gabrielspenisbox · 1 year
Can we PLEASE talk about how Gabriel was ENTIRELY intending to show up on Beelzebub's fucking doorstep completely naked
Like, cheeks out EVERYTHING.
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Veronica: Go fuck yourself Stathis, I’ll have you know that Seth is the sweetest, smartest, most sensitive man I’ve ever dated. He’s a modern genius just you wait and see.
Seth back at the lab watching his 15th monkey explode in his homemade microwave:
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microwavesex · 24 days
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important postings found around Vancouver this summer
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knifegrrrl1312 · 1 year
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mewos-laptop · 2 months
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Based on the chill flies I've been hanging out w/ for the past two nights. They are so chill and let me basically pick them up. They are not afraid of me, and I am not afraid of them.
I think they like Hatsune Miku bc I've been watching YT reposts of Miku concerts and I think they watch them with me.
I have made friends with the flies and I am happy to say it.
Btw this is the first time I've posted my Cody design so uhh. Happy Cody design debut
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skyodasai · 10 months
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feckcops · 1 year
No job, no rent: I was a full-time militant in the nineties
“I existed in a radical counterculture predicated on direct action, political and cultural experimentation and a resistance to waged labour. The various projects that constituted this scene were based on ideological commitments, volunteerism and free association. If you didn’t like the direction of a particular project, you could go away and start your own. As such, the early 1990s saw an explosion in self-organised and militant anti-capitalist activity, ranging from radical ecology to anti-fascism and beyond ...
“Free from the bondage of work, our days were spent producing radical bulletins and newspapers, flyposting local estates, organising protests and direct actions, frequenting radical bookshops, meeting comrades for informal gatherings and cooking collective meals. There were plenty of entry points through which younger activists could get involved in ‘the movement’, and, without the need to work or pay rent, were able to reproduce their lives as full-time militants.  
“By the time the 2010 student movement was in full swing, changes to both the dole and tighter anti-squatting legislation made this lifestyle increasingly difficult. However, the self-organised politics of London’s radical direct action movement nonetheless shaped the concerns and sensibilities of this generation, many of whom would, in 2015, redirect their efforts and resources to supporting Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour party leadership bid.
“The turn toward institutional politics heralded by Corbynism was seen by many within the socialist left as a means to escape the narrow, ‘noble heroism’ of direct action and political minoritarianism. While this may be true, one can’t help but think this turn – coupled with the near collapse of the dole and squatting – has, in many ways, had a negative impact on both the political imagination and political opportunities presented to younger activists.”
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xaviergalatis · 11 months
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nimbin · 4 months
Still strolling in #Lismore
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gabrielspenisbox · 1 year
I see so many people being like "How come Gabriel and Beelzebub figured it out only after three outings together! That makes no sense!" As if the three meetings we saw were the ONLY meetings they EVER had between season 1 and when Gabriel lost his memories??? Those were the most important meetings but there's nothing telling us those were the only times they met up??? If anything it's implied they had quite a few conversations over Armageddon before they both agreed they should call it off.
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everyday i pace around my room muttering “i’m normal, i’m normal, i’m normal” as I am consumed by thoughts of cronenberg’s the fly (1986).
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archoptical · 1 year
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Burne House, nr Edgeware Road
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knifegrrrl1312 · 1 year
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shrimp-bird · 1 year
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I'm really hung up on this fly I came across a few weeks ago. Look at the patterns on its abdomen and that wonderful metallic look! I haven't made an id yet. Edit: It may be a western sedgesitter (Platycheirus trichopus).
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skyodasai · 11 months
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tarer-offs · 2 years
Art/Work Sponsored by Just*Don FlyPosting Street Team is Near CTA Division Blue Line Station.
To Wheatpaste Poster Art is a Popular Promotional Tool
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