#Fighting and death are basically the same thing as s*x so I’ll do that and hopefully he sees that I love him.''
thepersonperson · 11 days
Sukuna’s Loneliness Part 4 (Sukuna’s Negative Rizz)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Some warnings before we start.
1) This analysis deals with sexual topics.
2) I will be mainly using the TCB scans because of their accessibility. Raws are from mangareader(.)to.
3) This was written as of JJK 262.
4) The raws broke me in ways you cannot possibly imagine.
(Click images for captions/citations.)
Fighting as Communication
Baki the Grappler. This is a manga where men destroy each other’s bodies as a test of strength. It’s poorly written but the art is terrifying and I love it so dearly. Between fights of extreme violence and body horror the characters eat. And that’s it. That’s the manga.
I bring Baki up because Gege is a huge fan of Fujimoto Tatsuki, the creator of Chainsawman. Fujimoto is a fan of Gege too, but more importantly, he is a huge fan of Itagaki Keisuke, the creator of Baki. (His daughter made Beastars btw.) In a way, this means Jujutsu Kaisen has been influenced by Baki. But that’s not a surprise, a lot of manga is.
Itagaki’s work is so massively influetial on Japanese media that it’s kind of hard to grasp since it’s not as popular overseas. When listening to interviews from various Japanese creators, Baki will often be cited as a major influence. And the thing is, you can tell when a creative has read Baki. There’s nothing quite like it. If you’ve read Baki and consume Chainsawman, you will see its bones everywhere. I feel the same about Jujutsu Kaisen.
The main antagonist in Baki is Yujirou Hanma. He is the strongest creature alive. So much so that he has no one to call a rival. He’s bored. He causes trouble. He kills his wife to motivate his son, Baki into becoming stronger. His son, Baki, who he grooms into becoming a fighter that might beat him in combat one day. Kind of sounds like Sukuna, right?
But that’s not my point here. My focus is how Baki doubles as a discussion about strength and manhood. It’s aggressively bisexual. Men love each other with their fists. Straight up the main character says having sex with women is the same thing as fighting men.
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And it just doesn’t stop there. The homoerotic nature of the fights is never shyed away from. Here’s an example of my favorite.
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He grabs his balls and compliments their size. That’s pretty gay, right? Well there’s this reanimated prehistoric caveman called Pickle that fights Baki’s brother Jack. And how do they fight? They kiss.
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I didn’t call it a kiss. Itagaki did. I didn’t say they melded together. Itagaki did. This mangaka overtly calls attention to the homoerotic nature of men fighting men, and how men communicate their love for each other through violence. And yes, it’s sexual. Itagaki wants you to read it that way.
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But sometimes he doesn’t want you to read it that way. Sometimes the fights are a dialogue, an emotional conversation. Like one between father and son.
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Itagaki is a master of narrative framing. When he wants you to feel a certain way, you will feel it. He also tells his readers that there’s more to the fights than just fighting.
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Those are the ideas that help me see the bones of Baki in other works. Men loving men with violence. Men communicating with men through violence. I see these ideas in Jujutsu Kaisen too.
Jujutsu Communication
I’ve gone over how Yuji commucates with other people on their own terms. And a lot of it is through fighting. A conversation without words, learning how someone works. Yuji is good at using fights as tool of communication.
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But he’s not the one who tells you that there’s more to the fights than just fighting. Maki does in her spar with the sumo guy.
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Just like Baki. Fighting is a means of communication. Gege has told you that there can be more to the fights than fighting. It's a tool used to understand the self and others.
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With that in mind, I want to reexamine a particular fight under the lens of Baki rather than Umineko.
Sukuna vs Gojo
Baki tells you that homoerotic readings of its fights are intentional. If you ask me, this probably stems from historical stances on masculinity and homosexuality in ancient Japan. Men loved men and women differently, but both were ok. That’s how Baki can have a girlfriend and his gay fights. Peak bisexual optimization.
What does Jujutsu Kaisen have to do with this? Well it has been extremely queer friendly. We have a multidue of canonical trans characters, non-binary characters, and other flavors of queer characters not disparaged for their identities, Gojo Satoru included. It may not be stated outright, but Gojo and Geto do love each other in a gay way. The subtext is so persisent it’s basically text.
In other words, Gege has already told us, yes please have queer readings of this text. It’s the same way Baki tells you, yes this is straight up convoluded gay sex. So that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to reread the Sukuna and Gojo fight as some ridiculous mating display between two men who are fighting over can miscommunicate their intent the hardest.
Framed as Courtship
Let’s start with the framing. The pre-fight set up. How does text tell you queer readings are allowed?
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Kenjaku does. It’s romantic. It’s a date. This reading has been made valid explicitly. And if there’s room for doubt because of the sarcasm? There’s still additional support for it.
We already know how badly in love Gojo is with Geto. The fight is on the 24th of December, the most romantic day in Japan. And in a fun little Geto parallel, who declared the start of war on this day, violence underlines this new romantic venture.
That doesn’t include Sukuna who recalls Yorozu’s words about teaching love in the context of marriage.
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Gojo never heard that conversation which is why the next point is absolutely insane.
The outfit Gojo initially is in resembles that of a groom at a Shinto wedding.
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Shinto weddings were implemented after the Heian era. Part of the ceremony includes a priest and a shrine maiden who respectively stand to the right and left of the altar. A purification ritual will occur, lead by the priest, to cleanse the shrine before vows are exchanged. Gakuganji is the priest and Utahime is the shrine maiden. To the right and left of Gojo respectively.
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The bride at a Shinto wedding wears mainly white. After the 200% Hollow Purple cleanses the area, the dark shawl is removed and Sukuna remains in mostly white.
How interesting that this battle has been framed as one between groom and bride.
The thing is, marriage in the Heian era was far more lax. There were no major ceremonies. If a man was interested in marrying a woman, he would visit her for 3 nights after receiving approval from her father. Upon the passing of their 3rd night together, the family would have an informal celebration of their union in private. Even after marriage, multiple partners were allowed and sometimes encouraged.
Yorozu’s big celebration proposal to Sukuna and banning of concubines was quite improper by Heian standards. Though it is in line with modern marriages. If Sukuna did not consume any Shinto wedding literature, he probably didn’t recognize that Gojo was dressed as a groom.
But did Gojo dress this way for Sukuna intentionally? The Toji fit served an entirely different purpose. It’s the robes and pre-fight ceremony that catch my attention. So I propose the following:
1) Gojo dressed up as a groom to die and be wed with his one and only Geto in death.
2) Gojo dressed up as a groom in part as an offering to Sukuna. And because Sukuna is from the Heian era it went over his head entirely.
3) Gojo intended for both of these things at the same time and left who he would end up with to fate.
Regardless of what Gojo was going for here, it’s a visual cue combined with the knowledge of it being Dec 24th that encourages the reader to perhaps consider the fight as something other than just a fight. A date perhaps? Kenjaku made the connection and neither Gojo or Sukuna really denied it. Gojo gave the weak excuse of a death anniversary confusion. But much weirder, given how hostile he was to Yorozu, Sukuna did not object to the romantic framing in any capacity.
Am I reaching? Is this reading intentional?
When I start getting this confused by how a translated work wants me to read it, I try to refer to the original language text and anyone who knows it for missing context. Sometimes localizations add things that weren’t there or push readers towards one interpretation. So for the rest of this analysis, I’m going to be focusing on the raws.
I’m going to be honest. My Japanese fudging sucks. I can barely read kanji and can’t reliably translate anything. Feel free to correct me if I got something wrong. That being said, with what little I do know, I have discovered something interesting.
In this post I talked about how weird Sukuna’s manner of speech is. I focused on his you pronoun usage of お前 (Omae) for everyone else and 貴様 (Kisama) for Gojo since this is a strong indicator of how a character views their relationship to someone.
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Here's a summary of the two points I made in that post:
1) Omae is informal and either a casual thing amongst peers or indicates the speaker's higher status. Since Sukuna is arrogant, we can reasonably assume he's talking down to people.
2) Kisama historically was a formal show of respect, but in modern times it is a hostile insult, much more rude than Omae. Since Sukuna is 1,000 years old and hates Yuji (who he uses Omae with), we can reasonably assume Sukuna was being friendly to Gojo when he used Kisama.
With that pronoun usage in mind, while examining the raws for the infamous “You Cleared My Skies” speech I found this:
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Kisama. Sukuna is very happy and lavishing Gojo with praise. The assumption it was formal from the start seems to be correct. It's hard to read this any other way.
Though Japanese can easily be dubious in its interpretation, there are instances where context can cut off all other readings. I truly believe this one of those cases.
Now, to confirm Sukuna is still only treating Gojo this way I started looking at his you pronouns as he got excited post-Gojo death. Maki is the person he seems to admire the most.
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He’s still just using Omae. What does that mean? Gojo is in his own fudging category for Sukuna and he has been there since the start of the manga.
Wow ok. That’s pretty intense! We’ve got Gojo dressed up as a groom on December 24th and Sukuna treating Gojo different from anyone else. I read their fight again under the lens of explicit courtship and focused in on these specific panels.
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Satisfaction. Now that’s a word that can easily carry a sexual connotation. Love as well. The parallel syntax fascinated me in English. So I decided to look at the raws and see how close they are.
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Pretty much the same except for "the one who will teach you love" and "the one satisfying him now". Since the one being satisfied is Gojo by Sukuna, it really seems we can assume the one being taught love is Gojo by Sukuna.
Time to learn some Japanese again!
Kanji has multiple readings. Most have at least two. The Onyomi (Chinese) reading typically used for nouns and the Kunyomi (Japanese) reading typically used for verbs. (This is not always the case but it’s the basics.)
That’s probably why 満 is read as まん (man) when Gojo and Geto are talking about “satisfaction” using the On version and み (mi), the Kun version, when the narrator is talking about who “satisfies” who.
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However 満 on its own does not mean satisfaction. It means full. To be filled. Or fullness. 足 (zoku) is added as a modifier after 満 to be read as satisfaction 満足 (manzoku). 足 usually means feet, but it can also mean to be sufficient. Manzoku therefore has a direct translation of being sufficiently full. It’s not a surprise a lot of food places in Japan use Manzoku in their names or advertising.
But what’s this? Why is this sentence written as 満たして or Mi(tashite) instead of 満足して or Manzoku(shite)? The addition of Zoku is what transforms Man into "satisfying". Without the Zoku, it’s just "fill". The means this sentence can be read as “The one filling him up now is—”
We’ve already established that the blank is Sukuna. The new problem is that he’s filling Gojo up. And boy, does that sound homoerotic to put it lightly. But perhaps I am reaching.
So I did what any sane person would do in this situation. I read hentai.
Surely if the phrase 満たして (mitashite) can carry a sexual connotation I will find it in hentai.
I immediately found a yaoi doujin called Fill me with your Big Love aka おっきな愛で満たして (Okkina Ai de Mitashite). Honestly, I found too many doujins about creampies specifically. (You have internet access verify this yourself.) When you search Manzokushite the results are much more in line with life satisfaction than sexual satisfaction. ...So Gege decided to use the more frisky phrasing.
Manzoku is also the name of an active sex toy manufacturer (I’m not linking them use a search engine.) and a discontinued adult entertainment news company. So the satisfaction Gojo and Geto talk about, along with Geto using 妬 (ya), the jealous kanji often used between lovers, is definitely probably carrying a sexual connotation too.
So, I’m not reaching. What the fudge did Gege mean by this?
Now that we've established that I am NOT reaching. What do we do with this information?
Well, we ruminate on the fight with the knowledge that Sukuna, of his own volition, decided to get Gojo off, probably.
I have forgiven Nanami for calling Gojo a pervert. If I watched someone bust a nut after being cut in half by his sworn enemy instead of saving the country, I too would be like what the fudge.
Anyways, the typical phrase used for an orgasm in Japanese is 行く(iku). It translates as to go. And yes it can mean to die, as in going to the other side. To die and go to heaven if you will. Which is what Gojo did with a big old smile on his face.
There’s also the term 心天 (tokoroten). It refers to a dish were a semi-opaque white substance is pushed through holes to create noodles. Literal translation using the kanji for heart 心 (kokoro) and the kanji for heaven 天 (ten). (Don’t ask me why them being smack together turns the Koroko into Tokoro. I don’t know.) Which in slang refers to prostate orgasms. This has nothing to do with this analysis I wanted to drop this fun fact in here. …And this image of Sukuna clutching his heart while looking at someone he sent to heaven.
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(This is a reach but the idea of this being an elaborate gay pun amuses me greatly.)
I have another fun slang term: 賢者タイム (kenjataimu) which directly translates to sage 賢者 (kenja) time タイム (taimu). This refers to post-nut clarity sending someone into a meditative-like state.
Oh that’s a bit familiar. Sukuna was giving sagely advice to Kashimo and reflecting on satisfaction and love.
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And what’s this? Mitashite has made a reappearance! Sukuna is saying “I’ve never thought about needing another person to fill me up.” Which 1. further supports the 'The one satisfying/filling him (Gojo) now is—Sukuna.' reading and 2. suggests Sukuna is a top suggests Sukuna really doesn’t have sexual interest in people. (Since the context of this convo is relationships and love.)
By the way. Acts of eating in Japanese can be modified to carry sexual meanings. It’s a bit more suggestive than English, but it carries over pretty well I think? 肉食系 (nikusokukei) refers to someone who aggresively pursues romantic or sexual relationships. Composed of the kanji 肉 (niku) for meat, 食 (ta) for eating, and 系 (kei) class. If you noticed, 食 isn’t usually read as Soku. It becomes Soku when paired with Niku for some reason. (I don’t know why someone please help me.) Side by side the kanji 肉食 (nikusoku) means meat-eater.
食 is still interesting on it’s own. The 食べる (taberu) reading is normal eating. The 食う(kuu) reading is an innuendo. It can mean to devour someone, like a cannibal, or devour someone sexually.
Sukuna has made it very clear that his eating of people is literal. There’s no innuendo. In fact, if you read into it, he’ll kill you (rip Yorozu and Kashimo).
Gojo, however, appears to be his sole exception to this rule. When Sukuna tells Kashimo not to spoil his pleasure he uses the kanji 興 (kyou). This of course can be directly translated as pleasure, but the Chinese reading of it can also indicate intense excitement or sexual arousal.
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Sukuna is pretty good at double-entendre wordplay if his earlier stunts with the kanji for Enchain doubling as Megumi Activities if read a different way is anything to go by. He's a fan of Chinese literature. It's not a stretch to assume there's more going on here.
And if notoriously homophobic Reddit dudebros are posting things like this. Maybe there's a lot more merit to this reading than I can currently grasp.
I’m still pretty convinced Sukuna is aroace. That of course doesn’t bar him from pursuing romantic or sexual relationships. Sometimes there’s the one exception. Sometimes the desire to be with and please an allo partner allows for engagement of activities they aren’t into. Sometimes the actions are pursued without the emotional attachment because they physically feel good. There’s also the gray-scale and demi labels to consider.
With that in mind, I want to emphasize this all points to how important Gojo is to Sukuna regardless of sexuality. He tried to engage with and understand Gojo on terms he won’t for anyone else. And he’s been pursuing this connection relentlessly since the start of manga.
Sukuna’s Negative Rizz
Ok I established that reading the Sukuna vs Gojo fight as unhinged courtship is supported by the text. That doesn’t really say anything about Sukuna sucking at it.
But, my dear reader, that in of itself is proof of his negative rizz. I had to sit down. Learn about Heian era and Shinto wedding rituals, learn more Japanese, splice seemingly unrelated manga panels together, read hentai, and know that Gege is into yaoi to come to this conclusion. I had to rip every little shred of characterization and context apart and rearrange it into something comprehensible.
You know who can’t do that? Gojo.
As far as Gojo is concerned, Sukuna hates him. Kisama is an extremely hostile you pronoun in modern times. And if Gojo can’t tell Shoko (his closest friend after Geto) is stressed over him being used like a meat puppet by her visibly falling back on her addiction, he’s going to default to the assumption Sukuna hates him just as much as everyone else.
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And Gojo does just that. He assumes he failed to reach Sukuna. Despite how often they did hand to hand combat and weaponized their knowledge of each other, Gojo believes they never had proper conversation through fighting. He dies not understanding Sukuna, convinced the other was not trying to communicate with him at all.
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And if you recall, all of this fight occurred while Sukuna was wearing Megumi’s face. That boy is pretty much Gojo’s adopted child. From my experience, most single parents do not go looking for clones of their kids as partners.
If someone wore the skin of my family member I would assume they were trying to torment me. And torment Gojo Sukuna does. He draws attention to Megumi’s soul being used as collateral and attacks him with the 10 Shadows. We as the audience know this is all for the sake of getting past Infinity using his Shrine. Gojo doesn’t know that. He’s fighting an evil dude who is puppeting the body of his son for god knows what reason.
Seriously, Sukuna sucks at communicating intent.
In Part 3 of my examination of Sukuna’s loneliness, I said Dismantle is a tool Sukuna uses to understand. And that him upgrading it by making Gojo the center of his world was indicative of his desire to reach him. I also said his refusal to use it on Yorozu was him expressing how little interest he had in her.
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Yorozu is pissed by this. She sees it as Sukuna rejecting her and I don’t think she’s wrong. Sukuna saved his special Cursed Technique (CT) for Gojo while turning Yorozu down. If we’re considering all the wedding imagery and references that started with Yorozu, I’m certainly allowed to read that as him saving himself for Gojo. (Think of how he lied to Gojo about being the first one he killed.)
There’s also the fact that Yorozu saw their battle as an expression love and lust—that the usage of CT is a type of foreplay under certain circumstances since it is an extension of the self. Combine that with the established premise that fighting is a type of a communication thanks to Maki vs Sumo Guy and you can start to see the courtship logic behind Sukuna’s treatment of Gojo.
If we are to read “The one who will teach you love is…Sukuna” there’s another adorable caveat. Yorozu uses the you pronoun あなた (Anata) for Sukuna.
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It’s an informal you pronoun used by people learning Japanese. Native speakers try to avoid using it as it can come across as rude. But in the context of love? This is colloquially called the wife pronoun as its often used by a wife to her husband.
If you wanted to localize its usage in the way Yorozu means it, Anata might become “you, dear”. So here we have Sukuna dressed in white, like a bride to Gojo’s groom, thinking of him as Anata.
The problem is, Gojo doesn’t know that. Sukuna never bothered to open his mouth and say this was an act of love. Sure he told Kashimo in the most roundabout way possible, but Gojo was the one who needed to hear that. If a courtship is going to be this diabolically complicated, there has to be clear hints for the other party. JJK is not Umineko where there’s a witch that can revive the dead over and over until the idiot finally understands this was all for them.
Gojo also doesn’t have access to the kanji Sukuna uses to describe certain techinques or words. He hears the phonetics and runs with whatever best fits the context. This means there’s no way for him to catch the double-meaning unless he’s a certain type of lingust, which he is not. His manner of speech and personal interests don’t line up with the flowery language of the Heian Era. The types of written works Gojo is into are historical war politics from the Sengoku period (known for violence more than the fine arts), Shonen manga, and physics/math.
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And what's? According to CFYOW (the canon light novels): JJK Thorny Road at Dawn, Chapter 3 Asakusabashi Elegy, Gojo doesn't even like ancient poetry. You know, the thing Sukuna enjoys and tries to communicate with.
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The Kokin Wakashu Gojo off-handedly disparages is a compilation of Hiean Era poetry known as Waka. This was the primary means of communication amongst the noble class and spiritual leaders at the time. And the thing is, this poetry is supposed to be read into. Down to the quality of stroke and paper, not just the kanji written. Especially for courtship.
It’s not that Gojo is stupid. He just doesn’t specialize in the studies that would give him a more critical ear to Sukuna's words. And Sukuna doesn’t seem to understand that no one in the modern era communicates like this anymore.
If you didn’t know, this is why Japanese characters introduce themselves they often describe what kanji their name is spelled with. Take for example: Satoru. He uses the kanji 悟 meaning enlightenment. This kanji can be read as Go instead of Satoru. Additionally, the name Satoru can be written in kanji as 聡 for smart, 智 for wisdom, 知 knowledge, 了 for understanding, 哲 for philosophy, 聖 for virtuous, or 暁 for daybreak. That’s 8 different kanji possible if you hear the name Satoru.
This is why Sukuna’s wordplay for everything else can be easily missed by other characters. They hear the words and cannot read the kanji like us. Context decides what Sukuna means for them. And since Sukuna’s context for most is violence and insults, it’s very hard for them to think about his words in any other way.
This is possibly one of the most bizarre and elaborate expressions of love I have lost my mind over. Sukuna gave everything Gojo ever wanted from Jujutsu violently. He did it in such an unpleasant and cruel way that the target of his affection thought there was nothing between them. Sukuna also hid his intent under social norms that no longer exist. Unless Gojo happened to be into ancient literature, there was never a scenario where he would catch onto this. Sukuna's failure is critical on multiple levels.
It’s impressive. It really is. No one knows how Sukuna’s strange little brain works so he’s stuck being loner without anyone that fully understands him. (I’m still thinking about how Uraume didn’t know Sukuna was a twin for over 1,000 years.) He’d have to let people in and tell him outright, but he’s just like Gojo so I guess that’s never happening.
56 notes · View notes
silverloreley · 1 year
Did anybody ask for TTEOTM x LBFAD fic ideas? No? I had one anyway. It’s massive and I can’t currently write it (too many irl things, too many other wips to work on) so I’ll put it here and do what you want with it (except money, that’s illegal, fics must be free). Keep in mind I read none of the novels so anything that isn’t the the dramas won’t be considered.
So, listen here.
First of all, we need to merge some things and move others, so the two stories can exist in the same universe. Therefore: 1) Ming Ye and Sang Jiu’s story goes back to 30.000 years before, while DFQC was trapped for 10.000 (I always thought the 30.000 years of imprisonment felt a little too much, also this lowers the age gap between XLH and DFQC, which is a pro). 2) The Evil God Tai Sui and the Devil God are one and the same. It will make sense, I promise.
Starting from those two premises, the timeline is as it follows:
30.000 years ago the Devil God vs the Gods fight happens, along with the MYxSJ arc.
When MY estabilishes no one will live in Shangqing realm anymore, the immortals move to Shuiyuntian, founding it in a place next to the already-existing Xishan, by deviating the rivers with the Water Gem.
To be seen as equals or superiors, the heads of Shuyuntian bring back the title of God of War. The other godly titles can’t be assigned the same way as only the God of War can be trained to become one and not be born as such. Lady Chidi is chosen after some time.
In the meantime, conflict arises between the xianzi and yuezhu. Yannv, (canon) first leader of the Moon Tribe, guides her people beyond the River of Lost Memories and founds Cangyanhai.
The Xilan tribe was already there with the only real goddess left, the Goddess of Xishan, who was seen as a minor deity and not involved in the Shangqing realm’s affairs at all. Despite that, the Goddess is the one who effectively destroys the (D)evil God’s body and seals its spirit, not knowing a part of it (the Evil Bone) and its weapons (BRSeal and GSCrossbow and Sword) had been left in the mortal realm.
Fast forward to the events of LBFAD, the story goes as we know it, just that the fight between DFQC and Chidi was only 10.000 years before the events, not 30.000 (it literally changes nothing, plot-wise).
Tai Sui’s plan was to take control of Chidi (or DFQC)’s body as he lost his one during the conflict with the previous Goddess of Xilan, and then retrieve his weapons to bring the end of the world. His death and subsequent fall to the Nether River prevented him to do so, but the Evil Bone he left to the Yiyue tribe in the mortal realm is a soul vessel (like the Bone Orchid for DFQC) and allowed him to stay somewhat alive, waiting for his next chance.
Fast forward some centuries: TTJ is born and Tai Sui is determined in making the poor thing into the perfect vessel for his return just in time for Ji Ze’s power running out and the Barren Abyss be open again.
Here we are to the start of the fic (very long so it’s mostly under cut):
Susu fails the first time she tries to change TTJ’s fate (she dies too early, without being able to switch the Evil Bone with her Immortal Essence) and the Mirror of the Past sends her back to try again.
Knowing the Devil God and Tai Sui are one and the same, Ji Ze manages to send a message to Xi Yun so she could help LSS. XLH looks into TTJ’s destiny book and sees it’s filled with misery that will culminate with TTJ giving up his body to Tai Sui, cue destruction of the world lalala, all as it was before LSS’s trip basically (I refuse to awknowledge that the Devil God could have known about the time travel, Di Mian is a lying liar who lied, the plan only went as far as TTJ’s mistreatment and death on the frozen lake, Susu changed everything from there on).
To prevent it, the LBFAD team decides to risk changing his fate, and they snatch TTJ away while he’s sent as hostage from Jing to Shang. It’s the origin of a legend that the cursed prince of Jing was taken away by demons, some say to be eaten, some say he became one too.
TTJ is raised in Yunmengze by everyone acting as his relatives (I still have to decide if it’d be more interesting to have DFQC and XLH adopt him as parents, or go the more practical route of Changheng adopting him alone since he’s the one who canonically moved to the mortal realm full time and has no other responsibilities. Or it could be all three? together? on rotation? idk. Also, I can’t decide what to do with Yinxing because I don’t like her much but I sort of understand her too, it would be nice to give her a redemption arc/new storyline)
Little TTJ is raised by a team of immortals who end up loving him a whole lot and XLH manages to fix him a tree of emotions very early, so he’s a sweetheart with functioning love strings and all (but only with his family because most humans can tell there’s something wrong with him and dislike/mistreat him. That’s the Evil Bone’s influence, the family knows it and can ignore it, humans do not).
TTJ is smart enough to understand there’s more going on with his new family but he loves and trusts them enough to just accept things as they are. They end up telling him a few things about themselves in bits and pieces until he’s old enough.
Basically, by the time he’s 20, he’s more drama!Cang Jiumin than any iteration of TTJ. Plus the family actually warned him against Tai Sui (although they didn’t quite tell him he’s the Devil Fetus - gosh I hate this expression) and told him stories about it and the last fight and about their own true identities.
They have no idea how to remove the Evil Bone without killing him, LSS is the only one who knows because Ji Ze didn’t have enough energy to tell XLH everything. In fact, he just told her “look at that destiny book there” and “Li Susu knows what to do” and then closed the conversation.
The LBFAD group has no idea of the existence of the Bone Refining Seal or the God Slaughtering Crossbow and Sword at first. This will be a problem later on.
17 y-o TTJ joins the immortal sect to learn their manner of cultivation and befriends Xiao Lin who, at the end of the three years of training, invites him to Shang.
As soon as he arrives in Shang’s capital, TTJ starts to recover memories of the past-now-erased life little by little until Susu!Xiwu arrives. They both have a whole set of memories of a disastrous past, a whole lot of tangled feelings, and no clue the other does too.
LSS still needs to fulfill her mission, but finds it way harder now that the circumstances have changed. TTJ has been trying to see the woman he loved in the original YXW but felt there was something off, until the Temple incident, aka the moment LSS transmigrated into YXW.
Cue lots of getting close, suspicions if the other remembers the other life, falling in love even more, and other stuff (I already know this is going to be my favourite part).
The immortal family is against TTJ courting YXW because they know his fate says he’ll “die young but widowed” and that will be the first step to Tai Sui’s return. They just tell him it’s because she has a foul temperament and a bad reputation and try to take him back to Lucheng before it’s too late (keyword: try).
The Ye family doesn’t like that he has an unclear background and that YXW would have to move away from them so they oppose too (and don’t treat him well. at all. some things don’t change).
TTJ is definitely too stubborn and wants to marry her anyway. She agrees because she knows it’s the easiest way to complete her mission (and she actually wants to, tbh). They basically elope and run to Jing’s kingdom.
Somehow, TTMinglang finds out TTJ’s true identity (oh, this could work if Yinxing stays in the plot, she’s a dead giveaway since she was his only remaining nanny!) and, thinking his loathed third brother is coming for the throne, decides to kill him, employing/blackmailing Lan’an.
The scene of YXW jumping off the ship happens because she figures out if she doesn’t she won’t be able to get her hands on the World Overturning Jade and she really needs it for the plan. Of course, she doesn’t tell him, cue hearbreak, the ambush with the poison dart, and so on.
They are saved by DFQC from Fu Yu (sorry, Pian Ran, you won’t have the chance to fillet the bitch in this lifetime, unless DFQC decides to spare her, I have to decide) and from the poisoning by XLH. Both are very upset by the whole thing but TTJ has no intention of backing off and give up on having the love of his life by his side, cue a heartfelt speech that ultimately convinces them.
Said love of his life feels very very guilty, even more so after that speech, and runs off to the Barren Abyss to talk with Ji Ze (and save Fuya) and ask him what more she could do. TTJ is certain she’ll come back to him anyway because his wife always did (although they are not properly married here yet!).
Once in Jing, TTJ, even if he initially planned not to become emperor this time, sees that people have a truly terrible time under Minglang and decides to take the matters in his own hands. He was a pretty good ruler in the other life and he can be one again. This time he makes certain his deranged brother is dead.
The immortal family can’t interfere more than they already did with mortals’ fates, so they let him do things on his own, with minor helping him in daily matters, training and healing. War breaks out anyway because the king of Shang is an ass.
I need a good reason for them to enter Bo’re life again since they know the dragon can’t actually be used. Perhaps it’s to give peace to Ming Ye’s spirit, or to show Xiao Lin what kind of person his beloved wife is, idk, but they do and LSS obtains the Soul Slaying Tear.
Needless to say, she isn’t happy about being able to collect the Heart Shattering Nails this time. But she knows she has to do it.
The Nails accumulate very quickly, one for each person he loves, not only for YXW. It makes her feel even worse but at the same time she thinks he’ll be fine after she dies because he has more people he cares for (spoiler: he won’t be fine).
XLH realizes around that time that YXW is actually the LSS she’s been looking for and wonders why the girl doesn’t have a destiny book. (it will be found later on that LSS is yet to be born from the egg in that time so her destiny book has not appeared yet)
She also figures out LSS is trying to build an immortal essence with the help of the WOJade and tries to stop her, only for LSS to break down and tell her everything (this is supposed to be a very heartfelt scene as it’s the first time LSS opens up with her troubles to someone and XLH has become the perfect mom figure LSS never had).
The relationship between TTJ and Xiao Lin is rather different due to them being actual friends and not copycat-prisoner/copied-princeling. As such, they manage to end the war by pretending XL has been captured so the king of Shang would have to give up and end the bloodshed. Bingchang doesn’t get the memo and turns her back to her husband anyway. Xiwu, who did get the memo (and also remembers YBC tried to kill her and TTJ, plus killed the Grandma), stays out of it and keeps the focus on her mission, not pleading for Bingchang in the slightest (XL does, the poor fool. He gets himself killed for it, because he accidentally eats food Bingchang poisoned. She stabs herself in despair -which provides both the blood of the enemy and tears of lover. Yes, I love a good mirror situation and I hate her. This time she stays dead).
Hence the kingdoms are united because there are no heirs to Shang left (the stupid king tried to send his useless other sons to war and got them killed, lol).
Also! Pian Ran gets her love threads back sooner. And she doesn’t die, but still sacrifices a few of her tails for YQY when a rebellion strikes and he gets wounded, so they’re both immortal and get a happy ending, no I don’t take criticism here, this is how it should have been.
LSS still has to sacrifice herself to switch the Immortal Essence with the Evil Bone - even if she promised XLH she wouldn’t do it and wait until the Goddess of Xishan can find another way - because the Barren Abyss is about to be opened.
TTJ doesn’t go as mad as he did in canon upon her death, but he still tries to kill himself out of grief. He even begs DFQC to teach him how to make the 500 years dream. Eventually, Nian Baiyu tells him about the Nether River and TTJ sets off without telling his family.
I still have to decide whether they catch him in time or not, and if they do, if they can convince him to give up and stay with them, or he convinces them he has to do it and tells them they’ll see each other in 500 years and jumps in anyway.
Time skip to the Immortal Sect arc! Or not.
Actually, I don’t have many ideas for it yet because I’m waiting for the drama to end, but here there’s more than enough to work with so far, so I’ll make another post with the second part + eventual additions next week after the ending.
26 notes · View notes
cq-studios · 1 year
So I’ve been debating back and forth whether or not to do this because I knew it was gonna be a lot of work. But you know what? Screw it!
Here’s a cohesive list and description of all, 2+ hours (I think…), of my KH (mostly KHUX) animation ideas
You know… in case someone cares lol
(Four things before we start)
(If you look at a script and there’s nothing there, try looking at the comments, chances are I’ll have notes on the side)
(If a idea has a script the descriptions will most likely be more vague. I need to save time somehow lol)
(Unless it’s Xehaqus or Soriku, shipping wasn’t the intent but if that’s what floats your boat don’t let me sink it)
(No pressure to read all of these descriptions and scripts or listen to all the songs or whatever. It is so much and I know that. I honestly appreciate that you even clicked/tapped "Keep Reading" lol)
Let’s start off with my…
Pre-UX Finale Ideas
These ideas tend to be a bit outside of cannon/outdated now but they still haunt me when the song comes on
This is also the most you will get of any non-UX character lol
Song: Ready as I’ll Ever Be
Character(s)/Game Focus: KH 1 (endgame)
Description: Varian’s sections are Riku pre possession (first part when he steals ‘Sora’s’ keyblade, last part him getting possessed by Ansem). Cassandra’s sections and the “I’ll save my home and family” is the Radiant Garden Restoration Committee doing things to help (what I presume they were doing before they just kinda, show up at Hollow Bastion), and Rapunzel and her dad’s(??) sections as well as the “prove they can trust me” are Sora and the Beast.
This idea is primarily lip sync and not really specific scenes. More so just a point in time
Length: 2:04 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes, as an animatic (I don’t think my description did it much justice since it really is mostly lip sync, but there’s very vivid images of it in my mind)
Song: Meet Me in the Woods
Character(s)/Game Focus: Lea/Axel
Description: An animation depicting Lea/Axel’s life starting with him and Isa finding Subject X (the “journey to the unknown”). “The darkness getting ahold of them” is referring becoming Ansem’s apprentices and their eventual initiation into the Organization because of it. The music between verses is the early days of them in the Organization then shifts to Roxas’ early days there. “How long baby have I been away” is post-Castle Oblivion. The first chorus is the Sea Salt Trio kinda becoming a trio. “Yeah the truth is stranger than my own worst dreams” is him learning about Xion being a replica. Then right after is everything falling apart for the trio. The second chorus going into the wind down is Axel/Lea’s redemption and KH3 stuff (keyblade war too before it starts to slow down). Then at the end when it really slows down is the Sea Salt Trio’s reunion.
Length: 4:23 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: I want to say yes but chances are no, this one doesn’t even have a script but I might give it one for sticking around so long
Song: Unravel
Character(s)/Game Focus: Heart Hotel/Sortas (Sora, Ven, Roxas, Xion, Vanitas)
Description: First section is UX Ven. Post first drop to "that is where I'll live on" is Xion (just her story in Days). The section ends with her dying then switches to Roxas after her death for the 'angry part' (fighting Riku) then when the music chills out a bit he returns to Sora. Then when its the instrumental of the chorus we start Vanitas' section/BBS Ventus' section. The "breakable, unbreakable" back and forth is basically their talk before their big fight in Ven's heart, which starts at the "I won't let you contaminate me!" (from Ven) but the scene cuts before they start to fight. The next part is Sora in DDD. The part where they're repeating "Don't forget me" is when Riku is in Sora's heart talking to each Sorta (and Vanitas is there too I guess). Order is the same as in the game with Vani in there somewhere (unless Xion isn't last, she needs to be the last one). The part where they repeat the first line is the scene in KH3 where its 'revealed' Sora has other hearts withing him.
Length: 5:21 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Same as the previous, I love it but I’ve built it up so much in my head I don’t think I could do it justice, I'll make it a script eventually
Song: Don’t Make Me
Character(s)/Game Focus: Lauriam
Description: This one is definitely outdated. Like it pre-dates the update where Lauriam actually finds out that the NULs know his sister is dead (the script obviously has been updated since then but I think the fact that it is that old still kinda shows). But yeah Don’t Make Me is basically Lauriam slowly becoming more suspicious of everyone and really really hoping none of them had anything to do with his sister’s disappearance. Because if they were he might just end up being a villain in their story. Again really old, so my interpretation of events were kinda off since I hadn’t seen all the cutscenes a bajillion times, but I think it’d make a fun AU.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 3:10 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: I don’t think so, the time for it has come and passed… like almost 3 years ago now
Song: Help Me
Character(s)/Game Focus: Subject X (Skuld)
Description: Subject X is in her cell and is contacted by the ghosts of the Radiant Garden scientists’ previous victims.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 1:20 (0:00-1:20)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, I decided to scrap this one a while ago
Song: Cold Feet
Character(s)/Game Focus: Mostly KH 3 and 4 (whenever it comes out)
Description: Patience is the game for this one. The idea is incomplete until Riku finds Sora but here’s my thoughts so far. Before the first chorus it’s a bunch of events from Sora’s story leading up to Riku’s sacrifice. The sacrifice is then the chorus (“cold, cold feet”, is Riku stepping forward etc etc). The drop is Sora reviving everyone and resetting the timeline and stuff and the rest of KH3 if there’s enough room. The “wherever you are I wish you well” to “they’re not ringing for me” is Riku being angsty about Sora’s disappearance, looking for him and stuff. The “couldn’t do a thing to make you stay” to “one hell of a story” is Kairi being angsty about it. The pre-chorus is the stuff with the Fairy Godmother and the Final World in MelMem and there’s the cut off. The rest I just gotta wait for I guess lol
Length: Full Song?? (Depends on KH4)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Unlikely but I’ll probably script it out to soothe my mind
Song: Stuff is Way
Character(s)/Game Focus: Vanitas
Description: Basically the animation meme, just Vanitas lip syncing for most of it. The second voice is Xehanort. The images behind would just be various flashes of his life.
Length: 1:36 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: As much as I want to, probably not
Song: The Other Side of Paradise
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Basically just the scene where Ven walks in on Lauriam attacking Brain and decides it’s a good time to confess to murder. The first two lines are just Ven lip syncing. Then Lauriam attacks for the next line two lines. Darkness leaves Ventus on “caught up in a grip when we where us”. “Fingers in a fist like you might run” is Lauriam tightening his fist around his Keyblade. And the last three lines are a shot of Darkness, and shot of the NULs, and then a shot of the two standing across from each other.
I could’ve sworn I had this scripted out somewhere but I searched all my google accounts and nothing… must’ve been on paper.
Length: 1:01 (3:39-4:40)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, this one is very vivid in my mind, but its been around for years, and I still haven't touched it so...
Song: I can Go the Distance
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Purely headcanon based on how I feel Ven’s character might go in the future. Basically about Ven (Post-KH3) going out and trying to find out more about his past. Find the friends from his dream. One of the ones he mentioned he had while while within Sora (“these people I didn’t recognize and weird animal creatures” which I assume are the NULs and Chirithies/Spirits). Mostly just him singing to himself around the Land of Departure (then other worlds he’s exploring during the second half of the song). Herc’s mom and dad are Aqua and Terra.
Length: 3:03 (Full Scene)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Depends on how whether or not Ven actually goes looking
Song: I’m not Fine
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Just UX Ven vibes really, I try not to think too much about it since I’ll never be able to go forward with it.
Length: 3:29 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, the artist prefers you don’t animate their songs without permission
Song: And the Day Goes On
Character(s)/Game Focus: Xion
Description: The song is kinda goofy and nonsensical but I think it actually really works with Xion's story. The first verse is her normal, missions and some identity issues thrown in for fun. The second is her going to Castle Oblivion. The first chorus is the trio at the clocktower. The third verse is the stuff with Naminé, DiZ, and Riku. The second chorus is her going back and fighting Roxas. The post chorus is her dying and returning to Sora. And the rest of the song is post KH3, just hanging out with her pals (and Isa lol).
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:12 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Mayhaps, this one is one of my favourite non-UX ideas
Song: Graveyard
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Basically Ven's journey through BBS. This one would have the lyrics on screen. The chorus would be the pretty much the same every time. The majority of the chorus would be a looping run animation. The "they say" and "to the graveyard" parts being the variables. For the former the character to the side of the text 'speaking' changes each time and the later the location Ven ends up is different each time. Everything post "it's funny how the warning signs can feel like they're butterflies" is BBS' final battle.
Length: 3:13 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, I don't think so
Song: Don’t do Sadness/Blue Wind
Character(s)/Game Focus: Lauriam and Strelitzia
Description: Lauriam after realizing Strelitzia is dead and singing down the streets about how he doesn’t have time to be sad, he has to be strong and stuff. Strelitzia’s ghost follows him trying to help him feel his emotions. Then at the end he cries and Strelitzia disappears.
Length: 1:12 (3:53-5:05)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes, as an animatic, I actually tried to start it a few years ago (here) but if it do finish it I’ll remake it
Song: Revolution
Character(s)/Game Focus: Marluxia
Description: Marluxia in Castle Oblivion having some flashbacks because of Sora and Naminé and stuff.
Script Link
Length: 0:22 (1:21-1:43)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably not, its just old and I don't really feel like it anymore
Song: Empty Crown
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ava
Description: Ava during the Keyblade War right as Kingdom Hearts is summoned.
Script Link
Length: 0:26 (3:08-3:34)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: It’s done actually, here
Song: The Valley
Character(s)/Game Focus: Franchise Wide
Description: This one covers so much in a kinda disjointed way, if it described it here it’d be like twice the length of the others. I’d recommend just reading the script.
Script Link
Length: 2:57 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: It’s up on YouTube as an open MAP (here)
Song: Crazy
Character(s)/Game Focus: Luxu/Xigbar
Description: The first verse is mostly just shots of Luxu on the hill reminiscing about what MoM told him before sending him off, then the chorus is him still on the hill singing to No Name. The second verse and chorus is the scene where Ava confronts him. The “my hero’s had the heart to lose the lives I wanna live” to “ever since I was little x2 it looked like fun” is the Forteller’s in Keyblade War and flashbacks to Luxu felling left out and stuff. The “and it’s no coincidence I’ve come” is a transition to Xigbar. The rest of the song is the scene where Xigbar summons back the Foretellers.
Length: 2:59 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably not
Song Video: The Rain
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer
Description: So this one has been tweaked a bit. Before UX ended I was pretty positive Ephemer was gonna die, so it was originally centred around that. Now though its Ephemer in the Lifeboat, floating in the water, alone, questioning what he did wrong, why none of his friends are there. Which I think works better, honestly.
Length: 0:36 (Full Video)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, I like this one a lot and it’s quite simple but I think it may get beaten out by newer projects
Song: Youth
Character(s)/Game Focus: The NULs (Ephemer, Skuld, Brain, Ven, Lauriam)
Description: I think this song fits so well with KHUX, I like lost my mind when I made the connection. Like that whole first verse? So on the nose it hurts. The first verse, pre-chorus and chorus would focus specifically on UX, with the first verse being Ava talking about/to Ephemer, then it following Ephemer through the events of Union X. The next verse is Subject X (Skuld) having vague memories of UX. Then next the pre-chorus and chorus follows Ven through BBS. The following pre-chorus and chorus are Marluxia. And the last “pre-chorus” is Brain in Scala (I originally thought he was the founder so my original idea kinda holds up).
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 3:54 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Despite how well it works, probably not, just doesn’t ensnare me like other ideas (I say after writing a whole paragraph about it)
Song: There Right There (Gay or European)
Character(s)/Game Focus: The LowerClassmen (Eraqus, Vor, Bragi, Hermod, Urd, Xehanort)
Description: 🎶Gay or an off worlder🎶
The LowerClassmen at various points in time arguing about whether Xehanort is an off worlder or gay because as soon as he showed up Vor gaydar went off. Bragi uses advanced tactics to try and get Xehanort to admit it. And when Xehanort denies it Eraqus comes in. Also the part where Urd says “Metro, hetero, jerk” I like to imagine she’s gesturing aggressively towards Bragi, who is just staring at her confused like “I’m not even straight??” (Urd has no gaydar, fight me lol).
The script is just which character is saying what
Script Link
Length: 3:28 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably, I try to resist but this idea will win out eventually, I can feel it
UX Finale Era Ideas
You’d think there’d be more since this was one of the peaks of my hyperfixation but I actually was just writing and drawing a bunch during this time, not listening to a lot of music lol (also Neo came out and stole my attention until Christmas because I watched Tennelle and Whitney play it as they were streaming it)
I also got really stuck on making the scripts look a certain way during this time and that led to a lot of them being incomplete
Song: Blackout
Character(s)/Game Focus: UX Endgame
Description: Literally the UX Endgame, starting with Darkness knocking Ven out.
Script Link
Length: 2:11 (1:30-3:41)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Depends on how many animations I make of the same events lol
Song: Choice
Character(s)/Game Focus: UX
Description: This one, like Stuff is Way is an animation meme, semi inspired by the one Blackie Sootfur made. "Love" is Lauriam and Strelitzia since that's what their stories revolve around (different types mind you). "Brain" is, uh, well, Brain, for obvious reasons. "Heart" is Ephemer and Skuld since it was the open space and they're also besties. And "control" is Ventus since he's lowkey possessed. The rest of the meme outside of the loop is centered around Ven's whole "oops murder" plot and his and the other's reactions too it.
Script Link
Length: 0:40 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Working on it right now actually
Song: Soldier
Character(s)/Game Focus: UX Endgame
Description: Starts with Luxu and MoM talking, then some glitches on the "Ooh"s , the rest is Chi trio during the finale
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:07 (1:38-3:45)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, a lot of my ideas have very similar scenes though, so it depends on how often I animate the same events lol
Song: Warriors
Character(s)/Game Focus: The Foretellers
Description: Kinda headcannon-y at the start, which is the MoM and the Foreteller's + Luxu when they were younger. Then on the first "Here we are, don't turn away now" it turns to them while leading their Unions and stuff leading up to the war. Then there's some Keyblade War stuff in the drop.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:17 (0:00-2:17)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, I try my best to stay away from headcannon-y stuff since I already have so many canon animation ideas I need to choose between
Song: My Way (Minor Cover)
Character(s)/Game Focus: Luxu/Bragi/Braig/Xigbar
Description: This used to be very different but got a new coat of paint and breath of life once DR came out. But yeah, kinda just Luxu living his lives.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 4:37 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Either this one or one you see later (Dust Bowl Dance), I would like to do one but not both since they cover primarily the same events
Song: Mama Said
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain
Description: Brain reflecting on his UX days after arriving in Scala, looking at Ephemer's statue, then lying to Sigurd lol
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 0:29 (1:54-2:23)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Its short, its sad-ish. Giving it a solid maybe
Song: Guillotine
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer and Skuld
Description: Skuld has a nightmare and Ephemer comforts her and then does a dance to try and make her feel better
Length: 1:08 (0:00-1:08)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, I started it then got possessed by the next one and lost interest, but now that I’m looking back at it I’m definitely tempted to try again (just as an animatic tho)
Song: Safe and Sound
Character(s)/Game Focus: Chi Trio (Ephemer, Skuld, and Player)
Description: Basically just the Chi Trio's part of the UX finale again. Geez, guess that scene really got to me or something.
Script Link
Length: 1:36 (0:14-1:50)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yep, this one’s finished, but YouTube took the original version down so here’s the original version and here’s the YouTube version (I tried my best to find a cover that lined up properly but the original syncs up best)
Song: Oh Ana
Character(s)/Game Focus: Back Cover and UX
Description: The first section is MoM, the second is the Foretellers (telling the events of Backcover from Ava's perspective), the third is the NULs (telling the events post-glitches in UX).
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 1:14 (0:28-1:42)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: If I can sort out the MoM part I'd like to
Song: Bugbear
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ventus
Description: Just UX Ven vibes again, him feeling like an imposter and stuff (because he is)
Length: 2:54 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, not enough clear images and scenes in my mind
Post-ML Announcement Ideas
Less Brain centric than you’d think but I’m making this a separate section because of the way they’re scripted and the ideas behind them. I got much more lax about how the scripts look and started think more about Ephemer and Brain’s futures.
So basically a lot of “I miss my friends” kind of angst
It’s also after I started reading Dandelion Seeds so there’s definitely inspiration from that in here too
Song: Hey There Delilah
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer
Description: Ephemer after using the Lifeboat writing letters for the other Union Leaders. Each "different section of the song"hey ther Delilah" is a different letter (and point in time). The first and second ones are to Skuld. The third one I haven't decided yet. The forth is to Brain (I don't ship them, I just headcannon its a running joke between the two of them and Skuld that Eph and Brain are secretly madly in love. Skuld started it, Ephemer went with it, Brain is amused annoyed by it lol). Then "A thousand miles seems pretty far" to "and you're to blame" is just general, to everyone, just like a montage I guess, with some memories behind him. Then the last letter is to Brain when.
Length: 3:57 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, I don’t think so, the idea isn’t fleshed out enough visually, but it breaks my heart to say that
Song: King and Lionheart
Character(s)/Game Focus: The NULs
Description: This one is very inspired by Dandelion Seeds, I wrote it after getting caught up to the update it was at at the time (just know that in the script every time I'm like "NULs helping the Dandelions" or "NULs having fun" there's a scene from Dandelion Seeds playing in my head there lol).
It starts off with Ava, but then pretty much follows all the events of UX.
Script Link
Length: 3:06 (0:00-3:06)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Very likely, I love this one so much. But I know for a fact that I'm gonna get stuck on making Maleficent look right in my style (which is gonna be the biggest game of trial and error ever)
Song: Uncomfortably Numb
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain, Ava (and Luxu for like 2 seconds)
Description: A split screen animation telling both Brain and Ava's (the masculine and feminine voices respectively) stories (its only split screen during the parts they're both singing though). During the chorus where the singers are going back and forth so are the characters through space and time (not actually but you know lol). Brain's sections would take place during Missing Link, whereas Ava's are during Backcover/Chi. Ava's section alone is the scene where she confronts Luxu on the hill.
Length: 4:11 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: I don’t think so, because a) it all depends on how Missing Link goes and b) it isn’t super set in my head yet (like I might just change the all Brain stuff to Luxu)
Song: Faded
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer
Description: Ansty animatic of Ephemer looking for his friends in the wreckage of his home with all sorts of water symbolism.
Length: 3:33 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No, not enough actual images in my head just a vibe for a concept (kinda like Hey There Delilah I guess)
Song: Masterpiece Theatre III
Character(s)/Game Focus: The NULs and Luxu
Description: Start of the song to a bit after the second "I'll wreck this if I have to" is UX Ven focused. Mostly angsty stuff about him being possessed. "You get separated" to "you were a friend of mine" is Ephemer during the finale. You know the drill. Player gets 'possessed' and killed, oof. Alternitively if we get a bit headcannon-y it can be after UX and him rebuilding Scala, the "You were a friend of mine" referring to a possessed Brain. All the "'cause they don't know you like I do"s are Brain in Scala. Super angry rock part is Subject X/Skuld being upset about the scientists and being unable to return to the world she sees so vaguely in her memories. Then it slows down and turns to Marluxia until the last "getting better in the worst way". After which it switches to Luxu.
Length: 6:41 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: HAHAHAH NO. Way too long and not vivid enough for some characters. I’m sorry lol
Song: We are Stars
Character(s)/Game Focus: Sora and Riku
Description: Very stylized PMV. With black and white silhouettes and funky transitions. Not very specific scene-wise but references DDD the most. I don’t know how to explain it without just saying the script so, like, check out the script if your interest is piqued lol
Script Link
Length: 0:10 (0:21-0:31)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yeah, I was thinking about making it in PowerPoint
Song: Ocean Eyes
Character(s)/Game Focus: Stelitzia
Description: Basically Strelitzia’s little intro thing she has. She sees Player get ditched by Ephemer, low key stalks Player, gets told she’s a Union Leader, needs to know whether Player is a Dandelion if a war is coming, gets murdered. All to some chill music.
Script Link
Length: 1:06 (0:00-0:42 and 2:42-3:16)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Kinda working on it now? Have a few frames done but no storyboard yet
Song: Eyes Blue X Heather
Character(s)/Game Focus: Ephemer and Brain
Description: First chorus is an older Ephemer remembering his friends and being upset that he just can't seem to remember their eye colours. Then it switches to UX Ephemer and continues to focus on him until "you played", where it switches to both him and Brain (the scene where Brain gives him the book and his keyblade). "Jack and Rose" it switches to split screen of them both at the computers at their respective versions of Daybreak Town. "But you sunk only you froze", Brain's side of the screen consumes Ephemer's as Luxu approaches him. "'Cause you gave her your sweater", Brin spins around and tries to summon his keyblade but can't. Black screen. Then the rest of the verses are Ephemer in the wreckage of his home and the last chorus is Brain arriving in Scala.
Length: 0:54 (0:00-0:54)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Ughhhhh, so tempted, but I don't think so, but I want to
Song: Lauren’s Interlude
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain and Ava
Description: Ava writes Brain a letter telling him that she has decided to fight in the Keyblade War.
Script Link
Length: 1:13 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yep this one is made and up on my YouTube channel (here)
Song: Change your Mind (but a cover)
Character(s)/Game Focus: Isa, Xion
Description: Post-KH3 Isa singing this to Xion telling her that its okay if she doesn't want to forgive him and that he's willing to reconcile for his past actions, but if at any point she wants to actually get to know him, Isa not Saïx, she can.
Length: 0:55 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yeah, eventually
Song: Homeward Bound/Home
Character(s)/Game Focus: The NULs
Description: Similar to King and Lionheart just even more from the NULs perspective (and giving more focus to each NUL individually... except Brain... RIP lol)
Script Link
Length: 4:17 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yep, this one I’m working on making an animatic of right now
Post-DR Update Ideas
Biggest difference here is that now Baldr is here and Bragi exists so we have them now lol
Song: Dust Bowl Dance
Character(s)/Game Focus: Luxu/Bragi/Braig/Xigbar
Description: Starts with Xigbar reminiscing a little in the Keyblade Graveyard post-KH3 ("the young man sits on the edge of his porch" to "given all it could yield"). Then does a full on flashback to UX, starting with MoM sending him off and ending with his confrontation with Ava, for "I've been kicked off my land" to "this same kind of remorse". The first chrous is him during the UX finale and possessing Brain. "Well you are my accuser" to the first "I am the only son" is Bragi getting threatened by Baldr then uno reversing him. The next two choruses are Braig and Xigbar stuff, all the way up until the end of KH3. Then the goes out of the flashbacks to where we left off in the first scene. He finds No Name summons and back the Foretellers.
Length: 4:44 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Like I said earlier either this one or My Way, but not both, they're too similar (but if I’m honest I lean towards this one)
Character(s)/Game Focus: Baldr
Description: Alright, first things first, this is another animation meme, please watch it first to properly understand my passion and description.
K. You back? I watched this meme once and had a vision.
The falling parts show Baldr’s victims at the point in time the animation is showing. The fact that that gives me a chance to do the sickest transition ever with Baldr summoning his keyblade and slashing his victims, turning them into the blood on his face. Ahhhhhh! The way I can end it with Baldr begging for his life and Xehanort being the one to say the last “I don’t really care now” thereby paralleling them and foreshadowing Xehanort’s future crimes. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
I wanna ramble more but I don’t have any more words in me, just screaming.
If you only read one script please let it be this one I’m so happy with/proud of this idea (in case you couldn’t tell lol)
Script Link
Length: 0:54 (1:14-2:08)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes. Yes. 100 times, yes. I love this idea. I love they way it looks in my head. I just need to get a bit better at humans, and angles, and editing first
Song: Fine, Great
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain
Description: Brain is having a TIME in Scala. Starts off with a bit of PTSD. Then some sitting at a board meeting where some people are complaining about the government (they want him to take over). Then Player shows up. Then I need to wait for ML to come out and fill in some blanks for me. Then it ends with Brain and Player being friends and having a conversation.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:32 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Depends on how Missing Link goes (need it to fill some of my ideas out more)
Song: Hell of a Ride
Character(s)/Game Focus: MoM
Description: Literally just Brain watching MoM (on his computer) singing about the NULs with little pictures of events behind him then it glitches at the end. Mostly a joke but it lives within me rent free.
Length: 0:15 (1:34-1:49)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably, it’s short enough
Song: When the Lights Go Out
Character(s)/Game Focus: UX Endgame
Description: Very slow dramatic retelling of the UX finale, starting with the big glitches in the sky right before Wreck it Ralph that turns to a very quick, still dramatic, retelling of each of the NULs lives afterwards that I need to edit in the script (the way its written there no longer lines up with the way it looks in my head) at the big final bit.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:46 (1:47-4:33)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes, I made it simple enough up until the end that I should be able to actually finish it despite the length… but I might make it into a MAP instead if I can get enough attention from other artists for my sanity’s sake
Song: Love Don’t Go
Character(s)/Game Focus: DR
Description: Speaking of dramatic retellings. Lets change it up a little and do Dark Road this time. This ones a bit Baldr centric but it does have a decent amount of focus on what the other two active parties are doing as well.
Also in the script I say "V Gang" that's what I call Vidar, Vala, and Vali (and usually Vor but not in this case) as a group. Since, like... all their names start with V... and they work together... I dunno man lol
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:32 (0:00-2:32)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Not alone, way too animated in my brain to actually reasonably expect to finish it all by myself, even as an animatic. But I do also love it dearly
Song: Are You Satisfied
Character(s)/Game Focus: Intended NULs (Everyone minus Ven but including Strelitzia)
Description: First half of the song is Strelitzia being told she's meant to be a Union Leader, Ephemer living his life, and Brain having to deal with actually being a Union Leader + the end of UX. The second half is Skuld as Subject X, Marluxia, wrapping up with Strelitzia again, now finding Sora in Quadratum.
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 3:19 (Full Song)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Maybe, but if I do I'll probably shorten it to just Ephemer and Brain's sections
Song: Goodbye to a World
Character(s)/Game Focus: Player and Ephemer
Description: Here I go again with the scene where Ephemer kills Player. There's a little more to it this time though, I swear. This one has a little bit more of "Ephemer built a future for his friend" flare!
Script Link
Length: 0:30 (1:44-2:14)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yep, this one’s a WIP, I’m super close to finishing it (the YouTube WIP is old) but the Scala Fountain is making me procrastinate lol
Song: Skyfall
Character(s)/Game Focus: Chi Trio
Description: A really dramatic and slow animation depicting Player's sacrifice and the events before it
Length: 2:00 (0:00-2:00)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Probably not, I already have so many animations I want to do more with that one scene, and this one is looong
Song: Don’t Tell Your WIFE About This Game!
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain
Description: Nope, this isn’t a joke, hear me out. The… drop?? meltdown?? of this song just really gives me Brain vibes, and a very specific image in my mind. I mean “you refuse to look at the guide ‘cause you think you’re way too smart”, this kid literally had the Book of Prophecies this whole time, and I mean sure, it was probably a trap but he didn’t exactly know that. And the whole video game motif fitting right in with data world stuff? Eating it up. Giving Brain a non-cannon breakdown moment? Necessary for that emotional high note (but also Brain should get to have a canon one *preemptively does vaguely threatening gestures towards ML*).
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 0:40 (2:21-3:01)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Yes, I was thinking this could be my project once we get a proper release date for ML (so I could release it the day it comes out)
Song: It’s about Time
Character(s)/Game Focus: Skuld
Description: This one covers all of Skuld’s story we know so far, minus the Subject X stuff (yes my money is still on her, thanks), with a twist. The song talks about being on a tightrope so why not put her on one. Like, she’s been through some pretty precarious situations. It’s symbolic. Also the I’d cut the song right through the middle. RIP first chorus and second verse, you didn’t fit in my vision.
Oh also this one has concept art
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Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 2:44 (0:00-1:07 and 2:09-3:46)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: No clue, the concept art might’ve scratched my itch, but I also think it’s a fun idea, but I think all of these are fun so…
Song: Moonsickness
Character(s)/Game Focus: Brain
Description: Brain is upset with the way history is so muddled in Scala, has a flashback, then yells at the government
Script Link (Incomplete)
Length: 1:38 (3:52-5:14)
Do I plan on actually making it some day?: Depends on how much Missing Link fits into my current headcannons
Whoo! That’s all of them
Or, well… most of them… the ones I felt were worth mentioning.
Is this a cry for help? Definitely. Maybe.
Seriously though, thank you for getting this far into the post. Even if you didn’t read and/or listen to everything (I get it, it really is a lot). This took forever and I hope you found some enjoyment from it.
And hey, if any of these sparked your interest let me know. DM me, tell me in tags, what have you. I’d love to hear feedback
Especially if you were inspired enough to want to do a collab or have ideas for blank spots in scripts (I’ll love you forever if you want to help me /p /hj) .
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misguidedasgardian · 3 years
Ours III
Hell had no wrath like a grandfather in a vendetta
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Chapter summary: they never stood a chance do they? Nothing would
Pairing: MobBoss!Steve Rogers x ItalianMobGrandaughter!FemReader x MobBoss! Bucky Barnes
Chapter Warnings: a bit of derogatory slurs (yankee, and the sort), mafia violence, graphic violence, death of multiple characters (violents ones), hint at torture and cock snappings, mention of past abue, cursing, shootings, use of guns, hints of use of torture.
+18 please. MINORS DNI
There are a lot of "cuts" but only because I wanted to show that there are situations happening at the same time.
Word Count (Chapter): 4.4k
Notes: What started as a angsty one shot ended in this full three chapter vendetta, and I loved it!!! and I think it is very needed! muahaha, enjoy this last chapter of this trilogy, and I had to fight against the need to leave a cliffhanger, we deserve closure, enjoy sweethearts!
“She is probably pregnant” muttered Bucky, looking out the window in his friend’s office “Are we going to let her go with our child in her belly?”
“She is not going anywhere” said Steve, “We are waging this war and winning, and we´ll fuck her over her nonno´s dead body” he said mockingly
“I'm not into that” said Bucky, smiling widely, but his smiled dissipated, “He killed Stark, his resources and alliances are dead with him, his gangsters are spreading like herpes through the city, not wanting to follow anyone, they have gone rogue”
“I’m aware” he said, his mouth clenched, “But we have her…”
“You said we are not going to let her go”
“No, we are going to tell that son of a bitch that if he doesn’t take the next transatlantic back to Europe we’ll kill her”
“Steve, we want her alive” he said with urgency
“But he doesn’t need to know that” he responded, putting his feet over his desk, “We have to meet with him”
“But how do we reach him?”
“Trough that traitor, Thor” responded easily, “He must know where he is, or at least, how to contact him”
“He could have never pulled the murder of Stark without the Northmen” he thought outloud
“They were brothers in the war” reminded Steve, “You better that anyone must know how deep that bond runs”
“Yes I know” he responded
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They met again in Odin’s home, all your grandfather’s men were there, waiting for their command, just as the Northmen. It became a great force, a big family, a force to be reckoned with.
But in his study, there was only Thor, Loki, Césare, Ikaris and Druig
“No” said Ikaris, “this is a bad idea, a single shot and we’re done!” He said, pointing at Thor, menacing,
“They are desperate” muttered your Nonno, “We have reached the point in which they want to negotiate, probably threaten” he apsed around the room, thinking, meditating, calculating
“Can you secure the place of the meeting?” He relented, speaking to Thor and Loki, “I don’t want my uncle getting sniped”
“Yeah, sure we can” responded Thor, “The docks haven’t been taken yet after the death of Stark, so is basically a dead zone”
“Good” sai your grandfather, “It’s almost poetic”
“We will get her back” said Thor firmly, “But I have to ask, what are you willing to give to recuperate her?”
“I believe that walking off with their lives is enough, isn’t it?”
As soon as your grandfather were alone with his most trusted men, your cousins, he spoke freely
“While this fuckers are here meeting with us, a small group shall enter their house and rescue my grandaughter”
“I’ll go” answered Druig, “She and I used to play together as children, she’ll trust me the most”
“I agree” he said strongly, “And as soon you call me and let me know you have her, I fuck them up” his men smiled and nodded, liking the idea, liking their plan, “But if things go south in here, Druig, you’ll grab her, and take right to the airport and then to Italy, you won’t look back, you hear me?” he nodded firmly, “She and you both walk out, I come after, you understand me?” he asked, looking at Ikaris as well, and both nodded again, “You take her home”
“Let’s do this” said Ikaris, “We’ll save our cousin and take her back home, no matter the cost”
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They left
You saw the cars drive away, filled with their goons
This was it, this was your chance.
You had been learning the comings and goings of his guards, and by now you had learned it to perfection, so this was the time to try to take a run for it. You adjusted the boots you found in an old closet and you were ready to jump off the building, literally, you slid down the pipe that came from the roof, and slid down until your feet touched the grass of the backyard lawn.
You ran, taking advantage of the goon’s blinding spot as they turned the corner. and you went ahead and jumped over a stone wall that led to a side hallway, open that went around the house. That stone hallway led to the side entrance of the house, your best chance of leaving and disappearing through the other houses. But as you were becoming ready to start running like hell, you encountered someone you never thought you’d see there
“Peter?” Your former fiancé was just standing there, looking at you like you were some sort of ghost
“What are you doing?” Oh you knew that look, he was about to cry or something, you saw his hand shake, dangerously close to the holster where he had his gun
“I’m getting the fuck away from here” you growled
“Your grandfather killed Tony” shit, you cursed, he was like a father to Peter, this was not going to go unpunished, maybe this is what it took to Peter to become that blood thirsty mobster you knew he could be
“Why?” You asked softly
“He wants you back, and he did it to send a message”
“I’m sorry Peter, I know you loved him” but you didn’t really meant it, if your grandma father had killed him maybe it was because he had to do with what happened to you
“This all happened because of you!” He yelled, he became upset really quickly, you draw a sharp breath, he was going to get the attention of the guards, or he was going to snap and shoot you, you didn’t know which one was worse
“Peter…” you called, “You let them rape me in our wedding night!” you yelled, your anger seeping in
“You knew I had no choice”
“You always had a choice, as probably Tony did, you know they would have never done that to me, to us, without him knowing, we are at his house!” you tried to make him see Tony was just as rotten as Steve and Bucky, but it wasn’t a easy task
“He didn’t know” he said
“Peter, come on, he was your godfather” you said softly, “He must have, when we married I became his goddaughter as well”
“So you are justifying his death?” now you fucked up, as fast as you saw him, he took out his gun, “That’s it, you are going back to the house”
“No” you saw trebling, genuinely scared, “I won’t go back there”
“They’ll kill us both” he said firmly, “If you don’t…”
“I’d rather receive a bullet than their cocks” you said firmly, and he winced, “I won’t go back”
“You will” he said as he pointed the gun at you, and you knew then and there, he wasn't going to be that sweet kid you knew ever again
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They meet in a huge and abandoned warehouse by the docks, it was fitting, since this terrains where the reason they had traded you in the first place
Your grandfather paced slowly through the big open space, he was calm, he needed to be in this kind of business, never lose control, that was one of the first rules, and either way, he was way too old to have any fear left in him.
Cars’ tires screeched outside on the dirt road. as he counted, let just say, with 4 men in each, he was counting around 16 men, including both mob lords, it was going to be even easier than he thought. The mobsters just walked in the Warehouse, two walking in front of them, separating from the group and standing right in the middle of the open space.
“Finally we meet '' said Steve, his and Bucky's presence taking authority. But your nonno knew better, it was all bells and whistles.
“You’re going to wish we never did” Césare said firmly
“Let’s don’t...” said Bucky, is hands in his pockets in a relaxed manner, in his face a mocking grin, “But let’s get to the chase”
“Yes, you have my grandaughter,” he said
“That sweet little thing” his thick brooklyn accent made your grandfather wince, “We are enjoying her…”
“Well, I think amateur hour is over” he said, “By taking her you got involved into a true mobster’s affairs ” that sole frase made them both burn with rage
“You must be confused old man” said Bucky, “You are in America now, we do thing different in here”
“I agree, we would never rape a woman” he said, “We would never disrespect a young girl who had nothing to do with us, specially if she just married a young protegé” he said, firmly, “Let’s just talk bussiness getlemen, I don’t have much time
“We agree” said Steve, “Let’s cut to the chase”
“Give me my grandaughter” he said, “And I will leave here, go back to my home, and we can put this all behind us”
“We were going to suggest something similar” said Bucky, “You get the fuck out of our territory, and we don’t kill that sweet thing” if looks could kill, they’ll be 6 fet under right now, “We have the higher groudn, you are not in your territory, you are in a foreign country, you are not going to win this” he seemed to think about it
“So I should just leave her here to keep being abused by you both?” he asked
“You leave now and you and her get to live” responded Steve, “We have her, we have men in the house just feet away from her, one phone call and they’ll get a bullet in between those pretty eyes of hers.” Wait, he just needed to wait and stall, until he got the all clear from Druig, they were right, they had 14 men besides themselves and any of them could make that phone call and you were going to be lost
“I’m sure we can get to a middle ground” he said, fixing his jacket
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“Get the fuck away from her” you whimpered, relieved, when you saw your nonno’s man behind Peter, pointing his Glock at the back of his head. Peter just raised his hands, surrendering, his eyes never leaving yours, but in a second, he fell, unconscious. Your nonno’s man had knocked him up in the head, and you felt you could finally breathe
“Druig?” you called, and the man you haven't seen in ten years returned the look, and walked hastily towards you
He held you tight in a warm hug, and you felt him breathe lightly, like he was relieved
“We were on our way in!” he said hastily, releasing you and engaging your face in his hands to take a good look of you, “God you are, physically fine, I’m so glad”
“Thank you” you cried, and he hugged you again. You barely remembered him, but he was one of your cousins, you remembered playing with him in your grandfather's lawn
“We need to go, now” he said, and you just nodded. But before you could flee, he looked at Peter, still on the ground
“I’m not going to kill him” he said, enraged, “He wants him alive” you just nodded, and you let yourself be guided by him, out of the mansion’s grounds and out of their reach. He got you into a black SUV, and you could already breathe in more freely, but still you felt you wee within their reach
“Relax” Druig said softly, “You are safe” you nodded and tried to relax, but still, the car didn’t move. behind ruig you could see two men dragging Pete into another SUV that was behind you
“Your nonno wants to deal with him personally” he said firly, and you already know what that meant.
You didn’t get to relax at all, because several men with shotguns ran towards your caravan of three cars, and without even asking they started shooting. The car jumped to life and tried to take you all away from there. As Druig took off his arm with his own gun and shot against the men that followed Steve’s orders, to cover for your driver so he would be able to drive away.
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“But we were going to need some insurance” responded Bucky, “You’ll have to leave your men hee, so we make sure that you won’t come back. This was an insult, to him and to you
And then his phone rang, he took it and looked at it, and it was just a text from Druig, giving him what he needed, the all clear
“I have a new deal, gentleman” he said, looking back at them again, with a sly smile
“And what would that be, old man?” Steve mocked. Your nonno only raised both his hands, and men showed up, the Northmen and his men, all of them with guns in their hands
“pagheranno per quello che hanno fatto”
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Under your beggin, and only when Druig got Ikaris’ confirmation, he told the driver to go towards the docks, you wanted to see them on their knees, you wanted to see your grandfather and see this through, you wanted them to see them suffer a sicilian mob’s death
“He is not going to like this” Druig muttered, “We should be in our way to the airport”
“I want to see them” you said firmly
“Very well, and it's good to know you know how to boss around your men” he said, smiling softly. you smiled back
“It’s in my blood” you said firmly
As soon as the car stopped in front of the warehouse the night had fallen over all your heads, but you jumped off the car and ran into the building. And what you found there didn’t surprise you at all.
Bodies were everywhere on the ground, and right in the middle, there they were, both tied up with heavy chains into metal chairs. And standing tall, your grandfather, amongst a group of his men. You haven't seen him in almost ten years, but you’d recognize him anywhere, he looked just the same, like no time had passed
You ran towards your grandfather and he hugged you tightly against his chest
“My sweet sweet girl” he whispered against your hair
“Nono, mi sei mancato molto” you said
“e ti amo nipote mía” he responded, and he let you go softly, you finally turned towards them, “You brought her here?” he asked Druig, outraged
“She wanted to” he muttered, you took slow steps towards both men, that where chained into two chairs, both beaten up, but they where weirdly smiling
“I want to watch” you said, your voice shaking, Both Bucky´s and Steve´s looks were on you
“No” Your grandfather stood in front of you, shielding you from them, “They had your body, they won't have your soul also” he said firmly, “Don´t watch my sweet girl, you are still an innocent'' Your eyes filled with tears, but you nodded. He signaled Druig to accompany you. He took your arm softly and led you out of the warehouse, but before you could be out of ear’s reach, you heard something that made your blood ran cold
“Tell me something doll, before you leave” you stopped walking, fearful, not wanting to hear more filthy words coming from him, “Are you pregnant?” asked Bucky, with his dark, mocking voice, “We deserve to know”
You’ve been a month with them, and they were right, you were late, and that scared you to death. But like life was breathed into you, Druig put his hand in your lower back, helping you to keep walking, and getting away from them
“Answer us!” yelled Steve, but soon you heard a thump, and then a pained moan, you’ll never answer them, they didn’t deserve to know anything
When he knew you were out of the warehouse, and relatively safe, he turned around to meet them both
“She is ours” laughed Bucky, “We marked her, she will never forget what we did to her”
“She is Carrara Marble” he said, despicably “You can try to do whatever you want, shape her, mold her, taint her with markings, but you can't truly break her, you can't ruin her, at the end of the day, she will remain beautiful and strong, grand, unlike you” Steve spitted a mixture of saliva and blood over his feet, “You will melt, like plastic” he said signaling the huge warehouse they were in
“She is pregnant” said Steve, “She will always remember us, everytime she looks at our baby…” your nonno only growled
“Well they should be… tortured for months until their are beggin for their deaths, but…” he said, almost bored, ignoring them completly, “We don’t have much time, I want to go back home” He wouldn’t even answer them.
“Yes, but we can still make them hurt until they burn” Ikaris said, taking from a table a silver pair of tweezers
“I’m more a fan of the pinza di castrazione” said Druig, “The one we use on the bulls”
“Yeah, I agree” said Ikaris, smiling widely
“Get the fuck away from me!” yelled Bucky
“Don’t you dare come near me!” yelled Steve, “You don’t know what the fuck you are doing, you are never leaving the United States alive”
“I think this one still doesn’t know how everything went down” said Ikaris, “It might be confusing, to realise you lost your unstable kingdom”
At this time, two men, alongside Thor and Loki showed up, dragging Peter into the warehouse, and dropped him right in front of them
“This is the responsible of all this madness” said Loki, looking at the still unconscious man
“I agree” responded Césare
“Take him” said Steve, “He is the responsible one” now he was just desperate
“You are not coming out of this alive” said Ikaris, “None of you are”
“Let’s begin” he sentenced, an he walked back and let his men torture Steve and Bucky, using special tweezers to remove…
He had to admit he winced when he heard their screams, bouncing of the walls of the warehouse, curses and screams resounding in the space that turned smaller and smaller, filled with screams and blood
“The kid” he said, his eyes burning with disdain, “You know what we do to snitches and traitors” he said, with his hand, and with his index and middle finger made a “snipping” sign.
You saw your grandfather walk out of the warehouse and towards your car, being followed closely behind by his men. Flames started to grow behind them, making everything glow with orange and yellow light in the dark night. At some point, it escalated through the walls and into the roof, making you believe he was coming out of hell itself.
He got right next to you into the car. And you couldn’t wait any longer and you hugged him tightly, and he engulfed you into his arms, as he caressed your hair, and your back
“I should have brought you home when your mamma was gone, nipotina” he said into your hair, as his arms held you tightly, “Would you ever forgive me? I'll spend the rest of my wicked life trying to make it up to you” you nodded in his chest, and he kissed the crown of your head, “Where do you want to go?” he asked, “tell me and I will take you, far away from here”
“I want to go home” you said softly, “With you, to Italy”
“Your wishes are my command”
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1.8 years later.
The midday sun shines brightly over your head, it's rays drawing shapes in the calm lake in front of the house. A soft breeze made it bearable to be outside, enjoying the beautiful day at the edge of the Como lake
“Come here” with open arms you received your daughter in your arms, who had just become a toddler as she gave her wobbly first steps, “My sweet sweet girl” you praised, kissing her on her chubby cheeks. She giggled when you did, hugging your neck with her tiny arms.
“Mamma!” she giggled, and the sound brought you joy, warming your chest with love
“Ti amo tanto” you whispered into her soft hair, arranged in a cute updo, leaving a small palm tree-like lock of hair in the top of her beautiful head
“Mamma!” she giggled again, that being one of the two words she had learned yet
“You are a mama's girl aren't you?” you asked
"Ti" she said
“There you are my girls” you turned softly to see your grandfather coming to join you in the backyard, “This is a beautiful day” he celebrated, “can't believe she turned 1 last week”
“And she is walking now” you say, taking foot with your daughter in your arms, walking towards him
“It’s lunchtime” you nodded and went inside the house by his side, where you met the rest of your family, your aunt Ajak, and his children, and their spouses. You were a big family, and you loved it, always a noisy, big house, filled with laughter.
You grandpa took seat at the head of the table, and you by his right side with your daughter in your lap
“Cousin!” Called Phastos, “want lasagna?”
“You are insulting me if you had to ask” you giggled, trying to accommodate you daughter in you leg, seeing you struggle, you aunt Thena that was right next to you grab her in her arms
“She is the sweetest little girl” said Kingo and you just smiled, “I would have 4 of them, only if they were as cute as her”
“I agree, but we are good with only her” said Druig, but everyone booed him and Makkari, his girlfriend just smiled
"Well, we want one!” Ikaris laughed, grabbing Sersi’s hand who nodded
Your chest just fluttered with warmth, by the love of your family, your daughter giggled in her aunt’s arms, and you knew all the persons in there loved her as much as you did, here you had a family that would kill and die for you, and that’s exactly what you need-
“We are ready to receive our guests from New York tomorrow” a sudden fear took hold of you, and you looked to your grandfather looking for answers, “My friend Odin is visiting with both his sons” you breathed a little more easily.
Nothing will be able to touch you here, you were safe, with your cousins and uncles, and your grandfather
. . .
“Isn't she a looker?” he asked proudly, as he bounce his leg and the new toddler giggled with an adorable one teeth smile, “Just like her mamma”
“She is a cutie” agreed Odin, as he took a sip of that italian wine coming from the vineyard your grandfather owned. He looked around, enjoying the view, “I think they like each other” he said softly, they both shared smiles
“I do believe that” he responded, “But if your son wants my grandaughter, he can court her here, under my watchful eye” he said firmly, as Odin smiled and looked at the lake´s shore, where you walked along his son
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Post chapter notes: yeah I said “son of Odin” reader´s choice if it is Thor or Loki. So she gets a happy ending, safe and protected in her lake-mansion, with her grandfather and family, his love interest and her adorable daughter, (And I promised you she never thought of them while looking at her) And without the need of ever working because she is inheriting her grandfather´s mob fortune YEAHHH FOR USSS
Taglist! @local-witch-of-mn @thedarkplume @lokisimps4dayz @connie326 @inlovewithhisblueeyes @brownlee-22 @emmywinningengineer @tryingtosurvivestuff @majo240820 @vicmc624 @cjand10 @johndeaconshands @few-proud-emotonal @candy3002 @local-witch-of-mn @leosandbuckysgirl
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versadies · 3 years
Hello!! Can I request a song fic of that Scaramouche concept you thought of(if that is allowed)?? Sorry if this seems messy, You can ignore this if you want. The song can be any of your choosing, but if it required to choose a song, then the song can be "Alec Benjamin - Let Me Down Slowly". Thanks in advance!!
down slowly (songfic)
penpal: omg i honestly didn’t expect someone to request this 😳😳😳 hope you like this!!
pairing/s: scaramouche x gn!reader (reader knows how to sing)
sypnosis: an au where the reader was the original 6th harbinger and the calm, intelligent scaramouche was their right hand man. a tale of how he becomes the scaramouche we know of after a tragic incident that happened to the reader.
warning/s: death, violence, ooc!scaramouche (he's not going to act like the canon one)
song: let me down slowly by alec benjamin
note: scaramouche's role for you is basically like sara to baal but there's romance between the two of you (your age in here is the same as scaramouche's). take note that anything related to scaramouche’s past here is not canon to the actual lore.
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this night is cold in the kingdom i can feel you fade away
it was in inazuma when he met you, beating all the fatui agents thinking that they were going to beat you, a "helpless" person.
your cold eyes was the first thing he laid eyes on when he looks up at you.
"and who you may be?" you asked, staring at the man in disgust as you stand up from the ground and pat your outfit. "you must be bold enough to beat down ten fatui agents in front of a harbinger."
while others would've been peeing their pants at the sight of your presence alone, he stared at you as though you're the most divine thing.
you scoffed at his silence. "can't talk buddy?" you asked, causing him to blink a few times before standing up quickly and bow down. "apologies, i-i thought they were going to-"
"fight me? please, if anything they're going to be the ones getting beaten down by me." you cut him off, glancing at the unconscious agents with a sigh, not noticing how scaramouche felt his mouth twitch upward a bit from your comment.
"though i must say, the way you fought them is impressive- even without using your vision and all." you said blankly, adjusting your hat.
"....i beg your pardon?" he asks, causing you to roll your eyes. "do i have to repeat myself? it's not everyday that you have a harbinger praising your skills."
before scaramouche could say anything, you immediately interrupted again, looking at him as though you thought of an incredible idea.
"say.. why don't you join the fatui?"
from the kitchen to the bathroom sink and your steps keep me awake
the man then found himself being a part of the fatui. if there's one thing that makes the fatui less sufferable for scaramouche: it was you, the 6th harbinger of the fatui, the balladeer.
although he had to go through extreme measures to get to his position as the right-hand man, it was worth it being able to be by your side. even if he has to listen to you yelling and cursing at your subordinates all day, it was worth it.
your reputation among the fatui is truly something scaramouche looks up to, the cunning-intelligent individual who can turn the skies to purple and struck opponents down with lightning. not only were you one of the most intelligent but also one of the most powerful harbingers that teyvat has ever seen.
and no, he doesn't care about the fact that you're the most disliked harbinger. to him, you're his savior and the only person he could spend an eternity with.
besides, you brought him something worth living for.
it was the cold atmosphere he felt when you first praised him as a fatui member.
"how are the recruits while i was away?" you asked, walking around the hallways of the zapolyarny palace with scaramouche following behind, making pace with you. "they've been to their assigned positions and i assigned a few of the subordinates to supervise them."
"good." you then stood in front of the doors of where the tsaritsa resides, fixing yourself before taking a deep breath. "you may start preparing our next mission. i'll be back in my office shortly once i'm done talking to the tsaritsa."
he bows. "understood, my lord/lady."
"i'll see you then, scarmouche. keep up with the good work."
don't cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste i once was a man with dignity and grace
although he was living the dream of being your right-hand man, he often seen people talking about him behind his back. it doesn't bother him, really, but sometimes it gets irritating whenever one mentions your name for such a pathetic conversation.
however, he would never expect a fatui agent to push him off the cliff in the cold embrace of snezhnaya's winter with no sign of coming back. all of this because of how envy the agent is of you "favoring" scaramouche.
it was a miracle that he survived (with major injuries of course) - though, he was astounded that the fatui agent didn't think of taking him to a higher cliff to instantly kill him.
if only he had a pyro vision to keep him warm.
given the circumstances, scaramouche would most likely die from hypothermia if not blood loss. he didn't think this is how he'd died. he thought he'll die from protecting you, or even from old age. but no, he had to die in a pathetic cold way.
it felt like hours, days even. the pain was killing him slowly as he stares at the sky.
however, when he heard familiar footsteps coming nearby followed by a familiar voice calling out his name, he felt relieved, finally allowing himself to embrace the comfort of slumber.
he heard the sounds of your humming when he woke up.
you stopped humming, watching as he slowly wakes up from his slumber. "oh good, you're awake." you spoke up, a dull expression on your face was plastered. "and here i thought i was going to waste my time waiting for my right-hand man to wake up."
"how... how did i get here?" he asked, voice hoarse. you sigh in response, leaning against the chair more. "i was the one who found you. one of my cicin mages reported me that a stupid agent recklessly boasted about how he left you in the middle of nowhere while being injured and can become the next right-hand man." you answered.
his breath hitches at your response. you decided to go through snezhnaya just to look for him?
if scaramouche wasn't in love back then, he's head-over-heels for you now.
"don't think i actually had to drop my responsibilities for you. the fatui agent killed himself before we could get any information on him, so i let my most trustworthy agents to search for you but didn't find you at all. i had to find you myself instead." you said, as if you read his mind. "besides, you didn't die and you didn't deserve what you went through."
he watched as you stood up from your seat. "i'll be taking my leave given that you look okay." you then snap your fingers, gesturing the nurse behind you to treat him. "take your time in healing. just come back to my office when you're okay enough to work."
before scaramouche could say anything, you already left the room, leaving him alone with the nurse.
although he felt flattered that you went around the nation to look for him, all he could think about was how you must've been disappointed that he's weak enough to be killed by a fatui agent.
now I'm slippin' through the cracks of your cold embrace so please, please
the moment he was released from being hospitalized, he started to focus on being stronger - stronger enough to prevent himself from being pushed off on the cliff by a jealous agent, stronger enough to take down 20 agents in less than 5 minutes, stronger enough to protect you -
stronger enough to become a harbinger.
when you found out of scaramouche's new goal, he was surprised that you started helping him. teaching him how to defend himself without a vision.
"if there's one thing i can teach you about being a harbinger, it's better to have nothing to lose." you said to him one day as the both of you stroll around inazuma. "when being a harbinger, there has to be a lot of consequences that one must face. it's better to face them alone than to see someone you care for suffer because of the consequences you caused."
he felt your cold hand as he brushed his fingers against yours when passing documents to you.
"i see..." he said in understanding.
"kill my curiosity but do you not have someone who you consider as your loved one?" you asked, raising your eyebrow in confusion.
scaramouche pauses from your question. indeed he does not have one other than you- but he knows he couldn't say it's you. why would he? he's aware that you'll never look at him the same way he does to you.
you'll never love him.
"i don't, my lord/lady."
and it hurts to know.
could you find a way to let me down slowly? a little sympathy, I hope you can show me
he wonders what would happen to you and him when he becomes a harbinger.
"oh? you're planning on becoming an official harbinger once we get back?" you asked, looking at scaramouche as though he has two heads. you cackled in amusement and comment, "hah! good luck with that, i'd like to see you try."
you took note of how he's oddly silent. "you're being weird lately, what's gotten into you?" you ask.
"forgive me but may i ask.. what will happen to us when the day comes, my lord/lady?" he asks, hesitant laced in his tone.
you furrowed your eyebrows. "the day when you're a harbinger?" he nods in response, looking away from your gaze with a sigh. "i was wondering if... if we could still be together-"
suddenly he felt your cold fingers cupping his cheeks and turns him around to your direction.
he could taste the sweetness of your lips when you kissed him.
it was a short kiss, but he felt like he's on top of the world. is this a dream? please don't wake him up from this dream.
you then wipe your mouth, chuckling at his astounded reaction. "that," you breathed out. "is what will happen to you and i when you become a harbinger."
he felt his heart beating so fast, watching as you look at one of the most dangerous areas of inazuma. "this shall be your last mission, scaramouche."
if you wanna go then i'll be so lonely if you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly
he thought he finally has what he wanted.
"why?" he breathed out, staring at you with wide eyes as though you did something bad. "why did you do it?"
you shakily look up at him, trying to ignore the overwhelming exhaustion from your body. you overestimated yourself in using your foul legacy but you didn't care, all that was in your thoughts was making sure scaramouche isn't in danger.
you will not let the only person who doesn't hate you die.
"i had to." you said weakly. "go, leave this nation. report to the tsaritsa of my passing and take my position."
he shook his head, kneeling beside you. "i refuse to leave you, my lord/lady."
you chuckle lightly. "idiot. the agents will take my body back to snezhnaya, of course you won't leave me." you then look down at your vision, watching its light flickering.
"take my vision with you too."
he felt a part of his soul disappear as the light of your eyes fades away, leaving nothing but your fatigued corpse on his arms.
from that day, he stopped shedding tears.
let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down let me down, down, let me down, down, let me down
he stares at your.. his vision.
as soon as he was announced as the new 6th harbinger of the fatui, your vision glowed under his palm, showing a familiar color of purple.
was this the electro archon's way of mocking him for what happened?
he grits his teeth. out of all the times he could've earned his vision, it had to be weeks after suffering the things he endured to have this position,
and it had to be in the vision you once used before you pass.
"i'll live on for your legacy, my lord/lady." scaramouche mumbled to himself, staring down at your hat on his desk. not only did the tsaritsa appointed him as the 6th harbinger but she also assigned everything you own as his. your title, your office, your unit, everything you once owned was now his.
it was clear to him that he's no longer the weak scaramouche that always follows the balladeer's footsteps. he's now the vengeful balladeer that yearns for the screams of his victims in inazuma, living in your name.
he’s now devoted to the tsaritsa, unknown to her majesty that it was all an act just because you taught him so.
he treats his subordinates the way you treat them, making everyone being weirded out by how he's so much like you. although he despises the gossip that runs through the organization, he really can’t deny that he does act like you,
he has nothing to lose after all.
if you wanna go then i'll be so lonely if you're leavin', baby, let me down slowly
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Could you please do a fanfic for a male version of Yandere! Lady Dimitrescu (from Resident Evil Village game) with the reader.
I really like the Resident Evil franchise but I'm too lazy to know what the hell is happening in the older games XD I'm so sorry about that-
I loved watching playthroughs of Resident Evil Village (can't buy the game ;-;), but I felt like it was a bit empty, idk- I felt like the lords weren't really explored enough.
Also the Duke is the best husbando in the whole game- Fight me! >:3
TW/Tags: GN = Gender Neutral, I normally forget to properly name it when it's gender neutral, most of the time I just say "reader" // maybe ooc // lazy genderbent, I'm terrible with names // size difference // servant reader // mentions of gore/cuts/bruises/blood and deaths (and torture- I'm so sorry-) // reader gets hurt // mentions of vomiting
It's Dinner Already [Yandere!M!Dimitrescu x GN!Reader - Short Fanfiction]
It's dinner time already, unfortunately for you, of course.
It feels almost like a routine at this point- Which in a way, it is! You always take care of your tasks during the day, while dreading the inevitable time for dinner to arrive again.
Everyday, at this exact same hour, you and the other servants would prepare a meal for Lord Dimitrescu and his lovely… Sons…
As someone who has started "working" for their family only a month ago, you can positively say: Starving in the cold woods next to your village would have probably been a more merciful death than the ones you have witnessed at this place. You weren't as accustomed to such brutal executions at your village, actually you hardly even witnessed so much death, at least not so up close.
When you came here, you didn't expect to be instantly comforted and treated with respect- You were a commoner looking for an possibility to thrive in a noble's house, you were basically an easy target for any entitled selfish lord to easily belittle you and make you work for them until your hands would turn to dust. Yet nothing could have prepared you for such an odd situation.
Vampires. Monsters. Fiends if you were bold enough to insult them. You weren't exactly welcomed as much as you were snatched in and now forever trapped inside this castle. You can still hear their laughter… Their insane expressions of pure glee, the way they have bursted into maliciously laughing at your pain as you screamed for help trying to open up their door again and be free from that nightmare.
The chase didn't last even a second, they stabbed your legs with their scythes and brought you deeper inside this hellhole, as you cried your eyeballs out. The sons had brought you back inside so their father could take a look at the "intruder".
An absolute titan amongst the mortals. His height was only a sick reminder of how much power he had over the castle, over his sons, and now- Over you.
He may not have been as massive as he was threatening as you remind him to be, but at the time you were just in awe of his height considering you have never seen someone as tall and as mighty.
Then again- You have never seen vampires as well. Were they the same vampires as the books you've read as a kid? You weren't so sure of it…
You were hoping that if you begged for life and for forgiveness for having disturbed their peace, that they could spare you and let you go back to your village. Sadly enough, you commented on how you were only trying to look for a job as a servant.
You probably shouldn't have given them ideas, but it's too late to think about your mistakes now, however.
The sons begged to see your blood spilled, yet Lord Dimitrescu was merciful enough to grant you your "wish", as he said.
It has been a month ever since you were trapped inside and forced to work as a miserable little servant, and even if you didn't suffer the worst forms of punishments that they had in-store for you, you couldn't help but fantasize about just running away and never turning back.
You're so tired of this castle, of the smell of carnage, of the undeserved and over the top punishments, and especially of the people who would subjugate you to such things.
But at last, it's dinner time already, and you can't keep them waiting.
You feel your hands shaking as you walk out of the kitchen and into the dining room where the masters of the castle were so graciously waiting for you. You know what they're waiting for- But you can't let them distract you, for those that commit accidents are faced with fates worse than death.
Although you would rather do this process quickly, you can't afford mistakes to happen, so you take your time to set not only their meal in front of each one but to also pour "wine" into their glasses. You do all of this without looking directly into their eyes, only bowing down to each one and saying "excuse me"s in what they would call a "decent tone", as the smell of their disgusting beverage starts to irritate your nostrils. If you didn't know the main ingredient to Sanguis Virgins is, you probably wouldn't have this immense disgust over it, but right now just the thought of it makes you want to gag.
Only villains could so easily drink blood, and still make a living out of it.
Your internal thoughts of pure hatred against this whole situation almost completely blinded you to the fact that they were eerily, very quiet.
On most nights they would be talking with each other while occasionally making comments about you or your presence. Obviously they were all pretty nasty comments that they somehow expected you to back it up in some way or another, it's when they try to insert you into their conversation that makes you hate this occasion so badly, but it normally ends as quickly as it begins.
But as you are pouring wine to Lord's Dimitrescu, you notice that they haven't said a single thing while you were there. You stop what you're doing as you realize that they were silently observing you this whole time, and as you look into their expressions you come to think that maybe you have messed up-
Somehow, in some way or form, you may have messed up- And the fact this mistake could cost your head only agitates your already very worried mind.
A small moment of silence continues before the middle son, Cassandro, starts to chuckle in an almost innocent way- As if he was a kid who just said a bad word for the first time- And as he bursts into sudden laughter, Daniel leans towards Bello and loudly whispers:
"- I told you, they do this every time." To which Bello only replied with:
"- It's almost like hypnosis in a way."
The three sons were mesmerized by your ability to trap yourself in your own mind. They're probably aware that you do this as a defensive mechanism but they still find it comical in a weird way. You feel yourself get more tense as you look up at Lord Dimitrescu and see him staring back at you, with an unreadable expression across his face.
Before you could come up with an excuse to whatever you may have caused to disturb their dinner, the Lord himself spoke.
"- How inappropriate. As my sons, you three should know better than to laugh at our servant's airheaded mind-"
And as he said that, their smiles begin to disappear and be replaced with frowns and a bit of shame as they become stiff at their father's words.
"- And how inappropriate of you, too. To be so distracted in the presence of your masters, that's quite rude don't you think?"
But as he continued their bodies begin to relax once again as they realize he wasn't focusing on them- He was focusing on you.
Words have completely disappeared from your vocabulary as you start to think that maybe you won't be able to see another day after their meal is over. You try to mumble some possible responses before getting interrupted by him once again.
"- It's very rude, so very rude in fact that I think we deserve some answers. What were you so distracted about? What were you thinking that could have possibly taken over your small little head?"
Right now, he was sounding a bit condescending, thankfully not as angry as he would have been with the other servants right about now. Every little mistake was used as excuses for punishments- And if you were walking on thin ice before, right now you are one-step closer to breaking this entire lake and getting yourself killed by the freezing temperatures of the water below you.
Thanks to your luck (or maybe lack thereof, depending on how you see this) Daniel came to "your rescue" by coming up with an excuse for you.
"- Maybe they were hungry." He said without any indications of it being a joke or a lie- As the youngest yet craziest of the bunch, he always had that weird "naive yet dangerous" energy coming from him. He was naive enough to make that statement when it's very clear that you actually despise being near them, but he still was a son of Dimitrescu.
You know better than to underestimate any of these people.
The Lord didn't seem completely convinced as he side eyed Daniel who was blissfully eating his meal without acknowledging his dad's glance or his brother's looks of disapproval.
Without a warning you were pulled closer by your wrist and forced into sitting next to the Lord, who made a sign for another servant to bring you your food. This… Doesn't feel right at all, you're waiting for the worst to come yet you don't feel like you can ever prepare yourself enough for what they have in store.
"- M-My Lord- This isn't needed, I'm fine. I'll just continue my duties, if you can excuse me-" You plead, while trying to get up from your chair.
"- Oh but what host would I be if I didn't take better care of my guests? Poor thing, you must be starving if you can barely serve us wine-" And as his tone gets progressively more sarcastic and a bit louder, you can hear his sons snickering from the other side of the table, but you can't see them since you can't take your eyes away from him.
You're worried that if you look away for just one second, that you may not be able to see ever again.
"- It's so sad when one of our guests feels hungry- What's worse is when we are also very, very hungry."
"- Thirsty, even!"
"- Oh, I can feel my throat drying just at the thought of such misery!- Our dinner seems to be ruined."
You hear their whispers, you hear how they are clearly joking about this- How overly dramatic they're being over something so miniscule as you just- Ignoring them.
Let me remind you this is all because you refuse to look them in the eyes, that you refuse to give them any satisfaction for the heinous things they have done! You've seen so many people get hurt inside this castle only for their sick and twisted thirst and entertainment.
"- Indeed, my boys. My appetite is ruined, though dinner is not over yet-" Lord Dimitrescu spoke as he looked at his sons clearly enjoying your inevitable pain, but before he could continue he turns himself to you again, putting a hand on your arm and saying:
"- Wouldn't you agree?" Loud enough so that his sons could hear it, but soft enough to send the tiniest shivers down your spine.
"- …!"
"- No, no- Please, not again!-" He wouldn't dare do this, would he??
But before you could react he had already done it, you barely noticed how fast he had grabbed that knife to slice your wrist- His hand firmly gripping your arm as he made a deep enough cut so that your blood could be easier to access.
It somehow hurts just as badly as the first time his sons have stabbed your ankles and dragged you across the floor- At least you're not bumping into things like before, and even if it's a deep cut it's not as big as it could be if he used his claws to actually do this.
Oh, oh those claws- You almost thought he would use them on you… Those were something else. You can't remember exactly what happened, and why it happened, but you remember seeing him use those on another servant who may have crossed the line at some point.
Well "crossed the line"- More like "casually inconvenienced him". Lord Alcino may act like an incredibly high noble but he acts so childishly and in such an egotistical manner that you are surprised he can even have a castle like this in the first place! You don't remember what the servant has done to be so cruelly dismantled, but you don't doubt that it was for a stupid reason!
You miss that servant actually- Probably the only person who you actually talked with, and the first one to actually taught you how to do your job… You two could have been friends if he didn't intervene.
You briefly remember those moments before getting to experience the most weird sensation of all- Having your bloody cut be licked and sucked on. It hurts and it stings in a way that not only makes you want to cry but to also gag at the thought of you feeding this monster.
You refuse to look at him even in this scenario, you refuse to see him feeding off your blood… Sometimes you wish you were just as poisonous as some species of frogs, poisonous enough to make his mouth burn so he can experience a fraction of the pain he causes to others.
You tried fleeting away, you tried getting up and moving away but his grip on your arm only helped you in getting closer to him- You have your eyes closed as your only option is to cry and muffle your agony.
But as always, he is not satisfied with you just ignoring him. This was supposed to be a lesson, yet you're clearly avoiding your teacher as best as you can- But not today, little flower, you're not getting out of this so easily.
This is the first time he ever got to really taste your blood, as normally you would be behind the other servants while trying to learn how to please him, the only moments where he gets to see you is when it's dinner time, but oh- You're just so cruel!
Escaping inside your own little head while he has to content himself with just your image. Your presence is very much appreciated around this hour, little one-
He has noticed this before, of course, but it was only when he noticed his son's curiosity over the way you behave around them that made him organize this little trap. He didn't have everything planned actually, his plan only involved getting to this moment no matter what- And oh boy, has luck been on his side!
Your blood tastes better than expected of a commoner, your delicate and fearful whines of pain are just as delightful but what really gets him is this tough persona you try to convince everyone you have- You despise him, and it's clear to see why- But he knows his charms will probably work on you one way or the other.
He gripped your face trying to make sure you'll get to him in the eyes as he has a taste of you. Absolutely delicious, especially after you so gracefully "ruined" their dinner.
His sons were just watching as they continued to drink from their crimson glasses. They were just enjoying the show, as everything seems to easily amuse them- Their father was just showcasing how they were so much better than the common folk, and they have no other option but to take notes and to remember what they have to do if they ever feel ignored by the servants in the castle: Show who are the true masters of this place.
None of them were really interested in drinking from you, considering how all three seemed to recognize how their father has taken a liking towards you. No one would dare mess with their father's prey.
If you had enough strength in you, you would start vomiting as soon as this has started, but the more he takes from you the more you feel like you can barely stay conscious.
He wasn't supposed to take so much, at least not so soon- He wanted to just take a sip but he can't deny the fact he would rather drown himself in your blood than to let go.
He sighs, as he notices that you're slowly getting less and less aggressive, getting more and more tired as he drains you from this cut.
You're not unconscious yet, just barely stable enough to understand what's going on.
"- Sigh… Now that was a decent enough meal." He can't praise you for being tasty, can't have you being cocky around him.
"- Here, since I'm done here I'll take you to the servant's living quarters- And because I'm so kind I'll make sure that wound is safely secured and cleaned, so here- Come along now."
And as he stood up he offered you his hand so you could get up yourself, but you don't have enough energy to walk yourself to your room, thankfully you're already ready to go to bed and wish to never wake up again.
And as the nightmare never ends, he decides that if you are going to be difficult then you leave him no choice but to carry you there. How much has he taken from you?? Jesus, he should learn some self-control before doing this again- The absolute brute that he is.
Your vision may be a little screwed over because of the lack of red cells running through your body at the moment- But you have a weird feeling that you two aren't heading towards the servant's living quarters, as you feel like you two are quite literally going in the opposite direction.
Oh but it's fine- Right?
It'll be fine. Surely. After all, he already took what he wanted from you, and he doesn't seem to need more so- You probably won't have to worry about anything right now, dinner time is already over, you can finally relax now….
So I'm sick again- Sorry y'all, I just have a horrible immune system and I really don't understand what is wrong with me-
I'm sorry if you didn't like this boo :(
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nemeseos-noctua · 3 years
hello!¡ idk if you guys have wrote for angst but i’ll req one since the reqs are open,, can i req for xiao, zhongli and venti where their [mortal] s/o slowly dies on their arms. yk since they’re basically immortal and how they’d react to losing another loved one. ty!
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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: xiao, zhongli, venti (separate) x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: venti and zhongli story spoilers, not proofread
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: the way i teared UP while writing venti’s (also i love this request. i spent like 40 minutes writing it during a class but AGHH I LOVE THE FREEDOM I HAD WHILE WRITING IT)
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a part of him hates himself for loving you
he knew. he knew you were but a mortal, a fleeting love and a fleeting life. and yet, he lowered his guard. he let himself love, he let himself feel joy and bask in your warmth that the lingering thought of ‘temporary’ left his veins
but holding you like this—in his arms, in his cold cold arms that already missed your missing warmth, his bloodied gloves and sunny irises:
he hates you. he hates you for loving him. he hates himself for loving you. he should’ve never subjected himself to this pain—
but he’ll never stop loving the memories of you
“Sorry, Xiao,” You smiled weakly, chest heaving with restrained coughs as the Yaksha winced, cradling you in his arms as the moon began to rise.
“Don’t speak. Conserve your energy,” The Adeptus disregarded your words, his heart pounding against his chest with a pain so unfamiliar, a pain of heartache he wish he never experienced.
Maybe, if he had rejected you that fateful night—he’d feel this pain still. He’d feel it, just, earlier.
Would it be worth it? To sacrifice your memories, your love— for an easier farewell. Maybe, if he had never fallen in love with you, maybe, if you had just stayed in your mortal life and never seeked him out—maybe it would be you who was crying on his behalf.
Gazing down at you, Xiao’s grip on the fabrics of your shirt tightened. You had changed since he first met you—wrinkles adorned your face, [e/c] eyes drooping and your bones were stiffer and more fragile than his ever was.
And yet, he loved you like the first time he met you—though he��d never admit it, appearance never really mattered to him anyways. Though he held a youthful visual, he knew that if his true age was put into a look... it’d be nothing more than skin and bones.
“I love you, Xiao.”
Don’t. Don’t make him love you even more, don’t make him miss you before you had even left.
Don’t. Don’t leave him—don’t leave him stranded again, destined to fight against demons and protect Liyue even after its archon’s passing. 
Don’t, don’t make him cry uncharacteristic tears. Don’t make him long for a love that was gone.
xiao would put you to rest once the beat of your heart comes to a stop
he is painfully familiar with the traditions of a passing. he is familiar with the way he’d set someone down into the earth. he is familiar with the soil and the rain and the moon and the stars
he—adeptus xiao—was familiar with death. in fact, he dealed in it
this is most likely xiao’s first time watching someone die from old age
or—someone he loves
he is used to the realm of immortals, he is used to watching them be murdered or sabotaged. but never has he seen old age take someone
and he wished to never see it again.
xiao would close his heart from the world—if it wasn’t closed already, it’d be barricaded by twice the amount. thorns used to block the outside world would stab his own heart, and xiao would only know grief for a period of time
he’d find himself coming back to your final resting place, he’d find himself planting glaze lilies and flowers at your grave as he mourns a lost love
he—still hates you. he hates the love you gave him and the love you shared... but now it doesn’t hurt so much anymore
your death would only prompt him to become stronger. to become colder, to hate the world even more than he already does
zhongli would sometimes visit xiao, and even he is pained by your death. the world—it twisted and turned, it moved and wove tales with the strings of fate...
but never before has xiao wished he was mortal. if he were mortal, he could pass peacefully. if he were mortal, he could meet you again
xiao hates mortals.
he hates them because being mortal was what took you away from him
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the touch of death has numbed to zhongli
he has experienced it far too much, but watching you fade in his arms was probably the worst yet most bittersweet way to go
on one hand, zhongli is relieved. he is relieved that you passed peacefully, he is relieved that you left without any pain
yet on the other hand, he is heartbroken. he is broken to watch yet another loved one go, he is broken to have to arrange the casket that you will sleep eternally in
zhongli is grateful. he is grateful to ever meet you, he is grateful to have the honor of putting a ring on your finger and being able to lock your lips with his. he is grateful for so many things and yet he still wants more
he wishes to hold you until time itself fades, he wishes to experience the present with you instead of dwelling on the past that you so regrettably will become apart of
he, zhongli, consultant of wangsheng’s funeral parlor—wished for time. a time he so selfishly held as an immortal.
“The glaze lilies are beautiful today, are they not?” Zhongli hummed, sipping on some tea as he gazed fondly out of the window. His warm coat did nothing to prevent the cold of his side, the lack of your voice or the missing light from your eyes.
Everyday was the same. Everyday was him sitting—alone—in the funeral parlor, the pungent smell of death and cremations flooding his senses as all he could do was watch. Watch the world go by, watch his friends and loved ones die one by one as he was subjected to an eternal dance of loss.
Though, Zhongli knows that you will never truly die as long as you are in his heart. He remembers your smile, your laughs, your growing pains and complaints, your eventual wisdom and hearty laugh that you shared with him moments before your time.
He remembers so much, he loves so much, he loves you and who you were, he loves you and all of you.
“I must admit, I miss you terribly,” The consultant’s voice softened, his fingers setting the tea in his hands down as a lump formed in his throat.
“Yet I would never regret loving you.”
zhongli would stay painfully normal
he does not want your death to hinder him—he knows you would not want that. so he lives life, he carries on—but your memory never leaves
your stories and triumphs will be the topic for one of his best stories. and that otherworldly traveler... he hopes they carry on your legacy with each and every world they visit
and he hopes you... you and your beautiful smiles, you and your love and your kindness and your ambitions—
he hopes you are resting peacefully in the flowers he prepared for you
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venti would strum you your favorite tunes as you pass
a bittersweet smile paints his face as your back rests against his chest, frail and weak coughs leaving your system as you heave for a single breath
do you remember? do you remember the way the two of you used to climb the tree at windrise? do you remember how you’d drag him from the late diluc’s tavern? do you remember how you’d stay up late at night listening to his songs and mindless chatter?
he remembers. he remembers watching you grow, he remembers standing beside you as you ran for your dreams. he remembered gliding with you aboard the strange island of time you insisted on exploring
“I love you, so so so so so much, [Y/N]...” Venti would muster, wiping his tears as you couldn’t even turn around to gaze at him. To gaze at his youthful form and unchanging appearance, to gaze into those azure eyes you had fallen for and his scheming tactics. 
Burying his nose into the crook of your neck, Venti took one deep breath. He loved the way you smelled, how it seemed like you rolled in a field of sweet flowers (though he knew your stiff bones would never allow such a thing), how you used to play along with his schemes when you were younger.
Venti loves you, and all of you. He loved you when you were a young adult, he loved you when you were middle-aged, he loved you when you were an elder.
He love love love love loves you, so much so that it seemed to overpower the pain.
He knew your time was up, he knew his time with you was gone, but he persists on with your memory.
mondstadt has surely changed ever since your passing
venti finds himself waddling into angel’s share twice a day, even if he can’t afford it. he finds himself on the receiving end of pitied gazes and free drinks (for no reason, though everyone knows the reason). he finds the way klee is no longer a child and the way the honorary knight never visits mondstadt anymore quite jarring
he finds himself—lost. he has lost so many, watched so many go, held so many fallen friends in his hands that he can no longer count
though, he misses you. a lot, actually. when klee is busy being an adult and bombing abyss mages instead of fish, venti finds himself weaving tunes of your valor and honor at the statue of—himself
he finds himself longing for you, loving you as if you were still by his side. he sings and sings, strumming his lyre so much that he hopes you can hear them from the heavens
and after—after he has made his and your mark on the newer generation, venti, the windborne bard, falls into a slumber
he sleeps. he sleeps in celestia in hopes of dreaming a dream with you. he sleeps in hope of finding you in a neverland so beautiful
he hopes that one day when he descends once more amongst his people—he hopes you will be there. just like the first time he met you.
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— constellations!
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she ain’t a gold digger ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 2417
request?: yes!
“Hi, please write a MGK imagine where the reader joins him on tour and he loses his wallet and when they decide to go out to a club one night, she asks him to get something from her bag and he sees his wallet in there. He accuses her of stealing and they get into a fight and she storms off. One of the guys confesses that they found it in their suitcase by accident and just slipped it in her purse to keep it safe but forgot to tell him and he apologizes profusely to reader and after some persuasion she forgives him”
description: when his wallet goes missing and he finds it in her bag, he lets the tabloids bullshit get to him and causes a fight he regrets
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, angst
masterlist (one, two)
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The hotel room was basically overturned when (Y/N) walked in. Colson was tossing things from his suitcase, frantically searching for something.
“We’ve only been here like five minutes, is it really time to pull a full Motley Crue on this room?” she teased.
“I can’t find my wallet,” Colson said, running his hands through his hair in frustration.
“It’s not in my suitcase, it’s not in any of my pants - the ones in my suitcase or the ones I’m wearing - it’s not in my carry on or my jacket.”
(Y/N) crossed the room to kneel next to Colson. She put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. In a more calm manner, she looked through the things Colson had messily thrown about the floor. She helped him to look for the millionth time through everything, coming up empty yet again.
“Okay, don’t panic,” she said. “You had it at the airport because it was with your passport. We can call both this airport and the one we just departed from to see if it’s been turned in. In the meantime, we can lock your cards so no one can use them.”
Colson nodded, but (Y/N) could see the panic in his eyes. She cupped his face and made him look up at her. “Hey, it’s okay. We’ll find it, and if we don’t we’ll replace it the best we can.”
Despite the stress he was still feeling, Colson decided to join (Y/N) and his friends at the club that night. He was glued to his phone the entire ride there, and once they got to the club (Y/N) took it and shoved it into her purse.
“Relax,” she told him. “We’re here to have a good time.”
“But what if someone calls about my wallet?” he asked.
“Then they’ll leave a message. I highly doubt anyone is calling you at almost midnight, though.” (Y/N) laced her fingers through Colson’s and pressed her body against his. “Please baby? For me?”
Colson sighed but (Y/N) could see the smile on his face. “Fine, but you’re paying for my drinks tonight.”
He had to admit the night out was what he needed. Besides the panic over his wallet, Colson had also basically worked himself to death the past few months. Between recording and filming, and now the tour. He was just grateful that his manager allowed (Y/N) to join them on tour. He’d be out of his mind without her.
(Y/N) pushed through the crowd to where Colson and his friends were and passed Colson his drink. He smiled and pulled her down onto his lap. (Y/N) giggled as Colson pressed a kiss onto her neck.
“If you guys are gonna fuck, do us the curtesy of going to the bathroom,” Rook called over the music.
“Please, I’m more classy than that,” Colson responded. “I’d fuck her in the coat closet like a gentleman.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and stood. “I’m gonna go dance. Enjoy your boy talk.”
Colson watched the beautiful curved figure of his girlfriend strut to the dancefloor. He finished his drink in one mouthful and went to follow her.
They danced together for so long that Colson had forgotten all of his worried for a brief period of time. He gazed lovingly into the face of the love of his life as she grinded her hips against his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sheepishly smiled up at him.
“Wanna get out of here?” she whispered seductively in his ear.
“More than anything,” Colson responded. “I’ll get our things. Meet me at the front doors.”
(Y/N) smiled and winked at him as they went their separate ways. Colson pulled out the coat check tickets to get his jacket and (Y/N)’s purse, and passed it to the girl working there. As he shrugged on his jacket, he got the overwhelming urge to check his phone to see if anyone had called about his wallet.
He promised (Y/N) he’d have a good time, but she didn’t have to know he checked. He would just look and see if there were any missed calls then forget until morning.
However, when he opened (Y/N)’s purse to get her phone, he noticed something on the very top: his wallet.
Why does she have my wallet? he thought. And why wouldn’t she tell me that she had it? She knows how worried I’ve been about it.
He tried not to overthink anything before talking to (Y/N) first. He made his way to the front of the club where (Y/N) was waiting with a joint hanging partially out of her mouth. She looked over at him and smiled as a puff of smoke rolled from her lips.
“Are you ready to go?” she asked. When she noticed Colson’s serious look, her smile fell. “Babe, are you okay? Did something happen?”
He found his words stuck in his throat, so instead of speaking he just held his wallet up.
“Holy shit! Is that your wallet?” Colson nodded, still unable to talk. “Where did you find it?!”
“In your purse.”
(Y/N)’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “What? How did it get in my purse?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
She looked up at him as she took another puff from the joint. “What does that mean?”
“It doesn’t mean anything, I’m just asking a question. This is your purse after all, the only people who touch it are you and me. Obviously I didn’t put the wallet in there so that leaves one person.”
(Y/N) crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at him. “Say it Colson. Fucking say it.”
“Did you take my wallet (Y/N)?”
“No! Of course I didn’t!”
“Then why is it in your purse?”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and turned away from Colson. She started to walk away, but he followed her.
“If you took it, I just want to know why,” he said. “I’m not upset, I know there’s likely a good reason for taking it and not telling me.”
“I didn’t fucking take it!” (Y/N) snapped, spinning around to glare at Colson. “I know how this looks, I know it makes no sense, but I fucking swear to you I did not take your fucking wallet. I don’t know how it got in my purse, I don’t know why it’s there, but I did not take your goddamn wallet!”
“Then why the fuck is it in your purse?!”
(Y/N) let out a frustrated groan and buried her head in her hands. “Why can’t you just fucking believe me when I say I didn’t take it? I don’t know how it got in my purse, but I didn’t take it.”
“It just doesn’t make sense to me, (Y/N). How else would it have gotten there? You’re the only one who even touches your purse, none of the guys have had access to it. You knew when and where I had my wallet last, and now it’s showing up in your bag.”
“If I had taken it, why was I trying to help you find it? Why did I tell you to shut down your cards so no one could use them? Why was I helping you to call the airports and turn over the entire hotel room another two times looking for it? Why would I go to those lengths if I just had it instead of telling you just to replace it all?”
“I don’t know, (Y/N), maybe you were just making sure you could get whatever fucking money you could from me without me realizing.”
(Y/N)’s face fell and her eyes started to well with tears. After being together for a year, she thought he would know her better than that. She thought he wouldn’t believe the bullshit tabloid websites were publishing about her being a gold digger and just dating Colson for the money. She thought he would knew she loved him with her entire heart because of who he was, not because he was a famous rapper.
Apparently she was wrong.
Without another word, (Y/N) turned away from him and walked towards the line up of taxis that were waiting outside of the club. Colson watched her go, his anger starting to subside and be replaced by guilt. But he couldn’t go after her, he wouldn’t. He needed some time to think about all of this, to let her think about it as well. Neither one of them were going to get any answers if they kept fighting and hurting one another.
Colson entered the club again, order two more strong drinks and finding his way back to his boys. They all looked at him with confusion as he sat down where he had been before.
“Dude, I thought you left,” Baze said.
“I thought so, too, until I found my wallet in (Y/N)’s purse,” Colson muttered. “We got into a fight and she left.”
“Why were you fighting about that?” Rook asked, his eyebrows furrowing together.
Colson waved off the comment, not feeling in the mood to relay the entire fight back to his friends.
“Wait, did I not tell you I put the wallet there?” Slim asked.
Colson nearly choked on one of his drinks. He coughed and turned to look at his friend. “You fucking had it?”
“Yeah man, it somehow got in my carry on,” Slim responded. “I found it when we were waiting for our luggage. I put it in (Y/N)’s purse cause I knew it would be safe there. I could’ve swore I told you that, though.”
“You didn’t,” Colson said. “God fucking dammit, I’m an idiot.”
“What did you say to her, man?” Baze asked.
“I...I insinuated that she...she’s only with me for my money and she stole my wallet so she could get it.”
The guys chorused disapproving noises at the same time.
“Kells, (Y/N) is literally the realest person I’ve ever met,” Rook said. “She ain’t a gold digger, and you definitely shouldn’t think that she is.”
“I don’t,” Colson sighed. “I was just pissed. God, I’m a fucking idiot.”
“Bro,” Slim said, leaning forward to look at Colson, “go after your woman and apologize.”
Colson nodded and quickly stood from his seat. The cab ride back to the hotel felt incredibly slow. Of course, he had left his phone in (Y/N)’s purse so he couldn’t even call or text her. There was no guarantee that she was even at the hotel, and that thought had Colson’s anxiety so much higher.
He desperately searched his pockets for the hotel key as he approached the room. When he couldn’t find it, he realized it was likely he had left that in (Y/N)’s purse, too. He sighed and began knocking on the door.
“(Y/N)?” he said, his voice soft. “Baby, can you let me in? I think my key is in your purse.” When there was no movement, he added, “I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I should’ve listened to you. Slim admitted to putting my wallet in your bag, turns out he had it all along. I...I should never have thought it was you. I shouldn’t have said what I said. Can...can you let me in, please?”
There was silence. Not even signs of movement. Colson’s heart began to race as he realized the likeliness that (Y/N) had left. He had no idea where she could’ve gone, and now he didn’t even have any way of reaching her.
The door suddenly opened and (Y/N)’s tearstained face looked up at him. She didn’t say anything as she turned away and walked back into the hotel room. Colson followed in silence, unsure of what else to say. He just wanted to hold her and apologize forever, to do anything and everything she wanted to make things better.
(Y/N) got back into bed and laid with her back to Colson. He stood there in the dark, just looking at her.
“(Y/N), I’m sorry,” he said, his voice almost a whisper.
“You called me a gold digger,” (Y/N) responded, her voice equally as small. “After almost a year together, you called me a fucking gold digger.”
“I know - ”
“We’ve talked about how much those tabloid stories get to me, how upset they make me, and you really had the audacity to bring that up and not believe me when I said that I didn’t take your wallet.”
The fact that her voice wasn’t angry, but rather sad, made everything so much worse. Colson winced at her words, feeling a lump form in his throat.
“I know,” he repeated. “I don’t know why I said any of that. I didn’t mean it, I know you love me. I just...I have no excuses. I am a total fucking idiot and you have every right to be angry with me. I know I’m sorry won’t cut it, but for now that’s all I can say. I really am sorry.”
There was another prolonged silence. (Y/N) didn’t even move from her place on the bed. Colson had accepted the fact that she probably hated him and was preparing to go stay with one of the guys for the night, when he heard the bed shift and (Y/N)’s soft voice ask, “Did the guys give you shit?”
Colson smiled to himself. “Yeah, they did. They called me an idiot.”
“You are one.”
“I know.”
Through the darkness of the room, Colson could see (Y/N) lift the blankets and gesture for him to join her. He quickly kicked off his shoes and threw his jacket somewhere on the floor. The minute his body connected with hers, he felt relief wash over him. He hugged her tightly, never wanting to let her go.
“I love you,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head and repeating the sentiment over and over.
“And I love you, as in you - Colson Baker. Not Machine Gun Kelly, not the man with the money. I love the real you.”
“I know you do. I promise I’ll never doubt that again baby.”
(Y/N) relaxed into Colson’s arms, still a bit hurt from what he had said but happy to have him there with her. Finally, after some time, the two drifted off to sleep.
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griffintail · 3 years
Hello! So I was new at your blog and I feel like ive discovered the 9th cloud of heaven 🤯 so I don't know if youre in the mood but i loved your technoblade child reader fics and i really wanted to ask if you could write a overprotective!tecnho x f!child reader? i feel like it sucks so im not pushing you to do it-
I probably took it a different way than what you were thinking but I hope you still enjoy!
Utmost Care
Pairing: Technoblade X F! Reader
Warnings: Overprotective nature, Light Angst, Mentions of Swords, Mentions of Scars
Techno didn’t hold a lot of things with value but when he finally did, they were protected with the utmost care. That goes the same for living beings. His daughter certainly was one of those beings.
All of (Y/N)’s life, Techno always kept his eye on her or made someone he trusted with his life was watching her, meaning only he or Phil watched her. If Phil couldn’t watch her at the time, Techno then took her with him, keeping her close the entire time. And, if (Y/N) could tell the truth, as she got older, it was tiring.
She was thirteen years old but she wasn’t allowed to go off on her own. She either had to go with Techno and Phil, the only time she could be alone was in her own room. It was extremely tiring when she couldn’t learn new things that could be considered dangerous. Techno wouldn’t teach her to fight or brew or enchant because he said she’d never need it.
She just wanted to do something without the need for approval. She just wanted to be her own person and live her life as she wanted.
So…that’s how she started sneaking out hours at a time. She was only allowed her own peace and quiet in her room? Alright, she used that to her advantage and locked her door when she knew Techno was busy either tending to things and wouldn’t check on her for hours. When she left, she went to the one place she knew mischief was encouraged.
“Uncle Tommy!” (Y/N) grinned as she walked in the door.
“Here comes trouble!” Tommy grinned.
Tommy indeed encouraged the things Techno considered bad. He helped teach the girl how to fight, taught her to brew, showed her a few things with enchanting, and most certainly let her go off on her own around L’Manberg or the SMP, though he did warn her to be more careful in the SMP lands.
(Y/N) felt free and felt like her own person finally without a weight of watchful eye on her.
It was one of those days once more. Tommy was teaching (Y/N) the ways of the sword.
“Come on, stop trying to hit me and hit me!” Tommy grinned cheekily, then yelping as (Y/N) swung as hard as she could with a smirk.
It was just another day for the pair, they just didn’t know it wasn’t another day for Techno. (Y/N) always left when Techno was on his own because he did get distracted when Phil was around or Phil tended to help him. So, if Phil was around, going out was a no-go. Phil usually showed up in the early mornings so she could tell if she could sneak out pretty early in the day.
But, today, Phil had been held up in L’Manberg and came late.
“Hey mate!” Phil called as he walked over to Techno’s.
“Phil, you’re pretty late,” Techno said.
“Yeah, had to help with some things in L’Manberg first.” Phil shrugged. “Farming all by yourself today?”
“(Y/N) said she wanted to read and she might come out later,” Techno told him as they went into the house, Techno resting his hoe by the door. “(Y/N)! The old man’s here.”
“Fuck off mate.” Phil laughed.
Techno smirked as he cleaned off his hands but frowned when he heard no movement in the rooms above.
“(Y/N)!” Techno called once more.
“She might be sleeping in, let her be.” Phil waved it off. “She’s alright.”
But the voices whispered worry, only fueling Techno’s.
“She doesn’t usually sleep in. I’m going to check on her.” Techno said before going up the ladder.
He went to (Y/N)’s room knocking, but there was once more silence. He didn’t like that.
“(Y/N).” He said trying the door handle, but found it locked. “What the-Hey. What’s with the locked door?”
“Techno?” Phil called up concerned by the conversation he was hearing.
She wasn’t saying anything though and the voices whispered panic and Techno reacted. He took a step back before kicking in the door. Phil jumped before quickly coming up the ladder as Techno went into the room.
“Techno!” Phil shouted as he followed after.
Techno’s breath came quicker out of his nose as Phil came in.
“(Y/N)’s not here. Someone took her.” Techno moved past Phil.
Phil looked at his son leaving the room before looking at the teenager’s room. The only mess was the door but (Y/N) indeed wasn’t here and his wings puffed before he rapidly following after Techno.
“You know, the last thing I thought Techno would do was not teach you how to use a sword,” Tommy said as he leaned back on the bench overlooking the river below his base.
(Y/N) sat next to him, both of their training swords laying down close by.
“I always ask him to teach me but he just tells me I don’t need to learn how to fight. I’ll be fine.” She huffed. “What am I going to do if a mob manages to get in? Can you imagine if a creeper managed to come into our house? It could just blow me and the house up because I couldn’t do anything, I might as well just stand still.”
“Ah, he’s always had a stick up his ass.” Tommy waved his hand. “And an ego. He probably thinks he can keep everything from hurting you.”
“But that’s the point uncle Tommy!” (Y/N) exclaimed. “If he taught me, it’s almost a guarantee I won’t get hurt. I could protect myself and go out and meet people. Do whatever I want.”
“He’ll figure it out eventually,” Tommy assured her.
Both of them jumped as they looked around wildly, Tommy giving a scream, hearing the voice of said man. Then, a moment later, they realized it was their walkies and shared a look.
“Whoever has my kid can bring her back now and have a painless death.”
“Uh oh.” They both muttered.
(Y/N) scrambled to get her things as Tommy stood up in a panic.
“Bye!” (Y/N) shouted before sprinting towards home.
How the hell was she supposed to explain this? Oh no dad, I just decided to wander in the forest with no warm clothes?
“It’s going to be a shitty day.” She muttered as she slipped into the portal and sprinted down the pathway towards the home portal.
Deciding it was better before her father started searching homes, she took out her walkie.
“Dad!” She spoke. “What’s the problem?”
Techno froze in his path, looking at Phil before taking off his walkie. “(Y/N), where are you right now?”
“I just…went for a little walk. My legs were starting to cramp up.” She lied, wincing slightly.
“Your door was locked (Y/N). What happened?”
“I don’t know the door handle must have broke.” She tried as she felt relief seeing the home portal.
“(Y/N), what’s going on?” Techno asked in frustration.
None of this was adding up. What the hell was going on?
“Nothing dad, everything is—” She stepped out of the portal and froze when she was met with two netherite decorated family members. “Fine…”
Phil’s eyes were wide as Techno stood there quiet for a moment.
“YOU WENT IN THE NETHER!?” Techno shouted throwing up his arms.
“Dad, look I can explain—” She tried.
“No! I-What were you thinking?!”
Techno looked her over. “Is that a sword?! What—You don’t fight! What the hell were you doing?!”
“Mate—” Phil tried to even cut in.
“No! We’re going home.”
Techno went to grab her arm but she moved back.
“LISTEN TO ME FOR ONCE!” (Y/N) shouted as she shook.
Techno stood in shock as Phil took a step back, this was between father and daughter.
“I-I-Yes! I snuck out! And yes! I have a sword! But its-I just wanted to live for once! You don’t let me go out on my own! You don’t let me train or learn anything you do! I stay at home! And read and learn about farming and crafting basic ass shit! And that’s it! If I’m lucky I get to go out to the village with you keeping a close ass eye on me! And I’m tired of it!”
Techno was quiet as (Y/N) took deep breaths before he came towards her.
“You know that to keep you safe.”
“Oh, shove it, dad! What’s the point of being safe when I don’t know anything! I felt like I was going crazy and I-I can’t do that anymore daddy. I can’t.”
(Y/N) had tears in her eyes. She hated it; she was so tired of it. She was so tired.
Techno was stood in shock hesitating before coming over and hugging her tightly.
“I’m sorry.” He muttered to her. “I…I didn’t know it was hurting so much…”
It was a bit awkward of a hug with his armor on but (Y/N) hugged him back regardless.
Techno had wanted to just keep her safe. He had so many enemies and seen so many things in his life…He just didn’t want his little girl to see all the same things he had and he didn’t want her to carry the same scars. But all the while, it seemed he was hurting her in a different way.
“I’m sorry. We’ll figure it out, ok?”
“Please.” She nodded.
He’ll figure it out, he’ll still make sure she was safe, but he’d figure it out for his little girl to be happy…
General Taglist: @devilchicc @technoblades-sword
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smelted-applejuice · 3 years
Peace Treaty, 04
Paring(s); Fundy x Reader, Sapnap x Reader Pronouns; She/Her  TW: Mention of death, SUPER LIGHT implied sexual interaction Previous , Next
  [YourName] would spend her days in bed, Sapnap had halted his chores for Dream and wanted to focus on her. It pained him to hear her cry and it hurt even more when he knew he couldn’t touch her. She was too embarrassed to accept his hugs or support, he didn’t know why but he didn’t want to press buttons and make the situation even worse than it already was. Today would be the first day he went out, but it wouldn’t be for long, he was simply going to grab more food, and then he would return.
While he was out, [YourName] collected the courage to wander around their backyard garden and just try and enjoy the breeze. She ended up sitting in the greenhouse and sulking for about ten minutes before returning and finally taking a shower. She felt disgusting, she had taken a shower in a week but Sapnap still slept next to her and offered his support. She didn’t want to use him when she knew she would be doing these things herself, she just kept processing that technically; she was an orphan. Tomorrow she planned to go to L’manberg, with or without Sapnap, and collect her inherited items. After showering, she dressed again and changed the sheets, trying to make her little burst of energy and motivation last as long as possible. While the sheets washed, [YourName] sat on the couch and just fell apart again and it didn’t help when Sapnap had busted into the house yelling at Fundy to leave him alone and he’d much rather have a duel than talking it out. “What the hell is happening?!” [YourName] asked standing up as she whipped her tears, Sapnap quickly looked over around the same time Fundy had stormed in. Fundy was obviously angry but softened when he saw [YourName] standing there. She was obviously upset about something, he hadn’t been able to actually look into any news recently, “What’s wrong?” Fundy asked, making Sapnap glare toward him “You’ve been so damn focused on me that you didn’t even realize that Gregory was murdered?!” Sapnap questioned angrily. “Well, yes, I want justice-” Fundy began but got cut off, “Oh shut up for a second, Fundy.” Sapnap demanded placing the bags down and ushering [YourName] back to a seat where she could relax. [YourName] just remained quiet, “Wait, s-so you did murder Fungi?” she asked as she tried to clear up her throat. Sapnap didn’t make eye contact, obviously giving [YourName] her answer, “Why would you murder a poor fox!?” [YourName] asked in shock. Sapnap sighed “I didn’t mean to! I was just playing a game with it?” he explained slowly becoming more unsure about his defense “A game? What kind of game involves arrows?” [YourName] asked, folding her arms. Sapnap sighed, truly not having an answer to her question. [YourName] sighed, “Whatever, I’m going back to L’manberg tomorrow and collecting my inheritance, are you coming?” she asked, ignoring Fundy who stood awkwardly in their main entrance. Sapnap closed his eyes and shook his head “No, I have a duel apparently.” he said, placing his focus on [YourName]. She had no words just simply nodded and left the room to go grab their sheets. Sapnap stood up fully and huffed, “You’re an ass.” he spoke toward Fundy “I’m not, I just want justice.” the fox hybrid said confidently “I’ll see you tomorrow.” he added. While Sapnap and Fundy went out on a duel, [YourName] focused on getting whatever she could from her childhood home. It felt dark and gloomy in her childhood home as she sat on the floor going through boxes. She could have really used some support right now, but everyone seemed busy- even if it was basically child’s play. [YourName] sighed laying down and bringing one of her father’s jackets close to her face, and once more she let her emotions take their toll and sobbed out. It echoed around her as most of the large furniture that she couldn’t take was already taken out of the home. [YourName] didn’t hear the door open and close, nor did she hear the footstep crawling up the stairs. She jumped when she saw a shadow figure make its way close to her, but softly melted when she noticed it was just a beaten-up Fundy. “Oh my god, Fundy..” [YourName] mumbled softly dropping the jacket into her lap, Fundy shook his head and would crawl up next to [YourName] and hold her close. “I’m so sorry. I wish I would’ve just come with you. You need support.” Fundy whispered, rubbing his face in the crook of her neck. 
[YourName] sighed out, it was shaky as she was in tears once more. [YourName] wrapped an arm around Fundy’s head, her fingers playing with whatever hair she could touch. “It’s fine.. It’s fine..” [YourName] repeated to herself and Fundy, Fundy just listened softly humming for [YourName], hoping it’ll calm her down. A few content squeaks escaped his lips when [YourName] managed to rub his ears, but that was it. The woman turned so she could be held by Fundy, and right then and there she lost it. Fundy gently squeezed her as she let out the quietest sob she could muster- which wasn’t that quiet. His jacket would muffle her sobs, Fundy ran his fingers through [YourName]’s hair, moving some stands away from her face, so she didn’t have to worry about wet hair. He gently leaned down and pressed a soft kiss into her hair. “He loved you, [YourName].” Fundy whispered, [YourName] nodded as she shook breathing in. “I’m sorry I didn’t come with you, I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you were told about the news,” Fundy added. “Oh fuck, Fundy.” [YourName] said softly laughing “I love you so much, I wish I could be with you.” she added, [YourName] moved so she held his face and gently ran her thumb across his cheek. “If we were together, I feel as if this wouldn’t have happened.” [YourName] whispered, pressing her forehead against Fundy’s. Fundy softly sighed, he quietly agreed not wanting to speak and ruin the closest moment he’s managed to have with [YourName] in weeks. [YourName] would be the one to make the move and gently dip her head down, pressing her lips against Fundy’s. Their kiss was passionate and had needs mixed within it. They didn’t know how long they could take being apart from each other for much longer.
After Sapnap won the duel, he returned home. Since he hadn’t joined his wife on the trip back to L’manberg, he thought he wouldn’t be needed. He did some chores around the house, debating on making dinner for himself and [YourName]. He hoped she would return tonight, she left no note saying she wouldn't, so he went ahead and boiled the water. When he heard a knock at the door, he opened it and it revealed his close friend Dream. “Oh, Dream, what are you here for?” Sapnap asked leaning against the doorframe, he hadn’t seen much of his close friend since the wedding- but then again he didn’t really mind, all he wanted to see was [YourName]. Dream shrugged, glancing around for any sign of the person he was here for. “I was here for [YourName], I assume she isn’t here.” Dream hummed shoving his hands into his pockets. Sapnap shook his head, “No she’s in L’manberg, she should be back later if you want to come in and wait.” he offered, stepping aside. Dream smiled and happily took the opportunity, he took a seat and would talk to his friend as Sapnap made dinner. [YourName] would eventually come home, an extra bag in her hand. She placed it down and went to greet Sapnap, he had heard her enter and ran up to her as if he was a puppy waiting for his owner. She kissed his lips softly, Sapnap smiled bringing her in for a hug, she had yet to notice Dream sitting there waiting for a time alone with the woman. [YourName] pulled away, softly smiling but jumped when she noticed Dream. Both Sapnap and Dream laughed at her for this “I needed to speak to you, but let’s all eat before then. Is that alright?” he asked, [YourName] glanced over to Sapnap who nodded “That’s fine.” she replied. After Sapnap helped [YourName] get her father’s items upstairs in the spare bedroom, they both returned to the dining room and dinner would begin. [YourName] was doing the dishes while Sapnap had prepared a room for Dream, he had decided he was going to stay the night. [YourName] didn’t pay any attention to when Dream entered the room, so she jumped when he placed his arm against the counter. “I know things that go around here, like you and Fundy.” Dream said lowly, [YourName] paused and closed her eyes, breathing out, and shook her head. “Don’t tell Sapnap, Fundy and I ended things before I got married to him.” [YourName] said glaring toward him. “Did you though? Did you actually end things?” Dream said in a sarcastic tone, [YourName] didn’t feel good getting caught like this. He could’ve done this any other way, but he chose to do it while her husband was upstairs. “What do you expect, Dream? I’m trapped in a marriage because my father, who I’m still mourning the loss of, forced me into a peace treaty.” [YourName] snapped, placing the dishes down roughly. Dream just smiled behind his mask and sighed out, “A shame.” he simply said leaving the room. [YourName] knew Dream was Sapnap’s best friend, so she couldn’t exactly just explain what happened- plus if she did she’d be ratting herself out! She wanted to see Fundy, even if it meant on friendly terms, and if she told Sapnap she wouldn’t be able to see Fundy at all! [YourName] sighed out and finished dishes before returning upstairs and prepping for bed. She was tired and had been fighting sleep for the last few hours, so when she finally managed to make it into the bedroom she collapsed. Sapnap walked in after saying goodnight to Dream and chuckled, “Was the trip to and from that bad?” Sapnap asked, grabbing some clothes for both him and [YourName]. She perked up from her spot and shrugged, “I guess, I didn’t know looking through my father’s stuff would be so.. Draining.” [YourName] said whispering slightly. Sapnap shook his head, he felt bad- he should’ve gone and checked on her after the duel, but he had thought she could use some time alone without him hovering over her shoulder. “I should’ve gone and checked on you after the duel.” Sapnap said, helping [YourName] sit up and gently stripping her of her layers before handing her the nightshirt. [YourName] shook her head, “No, it’s fine, I had some help from Wilbur.” she lied gently placing a hand onto his face, Sapnap smiled and nudged his face into her hand making them both giggle. “How about we put your father’s stuff up tonight? Go ahead and get it done?” Sapnap suggested, [YourName] softly smiled and nodded. After they both finished getting dressed, they grabbed the bag [YourName] had brought earlier and went to work. Gregory’s sword was placed nicely against above their fireplace along with the metals he’s managed to collect and were placed inside of a see-through cabinet. [YourName] stood there with a soft smile as she held herself, she felt an arm wrap around her waist so she placed her head against his shoulder. “He was nice.” Sapnap replied, [YourName] sighed and nodded quietly agreeing. Sapnap hummed and helped [YourName] carry the bag upstairs into the unused guest room, this is where they hung up the clothing [YourName] managed to keep. Sapnap took a break and left [Yourname] for a moment, by the time he returned, [YourName] was on the floor holding the L’manberg jacket Gregory wore. Sapnap didn’t know what to say or do, he hated the shade of blue- but it had a deep connection with [YourName], so he had to put his disgust aside. Sapnap quietly made his way over and wrapped his arms around [YourName] where she would sob into his shoulder. He just sat there, remained still, and let his wife cry it out. It was all he knew what to do, he wasn’t the best with support. Maybe he could go investigator mode and find out who murdered her father, it would bring peace and ease [YourName] into a more comforting state. After [YourName] calmed down, they finished putting up clothing and would go to bed, sleeping the night away. A few weeks later, L’manberg announced a presidential election, which was strange since they had never had this before. [YourName] was a dual citizen, but since she was born in L’manberg she had the right to vote, right? “Sapnap? I’m going to L’manberg to figure out more about this election thing, are you joining?” [YourName] asked peeking into the bedroom. Sapnap looked up and shrugged “Might as well, seems like chaos and I like to watch chaos.” he replied, making [YourName] softly chuckle. The trip to L’manberg was short, [YourName] and Sapnap’s fingers were intertwined and they joked about the scenery which made the trip go by faster. Once they arrived, [YourName] and Sapnap marched right up to Wilbur’s home and entered without a knock. “What’s this election thing about?” [YourName] asked, placing her hands on her hips, Fundy was sitting on the floor watching his father pace, “I fucked up, [YourName].” Wilbur said rushing over and placing his hands onto her shoulders. [YourName] slightly stumbled backward. “What do you mean you fucked up? You’re the only person in the election right? It’s an easy win.” [YourName] said slowly easing Wilbur’s hands off of her shoulders. “No, I’m not, I forgot to close the slots! Now there are another two candidates!” Wilbur replied in a frenzy, “And who would those be?” [YourName] asked. “Quackity with George, and JSchlatt.” Oh fuck.
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angelanimedesaray · 3 years
Wings in the Dark Chapter 10:  Reparations
AN:  Yaaaaaayyyyy I got this one done.  For some reason I’ve been in a weird spot where I write more on my phone and my focus is better when I write on my phone, but I’m also super vulnerable to typos because AUTOCORRECT and its just harder for me to spot on the smaller screen with the tiny text, so excuse any typos.
Characters:  Levi, Fem!Vampire!Reader, Erwin, Petra, Oluo (Mentioned), Eld (Mentioned)
Pairing:  (Eventual) Levi x Fem!Vampire!Reader
Warnings:  Language.  Ikr, we just got super tame after a wiiild ride.
Word Count:  5124
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*Levi’s POV*
“I’ll admit, it would have been nice to know ahead of time that you were going to hijack the interrogation like that to antagonize her.”
Levi ignored the pointed jab at his actions down in the dungeons, gaze instead roaming around and taking stock of the people they past in a surveillance instinct too ingrained into his being by now for him to shut it off even going down the street towards a tea shop.
Considering L/N could hear so far out, even when she wasn’t paying attention, Erwin and Levi had decided to leave headquarters entirely to have this conversation.  Which was why they were now headed for a tea shop instead of Erwin’s office to discuss something so confidential.  Or at least their opinions on the situation, not necessarily the information itself.
"Did you at least get what you wanted out of it?" Erwin asked as they took seats at one of the outside tables.
"I did.  Mostly.  You?"
"I was skeptical when you told me, but after that little display of hers, she's clearly not human.  Not anymore."  Erwin leaned back in his seat and appraised Levi, their conversation pausing momentarily as they placed their order with the waitress that came outside to check on them.  Once she went back inside, Erwin continued.  "If you have more questions, why didn't you ask them before we left?"
"It had nothing to do with why we were there.  Personal curiosity. And it didn't seem like the time to ask."
Especially after he'd goaded her like that, making jabs at painful memories for her until she reacted, throwing harsh accusations at her semi-blindly and seeing if anything stuck.  The last thing she would want to do would be to give clarifying details about her past traumas to satiate his curiosity.
Her tale made her origins make more sense, but there were a few details that still weren't so clear to him.
The way she explained it, she was attacked and turned by a vampire the night before--for reasons unknown, he noticed.  She hadn't said why she was turned, or by who.  She'd actually glossed over that part and moved on--and then went home, not knowing what happened to her, thinking she was sick.  Her friend came to visit her, Y/N lost control, attacked and killed her, then fled.  He was sure there were details to make the tale far more gruesome, but this was what he knew for sure without letting his imagination run wild.
But then she'd shown up dead a few days later as well.  That was the part he was trying to figure out.
“Some deaths, okay, fine, I'll come back from it.”
So, she ran away after the initial panic, and then came back solely to fake her death so they wouldn't keep looking for her.
And by fake her death, she went for a...temporary death, something she would come back from.
But why go so far as to let herself be buried?  It was a closed casket funeral, so she could have snuck out before they sealed the casket and no one would have known.  Why wait?
He hadn't forgotten the fear and trauma in her eyes when she'd mentioned being buried alive was one of her deepest fears.  And now the mental image in his mind of a woman clawing desperately at a coffin, screaming for help while no one could hear her had a face to go with it, the face of someone he knew, no less.
It was humanly impossible to break out of a grave and crawl your way out.  But if you had vampire strength, and every time you suffocated from the lack of oxygen or the dirt crushing down on you and maybe even getting into your lungs...then it was possible. So long as you died a few times on the way up.
Shit...something like that had to do some damage to a person.
Not to mention what came after.  Forty years living in the Underground, roughly.  He'd only been down there a little over half the time she had.  And he hadn't spent it like she had--skulking in the shadows killing people because what she was demanded she kill to survive no matter where she was, and she couldn't go above ground not because it was denied to her, but because if she did she would literally die.  Yeah, he'd killed plenty of people in the Underground as well, but far less, and for a reason that was entirely different even if it could be worded the same.  He killed in fights because the Underground was that dangerous, or he was protecting people he cared about.  She had to actively hunt and kill people to...feed.
If she'd been in the Underground before he was even born...he wondered if they had ever crossed paths, and he just didn't remember.
Hell, with her criteria for who she hunted and killed, he was surprised she hadn't killed Kenny in all that time with him Underground.
Or maybe she had, after Kenny left.  It wasn't like Levi would know.  Though he was fairly certain the man had gone topside, which would mean out of her reach and away from her hunting grounds.
If only there was an alternative to her diet.  She’d laid out why it couldn’t be helped, and he understood that, they were good reasons.  But still, if there was another way...
“You're thinking about something rather hard over there, Levi,” Erwin commented, and Levi realized he’d been staring intently at the table and had even failed to notice that the waitress was in the process of delivering their tea.  Erwin was also watching him, though his hands were still in motion, his analytical gaze fixated on Levi’s still form.  Shaken out of his thoughts, Levi leaned back so he wasn’t leaning forward intently anymore, picking up his teacup to start drinking before it got cold.  Erwin waited until the waitress left to continue talking.  “Is it something I should know about her?  Another hunch, maybe?  The last one was mostly right.”
Levi snorted softly at that.  Mostly right his ass.  He’d been thinking murder and treason and assassinations, someone out to get them, someone seeking to harm people in the Scouts.  Ulterior motives and selfishness, malice.
Maybe the murder hadn’t been that far off, considering her body count, if he did the math right in his head.  And maybe she had been hiding a secret.  Perhaps she was dangerous, but so was Levi.  It didn’t mean she was an enemy.
“No,” he said curtly, putting an end to Erwin thinking Levi might be holding out on him regarding his suspicions after how off they’d both been about this situation.  “Like I said, it doesn't have to do with whether or not she's trustworthy and if she should be in the Scouts.  Just personal curiosity.”
“So you believe her?  About her intentions?” Erwin asked casually before taking a sip from his cup, eyes cast down as he spoke but flickering up to gauge Levi’s reaction once he finished speaking.
Levi eyed him because of the look on his face, but answered nonetheless.  “...I do.  She was sincere down there, some would say too honest.  Most people try to hide the fact they’ve killed hundreds--thousands--of people, or that they could kill the people who didn’t trust them without blinking an eye, but she was upfront about it.  She didn’t have to be.  She’s dangerous, that’s a reality no matter how you look at it, but she’s attempting to channel that into helping instead of just causing damage.”  Levi sighed, setting down his cup.  “I assumed a lot about her intentions and where she came from, and it's going to bite me in the ass.”
And he was probably going to have to put some effort into making amends after all this--especially with how he’d antagonized her down there and clearly crossed a boundary.  Several boundaries, actually.  And now that the moment had passed, the guilt was starting to settle in.  He’d accused her about some harsh stuff, some of which she was sensitive about, given her reactions.  She was the one who had to live with what she was, so he doubted someone going after the very things you might cling to in order to retain your humanity was something anyone would take kindly to.  After she saved his life--even if it had also been her that had almost killed him to begin with--after she protected him from herself and other vampires, even if he wasn’t aware, after she’d gone out of her way to learn from and appease the entire squad, after going through years of training to get where she was now, after putting so much at risk when she could have stayed safely in the shadows, after trying so hard to find a place topside, he’d jabbed at pretty much everything.  Her basic motives, her humanity, her intentions, her personality, everything.
He had a lot of damage control to do moving forward if they were going to keep working together.  He sincerely hoped he’d only damaged the well and hadn’t poisoned the water.  A damaged well he could fix, but a poisoned water supply…
Levi’s gaze narrowed at Erwin as he realized the other man still hadn’t said anything, his suspicions solidifying.
“What about you?  Do you think she’s a risk you’re willing to take?” Levi asked, echoing her words from down in the dungeon Levi had immediately known would catch Erwin’s attention.
“I am a man who likes a good gamble,” Erwin said with a bittersweet smile, resting his cheek on his fist as he considered the situation before them.  “As long as she’s not attacking other Scouts, she’s trying to keep her bloodlust under control, she’s not causing problems for or bringing more danger upon the Scouts...I don’t see why we shouldn’t let her stay.  From the sounds of it, having a vampire willingly join our ranks wanting to use all those abilities to help our cause is a once in a lifetime chance.  She’s offering it on a silver platter.  As long as she can keep herself under control, which she’s been able to do so far, I say we take her up on her offer.”
“And if she can’t?  If something happens and she loses control?” Levi asked, eyebrows raised.  She’d said it herself, she was a threat, there was always a chance something could happen, and that shouldn’t be forgotten.  But what would they do if she did slip up with no sign of being able to correct herself before it got out of hand?
“Then she’ll be our responsibility to take care of,” Erwin said evenly, gazing at Levi in a way that made him believe Levi would be the one to take care of her if she stepped out of line.  He had the best chance, yes, but it would still be risky.  “Hopefully we won’t have to kill her if anything goes wrong, she’s valuable, and it would be a huge setback to lose her vampire abilities...but if it ever comes to that…”
“It won’t be a problem,” Levi said flatly.  He meant that in the matter of conflict of interest, not that killing her if it ever came to that wouldn’t be difficult.
Erwin nodded.  “She stays in the Scouts, then.  I’ll have to factor in all this new information about where best to put her.  She probably shouldn’t be anywhere near medical, for her sanity’s sake.  And Levi?”  Levi fixed him with a stare as if to ask what the hell was up with his change of tone, which Erwin ignored.  “Considering the strangling tension between the two of you down in the dungeon, are you going to ease up now that you have the story--for the most part--or do I need to switch her to a different squad?”
Levi scoffed.  “I’m not going to apologize for being angry about the fact that she kills people, Erwin.”
“It's not like she has much of a choice, from the sound of it.  And she’s doing rather well, given her situation.  A lot of thought had to have gone into coming topside and joining the Scouts, how to pull it off.  She was ready with those questions, and considering she wasn’t planning on us figuring out what she was, that means she already went over those questions herself.  She’s going with what she believes to be the best route, and considering she’s more of an expert on the subject than we’ll probably ever be…”
Levi waved him off--he didn’t need this explanation, he already knew this.  She wasn’t going to prey on innocent people, she couldn’t afford to downgrade her diet too much considering she needed to be in peak health and control fighting in the Scouts, and she couldn’t just stop unless she wanted to die a slow and agonizing death.
Starvation over decades, maybe even centuries…
Regular starvation was bad enough, he knew that from personal experience.  He couldn’t imagine going out like that--he wouldn’t wish that on anyone.  Especially self-inflicted.
Levi’s gaze wandered to the few people in the street, moving idly from one person to the next, not really paying them any attention beyond basic people watching as he brought himself to his decision.
While he understood her position, that didn’t mean he was entirely comfortable with it.  But was he willing to try and make this work, to keep her on his squad--this time as his decision, not a decision Erwin made in the name of surveillance--and see if things could still work out despite the mess this entire ordeal had turned into that almost ended in his death.
Was it a damaged well, or poisoned water?
Was he going to cut his losses, or try to fix this?
“...Don’t put her on another squad,” he finally told Erwin.  “She’ll still have her skills put to the best use with my Squad.  I’ll figure out how to deal with...everything.”
He was going to try and make this work, despite the current friction between them.
The only question now, was how?
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Erwin was the one to tell L/N that she was staying in the Scouts, of course, and by extension he was also the one to tell her she'd remain on Levi's squad, and that it was Levi's job to keep an eye on her and make sure she stayed in line.  As for Levi, it was back to business as usual while Erwin handled speaking with L/N.
And two days later, Levi abruptly decided that everyone was going to do a deep clean of HQ, assigning everyone at least one room, with L/N having two considering how fast and how well she cleaned, and himself having three so that he had plenty of time to think while he was cleaning.
Now that his concerns about betrayal and deceit had been assuaged, he could finally allow the softer sides of her he’d glimpsed to settle in his mind, too.  Between the darker side he now had a better picture of and the person he’d been seeing since she joined the Scouts, he could finally form a more complete picture of the new person on his squad and start to decide what he thought of her.
Any lingering concepts in his mind that she wasn’t up to the job went out the window--except for a general concern about her being around too much blood.  She hadn’t been in the middle of a truly hairy expedition with people dying left and right.  She’d been struggling when he was bleeding out in front of her--what would it be like when there were people dying bloody all around her?
Then again, she’d already pointed out that his blood was particularly alluring.
That was still an odd thing to think about--he was probably going to do his best not to think about it.
He wasn’t too worried about her being able to hand the more...psychological stresses of being a Scout.  If she could handle being directly responsible for death, and being around it so much after living in and hunting in the Underground, she might fare better than most in the environment.
If it hadn't been the sharper, harder edge he'd seen to her personality in the dungeon, the knowledge of the things she'd already seen and been through, he'd be worried she had too soft of a temperament and personality for the Scouts.  It had been what he'd seen from her before the whole vampire thing came out.
She was the woman who went out of her way to comfort the horses and make sure they knew they could trust her.  Who sat in the field with the horses and simply soaked in the sun's rays while drawing whatever she could see--namely horses, at least once the man who had been watching her, yet she never said a word.  She was the woman with a tea garden in a hidden corner of the Scout’s headquarters so that she could save more of her salary...and use it to shelter and provide for the parents who didn't know, and would probably never know, they're daughter was still alive.   The woman who snuck treats out to the horses from her own plate, who'd gotten at least half of Levi’s squad drinking their tea with a bit of white sage for health purposes--only Levi aware of just how much it was actually doing for them.  The one who had asked for a different kind of lesson or tutoring from each squad member so they wouldn’t feel like she was some air-headed newbie that thought she was better than everyone because she was put on a fast track to Levi’s squad fresh out of the cadets, so that they could feel like they were still teaching her something, that she was learning from them.  She was the kind of person who made little gestures like covering him with her cloak when she saw him asleep at the table without a second thought, or timing a fresh cup of black tea almost perfectly to help keep him alert when despite his insomnia he would start to feel tired in the middle of the day, who'd risked the loss of a leg to make sure Eld wouldn't get hurt even after Levi killed the Titan, and who had saved his life even though, at the time, doing so was a great risk to her, because he could put a swift end to the life she'd been trying to build above ground.
She was a good person at heart.  Complicated as hell, still dangerous and a risk, and she had her skeletons, her demons and dark secrets, her flaws...but still, a good person at heart.
He’d been watching her closely long enough to pick up on all of that and then some, even if he’d tucked most of it away for later evaluation considering at the time he was worried it might be a front for some insidious ulterior motive.
And he had to do something to try and mend the relationship they had.  They couldn't function as part of a squad with all this tension and friction, let alone as captain and subordinate, definitely not as a team.  There had to be some level of trust if they were going to be working together in the future, and right now, there was pretty much none, mostly because of him.  And he had to be the one to make a first step towards repairing the damage that he had inflicted so that they could start building at least the groundwork of a working trust in one another.  They would need it when they went out in the field, because all that raw ability meant nothing if they couldn’t function with each other.
Levi scrubbed harder at the stone floor, seeing his fingertips turn pale with the rest of his hands red from the hot soapy water and the pressure he was putting on the brush.
Levi sighed, leaning back and putting the brush back into the water, turning and lowering the cloth over his face to look over at Petra standing in the doorway with a broom in hand.
"Oluo says he's done with his room, he's just waiting for your inspection," she informed him, though the look on her face was enough to tell him he'd be telling Oluo to do it all over again as soon as he saw it.
"I'll do it when I'm finished," Levi answered, raising the cloth over his face and pulling out the brush to start scrubbing again.  "Tell him to make sure he's finished while he waits."
"Yes, Captain," Petra said with a small nod, turning to leave.
"Has L/N finished with her two rooms?" Levi asked before she could leave entirely, focused on a new spot of stone as he spoke instead of looking up at her.
"Yes, sir.  She actually went outside, out front, to do some extra cleaning while she waited for you to be ready to inspect the rooms."
She was also really good at cleaning.  She had to be, right?  She'd lived below ground longer than he had, and her senses were extra sensitive.  One bad smell must be torture for her, the dust probably setting off her sensitive nose with the slightest buildup, her sight probably making it easier to pick out grime, and her speed making her a faster cleaner than anyone here--when she didn't have to slow down because she was being watched by someone who didn't know what she was.  No wonder she was so damn good at cleaning, why he hadn't found any flaws with it to date.
It almost felt like cheating to him, for some reason.
He pressed unnecessarily hard down on the brush again, feeling the bristles bend and strain slightly in the brush, his fingertips turning pale again.
"Tell her when she's finished with whatever she's doing right now to come up here," Levi told Petra, offering no more explanation as he continued scrubbing at the floor.
“Yes, sir.”
Petra left after that, and Levi focused on the room around him--his third room, mind you, and he was almost done.  His hands were red, a little raw, too, but it wasn’t anything serious.  He just kept getting lost in his thoughts while he was cleaning, and instead of calming down like he normally did when he cleaned, he’d tense up at those moments where he got lost in his thoughts.  He was going over his attempt at a peace offering over and over again, well aware that he wasn’t the best...people person, that communication on a social or emotional level was not his strong suit.  But he was hoping the intention behind the gesture would be clear.  She wasn’t an idiot--she was smart.  There was a decent chance she’d be able to see what he was trying to do.
Levi was just starting to finish up, finishing with a bit of polish on the metal in the room when L/N finally made her appearance, standing in the doorway with similar cleaning additions to her uniform as him, though she had an apron on that was currently tucked up and into her straps to keep any dirt from falling onto the floor while she walked.
She must have been doing some garden and yard work, then.  Pulling weeds or something like that out front.  At least she wasn’t tracking dirt everywhere, from what he could see--and his eyes were scanning her and her surroundings carefully to make sure she wasn’t about to ruin his hard work.
“You wanted to see me, Captain?” she asked formerly, keeping her gaze fixed on him instead of letting it wander around the room at anything other than him.
That was a start, at least.  He’d be worried this entire rebuilding the bridge thing wouldn’t work out well if she couldn’t even look him in the eyes.
But the tension was still there, thick and uncomfortable, enough to put even him on edge.  There was a distance in her posture, a different kind of guarded than when he’d been snooping around and watching her every move.  Like she was hyper-aware of what he was going to think of her moving forward.
He was still coming to a decision about that one, honestly.
“You’re going to start training with me,” Levi said with no lead up, causing her eyebrows to raise in surprise, opening her mouth like she was about to ask questions before she quickly closed it again, since he continued to talk as if her reaction didn’t phase him in the slightest or give him any kind of pause.  “You’ve got some things to work on before the next expedition.  Two lessons a day, sparring and ODM gear.  Make sure you make the time for it.”
“Ah, Captain...I’m not sure if I...should…” she said hesitantly, caught between obeying what was close to a command from her Captain and a reluctance to take him up on the lessons because...what, was the tension that bad for her that she didn’t think she could train with him?  Did she not want to be anywhere near him any more than she already was?  Did she think she would make him uncomfortable?  Did she not like the thought of being alone with him?
That was a viable concern, actually.
Or maybe she just thought there wasn’t anything he could teach her.
On the contrary--she’d said herself that she was having trouble with the ODM gear.  She’d said one of her risks was that she reacted too fast for the gear to keep up with her, sometimes.  That was a problem, especially in a situation where one needed to rely on instincts--how could you rely on instincts while also trying to muffle them to lower to the level of the gear, or nearby people?
She needed help finding the middle ground, or at least training herself to instinctually pace herself so she didn’t outpace the gear in an emergency.  Like she’d pointed out herself, that kind of mistake could be the difference between life and death, even for her.
As for the sparring...well, the only people here that came close to matching their skills was each other.  Who else were they going to spar besides each other?  Besides, it would be refreshing to have someone he could actually go all out on that would be a challenge for him.  He was sure the same applied for her, now that she didn’t have to hold back to keep her secret hidden.
If that had been the reason she’d thrown the fight the first time they’d sparred.
Plus, all that raw strength and speed meant nothing if she didn’t know how to use it.  He could still teach her things, show her some techniques she could use in a fight, that kind of thing.
Is offer to teach her was his way of offering an olive branch to her...and he didn’t take too kindly to her starting to turn down the offer.
Levi narrowed his eyes slightly at her as she continued to cast about for a solid excuse to turn him down.  Most people here would kill for one on one lessons from him--a fact he was well aware of.  Yet here she was, proving just how out of the ordinary she was as she seemed to be beyond just the vampire thing, trying to weasel out of it.  “What?  Don’t think you have anything to learn because you’re so naturally gifted?” he asked in a jab much softer than his accusations during their interrogation.
“No, it’s just…” she started to say with a frustrated sigh, looking over her shoulder like she was looking at someone, even though no one was there.  “Eld’s already giving me ODM gear lessons…”
Was that really it?  He doubted it.  Yes, Eld was teaching her a few things, Levi was aware, but it wasn’t the same as what Levi was offering to teach her.  And it wasn’t a reason to turn him down in the first place.  Just another excuse.  Unless she was really worried about what the others would think if she got not only one daily private lesson with Levi, but two.  As much as Levi was usually of the opinion “To hell what other people think,” this one he could see where she was coming from if it was the case.  She’d just gotten the others to warm up to her despite their grumbling and cold shoulders after the extremely green rookie got sped through all the tape and obstacles right into Levi’s Squad while they put in hard work and were hand picked by Levi after some time in the Scouts after displaying their own strengths and skills over a period of time.  It must have looked like favoritism--and Levi giving her double private lessons wasn’t going to help anything.
It didn’t change the fact that she still needed them or could benefit from them.  And that it was a way for them to start making amends...in a roundabout way.
“ODM techniques.  Special maneuvers:  team and solo, correct?” Levi asked, mostly rhetorically, though she still nodded in confirmation.  Levi moved over to the table he was keeping his cleaning supplies on, starting to pack up his things so he could leave to start doing inspections of everyone’s designated rooms.  “I’m not going to be teaching you what Eld is.  You said you were having problems with reacting too fast for the gear, right?”
Levi spoke pointedly, giving her a sidelong glance so he could gauge her reaction and she could see he was serious about this--and that he didn’t have any ulterior motives.  She didn’t protest again.  She still looked a little uncomfortable, possibly because of the bump this could cause with the others once they found out, maybe because it meant the two of them were going to be spending more time with one another and they were going to have to get over this tension between them really quickly if they didn’t want to end up at each other’s throats trying to kill each other, but she didn’t protest anymore.
“Four a.m. in the woods for hand to hand.  Two hours before dinner on the training grounds for the ODM gear.  Don’t be late,” Levi told her, taking his supplies and leaving her behind in the room as his way of dismissing her.
Now to go yell at Oluo for not getting his cleaning job done properly, most likely.
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Next Chapter---->
(Strikethroughs Couldn’t Be Tagged)
Levi Tags:  @humanitys-hottestsoldier @clary-quinn @sunny-flo​ @whalerus​  @thirstyforsometea
Wings in the Dark Tags:  @regalillegal @animeluver23 @theshylittleelfgirl @queenthorin1 @dilucs-thighs @sociallyanxiousmouse @subtlepjiminie @hakunamatatayqueen​ @queenofcurse @linxiajei17 @levisbebe @toni-jones
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kerikaaria · 4 years
Where You Belong
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Vampire!Jungkook x Reader (Oneshot)
Genre:  (PG15) Fluff with a bit of angst
Warnings: Mentions of death and blood
WC: 5.6k
Description: It took Jimin three weeks to convince Jungkook to spend the holiday break at his family’s house. Why he conceded at all, he had no idea because Jungkook knew it was a bad idea not only with what he was, but also since he had the biggest crush on you, Jimin’s sister. He had a feeling that whatever happened, he wasn’t going to make it out of this quite the same.
A/N - Written for the Secret Santa exchange with @thebtswritersclub​ for @jungkooksbroski​! I really wanted to have this done by Christmas so I’m sorry it’s late :( But I had a goal to at least have it done before the deadline tomorrow, so at least I succeeded with that! I’m sure if you’ve kept an eye on discord you probably know why I wasn’t able to get this out sooner. And it might be a little more angsty than you hoped for, and I also apologize that I don’t write smut XD And I hope you don’t mind it being mostly Jungkook-centric :)  But I hope you still like it! Merry belated Christmas!
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“Fucking Jimin,” Jungkook mumbled under his breath as he stood outside the front door to the Park residence. “Why did I let him talk me into this?”
He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath in an attempt to steady himself before entering, but realized too late that that was a mistake. You must have been close to the front door, seeing as he could practically taste your sweet scent. Which of course only made him berate himself once more for letting his best friend get his way.
“Yo, Jeon!” Taehyung called from behind him, dragging his own suitcase as he approached the house. “What are you doing just standing there? Knock!”
At least Jungkook wasn’t the only one Jimin somehow convinced to spend the holiday break at his house. Granted he was sure that Taehyung only needed to be offered once before happily agreeing, while Jungkook took weeks of convincing to come around to this.
Jungkook raised his hand to the wood, giving it a few knocks before Taehyung could complain again.
“Coming!” you cheerfully called, footsteps approaching the door.
Jungkook’s heart would probably feel like it was jumping out of his chest, were it still beating.
You opened the door with a big smile on your face. “Welcome!” you happily greeted your brother’s friends, stepping aside for them to enter.
Taehyung nudged Jungkook from behind when he didn’t move, still feeling all too nervous about spending the holiday break here. But he quickly gathered himself and finally walked through the door.
Christmas was just a few days away so your house was already littered with holiday-themed decorations, which Jungkook happily noted included extremely few religious items. You could blame mostly your mom and brother for that—they went crazy every year, super excited for the holiday. The only thing that was left to do was decorate the tree, which was purposefully held off until everyone had arrived so you could do it together. "I know Jimin is around here some-" you started before said boy came running down the stairs.
"Taetae! Kookie!" he exclaimed, throwing himself into their arms. "I'm so happy you guys are here!" The way he acted, you would have thought it had been years since they last saw each other.
It had literally only been two days.
Taehyung's deep voice rumbled in a chuckle. "Of course we're here, Chim! How could I pass up the chance to spend Christmas with the family who knows how to celebrate it right?"
Jungkook was much less enthusiastic in his response, which was of no shock to you. You knew (because of how often Jimin would complain to you about it) that it took a lot of convincing to get him to come. But even so, he didn't look miserable. From what you gathered, he just wasn't nearly as excited about the holidays as your family tended to be.
"Come on, let me show you guys to the room!" Jimin said, practically dragging them toward the stairs.
They barely had enough time to react, let alone grab their suitcases, so you took them instead, following behind the three boys. You knew your brother, and you had seen the antics the trio had gotten up to together, so you could only expect that this holiday break was going to be one of the most interesting ones you'd had yet.
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"I still don't get why you were so adamant about not wanting to come," Taehyung said to Jungkook when it was just the two of them in the guest room, going through their suitcases.
Jungkook looked at him blankly. "Seriously? You should know why."
"What?" Taehyung pouted in confusion.
"Well, I don't exactly want anyone to know about what I am, do I?" Jungkook whispered.
"Spending a few days at Jimin's isn't going to get you caught," Taehyung said, shrugging. "Unless you think it'll be harder to control or something when you're around Y/n."
"I don't know, it might be." Jungkook sighed. "You know how flustered I tend to get around her. And I guess it's probably instinct or something that sometimes I just have an urge to-" he cut himself off and took a steadying breath, trying to not already get himself worked up when he had been here for barely ten minutes. "And besides, remember how quickly you found out about me? We were roommates for only a few days before I slipped up."
"Yeah, but you have me to come to if you have any problems. I'll keep you in check, don't worry!"
Jungkook eyed the other suspiciously, unconvinced.
"What? I will. Promise. If your fangs pop out or something and you don't notice I'll tell you."
"Don't say that so loud!" Jungkook whisper-shouted.
Taehyung chuckled. "Hey, stop stressing out so bad, huh? It'll be harder to keep it under control if you stress."
Jungkook closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. "Yeah, you're right. I'll try."
Silence fell between the two for a few moments before a thought occurred to Taehyung. "Oh! Did you bring some with you, by the way?"
"Some what?" Jungkook asked, more than used to Taehyung's vagueness and random questions, but still confused nonetheless.
"Blood," Taehyung specified, making sure to keep his voice low this time.
"Of course I did." Jungkook even pulled out the small bag where he was keeping his stock to show him. "I wouldn't be dumb enough to go on a vacation somewhere without bringing enough with me."
"Just wanted to check. You know I can always help if you need it."
"We've talked about this, Tae. I'm not drinking from you."
"I just mean that it's an option if you ever need it is all. I trust you not to hurt me."
"Well, that won't be necessary. But thanks, I guess."
"Anytime," Taehyung said, and Jungkook would almost think he was naïve with that big smile of his and what he had just suggested, if he didn't know any better.
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The first time Jungkook should have noticed Jimin was up to something was when the four of you were decorating the Christmas tree together. Apparently it was family tradition for the "kids" to be the ones to do it, something Jimin was more than ecstatic about but you seemed to be doing more or less to make your brother happy.
Not that you hated it by any means. No, Jungkook may have been Jimin's friend first, but he knew you well enough to be able to tell you were enjoying yourself. You just weren't as enthusiastic about the holidays as the rest of your family it seemed, merely riding the flow that they set for you.
Jimin was basically instructing you on where to place each ornament, where he felt they would fit the best with the array that had already been placed. It was of no surprise to Jungkook that you followed along with his directions with no complaints. You not only were more than used to Jimin's personality, but also found your own enjoyment by making sure your brother was happy.
He wouldn't have paid it any mind normally, if it wasn't for the fact that everywhere Jimin pointed out for you to place one of the decorations seemed to be dangerously close to Jungkook. The amount of times your arms brushed together, or you bumped into each other during the time spent adding ornaments to the tree was probably more physical contact than he had ever had with you before.
And that was absolutely not doing Jungkook any favors. He was already nervous enough coming here as it was, being this close in proximity to you for so long and in a much more personal setting than usual.
But maybe he was imagining it. Maybe, it really was just a coincidence.
One look at Jimin and the triumphant smirk on his face proved otherwise.
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The second time was the next day when you and Jimin were supposed to be baking cookies together. It was your mom's homemade recipe that she had taught to both of you years ago when you became old enough to make them without her help.
Jungkook recalled Jimin mentioning before that it was one of the things both of you loved doing together this time of year. So he found it rather odd when Jimin ushered Jungkook into the kitchen and insisted that he be the one to bake with you.
"But isn't this your thing?" Jungkook asked.
"I have something I need to take care of today, so I thought you could take my place this year," Jimin said. He wasn't a very good liar.
Jungkook turned to look at you, silently checking if you seemed okay with this. When you smiled at him and lightly shrugged, he relaxed. While he was starting to feel suspicious that Jimin was up to something—although he couldn't quite place exactly what just yet—he knew it was pointless to fight it. Even if being alone in your kitchen, baking gingerbread and sugar cookies with you made him feel extra nervous.
You really knew what you were doing, easily instructing Jungkook on each step. There was a reason this was your favorite holiday tradition, and it was because you really enjoyed baking. Doing it with your older brother was an added bonus, but there was just something about all the ingredients coming together to make something delicious and sweet that was so fun and satisfying.
So you focused on that instead of how much you wanted to strangle Jimin. He just had to overhear you telling your friend about how frustrating it was to be crushing on your brother's best friend a month ago. And now he was doing everything in his power to get the two of you close, trying to play matchmaker.
Which to be honest was completely the opposite of what you expected to happen. You thought he'd be mad, tell you that Jungkook was bad for you and you should just forget about it. But instead he was thrilled. Not only did he get more material to tease you with, but he also decided he was going to try to set the two of you up.
He felt like he was doing you a favor, and you felt like he was making you suffer.
Although, you had to appreciate that Jungkook was a complete gentleman. Even though working together to bake required staying in close proximity with each other a lot, he was being very careful about keeping a comfortable distance between the two of you. And if you were being honest with yourself, you couldn't deny that this was actually really nice.
"This stuff smells so weird," Jungkook said as he measured the molasses. You had already put the sugar cookies in the oven after cutting and chilling them so they'd keep their shape, and now you were preparing the gingerbread mixture.
"Yeah, it does," you chuckled. "But gingerbread cookies wouldn't taste the same without it. I promise it'll all come together."
"If you say so," he said before his nose scrunched in displeasure when he got a particularly strong whiff of the sickly sweet yet sour smell.
You laughed at his reaction, taking just a moment to admire Jungkook's handsome looks while he was distracted with scraping as much of the thick liquid from the measuring cup as possible.
For a moment you let yourself think that maybe, just maybe, the reason Jimin was trying to push you two together was perhaps because Jungkook felt the same? But then again, would he have even told him that? You were sure that any conversation that included, "by the way, I have a crush on your sister" would have been just about as awkward as if you admitted to your brother that you had been crushing on his best friend.
Maybe you should just ride the flow of whatever your brother had planned. If something came of it, then that would be great. And if not, you could put this crush behind you and move on.
You decided at that moment that you would just trust your brother this time around, even if his track record wasn't that great.
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The third time was so painfully obvious that Jungkook could no longer mistake what it was Jimin was up to.
Jungkook was sitting in the living room on Christmas day. It was the afternoon, having already opened all the gifts that morning. Which was a rather interesting ordeal. Despite knowing their personalities, seeing Taehyung and Jimin act like literal five-year-olds on Christmas morning who were overly excited when opening their presents was still incredibly amusing. Now that it was the afternoon, things had calmed down to a pleasant buzz and Jungkook was actually feeling really happy that Jimin had convinced him to come.
It had been a long time since he had last spent time with other people like this. The Parks were nothing if not welcoming, and he could almost fool himself into believing that this was normal, that he belonged somewhere—with people.
But he had to reel in that thought and remind himself of who he really was. The fact of the matter was that he didn't belong with people. He was a monster, and people were his food source. He couldn't let himself believe anything other than that, even if it was something that he wished were untrue with all his being.
So when Jimin came into the room, dragging you behind him and getting you to sit on the couch right next to Jungkook and then sitting next to you, he kept that reminder ringing through his head. He had to ignore that light feeling you just naturally gave him. He couldn't let his non-beating heart run away with fantasies.
And then Jimin was up to his tricks again, keeping you distracted from what he was doing by chatting up a storm about his thought process behind why he bought you the gift you received from him today. But Jungkook saw it plain as day.
Jimin was attempting to discretely place mistletoe that he must have stolen from another room's decorations on the wall behind the couch, right between you and Jungkook.
That was when Jungkook realized what Jimin had been doing the past few days. Making you constantly bump into each other when decorating the tree, baking cookies together when it was usually something Jimin did with you, and now putting mistletoe above you?
Park Jimin was trying to set you up with Jungkook.
And it almost made him want to smack him upside the head because Jimin was being an absolute idiot if he thought trying to set Jungkook up with his sister was a good idea. It wasn't. it was a stupid, stupid idea.
But then again, he couldn't blame him all too much when Jimin was clueless to Jungkook's true nature.
He realized, that was something he was going to have to amend—right now.
"Jimin, can we talk for a minute please?" Jungkook asked, completely interrupting Jimin's spiel.
"What?" he asked, eyes going wide when he looked over and realized Jungkook noticed what he was doing. "I mean, yeah, of course. What's up?"
"In private," Jungkook emphasized, trying to sound as stern as he possibly could.
"Why would you need to talk to me in priva-" Jimin was cut off when Jungkook quickly got up, yanking him off the couch and dragging him upstairs to the guest bedroom, leaving you behind on the couch and very confused.
After shutting the door behind him, Jungkook firmly stared down Jimin. "What are you doing?"
"Huh?" Jimin asked, his heartrate increasing—whether out of fear or nervousness Jungkook couldn't tell. "W-what do you mean?"
"Are you trying to set me up with Y/n?" Jungkook asked more directly.
It was then that Jungkook realized it wasn't just the two of them in the room, when he heard a very surprised Taehyung almost comically scream, "What?!"
He took a quick look around to make sure there was no one else in the room who couldn't hear what Jungkook was about to admit, what he thought he would never purposefully tell anyone. Once confirming that it was just the three of them in the room, Jungkook continued.
"Is that what's going on?" he pressed. "You're trying to push us together, aren't you?"
"Wh- I mean," Jimin started, clearly very flustered. "What's so wrong about that, huh? I could have sworn that you were into Y/n by the way that you look at her with those googly doe eyes of yours."
Jungkook sighed. He didn't realize he had been that obvious, and especially in front of Jimin of all people. "Jimin, I can't. You don't want me to date your sister."
"Well it's not up to me, is it?" Jimin asked, starting to get defensive. "I don't get to dictate what she does and who she dates. So what if I'm trying to help her out? And what's wrong with dating my sister? What, is she not good enough for you or something?"
"No! That's not what I mean." Jungkook ran a hand down his face, pacing for a moment while he gathered the courage he needed to tell Jimin who—what—he was. "Jimin, you don't understand. I'm the problem. I can't date your sister, even if I wanted to. I'm-"
Jungkook was cut off when Taehyung leapt off the bed and stood next to Jungkook, firmly digging a hand into his shoulder. "Kook, what are you doing?" he harshly whispered.
"I'm telling Jimin what I really am," Jungkook replied, voice still at normal volume. "I can't exactly let him think that I'm a good idea for Y/n."
"Are you sure you want to do that? You don't know how he'll react."
"What is going on?" Jimin asked, getting more confused by the second. "What do you mean, Jungkook?"
Pushing Taehyung's hand off his shoulder, Jungkook braced himself to potentially lose one of his best friends. "I'm not human, Jimin." When Jimin very rightfully just stared at him confused, Jungkook added, "Well, I mean I used to be. But I'm not anymore."
"What the heck are you talking about? That doesn’t even make sense,” Jimin said, taking a step back from him. “You sound crazy right now, Jungkook.”
“I know how it sounds. But I can prove it to you. And if you don’t want anything to do with me afterwards, I understand. That’s a risk I’m willing to take. But I just can’t- I need you to understand that your sister shouldn’t be with me, or even interested in me. No one should be.”
While Jimin still couldn’t understand what his friend was talking about, he had enough respect for him to hear him out so he remained silent while Jungkook grabbed a small bag from his suitcase.
“I used to be human,” Jungkook repeated, voice small. “But sixteen years ago my life ended, in more ways than one.” He unzipped the bag, pulling out an even smaller pouch of what Jimin could have sworn looked like blood.
"I had been on my way home alone late at night after going out with some friends," Jungkook continued. "I was dragged into an alleyway, and it was so dark I couldn't see anything. Except for a pair of bright red eyes. Next thing I knew, there was a sharp pain in my neck and I could feel my body going cold as he drained all the blood from my body."
When Jungkook paused, Jimin couldn't help but interject. "Wait. Are you telling me that you got attacked by like, a vampire? Vampires don't exist, Jungkook."
"I didn't think they did either, until I was left for dead by one." The sadness in Jungkook's eyes over recalling the memory felt like it was piercing into Jimin's soul. "I had to piece this part together later since I obviously don't remember it, but I was found the next morning. Buried just a few days later. Before they had covered my coffin though, I had woken up. But I wasn't human anymore."
By this point, Jungkook looked on the verge of tears. Taehyung was still next to him, now comforting Jungkook with a gentle hand on his lower back. "I don't remember much about my first moments as a vampire. All I know is that I was so hungry and I just went wherever my feet took me. I don't think I ended up hurting anyone, at least. When I started to come to, I was in the woods near the cemetery with a deer lying beside me and blood dripping from my mouth."
Jungkook paused, letting Jimin absorb the information.
"Wha-" Jimin stumbled over his words. "But you were dead? I thought- I mean- in stories or whatever, people don't die before they become vampires, right?"
"In some, I guess," Jungkook shrugged. "I've met other vampires since and have asked about how that worked. And from what I've been told, if a vampire feeds off of a human but doesn't drain too much blood, the human will be fine. When the human is completely drained, then obviously they die. But sometimes, the vampire doesn't completely kill them. They think they've drained all their blood and leave them, but there's actually still a little bit of life left in them. That's what happened to me.
"I was so close to death that everyone thought I was dead. But there was still barely that tiny sliver of life left in me. That's how a human becomes a vampire. Kind of messed up if you ask me, that it's usually unintentional."
"So, what you're saying is that you're a vampire," Jimin very smartly summed up. "And you're telling me because I was trying to set you up with Y/n and you think that's a bad idea because you're a vampire."
Jungkook nodded. "Yes, exactly."
"And you knew about this, Tae?" Jimin asked. When Taehyung nodded, he further asked, "How long have you known?"
"I found out the first week we were roommates at school," he responded. “Jungkook hadn’t fed in too long and I saw it.”
Jimin’s gaze snapped back to Jungkook. “Show me.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened, a bit taken aback at the sudden command. He expected Jimin to want proof, but to be asked so suddenly was unexpected. Once he gathered himself, Jungkook nodded. He opened his mouth just enough before letting his fangs extend, making sure Jimin saw it happen. Once they were fully extended, his eyes turned an unnatural bright red—a warning of danger.
Jungkook could sense Jimin's heartrate speed up once more, a natural reaction to being so close to a monster like him. But in true Jimin nature, he was quick to control himself, forcing his heart to calm down.
"You really are..." Jimin marveled as he slowly stepped toward Jungkook. The latter stood as still as possible, not wanting to make any moves that would scare him off. "I can't believe vampires exist."
"We do," Jungkook said, sounding almost solemn. "I don't belong with your sister. I don't belong with anyone. I haven't for sixteen years and I never will ever again."
"Aren't there, like, vampire communities?" Jimin asked, remaining a lot calmer than Jungkook expected.
"There are," he confirmed. "But I haven't found one that I'm willing to be a part of. The ones I've come across all enable each other to be violent and not fight their instincts. I don't want that. I've been told I'll grow out of it, that most vampires are like that at first but they all give in at some point."
"And how long do they say it takes other vampires to do that?"
Jungkook shrugged. "Usually by ten years or so."
"But you still don't want that," Jimin clarified.
"Not at all. I can't even imagine hurting someone. And I have met one other vampire who is like me. Seokjin-hyung has been around far longer than me and he has a way of getting blood safely, without hurting people. He's how I get these." Jungkook lifted the packet in his hand, which Jimin could no longer question what was contained in it. "Others say it's unnatural, that there's nothing like getting food from the source, but this satisfies me perfectly fine."
"And Tae, you've never been scared of him?" Jimin asked.
"I mean, at first I was a bit sure," Taehyung answered. "I didn't know what was going on and I kind of freaked out. But I've never once thought he would hurt me. I trust him."
Jimin locked eyes with Jungkook. a serious expression on his face. "Then I trust you," he said.
Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise, a tentative smile growing on his face. "Really? Are you sure?"
"I'm sure," Jimin assured him. "And I know what you mean about Y/n, I understand why you wanted me to stop trying to set the two of you up. But you do like her, don't you?"
Jungkook broke their eye contact, too embarrassed to admit something like that while looking at her brother. "I mean, I do," he whispered. "I couldn't help it. But, you don't have to worry about that! I won't try to pursue her or anything, I swear."
Jimin walked toward the door as he said, “I did mean what I said earlier. I don’t have any say in what she does or who she dates, even if I am her big brother and want her to be safe. So as long as I trust that she’d be okay, I wouldn’t stop her from doing anything.”
Your eyes widened when your brother opened the door in front of you.
“Why don’t you come in here instead of eavesdropping from the hallway, yeah?” he asked.
You looked at the ground as you stepped forward, embarrassed that you had been caught. You really hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but when you had passed by the door on the way to your own room, you heard them talking about you so you stopped. And then Jungkook started talking about not being human and... Well, before you realized it you were listening in.
Your thoughts were all over the place after hearing Jungkook's story. You were overwhelmed with the idea that vampires existed, angry at that man—vampire, you corrected yourself—for what he had done to Jungkook, and sad for Jungkook and what he had gone through. You could only imagine how lonely he must have felt. How lonely he was still feeling.
One thing that he said kept repeating itself in your head. 'I don't belong with anyone. I haven't for sixteen years and I never will ever again.'
Once you were inside the room and Jimin closed the door, you lifted your head and met Jungkook's gaze.
His fangs were visible and you could see a red hue to his eyes, but only for a moment before Jungkook seemed to realize that he hadn't hidden them yet and quickly retracted them. In a split second he once again looked like the Jungkook you were familiar with.
But should you have been worried that seeing his other nature didn't scare you one bit?
"Y-Y/n," Jungkook stumbled out. "I didn't know you were listening... How much did you hear?"
"I'm sorry for eavesdropping," you said. "I didn't mean to, I just- when I passed by you guys were talking about me and then you started talking about your story and I just-" you bowed your head in shame. "I shouldn't have listened in. I'm sorry."
"So you heard everything then?" Jungkook quietly asked.
"I think so," you admitted.
"I can leave tomorrow," Jungkook suddenly said, making your head snap back up.
"What? Why?" you asked.
Jungkook's brows furrowed. "Why would you want something like me here? Knowing what I am now, why would you want me staying in your house?"
"Jungkook," Taehyung whined, a frown on his face.
You saw Jimin glance at you out of the corner of your eye. "We never said we wanted you to leave," he said. "It'd probably be best not to tell our parents, but there's no reason you should have to go."
Jungkook looked even more confused. "But, I-"
"Deserve to enjoy the holidays with people who care about you," you finished for him. He looked at you, clearly shocked. "It sounded like you've felt so lonely. I could only imagine how you feel. Not fitting in with others like you and feeling like you shouldn't belong with people like us. But there's no reason you shouldn't be here. When was the last time you spent a holiday with someone before today?"
Jungkook was speechless for a minute before his expression softened. "Not since I died. I couldn't exactly go back to my family after that. I haven't seen them since and have always reminded myself since then that I don't belong."
"But you do," you insisted, taking a step toward him. "Just because you're different than us doesn't mean you can't belong."
"I could hurt you! Why aren't you afraid of me?”
“Because we know you wouldn’t hurt us,” Taehyung said. “If you wanted to, you would have a long time ago. And you wouldn’t have been so hesitant in coming here.”
“And you wouldn’t have admitted a secret that could have ruined our friendship just because you were concerned about my sister’s safety,” Jimin said. “Out of everything you’ve said today, there’s one main thing that I understand—you’re still the same exact Jungkook I’ve known for the past few years. None of this changes that.”
Tears brimmed at the corners of Jungkook’s eyes. “It should," he almost whispered.
“I can’t understand how you feel,” you said. "I couldn't even begin to try. But I think you're scared because you've been telling yourself that you don't belong anywhere for so long. You could belong here if you wanted to. Do you want to?"
His eyes met yours, tears now falling down his face. He took a moment to think before softly nodding. "I do," he admitted.
"Then you do," Jimin said, stepping up next to you to place a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "You don't have to leave. Not now, and not in the future."
"If I haven't abandoned you yet, you can expect I'm not ever going to," Taehyung added.
After a moment of silence between the four of you, Jimin gave Jungkook's shoulder another squeeze. "Tae, I think you and I should probably leave so these two can talk," he said.
Taehyung nodded. "Good idea." He gave you a knowing smile as he followed your brother out.
When the door closed once more, Jungkook was the first to talk. "You don't have to-"
"I like you too, Jungkook," you said.
He looked at you in surprise for a moment before saying, "Y/n, you know what I am now. You really shouldn't."
"I don't care." There wasn't an ounce of hesitation in your voice, and Jungkook didn't sense any change in your heartrate, assuring him that you were telling the truth. "When I heard you talking, I felt a lot of things. But fear wasn't one of them. Even when I saw your fangs and your eyes, I wasn't scared. Not one little bit. You're still Jungkook, my brother's best friend who I've had a crush on for an embarrassingly long time," you chuckled.
Jungkook's gaze on you had softened to something much more tender, a sparkle in his eyes that you were now realizing you were strangely familiar with. "Do you realize what that means though?" he asked. "A crush is one thing, but what if it becomes something more, Y/n? I'm not going to age with you. We couldn't stay together because before long, I'm going to look more like your son than a friend or boyfriend. And I'm for sure going to outlive you, unless someone does me in before then. Is that really something you want?"
"I think that's something that we should have the chance to decide together," you said. "If this continues to something more and we want to keep going with this then we can decide what we want to do from there. If we care about each other enough to make it worth it, or not. All I know is that right now, I really like you, Jungkook. And if you like me the same then I want to give this a shot. I trust you."
Jungkook felt like he was about to cry again. He had hope at one point soon after his death that he might get lucky to find people like Jimin and Taehyung, maybe even possibly someone like you, but he had quickly lost that hope. That feeling coming back, even in the smallest amount, was overwhelming and it made him want to go along with what you were saying.
Before he could let himself think too hard and talk himself out of it, he carefully nodded. "Okay," he whispered. "If you think you can handle being okay with making a decision like that in the future, then I trust you too."
The smile you graced him with was blinding, and it made all of his insecurities about the situation fade away. He managed to smile back at you, but only for just barely a moment before you placed your lips against his.
It was the first of many kisses that the two of you would share for many, many years to come.
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loserholland · 3 years
𝐀 𝐬𝐲𝐦𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲 | 𝐁.𝐁
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Pairing ➺ Bucky Barnes x Fem!Stark!Reader ft Morgan Stark (platonic)
Warning ➺ Slight TFATWS spoiler, some angst, pure fluff, Morgan being a comedian 
Word Count ➺ 2.9k
Summary ➺ After the blip and loosing his best friend, you were there to keep Bucky grounded.
A/N ➺ Based off the song “I hear a symphony” by Cody Fry, such an amazing song. I’M ALSO SO SORRY IF I’M A LITTLE RUSTY 
✿ 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓣𝓪𝓰𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ✿ - @loveyathreethousand @killerqueen-gunpowdergelatine @spideyyypeter @lou-la-lou​@babebenhardy @rivervixenbaby @acklesholland @zabdisamor @keepingupwiththehollands @sweet666pea @sspider-parker @jackiehollanderr @caro0512 @thewinchesterchronicles @cporter003 @kisses-holland @spideysnugget @cryszus @sunflowerharrystyles @peterunderoos @ohbabycal @laucontrerasv​ @spider-mendes​ @jessybellsworld​ @quaksonhehe​
☞  Masterlist  ☜
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Five years.
It had been five years before everyone returned, five years since Thanos snapped his fingers and wiped nearly 50% of the content. Five years of darkness, questioning whether or not those who turned to dust would come back. The thought of those who disappeared never coming back scared everyone, the thought of never seeing your mother, father, daughter, son- your friends and siblings again?
(Y/N) was one of the lucky ones to not turn to dust, but watching those around her slowly disintegrate never failed to bring her to tears every night. She was lucky enough to fight along side everyone, disobeying Tony’s order of staying put and “letting the adults handle it” she instead convinced Rhodey to let her follow, claiming if he let her he’d be her favorite uncle.
That’s where she saw him again, after nearly two years since Berlin. She had of course stuck by her father’s side and when he had gone to Sibera she stood with him. That’s when they had learned the winter soldier had killed her father’s parents. (Y/N) never entirely blamed Bucky, he never did it. It was the Winter Solider, not Bucky.
Tony always said she had her mothers heart and if her mom was still around she’d be proud of her, for always trying to see the best in people whether they’re good or bad.
“Wow, you’ve grown kid.”
𝘐 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘢 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨
A voice all too familiar spoke slowly she turned on her heels, his hair was still long it grew merely a few inches. He had also grown out his beard, the last time she had saw him it was more over stumble. She chuckled lightly stepping forward but keeping some distance between them, “Kid? I’m twenty-one James, plus we’ve been over this- I hate it when you guys call me kid!”
Bucky let out a small laughter showing off his pearly white teeth, there was always something about Bucky that made (Y/N)’s stomach fill with butterflies. I mean- who wouldn’t? Bucky was a handsome man.
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨
“How have you been old-man?”
(Y/N) was the only person who had called Bucky by his first name, of course you had seen his files and even read about him smithsonian exhibit. She just felt she didn’t have the right to call him Bucky due to not knowing him long enough.
“James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes” she read to herself, reading the following description of the man.
That’s when you first saw how handsome this he was. And, when you first met him in Berlin it was amazing to see him up close. Well it’s not so amazing when some dumbass breached the centre and turned him back into the winter solider for a minute causing him to well fight everyone in his path.
After your dad’s ass was handed to him, he surely handed your ass to you he had you in a choke hold against the wall, your feet was a few inches above the ground.
“James, please.”
He’s eyes widened every so slightly tightening his metal hand around your throat, you felt yourself slide down against the wall gasping for air watching as T’Challa and him fought one another.
“I’ve been good, I’ve never felt so- calm an at peace in a while.”
(Y/N) smiled, that was good, it was good to see him happy for once and not afraid he’ll hurt someone again. He was brave and strong, from what she had read in the smithsonian exhibit and what she had seen in the past two years.
“Guys lets go, and kid stop leaving my sight your dad will kill me if anything happens!” (Y/N) groaned and stomped her feet to the ground “Uncle Rhodey! Stop calling me kid!” Bucky only chuckled at her, a sense of warmth filled his body- an uncommon warmth.
𝘕𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘦𝘸
(Y/N) knocked on Bucky’s apartment door, “Why aren’t we at the zoo yet?” Morgan questioned looking up at her older sister in confusion- Pepper was out of town dealing with business so she had to bring Morgan along to her.
When everyone came back, she had grown closer to Bucky. They had both lost someone, she had lost her father and he lost his best friend. Ever since her father’s death, she would dream about him often it started to become a regular thing after she started hanging out with Bucky. Last night’s dream, he had told her that if she got with Barnes he would be okay with it and to also apologize for blasting his arm off. Maybe it was just her subconscious playing tricks on her.
She crouched down slightly to be the same height as her sister, “Babe, remember I told you that my friend James would be coming along?” just then the door opened causing (Y/N) to fall back at the sudden movement. Instead of helping her sister up or asking if she was okay, she laughed and said “You fell on your booty.” oh, she was definitely Tony Starks daughter.
Bucky quickly helped her up apologizing for giving her a small fright, she noticed something different about Bucky he had cut his long hair. Just a few days ago he had it up in a man bun, “You cut your hair?” his brows furrowed, he ran his gloved fingers through his freshly cut hair “Does it look bad?” worry laced his voice.
(Y/N) quickly shook her head, “No! It looks good!” Morgan looked between the two adults standing in front of her before she let out a dramatic sigh, “Can we go now?” with that Bucky locked grabbed his keys and locked the front door as they proceeded towards the elevator.
The Central Park Zoo was in walkable distance, so (Y/N) left he car parked in the garage of Bucky’s apartment. Morgan stared at Bucky gloved hand she tilted her head slightly before asking, “Why are you wearing gloves? Aren’t your hands sweating?” (Y/N) eyes widened looking at the top of Morgan’s head then to Bucky who was laughing.
“It’s a serious question.” she shrugged as she kicked her feet awaiting for an answer, “Well because, this arm-” he lifted his left arm “is made out of vibranium.” Morgan looked up at him before saying, “Cool- now swing!” she grabbed his hand causing (Y/N) to look at Bucky. She knew he was a bit touch sensitive, “Mor-” before she could say her sister’s name again Bucky cut her off “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.” he took her small hand into his before pulling his arm back then forward.
𝘐 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶
Bucky watched as you smiled whenever Morgan would let out a small giggle, he felt the same warmth he did back in Wakanda. The same warmth she could only give him. He was grateful to have her in his life, she gave him the benefit of the doubt seeing the good and accepting the bad. He knew that she knew his history but still befriended him anyways saying, “there’s good in everyone even if you can’t see the good in you, I do.”
“How has therapy been going?” They stood behind the four year old who was admiring the penguins. Bucky shrugged lightly fixing his gaze to his shoes, “‘ts been good.” he mumbled. It had been about two weeks since he started therapy with Dr.Christina Raynor, you knew he had trouble opening up and well at most times never opened up at all. 
Morgan came running back to the two, “I wanna see the red pandas.” she grabbed theirs hands and began to drag them towards her current favorite animal at the moment.
She wondered if he still had nightmares, there were times he’d call her just to talk because he couldn’t go back to sleep. The sound of an old sitcom could be heard in the background anytime he’d call.
𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴, 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦
Bucky watched as (Y/N) carried Morgan in her arms pointing at the red pandas, red pandas? How are they even pandas? Bucky thought to himself, watching as (Y/N) made Morgan giggle loudly she must have said some kind of joke. He watched as she turned her head slightly catching her eye, he began to notice this twinkle whenever she was smiling or talking about something she’s passionate about or enjoyed.
"So, what did you think?” the credits of Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone began to roll in.  As far as Bucky knew, the only wizard he had read about before was Gandalf in the hobbit. Who would’ve thought about writing a book about a 11 year old wizard?
“It was surprisingly good.” He watched as her eyes lit up the corners of her lips tugging upwards.  He loved to see her smile, to see the twinkle in her eye just before she spoke on about how much she loved something.
“I knew you would like it! Gosh it’s amazing- I could go on about the wizarding world but I’m sure you would rather not-”
“I have the time.”
(Y/N) had concluded Bucky would belong in Hufflepuff and basically forced him to take the pottermore test in which she was correct, he was in fact a hufflepuff. She had gone on why he’s in hufflepuff- though he didn’t really care about the reasons he just wanted to hear her talk.
“You have a lovely family.”
The comment caused Bucky to turn his head slightly pulling him from the recent memory, an elderly woman who seemed to be in her late sixties gave him a warm smile. “Uh- she’s actually my-” what is she to me?  Before Bucky could answer (Y/N) had walked over with Morgan still in her arms.
“Hey, ready to go?”
Before Bucky could answer the lady spoke again, “I was just telling your husband you have a lovely family.” (Y/N) eyes widened her mouth slightly agape before responding, “We’re actual friends and, she’s my younger sister.” friends.
“Oh, my apologies. Have a great rest of your day.”
(Y/N) gave the lady a warm smile watching as she walked away, “Well, I think you’ve seen enough animals don’t you think?” Morgan tapped her index finger against her chin pinching her brows together, sometimes she was just a mini version of your dad or sometimes Pepper- but mostly Tony.
“Yeah- I’m hungry.” 
Making their way towards the exit the gift shop had caught Morgan’s eye, specifically a red panda plush she shrieked loudly causing (Y/N) to jump with caution thinking something was wrong with her little sister, while Bucky stood there with his eyes widened.
“I need it!”
(Y/N)’s brows furrowed, “Morgan- you know mom is gonna be mad at me if I get you yet another red panda plush. Remember, you have like a billion of them.” Morgan pouted slightly crossed her arms across her chest and stomped away.
“Dad would’ve gotten it for me!” (Y/N) frowned at the comment, of course he would’ve- he loved seeing the smile on your face anytime he got you something whether you were five or nineteen. 
𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘦
“I’ll meet you guys outside- I’m gonna use the restroom.” Bucky spoke, watching as she ran after her little sister. Well- he didn’t actually need to use the restroom- he had gotten the plush Morgan was head over heels for. He waited a couple minutes before finally exiting the zoo spotting (Y/N) holding Morgan in her lap as they sat on a bench not too far from the exit.
He held the plush behind his back, as he drew closer he could hear Morgan sob quietly. He sat down next to (Y/N) leaning his head slightly onto her shoulder, “Hey Morgan.” the five year old pulled back slightly wiping the back of her sleeve across her nose lips still in a pout.
Slowly he pulled the plush that was hidden behind his back into view, watching as Morgan’s eyes widened an a huge smile paint her lips quickly she snatched it from his hand and hugged it turning her body from side to side.
Morgan hopped out of her sister’s lap and onto Bucky’s wrapping her arms around his neck, “Thank you, thank you!” she chanted catching Bucky off guard as he slowly wrapped his arms around her.
“Anytime kid.” 
They walked back to Bucky’s apartment in comfortable silence, Morgan squealing every here and there every time she hugged her new plush. Once they had reached his apartment, Bucky offered for the two to stay for pizza which Morgan quickly agreed to. 
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭, 𝘣𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘳
(Y/N) and Bucky situated themselves in the kitchen cross from each other- (Y/N) sat on a stool while Bucky stood. Meanwhile Morgan was in the living room distracted with her new plush, “Thank you for getting her the plush- I- I just didn’t know how to react when she said-” Bucky placed his hand over hers squeezing it reassuringly, she squeezed back giving him a warm smile. They stayed like this for a few minutes before (Y/N) cleared her throat causing Bucky to pull his hand away. 
“You never answered my question earlier, about therapy.” She watched as he tensed at the word therapy, truth be told. He was struggling, he was still having nightmares and he was having trouble opening up to his therapist. He gets annoyed whenever she pulls out her notebook and starts to scribble stuff down.
“I made amends with um- Senator Atwood. No one got hurt.” (Y/N) nodded, “That’s good! Any progress with Dr.Raynor?” Bucky sighed lightly, running his fingers through his hair, “Kind of? I mean every time I tell her I haven’t had a nightmare she gets all aggressive and writes in her notebook.” 
𝘖𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘸𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦
She frowned slightly, taking his hands into hers “James, you sometimes talk to me about your nightmares right?” he nodded slightly ushering her to continue, “You have to slowly open up- it’s gonna help James. And If you want, I’ll go with you. I’ll wait in the waiting room- whatever it takes to get you to talk.”
She cared so much about him, it made her chest feel heavy. She would do anything for him.
𝘐 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘢 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨
He had spent nearly seventy years as someone else, he was afraid that after he erased his past it would still catch up to him someday. That he would still become the winter solider even after all this therapy and time away.
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨
But you were there to reassure him that would never happen, that he was a good person and no longer the person he use to be. She was there to reassure him that he was James Buchanan Barnes and not the winter solider.
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘥𝘺
You were the light in his darkness, you were there to guide him and to stay by his side. He thought you’d run away after what he had done to your grandparents but you’re there to remind him that he had no choice that HYDRA had control over him but you knew deep down he tried to fight it.
Bucky tugged his hands back quickly pulling away from the counter and walked around to engulf (Y/N) into a hug, he was afraid that if he were to allow himself to love someone they’d only end up hurt. He didn’t want to loose her, he didn’t want to scare you away.
“Please don’t leave.”
(Y/N) quickly shook her head, “Why would I leave? I would never leave you Bucky.” he pulled away slightly, did he hear that right? “Did you just call me Bucky?” her eyes widened, “Oh I’m so-” he cupped her cheeks closing the gap between the two placing capturing her lips. Something he had been waiting to do.
𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘐 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘢 𝘴𝘺𝘮𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘺
It was exactly like how people described sharing a kiss with someone they’ve longed to be with, fireworks and butterflies the way your skin heats up and your cheeks turn into a tomato red.
(Y/N) wrapped her hand around his wrist pulling back slightly for air a smile tugging at the corner of her lips, “Hello? Did you guys not here the door? Someone pay the guy!” Morgan carried the huge box of pizza and placed it onto her sisters lap before turning away to the living room. She quickly fetched her wallet wanting to beat Bucky from paying- but he knocked her wallet out of her hands and quickly rushed to the door.
She had given her sister a slice of pizza and ushered her to go back to the living room, “You make it seem as if I never saw people kiss before.” Morgan stuck her tongue out at her sister before returning to the living room.
“So-” Bucky began leaning against the doorway of the kitchen (Y/N) running up to him to wrap her arms around his neck the impact causing the two to fall to the ground with a loud thud. “You know- know a days people usually go on dates before the first kiss.” (Y/N) joked causing Bucky to smile, “Well in that case. (Y/N) would you like to go out tomorrow?” she quickly pecked his lips.
“I’d love to Bucky.”
𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘐 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘈 𝘴𝘺𝘮𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘺
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stinkykawas · 3 years
devil’s demise.
yandere!bakugo x reader  wattpad link : x archiveofourown link : x this book will contain lots of gory themes and  uncomfortable topics. if you are easily triggered by death, violence, self-harm, kidnapping, rape, and etc, please do not read. ————————————————————— you were sitting at lunch, enjoying the freshly packed lunch that contained [favorite food], [vegetable/snack], and [drink]. letting the cold air breeze through your white uniform shirt, you sighed and thought about your day. how dare this bastard talk to you again? he said he’d give you time to accept and think over his apology, but did he really mean it? what would he do if you accepted and forgave him? these thoughts clouded your mind, your now spilled drink going unnoticed till a few minutes later.  “shit,” you muttered. “i have to go inside to get a paper towel now.” sighing at your idiotic self, you got up, dusting the dirt from the rooftop off of your [pants/skirt], and headed inside with your lunchbox in hand just incase a thief decided to come along. scanning over the lunchroom, the place was packed with kids. people in large crowds or small ones gathered all around the room, filled with the stench of must, heat, and food. you scowled, your nose flaring up from it. ‘i’ll grab what i need and leave quickly,’ you hoped, not wanting to be in there for long. some of the tables you walked by, immediately gave you an idea of what their purpose was. the football team, basketball team, volleyball team, and soccer team sat on one side of the room at multiple tables all together. friends and other people hanging out at other brown, basic tables, you scanned over all of them until your eyes caught the attention of something. well, someone. bakugo sat at a table, his fake expression of annoyance plastered on his features. sat next to him were some males, and the rest were females who were under his “charming” spell, drooling and fighting with each other over the boy as if it was a war and bakugo was the last meal. his eyes met yours for a split second, causing you to speed up and head to the paper towel dispenser. not looking back, you pretended you didn’t see anything. bakugo’s pov [pronoun] might’ve thought bakugo didn’t see [pronoun], but he did. standing up, he scowled, looking at kirishima and sero. “i’ll be back, don’t follow me idiots. same goes for ya’ll,” he pointed at the girls. they squealed in response, the hearts in their eyes unmistakably visible. he rolled his eyes mentally. ‘basic. all of them.’ catching up to you rather quickly, he shoved his hands in his pockets. “hey, dum- [name],” he called, the change in his tone going from tough to soft rather quickly. [name] sighed, the nervous expression was painted on their face clearly even though [pronoun] tried to hide it. the blond ignored the look, because frankly, he didn’t give a flying fuck. he then proceeded to smirk at you, a smirk you knew all too well. “do you want me to treat you to dinner today? we can go while it’s bright out, but i don’t have to walk you home or anything. i could even-” he was going to propose something else, but you raised your hand. “bakugo, i don’t trust you. we’re like water and fire; opposite sides of one thing. i’ll have to decline,” [name] spoke, [pronoun]’s voice coming out in a whisper. “at least let me eat lunch with you tomorrow.” he begged, his red entrancing orbs traveling to the floor beside him. you sighed, paper towels clenched inside your hands, and a half-irritated look on your face. “fine. once. that’s it. and don’t forget anything, ‘cuz i’m not buying you shit.” you hissed, turning around. while you were walking off in hurried stomps, bakugo had a sinister grin on his face, his red eyes lighting up like a bomb. [pronoun]’ll be mine soon. these are the baby steps- the trial and error period. you’ll need me eventually, and love me. me only; me alone. nobody will treat you like i do. kirishima came up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. “c’mon dude, lunch is over.” he said, the blonde boy’s head snapping towards the red-head’s. “eh? yeah. let’s go,” he said, his eyes traveled to sero, who was waving at the both of them to hurry it up. timeskip ; afterschool you walked home, sighing with your bag slung over your shoulder and your phone in your hand. swiping it open after entering the passcode, you went to open discord, seeing notifications and the dms you had gotten from your online friends. you had told them all about bakugo, since the time you were being bullied, you found that people on the internet, or at least some, were kind-hearted and always willing to help. clicking on your main groupchat, you typed in a message. levi saying pp [username] : i’m home bitches catboychrollo : HEYYY xiorra . : hey lol fagmentality : WASSUH [username] : bakugo asked me to lunch, wtf do i do catboychrollo : say yes, and then eat his food xiorra . : say no. fagmentality : say yes and then get the bank and the clout [username] : already said fine EL OH EL!!! :lizarddancing: [username] was removed from the groupchat. closing your phone, you laughed and rolled your eyes. ‘they’ll add me back later,’ you thought, pushing forward to get to your house. it wasn’t rich, but wasn’t poor either. a small 2 story house sat on the empty streets, cars passing by occasionally as you shuffled and pulled out your keys from your jacket pocket. but little did you know, someone was watching you. but who else could that be than the bakugo katsuki? trailing behind you from the bushes, he masked his presence and made little to no noise unless a car drove by. his eyes followed you intensively, as he wanted to make sure you got home safely. scratch that, you needed to get home safely. you needed him to watch over you for these types of things, so you wouldn’t get kidnapped or get hurt. his love couldn’t get hurt. he wouldn’t allow it. plus, his day was already shit. it was fine of him to do this for his own comfort, right? right? he had to go home to see the agonizing faces of his parents. going there was like stepping into an ice chamber; cold, painful, the air tense. he hated it. he hated them. they could never comfort him like you do. which is why he took comfort in you. you’d be the one to help him, for sure. and it all started with lunch tomorrow.
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Yay Loceit! (Ignore me, I have Loceit brainrot.) Can we see the zoo date? I would love to see the zoo date! (Is there a possibility of encountering Remus and make it a conjoined date? But, like, we don't tell him that's what it is? Because we don't wanna overwhelm the guy.)
(Words: 2712)
Janus: "Don't worry dear fiend. I have Loceit brainrot as well.....ALSo yes!! I totally haven't been waiting to tell someone all about the date. Pff totally not...So basically..."
When Janus arrived by the entrance of the zoo Logan was already waiting outside. They excitedly waved at each other before running up and clashing in a loving hug.
"So how is my one and only still not poisoned boyfriend doing?" Janus asked with a slight giggle in his voice.
“Very well now when I am with you”
Logan leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. His boyfriend already had a big grin on his lips but it only grew with the kiss.
He had on a blue suspenders, jeans and a t-shirt with some dude printed on it. The snake had tried to dress extra nice for his first ever date (!!) so he had his long black skirt and his finest purple shirt.
“That is...Jean-luc Picard..right?” He pointed at Logan’s t-shirt.
He flapped his hands around “Correct! I see that the star trek watching is teaching you a lot!”
“Well I do have a good teacher so of course”
The compliment left rosy blush on Logan’s cheeks. He took his boyfriend’s hand and intertwined their fingers before walking into the zoo. It had a big outside area for different larger animals and then a bulding to the west filled with frogs, fish, snakes, etc, etc.
Neither of them were that interested in the large animals. Though Janus did snark about how he looked like a seal and Logan stopped to take photos of the bears so he could show them to Patty later.
It wasn't until they passed a sign Logan suddenly let up into happy stims. He pointed to a house with big look through windows.
He dragged Janus along with him to one of the windows. kestrels, subirds and kingfishers were flying around and vibing among trees and hung out fruit treats. A small crowd around them was also looking at the different birds.
Logan pointed between his boyfriend and the birds as if Jan hadn’t already seen them. He kept stimming his arm back and forth.
"Their aerodynamics are so fascinating don’t you think. Aside from humans they are the animal that are consistently closest to space and all because of their biology. They are like natural born astronauts”
“I respect any creature who can leave any and all social situations by flying away. Big dick move as some” Remus “says” Janus replied.
“If birds had too big dicks I think it would disturb their flying but yes I get your point” He let out a dreamy sigh “Oh what I would do to be able to inspect bird teeth, not to even talk about their wings!”
Logan squeezed his hand and smiled at him before dragging him over to the next bird. It was several big secretary birds. They were walking instead of flying.
"These ones are known for eating snakes" Lo commented "Are you feeling frightened?"
"Ah yes darling, I am already close to death from fear" He replied in as much of a monotone he could muster. They both chuckled.
Logan went on a long ramble about how the different biology of the species made the flying look and work different. His voice went a bit louder than it usually was, it always got like that when he was excited. Janus wouldn’t have minded it if there weren’t other people there.
He nodded along to his boyfriend’s rant but kept glancing to the people around them. Some of them were looking at Logan. Janus gulped. Suddenly holding his boyfriends hand hurt.
Janus quietly moved his hand away. His throat tightened. The people weren’t looking anymore but it felt like they did, like ants crawling up his skin. It had probably been a stupid idea to wear the skirt.
Obviously Logan noticed but he didnt say anyrhing about it. He finished his rant and asked "Do you want to reunite with your relatives- I mean look at the snakes now?"
"I uh “ He forced a confident smirk “Of course darling. It it prime time to return to my people!!”
They walked away from the birds and went down the sunny path towards the house that stored snakes among other things. It was lined by neatly cut trees and homes for mammals. They didn’t hold hands.
Janus kept fiddling with his gloves to the point of not even looking where he was walking. He bit the inside of his cheek until it was bleeding.
“Are you feeling alright?” Logan asked.
“Never been better!”
“If it is about the hand holding feeling nervous is nothing to be embarrassed about. When I first held hands with Patty I got so flustered I proceeded to walk into a swing and break my glasses”
Janus glanced around to the people around them “Ah yes that is definitely why I’m acting this way. Spot on dear” 
His boyfriend looked in the same direction he did “Oh alright I understand now” He patted him on the shoulder “Well I will have you know I have taken part in multiple physical fights to protect Patty from harassement, I did win most of them. I will of course do the same thing for you”
He said it so casually Janus nearly lost it “Exscuse me wHAT?”
Logan leaned down so they were eye to eye and put his hands on his boyfriend’s shoulders “Sweetheart I can and will break someone’s nose for you”
“That’s the most romantic thing someone has ever said to me”
“I would go for their kneecaps as well”
Janus clasped his hand over his heart and gasped in an overly dramatic tone “Oh such erotiscism you’re showing today!”
“I am legally obliged to show it off every now and then”
He straightened his back and continued to walk down the path. Janus hesitantly reached out to take his hand. Shame tugged at his heart but he buried his face against his boyfriend’s arm to try and ignore it. Logan gently moved his thumb up and down his skin in response.
“....I do still advise that you talk to Picani about it. I am aware it’s hard but if what you’ve told me about your mental health is true I believe it would be beneficial. I could help! I know Picani! Very intimately!”
“Darling please you don’t have to keep reminding me you’ve fucked my fake therapist” Janus sighed “I don’t know if I deserve to take up his time, I’m not That bad”
“Sweetie that is first degree bullshit” Logan replied very gently “There is scientifically no way to accurately compare two people’s mental healths to conclude which is worse. Trust me I did a study on it in college! Do I need to brag about my degree more?”
Janus let out a half hearted chuckle “I’ll think about it. Let’s focus on the snakes for now”
“Thinking about it is good enough for me” He pressed a kiss to his forehead.
They entered the building. The first room was lit in a calming blue because of the giant windows showing off octopuses and rays swimming around. A sign was pointing over to the frog and snake rooms.
Janus looked around the room in awe and- HOLY HELL REMUS WAS THERE. He sat crosslegged on a bench in front of the octopuses. He had headphones on and was focusing on the sketchbook in his hands. 
In a panic Janus started to drag his boyfriend with him to the frogs. Logan saw how flustered his boyfriend had suddenly become and looked around. He saw Remus as well and stopped in his tracks which forced his boyfriend to also stop.
“Does that happen to be the other guy you have a romantic interest in?”
“We’re here to look at snakes not at men Loganson!”
"Aww" Logan flapped his free hand "There are few things i like more than getting to see my partner being loved by someone else they love! We must talk to him"
"Oh- Oh god-" Janus let out while being tugged along.
Remus flinched when Logan shoved his ready to be shaken hand almost into his face. His whole body tensed to an uncomfortable degree.
"Greetings! I have no idea who you are!" Lo exclaimed.
He took off his headphones and looked up at him with panic in his eyes "Uh yeah" He saw Jan and immediately let out a breathe of relief. His shoulders relaxed slightly. "Hiya snakey~ Is This dude your snack?"
Janus was dying. He was dead. This was hell.
"NO! He's my sworn enemy! I'm here to use one of the sharks to kill him!"
Logan gasped "You are? How rude. Such a waste of the shark’s time when a bullet would do"
"Yeah!” Remus added “Anus! If that even is your real name-”
“It’s not”
“-I thought you would be much better at murder! Shark murder is sooo the 70's. Where's the orchestrated acrobatic dance knife throwing???"
Janus let out a dramatic huff "You simply don’t understand how hard it is to be a strong independent complete idiot and a serial murderer at the same time"
Logan nodded in sumpathy "Stranger would you like to accompany us on the rest of our zoo experience?"
He closed his sketchbook. Pages had been filled with doodles of the octopuses "Sure! I'm Remus by the way"
"Ah yes" They began to walk down the hallways lined by animal habitats. He held onto Janus’ hand "You were killed by your twin according to Roman mythology"
"I know!! That's why I chose it"
"Fascinating. I'm Logan. My parents chose it because of the X-man" His parents were also huge nerds.
“Hah dorks!” Remus said while skipping alongside them “Why are you holding hands? Is that a rule at zoos? Oh shit have I been doing zoos wrong???”
“I don’t think so. We are only doing it” Lo glanced at his still flustered boyfriend “.....to aggravate homophobes....yes...”
“COol!! Can I join?”
Logan nodded. Remus proceeded to take Janus’ free hand and happily tugged at it while skipping along. Jan had been wrong. NOW he was dying. His face was so hot from blushing he swore he could melt chocolate on it. The only way this could get ‘worse’ was if he suddenly grew a third arm and Remy appeared to hold it.
“Murder frogs!!” Remus exclaimed while stopping outside a window.
Inside sat several poison dart frogs in a pond surronded by leaves. They were in pretty neon colors and small enough to fit in the palm of a hand. Remus jumped up and down from excitement before pressing his entire face up against the glass.
“They’re the most poisonous animal in the world!!! Snakey you should murder Lo with this one!! These bitches can kill like 10 people with 1 poison thingie!!! it’s so cool!!”
“I have read that they can live to up to 15 years so they have ample time to kill hundreds of people in their lifetime” Logan replied.
“!!!! You are SO right!!! That’s my life goal as well!” Remus turned to look around the room and his eyes turned as big as a cat’s “Fucking hell. Look at how THICK that lizard is!!!”
Janus kept being dragged around between the two while they explored the animals. The saw toads stacked on top of each other, insects swarming around and exactly 1 incredibly friendly chameleon who climbed across a tree to get as close to the glass as it could.
Just holding both of their hands was so much to take in but hearing them rant facts to each other while looking so so happy made his heart feel things he didn’t know it could feel. He wanted to kiss them both and beg them to please never ever shut up.
The zoo melted away as he daydreamed about living as a poly relationship. Getting to see them both be this close and happy every day. Getting to hold them both like this every day. Getting to fall asleep next to them. Oh he was so-
“Hey Snakey you’ve been pretty quiet” Remus interrupted “Whatcha think?”
“dfshkjskj” Janus very eloquently let out. He buried his flushed pink face in the fabric of Logan’s shirt.
“Huh. Exactly what I was thinking! Onwards to the snakes!!”
The snake room was oval shaped. The walls were made up of windows into different giant vivariums decorated with branches, warm rocks and food. In the biggest vivarium several big samar cobras were lazing about. They were both big enough and venomous enough to kill a man.
Janus let go of his crushes to press his palms against the glass and wave at the snakes. He looked back at his boyfriend with a big goofy grin “Look at these babies!!”
“They are indeed very pretty”
“They eat rats! Their venom is able to destroy tissue so if you get the venom in your eyes it can create total blindness!! They-” He stopped himself. Stopped his stimming as well “Sorry. I’m rambling”
Remus patted his shoulder “No. Go on. I wanna hear, about the other snakes as well. I promise” Logan nodded along.
Janus hesitated, but they both looked at him with such loving looks he quietly continued “Okay well what I was going to say was...”
They went around and looked at every snake. The other two happily listened to him infodump about every species there. Sometimes they held hands. Sometimes they all stimmed together. Janus was smiling so much his cheeks hurt.
They stayed sitting by the snakes. Janus leaned his head against the glass to bop his nose to the snakes while Remus and Logan ranted to each other about their favorite obscure sci-fi movies (they also exchanged numbers). 
The three of them had a sudden realization that they all loved murder mysteries and decided they had to have some sort of murder mustery movie night some time in the future.
(Logan also saw a poster about how around Christmas snake petting spots overseered by snake experts would be open. He didn’t tell the other two. He figured he would use it as a surprise Christmas gift)
Eventually the zoo got close to closing. It was Logan who had to drag them both away from the snakes and octopuses. The 2 drama kings acted like Lo was dragging them away from their children.
Once they stood on the street outside the zoo Remus said goodbye. For a moment it looked like he was moving in to hug Janus but he decided not to. He disappeared down the street to catch the bus.
“So” Logan turned to his boyfriend “Was it a satisfactory first date?”
Janus rolled his eyes before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist and moving up on his toes to kiss him on his nose “It was absolutely horrible darling! I hated every second of it!”
“Glad to hear it” His voice softened “I’m proud of you honey”
“It was just a date. It’s nothing. Nothing if it’s with you”
“Well I shall still be proud, because you can not stop me, and I shall still be percentage wise incredibly in love with you” He pressed a loving kiss to his forehead “I will see you at work then”
“Not if I’ve gotten my invisibility spell to work by then muhahah” Janus slowly let go of him “Love you!”
Janus stood by the entrance watching as his boyfriend (it still made him giddy to think that) went to his car. He gulped and tensed his shoulders once he was all alone. He walked over to a more desolate spot and sat down on the side of the payment.
He scrolled through the contacts on his phone while the image of Logan’s smile repeated in his brain. He let out a shaky breathe as he moved the phone up to his ear and listened to the signals.
“Hiya Janister!” The cheery voice of Dr. Picani rang out.
“Hello...I.....I would....I’m just looking to ask if there’s a chance I could book a time for solo therapy? I’m...I’m...honestly not so sure if I’m completely okay...or if my childhood was okay either, but I’m sure I want to get better”
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snarkwrites · 3 years
honesty | shane walsh ; the walking dead
I’ve always written Evie with Shane and I’ve always said that I wish I could find a beginning for the two that wasn’t so loaded or angst filled. I was in my feelings earlier about the dark path Shane’s life took after Rick came back. And I think that as this was taking place, I just kind of wondered.. What if I just started their whole story out here? So the idea took hold and I wrote this out? Anyway.. If I were to start their own sort of story ( which I’m not ruling out, it all depends on what you guys wanna see or not), I honestly believe I’ve finally found that solid starting point.
Also, fluff. Because now and then fluff is nice. There is a hot little touchy feely kissing session in here too, I got you fam.
Grimes!Sibling OFC, Evie x Shane Walsh.
An overload of fluff. Hurt comfort. Complete and total au version of Rick’s return to the world -and the group after awakening from his coma. Lori’s not cast in the best light when Evie’s doing her heavy internal reflecting. Pining.. Years of pining all built up until it just can’t be tolerated anymore and the words have to come out. 
Other Stuff:
[ faq | tag list doc ] 
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                                           H O N E S T Y,
I couldn’t sleep. My tent was leaking and the drip drip drip of the rain as it poured down from above were driving me to the brink of insanity. And maybe somewhere deep down, I was worried about Shane.
How he was going to handle things now that Rick was alive and a part of the group. He’d been through so much stress. He’d been the leader, stepping up and taking charge. Keeping the group that assembled at the quarry in the beginning together. Keeping us alive. 
And true to form, my brother showed up and it almost seemed as if Shane were forced to the side by literally everyone who depended on him before. Right off the bat, he seemed to just step right into a leadership position. 
But that wasn’t what bothered me most. What bothered me most was the pained look on his face when he watched Lori and Rick having their little heart warming reunion. Something had changed in Shane in that exact moment. His eyes had gone dull. It looked like he’d lost any shred of hope and any fight he had left.
And every part of me wanted to choke Lori for that. Because for as long as I’ve stood back watching things play out between my brother, his wife and a man that we were basically raised to think of as a brother, one thing has been a constant.
Lori’s always quick to use Shane when she needs him. She’s even quicker to let him go and turn her back on him when she’s gotten what she wants or needs.. Or she stands a chance to lose my brother.
I took a few deep breaths and shoved all of that out of my mind. Well, I tried to.
The leak in my tent wasn’t getting any smaller. And the more the rain came down, the louder the dripping got until finally, it succeeded in driving me from my  tent.
I found Shane sitting on the tailgate of his Bronco, the Mossberg beside him. He was sitting there, staring at his hands. Even from across our campground I could see the tension in his muscular frame.
And then something else clicked for me.
All this time I’ve kept one thing buried and hidden. Too afraid to voice it. I’ve always wanted Shane Walsh all to myself. I’ve always felt something beyond friendship for the man. And the feelings only seemed to grow with each year that passed in our lives.
Life’s too short to keep wondering.
Life’s entirely too short to keep sitting back. Watching things play out the way they always seem to between the three of them. I could be bitten and turned tomorrow and the thought that I’d die without ever even hinting that I loved him and cared for him deeply was unsettling to me.
Before I could chicken out, I crawled out of my tent. Jogging over to the Bronco just as the rain really picked up.
I cleared my throat and Shane looked up.
What had been so easy in theory became so much more complex than I anticipated. I went to open my mouth, to say anything, but the words wouldn’t come. Shane nodded to the space next to him on the tailgate and I hoisted myself up, swinging my legs as I settled in. 
“Yer soakin wet.” Shane mused. I could feel him staring at me. Damned if I could grow the necessary strength to meet his gaze though. God knows I tried at least a thousand times as I sat there, struggling with how to go about doing what I’d wandered over to do.
“Kind of what happens when your tent’s got a fucking hole in the roof.” I muttered, my eyes drifting down to bare and mud caked feet.
“ Didn’t get Rick t’ patch it?” just the flat tone he took had me frowning a little to myself. Hugging myself as the breeze picked up and I went from cooled down like I’d been bitching about wanting to be hours ago to me actually feeling a little cold.
“Nope.” I answered. 
We reached for the bottle of Jim Beam sitting between the two of us at the same time. My hand rested against the top of his hand and I took a few shaky breaths. My heart felt like it might just beat out of my chest at any second.
He let go of the bottle and I took a generous sip from it, holding it out to him. He glanced at me and took the bottle, taking a few long pulls before sitting it back down between us again. Then he cleared his throat.
“Y’ can’t sleep in a wet tent, hon. Fastest way t’ get sick. Especially with the wind blowin like it is.”
“Kind of why I’m here.” I admitted quietly, swinging my feet back and forth. Staring down at them intently because I did not dare glance over at him.
“Figured you’d go t’ Rick and Lori’s tent.” Shane muttered, a note of surprise creeping into his tone as he spoke.
“They need their time and space. Besides, if I have to spend one more second in closed quarters with that woman, I might actually snap and choke her to death.” I rambled, my words falling away at the end because I realized just how harsh my tone sounded.
Shane chuckled quietly. “Always wondered why y’ didn’t like her.”
“She played the two men I love most against each other and tried to make them hate each other. If it would’ve worked at any point, I would’ve probably killed her. She’s lucky I haven’t killed her since I came back, come to think of it.” I shrugged.
Beside me, Shane shifted around a little. Cleared his throat. His mouth opened and closed like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t say anything.
“ It never would’ve changed nothin between you n’ me, Evie. If she had come between me n’ Rick, I mean...”
I took a deep breath.
“ It would if I don’t mean love in the sense you think I do.” I quickly reached for the bottle of Jim Beam, anxious for anything to occupy my mouth before I made an unholy mess of this whole spur of the moment idea of mine.
Shane’s hand shot out, circling my wrist. Lowering the bottle I held in my hand back down to the tailgate. As soon as the bottle was out of my hand, his fingers curled under my chin, guiding my eyes up to meet his. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I love you. Not as a friend or a brother. “ ,, you could’ve been so much more graceful in your phrasing. Did you really have to just dump it all out like that?” my mind taunted and my stomach proceeded to twist itself into thousands of tiny little knots as I waited for something. Any kind of reaction one way or another from him.
When that reaction came, I was shocked, to say the least. He reached out, plucking me off the tailgate. Settling me in his lap.
“How then?” he questioned, his eyes searching mine. His tone firm and yet still… Unsure. Almost as if he were afraid to pin any hopes on anything.
“ I left town to try and escape it back then because it was driving me crazy. Standing by and watching you three and your rollercoaster. I… I tried a thousand times to tell you how I really felt.” I admitted quietly, toying with the front of his shirt to distract myself. He tilted my face again, making me keep eye contact. As a feeble afterthought I sighed and shook my head, added in a hushed whisper, “You don’t have to.. I’ll be okay if you don’t feel the same way. I just wanted to tell you.. In case something happens down the road.”
I was going to try and just gracefully extract myself from his lap and the situation so I could keep the thin shred of dignity I had left at this point, but his hands settled in place on my hips, holding me in his lap.
He chuckled quietly. Looking at me as if he wanted to say something, his mouth opened, only to close again as he shook his head. “So instead of just sayin somethin.. Y’ left.”
I cringed. It sounded every bit as ridiculous now as it did to me when I decided to do it. “ I was afraid, okay? I know she’s always been it for you. I just couldn’t stand back and watch everything play out anymore, I…” I trailed off because there was this look in his eyes as they fixed on me.
“Y’ didn’t have a clue, hm?”
My brow raised.
“ Why else would I pick fights with th’ idiots you tried datin all the time?”
My breath caught in my throat and I raised my hand, dragging it through my hair. Really trying to puzzle out things. 
“ Woman… I got y’ a locket. I wasn’t just spendin all my time over at your house because we were all friends. Most of it was because I could be around y’. I gave up back then because I figured you weren’t interested. Kind of the only reason why I ever let Lori get t’ me in the first place. Because I thought y’ deserved better than me.”
I reached down into the front of my shirt, pulling the locket he’d given me years ago out, showing him that not only did I still have the locket, I still wore it. It’s never actually left my neck since the night he gave it to me, silly as that sounds.
“I’ve been through four chains now. Held up court once because it fell off my neck before I was due in but I wasn’t going in the court room until I found it.” I admitted, managing a sheepish smile as I met his gaze, holding it. Scooting closer to him for warmth. He raised his hands, rubbing over my arms. My legs settled around his waist and I sighed quietly.
Taking a few long and shaky breaths to get myself centered. To process my surprise at his own admissions thus far.
Because I hadn’t been expecting things to take the turn they had, at all. I thought that if anything, I’d pour it all out and he’d awkwardly but politely point out that he didn’t feel anything at all for me. He’d try to let me down gently or something.
“Remember when I asked for that help senior year? The big English paper?” Shane muttered after a few seconds of us just wordlessly staring at each other, lost in thought. Trying to process everything. Clumsily touching each other, our bodies migrating closer together. He raised a hand, smoothing my hair back out of my eyes as I nodded yes to his question.
“ I didn’t need help. I just wanted to be around y’ without Rick popping in and out. Had myself all convinced that I was hot shit. That I could go for it n’ kiss ya. Every damn time I tried, always managed to talk myself out of it. Except that last time. When we leaned in at the same time and wound up bumpin noses and Rick wandered in? If he hadn’t, I was going for it again.”
I swallowed hard because that was one of many nights I replayed over and over again in my own mind.. Each time a different ending that seemed to pave the way for some fairytale ending.
,, if the world weren’t falling to pieces…” my mind was at it again, trying to stop me from going further, trying to make any excuse to back out now. But this time, I shoved down the thought. This time I wasn’t backing out. The world might be falling to pieces but that didn’t mean I couldn’t at least try to squeeze some shred of joy out of it before it all came to a grinding halt.
We were talking now. Being more open than we’d ever really been with each other.
He’d even managed a weak smile here and there. Which was more than I’d seen out of him in hours by this point.
I felt the weight of the world lifting just because I knew that if everything came to an abrupt end tomorrow, I’d finally gotten it all out. He knew that at least one person loved him. Wanted him. Needed him.
Somehow, I got the feeling that right now, he needed to know that almost as badly as I needed to finally get it off my chest.
His hands were starting to wander. Our mouths kept migrating closer and closer and it seemed as if the storm and everything else in the world around us was just sort of falling away. It was so quiet that I could hear my heart beating loud against my chest. My mouth brushed the corner of his mouth and then he snapped.
What started out as a clumsy little halfway kiss turned into his hands tangling in my hair and gripping my hip, pulling me completely against him as the hand tangled in my hair pulled it free from a messy braid and dragged through it, tugging at it. His teeth locked onto my bottom lip, tugging until it started swelling. My tongue dragged over the outline of his mouth slowly, savoring the moment for all it was. My fingers dug into his shoulder and carded through his hair as my legs squeezed his sides and I basically clung to him when our tongues tangled and our mouths crashed against each other, the soft smack of deep and hot, frenzied kisses echoing in the still all around us. Shattering the bubble that seemed to have formed to keep everything else at bay.
By the time I was rubbing against him clumsily, we were breaking apart to breathe and his forehead rested against mine. The hand on my hip raised, settling on my cheek as he rolled his thumb over and caressed it.
I yawned, cuddling myself against him. Looking over my shoulder to where my leaky tent sat unused across the campsite. Shane chuckled and turned my gaze back to him, closing the distance between our mouths all over again, muttering quietly into the kiss, “We should probably get some sleep. We’ll figure somethin out tomorrow. Y’ can borrow one of my shirts to get dry, darlin.”
I nodded, swallowing hard as the shock started to wear off at last, replaced by honest to God sheer bliss...
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