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egophiliac · 2 months ago
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still rolling around on the ground over the contrast between Jack and Mal. it's so...🤌🤌🤌
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shukenzu · 2 months ago
i dont get how nobody is talking about nene forcefully yanking amanes tentacles out on her own like,,,go strong girlboss go
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ratwithhands · 22 days ago
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We got Volo!! I've been thinking about Mahoumas again now that my school workload is lighter, so I finally got to draft Volo's champion design. Worst to ever do it, can't wait to draw him fighting our main duo.
Since I've had time to think about it, I've also done some more refining on where the magic comes from. Essentially in this AU, legendaries are such powerful divinities that just being in a place will cause immense damage to the nearby environment and creatures as a result of the energy they let off. In ancient times they would "resolve" conflicts by whaling on each other, which would obliterate any nearby settlements and mess up the ecosystem. Arceus then decided that the best way to protect all his children would just be to simply stop them from doing that by only allowing proxies to fight.
The basic idea is that a legendary has a divine champion (diplomatic assistant) that meets with the champions of others in order to discuss and settle issues. This ensures no region ending damage and also makes sure that decisions aren't rash, spur of the moment actions. The champions are protected under the rules too; once in contract to a legendary, they aren't to be attacked or harmed by other champions unless they've already been cleared and confirmed for trial by combat. There's some other specifics too but in essence they're basically just there to keep the peace and represent their divinity.
What makes Volo different (and such a pain to deal with) is that he's Giratina's first champion, so he got a lot more benefits that champions generally shouldn't have. Giratina had never had to set up a champion before, plus was excited to have one after eons, so Volo was lavishly spoiled. Since Giratina doesn't talk to other legendaries, he was also pretty much unchecked and just doing whatever he wanted without any regulation. This is a problem in general but it is especially troublesome when another champion (cough, Ingo) tries to revert the "corrections" he's making.
Anyways bonus doodle: since he was the first, Giratina wanted a little whimsy for him.
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Let me know if you guys want to see more of this bastard, I'm off to take a nap
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grizzlybearattack · 4 months ago
I think a HUUUGE part of why op doesnt piss me off is cuz oda doesnt give the characters internal monologue most of the time
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kahixxi · 1 month ago
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iamhereinthebg · 2 months ago
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Some wips and doodles to try to stay motivated
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mari-lair · 2 months ago
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Aoi having the power to use a little spiritual lightning is very important to me. Go girl, get him!
Do genuinely love how Kannagi's can use some spiritual energy.
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just-null · 2 months ago
I have never seen or read Demon slayer (and tbh I don't really plan to). And I've also never even heard of the clones up until your blog, so my only knowledge and understanding of them is almost solely formed on your interpretation. You made me want these guys in ways that are concerning feminism. I can't even think about picking up the manga because if the canon is somehow different by your interpretation I fear I would feel as if the canon ones were ooc. Like, no, Null never said they would do that🤨 does this guy Koyoharu even know what she's talking about??🤨🤨
Your cult leader loves background characters and tries give them as much love as the popular ones!!
sighs.. but tysm.. I try my best to make them in character as possible even if some qualities might irk you, but isn't that what makes them even more loveable? I hope I can bend the perception of more characters in due time.
Even if you did watch/read demon slayer, you wouldn't see these jerks until season thREE and EVEN THEN. SLAMS HEAD AGAINST THE WALL. WITH SO LITTLE SCREEN TIME. That's also probably why you haven't seen them around. they don't have much content or focus on their backstory, so the Fandom didn't get as attached. and I make it up with the scraps given.
holds your hands. I do recommend at least watching the scenes with the clones in the anime. their VAs did such a good job, I love both sub and dub. Sekido's grunts, Karaku's laughs, Urogi's laughs (and screeches), And Aizetsu's WAVERY VOICE all echo in my head constantly. I miss them.
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vvvincentzzz · 3 months ago
I AM SO SICK OF TERU HATE MAKING ITS RETURN. Spoilers for tbhk 120 I guess........
No he is not an asshole for pushing yashiro, HIS BROTHER DIED. Do you think that his reaction would be to ask yashiro "oh hey yashiro-san sorry for the sudden appearance but can you move aside a bit so I can go mourn my brother? Thank you ^^" NO OFC NOT.
ALSO the ppl saying that HE killed kou?????? WHAT ! Let's please think for a second. Kou was ALREADY DEAD when Teru got there, he was probably dead before all of them got there !! The most that Teru did was free his soul from the house. Be so for real please.
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kazzu120-old · 4 months ago
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Sword Nico.
The number 1 idol agent in the universe.
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zodiac-keeper · 1 year ago
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They’re gonna do it again aren’t they…they’re gonna kill Mitsuba again in this arc aren’t they….
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struggling-jpg · 6 months ago
Not to be that person but
The Wardance event really had Luka and Yanqing reflect each other. I feel like we got a speedrun of vaguely similar events that happen to Yanqing occur to Luka here. Like while being really good, he gets hit with obstacle after obstacle that shakes his confidence and willpower. Yet, when it comes down to it, Luka boxes because he loves it and it makes him feel happy and free.
"The most important thing is to always throw the next punch."
To work towards self-improvement, to love what you do, they both share that sentiment.
These two really felt like protagonists from different yet similar genres lol
This event was just so peak TvT
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bloodredyuki · 1 year ago
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amanitacurses · 1 year ago
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amipenthe · 4 months ago
Yo…in retrospect Allen Walker and gang’s fight stats go crazy. He’s like 15 and has fought the earl, aka THE big bad of the holy war, one-on-one in the Noah’s ark arc. Everyone on team Allen walker has fought the Noah—AKA the borderline immortal beings most exorcists of this era have never even seen before and those who have died at the hands of—so much they know most of them by name (like when Kanda said “shut up road” after he took her ribbon in the Alma karma arc).
If it wasn’t for the the whole Allen turning into a noah thing you know these kids would have been legendary exorcists with fan followings after getting back from the ark
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justafriendlyhuman · 8 months ago
Day 1 ArtFight: Blue
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