miserybeachisback · 1 year
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momo-de-avis · 21 days
I genuinely wonder what the usa looks like because lisbon is a fucking dirty city. I cannot emphasise how much it smells of piss. there's dog shit everywhere cause nobody in this country will deign to bend over and pick up their dog's shit with their royal fine hands. there's an astounding lack of public bathrooms in lisbon and with the insane rise in tourism cafés are now charging 1€ even to clients so everyone pisses on the ground. when I do a tour, I take a shortcut which is just a fucking stairwell that I swear to fucking god has not been cleaned in years. that shit is limestone that looks jet black. it reeks of something that at this point i cant even say what anymore. there's trash rolling about the city. tourism is so much, there's many people in the city, it's literally impossible to collect all the trash the city is producing. it's an open air garbage disposal this city. literally every lisboner has been complaining these past couple of years that the city is filthy, it's disgusting, it smells of piss, its full of dog shit, that the portuguese are filthy fucking animals who cannot be clean, that the homeless situation makes it worse because again, homeless means bathroom-less and there's no public bathrooms. I literally have to hold my breath for 10 seconds every day I get off the ferry the smell is so unbearable.
like I cannot highlight enough how dire the situation is
AND YET every week at least one american says to me 'wow lisbon is so clean'
what the fuck is happening over there bro
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andi-o-geyser · 2 years
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Oh, I cannot fucking wait to see this prick get the dressing down of the century.
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sesanghe-myah · 8 months
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The fact that Claire had to make a video to address the hate directed at Nana, Toto and Dodo…it’s ridiculous.
Trolls should have their breathing rights revoked.
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omar-rudeberg · 5 months
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in case you missed itttttttttttt
explicit chapter drop for wille's month fic does it feel alright to not know me? by disruptedthesky / @omar-rudeberg
Read on AO3: Day 9. Riding (E / 1900 words)
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web-novel-polls · 5 months
Web Novel Quotes Tournament, Round 1E
Quote A: 
“This love has always been doomed. Yet, knowing that it’s perpetual doom, that it’s infinite destruction, the moths still throw themselves into the fire until they meet their very deaths.” - Cold Sands
Quote B: 
"It's alright, even if you aren't a son of nobility anymore, you are still you, and in your heart there's a spark, sooner or later it will shine brilliantly. I can see it, and in the future, someone else will also see it."   - Gu Mang to Mo Xi, Remnants of Filth, Chapter 5
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theearlgreymage · 1 year
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Thank you for the tags today and Sunday!! @ic3-que3n @shrekgogurt @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @whogaveyoupermission and @aristocratic-otter
I have an absurd amount of WIPs between my life in the Carry On Fandom and the Buddy Daddies Brain Rot. So I'm going to number my WIPs 1-20 and roll a D20 a few times to decide what you guys get a sneak peak of!
Wands and Hair - A cute little Oneshot that I picked up in the Carry On Server of Simon going feral over Baz's hair held up in a bun with his wand.
He has fairly straight hair that has just a slight wave of body to it at the end. Normally, it's brushed neat. 
But right now isn't normal. It's the end of term. Finals are soon. Everyone's a mess. 
Except Baz. 
The only real tell that he's just as stressed (maybe more stressed since it's actually showing?) is his tie being a bit loose with the top button of his shirt undone and his hair being a little rumpled. In our rooms, he's been twirling his pen and even his wand around the looser pieces of his hair. 
This entire year, he has made it a point to establish that we are not friends. That we will never be friends. That even being acquaintances is out of the question. The only thing we are is roommates. 
Roommates who are on opposite sides of a brewing war within the World of Mages apparently. 
The Mage has tried explaining to me which of the Old Families should and should not be trusted. It was difficult to keep up with all the names. But some names that I have held onto are the Grimm’s and Pitch’s. Baz is both. His full name is bloody Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch. 
I don’t even have a middle name, and who knows if Snow is my real last name. It’s just what was written on my arm when the first care home found me on their doorstep. But Baz has a fancy middle name (that he prefers to his first name) and two last names. He also comes from the most powerful Old Family in England, and is fucking ruthless and perfect in everything he does. 
None of it is fair. 
So I’m enjoying this. Watching him. Seeing him finally show some semblance of normalcy as his hair becomes messier and messier with each twist of his pen through his dark locks.
2. Untitled - This will be a multi-chapter piece that isn't going to see the light of day until fall. It just popped into my head this week. But here's a couple little lines I have bouncing around in my head for it. The general premise is "what if Baz was the villain, but not by choice."
I thought it couldn't get any worse. Being locked inside a coffin and fed blood from a plastic cup for an untold amount of time. When they gave me the blood, I realized they had no plans of killing me.
That gave me hope. Someone could find me if I was still alive. (Well as alive as one can consider me.)
But then I felt it. A dark magic. Pulling at my consciousness.
There were words, a spell, coming from outside of the coffin. I couldn't make them out, even with my hearing, but I swore I recognized the voice.
Not that it mattered.
I wished they'd killed me.
Death would be better than this. Being locked inside your own head, conscious of what something else is doing with your body, but unable to do a damn thing about it.
This thing won't talk to me, but I recognize the magic at work.
The Insidious Humdrum is puppeteering me.
3. COBB Project #1 - I may have two different COBB projects in the works right now. I've been furiously typing away at these babies this week since I'm on a break from work.
I’m scared that I won’t be able to tell Simon everything on this list. That the memories will start to slip away over time the longer it takes me to find him. It’s inevitable, and I know that from experience. 
I can barely remember my own mothers face at this point. 
I try not to dwell on that too much. It will get me nowhere to worry about my own deteriorating thoughts when I could be putting that energy towards actually finding Simon. 
He disappeared in the aftermath. As the light surrounding him and the Humdrum slowly dimmed until it was nothing, and then there was a crack in the air. In the atmosphere. It was like a dam had broken. Everything went black in a heartbeat. I couldn’t breath - whether from whatever was happening or from the feeling of being back in the coffin I don’t know. 
I passed out. 
And when I came to Simon was gone. 
Little did I know at the time that the entire world as we knew it was also gone.
4. Honeypot - If you haven't watched the Buddy Daddies anime yet, please do. Trust me. It is worth it. This one will be a lengthy Oneshot. It's been living in my drafts for the last 3 weeks. I swear I'll finish it soon.
Kazuki is acting weird about this mission. Which I guess is fair - I’m breaking our normal routine that we’ve built up over the last few months. 
What Kazuki doesn’t know is that this is normal for me. Well, for a younger version of me. 
A version of me that had just figured out a big part of why I had no desire to carry on the family line, and wanted to rebel. 
A version of me who just wanted to feel something. 
I’d spend my free time rotating between a variety of clubs that catered to a specific type of clientele. The kind that would be willing to not ask questions beyond safe words and how I wanted to be fucked into the mattress. 
It was thrilling for a time, letting someone so close. It would be so easy for them to end me if they wanted to. A strong enough hand around my throat. A hidden blade in my back. Part of me craved it, to be free of the monotony of it all, but I could never let my guard down enough for it to happen. Not that anyone ever even tried. 
In the end, the thrill wore off fairly quickly. 
Except for one club where I found I enjoyed it a bit more than the others. A man who knew exactly what to whisper in my ear to make me shiver.
I literally cannot keep up with all of you guys. You're all so gosh darn talented and constantly sharing pieces of your work. So, I'm sorry if you've already uploaded your WIP's and I'm double tagging you for the day.
@stardustasincocaine @ivelovedhimthroughworse @buffy @ionlydrinkhotwater@artsyunderstudy @palimpsessed @onepintobean @confused-bi-queer @martsonmars @hushed-chorus @nausikaaa @fatalfangirl @larkral @ebbpettier @cutestkilla @facewithoutheart @yellobb @johnwgrey @bazzybelle @bookish-bogwitch @letraspal @thewholelemon @foolofabookwyrm-activated
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 6 months
Cradle Of Filth - Tearing The Veil From Grace
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bluesey-182 · 1 month
novellas, i think, are even more hit or miss than full length novels cause i always end up leaving them thinking either "holy shit i can't believe this author accomplished a story like that in so few pages" or "eh. the author needed way more space to achieve any of the things they attempted in this" and there is so very, very rarely any in between
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rottenlittlefink · 10 months
Anti and anti-anti are constantly too confusing for me to differentiate so I’ll just call them pedophiles
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akkivee · 2 years
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some really cool stuff in the chuuoku album cover that i’m dying over
otome’s mic is LITERALLY INSANE that is incredible and it’s also a vintage broadcasting mic lol. a nod to her overthrowing the government on live television i think as well as chuuoku’s/otome’s antiquated themes
THE SWORD HANDLE ON ICHIJIKUS MIC SHE CAN STAB ME NOW but if you look at the bottom of her third of the image, the chain she’s pulling taut has an end to it!!!! so it might be a chain whip mic actually!!!!
NNNNNNNEMU nemu’s skull with the red gem eyes matches her brother’s 😭😭😭😭 it’s giving sword vibes tbh like crusaders stuff lol. her’s also has a cross on it. martyrdom is what comes to mind with crosses but so does death. so you know, the usual aohitsugi haunts 😭😭😭
the way nemu’s mic is blue and silver whereas her peers are pink and gold nemu is the slightly misaligned 3gumi frfr 😭😭😭😭 (also that set up parallels dh’s mic/speakers the way sasara and rei’s mics/speakers are gold whereas rosho’s is silver)
i like the bow tie on ichijiku’s mic it’s like her hair bow tie😭😭😭 it’s pretty reminiscent of ramuda’s bow tie mic too if you want to start crying over how they’re the only two people that we’ve heard crying over a loss of sort (ramuda crying begging for his life, ichijiku crying begging for her sister’s life)
the stylisation on the chuuoku kanji 😭😭😭 the one 1️⃣ on the chuu, the cross on the ou the sword in the ku and the way it lines up with the women too like!!!!! ichi➡️ichijiku, the crosses/sacrifices otome must bear, nemu’s mic is giving sword!!!!!!
there aren’t that many mic/speakers of actual weapons in this franchise, in fact only kuukou and rio have weapons, so it’s hilarious that maybe two out three women have weapon mics lmao the pen is mightier than the sword you say
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unevenpatterns · 5 months
Ch 13 - Second Chance at life (Jetko)
Chapter summary: Zuko is not as easy as Jet thought he was. Some teamwork is necessary to overcome their struggles.
E rated. Chapter 13/16, estimated ~70k words when finished.
Story summary: Jet lives on. Barely. He wakes up to discover that the war is over, but how can he really trust that after everything? How can he possibly rest? Especially when the news gets to him about a new Fire Lord. A former prince, that he has been told hunted the Avatar aggressively for years. A prince that looks eerily familiar, when he finally gets his hands on a picture.
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die-schwanenkoenigin · 7 months
finished the blowjob fic!
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nostalgia-tblr · 7 months
in some ways the problem i have is that i start writing pornographic fanfiction and then i forget to make it pornographic enough, and it's not always possible to just go back and add some.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 6 months
Cradle Of Filth - Lord Abortion
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capraeclown · 2 years
what character archetype are you?
Fallen Hero
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain, you represent this quote well. Once upon a time you were the shiny hero that rushed to kill the dragon, that was once surrounded by many friends and your accomplishments were happily sung about. Life has not been kind you and you've once forgotten who that person was, you've done horrible horrible things since those glory days. You can't even call yourself a villain, you're just a disgrace.
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