#banana flour processing machine
newbusinessideas · 2 months
How to Start a Banana Powder Business
Want to know the secret to a thriving Banana Powder Manufacturing Business?? 🍌✨ Tap and learn! 🚀 Follow for more tips! 🌟 #BananaBusiness #EntrepreneurLife SmallBusiness #BusinessStartup #FoodProduction
Banana powder finds use in various fields, its utilization which can be utilized as a part of numerous paths relies on upon the level of readiness. Organic Banana Flour – Bananas are dehydrated and milled to form a fine powder, that is both nutritious, flavoursome in baking etc. and has good shelf life practices Banana powder is used in products, and bananas are released at a rapid rate and this…
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ladysif8 · 2 months
Something Sweet
•Pairing: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
•Rating: General Audience
•Tags: Recovering Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes, Captain America Steve Rogers, Bucky is learning to cook/bake, Domestic Bliss, Fluff, Boys in love, kissing, cuteness
•Summary: In the wake of Bucky's liberation from HYDRA, he and Steve have settled into a quiet small town in upstate New York, making a home together. Bucky is dedicated to his recovery, driven by his desire to better himself for both his own sake and for his loving, patient, and kind boyfriend, Steve. As Bucky reflects on his journey, he realizes that he has never properly apologized to Steve for the pain he caused. Determined to express his remorse in a meaningful way, Bucky decides that the best way to say "I'm sorry" is by baking a cake.
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Bucky sits at the small wooden table in Steve's apartment, eyes fixed on the laptop screen in front of him with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. The soft hum of the machine seems almost menacing to him. Despite being kept up to date on technology by A.I.M. and HYDRA, this is the first time he's ever freely been able to use a computer, and even that freedom feels precarious. His fingers hover uncertainly over the keyboard as if the laptop might spring to life and attack at any moment.
The room is dimly lit by a single lamp, casting shadows that dance across the walls and give the space an almost surreal atmosphere. Steve is in the kitchen, giving Bucky space but keeping an eye on him, ready to help if needed. The thought of General Ross and the Accords looms large in Bucky's mind. He knows they are chomping at the bit to get their grubby, dirty government hands on him, watching his every move even now. The weight of their surveillance is a constant pressure, turning this simple act of using a computer into an act of defiance.
He takes a deep breath, reminding himself that he's safe here and that Steve has his back. But the anxiety lingers, a reminder of the shadows of his past. As he finally begins to type, the clack of the keys feels like a small victory, a step toward reclaiming his autonomy.
Bucky's fingers tentatively move over the keyboard as he types "cake recipe" into the search bar. Memories of his mother's cakes surface, the warm, comforting aroma filling their modest home during the Great Depression. Those cakes were simple, made from whatever scarce ingredients they could find, but they were a rare treat that brought a sense of normalcy and joy in hard times.
Now, in this new age, he knows that food has evolved, that flavors have been enhanced, and recipes perfected. As he scrolls through the search results, images of decadent, elaborately decorated cakes make him feel both excited and a bit overwhelmed.
He can't help but chuckle as he thinks about his ongoing disagreement with Sam about bananas. Sam insists they taste the same as always, but Bucky is convinced they're different now, their flavor altered by something intangible but noticeable to him. Then again, he muses, Sam's judgment is questionable. After all, Sam did choose to help Steve save his ass, a decision that might not have been entirely based on sound logic.
He clicks on a recipe that looks promising: apple cake with an apple pie filling and cinnamon buttercream. The combination of flavors sounds both comforting and delicious, a perfect blend of old and new. Feeling a surge of confidence, Bucky decides he can definitely handle this.
Reaching for the notepad and pencil next to him, he starts jotting down the ingredients:
- Apples
- Flour
- Sugar
- Eggs
- Butter
- Cinnamon
- Baking powder
- Salt
- Vanilla extract
- Brown sugar
- Powdered sugar
- Heavy cream
As he writes, he envisions the process: the smell of apples and cinnamon filling Steve's apartment, the satisfaction of creating something from scratch. It's a small step toward reclaiming a sense of normalcy and peace.
Bucky is so absorbed in his list that he doesn't hear Steve approaching. Steve's hands on his shoulders startle him, and he quickly closes the browser and covers his notes.
"What're you up to?" Steve asks, peering over Bucky's shoulder.
"Nothing," Bucky replies, looking up with a forced smile.
Steve raises an eyebrow, clearly skeptical but thankfully deciding not to press the issue. "Sam and I are heading out for a few hours. You wanna come?"
Bucky wrinkles his nose at the idea, making Steve chuckle. "Didn't think so," Steve says, dipping his head down to give Bucky a quick kiss.
Before Steve can pull away, Bucky grabs the back of his head, holding him there to deepen the kiss, savoring the moment. When they finally part, Steve's smile is softer and more understanding. "Alright, see you later," Steve says, giving Bucky's shoulders a reassuring squeeze before heading out.
As the door closes behind Steve, Bucky watches him go, a smile lingering on his lips. Steve has been incredibly patient with him these past several months. Though it's technically been a year since he was liberated, adjusting to this new life hasn't been easy.
Bucky's court-appointed therapist, Doctor Raynor, has diagnosed him with PTSD. They called it combat or battle fatigue back in the day, but Bucky is thankful that mental health care has made significant advancements since then. He's been dealing with nightmares, dissociation, and a pervasive sense of being disconnected from reality.
Doctor Raynor has emphasized the importance of positive touch in his recovery. Simple gestures like holding hands, resting his feet on Steve's lap, or letting Steve massage his feet have become crucial parts of his healing process. These moments of contact help ground him, reminding him that he is safe and cared for.
Bucky pads to his and Steve's bedroom, the wooden floor cool under his bare feet. He opens the closet and grabs a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, then heads to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, he steps under the hot water, letting it wash away the lingering tension from his muscles.
He showers quickly, savoring the warmth, then wraps a towel around his waist as he steps out. Standing in front of the mirror, he shaves his face with practiced precision, then works some product into his short hair, styling it just the way he likes. Pleased with his appearance, he glances at his Vibranium arm, its sleek design a constant reminder of his past and his resilience. He's starting to not remember a time when he didn't have this arm; its presence is now a familiar part of him.
With a deep breath, he walks back into the bedroom and gets dressed, the comfortable routine grounding him further. Ready for the day ahead, he feels a small but significant sense of accomplishment.
Bucky grabs his wallet, phone, and keys, almost forgetting his list in the process. He quickly snatches it from the table and heads outside. The bay door is open, and Steve's motorcycle is missing from the garage. He hopes his boyfriend has a good time with Sam.
Unlocking his gray 2021 Chevy Tahoe, Bucky climbs in and immediately starts the air conditioner, relishing the cool air. He backs out of the driveway, spotting his neighbor Lydney sitting on her front porch with baby Jenson. Bucky gives them a wave, receiving a friendly smile in return.
He drives through the quiet streets of Beacon, a charming town in upstate New York. The serene atmosphere and friendly community have been a balm to his mind. As he heads towards the grocery store, he takes a moment to appreciate the peacefulness of his surroundings, feeling grateful for this small slice of normalcy.
Bucky parks the Tahoe and steps out into the warm afternoon. As he walks into the grocery store, the cool, conditioned air is a welcome relief. It's a sweltering 97° outside, the heat index makes it over 100°. He grabs a cart and pulls out his list, ready to gather the ingredients for his apple cake.
Navigating the aisles, he quickly finds the basics: flour, sugar, eggs, butter, cinnamon, and the other essentials. As he reaches the produce section, he carefully selects a few apples, making sure they're firm and fresh. He spots a display of zucchini and pauses. He thinks about the steaks waiting in the fridge in the bourbon marinade he threw together at home and decides to grab a couple of to go with them.
Bucky feels a small sense of satisfaction as he checks off each item on his list. With his cart nearly full, he heads to the checkout, ready to return home.
As Bucky places his groceries on the conveyor belt, the cashier greets him with a friendly smile. "Hey there, how's it going?" he asks while scanning the items.
"Good, thanks," Bucky replies, offering a polite smile in return.
"Man, it's been a hot one today, hasn't it?" the cashier continues, making small talk as he works.
"Yeah, feels like summer's really kicking in," Bucky responds, trying to engage despite his usual aversion to small talk.
The cashier chuckles. "Tell me about it. I've been counting down the minutes until I can get out of here and hit the lake."
Bucky nods, appreciating the cashier's enthusiasm. "Sounds like a good plan. Hope you get to cool off soon."
The cashier scans the last item and starts bagging the groceries. "What about you? Got any plans to beat the heat?"
"Just gonna stay inside and do some baking," Bucky says, holding up his list as if to prove it.
"Baking in this weather? Brave soul," the cashier teases, handing Bucky his receipt. "Well, good luck with that. Have a great day!"
"Thanks, you too," Bucky replies, loading the bags into his cart. He heads back to the Tahoe, feeling a bit more accomplished for having engaged in a bit of friendly banter, however small.
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Bucky stands in front of his KitchenAid mixer, eyeing it a little dubiously. The shiny, red machine gleams on the countertop, its various attachments neatly laid out in the cabinet next to it. It was a recent gift from Steve, who had noticed Bucky spending more time in the kitchen and thought he could use a top-notch tool to help with his culinary experiments.
He hasn't had a chance to use it yet, but today feels like the perfect opportunity. "Why not?" he mutters to himself, determined to make good use of Steve's thoughtful gift.
Bucky grabs his laptop, setting it up on the counter beside the mixer. He pulls up the apple cake recipe and begins measuring out his ingredients. Flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt go into the bowl first, followed by a careful measurement of cinnamon. He cracks the eggs and adds them to the mix, followed by softened butter and vanilla extract.
He takes a moment to look at the instructions again, ensuring he's not missing any steps. Satisfied, he attaches the paddle to the mixer and secures the bowl in place. With a deep breath, he turns the mixer on, but he must have set it to a higher speed than intended.
The mixer roars to life, and within seconds, flour and other ingredients are catapulted out of the bowl. Bucky's eyes widen in shock as a cloud of flour engulfs him, covering his hair, face, and clothes. The mess doesn't stop there—ingredients splatter onto the kitchen cabinets, and a fine layer of flour settles over his laptop screen.
Bucky stands frozen for a moment, then bursts out laughing at the absurdity of the situation. He's covered in flour from head to toe, and the kitchen is a disaster zone of scattered ingredients.
"Well, that's one way to use it," he mutters, shaking his head as he starts to clean up. Despite the mishap, he can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. It's a new kind of battle, and even though he's ended up covered in flour, he's ready to try again.
Bucky has finally cleaned up the mess, wiping down the counters, cabinets, and his flour-dusted laptop. With everything back in order, he takes a deep breath and prepares to try again. This time, he sets Marvin Gaye's "Got to Give It Up" playing softly from his laptop, letting the smooth rhythm fill the kitchen and lift his spirits.
He re-measures the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt, carefully adding them to the mixer bowl. The eggs, butter, and vanilla extract follow, and he attaches the paddle to the mixer once more. With a cautious hand, he turns the mixer on at the lowest speed, watching as the ingredients blend smoothly together.
Relief washes over him as the batter comes together perfectly. The oven is already preheated and ready to go. But just as he's about to pour the batter, he realizes he doesn't have any cake pans. He rummages through the cabinets, searching for something suitable. Finally, he spots a square disposable metal pan tucked in the back.
He shrugs. "That'll do," he says to himself.
Pouring the batter into the pan, he smooths it out evenly and slides it into the oven. The kitchen is filled with the comforting scent of baking cake, and Bucky can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.
As the cake bakes, Bucky turns his attention to the cinnamon buttercream. He pulls out the ingredients: butter, powdered sugar, cinnamon, vanilla extract, and heavy cream. With a determined smile, he begins the process.
He softens the butter in the mixer bowl, this time being extra careful to start on a low speed. Gradually, he adds the powdered sugar, watching as it blends smoothly with the butter. Next comes the cinnamon and vanilla extract, filling the kitchen with a warm, spicy aroma. He adds a splash of heavy cream, increasing the mixer's speed slightly to achieve a fluffy, smooth consistency. Satisfied, he tastes a bit and nods in approval. Perfect.
With the buttercream ready, Bucky sets it aside and starts on the apple pie filling. He peels and chops the apples, then places them in a saucepan with some brown sugar, cinnamon, and a hint of nutmeg. As the mixture begins to simmer, the apples soften, and the sugar caramelizes, creating a rich, fragrant filling.
He stirs the apples gently, ensuring they cook evenly. The smell of cinnamon and caramelized apples fills the kitchen, blending harmoniously with the scent of the baking cake. Bucky takes a moment to appreciate the comforting aromas, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction as he prepares each component.
The cake is nearly done, and with the buttercream and apple pie filling ready, he knows he's close to completing his culinary creation. He checks the timer, eager to assemble the cake and see the final result.
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With the cake finally cooled, Bucky knows he needs to improvise. He carefully removes the cake from the pan, using a knife to cut it in half horizontally. Gently, he lifts the top layer off and sets it aside. He spreads the apple pie filling evenly over the bottom layer, then carefully places the top layer back on, pressing down lightly to secure it.
Realizing he doesn't have all the baking tools he Bucky makes do with what he has. He spreads the cinnamon buttercream over the top and sides of the cake, smoothing it as best as he can with a spatula. He then adds a few drops of black food coloring to a small amount of the buttercream, mixing it until it reaches a rich, dark color. He scoops the colored icing into a Ziploc bag and cuts a tiny corner off, fashioning a makeshift piping bag.
As he stands there, ready to decorate, he ponders what to write on the cake. Logically, he knows Steve understands that he's sorry for everything he did as the Winter Soldier, but he's never actually said it out loud. It's something Doctor Raynor has encouraged him to do—expressing his feelings and doing things he wants to do.
Taking a deep breath, Bucky starts piping the words, his hand a bit unsteady but determined. The black icing forms the letters carefully: "I'm Sorry." He steps back to look at his work, the simple yet powerful message standing out against the white cinnamon buttercream.
The cake is far from perfect, but it carries a weight of meaning that makes it special. Bucky knows Steve will appreciate the effort and the sentiment behind it. He smiles, feeling a sense of accomplishment and a small, hopeful step toward healing.
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Steve walks in the front door, hanging up his keys on the hook by the entrance. "I'm home!" he calls out, expecting to hear Bucky's reply. He checks his phone and notices a $456 charge from Amazon on his credit card, frowning in confusion. "Buck?" he calls out again but still gets no answer.
Walking further into their cozy two-bedroom, two-bath house, Steve finally spots Bucky out on the back deck, tending to the Blackstone griddle. He opens the door and steps outside, saying, "Hey, baby."
Bucky looks over his shoulder as he flips the steaks. "Hey," he says, a smile spreading across his face. "Did you have a good time?"
Steve leans in to kiss Bucky softly, but Bucky gets a little greedy, pulling Steve back in for a deeper kiss. When they finally part, Steve breathes out, "Yeah, I did. What are you up to?"
"I did some baking," Bucky replies, his eyes twinkling with a mix of pride and mischief.
Steve raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Baking, huh? Can't wait to see what you've made."
Bucky grins. "You'll see after dinner. Now go get washed up," he says, giving Steve a playful swat on his perfect ass.
Steve chuckles and heads inside, the affectionate touch lingering warmly. Bucky has definitely been lately, seeking physical connection in ways that go beyond Doctor Raynor's recommendations. It's a welcome change, and Steve feels a thrill of anticipation as he washes up, eager to see what Bucky has baked.
Back outside, Bucky tends to the steaks with a newfound lightness in his heart. He can't wait to see Steve's reaction to the cake and the message he's carefully written. It's a step toward healing and an expression of the deep love and regret he feels.
Steve steps back outside, freshened up and ready for dinner. He looks at Bucky with a curious expression. "By the way, do you know anything about the Amazon charges on my card?"
Bucky shrugs casually, a playful glint in his eye. "Yeah, I did some light shopping for the kitchen."
Steve blinks, a bit taken aback by Bucky's choice of words. "Light shopping, huh?" he replies, raising an eyebrow. "I guess that's one way to put it."
Bucky just smiles, trying to keep his expression innocent as he continues to tend to the steaks.
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Bucky and Steve sit at the table, the aroma of their meal filling the room. Their plates are generously loaded with bourbon steaks cooked to a perfect medium, sautéed zucchini, onion, and squash, and loaded baked potatoes. Bucky had outdone himself, and the spread looked delicious.
As Steve takes his first bite, his eyes light up. "Buck, baby, this is incredible. The steak is cooked perfectly, and these potatoes are amazing."
Bucky blushes at the praise, a pleased smile spreading across his face. He cuts into his own steak, savoring the flavors, while Steve continues to rave about the meal.
"You know," Steve says between bites, looking at Bucky with a soft smile, "you're really pretty when you blush. Makes everything taste even better."
Bucky's cheeks flush even deeper, his smile growing shy but happy. "Thanks, honey," he murmurs, feeling a warm glow from both the compliment and the successful dinner.
The evening continues with easy conversation and laughter, and the love and affection between them are as evident as the delicious meal Bucky prepares.
Steve pushes away his plate with a satisfied sigh, patting his full stomach. "That was amazing, Buck. You really outdid yourself," he says, leaning back in his chair.
Bucky chuckles softly as he starts to clear the plates. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," he says, picking up the dishes.
Steve begins to stand, but Bucky gently puts a hand on his shoulder. "Stay seated," he says with a smile. "I'll handle this."
Bucky leans down and plants a tender kiss on Steve's lips. "I'll be right back," he adds, his voice warm and reassuring.
Steve nods, a contented smile on his face as he watches Bucky clear the table.
Bucky returns to the table with the cake pan, his face beaming with pride. He sets the cake down in front of Steve, who looks up with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.
Steve's eyes scan the cake, and a smile slowly spreads across his face as he reads the inscription: "I'm sorry I blacked out, then tried to kill you and got us arrested." Unable to contain his amusement, he covers his mouth with his hand to stifle a chuckle.
Bucky's cheeks flush with a blend of embarrassment and affection. He watches Steve's reaction closely, his heart pounding with a mix of nervousness and hope.
Steve finally looks up, his eyes shining with both laughter and love. "You know," he says, his voice tender, "it might not be the most conventional apology, but it's definitely one of the most heartfelt."
Bucky's blush deepens, but he smiles, relieved that Steve appreciates the gesture. "I just wanted you to know how much I mean it," he says softly.
Steve reaches out and takes Bucky's hand, squeezing it gently. "And I appreciate it more than you know." he brings Bucky's hand up to his lips and kisses it. "Now, let's dig into this cake."
Steve cuts a slice of the cake and looks up at Bucky with a curious smile. "Is this what I think it is?" he asks, eyeing the layers and the frosting.
Bucky's smile widens with pride. "Yep, it's apple cake with apple pie filling and cinnamon buttercream."
Steve's eyes light up in delight. "You spoil me, baby," he says, taking a bite. The combination of the tender cake, spiced apple filling, and creamy buttercream is as delicious as he had hoped. "Fuck, Buck, this is amazing."
Bucky watches eagerly as Steve savors the first bite, the satisfaction in his gaze clear. "I'm glad you think so," he says softly, feeling a warm sense of accomplishment.
Steve nods, his expression one of genuine enjoyment. "It's perfect, Buck. Thanks for making this, baby."
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Gluten-Free Banana Muffins
Gluten-Free Banana Muffins
I. Introduction
The quest for healthier and inclusive dietary options has seen a significant surge, making gluten-free recipes more popular than ever. Among these culinary innovations, the delightful combination of bananas and muffins in a gluten-free version stands out, promising taste without compromise.
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II. Benefits of Gluten-Free Banana Muffins
Gluten-Free Banana Muffins are a boon for individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease, offering a scrumptious snack or breakfast option. The use of ripe bananas not only imparts natural sweetness and moisture but also contributes to the intriguing versatility and customization options to suit various dietary needs and preferences.
III. Ingredients for Gluten-Free Banana Muffins
Key to these muffins are gluten-free flours, alongside other essential ingredients that ensure flavor, including baking powder, eggs, and vanilla extract. The importance of ingredient quality cannot be overstated for achieving the optimal taste and texture that gluten-free baking demands.
IV. Gluten-Free Banana Muffins Recipe
Creating these muffins involves mixing the dry and wet ingredients separately, incorporating mashed bananas, and gently combining everything. Tips for a moist and fluffy texture include not overmixing and using a bread machine for gluten-free bread on a mix setting if available. Baking time and temperature are crucial; usually, 350°F (175°C) for about 20-25 minutes does the trick for perfectly golden tops.
V. Flavor Variations of Gluten-Free Banana Muffins
A. Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins
For a decadent twist, fold in chocolate chips before baking, balancing the flavors to complement the bananas.
B. Cinnamon Walnut Banana Muffins
Incorporating cinnamon and chopped walnuts introduces a warm, comforting flavor profile, making for a heartier muffin.
C. Blueberry Banana Muffins
Adding blueberries offers a burst of tanginess, ensuring each bite is packed with freshness.
BECAUSE. Tips for Successful Gluten-Free Banana Muffins
Success lies in the right combination of gluten-free flours and maintaining proper moisture balance. Tips include experimenting with different flour blends and adding xanthan gum if not included in the flour mix. Properly storing and possibly reheating muffins ensures they remain delicious over time.
VII. Serving and Enjoying Gluten-Free Banana Muffins
Serve these muffins fresh from the oven, either as a standalone treat or paired with spreads like almond butter or toppings of fresh fruit. Freezing and enjoying muffins later is also a great option for busy mornings.
VIII. Nutritional Benefits of Gluten-Free Banana Muffins
Bananas bring more to the table than just sweetness – they offer potassium, fiber, and essential vitamins, making these muffins a healthy choice. A balanced gluten-free diet can lead to improved health and overall wellbeing.
IX. Conclusion
Gluten-Free Banana Muffins are not just a treat for those with dietary restrictions but a delicious option for anyone who enjoys baking and savoring homemade goodies. Whether sticking to the classic recipe or experimenting with various flavor variations, the joy of creating and enjoying these muffins is boundless. The inclusion of a bread machine for gluten-free bread can simplify the mixing process, but the heart of these muffins lies in the joy and satisfaction they bring to everyone at the table.
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pjssureya62 · 1 year
Preparation of the mixture  
PJ’s Sureya recipes by pjs sureya offer a delightful mixture that combines various ingredients. To create this mouthwatering blend, you will need wheat flour, rice flour, chili powder, asafoetida, salt, vegetable oil, and garam masala. We use only the finest quality ingredients for optimal taste. The first step is to grind all the flours together and add water and oil to form a smooth dough.
Once the dough is ready, it’s time to transform it into a variety of delectable items. The initial addition to the dough is bundhi, a crispy fried snack. The preparation of bundhi involves mixing pea flour and water and then dropping the mixture into hot oil. The mixture has peanuts added to it, and they are fried until they turn golden brown.
The next step involves mixing the row of mixture, bundhi, and peanuts with the dough. We add a selection of spicy powders, including chili powder, salt, berry powder, chili flakes, and garam masala, along with these ingredients. Thoroughly combine all the ingredients to create a flavorful mixture.
The final result is a savory snack loved by people of all ages. There are two types available: the regular spicy mixture and the unique extra-spicy mixture. Additionally, there are various other flavors to choose from. One such option is the dal mixture, which features a distinct taste. Unlike the spicy mixtures, it has a mildly salty flavor. The preparation process is similar, but the masala ingredients used are different, including black salt, regular salt, and berry powder.
The preparation of this delectable snack involves using a similar method but with additional ingredients such as sweet bundhi and fried green beans. Once you mix all the items together, you will have a delicious and tempting sweet mixture ready to be enjoyed, especially appealing to children.
Overall, these mixtures delightfully enhance the culinary experience, catering to a wide range of tastes and preferences.
Preparation of chips 
recipes by pjs sureya Chips, a popular snack item, holds a special place in the hearts of Kerala people. PJ’s Sureya offers a delightful recipe for this beloved snack, with the main ingredient being raw bananas. We ensure that we use only the finest, first-quality bananas in the preparation process. Additional ingredients include oil and salt.
To create these delectable chips, start by peeling and cleaning the raw bananas. Next, carefully dry the bananas, ensuring optimal texture and flavor. Once dried, use a cutter machine to cut them into thin slices. Then, fry the slices in hot oil until they turn golden and crispy. Finally, add a sprinkling of salt to add the perfect savory touch. The result will be a batch of tasty chips that everyone loves.
These chips are not only delicious but also a wholesome snack suitable for people of all age groups. They have made these chips a perennial favorite among Malayalees, and they often enjoy them as a part of their traditional food culture.. We take pride in ensuring the utmost quality and customer satisfaction. For more details about our services, please refer to the dedicated page on our website. Our snack company is reputable and dedicated to prioritizing customer health and well-being.
Experience the joy of our flavorful chips, a snack that brings people together and delights the taste buds. to no more visit the services page, our references are the snack company .
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Can Any Bread Recipe Be Made In A Bread Machine
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I'm sure you've heard of bread machines, but have you ever considered making your own bread with one? It's actually quite easy to do! With a few simple tools and ingredients, anyone can whip up delicious homemade loaves. In this article, I'll discuss the basics of using a bread machine and whether any bread recipe can be made in one. No matter what type of bread you're after - whether it's sweet or savoury, light or dense - there's a good chance that you can make it in a bread machine. From classic French baguettes to fluffy white ciabatta rolls, there are so many options for experimenting with different recipes. So if you're looking for an easier way to enjoy freshly-baked goods at home, read on as we explore how to use a bread machine! Maybe You Also Like: Can A Muffin Recipe Be Used For A Cake Can Any Cake Recipe Be Made In A Bundt Pan Can Any Cake Recipe Be Made Into Cupcakes What Is A Bread Machine? I'm sure you’ve heard of bread machines before and maybe even seen one in action. But what exactly is a bread machine? In short, it's an appliance that simplifies the process of making homemade bread. It takes care of all the kneading, rising, baking, and more! With a single push of a button you can whip up delicious fresh-baked loaves with ease. Making bread by hand requires some skill and attention to detail. Kneading the dough correctly is key for getting the right texture and consistency. Too much or too little kneading will affect how your finished product turns out. Plus, if you don't have enough time on your hands to wait while the dough rises multiple times each day, then baking bread from scratch may not be feasible. A bread machine eliminates these difficulties altogether – no need to worry about kneading technique or timing constraints! You just add all your ingredients into the machine and let it do its magic until you get freshly baked loaves every time. What Types Of Bread Can Be Made In A Bread Machine? Now that you know what a bread machine is and how to use it, let’s talk about the types of bread that can be made in one. With a bread machine, you can make basic shapes like loaves and rolls with ease. You can also bake gluten-free recipes as long as you have access to special flour mixes or pre-made dough. If you want to get creative, some machines come with extra settings for specialty items like pizza crusts or baguettes. In addition to these basics, many modern bread machines allow users to customize their baking experience by controlling kneading time and temperature levels. This allows for more precise control over the texture and flavor of your finished product. Some even include programs specifically designed for different kinds of bread such as cakes, tarts and pastries! With all this flexibility at your fingertips, there's no limit on the delicious treats you can create using your bread machine - from traditional favorites like banana nut muffins to savory focaccia flatbreads. Just remember that each recipe will require different amounts of time and ingredients so be sure to read up on how those specific instructions apply before getting started! What Equipment Is Needed To Make Bread In A Machine? I'm sure you've heard the saying: "it takes two to tango". Well, when it comes to making bread in a machine, there are definitely three key elements involved - yeast selection, kneading technique and of course, the correct equipment. To ensure that your homemade loaf turns out perfectly every time, let's take a closer look at what is needed for successful bread-making in a machine. The first thing to consider is yeast selection. Different types of yeast can be used depending on the type of dough being made; active dry or instant yeast will work best with quickbreads while traditional active dry yeast should be selected for heavier whole wheat loaves. It's important to follow package directions when measuring and adding the yeast as too much or too little could cause the finished product to be dense or lack flavor. Next up is kneading technique. When using a bread machine, kneading requires just a few simple steps - add all ingredients correctly into the bowl, turn on power switch and select desired settings according to recipes instructions then wait until cycle stops before removing from pan and cooling. This straightforward process helps create an even texture throughout the entire loaf without any lumps or air bubbles which would otherwise detract from its appearance and taste. No matter how skilled one may be in baking other forms of bread, learning proper techniques for preparing food in a machine takes practice and patience but once mastered yields delicious results each time! What Ingredients Are Required For Bread Machine Recipes? Making bread in a bread machine couldn't be easier! After all, it doesn’t require any kneading or complicated preparation. All you need to do is measure out the ingredients and let your trusty machine take care of the rest! So what are those essential ingredients? Well, there's flour - either white or whole wheat - which gives the bread its structure. You'll also need some yeast for rising - although if you're looking for a yeast-free alternative, baking powder may work as an effective substitute. Finally, don't forget about salt and sugar to give your loaf that extra bit of flavor. And if you want to add something special like nuts or dried fruit, feel free to experiment with different combinations until you find one that suits your taste! With these few simple ingredients and just a few minutes of effort on your part, you can create delicious homemade loaves every time. How To Use A Bread Machine For Baking Bread Baking bread in a bread machine is an easy way to make delicious homemade loaves. The process of using one can be broken down into two sections: yeast selection and kneading techniques. Before you begin, it's important to choose the right type of yeast for your recipe—instant or active dry are both excellent options. Once that's done, all you need to do is add your ingredients and let the machine take care of the kneading! Just keep in mind that some recipes require additional steps beyond what the bread machine offers; so be sure to check your instructions carefully before starting. With its simple setup, using a bread machine makes baking fresh bread easier than ever before. Enjoy experimenting with different flavors and textures to find out which ones work best for you! Frequently Asked Questions Is It Possible To Make Bread Without A Bread Machine? Yes, it's totally possible to make bread without a bread machine! All you need is some time and the right ingredients. You can find plenty of recipes online that don't require any special equipment - plus, they're often even quicker than store-bought loaves! With a few simple modifications to traditional recipes, like adding in extra yeast or reducing rising times, you can save yourself lots of time and still get delicious results. How Long Does It Take To Make Bread In A Bread Machine? Making bread in a bread machine is a great way to save time! Depending on the type of yeast used, and how long you let it rise, will determine the amount of time it takes. Generally speaking if using active dry yeast, it can take anywhere from 2-3 hours for your bread to be ready. If using instant or rapid rise yeast, then that can cut down the rising time significantly as little as 1 hour. It's important to note though that this doesn't account for any kneading times required with certain types of doughs. So when making bread in a bread machine make sure you plan ahead so you don't get stuck waiting too long for your delicious homemade loaf! Does A Bread Machine Require Special Ingredients? Yes, a bread machine does require special ingredients. Depending on the type of bread you are making, different yeast alternatives may be necessary as well as certain types of flour. For example, if you're looking to make sourdough or whole wheat bread in your bread machine then you'll need an alternative to regular active dry yeast and a specific kind of flour like all-purpose or whole wheat flour respectively. So when using a bread machine it's important to take into consideration the required ingredients for each recipe before getting started! Can A Bread Machine Be Used To Make Other Recipes Besides Bread? Yes, you can use a bread machine to make more than just bread. In fact, it's great for making doughs of all kinds like pizza dough and cinnamon rolls - plus it takes much less time than kneading the dough by hand. Depending on what type of yeast your recipe calls for, active dry or instant yeast both work well in a bread machine. Just be sure to add the right amount of liquid specified in the recipe so that your dough comes out perfect every time! Is It Difficult To Use A Bread Machine? Using a bread machine doesn't have to be difficult. All you need is the right kneading technique and consistency of your dough to get a perfect loaf every time! By controlling the ingredients, temperature and timing, you can achieve excellent results with minimal effort. You don't even have to worry about kneading by hand or using any special techniques -- just let the bread maker do all the hard work for you. The end result will always be delicious! Conclusion Yes, you can make bread with a bread machine! It's an easy way to achieve delicious results without having to spend all day kneading and baking. With just the press of a button, you can have freshly baked bread ready in no time. Plus, it doesn't require any special ingredients or skills—it's as simple as adding your ingredients and pushing start! Overall, if you want to make homemade bread but don't want to commit hours to the process, then investing in a bread machine is worth considering. Not only will it save you time, but it also yields consistently tasty results that are sure to please everyone at the dinner table. If you're looking for more delicious recipes to try, be sure to check out The Disney Chef's recipe categories! Whether you're in the mood for something sweet like a cake recipe, something savory like a chicken or pork recipe, or something fresh like a vegetable or seafood recipe, there's something for everyone. And if you're a meat-lover, don't forget to check out the beef recipes category for hearty and satisfying meals. With so many options to choose from, you're sure to find a new favorite recipe to add to your collection. Read the full article
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gelcamille · 1 year
Banana Plantain Flour Processing Machine
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ketocuisinemiami · 2 years
What can you not eat on a Keto diet?
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If you are going to start your health and fitness journey or you have already started, then you might have heard about the “Keto diet”.
 It is a perfect diet for weight loss without staying hungry; it helps burn fat 24/7 even when you’re sleeping. The Keto diet is an especially low-carb and high-fat diet. There are two main fuels of the body: carbohydrates and fat.
 When you are on a low-carb Healthy Meal Plans Miami, your body has to switch to using fat for energy. Once the body is out of sugar, the fat is converted to energy molecules in the liver which is known as ketones. The main goal of this diet is to achieve the ketosis stage, which has many benefits including that you become a fat-burning machine. 
 Your body can enter the ketosis stage after one to three days of following a Healthy Keto Meals Miami. It is advisable to restrict the carb intake to 20-50 grams per day and a total of 1500-2200 calories per day depending on the age, gender, and lifestyle.
 Here is a list of items that you cannot eat during a Keto diet, which might amaze you. You can contact Keto Cuisine Miami - Healthy Keto Meals services for this Affordable Keto Meal Delivery.
 Food grains 
 Food grains such as wheat flour, Rice, Whole wheat flour, Quinoa, etc. have a higher amount of carbohydrates. The products such as bread, biscuits, pasta, etc. are generally produced after processing the food grains, which also contain large amounts of carbs, so one can not eat food grains and their products while following a Keto diet.
Legumes and Beans 
While legumes and beans often include significant levels of minerals and a modest amount of protein, they also have a high carbohydrate content that makes them un unsuitable for the Healthy Meal Plans Delivery Miami.
Thus, it is difficult to incorporate black beans, chickpeas, lima beans, etc into a ketogenic diet. 
Fruits are generally a rich source of fiber, glucose, and carbohydrates, which makes them inherently unsuitable for someone following a keto diet. Fruits such as mangoes, apples, bananas, pears, and grapes contain high amounts of carbohydrates, due to which it is preferable to consume these fruits in limited quantities.
 However, fruits like avocado and berries are rich in fats and suitable for the keto diet, hence there is no restriction on those fruits pertaining to the keto diet.
Starchy Vegetables
A substantial portion of a keto diet consists of vegetables such as celery, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, zucchini, lettuce, etc. However, root vegetables which grow underneath the ground are rich in carbohydrates namely potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet corms, yams, beets, etc. and that’s why it is best to avoid these vegetables. 
Low-fat dairy products
Anyone following the Keto meal ideas In Miami knows that they should not consume low-fat dairy products as the sugar levels in those products tend to be high, which will directly increase your carbohydrate intake.
 This is notably prevalent in the case of low-fat butter, low-fat cream, condensed milk, flavoured yogurt, etc. 
Overall, Healthy Keto Meals Miami may restrict you from consuming the food grains, starchy vegetables, fresh fruits, legumes, and beans. However, you get long-term health advantages as the Keto diet helps in improving many disease conditions like PCOS, diabetes mellitus type 2, etc.
 Completely prohibiting all of these causes nutritional deficiency in the body. Hence, it is prudent to take a Meal Plan Delivery Miami from experts. We, Keto Cuisine Miami - healthy keto meals Miami can help you with our services.
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reflectshawn · 4 years
Exploring Creativity
     Everyone can create but to be creative (or to be a creator) requires imagination + action. Let’s call it “Imaginaction.” Like the concept of Force in Physics, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, creativity is a force that when present is difficult to suppress. The more pressure applied to contain it, the greater reaction. It will always find a way to push through and find an outlet, either overtly as a creative work, such as art or music, or as an approach to solving problems. Some people are naturally imaginactive, while others claim to lack creative bones or muscles or just don’t have the capacity to make an effort. Regardless of how one’s brain works, left, right, or center, given the right circumstances anyone can be creative.      So what does Imaginaction look like? Let’s make up a simple scenario. Imagine there’s a worldwide pandemic with a zombie apocalypse and that it isn’t safe to eat store-bought cake. In fact, there is no store-bought cake anymore. Sally Spreadsheet and her family are living in a time locked underground bunker, so making a quick run to Trader Joe’s isn’t an option anyway. Sally, who is an actuary, doesn’t consider herself creative and especially under these circumstances, is baking a birthday cake. Sally just used the last of the sugar and flour in the pantry and realized that they are out of eggs. There won’t be any more eggs since they already ate all the live chickens and the goat won’t lay one. What is Sally to do? Does she throw it all away and call it quits? It’s time for creative problem solving! The internet is broken, so Sally will need to resort to using her memory and wits, and available materials. To frame the problem, she determines that she needs an edible liquid with the potential to bind the other materials. There was something about applesauce she had heard a while back, but alas, no applesauce in the pantry. While rummaging through her personal stash she comes across a package of freeze-dried bananas and remembers that they became sticky after she licked her fingers and reached into the bag for another one. Sally has a “Eureka” moment and restructures the problem. What if the ingredient doesn’t need to start as a liquid, but becomes liquified for the recipe? Sally decides to grind the bananas to a powder using the food processor (they still have electricity) and then reconstitute it with some water. She adds about two ounces to the mix and the cake bakes up perfectly. Sally has used her imagination and taken action to solve the problem. Imaginaction at its finest.      Given my background in marketing you might be surprised to read that creativity, or at least creative involvement, always felt elusive and just out of reach. On the one hand, I had a succession of six bosses in eight years and the absence of a clearly defined role. Without the support of a champion it was difficult to move within the organization. On the other hand, ironically there wasn’t much room for creativity in the creative process. It was a finely tuned machine that repeatedly turned out tentpole film releases with #1 weekend box office results. The creative executives I worked with didn’t actually do much creative anyway. They were armchair quarterbacks who directed creation of materials at various agencies. Sitting alone in an office all day felt like a lonely proposition, so I didn’t pursue that track when I finally had the chance. In any case, the creator in me developed my own side projects as creative outlets, including a television show, web application, immersive wedding venue, and mobile game. They are still in various stages of development and I continue to push them forward.
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thedisneychef · 1 year
Can Any Bread Recipe Be Made In A Bread Machine
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I'm sure you've heard of bread machines, but have you ever considered making your own bread with one? It's actually quite easy to do! With a few simple tools and ingredients, anyone can whip up delicious homemade loaves. In this article, I'll discuss the basics of using a bread machine and whether any bread recipe can be made in one. No matter what type of bread you're after - whether it's sweet or savoury, light or dense - there's a good chance that you can make it in a bread machine. From classic French baguettes to fluffy white ciabatta rolls, there are so many options for experimenting with different recipes. So if you're looking for an easier way to enjoy freshly-baked goods at home, read on as we explore how to use a bread machine! Maybe You Also Like: Can A Muffin Recipe Be Used For A Cake Can Any Cake Recipe Be Made In A Bundt Pan Can Any Cake Recipe Be Made Into Cupcakes What Is A Bread Machine? I'm sure you’ve heard of bread machines before and maybe even seen one in action. But what exactly is a bread machine? In short, it's an appliance that simplifies the process of making homemade bread. It takes care of all the kneading, rising, baking, and more! With a single push of a button you can whip up delicious fresh-baked loaves with ease. Making bread by hand requires some skill and attention to detail. Kneading the dough correctly is key for getting the right texture and consistency. Too much or too little kneading will affect how your finished product turns out. Plus, if you don't have enough time on your hands to wait while the dough rises multiple times each day, then baking bread from scratch may not be feasible. A bread machine eliminates these difficulties altogether – no need to worry about kneading technique or timing constraints! You just add all your ingredients into the machine and let it do its magic until you get freshly baked loaves every time. What Types Of Bread Can Be Made In A Bread Machine? Now that you know what a bread machine is and how to use it, let’s talk about the types of bread that can be made in one. With a bread machine, you can make basic shapes like loaves and rolls with ease. You can also bake gluten-free recipes as long as you have access to special flour mixes or pre-made dough. If you want to get creative, some machines come with extra settings for specialty items like pizza crusts or baguettes. In addition to these basics, many modern bread machines allow users to customize their baking experience by controlling kneading time and temperature levels. This allows for more precise control over the texture and flavor of your finished product. Some even include programs specifically designed for different kinds of bread such as cakes, tarts and pastries! With all this flexibility at your fingertips, there's no limit on the delicious treats you can create using your bread machine - from traditional favorites like banana nut muffins to savory focaccia flatbreads. Just remember that each recipe will require different amounts of time and ingredients so be sure to read up on how those specific instructions apply before getting started! What Equipment Is Needed To Make Bread In A Machine? I'm sure you've heard the saying: "it takes two to tango". Well, when it comes to making bread in a machine, there are definitely three key elements involved - yeast selection, kneading technique and of course, the correct equipment. To ensure that your homemade loaf turns out perfectly every time, let's take a closer look at what is needed for successful bread-making in a machine. The first thing to consider is yeast selection. Different types of yeast can be used depending on the type of dough being made; active dry or instant yeast will work best with quickbreads while traditional active dry yeast should be selected for heavier whole wheat loaves. It's important to follow package directions when measuring and adding the yeast as too much or too little could cause the finished product to be dense or lack flavor. Next up is kneading technique. When using a bread machine, kneading requires just a few simple steps - add all ingredients correctly into the bowl, turn on power switch and select desired settings according to recipes instructions then wait until cycle stops before removing from pan and cooling. This straightforward process helps create an even texture throughout the entire loaf without any lumps or air bubbles which would otherwise detract from its appearance and taste. No matter how skilled one may be in baking other forms of bread, learning proper techniques for preparing food in a machine takes practice and patience but once mastered yields delicious results each time! What Ingredients Are Required For Bread Machine Recipes? Making bread in a bread machine couldn't be easier! After all, it doesn’t require any kneading or complicated preparation. All you need to do is measure out the ingredients and let your trusty machine take care of the rest! So what are those essential ingredients? Well, there's flour - either white or whole wheat - which gives the bread its structure. You'll also need some yeast for rising - although if you're looking for a yeast-free alternative, baking powder may work as an effective substitute. Finally, don't forget about salt and sugar to give your loaf that extra bit of flavor. And if you want to add something special like nuts or dried fruit, feel free to experiment with different combinations until you find one that suits your taste! With these few simple ingredients and just a few minutes of effort on your part, you can create delicious homemade loaves every time. How To Use A Bread Machine For Baking Bread Baking bread in a bread machine is an easy way to make delicious homemade loaves. The process of using one can be broken down into two sections: yeast selection and kneading techniques. Before you begin, it's important to choose the right type of yeast for your recipe—instant or active dry are both excellent options. Once that's done, all you need to do is add your ingredients and let the machine take care of the kneading! Just keep in mind that some recipes require additional steps beyond what the bread machine offers; so be sure to check your instructions carefully before starting. With its simple setup, using a bread machine makes baking fresh bread easier than ever before. Enjoy experimenting with different flavors and textures to find out which ones work best for you! Frequently Asked Questions Is It Possible To Make Bread Without A Bread Machine? Yes, it's totally possible to make bread without a bread machine! All you need is some time and the right ingredients. You can find plenty of recipes online that don't require any special equipment - plus, they're often even quicker than store-bought loaves! With a few simple modifications to traditional recipes, like adding in extra yeast or reducing rising times, you can save yourself lots of time and still get delicious results. How Long Does It Take To Make Bread In A Bread Machine? Making bread in a bread machine is a great way to save time! Depending on the type of yeast used, and how long you let it rise, will determine the amount of time it takes. Generally speaking if using active dry yeast, it can take anywhere from 2-3 hours for your bread to be ready. If using instant or rapid rise yeast, then that can cut down the rising time significantly as little as 1 hour. It's important to note though that this doesn't account for any kneading times required with certain types of doughs. So when making bread in a bread machine make sure you plan ahead so you don't get stuck waiting too long for your delicious homemade loaf! Does A Bread Machine Require Special Ingredients? Yes, a bread machine does require special ingredients. Depending on the type of bread you are making, different yeast alternatives may be necessary as well as certain types of flour. For example, if you're looking to make sourdough or whole wheat bread in your bread machine then you'll need an alternative to regular active dry yeast and a specific kind of flour like all-purpose or whole wheat flour respectively. So when using a bread machine it's important to take into consideration the required ingredients for each recipe before getting started! Can A Bread Machine Be Used To Make Other Recipes Besides Bread? Yes, you can use a bread machine to make more than just bread. In fact, it's great for making doughs of all kinds like pizza dough and cinnamon rolls - plus it takes much less time than kneading the dough by hand. Depending on what type of yeast your recipe calls for, active dry or instant yeast both work well in a bread machine. Just be sure to add the right amount of liquid specified in the recipe so that your dough comes out perfect every time! Is It Difficult To Use A Bread Machine? Using a bread machine doesn't have to be difficult. All you need is the right kneading technique and consistency of your dough to get a perfect loaf every time! By controlling the ingredients, temperature and timing, you can achieve excellent results with minimal effort. You don't even have to worry about kneading by hand or using any special techniques -- just let the bread maker do all the hard work for you. The end result will always be delicious! Conclusion Yes, you can make bread with a bread machine! It's an easy way to achieve delicious results without having to spend all day kneading and baking. With just the press of a button, you can have freshly baked bread ready in no time. Plus, it doesn't require any special ingredients or skills—it's as simple as adding your ingredients and pushing start! Overall, if you want to make homemade bread but don't want to commit hours to the process, then investing in a bread machine is worth considering. Not only will it save you time, but it also yields consistently tasty results that are sure to please everyone at the dinner table. If you're looking for more delicious recipes to try, be sure to check out The Disney Chef's recipe categories! Whether you're in the mood for something sweet like a cake recipe, something savory like a chicken or pork recipe, or something fresh like a vegetable or seafood recipe, there's something for everyone. And if you're a meat-lover, don't forget to check out the beef recipes category for hearty and satisfying meals. With so many options to choose from, you're sure to find a new favorite recipe to add to your collection. Read the full article
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gelcamille · 2 years
Plantain Banana Flour Powder processing Machine
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copperbadge · 7 years
this is a silly question, but what do you mean, "the flavor profiles might have shifted?"
Not at all silly! I’m referring to the fact that changes in manufacturing processes, ingredients, and breeding of both flora and fauna mean that the food we eat today may taste significantly different from the food of 100 years ago and yet we still refer to it by the same name.
The most well-known example of this, of course, is the Gros Michel/Cavendish issue; until the 1950s, Gros Michel bananas were the most common export, but now mostly in the US we eat Cavendish bananas, which have a different flavor. Cooking with Gros Michel and Cavendish bananas are going to get you different end results because they taste different; Rex Stout’s banana bread won’t taste like Sam Starbuck’s, and also any seasoning in the recipe (spices, etc) is aimed at complimenting the Gros Michel, and may not work as well on the Cavendish. (This is in theory, I don’t know if he has a banana bread recipe or if it was written pre or post Cavendish.) 
The same goes for a lot of fruits and vegetables – we haven’t necessarily changed breeds but we’ve certainly begun aggressively breeding for flavor or size or color, and we’ve also begun importing from hundreds or thousands of miles away, affecting freshness and flavor along the way. Which means a tomato today is a different beast from the tomato of fifty years ago. 
In one of the Nero Wolfe short stories, Wolfe gives a recipe for corn: roasted in the hottest possible oven for forty minutes, husked at the table, and served with only butter, salt, and pepper, “it is ambrosia”. But that’s for corn grown at a farm less than three hours from Wolfe’s home, picked less than half a day before it was cooked, and picked by hand just as it came fully ripe – Wolfe knows there’s something wrong and solves a murder because one delivery of his corn is of poor quality (too old, and picked too far previously). Stout acknowledges in his recipe that it’s unrealistic to be able to get corn like that, but corn grown from different strains, picked in Mexico, sorted by machine and shipped to Chicago where it sits in a misting box on a shelf for a few days before I buy it and take it home, that’s going to taste different. I’m not slamming the globalization of food (though elements of it are certainly an issue), but it’s simply a fact: they won’t taste the same. My corn, due to breeding and preservation techniques, might even taste better! But it will be a different taste. And when you’re dealing with the delicacy of flavor that Rex Stout often does, that can cause real issues. 
This extends to all kinds of things. Flour is milled differently now, and made from different grains; most things that used sugar cane or sugar beet sweetening prior to 1970 now use high fructose corn syrup (though this is a trend that is slowly reversing). Processed foods, like macaroni and cheese boxes or Cheerios or Jello, have changed ingredients to improve flavor or ease of cooking or health benefits to the people who eat them. Meat is fed differently (beef being fed primarily on corn because it bulks cows up like crazy is the most evident example) and that affects the flavor of the meat, too.
This gets even more bonkers the deeper you go. The reason modern recipes, especially baking recipes, often call for both butter and milk is that they used to call for cream, but people stopped buying cream and started buying lower fat milk, so now you have to use your lower-fat milk plus butter added to simulate cream. A recipe that called for cream was less likely to be made when people stopped buying cream, and new recipes in the second half of the 20th century were primarily the province of ad companies, who wanted you to buy their product and cook with it. If people were more likely to cook with a product that used butter and milk instead of cream, the ad companies would design recipes that way. 
So if you’re looking at a recipe from before the 1980s or so, understand that the recipe is designed with ingredients that might be vastly different from, and yet share a name with, the ingredients of today. Which affects the flavor of the finished product.  
Time travel is so weird, am I right? 
If you enjoy reading about food history, consider passing me a ko-fi!
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frangipanidownunder · 6 years
Que Sera Sera
Last week, my favourite person, Doris Day turned 96. I wrote a novel a few years ago where snippets of her life were interspersed through the narrative. It was deemed ‘too happy’ to be published, but I often think of it and wonder if I should self-publish it. But anyway, if you care, here’s the opening scene (mostly under a cut cos it’s not XF related). 
Doris Day started out as a ballet dancer, only becoming a singer and actress when her stars splayed quite dramatically out of alignment one day. She broke her legs in a car crash and her career as professional dancer was swept away along with the broken glass from the road. We know shit happens. But sometimes it ends up all right. Doesn’t it?
The office of the local newspaper, The Stump Leader, sat in The Stump’s main street, somewhat euphemistically called Commercial Road. As she cycled down the dusty road Jess ran her eye along the eclectic collection of shops that graced the street. A butcher selling Specialty Packs that seemed to consist mainly of many different cuts of pork - pork schnitzel, pork cutlets, pork loin chops, pork mince and pork profiteroles. Jess’ mind boggled at the last entry, determined to come back with her pannier and an appetite for the exotic. The hairdresser (Unisex!!!) was called Bangs and Mash. She wondered what it was about the world of hair styling in The Stump that merited three screamers, and whether there was some kind of synergy with the butcher’s next door. There was a gift shop, ‘Bali Hoo’, a mashup of Indonesian and Scottish styling with Buddhas wrapped in tartan, ornate lamps and mirrors in dark wood sat next to Toby Jugs with creepy bagpipers’ faces, flags of St Andrew and miniature Edinburgh Castle ceramics. The newsagent seemed normal (a relief), the IGA had a special on Tomatoe’s, Potatoe’s and Caulie’s (she resisted the urge to buy some chalk and make the corrections). There was a bakery promising Nasi Goreng Pasties and pork satay haggis which made Jess wonder whether the owners of ‘Bali Hoo’ had shares in said bakery. She shuddered as she imagined what flavour the shortbread would be. There was a bank, a hotel (The Commercial, no prizes for originality), a neighbouring motel (The Stump Inn) and a Tab.
On each lamp post and in most windows Jess noticed the signs proclaiming that the 125 year celebrations would include the unveiling of the new town monument, children’s activities, delicious food and burying a time capsule. At the very end of the road as it neared the residential section there was a promising internet café, Prose, which advertised free WiFi and Fair Trade Coffee. She stopped cycling, propped the bike against the street lamp and went in.
The first thing Jess noticed were the posters on the walls depicting famous writers and poets. She felt at home straight away. She chose an organic Ethiopian blend with a slice of banana bread so thick she wondered if they’d given her the whole loaf. She sat under Jane Austen, pulled out her phone and pretended to text. The waitress (moodily beautiful) gave her a couple of ‘who are you and what are you doing here’ looks as she made a show of spraying and wiping tables.  She sipped her coffee (smooth, delicious) and wondered whether her surname, McDonald, was the deciding factor for the interviewer, Miss Celia Fraser. Perhaps she was part of the Scottish/Balinese contingent and knew a fellow Braveheart when she saw one on a resume.
‘Here about the job?’ The voice was male, close by and youngish. Her instincts told her he had a brown sweepover, a half-hearted beard, blue eyes, the current clothing of tight jeans and a check shirt, and a swagger-with-smirk style. She looked up. She was right about the hair and the eye colour but her instincts had failed big time on the rest.
‘I am.’ She waited for him to speak, unsure whether he was a potential threat as a fellow candidate, related to Miss Celia Fraser or just a nosy random.
‘Awesome. You’ll do well.’ He grinned. Straight teeth, nice face, not too long, not too wide, good skin tone, a smattering of freckles, a dimple in the left cheek. Around 6 ft, slim waist, broad chest, broader shoulders, decent clothes (Levis and a plain white Ben Sherman shirt). No visible tatt. Late twenties. One arm.
‘I’m Sawyer Gillies.’ He held out his good arm (well, his only arm), left, well toned, piano fingers, great watch, Seiko slimline on a quality black leather strap. Her eyes lingered over the shoulder that had no arm attached to it. She knew she shouldn’t stare but it wasn’t something she’d come across before. Not up so close. She found it fascinating. He noticed her noticing. His eyes flicked to his stump, then back to her. She dragged her eyes back to his face but not before he blushed lightly. She shook his hand, taking his left in her right, which was odd. Firm shake, good grip. Not sweaty. She smiled ‘I’m Jess. You’re not the competition, are you?’
‘You mean they’re interviewing more than one person?’ He pulled out the chair across from her with a jarring scrape that set the waitress scurrying out back, her voice muffled behind the whoosh of the coffee machine but high pitched enough to suggest she was relaying the happenings in the shop. New girl flirts with damaged boy. Jess knew what small country towns were like. ‘I have no idea. Don’t they normally?’
‘Miss Fraser is convinced that whoever she selects from the resume process will take the job so she rarely offers to interview more than one candidate. If I were a betting man I’d say you had the job, Miss Jess.’
The waitress reappeared at the sound of their conversation. She grabbed an order pad from the counter and sauntered over. ‘Usual, Sawyer?’ She pushed her top lip up with the lid of the pen so her mouth made a kissy shape. Tall, around five eight, too skinny, could do with gaining five kilos, black skinny jeans (Lee) to a skinnier ankle, black singlet over white singlet, mini black apron dusted with flour, black flats, blonde hair with minimal roots, foundation a shade too dark for the hair. Can’t spell. Late? Really? Either she worked at the IGA as well, or the local school was in need of a good spelling teacher.
‘I might try what Jess has, thanks Rilee.’ His cheeks went a bit pink. A hint of either a former relationship with Rilee or a desire to form one. Rilee, on the other hand, looked ever so slightly green at the sight of Sawyer sitting with blow in.
Jess smiled wide. This town could be fun.
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The importance of starting your day with a healthy breakfast like oats
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Oats are a kind of cereal grain from the plants family. The grain refers specifically to the edible seeds of oat grass, which ends up in the breakfast bowls. Whether hated or loved for their mushy texture after getting cooked, oats are known the best for their health benefits and nutritional value. Oat is also best for someone trying to lose weight and control hunger levels because of its soluble fiber content and high water.
The ingredient is rich in phosphorous, fiber, magnesium, thiamine, and zinc. 
Health and oats
Oats comprise various components that exert health benefits. The primary type of fiber in oats is beta-glucan, which helps to slow digestion, suppress appetite, and increase satiety. The entire oats also contain plant chemicals known as phytoestrogens and phenolic compounds that work as antioxidants to reduce the damaging effects of chronic inflammation associated with diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. 
As the research about oats is limited, most of the studies below assessed the intake of whole grains, which comprised of several grains in addition to oats. Therefore, everything cannot be applied to only oats.
Beta-gluten fiber helps to prevent the increase in insulin levels and blood sugar after having a meal and might benefit gut health as the fiber is fermented and broken down by the bacteria present in the intestines. Though a food rich in carbohydrates, minimally processed whole grain oats can be included in a diet of an individual having diabetes.
Heart disease
Oats are connected with heart health benefits, but the research has shown different types of benefits. Part of the variation might be caused by reviews or meta-analyses that compared different studies, or compared different forms of oats. Some studies analyzed not only the intake of oats but whole-grain consumption.
Digestive health
Fiber contributes to regular bowel and prevents constipation. It can increase the weight and water content of stool, making them simple to pass. Cereal fibers, which can be found in oat bran and wheat bran, are considered to be more effective than fiber from vegetables and fruits. The fermentation and breakdown of beta-gluten oat fiber have also been reported to increase the diversity of gut microbiota. In return, it might improve certain digestive problems like constipation, diarrhea, and irritated bowel syndrome. However, a lot more research is needed to evaluate the role of different microbiota on digestive conditions.
Weight control
Beta-gluten fiber attracts water and increases the thickness of food that is digested; it increases the food volume in the gut. This makes the digestion process slow and the rate that nutrients are absorbed, which in return, increases satiety. Although it has been shown that taking beta-glucan oat fiber increases satiety, other research has shown that intake of oats produces desired outcome of weight loss.
Here’s the collection of delicious, healthy, and quick oats recipes which can be tried at home. Oat like brown rice or whole wheat is a whole grain and comes with various health benefits. Different types of oats are available now. The recipes like oats omelette, oats chilla, oats idli, etc. are the healthiest options to consume in breakfast.
The collection comprises the recipes best for breakfast, lunch, brunch, or dinner. You’ll also find a variety of ladoo, muffins, pancakes, porridge, uttapam, chivda, etc. 
1-     Oats Upma
It is a simple dish that is similar to the basic South Indian item RavaUpma. It can be made by using any type of oats. You can either make it with mixed vegetables or plain. 
2-     Oats Masala Dosa
South Indian Crispy Dosa is made with spiced potato filling and oatmeal. It is kind of the same as a regular South Indian dosa. It can be consumed at brunch or dinner. 
3-     Oats Risotto
Oats are also delicious in savory dishes. An example is replacing rice in risotto with whole oat groats or steel-cut oats. Typically, the oats are first toasted for a few minutes in hot oil with aromatics like shallots or diced onion. Then stock and/or water are added, 1 cup at a time, stirring well after each addition, until the oats are cooked.
4-     Oats Omelette
Are you bored of eating that usual omelette? Keep your hunger away with mouth-watering oats Spanish omelette and keep your hunger away.
5-     Oatmeal
A breakfast favorite, cooked oats pair well with fruits, nuts, and seeds. Follow package directions for exact cooking times. Generally, less-processed oats such as steel-cut take 25-30 minutes to cook, whereas instant oats take 1-2 minutes.
6-     Oat flour
These are oats that have been ground to a flour-like consistency. Although it may be tempting to substitute oat flour for regular flour in baked recipes, keep in mind that oat flour lacks gluten, a crucial component that adds structure, moisture, and volume to a baked product; without it, cookies would crumble and bread would become dense and lack volume. However, oat flour can add chewiness to cookies and a boost of nutrients to bread. Substitute 25-30% of the flour in a recipe with oat flour for best results.
7-     Overnight oats
It is a quick, easy no-cook solution for a nutrient-dense breakfast or snack. In a medium glass jar, add ½ cup old-fashioned or rolled oats (not instant), ½-1 cup liquid such as dairy milk, soy milk, or nut milk, and ½ cup of any chopped fruit (banana, melon, apple, grapes). Additional optional ingredients include a few tablespoons of Greek yogurt, 1-2 tablespoons of chia/flaxseeds, nuts, or any spices. Tightly screw on the lid and shake the jar vigorously until all ingredients are incorporated well. Refrigerate overnight or for at least four hours. The oats will soften and the mixture will thicken into a pudding-like texture.
8-     Coconut oats
It’s a quick recipe that can be made in breakfast using fresh coconut, rolled oats, and usual spices. Serve it with curd. It is the same as South Indian coconut rice.
Pure oats are gluten-free but most commercial brands are processed in facilities that also produce gluten-containing wheat, rye, and barley. Cross-contamination can also occur if oats are grown too close to wheat crops. If there is cross-contamination of gluten in an oat product, it is difficult to know exactly how much. The Food and Drug Administration allows the voluntary use of the regulated term “gluten-free” to refer to products that contain less than 20 parts per million (ppm) of gluten. Because the term is voluntary, some brands of oats may be gluten-free although not labeled as such. However, those who have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity may wish to choose oats specifically labeled “gluten-free.”
Reasons to eat oats in breakfast
Oats lower cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar, and help you to go Oats contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms a viscous gel that helps to lower cholesterol and stabilize blood glucose levels. The insoluble fiber in oats helps provide a "moving" experience by curtailing constipation and improving intestinal health. 
2.     Oats protect your heart and colon
A variety of antioxidants known as avenanthramides are found exclusively in oats. Avenanthramides have been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory and anti-itching activity and may provide additional protection against coronary heart disease, colon cancer, and skin irritation. They also may play a role in controlling blood pressure.
3.     Oats make an easy, nutritionist breakfast
One cup of cooked oatmeal contains about 150 calories, four grams of fiber (about half soluble and half insoluble), and six grams of protein. To boost protein further, my favorite way to eat oatmeal is with a swirl of almond butter nestled within. This powerful combo will keep you away from that midmorning visit to the vending machine. 
4.     Oats provide important vitamins and minerals
Nutrient-rich oatmeal contains thiamine, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium, and iron.
5.     Oats are gluten-free
Oats are naturally gluten-free but check with manufacturers to ensure that their products are not made using the same equipment as other potentially contaminating grains. (Always purchase gluten-free products from reputable companies and read food labels carefully.)
6.     Oats can save you
Although oats are usually paired with sweet foods like brown sugar and cinnamon or fruit, oats also make a perfect savory side dish. Oats provide a texture similar to buckwheat, and their bland taste is like a blank canvas for a variety of seasonings and spices. You can combine oatmeal with your favorite veggies or last night’s leftovers, and top with an egg or a sprinkle of cheese to enjoy breakfast for dinner.
Foods that bring back comforting memories are precious and should be savored slowly. Make sure your oat is healthful by choosing brands with little to no added sugar, and add your toppings for flavor. To stay on the safe side, look for brands that list only oats on their ingredient list.
So, try these recipes like oats omelette, oatmeal, and upma along with others to keep your appetite and health in check. Have delicious eating! 
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gelcamille · 2 years
Complete Plantain / Banana Flour Processing Machine
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Polyamory Core 4 for ship meme?
1.Whois the most affectionate?:
Whilethe others have their moments of playful flirtations and teasing,Carlos is the one who does most of the clinging, the hugging, thetackling, the glomping, and snuggling.
2.Bigspoon/Little spoon?:
BigSpoons: Mal and Jay.
LittleSpoons: Carlos and Evie.
There’sa system, where the former two were frequently known as the group’s“protectors” whenever things got physical, and the latter two areall too happy to be in someone’s big, powerful arms, safely intheir grasp and protected from threats both real and imagined.
3.Mostcommon argument?:
Howto use their “all-in date night” about once or twice a month, ifthe stars align.
Theseare four very different people, of which they have very differenttastes and hobbies, and even something as neutral as dinner or amovie can get pretty heated, with them arguing over what sort ofcuisine to have together (fusions are considered a category all ontheir own, with Evie’s discerning tastes), what film to see, or ifthey shouldn’t try something completely different altogether, likegoing in a four-team battle at the local water park, and decimatingthe competition.
Itdoesn’t really help that, because of Auradon’s culture, there’sQUITE a lot of ways to spend your time leisurely if you have themoney and/or the connections, of which they have both.
4.Favoritenon-sexual activity?:
Commentingon how freaking weird and awful Auradon can be, either as complainingand stress relief, or just reflecting and observing their world andhow so many people can be so blind to how terrible it is, havingnever had their unique perspective.
5.Whois most likely to carry the other?:
Maland Jay.
Bothare the stronger of the two, there is no way in hell Evie will bedoing any sort of hard physical labour unless it was absolutely lifeor death, and Carlos is more agility and intelligence than strengthand endurance.
6.Whatis their favorite feature of their partner’s?:
Mal’seyes, brilliant like emeralds, glimmering with mischief, burning withanger, warm with love.
Evie’shair, flowing like a deep blue sea, soft as silk, always smellinglike the finest of flowers.
Jay’smuscular physique, useful for heavy lifting, having someone to getaround difficult to reach places, and for being held and carriedaround when either you don’t want to move, or the world feels tooheavy on your shoulders.
Carlos’hands, agile, skilled, well-worn with callouses, as capable of makingbrilliant machines from a spark of genius, as they are comforting andcaring for a weary soul, and other things better off not mentionedpublicly.
7.What’sthe first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings forthe other?:
How they hang out with each other and either casually date with one or two, or just be explicitly “friends” for that outing. It’s difficult to reconcile their growing feelings for each other given that Auradon has a very “pick one” culture, which I expound on at the end.
8.Nicknames?& if so, how did they originate?:
“LittlestSpace Heater.” After Mal starts to develop her dragon traits evenfurther from all the residual magic she is now exposed to, she startsproducing a constant, supernatural heat in her chest. For VKs whofeel the cold more strongly than others, it’s an extra lovelyfeature which makes Mal the center of their cuddle piles most nights,excluding summer.
“YourHighness.” To Evie, for obvious reasons.
“Mr.Magic Hands.” Jay, for his ability to make things appear anddisappear like magic with a sleight of his hands, with or withoutsleeves, along with his well known skills in applying that in asexual sense.
“Doctor”or just “Doc.” Used with Carlos as either teasing orencouragement during his college years when he was still working onhis undergraduate, his masters, and finally, his doctorate.
9.Whoworries the most?:
Asthe resident overthinker and “cosmic chewtoy” he’s more thanaware of all the various things and factors that could go wrong andmake life suck hard. Having been powereless to do much ofanything about them when they do actually come contributes to hisanxiety.
10.Whoremembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?:
He’sa stickler for details and memory, having needing to keep a runningtab of everything in his mind due to the lack of papers and propermeans to document on the Isle—that his notes also tend to befrequently stolen out of spite or used for tinder really helpeddevelop his excellent memory.
Mal,Evie, and Jay, though their switch. Carlos never does, though therewere some rare occasions where they do try and have him take thelead.
12.Whoinitiates kisses?:
Everyoneat some point, though the most shameless and constant are Jay andEvie, due to being flirts and no strangers to just going ahead andkissing someone for fun.
Malis reluctant to show affection still, Carlos prefers hugs and moreextensive physical contact than just lips-to-lips.
13.Whoreaches for the other’s hand first?:
Malin confidence, when they march forward without a care.
Eviein style, when her dazzling outfit is accentuated by the carefullycoordinated fashions of her companions.
Jayin coercion, when he pulls them off to some grand misadventure orinforms them that they’ve been roped into it without theirknowledge nor consent.
Carlosfor comfort, when he needs to feel that someone’s right therebeside him.
14.Whokisses the hardest?:
Asa combination of physical strength, his usual enthusiasm, and thefact that boys on the Isle were expected to be macho men, he knowshow to steal anyone’s breath away with his lips.
15.Whowakes up first?:
Jay,Carlos, Mal, then Evie.
Respectively,“the first thief gets the loot,” “it’s time to get on thoseideas that have stewed overnight,” “gotta get to doingsomething,” and “need all eight-ten hours of beauty sleep.”
16.Whowants to stay in bed just a little longer?:
Nowthat she has a proper bed as a guarantee, not a rare luxury, she isloathe to leave it by choice.
17.Whosays I love you first?:
Malhas trouble saying it, Evie’s concerned about the optics of it allhere in Auradon, and Jay has trouble actually saying the wordsdespite being quite the flirt, as it was “never a serious,committed thing.”
18.Wholeaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does itusually say?):
Maland Evie, as a consequence of the ones doing most of the cooking inthe relationship. Mal specializes in baked goods, Evie does moreday-to-day meal cooking along with special diets.
ByEvie are usually teasing witticisms.
ToMal: “Have a sweet and salty treat, just like you.”
ToJay: “Rich, dark, and smooth as silk, just how you like it~”
ToCarlos: “Sweet kisses for my sweetheart~”
ByMal are usually complaints and reminders, oftentimespassive-aggressive.
ToEvie: “I spent almost as much time making this as you did in thebathroom this morning, hope it pleases tastes as good as how late youmade me.”
ToJay: “Have one more, since you stole the six others from the tray,you greedy bastard.”
ToCarlos: “I lovingly mixed this by hand, because you stole thefucking blender again, you little shit.”
19.Whotells their family/friends about their relationship first?:
Maldue to the ease with which she can tell Maleficent that, trapped inher terrarium still and all.
20.Whatdo their family/friends think of their relationship?:
Maleficentthinks it’s even worse than when she fell for Ben. “Oh, at leastthere was just ONE tragic, easily abused weak point, but now you’vegot three!”
EvilQueen is quite disappointed Evie would sully her perfect reputationeven more than she already has by (publicly) engaging is suchscandalous “affairs.” “Evie, darling, I realize that royaltycannot be expected to be as perfect as they appear to the masses, butwe have a system about this, a certain measure of discretion andsecrecy.”
Cruellais really more pissed off by the fact that she assumes that she haslost her son and her personal servant a second time, and likely has astrong feeling of disdain for the other three for “leashing him.”It likely doesn’t register to her mind that a relationship couldever be mutually beneficial or purely for love.
Jafaris also disappointed. “People, my boy, I have always told you thatpeople will leave you, people will stab you in the back, people willsteal everything you own, your gold, your power, your influence—theonly three things that DO matter.”
21.Whois more likely to start dancing with the other?:
Jayand Evie.
Mallikes to maintain her cool persona as the “responsible” one ofthe team, Carlos is nervous about these things unless the dancehappens to involve dogs in some way.
22.Whocooks more/who is better at cooking?:
Asmentioned above, Mal and Evie, as a combination of either learninghow to combine and use many cooking-like processes for magic, or justbeing an excellent chemist who also had a lifetime’s worth ofdomestic training.
Jayand Carlos are serviceable in the kitchen, but Jay’s more likely toknow how to fry up eggs, pancakes (both regular flour andbanana-based), and bacon than pretty much anything else, and Carlosis more likely to experiment and use the kitchen tools for everythingbut cooking, and relies very heavily on “one-stepappliances” like waffle irons, food processors, and blenders to domost of the actual food preparation.
Inshort, with the boys, you’re either going to get a greasy,protein-packed meal with a side of toast and stupidly strong coffee,or a smoothie, or a mechanically tossed salad, or other rawingredient rich dish like ice cream—again, machine made.
23.Whocomes up with cheesy pick up lines?:
Malhas been the victim of cheesy, terrible one-liners from people she’sone-upped shortly after, Evie thinks herself beyond the lowest levelof Wit when there are much higher levels to aspire to, and Jay comesclose, but not quite.
24.Whowhispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear duringinappropriate times?:
Jayand Evie.
Shamelessflirts, both before and after the relationship, and the VKs have kepta LOT of habits from their time on the Isle.
25.Whoneeds more assurance?:
Carlosand Mal.
Theformer never had security, the latter was always told that she wasnever good enough.
26.Whatwould be their theme song?:
“TheKids Aren’t Alright” by Fall Out Boy.
Andin the endI'd do it all againI think you're my bestfriendDon't you know that the kids aren't al-, kids aren'talrightI'll be yoursWhen it rains it poursStaythirsty like beforeDon't you know that the kids aren't al-,kids aren't alright
Thishas been a tough life for all of them, to say the least. 16 to 15years of pure suffering, all because they were born to the wrongpeople, and because the world they lived in painted things in such astrict, black-and-white, “Good” and “Evil” way.
They’restill suffering. Life still isn’t perfect. Things could still getbetter in Auradon, and WAY better.
Butif they had a choice to live a “good” life at the cost of nevermeeting, they’d turn around immediately.
27.Whowould sing to their child back to sleep?:
Maland Evie having the best singing voices, as stereotypical as that is.
Malreally enjoys giving their kids a chance at a normal childhood seeingas Maleficent never did that or the many other things mother shouldbe showing their kids, Evie has been trained from a very young age tobe the perfect mother.
Jayis really more for physical playtime like upsy-daisy and horseyrides, and Carlos is all about creative and constructive play likecolouring, building PLUCKO block creations, and talking about how theinternals of their toys work.
28.Whatdo they do when they’re away from each other?:
Asalways, their respective jobs, hobbies, and social lives. I’vediscussed this so many times I really don’t want to regurgitatethat all over again.
29.oneheadcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart:
HowAuradon first reacts to it.
They’rea very conservative country who have very much accepted the idea thatthere’s only to be one love for one person each, andwhile they HAVE started to bend the rules towards same-sex couplings(dramatic age differences have historically never been an issue, nowthat new morals were instated), a polyamorous arrangement was justtoo much for them.
“Yes,but who will you pick in the end?” many a well-meaning associatehad asked.
“Allof them,” they replied.
“Butyou can’t do that! You HAVE to choose just one!”
“Butwhy can’t I choose all of them?”
“Becausethat’s not how we do things here in Auradon!”
30.oneheadcanon about this OTP that mends it:
They mope about it. They reflect.They take into consideration that Auradon will not agree nor acceptto what they’re doing.
Then they decide to just do itanyway.
“We’re VK, we never belongedhere in the first place, nor will they ever completely accept us forwho we are, what we do, what we want out of life. What’s one morething that’ll piss them off…?” Mal says, summing up theirthoughts.
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Awesome recipes for a perfect day
Awesome recipes for a perfect day
Multi-layered Ghevar Recipe Super Suvai Tamil
A traditional Indian dessert, Ghevar is a Rajasthani sweet popular during the festival of Teej and Diwali. Made with just a handful of ingredients, ghevar can easily be made at home. This ghevar recipes super suvai tamil is an exclusive one, dipped in sugar syrup, several layers of ghevar atop each other makes for a beautiful dish to relish this festive season.
For more recipes, visit recipes super suvai tamil
For interesting cooking videos, visit samayal super suvai tamil
How to Make Multi-layered Ghevar recipes super suvai tamil
Prepare sugar syrup:
1.Combine the sugar and water in a pan and simmer till it reaches a 1 string consistency.
2.Remove from the heat and keep warm.
Prepare Ghevar:
1.Combine the flour, arrowroot and melted ghee in a bowl.
2.Add 1 cup of water, whisking continuously Add 2 more cups of water again in a thin stream while whisking continuously
3.Keep the batter in a cool place away from the heat.
4.Place the ghevar ring in a kadhai and pour melted ghee in it till it reaches 3/4 of the height of the mould.
5.Heat the ghee on a medium flame and put in one spoonful of the batter into the mould in a thin stream. The batter should settle in the mould.
6.Repeat seven times making a hole in the centre of the ghevar using a wooden skewer stick. Pour the batter into this centre each time.
7.Once cooked take out and Immerse in sugar syrup, drain quickly and place on a serving plate.
8.Arrange multiple layers with different sizes and serve. Try these recipes super suvai tamil
recipes super suvai tamil Key Ingredients: maida, cornflour, ghee (cooled), sugar, water, arrowroot
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Baked Ragi Chakli Recipe Super Suvai Tamil
Chakli or Murukku is a tasty tea time snack that is prepared in Indian homes. It is easy to make and too delicious to resist! The name murukku is derived from a Tamil word which actually means 'twisted' that refers to the shape of this salty, savory snack.This baked chakli recipes super suvai tamil is made with ragi flour which makes this a healthy and better alternative to the fried ones made of regular flour. Enjoy the delicious chakli with a hot cup of tea this festive season.
For more recipes, visit recipes super suvai tamil
For interesting cooking videos, visit samayal super suvai tamil
How to Make Baked Ragi Chakli recipes super suvai tamil
1.Take the dry ingredients and knead them together. Add oil and required amount of water.
2.Let it become a semi-soft dough. Make two equal sizes.
3.Take one half of the dough into a Chakli machine.
4.Press out roundels of the dough. Put chaklis in a pre-heated oven. Temperature should be around 360°f for 15-20 minutes.
5.Take the other half and repeat the same process. Let it cool, the Chakli whirls are ready to use. Try these recipes super suvai tamil
recipes super suvai tamil Key Ingredients: ragi flour, besan flour, ginger, chili, garlic paste, salt, oil
recipes super suvai tamil tags: #chickenrecipessupersuvaitamil #muttonrecipessupersuvaitamil #fishrecipessupersuvaitamil #prawnrecipessupersuvaitamil #eggrecipessupersuvaitamil #sweetrecipessupersuvaitamil #snacksrecipessupersuvaitamil #gravyrecipessupersuvaitamil #curryrecipessupersuvaitamil #sidedishrecipessupersuvaitamil #ricerecipessupersuvaitamil #breakfastrecipessupersuvaitamil #dinnerrecipessupersuvaitamil #lunchrecipessupersuvaitamil #vegetarianrecipessupersuvaitamil #nonvegetarianrecipessupersuvaitamil #vegrecipessupersuvaitamil #nonvegrecipessupersuvaitamil #chickenroastrecipesupersuvaitamil #fishfryrecipesupersuvaitamil
Nazaqati Boti Kebab Recipe Super Suvai Tamil
A stellar kebab dish! This mouth-watering kebab recipes super suvai tamil is an easy snack option for your next dinner party. Prepare these boti kebabs during festive season or special occasions to feast on with family and friends. Succulent mutton cubes marinated in myriad of spices and cooked in aromatic saffron, rose petal paste and coconut. Indulge in kebabs and enjoy the festivities.
For more recipes, visit recipes super suvai tamil
For interesting cooking videos, visit samayal super suvai tamil
How to Make Nazaqati Boti Kebab recipes super suvai tamil
1.Take a wide bowl, put washed mutton, cubes add ginger paste, raw papaya paste, white onion paste, curd, coriander powder, yellow chili powder, gram masala, potli masala, salt and brown onion.
2.Blend well with the help of both hands, keep in refrigerator or in a cool place for 1 to 2 hours.
3.Take a wok, put on heat add half amount of ghee, then clove and cardamom, after roasting put the entire marinated mutton, add some amount of water, roasted channa powder and stir vigorously. Put on medium flame, cover it for almost 15 minutes till completely done.
4.After 15 minutes, remove lid when the mutton is almost done. Now add cashew, almond, chironji paste, dessicated coconut powder, rose petals and poppy paste. Again blend it with a ladle and roast for 5-10 minutes.
5.Now add saffron water and kewra water, stir 2-3 times and close the lid and remove from the flame immediately.
6.Garnish with fine onion rings and coriander leaves. Try these recipes super suvai tamil
recipes super suvai tamil Key Ingredients: mutton cubes (extra clean, from male goat thigh), ginger paste, raw papaya paste, white onion paste, brown onion, desi ghee, yellow chilli powder, coriander powder, salt, garam masala, potli masala, chana dal flavour, curd, rose petal paste, saffron, poppy seeds paste, cashew paste, almond paste, chiroli paste, dessicated coconut poqder, kewra, clove, green cardamom
recipes super suvai tamil tags: #muttoncurryrecipesupersuvaitamil #eggcurryrecipesupersuvaitamil #potatobondarecipesupersuvaitamil #onionsamosarecipesupersuvaitamil #samosarecipesupersuvaitamil #kaarakulamburecipesupersuvaitamil #keerairecipesupersuvaitamil #panneerrecipesupersuvaitamil #milkcakerecipesupersuvaitamil #ladoorecipesupersuvaitamil #rasagullarecipesupersuvaitamil #gulabjamunrecipesupersuvaitamil #carrothalwarecipesupersuvaitamil #beetroothalwarecipesupersuvaitamil #easysnacksrecipesupersuvaitamil #payasamrecipesupersuvaitamil #paruppupayasamrecipesupersuvaitamil #semiyapayasamrecipesupersuvaitamil #ravapongalrecipesupersuvaitamil #masaladosarecipesupersuvaitamil
Almond and Raw Banana Galawat Recipe Super Suvai Tamil
Healthy balls of snacks! Indulge in these nutty patty like savories, packed with the goodness of almonds and raw banana. These are great to serve as bite size snacks recipes super suvai tamil at dinner parties, easy and fuss-free to make.
For more recipes, visit recipes super suvai tamil
For interesting cooking videos, visit samayal super suvai tamil
How to Make Almond and Raw Banana Galawat recipes super suvai tamil
1.Finely grate the boiled raw banana. Heat oil in a kadhai and add ginger garlic paste and saute it well to a light brown colour.
2.Then, add the garam masala, red chilli powder and sauté. Now add almond paste and saute for a minute.
3.Add the grated raw banana and cook it till the mixture leaves the sides of the kadhai. Adjust the seasoning and finish it with mace powder and cardamom powder.
4.Cool the mixture and divide them into small equal dumplings.
5.Give them a patty shape, coat with tempura batter and crumb with almond slivers.
6.Grill the patties on a non-stick pan till golden.
7.Serve hot. Try these recipes super suvai tamil
recipes super suvai tamil Key Ingredients: almond slivers, raw banana (boiled), almond paste, cooking cream, refined oil, mace powder, cardamom powder , ginger garlic paste, garam masala powder, red chilli powder, salt, tempura batter
recipes super suvai tamil tags: #puliyodarairecipesupersuvaitamil #vegkurmarecipesupersuvaitamil #carrotporiyalrecipesupersuvaitamil #potatochipsrecipesupersuvaitamil #pavakkaistuffrecipesupersuvaitamil #noodlesrecipesupersuvaitamil #souprecipessupersuvaitamil #moringasoupsupersuvaitamil #murungaikeeraisoupsupersuvaitamil #beetrootsoupsupersuvaitamil #seeniurundairecipesupersuvaitamil #susiyamrecipesupersuvaitamil #coconutsweetrecipesupersuvaitamil #polirecipesupersuvaitamil #simplesweetrecipesupersuvaitamil #motichoorladoorecipesupersuvaitamil #dessertrecipessupersuvaitamil #idlyrecipesupersuvaitamil #chutneyrecipessupersuvaitamil #tomatochutneyrecipesupersuvaitamil
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