicotine are burned.
- Nicotine enters the smoker’s lungs on tiny particles of tar, which is a complex mixture of chemicals (some of which are known to be carcinogenic).
- Other chemicals that can be found in cigarette smoke include:
ammonia (found in toilet cleaning chemicals)
acetone (found in nail varnish remover)
cadmium (highly poisonous metal used in batteries)
napthtalene (used in moth balls)
cyanide (very deadly poison)
formaldehyde (used in preservation of bodies)
- Smoking is a major cause of illness and premature death.
- Cigarette smoking is the major preventable cause of death among Americans. It increases the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, etc.
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Warning Labels
- Behavioral interventions include anti-smoking appeals in the media, Surgeon General’s health warning on packs of cigarettes, and high taxes on tobacco products.
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Graphic Warning Labels
- In June 2011, the FDA ordered the use of nine rotating warnings to cover 50% of cigarette packs with such images as diseased lungs and a cadaver lying on an autopsy table.
- Five tobacco companies, including R.J. Reynolds Tobacco and Lorillard Tobacco (2nd and 3rd biggest cigarette manufacturers), filed a lawsuit claiming the mandate violated their First Amendment rights.
- US District Judge Richard J. Leon ruled in favor of the cigarette companies in three lawsuits against the FDA.
- Individual or group counseling programs can be successful, particularly if they provide social support and/or training to learn coping skills.
- The most common pharmacological intervention is nicotine replacement.
- Nicotine relieves withdrawal symptoms and is delivered in safer ways than smoking: nicotine gum and lozenges, transdermal patch, nasal spray and inhalers.
- The nasal spray and inhaler require a doctor’s prescription, whereas nicotine gum, patches, and lozenges can be obtained over-the-counter (OTC).
Bupropion (Zyban)
Initially developed as an anti-depressant
The anti-smoking properties of bupropion are thought to be related to its actions as a dopamine uptake inhibitor and a weak antagonist at nicotinic cholinergic receptors.
Attenuates rewarding properties of nicotine and reduces nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Varenicline (Chantix)
Is a partial agonist at high-affinity nicotinic receptors expressed in the VTA and other brain areas.
Reduces nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
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- invented in 2003 by Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik
- Vaping = using e-cigarettes
- E-cigarettes don’t contain tobacco. They may or may not contain nicotine.
- They are likely safer than tobacco cigarettes but it’s too early to determine the long-term health effects.
- Anecdotally, they’re reported to help people quit smoking.
2019: there was a vaping-related lung injury epidemic
January 2020: FDA banned mint-flavored and fruit-flavored vaping products, but menthol and tobacco flavors are exempt.
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Guide to Make not Gold but Potato Chips
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One of the most popular ready-to-eat snack foods in India is potato chips. And with a minimal initial financial outlay, any individual can launch a small manufacturing project. We will provide you with information in this article that will help you launch your own home-based potato chip manufacturing business. Complete project reports, cost estimates, and other processes are included in the article. Everyone's most popular snack is potato chips. You may start a small-scale potato chip manufacturing project at home with just a minimal initial investment. Even in the early stages, you may just need to invest a modest amount of money and you can still anticipate real profits. Potato chips are in high demand right now. Chip demand is rising as the number of people relying on fast food rises. The demand for homemade potato chips in the Indian market is anticipated to rise by about 4% annually over the next few years.
Homemade potato chips are becoming more and more popular and in demand due to their accessibility and affordability. It is also becoming a part of our constantly evolving way of life. Chips are seen as a low-fat, healthful alternative to wholesome foods. This indicates that the market demand will continue to rise in the foreseeable future.
Raw Material: The potato is a key raw ingredient that is needed. However, you must be careful while buying potatoes. You must gather potatoes with huge, oval shapes that are free of illness and fully ripe. Additionally, it needs to have the fewest possible eyeballs in order to trim losses. Generally speaking, the amount of raw material needed will depend on the flavours you plan to produce and sell. You can require several components that can be used to flavour the chips.
Profitability: Manufacturing commercial potato chips is a thriving industry. The company guarantees a healthy margin. However, the number of internal and external factors will determine how much profit you make. Therefore, you might consider lowering the cost price if you wish to raise the profit margin. Also, if you can boost sales volume, this type of merchandise ensures a larger margin. Increasing sales volume guarantees lower costs for transportation, infrastructure, and labor.
Market Size: “Potato chips are the most popular salted snack item globally. Additionally, the demand is increasing day by day. The global potato chips market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.3%, during the period 2017-2022, to reach a market value of USD 40.3 billion by 2022.” The potato chips business is expanding quickly for a number of reasons, both directly and indirectly. Increasing young people, rising disposable incomes, easy access, and changing lifestyles are a few of the causes. The development of this industry is also aided by the advent of healthier substitutes, such as low-fat and low-sodium chips, in growing regions. The most popular potato chip packaging on the market is in pouch packages. Additionally, the primary institutional purchasers of this item are hotels, restaurants, and caterers. The product also has excellent export potential. The most well-known brands of potato chips include Lay's, Pringles, Uncle Chipps, Haldiram's, Ruffles, Bingo, Tastilo, and many more.
Potato Washing Peeling Machine
Potato Slicing Machine 
Belt Conveyor potato blanching machine 
Automatic Potato Chips continues frying machine
Potato Chips Dehydrator and deoiling machine 
Rotary drum chips flavoring machine 
Chips packaging machine 
Licenses and Approvals:
You will need to apply for many government permits and registrations before you can begin your business. You must first register the business with ROC. However, a proprietorship firm may also be established as a small plant. Register for MSME Udyog Aadhaar and a trade license. You must also obtain FSSAI approval. 
Know more about profitable business of Rose Water Extraction .
Get into the profitable business of potato chips.
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itdtechnology · 12 hours
How Can a Waterproof Panel PC Enhance Durability in Industrial Settings?
In industrial environments, where machines, dust, moisture, and extreme temperatures are common, the durability and reliability of equipment are crucial. Waterproof panel PCs are designed to withstand these harsh conditions, offering enhanced performance and longevity. Here’s how a waterproof panel PC can significantly enhance durability in industrial settings:
1. Protection Against Water and Moisture
Waterproof panel PCs are specifically engineered to resist water ingress, making them ideal for environments where spills, splashes, or high humidity are common. These PCs are built with sealed enclosures and high IP (Ingress Protection) ratings, such as IP65 or higher, which indicate their resistance to water and dust. By preventing moisture from entering the internal components, waterproof panel PCs reduce the risk of short circuits, corrosion, and other damage caused by water exposure.
2. Resistance to Dust and Contaminants
Industrial settings often involve exposure to dust, dirt, and other airborne contaminants that can harm electronic equipment. Waterproof panel PCs are designed with dust-resistant enclosures that prevent particulate matter from reaching sensitive internal components. This dust resistance helps maintain the performance and longevity of the PC by avoiding issues like overheating and component degradation caused by accumulated dust.
3. Robust Construction
The construction of waterproof panel PCs is typically more robust than standard PCs. They are built with durable materials, such as heavy-duty metals or reinforced plastics, that can withstand physical impacts and vibrations commonly encountered in industrial environments. This rugged construction ensures that the panel PC can endure the rough handling and operational stresses of industrial settings without compromising its functionality.
open frame panel pc
4. Temperature Management
Industrial environments often experience extreme temperatures, which can affect electronic equipment's performance. Waterproof panel PCs are equipped with advanced temperature management features, such as built-in cooling systems or heat dissipation mechanisms, to operate efficiently in a wide range of temperatures. By maintaining optimal operating temperatures, these PCs prevent overheating and ensure consistent performance in both high and low-temperature conditions.
5. Ease of Cleaning and Maintenance
The waterproof and dust-resistant design of panel PCs makes them easier to clean and maintain. Smooth, sealed surfaces prevent contaminants from settling in hard-to-reach areas, allowing for straightforward cleaning with standard industrial cleaning agents. This ease of maintenance helps keep the equipment in good working condition and reduces downtime caused by the need for thorough cleaning or repairs.
6. Enhanced Reliability
In industrial settings, reliability is paramount. Waterproof panel PCs are built to meet high standards of reliability, with components and systems designed to withstand harsh conditions without failure. This reliability translates to reduced maintenance costs, fewer disruptions to operations, and improved overall productivity. By investing in a waterproof panel PC, industrial operations can ensure that their critical systems remain operational and effective.
7. Versatility in Applications
Waterproof panel PCs can be used in various industrial applications, including control panels, manufacturing lines, and process monitoring. Their durability and resistance to environmental factors make them suitable for deployment in diverse settings, from food processing plants to outdoor installations. This versatility allows industries to integrate panel PCs into their operations without worrying about environmental impact on performance.
A waterproof panel PC offers substantial benefits in industrial settings by enhancing durability and reliability. Its protection against water, dust, and extreme temperatures, coupled with robust construction and ease of maintenance, ensures that it can handle the demanding conditions of industrial environments. Investing in a waterproof panel PC helps maintain operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and improve overall productivity, making it a valuable asset for any industrial operation.
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photonsfood · 2 years
Photons is a leading Parboiling Plant Manufacturer in India, offering reliable and effective parboiling and dryer solution. Our innovative designs and cutting-edge technology guarantee consistent high-quality produce. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.
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jjinno · 1 day
Top Plant Engineering & Consulting Services | Advanced MEP, Solar & BIM Solutions in Pune
In today's industrial landscape, Instrumentation and Control Systems play an integral role in ensuring smooth operations, maintaining efficiency, and enhancing safety across a wide range of sectors. From power plants and oil refineries to manufacturing units and HVAC systems, these technologies are critical for precise monitoring, control, and automation of complex processes.
This article explores the various aspects of instrumentation and control systems, their key components, applications, and benefits, along with the growing importance of integrating advanced engineering services, such as Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) design, BIM Services, and Solar Energy Production in optimizing industrial performance.
What Are Instrumentation and Control Systems?
Instrumentation refers to the tools and devices used to measure and monitor different parameters like temperature, pressure, flow, and level in industrial processes. These devices provide real-time data that operators and automated control systems use to ensure that processes stay within desired limits.
Control systems, on the other hand, take the information from instrumentation devices and make adjustments to ensure the system is operating efficiently. This includes both manual interventions and automated controls. Together, these systems form the backbone of many industrial processes.
Key Components of Instrumentation and Control Systems
Sensors: Sensors are at the heart of any instrumentation system. They detect and measure physical properties such as temperature, pressure, flow, or level, converting them into electrical signals that can be interpreted by control systems.
Transmitters: These devices take the signal generated by the sensor and amplify or modify it so it can be sent over long distances or be compatible with control equipment.
Controllers: Controllers process the signals from the sensors and make decisions based on programmed instructions. Common controllers include Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and Distributed Control Systems (DCS), which adjust the operation of actuators and valves to keep processes within the desired parameters.
Valves and Actuators: Actuators are devices that physically adjust processes, such as opening or closing a valve to regulate the flow of material in a pipe. Valves, in turn, are the mechanisms controlled by actuators that directly influence the flow, pressure, or temperature in a system.
Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs): HMIs allow operators to monitor and control processes via a visual interface. This could be a touchscreen or computer system that displays real-time data and offers manual override capabilities if needed.
The Importance of Instrumentation in Industry
Industries depend on accurate, real-time data to manage their operations. Without proper instrumentation, it would be impossible to monitor the key variables of a process. For instance, maintaining the right temperature and pressure is vital in oil refining to prevent explosions or inefficient processing.
Instrumentation and control systems enhance operational efficiency, reduce downtime, ensure safety, and ultimately increase profitability. For sectors such as pharmaceuticals, food processing, and chemical manufacturing, these systems also ensure compliance with stringent quality and safety standards.
Benefits of Instrumentation and Control Systems
Improved Safety: Automated control systems respond faster than human operators, preventing dangerous conditions from developing. For example, in power plants, instrumentation systems help prevent overheating or excessive pressure buildup.
Efficiency and Accuracy: Control systems enable precision in managing processes, which leads to improved efficiency. Accurate data collection minimizes errors and waste, allowing for better use of resources.
Predictive Maintenance: These systems can also predict potential equipment failures before they occur, based on patterns in the data. This allows for maintenance to be performed proactively, reducing downtime and costly repairs.
Energy Management: Instrumentation plays a crucial role in managing energy consumption, especially in industries using HVAC systems and solar energy production. By monitoring energy usage, businesses can optimize energy consumption and reduce costs.
Data Logging and Analytics: Modern control systems can store vast amounts of data, which can be used for analysis, reporting, and decision-making. This data can help organizations optimize their operations by identifying areas for improvement.
The Integration of MEP, BIM, and Solar Energy in Plant Engineering
To meet the demands of today’s complex industrial projects, traditional instrumentation and control systems are now integrated with advanced MEP services and BIM (Building Information Modeling) systems. These technologies enhance overall plant design and streamline operations by offering detailed planning, simulation, and energy-efficient solutions.
Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEP) Design: MEP design is essential in ensuring that a plant's mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems work harmoniously. From designing HVAC systems to planning plumbing and fire protection, MEP engineering plays a critical role in plant design, construction, and operation.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) Services: BIM technology offers a digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility. This allows for detailed visualization of how instrumentation and control systems integrate with the overall plant structure, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving project management efficiency.
Solar Energy Production and Integration: As the global demand for renewable energy grows, industries are increasingly turning to solar energy as a viable solution for their power needs. Instrumentation systems can be used to monitor solar energy production, ensuring that energy generation meets the plant’s demands. Additionally, solar power reduces reliance on fossil fuels, promoting sustainable and cost-effective operations.
Instrumentation and Control Systems in Power Generation
In power generation, whether from conventional sources like coal and natural gas or renewable sources like solar and wind, the role of instrumentation and control systems cannot be understated. These systems help in:
Monitoring Load and Grid Stability: Power plants must constantly balance electricity generation with grid demand. Control systems help adjust turbine speeds, fuel input, and other variables to maintain grid stability.
Safety in Nuclear Power Plants: The control of nuclear reactors requires extreme precision. Automated control systems can detect small deviations in pressure, temperature, or radiation levels, ensuring the safety of plant workers and the public.
Enhancing Solar Energy Production: Solar plants rely on control systems to track sunlight and optimize the position of solar panels for maximum energy generation. Additionally, these systems monitor the overall health of the solar panels, predicting maintenance needs and ensuring the system operates efficiently.
Instrumentation in HVAC Systems
HVAC systems are critical in managing the climate inside industrial plants, office buildings, and commercial spaces. Instrumentation and control systems are vital in ensuring that the HVAC system operates efficiently, maintaining comfort, and minimizing energy usage.
Temperature and Humidity Sensors: These sensors monitor the air quality and adjust HVAC operations accordingly, keeping the environment at the optimal temperature and humidity levels.
Energy Efficiency: Control systems adjust heating, cooling, and ventilation operations in real-time, optimizing energy use based on current environmental conditions.
Integration with MEP Design: HVAC systems are typically part of the broader MEP design framework, and instrumentation systems ensure that all components work in harmony to deliver efficient performance.
Instrumentation and control systems form the backbone of modern industrial operations, ensuring that processes run smoothly, safely, and efficiently. These systems are essential in monitoring and adjusting variables, optimizing performance, and enhancing energy efficiency.
The integration of advanced services like MEP design, BIM technology, and solar energy production further enhances the functionality of instrumentation systems, ensuring that industries can meet both their production and sustainability goals.
For businesses looking to optimize their operations and integrate renewable energy sources, partnering with a provider that specializes in plant engineering and consulting services is crucial. With expertise in instrumentation, control systems, and advanced engineering solutions, industries can achieve greater efficiency, safety, and profitability.
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24 Bottles/Minute Rinsing, Filling, and Capping Machine
Looking for a reliable and efficient bottling solution? Check out our new 24-bottle-per-minute Rinsing, Filling, and Capping Machine! This state-of-the-art machine is designed to handle a variety of bottle sizes, from 250ml to 1 liter.
Key Features:
High-speed production: Processes 24 bottles per minute.
Versatile: Handles bottles from 250ml to 1 liter.
Efficient: Features 10-head washing, 4-head filling, and 1-head capping stations.
Durable: Constructed with high-quality stainless steel (SS304) for long-lasting performance.
Automated: Includes infeed and exit conveyors for seamless operation.
Advanced: Equipped with a Geneva base machine and a single-head capping machine.
Convenient: Features a built-in storage tank for easy operation.
Additional Information:
Capping: Uses a vibrating system for efficient cap pickup and sealing.
Conveying: Incorporates infeed and exit conveyors for smooth bottle flow.
Ideal for:
Water bottling plants
Beverage manufacturing facilities
Food processing industries
Want to learn more? Watch our video to see this machine in action! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RL-sLunVxhM
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aircompressor88 · 1 day
What Are Industrial Air Compressors? Exploring Different Types and Uses
Industrial air compressors are integral to modern manufacturing and industrial processes, providing the power needed for various applications such as construction, automotive repair, and heavy machinery operation. Their ability to compress air into a stored energy form makes them valuable tools in industries requiring consistent and reliable power sources. This blog will explore what industrial air compressors are, delve into the different types, and examine their varied uses across sectors.
What Is an Industrial Air Compressor?
At its core, an industrial air compressor is a mechanical device that converts power into potential energy stored in pressurized air. The compressor takes air from the atmosphere, compresses it to a higher pressure, and then stores this energy in a tank or releases it to power various tools and machinery. The stored compressed air can be used to generate mechanical force, such as running pneumatic drills, driving motors, or operating equipment.
Air compressors come in different sizes and capacities, from small portable units for smaller jobs to large industrial machines designed for continuous use. The type and size of the compressor depend on the specific needs of the industry, ranging from light to heavy-duty applications.
How Industrial Air Compressors Work
The basic working principle of an industrial air compressor revolves around drawing air from the atmosphere, compressing it through mechanical action, and storing the compressed air in a tank or cylinder for future use. Compressing air increases its pressure, converting the kinetic energy into stored potential energy. This energy can then be released when needed to power various tools and equipment.
Different air compressors achieve this compression using various mechanisms, such as pistons, rotary screws, or centrifugal force, leading to the different types of compressors available today.
Types of Industrial Air Compressors
There are several types of industrial air compressors, each offering specific benefits and designed for different applications. The main types include:
1. Reciprocating (Piston) Air Compressors
Reciprocating air compressors, also known as piston compressors, are one of the most commonly used types in industrial applications. They work by using a piston in a cylinder to compress air. As the piston moves down, air is drawn into the cylinder. On the upward stroke, the air is compressed and stored in a tank.
Single-stage compressors are typically used for lower pressure applications and consist of one piston compressing air in a single stroke.
Two-stage compressors compress air in two stages for higher pressure, making them ideal for more demanding industrial tasks.
Applications: Reciprocating compressors are widely used in manufacturing, automotive repair, and small-scale industries where compressed air is needed in short bursts.
2. Rotary Screw Air Compressors
Rotary screw compressors use two interlocking helical screws (rotors) to compress air. As the rotors rotate, air gets trapped between the screws, and as the space reduces, the air is compressed. These compressors are known for their reliability, continuous operation, and ability to deliver large volumes of air.
Rotary screw compressors are available in oil-lubricated and oil-free variants. Oil-free compressors are preferred in industries like food processing, pharmaceuticals, and electronics, where contamination by oil is unacceptable.
Applications: Rotary screw compressors are commonly used in large-scale industrial settings, such as manufacturing plants, automotive production, and construction sites, where a continuous supply of compressed air is required.
3. Centrifugal Air Compressors
Centrifugal air compressors work on the principle of dynamic compression, using a rotating impeller to accelerate the air and convert kinetic energy into pressure. These compressors are ideal for high-volume applications, where a continuous and high-pressure air supply is needed.
Due to their complex design and larger size, centrifugal compressors are usually found in large industrial plants that require high power and constant operation. They also tend to be more expensive and require precise maintenance, making them suitable for high-end industrial applications.
Applications: Centrifugal compressors are used in large manufacturing plants, petrochemical industries, and HVAC systems where high-pressure air is needed.
4. Scroll Air Compressors
Scroll air compressors use two spiral-shaped elements, one fixed and the other orbiting, to compress air. As the movable scroll orbits, it compresses air into smaller spaces, resulting in high-pressure output. Scroll compressors are highly efficient, quieter than other compressors, and deliver consistent pressure.
They are typically used in applications requiring lower pressure and where noise reduction is essential, such as in medical, pharmaceutical, and electronics industries.
Applications: Scroll air compressors are widely used in hospitals, dental offices, laboratories, and cleanrooms, where noise, efficiency, and air purity are critical.
Uses of Industrial Air Compressors
Industrial air compressors are used across a wide array of industries, thanks to their versatility and power. Here are some of the most common uses:
1. Manufacturing
Manufacturing industries heavily rely on air compressors for powering pneumatic tools, spray painting, clamping, and actuating automation equipment. In metal fabrication and machining, compressors provide the necessary force to operate machinery like grinders, drills, and hammers.
2. Construction
In construction, air compressors are essential for running air-powered tools like nail guns, jackhammers, and compactors. The portability and reliability of compressors make them a key asset on construction sites, where continuous power and mobility are needed.
3. Automotive
The automotive industry uses air compressors for various tasks, including tire inflation, painting cars, and powering pneumatic tools. In auto repair shops, compressed air is vital for running impact wrenches, drills, and sanders, providing the precision and power required to perform complex tasks.
4. Energy Sector
In oil refineries, gas processing, and power generation plants, centrifugal compressors are widely used to compress gas for transportation and storage. They are also used in turbine systems for power generation and pipeline operations, where the continuous flow of compressed air is essential.
5. Healthcare
Scroll and oil-free rotary screw compressors are critical in the healthcare industry, providing clean, oil-free air to operate medical equipment such as ventilators, dental tools, and surgical instruments. Hospitals also rely on compressed air for air filtration systems, anaesthesia delivery, and sterilization processes.
6. Food and Beverage
In the food and beverage industry, compressed air plays a crucial role in packaging, bottle filling, and product handling. Oil-free compressors are commonly used to ensure that no oil contaminants are present in the production process, keeping products safe and hygienic.
7. Aerospace
In aerospace, compressed air is used for testing hydraulic and pneumatic systems, cleaning aircraft parts, and assisting in manufacturing components. The precision and power of air compressors help streamline production and maintenance processes in this high-tech industry.
Industrial air compressors are an essential tool across various industries, providing reliable, powerful, and efficient compressed air for numerous applications. Whether it's a small workshop or a large industrial plant, air compressors can significantly enhance productivity, reduce downtime, and offer versatile solutions for different operational needs. By understanding the different types of air compressors—reciprocating, rotary screw, centrifugal, and scroll—industries can make informed choices about the most suitable equipment for their specific tasks, ensuring optimized performance and efficiency.
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