#Finace deals
poesielibre · 7 months
There are not enough words that can express my frustration my the healthcare system when it comes to treatments for migraines and especially for refractory migraines. My migraines are considered refractory, meaning they don't respond well to treatment. I currently do two treatments at the same time, botox every three months (paid by the hospital I go to) and anti crgp injections once a month (paid by two insurances). I do not make a lot of money. I currently am not making any money because I am on medical leave. There is another treatment option that has been presented to me that costs around $600 a month. I cannot afford that. That prescription has been sitting in my file for over six months while the company that is supposed to facilitate access to that medication repeatedly asks me when I have started taking it. I have never filled the prescription because nobody seems to want to help afford that medication. I sent a frustrated but very clear email about my financial inability to take that medication to the company last week and they called to clarify the situation. I have to work in order to afford treatment to be a functional human being, that's how bad it gets without proper working treatments. I have tried every class of medication in the past ten years including the most recent class, anti cgrp medication. That stuff is expensive and getting financial help for it is a nightmare. I basically had to threaten my insurance company into even acknowledging the reception of my request only to be thankfully approved. I am chronically ill, work full time and actually am the main earner of my two person household. I am tired of dealing with people who don't understand the burden of chronic illness and the stress that comes with dealing with everything related. Medical treatment is not a miracle. It comes with side effects, it does not cure the condition, only makes it bearable. It is exhausting, because it is invisible people don't understand
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annawry · 5 months
I remember you expressing contempt at the fact Hollywood is rebooting/reimaging THE CROW. Have you seen the trailer? If not, I'd love to see your reaction to that abomination.
Forgive me while I rant. XD
If I didn't know the original movie, I might give it more of a chance. It could be a decent entry into the brain trash action movie modern superhero genre (which is what it's being billed as). Unfortunately I do know the original movie, and the adaption is very much suffering from what seems to be a constant problem in adaptations and remakes these days: Flattening things out and filing off the uncomfortable edges, to make it more broadly appealing. Also, assuming their audience is stupid.
Like, the whole. 'It's not anger, it's love' is very much giving the same energy as the Avatar remake taking out Sokka's sexism and the war in Ba Sing Se. It absolutely was Anger. One of the core underlying critical themes of The Crow was that it was about the rage that can come with grief, the furious desire for some kind of vengeance or justice (O'Barr wrote the comic in part as a way of dealing with his finace's death by drunk driver, which also why I'm also forgiving of the fridging trope). Making Eric be motivated by love, just, it flattens out all that emotionally complexity, it doesn't trust the audience to engage with the ugliness of grief and rage, and the moral complexity and ambiguity of a character driven by those things.
It's also being flattened visually. They were poor and the original film showed that, it was dark, gritty, dirty. This one just looks so... clean. Especially the stuff at the beginning between Eric and Shelley. Everything is brightly lit. All the settings are clean and open. Nice, big, pristine bathtub. Nice, big, bed with fresh, clean sheets. In a nice, spacious apartment with aesthetically appropriate clutter, but not too much! Which for me very much disconnects them from investing in them emotionally. They look like dolls living in a curated Instagram influencer home.
And the violence looks so, so performative. Eric was a dramatic goth, don't get me wrong, but the difference was the drama was a side effect of being vengeance incarnate and intentionally wanting to terrify people. The violence in the trailer is just so obviously being done for the audience watching, it might look cool but it's emotionally superficial.
I think that's my main problem? it feels like watching someone cosplay for the aesthetic, who doesn't want to engage with the actual complexity of the characters or story, and doesn't trust their audience to want to engage on anything but a superficial level either.
I mean I could be wrong, I haven't seen the movie (I'm not even sure if it's out yet) and I'm not likely to, and maybe I'm making a lot of judgements based off the trailer. But I really didn't think much of it. The most positive thing I can say is I guess it looks pretty.
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tiktaaliker · 17 hours
hi ive been thinking about petty crimes crew more lately so. heres some things
1- i WAS debating on switching Lyre's codename to Magpie but i think its funnier if theyre nonbinary and just decided to name themself after a bird TWICE. so yes their codename is Lyre and their actual name is Magpie lol
2- the majority of the crew actually have some sort of day job and dont really spend all that much time doing crimes. Badger (as previously mentioned) is a bouncer. Strike actually owns the shitty dive bar Badger works at (which is how they originally met). Lyre has an online storefront where they sell custom jewelry (and a different storefront where they resell the shit Hatch steals but that one is less. legal), and theyre occasionally paid by Strike to help with the bar's taxes + finaces with only some LIGHT money laundering involved. Ghost did copywriting for a while but after joining he busses tables as Strike's bar. Gemini is a mid-to-low popularity streamer. Hatch's day job IS pickpocketing.
3- adding some new faces to the roster- Branch and Slate. Branch is a non-powered friend of Stick. She's a paramedic who's only brought in when a member of the crew is too seriously injured for Stick's pain split thing to really work. Stick is still annoyed with the crew for the codename they gave her because IT DOESNT MEAN THAT KIND OF STICK GOD DAMN IT. Slate on the other hand is part of the main crew despite never actually participating in any of the crimes- theyre able to take on the appearance, mannerisms, personalities, and even some memories of other people and they use this to establish alibis for the others. Like theyll go to the store and grab a bag of chips or show up on Gemini's live stream as one of the others while theyre out doing shit
4- Slate has this whole b plot going on where they spend 99 percent of their time copying others and has no idea who they are without being someone else. and then it turns out that Slate is ALSO immune to Ghost's whole deal but ONLY when theyre not copying anybody. and so veryyyyy slowly Ghost helps Slate figure out what sort of person they are while Slate ends up helping Ghost figure out how to be Seen For Real. the unknowable learning how to be known......
5. I actually have the general rules and nuances of how Mayfly's whole deal works but ill go into that later because its long and complex and i dont have the time rn because i have to go to work in like half an hour lol
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coupondarbar · 1 month
#coupons #deals #offers @coupondarbar
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nil-the-glitch · 1 year
people just do not leave you alone huh lmao
Yeah I was just gonna be done with it but since this is here I guess I'll give the people what they want since y'all seem to love me going feral for some reason. Like, in the original post I pointed out explicitly that I was not going to mention names, and that I was going to put it under a read-more so that people who don't want to see it... Don't have to see it. And that I was just dumping my brain. Then I get hit with "if you don't wanna be assumed an enemy then say you're an ally" gurl YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO READ IT. I EXPLICITLY MADE IT SO THAT IT CAN BE IGNORED. I set up the entire thing so that it can be scrolled past and you went snooping anyways. Like I'm sorry your feelings were hurt because... I said I was uncomfortable? On a post designed to be avoided? That doesn't even mention your name? Like that makes sense.
At most I would have hoped for like, some inward reflection of "oh yeah huh I guess me bringing up this thing right after they said they were playing this game to their finace THAT THEY LIVE WITH AND TALK TO REGULARLY would have been passed on and maybe was not the best timing" but in reality I didn't even think they'd see it. Mostly because I assumed they unfollowed me tbh since there's like, no notes from them anymore since the fallout. But apparently not. Like if it weren't for the main host being emotionally attached I would just block them after this but unfortunately that would likely cause more harm than she's ready to deal with. Sooo... My hands are tied for now. Which pisses me off a little bit, to be honest. Also the overall hypocrisy of "Hey we're cutting contact with you" but then not actually doing that by having stayed in several servers we were in including a private server between just the two systems, now followed by apparently keeping watch on our blog here for... the slightest excuse to be angry??? I guess??? I swear some people just see a fucked up girl and go "Anybody gonna villainize that?" and then not wait for an answer lmao
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visionaccounting · 2 years
Top Outsource Accounting Services for Small Business
Rethinking for Finace Firms is powerful yet there are things you note! The world advances into the computerized field and we are stacked with various internet based apparatuses for monetary administration, business the board, and other business tasks. Web based Accounting Administrations was first presented in the year 1998. From that point forward a rising number of firms have selected to go for Rethinking for Bookkeeping Firms. Now that even the public authority requested the organizations from all sizes to present their expense forms on the web, so having this Rethink internet bookkeeping administrations would be too significant at this point.
While keeping a tab of the step by step trades of your business is essential, paying same or greater chance to practices that assistance in further developing your business is moreover major. Along these lines, taking the help of Virtual Bookkeeping Administrations can be worthwhile as in a specific gathering is dealing with the records of your business while you center around the middle activities of the business. The following are a couple of clues on picking the best virtual bookkeeping administrations:
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Everything thing that you can manage is that you could pass on it to the trained professionals. We fathom that Web based Bookkeeping Administrations could be irksome, as you have recently made tremendous measures of costs which is the explanation enrolling bookkeeping administrations wouldn't be on top of your overview. Regardless, when you do re-fitting, you need to Find Bookkeeping Administrations appreciate the degree of your bookkeeping. Simply considering the way that when you would fathom your specialization and its working, you would have the choice to separate it an enormously better way. Anything you do, you should have an eye on your books of records and you ought to know definitively what your firm is doing.
Why Would it be a good idea for you to Rethink Your Business Bookkeeping?
Along these lines, when you utilize an office that addresses significant expert in giving web based bookkeeping administrations, you not simply enroll the best of the clerks working for you, you moreover put away on your expenses. This economy of scale is considerably more critical for limited scope business owners. They know the importance for private company. Since internet bookkeeping happens on cloud-based structures, the limited scale business owner would bounce on time and proper bookkeeping administrations.
For money managers who work all through every single day towards progression of business, every one of the sales and bills are set in some bureau. Rather, basically take a look at them all and send it across to the Reevaluate online administrations provider. Those would be moved and supervised in the best way possible with help of the rethinking bunch. By and by you don't need to enroll someone to do unexceptional data entry, internet bookkeeping re-appropriating associations would help them not only
Independent ventures Recruit Bookkeeping Rethinking Supplier
There are basically three essential cash related gauges concerning representing independent company. These are the report, the advantage, and setback clarification similarly as the pay. The pay clarification would give you an idea concerning what may be your cash accessible or in the bank. This would give you an arrangement to plan your wages and your utilizations. The report lets you know the particular worth of your business by pitching your advantages against your liabilities; while the advantage and setback decree would show off your business execution by demonstrating your exact advantage or disaster for the year.
Another huge component that re-appropriates administrations can help you with is your money planning, Finance has significantly a larger number of nuances than essentially paying the laborer a particular total on a particular date. Finance consolidates the costs, helps similarly as the commitment calculation. Suitable would similarly help you with recognizing bottlenecks in your business and help you with ensuring an able organization of your business with no wastage's.
Right when you reallocate with a Reevaluate Administrations, you not simply get all of these administrations on time and inside the given time span, similarly as a moderate cost. You outperform administrations while giving wonderful, botch free 24×7 bookkeeping.
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ultraferal · 4 years
i bought my first car today, a 2011 kia soul. he is white. and i named him “toof” or “toofis” because he looks like a tooth...... very special day for me
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sushigal007 · 3 years
Let’s head over to the Wish Discount Suburban Goths!
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Morty: Wow. I mean, I’m right though. Morty: WOW. I am my own, separate person, with my own hopes and dreams, how very dare you.
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Stella: I just wanna be friends with them, they seem really cool.
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Xander: Pretty stars.
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Hobby Leader: You busy? Xander: Yes. Hobby Leader: How about now?
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Sandra: Ahhh glorious swimming pool. Ahhh laundry mod works.
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You win some.
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You lose some.
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Morty: I for one think your costume is marvellous.
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Maid: Hi Mr Roth! Not too busy, are you? Just gonna grab your laundry! ALL your laundry!
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Rum learns to sit up. Such a smart boy. Much less stressful than his parents.
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Laundry mod works a little too well.
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Morty: Let’s stink up these clothes too!
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A little piano from Stella.
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Rob the rich. Morty: ...I’m rich. Yeah, and you don’t want any more competition, right? Morty: Fair point.
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And look at that, you ever got some good rep out of it.
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Sandra: Your dad’s a general? Think he’d approve of these guns?
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Stella: Smoochies! Oh, who’s that? Stella: No idea. Thought you knew.
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Sandra’s been letting her grades slip, so I make her spend the evening catching up on that.
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Then I let her play with Piper the Fourth. Sandra: Fourth? Oh did I say that haha silly me, I meant the Third, honest.
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Sibling bonding. I know they’re not talking, trust me, that’s how siblings bond.
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Xander: Fuck! But on the bright side, my ‘stoves get dirty from burned food’ mod works great!
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And then it’s time for Sandra to head off to a glitched room in college, good luck, girl!
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Stella: Daisies. Alexandra: I don’t think that’s a legal move.
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Stella wanted to invite someone over, so I let her call her new best friend, Mortimer, who brought over Dina. Mortimer: Ahh, my not!finace meeting my alt!wife, what could possibly go wrong? Stella could befriend your clone!wife and invite her over too? Happily, she has not done that.
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Gabriella: Please fix me. Your household is next, but OK.
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Some woohoo.
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Dina: Computer’s broke. :D
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Hmm, might have to move the ballet barre, not sure the maid can use the secret door to get the laundry, and these slobs certainly aren’t gonna pick it up themselves.
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Townie: Come on, hurry up, mama wants nosh. Who even are you?
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For some reason, Xander’s feeling super energetic that night, so I sent him out to play. Sahira: Ladybirds! Xander: Uh huh, sure, excuse me, I’ve just seen the most beautiful girl in the world. Sahira: Aww! Xander: Not you.
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Do you even know her? Xander: Sure do, that’s the girl of my dreams! Lol, all right then, why not!
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And much to my surprise, she actually says yes! Xander: -you should’ve seen how silly her armwarmers looked with the blazer! Lucy: Mean. But you’re kinda cute, so I’ll let it slide.
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Meanwhile! Erin: Dance party!
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Lucy: Some weather we’re having, right? Erin: It certainly is indeed weather.
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First kiss!
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Lucy: I love him. I’m about 98% sure you already have a boyfriend. Lucy: I’m about 97& sure he’s already has a girlfriend, so Im keeping my options open.
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Xander: Is she looking? Sure.
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Weekend! Time for a family visit!
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Sandra: Dad’s scarf’s broke. That’s a problem for future Sushi to deal with. Future Sushi: Done. Thanks babe, love ya.
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Anyway, here’s why we invited Sandra over, it’s time for Morty’s birthday!
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Xander: TOOT TOOT!
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Morty: How nice, I grew up into an appropriate outfit. That’ll be the FFS clothing tool. Turns out that feature doesn’t work if you hide it in the foundation.
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I moved the ballet barre out of the secret attic and turned Sandra’s old room into a ballet studio instead.
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And Lucy very kindly donated a stereo for it. Lucy: Don’t tell my parents I used the rent money for that. It’s our secret. Just you, me, and my 1338 followers.
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...Yeah, I really gotta tweak the hygiene settings.
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He then spent the rest of the morning planting vegetables.
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And the round ends with Rum learning to shake. Xander: Good doggo.
Uberhood Index
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teddy-feathers · 2 years
i forget how stressed and anxious i am and then it hits me all at once and im just. not okay.
like i forgot i hate living here with my family. straight up didnt deal with it didnt think about it. and im not saying things got better or i got comfortable. no i got complacent. as long as nothing ELSE happens ill be fine. as long as i dont remember im unhappy ill be fine.
and then something minor happened and im just. not fine anymore.
i am filled with anxiety that masks itself as get up and go juice.
like i want to clean my room do my finaces get rid of shit to make moving easier.
...moving that i cant do for a year. because ive got to save money.
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ourmrmel · 6 years
Mel Feller MPA, MHR, Discusses Getting Faster Real Estate Results With Seller Financing
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Mel Feller MPA, MHR, Discusses Getting Faster Real Estate Results With Seller Financing
 Mel is the President/Founder of Mel Feller Seminars with Coaching for Success 360, Inc. and Mel Feller Coaching. Mel Feller Ministries. Mel Feller is an Innovator and Business Leader. Visit www.melfeller.com and www.melfellersuccessstories.com Mel Feller currently maintains an office in Texas. Currently an MBA Candidate.
 Seller financing can be a great way to get a house sold without slashing the price. By recognizing the millions of people who cannot get traditional financing as potential buyers, resourceful property sellers (and their real estate agents) can minimize their time investment in getting a property sold. Even better, sellers who offer financing can usually get a higher asking price for their property, even in the slowest markets. Clearly, this is a win-win situation.
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 Most home sellers never consider financing the buyer directly because they are not aware of the benefits or do not fully understand how creating a note works. Let us take a closer look at the advantages of owner finance.
 Three Advantages
  Seller financing is very powerful when the market is slow or when there are many similar houses on the market. Just listing the house as "OWC" - Owner Will Carry - will make the house stand out and attract more buyers. Because many individuals cannot get funding from a bank, offering financing will open the doors to these prospective customers as well, essentially significantly increasing the pool of potential buyers. Therefore, advantage #1 is MORE BUYERS.
   Seller financing also brings the property seller another critical advantage the likelihood of selling for a higher price. Offering to carry back a note will not only greatly increase the number of potential buyers, but also bring a unique demographic of buyers who are willing to pay more for a given property than the general population. Advantage #2: MORE MONEY.
  Additionally, when the property seller finances the buyer, they get to act as "the bank". That means they could structure the deal to collect interest. Over time, if the seller holds on to their note, this can add up to tens of thousands  of dollars in additional income. Advantage #3: LONG TERM PROFIT.
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  The Seller's Strategy
  Even when these benefits to "carryback" lending are made clear, many sellers are still hesitant to offer financing because they are entering unfamiliar territory. It is a natural, human response -- everyone is uncomfortable with new things.
  For many property sellers, considering owner financing when they have only dealt with buyers via traditional funding is definitely "thinking outside the box". However, once sellers understand the process, they are likely to choose seller financing instead of the unattractive option of cutting the listed price or waiting indefinitely for the "right buyer".
  A seller-financed real estate sale is simply a real estate transaction where the seller acts as "the bank" or lending institution. The seller sets the sales price, determines and accepts a down payment, and then finances the remaining balance. The final step is the part that may scare some sellers, but in actuality, it can be very simple. Here is an example.
   If the sales price is $100,000.00, and the buyer gives the seller $10,000.00 cash (the agent’s fee will be deducted from this down payment), the seller will finance the balance of $90,000.00. The buyer and seller would then agree to the terms, such as the interest rate and the total term, and use an attorney to create the mortgage document and close the deal. From that point on, the buyer sends the seller monthly payments for the house, they has just purchased.
 Special Circumstances and a Solution
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 The whole process can really be that simple. But, there are some substantial differences between a seller-financed deal and one that relies on traditional bank funding.
   First, the seller in this example does not receive a large, one-time payment at the time of the sale. In fact, they will only receive the down payment, and in some situations, most of that will go towards paying the real estate agent's fee. On the other hand, the seller will be receiving monthly payments at a decent interest rate, but this income stream cannot be used as a down payment for a new house.
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  Since many home sellers are also looking to buy another property, the seller will need to get enough at closing to pay their own down payment. Without this payment, the seller's hands will be tied when they look to purchase another house and need to have a substantial amount of funds available. There is a common solution to this issue, however.
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 The Solution
  In order to get the money the seller needs from the loan they just created, the seller could sell the monthly note payments to a specialist buyer for a lump sum of cash. If the seller finds someone willing to buy the payments, now they can "have their cake and eat it too".
 In summary
  Step one: Use the seller finance option to find unique customers willing to buy the house at a higher price than would have been possible otherwise and complete the real estate transaction quickly.
   Step two: Decide on the terms of the deal and create the note.
 Step three: If the property seller needs immediate cash to buy another house or for any other reason, their new incoming payment stream can be resold. The person who buys the future payments from the seller will provide the funding to act as a down payment on a new house, and every party involved in the deal comes out smiling.
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Mel Feller, MPA, MHR, is a well-known real estate, business consultant, personal development Consultant and speaker, specializing in performance, productivity, and profits. Mel is the President/Founder of Mel Feller Seminars with Coaching For Success 360, Inc. and Mel Feller Coaching, a real estate and business specific coaching company and Mel Feller Ministries. His three books for real estate professionals are systems on how to become an exceptional sales performer. His four books in Business and Government Grants are ways to leverage and increase your business Success in both time and money! His book on Personal Development “Lies that Will Sabotage Your Success”. Mel Feller is in Texas. Visit www.melfellersuccessstories.com  and www.melfeller.com
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randomsevans · 4 years
is it all fake? part 4
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“the day had dragged on long since for chris since his call with his mom , he had forgot   what he was planning to do , as he got distracted with his own thought , as well as his assistant rushing him into work .
Chris was currently sitting in his chair , on his break , when his PR came up to him ,,Chris was too stuck in his phone ,reading the latest news , to notice , her until she spoke 
“so you thought about it ?”
“uh ?” he glanced up , with his eyebrows raised confused .
“you know what we talked about yesterday ?” 
“oh “ was all chris could say , he hadn't really came up with n answer his love life , well was his , and it felt wrong to lie to the public , his fans , followers 
“umm well “ he cleared his throat looking in every direction apart from Holly ( someone who is apart for his team ) . Chris lifted him self nervously of his seat and back down 
“well i spoke to my ma ... and she said to was up to me “ holly  nodded waiting for him to contuine 
he take a deep breath “ i .. i just dont know , a fake wife , i dont think i could pull it off “
holly did a little giggle “ your an actor !”
“yeah but there roles im a triebbile liar when it come to just me “ 
“i guess “ she shrugged 
there was silient for a moment , when both of them were waiting for the other to speak , 
“so .. umm if i do go through this have you found anyone “
“well actual , becuase of the good points you made yesterday , we thought you may want to choose , for you to be conftable of couse , but we can still look for you too “ 
“umm okay “ he sighed 
“wait is that a yes !” 
chris eyes grew twice the size “what no ! “
 holly smile dropped from her face “ chris come on its ju...”
“i just dont want a fake wife , what about if i find someone in that time “ he cut her off 
“then we , you , and who ever we will deal with it , chris its all of PR and the odd event “
chris was silent his wheels turning in his head , untill he finally thought about something that could be better 
“how about a finance ?” he quietly said , just as his brain came up with the idea 
“what ?” holly tilted her head crossing her arms over her chest 
“well if i say im going to marry but not actual it will make it easy when i meet someone i actualy want to marry , also it would come with alot less expection then being married 
“such as “ 
chris shifted in his seat quickly coming up with reasoning in his head 
“well if i marry people will think im going to proply settle down with this person you kids and all , it would make our break up alot easier not being married “ he looked towards Holly with his blue eyes waiting for her reaction 
“this .. is better isnt it “ he thought to himself 
“i guess , but ill have to speak to the team first , but there are good points , ill make sure to get back to at the end of the day “ Holly said walking away as chris nodded his head 
“if !” holly said as she was near the door , making chris look her way again 
“if i we , the team , agree to jusy a finace not marriage will you agree “
chris took a deep sigh he knows he has already asked alot , for not likeing the origanal idea 
“maybe “
“well its alot better then no , “
Tag list @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @little-smurf @harrysthiccthighss @captainchrisstan @stupendousfirebouquetbwft @frencchfries @rororo06
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fuck-customers · 5 years
I work as a house cleaner and have had to deal with some shitty people, but this one kinda takes the cake for me
So on the 24th, just before memorial day weekend, I'm cleaning my last house of the day. Everything's going fine, but I'm already kinda skeeved out because the owner's finace is there and he's just got a feeling about him, ya know? But whatever, there are plenty of clients like that, you get used to it and just do the job you're there for
I'm working on the master shower when I get a call from my manager and she's like "Is everything okay?" Which confuses me, because I've just been listening to music and scrubbing nasty mould off a shower floor. So I tell her yeah and ask what's up. She's like "I just got an email from the owner saying the fiance hit your car, are you okay?"
I hadn't even realized he'd left the house, most home owners have the common courtesy to tell me when they leave. So I'm like shit, he didn't even tell me, what? I go down and check the car, assuming that I had been parked on the side of the driveway where he was in the garage and that he had backed into the front bumper. So I told my manager "I don't see any damage?" We hang up, I go back to cleaning nbd
Like five minutes later, one of the ladies from the main office calls about it and says the homeowner wants to get in contact with me. I go through the whole thing I told my manager, we hang up, she texts me the owner's cell number. Cool. I get back to work, finish cleaning the shower then go back down to inspect the car again
Turns out the fucker hit the driver's side right below the wing mirror. Bent the hinge so the door makes a god awful noise every time you open it. And he didnt even have the courtesy to get out of his car after it happened and come up and tell me. Instead he had his fiancee, who was in the hospital after having given birth to his child a few days prior, deal with it
So I call her, we swap info everything's civil, i wasnt even mad about it tbh (other than him basically doing a hit and run). But that's not the end. Oh no. I go back inside to vacuum and mop. I'm vacuuming the bathroom which is open to the master bedroom, and he had left his fuCKING HANDGUN JUST LYING OUT
I can only assume it was loaded, so there I was, in the house with a person i had only met once prior, and it turns out he has a gun out and about before he hits my car and leaves the scene. Needless to say it made me EXTREMELY uncomfortable, not only because I'm afab but because I am very very VERY anti gun
So, I of course let my manager know what happens with the car and then about the gun, and she's horrified and says she'll talk to our boss, our boss. Well, as it turns out, our safety isn't as high on the company's list of priorities as making, because they blew it off
Fuck customers and fuck corporate capitalists
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cupcakemolotov · 4 years
2/? because otherwise how would she use the baby and Nevada as bargaining chips if Catalina can call her bluff. However I also want to acknowledge that if it came down to it- she would totes sacrifice Nevada and the baby in the pursuit of her other goals. There's a hierarchy to her love, and the House comes first. I think once Catalina spins a web over Victoria (which imo is exactly what Victoria expects her to do), she'll be infuriated but so so proud. She wants House Baylor to thrive.
I think tumblr ate your first ask! :(
Also, I got super wordy in my responses, so I am putting them under a cut and responding in more than one page because... wordy.
I think Grandma Tremaine is honestly SUCH a fascinating character and one I greatly, greatly enjoy. And I think that the Nevada vs Tremaine bit is so very interesting. In her own twisted way, she truly loved her son. She just valued his survival over his comfort, and it made him run. And you are right, she was so, so proud of him for it. Victoria lived a very hard life with lots of suffering and is sort of crazy. I think she is doing what she believes needs to be done to ensure the Baylor family survives, as they are her legacy.
However, I think the deal with Nevada is a lot more complicated and yet a lot simpler than we see on the surface. Without actually seeing your first ask, while I DO think the house comes first from Tremaine, it is very clear that we are seeing different sides of Victoria from both Catalina and Nevada’s perspective. Nevada was under the impression that Victoria wouldn’t hurt her (wrong or right) and Catalina lives in fear that her grandmother would hurt Nevada, but I don’t think its that simple. In terms of Nevada being head of house, she married into House Rogan. We can see how that is an issue, but it wasn’t something that would occur to the Baylor's to be an issue because they are so new. I think the test that she put Nevada through was two fold: either Nevada went back to House Baylor and was the head of house, or Nevada would pick Rogan and would not be head of house. One of those two options I believe were always her end goal, and this was also a test for Rogan. How much do you love my granddaughter? You cannot tell me she doesn’t know that Rogan offered the divorce papers. She put an insane amount of pressure on that marriage and she did it deliberately, but Catalina isn’t, I believe, 100 percent correct on the idea that since Nevada picked Rogan, Tremaine wont forgive her for it (though I do believe that is the impression Tremaine wants Catalina to have).
Victoria is a master manipulator, and she arranged things to get exactly what she wanted. And when Nevada made her moves to separate Baylor from Rogan, it gave Victoria the next best option. It put Catalina in charge of Baylor, gave her someone who was not compromised in any way to person ties outside of the house. I think for Tremaine, if the family is going to refuse to join her house as is good and proper, then she is going to guarantee her grandchildren’s survival at any cost, and her love is a hard one. Now, that doesn’t mean that she won’t be a problem later or that she won’t put her family into terrible positions, she will, but in her mind it is I think, always going to be for the great good of House Baylor. (She has already told the mysterious Caesar that she will not help in now that she has her family back once, and I think that speaks to very interesting things, does it?)
As for the baby, I actually don’t think she would sacrifice either Nevada or the baby. I think they could very much become her pawns if she could make them, and they are going to be leverage she can use against Catalina for sure. But without reading the Arabella story, looking at how Tremaine responded to the baby? That is her blood. It is not so easily expendable. Nothing matters more to Tremaine than blood, though we see that mostly expressed in how she deals with Baylor as a House.  But Victoria will never show her weak points to anyone, particularly to the granddaughter she needs to fear her so she can learn to survive as the Prime and Head of House Baylor.
Also! I actually got to join the virtual tour yesterday that Illona Andrews and Nalini Singh were doing, and they mentioned that Catalina is most like her grandmother and that in 50 years or so, she could be Victoria. And that it would the choices made that separate her and I find that also interesting because the thing that sent Victoria way off the deep end was the death of her finace and the fact that she had no other family (that we know of). So Catalina is already in a better place, but still.
3/? Victoria knew about the Sagredos financial situation but I don't think she knew about Alessandro's excision. Not yet anyway. She'll be so happy, Catalina gets her pauper prince and will follow on her deal. Everyone wins. Except for Grandpa Sagredo. I think as an engagement present she'll offer up ammunition that nips any problems from that contingent in the bud.
I think we haven’t seen the last of Victoria’s opinion on Alessandro yet, but it IS interesting to see what happens here. I would actually be surprised if Victoria doesn’t know all of the exact details that are happening in the Sagredo family. Victoria is no fool, and going back to the fact that Catalina is just like her, Victoria is very understanding of just how much Catalina could love someone. Victoria herself only ever loved on person (and I find Linus’ comments when Catalina is telling him why she likes Alessandro in the first book very interesting. Its like he has heard those exact words from someone else...) The thing is, telling Catalina she couldn’t marry someone who wasn’t willing to join the Baylor Family had less to do with Alessandro and more to do with Catalina. Victoria needed Catalina to take responsibility for her family, to be willing to make the sacrifices to be head of house, and Alessandro became the hammer that she used for that. Does she want Catalina to be happy? Who knows. But she most definitely wants Catalina to survive.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Tremaine doesn’t test Alessandro is someway if she hasn’t already. Because if he wants to marry her grandchild, he damn well better be loyal.
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suepixels · 5 years
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52 | Fairytales [🔗] Midnite Falls, 23:34 pm
Young Lady smiles shyly: If you want to hear my nonsense, Sir I will tell. l lost my fiance last night he got killed. See this ring here on my hand? He asked me two days ago to marry him, that’s why I’m sitting here devastated. Some believe it was animal others say it could have been a vampire because when they picked up his dead body out of the water in Brideport Quays he had some strange bite marks on his neck. I loved him so much and now l feel so lost without my Aiden.
Nero acts surprised: Oooh, darling I'm truly sorry for your loss. The world can be a cruel place sometimes. Bite marks? Interesting! People aren’t often who they pretend to be. Vampires, hmmm do you believe in such things?
He asks with a charming smile.
Young Lady: Do you believe in fairytales, Sir? She smiles charmingly with a weak smile back. Sorry, I didn’t introduce myself how rude of me I’m Estelle Levin and you are?
Nero: Smart Estelle, no I don’t know anything about fairytales being the truth. But what I do know is that I could make you smile, well I would say mission accomplished. Check: Making a beautiful lady smile. Look at your stunning eyes, finally, now they shine a bit. Estelle, you don’t need to blush in my presence. Call me, Nero.
Estelle: Thanks, Sir um l mean Nero. A very unusual name, it Italy it means “Black” I’ve been there several times so I know. But I assume it’s like the emperor of ancient Rome, right?
Nero: Yes, Estelle exactly like him who used to be the last emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty he snickers. It’s an ancient Sabine name that meant “strong and energetic. Nowadays in Italian, it means “black” as you say but I prefer the ancient original meaning, you could say I’m old-fashion. I see you are not only smart but also educated. I like your bright spark. What would you say if I tell you that you are a very welcome distraction for me, too?
Estelle: Thank you, Nero, I’m glad that l could do that for you in the same way as you did for me. Now that I feel way better after our short conversation I must admit it was a great choice to come here tonight. 
He had something irresistible and suddenly she wished to be close to him. At the same time deep in her guts, something told her to leave, now. Nero stands up, grabs her hand and steps closer to her.
Nero whispers seductively: Estelle, my dear! I don’t want to cross a line but I don’t mind some company myself. Feel free to join me for a drink at my home? It’s just a five-minute walk away and I would say my home is comfier than the cold night out here. I could imagine that we can distract each other for a while. How do you feel about that, darling?
Estelle: I mean you are attractive and a very handsome man... Just for a second, she was thinking about to refuse but suddenly she changed her mind and said:
“Fuck it Life is too short, not to take advantage of joy.” Let’s go! Nero: You said it, darling, you said it, he whispers and smirks.
Nero takes her hand and swirls her around to get her in his embrace steps now even closer to her. One hand on her back and the other is holding her hand firmly. As he approaches her, he can hear her heart racing. His lips touch tender her neck almost as if her neck would be fragile. He kisses a sensitive area and he wanders up to her ears. On his way up he forefeels a string of veins with some light muscles and his lips begin to suck this spot. Nero can feel and hear her pulsating heartbeat. Oh, how sweet the sound of her blood is, rushing quicker through her veins because she feels aroused by his action. Estelle begins to shiver, all she can think is that it feels so fuckin’ good. 
She willingly gave herself in, closed her eyes. He kissed her neck string first tender, then demanding and harder. This will leave a hickie for sure she thought but does it really matter? No, not now! She was instantly aroused by his intense neck kiss. An electrifying rush of excitement run through her body and she felt suddenly hot almost a bit drunken or did she feel suddenly a bit dizzy? Is this even possible to feel like a drunk by a kiss on her neck she thought? Something like this never happened ever before in her life and she knew it will be unforgettable.
How quickly she forgot that she was just crying her heart out to a stranger about her dead fiance without knowing who she is dealing with.
Nero: Estelle... he whispers tender into her ears. Let’s go I want to have you now in my bed.
Estelle: Yes, Nero
She followed him without wasting a second thought. Nothing bad could happen with such a man, besides having a great night and forgetting the pain she feels, right? He embraces her and they walk together in an embrace to the direction where the fountain is just to leave as quickly as possible the park.
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doodling-fiend · 5 years
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Catching up on Inktober. Sorry I've been dragging. Dealing with courts and legal system, along with finace, on a dead father that left nothing but a headache for my mother now living with us. Also catching up on all her medical and cancer things since it was neglected and forgotten when she was back in Georgia. >_< My stress white steak in my hair has gotten bigger..
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katzuyas · 6 years
it’s april when victor brings out one of his silk scarfs and smiles at yuuri in that very specific way that yuuri has long learns to call his ‘puppy smile’ just like puppy eyes but a smile, because whenever victor smiles it makes yuuri’s entire soul melt just as much as the best fluffy friend could.
“put it over your eyes?” victor asks, handing yuuri the scarf. “I have a surprise for you.”
the surprise turns out to be a trip, which would have stressed yuuri out, but victor’s hand never leaves his and the calm, soothing voice never stops talking -- “be careful of the next step, yuuri,” and “stairs down, my love, slowly now,” and “we’re at a crossing, don’t go before I tell you to,” -- and oddly enough, yuuri feels blind to everything, the stares of the people they pass included, but since he can’t see them staring it’s... not that big of a deal, he comes to think.
finally, they stop. yuuri hears the cars, yes, but the sound is muted as if it’s coming from far away. there’s trees singing, too, he realizes, and the rustling of trees. a suspicion forms in his mind, but it isn’t confirmed until victor takes the scarf off his eyes: they’re at the park nearby, where--
“what is this?” yuuri asks in wonder.
he looks at the blanket spread on the grass, the little basket of food, the bottle of wine, the glasses (which he somehow knows are glass and not plastic, simply because it’s victor) and... and... he turns his awed eyes at his finace, who after everything he’s done, now sports a somewhat sheepish smile.
“did I forget something?” yuuri asks again.
it’s april. there is no way they have any sort of anniversary in april, but yuuri thinks it better to ask.
“do you like it?” victor asks instead.
“how could I not? it’s beautiful.” yuuri does not protest when victor takes his hand and kisses his ring then. he simply flushes pink and answers victor’s smile with one of his own. “can I ask what’s the occasion?”
“I could say that I simply wanted to treat you, but that would only be partially true,” victor says.
and then he leans in close, presses his lips to yuuri’s cheekbone where the blush sits high, and, wickedly gleeful, whispers:
“happy anniversary of seeing me naked.”
yuuri’s mind is slow to catch up, but once he does remember that day when victor came to the onsen for the first time and yuuri burst into the bath without any shame or dignity...
the sound yuuri makes can be heard in all the park, he’s sure of it.
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