#Fiction species
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ertakoi · 4 months ago
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All Oc are cannon no matter if they are created by me or not
(the only thing that is non-cannon is the interactions between my characters with a character that not made by me unless i made it cannon)
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sealsdaily · 15 days ago
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Today's Seal Is: A Little Sweetheart (credit: LittleBlueSeal on Etsy)
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simon-roy · 4 months ago
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revisiting some aliens I haven't drawn in 12+ years for an upcoming short comic - and its lovely to see them again
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villiedoom · 28 days ago
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Some test renders of the northern Kotie 3D model (previous post of all the detailed anatomy I made for this model)
He got some thick fur and so he won't freeze in winter ~
I tried to make the fur on his face as detailed as possible so that the close-up renders would look good, and so I enjoy the result! I work with particle system (post about how I make fur), so this required some more detailed customization. I also used UDIM UV-map for the first time, which allowed me to give more resolution to facial details, as the face now uses its own textures.
The character is random, I just wanted to make the one without complex features and hairstyle, but the whole northern shape and body type was based on my character Vewis c:
~ Made in Blender.
*Koties are my characters, fantasy felines from my personal lore/story.
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bengaly · 2 years ago
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Meao-ixuí teeth concepts
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exotonplanet · 27 days ago
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A look into the environment layout of Rahlo, along with nine close up species profiles of the native plants!
Feel free to ask questions!
Much of Exoton's plant life is characterized by highly specialized root structures, predominantly growing in a vertical, cone-like shape. Most species are derivatives of a key ancestor, the Giant's Needle, sharing a dense, layered root system with a distinctive spiraling growth pattern. This structure provides exceptional stability and resilience, making root trees some of the planet's densest organic formations. Their durability makes them extremely difficult to fracture, even under significant force.
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juicyolpickle · 2 months ago
Look at this stupid little idiot - some drawing of a Zaabua infant still planning out the ins and outs of their anatomy and how they would even look at such a early stage of life
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T-t-t-that’s all folks *the screen fades to black or something like that*
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despazito · 11 months ago
i can't believe i've witnessed several practicing veterinarians defending extreme brachycephaly by arguing that brachycephalic skulls occur naturally in several species in the wild. yeah debrah the difference is that tarsiers evolved flat faces over millions of years and humans have squished pug skulls in like 200 years. none of its insides have otherwise adapted to that shape it's all crammed in there.
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look how neatly arranged and tidy the tarsier jaws are, that just isn't comparable to a longer snouted animal we have selectively bred to be very short in a fraction of the timespan.
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translunaryanimus · 3 months ago
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A Nhâchchech [Naak'kek] hunter shows off typical daywear. The Nhâchchech (weaver) culture is the most prominent culture of the northern polar regions. The Nhâchchech are also sometimes called the Eshtchchonh [Eshtk'kon], or 'pattern folk/pattern people' due to their brightly patterned outfits. Ssereâch [Sareaat], a hunter, displays typical daywear for teens and adults. Garb is conveniently labeled for our sake. More in depth description under the cut.
Ssereâch is wearing a Ghelâmach, a Nhêdchchonh, a pair of Mhshêchchonh, Dhlesfa and Dhlepach, and a Ssamhnhâl. She also wears Ffâpecha and a few Bhearpaf as accessories. A Ghelâmach [Gelaamat] is the skinned, tanned pelt of one or several polar Ghelâ turned into a warm, insulating cloak. Perfect for colder environemnts. Traditionally Ghelâmach are handmade and use real fur, but faux fur dupes can be found in tourist heavy polar cities. Ssereâch's Ghelâmach is split into two parts, with a more typical overcape 'mach' and a separate waist wrapped section sometimes referred to as a Shochghelâ [Shotgelaa], Ghelâ skirt, when worn apart from the mach. Together though, the two piece ensemble is collectively called a Ghelâmach. A Nhêdchchonh [needk'kon], literally 'pattern shirt', is common upper wear following the same vein as Mhshêchchonh. The patterns of a Nhêdchchonh are typically reserved for the collar, sleeves, and bottom border as opposed to trailing up the entire side of the fabric as is common for Mhshêchchonh. The bright blue color of the body fabric is due to the dye of an aquatic plant rather morbidly called Fôlachemhêsh [Fulatemeesh], "Blood Root". This name comes from the plant's tendency to 'bleed' a vibrant blue sap that heavily resembles Chenesht blood when wet, and when dry, can be boiled down to make a liquid pigment.
Mhshêchchonh [msheek'kon], literally 'pattern pants', are common legwear for polar cultures. Their patterned bands traditionally contain information about the individual wearing them such as name, job, and family but can also contain folk stories, poems, or legends, though purely decorative patterns have come into style among younger generations. Ssereâch's Mhshêchchonha have purely decorative patterns.
The patterned borders of Nhêdchchonha and Mhshêchchonha are woven either through the loom weaving method or the more typical card weaving method and made of dyed sinews, braided plant fibers, or spun fur. They can take months to years to complete depending on the complexity of the pattern. Dhle [Dle] is the common word for any sort of hand or foot covering, typically translated as either 'boot' or 'glove' depending on the context for its use. The Dle being worn here are Dhlesfa [Open Dle] on the forelimbs and Dhlepach [Closed Dle] on the hindlimbs. Dhle were near exclusively worn by the Nhâchchech culture prior to the Three Beasts War and the subsequent cultural merger that led to global leaps in technological advancement. Their once niche use as protective coverings from harsh elements became common use as comfortable footwear for walking along the artificial sidewalk pavements and streets of most modern cities.
Ssamhnhâl [Samnal] literally translates to 'bone glasses' [ssamh - glass, nhâl - bone]. Ssamhnhâl are carved from bone and serve as eye protectant from winter storms or harsh light gleaming off of the snow. The primary eyes look through horizontal slits in the bone, while the secondary eyes are shielded by a carved in 'flap' that they can look under or over. Ssereâch's Ssamhnhâl is carved with decorative patterns as well.
Ffâpecha [Faapeta], or 'twin rings', are a common decorative accessory among teens used to show their devotion to one another. Each ring is made of carved bone and sealed together by animal sinews mashed into glue once they've been linked, and typically have the first name or family name of their beloved carved into one, and their own name into the other. Ffâpecha have long been a source of drama and contention among especially young teens, and broken or cracked sets can often be found littered around the grounds of majority teen camps. Bhearpaf [bearpaf/bearpaw] is the general term for any good luck charm taken from an animal and worn on the hunter's person. Bhearpaf literally translates to 'blessing' or 'lucky charm', but is quite often misinterpreted as the english term 'bear paw' when speaking to humans. Shortening the word to Bhear (gift) has not helped the jokes, and has instead spawned a new tradition of gifting carvings, drawings, or anything with images or patterns of earth bears to your chenesht friends during birthdays or other gift-giving holidays.
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monstersholygrail · 6 months ago
Hybrid Fics
The kiss of fate (Shark bf x fem!reader x Merman)
Late to the event (CEO Bull bf x fem!reader)
Wild Domination (Lion bf x Antelope fem!reader)
Rewarding bad behavior (Puppy bf x fem!reader)
Obedient pup (Puppy bf x fem!reader)
Slime mixture (Snail bf x Slime Monster fem!reader)
Good boy’s reward (Puppy bf x fem!reader)
Guess you’ll do (Snow Leopard x fem!reader)
Being prepared (Snow Tiger x fem!reader)
The helpful scientist (Yandere! Scientist x Hybrid gn!reader)
The helpful hybrid sequel (Yandere Scientist x Moth Hybrid gn!reader)
Late getting home (Cat bf x fem!reader)
Run little fox (Fox x Bunny ftm!reader)
Tiger bf x Deer fem!reader:
Prey for your predator
Grooming session
Precious marks
Cat bf x Mouse fem!reader:
New friends
Sunlit naps
The unwanted guest
Bird Colony x Dance Instructor fem!reader
Dance classes
A special dance for you
Mistaken eggs
To lure their mate
Casual nesting
The apartment
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talon-dragonbeast · 9 months ago
you can behave like other species even if you dont identify as them, you know.
you can howl even if youre not a wolf. you can climb trees even if youre not arboreal. you can wear a collar even if youre not domestic. you can do quads even if youre bipedal. you can nest and chirp even if youre not a bird. you can bark even if youre not a dog. you can purr and make biscuits even if youre not a cat. you can do vocals even if your species is silent. heck, you can even make yourself a yarn tail even if youre not a mammal.
there's no alterhuman police, no one is gonna come and tell you that you cant have fun with your identity. the best part of ah identities is that you literally cant do it wrong (except for being hateful to others). and maybe, youll even discover something about yourself you didnt know before!
now go. go be the local cryptid youve always wanted to be.
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ertakoi · 1 month ago
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My Persona!!!
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sealsdaily · 8 months ago
Today's Seal Is: The Greedy Souper
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patricia-taxxon · 1 year ago
Attempting to extend sympathy to my younger self via self insert fiction.
"Hello there!"
I looked up from the lunchbox on my lap towards the source of the sudden loud voice, standing four or so feet away from me was a… dog? He stood on two legs, an eager look on his face. I looked around, none of the other kids were nearby.
"Hello?" I said back, a little confused.
"My name is Paul! What is your name?" The dog replied, both in an oddly formal tone of voice and… loudly, even though he was close enough to grab.
"My name's Bradley." I said, and went back to my PB&J.
"How old are you, Bradley?" asked Paul, in that same babyish but too-formal tone, almost like a robot.
"I'm eleven." I replied, without looking up.
"I'm ten!" He said back. "Nice to meet you!"
Several seconds passed, and he didn't move or look away. I realized he was waiting for me to say something.
"Nice to meet you too, Paul." His tail twitched as I said that, but he quickly moved his paw behind him to hold it in place until it settled. "Sorry," He said, before asking another question. "What do you like to do?"
His awkward storybook-speaking was offputting to me, but no one ever talked to me at recess, especially not completely out of nowhere like this. I answered his question, "I like playing Smash Bros," but I don't know why I thought of that first. I didn't really feel like finishing my lunch, I started to pack it away for later.
"What's that?" He said back. Was that a joke? He looked curious.
"Uh… it's a game, you can play as different Nintendo characters and fight each other." I waited for him to respond, but he was still listening. "You can uh… you can be Sonic."
"That's really cool!" He said. "Can I sit next to you?"
"Hm? Oh, okay, I guess." I replied. The dog's tail instantly sprung to life, and he once again moved his paw to stop it. "Sorry," he said, and moved swiftly to sit on the bench next to me, a bit closer than I thought he would. He looked up towards me like he wanted me to keep talking, or… it looked like he was looking at the top of my head, I wasn't sure.
Instead of explaining Smash Bros anymore, I asked a question myself to take the pressure off. "What do you like to play?" Paul blinked and his ears perked up. "I like Marble Blast Gold!" He almost yelped out, before drawing back. "But… shhh, don't tell anyone. I'm not supposed to talk about it."
That didn't make any sense. "Huh? What does that mean?" I asked.
"It's the best game ever, you like… you roll, and you have to… like, you have to get to the end. Uh." He stammered. "But I'm not… I'm not allowed to play it anymore, my teachers said I'm too obsessed."
"That's bullshit." I spat.
"Yeah!!" He yelled, leaping up onto his haunches, tail wagging up a storm, until he noticed again, and pressed his paw to stop it. "Sorry." he said.
"Why are you doing that?" I asked.
"Doing what?"
"Stopping your tail." I pointed to his butt. "Aren't you like… a dog, or something?"
Paul cocked his head like I asked him a really stupid question. "Yeah? Why." He said, carefully.
We stared at each other for another couple of seconds. I didn't know how to word my questions without sounding awkward. "I've met a lot of… dogs, and wagging tails is pretty normal." I felt insane saying it out loud.
"Well I'm special!" Paul beamed. "I can talk, I can stand on two legs!" He got up and stood upon the bench, barely reaching eye level with me. "I'm in a class for special dogs only." He bumped a fist on his chest.
"Oh… okay." I said, not really understanding. I guess the rules were different for dogs that talk. It felt weird watching him do that though, and saying sorry for it too. "Are special dogs… not supposed to wag?" I asked.
"Yeah. No wagging." He replied. "'Cus humans don't wag."
"But humans don't have tails in the first place." I looked behind myself to check. "So you don't actually know if humans would wag or not, right?" I was getting seriously weirded out by this conversation, but I just kinda kept going. "How'd you learn to talk, anyways?" I asked, Paul looked like he was processing what I said very slowly.
"Like I said, I'm special." Paul repeated. "I'm learning how to make it disappear, like everyone else. First I gotta learn how to keep it still, though, so the magic works."
"Magic?" I said back to him. I mean, it wasn't all that weird compared to meeting a talking dog, but the word still threw me off.
"Yeah, lookit!" The dog hopped off the bench, hunched over with his back facing me, and started screaming like he was about to go super saiyan. I didn't know what I was supposed to be looking at, I was too startled. I might have been imagining things, but I think I saw his tail slowly retracting into his body like a lazy snake.
"Paul! What the fuck are you doing??" I shouted, but instead of responding, Paul just… went silent and flopped onto his side. I quickly rushed over, yelling "Are you okay? What just happened?" I looked over his body, flat on the asphalt. His tail had grown all the way back and… his body shrunk. His head was halfway tucked into his shirt like a turtle. His paws barely poked out of his sleeves, pointing directly forward from his body. He didn't look like a kid anymore, he looked like a dog that someone stuffed into some kid's clothes.
After a second, I thought it wouldn't hurt to poke him. "Paul? Recess is almost over." I poked at his chest, and he rolled onto his back limply. I suddenly felt silly trying to talk to him, like I was trying to reason with a pet. I tried a different approach, I clapped my hands and rapped on my knees. "Hey! Up! Food!"
Paul's eyes shot open, and he sneezed, before wiggling his legs to right himself. He took an instant and a half to realize where he was, and he suddenly cowered, looking straight at me, shivering. "Hey, what's wrong?" I whispered. He looked side to side, back at his own doggish body, and back to me. He blinked, looking like he was about to run away.
"No, no, it's okay." I tried to be reassuring, I'd never had a dog before so I didn't really know what I was doing. I almost forgot that I'd just been talking about Smash Bros with him. "Uh… do you like granola bars?" His ears perked up, and his tail swayed, his new… anatomy making it hard to reach back and stop it this time. I grabbed my backpack from behind me and rummaged through it for leftovers, I got the other of the two bars inside the wrapper, the one I didn't eat, and held it out in front of me. Paul approached me slowly, his nose twitching. "Can you… eat this, even?" I asked, as he sniffed the crumbly rectangle. He licked it soon after, and started nibbling and snarfing after that. I watched carefully, scared to make any sudden moves.
Paul looked up at me again, and I noticed his eyes were a little different. More definition, like I could tell a little more what he was feeling. His new eyes looked concerned, like he was waiting for me to do something bad. He reached up with a paw, it was looking a bit more like a hand now. I let go, and he held the bar himself as he munched away, sitting plainly on his knees.
"What was that all about?" I asked.
"Maghic." The dog said through a full mouth.
"That was magic?" I replied. "I saw your tail shrink, I'm pretty sure."
Paul swallowed. "How much?"
I thought back, the image was still clear in my head. "Like… barely at all. A couple inches?"
"Aw…" He looked disappointed in himself.
We sat in silence for a bit, but there was a question I wanted to ask. "Why do you want to get rid of your tail? Like… that looked painful."
"Mrs. Millie said I can go to the regular class if I can turn human," the talking dog said, proudly.
"You're pretty bad at that." I chuckled, reaching out to ruffle his ears without thinking. Paul looked like he was about to take it personally, but suddenly lost his train of thought as my hand touched his head. "Bwuhhf…" He woofed under his breath, his tail twitched and his paws lost their thumbs again. I quickly pulled my hand back, "Sorry! I didn't…" Paul's eyes took a second to form together again, and he looked right at me, "That wasn't fair." he whined, but his tail was still wagging.
"You really are a dog!" I said, glancing sneakily behind him. Paul followed my gaze to his own tail, yelped, and quickly pressed it down with both paws.
"Oh, come on, stop it." I joked. "It's psyching me out, it looks like it hurts when you hold your tail in place like that."
Paul turned his head back at me. "It doesn't… hurt," he said, slowly and surely.
"Hm. Whatever you say." I got up and went back on the bench. After I turned around to sit down, Paul was already running towards me. I didn't have any time to think before he bounded into my lap and butted his head into my chest while his tail went crazy. The impact knocked the wind out of me, but he was pretty small, I got it back in just a second. Paul yipped and barked, maybe there were some normal words in there too, but I couldn't understand it. This is where I realized he wasn't a very special dog after all, I think he was just normal.
I scratched behind his head and stroked his back through those baggy clothes, and this time he didn't mind. He might have been crying, it was hard to tell, I didn't really know what dog crying looked like. Eventually, he settled down. I couldn't feel his shoulders anymore, he seemed in danger of falling out of his shorts if he wasn't careful. I had a dog in my lap, an extremely normal dog. He stretched his body up and rested his head on my shoulder. "I like you, Bradley." He said, a little too slowly, and a little too loudly. I didn't know what to say to that, he barely knew me. This was all very weird. "You're a good dog." I said back, just because it felt right.
I could feel Paul's body shaping up into a more human posture again as he regained composure. He let go, turned to the side, and sat down on the bench next to me again, staring at his paws in his lap. I leaned over, "You okay?" I asked. He didn't answer, he just put his paw on my wrist and started twirling the hair under my sleeve.
I quickly jerked my hand away and covered the hairy skin. "Don't look at that!" I snapped.
"You have fur too!" Paul yelled.
"No, no, that's hair. I'm just…" I didn't want to explain, it was too embarrassing. I looked like I had my dad's arms, I hoped that no one would see. "It's a condition."
"Oh. Okay." Paul stared into the distance again. We sat in silence for another couple awkward seconds before the bell rang.
"Bye, Bradley." the dog said, scampering off.
"Bye, Paul." I waved after him, being sure to hold my sleeve up with my other hand.
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villiedoom · 24 days ago
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Quick test of walking animation, with and without fur.
I'm still trying to improve rigging and learn at least simple animation. Experimenting with imitating some muscle and skin details by just rigging, without simulating them.
Made in Blender. Koties are my characters, fantasy felines from my personal lore/story.
Related posts:
~ Northern Kotie model
~ Kotie anatomy model
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simon-roy · 3 months ago
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A drawing from 2009 that I am currently using as the basis for the cover of a new book (coming to kickstarter next year). An amphoran warrior and a human trooper, posing for a candid photo
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