#Fluffy sephiroth
crisiscutie · 1 year
Fluffy Sephiroth BUT the darling actually decide to offer her milk to him (kinda suspecting about his milk kink bit not sure yet)
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Oh, the darling is gonna make Sephiroth use his words, finally? Enjoy a semi-silly, fluffy entry in the Crisis Cutie Collection.
Pairing: AFAB Darling/C.C Sephiroth (Pre-Nibelheim) Domestic AU
Word Count: 922
Content Warnings: NSFW (no actual sex but heavy themes present), Milk Kink, Pregnancy Kink.
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The sound of your voice sent his gaze towards the doorway. He saw you there, one hand resting on the curve of your large, swollen breasts. You kept your other hand hidden behind your back while you stared at him with a look of innocence and confusion. Sephiroth was able to admire your swollen, heavily pregnant belly, and the lovely stretch marks that came with it, thanks to the see-through maternity top you were wearing. His breath was caught in his throat as he observed more of your pregnant body, amazed that it was his own seed that had caused such an incredible transformation.
As your first pregnancy drew to a close, his heart was a swirl of anticipation and fear, eagerly awaiting the arrival of your baby, yet dreading the possibility of losing you like he had with his mother… He shuddered, shaking the painful thought away before his eyes settled back on the maternity book, his face growing warm. You waddled closer, and sat down beside him, intently studying the maternity book that he was reading and taking note of the new hairstyle he had, a long ponytail with his signature bangs intact.
"I love the new hairstyle... And you're reading that section, again?" You asked Sephiroth, tilting your head at him.
Sephiroth quickly averted his gaze, his ears burning with shame. Of course, you happened to catch him re-reading the breast milk section of his maternity book, at this time... He kept his eyes averted, determined not to let you see the pink flush on his cheeks. You narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously.
"…I noticed your surplus milk was causing you discomfort. I was reading this section to find a remedy for your pain..." He said, his eyes now boring into yours with newfound assurance. It was remarkable how he could still channel his cool and professional demeanor, even after having abandoned SOLDIER for almost a year.
You felt your cheeks heat up as a tiny smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. Sephiroth always goes out of his way to make sure you're happy. Despite his sometimes suffocating protectiveness during your pregnancy, you knew that he only had your best interests at heart. You both left your old lives behind, so he was desperate to keep you and your unborn child safe and near him. And even though life on the run has taken a toll on the both of you, his presence always brought light to your day. You had no doubt that your decision to spend the rest of your life with him was the right choice, and you could tell that he felt the same way. With his unwavering will and your shared strength, the two of you discovered a remote village, far beyond Shinra's grasp, and picked out a cozy home to raise your unborn child in.
"Thank you, my love. I have some delicious, fresh milk here... Would you like some?" You whispered, biting your lower lip. An intense, scarlet hue flooded your face. If it turned out your suspicions about him were unfounded, you'd be filled with embarrassment. You lifted a small, delicate glass jar that was adorned with a pretty, purple ribbon. The sight of the creamy white breast milk stored in the jar immediately drew Sephiroth's attention. He then nearly gasped to the sight of the creamy white milk sloshing around the jar as you slightly shook it, and his arousal grew stronger as he witnessed you lay your free hand gently on your pregnant, swollen belly.
"Of course, anything for you." Sephiroth whispered, delicately accepted the elegant glass jar of milk from you, making sure to handle it with the utmost care. Anxiety coursed through your veins as you watched him slowly and cautiously take the lid off the glass jar. Just as the initial drop of the velvety, sweet and creamy breast milk touched Sephiroth's taste buds, it was like he was in a state of bliss; The breast milk had a sweet flavor, but not too overpowering for him. As he tasted more of the milk, he enjoyed the creamy, luxurious texture that rolled across his tongue. To savor something he'd never got a chance to have was a blessing. All thanks to you, his darling. With a satisfied sigh, he savored the last few drops of your sweet milk, and his heart soared with arousal and delight. He tried to drink more of the breast milk but was met with the emptiness of the jar, which prompted him to hang his head in despair.
"Sephiroth? D-did you like it?" You murmured. You didn't know what to make of his previous actions. But when his head came up, he gazed hungrily at your full, swollen breasts, like a predator sizing up its next meal. You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks as your suspicions that he had an affinity for your milk had been confirmed.
"Yes... Thank you, my beloved wife..."He uttered his words in a tranquil yet almost sultry manner. He still yearns for more of your breast milk to satisfy him. Yes, he already devoured your milk from the glass jar, but could the milk from your breasts now fill the void that he has?
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maternity. Alternative Title: Sephiroth's Darling Is Mastering The Art Of Being A Cock Tease
This fic is a sequel to the first set of the Domestic AU headcanons. Also, Sephy is definitely wearing this ponytail, you can't tell me otherwise.
Prequel fic of Fluffy Sephy proposing to the darling is in the works. 😊
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sapphirothcrescent · 2 days
Snippet from next chapter. Sapphire is having a pleasant dream of what she imagines the future could be. Enjoy cuteness.
In the carefully tended grove of banana plants, a handmade quilt spread out over the mulch. Child toys weighed down the blanket in a chaotic jumble.
Sephiroth sat contentedly leaning against one of the many sturdy stalks surrounding them. His head tilted to one side loosely, relaxed. His eyes were closed, but Sapphire doubted he was asleep on the job. In his lap, a soft teddy bear was being nuzzled by a rare anteater pup. One large hand cupped over the infant's body protectively. Its little tail wrapped around Sephiroth's wrist like it would wrap around its mother or a tree branch. No large predator would dare try to take it nor the small child playing on the blanket.
Sterling stopped playing with their moogle plushie the second their turquoise eyes locked onto Sapphire's movement. Their silver hair sparkled in the midday sun.
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icycoldninja · 5 months
Dating Sephiroth headcannons
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-Sephiroth is the kind of person to ignore you completely at times, and at other times, scoop you into his arms and just hold you there without saying anything.
-He can be very cold and doesn't always tell you he loves you, but he does. Inside, he's the most devoted man on earth and will do absolutely anything for you, before and after his mental breakdown.
-Though he'll never say it outright, he loves you with all his heart; you are the dearest person in the world to him, the only woman he loves more is Jenova. If you asked him to kill for you, he most certainly would. You two but especially you are his goddesses.
-Takes the time to visit you multiple times a day, every day, even if nothing interesting happens. To him, nothing is more important than spending time with his beloved.
-Nicknames (which are rarely used) for you are: Princess, baby, darling, little dove, my love, and fluffpuff.
-Concerning the origin of "fluffpuff", it all began when he purchased a huge, extrmely fluffy baby chocobo onesie for you. Once you put it on, you might as well have been a walking blanket. It was so adorable, his heart melted and the nickname "fluffpuff" was born.
-Loves to do beauty days with you, especially after a long day at work. He's a big strong soldier man, but at the same time, a cute soft boy. He needs some pampering in his life, give it to him.
-Cuddling you is one of his favorite ways to de-stress. He loves to curl himself up around you and just sit there in silence, enjoying your company and relaxing. He also likes lying on your chest, arms wrapped around your waist, while you play with his hair.
-Poor boy gets frequent night terrors and needs a lot of comforting kisses after waking up in a terrified, cold sweat. He does get a bit cold and bristly after such events, so do be gentle. Wrap him up in your arms, kiss his cheeks, forehead, lips, all over, just make him feel loved.
-Sephiroth's like a scared cat most of the time; you need to be gentle and coax him out of his shell. Then he'll start opening up to you and confide in you--some of his secrets can be very dark, but getting them off his chest is a huge help to his mental health.
-Speaking of mental health, as we know, he's not exactly in his right mind. He can be unstable and a little violent, though he would never hurt you. He'd throw things, he'd break things, he'd yell and scream, but he'd never actually hurt you--a sign of how much he loves you.
-If you can mange to calm him down during his tantrums, he'll love you all the more. You are the most precious thing to him; anything you do for him is viewed as a blessing. ❤️
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kingsglaivus · 6 months
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catboyidia · 4 months
I noticed that it's been a while since you've been asked about the topic, but do you have any fluffly omega Genesis hcs?? ags or not?
- genesis nests CONSTANTLY and with absolutely everything, whether its his or not, and he absolutely cannot get comfortable or sleep otherwise, and its made worse when he doesn’t have angeal and sephiroth with him because he’s gotten so used to having their warmth surrounding him
- i think when hes in preheat and his hormones are all over the place he will occasionally get very very needy and clings to absolutely everyone and everything, no matter who or what it is, and its the cutest thing anyone has ever seen
- he gets very protective over sephiroth and angeal, and even over other omegas, and he’s willing to fight for them despite being an omega himself, he has the protective instincts of an alpha and even angeal and sephiroth have to question their roles sometimes
- sometimes when hes cuddling with angeal and/or sephiroth he’ll start nibbling around their mating marks, and it makes them all feel so much more at peace
- he always keeps air fresheners/colognes that are at least slightly reminiscent of angeal and sephiroth’s scents to soothe him if they’re away
- he instinctively cares for anyone and everyone if they’re hurt or upset, and he tries to help them in any way possible
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altocat · 6 months
how would sephi have been like if glenn had stayed with him all his life
Sephiroth would have likely grown into someone a bit more open and social. He'd always be slightly reserved and aloof, but Glenn would be around to push him into interacting with people more, as well as trusting them.
Speaking of trust, the security of Glenn's continued support would have actually been extremely healthy for Seph in the long run. Whenever he's at his emotional limit, he knows he can rely on Glenn to be there for him. He doesn't have to be paranoid or too hard on himself. Glenn is always there. Always.
Sephiroth likely would have deserted Shinra a lot earlier. Since Glenn has taught him to be more compassionate, the added years have given him more time to reassess his beliefs and sense of purpose. And he's fully decided that his purpose is to be wherever Glenn is, to fight at his side as equals.
And as family.
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prismaticpichu · 8 months
Zack, and his beliefs of good luck and superstition gradually rubbing off on Sephiroth as their friendship begins to bloom.
The man used to scoff at the mere idea of a wish.
Now one of his most prized possession is a lucky Gil that Zack picked up for him on a walk. He never leaves his room without the coin in his coat pocket.
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strayheartless · 3 months
Got my hair cut yesterday. Woke up this morning and looked at myself, only to realise I had gotten a Sephiroth fringe….
This is fine 🥲
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scrawnytreedemon · 1 year
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he has his favorite blanket and he is for once at ease call that comfyroth
DAMN right call that a comfyroth!!!
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toastedcatbread · 2 years
Couples Day
This takes place in my “The Strength of a Thousand” verse. It’s definitely not long enough to be a full fic, so I guess I’ll just post it here.
November 22nd is “Good Couples Day” in Japan. 
Look at their not-married life.
There was something extremely comforting in the sight of Cloud sitting on his couch. 
Pressed up against the cushions, resting quietly, Cloud would bury into his jacket if Sephiroth threw it over his smaller form. He would lean into his touch when Sephiroth touched his cheek and he would open his eyes when Sephiroth called his name.
A gentle smile; Cloud was at ease. His eyes were calm and his heart was settled. Sephiroth liked to run his hands through those fluffy blond strands, waiting for Cloud to wake.
It was the only time Cloud allowed him to ruffle his hair. Doing it to Cloud while he was awake seemed wrong and off. Sephiroth was so much taller that it just felt a little condescending. But while Cloud was asleep, the touch seemed to soothe him.
It was one of Sephiroth’s favorite things to do. Touching Cloud’s hair, gently running his hands through the strands and watching them stand right back up; Cloud’s hair was a bit of a mystery. But it was a mystery Sephiroth enjoyed and it never stopped him from running his fingers through the strands.
Cloud gave a soft murmur at his touch and turned his head towards his hands, settling back down to sleep. Completely defenseless, but Sephiroth would never let any harm come to him anyway.
It had started as a ritual in Wutai, but Sephiroth had never complained when Cloud reached for his comb.
Silver strands fell like water through his fingers. Sephiroth remained still as Cloud slowly ran the comb through his hair, smoothing out the knots and strands. Sephiroth would lean against his shoulder as Cloud worked, pressing his face against Cloud’s throat and dropping sweet kisses onto his neck. It was a comforting ritual, if a little startling at first.
Sephiroth never asked Cloud to comb his hair after they had left Wutai, but Cloud felt obligated to do so. There was a sense of closeness between them when he did it and he could feel Sephiroth’s body heat as he worked on those silver strands.
Sometimes Sephiroth would bring his wing out.
The sight of those black feathers was always a surprise. Cloud had never actually gotten this close to the Sephiroth he had known, so he had never inspected the wing before. So seeing it now was a little jarring.
Beautiful and awe-inspiring, the wing was enormous. Cloud reached for the appendage, slowly running his fingers through the smaller, softer feathers, to the larger, stiffer primaries. He touched the wing until he memorized every feather; until he knew how large the appendage actually was and how far he needed to stand to avoid being brushed by black feathers.
It was clear Sephiroth enjoyed it. Both the hair brushing and tending to his wing. His face would relax as Cloud worked, pressed against his throat as he shifted to allow Cloud more access to his wing. Cloud wasn’t even sure if Sephiroth knew how much he let his guard down when he was like that, but it didn’t matter.
Sephiroth was safe with him. That was a fact.
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crisiscutie · 4 months
Your recent post about Angealica’s first baby steps was so cute!! But now it got me wondering what the kids’ first words were? I’m certain at least one of the boys said “mama.” If you don’t want to do all of them that’s totally fine, choose whoever you want! :)
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Something tells me if one of the boys said it, the others will follow him. For now, I'll do the first words of Sephiroth's daughters.
Angealica: Her first words were "Good boy," specifically directed at Sephiroth. This happened one morning when Sephiroth was playing with her using the toy materia he brought before going to his mercenary job. It's clear that she was mimicking what her mother would say to Sephiroth whenever he needed comfort or deserved praise. Sephiroth was overjoyed to hear this, as he had put in a lot of effort to spend time with her. He felt like this was one of the best rewards he could ever received. He held this memory dear and will definitely share it with Angealica when she grows up.
Lucrecia AKA Lucy: The first sign that she'd be a clone of her mother was her very first word. Her siblings were away at school that day, so she was left at home with Sephiroth and his darling. It all started when her moogle sippy cup fell to the floor sometime after breakfast, causing her to let out an angry "fuck!". Darling gasped in surprise, her mind racing to figure out where her tomboy princess could have learned such a word while reaching for the sippy cup. Meanwhile, Sephiroth only raised an eyebrow, silently questioning whether she was truly serious with her question, given her occasional tendency to curse. It would become something he teases her about relentlessly until the end of time. After all, if the boys are clones of him, it then Lucy must be a clone of darling herself.
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holly-fixation · 2 years
The Perfect Voice
Summary: Genesis did not consider the consequences of using his reading voice as a sleep aid to the silver soldier himself. 
Inspired by this ask to @altocat 
This life was more than they ever hoped for, years after they abandoned Shinra. Neither one of them expected to be so happy in a small home of the Sector 5 slums, yet here they were, joyful and content. Former SOLDIER First Class: Sephiroth and former SOLDIER First Class: Genesis Rhapsodos, who escaped together on an old mission. 
They certainly didn’t expect to be raising a child, but Genesis, of all people, wanted one. He wanted a chance to continue his legacy, and he did it with his greatest and closest friend. They adopted from an orphanage in the slums to stay off Shinra’s radar and give the child a good life. Though Genesis wanted a warrior or a mini him, Sephiroth instantly bonded with a sickly, weak little girl all the way in the back of the building. She was young, maybe five years old, and pale with brown hair and blue eyes. And her name… well, that solidified his decision completely. He always liked astronomy, his eyes saucers whenever he talked about the stars. It took enough convincing to get Sephiroth to even attempt walking into an orphanage, so Genesis accepted that this child, though not what he expected, would be perfect if they made Sephiroth so happy. 
Which turned out to be more perfect, because while Sephiroth began training her and teaching her, Genesis showed her Loveless and she loved it. The themes, the story, the tragedy, the different portrayals in movies and plays, all the theories; she was almost as attached as he was. She happily read the poem on her own, occasionally told to read out loud so her adoptive parents could gauge what she was learning and how she was improving. 
Today was not one of those days. Today was a normal day with a new discovery. 
Genesis was busy cooking and tending to their dinner as Sephiroth helped their daughter with her homework. 
She stared intensely at the words on the page, glaring and analyzing the meaning of the passage against the questions the teacher assigned. She slowly dragged her finger along the passage, attempting to read carefully, but to no avail. She huffed and sat back. “I don’t get this, Father…”
Sephiroth immediately skimmed through the passage and the questions. They weren’t too complicated, only simple questions for reading comprehension. She was only seven years old, but she should be able to answer these without issues. Surely there was some way for her to realize that. “Hmm…”
She gave her father a tired look. This was the third and final passage in the assignment. She just wanted to stop. She knew enough by now, right? “Dad?” She turned and called across the room. “Do I have to finish this right now?”
Ah, yes. Of course she asked Genesis, the fun dad, if she could procrastinate her homework. Sephiroth gave her a soft but stern look that she clearly tried to avoid for the possible input in her favor. 
“No, Nova,” Genesis scolded smoothly as he kept his eyes on the pot he stirred, and she looked down while puffing her cheeks. “You can’t just ask me to get out of your homework. You’ll be much happier if you finish it now than having to think about it through dinner. Is that fair?”
Nova gave him a small glare, but she was the spitting image of Genesis in that moment, all her features exactly the same as when he gave his frustrated little reactions to things. 
Sephiroth had to hide a chuckle, but he was also grateful that Genesis decided to parent today. 
“Okay…” She groaned sadly, attempting to understand the paragraph once again. 
His eyes narrowed curiously as he watched her. “Would you be able to answer these questions if they were about Loveless?” His tone gave away that he meant no disrespect. He was truly curious. 
She shrugged. “Well, yeah. But Loveless starts to make sense. There's so much more to explain everything. There's just not enough here to say what this theme is.”
“When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end
The goddess descends from the sky” 
Genesis began quoting the poem without any further prompting, simply reciting it to himself as others would hum songs to pass the time. He only continued cooking, his eyes on the stove, cutting board, and sink. 
“Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting”
He had no idea what that voice did to his best friend, at least in that moment. He spoke cleanly, calmly, as if reading the pages themselves rather than reciting from memory, which usually had a different tone. Whenever Sephiroth was sick, or Genesis thought he needed rest, Genesis would bundle him up and read to him. His practiced and expert reading voice would always, after enough time, completely soothe him to sleep. It was an effective tactic, but extremely short sighted. Now, after much conditioning, it took little more than the third act to force his eyes closed peacefully. 
Sephiroth shook away the unintentional thoughts of sleepiness and focused on their child’s assignment. 
“Infinite in mystery is the gift of the Goddess
We seek it thus, and take to the sky”
The girl slowly placed her pencil down, supporting her head with her hand as she tried to read, but she was slowed. Sephiroth noticed immediately and caught her eyes. 
“Ripples form on the water's surface
The wandering soul knows no rest.”
Oh. Uh oh. Of course. That made sense. Genesis read to her every night, and every time she was sick, he read to keep her company until she fell asleep. She loved the poem. She read it all the time. But that didn't change what her red headed dad taught her. 
Genesis had absolutely no consequential thinking. 
“Three friends go into battle.
One is captured
One flies away
The one that is left becomes a hero.”
Nova’s breathing slowed as her weighted eyelids closed slowly. 
“Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul
Pride is lost
Wings stripped away, the end is nigh”
Her arm started to slip just as Sephiroth's blinks began to slow. Still, he caught her, carefully holding her by her far shoulder. She jolted awake long enough to catch her balance and take her arm off the table. 
Is he really going to quote the whole thing right now? 
“There is no hate, only joy
For you are beloved by the goddess
Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds”
“It’s okay.” Sephiroth pulled her to his chest, and she stopped fighting it. She was already exhausted from the homework and the long day before Genesis opened his mouth. She curled up against him and fell asleep almost instantly, warm and comfortable and safe. 
“My friend, do you fly away now?
To a world that abhors you and I?
All that awaits you is a somber morrow
No matter where the winds may blow”
He kept his arm wrapped around her so she wouldn’t fall off the chair, but his oblivious friend continued the world’s most effective sleep spell against the world’s strongest soldier. 
“My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber”
Maybe he could close his eyes for just a moment, just long enough to get his strength back and wake the child before the meal finished cooking. 
“My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honor remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess
My friend, your desire…
Is to completely pass out doing children’s homework while listening to a masterpiece.” Genesis tossed the now unneeded cutting board in the sink, the clanking and crashing against other unclean utensils waking both his friend and their child. Though his friend was much more attentive, pupils sharp immediately, their child rubbed her eyes and squinted helplessly at the lights. 
Sephiroth looked away, blocking his eyes with his bangs and letting the child go. 
She looked down, small guilt in her eyes as she stayed silent. 
As punishment, Genesis forced them both to sit in the uncomfortable silence for a solid thirty seconds. Then he scoffed. “Am I so boring to you?”
Sephiroth spoke as the little girl shook her head, “It’s not like that.” 
“Oh of course not. Why would it be?” He crossed his arms. “Pray tell why you’re both so rude to the man cooking you dinner.”
The silver haired man adjusted in his seat as the child tried to hide in her own hair. “...well…” He did not want to admit something so childish, but he didn’t want his daughter punished for this infraction. “You…”
The redhead tapped incessantly against his arm. “I?”
Nova grabbed her father’s arm, trying to admit what she knew was true. “I’m just really tired, and I…-”
“No. What were you going to say, Sephiroth?”
He curled slightly, attempting to avoid the gaze and tone, terribly embarrassed. “...your reading voice…”
His tapping stopped. He stared at his friend, taking a moment before connecting the dots. Then, he chuckled lowly, and the unsettling response glued both offenders to their seats. “Are you trying to tell me, me, that you physically cannot handle hearing me talk?”
“You have a very different tone when you’re reading,” Sephiroth defended. 
“I read Loveless all the time!”
“You quote Loveless and you speak differently when you do.”
Their child nodded shyly in agreement. 
He scoffed, throwing a hand in the air in defeat. “Well if you two can’t handle my recitations, then I guess we’ll just have to do them together.”
They both stared in confusion, but Genesis thought it was a fine idea. 
“Yes, we’ll rotate per stanza and make Loveless a family activity.”
“Absolutely not.” Sephiroth immediately countered.
“But I don’t know Loveless by heart…” Their little girl mumbled at the same time. 
“No ‘buts’ on this. It’s the least you can do for being so disrespectful.”
“But, Dad-” 
The silver father actually stood up, and the daughter silenced. “Genesis, this is ridiculous. You brought this upon yourself.”
“Oh so for helping you two I have to suffer now. Is that it?”
“How are you suffering from this?”
“Apparently now I can’t quote my favorite story because someone can’t handle it.”
“You can quote all you wish, but now you’ve seen the coming result.”
“Yes, and to prevent the same result, you two will join me.”
“Genesis, I don’t know Loveless either.”
“Well now seems like the perfect time to learn.”
This was going nowhere, and he would no longer waste time on this. “Nova, grab your coat. We’re leaving.”
She nodded and took the opportunity to ditch her homework immediately.
“Don’t you dare!”
“I apologize for our reaction, but I refuse to participate in your poem readings.”
“All I’m asking is for some kind of prevention for this!”
“And if I think of one, I’ll let you know.”
He felt a tug at the side of his black coat. 
“Father, I’m ready.”
Sephiroth immediately lifted her into his arms and carried her out the door as Genesis yelled at him for his disrespect. About twenty minutes later, they both returned from a simple walk around the neighborhood. Genesis, now a bit cooled off, only made angry muttered comments that made their daughter struggle not to laugh. 
Thanks for reading!
Author’s Note: As amusing as shoving Genesis in a cupboard is, that’s a bit too comedic for this situation. I tried my best with what I could reasonably do! (Genesis would absolutely break out of the cupboard anyway!)
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icycoldninja · 10 months
Fluffcember #7 (Sephiroth x reader)
Fluff headcannons
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-Is essentially a sleepy old cat; loves to laze around on your lap whenever he has time. He doesn't get many days off, but when he does, hoo boy. Clear out your schedule and cancel all plans for the day--thou shalt be his living pillow.
-He drapes himself across your lap, often burying his face in your stomach or curls up in your lap like a cat and uses your chest as a headrest.
-Will actually purr if you scratch his head, especially if you get that spot right above his neck. He loves it. He also loves getting forehead kisses as he drifts off to sleep because they make him feel so relaxed.
-Besides cat-like behavior, Sephiroth enjoys spending time with you as a human. He'll put on a movie or TV show and lounge around on the couch with you curled up under his arm.
-Can't cook, but wants to enjoy dinner with you, unlike most of the time when he has to rush through his meals and race off to work. Either he'll assist you in the kitchen (and contribute as much as a 3 year old who really wants to help) or order takeout. Nevertheless, you two end up spending a quiet evening in.
-Another thing he likes to do is squash you with his giant frame and hold you tight; like a kid squeezing their stuffed animal. He loves to hold onto you, breathing in your scent, basking in your warmth, and generally enjoying your presence.
-Despite his tough exterior, Sephiroth is really a playful guy at heart--though he'll only ever reveal this side of him when he's around you, the person he trusts more than anyone else. (Except his mom)
-He'll play games with you, and not just video games. This grown-ass super soldier will 100% play dress up and/or tea party, as well as chase you around the house only to tackle you onto the couch and pin you there while smothering you in kisses.
-Occasionally you'll wake up and find yourself trapped under a strange, thin material that's too dark to be your sheets. Further investigation shows that Sephiroth has slid his nightshirt over your head at some point and has kept you like that for some time.
-On really rare occasions when he's feeling extra cheerful, he'll wake you up by gently slapping you with his wing before picking up a few fallen feathers and using them to tickle your feet. Adorable. ❤️
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skelekins · 1 year
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(ノω<。)ノ))☆.。considered kelek as a jackalope monster - he gets super uncomfy when his antler are growing in
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catboyidia · 6 months
Heya! I have midterms this week (wish me luck), can I ask for some floof head canons to give me energy?
I'm okay if you want to keep it in the omegaverse au or not, also good with ags and bc (and anything you'd like to add)
Thank youuu, hope you're doing good
omg i wish you best of luck anon! i really hope all goes well! :)
heres a few of the softest/most domestic headcanons that come to mind:
(mostly asg but there is one zc too)
- genesis has a secret stash of stuffed animals, including his favorite thats a little grey cat he's had for a long time that he calls "sephy", and he refuses to let sephiroth find out about it. only angeal knows about it, and he teases genesis about "sephy" whenever he sees it but he has also promised to keep genesis' secret, partially because they have a deal that if angeal keeps "sephy" a secret, genesis won't tell zack about the time angeal absolutely gushed, and even got emotional about how proud he was of zack when zack got promoted to first (it was angeal's proudest "fatherly" mentor moment)
- the first time cloud brought zack home to meet his mom, he was incredibly nervous about how it would go, and even zack was a little nervous about making a good impression, but as soon as claudia saw them together and saw how zack treated cloud, she instantly loved zack and welcomed zack as a part of the family, treating him like a son and even giving zack her blessing to marry cloud in the future. not to mention that claudia also felt it necessary to start telling zack every single embarrassing moment in cloud's childhood, which zack found absolutely adorable, but poor cloud could only sit there in horror
- before asg went public with their relationship, the three of them, mainly genesis though, would always find ways to sneak small kisses and whisper soft "i love you"s to each other in the minuscule timeframes between their public appearances, which nearly led to them being caught numerous times. and whenever they had public appearances as a group, like interviews and whatnot, they would always do things like link their pinkies together under a table or just out of view of the cameras, or they would "accidentally" brush the back of their hands together, just doing anything they could to be as close as possible in public without being caught
- sometimes angeal will get cold since he's the only one who doesn't have a coat as part of his uniform, so genesis will lend angeal his coat, but not without teasingly "scolding" angeal the way he knows angeal would scold him or sephiroth if they were in the same position, almost as payback for all the times angeal has scolded them over small things
- on rare occasions, sephiroth will be in a very specific clingy mood where he wants nothing more than to just cuddle or be cuddled by genesis and angeal, but he never voices his desires, not really knowing how to. although despite sephiroth never saying anything, genesis and angeal are somehow always able to tell what sephiroth wants, always being able to notice the tiniest of subtle hints and differences in sephiroth's behavior, and they always find it to be the cutest thing ever, and never hesitate to give sephiroth what he wants
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altocat · 2 years
Can I ask for some random fluffy kitten/catboi things about any of the local Sephiroth/Remnants you have? Even if it's just feral blanket burritos that WILL hurt you if you try to take them out. I had another really bad exam today, so I'd appreciate whatever you have...
Of course! There's always room for catboy shenanigans!
-Babyroth was adorably wobbly. Hojo was extremely pissed that it took him so long to start walking. Mostly, he preferred crawling around on the floor, and was always so shivery and wobbly on his feet. Teeny clumsy kitten. Floof.
-As an adult, when not getting annoyed at the red dot Genesis always seems to have on hand, Sephiroth has a peculiar interest in the lobby aquarium. Whenever he and the boys are downstairs, he's always curiously drawn to it, hunching over to watch the fish. Occasionally sticking his hand in to everyone's horror to toy with them. Once or twice, Gen and Angeal caught him in what looked like a very confused, but serious internal debate. He wasn't thinking about...eating them, right?
-The Remnants all love tromping about looking to playfight--when they're in a good mood that is. Loz is more than often Kadaj and Yazoo's favorite target. They love wrestling him down and pinning him while he bawls.
-When extremely agitated with strangers, especially an enemy, both Sephiroth and the Remnants keep a distance from the newcomer, circling them in a wide arc. All they need now is fluffed out tails and arching backs and bam--territorial kitties.
-Kadaj loves messing with small animals, teasing and toying with them and freaking them out before ultimately letting them go. This...unfortunately isn't as "cute" as it would be with an actual cat. It's pretty much non-lethal torture. Stop that Kadaj!
-Loz loves high altitudes and leaping up onto things. He will often get stuck though because he overestimated the height and now can't get down. Kadaj and Yazoo often have to drag him down themselves.
-Yazoo loves extensive naptime, as well as primping and grooming himself. He especially loves sunbathing, much like Sephiroth himself.
-Sephiroth gets VERY passive aggressive in the rare instance that Genesis and Angeal are away on separate missions for a very long time. For all outward appearances, he's his typical calm, stoic self. But you can tell that he's inwardly seething because they LEFT HIM and now must be punished! Cue a lot of grumpy brooding by the window across the room while Genesis snickers.
-All of them must be blanket burrito'd at once.
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