#Five x oc
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It's A Wonderful Life, Five Hargreeves

So, I got two asks today about Christmas stories:
**are you going to put your other Christmas story on here? Not trying to be pushy it's just easier to read them on here and I saw you linked others. I love your stories btw :-**
*I loved your Santa Five story. Would you be willing to do another like it? Something for the season? 🙏🙏🙏*
So, first of all, thank you so much to both of you! Wow! I was assuming the first ask was about this story? This is a multi-chapter one I wrote a year ago on AO3. It's a cross between It's A Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol, with Five getting a visit from his guardian angel after he's not doing well without his powers in Reggie's new world, post-season 3 (written before season 4 came out). I will post it below.
In regards to the other ask, I won't be writing any new ones most likely this season, but I do have a couple other one-shots that were part of a series and that @kaybreezy3000, who is the co-author on them, and I are currently working on to make them into reader-inserts for tumblr. Those should be posted soon.
Thank you again and I hope you enjoy this sexy, sad, but sweet with a happy ending Five story! Have a wonderful holiday everyone! Cheers!
A Five x Female OC, 22k words, multi-chapter, cross-posted on AO3 from 2023
Warnings: Explicit sex, rough/angry sex, but also sweet sex, little bit of daddy kink
Chapter One: Candy
Number Five does not believe in God, or Heaven, or Religion as a whole. He knows what Klaus has told him, about the Void, and he knows he’s not lying. It’s just that Five is a man of science and logic, and he operates on proven theories and facts. He figures whenever he dies someday, if there is something to see, then and only then will he develop a belief system. He doesn’t really see the point in speculating about something that is inevitable anyway.
So, if someone were to tell him that guardian angels really existed, he’d laugh in their face. He’d ask for proof; solid evidence on which they could base this claim. And when they couldn’t produce any, he’d smirk in that knowing way, basking in the glow of always being right.
There was just one tiny flaw with not believing in the existence of angels, however, and that was the very real presence of the one currently lying naked in his bed.
The seedy bar was mostly empty, occupied by only a few sad and lonely patrons that had nowhere better to go. The lone bartender looked about as despondent as his customers as he mindlessly poured the cheap whiskey and beer that they asked for. A few strands of red and white lights hung over the bar, casting a reddish glow over the dirty countertop, and someone had set up a sparsely decorated tree in the corner. Somehow, those small attempts at cheeriness just made the place feel more depressing. The jukebox playing ���Blue Christmas” for the third time in a row wasn’t helping, either.
Five sat in a booth near the back wall, the table in front of him wobbling periodically on its mismatched legs. He was on his fourth drink. Or maybe it was five. He had lost count and frankly didn’t care either way. He sat staring wistfully across the table, lost in his own dark thoughts.
Along with the number of drinks that he had consumed, somewhere along the line Five had also lost count of the number of years he’d been on the planet. He thought he was around 63, but then once you factor in all of the time travel, who knows exactly. Well, actually, he should know. He was the genius, or so he had thought. Calculating his age shouldn’t exactly be a brain buster. Whatever it was, he was still younger than he felt, which was about a million years old.
Not that it mattered, really. He was here now, in this timeline, with no powers and nothing much to show for all of the effort he’d put into trying to save the world. The world was still standing, he supposed, but how much of that was him and how much of it was Reginald?
Five years had passed since he and his siblings had been dumped into this fucked up, dystopian world created by his former adopted father. He refused to think of him as anything other than an alien in human skin that used them all as living batteries and abandoned them without powers. What a giant dick.
Having no idea where to go or what to do was bad enough, but to be suddenly without the power that had coursed through his body his entire life was a real fucking drag. It took Five at least six months before he stopped trying to blink away from things or teleport as a mode of transportation.
He’d narrowly missed getting run over by cars several times, and got his face beaten in more than once for running his mouth to the wrong people and then not having an exit strategy. He could still fight, but it was a lot harder without time and space manipulation on your side. Even now, every so often, he found himself staring down at his clenched fists in surprise when his body automatically tried to jump and nothing happened.
Not surprisingly, Five had found it difficult to adapt to normal life. Part of this was the years spent in isolation and not really having a good foundation for living a normal life in the first place. He had been told, on several occasions, that he lacked “basic social skills”, and was “surly” and “borderline psychotic”, whatever that meant. If people couldn’t deal with his attitude, so what? He wasn’t exactly dying to make new friends, thank you very much.
He and his brothers had managed to stick together, despite a rocky start. And as much as he hated to admit it, he did love them, even if they were astonishingly infantile and annoying. He no longer had a sister, or at least one that he acknowledged. Allison was off living her best life, probably laughing at all of them. But the rest of them, they were ok. And they were all Five had.
All things considered, the past five years had been decent to his siblings. They still struggled with having their powers stripped, just like Five did, but overall, they were doing much better than he was. Diego and Lila had started a new life together, and now had an almost five-year old daughter. The fact that the two dimmest people on the planet were responsible for another human life was astounding, but despite all odds his niece was actually a delight to be around and insanely smart. Luther had found Sloane, although it did take a couple of years. He never gave up hope, and eventually he found her, convinced her to fall in love with him again, and they were now married for a second time.
Viktor probably had the most successful turn-around out of all of them and had moved a few miles outside of the city where he had opened his own music school exclusively for trans kids. Five didn’t see him that much anymore, but they talked about once a week on the phone. As time went on, though, Five found they had less and less to talk about.
Klaus was still Klaus, albeit much happier. With no more ghosts tormenting him, he had found he had no reason to go back to hard drugs anymore. He still liked to grab an occasional drink with Five, but overall, he was sober and doing well. At least, Five assumed he was doing well. He actually had no idea what the hell he did for money, but he always seemed happy and well cared for. Maybe he had a sugar daddy or an old lady somewhere that took care of him. Five never asked and Klaus never volunteered.
Ben (the asshat version) was still around, but he kept his distance most of the time. He had tried to go crawling back to their dad at the over-the-top skyscraper that bore his name, but was quickly dismissed by security staff, saying that Reginald Hargreeves had no children. Ben had been obviously hurt and embarrassed, but since he never really considered himself part of the Umbrella family, he went off by himself. Occasionally he would check up on Sloane, though.
So, that left Five. There were only two things from his father that Five could say he was thankful for. One was that, on top of giving him his arm back, he had also added on a few years to his body when the universe was reset, so that Five had been 18 when they emerged into Oblivion Park. The other was that all of the siblings had found a bank card in their pockets, giving them access to individual bank accounts with a few thousand dollars in them, allowing them a chance to start a new life.
Five still lived in the small, crappy apartment he had found and rented back then. He could afford a better place now, but he didn’t see the point in moving. It was just himself there and anything with a roof over his head and simple furnishings still felt like a luxury. He didn’t have a job like the rest of his brothers, but he did have a steady income. Right from the start, he took half the money from Reginald and made investments that paid off nicely. The thought of working some dead-end office job at his age made him cringe, so he was perfectly happy to play the stock market from the comfort of his living room.
With no need for a car in the city, and no interest in a fancy apartment or house, Five had plenty of disposable income. Most of it was spent on his family, particularly his niece, who he liked to spoil as often as he could. He loved watching her face light up when he brought her a present and she was about the only person he would tolerate and enjoy hugs from. It made him happy to see her happy, with the added bonus of pissing Lila off by being her daughter’s favorite uncle.
The rest of his money went to his wardrobe. Afterall, what was the point in having a trim, young body again if you didn’t put in an effort to showcase it? Between his school boy Academy uniform, scrounging for clothes in the Apocalypse, and the drab Commission-issued suits he’d had to wear throughout his life, he was finally getting a choice in his style. And while that was a small victory in the scheme of things, his finely tailored and expensive suit collection was one of his only pleasures in life.
Five had tried to fix things, in the beginning. He had tried to figure out what Reginald’s end game was and how to take him down once and for all. Luther and Diego even got the taste for revenge, and for a while they were a small team. But after that first year, they determined it was fruitless. There was no way to get to Reggie, up there in his tower. He owned the city, literally. And without their powers, his forgotten children were no threat. Five never really gave up, though. He knew there had to be a way; he just couldn’t figure it out. Even now, it’s always there in the back of his mind.
With his family off living their lives as best they could, Five was alone. Which you would think he would have been used to by now, but this time seemed different. Five had gotten used to having his siblings around again. Even if they were obnoxious and had the collective IQ of a fruit fly. He had liked talking to them, and fighting alongside them again. He had even liked fighting with them again. After all, everything he had ever done was for them.
Five knew that he needed to open himself up more. It’s not like they didn’t try to have a closer relationship with him. But he remained closed off for the most part, often alone. He knew the reason, too. He was angry. Angry at Reginald for landing them there, angry at the Handler and The Commission, who had really screwed him over. Or maybe he screwed himself over, he still wasn’t sure how that worked. But most of all, he was angry with himself. And that anger was so big and so raw, that it was always threatening to burst out at any moment. So, it was just better that he kept to himself.
The same went for relationships outside of his family. They were constantly bothering him about dating or finding someone to settle down with. While they were all a little fucked up in the head, and maybe had some major daddy issues, Five knew he was different. He wasn’t blind to women, despite what his brothers thought. He’d even tried to date a few. But there was too much baggage, too many secrets. And that was not even including the mind/body age difference, which was a whole other complication to add to the mix.
Because of the constant turmoil inside, Five hadn’t let himself get close to anyone. The last few “relationships” he’d had were nothing but one-night stands that he’d barely remembered the next day. And even those left him feeling guilty and even worse than he had before. Because what would Dolores say if she knew?
He had worked so fucking hard for everything, and for what? One time when he was drunk, he had asked Klaus that same question. Klaus had told him that he had saved them; that he had technically achieved what he had wanted, just maybe not in the way he had envisioned. But Five had just laughed and poured another drink. They didn’t get it.
So, there he sat, alone on Christmas Eve, at a shit bar, drinking shit booze, and wondering what the fucking point was. He just couldn’t find a purpose anymore.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he groaned when he saw the caller ID, but he answered.
“Hi, Diego.”
“Hey, where are you? I thought you were going to come over for dinner tonight. Everyone is going to be here.”
“I can’t. I have plans,” Five answered dryly, his glass raised halfway to his mouth.
“Bullshit. You don’t have any plans, you just don’t want to come.”
“If you know that, then why did you ask?”
Diego sighed heavily on the other end and Five took another drink. Then he heard some shuffling and a small voice screamed into the phone, making Five wince and pull it away from his ear.
“Hi, Uncle Five! Are you coming over? Are you bringing me a present?”
“Grace!” Diego scolded. “Stop screaming into the phone, and also that’s not polite.”
The girl ignored her father and continued talking loudly with her mouth way too close to the phone.
“My mom said you’re being a grumpy twat. What’s a twat?”
Five couldn’t help smiling. “It means a really cool person.”
“Ohhh! Ok. Well, I hope you’re coming for dinner and I hope you’re going to come over and watch me open presents tomorrow morning, too. It’s Christmas tomorrow!”
“I know, Gracie, and I did get you a very nice present. I just don’t know if I’ll be able to be there tomorrow morning.”
“Because I might be doing something else.”
“Because I just am.”
“But why?”
Five ran a frustrated hand down his face. “Can you put your dad back on please?”
“Ok. DAD!”
Five pulled the phone away again before he went permanently deaf in that ear.
“Ok, here’s my dad. Hey dad, you’re a twat!”
Five laughed loudly, unlike his brother.
“What the fuck, Five? If we get a call from the school saying she’s calling the other kids twats I’m giving them your number.”
“Lila started it.”
“Jesus, you two. Anyway, are you coming over or not?”
“You’re kind of being an asshole.”
“This is not new information to you, Diego.”
“Fine. Well, Merry Christmas or whatever. Have fun drinking alone.”
They hung up and Five set his phone down, lifting his glass back up. He shook his head. “Fuck, I really am an asshole,” he muttered to himself.
As Five sat there, contemplating when he had become such a jerk, a waitress came over. He hadn’t noticed any waitress before, just the bartender. But she sidled up next to his table and he looked up.
“Can I get you something, handsome?”
Five blinked at her a few times. She was extremely pretty, with long, thick black hair, dark eyelashes and full, red lips. But that wasn’t the only thing that caught Five’s eye. She was dressed head to toe in what he could only describe as a slutty elf outfit. An extremely short, flared green skirt with red trim, and a tight red shirt that buttoned up the front. The neckline was so low and her tits were pushed up so high that Five was honestly perplexed at how she was keeping them from just spilling out altogether. The red headband in her hair was adorned with tiny bells that jingled anytime she moved her head. A brief vision of that headband jingling loudly as it banged against his headboard passed through his mind, but he was in no mood for company tonight. Not to mention, she was probably half his age.
The waitress smiled down at Five and spoke again after she received no response. “Did you want anything?”
Five looked back down at his half-full glass. “No, I’m all set.”
“Are you sure? There’s nothing you want that I can get for you?”
Five sighed, annoyed with her persistence, and flashed her his best fake smile. “Nope. All good.”
She pursed her lips and put a hand on her hip. “What are you doing here on Christmas Eve? You seem way too classy to be hanging out in this dump. Don’t you have a family to go home to?”
Five looked up at her, his eyebrows drawn together in irritation. “Not that it’s any of your business, but no, I don’t have a family. I’m here to drink and be left alone.”
She nodded thoughtfully, then looked around the bar again. “It’s pretty slow tonight. Mind if I join you?”
“What part of alone did you not understand?”
Pretending like she either didn’t hear him or didn’t care, the girl shrugged her shoulders and plunked herself down in the chair across from Five, her headband jingling. He gritted his teeth together.
“If you don’t have a family, then who were you talking to just now?” she pried.
“Are you always this annoying to everyone, or am I just special?”
She shrugged again, unaffected by his insult. “I just overheard you talking and saying you didn’t want to go somewhere. Was that your family? Did they want you to come over for Christmas?”
Five slammed his glass down. “Jesus! Look, I don’t know what your angle is here, sweetheart, but I just want to be left alone. Go bother someone else.”
“I don’t have an angle. And my name’s not sweetheart. It’s Candy.” She extended her hand out to Five, which he promptly ignored.
“Candy?” he asked, eyebrows raised. “That’s a little cliché, isn’t it? Even for made up names.”
“It’s not made up! That’s my real name. Candy.”
“So, what’s your last name, Cane?”
She laughed, moving her head so the bells jingled. It wasn’t a funny joke and Five wasn’t being nice to her, so he had no idea why the hell she was still sitting there with him and laughing, of all things. He looked down at his glass, which was now empty from when he sloshed it all over the table.
‘No, silly. We don’t have last names where I’m from,” she answered with a giggle.
Five chose not to address that odd statement. “Well, then, Candy , looks like I could use another drink after all. And since you apparently have no other customers at the moment, would you mind grabbing that for me?” Five picked up the empty glass, waving it in the air to demonstrate the emptiness as he smirked at the waitress.
She frowned. “Are you sure you need another drink?”
Five rolled his eyes. “You just asked me ten seconds ago if I wanted anything!”
“Maybe I wasn’t talking about a drink,” she smiled, leaning forward so that her ample cleavage was even more on display.
As aggravated as Five was by her, his eyes were still drawn to her chest. Because of the buzz he had going, too, his look wasn’t exactly inconspicuous. She noticed and ran her hand across her collarbone, drawing attention to the delicious looking divot between her clavicle and neck as she brushed her hair off her shoulder. He tried not to think about what it would be like to run his tongue across that very spot.
Five leaned back against the booth, his arm slung across the back of it. “Thanks, but no thanks. Not interested.”
Candy pulled back in shock, even though she was still smiling. “I find that a little hard to believe, but that’s ok. My feelings aren’t hurt. As much as I would love to get inside those tight pants of yours, I can take a hint.”
Five leaned in again, speaking through clenched teeth. “Then if you aren’t getting in my pants, and you aren’t going to bring me a drink, I think our little conversation here is done.”
For the first time since she’d wandered over, Candy looked a little bit at a loss of what to do. Then she smiled again and stood up. “Ok, one more drink, I’ll be right back.”
When she turned to walk away, she glanced down at the black suede ankle boots she had on. One of the laces had come undone and she bent over, directly in front of Five, not even trying to hide what she was doing. Underneath the miniscule skirt, were an even smaller pair of red and white panties, striped like a candy cane. They were cut in a way that showed off a good portion of her ass and Five found himself staring yet again. He was also very glad she was not looking at him right then, because as he was caught in the tractor beam that was her tight little rear end, he licked his lips and let out a puff of air.
“Damn,” he murmured, hopefully quietly enough that she didn’t pick up on it.
She righted herself and looked over her shoulder with a grin before she set off to get his drink. Just as Five was imagining a hypothetical scenario involving those panties and his teeth, she appeared in front of him again, fresh drink in hand. When she handed it over to him, Five paused.
“Where did you..how did you get over here so fast?”
She shrugged again, and Five found that just that small action of her shrugging was really starting to get on his nerves. In her hand was her own drink of some sort and she took a generous sip.
“I’m a really good waitress, I guess.”
“Huh.” Five eyed her curiously as he lifted the glass to his lips.
Without any invitation, Candy dropped herself onto Five’s lap, her legs swinging to the side. Five gave her what he intended to be a very murderous glare, but considering her perky round tits were right under his face, it didn’t have the same effect that it normally did. He kept his hands at his sides, not touching her in any way, but he also didn’t push her off. Because her skirt was so short, he knew that the only thing between her and his lap were those little striped panties. He could feel the warmth of her thighs seeping through onto his. She may have been annoying as fuck, but he still had a brain and a dick, and sometimes those two things got very confused about which one was in charge.
“So, if you’re not spending time with your family tonight, what are your plans?”
“To finish this drink, stagger home, and pass out in my bed. If I’m lucky, maybe I won’t wake up until Christmas is over,” he answered.
“Well, that sounds terrible. Why would you want that? Don’t you like Christmas?”
Five shifted in his seat, the irritating jingling of bells now closer to his ears. “I used to.”
Candy nodded with a small frown. Then she placed a hand on his chest. “Maybe I can help you like it again.”
Five lifted his eyes to hers, raising one eyebrow.
“I’ll let you roast your chestnuts over my open fire,” she purred with a grin.
He rolled his eyes. “Subtle. But, even after that cute show you put on for me a minute ago, and this little stunt you’re pulling right now, I’ll be going home alone this evening.”
She stuck out her bottom lip, shiny and wet with lip gloss and her drink. She traced one finger down the side of his neck and over the buttons of his white dress shirt. “That’s a shame. I was really hoping you’d have a special package for me to unwrap later.”
One side of Five’s mouth curled up and his jaw twitched as he took another drink, trying to decide how drunk he was and how much of a hassle it would be to get rid of this girl in the morning. He leaned in closer, placing a hand lightly on the small of her back.
“Sweetheart, I would shove my package down your chimney so hard and so deep, you’d still be feeling it by New Year’s. But that’s not going to happen tonight, I’m afraid.”
She laughed and then nodded, like she hadn’t expected him to say anything less. “I just thought maybe I could remind you how wonderful Christmas is. And maybe how to enjoy yourself a little more and stop closing yourself off to everyone.”
With narrowed eyes, Five lowered his glass that had been midway to his mouth. “What the hell are you talking about? You don’t know anything about me.”
“I know a lot about you, Number Five. And I know that your family loves you and they wish you could have a full and happy life.”
Five’s hand flew up and he grabbed her wrist, pulling her forward and squeezing it hard.
“How do you know my name?” he hissed in her face.
The girl only smiled again. “I’m your guardian angel, Five.”
He clamped down harder onto her wrist and roughly jerked her towards him again. “Cut the shit. Who are you? What do you want? Do you work for Reginald Hargreeves?”
She had the audacity to laugh, those fucking bells ringing again. “Of course I don’t work for your father. Like I told you, my name is Candy and I’m your guardian angel. And I’ve been sent here to make sure you know what a wonderful life you could have here, Five. If only you could let yourself.”
“I don’t know who the fuck you are, or what you want with me, but you have seriously underestimated what I could do to you right now.”
“Oooh, I would love to find out all the things you could do to me,” she said, still not trying to pull her arm away or move off his lap. “I bet you could really put me on the naughty list.”
“How about this? If you don’t get away from me right this second, I snap that pretty little neck of yours?” he growled, digging his fingers into her wrist.
Candy sighed, rolling her eyes skyward and talking out loud to the empty air above her, gesturing to Five with her hand that held her drink. “I know, I know…you warned me. This is going to be a tough one, like you said, but I still think he’s hot, though.”
Five shoved her roughly off his lap and stood up, pushing the table back with a loud screech. “Since you know all about me, then you should know what I’m capable of. So, keep that in mind; because if I ever see your face again, you’ll get to witness it firsthand. Now get out of my way.”
He shouldered past her, out of the bar, and into the cold night air. All around him, just like every other day and night for the past five years, he saw the glowing signs bearing his last name. He paused and took in the giant Hargreeves Enterprises building that loomed over the whole city. The first few snowflakes of the night had started to fall, landing in his hair and onto his eyelashes. With another look back at the bar, he hurried off down the sidewalk. His apartment wasn’t that close, and he had forgotten his coat inside the bar, but he didn’t care. He needed to walk and clear his head and try to figure out what the hell just happened back there.
Five knew the girl had to have been sent by someone. But who? And why? Maybe she was sent from another timeline, here to stop him from doing something that will affect the future. But she didn’t say that. She said she wanted to help him, which made no fucking sense. Then, to matters more fucked up, how the fuck did she know how he felt about things?
After a few more blocks, Five came to a bridge that spanned over a large river. He stopped halfway across, nearing the icy rail and peering down at the roiling and freezing water below. It was windy on the bridge, and he bent his head against the falling snow. He remembered how a year ago, he’d stood in that very same spot, looking down. He had been drunk and in a dark place, just like he was now. He hadn’t gone through with it then, and he wasn’t going to do it now, either. After everything he’d been through and survived, it seemed like a pretty stupid way to end things.
Five huffed out a short laugh, speaking into the empty dark night. “Guardian angel my ass. If that were true, where the fuck were you when I was wasting away in the Apocalypse? At least then I could have had something else to fuck besides my hand.”
“I was there with you, Five, but you didn’t need me then. You do now, though, and you’re much too hot to just be flinging that body of yours over the side of a bridge.”
Five pulled the gun he was carrying out from his waistband, spun around, and pressed the barrel into the side of the girl’s head, clicking off the safety. She gasped a little, but otherwise didn’t seem afraid. She had thrown on a red, faux fur coat over her skimpy outfit, but it remained open, blowing in the wind.
“Why are you following me?” he yelled, a little more frantically than he had intended.
“I don’t know how many times I can tell you, Five. I’m your guardian angel.”
“Forgetting for a moment that angels don’t exist; if they did, I highly doubt they would look like you.”
She stuck her bottom lip out in a pout. “Why? What’s an angel supposed to look like?”
Five couldn’t believe he was actually having this conversation. “I have no idea, but not someone that’s dressed like they just came from working the pole at Santa’s workshop.”
Candy actually laughed, despite the very loaded gun pointed directly at her head and the blatant insult he had just hurled at her. “Santa’s strip club? That’s good! Oh! I bet it would be called ‘The South Pole’.” Her eyes flitted down to where Five had pulled out his gun. “And I wouldn’t mind getting my tongue frozen to your pole.”
“Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! God, you are annoying!”
“Yeah, I get that a lot. But I’m very delightful once you get to know me.”
“I highly doubt that. I’m also not going to find out. Because, even though I could blow your brains out and throw your body into the river very easily right now, I’m not going to do that. So, I highly recommend that you walk away from me before I change my mind.”
“Oh, Five,” she said with a smile, running her hand down his arm. “You’re not going to hurt me. That’s not you.”
Five blanched at her words, lowering the gun. Even though he had liked the feeling of her warm hand on his arm, he shook her off and got in her face.
“I have killed more people than you could ever know,” he snarled.
Five’s eyes widened and he took a step back. “What?”
“I do know how many and it’s 263.” She pointed up to the sky and shrugged her shoulders. “We keep track.”
Five didn’t know what to say to that. His heart began to race and his hand trembled as he shoved the gun back into his pants, trying to process the craziest thing this woman had said to him yet. She was right; he had kept track, too.
Chapter Two: Christmas Past
When Five shivered against the cold, Candy opened up her coat, pulling it around his back as she stepped in closer to his side. “Here, let me warm you up.” She leaned in even closer and whispered next to his ear, her lips ghosting over his cheek. “You’re an amazing person, Number Five, and I want to show you that.”
“How?” Five’s voice came out soft, and he realized he was quickly losing his control of the situation.
Candy pressed her body into him, her arms circling his waist. When she kissed him, he didn’t try to pull away. Instead, he felt himself giving in to her and the heat of her hand as she touched the side of his face with her palm. The snow was still falling and landing over them both, but Five was no longer cold. The heat radiating off of her body was more than enough to warm them both. His eyes fell closed as he felt her pull away just slightly, her voice sounding both far away, and directly inside his head.
“Just relax, Five. Let me remind you.”
“Remind me of what?” he whispered, although he wasn’t sure he’d spoken out loud.
“When you were happy.”
Five’s vision started to fade; the snowy landscape around them shimmering like water. For a split second he thought he had his powers back. The sensation was the same. The same surge of energy through his veins, the pull of time and space on every molecule in his body. His heart raced with the possibility that his old self was back. But instead of appearing out of a portal, it was as if he stood still and his surroundings shifted into something new.
One second Five had been standing on a freezing bridge with Candy’s body pressed to his; and the next they were standing in the warm living room of the Hargreeves’ mansion. He was inside of his childhood home and Candy was holding his hand loosely in hers. None of this made sense and he looked to her for an answer. Instead of an actual explanation, she smiled cheerfully, as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened, and squeezed his hand.
“Just watch,” she chirped.
Five really had no other choice but to wait and watch, considering he had no idea what the fuck was going on. The main room of the mansion had been decorated for Christmas, with wreaths on every window, garland on the mantle above the fireplace, and a tastefully decorated tree in the corner. Looking up, he noticed that some of the trophy heads his father had collected had lights strung across their antlers and necks and he smiled. He actually remembered helping Ben string those up, with both of them wondering if they would get in trouble when Reginald saw. By some miracle, their father either didn’t care or didn’t notice, and the rest of their siblings had laughed and clapped when the oryx and wildebeest were suddenly illuminated with twinkling lights.
Five’s smile turned back into a frown when he realized how old that memory was. They had been around 8 years old then. How the hell was he seeing this now? Before he could question Candy, he heard the stampeding sound of multiple feet running down the hallway towards them, accompanied by loud shrieks of laughter. He watched in disbelief as the 8-year-old version of himself, along with the rest of his brothers and sister, came clamoring into the room.
Five immediately ran his hands over his face and down his arms, fully expecting his body to start sweating and itching like crazy. But he felt fine, and he didn’t feel the normal paranoia creeping in. Maybe it was the denial, though. He looked back at Candy, who was watching him, and she shook her head with a smile.
“Don’t worry. There’s no psychosis here. It’s more of a flashback or like watching a home movie. They’re real but they can’t see us.”
Five rolled his eyes. “So, we’re doing the Christmas Carol thing? How original,” he muttered.
Despite his suspicions of all of this, he went back to watching the scene in front of him. He remembered that exact Christmas Eve because it had always been his favorite. They were still too young to have officially formed the Umbrella Academy, and so life was a little freer than it would be in the coming years. Even though they fought sometimes, and formed alliances behind each other’s backs, that was all forgotten at Christmas time. Everyone was happy and getting along. Their mother brought in a tray of seven mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows and each kid excitedly grabbed one.
Five watched his younger self double over with laughter when Diego stuck a marshmallow up his nose and shot it into Luther’s mug. He couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed like that, and seeing it was both heartbreaking and uplifting. He smiled, wishing so badly he could step out of whatever bubble Candy had put them in and warn his little innocent self not to ruin his life on a whim just to prove a point.
“I remember this Christmas,” Five said to Candy, not taking his eyes off of his family. “Klaus and Allison had written a stupid play called ‘The Unhappy Christmas Tree’ and forced us all to be in it. We performed it for our mother and Pogo on Christmas morning.”
His supposed guardian angel laughed. “And what part did you play?”
“I’ll give you one guess.”
“The unhappy Christmas tree?”
Five nodded and chuckled. “I had absolutely refused to speak any lines or sing their dumb song, so they made me stand there covered in garland with a star on my head while the rest of them performed around me.”
“I bet you were an adorable little tree.”
“I don’t know about adorable. I was a pretty pissed off little tree, anyway.” Five sighed and shook his head. “Of course, you would have thought it was worthy of a Tony award based on our mother’s reaction. Not that that was real in any way, but it made Allison and Klaus feel good.”
“Did your father enjoy it?”
Five snorted with derision. “Fuck no. He never would have lowered himself to actually spend time with his children. No, I’m sure he was either out with his high-society crowd, or up in his office planning our eventual demise.”
They watched in silence for a few more minutes as his young family laughed and played. They really were a real family once upon a time, all seven of them together. Here was the proof. Ben was alive and Five hadn’t even thought of time travel yet. They even included Viktor in everything back then. Five’s chest tightened with the emotion of a lost childhood and he turned to Candy.
“Make it stop,” he told her, his voice cracking.
“But there’s more to see, don’t you want to—”
“Now,” he demanded harshly. “Stop doing whatever you’re doing.”
She looked sad, the smile that she always seemed to wear fading and she nodded her head slowly. The time travel sensation was back and gone just as quickly, and they were back on the bridge with the wind and snow whipping around them.
“What the fuck did you do to me?” Five yelled at her, yanking his hand away.
“I brought you back to a happy moment in your life. So you could remember what it used to feel like.”
Five wiped aggressively at his face, telling himself that it was wet from the snow, and stumbled backwards away from her. “Stay away from me, whoever or whatever you are!”
Candy raised her arms up and let them drop back down to her sides in frustration. “Five, please! I’m trying to help you.”
“Stay the fuck away from me! Understand? If I see you again, I will kill you!” he yelled into the wind.
He took a few more steps backwards, to make sure she wasn’t going to follow him, but she stayed where she was. Then he turned around and headed towards his apartment as fast as he could without breaking into a sprint.
Head down, Five pressed on for the few remaining blocks, not daring to look behind him. He didn’t know what had happened back there, or who that woman was, but he wanted no part of it. She probably drugged his drink at the bar and everything he had seen was a hallucination. That was the only logical explanation. Logic aside, it had still scared the shit out of him, and Five did not like being the scared one in any situation. He liked to be in control, and back there he had let himself lose control. All because she had pressed her body against his and kissed him.
So what if she was insanely hot, and had a nice ass and her tits were perfect? And so what if she was actually nice to him, even though he was being a dick to her? She was clearly insane. Even attractive people with amazing boobs could be insane, he reminded himself.
When he finally reached his apartment, Five hurried inside and shut and locked the door behind him. He stood shivering with his back against the door, breathing hard and flexing his frozen fingers to try and warm them up. He was still a little tipsy from the bar, but after what he’d just been through, he needed another drink. Striding over to his small, drab kitchen, he pulled out a glass, pouring a generous amount of bourbon, and tipping it back to swallow it in one gulp.
“Fuck,” he said out loud to no one, grimacing from the burn of the alcohol.
Before he could think what to do next, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, startling him back to reality. With a glance at the screen, he sighed heavily, but was actually grateful for someone else to talk to. If only to make sure he wasn’t completely losing his mind.
“Heyyy, Cinco! We miss you buddy, where are you?”
Klaus was just about as loud as his niece had been, and Five found himself pulling the phone away again.
“I’m at home,” he answered flatly.
“Well, what the hell are you doing there? It’s Christmas Eve, Fivey!”
“I’m aware of the day.”
“Then why would you want to be alone? Come hang out with us. We miss you!”
Five’s heart tightened just a little on hearing that. He missed them, too. A little, anyway. But he stayed silent.
“You’re not still mad at me for spilling guacamole on your suit jacket that one time, are you? Because it really was an accident.”
Five pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and closed his eyes. “No, Klaus, I am not mad about that. I just don’t want to come, ok?”
There was a pause. In the background, Five could hear the rest of his family being loud and obnoxious as always, with Lila’s voice carrying over all of them. “Klaus, don’t waste your time with that crabby old fart. Let him be miserable and alone. That’s clearly what he wants.”
“We’d really like you to be here,” Klaus said apologetically.
“Yeah, sounds like it.”
“Fivey, come on—”
“Really, Klaus, I’m fine. But as Lila said, don’t waste your time on me, because I’m not coming.”
“Can you at least tell me why?”
Five huffed angrily and raised his voice. “Because maybe I just don’t want to spend Christmas with you people, ok?”
There was silence on the other end and Five immediately felt like shit. Klaus didn’t deserve that. None of them did. Why did he have to be such a stubborn asshole all of the time?
“Yeah, ok. Ten-four, big bro. Have a nice life.”
Five watched as the call went dead and he slammed his phone on the counter.
“Fuck,” he said quietly. But as usual, no one was around to hear it.
He was still wet and shivering from the snow, so after a quick check out the window and a glance at his locked door, he went into his bedroom to change. He just needed to go to bed and go to sleep, that was all. Whatever drug that girl put in his drink would wear off by tomorrow, and maybe then he could think straight. Then maybe he would go over to Diego’s in the morning and apologize; if he wasn’t too hung over, that is.
After pulling off his soaked shoes and socks and peeling off his shirt, Five was in the process of unbuckling his belt and unzipping his fly when he heard it. Those fucking bells. He paused, his hands on his waistband as he listened with his heart pounding loudly in his ears. There was no fucking way he had actually heard that. He must be going crazy. But then he heard it again, and he gritted his teeth together.
When he stormed out of his bedroom, there she was. Standing in his kitchen, helping herself to his bourbon, and looking like she had every right to be there. Her red coat had been discarded in the living room, thrown onto a chair. Five also noticed she had thrown her boots off by the door. When she saw him, she smiled happily and raised her glass.
“This is good! I see why you like it.”
Five wanted to scream or yell or do something. Something other than what he did do, which was to stammer incoherently and run his hands so hard through his hair a few strands were pulled out.
“What the…how did you…god damn it! How the fuck are you here?”
He looked over at his door, which was still dead bolted from the inside. If he had been freaked out before, that was nothing to how he was feeling now. Candy, however, only tilted her head like she had no idea what he was talking about and took another sip of her drink.
“Angels don’t need to use doors, Five. I thought that was common knowledge.”
She shrugged her shoulders, drawing his attention to the smooth skin of her collarbone again. He really wished he could stop thinking about running his lips over that skin and wondering how it would taste. He did not want this girl here. He wanted her to leave him the fuck alone. He’d been very clear about that.
“Get. The fuck. Out,” he spit out between clenched teeth.
Candy ignored him and hoisted herself up onto the kitchen countertop, wiggling her sparkly red painted toes. Her skirt was riding up far enough that Five was able to get another glimpse at those red and white striped underwear of hers. She made no attempt to try and hide them and she looked Five up and down, only just then realizing he was standing there shirtless with his pants halfway undone. She raised her eyebrows.
“Damn, Five” she exhaled quietly. “You can deck my halls anytime.”
Five’s eyes darkened and he strode over to her, muscles dangerously flexed, and he grabbed her around the neck. Only inches from her face, he hissed menacingly as he pressed his fingers in harder.
“I told you I would kill you if I saw you again, didn’t I?”
Candy clasped onto his wrist, but she didn’t seem panicked at all. In fact, it looked like she was trying to smile.
“You’re not going to kill me, Five.”
He tightened his grip again and he heard a small gurgle in her throat.
“What makes you think I won’t?” he snarled.
“Because I think you’d rather do something else to me,” she breathed out.
Five’s chest was heaving and his teeth were bared as he stared her down, his fingers not loosening from around her slender neck. Up close like that, he could see down her shirt and he realized he was standing between her legs, with the inside of her thighs brushing against his hips.
“Is that really what you want?” he growled as he leaned in even closer. “You want to get fucked by some stranger on Christmas Eve? Right here, in this shit hole apartment?”
He saw a small twitch at the corner of her mouth and she inhaled as best she could while he was choking her. Five could feel the intense heat pulsing off her body again, just like when they were out in the snow. She looked him directly in the eyes and nodded.
The one ounce of resolve he had left in him to not let his lust for this woman take over in any way dissolved immediately with that nod.
“Shit,” he cursed to himself in between his heavy panting.
Her head was slammed back into the cupboards behind her as Five moved his hand to the back of her neck and kissed her brutally, his other hand sliding roughly up her skirt and onto her hip, where his fingers dug into her skin.
Five leaned down and sucked a dark bruise on to the delicious looking indentation next to her collarbone. He heard her hissing inhale from his teeth scraping against her and he let up, grabbing a handful of her hair.
“I don’t think you know what you’re getting yourself into here, honey. Because I’m not the nice guy you think I am.” He kissed her roughly before pulling away again. One hand was still in her hair while his other traveled around the font of her skirt and he pressed his entire hand between her legs, pushing his palm hard against her until he heard her let out a little moan. “You are going to get fucked hard and rough, and I’m going to come inside of you because I don’t really give a shit about anything anymore.”
It hadn’t been a question; his drunk self just blurted it out there. He waited for her to tell him to drop dead, or to finally realize who she was dealing with and leave him alone for good. Instead, she reached down and pressed his hand in harder and smirked.
“It’s not nice to tease.”
With a vicious smile that was more like a snarl, Five pressed his body into hers so that she could feel his hard on grinding into her thigh. He left more bruises over her neck as he eagerly bit and sucked at her skin.
“Get these fucking panties off.”
With one hand he yanked the tiny red and white striped underpants down, letting them fall to the floor while he started fingering her under her skirt. He watched with satisfaction as her eyelids fell closed and she tipped her head back with a low groan.
He wasn’t gentle with her, but she seemed to like it, and even in his inebriated state he knew what he was doing. Five pushed his groin into her again, rubbing himself against her while he stroked the soft, wet folds between her legs. She was starting to roll her hips into his hand, urging him on with the way she was panting, her chest heaving and her breasts pushed up against his chest.
When Five began finger fucking her, hard with two fingers, her moans came out louder and she thrust her hips into him.
“Ohhh…yes,” she whined, her hands clutching the edge of the countertop.
With another growling noise, Five pulled his hand away, leaving her gasping for air. He ripped open the front of her shirt, the buttons pulling apart and exposing her breasts. The bra she had on was striped just like her underwear. He pushed the shirt the rest of the way down her arms and let it fall off of her.
“Let’s see those tits you’ve been shoving in my face.”
Five reached around and unhooked her bra, throwing it on the ground. The sight of her perfectly round breasts displayed before him was too much and he let out a pathetic noise from deep down in his throat. He couldn’t wait any longer, he needed to fuck this girl and he needed to fuck her now. Candy watched, breathing hard, as he unzipped his pants the rest of the way.
“Fuck, Five…I knew you would have a big package to load into my sleigh.”
He was filled with nothing but rage and lust when he pulled her forcibly by her hips, shoving her skirt up around her waist. With one hand he began stroking his straining cock while the other grabbed her hair again, pulling her head back so she was forced to look at him. Her mouth gaped open and her rapid breaths were loud and rasping.
“Tell me you want this,” he demanded through clenched teeth.
She nodded as best she could with his fist in her hair. He shook her slightly and her head hit the cupboard again, the bells on her headband jingling.
“You haven’t shut up all fucking night, so don’t stop now, sweetheart. Tell me you want me to fuck you.”
“I want you to fuck me,” she whimpered quietly as one side of her mouth turned up in a half smile.
Five let go of her hair and positioned himself carefully, using his hand to slip the head of his cock inside of her. She sucked in a sharp gasp at the same time that Five sneered in her face.
“I am going to ruin you.”
The first hard thrust all of the way inside pushed her back and she cried out while grabbing onto his shoulders for support. Five had her hips and ass held tight in his hands as he began to pound into her hot, wet core. Candy’s headband continued to jangle pleasantly each time the back of her head hit the cupboard behind her.
“Fuuuck,” Five groaned out.
“Oh my god you’re good at this,” she moaned. “Keep fucking me like I’m your ho ho ho,” she added with a smile as her head bounced off the cupboard in time with each ‘ho’; those god damn bells ringing.
“Shut. Up.” Five panted. Then he reached up and grabbed her headband, flinging it across the room, the bells making one final, sad tinkling sound as they hit the linoleum. “Jesus, I hate that thing.”
Candy’s laugh was quickly cut off by another desperate moan as Five banged into her over and over again and she clutched at his shoulders. In contrast to his apparent anger and viciousness towards her, he couldn’t help pulling her closer. He liked her impossibly warm skin and the weight of her body on his. He began to kiss her mouth, hard and hungry, sucking at her lips and tasting her tongue on his. She was delicious, like her name, and he kept going back for more until he was clutching her against him and feeling the soft skin of her cheek under his palm and her firm tits pressed against his bare chest.
“Whatever you’re doing to me, stop it,” he begged her as his lips grazed over the corner of her mouth.
“It’s not me, this time. This is all you, daddy.”
“Oh, fuck…I like that,” he groaned into her neck.
“I know you do,” she smirked.
He was still drilling into her hard and fast, and Five could tell that he was doing something she liked because she finally shut the fuck up. The only sounds he heard were the slamming of his body into hers and her whines and cries that were getting louder and more pleading. Her fingers were digging into his skin and her head was thrown back.
“Yes…please,” she gasped in between more of his voracious kisses.
He felt her release against him as she clung to his body with her legs wrapped around his waist and her hands on his back. Her body seemed to give off a shimmering glow as she climaxed and she felt even warmer to the touch, her hot walls pulsing around his dick.
Five picked up his pace, slamming even more violently into her as he chased his own high. He felt like he wanted to break her, to crack her open with each thrust of his hips. He wasn’t even angry at her anymore, but she was the outlet for his chronic rage and he poured every ounce of it into her. It was unrelenting as he shamelessly used her as a way to get his rocks off and maybe a little relief from the constant ache of resentment he felt every day.
The aggression and ferocity kept building until finally Five couldn’t take it. He was barely aware of her existence anymore, just mindlessly penetrating her over and over again. His own orgasm came hard, and he did exactly what he said he was going to, coming inside of her with no warning. Sweating, shuddering, and with a final long, low grunt, he finished unloading into her and fell limply against her body.
“Damn it,” Five groaned sadly under his breath as he rested his forehead against his shitty cabinet door, her hair brushing against his cheek.
He was still breathing heavily, but he wasn’t pent up with rage anymore. He felt the inevitable shame washing over him like a thick, creeping fog. He had let his anger and fear get the best of him, and he had taken it out on her. When he felt Candy’s fingers threading lightly through his hair at the back of his neck, he flinched and drew back, pulling out of her and stepping away.
He immediately zipped his pants back up and pushed his hair off his face. He was having a hard time looking her in the eyes, but he watched as she hopped casually down from the counter to retrieve her bra and panties that had been thoughtlessly discarded on the floor. Once she had them back on again, she stepped closer to Five. He had no choice but to look at her.
“Wow,” she breathed out with a satisfied smile. Her eyebrows creased together when she saw his expression. “What’s wrong?”
Five wasn’t sure how to answer that question, considering it seemed pretty fucking obvious to him. He looked away from her again, turning back to the bottle of bourbon on the counter. With a shaky hand, he poured more into his empty glass. Then he felt her hand on his arm and he turned back around.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Five. I asked for something and you gave it to me. I know you were mad, but that’s ok. That’s what I’m here for. To make you feel better.”
“That’s what you’re here for? Jesus, what kind of fucked up thing is that to say?”
She sighed. “See, this is exactly why I needed to come down here. You think you’re this cold-hearted, uncaring person, but I’ve seen the real you. And you have so much love inside you, Five. You just need to figure out how to let people see it.”
Five turned his back on her, bracing his hands on the counter so that the muscles in his back tensed and flexed and he let out a short, sarcastic laugh.
“How can you even say that, after…” His voice trailed off, too ashamed to finish the sentence.
She placed a hand on his back. “Can I show you more?”
“More what?” he asked miserably.
“Well, even though one of my objectives tonight was to take a ride on your Polar Express, that wasn’t my main one.”
Five rolled his eyes at her stupid innuendo, but he also had to fight down the smile he felt creeping up. He turned to face her again, crossing his arms over his chest.
“And now I suppose this is the point where you show me another vision or whatever it is and I come to some conclusion that life is just one big fucking ray of sunshine?”
Candy shrugged her bare shoulders, standing there in just her skirt and peppermint striped push-up bra. If Five had been in more of a romantic mood, he would have thought she looked adorable. Instead, he just rolled his eyes again, thankful that at least that fucking headband was gone.
She took another step towards him, prying one of his hands away and taking it in hers.
“Don’t you trust me?”
He shook his head slowly. “Not even a little.”
Chapter 3: I'll Stuff Your Stocking
With another soft smile, Candy placed her hand on the side of his face, just like she had done on the bridge. She leaned in to kiss him, so softly and sweetly that Five couldn’t stand how much he loved that feeling. Just like he had gotten lost in the sensation of kissing her while he roughly fucked her, he was losing himself again. He didn’t care about whatever it was she wanted to show him. He wanted to keep kissing her while her warm body was against his. There was something comforting about it and he let himself relax into her.
When he opened his eyes, he and Candy were fully dressed again, standing in another warmly lit home, with her hand clasped in his. He shook off the strangely familiar feeling of teleportation and glanced around. He knew exactly where they were and he let out a disappointed groan.
“Here?” he asked, turning to Candy with a pointedly annoyed look. “Ok, I get it. I’m a big jerk that everyone hates. Can we go now?”
Candy shook her head with a smile, and Five noticed the fucking bells were back on her head.
“Sorry, that’s not how it works.” When she saw his unamused face, she laughed. “Hey, I don’t make the rules, I just carry them out.”
Five reluctantly turned back to the scene before him. It was happening in real time, on that same night, and he watched his entire family as they gathered around Diego and Lila’s small but cozy living room.
“Shit,” he muttered under his breath and he felt Candy squeeze his hand.
“So, why isn’t Uncle Five here again?” Grace asked, as they all took seats and she sat on the floor surrounded by presents.
“He is just very busy, sweetie, that’s all,” Luther lied.
Diego and Lila exchanged eye rolls behind their daughter’s back.
"I’m sure you’ll see him soon. Now, why don’t you go ahead and open up the presents everyone brought for you?” Diego said.
Distracted by the presents from her other uncles, Grace started tearing into the paper while everyone watched. Five felt a stabbing sensation in his chest, knowing she was asking about him and he hadn’t even had the decency to show up.
He and Candy watched as the little girl opened each gift, and each time she held one up to show everyone, Five would scoff, growing increasingly agitated.
“Barbies? Please. She doesn’t even like dolls!”
“She already has Candy Land! I know because I bought it for her two years ago. She cheats, by the way.”
“Pink fuzzy bunny slippers. Ok, Klaus, you’re supposed to pick out things for her, not you. Gracie hates pink. She likes purple.”
Five was getting more and more worked up as Grace continued to open her ill-thought-out gifts. He was gesturing wildly to the scene in front of them and looking over to Candy in disbelief.
“Oh for fucks sa—are you seeing this? Dr. Seuss books? Her reading level is much too advanced for those.”
Candy stood silently next to Five, watching his reactions with her usual smile. Grace finished opening her presents and thanked and hugged everyone politely. But Five could see she was secretly disappointed.
Candy finally piped up. “Too bad you aren’t there to give her your gift. You seem to know her the best.”
Five huffed. “Well, it’s not that hard to figure out what a kid likes. All you have to do is pay attention once in a while. Dumbasses.”
“What did you get her again?”
Five hesitated. “A telescope. I told her how I used to look at the stars every night when it was just me and Dolores and she said she wanted me to show her. I was going to take her outside of the city so we could see them better.”
Candy nodded. “When were you planning on doing that? Before or after your very busy plans of getting black-out drunk all by yourself?”
Five’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t say anything. What could he possibly say? She was right. He had no excuse as to why he wasn’t there with his family and doting on his niece like he loved to do. Only that he was a selfish asshole.
“Alright, so are we done here?”
Candy shrugged, and Five noticed the bruises he had left on her neck and chest were gone. “That’s up to you. Have you seen enough?”
Five turned back to his family. Grace had already slipped away from the group of adults, leaving her new gifts on the floor untouched. He was about to tell Candy that he had seen enough, when he realized his siblings were talking about him.
“…couldn’t take ten minutes out of his busy schedule of tossing off to mannequin catalogs to hang out with his family?”
Five flipped Lila off, even though he knew she couldn’t see him.
“I don’t know, I feel bad for him. He’s been through a lot.”
Surprisingly, Luther was defending him. Then Klaus spoke up.
“I know, but haven’t we all? And we’ve somehow managed to get on with life.”
“Yeah, but we have each other. He doesn’t have anyone,” Diego added.
Lila snorted. “Well, he could have if he tried even a little bit. It’s like he loves being a miserable little shit.”
“I do want him to be happy, though,” said Viktor.
Klaus sighed and nodded. “Yeah, me too. It’s just too bad he can’t let himself. I’m not sure the old man even knows how anymore.”
After that, the subject switched to something else and Five was left standing there with a dull ache throbbing in his chest.
“That’s enough,” he said quietly to Candy.
She nodded and took his hand again. The room started to shimmer and then disappear altogether. In a second, they were back in Five’s apartment. Candy was back to wearing nothing but her skirt and bra, her red headband lying on the floor where Five had so rudely flung it. Five was wearing just his pants, which only brought back the shame he had been feeling earlier. Shame heaped on top of shame.
“I thought you said you were supposed to make me feel better.”
“I am!”
“Well, then you’re terrible at your job because I feel shittier than before. Maybe you need to go back and take a guardian angel refresher course.”
Candy laughed. Because of course she would. “I’m sorry, Five, really. But can’t you see how your family just wants you to be happy? And little Grace…she loves you so much.”
Five nodded and leaned against his kitchen counter, hands braced behind him. “Yeah, I heard. And that’s great. But I just don’t know –” his voice trailed off and he looked away from her.
“I don’t know how.”
“To be happy?”
Five nodded.
“Five, everyone has the ability to be happy. Some people just have to work for it a little bit more than others. But I have no doubt in my mind that you could be if you just tried.”
Five flung his hands up in frustration. “You keep saying that! How can I try to be happy? That makes no sense. You either are or you aren’t. It’s not like I can wake up in the morning and say ‘Gee, I think I’ll be happy today!’”
“Actually, that’s exactly what you can do.”
Five sighed angrily, but stayed quiet. She obviously didn’t know what she was talking about, and was the world’s worst guardian angel. Amazing body; terrible angel.
“What do you think Dolores would say?”
Eyes flashing and jaw set, he glared at Candy. “Don’t talk about Dolores,” he warned.
“I’m just saying, maybe if you listened to her –”
“STOP! RIGHT NOW!” he shouted, his voice loud enough to make ripples in the bottle of bourbon next to him.
Candy put her hands on her hips, tipping her head back and exhaling loudly. A piece of her dark hair floated upwards from her exasperated breath. With her head back like that, Five could see the love bites he’d left on her neck, renewing his guilt.
“Wow, you are making my job difficult,” she spoke out loud, to him and to whoever else was listening above.
When she looked back at him, her normal smile returned and she let her arms relax at her sides.
“Ok, how about this? You take some time to reflect on things, while I go take a much needed nap in your bed.”
“A nap? Now?”
“Yes. You are very exhausting,” she huffed. Then she smiled and winked at him, reaching out to run a hand down his arm. “In more ways than one.”
As she sauntered past him, towards his bedroom, Five continued to stand in one spot, thoroughly confused. Just when he thought he had her figured out, she’d trip him up again. He had shouted at her, insulted her, and angrily banged her into his yellow, Formica countertop. And what had she done? Nothing. Nothing but continue to be sweet, and encouraging, and sexy. Damn, she was sexy. But why was she still here? He just didn’t understand.
After a few minutes, Five wandered over to his bedroom doorway. Candy was under the covers, lying on her stomach with her head on his pillow, on the side of the bed he normally reserved for himself. He tried not to let that little fact irritate him, though. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing soft and rhythmically.
"Why are you here?” Five asked out loud.
Candy opened her eyes slowly and smiled when she saw him standing there.
“What do you mean? You know why I’m here.”
“I mean, why are you still here? I’ve been awful to you. I threatened to kill you, I screamed at you. Nothing I’ve done has been nice. And you’re still here. Why?”
She propped her head up on one hand. “Those things don’t bother me.”
Five took a few steps into his room, closer to the bed. “They don’t bother you? How?”
“Because I told you, Five. I know you. The real you. And I know you don’t mean any of those things. I’m not scared of you.”
As he was mulling that over, he came and sat on the opposite side of the bed. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
“I know.”
He looked at her, lying there in his bed, looking serene and peaceful despite everything that had happened. “Really, Candy, I am sorry. I’ve treated you like crap and you don’t deserve that. Even if I still think you’re a lunatic.”
She laughed and nodded her head. “It’s ok.”
With another, longer look at her, the sheet hanging loosely over her, he realized something. “Are you naked?”
Candy giggled and nodded. “All guardian angels sleep naked. We generate a lot of heat, so it’s much more comfortable that way.”
Five blinked a few times and swallowed. Apparently being sorry for treating someone like shit did not deter instant boners when that someone was a beautiful woman lying naked in your bed. He shifted, pulling at the crotch of his pants.
"I guess it’s a good thing that I got you as my angel instead of a 300lb hairy man.”
“Ah, that would be Todd. I actually fought him for this job. So, you’re welcome.”
Five wasn’t entirely sure if she was kidding or not, but then she laughed at his confused face, which made him smile in return. He still sat there on the edge of the bed.
“So, are you going to keep me company under these covers, or do you want to just sit there in your uncomfortably tight pants?”
“Only if that’s what you want.”
She nodded.
With a grin, Five stood up and shed his pants while Candy looked him over with an approving smile. He slid into bed, close to her so that he could run a hand gently down her back and over her tight butt. She was still lying on her stomach and she wriggled under his touch.
“What, no clever Christmas-themed sexual innuendo, this time?” he teased.
“I can’t think of any good ones right now.”
“Hmmm…” Five leaned in close, his hand resting on the small of her back. “How about I stuff your stocking and give you some of my special eggnog?”
Candy burst out laughing, burying her face in the pillow, before looking back at his smirking face. “I knew you were funny! See, you just need to loosen up a little.”
He looked thoughtful as he continued to trace soft lines down her shoulders and back with his fingertips. When he pushed her long hair off to the side, he saw what he hadn’t been able to before. Two angel wing tattoos, intricately drawn on each of her shoulder blades. He let out a soft laugh as he touched each one lightly.
“So, what did you have to do to earn these?”
“Nothing. Standard issue.”
“I thought guardian angels were supposed to do something special to earn their wings. You know, like every time a bell rings…”
She shook her head with a smile. “Nope. That’s just in the movies. We all have them. This is just my Earth version. My real wings would look a little too obvious down here.”
He looked at her dubiously, with one eyebrow raised. “Then what do you get if you successfully turn me into a believer?”
“I get to stay.”
“Stay where?”
“Here. On Earth.”
He let out a loud, short laugh. “Why in the hell would you want to stay here?”
She shrugged. “I like it here. You have the ocean, and the sun. Rain, trees, snow, buildings, cars, people. Oh! And the food! It’s all so wonderful!”
Now Five really thought she was bat-shit crazy, but he didn’t comment. She continued.
“It’s an incredibly difficult wish to have granted, though. That’s why they gave me you. Or rather, I chose you.”
“And why is that? What’s so special about me?”
Candy smiled coyly, shifting her body over so that she was pressing Five back into the mattress by his shoulders. She climbed on top of him, straddling his thighs and letting the covers fall off of her.
“Because you, Five Hargreeves…” she rocked her hips into him and he groaned. “…are a very hard man to please.” She rubbed herself against him again, sliding her wet heat over his cock.
Five grabbed her hips and she straightened herself, allowing him to see her fully naked body on top of him. He let out a stuttering breath.
“Well, I’m pretty fucking pleased right now. Does this count?”
She shook her head sadly. “I’m afraid not. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun in the meantime.”
After reaching up to cup each breast, rubbing his thumb over her stiff nipples and watching her throw her head back, Five ran his hands slowly down her sides. He loved the softness of her skin and the curves of her body; the intense heat that got stronger with her arousal. He desperately wanted to feel himself inside of her again, but without all of the anger and malice that he had projected onto her the last time.
“If you kiss me, will you make me see things again?”
“No. Not this time.”
Five nodded. “Then kiss me,” he whispered. "Please."
When she leaned over him, she paused for just a moment, an inch from his mouth, and then her lips met his as he closed his eyes. His hand caressed the side of her face and his fingers found their way into her long hair. This time there was no anger or violence; no screaming urge to drive her away or control her. He just wanted to keep kissing her, to touch her hot skin, and feel the weight of her body on top of his. He hadn’t realized it before, but it felt so good with her naked body pressed to his. There was something comforting about it. And he was so rarely comforted.
Five wasn’t sure when she had adjusted herself so that his cock was sliding inside of her again, but her hips were moving in a steady rhythm against his, her sex so hot and wet that he was positive he’d never felt anything so amazing in his entire life.
She moved her mouth to the side of his neck, still slowly riding him, as he breathed loudly into the sweet scent of her hair.
“Five,” she whined, drawing his name out as her lips brushed across his skin.
“Oh, fuck…” He knew he had a tendency for arrogance, but he never realized just how much he loved hearing his name moaned next to his ear while he was being fucked. But he could say for absolute certainty now that he would not get tired of hearing it.
His hands were on her hips again, urging her to ride him faster and harder, all while her chest remained flush with his. Their soft kisses had turned into hungry ones, and Five latched onto the creamy skin next to her collarbone again, sucking another purple mark onto it.
“I want to give you what you want. Just tell me,” he panted, his breath hot on her already flaming skin.
“I need you in deeper, Five. I want more of you.”
“Sit up.”
Candy took the direction, pulling herself away from Five’s mouth and neck, and sat up, sinking deeper down onto his cock. Five’s strong hands pushed her down further, harder, and he thrust his hips up to meet hers.
“Oh fuck yes !” she yelled, letting him roughly guide her body.
Grasping hands; fingers digging into hot, damp skin; the sound of the bed slamming into the wall, and her desperate moans and cries were mixing together into one erotic symphony as Five drove into her again and again. It was the most blissful experience he’d ever had. He couldn’t even remember why he was so angry towards her earlier. Oh right, she claimed to be a celestial being, wouldn’t shut up, and broke into his apartment. Well, right now he didn’t care about any of that. Right now, he watched her amazingly tight body rock back and forth on top of him, his dick buried deep inside her.
“You feel so goddamn good right now. Maybe you’re my guardian angel after all.”
She let out a breathy laugh and bit her bottom lip as she continued to ride him.
“That’s another reason I want to stay here…fuuck…the sex here is…oh god, yes, do more of that…amazing…ah shit, Five!”
With a long wail of pleasure, Candy tipped her head back, mouth open, as she came undone. Five watched her face, lost in ecstasy; took in her body that was writhing and shuddering on top of his; felt her tight cunt pulsing around him. The arrogant, asshole part of him that lived inside his brain was practically gloating over the fact that he was the one responsible for all of it, too. And, fuck, if that wasn’t the final push he needed to be filling her up with his cum again, groaning through a clenched jaw as he pressed his fingers further into her flesh.
Afterwards, they laid there in silence, Candy’s head next to his on the pillow as she smiled over at him and let out a contented sigh, stretching her body out long like a cat warming itself in a sunbeam. Five laid on his back, staring at the ceiling, a million thoughts running through his head. That old feeling of guilt was creeping back in again.
“I really am sorry,” he said quietly. “For earlier.”
“And I already said it’s ok.”
He tapped his fingers on his bare chest, as one of the many nagging thoughts in his brain surfaced again. “Candy, how old are you?”
She let out a giggle that she quickly suppressed. “Are you worried that you’ve taken advantage of an impressionable, young woman that’s half your age?”
Five looked over in surprise, and then remembered that she seemed to know everything about him. Even things no one should know. So, of course, she would know his true age.
“That’s a bit of a concern of mine, yes.”
“Well, if anyone is taking advantage of anyone in this scenario it’s me with you.”
“How so?”
“We don’t really have years like they do down here, but if I were to guess, I’d probably be around 390.”
Five raised his eyebrows at her and let out a disbelieving laugh. “390 years old.”
Candy stretched out languidly again, showing off her body that could not have been more than 22 years old by the looks of it. After a yawn, she nodded. “Yep. I’m the ultimate cougar, aren’t I?” She laughed at her own joke.
With a shake of his head, Five let out a soft sigh. He was not even sure why he bothered. Every time she answered one of his questions, it only created more. In the matter of a few hours, he had gone through about every emotion in his inventory, and he still didn’t understand what was going on. Just a couple of hours earlier, he had threatened to kill this woman. He had held a loaded gun to her head. And now, here she was, lying naked next to him in his bed, as comfortable as could be. The even weirder part was that Five felt comfortable, too. He had no panicky urge to kick her out with some lame excuse; no sudden need to get up and shower, remaining aloof until she left on her own.
He liked her. He thought. Or maybe she drugged him again, who the fuck knows? Whatever was going on was strange, to say the least. He looked back over at her, and she had fallen asleep. If this little game of visions they were playing was going to continue, then that meant there would be one more. The future, he supposed. He laughed quietly to himself. Jesus, what was wrong with him?
He laid there for a while, thinking, and watching her sleep. He wasn’t tired, though, so eventually, after covering her gently with a blanket, he slipped out of bed. In the bathroom, he washed his face and looked in the mirror. He thought about what Candy had said. “What would Dolores say?” Well, he thought, what would she say? If he wanted to depress himself even more, he’d realize he could literally ask her right then. She was there, staring him in the face as he looked at his reflection. He wasn’t stupid. He knew the love of his life had been just a branch of his subconscious. Created for the sole purpose of not going completely insane. Five wasn’t sure that had worked entirely, though. Just look at him now.
“She’d say you’re being an asshole.” He spoke out loud to the mirror. “She’d tell you to stop being a whiny cry baby all the time and try to be grateful for once.” Five ran a hand down his face. “She’d tell you to stop drinking so much. And maybe be nice to people. Even if they are idiots. And to stop closing yourself off to your family.”
He sighed. Then he looked down at the chipped porcelain sink and smiled to himself.
“As usual, my darling, you are right about everything.”
As Candy slept, Five sat in the dark of his apartment, in his underwear, and thought. He had poured himself another bourbon, more out of habit than anything else, but then thought better of it and dumped it down the sink. He’d had more than enough to drink that night. So, he’d chosen water instead, and sat in the worn armchair in his living room, staring out at the skyline.
He normally hated looking out that window. When he had moved in, he had asked if they had anything on the ground floor, but the only availability was on the sixth. So, every day he had to stare out into the world that he supposed he was partially responsible for creating. In the very far distance, he could make out the obnoxious search lights that circled the night sky from the roof of his father’s skyscraper. He would listen to the sounds of the police sirens wailing continually, the constant roar of choppers overhead as they completed their nightly rounds. Each one of the vehicles were emblazoned with his father’s HE logo, since he owned the law, too. Most nights he would slam the blinds down so he wouldn’t have to look at it.
But Five was tired of being angry and resentful. He was tired of being a miserable, crabby old fart, as Lila had said. He was exhausted, actually. So, maybe it was time to take Candy and Dolores’ advice and move on. Be grateful for the things he did have. Be happy for once.
Chapter 4: White Christmas
Five was still sitting there an hour later when Candy came strolling in from the bedroom. She had thrown on one of Five’s white t-shirts, with it barely covering the striped panties she had put back on. She hadn’t bothered with a bra, and Five could make out the faint outline of her nipples through the material. When she walked over to him, she smiled and sat down in his lap, putting an arm around his shoulder.
“What are you doing out here all alone?”
“Just thinking,” he mused, while looking her delicious looking body up and down.
“Good, you need to think. Thanks for letting me sleep, though.”
Five’s hand immediately began stroking her bare legs and not-so-subtly trying to grind up onto her tight little butt.
“I guess that means you have more energy now?” His hand crept up higher, onto her hip. “Why don't you let me do something about that.”
He gave her a playful nip to her neck and she giggled. He was starting to like that sound. Better than the bells, anyway.
“That is very tempting, and I can tell, or rather feel , that you are ready for another round of ‘Hide the Yule Log’, but we can’t do that just yet.”
Five frowned. “You can’t expect me to behave when you come in wearing nothing but my t-shirt and drop into my lap like this.”
She laughed. “I know, I’m rotten. I do like seeing you squirm, though.”
Five would rather be squirming into her underpants, but considering his earlier transgressions, he decided to behave. That didn’t mean he had to stop running his hand up and down her smooth thigh, though.
“You’re going to make me see things again, aren’t you?”
Candy nodded. “It’s time.”
“Please don’t make me do this again.”
His voice had come out soft and the words caught in his throat. He looked away out of embarrassment.
“Why not?”
“Because if you’re going to show me the future, I’d rather not see it.”
“Why is that?”
“I’m scared,” he croaked out. “I don’t exactly have a good track record with seeing future events. Or future versions of myself, for that matter.”
She smiled sadly, but nodded, tracing her fingers lightly over his lips. “I know, but it’s ok. You need to see it.”
“I don’t need to. I get it. I’m an old, ungrateful bastard that needs to let people in more and live a happier life. See? I don’t need this part. I figured it out already.”
“That’s not really how this works,” Candy argued.
Five let out a frustrated groan. “Who cares? I learned my lesson, end of story. Now, why don’t you give me my shirt back and we can do something much more fun.”
He leaned in to kiss her and she held him back with a hand on his chest, shaking her head.
“Later. Right now, I need to show you.”
Five inhaled a deep breath and swallowed hard, giving her a small nod of assent. “Ok.”
Another soft kiss, another pulling sensation over his body. When Five looked up, they were back in Diego and Lila’s living room. It was the same house, but things were different. Different furniture, wall paint, and light fixtures. He was about to ask Candy if she screwed up, but then there were voices and his brother and Lila entered the room.
They had aged, that much was clear. By how many years Five wasn’t sure, but there were deep wrinkles in their foreheads and around their eyes. Diego’s hair had streaks of gray running through it.
“We don’t have to invite him, you know. It’s not required.”
Diego sighed and put his hands on his hips, addressing Lila. “He’s my brother. We kind of do.”
“Well, by that logic, do you want to send off an invitation to good old Reggie, too? Just because he’s your adopted brother, doesn’t mean you owe him anything. Besides, do you even know if the little shit stain is still alive? We haven’t seen him in like, what? At least three years.”
Five balked at that. They hadn’t seen him in three years? How was that possible?
There was another long sigh from Diego and he shook his head. “I guess I just assume he is. The old bastard is hard to kill.”
Lila crossed her arms and looked at him in the pointed way that hadn’t changed in so many years. “And do you really want another incident like Grace’s college graduation?”
“No, of course not. But maybe he’s changed; maybe he’s better now.”
“Diego!” Lila threw her arms up and looked at him in disbelief. “The man showed up hammered drunk, interrupted the commencement speaker to yell at them about how wrong they were, and then proceeded to upchuck in the parking lot in front of all of Grace's friends! I highly doubt he’s just miraculously better now.”
Diego nodded in agreement.
“And it’s not like that’s the only time. Remember that Thanksgiving when she was in high school? He drank all the wine and passed out on the floor in the living room? All in front of her boyfriend? She was so embarrassed.” Lila’s voice softened and she put a hand on Diego’s arm. “You tried your best. We all did. But you can’t change someone that doesn’t want to be changed.”
“You’re right. It’s probably for the best that we don't invite him. I wouldn’t want anything horrible like that to happen at her wedding. Besides, I don’t think she will want him there, either.”
Five’s insides were churning and the tightening sensation in his chest was making it hard to breathe. He looked over at Candy, who was watching him with a pitying look on her face.
“This can’t be real. I would never do those things. Ever! Especially not to Grace.”
Candy shook her head sadly. “I know you don’t think you would. But it’s a slippery slope from where you are now.”
Five shook his head, refusing to believe it. There was no way he’d ever let himself stoop so low. Would he? And they weren’t even going to invite him to Grace’s wedding? He clutched at his stomach.
“No. There’s no way. This did not happen.”
“But it has happened. This is the future. Unless you do something to change it.”
Five was silent for a moment, taking that in. “Lila said they weren’t sure I was still alive.” He turned to Candy again. “Am I?”
“Well, see for yourself.”
There was more shimmering around them, the living room fading away as it was replaced with a different scene. As it came into view, Five could see that it was his apartment. Or, at least a version of his apartment. It looked like many years had gone by and it had fallen into disrepair. The paint was peeling on the walls, the window looked like it had been broken at one point and was now half-hidden behind some plastic held up with duct tape. The kitchen was falling apart, with cabinet doors hanging crooked on their hinges, and the faucet dripping continually into the old, stainless-steel sink.
The television was on, tuned to some news station. The anchor was talking about the upcoming New Year’s Eve gala that was held every year inside Reginald Hargreeves’ tower. Only the very elite of the city were invited, of course, but that’s not what Five was focusing on. It was the date. He was looking twenty years into the future.
If that were true, that meant he’d been living in the same shit hole for two decades? And it really was a shit hole now. The place looked like it should be condemned.
Just as Five was about to question Candy, there was a groaning sound coming from the beat up couch in front of the tv. A figure slowly hoisted themselves up and ran a hand through their graying hair. He couldn’t see his face, but Five was pretty sure he knew who it was.
“Shut the fuck up! Fucking Hargreeves bullshit.”
Five watched as his older self grumbled out loud at the tv, standing up to turn in their direction. His heart sank. How many times was he going to have to face his future self? Of all the versions so far, however, this one might have been the worst. He should have only been in his early forties, but he looked about eighty. Even his 100-year-old self had looked marginally better.
With thinning hair and a prematurely aged face that looked like it hadn’t been shaved in several days, the older version stumbled into the kitchen, scrounging in the cupboards. Five noticed that his clothes were wrinkled and stained, like he’d been wearing them for days at a time. In fact, he looked like he hadn’t showered in about that long, too. His expensive clothes that he was normally proud of were now thread bare; his dress shirt looking more yellow than white.
Once he finally found the bottle of cheap whiskey he had been searching for, his older self poured a large glass and then wandered back to the couch again.
Five looked to Candy, his face horror-struck. “This can’t be…how could I live like this?”
“It’s pretty sad, isn’t it?”
Five nodded guiltily. The other version was mumbling out loud to himself and Five listened to his own voice croaking out of the pile of detritus that was his older body.
“Yes, I know what you said, but this is the last one for the night, I swear.” There was a pause. “You don’t even know what you’re talking about. This is only my second one.” Another pause and a heavy sigh. “Alright, Dolores. Whatever you say.”
Holy shit. He was back to talking to Dolores? And he didn’t even have a solid, mannequin version of her to at least give some realness to it. He was just mumbling to himself; like a crazy person.
Five closed his eyes and shook his head like he was trying to erase this vision from his memory, but of course that didn’t work, and he turned to Candy, his eyes wide with fright.
“Stop it. Please, I can’t stand this. This can’t be me. Change it back,” he pleaded.
“I can’t do that, Five. Only you can change it.”
“Fine. I’m sorry, ok? I’m sorry for all the ways I’ve fucked up over the years, and all of the horrible things I’ve done. I’m sorry!”
She shook her head, the bells on her headband jangling sadly. “I know you’re sorry. But that’s not enough to change things.”
“Well then what the fuck! I…I can’t let this happen. It’s such a…”
“What, Five?”
Five’s eyes filled with tears and his voice broke. “A fucking waste of a life! After everything I have done. I did not spend 45 years in a fucking wasteland to save my family and the world, just to end up as a sad, old drunk all alone. I worked too hard for it to end like this. Why didn’t I appreciate what I had? Why did I pull away from my family?” He shook his head. “No, this is not going to happen. I refuse to go out like this. I have to make it right. Starting now, I’m going to make this right.”
Candy smiled warmly and pulled him in close. She kissed his cheek and put her arms around his shoulders. “That’s all I needed to hear.”
When they were back in Five’s apartment, even though it looked the same as usual and in better shape than the future version, he still couldn’t help but cringe. He needed to find a new place, and soon, that was for certain.
Candy was not on his lap anymore, but sitting across from him in another chair. She was still wearing his t-shirt and nothing else, but Five wasn’t really focused on that at the moment. She leaned forward, her forearms resting on her legs.
“Please tell me we’re done. That was horrible and I never want to see that again,” Five begged.
“You won’t have to. As long as you change and don’t let yourself become that version.”
He nodded and exhaled a long and shaky breath. “I won’t. I’m going to stop being such a prick and start living my life.” He scrubbed a hand down his face, trying to forget everything he’d seen, and then glanced at the clock on the wall. It was still the middle of the night. Too early, or late, to really do anything now. But first thing in the morning, Christmas morning, he was going to start making things right. Five looked back to Candy.
“Even though I hated all of that, you helped me see what I really needed to see. So, thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Does this mean you believe in guardian angels now?”
Five narrowed his eyes, a smile quirking up the corner of his mouth. “I guess I have to, don’t I? I have no other explanation.”
Candy laughed and clapped her hands together, then pumped her fists in the air. “Yes! Ha! I knew I could make you believe!”
Five laughed along with her, that horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach starting to fade away. Then he quieted again and looked at her thoughtfully.
“So, does this mean you’re leaving now? Now that your job is done?”
She shrugged, and Five found he didn’t find that little mannerism nearly as annoying as he used to. “Yes, eventually. But I don’t have to leave this very minute.” She smiled and spread her legs just enough so that Five could get a glimpse of the red and white stripes between them. “Why? Have something in mind?”
“Well, I figured I have a few more hours before I have to start being a better person. Might as well make the most of it.”
Candy stood up and crossed over, plopping herself in his lap again, making sure to wiggle her butt over just the right spot to get him hard again.
“And just what naughty thing were you thinking?”
Five smiled slyly. “It is after midnight; technically Christmas.” He leaned in to kiss her neck, not hard like before, but gently; trailing his lips over her hot skin, teasing, until he heard her make a little sighing noise and she shifted in his lap, rubbing against the growing tent in his boxers. His hand crept back up her leg and onto her hip, where he slipped one finger into the waistband of her underwear. “And since you’re sitting here on my lap, grinding your cute little ass into my crotch, why don’t you go ahead and tell Daddy what you want?”
Her breath hitching in her throat, Candy closed her eyes for a moment, teeth digging into her bottom lip before looking back at him, her breasts rising and falling with each labored breath. She grazed a finger down his neck and over his chest.
“Will you give me anything I want?” she purred with a smile.
“Then I want you to bend me over…” she kissed his lips softly, “…grab my hips…” another kiss, “…spread me open…” one bite under his jaw, “…and give me a White Christmas, Daddy .” With the last word she pressed into him harder.
“Jesus Chri—” he started to moan, but he was cut off.
She was kissing him. Slow and deep, lacing her fingers through his hair while he swallowed each whimper and moan she breathed into his mouth. Five couldn’t stop his hands roaming over her body, her skin like hot silk under his fingers. Every part of her was a piece of heaven, maybe even literally, and he wanted to commit every curve to memory. She was still kissing him when he stood, picking her up with him, and carried her into his bedroom. When he placed her on his bed, she immediately yanked his stolen t-shirt over her head, propping herself on her elbows and displaying her flawless breasts.
After removing his own underwear, Five climbed onto the bed, kneeling between her legs. Leaning over her, his hands on either side of her and holding himself up, she was forced onto her back.
“I’m going to give you what you asked for, sweetheart, don’t worry. But first, I need to get a taste of this stunning body of yours. See if you live up to your name.”
He leaned in, like he was going to kiss her, stopping just before their lips met, and then he pulled away again. Flashing an overly-confident smirk, he moved south, massaging each breast and taking turns with each side; licking and sucking at each perfect nipple. Five could have spent an entire day just worshiping those soft mounds of flesh. He’d always considered himself a titty man. Tits and ass; that was his thing. As long as a woman had a nice rack and a tight ass, Five didn’t really care what else was going on with them. And fuck, did Candy have a nice one of each.
After a particularly hard bite onto her sensitive nipple, Candy gave a small shriek, but that only spurred Five on further. His bites got harder and he sucked at her skin until he left more marks all over her chest. With each one, though, her back would arch off the bed and she’d push her hips up into him.
“Five…” she pleaded softly.
“I know, sweetheart, I’ll get there. But these gorgeous tits are just too good to ignore.”
She threaded her fingers through his hair as he continued to blissfully torture her. “Please, just…I want your partridge in my pear tree!”
Five rolled his eyes and ignored her remark.
Candy hissed sharply as his teeth dragged across an already bruising mark. “Load up my one-horse open sleigh.”
He resisted the urge to laugh, and instead gave her a hard pinch on her already abused nipple.
“Ah!” she cried, digging her nails into his scalp. “But I need you! Stuff my Christmas turkey, frost my gingerbread house, eat my fruitcake, mmmph!”
Five clapped a hand over her mouth and raised himself up so he could look down on her face, his lips pressed into a thin line of annoyance. He could feel her smiling beneath his palm.
“Shut up.”
After she nodded, he released his hand, and thankfully she did shut up for once. He knelt in front of her again, frowning as he started pulling her panties down her hips.
“And don’t ever wear these again. They just create more work for me.”
He shoved them the rest of the way off and flung them over his shoulder with a scowl as she laughed. Five took a moment to appreciate the fact that this amazingly stunning woman was stretched out before him, completely naked, and waiting for him to fuck her. She was dying for it, too. Chest heaving and hips twitching, it was a small miracle that Five wasn’t shoving his dick into her already. But he really did want to know what the rest of her tasted like.
When he ran his tongue up her wet slit, she thrusted up so hard that he had to forcefully hold her hips down so he wouldn’t get bucked off.
“Oh shit!” she cried out, her hands clutching the sheets underneath her as her head flung back. “Five, oh my god, that’s –”
She was cut off by her own high-pitched whine as Five sucked at her folds and her clit, using his tongue to penetrate her and hungrily lap up the slick wetness that was running out of her. He didn’t have much experience in eating anyone out, since most of his one-night stands got right down to the fucking with not much time for foreplay. Even though he was making it up as he went along, it seemed to be working in his favor, judging by the sounds she was making and the strength it took for him to hold her writhing body down.
When he felt her getting close; when she was panting loudly and moaning his name, he started drawing it out longer. He slowed down his pace, no longer devouring her, but licking languidly at her hole and pausing to kiss her inner thighs. He smiled when he heard the disappointed groan.
He stopped altogether and raised his head to look at her, one eyebrow raised and a crooked smile on his wet and shiny lips.
She exhaled loudly and tried to buck up into him again, but he was still holding her down. “Damn it…don’t stop now!”
“Why? Did you like that?”
“Fuck…Five, please.” Her desperate whine was on the verge of turning into an all out sob.
“Well, since you asked nicely.”
It didn’t take long after he was back on her before her moans turned into loud screams and her back was arching off the bed again. Five worked her into more and more of a frenzy as he felt her pulsing against him, coming against his mouth and soaking the sheets underneath them. He had started grinding himself into the mattress as his own arousal peaked, and Five was very afraid of blowing his load with his dick not even touching her.
He sat up and looked at her lying there with her hair in a mess around her, her chest flushed pink and littered with his bites and bruises, gasping for air from the intense orgasm that he gave her. Holy fuck, he needed to come.
Five moved up, straddling her waist as he clutched his straining dick in his hands.
“I want to fuck your tits,” he breathed out desperately.
Candy nodded eagerly and Five positioned himself so that his cock nestled in the valley of her cleavage and she pushed her breasts together, sheathing him in her warm skin.
“Oh fuck, yes,” he groaned out.
Straddling her chest, Five started thrusting hard and fast, all while he looked down so he didn’t miss out on the pornographic visual. His dick was so hard that the leaked pre-cum that was dripping steadily out smeared over his shaft and between her tits. Candy was massaging and squeezing them around him, running her thumbs over her nipples as he rutted into her. She was so soft and tight at the same time, and the feeling was so fucking good. So much better than when he used to try and use Dolores in the same manner. Back then, he’d had to envision a real live woman beneath him, but now it was very real and he was going to lose it in about ten seconds.
Not wanting to risk it by coming in her face, Five backed off, slipping out of her. Still kneeling over her, he grasped his rock-hard dick and jerked himself vigorously. He tipped his head back with a groan while he worked his fist over himself faster and faster until he was just on the precipice.
“Fuck, I’m going to come on you,” he groaned, as if that wasn’t already obvious.
He gave her the White Christmas she had asked for, painting her perfect tits with ropes of cum, covering her until it was sliding down her sides and onto the bed. Five continued to work himself over, each spasm seeming to create another spurt of semen that was strewn across her chest. When he was finally spent, he let go of himself and climbed off of her, flopping on his back in post-orgasmic bliss.
“Holy shit,” he murmured between ragged breaths.
After a minute, he looked over at Candy, who had propped herself up on her elbows and was watching him. The sight of her covered in his dripping load was quite possibly the hottest thing he’d ever seen, and if he had a few more minutes, he could probably use that image to get hard again. But that wouldn’t be very nice to leave her like that, and even he wasn’t that much of a selfish asshole.
“Hang on, I’ll be right back.”
When he returned with a washcloth, Five helped to clean her up.
“Sorry. I guess I didn’t really ask if that was ok.”
“No, you didn’t, but that’s ok. I like when you take charge.”
Five gave her a sexy smirk, but then it faltered with the realization that she was probably going to leave him soon.
“Do you have to go now?”
Candy hesitated, but then she shook her head. “Not quite yet. I can stay for a little longer…if that’s what you want.”
Five nodded, then pulled her into him, trapping her in his arms, her back flush with his chest as they laid side by side. Candy wiggled in closer and pressed her ass against him.
“Stay as long as you can, ok?” he whispered.
She squeezed his hand and placed it on her stomach. “Ok.”
With his free hand, he traced his fingers down her side and over her hip and thigh. She let out a soft sigh and relaxed into his chest. Five kissed her neck and her shoulder.
“Thank you.”
“You already thanked me.”
“This time I mean for everything. Thank you for making me see what I couldn’t before. But also, thank you for just being here. I didn’t realize how lonely I had become.”
“You’re welcome. And…I wish I could stay.”
He gave her another kiss to her neck and she closed her eyes. “Why can’t you?”
“There are rules. And I have to go back.”
“Will you ever come back?”
“If everything goes the way I want, then yes.”
Five pushed his groin that was already starting to harden again, into her firm backside. Candy let out a tiny moan and pushed back.
“Then I hope you find me,” he said softly against her skin.
“I think it would be very hard to stay away from you.”
He could feel her skin getting warmer again, and he moved so that his cock slid between her legs, brushing against her folds that were already wet for him.
His mouth sucked another mark onto the nape of her neck as he lowered his voice and his hand slid down to squeeze the inside of her thigh. “Do you want me again?”
“Yes,” she whimpered. She pressed backwards, slick running down her inner thighs and wetting his dick as he rubbed between them.
“God, I could keep fucking you all day,” he groaned.
“Just fuck me for as long as we have.”
With a deep growl, Five pulled her hard against him, as she lifted her leg and rested it on top of his. He inhaled sharply when she reached back and grabbed his cock, guiding it into her dripping cunt and thrusting backwards so that his full length was completely inside of her.
“Five,” she moaned sweetly as he rocked into her.
He kept up the slow pace, pulling at her hip and kissing any area of exposed skin that he could reach. He had wanted to hold himself back; to draw it out as long as possible. He had wanted to drink in the scent of her hair and trail his mouth over her soft skin. But then she moaned his name again.
Digging his fingers into her hip, he hissed next to her ear.
“Be a good girl and let Daddy fuck you hard, ok sweetheart?”
With the shamelessly loud groan that she released as her back arched against him, he really didn’t need an answer, but he waited for one anyway.
“Fuck yes. Give it to me.”
Five pulled out and roughly flipped her over so that she was on her stomach and he positioned himself behind her. Grabbing her hips and jerking them backwards, he lined up with her entrance again and shoved himself inside of her. With teeth clenched and jaw set, he got to work. Banging into her ferociously, his hips slapping against her as he railed into her as hard as he could. He didn’t need to feel guilty. She wanted it like this, and he wasn’t doing it out of rage. Anger wasn’t driving him this time, just pure animalistic lust and feral instinct.
He continued pounding into her and they were both lost in their own highs. Candy was moaning loudly, begging for more and clutching at the sheets underneath her. Five was grunting through gritted teeth with the effort he was putting in to fucking her; fueled even more by the hypnotic visual of her angel wing tattoos flexing and twisting as she braced herself against his powerful thrusts. After a few minutes, it was clear that neither one of them were going to be able to take much more.
With another long whine, Candy reached down to rub her clit while Five slammed into her. He could feel her hand every time he thrust forward and his balls slapped against it.
“Five…I can’t…I’m going to come!”
“Go ahead, baby. Come on my dick while you touch yourself.”
“Oh fuuuck, Five!”
When he heard her scream, he came with a loud growl, holding her flush to his body as he pumped one more load inside of her. He could feel her contracting around him as his hips stuttered against her backside. Candy’s legs were shaking and Five pulled out so she could lie down flat, her hair covering her face as she sucked air into her lungs. He sat back on his knees and gave her a playful slap on the ass before lying down next to her.
As they both laid there, trying to steady their breathing, a few minutes passed in silence. Then Five heard her giggle under her curtain of hair. When he pushed it out of the way, she was grinning up at him
“When I think about you, I touch my elf. ”
Five shook his head with a smile. “Have I told you how annoying you are?”
“You may have mentioned it once or twice.”
He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Then he flipped her hair over her face so she was hidden again. “There. Much better.”
Chapter 5: It's A Wonderful Life
In the early morning hours, Five finally drifted off, warm and content, with his arm flung across Candy’s stomach. She never let him know before she left, but in the morning when he woke, there was no sign of her. He didn’t know why he was surprised; he knew she wasn’t going to stay for much longer. But when he walked into the living room of his apartment, there was no red coat. No black boots by the door. And, most notably, no red headband. All evidence of her existence was gone. All except for the lingering scent of her hair on his pillow and one tiny bell that he found on the kitchen floor and slipped into his dresser drawer.
He was sad she was gone, but not in a way that felt permanent or oppressive. She had shown him there was a lot more to live for, and it needed to start with himself. He didn’t need her with him to make the changes he needed to.
It was still early, but he knew Grace would have woken up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning, so he was sure Diego and Lila were up. The rest of his family would probably sleep in a little but then they would be over at their house again, too.
After a shower, Five changed and grabbed the wrapped present he had for Grace on the way out. He stopped by a bakery that happened to be open that morning, and then caught a cab to Diego’s. When he knocked on the door at 7am, he tried not to laugh when his brother opened the door. Diego was still in his bathrobe, looking disheveled and sleep deprived, a cup of coffee in his hands. But the look on his face when he saw Five standing there was priceless. He actually poked his head out of the door and looked around him, as if there might be some kind of prank being played on him and there were cameras around to film his reaction.
“Five, what are you doing here? Are you still drunk from last night?”
“No! I’m here to watch Grace open her presents. And to hang out with you guys, too, if you’ll let me.”
Diego frowned like he couldn’t quite comprehend what he was hearing. He looked Five up and down, taking in his clean-cut appearance, and coming to the conclusion that he must not have come directly from a bar.
“So, can I come in, or do you want me to stand out here all day freezing my nuts off?”
“Oh. Uh, yeah…sure, come on in. Grace and Lila are in the living room.”
He stepped aside to let Five in, still not completely believing what he was seeing. After a moment though, he smiled and clapped Five on the back.
“I’m glad you’re here. We missed you yesterday.”
Five nodded. “I’m sorry about that. I won’t miss any more family things from now on.”
Five handed off the box of pastries he had picked up and headed into the room where Lila and Grace were gathered around the Christmas tree. When Grace saw her uncle, she let out a little screech and ran over to him, throwing her arms around his waist in a big hug.
“Uncle Five! I knew you would come! My mom said you weren’t going to, but I knew you would!”
Five laughed, then he looked at Lila who was staring at him with the same expression Diego had given him.
“Merry Christmas, Lila,” Five said with as much of a smile as he could manage, and only a hint of snark. He could learn to be nice, but he still had his limits.
“Yeah, Merry Christmas to you, too,” she said slowly, her eyebrows creased together in confusion.
Five didn’t even respond when he heard her add “wanker” under her breath.
“Is that my present?” Grace asked when she eyed the large box that Five was holding.
“It is. Do you want to open it? I think you’ll like it.”
She nodded and sat on the floor as Five handed it to her and then joined Diego on the couch. They watched as the little girl ripped open the paper and gasped.
“A real telescope?!”
Five nodded, smiling. “Yep. Now we can go look at the stars together.”
Grace looked up at him with her little chubby face and wide, dark eyes. Then she jumped up from the floor and ran to Five, throwing her arms around his neck in a hug.
“Thank you thank you thank you! I love it so much!” As Five hugged her back, Grace pecked his cheek with a kiss. “This is my favorite present and you’re my favorite person.”
Five grinned and gave her a kiss on the top of her head “You’re my favorite person, too, Gracie.”
As she returned to the telescope and busied herself with getting it out of the box, Five heard Diego sniffing next to him. Lila groaned.
“Oh my god, are you crying , Diego?”
“No! I’m not crying. It’s just…dry in here…and I have allergies…and I’m probably getting a cold.”
“Uh-huh. Ok, babe. Sure.” She rolled her eyes, but she was obviously just as happy as he was.
Diego turned to Five. “So, what happened? You just suddenly changed your mind, got your shit together, and decided to be a decent human being? Overnight?”
Five shrugged, reminding himself of Candy’s annoying habit. “Without going into the boring details, yes, that’s what happened. And I apologize for not being around more. But that’s going to change. I’m going to change.”
Diego raised a suspicious eyebrow at him. “Wow. I don’t know where this is coming from, but I’m happy. Like, really happy.” He grinned widely at Five. “I’ve missed you, buddy. We all have.”
“Speak for yourself!” Lila exclaimed from across the room.
Five turned towards her. “You know, Lila, you should really think about letting go of some of your anger. Try to be a little bit happier, sometimes.” As she looked at him like he was deranged, he mouthed “Fuck you” to her over Grace’s head. Lila just shook her head and smiled, glad to see that it wasn’t the end of the world after all.
Five stayed at the house for the rest of the morning. His other siblings trickled in, as well, and it eventually turned into another official Hargreeves’ family party. Seeing that their notoriously high-strung and unhinged brother was suddenly acting like a mostly sane person, they were obviously concerned. But after they realized he wasn’t going to suddenly snap or turn into a pod person, they all loosened up a little.
Klaus sidled up to him at one point, offering him a freshly made glass of Lila’s famously strong Christmas punch. Five waved him off, though.
“No, thanks. I’m not drinking today.”
“Uh, ex-squeeze me? Did you just turn down a drink? You know it has alcohol in it, right?”
Five laughed, a little embarrassed, and put his hands in his pockets. “I know. Just trying to turn over a new leaf.”
“Ohh…I get it. You met a girl, didn’t you?”
Five looked up at him in surprise. “Why would you say that?”
Klaus took a drink from his glass and grimaced at the strong mixture. “You hanging out with us, not drinking, being nice …it reeks of new girlfriend.”
“Huh. Well, in a way, yes. I mean, not a girlfriend, but there was a girl.”
“You should have brought her! I’d love to see what kind of woman managed to snag my darling, murderous brother.”
“I’m not sure that’s possible at the moment. But maybe someday. Stranger things have happened.”
“Gracie, honey, we’ve been here for thirty minutes. Pick a book, already.”
The little girl sighed and looked down at her pile on the children’s table where she and Five were seated. One of them comfortably so, the other scrunched up with his knees to his chest.
“But I can’t decide.”
“I told you, pick as many as you want.”
“Yes, but I want to make sure they’re the right ones. What if I get home and I change my mind?”
Five rolled his eyes and shifted in the tiny plastic chair. “Then I’ll return them. Or you can throw them out, I don’t care. My ass is falling asleep.”
Grace gave her uncle a disapproving look. “That’s a bad word.”
“Yes, it is. But if you don’t pick your books in the next five minutes, I’m going to say a lot of bad words.”
She sighed again, as if this was the most difficult decision in the world.
Five and Grace had spent the day together, just like they had once a month for the past six months. It was now July. July 3rd, to be exact, and they had opted for indoor activities to escape the oppressive heat of the city. Earlier, they had gone to the movie theater where Five sat through one of those horrible movies where they take real animals and CGI them into playing sports like soccer or basketball. Oh, and the animals talked, too. Completely asinine. It was ninety minutes of torture and Five wanted to stab his eyeballs out with Grace’s lemonade straw, but she giggled through the whole thing so he deemed it worth it in the end. Now they were at the bookstore next to the theater, where Five told her he would buy her some new books.
As he sat there with his expensive pants jammed into a chair in the children’s section, he decided he was going to give her about two more minutes before they were leaving. Books or no books. Who was he kidding…he’d probably sit there all day if it made her happy.
His young niece was about to say something to him, when Five snapped to attention and held his hand out for her to be quiet. He thought he had heard something. Something very familiar. But he was probably just going crazy.
“I think—”
“Shhh!” he hushed her again.
Grace sat back in her chair, arms folded across her chest with a pout. She did not like being quieted.
Five concentrated, listening for the sound he thought he had heard. There was nothing, though, which made a lot more sense, and his body relaxed again. He turned to Grace to apologize, but then he heard it again.
Those fucking bells.
It could have been anything, of course. The bells over the store door, or a baby’s toy. Maybe someone had their dog with them and its chain was jangling. But he would know that sound anywhere. He heard it in his sleep sometimes.
The sound seemed to be coming from a few aisles away. Five sprang out of his chair, his body stiff from being folded up like a pretzel for so long, and the chair tipped over behind him. Grace looked up at him, confused.
“Are we going? I haven’t made my decision yet.”
“Yes, come on. Just…grab all of them, let’s go.”
Five groaned with his head back, wishing he could say what he really wanted to which was “Get the fuck up now.” Instead, he looked hastily around him at all the books on the shelves and on the table.
“Here.” He began scooping up piles of them, not even looking at the covers. He was grabbing four or five at a time off the shelves and balancing them in his arms. He shoved a couple at Grace, too. “We’ll just get all of them.”
Grace’s eyes widened. “All of them?”
“Yeah, sure. Come on, let’s go.”
With one arm full of random kid’s books, he held out his other hand for her to take. He all but pulled her arm out of the socket as he yanked her out of her chair.
“Sorry, Gracie,” he mumbled, still dragging her behind him as she tried to keep up.
Five hurried through the store, looking frantically down each aisle. He couldn’t hear the bells anymore, and he was afraid maybe he was too late. But as they rounded a corner into the “Religion” section, he stopped. And stared.
There she was, just like he remembered her. She wasn’t wearing the slutty elf outfit, but her body was still as sexy as ever in a pair of small cut-off shorts and a tight, red tank top. Her long black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She was looking over the back cover of a book in her hand, and Five could see she was smiling. Of course she was smiling.
Five walked slowly towards her, Grace still in tow. When she looked up, her smile grew bigger.
“I thought I told you to stop following me,” Five said with a smirk.
“Who says I’m following you? Don’t you believe in coincidences?”
Five shook his head. “Not really.”
Candy actually looked flustered and she chewed at her bottom lip. “It’s good to see you again.”
Five let out a sigh of relief. “It’s really good to see you.”
Candy looked down at Grace, who was staring up at her in curiosity, and then back at Five.
Five cleared his throat. “Oh, this is my niece. Grace. But you already know that, I guess.” He looked down at his niece. “This is a…friend of mine. Candy.”
Grace smiled shyly. Then she stuck out her hand and pointed at Candy’s wrist. “I like your bracelet.”
Five’s eyes were drawn to the jewelry at the same time Candy smiled down at Grace in return. “Thank you. It’s one of my favorites.”
Then she moved her wrist to show off the gold bracelet made up of tiny, jingling bells. The source of the bells Five had heard. He laughed, shaking his head and looking at the floor.
“I really hate that sound.”
“No you don’t.”
“You’re right, I don’t.”
There was an awkward pause, and Five glanced over at the book Candy had in her hand. The title was The Path To Enlightenment: Discovering Your Guardian Angel .
“Brushing up on things?” he asked, gesturing to the book.
“This? Oh no, this is what I read when I need a laugh. This whole section should be titled “Humor”. I mean, you should read some of the things they try and pass off as fact.”
“I’ll take your word for it.”
Candy looked to the books Five was holding and pointed a finger at the top one on the stack. “I hear that’s a good one.”
Five looked down, seeing that one of the random books he’d pulled out was I Pooped on the Potty, And You Can Too! , complete with a drawing of a cartoon elephant sitting on a toilet. Five blushed, but then he laughed.
“Well, better late than never.”
Candy nodded. “Definitely.”
Five felt a tug on his hand and he looked at Grace, who was motioning with her index finger for him to lean in closer. He crouched down so he was at eye level, and she leaned in to whisper in his ear. Although, being a kid, the whole damn book store could have heard her whisper.
“She’s pretty.”
Five feigned surprised, then looked back up at Candy, then back at Grace. “You think so?”
Grace nodded. “You should take her on a date,” she whispered loudly and Five heard Candy giggle.
“What do you know about dates?”
“I know that girls like them because my mom always gets happy after my dad takes her somewhere to eat.”
Five nodded like he was mulling this over. “I see. So, I should ask her now?”
Grace nodded, her face serious. “If you want her to like you.”
When Five stood up, Candy was covering her mouth, trying not to laugh. Then she waited expectantly for whatever Five was going to say to her.
“My tiny wingman here has informed me that I should ask you on a date. Would you like that?”
Candy nodded. “I think I would, yes.”
“Would you like to come over to my brother’s house tomorrow? He’s having a family barbecue for the 4th. It will probably be a giant shit show, but I said I’d be there.”
“How could I pass that up? I would love to.”
When Five looked back down at Grace, she gave him a thumbs up. Then she sat on the floor to look at her books since her job as matchmaker was now done. He set his own books down and took a step closer to Candy, reaching out to touch her hand lightly, brushing his fingers over the back of her hand. He wanted to do a hell of a lot more than that, but seeing as how they were in a bookstore and his niece was present, he held himself back.
“I really missed you.”
“I missed you too, Five.”
“So, you’re here now? Permanently?”
She nodded. “I am. Thanks to you.”
“Why did it take so long? Where have you been?”
“Oh, I’ve been around. You needed some time to get things sorted out by yourself. But I’ve been keeping tabs on you.” She looked down at Grace. “Seems like you’ve got things figured out now.”
“Yeah, I think I do. Thank you.”
“Just part of the job.”
Five laughed and then reached up to gently tuck a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “I really want to kiss you again.”
“I would love that,” she breathed out.
He was about to lean in, when he stopped himself. “Wait. You’re not going to make me see anything weird again, are you?”
She shook her head. “No. I promise.”
“Good. Because I’ve had enough of that shit to last a lifetime.”
In a second, he was kissing her, softly and deeply, while he pulled her body in closer with an arm around her waist. He let out a sigh when he felt her fingers trace down the back of his neck. She felt and tasted just like he remembered and it was taking everything inside himself not to pull her down to the floor right there in the Religion section.
“Ew! Gross!”
Five pulled away, the disgusted sound of his niece snapping him out of his trance. Candy laughed and Five looked down at Grace, perturbed that she had abruptly turned from adorable wingman to major cock blocker. But he supposed this wasn’t the most appropriate place for a steamy make-out session anyway.
Five cleared his throat. “Well, I guess we should get going. I have to get her home.”
“Ok. I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”
Five nodded, gathering up his books again. “Oh, wait. I’m not very good at this dating thing, but don’t you need my phone number?”
Candy shook her head. “No, that’s ok. I know how to find you.”
Then, with a sly smile, she added “Oh, and Five? Keeping in the spirit of the holiday tomorrow…you can declare my independence anytime you want. Give me your John Han cock . If you’re up for it.”
With a slightly evil smile of his own, Five stepped in closer to her again, close enough to lean in next to her ear.
“Baby, the British won’t be the only ones that are coming. Not when you red, white, and blow me.”
Candy laughed loudly, her entire body shaking and her stupid bracelet jingling. Five just smirked and turned to walk away, holding his niece’s hand and feeling undeniably happy.
#five hargreeves x oc#number five x oc#five x oc#number five smut#five hargreeves smut#tua smut#five hargreeves#number five#reader insert#smut requests#number five imagine#requests open#badkittywrites#christmas smut#cross posted on ao3#multi chapter
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CHAPTER ONE | “What The Dormouse Said.”
It happened at six o’clock, November third. The sun was setting; the air was cool; the hit to the head was harsh, and quick. She thought of how lucky she was that the Handler was in the area. After all, that woman saved her life. Frankie owed her a debt.
And the Handler ensured that Frankie paid it off.
It started as field assignments—poisoning here, hiding there. Anything to keep the timeline together, only the one at first. Later, things changed; suddenly, Frankie was assigned work with the Infinite Switchboard, watching for anomalies in the timeline and defecting them.
Her life, put simply, was boring. Medication for her state, a lifetime of servitude to the Commission, and free pastries on Monday mornings, proceeded by flicking through timelines and noting anything out of the ordinary.
Anything could be an anomaly, which was why, when the radio in the cafe mid-evening croaked out the news of Sir Reginald Hargreeves’s death, Frankie figured it must have been an anomaly, because that man simply wouldn’t just die. Nonetheless, the news reports continued into the night and until morning, floating from paper to screen through the week until eventually, it stopped.
The sun shone for the first time that week on the last day of it, a beautiful Sunday. Dressing, fumbling with her jacket sleeves on the way down the stairs, Frankie Jones made the time to collect her mail. She made the time to sort through it, abandoning the junk and sitting at the bottom step of the porch to address the milky-white envelope, her name stamped across the paper. Fingers slipped under the lip of the note, avoiding a paper cut, pulling out the single, lopsided note inside.
And so, her life grew interesting.
· ─────── 𖥸 ─────── ·
As it turned out, she arrived far too late.
The foyer of the building she neglected to step foot in for twenty-two years was…empty. From what Frankie remembered of the place, it was just as echoing and cool as it was back then, and just as quiet. Sir Reginald Hargreeves liked his silence and solitude, and inflicted his ideals on the wards residing in his home.
She wandered around and around the seemingly empty home until her eyes found the family in the kitchen. Three men, two women and a young man. Quiet as a dormouse, Frankie waited in the doorway, just until somebody noticed her. First, the tall, muscular man, also known as Luther Hargreeves. Eyes blown and hand raised, shaking, he pointed at her, and the others followed his action to face her. It was like being behind glass in an aquarium.
“Does anyone else see the child in our kitchen?” He blurbed.
The one with dark hair, dressed in black, hummed. “Girl Scout gone lost, maybe?”
“Could be an orphan, looking for the money of Sir Reginald Hargreeves—” the one in the skirt said.
They wouldn’t have remembered her rightly anyway—they had all been too young to recall her, just as she had almost forgotten them. All born on the same day, at the same time, but only one lacked anything real.
“I’m eighteen. And you sent me a letter, Klaus Hargreeves.”
Said man gasped dramatically, inhaling so hard he coughed and spluttered, falling backward off the table. Klaus landed a mess of long limbs on the floor, at the feet of the young man Frankie barely recognised. Klaus’s hands grasped at the table ledge, pulling himself up.
“Little Frances? Shouldn’t you be…bigger?”
“Shouldn’t you be a little more dressed for your dad’s funeral?”
“I’m sorry,” said Allison Hargreeves in an expensive outfit, hair glossy and set. “Why are you, like, twelve? I mean, Five’s explained to us about himself, but…are you a ghost? I mean—”
“She works for the Commission.”
The room grew silent, but the boy did not.
“She travels through time,” he turned his dark eyes to her. Five Hargreeves, the image of sophistication and mess all at once, a twenty-year-old in oversized clothes eating a peanut-butter sandwich. His eyes turned flinty, jaw set. “Isn’t that right, Frances?”
And, well…
She couldn’t say no.
#five hargreeves x reader#five hargreeves#five tua#the umbrella academy#the umbrella academy x oc#the umbrella academy fic#tua fic#luther hargreeves#allison hargreeves#ben hargreeves#Netflix#klaus hargreeves#five x oc#five x reader#the umbrella academy x reader
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My Thoughts On How Five Could Have Had A Romance In Season 4 That Doesn’t Involve His Siblings Or Lila
You guys voted for it so…
Here it is! So far it’s been an overwhelming majority telling me to share so here you go! There’s only two ways IMO that the introduction and execution of giving Five a love interest could have been done well.
I’ve never taken a screen writing class and this all may sound very fanfictiony. For that I am sorry. This is the first time I’ve actually posted a full rundown of a character that I’ve created online for people to read about, consider, and discuss with me! Also This post is so VERY long. I MEAN IT. I will not make you scroll through it if you aren’t interested! More below!
You can scroll down if you don’t wanna read any of the introductory info. It makes more sense if you do though. Your life though man! I’ll have it separated from the actual story bits!
!Start of Introductory Information!
Basic Character Information
I have given both love interests neutral names and tried to be as gender neutral with how I’m writing this as possible.
I am fully FOR the idea of Five being an Ace or Aroace icon. I adore his character and fully embrace all variations of him. (That being said I wish I had the ability to shove the home wrecker version of him we received in season 4 underwater and hold him there until I see the bubbles stop.)
Both of these options for love interests can and are intended to be open to being ace or non-ace regardless. These are just ideas that can be tweaked!
Also If you all like these I am debating writing either of the options into a few one shots? However, If you all hate them I won’t. (If you like anything you read in here I fully encourage you to use bits of it if you like the ideas. I love seeing people write stories and come up with their own versions. You all inspire me and helped inspire these characters!)
Both these versions of love interests would have bits of common background.
Both of these variants would start off as someone that he is established to work with at the CIA. (These organizations do not just let people do whatever they want whenever and with whomever they want.) They could have written it similar to season one with Diegos relationships. How Diego had this established life in an organization that he left. Diego established ties and interpersonal relationships with his coworkers which is not out of the norm. Acquaintances, Friends, rivals. All normal things that could develop between Five and a coworker similar in age to his physical body over the course of a SIX YEAR PERIOD.
Both of them will always take Five at his word. Neither variant of love interest would distrust him. Both know he’s not one to beat around the bush. If he says something he means it. Five is a blunt character regardless of how tired of all the work he’s doing all the time. This is an established character trait of his. The love interest would be USED to how BLUNT he is.
To Establish Age And Timeline: Five is stated to be in a 13 year old body in season 1 and that ends in April. Seasons 2 and 3 happen over the course of a few weeks for him. Then season 4 happens and he’s about 19 physically. I’m pushing season 4 so it’s more like a 7 or 8 year time-skip instead. Having Five be in a relationship like this ace or not at physically 19 is just odd for me. It feels wrong. So in order to make a romance work in this situation you’d need to push it further down the timeline. Make Fives physical age 20 or 21. It makes the audience feel better about seeing him involved with someone, Ace Or No Ace, and it allows for more wiggle room when they explain he’s now working for a government agency. People would be more inclined to believe he’s allowed to work for the government because he’s at the very least physically an adult man now. (Aiden Gallagher is 20 years old so him actually playing a 20-21 year old Five is not out of reach) — With that in mind both love interests would be the same physical age as Five and were recruited to the CIA because they were prodigies in their respective fields, but they went through training and recruitment with Five during the 7-8 year period we don’t get to see during the start of season 4.
This bullet is just so you understand some of the choices I make later in my run downs: Five has always just kind of done what he wants and gone where he wants so I think there’s a great opportunity for a running gag or even just a fun plot point about how in order to keep tabs on Five both love interests have their own special way of tracking him. (Explanations further below)
!End Of Introductory Information!
The Actual Characters
1—: Optimistic Opposite Partner : his handler researcher he always calls, personable, soft, NEEDS approval, and a prodigy
For this post let’s refer to Optimistic Opposite Partner as, Ash
2— Pragmatic Mirror Partner : his work partner, stubborn, practical , dry, Hot headed, and always left out
For this post we’ll refer to Pragmatic Mirror Partner as, Morgan
Both Ash and Morgan would highlight different aspects of Five’s character in, at least from my point of view, very delightful ways. I think characters like these would be a great addition to the story if we got more episodes to insert them and add more interactions with All of The Umbrellas. For now however I will only be inserting them into the story that we got so there’s less interaction with the whole Hargreeves family. I will however do what we all know is right and disregard the cannon ending. I will be writing this under the assumption that the show would end how I detailed in my previous post where I detailed how I thought season 4 should have ended. That post can be found HERE.
Another Note: I’m not writing fully fleshed stories just bulleted versions of arcs and scenes I believe would have been better than what we got. Specifically and mostly following the “lost in the subways among the timelines” bit.
Main Key Ash:
Five - Blue Text
Ash - White Text
Diego — Green Text
Lila — Pink Text
Luther — Orange Text
They are the cute and fun character that eventually gets pushed a little too far.
They are the person Five is calling at the CIA every time he needs background research done. And I mean every single time.
When you think of this dynamic think Varric and Zhu Li From LOK mixed with a dash of Garcia and Morgan from criminal minds. Ladybug And Maria from Bullet Train.
The first time we see them is when he gets out of the meeting with his boss in that first episode. Maybe Give goes to his office and there they are set up across from him with a quirked eye brow.
“So how’d it go? Wait let me guess? Not well?”
“I really don’t need this from you right now Ash.”
“Too bad.”
“You know what I really need is—“ he stops as the camera focuses on a to go cup of coffee steaming on his desk already.
“Why did you—“
Ash gets up “I figured you’d need it. You got a party to get to. Lots of screaming kids.” They wave as they walk out the door. “If I were you I’d chug it! Have a good night!”
We see five irritated beyond belief silently indicate that Ash has a point, pick up the cup and drink from it with no hesitation. In one scene we establish that at the very least Ash knows Five very well and Five seems to trust Ash because he without hesitation accepts the coffee and takes the advice to chug it.
Ash Tracks him through his phone. He has a government issued one. It needs to be used like this because as we saw in the show in other seasons, Five just goes where he wants. He did that when he had powers. He does it now. As his research assistant THATS EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING. A scene that could happen is
“I can’t believe you’re in ‘New Grumpson right now.”
“I told you to stop tracking me.”
“How else am I supposed keep tabs on you Five? You never tell me where you’re going. What am I gonna do when you need back up? Just throw a dart at a map and hope I’m right?”
“Look can you just send me the file I need”
“I can’t just fax it anywhere it’s classified.”
“It’ll be fine just—“
“Too late I’m already here.”
Five gritting his teeth and looking up to see them getting out of a car waving the file at him. His siblings are there and it’s amazing for them and us as the audience to watch Fove unravel in front of us. We feel like an older sibling watching him be pushed around by someone he can’t retaliate against. Five shakes his head and just takes the file from them. If done right this interaction could be something that feels like it happens every single mission he goes on at some point.
It’s obvious to everyone else that this person cares about Five deeply already, but Five just kind of takes them for granted. He doesn’t not care about them. He just doesn’t realize how much he relies on them. This is communicated nonverbally through the show in the CIA building. (Ex. Like when he’s in the office and in the middle of explaining something and walking Ash is anticipating and handing him things to help him make his point before he realizes he’s going to need them. They’re his bubbly little shadow at the office. There could even be a scene showing this if it wasn’t 6 episodes and 10 instead. At some point Five is at the office and he reaches to his side or in front of him and he doesn’t even realize there’s nobody there with him. Like there’s a shot of their usual desk in the corner exactly as it was the previous scene when Ash left it. They aren’t here today and they are always here. It throws him off. We get to see him be a little taken aback by it.
Ash gets pulled into the Cleanse mess because they bring him a file in the Christmas town and get caught up in the gun fight.
Five tries to blink them out of the fight and they both end up in the subway.
Personally I like the idea of Five getting on the train and the door closing before Ash can get on. The train leaves and Ash tries to run after the train but is too cautious to try following the tracks. They don’t know how to leave the station and they don’t wanna abandon Five, so they’re just kind of stuck there. They walk around the platform for a few minutes and end up sitting on the bench and just as they do the train rolls back into the station. Five walks off the train having done what he does in cannon, albeit a little more unnerved. In the other timeline he gets off the train at the next station and leaves the platform. He discovers it’s an alternate timeline. He gets back on the train and goes back and gets off the train in front of Ash. He’s been gone for ten minutes almost but it was only 5 minutes or so For Ash. Ash sprints at him. Five is surprised to be hugged by Ash and hugs them back for a second before they quickly lets go and hold each other at arms length purposefully. Five doesn’t even let them speak. He just cuts in before Ash can and tells them how its alternate timelines. At this point there’s no use in hiding it from Ash and they’re here in the subway with him so they ought to know.
Ash is more spiritual and fate oriented as a character. They take Fives abilities to blink specifically to the subway as a sign of it being important. Lila still convinces Five to check out the subway again and they do. He encounters himself. They both come back, and Ash is the one whose been looking into The Jennifer Incident File for Five. He meets them at the office and they fill him in on the file.
Ash is the one who gets him to really think about Ben before he goes to Reginald’s mansion. They comment on the file explaining
“This is a somewhat biased account, I’ll give you that. It’s the guys you were fighting against so there’s always gonna be an amount of “he said she said”. But the guy who wrote this seems to be blunt as hell. Very factual presentation of everything. No punches pulled about how badly he fought or how his team failed to achieve goals.”
“What are you saying?”
“What I’m saying is… History is written by the winners Five. I don’t know your dad well. Hell I don’t know him at all, but I gotta ask… Is he the kinda man who would lie about this stuff? Is he the kind of man you could trust to tell you how you actually won? What do you remember?”
Five squints at them. “Nothing… I wasn’t there… but it’s an interesting thought.” He gets up and walks around to Ash’s desk.
“I try.” Five starts to leave and ash calls out after him “I’ll let you know if anything develops on this end.”
Five waves the copy of the File at them in aknowledgement and disappears out of the office door
Ash comes out with them to the Alpaca farm when they get the call about it. They’re standing with Five And Lila when she tries to convince Five to go back to the subway again. Five agrees he’ll go and take a look but not with her. This irritates Lila. Ash tries to level with Lila and this annoys her. She snaps that it’s none of Ash’s business and to stay out of it. Lila snapping at Ash is Five’s cut off. He tells Lila she isn’t coming with him to the subway because of her attitude right now. She’s acting way too impulsively right now and he’s not going to risk that. She needs to take a breath go regroup with Diego and Luther. Keep tabs on them. Lila is irritated by this and storms away. (This may be out of character for her but I truly have never understood Lila as well as other characters. I’m so sorry.)
Ash asks if they can come with. Five is about to ask them if they’re serious? He just denied Lila why would he bring Ash? Ash says that they’re just curious about this all honestly. Plus it’s always better to bring someone to watch your back. Five reluctantly agrees because Ash is right. Plus they’ve kept a very level head through all this. If something happens he can just bring them home. It’ll be fine.
So he brings Ash with on that second run to investigate and everything with the sparrow academy timeline happens.
Then as we know they both end up getting stuck.
They roll past their stop.
“Five? Wasn’t that our—“
“Stop? Yes. Yes it was.”
The montage of what happens down there wouldn’t really be a montage it would be an entire episode or at the very least half of an episode dedicated to following them over the course of these six years. (If it was a montage though, the song I feel like that would be amazing in vibe and fit would be “You’re Dead” By Norma Tanega)
We would get a lot more scenes above the subway when they’re looking for supplies and gathering information. Fighting things that are on the surface in these other timelines.
This version of Five is one who is coming at the fact he’s stuck in a never ending nightmare universe like this again as if it’s a personal slight against him. Like of course, of fucking course it happens to him again. OF COURSE. When his family needs him this happens AGAIN. (It’s a very self centered way of looking at it. The fact Ash is there and also dealing with this is not even on his radar at first. Ash's feelings about this don’t even register to him until later because as a defense mechanism he’s automatically slipped back into ‘survival apocalypse’ mode. ‘One problem at a time’ mode. ‘This physical problem in front of my face is what I’m focusing on’ mode. we can tell when he finally picks up on Ash's feelings about being stuck here but he doesn’t say anything to them about it. His character has never been good at approaching people gently and while they’re in survival mode gently isn’t really an option.
Ash is obviously so scared about the fact that they’re trapped there and don’t know how to get home. They just don’t want to show it. They put on a brave face the whole time and we watch it crack.
Ash can seem to sense Five’s irritation and just slips into doing what they do best. Following Fives lead.
So Five makes a plan. They are both agents for the CIA so they both should be able to survive out here. They both spend months staring at the map terminal and physical map, trying to decode it and it gets more and more frustrating for five. But Ash is trying their best to stay optimistic on purpose. You can tell it’s somewhat forced but still somewhat genuine.
Ash is also doing what they do best. Assisting Five. But at the beginning it seems like it’s much more difficult. Apocalypses and time travel aren’t anything they trained for. Plus their survival training was minimal since they joined the CIA as an analyst not a field agent. They aren’t sure what Five needs. There are moments we see Five hold out his hand out of habit and Ash just stares. They don’t know what he needs and it’s unsettling for both of them. Five realizes he has to reach Ash what they need to do out here and you can tell it’s irritating to him.
A full year passes and Ash's optimism seems to fade but they’re getting better at knowing what needs to be done to survive in the subway. They get better at anticipating things that are needed. When they talk Ash's smile doesn’t seem to reach their eyes as much. Five doesn’t notice this still. Five always seems slightly annoyed that Ash is always so upbeat.
Year two you can tell the smile isn’t barely real at all but Ash still pokes fun at five along the way. Ash is the one trying to keep them both feeling human. They have to force Five to do things like wash clothes, eat, sleep, comb his hair. Five is visibly irritated by it. He doesn’t want to be dragged away from the problem but he always begrudgingly acknowledges that Ash is right.
It’s around the middle of year 3 that they both break. Ash offers to help five shave (similar to how Lila does in the show) because he’s doing a god awful job of it. He hasn’t had to do upkeep like this since the first apocalypse and even then he just let his beard grow out then. We see Ash in the “mirror” Five is using to shave and even he can tell the smile is so forced it hurts to look at. Five glares at them and breaks his silence. He snaps at the about how shaving isn’t fucking important. Getting back home is important. At least when he was alone before he didn’t have to worry about some chipper chipmunk of a person following him around like a lost puppy. He berates them about the fact that they’re so chipper all the time and how irritating it is when all he needs to do is work. He Berates them for trying so hard at it. Why won’t they just admit that this all sucks. It’s awful. He wants Ash to get mad. He wants Ash to blame him. Ash needs to blame him. He implies that Ash doesn’t seem to care at all about the fact that they’re stuck here and that’s when Ash snaps back.
Ash isn’t smiling anymore. They go off at five about how much they care and how selfish Five has been. They know this isn’t a game. They understand the stakes. Theyre trying so fucking hard he has no idea. They’re just trying to keep it together because of they don’t they’re gonna go insane. (Essentially they lose it at him and tell him how much of a selfish prick he’s being.)
The two end up screaming back and forth at each other all sorts of things that devolve into nothing insults about little things that have annoyed them about each other (we as an audience get an insight into how well these two really know each other with how insanely specific some of the stuff is)
“At least I don’t gag when I skin a rabbit!”
“Oh I’m sorry apocalypse boy? Does my lack of enthusiasm towards skinning small animals upset you? I’m so so sorry you dad never let you have a pet rabbit! But some of us still—“
“Yeah, yeah, I remember your pet bunny. You’ve only mentioned sir pumpernickel 300 times. Im sorry you used to love one 👏🏻but 👏🏻we 👏🏻have 👏🏻to 👏🏻eat👏🏻this 👏🏻one 👏🏻to 👏🏻live👏🏻 so stop gagging and get it done.”
Ash then says something along the lines of “ You know? You talk about your ‘dad’ and you pretend you’re nothing like him, but you act exactly the same. Pompous and arrogant. So wrapped up in your need to stop the apocalypse and ‘save your family’ that you don’t give a shit who you hurt to do it!”
With that Ash storms off out of the station to whatever world they’ve stopped in.
Five is stunned by what they’ve said and lets them go still half shaven.
He turns back and tries to keep shaving and after a few minutes he realizes what he’s said to Ash.
He stops shaving and washes his face off. He goes up after them. He finds them washing clothes in the river he sits next to them.
Five helps them finish washing clothes. It’s silent the whole time. They bring clothes back to the station he offers Ash the barber knife. It’s an olive branch. Ash takes it.
We then get the shaving scene but it’s Ash and Five. The scene is silent save for the scraping of blade against skin. Then Five speaks.
“I’m sorry.” A pause. “For saying all of that and for treating you like—.”
“It’s okay. Stop talking, or I’ll end up cutting you.” More quiet scraping.
Five waits til Ash is finished shaving him and wiping off the knife before he speaks again. He says he’ll do better.
“Yes, yes you will.” There’s another pause “or else I’ll only shave half your face next time.”
This is the first time Five cracks a genuine smile in YEARS. Ash smiles back. There’s a renewed sense of understanding. A silent deal is struck essentially. Be kinder to each other in this.
The next two years we get scenes that are more gentle between the two very similar to the ones we get in the actual show. Five is more open to teaching Ash things about the worse parts of hardcore survival. Which in turn helps Ash feel more useful and lightens the load on Five. He can trust them to handle themselves more.
We watch them Slowly moving closer too each other over the course of the train rides. Falling asleep with heads on shoulders. Cooking for one another. Interspersed with scenes of them just entertaining themselves with the other. Reading from books they find in these universes. Playing chess together, cutting hair, sewing up cuts. Light Play fighting in the rivers they wash clothes in eventually leading to the sixth year five months two days conversation.
It happens just after a scene where we watch Ash set Fives Broken leg.
That’s RIGHT the reason they end up in the green house is a legitimate reason in this one.
Five loses his footing hunting in a previous scene and falls down a hill. He blinks and lands haphazardly on rubble in the subway startling Ash who has to immediately jump into action and help.
Ash after setting and wrapping Fives leg tells him that he needs to rest. They have to settle somewhere and let his leg heal. Five doesn’t want to stop but has to concede that Ash is right. Ash starts packing up the camp and they brainstorm where would be the safest place to rest. Five brings up the greenhouse.
“The one with strawberries and that fun little office room?”
Five nods. “It was pretty clean and there was a desk there. I can still work on figuring out this subway while I’m bedridden…”
Ash rolls their eyes at him. “Like you’ll actually stay in bed once I make you a set of crutches.”
Five glares at them as they finish packing things up.
“Don’t be such a baby. It’ll only be for a few months till you can put weight on it. We aren’t giving up.”
And here’s the big change from cannon. THEY DONT GIVE UP.
They do rest there. Five recuperates there. He’s the one messing rolling about in a chair scribbling things down in a notebook while he messes the strawberries in the greenhouse. Ash goes Hunting instead.
They do have their cute little cottage core moments but they don’t give up. And it’s not in the green house that the strawberry throwing happens. It’s a basket of clothes that Ash brings in while five is WRITING IN THE JOURNAL trying to decipher the glyphs from the subway.
Ash throws socks at five instead of food. That conversation about winter happens and Ash DOES FALL but it’s into the handmade wheelchair that Five has been using while healing.
Five is always holding a notebook in his hands. I cannot emphasize enough HE IS STILL WORKING TO FIND HIS FAMILY.
THATS when the kiss moment happens.
“Was that not okay? I’m sorry. I know this isn’t the time—“
Five cuts them off with a kiss again and that’s answer enough.
They don’t ask if it’s weird because ITS NOT. They are two people with and established back and forth coming together in this moment.
Five finds the journal on one of his first trips out since his leg has healed enough to walk freely. The dinner is an anniversary dinner but more so to celebrate his leg healing. He shows it to Ash IMMEDIATELY. There is no fear of returning and losing them to someone because Ash is not married to his brother. 👀
Ash and Five end up staying in that greenhouse together while they make sure the journal is legit and figure it out together for a few days.
They finally figure out how to get home using it.
They wait a week to gather supplies to help them to continue on in case the journal screws them over and they got it wrong
Before they leave green house they have one last candle lit dinner and say good bye to it. They leave it all set up and all their things strewn about. Because the things don’t matter they’re going home together and there’s no question of will this last after they’re home because they don’t need to question it. Of course they are. It’s the same as Diego and Lila in season 2 and 3. There’s no questioning it.
They will stay together.
We get a fun scene at Lila and Diego’s house with the whole family talking about everything but Klaus is staring at Five and Ash. He is looking them up and down because they aren’t wearing suit jackets and pants anymore. They’re both in casual. Five is wearing his sweater vest and Ash is wearing jeans and a flannel. Diego calls it out.
“What is this then? No offense to, Ash, right? But why’re you here?”
“I vaguely recall asking you the same question about lila back in 63.”
“Lila’s different”
Lila has picked up on what five has indicated and his body language
“Not sure how different the situation is Di.”
This is when everyone on the couch picks up on it. Allison and Klaus immediately react silently. Klaus open mouthed impress and shock Allison bewildered looking at Ash for confirmation. Ash maybe makes eye contact with Allison and looks away a little embarrassed.
Diego looks at Lila confused “what do you— wait— You’re!” Diego accusatorially pointing a finger at Five. “Since when?!”
“My love life isn’t important right now Diego”
Only when Five says this does Luther pick up on it. He’s got a look of bewildered awe on his face and He looks right at Ash and addresses them.
“Wait, you two are dating?”
Klaus and Allison gag on their water like we got in cannon.
Ash looks like they truly have no idea what to say and five holds the bridge of his nose.
“Really not important right now. Can we get back to what’s important? Like the apocalypse? namely Stopping it?”
They continue their regular conversation about stopping the apocalypse
All of them leave and pretty much everything that happens leading up to my version of the “Cleanse” happens
These next bullets happen in the universe where my version of the ending is cannon once again you can read it here.
They have a meaningful moment on the subway after they’re all speeding away we get him asking them if they regret knowing him. Knowing what was gonna happen. Ash looks at him funny then says they could never.
“Besides. If we do get to live whole new lives… that means you still owe me all the years that we would’ve gotten in this one. Also a pet rabbit. You owe me a pet rabbit too.”
Five laughs “Of course.”
Five is holding them closely when the train hits the reset point.
The next we see them both is when the I detailed as his wife in the polkadot blouse comes walking into the classroom. Now Fives spouse in the true timeline, full name Asher Delores Murphy (Male/Female/ Or Nonbinary) Also PHD is wearing dress pants and a polkadot button up shirt
Maybe in the scene where they’re gathered around a tv in the physics building we see a rabbit cage in the corner. Five got them their rabbit that he owed them.
That’s Ash character arc. Five never stops looking and he falls in love with a character who is always willing and able to meet him where he’s at. Match his energy. Understand him without having to say anything to him. Someone we get to watch learn and teach Five to not shoulder a burden alone. Someone who carries the weight of the world alongside him, while simultaneously bringing out the human side of him that we as the audience rarely get from him.
Morgan is Different. Morgan is more one sided rivalry to realization that it was actually just tension all along. Fighting with him and being on his side and willing to go down with him in the end.
Main Key Morgan:
Five — Blue Text
Morgan — White Text
Lila — Pink Text
Klaus — Purple Text
They’re one of the CIA’s newest recruits and very similar to Five from season one. Also a prodigy.
Desperate to prove themselves
They don’t understand why Five keeps getting sent out into the field and they’re being denied the opportunity
“We’re the same age! We have the same experience! We’re technically partners! Let ME try for once!”
Five almost seems to pity them at first which absolutely infuriates Morgan
The first time we as an audience are introduced to them, is when they’re the one who comments on Fives lateness instead of the blond bespectacled operative we aren’t even properly introduced to in season 4
Five doesn’t need to have his suit handed to him he already has remembered it and is wearing it walking in the building.
Morgan is leaning against one of the pillars and they are quick to fall in step with five on his way.
“You’re late.”
“I am aware.”
“If you were aware, you wouldn’t have been late. Do you even know how to read a clock?”
“If anyone is gonna lecture anyone about time it’s me. I’m certain I know quite a bit more about how time works than you do Morgan.”
“Oh really? That’s interesting because last I checked, when you decide on a time to meet and a person gets there after that arranged meeting time, it means they’re late. That’s how time works.”
Five just sighs his defeated sigh and ignores them
He used to deal with worse from his siblings when they were younger. He’s completely fine with this. it’s almost welcomed by five it’s nostalgic for him in a way(the fact he’s never completely phased by the jabs you can tell is infuriating to Morgan)
At the last minute Morgan stops Five before he opens the office door and makes five look at them
Five has been wearing that gross mustache the whole time they’ve been talking
Morgan rips the mustache off Fives face and Five recoils
Morgan makes a quip about the mustache before pushing open the door and five walks in with them scowling
There could be a small bit where Morgan could also be suspicious of Five not checking in when his brother is kidnapped
Morgan is also in the room when Five blinks for the first time in eight years in their shared office.
We can tell what Morgan’s space and what’s fives space. Five’s is overly organized with books of mathematics strewn about and a chalk board covered in equations. Morgan’s side is covered in puzzle books. Sudoku, word scramble, decryption puzzle books, anagram puzzle books, books on linguistics, cryptograms. Notebooks with sticky notes just sticking out of every page. Morgan is obviously clever. Curious, a puzzle solver. Needs a challenge.
They just turn around and Fives just gone. They are fucking baffled. They think he walked out in the middle of a conversation. Rude!
Morgan leaves to get something and they come back and Five is falling into the chair bewildered and starts to keel forward.
Morgan is once again baffled. Then their face pass through a few emotions. Starting with irritation then suspicion And finally landing on concern
“I thought you’d left. In the middle of a— Are you alright?”
“No. I don’t think I am…” Five gets up and grabs his jacket and says he’s taking a sick day.
Morgan is absolutely taken aback. “A— You’re? Okay?”
Five ends up doing his thing and driving with his siblings up to New Grumpson
He calls Morgan from the pay phone and has them look into Sy Grossman and Jennifer Grossman
We watch it play out in a vertical split screen.
Morgan gives him the information but you can hear them just before Five hangs up
“There’s no one listed living in New Grumpson under those names Five. Are you gonna—“
“Thanks Morgan. Gotta go”
“Wait! Five! I’m your partner! you can’t just—“
The audience sees Morgan is slamming the receiver into the dock of the phone over and over again. This happens while the screen transitions Morgan off screen and focus back on Five
Everything that happens in New Grumpson still happens
Five ends up in the subway and comes back
They escape in the van and get into an accident
Five calls again and we get another vertical split screen. This is the call about running the Chrysler and Morgan is sick of this after Five hangs up this time. Instead of lingering on Five we linger on Morgan.
They’ve run the address and they message it to Five but instead of just leaving him to it that first time they meet him and his family at Gene and Jeans apartment.
Five is irritated but Lila doesn’t seem to care and Diego is trying to be cool for Morgan because they’re also from the CIA
Diego leaves and while Morgan is investigating something on the other side of the room Lila asks the blink question and they have that conversation with Morgan in the room.
Morgan doesn’t know what blinking is but it’s something they latch onto because Five can’t do it.
“What is it five? What do you mean by blink? You have to let me in! I can help!”
they’re poking him when Lila says to get back on the horse and grabs Five.
All three of them end up in the subway
Morgan is absolutely horrified and nearly throws up
“Oh my god! What did you do?! What is this?! Am I in hell? Is this 9-5 commuter hell?!”
Morgan is visible my freaking out in the background while Five and Lila argue about what she’s just done
Lila doesn’t care she’s just kinda whatever she doesn’t fully work for the CIA like Five does, she’s just doing it to feel alive again , same as Diego wants too. (look at that they’re Diego and Lila are husband and wife and they want the same thing? Who’da thought it?)
They are straight up just going to leave Morgan on the platform as when the tarain pulls into the platform (Morgan is not part of the family yet they are tagging along at this point.)
Morgan doesn’t wanna be left alone so they jump the train with the other two.
“Where you going to leave me there?!”
Simultaneously “You’d’ve been fine.” “Yes.”
“We’d have come back for you…”
“At some point”
Morgan glares at them both and is silent pretty much the whole rest of the trip. Lila cracks a joke at them about their crack about ‘commuter hell’ but Morgan scowls and ignores her
Five comments on how Morgan is taking this remarkably well. Morgan’s response is very curt and the only real response they give for a while
“I work for the CIA. Secrets are what we do. I will ask you more questions about those secrets when I’m no longer trapped in a weird freaky subway with you.”
“You aren’t trapped. Trust me. You’d know it if we were trapped here.”
Everything happens like it did before with the breadcrumbs commentary and being shot at by OG timeline Five
Morgan and Five deal with being shot at like pros and Lila is as she was in the show not the best at it and they all get on the subway. Lila is last this time.
They come back to apartment they blinked out of and learn about the file. from here on out Morgan refuses to leave Five alone.
Morgan comes with to Reginald’s house. They’re there for the conversation about Ben’s death and the mind control.
Five has obviously filled in some details on the way and Morgan is able to deduce details themselves and provide an outside perspective
All of the siblings are a little weirded out by the fact Morgan is there. They ask who Morgan is and Five tells them that Morgan is his partner. (This could be the fun start of a joke where Five NEVER elaborates on that word and all of the siblings are like what does he mean by Partner? But all of them refuse to ask because they know he’d never tell them.)
Reginald, Diego, and Allison I think wouldn’t appreciate Morgan being there but Five would actually stand up for them.
I don’t know how he would or what would be said but it feels like it would be a weird kind of turning point for the trust between the two
Then finally they get to memory machines and I’m not sure if he would let Reginald restore his memory or not. (If he did I think he’d tell Morgan to shoot Reginald if this looks like it’s going bad. And Morgan would respectfully agree to.)
Everything happens like normal and they get called out to the Alpaca Farm Massacre site where Ben murdered all those people
The conversations are the same including Lila convincing Five to use the subway except this time Morgan is present for it
Morgan Volunteers to go with instead of Lila
“I have the training. I think It would make more sense for me to go.”
This is when Lila snaps. She, like Diego, wants to be important to the mission but it’s more subtle than Diego. She doesn’t just wanna be a mom but also a bad ass and this subway stuff is scratching her itch and filling her need of getting out of the house and away from Diego for a bit. Morgan is threatening that.
“How on earth does it make more sense for you to go? I was raised an assassin and what are you some CIA puppy? New recruit Wanna prove yourself so badly? Think you’re tagging along on a fun adventure? It’s not fun. It’s life or death. I have way more experience with that than you’ll ever have.”
Five is staring at Lila a little taken aback at the outburst but Morgan is impassive and gentle in their response.
“i recall how dangerous it was Lila, but unlike you, I don’t have any family. I am, for lack of a better word expendable. If something happens Five can leave me behind and come back to let you all know that route is bust. It makes more sense for ME to go with him.”
We can focus on five and Lila’s reactions to this response. Lila seems embarrassed and agrees respectfully that
“yeah um yeah sorry no you make a good point. I gotta report in anyway.”
(I’m so sorry every time I try to write for Lila I feel like I’ve written garbage for her. I’m so sorry. She deserves better than me.)
Five doesn’t say anything to Morgan about that but you can tell it’s struck a cord with him. He doesn’t like the idea of that. Of Morgan thinking they’re expendable.
Diego walks over to Lila and they converse same as before while Morgan and Five walk over to their CIA boss they have the same conversation about babysitting Diego and Luthor maybe this time also Lila.
Morgan maybe mentions talking to Lila and Diego seriously about joining the CIA.
Five is once again taken aback by how considerate Morgan is being.
Everything happens leading up too Morgan and Five walking into the subway and just before they do five asks if Morgan is sure about this. Morgan agrees that yes they are.
“Field work like this is why I joined the CIA. I wanted to do big things and i don’t think it hets much bigger than trying to work out how to use an inter dimensional subway station to save the world from devastation.”
Five nods his head in a conceding motion and he blinks them into the subway.
When they get there Morgan pulls out a little book from their pocket and starts writing down more of the symbols from the walls and train.
We get a conversation about this where Five asks Morgan about it, and says he recalls them doing the same thing when they were on the subway earlier.
Morgan shrugs and explains that they’ve always enjoyed word puzzles.
“I’ve always thought that Decryption was just a more fancy way of saying puzzle, and you know how great I am at those.”
Five makes a sound of concession once again and we get our first real grin from Morgan. Morgan isnt being hostile this time and it’s shocking.
“Besides! It’d be good to figure out how to read what’s written on the walls. Could be helpful and it may be the key to understanding this place and why it’s here.”
Morgan is trying to be fun and interesting because they’re excited. They’re is excited that they’re finally in the field. That’s all they’ve been asking for. They just wanted to be allowed to try.
As the two board the train we hear Morgan comment out loud about how alien the symbols look. They aren’t typical symbols like other symbolic languages. They maybe comment on certain similarities to other ancient languages that are dead that scientists haven’t been able to place but that they’re still different. Gosh they wish they had their textbooks to study this better. That’s fine though. This note book will help when they get home.
After that the same things happen that Five did with Lila in the other timelines on this excursion with Morgan. (I.E. Traveling back in time in the sparrow timeline and all that with Five exasperatedly saying they aren’t going to wing this and it was a terrible idea. He’s immediately calling the mission and saying it’s a bust.)
Morgan runs into the train with him and tries to convince him that it’s fine! They can’t quit after only one attempt.
They’re having a back and forth about this still on the train when the train passes their stop.
Five notices and has to quiet Morgan
“That was our stop.”
“We just passed our station.”
“What do you mean what’s—“
The PA comes on and we hear garbled reversed speech and then “express”
Simultaneously “Shit.” “Shit!”
Instead of just a shot of the tunnel flashing green we get a shot of them inside the train looking at one another and both look shaken
A flash of green and we move on
Then it’s same thing as before we get a montage of the two losing their shit at one another over the fact that they’re lost. Which similarly to the other love interest before eventually the becomes mutual respect, care and love for each other.
It’s different from the previous love interest because they’re both “trained” as field agents. Both would have survival skills except one of them is also trying to solve an insane decryption issue at the same time.
While we watch this version of Five trapped in the Subway with Morgan it becomes clear to us as the audience that we are essentially watching the same thing we did in season 1, where Five was trapped alone, but with two people instead. In this case too we realize Morgan is taking on Five’s role from the original timeline. They are the one who seems to feel this intense drive to understand this particular problem. Five having done this all before becomes the Delores of the two. A support system. Always Helping and trying to keep Morgan sane. He recognizes and feels like he’s watching the same thing happen to Morgan that happened to him in season 1. However this time the key to understanding this isn’t something he can solve with mathematics. It’s words and he’s never been great with those. Sure, he can speak plenty of languages, but he’s never had to translate an entirely new language from scratch before. Morgan is the only one of them that has experience with that. Morgan is the key this time.
We get to see the years progress through Morgan’s “Notes” and it’s a montage set to “Dear God — Remastered” by XTC
The Notes are along the outer edges of the screen and the scenes we watch are super imposed on top of the “notebook” itself like we’re watching it on the books
The first year it’s just a bunch of wild scribbles Morgan isn’t writing anything down in it slowly. They’re frantic because they wanna get home. We see five and them arguing the same as we watched him and Lila do in the original
The second year they’re both in survival mode. Cooking food and making fires collecting supplies.
The notes are more organized. There are some sketches of the platforms. The symbols are better sketched at the top with more care. Morgan seems to be trying to visually keep track of stations
Year three is when the notes start to get more and more clear but still no words or even letters are decoded. There are notes about how time feels like it’s passing but “is it really?” Time is resetting every stop they make. Is the subway taking them back in time of freezing time everyone they’re in it? There’s a scene of Morgan scribbling angrily on the book and throwing it down the train car and falling down on the bench.
We watch Five get up like he’s done this a million times before (we get the sense he definitely has) and pick it up. He walks back over, slides it into Morgan’s pack and sits down next to them. Morgan leans into Five’s shoulder looking somewhat defeated. Five seems surprised by this but doesn’t push them away.
We get the chess scenes and in this variation they find a deck of cards so we get a billion scenes of them playing card games.
Year four the notes in the margins are sharp. Morgan is getting better at sketching the same things over and over. We start to see questions pop up about repeating letters and why doesn’t there seem to be any? Sketches of the PA system. Sketches of the train car’s interiors.
This is the year where there’s more laughter and intimacy in the interactions between them. There’s the visions of them caring for one another. In various ways Morgan bandaging Fives hand. Five fixing a dislocated shoulder for Morgan. Morgan shaving Five and Five cutting Morgan’s hair.
Year five is when interesting questions start popping up in the margins of the screen. We see sketches of the door mechanisms form in the train. Questions like is it possible to drive? WHO is driving? What is driving? Do we want to know? Can we get in there? A sketch of the drivers car through the window of the train but it’s impossible to see through a blacked out window in the sketch. A caption of “drivers car impossible to reach. new plan is the old plan?”
This is the year becomes clear there’s real feelings forming between the two but they are also looking really tired. Morgan starts falling asleep tucked next to Five.
Morgan just keeps staring at the book and you see scenes of five taking it from them and pointing to the sleeping cot or handing them food. They reluctantly take it and sit right next to Five and eat with their head on his shoulder
Year six is when the margins start fading from the screen and we pan up away from the book
A string of symbols on a page and the word “Station” circled. A double sided arrow connects the two as we pan away from this we see it’s written on the pages of the book that is in Morgan’s hand. They’re clutching it in one of their hands as they sleep and l are in the same position we saw Five a Lila in under the umbrellas.
The six year montage ends not with despair but with a kind of hope
So the next time we see them their conversation isn’t about giving up. It’s about really sitting down and cracking into this. Morgan really thinks they can solve this. But it’s just so hard to focus like this. It’s off hand in reference to moving around on the subway
“Morgan, what do you need to solve this. Anything you need we’ll figure it out. You need to tell me what it is though.”
“If I could just.. I don’t know… sleep. Like really sleep. In a bed… bathe? Shower, if I can? I know I could get this… WE could get this… We’re so close…”
Five agrees and they have a conversation about instead of staying in the subway going somewhere to work in peace where they don’t have to scrounge. Just for a while until they’ve fully cracked this.
They debate and land on that greenhouse so they GO THERE to sit and decode it
We get a scene of them setting up shop. Just after they’ve cleaned up. And it’s a nice scene like you get in any romance show or movie where the characters are seeing each other for the first time in a new light for real. (like a wow look at you I never realized just how nice this person is to look at?)
And we get a few scenes throughout the episode of them slowly but surely solving it. More letters going up in a bulletin board connected to symbols with twine and other things salvaged. Interspersed with moments of them eating dinner and playing cards. Playful throws of paper. Morgan excitedly running in with a record player and putting it on. They drag Five away from the bulletin board and start dancing. Five argues they should keep working but Morgan says that if they don’t take breaks they’re gonna go crazy staring at the symbols so please just dance. Do something for himself you know?
Five kinda has a moment that you see where he recalls that’s exactly what happened with him originally. He NEVER stopped and he went insane on the OG timeline.
So he takes a real minute not like the games before. Just a real minute to dance.
The two laugh Morgan trips Five catches them
Five’s holding them close
They look in one another’s eyes.
“What are you doing?”
“Something for myself.”
He kisses Morgan and Morgan reciprocates.
The last scene we have of them in the greenhouse obviously more time has passed
Five does the same thing he did for Lila. He makes Morgan something. I think Five fixes them up a Rubix cube or even whittles them a cool wooden hand held puzzle. Like one of those puzzle balls or even a puzzle box that has something else in it? Idk. I just feel like a ring or any type of jewelry is too cheesy and fast to be in the box So maybe it’s just the box. Morgan loves it and gives Five something in return. They’re like it’s not as crazy as a hand carved gift but they took some time between solving the decryption to go and find him something special. It’s a mug that used to say “Life Is About More Than Coffee.” but coffee is crossed out with red paint and in big red letters it says Apocalypses so it now reads “Life Is About More Than Apocalypses”.
Five can’t stop laughing when he looks at it. It’s stupid. It’s a dumb joke that’s really insensitive to him the more you focus on it. He’s told Morgan all of stories about all 3 of the apocalypses he’s experienced in his life during these six years trapped here with them, but for some reason the fact they took time out of their day to repair this cracked mug and personalize a stupid word play joke at his expense makes him lose it. This also happens the same day they completely decode the alphabet. THEY CAN GO HOME BECAUSE THEY ARE ABLE TO READ THE MAP NOW. (I can’t begin to tell you how mad I am that that alien language was never talked about once. Or the fact that they never considered trying to decode it at any point? They’re stuck in this subway… LEARN TO READ THE SIGNS)
They’re excited but you can tell after the hype dies down it’s a little sad. They kind of liked this existence here. It was simple. Five could sit and do old man things and just keep them alive. He wasn’t the one the solution hinged on so he gets to rest a while. Morgan was spending their all of their time solving a HUGE puzzle. It was kind of heaven for both of them.
They pack up everything that’s needed and leave the deck of cards and a half solved crossword puzzle book they found previously on the table. Something for whomever comes across this place to find.
They have a conversation just outside the greenhouse about what they’re gonna do about what they’ve become when they return
Morgan responds by taking Five’s hand
“One problem at a time right? We’ve decoded the subway. Next is stopping the apocalypse. Then, after that’s done and we know for a fact that we can still stand the sight of one another while other people are present, we’ll worry about filling out the relationship paperwork at the agency.”
Laughing. “There’s paperwork for that?”
“Yes. Lots of boxes to check and forms to fill.”
“If it makes you happy.”
“It does actually. Soothes me.”
Five picks up their bags. “Once more into commuter Hell?”
“I said that one time!!”
There’s a flash of blue and the camera holds on the playing cards and their initials carved into the table (childish maybe Fanfictiony? Probably? I’m not a screen writer!)
I think we also deserve a pleasant little scene to replace when they get back and there’s the whole Lila/Five dramatic cheating reveal on Christmas at her families house 👀👀👀
It would be them all regrouping at Lila and Diego’s house because they get back and it makes sense to regroup there
They walk in holding hands. Five helps Morgan in and refuses to let go of them the whole time they regroup.
The funny stuff comes from everyone on the couch, while explaining their info, trying to figure out what is going on with Five and Morgan.
Five is sitting on the arm of the chair Morgan is in, his arm is around them and finally Klaus is the one to break tension and be like
“Obviously the elephant in the room though… what is THIS!?”
And just motions to five and Morgan and five and Morgan get to explain how the subway was a bust and they got trapped there for almost 7 years
Lila tries to push to use the subway again and they all get in an argument about using it
She argues that Morgan decoded it so they can read the map now.
Five argues back that they decoded how to get back here, it would take weeks to figure out which specific world would be the one they needed to do all of what they wanted
Lila is angry that they didn’t map that while they were stuck
Morgan jumps in with the are you kidding we were stuck there seven years because that’s how long it took to figure out how to read the map all while trying to survive. Sorry that wasn’t enough for them all.
Essentially we get that argument but then the same things cascade like before. Things fall apart and we end up at the end of the world again. Once again my version of the cleanse occurs. (Because I refuse to acknowledge the real ending and think all of them deserve happiness and to live. Sue me.)
These next bullets happen in the universe where my version of the ending is cannon once again you can read it here.
Morgan and Five’s moment of the subway train is not exactly the same as Ash’s but kind of similar. Five asks apologizes for the fact Morgan’s first ever field mission was ending like this. He asks if they regret getting involved with him now that they know what’s happening.
“Are you kidding me? This is the kind of mission kids get told stories about and then join the CIA because of. I got to decode an alien language, time travel, possibly save the world, and fall in love with a super hero… I almost hope this resets because…”
They put a hand on Fives cheek. “I’d love to do this all again… I only got to complete one mission with you as my partner so, please find me? Even if you forget me? Find me. So we can do more big things together.”
“Of course…”
Five is seated with them on the train bench. He’s holding them with one arm and holding his family with the other when the train hits the reset point.
Again the next we see them both, is when the person I called his wife in the polkadot blouse comes walking into the classroom. Now Five’s spouse in the true timeline, full name Morgan Delores Murphy (Male/Female/ Or Nonbinary) Also PHD is wearing dress pants and a polkadot button up shirt is handed a puzzle box when they sit on Five’s desk in the final montage.
In the scene where they’re gathered around a tv in the physics building we five holding a mug aloft. Five drinks from it. It’s personalized to say “Life Is About More Than Rocket Science.” They’re still the same couple who make the same jokes and give the same gifts. No matter what timeline.
That is Morgan’s Arc. Someone who desperately wanted to be Fives equal and prove themselves. Someone who Five saw himself in and refused to let become him. Someone who is helped through the speedrun version of what happened to Five and comes out the other side fulfilled, safe and supported not wired up, scared, and paranoid. Morgan’s character is essentially meant to be a mirror to reflect all of what Five has been doing to others back at him. So Morgan becomes Fives equal by literally experiencing a smaller scale version of what Five went through and being allowed to process it all along side Five in real time.
Thank you so much if you’re still here! I appreciate you taking the time to read this. You’re amazing. If you liked this or have thoughts on it, I would love to discuss these things more with you! Message me! I want your feedback! If you hated this don’t message me. I’m terrified of your feedback! I’m so sorry, and if I could erase it from your memory, I would. Please forgive me.
Thank you so much for reading this far if you have!
Have a wonderful day!
Extras if you want:
These are other things I think would be great but have no clue where they could go In the timeline or where they’d be appropriate:
A scene where five asks Morgan about how they were enjoying field work and Morgan says to remind them to tell the boss they never want to go into the field EVER again.
A bit with Ash where it’s established that they always pick up ( I cannot emphasize enough that no matter WHAT TIME. THEY ALWAYS PICK UP) and this is mentioned at some point in the story. maybe they get kidnapped by Gene and Jean. (This is if it’s a 10 episode season and there’s time for this)They don’t pick up. And this is something that Five is immediately shaken by.
I didn’t explain how Morgan would track Five in their outline but it would be kind of a gag I think. Morgan pops up in places where Five asks how they found him. Morgan always replies with
“I put a tracker in your ____”
it’s always a different piece of clothing. His socks. His Tie. His jacket. His hat. His Shirt. and the next time five pops up he’s either removed that piece of clothing or replaced it. The reality? It’s in his shoes. The tracker is in his shoes. And when this is finally revealed to Five in the subway he can’t stop laughing. Of course. He only has like three pairs and one pair is exclusively for work of course that where Morgan would have planted trackers. God he’s an idiot. Morgan is very proud of themselves for this.
An interaction as follows when they’re in the subway or maybe when Viktor says Five’s name:
“Max huh?”
“Yes, it’s short for Maximillian and I hate it. Please don’t start.”
Laughing then “Don’t sweat it. I understand. I’m not a huge fan of my name either.”
Five gives them a curious look.
A Sigh “My Full Name is (Morrigan/Asher) Delores Wilcox.”
We get a shot of Five’s whole demeanor shifting, like he’s been punched in the gut. He’s short circuiting. He’s blank. No fucking way. No FUCKING way. No fucking WAY. That is NOT their middle name. (If he had a nickel for every time he’d been stranded somewhere in time for a great many years with only someone named Delores for company, he’d have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s insane it’s happened twice)
Love interest takes this as a sign he hates it too.
“Yeah see?! Even you think it’s awful. God damn it! Please don’t—“
“It’s wonderful.”
“I love it. It’s perfect for you.”
“Really? You don’t think it’s too fancy?”
“I think it suits you…”
“Oh, well… thank you.”
There’s silence while they go about doing things. Five breaks it suddenly
“Weird question but… how do you feel about sequins?”
“I love them?”
“I fucking knew it.”
#tua s4#tua season 4#tua#tua five#five hargreeves#tua diego#diego hargreeves#tua viktor#viktor hargreeves#tua allison#allison hargreeves#tua luther#luther hargreeves#tua klaus#klaus hargreeves#tua ben#ben hargreeves#tua lila#lila hargreeves#number five#five hargreeves x oc#five hargreeves x original character#I am so afraid to post this#the umbrella academy#umbrella academy#people are gonna hate this#I am so embarrassed#five x oc#five x original character
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What If The Storm Ends? - Part 1 Five Hargreeves x Female OC
'What if Five's time during that first apocalypse was slightly different, what if he wasn't alone for all those years?'
Synopsis: On April 1st 2019, the world ended. Icarus had indeed flown too close to the sun when Five Hargreeves pushed the limits of his power. The boy desperately yearned to use his powers to time travel and when he succeeded, he found himself trapped in the future apocalypse. Octavia Maddenfield had spent her whole life hiding her ability to shield and protect, only for it to save her when an asteroid collided into the earth, effectively wiping out all of humanity. The two teenagers are ecstatic to find that they are no longer alone in the apocalypse, however they must learn to navigate their newfound dynamic as Five tries to time travel back to the past and stop the end of the world from ever happening. Octavia is intrigued by the boy's sarcastic demeanour but also incredibly frustrated by his secretive nature, especially towards his past. And Five despises how easy Octavia can make him vulnerable, he tells himself that he cannot become invested in their obvious connection but something about her is so undeniably captivating.
Authors Note: This work is also available on my Wattpad under the users 'hedonistpoet04' and AO3 'heartofthehedonistpoet06' if you wish to read it there!
Word Count: 5099
𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝐈 - 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐫̶𝐨̶𝐦̶𝐜̶𝐨̶𝐦̶ 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐩𝐬𝐞
i. 𝐁𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐑𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
Octavia Maddenfield met Five Hargreeves during the second spring of the apocalypse.
The young girl had surprised herself with how long she had kept herself alive during the end of the world before she found him. During those first two years Octavia tried to tally the days but it was often difficult to keep track of the passing of time.
It was just before midday and Octavia had left the safety of her base to scavenge the city for anything resourceful, mostly food since that was of the utmost importance for her survival. She climbed the endless wreckage of concrete, metal and broken glass for what felt like hours. Octavia had explored most of the outskirts of the city but this was the deepest she had ever searched into it. She hoisted herself up onto a particularly large piece of concrete until her movement was suddenly paused by the foreign sound of something moving, something alive.
Octavia immediately froze at the reverberation of the sound throughout the otherwise lifeless landscape. She then quickly hid behind a particularly large piece of debrief, shielding her silhouette before turning her head to pinpoint the source of the noise. Her heart thudded painfully in the cavern of her chest, she could practically hear its pounding resonance deep within her eardrums. Octavia found herself polarised by the sudden prospect of seeing another person, another human being who was alive and made of flesh and bone. Her heart's incessant beating stopped abruptly when she identified the clear figure of a boy who had to be no older than herself. His back was turned and his face was hidden but she was able to extract some of his key features.
The boy had dark brown hair which looked somewhat overgrown and a slender physique, both were probably attributed to the apocalypse. Octavia felt slightly at ease by the knowledge that the first human she had seen in two whole years was most likely around her own age, however, she was also terrified. She stiffened when she saw the large hunting rifle he had strapped to his back as he continued to burrow through the wreckage like a hungry marsupial.
Octavia couldn't help but grow jealous at how fortunate this stranger must have been to have come across a gun in this desolate wasteland, as she was forced to make do with the few knives she could find that weren't completely rusted.
He was muttering to himself whilst digging through the debris, as if he was intently looking for something. Octavia peeked her head out a bit further out to try and hear what he was saying only for the attempt to be futile. She felt an overwhelming surge of curiosity and adrenaline coursing through her body, encouraging the girl to get closer and decipher what exactly this boy was doing. Careful to not disrupt him, she slowly started to crawl on all fours until she reached a fallen pillar. Octavia decided that this was close enough and inched her head out to get a clearer look. The boy in question was still oblivious to her presence, he continued to mumble to himself and she noticed his demeanour grew irritable. He swore under his breath before throwing a chunk of rubble into the distance, as if that was going to alleviate his frustration.
Octavia flinched at his sudden action and instinctively sought refuge behind the pillar. Unfortunately the sound of her quick movement had caught his attention. She froze and clasped a hand over her mouth to muffle the small surprised gasp that was about to leave her lips. It was too late, the boy knew that she was here or he was at least aware that somebody was watching him. Octavia was painfully aware of the large, lethal rifle strapped to his back as she heard him load and cock it, preparing to shoot.
She was stuck in a rather complicated situation, she couldn't run in case he decided to shoot her and if she tried to jump out and defend her honour he'd probably also shoot her. She was trapped with nowhere to go, so Octavia did what she told herself was a last and final resort. She used her powers on him.
She swiftly emerged from her hiding spot behind the pillar and met the eyes of the boy in front of her. Although he was still a good few strides away from her, Octavia could see the bewilderment in his eyes at her appearance. However, the barrel of the gun was still pointed in her direction and this made her panic. Octavia quickly outstretched her hands and focused all of her energy on manifesting her powers. She drew all of her focus into conjuring a forcefield big enough to encase the boy in front of her. Soon, the familiar lilac light of Octavia's ability had erupted around him, encasing him in a small but sturdy forcefield. She watched as he lowered the gun and darted his head to examine the newly formed forcefield, obviously taken aback by the abrupt manifestation of her power.
"Don't you dare move!" Octavia called out. She tried her hardest not to sound intimidating, after all she did have the upper hand in this situation. Although, the girl's voice slightly faltered, intimidation bleeding through her attempt at assertion. The boy took a step back in his new confinement, as if he was analysing the sphere around him. His eyes then darted from the forcefield to her.
"I wasn't going to attack you!" He snapped back, although the pitch and the youth present in his voice made it sound rather half hearted.
A complicated pang resonated in Octavia's chest at the realisation that this was the first person she had seen in two entire years. She wasn't exactly sure how to respond to the situation at hand, should she laugh? Cry? Or maybe just focus on making it out of here alive without a bullet between her eyes.
"You were pointing a gun at me!" Octavia retorted, gesturing to the rifle.
"You snuck up on me!" He bickered back and she quickly became aware of just how young they both sounded, like true teenagers quarrelling with each other.
"You have a gun!" She reiterated.
"You trapped me in a bubble!" The boy exclaimed before he demanded to be let go "get me out of this thing!"
"It's not a bubble!" Octavia countered, slightly offended at his belittling choice of words, "Besides, how do I know you're not going to hurt me?" she interrogated him further, eyeing the rifle in his hands.
"Okay, no gun. See? I'm not going to shoot you." He quickly shuffled the weapon to its original spot on his back and put his hands up as if he were surrendering.
"Not now you certainly aren't." She said, clearly referring to the forcefield around him. "Struggling is pointless by the way." Octavia tried her hardest to sound cocky.
The boy's eyes shot Octavia a withering glare, he saw straight through the facade of her confidence. "Yeah, obviously," he muttered back, trying to tug against the force field only to no avail.
He gives one more useless tug before he stops, scoffing. "Can you get this thing off of me?" The boy huffed, his irritation only growing.
Octavia had actually considered letting him out, a part of her youthful naivety believed that he was harmless enough but she was brought back to reality by the weapon that he carried and the fact that he was a total stranger.
"Only if you can promise me two things." She finally said, lowering her hands slightly but kept the forcefield maintained. She watched as the boy raised a brow at the bargain, clearly somewhat puzzled. He looks her up and down again, still eyeing her warily and Octavia suddenly felt extremely self conscious, like he was trying to dissect her with his eyes, which he was.
Five was still slightly disorientated by the purple light which surrounded him. A small part of him was impressed at the supernatural ability this girl obtained, the other part of him was pissed that he couldn't use his own to spatial jump out of her stupid bubble.
"And what exactly is that?" His voice was filled with dry amusement as she noticed him slowly but smugly cross his arms behind the lilac force field.
"Firstly, you'll tell me who you are..." Octavia started to speak as she looked him up and down again, examining to see if he had any other hidden weapons on him "and secondly, you have to promise not to kill me." Her cheeks slightly flush in annoyance as she sees him let out a chuckle at the girl's request, as if he found it humorous.
"Five," He announced matter of factly. "My name's Five," he glanced up at the force field again. "And I promise not to kill you," he responded with a bit of a scoff, in disbelief at the absurdity of his own words.
"Like the number?" Octavia raised her brow in surprise as she was genuinely taken aback by the absurdity of his name. The numerical nature of the boy's name was certainly not what she was expecting.
The boy, now renowned as Five exhaled a frustrated breath before pinching the skin between his brows. "Yes, like the number," he responds with a monotonous voice, like he's answered that question one too many times before.
"You only promised me two questions for my freedom, so let me out!" He said, growing increasingly more infuriated. Although Octavia had an abundance of questions regarding the peculiar name she subdued her curiosity into the back of her mind as she remembered their bargain.
"Right, sorry." She quickly muttered an apology and focused her energy on levitating the boy through the forcefield, hovering him just above the ground and moving him closer to where she stood. A perk of Octavia's unique ability was being able to control the contents inside her forcefields, including making them float. She watched in amusement as Five looked absolutely perplexed at his sudden levitation, his eyes flickered between his feet and back up at Octavia.
"What the hell—" he muttered, startled at the lack of ground underneath him. Octavia closed her eyes and focused her effort into deactivating the force field, slowly but surely the lilac light began to melt away. She watched as Five fell to the ground in a not so graceful manner, his sense of balance obviously disrupted by the sudden air trip.
"Crap! Sorry-" Octavia grimaced at the sound and started to move towards him to help him back to his feet but she held herself back. He's stunned, trying to re-ground himself for a moment before shooting an annoyed look up at her and she can't help but feel slightly guilty.
"Could've tried to make that a bit more graceful." Five huffed out, somewhat breathless from the abrupt descent to the ground.
Octavia watched as he stood up and dusted off his oversized black jacket. Five was now only a few feet away from her and this granted Octavia the opportunity to get a good look at his appearance. As much as Octavia was reluctant to admit it to herself, he was undoubtedly the most beautiful boy she had ever seen. Even when all things at the end of the world were considered, he was most certainly not that unfortunate looking. Five was definitely not in the cleanest state, neither was Octavia as their personal appearances were the last of their concerns when it came to their respective survival.
Octavia never considered boys her age to be cute or even somewhat appealing, her only understanding of what made a boy attractive were the boy band posters on the wall of her childhood bedroom. But something about Five was so endearing to her, from his slender cheekbones, to his green eyes or the way his messy, outgrown hair slightly covered his eyes. Maybe it was the fact that he was the first boy she had seen in two years or perhaps it was just the subconscious desperation from being alone for so long. As Five stood a few steps away from Octavia she was able to discern that he was hardly taller than herself, maybe a few inches give or take.
Five had never taken a particular interest in girls, especially before the events of the apocalypse. He respected them of course, he had two sisters after all, Allison and Vanya. Despite the fact that they could often get on his nerves, he admired his sisters, although not to the same degree as Luther who habitually made heart eyes at Allison across the dinner table. Five didn't understand the appeal of them as he watched Luther practically drool like a puppy over his adopted sister. Perhaps the boy's mind was too preoccupied with other more important things such as mastering his ability to time travel through his spatial jumps.
But when Five's eyes first laid themselves on Octavia up close he felt an unfamiliar sense of intrigue consume him. The boy was quick to disregard it as natural curiosity in response to seeing another human being after the considerable amount of time he spent alone.
Octavia didn't look like any girl Five had known before. She looked like what you'd expect from someone who had survived the apocalypse this long. Her skin and clothes were dirtied. A slightly beaten, oversized green cargo jacket covered most of her young yet malnourished physique. Her ashy blonde hair was pulled back into two braids that hung next to her neck and effectively kept it out of her face.
What surprised Five the most about her however, was the way her lips had suddenly curled into a laugh, a bubbly girlish laugh which was unlike anything Five had ever heard before.
"I really am sorry!" She spoke between a gentle laugh which made Five's ears flush under the aviator helmet he wore.
"I haven't exactly mastered the whole 'levitating your captors' trick yet." She continued.
"Yeah, I'd say you don't quite have it down yet," Five responds with a scoff, raising a brow as he looks at her hands which she was unknowingly flexing and contracting. This was a common mannerism of Octavia's which occurred after she manifested her powers, it was a way to release the built up energy that resided in her palms once she conjured a forcefield.
"How did you do that...?" Five asked, his voice more docile now. There was no residue of impertinence, his question was sincere.
"The 'bubble' thing?" Octavia replied playfully, recycling his little insult from earlier.
"Yeah." He said dryly.
"I've always been able to do it, ever since I can remember." She replied honestly.
"When's your birthday?" Five asked suddenly, the question puzzled Octavia immensely as she tried to determine the relevance of his question. Five however was stunned by the occurrence of finding someone else with a supernatural ability outside of his siblings. As the boy eyed her appearance he realised that she had to be no older that himself, unless she had coincidentally time travelled to the future, which he highly doubted, this girl must have been born years after October 1st, 1989. "Why? Do you want to know my star sign?" Octavia teased, she tried to find the humour in his abrupt and seemingly random question.
"Answer me damn it, when were you born?!" His voice was stern and Octavia was even more confused by his bizarre infatuation with her birthday.
"Jesus fine! It's June 20th 2007." She caved just to shut him up.
"Shit..." Five muttered to himself, almost in disbelief. There was no conceivable way that Octavia could have been one of the forty three supernatural children which Five himself was a part of. She was technically born eighteen years before him, so the chance of meeting someone who also had supernatural abilities was next to impossible, or so he believed.
"So you were... you were young when this all happened, huh?" He spoke up, trying to swiftly redirect the conversation.
"Yeah. I was twelve." Octavia confirmed and Five is painfully quiet, his eyes still examining her with an intense precision like that of a scientist, "What about you?" she asked softly.
"Thirteen." He admitted.
"Only a year older, huh?" Octavia concluded, and Five mentally winced at the complicated situation. Hypothetically yes, he was only one year older than the girl in front of him, however, he was also born almost two decades before her. This was such a mind fuck for Five.
"I guess you could say that." Five shrugged, trying to deflect the possibility of this conversation going any further.
"So you're fifteen?" Clearly his attempt didn't work.
"Correct. Which makes you fourteen now?" Five indulged her.
"Also correct." Octavia shot back and Five had to bite back a small smirk at her sharpness.
"You know, you interrogated me about my name so I think it's only fair that I ask yours." Five figured that he might as-well be polite and ask the name of the bubble conjuring girl who both mildly irritated and intrigued him.
"Octavia." She declared and Five felt his stomach tighten at each syllable that left her mouth. It was an uncommon name, Five certainly couldn't talk when it cam to abstract names but something about Octavia sounded so eloquent, almost old fashioned even. Although he didn't see much of the future as he jumped forward in time he assumed that it was defiantly not a common baby name for someone born in 2007.
"I would say it's a pleasure to meet you Octavia, but these aren't exactly the most pleasurable of circumstances." He said, the formality and authenticity of his voice made Octavia avert her gaze from his own, almost shyly.
"It certainly isn't..." She agreed.
There was a prominent silence between them until Octavia spoke up.
"Sorry for trapping you by the way. I should have known you weren't a fan of bubbles." Five was caught off guard by her genuine apology.
He then replayed the past few minutes in an attempt to put it into perspective, and in all fairness, he was the one with the hunting rifle strapped to him.
However, as Five thought to himself a mischievous idea weaved its way into his mind. He was ready to even the playing field between them.
"It's fine, those were just your flight or fight instincts. Like how mine would be something like this if you didn't trap me first..." Before Octavia could even respond to Five's cryptic response, he suddenly erupted into blue light before her.
He shifts in a split second. Instead of being several feet in front of her he was now only mere inches away. Five looked rather satisfied with himself, a cheshire grin dripping from his face as he watched Octavia's face morph from shock to that of confusion.
"Holy shit!" The girl jumped back in sudden surprise at his sudden manifestation. She stumbled backwards onto her rear, she hit the rubble covered ground and watched as Five let out a small but genuine laugh at her reaction. The boy had missed the dramatic reactions of surprise which he gained from people whenever he used his power. He took a small step closer as he stands over her, looking down with a dry smirk.
"Not feeling so intimidating now, are you?" Octavia watched in disbelief as he extended a hand out to help her up off of her ass. She takes it gratefully although she should have been mad at his little prank, she was fascinated by his own supernatural ability. Five lifted her back to her feet and was slightly stunned at the feeling of another humans skin gracing his own.
Although Five wore a battered pair of fingerless gloves he could feel Octavia's skin against his own, she was warm to his touch. He noticed the way her fingers clasped around his as he helped her to her feet. He admired the callouses which she had evidently earned from surviving this long by herself.
"So you're like me?" She asked and Five retracted his hand, the lingering feeling of her skin on his was plaguing him still despite the loss of contact.
"More or less." He said bluntly, not wishing to elaborate more.
"Wow, sorry." Octavia said shakily, still trying to process everything. "I'm just a little shocked, my whole life my parents told me that I wasn't like other kids and that nobody could know about my ability. But here you are..."
"Alive and breathing," Five said smugly.
"Wait. if you can teleport... Why didn't you just teleport out of my force field?" She asked, smirking slightly as she watched Five roll his eyes.
"You didn't think I tried that, smart ass? It seems you have complete control of the energy in your little bubble, including that of your captors, meaning I was rendered powerless." he retorted "and I don't teleport, that's such an amateur word for something so technical! I prefer to call it spatial jumps, it's the precise manipulation and calculation of spatiotemporal boundaries which I can manoeuvre to get from point A to B-"
"Wow. Nerd alert." Octavia can't help but scoff in amusement at his scientific explanation of his powers. She then proceeded to laugh even harder at the way his eyes squinted in irritation at her reaction.
"You little shit..." He replied at her display of immaturity.
"So, Five, how have you made it this far?" Octavia felt his anger brewing and quickly changed the topic of conversation and gestured to him, referring to his well equipped getup.
He crossed his arms over his chest and gave a small shrug, turning his gaze back to her.
"I just... did," He responds, unbothered with providing anything more.
"I just did." Octavia mocked his ambiguous response, changing the pitch of her voice to sound more serious and stoic, like Five. She felt his eyes glare daggers at hers in response to the childlike mimicry.
He stepped forward now, looking even more annoyed than before. Nobody had tested Five like this, not since his youth when his siblings were still around.
"Watch it." He warned in his typical dry tone which Octavia was starting to grow acquainted with the more he spoke.
As Five stepped forward Octavia quickly manifested her power again, a rectangular shield emerged just in front of the boy as he began to walk towards her.
"Or what?" She said as he walked straight into the shield. The scene before her had reminded Octavia of those embarrassing moments when you would accidentally walk straight into a glass sliding door.
"Oof-" Five grunted as he walked face-first into the force field, nearly toppling backward at the unexpected collision. He stumbled backwards several steps, rubbing the centre of his face where he just collided right into her shield. He looked back at Octavia, a somewhat annoyed but less menacing glare was painted in his green eyes.
"That wasn't funny." He mumbled through gritted teeth.
"Oh come on, that was pretty funny to me." Octavia deactivated the forcefield and she held her stomach as a deep genuine laugh left her lips. It was probably the hardest Octavia had ever laughed during her whole two years of being stuck in the apocalypse alone.
She didn't notice it then but Five's expression had softened for a fraction of a second as she laughed, the reverberation of her voice had filled the otherwise barren space.
And there it was again, that disgustingly unrecognisable feeling that consumed the deepest pits of Five's stomach.
Her laughter had stood out the most to Five, stunning him slightly although he would never admit it in that moment. Octavia's voice was bright and melodic, it didn't irritate him in the same way that Klaus's laughter had when he stole from Allisons wardrobe and proceeded to be chased by her through the mansion, taunting Allison with her favourite skirt. But now, the apocalypse for himself had been characterised by the sound of despair, from the burning debris to the deafening silence.
Octavia's laughter juxtaposed everything else desolate and decrepit which he had become accustomed to hearing after all this time. It was so full of life.
Five then understood why people often referred to others' laughs as being infectious. Octavia's laughter had ignited something, this unfamiliar warmth and queasiness started in his abdomen and soon expanded out into his bones and through to his skin. He felt it everywhere and he hated it. Was this just a symptom of the adrenaline? it had to be.
Five quickly broke away from his thoughts and returned to his traditional, irritated demeanor.
"Oh, you think this is funny?" He asked, taking another step towards her again. A small part of him knew he'd probably walk into another force field again, but he was a little too mad to care right now.
"Hey, give me a break. You're the first person I've seen in how long... like what... two years?" Octavia asked, her laughter subsiding and Five finally felt like he could somewhat relax.
"Have you been by yourself for two years?" Five was curious at her revelation, eager to know if she too had spent the last two years in solitude.
"Yeah. Since day one." Octavia explained. Five noticed a distant look which painted her eyes as if she was recalling the first day she had realised she was alone in this concrete hells-cape.
"And you've made it this far?" Five asked softly and he mentally cringed at how patronising he sounded, he didn't mean for his question to sound that why. The truth was Five was incredibly impressed that she had endured two whole years by herself, finding enough food, water, shelter and even fighting off sickness.
Surviving an apocalypse was no easy feat, Five knew that all too well.
"What? Do you not think that me and my bubbles could have lasted this long?" Five was silent for a moment. Of course he didn't think that, in actuality her power would be incredibly resourceful for the conditions the both of them found themselves in. Five struggled to articulate a defensive statement to her teasing but Octavia spoke up again before he could formulate anything worth saying.
"Do you have a group or something?" She asked and Five subconsciously thanked her for changing the topic.
"No. I'm alone." He admitted.
"Well, I guess that makes two of us." Octavia crossed her arms over her chest before she spoke again, "Your powers.. Are they the reason you survived the initial impact too?"
"Yes." Five looked down at the ground as he answered. He wasn't technically lying, he had survived the destructive impact of whatever ended the world because he had spatial jumped too far into the future. That could theoretically be interpreted as him using his powers to survive the mass extinction of all of humanity, right?
He just simply twisted the truth, that's all. Besides, there was no way Octavia would know if he was lying or not.
"You're a boy of few words, Cinco." She retorted and Five shot his gaze back up towards her.
"God- please don't call me that." Five groaned. The nickname not only irritated him but it was the very title his brother, Diego used to call him and hearing it fall from Octavia's lips was painfully nostalgic.
"Can you blame me?" Octavia shrugged and Five clicked his tongue.
"So... what were you doing out here?" She asked, gesturing to the mountain of concrete behind him.
"Looking for food, what else?" Five explained, his voice straightforward and apathetic.
"Fair enough, we all have to eat. Although I don't think you're gonna find much in that pile of concrete." Octavia wasn't judging the boy for his attempt at searching for resources, more so where he was looking. The landscape before them was nothing but grey desolate rubble.
"Well, I can't exactly afford to be picky, can I?" Five rationalised.
"Touché." She said in an approving tone.
Five didn't exactly know how he should continue the conversation as an elongated silence is exchanged between the two of them. Octavia tried to look anywhere but Five's piercing green gaze as the absence of noise consumed them. Although Octavia had been weary to the boy as a potential threat, she couldn't find it in herself to depart from him so quickly. As for Five, he couldn't extract or define the unknown inquisitiveness that overwhelmed his thoughts. He was standing before another living, breathing human and he couldn't quite believe it, these weren't the rotting bodies he had found buried under the remnants of the city.
Five did not want to depart from her presence so quickly, and he hated it.
"Hey.. I have some baked beans I found not too long ago, you're more than welcome to have some. If you want, that is?" Octavia offered and Five had to replay her voice in his head to ensure what he was hearing was correct.
"You're seriously willing to share your food with me during the apocalypse?" He pointed to himself, his head tilted in disbelief. Was this girl actually offering her own food to him despite trapping him in a bubble only mere moments ago?
"Look, do you want food or not?" Five panicked at her question, like she was threatening to take away the prospect of food so quickly.
"Yes." He said sharply, not caring how desperate he sounded in that second. However, Five felt his face begin to grow warm again when Octavia let out a small giggle at his eagerness.
He despised how easily she could get under his skin.
"Okay, just promise not to murder me on our walk back to mine?" She began to adjust the backpack she had resting on her shoulders and Five took that as the cue that they were leaving.
"If I wanted you to, you would be dead already." Five said proudly. Although his words were grim they carried a weight of truth to them, he probably could have killed Octavia instantly once she freed him from her bubble, but why would he want to do that? Not when he had been alone for so long already.
Even if Octavia was incredibly infuriating there was something about her wit and charm that Five found slightly familiar, somewhat comforting even.
"That's reassuring." She said sarcastically.
"I promise I won't try anything. Cross my heart" Five said, sounding so sincere that it was almost jarring to Octavia.
"Hope to die?" She asked warningly. Five raised a brow at her childish question that he believed to only exist on the school yard.
"You're hilarious. But yeah, cross my heart, I won't kill you. I promise." He shoved his hands in his pockets as they began to walk with Octavia leading the way.
"Watch out, I might just have to bubble you again if you try anything." Octavia held out her hands playfully mimicking how she would manifest her powers. Five rolled his eyes and subdued a small smirk that formed on his face.
"Hey, I always keep my word!" He was almost offended at her skepticism, however he didn't blame her, they were still strangers.
"I'm holding you to it, Five." She replied, looking back to face Five, throwing him a small smile.

#number five#the umbrella academy#five hargreeves#five hargreeves x oc#five hargreeves x reader#fanfic#fanfiction#tua#five hargreeves fluff#number five x reader#five x oc#tua five#romance
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Anyway just a reminder that I have a TUA series where the Hargreeves get the happy ending they deserve ✨✨✨
#tua#the umbrella academy#five x reader#five x oc#hey google how do i erase any memories of a show i watched that broke my heart and spat on characters i loved
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Jar of stars masterlist found here
Enjoy :)
She breathed in deep, the smell of popcorn and Cotten candy filling her nostrils. The sounds of children yelling and carnival music filled her ears no matter how much she tried to push it out.
She thought maybe she could get used to it, the constant sounds of her home and workplace. But she was wrong. She could never quite wrap her head around the hustle and bustle of circus life.
“Gwen?” She jumped, sharply releasing the breath she didn’t know she was holding. “You’re on in five.” The woman said softly, disappearing back into the tent.
Guinevere crinkled her nose, kicking a rock as she stood. She adjusted her itchy costume, and popped her sparkly tights back into place. Whoever made such horrible things for performers to wear deserved a special place in hell.
As she scampered back into the tent she could hear the loud, booming voice of the Ringmaster. His words carried far, telling jokes, giving praise to the previous performers and announcing the next one to come.
Guinevere side stepped her fellow performers, mumbling apologies. Not that anyone cared really, they understood the chaos of backstage.
She nervously adjusted her leotard once more. Squishing her hair up and poofing it out. She’d done this so many times, yet her stomach still twisted with anxiety when she stood in front of the slit on the tent, leading to the center, where everyone and their mother sat waiting for her.
“And now, the star of the show…” Gwen swallowed thickly, taking quick short breaths to steady her pounding heart. “Please welcome..” she put on her best smile, closing out any sort of fear from her mind. She could do this, just as she had time and time again. “The one, the only.. Nebula!”
On cue of her stage name, Guinevere threw back the tent flaps. She concentrated on herself and her body, guiding the heat through her veins until it reached her finger tips. Knowing the audience liked dramatics, she tossed her hands in the air one at a time, sending sparks of multicolored fireworks.
Or, at the very least, she made them believe there were fireworks. In reality there weren’t, not real ones anyways. Gwen had been born, or maybe obtained at some point, a gift that made the circus she rode with thrive.
She somehow had the ability to make those around her see things, anything she wanted. From small rainbow butterflies for the children to fireworks shooting from her fingertips. The butterflies were her favorite though, they didn’t require much energy.
The issue with this grand power, was that she didn’t know where it came from, or how long she’d had it. She wasn’t born in the circus, she knew that much. The other performers had said she’d wandered up, lost and confused. The ringmaster took her in, though he was only going to keep her for a day or so before he could put up missing posters.
That was, until he discovered her power.
Gwen performed, counting her steps to the loud scratchy speakers and making the crowd hoot and holler at the things she made appear. She glanced over at the ringmaster, who smiled proudly and clapped. She was a favorite, which was to be expected. She was the only one with this ability, and had saved the ‘Twilight Troupe’ from decline. her group was one of the only circuses not suffering from a decrease in popularity. it wasn't exactly a shock that circuses were becoming a thing of the past, considering the various new forms of entertainment like the television coming out. not to mention the animal rights activists.
when the music finally came to a halt, so did Gwen. despite her panting and exhaustion, she managed a few more sparks from her fingers. the crowd's cheering was loud, nearly overwhelming. it seemed that the people increased at each show. Gwen took her final bow, and quickly exited behind the tent flaps.
she felt tired and drained, the performance had gone on longer than usual. Something that had been happening more lately. whatever the reason, she was done now. she lazily stumbled to her own, much smaller, tent, nodding appreciatively at her fellow performers’ praises. although some still eyed her suspiciously.
when Gwen made it to her temporary sleeping space, she quickly stripped herself of her leotard and tights, once again cursing their creator. with a hard flop she landed on her sleeping bag, the hay underneath not doing much to shield it from the hard, cold ground. even though fatigue made her eyelids and limbs heavy, she couldn't fall asleep. the constant thoughts of her old life, or lack there of, nagged at her.
she couldn't remember anything but the circus. no one had come looking for her, so she assumed she was an orphan, and she was the only one who could perform real magic. She wasn't like Paul and his cheap tricks of pulling rabbits out of his hat or 'sawing' Lisa in half. hers was real.. somehow.
she dramatically flipped on her back with a sigh. she couldn't tell if her head ached from using her gifts, or from thinking too much about her own life. she glanced back at the chest of her costumes, and the calendar that was sat atop of it. February 11th, 1961. a whole year since she's been here.
Guinevere gnawed at her lip. she hoped that maybe one day, someone will come for her. or at the very least, she'll get an explanation on what and how the hell she's the way she is.
#five hargreeves#tua s3#tua season two#five x oc#tua rewrite#the umbrella academy#tua#tua klaus#tua five#diego hargreeves#ben hargreeves#viktor hargreeves#hargreeves siblings#tua fanfic#fanfiction#rewrite#jar of stars#five hargreeves x you#the umbrella academy incorrect quotes
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The Umbrella Academy: Firecracker - The Swedish Job (13/30)

Umbrella Academy Masterlist
warnings: blood, burning, guns, violence
word count: 3186
Nailah and Five hauled Diego up the stairs and placed him on Elliott's bed. Lila stood in the doorframe, first-aid kit ready in hands.
"Why are you not carrying him?", Five asked annoyed.
Nailah threw him a venomous glance: "I am he's just twice as heavy as you!"
"Okay you two. Out. I'm gonna take care of him and now and you two can either get some sleep or not. Just don't talk to each other when I'm near. I need to concentrate.", Lila ushered both out of the room.
"I'm gonna change.", Nailah muttered and grabbed her bag to disappear.
"Good, 'cause you look really bad.", Five hissed at her.
"Fuck you, Five."
"Right, back at you, Firecracker.", Five smiled.
Nailah shot a rather big ball of fire towards his head which Five barely evaded by ducking. The ball left a black burn-mark on Elliott's wall.
"Hey! What did I just say? No talking when I can hear you!", Lila shouted from the bedroom.
Nailah disappeared in the bathroom and Five began playing with Elliott's equipment, modifying its sensibility for sound waves.
After cleaning the wound Lila pinched it with tweezers and burned the flesh to close it up. The pain went soaring through Diego's body and he opened his eyes screaming in agony.
"Shh, don't move. This thing is very finicky.", Lila instructed.
"What happened?", Diego asked heavily panting.
"Dad nearly killed you.", Nailah said walking into the room with a red silk cap over her curls.
"And I just saved your stupid life. That's twice now, by the way. A little gratitude would be appropriate.", Lila added.
"Where are my clothes? What the hell happened to my clothes?", Diego began moving frantically on the sofa as soon as he realised he was naked besides the towel coverings crotch.
"I said, don't move!", Lila scolded him and pressed the hot gun against his wound again. Diego fell back limp in pain.
"There, that's better."
"Oh, he isn't dead.", Five stated leaning on the door frame.
Nailah plopped down on the carpet with a book. on conspiracies she had found in the cabinet and eyed Five, clearly holding back a. comment on his living state.
"Disappointed?", Lila asked.
"To see you? Always.", Five smiled fakely and grabbed a tissue soaked in alcohol.
"So much hostility in such a young boy.", Lila sighed.
"It would be in a tiny package if it wasn't for me.", Nailah added not looking up from the book.
"Did you cut yourself shaving?", Lila asked seeing Five press the tissue on the scratches on his neck. "I could teach you to shave like a big boy."
Nailah chuckled glancing up from the book. "No, he just ran into an old family friend. It seems everyone has some hard feelings towards him that can only be calmed through violence.", she explained.
Five shot her a warning glance: "If it hadn't been for me your pretty face would now be in shreds, so I think a little thank you would be nice."
"My face would still be perfect just as it is now because I do not piss off everyone wherever I go."
"That may be because there is no one left wherever you go.", Five shot back, examining the blood on the tissue.
Nailah scoffed: "Don't you dare lecture me, Five. I will burn you alive."
Before either of them could say anything else or Lila could intervene, Elliott's snoring interrupted their train of thought.
"You didn't untie him?", Five asked surprised.
Lila shrugged: "Was I supposed to?"
Vanya was driving down the empty road. She was alone in the car but she wasn't scared. It wasn't the first time she had driven down that road after sundown.
The thing that was weird, however, was the milk truck that was parked in the middle of the road. A man in milk man attire was standing and waving at her to stop.
With a suspicious feeling spreading in her stomach, Vanya stopped the car.
The man approached her car and as soon as he saw her face he smiled. He put a hand behind his back and came even closer. Vanya's breathing quickened. Her head jerked to the side having seen two figure out of the corner of her eyes. Without hesitation she pressed the. gas pedal and drove away. The three men began shooting at her car, breaking the back window.
Vanya ducked and didn't pay attention to the road anymore which caused her to crash the car.
Panicked, she left the car and ran into a nearby cornfield hoping the tall plants would give her cover. The men didn't hesitate and soon followed her.
Panting Vanya stopped running, scared she would make too much noise and attract the men right to her. She heard a rustling nearby and began running again.
The men began surrounding her, shooting all of their ammunition at her. Crawling on the ground, Vanya tried to escape.
Gasping she came face to face with one of the attackers. He didn't hesitate to pull the trigger but instead of reaching Vanya the bullet was met by an invisible force that not only shattered it to pieces but send the attackers flying backwards. Vanya ran as fast and far as she could before she crouched down again listening if the shooters were still hunting her.
At Elliott's apartment the equipment had sensed a chance in sound waves. The alarm woke Nailah up and both her and Five asked Elliott where the signal was coming from. Nailah went to get dressed while Five didn't wait for her and just blitzed to the car and drove to the sight.
At sunrise Vanya was still squatting in the corn field, her heart racing just as fast as a few hour prior.
"Hi, Vanya.", Five appeared greeting her nonchalantly. Vanya looked at him confused.
"Who are you?", she asked.
"I'm your brother."
"I have a brother?"
"Look, you can either stay here and wait for the IKEA mafia to come back and kill you or you can come with me.", Five announced walking back to the car.
"Why are they trying to kill me?", Vanya asked following him.
"'Cause you're not supposed to be here, Vanya."
"In Dallas?"
"No, here in 1963."
Vanya and Five came across a perfectly round explosion site within the corn field.
Five hummed: "Pretty wild, huh? It's good to see your powers are still intact. Let's go."
Five and Vanya went in the car and drove to the nearest diner and Five explained how the world was ending again in 8 days. However, he left out the fact that Vanya was the cause for the old one.
Nailah didn't expect Five to wait for her so now she was driving in a stolen car alone towards where the sound wave had originated. She came across a huge circle full of blown away corn plants.
The impact of the blast screamed of Vanya.
Nailah went back to the road and retraced the car that was stuck on the side of the road. Not far from it an incredible amount of empty bullets were scattered around. Nailah picked up one and pushed in into the pocket of her jeans. She examined the road and spotted tire marks leading towards the highway stop not far from there.
Nailah quickly drove towards it. In the parking lot she examined all the cars but. only the milk truck fitted the tire constellation she had seen. Besides, in the truck doors were exiting bullet holes that fit the one she had taken with her.
Carefully Nailah went inside the bar. Besides the barkeeper only three men were sitting in the back, clearly recovering from something. They didn't seem badly wounded but definitely struck. One of them was wearing a blood-speckled milk-man outfit.
Slowly Nailah approached them. As soon as they spotted her, all of them stood up from the table. Nailah scanned them. She didn't see any weapons.
One of them pulled out a knife from his belt.
"I wouldn't have done that.", she warned.
Without leaving her any time to think all three attacked her at once. Nailah had never been this grateful for having worked as an assassin for this long than she was in that moment.
Swiftly she kicked one in the stomach and using the swing she immediately send the other one flying backwards. The third one, with the knife, was trickier. Nailah ducked and evaded each stab he threw at her. She managed to land one single punch in the guy's side but to. her shock he only groaned not buckling even a slightest bit.
"Shit.", she panted.
The first man pulled on her ponytail, clearly trying to provide the third one with a clean route to stab her to death. He pinned her arms behind her but as the third one raised his arm for a stab, Nailah used his body to climb upwards and flip on the other side, pulling the first man, who was holding her, with her. She slammed his body into the floor using the impact she had from the flip. When he still didn't let go of her arms she send a fire wave through her hands. The man let her go hissing at the burns on his arms.
The second and the first man were now both standing with their knives pointed at her. Nailah looked from one to the other painting heavily. The second attacked. Nailah dodged it kicking him in the stomach. The first one immediately followed. Nailah twisted his arm and used the dagger to slash his side open, blood spilling all over her shirt. The second and the third now attacked her simultaneously forcing her to drop the knife and the man and block their attacks.
Nailah was clearly exhausted and when the second man managed to land a deep cut on her thigh she knew there was no use to keep fighting. They were too many, too strong and definitely too skilled. She had to end them. She kicked the third one again in the stomach and tried to concentrate to summon her powers in a final blow. However, the men were too fast. She had to keep her concentration on their attacks.
Nailah cursed again. She managed to twist her body and slash the second man in the back. The blood sputtered in her face. She saw the opportunity and threw a weak spark towards the coat of the first man. The coat caught a small fire and during the second all of them tried to extinguish it Nailah ran to the door and towards her car.
She didn't look back as she drove away only hoping the men didn't follow her.
Diego woke up grunting heavily. The wound was hurting like hell but Diego was determined to find his father and make him pay.
"You hungry?", Lila asked. "Elliott's made moldy tuna."
"It's a tuna mold!", Elliott corrected from the kitchen.
"I'll pass. Where's my shirt?", Diego scoffed.
Lila eyed him amused: "Where do you think you're going?"
"This is all connected to JFK and my dad's in the middle of it. That's why he attacked me last night. 'Cause he knows that I'm actually. getting closer to-", Diego was interrupted by his own painful scream as Lila poked his wound with a broomstick. He fell back down on the bed groaning.
"Yeah, you're in such a fit state to fight. You should probably go right now.", Lila said sarcastically.
"What is wrong with you?", Diego asked from the bed.
Lila scoffed: "You almost got killed last night. Take a day off."
Lila laid down next to Diego. "I can't believe I got shanked by my own brother.", he admitted.
"I know. So rude. Hey, if it's any consolation he probably didn't know you were his son when he shanked you."
"Still... he cheap shotted me. Man to man that son of a bitch wouldn't stand a chance."
"Of course he wouldn't.", Lila began making circles around Diego's wound.
A comfortable silence fell over them as Lila stared at the ceiling.
"Hey, when your sister and Five rough you here I thought you were dead. That's how I found my parents. Facedown in the living room. It was a home invasion.", Lila confessed.
"Shit. How old were you?", Diego asked.
"You never talked about that in group."
Lila finally looked at Diego: "I never talked about that with anyone."
"If you wanna stay longer... for a bit... I guess that's okay.", Diego whispered.
Lila sat up: "Is it okay that I don't hate you like I hate most people?"
Diego laughed lightly: "Yeah. Yeah, that's okay by me."
Diego leaned forward and connected their lips. But before he could actually savour the feeling of Lila's lips agains his she pulled back and slapped him in the face.
"Jesus!", Diego cried holding his cheek.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?", Lila asked.
"I don't understand you!", he shouted at her leaning back on the bed.
Lila crooked her head but aggressively leaned forward to kiss him again. She draped a leg over his waist. Diego winced.
"Too much?", Lila asked.
"Just... be gentle.", Diego smiled at her.
Lila scoffed with a grin: "Never." The she began kissing him again.
Luther was distracted. He was in a fight but he was absolutely distracted. He took a punch to the face, then another one.
Five and Vanya entered the fighting audience looking for Luther.
Luther ruffed his shoulders and hit his opponent in the side.
Luther suddenly zoned out. I'm looking for Allison Hargreeves. You mean Allison Chestnut - my wife.
He saw the face of that man in front of him. Disappointment, anger and most of all hopelessness washed over him once again.
The opponent managed to land a hit but Luther didn't bulge.
Slowly, he came back to reality.
The opponent landed another hit in the jaw but again, Luther's head only flew slightly to the side.
The fighter looked at Luther in anger and confusion.
"Look, he's pummelling him.", Vanya told Five.
"Hit me again.", Luther said to his opponent.
"What are you doing?", Five whispered.
The opponent growled and threw Luther against a wall.
"Why isn't he fighting back?", Five asked in panic.
The opponent wasted no time to beat the absolute shit out of Luther. And Luther let him. Panting and grunting he took every single hit.
"Hit me again.", Luther panted, this time louder.
The opponent happily obliged.
"Again! Hit me!", Luther was now screaming.
And again, the opponent threw his best punch but it wasn't enough for Luther.
He kept screaming to punch him again.
"Luther, are you crazy? Just hit him!", Five shouted leaning over the railing.
"Hit me. I wanna feel pain. I wanna feel all the pain.", Luther admitted silently as a single tear rolled down his cheek. "Give me everything you've got!", he shouted.
Th opponent took a huge swing and crashed his fist with Luther's jaw. The giant fell on the floor and stayed there. He just ket staring at the full moon in the night sky.
Mr. Ruby shook his head in disappointment.
Nailah was racing down the road, happy the three blond guys weren't following her. Still, she could never be too sure. She had taken way too many long routes and was now finally ready to head back.
Cruising through the city she heard police sirens and screams. Nailah slowed the car.
Even though she knew that of any of the police officers saw a girl covered in blood driving, let alone a dark sinned girl, it wouldn't look great for her.
Still, curiosity got the best of her. She stopped the car and peeked outside.
Suddenly two figures bumped violently against her car. One opened the backdoor and pushed the other inside.
"Miss, please drive!", a very familiar voice urged. "Drive!", it commanded and out of instinct Nailah listened.
"Where to?"
The voice gave the address and began consoling the woman next to it. Nailah dared to peak back.
She stopped the car abruptly.
"Klaus? Allison?", she turned around.
Klaus looked at her confused.
"Nailah?", he asked. "Is that blood?"
"Long story. Are you guys okay?", Nailah began driving again.
Allison didn't seem to even realise that she was in the car with her sister so Nailah let her be.
At the address, which turned out to be a huge mansion, Nailah dropped off Klaus and Allison.
"You need my help in there?", she asked Klaus.
"You can sleep here if you want but I think I've got her."
"Okay good. I kind have some of my own stuff to deal with right now.", Nailah admitted.
Klaus eyed her from head to toe: "I can see that. But hey, at least you can make it look sexy. Blood is really your color. Brings out your eyes."
Nailah chuckled: "It was good to see you, Klaus."
"You too, Nai. Don't die, please. I would still like to catch up!", he shouted after her as she drove back to Elliott's.
Lila opened her eyes feeling Diego's strong arm around her. She silently slipped away from him and left Elliott's place without waking anyone.
She was walking down the street as many police cars were passing. She turned right towards the pet store. In there she waited for the clientele to leave before she dipped her hand into the fishtank.
The decorative treasure box contained a key to room 217.
Lila went to the hotel and opened the green door. She took a deep breath. She was so late.
Her red boots clacked on the floor.
"I'm late, I know.", Lila said in an apologetic voice entering the hotel room.
"All kind of crazy going on outside.", she continued and walked towards the bed.
"Hey, can I order room service? I'm starving.", she asked letting herself fall on the bed.
The doors to the bathroom opened and no one other than The Handler entered the bedroom brushing her hair.
"Of course.", The Handler smiled at Lila. "You deserve it."
Lila smiled softly: "Thanks, mom."
Driving back to Elliott's Nailah saw a figure with red boots entering a pet shop.
Nailah turned the car around and glanced inside the shop but only a young girl was to be seen inside.
Nailah shook her head. She was tired.
Sighing she now actually drove back but the thought of Lila. in that pet shop didn't quiet let her go.
-> Umbrella Academy Masterlist
#the umbrella academy#umbrella academy#tua#tua netflix#netflix#series#luther hargreeves#klaus hargreeves#allison hargreeves#diego hargreeves#five hargreeves#vanya hargreeves#victor hargreeves#nailah hargreeves#oc#five x oc#fanfic
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This is a Five x OC fic I made about a year ago. I had plans to make this a book but I only wrote the first chapter. If you look at my old post about The Orchard Academy this is where it takes place.
If you read this cool! Feedback is always appreciated!
Enjoy! ❤️ - Mads
With a flash of blue, fierce roar and a tumble, Harriette finds herself in a familiar place. Too familiar. So familar in fact that being away for nearly Forty Five years she could still remember the distinct smell of apple wood and sweet grass of the place she once called home.
The Orchard
Hitting the ground with a thump and a groan, she stands in stupor and uneasy alarm. This wasn't the plan, not at all. Where is the court yard? The old statue of Number Six? Where was her Husband? Something is not right.
The question ran meek. Small and unfathomable.
"Five!?" She rang again. Shouting.
No response.
Stomping the ground in pathetic burst of anger and frustration she is livid. Hungry and Alone. This wasn't supposed to happen.
"Shit" she said in a whisper.
Knowing the area fairly well she makes her way to the building at the end of the expansive rows of Lodi's. She reaches for an apple, stumbling as she does so. Twisting it at it's stem and yanking in a downward motion, the same way her mother had taught her.
With smalls strides and a scowl on her features she makes her way to the large structure in the distance, thoroughly enjoying the apple. The taste of home.
The building was rather large. Big enough to very comfortably house two to three large families. Recent inhabitants of this house for the past thirty years or so only consistent of eleven people total, making very comfortable living spaces for all them.
The courtyard she had entered consisted of a few things. An old fountain with an intricate design of a apple tree as it's center peice, some rose bushes that were in dire need of a trim and concrete benches sitting at their respectful places. Must not we forget the marvelous statue of Mistress Fiona McClancy II standing oh so methodically right in the middle of the courtyard. Pieces of it had begun to chip, the left pinky had begun to tear away.
It's glory days had forgotten it and took the shimmer it once had. Harriette could remember the times where she and her siblings would come down at the crack of dawn just to see the sunrise climbing over the tops of the Apple trees. The courtyard held a magnificent view.
Walking through the place of a time long forgotten she makes her way to the French doors that lead into the foyer. The kitchenette on the side looked the same from when she last saw it. Nothing had changed. Rounding the corner into the main part of the house held a grand staircase leading to the first, second, and third floor of the house. The old banister of the balcony floors also had a grey hue, seemingly from the dust.
Slow strides to the grand staircase taking her time. A creak sounding from above makes her stop in her tracks. Alarmed by the sudden noise, she stops. All of her limbs have succomed to the freezing unerve the noise had brought.
With a shout from her attacker and a wack from something hard, Harriette was knocked to the ground. Hitting her head on the hardwood floor.
Opening her eyes, she sees an old friend getting ready for another hit. Eyes blown wide, she dodged out of the way. Chuckling at the irony of the situation.
"Woah Woah Woah! Hold on! It's me!" The blonde said at a rapid pace.
"Who are you!? Why are you here!?" Cried out the old brown tabby tabaxi. Yellow eyes ready to kill, and ears pinned back in fury.
"It's nice to see you too Keva" Harriette said with sarcasm.
Keva pushed her glasses back on her short nose to get a better look. Realizing her mistake Keva dropped the very large mirror that she was about to murder the intruder with.
"That's the name!" Harriette said with a wide smile on her face. Enjoying the sight of her old caretaker. She still wore the same pleaded blous and dress pants.
"But how? You look so..." She paused. A look of question evedent on her face.
"Well thank you! I try. I'm actually turning fif-"
"No seriously" She sounded concerned.
"You don't look any different from when you first disappeared"
"What?" Confused. Harriette looked into the mirror that Keva had dropped on the floor. Eyes blown wide. She took notice of her significantly younger appearance. The wrinkles were gone, her eyes were a brighter green, her white hair had turned to it's original dirty blonde and she was shorter. She was about fourty five years younger than she was a meer thirty minutes ago.
#umbrella academy#five#oc#five x oc#the umbrella academy#fanfic#five hargreeves#ben hargreeves#klaus hargreeves#shitpost#fanmade
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(he’s lying)

#art#drawing#sketch#digital art#fnaf#fnaf moon#fnaf dca#moondrop#dca#fanart#fnaf fanart#five nights at freddy's#fnaf sb#comic#fnaf comic#meme#fnaf y/n#fnaf oc#fnaf moon x reader#fnaf moon x y/n#moon x reader#moon x y/n
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its a perfect fit!
#my art#digital art#artists on tumblr#artwork#drawing#illustration#artistsupport#fnaf#five nights at freddys#fnaf fanart#oc x canon#self insert#springtrap#fnaf 3 springtrap#william afton fanart#purple guy#william afton#fnaf 3#meme redraw#oc:david
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I have both concepts for possible love interests that could have worked all written out in a note and I just need to reformat it for tumblr… it’s totally cool if y’all hate it. I just wanna know if I should take the time to reformat it and if any of you would want to read through my thoughts on it.
You guys wanted it.
Here it is
#tua s4#tua season 4#tua#tua five#five hargreeves#tua diego#diego hargreeves#tua lila#lila hargreeves#five x lila#five x original character#five x oc#poll#umbrella academy#the umbrella academy#tua klaus#klaus hargreeves#luther hargreeves#tua luther#tua viktor#viktor hargreeves#tua ben#ben hargreeves
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What If The Storm Ends? - Part 3 Five Hargreeves x Female OC
'What if Five's time during that first apocalypse was slightly different, what if he wasn't alone for all those years?'
Chapter synopsis: Five is plagued by the downfall of his own hubris which got him stuck in the mess of the apocalypse in the first place. Meanwhile, Octavia learns that the strange boy she stumbled across has kept some odd company in the shape of a plastic mannequin. Octavia soon realises that Five's attachment to Delores is no laughing matter, and now Five has to deal with two women living under his roof.
Author's Note: I've started making fic edits on my tik tok 'hed0nistpoet06' so feel free to check it out! <3
Word Count: 3367
iii. Octavia, meet Delores
Five successfully time travelled for the first time on the 11th of November, 2002.
The boy’s abrupt departure was charged by the dispute he had shared with his adoptive father, eccentric billionaire and certified asshole, Reginald Hagreeves. As Five opened the obnoxiously grand wooden doors of the academy that he had called home he felt relieved at how easy it was to leave.
For 13 years Five and his siblings had endured the abuse regimented training implemented by their father and during that time simply leaving had never felt like an option to himself or the others. Where would he go? His name and face was plastered all over cheap merchandise throughout the city so if he did hypothetically leave it wouldn’t be long until some recognised him. Then he would have to deal with the repercussions of his father and he knew the man didn’t believe in the concept of mercy.
Five recalled the painful memories that plagued his childhood, all of which shared a common denominator, his father. Reginald trained them to the bone, they were more like working dogs than children to him. Both Five and his siblings had all been conditioned with the same purpose, to save the world. Five thought about the hours they spent being unethically disciplined into becoming the perfect superhuman team.
He thought about it all, the way his lungs would burn from over exertion, the metallic stench of blood which filled his mouth and the suffocating silence of his siblings after they returned home from a mission unsuccessful, terrified of their fathers wrath which was guaranteed.
But Five was finally free.
He had made the choice to ignore Reginalds dismissal of his desire to time travel, after all Five remembered that he was the one who obtained the ability to spatial jump, not his father, so what could the old man possibly know?
However, he was surprised by the fact that neither his father nor any of his siblings had made an attempt to chase after him. His father had called his numerical title from his position at the head of their dining table but made no effort to stop him from leaving. The only one of his siblings that showed any intrigue in his departure was his sister, Vanya, who softly shook her head as he proposed time travel to his father.
He tolerated her the most out of their siblings most likely due to the fact that she was powerless and therefore wasn’t driven by their ego unlike Luther who took his position as Number One within the family extremely seriously.
As Five strode through the street front he had walked down many times before he became elated at this new sense of freedom which consumed him. Because physically leaving was so easy he also grew slightly enraged that he hadn’t thought of fleeing the bounds of this time earlier.
He was ready to time travel, he knew it.
Five had dedicated an obscene amount of blood, sweat and tears into perfecting his spatial jumps, ensuring that his calculations were just right. And when the boy had conquered travelling through space effectively, he yearned to travel through time.
Five focused his energy into performing a spatial jump but instead of fixating on the distance he would cross, he focused on projecting himself forward in time.
He needed to start small, months first, then years.
Then he was suddenly absorbed in that familiar blue light and when he opened his eyes he was thrilled to see and feel the seasonal shift in the atmosphere. From the bright colours that people wore, the humidity of the city air which melted through his academy blazer and the sound of amiable chit chat, Five knew that it was summer.
“Not ready, my ass.” He mumbled under his breath, cursing his fathers previous sentiment.
He had proved him wrong and Five swore he had never felt so content with himself before, and that was saying something.
Feeling adventurous and intoxicated from his own adrenaline high, Five decided to jump again.
The success of his second attempt was confirmed when he found himself on the same street front, only it was surrounded by snow. Five recognised the winter chill amongst the gentle falling of snow and the absence of people.
One more time, Five wanted to jump one more time. Then he would be completely satisfied with himself.
Oh how Five desperately wished he could have stopped himself there. To tell himself that he did not need to make that third, fatal jump. He could practically hear his fathers voice taunting him as the old man recited the Greek myth of Icarus and Daedalus once.
“Must I remind you, Number Five of the tragedy of Icarus. The boy did not heed his father’s warning regarding the fragility of their feather and wax wings. Driven by his own self perpetuated ego, the boy flew too high. Thus, the sun melted his wings and he plunged into the sea.” Reginald had explained this the first time Five had questioned the legitimacy of time travel to him.
Five did not agree with his father but he did wish that he had acknowledged the man's wisdom instead of feeding his own hubris.
When Five jumped he was met with nothing but death and destruction. The silence that surrounded him was harrowing. The only noise that filled his ears was that of burning debris and the reverberation of his own heartbeat.
Everything was destroyed. The buildings which Five had known his whole life had been obliterated into rubble, leaving the street unrecognisable to the boy.
Five panicked as he ran through the remains of the street. Ash was falling from the sky like snow and it filled his nose and mouth, he could taste the annihilation on his tongue but he couldn’t find it in himself to care. His thoughts were consumed by one thing, finding his family.
He sprinted and hurled himself over chunks of concrete until he reached the academy, or at least what used to be left of the academy.
What stood in front of Five was now a mere skeleton of the building he used to call home. Despite all the painful memories that inhabited those four walls, Five never wished for it to be completely eradicated.
“Vanya!” She was the first to appear in his mind as he called out into the empty space before him. He heard nothing in response except for the small flickering of flames that consumed some parts of the house’s remains.
“Ben!” Five then thought about his brother who he renowned as the least idiotic of the siblings, second to himself of course. But not even Ben could outwit the grim reality of this current situation Five had found himself in.
“Dad!” He finally called out for his father, his voice breaking slightly. He expected his father to miraculously appear before him and give him some grand ‘I told you so’ lecture and then return home for him to receive his punishment for disobeying him.
He would gladly take the fury of his father over the desolate scene he was witnessing.
“Anyone!” He turned to the street and called out, silently hoping that a lone survivor or two would call for help from under the wreckage.
Once again, Five was met with silence. His own voice appeared to get lost in the endless void of grey industrial butchering.
Five tried to compose himself enough to conjure his energy into his palms and focus on shifting himself back in time. Even if he couldn’t get back to the exact point in which he left, Five wouldn’t care, he just needed to get the hell out of there.
He needed to hear the bickering of his siblings, the god awful jokes that Klaus made, Ben's cynical commentary or the sweet harmonies of Vanya’s violin which embedded itself into every corner of their house.
As Five’s hands were encapsulated by that familiar blue light his hope quickly died when he was met with physical resistance.
An invisible force was lodging itself against Five when he tried to use his power and no matter how he tried or how deeply he concentrated, he couldn’t jump. He felt like two brick walls were closing in on himself, he was suffocating. Five found the simple act of breathing difficult which only hindered his concentration.
His academy uniform was excruciatingly warm compared to his blazing surroundings and ash had wedged itself into the back of his oesophagus, only contributing to his laboured breathing.
Any attempt of using his powers to propel himself backwards proved to be futile. There was absolutely no way of rewinding his actions and erasing this decrepit, lifeless landscape from his mind.
As Five turned to face the remains of the academy once again he was met with the gut wrenching realisation that he was completely and utterly alone in this very moment.
Five crumbled to his knees, ignoring the way the concrete scalded and grazed his skin. The ash then began to rain down even heavier than before, it stuck to his hair, his hands and his skin. It was like he was being absorbed by the end of the world itself.
And at that very moment, Five Hargreeves began to cry.
— -- —
Octavia had left her base with Five the following morning to start their newly forged companionship.
She packed the few belongings that she had into her backpack, Five had so generously offered to carry some too. Octavia didn’t need to take much, mostly clothes, the few knives and other objects she had collected over the two years alone. Nothing really obtained any sentimental value to her anymore, everything which she did own was what she had found out of necessity for survival.
The only tangible object that had remained consistent throughout her time in the apocalypse was a dainty silver necklace her parents had gifted her on her 12th birthday. It wasn't incredibly fancy or expensive, just a simple silver chain and a matching heart shaped pendant and on the back her initials 'OM' had been engraved in italic writing. It may have sounded pathetic but the small piece of jewellery was her last connection to home, to her parents and physical proof that she lived a life before the world had caved in on itself.
Sometimes she found herself running the pad of her thumb over the backside of the pendant just to feel the grooves of the engraving. The silver itself was scratched due to natural apocalypse related wear and tear but she could still clearly feel and trace over the two letters which constituted her initials.
She was honestly impressed the dainty thing had lasted this long.
Despite being somewhat relieved to leave the concrete shack she called home, Octavia couldn’t help but feel a slight heaviness overcome her when she turned around to say one last goodbye to her shelter for the past two years. It kept her safe, protected and somewhat warm during the time she inhabited it and ultimately helped to sustain her survival.
However as she looked towards the boy who was already a few steps ahead of her she felt a twinge of relief knowing that she would no longer be alone.
The walk to Five’s base took the two of them half of the day to complete.
It turned out that Five resided on the complete opposite side of the city. Octavia vocalised her annoyance as the two of them hiked through the rubble of the city, the spring warmth was particularly intense that day. Five rolled his eyes and told her to suck it up and reminded her that there were far worse conditions to be in.
However, Octavia caught him complaining under his breath about why he had agreed to this deal. She didn’t take his remark too seriously, she knew well enough that he wanted this just as much as she did. Their two years of respective solitude was gruelling and unforgiving. A small intrinsic part of Octavia was almost excited to be in the presence of someone else's company for the foreseeable future, especially since Five was just about her age and easy on the eyes, although she wouldn't admit that out loud.
After what felt like an eternity of walking in the spring heat the two finally made it to Five’s base. Upon their arrival, Octavia finally understood what Five meant when he said that his place was more developed than her own. Five had sought refuge in the remains of an old library. Octavia deciphered the battered metal sign that read ‘Argyle Public Library’. The building itself consisted of a circular concrete structure that had somehow withstood the end of the world. Although some of its brick walls crumbled down, leaving it exposed to the elements, Octavia could see where Five had so evidently tried to patch it up and make it liveable. However, half of the ceiling was open, meaning there was still some exposure to the elements.
Octavia stood still in awe of the building, it was almost metaphorical how this cylindrical structure had combatted the apocalypse and somewhat succeeded. The circular architecture reminded her of something from antiquity, like one of those marble temples you’d see in ancient Greece. Only this place was made out of concrete and brick and not elegant marble. It stood proudly amongst the rubble of the city and she was slightly surprised that she hadn’t come across the building before in any of her travels throughout the city.
“Wow.. Five. It’s incredible.” She said, processing it's shockingly decent state.
“It’s not awful. It was the only building I could find that was somewhat standing.” Five walked towards what Octavia presumed was once the doorway, now replaced with a piece of fabric that acted as a curtain.
“It’s impressive.” She followed shortly behind him as he drew back the sheet but stopped abruptly.
Five shifted his weight and turned to look at Octavia. A serious expression painted his face as Octavia shot him a questioning look.
“Before you come in there is something I need to tell you.” He said sternly.
“What is it?” Octavia folded her arms over her chest, eager to hear what the boy was about to reveal.
“I’m afraid I haven’t been completely honest with you.” Five confessed. Truthfully, the whole walk home he had been mentally debating with himself how he was going to approach this situation.
“Five, you’re being weird.” Octavia knew that being weird wasn't exactly out of the ordinary for Five but something about his sudden shift in behaviour had irked her immensely.
“I haven’t exactly been alone all this time.” Five stated and Octavia felt her face flush with rage. She recalled their conversation only two days ago now when the two of them shared their experiences about being alone for two entire years, only to discover that the boy had lied to her.
Octavia secretly hoped that Five was hiding some stray dog and that was what he considered company. Her anger would dissipate if that were the case, Octavia loved animals, she had been surrounded by them every summer she spent on her grandparents farm. There were the usual chickens, pigs, cows but the lambs were her favourite. She especially when the lambs had just been born, no older than a few days and her grandfather allowed her to nurse them a bottle of milk and run her fingers through the soft tufts of wool.
“What the hell do you mean?” Octavia spoke up as she pulled herself out of her own memory which began to cloud her mind.
Five didn't respond. He instead drew back the curtain and gestured for her to step inside. Octavia, although weary, quickly followed suit.
She had almost forgotten about his peculiar revelation when her eyes landed on the interior of his base. It was so incredibly fitting to Five’s character that she almost had to hold a small giggle back.
The base consisted of one large, open circular room. His mattress planted in the upper portion of the room, surrounded by stacks of books. The remaining walls that weren’t completely blown out were covered in equations, the very equations Five had told her about the previous day. Octavia tried to decipher some of the formulas but this level of mathematics was beyond intelligible, it could have resembled scribble to the untrained eye. On the opposite end of the room there were two more guns leaning up against the wall, much like the rifle he wore on his back when the two of them first met. Across every inch of the room were towers of books, some in better condition than others but there was an abundance of them. Octavia almost wanted to cry tears of pure joy when she saw them sitting just a few mere feet away from her. In the centre of the space was a table, she presumed it was once some grand wooden dining table but it had obviously been destroyed. She silently chuckled at the idea of Five trying to fix it, opting for a piece of metal to substitute one of the missing table legs.
Octavia noticed that on top of the table's surface sat a mannequin. She only had the upper half of her body intact and she was missing an arm. Despite her absent appendages she was in somewhat decent condition, only a few scratches and dirt covered her bald head and she was dressed in a black and white polka dot blouse. Octavia shifted her weight between her feet as she waited for Five to say something, to maybe make a joke or laugh it off, instead he stared at its plastic beady eyes with an almost longing look in his eyes. It was honestly the softest, most unguarded expression that she had seen in the two days that she had known him.
“I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long dear, I know you hate it when I take off like that.” Five dropped his bag and rifle by the doorway and strode over to the table. He gently reached out a hand and began to rub the mannequin's plastic cheek.
Octavia quickly realised that it was neither a dog or another human person Five was referring to it was a plastic mannequin. She could only describe her as the type of mannequin you'd see in those cheap department stores with the uncanny faces that make you uncomfortable if you stare at them for too long.
“I know. I know. I didn’t mean to worry you.” He mumbled to the mannequin and Octavia was dumbfounded at his sudden shift in behaviour.
The tender and almost affectionate tone of his voice was completely foreign and seemingly out of character. She cleared her throat awkwardly, feeling as if she was interrupting a deeply intimate moment between Five and the mannequin.
Five looked back at Octavia before he gestured a hand to her direction.
“Octavia meet Delores, Delores this is Octavia. Our new roommate.” Octavia couldn't believe that the boy was introducing her to a non sentient piece of plastic.
“Are you telling me you’ve been shagging a mannequin for the past two years?” Octavia had concluded that this wasn't just an act Five was performing to get a rise out of her, he was being entirely serious.
“Don’t talk about Delores like that!” Five quipped back. His voice dramatically shifted from its previously affectionate tone to that of defensiveness.
Five found Delores during his first few weeks into the apocalypse. He considered Delores a real person, she was the closest thing to real which he could find in the debris. Her face was still mostly intact aside from a few scratches and Five was relieved to see something that mildly resembled another human being.
At first he just spoke to her in an attempt to keep himself sane, then he started to wheel her along in his metal trolley which he used on supply runs. Soon, Five wasn't exactly sure when but somewhere along the way she became Delores, it was like the name had just miraculously came to him and it suited her.
Octavia put her hands up in defeat, “Jesus, I guess you really did lose your mind.”
“Don’t listen to her, love. She doesn’t mean it.” Five said softly and Octavia rubbed her forehead in thought. Perhaps this was one quirk she would have to ignore in the name of survival.
“I swear to god Five if I have to hear you two getting it on.” She smirked at the livid reaction that spread across Five's face.
#number five#the umbrella academy#five hargreeves#five hargreeves x oc#five hargreeves x reader#fanfic#fanfiction#tua#five hargreeves fluff#number five x reader#five x oc#tua five#romance
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AO3 Fic Masterlist
✨✨ For pinned post purposes ✨✨
◉ To Hold the Universe series (BNHA x Reader/OC)
The Hobbit/LotR
◉ Resplandor series (MGIME, Fili x OC, Bilbo x OC AU)
◉ Scales, Gleaming in the Dark (Thorin x Reincarnated!Dragon!OC)
◉ Daughter of the Lake (Time Loop, Fili x Sigrid)
The Umbrella Academy
◉ i know you'll be by my side series (Five x Reader/OC)
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
◉ We Are as the Gods Made Us (Reincarnated!Rhaenyra x Cregan Stark)
◉ Performing Live at the Hall of Nine (Reincarnated!Rhaena & the Targaryen spawn)
◉ Cat of Gold Coat (Lannisters & OC)
Dragon Age
◉ Anni Mirabilis (Reincarnated!OC, Solas x OC)
◉The Sostenuto (MGIT, Garrett Hawke x OC)
#bnha#bnha x reader#the hobbit#fili x oc#thorin x oc#bilbo x oc#fili x sigrid#tua#five x reader#five x oc#da#dragon age#solas x oc#hawke x oc#mgime#mgit#game of thrones#hotd#house of the dragon#rhaenyra targaryen x cregan stark#reincarnation#sorry ppl who are like why the fuck is this post in my fandom tag#it will only happen once i swear#masterlist
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。・゚゚・Jar of stars masterlist・゚゚・。
chapter 1; the show is on the road
#tua fanfic#the umbrella academy#five hargreeves#five x oc#tua rewrite#tua s3#tua five#tua klaus#tua season two#rewrite#ben hargreeves#klaus hargeeves#diego hargreeves#hargreeves siblings#fanfiction#jar of stars
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The Umbrella Academy: Firecracker - Öga for Öga (17/30)

The Umbrella Academy Masterlist
warnings: blood, violence, torture, alcohol
word count: 3593
1982. Somewhere at an inn with ridiculously dressed people.
Nailah eyed the note the Handler had given her and Five. They entered the wildly overdecorated inn and Five decided to ask an employee for directions.
"Excuse me.", he said in an incredibly polite tone which let Nailah raise her eyebrows.
"Uff da! You snuck up on me there." the woman jumped up lightly. "If you're looking to the cookies we don't put them up until 3 o'clock."
"I can hardly wait.", Five commented still in his polite voice. "Do you happen to know where the Midwest Soybean Society is meeting?"
"Sure so. Muskellunge Banquet Room.", the woman directed them. Nailah thanked her and they took course towards the room.
"I didn't know you could be polite. Where is that going on a daily basis?", Nailah teased as Five motioned to a snack vending machine.
He just scoffed: "It's only to get people to help me."
"How come I help you then? You're not polite to me.", Nailah countered as Five let some coins fall into the machine.
Five chuckled: "Well, my little Firecracker, I only needed to give you some half-assed compliments and you were ready to help me."
The machine whirred but the nut fudge Five wanted didn't bulge. Five frantically began pushing buttons and shaking the machine. Snacks began falling down from the shelves and Five got even angrier. Nailah just stood there with her arms crossed and an amused expression. Finally Five punched the glass causing it to crack up forming a net over the snacks. He cursed colourfully.
"Sure. Some cheap complements are the reason I'm helping you. Definitely not because you'd be completely lost without me.", Nailah commented and gracefully kicked the glass down. She bend down, picket up a nut fudge and handed it to Five.
"Hurry up. The board of directors won't assassinate itself.", she said pulling out her staff from under her skirt.
Five smirked at her eagerness. Nailah walked backwards letting the staff swoosh into its actual length. She flicked it skilfully and threw Five a daring smile. He just scoffed, slowly walking towards her and ran his finger along the length of the huge cake on display. He licked off the frosting and Nailah just rolled her eyes playfully urging him to hurry up. Five spotted a fire axe and grabbed it standing next to Nailah in front of the door.
"Let's get to work, then.", he said and they walked inside the corridor with their weapons raised.
It didn't take them long to find the meeting. A pretty large group of people were sat around an oval table and at the end of it a humanoid with a fishtank as its head was leading the meeting.
"You!", the fishtank exclaimed as he saw Five. "Call security!"
A woman rolled back in her chair towards the phone but before she could reach it Nailah had cut off her arm with the sharp end of her staff. Five smiled at her wildly. He blitzed and in the next second two of the board members were lying on the ground with grotesque wounds on their bodies. Five just stood beside them and adjusted his tie.
Nailah chuckled: "So vain." Five made a gesture indicating it was her turn. Nailah returned the psychotic smile and gracefully began twisting with her staff. One by one the right side of the room was annihilated in the most elegant manner. Nailah cut, stabbed and punched with incredible precision and speed spraying blood all over her skirt, boots, blouse and face. Men and women were screaming for a short while then the life left their eyes. Five waited for a second before he blitzed around finishing off the left side of the room to admire Nailah.
Five blitzed around slashing his axe around in a not so elegant but equally effective way. Soon his own suit and face were also sprayed with blood. He inhaled deeply as he appeared on the table in front of the fishtank man.
"She sent you, didn't she?", the man gurgled.
"Does it really matter now?", he asked in an evil voice.
Five raised his axe but before he could let it fall down he heard Nailah laugh. Actually laugh. His jerked in her direction for a split second where he saw her bury her staff in a board member's chest while a manic giggle escaped her lips. He saw the deathly spark in her eyes as she transporter her power through the. staff and burned the member from the inside out. A satisfied smirk painted her lips as she quickly withdrew her weapon and skilfully flicked it.
Five realised he was suddenly only out of breath but before he could regain his breathing pace he got knocked down by the lady who had given them directions.
"You're gonna pay for that vending machine, mister!", she shrieked holding incredibly tight. Five struggled to breathe and get free until suddenly the woman stopped moving. Five looked up seeing Nailah covered in blood with her staff in the woman's chest. She was panting heavily and Five's breath hitched again.
"Come on. The fishman went that way.", she said pulling him up.
Five cursed and grabbed an old, flat bat and both he and Nailah ran back through the corridor. They spotted the fishman and Five smirked at Nailah blitzing in front of him.
The fishman stuttered and turned around. Nailah was standing behind him with her hands on fire and. a determined expression. She smiled a small, psychotic smile which was even more ominous in the fire light. Five inhaled deeply.
"It's me or him, buddy. Chose.", Nailah told the fishman crooking her head.
The fishman turned around again: "I'm sure we con come to some sort of agreement that benefits both parties. Quid pro quo?"
"Why not?", Five imitated Nailah's psychotic smile and began hitting the fishman. With each hit he accentuated: "Here's your quid. Here's your pro. Here's your quo."
With the last phrase he. knocked the fishtank off the fishman's body spraying water everywhere. Nailah elegantly formed a shield of fire keeping her from getting wet. She nonchalantly approached the small goldfish that had been residing in the fishtank.
"Hmm. So that's who you've been working for? A fish? Explains a lot.", she scoffed.
Five didn't answer just grabbed a bag and put the fish inside along with some water. Walking back to where they had hidden the suitcase Nailah felt Five glance in her direction a couple of times.
"What is it?", she asked scratching the blood off her fingernails.
"Blood looks good on you.", Five blurted out with a smile.
Nailah raised an eyebrow but chuckled: "I know, it's my favourite accessory." Five smiled at her amused and extended a hand for the to travel back. She took it and Five felt the warmth that was always accompanying her wrap around him like a comforting blanket.
Before the blue energy wave could consume them Nailah snickered: "Blood suits you too, Five."
Back in 1963 the Handler let Five and Nailah wait for her. Nailah was leaning against a building and playing with her staff. while Five was nervously biting his nails.
"Well?", the Handler asked as soon as she appeared. Five handed her the plastic bag with the fish inside.
"AJ!", she exclaimed. "You know, you're really staring to fill out this tight little suit of yours.", she said eying him hungrily.
Nailah made a disgusted face and shuddered.
"Why so quiet? I. thought you'd be buzzing after this mornings slaughter.", she asked.
Five didn't look at her: "All this killing... I'm done with it."
"What? Am I supposed to take that seriously?", the Handler smiled. and began wiping the blood off of Five's face.
"All I did today I did for my family. I did it to save the world.", Five assured with a determined look.
"Please. Spare your little assassin with the heart of gold, will ya?", the Handler booped Five's nose. "Here. As per. our agreement this will get you and your siblings back to 2019. You have 90 minutes."
"You said nothing about a time limit!", Nailah shouted after her angrily.
The Handler smiled: "Actually you have 89 minutes and 30 seconds. Better hurry."
"This is impossible, okay? Our siblings are scattered across the city.", Five tried to reason.
The Handler scoffed: "Nothing's impossible. You proved that this morning when you killed the board."
"We need more time.", Nailah demanded with fire in her eyes.
"Any more time and people will start asking questions. The sooner you get home and out of this time period the better off we'll all be, so ticktock, ticktock.", the Handler smiled and Nailah grunted in frustration.
At Elliott's house Diego and Luther found the poor host absolutely mutilated.
"Oga Foroga.", Diego read the inscription painted on the floor with Elliott's blood. "That a name?"
Luther and Diego found her in the phonebook under Olga Foroga. They immediately called her.
"Uh, hello? Olga? It's her she sounds old. Excuse me ma'am I was wondering if- My name? is uh Luther Hargreeves -", Luther was interrupted by Diego taking him the phone away.
"You killed. one of ours, Olga, now we're coming after you.", Diego threatened. "You will be dead by nightfall."
"Hey, it's Öga for Öga, idiots. Swedish for 'an eye for an eye'.", Five corrected appearing behind them and taking off his blood stained jacket. "It means the swedes killed Elliott."
"Wrong number. Have a lovely day.", Diego chipped into the phone and hung up.
"We would've gotten there.", Luther said hopefully.
"Eventually.", Diego added.
"You have some blood on you.", Luther commented seeing Five's bloodstained clothes.
"A lot of blood actually. Jesus, Five what happened?", Diego asked.
"Nothing anyone can prove.", Nailah answered walking into the kitchen with equally bloody clothes.
"Guys, what did you do?", Luther asked angrily as Nailah began changing as well.
Nailah smiled wickedly as she discarded her bloody blouse: "You wouldn't approve, Primo."
"We've found a way home.", Five said peeking out of the bathroom.
"Move.", Nailah pushed him away in her underwear and splashed cold water into her face, washing the blood away.
"What? How?", Luther asked.
Five's gaze lingered for a second on Nailah's bare back before he answered: "The details are irrelevant, but we made a deal to get back to our timeline."
"What about doomsday?", Diego asked handing Nailah a fresh shirt and skirt.
"Won't happen. Just like the apocalypse.", she answered.
"Okay, no more questions. We gotta go. We have to find the others. Luther, get Allison. Diego, Nailah: Klaus. I have a feeling we're gonna need both of you. I'll go get Vanya. Now, we meet back in the arrival alley in 77minutes. Here. I've synchronised these watches.", Five explained quickly.
"Whoa. Hold on. You just show up here, drenched in blood and expect us to just believe you when you say you have a way for us to go home? What about JFK?", Diego stopped Five.
"Diego, we have a chance to go home and make things right. We're taking it.", Five insisted.
"I've gotta say goodbye to Lila."
"You really don't, Diego. She doesn't give a shit about you. She never did. She's a member of the commission.", Nailah exclaimed angrily tying her boots.
"She was just using you to get to me. You're the Oswald of this story, my friend.", Five added and blitzed away.
Diego angry and frustrated left without waiting for Nailah. Before she could try to catch up to him Five appeared next. to her and grabbed her arm.
"Keep an eye on him, will ya? I've got a feeling he's gonna do something stupid.", he whispered.
Nailah jerked her head upwards, pretending to be offended: "Don't worry, Five. I've got this. I can handle him."
"Klaus, you're so filthy!", Klaus sighed as Nailah and Diego approached him. He had a pretty girl sitting on his lap.
"Yes, you are, daddy.", she chuckled and began kissing him.
"Hey, daddy.", Nailah shouted crossing her arms.
"You got a sec?", Diego asked.
"Diego! Nailah!", Klaus exclaimed and immediately followed them.
"You need to come with us. Five found a way home.", Nailah explained while Diego pulled Klaus with them.
"It's so great talking to you guys again.", Klaus lulled.
"Klaus, are you high?", Nailah asked looking at his sceptically.
"I'm not Klaus. I'm Ben.", he assured.
"Oh, you're high."
"No, ask me something only Ben would know.", Klaus or Ben insisted.
Diego sighed: "What did you reprogram Allison's teddybear to say?"
Klaus smiled: "Luther sniffs dad' underwear."
Nailah chuckled in disbelief and threw her arms around Ben in Klaus' body. Diego quickly joined.
"I don't get it, Klaus said. you didn't make it to Dallas.", Diego let go and Nailah wiped a tear from her cheek.
Ben chuckled and let his thumb caress Nailah's other cheek: "Well, Klaus says lots of things. But guess what. I can possess him now and it's freaking awesome."
"Okay, you can tell us everything back in 2019. But you stay in this body, okay? We need someone responsible behind the wheel. Oh and I need to do something first. Meet me at the alley in 30minutes alright? Don't be late.", Diego said and went off.
"Wha-?", Nailah groaned. "Can you get there alone? I promised Five I'd keep Diego from doing stupid stuff."
"Yes, of course. God, I missed you.", Ben smiled and planted a soft kiss on Nailah's head. Nailah smiled back and quickly followed Diego.
"Diego, what the hell are we doing?", Nailah jogged behind Diego nearly unable to keep up.
"We aren't doing anything. I am burying Elliott. He deserved better."
"Fine. But I'm helping."
Together they hauled Elliott's body to an abandoned place where Diego began digging. Nailah had gone looking for flowers and not soon after she was gone Diego sensed Lila's presence.
"Oh good. It's you and your stupid face.", he scoffed not even bothering to look back.
"Weird time to garden.", Lila commented. "Can we talk? The truth this time?"
Diego scoffed: "Oh I know the truth. You used me, Lila. You're a liar."
"Come on, what did I really lie about?"
"Who you are, who you work for, why you're here, what you want from us. That's all."
"Yeah, but the rest was true.", she insisted. "Everyone lies, Diego. And I was only lying to protect you. Mostly."
Diego stopped digging and looked at her. Covered in sweat and panting his gaze expressed nothing but pain and disappointment.
"Do you know how hard it is to trust people when your whole childhood was bullshit manipulation?", he asked. "Why would you do that to me?"
Lila couldn't answer the question. Instead she just looked at the body Diego was about to bury. She immediately recognised the green fingernails she had painted and as a way to honour Elliott she proposed a quick toast. Diego looked at her sceptically. Lila took a sip from her flask and handed it to Diego. He sighed but also took sip. Not soon after he felt incredibly dizzy and when he saw Lila spit out the contents she had kept in her mouth he immediately realised she had drugged him. Diego fell on the ground unconscious.
"Hey.", Luther came running towards Five at the alley. "Where is everyone?"
"You're the first.", Five smiled hopelessly.
Suddenly they saw Klaus stumbling and struggling with some invisible force approach them. before he reached them, however, he fell down twice and ran into the wall a couple of times.
"We're here!", he shouted shaking violently while t-posing aggressively.
"What do you mean, 'we'?", Five asked confused.
Klaus just groaned: "Get out!"
Then he vomited the contents from the last few days out and collapsed on the pavement panting heavily. Luther groaned in disgust as Five looked around frantically.
"I can't believe it. I mean you're here.", Luther shouted irritated and massaged his temples.
"We've got 8 minutes left.", Five announced.
"I've had the strangest dream.", Klaus groaned from the ground.
"Where are the others?", Five's voice was on edge.
"What's going on, guys? Are we going somewhere?", Klaus asked after a while of Five's nervous pacing.
"It was a simple task. A simple task!", Five shouted frustrated. "All we had to do was be here. Didn't have to fight a giant sea monster, no. An army of mutants? Nein. I can't believe this. It was handed to us on a silver platter."
"Can you just moan a little softer? My head is killing me.", Klaus whined sitting up.
"Listen to me, you useless puke bag, we just blew our chance to save the world!", Five screamed.
The suitcase sitting next to them gave a whirring sound indicating it was ready to transport them through time.
Five groaned: "God damn it." He grabbed the suitcase and threw it in the air. Blue energy whirred and the suitcase disappeared.
Five sighed: "We were that close."
Nailah ripped her eyes open. A muffled groan escaped her lips. She quickly realised she was gagged and in a small room. Luckily she wasn't blindfolded. Her head jerked around the room. There was pretty much nothing to see. She tried to move but her hands were tied behind her back. Nothing indicated at being watched but just out of habit Nailah decided to not use her powers until absolutely necessary.
Her head was pounding as faint memories returned. Walking around the abandoned place and picking flowers for Elliott. Someone sneaking up from behind and knocking her out.
A door opened and a tall man came inside wearing dark gloves.
"Nailah Hargreeves. Number Eight. Am I correct?", he asked in a smooth voice.
Nailah let out a muffled mumbled through her gag.
"Oh, yes, sorry. My mistake. Better?", the man removed the gag.
Nailah slid her tongue over her teeth and lips. She gave the man an amused smile: "Much."
"Perfect. Then we can begin. Your name is Nailah Hargreeves. Please confirm or deny."
Nailah chuckled: "Whoa there. Buy me dinner first, then we'll talk."
The man smiled at her in a condescending manner: "Miss, I don't think I've been clear. You will cooperate or you will suffer. It is entirely up to you."
Nailah laughed: "Is that a promise?"
"Suffering it is, then.", the man's eyes darkened dangerously.
Nailah crooked her head and smiled wickedly: "Bring it on."
Without warning the man punched her in the stomach, knocking the air out of her lungs. Nailah coughed violently and panted trying to regain her breath.
"Well. Let's continue, then."
"Did your mother love you?", Nailah asked out of breath.
"What?", the man looked at her confused.
"Well, it just seems that someone who tortures poor, innocent and totally defenseless girl has to have some issues. Your punching is absolutely trash by the way. So? Who was it? Mommy or daddy?", Nailah asked.
The man began stuttering still shocked and confused.
Nailah blew a strand of hair out of her face: "Mm, mm, mm, mommy?", she mocked. "That's what I thought. It won't be much of a consolation for you to know that she wouldn't be proud of you. Hell, she probably isn't. She's probably sitting somewhere at the beach surrounded by expensive gifts and cocktails just w waiting for all the admirers to take care of her. She's not even thinking about you."
Nailah smirked seeing the man getting more and more insecure. It had been a lucky guess about the mommy issues. but. she knew how to use any information she had to her advantage.
"I'll do you even one better. She's probably happy she left you. All alone. To do nothing but useless stuff. I mean what even is your job? Beating up girls? Does that pay? I can't imagine that it does. It seems that you're doing it to get back. at your mommy. But newsflash. She doesn't care. Juts like she didn't all those years ago when she left you. And yet here you are, still thinking about her while she has forgotten about you.", Nailah. continued.
With satisfaction she leaned back and watched the man escape the room. She heard him sob lightly before the door closed.
Not soon after that a new torturer came. This time a woman. Nailah smiled psychotically.
She crooked her head: "Now let's see what your issue is, shall we?"
The woman only punched her face letting Nailah taste blood. Nailah send her another smirk: "Try again. This time harder."
Diego opened his eyes and realised he was strapped to a chair with Lila next to him and a strange woman eyeing him suspiciously.
"Diego, meet my mother.", Lila said not looking at him. "Mother, this is Diego, my boyfriend."
-> The Umbrella Academy Masterlist
#tua netflix#tua#umbrella academy#the umbrella academy#luther hargreeves#klaus hargreeves#allison hargreeves#diego hargreeves#five hargreeves#nailah hargreeves#five x oc#oc#vanya hargreeves#victor hargreeves#series#netflix#fanfic
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Five Hargreeves - Back To You
Pairing : Five Hargreeves x (she/her) Reader Word Count : 2.8k Warning : Angst. Season 4 references. Synopsis : After one too many subway trips, Five's plan of temporal refuge extended as he met someone he refuse to lose. Notes : I refuse to acknowledge what happened in Episode 5 and 6 though I use the gif of said episodes. Don't come at me if you don't agree. If you like this story and would like to support me, please visit my kofi page and perhaps get me a coffee?☕
Living in a small cottage by the lake has never been in his cards. To settle down and watch the sun sets everyday, hearing the rocking chair creak as he takes a sip of his coffee. This was beyond anything he could ever hoped for, anything he could afford. He knew that this wasn’t the life he’s supposed to lead. Lord, this wasn’t even a life he owns to begin with. But with each second passed in this universe, Five finds it hard to drag himself back to that subway and return to his own timeline.
“Enjoying the scenery, are we?” She whispers as she sits on his lap, clinging her arms around his neck “You know, I could really use the help stuffing that chicken. It is afterall your special request.”
The boy raised an eyebrow, “Shouldn’t I be off of any chores since it is my special request?”
“Just because it’s your birthday, doesn’t mean you’re having a vacation, big guy,” She reasoned “We’ve only got two hands and this house is only getting bigger than smaller.”
The boy couldn’t bite his grin when he leaned in to kiss her. His heart swells. She was right. The house feels like it’s growing along with them. They might not have much, certainly far from the wealth his father possesses, but it was much more than enough. Having her was much more than enough.
“You know that I love you, right?” Five asks as he pulls away, his left hand still cupping her cheek as his thumb caresses her gently.
“I know,” She nods, smiling “But you can’t sweet talk your way out of kitchen duty, Mister.”
Five chuckles, standing from his seat as he carried her in his arms, “Alright, Missy, let’s see what this chicken fuss is all about.”
The muscles on his cheeks were aching but he couldn’t fight the need to grin as wide as he could. He was happy, watching her carry that awful looking cake out of the oven. The icing that supposedly spelled ‘happy birthday’ was crooked, its colour pale compared to the bright fondant covering it. Thank God the candles were their only source of light, otherwise she wouldn’t even bring it out, he reckons.
“It’s ugly, I know,” She says as she lets it rest on the table “But it tastes better than it looks, I promise.”
Five shakes his head, disagreeing with her discouraging comments as he steals a kiss, “It’s perfect.”
“Well, go on and make a wish!”
The boy closes his eyes. His hands holding hers as he whispers his wish: I wish for this to last forever. Her squeals of excitement was music to his ears as he blew the candles. It is indeed the best birthday of his life.
“I’d ask but I know you wouldn’t tell me your wish.”
“Who said I made any wish?”
“You did,” She says as she helps him cut the cake “You make that little frown everytime you say your little prayer, do you know that?”
“I don’t pray, Love.”
“You do. Well, not religiously, but sometimes you do. You say your little prayer, your hopes. You whisper them sometimes, but most times you just close your eyes and do that little frown thing.”
Five raised an eyebrow, “Have you been watching me?”
“I might,” She teases “I mean who wouldn’t watch such a handsome man like you?”
The night continues as the couple finishes their dinner. Fulfilled would be such an understatement for what he feels right now. Everything he ever wanted, everything he ever dreamed of, is served right in that room. He wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world.
“So can I take a guess about what you wished for?”
“Really, Love?” He asked, putting down his glass of wine.
She shrugs, “We’ve talked about everything else, haven’t we?”
“You know, there’s a belief that if you say your prayers, it won’t happen.”
“Well, you’re not saying what it was, I’m just taking a guess what it’s about.” She argues, still persistent “And what’s so bad with it not happening? Do you really want it that bad?”
“I— Nothing, I just don’t—”
“What is it that you could wish for? What is it that you don’t have?”
“Nothing, I’m not saying that I want anything, I just—”
“Is it your family?”
Five pauses. It was as if he was stupefied. He hadn’t thought about his family in a while. Shameful of him, sure, but after one too many subway trips, he figured that a little rest shouldn’t be so bad. He just had to find a timeline where there weren't that many people shooting at him. Perhaps take a week or two to rest and gather his strength before jumping into another subway.
It just had to be her. The girl he bumped into right after he got out of the station. He remembers vividly the concerned look on her face when she saw him. He was littered with bruises, dirt and dust covering his body. He looked more like trouble than a lover yet she still found it in her heart to ask if he needed any help.
And here he was, feeling the happiness in his heart wither as the thought of his family returned to his consciousness. He knew that the universe is cruel, that he couldn’t have the best of both worlds in this lifetime, that he had to choose between his lover or his family. Some nights he wonders if his family had succeeded in preventing another apocalypse without him. Some nights he wonders if his family had found a way to another timeline. Some nights he wonders if his family were still alive. But most nights he tried his best to ignore these wonders. His family must have found a way to stop the apocalypse, or at least escape another one.
Taking a deep breath, Five reaches for her hands. Guilt and regret were evident on her face. He knew that she didn’t mean to sound as cruel. Perhaps it was the wine that made their blood more sensitive or that the fatigue of the day had clouded their minds. Either way he knew that they both would be sorry when the morning came.
“I love you,” He starts gently “I love you more than anything in this and every timeline.”
A tear left her eye. It was painful. To love someone you know doesn’t belong to you. To desperately grasp into the moments you knew would end anytime soon. To selfishly stay in a relationship that was doom from the start. Neither of them deserved this, yet neither of them wanted to let go.
“It’s been six years, Five,” She reasoned “As much as I love you.. We can’t keep living like this.”
“Time works differently there, my love. Six years here might only mean a couple hours there.”
“That doesn’t make it any less wrong for you to stay. Those couple hours might be the most crucial hours for your family. They might be fighting for their lives right now, they might be dying, for all we know! You need to come back to them, Five. You have to.”
Five forces a laugh, “Wait, what are you saying?”
She remained silent. Her tears were falling, biting her lips to conceal her tremble. A bitter feeling is brewing in his stomach now.
“Your family needs you and—”
“Okay, stop,” He stood from his seat with an offended look “Are you breaking up with me? On my birthday?”
She looks away, unable to meet his eyes.
“Goodness, you can’t be serious.”
“What choice do we have, Five? One way or another, you’d have to go back to your family. They need you—”
“And you? You don’t need me anymore?”
Her jaw clenches, “That’s beside the point.”
“No, that is the whole point, actually,” He argues, this time coming close to her “I love you, alright? Why is it so wrong for me to want to be with the person that I love? I’ve lived more than a lifetime alone, why can’t I have someone for once?”
“You don’t belong in this timeline. I—”
“I belong with you,” He cuts in “It’s not the timeline that matters, it’s where you are. I belong with you.”
If there’s anything she loves most about Five other than his gentle and caring nature towards her, it would be how adamant he is once he’s set his mind into something. There’s no doubt in her heart about the genuinity of his words. But as much as she’s grateful and touched over it, she knew that they could only spend so long before the guilt eats them whole.
She lets go of his hands softly, placing them on his cheeks instead. She admires him. The beautiful man that’s now standing in front of her with his heart on his sleeves, announcing his devotion to her on the day when he’s supposed to be the one showered with attention and love. His eyes were glossy, clearly conflicted.
“I love you, Five,” She whispers, gently caressing his skin as if it was their last goodbye “But I can’t keep you here, I can’t. I can’t keep you from your family.”
Five looks defeated, silent.
“Don’t you want to know what happened to them? If they’re okay? If they’ve figured out how to stop the apocalypse? Don’t you want to know?”
“I— I don’t know.” He answers “What I know is that I want to be with you.”
“I’ll always be with you, Love,” She reassures, kissing his cheek “I might not understand how this whole different timelines work, but I know that whichever timeline it is, whatever universe we live in, I will always belong to you. I will always be with you.”
And he finally cries. His tears flowing and wetting her palms. His heart shatters, finally succumbing to the guilt he’s tried so hard to bury and forget. He misses his family, he wanted so badly to get back and pick up where he left off, but would it be worth it? Would leaving everything here be worth it? Would leaving her be worth it?
“We’ll find our way,” She reassures, pulling the broken man into her embrace “You’ll find me in your timeline. Maybe we’ll meet at the grocery store, or at a bar, or perhaps at another train station.”
Five chuckles a little, letting a shaky breath as he asks, “And if we don’t?”
“We will,” She says firmly, giving a little space between them so they could gaze into each other’s face “I’m too much of a troublemaker and you’re too much of a problem solver for us to not meet. It’ll be too hard to ignore each other with our nature, Love. We’re bound to meet each other, in any timeline, in any universe. Trust me.”
The boy forces a smile. He leans in, kissing his lover gently as if she’d burst into petals if he pushed too much. Her hold around his neck feels different. Like she wasn’t looking for support but giving one instead. He could feel her trembling a little as his hands pulled her closer by the waist. Her heart is breaking too, as much as his is, but they knew that it’s inevitable. It’s only a matter of time before time pulls them apart and it certainly would be much more painful then.
“I’ll find you,” He whispers “I promise.”
Canada is certainly much colder than home. Five rubs his hands and blows some air to his palms in hope to gain some warmth, but it’s obvious that the only comfort he’ll find in this weather is to get in Viktor’s bar and ask for some drink. That is, if Diego could start the car and get them going.
“It says here that Viktor’s bar is only five minutes by foot,” Klaus says “Who wants to run to the bar with me?”
“No one is getting out of this car!” Diego says in frustration, irritatedly trying his best to start the engine “We’re going to get to his bar together, in this car. That’s the whole point of a family road trip. We go to the bar by car, not by foot!”
“Yes, but it’s freezing here, Diego! The heater is not even on!” Alison argues.
“Well, it won’t be unless the engine is on.”
“No shit, Luther,” Ben says “I vote to run.”
Lila raises her hand, “Second to run.”
“No! No one is getting out of this car!” Diego yells once more, hitting the steering wheel frustratedly “I just need to—”
And by God’s miracle, the engine turns back on. Though their trip would soon reach its main destination, the bicker done by the family persists. The coldness of Canadian weather and how the heater broke almost twenty kilometres ago has made the seven heads’ temper raise. They really need to get to Viktor’s bar before they start to kill each other.
“I’m out of here,” Five announce as the car gets into the parking space of the bar. He space jumped inside, finding himself on one of the empty stools “Good to see you, Viktor.”
“Five,” VIktor greets, a little startled but his smile grows “You’re here. Where are the others?”
“Still figuring their way out to get here. Can I get whiskey on rocks?”
“On it.”
Five taps on the wooden table as he waits for his drink. His heart was content, as much as it might mean now. Their plan to stop the apocalypse worked. Viktor managed to take the marigold off of Ben before the Cleanse happened and now they’re trying to get back or rebuild their life. For once they finally managed to stop the apocalypse from happening.
Right after they succeeded in preventing the cleanse, Five found himself running to the subway station. He could still feel his feet burning from how fast he tried to get back to the station, wanting to jump in the train and go back to her timeline, but once he got there, the station vanished. There was no trace of it, no matter how many times he tried to run around and look for it. The subway is gone. She is gone.
Perhaps it was the price he has to pay for saving the universe. One’s happiness in exchange for the lives of millions doesn’t seem to be a hard sacrifice to make, but it’s still a tough pill for him to swallow. He knew that she would be proud. That she would hug and kiss him for doing all the hard work in saving the world. But the more he thinks about it, the more it stings for such touch would only be as good as a dream now.
“You ordered whiskey on rocks?” A voice asked, breaking his train of thoughts.
Five’s mouth went agape. He couldn’t tell if he was daydreaming or if this was some sick new power he gained from the marigold, but she was there. Standing right in front of him with a glass of whiskey in her hand.
“Viktor said his brother ordered whiskey on rocks, I assume that’s you?”
“I— Uh, yes,” He stammers, getting off the stool “You’re here.”
Five couldn’t believe his eyes. In his heart he knew that they would meet again, that somehow the universe would let him keep both her and his family, but he never expected that it was true. He never expected that he would meet her again. Not this fast, not this way.
“Sorry?” She asks, raising an eyebrow “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yes. Yes, I’m fine,” Five said, shaking his head and taking the glass “Thank you.”
The girl smiles. It was a different smile than what he’s used to seeing. There wasn’t much love in her eyes, but he wasn’t in the position to complain. The girl he’s staring at and his lover might be the same person but she’s yet to know him here. She’s yet to know that he’s hers. She’s yet to know that he loves her. She’s yet to know that he belongs to her.
“Sorry, but have we met before?” She asks, still staring back at him “You look very familiar.”
“Uh, no, I don’t think so,” He lied, offering his hand “I’m Five. Five Hargreeves. Viktor’s brother.”
She took his hand, telling him her name, “I didn’t know Viktor had a baby brother.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not really his baby brother. It’s— It’s complicated.” Five could feel his cheeks burning like a little boy, bashful “It’s a long story.”
“You mind telling me about it?” She asks, leaning on the table “I’ve got time. I love hearing stories.”
“I know you do,” He says with a big smile “Well, where do I start..”
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