#my fics ; shane walsh
alluringwidow · 9 days
,Rick Grimes - a fanfic by alluringwidow
SHE SIGHED LOOKING DOWN AT THE SMALL SCREEN OF HER BLACKBERRY, VOICEMAIL. She wore black scrubs, a dark green long sleeve underneath to keep warm in the cold halls of Harrison Memorial Hospital. Clutching her blackberry in her hands raising the phone back to her ear, deciding to try one last time in attempt to reach her husband, shaking her head in annoyance as it rang in her ear. Her eyes averted back to the pathway through the courtyard to the sliding doors that led inside to the sanitized walls. The hospital was a buzz today, a bit more than usual, well a bit crazier than usual. See here's what happened: Bianca Montgomery-Walsh had to pull a three grueling doubles in a row, that's not even the craziest thing. It wasn't out of the usual, normally she'd work three doubles but not one after another. Sleeping in the on-call room every chance she got, just to have a bit of normalcy. Except with having these three doubles, never having the time to venture home meant she hasn't seen Shane in three days.
Bianca was more on edge than ever when Rick Grimes was admitted for a gunshot wound that escalated to him losing a lot of blood and ending up in a coma. It was a heavy responsibility that had fallen into her lap, not only was it her husband's best friend it was her own best friend's husband. Now having to learn how to keep herself and her loved ones sane while assuring Rick was stable throughout the days that passed. Not to mention the grueling doubles that sucked the life out of her; it seemed that everyone in the whole goddamn state of Georgia was falling ill with this new sickness that was going around, leaving it up to her and her colleagues to keep things in order.
Bianca was more on edge than ever when Rick Grimes was admitted for a gunshot wound that escalated to him losing a lot of blood and ending up in a coma. It was a heavy responsibility that had fallen into her lap, not only was it her husband's best friend it was her own best friend's husband. Now having to learn how to keep herself and her loved ones sane while assuring Rick was stable throughout the days that passed. Not to mention the grueling doubles that sucked the life out of her; it seemed that everyone in the whole goddamn state of Georgia was falling ill with this new sickness that was going around, leaving it up to her and her colleagues to keep things in order.
Again, the call fell through to voicemail, she huffed shaking her head as she slipped the phone into the pocket of her scrubs. Eyes dancing around the courtyard one last time before she made her way down the cement path to those sliding doors that led inside to chaotic walls of the hospital.
        Bianca didn't mind the extra work load, it was exactly what she needed to distract her from the fact that not only was she tired but one of her closest friends was in these very walls fighting for his life. But then again, it was a grueling task to handle, Lori and Shane both looking to her for answers about the man who laid unconscious in the white walls of his room, answers she didn't exactly have. There was also Carl, who had been spending nights with Shane majority of the time or spending nights sleeping in his father's bed tucked under his limp arms. Lori Grimes didn't exactly enjoy those moments when her young son would sleep at the hospital: "I don't want him to see his dad like this." Lori whispered her eyes peering into the room where Carl slept soundly by his father's side.
          "He's grieving Lori." Shane would counter, his brown eyes locked in on the boys small frame. "As much as you don't like it, that boy needs to be here. We don't know what could happen, Rick's fine but for how long?" Bianca looked at Shane in just ask much shock as Lori did, he was right but voicing it bluntly like he had was crushing.
       "Go home, Shane."
        "I'm telling you the truth, the only reason why Bea hasn't said anything is because she doesn't want to hurt you."  He continued, standing his ground and staring at the woman, a somber look in his eyes as she continued to stare at her son. Tears pricked her eyes, with a deep inhale she held them back, "Just leave. I don't need you here...I don't need either of you here."
        The elevator pinged, startling Bianca just a bit with the high pitched sound notifying her that she was now on the third floor. Muttering excuse me and apologies as she squeezed past the other people on the shaft to exit onto the floor and making her way to the nurses station where she collected her clipboard from. "Thank you." She whispered as she grabbed the board from the lady behind the desk, her eyes scanning over the papers. Not as many rounds as she was expecting.
         As she made her rounds, checking on patients and preparing for the night that lurked over them, there was a twinge of unease in the pit of her stomach. Unsure of what the reasoning was, Bianca shook it off as just the stress of the long three days she had.
         In room 302, Bianca found Lori tidying up the small room trying to get rid of the nights trash and the changes of clothes that were on the floor, while Carl sat in the chair by the bed, nose shoved in a comic. "Hey, how's everything going in here?" Bianca hummed as she slipped into the room, Lori turning around to face her a bit surprised at her sudden appearance but offered a weakened smile. "Been a bit of the same," Lori sighed as she folded and put away a shirt into the duffle bag she had brought just a few days before.  "How are things out there?"
         "Getting crazier everyday," Bianca sighed as she inched closer to the bedside. Adjusting his IV drip with practiced ease, her brows furrowing as she monitored his vitals, eyes drifting down at Rick's unconscious state with a sigh. "He'll be okay." Carls voice suddenly filled the room, his comic now laid to the side with eyes in Bianca who offered him a smile.
          Lori's eyes held a look of heartbreak, gulping back her emotions and nodding along she looked back at Bianca. "I need to go home, throw some laundry in didn't exactly pack enough for another week."
         Bea nodded in response, "I'll be here. He's in good hands Lori, don't worry."
         Lori smiled softly, throwing the duffel bag over her shoulder as she walked near where Bianca and Carl were. The two women enveloped each other in a tight embrace, Bianca running her hand up and down the brunettes back to soothe her. No words were said other than the whispered "Thank you" that came from Lori before she collected Carl and headed out the door to disappear down that all. Bea watched them go off, sighing heavily as she looked back at Rick, moving to go sit in the same chair Carl was in.
         The room was silent and cold, the blondes eyes ventured over the man. She remembered the day he was wheeled into the emergency room, her husband following right behind him from the ambulance, blood soaked his clothes as nurses and doctors rushed his best friend away. Various colleagues had to hold Shane back as he tried to follow them to ensure Rick was okay. She remembers rushing over to him, pushing her colleagues away from his, grabbing his hands and face to pull him into a hug whispering to him that everything would be okay.
         Bianca was pulled from her thoughts at the sudden loud noise that echoed through the hall. Was that a gun shot? POP! POP! There went two more, followed by horrific screams. Fuck. Bianca's heart pounded inside her chest, the thumping around of people running down the halls mixed with the distant sounds of screams and echoing gunshots made her ears ring. Bea was frozen in the chair, her eyes locked in on the doorway. "Everyone, stay calm and follow our instructions," a rough voice barked from just down the hall. "Line up single file against the hall!"
          Air was caught in her throat, the sound of rounds flying from what she assumed to be a machine gun rattled the walls. Bianca had no idea what to do, her breathing ridged as she got up and hurried into the small bathroom and closing the door as silently as possible as the sounds of heavy boots clambered down the hallway. Bianca's back rested against the wooden door, eyes closed for a moment trying to regain her sense of reality. This isn't real, this isn't real. She repeated in her head over and over again.
Every sound made her head spin to the point she had no idea someone had hid themselves in the very room she was in, nor the fact that it was her husband trying to collect his friend and get him out of the hellish scenes of this hospital.
Authors note:
Above the cut was just a snippet of the beginning of Cry Of The Wolves, hopefully you guys enjoyed it and will check out the rest of the chapter on my wattpad, alluringwidow!
I had a bunch of fun creating this fic, lots of ideas brewing still it’s gonna be hard starting from season one and going all the way to season 11 but I’m up for the challenge lol.
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ashes-writing · 1 year
found ● s. walsh
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mentions of injury, memory loss and a person with absolutely zero medical background / experience attempting to write said injuries. female reader - nothing beyond gender specified. ashes butchering the writing of the southern accent.
(( repost from my old writing blog @snarkwrites))
word count
idek man. probably a little over 1k, give or take.
you were the last person shane walsh expected to stumble upon during his supply run, but there you were.. unconscious and injured, bruised and bloody.
-- if you followed @snarkwrites and you've already read this pls disregard.
other links
masterlist | shane's masterlist | about + rules
Your eyes flutter open slowly and you lie there, taking in the strange surroundings you’ve awoken to. The first thing that you notice is that you’re not wearing your own clothes and this is followed shortly by the fact that everything -even your hair, hurts.
The door to the bedroom gives a slow creak as it’s pushed open and a man you’ve never seen before, -albeit a handsome one, muscular with buzzed dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, leans in the doorway and watches with arms folded over his chest as you attempt to sit up clumsily.
There’s a bottle of Southern Comfort sitting on a table by the door and it’s got wildflowers sitting inside, you notice. The room you find yourself in reminds you in some ways of a hospital. Or a prison infirmary, though you’re not sure why that last one comes to mind.
“W-who are you?” You wince at the sound of your own voice as you ask the question and you fall silent again, waiting on the man to answer.
“Shane Walsh, darlin. Wouldn’t advise movin around too much.” he nods to the way you’re still fighting to sit up in bed a little better as he moves across the room and sinks down to sit at the bottom of the bed. It hurts a little that you can’t just look at him and remember who he is, but Herschel’s warned him that you may or may not have significant injury to your memories because you’d taken a blow or two to the head at some point in time before Shane got lucky enough to find you.
You repeat his name. “Shane Walsh.” but nothing about it stirs any kind of memory at first.. After a second or two, you feel this tug. Its’ as if you should know him like the back of your hand but the more you try, the more it frustrates you when you can’t seem to for the time being.. You stop trying to force anything to come and you focus on what you do know, which isn’t much at all. This, of course, prompts you to ask your next question. “Where am I? What happened to me?”
Seconds pass and the man says nothing. You’re sitting up a little better and Shane gets up, walking to the top of the bed. Leaning you up slightly as he fluffs the pillows at your back. You can’t help but stare at him with a brow raised as you wonder why he’s helping you and wait on some kind of an explanation as to what happened to you in the first place. 
It almost seems as if he’s not going to answer, you’ve nearly given up on it, but Shane sits down beside you and after a few more seconds of staring at calloused hands, he answers quietly. “Yer safe, that’s all that matters. As far as what happened to ya, best I can tell is you were runnin from Walkers when I found ya. Covered in blood. Looked like ya got beat pretty damn bad too. You collapsed so I carried ya back here.”
The door to the room opens a little wider and a man with graying hair and a kind but tired and wrinkled face wanders in. You notice that he barely seems to look Shane’s way as he asks the question, “How long has she been awake, Walsh?”
“Couple minutes now. Think y’ can make her realize it ain’t a good idea, all the movin she’s doin?”
Rick gazes at Shane for a few seconds. It’s on the tip of his tongue to tell the man to get lost, get away from you but instead, he turns his attention to you and all your assorted injuries instead. Telling Shane to stay away isn’t going to do any good and deep down, Rick has a feeling that maybe Shane having something -or someone else other than only Judith, to focus on might just keep him from going too far down a dark and lonely path.
You are the one that got away, after all. He never got over losing you years ago and since he’s found you again and saved you from whatever dastardly plan Negan had in store for you he hasn’t left your side more than a handful of times.
Rick leaves the room and pulls the door closed behind him. Just like it used to be, the air is thick with tension and it’s enough to make him feel like he’s invading a very private moment between two people all over again. It was always like this between the two of you, he thinks to himself. Carl wanders over and nods to the door. “Did she wake up, Dad?”
“She did.”
“ You left Shane in there with her?” Carl questions the wisdom in his father’s decision. Rick shrugs as he nods. “Shane’s not gonna hurt her, son. Everybody else is questionable, but he’d never hurt her. Might even do him some good, finding her..” Rick goes quiet and he glances at the closed door. He was wary about leaving the room himself but the tension between you two was so damned thick that he couldn’t stay. ... not to mention your own past ties with her and that little green eyed monster that started to creep it’s way in when Shane brought her back a few nights ago... the thought comes but Rick shoves it out. You only ever really loved Shane. Shane was it for you like Lori, at one time, was it for him. ... now all that’s been shot to hell and she’s gone... the thought comes and it has Rick grimacing as the pain washes over him all over again. 
Carl eyes his father warily and glances at the closed door before shrugging it off and making his way out into the ‘yard’ of the prison to tend the garden because it’s his turn to water and weed the vegetables planted.
Your vision clears just a little better and you find yourself looking at the dark haired man again. Swallowing hard when you do because everything about him still seems familiar and yet, you can’t put a finger on it. Memories you should be able to call up easily just aren’t coming.
Just random little bits that you feel aren’t connected, they can’t be.. Men shouting, laughing. A man with a barbed wire bat grabbing you up. The impending sense of doom. And lastly, darkness. None of it explains why you feel like you know the muscular,dark-haired man like the back of your hand. None of what you can recall even seems to even be about him and you’re frustrated with this.
“You seen that man you think had her holed up? The one y’ think might’ve hurt her?” Rick asks quietly when he walks back into the room to check on how things are going. For all he knows, Shane’s the instigator in the incident that occurred between himself and the man with the barb wire wrapped baseball bat. It’s not like it’s a stretch, Shane’s taken a dark turn since this whole thing started. Rick can’t help but feel that whatever happened the night Shane came back to the prison carrying you in his arms might well have been antagonized heavily by whatever course of action Shane chose to take.
“Naw, it’s like him n’ his group up and disappeared. Wish they would come back though. I’d fuckin kill him for whatever it is he’s done or was plannin to do.” Shane seems angry and tense as he says it and when he looks at you, the anger seems to fade out of his eyes just a little. They’re softer as they fix on you and he leans in a little, brushing hair out of your eyes. 
“ We’ll keep an eye out.” Rick answers quietly before leaving the room again. He goes off to find Daryl and check the perimeter around the prison to make sure it’s secured.
 You swallow hard, your eyes dart to thick and calloused fingers for just a second or two.
A name keeps repeating itself in your mind.
“Who’s Negan?” you ask before you can stop yourself. Just mentioning the name calls forth more of the same random flashes of memory and thought. This deep seated fear comes right along with it.
Your question seems to have Shane tensing up all over again and he growls quietly. But when he answers you, you know what he says is a lie, or at very least a half-truth, because if he didn’t know something, he wouldn’t have had the reaction. “Some weird guy I ran into on a supply run. Nothin for y’ to worry yer pretty little head over, darlin.”
Shane’s right fist clenches when you ask about Negan because all he can see in his mind is the way Negan had you locked away in some room with all the other women. Kept calling you one of his ‘wives’. Guy said he treated all of the ‘wives’ decent - and insisted that he’d saved your life, and yet, your injuries came from somewhere. Guy also said that you didn’t know your own name and you didn’t talk, either.
“O-oh.” you answer before falling silent. The light overhead catches on something silver around your neck and you gingerly raise a hand, trailing your fingers over a delicate silver chain. You pull it from beneath the oversized khaki colored shirt you’re wearing and you gaze at it for a few seconds, lost in thought as bits come flooding back.
This time, those bits involve the man sitting right beside you.
Shane happens to glance over at you and as soon as he sees the way you’re staring at the locket around your neck, he knows to stay quiet. He knows that something is coming back to you.
He just hopes it’s enough to ease your mind. Make you realize that you’re safe and he’s not a threat -at least not to you, everyone else, they can go straight to hell as far as he’s concerned. He’s only stuck it out this long because of the child he possibly shares with Lori, his - or Rick’s,  infant daughter, Judith. There’s no way in hell he’s taking off and leaving her with this group -and Rick won’t allow him to take Judith and leave the group either because neither man is entirely sure who Judith’s father is and Rick doesn’t trust him as far as he can throw him these days,  despite the fact that at one point in time, he trusted Rick more than anything. Rick was a brother to him. As the thought surfaces, he attempts to shove it out because he knows he’s at fault for this no longer being the case and while he does feel guilt over it, he also knows that deep down, he’s right. They’re not going to survive if they don’t learn how to embrace the fact that dark and desperate times call for dark and desperate measures.
“S-shane?” your breath catches in your throat as you begin to remember exactly how well you know the man sitting right beside you. And deep down, you’re remembering that you’ve always regretted having to leave him behind years ago.
Shane clears his throat, nods but doesn’t say anything. “What’d you remember?” he finally asks after a long pause that feels as if it lasted hours.
“You gave me this locket. We were gonna run away together.. I couldn’t meet you in time.” you answer quietly as your past with Shane starts to piece itself together. You feel safer now, a little more at ease.
You can remember enough about yourself now to know who you are. And you were found by Shane and Shane Walsh would die before he allowed anything to happen to you, so you know you’re safe now.
It’s something you haven’t felt in a really, really long time. The thought creeps in and you take a shaky breath or two as you sit quietly beside him. 
Shane’s the first one to speak up. “ I need to check your bandages, darlin. Make sure they’re still good n’ tight.” he mumbles after a few seconds. He turns slightly so that he’s facing you and he reaches out, thick fingers catch in the hem at the bottom of the khaki shirt you’re wearing.
It has to be one of his, you find yourself thinking, because it smells exactly like the cologne he always wore when you were his girlfriend back then. The scent is comforting as what remains of it fills your nose. The shirt is pulled away from your body and as soon as the bandages are revealed, you grimace.
“The doc said he thinks you got yourself a few bruised ribs.” Shane explains gently as his eyes settle on you. He feels the bandages to make sure they’re still secure around your upper body and for a few seconds, his hands linger on your curvy frame. Then he raises his hand and his fingers catch on the thin and delicate silver chain at your neck as he bites his lip and his eyes settle on you.
 If these were different circumstances, he’d probably still be holding on to the emptiness and the hurt, the bitterness that came with showing up to your favorite spot to go and be alone together and finding out you’re not there. But that was years ago and now, with everything that’s gone to hell in a handbasket, it seems so small and insignificant somehow. His eyes settle on the heart shaped locket.
It took him an entire summer working to save up to get it.
“Yeah?” he glances up at you when you say his name softly, lost in thought. 
“I didn’t show because my dad, he.. Found out. And he packed me up, shipped me off to live with the grandparents. I wanted to leave with you, I swear I did.” you mumble the words quietly and as they start to trail away and die, you add in a whisper, “I never stopped loving you. I tried so hard, I just.. I couldn’t.”
And after all the years that have passed since that last night he saw you, he’s faced with one simple truth. After you left, he stopped looking. He got more into the here and now as opposed to the long-term. And he starts to realize that everything that went down between himself and Lori was nothing more than two lost people. Two lonely people.
Coming together to make the best out of their own individual bad situations.
“Darlin, I..” Shane starts to say it back but parts of him feel as if he doesn’t have the right to, after all, he’s not the same man. He’s older. He’s turned into someone he doesn’t really recognize anymore.
But at his core, he knows that he still loves you and he always will.
Life is too short. Life also isn’t fair.
But circumstance has brought you back into his and he’d be an idiot if he didn’t take the chance, the thought comes just as he fails a final time at pushing the words he’s dying to say to the back of his mind instead of allowing them to come out. 
“What, Shane? What’s wrong, baby?” you ask the question quietly and it just sort of...breaks… him. He gazes at you for seconds that seem to stretch lazily into hours. And finally, he takes a shaky breath and leans in a little closer. “I ain’t the same guy. But I still love you too, darlin. You’re safe now, okay? I gotcha. I promise.”
It’s not much, but it’s the best he can promise because absolutely no one is promised tomorrow, let alone five seconds from now. It’ll have to be enough. He hopes against hope that it’s enough -that he’s enough, and he takes a few shaky breaths, waiting. Wondering what your reaction to what he’s just told you will be.
You grimace as you try to move yourself closer to him and he shakes his head, moving to squeeze himself into the bed beside you as best as he can given it’s lack of space. An arm slips around your shoulders and you lean your head against his. 
“Everything’s gonna be alright.”
“ Yeah.” you manage to respond as you glance up at him. You know he’s not the same man, there’s just something different, something darker in his eyes that wasn’t there before and despite seeing it, you know one thing beyond all doubt. He still loves you and you still love him and now that you’ve finally found him again, you never want to leave.
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thegreatwicked · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @pickleprickle!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Currently seven but there will be more oe shots soon...
2. What's your total A03 word count? 149,505
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently Star Wars and the DC verse are my top two, but I also write for Assassins Creed, the Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, and some Marvel.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Bet You Wish You Had Me Back (Shane Walsh x FOC) SMUT one shot
Unbreakable Bonds (Obi-Wan x FOC) Slow burn, eventual smut/romance
Shadows of Deception (Roman Sionis x FOC) SMUT. SMUT. SMUT.
After the Storm (Hux x FOC) One shot; smut, sex polle troupe... kinda.
1001 Lonely Nights (Dean Winchester x FOC) Smut, one shot
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I love talking to you guys, your comments make my day and make me want to write more!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I suppose it would have to be 1001 Lonely Nights, I don't currently have much angsty stuff right now but trust me thats about to change very soon as i'm dipping my toes into the murky Sith Obi-wan waters...
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I think it would have to be Bet You Wish You Had Me Back, and only because as of right now that story is complete.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I haven't but I'm sure theres someone out there with something shitty to say...
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? YES. All the smut. All the time. Give me more of that sweet and spicy capsaicin.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I haven't but there cold be a good one out there I haven't gottent o or discoveed. Truthfully I'm not a huge fan and I much prefer leaving fandom easter eggs for you guys to find.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but that could be fun!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Oooh... Thats tough, I love my OCs... But If i had to choose I'd say Bruce Wayne/Batman x Selina Kyle/Catwoman. The Bat and the Cat.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I don't really know, I have lots of WIPs and I think I'm doing an ok job on all of them writing fairly frequently, for me its simple matter of 'It''ll be done when it's done' but lovely comments do tend to speed up the process. ;)
16. What are your writing strengths? I've been told my smut is very poetic and emotionally evocative and you can get a sense of more than just the physical interactions between the characters adn you have a feel for what they're going through and thinking. I've also been told I write very good first person. I like to write first person POV from established canon characters like Jason Todd, Obi-wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, etc because we don't often get a look into their minds and it's fun to wear their boots.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I really don't know, I know I tend to bite off more than I can chew...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? It depends, I have a story I'm writing from the POV of a British character and thats similar, but I feel like, if I can't do it right and believably then best not to do it at all.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Probably Lord of the Rings. MANY moons ago.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? It's a tie between Unbreakable Bonds and Shadows of Deception. I love them both because both OCs are different and both male leads; Obi-wan Kenobi and Roman Sionis are VERY different, despite being played by the same actor. That wasn't planed, I swear...
No pressure tags! @heyhawtdawgs, @split-spectrum. @firstofficerwiggles, @ladyinwriting18. @blueeyedheizer, @thenightmarketofdathomir @acciotwinz, @221bshrlocked. @littleredwing89. @murdockussy. @kittyofalltrades. @jedianjakenobi. @eloquentmoon. @amhrosina. @rebelbluerobin @anatee, @wickedscribbles on AO3 @thefamilybruno (you too, you fantastic writer you!)
If I tagged you then I've read your stuff and its amazing, have a lovely day you fantastic people you!
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lightblindingme · 10 months
Day Bleeds into Nightfall (You're not Here) - a Shane Walsh fic
Hi *waves shyly* Long time no write/read for various reasons. Let's just hope I won't make another break that's this long lol Here's some angst to make up for it. To set you in the mood, listen to Someone you loved by Lewis Capaldi because I aim to hit you in all the feels.
Remember, the story is told out of order.
'My Forever Is Yours' series on AO3 - a Shane x ofc Tess AU series
A series of non-linear fics centered around Tess, Shane and their family
Part 22 Summary: Shane and Tess' life takes a turn.
Timeline: set a few years before Sylvie's birth (connected to Part 21 which happens after this part).
Part 22 on AO3
Chapter excerpt: It’s there – the knowledge – tickling her brain like an annoying feather. As her tired feet lead her towards the living room, her body starts to shiver and another torrent of tears erupts, streaming down her cheeks.
She knows - not deep inside as one would say, but on the very surface, what it means. The realization clings to the front of her mind now, sticks to her throat as it claws and scratches it raw until Tess feels she can’t utter a word no matter how desperately she’d like to.
Her eyes take in the rest of the scene before her with hollow despair, knees barely holding her up. A sense of numbness fills her bones as more and more details come into view.
There are no shoes shoved under the small bench by the front door. There are no jackets hanging on the hooks. Not even the random trash and trinkets that collected in his pockets which he used to leave in the bowl at the end of the day, never to be sorted through. Just a solitary cardigan she forgot to put in the washing machine.
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lovelyamneris · 10 months
I wrote this back in 2021 and I’m rewatching twd and decided to read it over again and oh my God I wrote this??? It’s probably one of my favorite fics I’ve ever written tbh
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chxrryhansen · 3 months
okay but why is there like no shane walsh fics on here like jon bernthal is so fucking fine. just look at him😩
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don’t attack me but he is my all time favourite twd character… an inch before negan🤭
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wannabespacesmuggler · 2 months
D.D. | Shane's Girl
Part Six | Masterlist | Buy me a coffee | Check out the playlist
Summary: Daryl Dixon knows he shouldn’t be thinking about you when he’s alone at night in his tent. Hell, he shouldn’t even be looking at you throughout the day. You’re not his. You’re Shane’s girl. But Daryl doesn’t like the way Shane treats you. And he certainly doesn’t like how you’re forced to play ‘loving girlfriend’ to a man with eyes for another woman at the camp.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x female!Reader
Warnings: Shane Walsh sucks, unedited (I will get to it later, I promise)
Word Count: 1.2K
Author’s Note: Oof—alright, it's been a hot second, everybody. Apologies for going MIA for a while (life, y'know?). I haven't forgotten about this fic and I know that none of you have forgotten about it based on the amount of notes and messages I get (which I appreciate greatly). Thanks for sticking it out with me guys. Excited for you all to see what I have planned in the coming chapters. In the meantime, let me know what y'all think of this one & let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
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The expletive escapes your lips before you can think twice about it. You nervously look around the camp, searching for Carl and Sophia. The last thing you need is for Lori and Carol to get on your case because you accidentally taught the children swear words. After realizing that neither of them is in earshot, you let out a sigh of relief. 
You look down at the garment in your lap. Shane had thrown a pair of his cargo pants at you earlier this morning, grumbling about a hole in one of his pockets. You had woken up earlier than him, probably because he had returned to your shared tent far after everyone else in camp had retired for the evening. This was becoming somewhat of a routine for the two of you: Shane sneaking around in the middle of the night thinking you’re asleep; meanwhile, you spend the restless nights in your tent waiting to see if he actually comes back. You never ask him where he was in the morning—knowing that Shane would brush you off by saying he was on watch as if you don’t understand that the shifts rotate every night. Another sigh escapes your lips as you defeatedly throw the pants onto the table before you and turn your attention to your finger, which you had clumsily stabbed with a needle while attempting to fix the garment.
“You ‘lright?”
The sound of Daryl’s rough southern drawl makes you jump. You look up and see Daryl standing a few feet away with his raised hands. He takes a few careful steps toward you—his movements are slow and calculated. Your brow furrows at the sight—did he think you’re afraid of him?
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle ya.”
“It’s okay, Daryl. I was just a little distracted.”
Daryl nods at your words before taking a seat beside you at the table.
“What’d ya do to your hand?”
He leans toward you slightly to get a better look, his concerned eyes raking over your hands, looking for any sign of injury. A small smile spreads across your face as Daryl continues to worry about your well-being. You raise your hands to show him that you’re perfectly okay.
“It’s nothing. Just pricked my finger—Shane has a hole in his pocket, and I was never good with a needle and thread.”
You shrug your shoulders nonchalantly as you speak. Daryl chews on his bottom lip as he looks at the cargo pants on the table. It’s ripped along the seam, an easy fix—he’s done it numerous times for his own tattered jeans.
“Give it ‘er.”
You look at Daryl’s outstretched hand in disbelief for several seconds before handing him the needle and thread. Daryl snatches the pants off the table and gets to work. You watch him curiously—his brow furrows as he focuses on the task at hand. Daryl momentarily lets his attention drift to you; he awkwardly shifts in his seat, suddenly uncomfortable with how intently you’re watching him.
“Why are you lookin’ at me like that?”
His tone is defensive, but it doesn’t make you back down like everyone else.
“Just surprised, is all.”
“What, Shane doesn’t know how to sew?”
He meets your incredulous gaze and can’t help but laugh. The sound is still foreign to his ears, even though it’s becoming somewhat of an ordinary occurrence when he’s with you. He’s much more used to the sound of Merle yelling, music blaring, old motorcycles' roar, and the forest's peaceful ambiance. 
“Well, you shouldn’t have to do everything for him.”
His genuine words should comfort you, but instead, they nag at you. You shouldn’t have to do everything for him. You shouldn’t have to turn a blind eye to your boyfriend’s nightly habit. You shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells around him. You shouldn’t have to make yourself smaller for his convenience. And yet, here you are. 
“You have a cigarette?”
The question catches Daryl off guard. He’s only seen you smoke once—that night at the campfire, and he swore it was his fault. Your words from that night still rattle around in his head. You’re a bad influence, Dixon. He completes his final stitch, bringing the thread to his mouth so he can rip it off with his teeth. He places everything back on the table before pulling out his pack of Marlboro Reds from his pocket and offering it to you. You take one from the pack, twisting it in your fingers before placing the cigarette between your lips. Daryl notices your hesitation as he hands you his old lighter, so he waits until you’ve lit your cigarette before pulling out one of his own. The two of you sit in comfortable silence, but something about this doesn’t sit right with Daryl.
“What’s goin’ on?”
You furrow your brow at his question, feigning confusion, but Daryl doesn’t relent. He simply raises a brow at you as he takes another long drag of his cigarette. You let out a defeated sigh before answering his question.
“It’s just Shane…”
You trail off thinking that since it’s relationship drama, maybe Daryl wouldn’t be interested. But he doesn’t try to change the subject or brush you off, instead, he gives you his undivided attention. He watches you quickly look around camp, scooping the area and taking account of who is around. A frown pulls at the corners of Daryl’s lips as he realizes that you’re once again looking over your shoulder for Shane.
“He wasn’t always like this. I mean, he was always a hothead, but he wasn’t always so cruel.” 
The softness in his tone catches you off guard, and you look up at him. A part of you wants to cry at how attentive Daryl is at this moment. It’s been so long since someone has shown you this kind of care.
“You ain’t gotta defend him to me.”
Daryl watches as a single tear falls down your cheek at his words, and he begins to panic. Did he upset you? Was he out of line? Had he gotten the situation between you and Shane wrong? This isn’t his forte. He wishes he was a different man—a better man, a softer man. He wishes he was more like his mother and less like his father. That she could have lived long enough to teach him a few more life lessons—like how to comfort someone you care for. 
Before he has the chance to spiral completely out of control, he feels your fingertips find his, and his heart damn near stops. He involuntarily pulls away from your touch, and it makes him wince. He sits in the shame of his response to your touch. A better man would have been able to return your affection. Finally, he meets your gaze, expecting to see the hurt he caused by his reaction. Instead, he’s met with a smile so warm and tender that he can practically feel the shame in his body melt away.
“Thank you, Daryl.”
A small, affectionate smile pulls at the corners of Daryl’s lips. 
“It was nothin’.”
You shake your head at his words. What he did for you today was far from nothing, but you let it go, opting to turn your attention back to the cargo pants on the table before you. As you admire Daryl’s handiwork, you can’t help but hope that Daryl knows that Shane’s pocket isn’t the only thing he stitched back together today.
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ghostboneswrites2 · 4 months
My Reading List:
Daryl Dixon
This is a masterlist of some of my favorite works by other writers on tumblr! Features, one shots, drabbles, headcanons, etc. Anything reader x daryl that I enjoyed a lot. Will constantly update as I find more.
To the authors whose work is linked here: I wasn't sure if I should tag you or if that would be rude or annoying plz lmk if tagging is not preferred and I will remove your tag and leave it as just the link!
2 Batteries Away (mildly angsty smut) - by @pirateprincessblog
Wha's up there? (funny little convo) - by @celtic-crossbow
She's alrigh' (another funny little convo. This author is great with these) - by @celtic-crossbow
Can you flip me on my back? (smutty drabble that made me die) - by @dixonzzgirl
Dog headcannons (omg?? this was geniusly adorable????) - by @dixonzzgirl
Sins and Honey Flavored Sweetness (smutty one shot) - by @scudslut
Long Before (long, smutty, beautifully written reader!greene x Daryl) - by @ladywuvly
When Skies are Gray (we only have the first chapter so far but I'm already hooked) - by @optimist-pine
The World Keeps Getting Hotter (Daryl fears death for the first time, because of you) - by @celtic-crossbow
Older and Older Pt 2 (first fic is younger reader tormenting Daryl with her suggestiveness, second is the smutty payoff for his suffering) - by @d1xonss
Love me, love my cat (Daryl isn’t a cat guy but he doesn’t have a damn choice) by - @spectacular-skywalker
Best Served Cold (Walsh!Reader gets revenge on cheating fiancé with Daryl) - by @gutsby
Afterglow (a lovely Bethyl where Beth survived and ends up in the CRM) - by @galadrieljones
Failed to Protect You (a sad self insert but worth the tears) - by @on-twd-writing
Sleeveless (suggestive & lusty little one shot) - by @fluffy-dixon
Get Off My Back (angsty and cute) - by @metanoiahh
Shane’s Girl (ongoing Walsh!Reader x Daryl Dixon) - by @wannabespacesmuggler
“You’re so, so, so pretty.” (drunk!daryl fluff) - by @daryl-dixon-daydreams
Take me High and I’ll Sing (Daryl overworking himself like the stubborn princess he is) - by @celtic-crossbow
The Fair (very sad but very good!) - by @xoxo-sarah
There Ain’t No God Here (spicy breath play smut) - by @darylbae
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liliesdiary · 6 months
🎀 WIP 🎀
hii I'm back from my break !! I've been resting for this new year and now I'm back. I have a couple of requests that I will complete soon. Request more, don't be shy!
this is a list of my wip, I have many more in my drafts that I will post after these four. Comment which fic/daydream would you like to be tagged in/interested in 🎀
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Daryl's Bunny
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requested by @leatherwingsandcrossbowstrings (daryl's living sex doll request)
cw kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, bunny nickname, injures ankle, doll nickname, pervert!daryl, lonely!daryl, very very gentle with his bunny , light bondage, rope bunny
Daryl finds an injured bunny hopping in the forest, trembling and crying at the pain in her ankle. Daryl takes her in and shelters this pretty bunny and gets attached to her soft lips and sweet voice. He wanted to protect this little doll. He never wants to let his bunny go, instead he holds her hostage and turns her into his little injured bunny into his living doll.
Dad's Perverted Best Friend (Shane Walsh)
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requested by anonymous
cw dead dove do not eat , dad's best friend, age gap, legal age gap, pre apocalypse + Rick and Shane are aged up, dubcon, throat fucking, daddy kink, corruption kink, choking,
Dad's perverted best friend won't stop touching your body, pressing his bulge against your ass in those short skirts of yours when you wash the dishes. Loving the fact that he's slowly corrupting you, turning Rick's innocent daughter into his little plaything turned him on so much. He needs to be the one that pops that cherry and he will.
Jackson Rippner's Obsession
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inspired by @slut4thebroken glory hole head cannons xoxoxo
cw dead dove do not eat, kidnapping, obsessive stalking, possessive behavior, misogyny, glory hole, sex work, degradation, brutal sex, cnc, dubcon, sex slave, cunt, f reader
Jackson Rippner loved visiting glory holes but had an obsession with you. He loved fucking your tight cunt and paid so much money just to fuck you. He never looked at any of the other girls, he had an obsession with you and only you. He watched as other men fucked you, the way you moaned and whimpered made him possessive and mad. He always fucked you harshly, making you scream and cry but you knew you had to just take it. He loved hearing you scream. He just had to take you away and make you his personal sex slave.
Waking Up Daryl Dixon
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consensual somnophilia, season two daryl dixon
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enretrogue · 6 months
Bumblebee Series: 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 ⎢ 6 ⎢ 7 ⎢  — @angrythingstarlight .☘︎ ݁˖
Soft!Dark!Mafia!Bucky x Runaway Bride!Reader — @angrythingstarlight .☘︎ ݁˖
Peachy Sweet: 1 ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 ⎢ 4 ⎢ 5 ⎢ 6 — @straywords .☘︎ ݁˖
Apple Bottom Jeans (+Billy Russo) — @bubuslutty
#15 w/ Frank Castle — @bits-and-babs
Bambi With Fangs ⎢ 2 ⎢ 3 — @bubuslutty
Bring Me Home — @frvnkcastles
Bakery AU — @devils-dares
Love Language (+ Billy Russo) — @bubuslutty
Imagine #1,044 (+ Shane Walsh) — @komotionlessqueenmm
Primal — @darlingshane
Instagram AU — @amhrosina
You’re Everything I Never Knew I Needed — @lemon-world1
Cowboy!Frank — @rrestrella
Really Bad Week — @chvoswxtch
“Come here…Hey! I said come. Here.” — @bullet-prooflove
Sanctuary — @glossysoap
Biting Truth — @narcolini
Soft Morning Sex w/ Frank — @amhrosina
Cutesy Blurb — @thyme-in-a-bubble
Frank w/ An Inexperienced Reader — @amhrosina
His Inheritance: Chapter 26 ⎢ Chapter 27 — @jtargaryen18
Spelling Out “I Love You” — @amhrosina
Baking w/ Matty and Frankie — @chvoswxtch
An Unexpected Delight — @amhrosina
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CDC — @collecting-stories
Feel Me — @nikkisheep
Never Stopped Looking — @glennrheesworld
Sex w/ Glenn — @strgrlxox
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Busted — @mlmxreader
Our Scars — @arzennn
Behind On That Cute Date ⎢ Chocolate Pie — @anonymooseforever007
Airport Snow — @there-goes-thefighter
Angel of Birmingham — @darkdevasofdestruction
Quid Pro Quo — @scorpiussage
Dragon’s Den — @pherelesytsia
Afternoon Shelby Chaos ⎢The Boys ⎢Dad!Tommy ⎢Mr. Giraffe — @teenwolf-theoriginals
Mama Bear — @dlmlufics
Arthur + Cards — @dlmlufics
Big Sister Bess — @dlmlufics
Escape to Me — @daisyblinder
The Proposal (Shelby!Reader) — @anonymooseforever007
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Take a Nap Amidst the Storm — @lloydsbitch
Home — @welcome-to-my-multiverse
Ready for Destruction (Prologue) — @holylulusworld
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Handcuffed — @thisfanisgonesorry
Taking Control — @call-me-little-sunshine84
Workplace Gossip — @darling-i-read-it
Batch of Cookies — @sunnylands-world
Hopper x Sleepy!Reader — @ddejavvu
DBF!Hopper — @ddejavvu
Final Essay — @keerysteacake
Plain Old Man — @ddejavvu
Out of the Woods — @mypoisonedvine
DBF!Hopper — @empresskylo
94 notes · View notes
ashes-writing · 2 years
s h o p p i n g | the walking dead ; s.walsh
** all images made by me. prompt credits go to the makers of the lists I used which can be found[ here ] [here] [ here ] [ here ] [ here ] [ here ] [ here ] [here] [here]and [here] - a huge thanks to all the wicked talented creators of these prompt lists. **
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𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 - 𝚋𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚢
↪ summary
--- part 2 of 2. You coerce Shane into going to the black friday sales event with you.
↪ pairing / fandom
--- Grimes!Fem reader x Shane Walsh - The Walking Dead.
↪ warnings
--- flirting and couple bickering back and forth playfully. it's just cute. reader is slightly characterized in that she's Rick's sister.
↪ taglist, babes
--- my taglist is [here] if you'd like to be on it. @tbmunson, hey bestie, its me and i'm back on my the walking dead bullshit, lmaoo.
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“You’re going with me, Shane.”
“Like hell, woman. It’s 9 at night. I’m goin’ t’ sleep.”
“Shane…” you’re giving him those begging eyes, the ones he never could seem to resist. He sucks his teeth and grumbles to himself a little but he reaches for the remote sitting on the coffee table nearby and he shuts off the television. “Okay, alright. Fine. I’m only doin this because you gave me that look.”
You’re grinning, but you’re smart enough to play innocent. “What look?”
“You know what look, woman. You make yer eyes big and you pout.”
“I do not pout, damn it.”
“Do so! Get yer coat.” Shane waves you off but you hug him and he hugs back, the hug breaking with him pressing his lips to your forehead. You rush off to grab your jacket and Shane finds the leather jacket he’d discarded earlier in the mud room out back, sliding it on.
“You’re leavin already, Walsh?”
“Got dragged into goin with your sister t’ the stupid sales.”
“Uh huh, well… Good luck with that, Shane.” Rick chuckles as you walk past him, stopping to hug your older brother. “Are you trying to drive the poor guy crazy, sis?”
“You know how crowded and crazy the sales get.”
“And I know with Shane there, I’m going to get exactly what I wanted to get and get the hell out, hopefully as quick as I can.”
“Says you, the woman who loves to shop.” Shane is teasing and you turn to stick out your tongue. You grab hold of his arm after you’ve grabbed your keys and you’re practically dragging him out the door so he can’t change his mind and come to his senses.
He pauses.
“Shane, c’mon. I’m going to the sales and you’re going with me. I’ve got a bat, we’ll be fine.”
“Woman, why the hell did you bring a bat?”
“Because nobody’s getting their hands on that Zbox thing Carl wants so bad before I get one in mine, damn it.” you answer with a smug look and Shane snickers quietly, correcting you. “It’s an Xbox, darlin. Stop a second, lemme zip yer coat.”
“Hey! I was gonna use my assets to my advantage, sir.”
“Over my dead body, woman. Get in, I’m drivin. If I gotta endure the chaos at the mall over in Slate, ain’t no way in hell I’m going to endure your drivin too.”
“My driving is not that bad.”
“The post at the curb begs to differ, hon. So does that curb.”
“Fuck you, Shane.”
“Hey, now there’s an idea.” Shane’s leaning down to pull your seatbelt over your body and steal a kiss as he laughs, “You an’ me can skip all this black friday nonsense, head on over t’ my place..”
“After you take me to get this stupid Zbox.”
“It’s an Xbox, woman. Pretty sure they won’t have one. They’re sold out all over.”
“There has to be one somewhere and by God, I’m gonna find it.”
“Shit.” Shane grumbles and laughs, shaking his head as he closes the door to your side of the car and walks around, getting into the driver seat…
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bobbyseyesmile · 11 days
Attitude | Part 3
Summary: Y/N has to think about what she wants: a rather safe life with Shane but she‘ll lose her sanity and might explore parts of her own mind she must sacrifice or will she put a bullet, between his perfect brown eyes, as the rational side of her brain tries to advise her.
A/N: soo uhm, i‘m sorry (no i‘m not lol) this is filth. HAVE FUN also thanks to my lovely @angel-litter who inspired me to write a third part
Characters: Dark!ShaneWalsh x Reader
WARNINGS: age gap (reader is 18+) / explicit sexual content, swearing - I can’t stress enough that this is a dark fic: Shane is a mean motherfucker and just takes what he wants. Don’t like, don’t read. You’ve been warned.
Trigger warning: dub-con | 18+
🔞 MINORS DNI below the cut! 🔞
➻ Part 2 [M]
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The sun was setting over the horizon, casting long shadows over the prison walls. The world was quiet, save for the distant groans of walkers and the occasional rustle of leaves.
The group had settled for the evening, a small fire crackling in the front yard, warming the people who stood guard for the night. Shane Walsh sat on the outskirts, cleaning his gun with practiced ease. He glanced up, his eyes narrowing as you approached.
"Something you need, princess?" Shane drawled, his voice tinged with mockery.
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. "Just checking to make sure you’re not planning to run off again. Wouldn’t want the group’s supposed protector to abandon us."
Shane smirked, his eyes glinting with mischief. He knew exactly what you were getting at: On last week’s supply run he disappeared for hours, nobody knew where he went and Rick got nervous as the hours passed by. When the sun began to set Shane casually walked towards the prison, not even batting an eye that almost everyone was looking for him.
Everyone but you. You kept telling yourself to stay away from him, not getting pulled into the dark abyss that surrounded Shane Walsh. He was a hothead and dangerous as he preferred to work alone instead of teams.
Your father worried a lot about the future; your mom’s pregnancy wasn’t helping at all. Thankfully you found the prison and its large protective walls that kept you save; as long as everyone was willing to do their part.
Except Shane fucking Walsh.
Shane’s eyes shamelessly wandered over your body, relishing the memories when you were a whimpering hot mess. His whimpering and hot mess. The older man knew exactly what chokehold he had over you and he so wished to make that chokehold a reality.
“Don’t worry about grown men business, little girl. Get your sexy ass back to the others, I’m sure your daddy needs you to count all the peas in the kitchen.”
Rage boiled inside your stomach and you stepped closer, heart pounding in your chest as its been months since you’ve been this close to him. “You know, Shane, it’s a wonder you keep others and yourself safe with that big ego of yours. Must be hard to fit through the doorways.”
It wasn’t your best comeback but something in his eyes flickered; a tiny hint of anger that washed over his face, giving you a feeling of satisfaction.
Shane chuckled, leaning back and taking in the sight in front of him. "My ego ain’t the only thing big but you already know that, don’t you baby?”
Heat rose to your cheeks, but you refused to back down. "Don't flatter yourself. You're just a big fish in a small pond."
"Oh, is that so?" Shane stood up, his towering presence making your heart race even more. He stepped closer, bodies almost touching. "You seem pretty interested in this big fish even though you try so hard to stay away from me."
You gulped and put a hand on his chest to keep some distance between, afraid someone might be watching you. “Sh-shut up, Shane.” His large hand wrapped around your wrist, giving it a harsh tug to close the distance between your bodies. You let out a small whimper; music to his ears and it made him contemplate the idea of fucking you right here right now.
“Careful, lamb, or I might need to remind you of your past lessons… but you’re not entirely hating the idea of that, do you?”
Your pulse quickened at his words, a mixture of anger and desire swirling within you. You turned your face to escape his intense stare, but Shane was relentless. His grip on your chin was firm, forcing you to face him again.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you. You wan’t me on your side, ya listen? Don’t push me away or ya won’t like the outcome.”
His voice was low and dangerous, each word sending shivers down your spine. Your breath hitched as you met his gaze, the raw power and emotion in his eyes both thrilling and terrifying.
“Shane-“ you whimpered “You’re hurting me.”
His dark eyes glistening with excitement. “Good. I know you like it.”
You swallowed hard, heart pounding in your chest. You hated how he made you feel, how he could so easily break through your defenses. But beneath the anger, there was something else—something that scared you even more than Shane’s crazy look. You were falling for him. Falling hard.
Shane's hand moved from your chin to your neck, his thumb brushing against your pulse point. "You feel that?" he asked, his voice softer now, almost tender. "That's your heart racing because of me.” His thumb continued to caress the soft skin until he positioned it under your chin, chocking you in a harsh grip.
“And I bet that’s your sweet lil' pussy, all flustered and dripping, begging for my cock. Ain’t that right, girl?”
As fast as his grip appeared on your neck it also disappeared as your father turned around the corner.
“There you are, sweetheart!” he spoke, voice soft and filled with love as he laid eyes on you. “Your mom needs you in the infirmary. Hershel’s already with her.”
Rick’s eyes wandered between you. “Everything alright here?”
“Well, I found Y/N wandering all alone out here. She should be inside after curfew.” Shane clicked his tongue as you threw him a spiteful glance. A smirk played around his lips as your father agreed.
“He’s right, Y/N. You know the rules; only the designated guards are allowed outside after 10 pm.”
“But, dad-“
“Zip it, honey. Go help your mother, she’s having another nauseous episode.”
“Great…” you whispered under your breath but softened your gaze when you noticed your father’s look. He was tired. “Okay, I’ll look after her.”
“That’s my baby girl.” he gave you a kiss on your forehead before starting to walk away. Shane waited for him to disappear around the corner before giving your ass a harsh slap.
“Ouch! What the fu-“
“Think of me when you bury your fingers in that sweet cunt tonight. As you do every night.” He whispered in your ear before giving you a slight push. “Now go.”
Almost two weeks passed and you managed to stay out of Shanes way, he was more impulsive than ever. Running around, barking commands and undermining your father as the leader of the group. You despised it, truly hated him and his behaviour but still you lied awake at night, thinking about his fingers and the way they would feel inside y-
“Y/N? Are you listening?”
You teared your mind away from the sinful fantasies it fabricated and turned your head towards your father. The group was sitting around a big table, eating dinner and discussing plans for the oncoming days.
“Huh?” you raised your eyebrows and saw as Shane frowned at you.
“Hell naw, she’s not even listening. Damn, Rick! She’s not fucking ready!” Your father sighed, rubbing his forehead in annoyment.
“No! I listened, I’m ready!” you quickly lied and Shanes eye twitched. He knew you were lying but of course Rick didn’t notice it.
“Really?” he asked and you quickly nodded, a tad to enthusiastic.
“Fine. Then it’s settled; you and Shane go on the supply run for this week.” You nodded once again, way less excited now and looked at Shane who had his arms crossed in front of his broad chest. “You listen to everything he says, is that clear, Y/N?”
Shane smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Oh, she will, Rick. She will.”
The next day the afternoon sun was setting, casting a dim, ominous light over the abandoned neighborhood. You and Shane moved cautiously through the empty streets, listening for any signs of movement.
"Stay close," Shane ordered, his voice gruff.
"I can take care of myself," you shot back but he ignored your sassiness as leaves rustled in distance.
As you approached an old, dilapidated house, the distant groans of walkers grew louder.
"Great," you muttered. "Just what we needed."
"Inside," Shane barked, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards the house.
Shane pushed you through the door, slamming it shut behind you. He quickly pushed a heavy piece of furniture against it, barricading you in. The walkers outside pounded against the walls, their growls echoing through the house.
You anxiously paced the room, nerves on edge. "This is just perfect. We’re trapped."
Shane ignored you, his focus on securing the surroundings. "We’ll be fine. Just stay quiet."
You stopped and glared at him. "You always think you know best, don’t you?"
Shane turned to face you, his eyes cold and hard. "Someone has to keep their head on straight. You’re too busy playing daddies little girl."
"Playing what?!" your voice rose. "I'm trying to survive, just like you!"
Shane stepped closer, his presence intimidating. "You think you can survive without me? You’d be dead if it wasn’t for me."
Your heart pounded, a mix of fear and anger flooding your veins. "I don’t need you, Shane. I can handle myself." He laughed, a harsh, mocking sound. "You keep telling yourself that, princess. But we both know the truth: your little crush isn’t that little anymore. You’re pathetic trying to deny it.”
You took a step back, but Shane followed, his eyes dark with a dangerous intensity. "Why are you doing this?" you demanded but your voice gave away. "Why do you have to be so… mean?"
"Mean?" Shane’s voice was low and menacing. "You think this is mean? You haven’t seen anything yet. I’ve been holding back, but maybe it’s time you learned just how serious I am."
Your breath hitched as Shane backed you against the wall, his body towering over you. "Shane, stop," you said, voice trembling.
"Stop? Why would I stop? You need to understand something, Y/N. You’re mine. You belong to me. And I’m not letting anyone, or anything, take you away."
Shane studied your eyes; they were filled with a mix of fear and defiance. "You don’t own me, Shane. I’m not yours to control."
He leaned in, his face inches from yours, his breath hot against your skin. "You think you have a choice? You think you can just walk away? You can’t, I won’t let you, ever.”
His lips crashed onto your own, fierce and demanding, his hands roaming possessively over your body. You tried to push him away, your brain telling you to get away from him but the wetness between your legs mocked you. Your own body betrayed you.
Shane’s hands gripping your waist, pulling you against his hard chest, his touch a mixture of possessiveness and arousal. You let out a moan as his knee pushed against your clothed sex, roughly rubbing you through your jeans. You needed more, more of him.
“Shut up.” He spit back, his fingers ripping the button off your pants. “All I want to hear are those pretty moans, you understand?” You wanted to protest but the look in his eyes made you change your mind so you just nodded. “Good girl.”
You sighed when his fingers finally touched you, he stroked them over the drenched material of your panties. “Of course.” he mocked and shoved a finger inside your entrance.
He set a fast and rough rhythm but you didn’t mind, all that mattered was the pure bliss that slowly spread through your system. “M-more.” you begged and it made him snort.
“Needy little whore. You can’t handle more but I’ll give it to you anyways.” A second finger entered you, spreading the tight walls to his liking.
Shane watched your face, your hooded eyes and slightly parted lips with a small whimper escaping here and there. But he needed you to understand that you were his, there was no escape from him. He needed you to scream his name.
“Fuck, darling, your little cunt is tight. This I will enjoy-“ You opened your eyes and glanced at his hardened cock, his tip red and angry and glistening with precum. Shane knew you were a virgin and it almost made him lose his mind as he imagined taking your innocence away for the first time. He saw the fear in your eyes and he loved it.
He lifted you up, slowly pushing inside you, watching all the emotions washing over your face and you never looked more beautiful to him.
“I c-can’t-“ you whimpered and he came to a stop, waiting for your eyes to open. When you did you saw his eyes soften, almost tenderly. But just a moment later you noticed the smirk around his lips. “You will.”
His cock suddenly entered you with such a force it squeezed all air out of your lungs, leaving you gasping between his chest and the wall he had caged you in. The sharp pain made your brain panic but your body, oh your body welcomed him with such ease it was almost embarrassing.
“Shit, you’re so fucking tight-“ he groaned and his fingers dug into the soft skin at your hips. It would leave marks, you were sure, but couldn’t care less.
The pain slowly faded into a completely unique and new feeling, a feeling deep inside you. Something your fingers never managed to even scratch the surface of it. You bit your lips till you tasted blood, his length filling you up at a relentlessly pace. Shanes hand circled around your delicate neck, the grip of his fingers began to tighten leaving you chocking around them. The lack of air left your brain in a hazy state.
You weren’t even sure how it was possible for him to be this deep inside you; his length made it seem impossible but your body proved you wrong as your hungry cunt swallowed him whole. Shane felt his release approaching the more he watched your face and listening to your sloppy moans.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and your mouth hung open for a silent cry but nothing came out as your orgasm washed over you in intense waves; your blood rushing in your ears as you came all over his dick.
Shane roughly claimed your lips once again, dominating the kiss as it left you literally breathless. His grip on your waist increased, threatening to break you in half as he fucked you through both of your highs. He gave one final thrust before he came hot and heavy, painting your insides white.
The euphoria from your first time quickly vanished as you felt the warm liquid dripping down your legs. Shane noticed the panic in your eyes and let out a hoarse chuckle.
“Thought I was joking when I said I’ll never let ya go, huh? You’re fucking mine forever, princess.”
The rational part inside you was ready to run, to grab the nearest object and bash it over his head but the other part, the part that was hopelessly in love with this psychopath of a man, stayed still.
Accepting your new fate as you felt his lips on your ear:
“And I’ll kill everyone that comes between us.”
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chellestrash · 2 years
Drastic measures
Shane Walsh x GN!Reader
summary: skinny dipping on a hot summer day and teaching your annoying friend a lesson when he decides to watch you from behind a tree? what could go wrong?
warnings: smut, bit explicit, voyeurism, oral, teasing, mentions of masturbation, sub Shane, hate fuck (kinda), swearing...
world count: 4,4k
an: first Shane fic so if it sucks just dont tell me! thanks to my pea @chelseasdagger​ for proofreading! 
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Yeah, obviously you were aware that going down to the reservoir all by yourself wasn't necessarily the smartest thing to do…it wasn’t encouraged… to be completely honest, it was actually forbidden. After a couple of close calls with the walkers around the camp, way past what you'd call safe distance, a set of rules was put into place. One of them being people were no longer allowed to walk away from the camp without at least one other person. It was easier to spot danger like this, easier to warn others, and if it came to the worst, it was easier to protect yourself as well. You were instructed to move in small groups like this, but for a chance of some peace and quiet you were more than willing to bend the rules slightly. And with the Georgia heat at its peak, the cool water of the nearby reservoir felt like one of those things worthy of putting yourself at risk.
You’ve mentioned it to Lori, just so that someone knew where you were in case something were to happen. She agreed not to “report you” to Rick or Shane, just as long as you promised to do the same for her if she ever needed to be alone like this.
The path down to the water always seemed way longer on days like these when the heat felt almost unbearable. The sweat soaked through your clothes that eventually stuck to your skin, effectively making you feel even more frustrated.
You weren't completely out of your mind yet and quickly scoped the area first, making sure there weren’t any people or walkers around, before leaving the tree line behind as you made your way towards the water. Looking back over your shoulder, you stop to rethink your decision. Squinting at the sun above you, you feel the slightly cool water breeze brushing over your skin, and it effectively stops you from questioning yourself any further. Quickly pulling the sweaty fabric off of your body, you strip out of your clothes and throw them onto the nearest rock. The cold water feels almost heavenly; a contrasting feeling to the heat of the sun basically radiating off of your skin at this point. You let your body relax as it gets used to the painfully cold water before diving under the surface.
Shane was pissed, of course he was. He noticed that you've disappeared from the camp, and it didn’t take him long to get his answers and figure out where you were. His heavy footsteps echoed through the forest as he ran in the direction of the reservoir, cursing you under his breath as he did so. Of course you'd pull some bullshit lie of this, of course you wouldn't listen to him or to Rick, of course if there was one person at the camp willing to ignore every single rule put in place by the two of them, it was going to be you.
“God damn it.”
He mumbles, taking a bigger step over a couple branches, hand on his gun as he approaches the treeline. He stops, scanning the waterline for any sight of you or anyone else.
He cursed, hand with the gun dropping to his thigh as he stood up straight, squinting his eyes at the silhouette of your body in the water. His lips parted as he swallowed hard when the realization hit him. Everything you had on earlier was now lying in a little pile on the big rock by the water. Which meant-
He ducks behind a tree quickly when you swim up to the surface, his eyes fixed on you as if he just couldn't look away. And that’s exactly how he felt. Unable to look away as he watches you swim closer to the shore and slowly walk out into the shallow water, not bothering to cover yourself up, not hurrying to put your clothes back on. Shane watches as you sit down in the shallow water, now with your back turned to him slightly. He can still see what you were doing, could see the way you tilt your head back slightly to let the sun hit your face, exposing your chest to him. He can see how you brush your hand over your body down from your neck to right under your belly button.
Part of him knew this was wrong. He knew he shouldn’t be here, or at least shouldn’t feel his cock slowly starting to strain against his pants as he watched the sun reflect off of your naked body. If it was someone else, yeah, he probably could have some decency: turn away, shout, let you know he was there. But no, not with you, not when it was you. Instead, he just watched, let his hand slowly move between his legs as he pulled the fabric of his pants away from himself.
You knew he was there, obviously. You spotted him behind the tree almost the second you opened your eyes again. It wasn’t difficult, not with his black shirt and tan pants against the green of the woods, but you decided not to spoil the fun, at least not yet. What's the harm in putting on a little show? You think about it for a second before slowly spreading your legs open to get a little more comfortable. As he watched you brush your fingers over your nipples and then push your hand between your legs, Shane swore he felt his heart pause for a second.
“God f-“
He huffs, quickly looking around to check his and your surroundings before hanging his head low for a moment. Fighting with himself he closes his eyes, sighing loudly as he shifts his weight from one leg to the other. That little bit of friction against his cock, very obviously unhelpful in his state.
“God fucking damn it.”
He palms the bulge over his pants before glancing back up at you, his belt already half undone as he pushed his hand under the fabric before taking a couple steps forward to get a better look, but it was a mistake.
The dry branch snaps under Shane's heavy foot, and you turn to look back over your shoulder quickly. You roll your eyes at the way he runs past the treeline, doing his best to make it look like he obviously just got here and didn't see anything you decided to do just moments before.
Shane yells as you grab your clothes and pull your shirt and shorts over your naked body before standing up quickly. The way he glances up quickly to check if your clothes were on again made you scoff, it was almost like he didn’t just stand there and watch you get yourself off.
“The hell do you think you're doing?”
He doesn't sound concerned, just pissed, but you could ask him the same question.
“Trying not to get a heatstroke. You?”
Your nonchalant tone rings in his ears as he tries to focus on your words and not the images of your naked body from just moments earlier, now stuck in his head.
“The fuck do you think I’m doing, came down here to check if by some god-damn miracle your ass was still alive.”
He snaps back.
“Oh, that’s a good one.”
You smile sarcastically.
“You came up with that on your own?”
His eyes widen slightly at your answer.
“Watch it.”
He warns, pointing his finger in your face, which only makes you want to confront him even more.
“Oh yeah, yeah, I’ll watch.” You nod quickly, crossing your arms in front of your chest. The cold water slowly drips down your body, the wet fabric clinging to your skin.
“Maybe you can teach me how to do it? Huh? Do I get to stand behind a tree and watch you swim around naked like you did with me?”
You keep pushing him, feeling a slight satisfaction when his jaw clenches tightly at your words, the realization hitting him hard.
“Yeah, you really think I couldn’t see you, Walsh?”
He doesn’t answer.
“You made it really god-damn obvious, too.”
He looks you up and down, hands on his hips and a frustrated expression on his face, his chest puffed out slightly as he tries to think of any sort of excuse.
“I didn’t-“
“Didn't what?”
He doesn't answer, and you shake your head with a quiet scoff.
“Yeah, that's what I thought.”
Turning around quickly, you head to the woods, not stopping when you hear him call your name and the footsteps behind you until he grabs your wrist to get your attention again.
You spit out but stop, crossing your arms in front of your chest again.
“Look, I'm sorry, alright?!”
Shane starts when he realizes you might actually be willing to listen to him this time.
“That's what you want to hear?”
You don't answer.
“I know I shouldn't and…it ain't an excuse, but-”
He rubs the back of his head a couple of times, carefully picking the words to form his next sentence with.
“The fucking…the show you put on back there, I- shit.”
He looks off to the side with a loud sigh. You glance down between his legs, catching the outline of his cock pressed against his thigh before he can shift his weight onto the other leg.
“Oh, so you liked it?”
You ask in a softer tone, eyebrows raised and a smirk on your lips as you revised, he decided to admit to it.
“Swear to god, sweetheart, if it was anyone else…”
He shakes his head slowly.
“Yeah, but it wasn't Shane, it was me.”
He licks his lips and reaches out for your hand, wrapping his fingers around your wrist gently this time. He pulls your palm closer to him and down between his legs.
“Feel that?”
He mumbles quietly, glancing up at you with his head hung low.
“Feel what you do to me? Huh?”
You rub your fingers over the bulge slowly, tilting your head to the side slightly with a curious expression before tightening your grip around him. The low grunt cuts through the forest air, and you smirk, satisfied with his reaction.
“Really? Got you that bad?
He hums quietly as a confirmation, and nods slowly. His eyes closing slightly and his head tilting back when you finally let him feel your touch.
“You wanna know what got me even more?”
“Yeah, what's that?”
You look up, the smirk disappearing from your face the second you notice his expression.
“You slipped, sweetheart.”
You let go of him, and he sighs at the loss of your touch. His hand pulls the fabric of his pants away from his crotch.
“The show you put on? Shit, said you saw me.”
He licks his lips slowly, scrunching his nose as he bites down on his lower lip, attempting to fight off the smirk.
“Yeah? I mean, you made it really fucking obvious, made sure I could see and hear you? It wasn't like I just-”
And then it hits you.
You protest immediately before he can finish the thought.
“Don't. Shut up.”
You point your finger in his face, and he scoffs loudly, looking off to the side before turning to face you, again. His eyes squint slightly, his face decorated with that god-damn smirk.
“I ain't saying nothing.”
He raises his hands in the air with a shrug.
“You tryna tell me you'd act like that on your own, if I wasn't there?”
It's your turn not to give an answer.
“Huh? Wanna tell me something, sweetheart?”
He leans down to try to make you look at him.
“That gets you off or something?”
The cocky tone of his voice makes it really god-damn difficult to not just punch him in the face and walk back to the camp on your own.
“Is it the watching or do you just like it when I get-”
“Alright that's it.”
You cut him off when you’ve had enough of his smart ass assumptions.
“I'm going back, we're not doing this.”
“Oh really?”
You feel like now that he’s found your weak spot, Shane wasn't going to stop.
“Know what? You did look ready to do something, back there. Still do.”
You sigh loudly and raise your eyebrows, pretending like he just made some grand discovery.
“Oh really? You think so?”
“Pretty god-damn sure ‘bout that, sweetheart.”
He glances up and down over your body, and you roll your eyes, fighting off another loud sigh.
“Oh I, actually.”
You take a step closer to him, ready to flip the entire situation upside down.
“I'm actually doing pretty good, I think.”
His eyes drop to your hand, and his jaw clenches tight when you slowly push it between your legs to cup over yourself.
“Yeah, no, I'm good, Walsh, you're the one with a hard cock in your pants right now.”
You lower your voice a bit, speaking slower as you take another step towards him.
“So, did you like it that much? Hmm? You liked the show?”
Moving still a bit closer to him, you make him take a step back, and then another and another until his back hits the tree behind him. A quiet gasp slips past his lips, and you look down between his legs before glancing back up into his eyes.
“Or do you just like when we fight? Hmm? That gets you off or something, Shane? Does it?”
You whisper the questions quickly, one after the other, not giving him time to think about answering them even if he wanted to.
“You like it when someone stands up to you?”
Pushing your hand against his cock again, you feel it twitch in your palm.
“That's what it is?”
Shane wasn't expecting the sudden shift in dynamics, he wasn't expecting you to get him back like this after he gained the upper hand on you earlier. Was he going to complain about it? Absolutely not. No matter now much he wouldn't want to admit it, you were correct. He can’t help the way this affected him, the way your words fell right to his cock pushing against the fabric of his cargo pants right now.
“Want me to help you, Walsh?”
He swallows hard, eyes glancing around your face, lips parted before he whispers.
You exaggerate a surprised expression.
“Oh, look at that, he talks again!”
He rolls his eyes with a frustrated sigh before opening his mouth again.
“Shut up.”
It is all you get, and the way you smirk at his words almost makes his cock twitch again.
“Yeah you wish.”
You ask him to get on his knees, which, to your surprise, he does without even trying to protest. Looking up at you to keep eye contact, he licks his lips, waiting for your next move.
You whisper and nudge at his wrist with your boot. He quickly moves his arms behind his back, wrapping his fingers around his own wrists to keep them in place.
“Attaboy, Walsh.”
You point out, unable to help yourself as you watch him follow what you say.
“Jesus…c'mon just.”
He mumbles, eyes at the level of your crotch, his hands behind his back, chest puffed up slightly, his cock hard between his legs and under the fabric. You step closer, and he moves his hand, reaching out to pull you in even closer, but he quickly stops himself. He moves his arm behind his back again before clearing his throat.
“Damn, Shane, you're a natural, anyone ever told you that?”
You tease him some more as you work your pants down your legs before kicking them off to the side quickly, but don't get an answer this time.
It takes his entire willpower and probably a bit more to stop himself from pulling you closer and shoving his face between your legs right there and then. But he knows, he knows, with you, that won't get him anywhere. He glances up one last time, and he can't decide what he hates more—the fact of how much this whole situation gets to him, or the fact that you are clearly aware of it.
“Can you show me what you want?”
You whisper and he huffs frustrated.
“Really? You're gonna do that?”
“It's not that hard, c'mon. Just show me, but no hands,”
What's worse? The fact that he can't touch you or the fact that he wasn't even thinking about touching you because he knows he's not supposed to. Because you instructed him not to.
“You really just have to be an asshole about this.”
“You know I do.”
You hold his chin up, making his gaze meet yours.
“And you can’t tell me you don’t like it.”
He knew you were right, there was no point in even trying to hide it, it was as if his body decided to betray him right here in front of you.
“Ahhh, fuck it.”
He mumbles quickly before leaning forward, pushing his face between your legs faster than you expected it. A quiet gasp escapes your mouth as you jump back slightly from the sudden feeling. Shane tilts his head up to nudge at your most sensitive spot with the tip of his nose.
“God damn it, Walsh.”
You whisper, moving your hand to the back of his head to push him even closer.
“Just doing-“
He pushes his tongue out to drag it over your underwear.
“What you said.”
You breathe in sharply, melting into the wet feeling right abound the hem of your underwear. Shane reaches up to pull the fabric to the side, but before he can do anything, you push his hand away with your foot.
“I know.”
He makes it clear that you don’t need to repeat yourself. Unable to use his fingers, he does the first thing that comes to his mind. Humming against your crotch, he pulls the fabric off to the side with his teeth, quickly dragging his tongue over your exposed skin.
Nodding eagerly, you encourage him to keep going when he looks up at you one more time.
“Yeah, alright, since you’re being so good.”
And with his pants feeling even tighter now, his hands locked behind his back, his throat dry from the need to feel you on his tongue and his cock leaking into his boxers, Shane pushes his face between your legs. The feeling of his mouth on your making your toes curl up, no matter how much you wanted to pretend it didn’t. But it’s not like he’d notice, not now. Your quiet moans fly past his ears as he focuses on working you with his tongue over and over and over again, not even for your sake but just because of how much he needs this, needs anything. He keeps his hands behind his back, not even as a conscious decision, but more as if it’s just an obvious thing for him at this point. The thought of disobeying you in that way doesn’t even cross his mind. He’s too focused, too lost in the feeling of you on his tongue, to let his thoughts wander into any other direction. You push your hips forward to grind against his tongue, and his low grunt rumbles through your body.
You half whine half grunt out, not wanting to give him the satisfaction, and he hums in response, feeling you slowly lose your composure.
“Don’t push it.”
You warn but have a feeling he’s long gone at this point. You push his face harder between your legs, not even trying to muffle the loud, wet sounds.
Shane whispers the phrase repeatedly, fighting with his own body, trying to stop his hips from bucking forward and towards you.
“That's it, Walsh, that's it, good boy.”
He chokes, pulling away quickly to look up at you and protest, but you push his head back between your legs quickly.
“Yeah, yeah, you can bitch about it later, now just finish what you started.”
You order, and he follows, speeding up the tempo gradually before he has you basically grinding against his tongue and then finally forgetting to breathe for a second when you let yourself finish. You try not to show it, but it gets to you, it does, with all the teasing and showing off, the games and that ridiculous "foreplay" you somehow both fall for every god-damn time.
He pulls away, gasping for air, and you hold onto his shoulder to keep yourself standing up as you try to catch a breath and slow your heartbeat. Closing your eyes and swallowing hard, you attempt to keep it together.
You start after a moment, pulling yourself together while you put your clothes back on.
“See you at camp.”
“Wait! Wait, shit-just—wait!"”
Shane’s voice cracks slightly as he reaches out towards you.
He pants, grabbing your arm before you can walk away.
“Don’t fucking leave me like-“
He drops his hand to palm his cock through his pants, and you smile sweetly at the grunt and the way his eyes roll back slightly.
Stepping closer to him, you lift his chin up. His eyes glossed over slightly, his lips stilling shining from you.
He whispers, and you nod after a moment, that to him feels like a god-damn eternity.
You brush your thumb over his lower lip, watching his rough expression soften slightly with your gentle touch.
“Say thank you, Shane.”
He tries to question you, but you cut him off. Pushing three fingers into his mouth, you stop him before he can even finish. You feel his tongue press against your skin, and he struggles for the first few moments before readjusting himself to take you nice and deep into his mouth. His lip spread around your fingers, spit slowly gathering at the corners, his eyes fixed on you.
“Say thank you c'mon, I know you can Walsh.”
You smile sweetly, pushing the soul of your shoe against his cock.
“Be a good boy.”
He half whines, half grunts at the sudden friction. His hips buck forward slightly and his eyes close shut before he spits out a muffled.
“T-shit t-thank you.”
He chokes at the words slightly, and you find it amusing.
“Sorry? Couldn't hear you.”
“Thank you-”
He repeats louder this time.
“Thank you, thank you, please just- shit, just-”
You cut him off again, pulling your fingers out and kissing his lips hard as you kneel on the ground in front of him. Reaching into his pants quickly, you wrap that same hand around his hard cock. Squeezing him in your palm before you start moving up and down his length quickly, feeling it twitch against you.
He inhales through his nose quickly, grabbing your wrist to slow you down, unable to take it so fast because of the overstimulation. You let him hold you this time, you don't push his hand away or reprimand him, just let him have this, this one time.
“Yeah? That feels good?”
You ask, half mocking him, half actually wanting to make sure he feels good after what he's done for you. Your hand slows down slightly as you push your thumb against the slit, rubbing his very tip in small circles.
His head falls back, and you watch his neck tense up, his Adam’s apple bobs slightly as the loud grunt and moans slip past his lips when he finally gets to feel you on him.
“Shit, yeah.”
He reassures you, and you smile at the way he can’t even fake the composure anymore.
You speed up the pace slightly, glancing between his cock and his face, not wanting to miss the darker wet spot on his boxers or the way his jaw is clenched so hard you’re not sure if he’ll be able to open his mouth again after this.
“That's it, Shane, good boy, c'mon, you can do it.”
You watch his hips push forward at your words, his tip red and swollen now, the precum dripping onto the grass. Working him like this for another moment you let him set the pace, slowing down when you see it’s too much and speeding up slightly when he asks you for it, finally closing your palm tighter around him to help him finish. He comes hard, falling forward and onto his hands, thrusting into your palm a couple of times. He’s not even fully realizing how desperate that makes him look, grunting so loud you're pretty sure half the camp can hear his pretty voice at that moment.
“Jesus fucking christ real—"
You start, but he shuts you up with his glare after he pulls his pants back up and falls onto his ass. His back is pressed against the tree as he sighs loudly.
He pants, trying to catch his breath for another moment. Swallowing hard, he closes his eyes, and you watch the way his chest rises and falls with every breath. You can see the way the small drops of sweat drip down his face and neck just to disappear under the fabric of his shirt. He stays silent, slowly replaying everything that just took place in his head. The moment he saw your silhouette in the water feels so distant, it could've well happened weeks ago.
“I’m sorry I left on my own and got you all worried.”
You speak up after a couple of minutes, leaning forward to pick a couple blades of grass off of the knees of his tan pants.
”So…that's how you say sorry? That whole fucking thing?”
You shrug, smiling at him innocently.
“Not with everyone.”
He chuckles, shaking his head, and glances down between his legs before speaking again.
“Thank you."
It’s quiet, it's subtle, and you're not sure if he's thanking you for admitting you've made a mistake by breaking the rules or for the fact that despite how much the two of you irritate each other on a daily basis you didn't leave him, you took care of him and let him feel good when he needed it. You lean towards him, pressing a quick kiss to the side of his neck before pushing yourself off the ground.
“You don’t gotta thank me, Walsh."
He watches your ass when you start to walk away.
"Just pray I won’t tell anyone at camp why it took you so long to get me back.”
You turn around and smile before winking at him quickly.
"And next time you'll need to help this bad? Just tell me."
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lightblindingme · 1 year
Hey, I just discovered My Forever is yours on tumblr & have fallen in love with it 😍 just wanted to ask if u had any extra content about this series on your tumblr ?? Or if u think about carrying on with the series ? Thanks xx
God, this ask was sent such a long time ago, and I never got around to answer it 😔 I'm really sorry, anon. On the off chance that you do see this:
I just checked and the last time I posted for that fic series was 4 years ago😲! In 2019!
A lot of stuff has been happening/has happened in my life - especially last year, I went through some really difficult period and I just couldn't find the time to write nor the inspiration.
However, I am in a better place now mentally and physically, and having reread some of my writing, I got a small push to maybe return to writing. Long story short, I'll try and start writing again and hopefully, post something related to the series soon :D
In case anyone's wondering what the anon was asking about:
It's my Shane Walsh x ofc called Tess series My Forever is Yours - A series of non-linear fics centered around Tess, Shane and their family.
Here's the AO3 link or you can go through this link on my blog to check it out if you want to give it a shot.
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a-writer-on-elm-street · 11 months
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so since it was so much fun doing this last year i decided i'm going to participate again. and although i know it's only august right now, i figured it'd be best to start early considering i'll be writing a fic for every day this time.
so obviously, this will be 18+ ONLY
i will be posting a short blurb every day in october with a different kink and character and you'll be able to find a list detailing the days and kinks below.
they will be written for an afab reader and i will try to keep it mostly gender neutral. i will specify in the fic warning if any pronouns are used.
i will be accepting requests but i will also be choosing some of the characters myself.
you can find my rules for requesting here and a list of characters that i write for here.
all posts for this event will be tagged under #kinktober 2023.
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day one - knife play - baby firefly
day two - cockwarming - vincent sinclair for @sillylittlereader
day three - begging - gavin ellis (the mule)
day four - praise kink - brahms heelshire
day five - hate sex - damon salvatore
day six - dry-humping - steve harrington
day seven - wax play - vincent sinclair
day eight - predator/prey - otis driftwood
day nine - semi-public sex - klaus mikaelson
day ten - somnophilia - max (the resident)
day eleven - corruption - loki laufeyson
day twelve - mutual masturbation - lawrence gordon for anon
day thirteen - blood kink - vincent sinclair for @sillylittlereader
day fourteen - bondage - adam stanheight for anon
day fifteen - mirror sex - shane walsh
day sixteen - temperature play - negan
day seventeen - choking - david (saw 0.5) for anon
day eighteen - marking - kai parker
day nineteen - face fucking - mark hoffman for anon
day twenty - roleplay - dean winchester
day twenty-one - hair pulling - dean winchester for anon
day twenty-two - phone sex - adam stanheight for anon
day twenty-three - spanking - adam stanheight for anon
day twenty-four - gun play - stu macher & billy loomis for @nimbusghoul
day twenty-five - pegging - dean winchester for anon
day twenty-six - thigh riding - bo sinclair
day twenty-seven - dubcon - adam stanheight for anon
day twenty-eight - degradation kink - negan
day twenty-nine - oral sex - amanda young for anon
day thirty - overstimulation - peter strahm for anon
day thirty-one - threesome - billy loomis & stu macher for @sillylittlereader
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wannabespacesmuggler · 6 months
D.D. | Shane's Girl
Part Five | Masterlist | Buy me a coffee | Check out the playlist
Summary: Daryl Dixon knows he shouldn’t be thinking about you when he’s alone at night in his tent. Hell, he shouldn’t even be looking at you throughout the day. You’re not his. You’re Shane’s girl. But Daryl doesn’t like the way Shane treats you. And he certainly doesn’t like how you’re forced to play ‘loving girlfriend’ to a man with eyes for another woman at the camp.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Shane Walsh sucks
Word Count: 1.2K
Author’s Note: Thanks for the continued love on this lil fic. I love them. The connection they are creating with one another is so sweet and I cannot wait to continue writing for these two idiots. Shane of course continues to be a dick and will only get worse. We're getting closer to the start of the show. I won't be retelling the entire series in this fic. Just snippets of their life together -- the show will fill in the gaps in a way. Anyway, let me know what you guys think of this one, if you want to be added to the taglist, or just want to ask me a question.
Extras: Playlist
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You don’t consider yourself a jealous girlfriend; however, as you watch Shane and Lori from across the camp, you cannot help the rage that begins to simmer in your chest. The feeling makes you nauseous. You adore Lori. She’s always been like an older sister to you -- the senior girl who took you under her wing during your freshman year of high school. So the problem isn’t Lori. No, it’s the way Shane is looking at Lori. His face practically lights up with affection and warmth as he listens to her -- a stark contrast to the Shane you’ve become accustomed to since the dead started walking. 
“Hey, uhm. Is everything okay?”
Glenn’s soft voice cuts through your rising temper, startling you. You look up at him with wide eyes for a second, before attempting to pull yourself together. If anyone in camp knew the exact thoughts running through your head right now, you’d be humiliated. You take a deep breath before giving Glenn a polite smile. 
“Of course. Why do you ask?”
Glenn shifts awkwardly on his feet. You haven’t really had a chance to get to know to know Glenn. You could probably count on one hand how many times the two of you have interacted since he joined the camp. For the first few weeks, you assumed he didn’t like you. However, Amy informed you that his avoidance is nothing personal -- it’s just that Shane terrifies him and you’re an extension of that fear. This seems to be a common problem for you around camp. People seem intimidated by you due to your proximity to the camp’s self-proclaimed leader. It’s infuriating and isolating. 
“It’s just… those are my favorite pair of jeans.”
You look down at the wash basin in front of you. You’d been so distracted by your own thoughts, that you’d completely forgotten about the clothes you were washing. As your mind continued to race, your hands began moving on their own accord with just as much ferocity. Your face flushes as you stare at Glenn’s jeans that you damn near scrubbed a hole into.
“Sorry, Glenn. Just zoned out for a second.”
Glenn gives you a kind smile, seemingly content with your answer.
“Don’t worry about it. Happens to everyone.”
He shrugs nonchalantly before wandering off towards Dale. You let out a relieved sigh once he’s out of earshot. Deciding that Glenn’s clothing has been through enough torment today, you pull his garments out of the wash basin and move to pin them up on a clothesline. As you attach the last article of clothing, you hear footsteps approaching you from behind. Before you can turn around, you hear a familiar voice.
“I’m goin’ out to hunt, wanna come?”
You furrow your brow. Daryl has mentioned how much he enjoys hunting alone -- how relaxing it is. It makes sense. He’s a loner by nature, so the constant presence of people in camp must be overwhelming. You don’t want to intrude on his personal time. Before you can ask him if he’s sure, you notice his eyes shift from you over to Shane and Lori.
You might have been able to fool Glenn, but you can’t fool Daryl. He knows exactly what has you so riled up. You’re embarrassed that the younger Dixon has seen through your ruse. The last thing that you want is Daryl thinking less of you because of your envy. You want to explain yourself -- let him know that you’re not just some jealous girlfriend -- but the words get stuck in your throat, so you nod wordlessly at his offer and allow him to lead you into the surrounding woods. 
Daryl likes the quiet -- he usually finds comfort in it, but your unusual silence, while you both move through the forest, is unbearable. You’re the conversationalist. You’re the one who retells stories about your time in King County with Shane and the Grimes family, recites all the gossip you learned from Andrea and Amy throughout the day, and complains about whatever crappy meal the group was able to put together that evening. And he likes that about you. You ask him the occasional question about Merle or hunting, but you never pry. You’re the one that talks and he’s the one that listens -- simple as that.
But right now you don’t feel like talking and it’s making him anxious. He knows he should say something, but what? Sorry your boyfriend is such a jackass? He shakes his head at the thought. Real, smooth Dixon. This is uncharted territory for him. No one ever taught him how to comfort.
A rustling in the woods saves him from his attempts at starting a conversation. Daryl puts his arm out to stop you from walking in front of him, before aiming his crossbow toward the noise. He slowly moves forward and you follow his lead, knife in hand. Eventually, a walker comes into view from behind the trees. Daryl waits for a clear shot and pulls the trigger. You let out a sigh of relief as you watch the arrow sink into the walker’s skull. 
“Nice shot.”
Your voice breaks through the silence for the first time and he’s glad to hear it. He wanders over to the walker and retrieves his crossbow bolt. He wipes the tip of it off on his jeans, before looking back at you. 
“You ‘lright?”
You chew on the inside of your cheek as you think about his question -- you know he’s not asking about the walker.
“I’m just worried.”
Daryl furrows his brow at your response. He doesn’t ask why, instead, he silently shifts from one foot to the other, allowing you to continue if you so choose. 
“I feel like you’re the only person in this camp who sees me as a person and not just Shane’s girl -- I just don’t want that to change.”
Daryl shakes his head at the thought. He’s seen you do more for this camp in one day, than Shane’s ever done. It’s stupid really, how everyone treats you. And he knows that you have more to give than cleaning laundry and preparing meals. You don’t have to prove yourself to him -- the two of you are far past that. You’ve already earned his respect -- something Shane has yet to accomplish.  
“You ain’t gotta worry ‘bout that.” 
You nod at his words, but Daryl can tell that they did little to reassure you. 
“I feel the same way.”
Your brows knit together in confusion over Daryl’s words. 
“You’re the only person who doesn’t see me as Merle.”
His tone is sincere -- you know he genuinely means what he is saying. You wonder how many people have met the Dixon brothers and simply wrote Daryl off due to the brashness of his older brother. You watch as he awkwardly shifts from one foot to the other, obviously uncomfortable with the vulnerability in his words. 
“Yeah, you’re definitely not Merle.”
This causes Daryl to laugh -- actually laugh. The sound is surprising at first -- more boyish than the usual gruffness you're used to in his voice, but it’s nice. And it makes you smile brightly, knowing you’re the reason for his laughter. 
“C’mon, we should head back.”
You allow him to take the lead again, navigating through the woods once more. He might not have caught any squirrel, but the two of you are not coming back to camp empty-handed. A newfound understanding washes over the both of you, bonding you to one another.
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