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pretty1npnk ¡ 5 months ago
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After her massive debut this year, of course everyone's favorite Barbie had to pull up to FicFest! So, how was Chouka's experience at the event of the year?
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Of course, Chouka had to wear pink on a pink carpet. This is Chouka we're talking about. Being the industry's resident fashion expert and girly girl, she stunned in three archive pieces in one night. Her pink carpet look was Jean Louis Scherrer S/S 1988, gloves and all. Her presentation look was Guy Laroche S/S 1991, and her after-party look was Versace F/W 1991. Despite being a Dior ambassador, Chouka refuses to chain herself to the brand. We love that for her!
Seven years in the game and still, no one knows how Chouka manages to source her looks, but she's Chouka Aikawa. It's self-explanatory at this point.
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT ! ... Jean Louis Scherrer S/S '88, Guy Laroche S/S '91, Versace F/W '91
Bringing Chouka's look together was her ever impeccable hair and makeup, the makeup of which was done by Chouka herself. She was praised for days by the press and netizens alike, with many comparing her to a princess and, of course, a Barbie. High fashion Twitter couldn't get enough of her, but what's new?
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Gagged me. Gagged you. Gagged your mother. Gagged your mother's second cousin. Gagged your dog. Chouka gagged everyone with this performance, girl!
Now, what she performed wasn't a new song by any means. "Silk 'N Diamonds" was already on Sincerely. However, it was unfortunately regulated to a deep cut and rarely performed live, and damn, weren't Rosettes mad! So, when Chouka decided to finally give everyone what they'd been waiting for at FicFest, her fans couldn't have been happier.
Everything from the stage design, to her costume, to her hair (she was wearing a tiara, by the way!) was praised to hell and back, because of course it was. But, you'll have to watch it yourself! Which you can see...
HERE ... !
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001. A CHAT WITH CLÉO! (@hausofanya)
One of the interviewers on FicFest's pink carpet was Stray Kids' ClĂŠo Torell, whom Chouka definitely had to chat with! From the three things she couldn't live without (hint: it's definitely her closet) to the fact that she couldn't shut up about her newlywedded husband Jason (justified, honestly), it was quite the interesting interview. You can read all of it here!
Oh my God, Jason and Chouka were the cutest thing ever that night. From giggling and publicly flirting during a joint interview to Jason being the first one to give his wife a standing ovation, they said to hell with netizens and were as lovey-dovey as possible. But the best part? Jason pulling Chouka into both a kiss and a hug after her performance. Needless to say, Rosettes in the crowd went batshit. Get yourself a man like Jason Day-Fujiwara, y'all.
Chouka is known for her resting bitch face, as seen with all the shots of her in the front rows of Parisian fashion shows. And of course, her RBF was on full display during FicFest. But, that doesn't mean she hated being there! However, there were some people (read: Twitter users) that... didn't like how she looked during some of their faves' performances. It got to the point where after the ceremony, an interviewer asked Chouka if she liked the performances from her fellow idols. Her response? "Yes, I liked the performances. No, I don't hate anyone."
Chouka had to tack on a couple more words, of course, saying, "Well, I do strongly dislike some people, but I don't need to name names right now. Regardless, cool it with the misogyny."
An icon as always.
Chouka had the pleasure of presenting "Most Visually Pleasing Lineup" during the ceremony, alongside the second gen visual herself, Park Ah-reum of DI-VERSE (famously known as Ahri). The duo to end all duos, the fact that they were paired together was a hot topic all down the timeline. On Chouka's end, everything about her while on that stage was a talking point. From the fact that she changed her dress to her professional attitude to even her voice (her accent is always a favorite), Chouka Aikawa was definitely one of FicFest's "It" girls. But, that's not surprising in the slightest.
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Following the ceremony, Chouka invited everyone she knew to her very pink penthouse apartment in Hannam the Hill for Chouka's Very Pink Afterparty! Complete with rosĂŠ champagne and other pink cocktails, hors d'oeuvres in various shades of, well... pink, and even a photobooth (in, you guessed it, pink), this afterparty is one of the hottest on the block! Like a cross between a high-end cocktail party and the cutest tea party ever, it's all you'll ever talk about!
Chouka would say "girls only," but unfortunately for her, everyone's welcome.
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hausofanya ¡ 5 months ago
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⪩⪨   ┈ ₊ make your way down the pink carpet at the 2024 FICFEST AWARDS ! mingling amongst the year’s hottest new acts and industry’s favorite icons is the internet’s favorite rich auntie in training, CLÉO ANYA TORELL ! and she’s got a few questions to ask …
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iddyiddybangbang ¡ 10 months ago
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Dreamwidth | AO3 | Rules and FAQ
Been wanting to write that epic frotfest where woobie slave!Steve Rogers runs away with werewolf Loki and they ride off into the sunset? Come on in, we’d love to have you!
IIBB is a panfandom mini-bang challenge. This means that if you sign up to participate, you agree to make a complete piece of fanwork by the assignment deadline. For 2024, we will be accepting fic, art (including comics), fanmixes, podfic, and vids. Detailed guidelines are in the rules. If you would like to make fanwork in another medium, let us know and we’ll be happy to include it!
IIBB 2024 will run from July 10 - Sept 12. Sign-ups open July 10 and close July 17. Assignments are due Sept 12.
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to drop us an ask!
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singlenessofaim ¡ 2 months ago
Prompt #6--Crush
Fic six for Fic fest. This comes from the Fluffy February list of prompts.
This is the second in a series of fics. Part One can be found here.
Matt was certain that he was losing his mind.
He had to be. There was no other explanation for how he was acting lately. For starters, he was actually eager to show up to work lately. Eager. Even though it meant dealing with the tedium of meetings, paperwork and dozens of people running to him for every little production mishap.
And that was on top of the travel days. Sitting around at airports. Hours spent on planes. Dealing with the traffic at the airports and the venues. Trying to find places that had drinkable coffee.
What on Earth could possibly make him eager to endure all of this? Aside from his usual love of the business.
“Hmph that FTR. Top Guys? More like Top Bitches.”
Matt grinned, his heart fluttering as he watched Okada stroll into the locker room with a smirking Nick. He tried to hide how goofy his smile was becoming behind his coffee, but there was only so much you could conceal behind a paper cup.
And not all of that was from the joke. There was a warmth that spread all over Matt’s face every time Matt spent a little too long staring at Okada’s eyes. Or when he thought about what it would be like to run his fingers through those sunny locks on his head.
“Hey, Okada Continental defense tonight, so you know what that means,” Nick said. “We can’t be out there with you.”
“But I’ll be watching,” Matt blurted out. “I mean, we…we will be watching. On the monitors. So, no funny business will happen during your match. How’s that sound, Rain-Make?”
Okada grinned at him and Matt thought he was going to float away.
“Sounds good. Sounds like…I’m going to crush Daniel Garcia tonight. Then he can do his bitch dance while I walk away Continental Champion.”
Nick chuckled and Matt smiled again, taking another long slurp from his coffee to hide his giddiness. At least, he hoped he hid it anyway.
Matt turned and paced around the other side of the room. What was happening to him? He was as good as forty and an EVP of a million-dollar company. Why was he acting like a teenager chasing dates in high school?
Matt moved over to the couch and plopped down, sipping at his coffee. It wasn’t like Okada would be interested in him. They were friends. That was all. All there could ever be. Why was he torturing himself by thinking that there could ever be…?
Suddenly, Matt felt the cushions on the couch dip and the warmth of someone next to him. He didn’t even have to look over to know who it was.
‘Oh, he’s there. Right there next to me. Act normal. Quit acting like a freak who gets excited every time we’re in the same space.’
Matt finally dared to look over. He had to catch his breath when he saw how close he was to those dark eyes that seemed to stare down into his soul.
“I would like some tea…” Okada continued. Matt jumped to his feet.
“Oh of course, before your match,” Matt babbled. “Leave it to me, Rain-Make. I’ll take care of it.”
He yanked his phone out of his pocket and tossed his coffee cup aside as he walked out of the locker room. Tea he could do. Helping Okada get ready for his match he could definitely do.
It was much easier than thinking about…other things….
Nick frowned as he watched Matt leave.
He had noticed Matt’s odd behavior for a while. The strange furtive anxiety he had about getting to work. The way he seemed distracted while he was at home and increasingly while handling production matters. He started to look for a pattern to trace this back to its root. After a while, he began to realize that he recognized the signs.
His brother was in love. And after observing him closely, Nick had an idea who Matt was fixated on.
Nick sighed. On one hand, he knew it wasn’t really his place to get involved. On the other…well, the two of them had never been much for staying out of each other’s pockets.
He sat down next to Okada and ran a hand over his face. Okada frowned, his eyebrows scrunching together.
“Are you ok?” he asked. Nick fell back against the couch.
“Yes. No…I…Okada…we’ve known each other for years, so I think I can be direct with you, yeah?”
Okada slowly nodded and Nick let out another sigh. “You know, don’ you, that Matt…that he’s…he’s interested in you? As more than friends? A love interest?”
Okada took a deep breath and turned his attention to the wall in front of him. Nick leaned forward.
“Look, I’m not gonna tell you or Matt what to do. It’s just…Matt’s my brother and I love him. And he’s been hurt a lot.  More than once. So…if this isn’ what you want, just…be gentle, ok? But…if you’re thinkin’ of anything…please remember what I said. I just…I don’ want him hurting so much again.”
Okada nodded but remained silent. Nick scrubbed his eyes. He still didn’t know what Okada was going to do, but he wanted to believe that he could trust him.
He would have to hope that that would be enough.
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thisliminalspacedaydreams ¡ 10 months ago
“Are you sure you are a person and not a vortex?”
is the most Regulus-shaped sentence I've ever written in my life.
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jealous1dficfest ¡ 6 months ago
submissions tomorrow!!!!! get ready!!!!!
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so excited to see all your brilliant ideas 🥰
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jiusyn ¡ 2 years ago
kafhime has taken over my entire sanity that i actually have no braincells left to think and write for the ficfest i joined a few months ago hdhdhd will attempt to finally start smthn by tmrw bc the deadline is coming to a close and i need to pump out those dead creative juices back to life that's urgently needed rn
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fbrdcdficrevivalfest ¡ 2 years ago
We're almost at ten writers!!
First stories could be begin being posted in a mere 23 days...which means I should probably stop doing anything I can that isn't writing.
Come join us! It's fun LOL
Sign up here
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scenariopubblico ¡ 2 years ago
#FICFest: 9 maggio
***English Below***
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La scena si è aperta con due spettacoli che hanno condiviso la terza serata del #FICFest: T.R.I.P.O.F.O.B.I.A. e Cu’ mancia fa muddichi.
Nel foyer di Scenario Pubblico, prima dell’inizio della performance, ci siamo domandati cosa questi titoli stessero suscitando nella mente degli spettatori, ricevendo diversi riscontri a caldo. Quello che ci ha colpito di più è stato: <<Uno spettacolo che ti ipnotizza>>.
T.R.I.P.O.F.O.B.I.A.  è una creazione della Compagnia IVONA, di cui Pablo Girolami è direttore artistico e coreografo, interpretata dai danzatori Guilherme Leal e Lou Thabart.
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La tripofobia è la paura dell’uomo nei confronti di gruppi irregolari di piccoli buchi o protuberanze. La creazione si ispira a questa peculiare paura, che ha portato altre suggestioni come, ad esempio, l’immagine del rospo del Suriname. Quest’ultimo, nel processo di creazione, ha determinato la scelta di utilizzare in scena delle coppette che i danzatori applicano sul proprio corpo durante la performance; concretizzando fisicamente la paura.
L’obiettivo della performance è quello di partire dalla tripofobia per indagare l’irrazionalità della mente e il comportamento dell’uomo nei confronti delle paure. Uno spettacolo, infatti, che lascia appesi ad un filo di tensione conducendo tutto il pubblico, in maniera incisiva, a confrontarsi con il ricordo delle sensazioni che nascono dalle proprie paure.
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È presente una straordinaria attenzione al dettaglio che possiamo ritrovare nelle qualità di movimento usate, come: staticità e compulsività, fluidità e convulsione. Anche nel disegno luci, un quadrato bianco proiettato sul pavimento, è possibile cogliere particolari minuziosi. Entrare all’interno del quadrato luminoso, infatti, significa mettersi in contatto con le proprie paure.
Cu’ mancia fa muddichi
è il titolo della seconda performance, un proverbio della tradizione siciliana legato al concetto: chi fa delle azioni commetterà degli errori… dove errore può essere sinonimo di possibilità, produttività, crescita.  
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La creazione è di Dario Rigaglia, giovane artista di origine siciliana, nominato da Danza&Danza Miglior Ballerino Italiano all'Estero 2016, vincitore del bando ACASA 2022/2023. Per il #FICFest ha portato in scena la sua prima produzione come coreografo e danzatore.
Lo spettacolo si è aperto con una registrazione di un breve testo pronunciato da Rigaglia, dove emerge un invito al rischio e a non aver paura di tentare e commettere errori. Uno spettacolo che coinvolge umanamente, che offre uno spunto di riflessione riguardo le aspirazioni che ognuno di noi ha.
Il coreografo, immerso nel profumo di arance e terra, lascia la libertà di viaggiare all’interno del tema scelto per la performance. Il movimento virtuoso del danzatore ha mostrato il ventaglio di possibili sfumature che caratterizzano una scelta: da quelle più oscure e cupe, a quelle più brillanti e colorate.
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Il #FICFest prosegue oggi, 10 maggio, con Satiri di Virgilio Sieni, in scena alle 20.45 presso il Teatro Sangiorgi di Catania.
A domani con la prossima pagina del Blog!
Credits Redattore: Matilde Bianchi Reporter: Martina Adelfio Media: Iolanda Longo Revisione: Sofia Bordieri
The stage opened with two shows that shared the third day of #FICFest: T.R.I.P.O.F.O.B.I.A. and Cu' mancia fa muddichi.
In the foyer of Scenario Pubblico, before the start of the performance, we asked what these titles were stirring in the minds of the audience, receiving several feedbacks. The one that struck us the most was, <a show that mesmerizes>.
T.R.I.P.O.F.O.B.I.A. is a creation of IVONA Company, of which Pablo Girolami is artistic director and choreographer, performed by the dancers Guilherme Leal and Lou Thabart.
Trypophobia is a man's fear of irregular groups of small holes or protuberances. The creation was inspired by this peculiar fear, which brought other suggestions such as, for example, the image of the Surinam toad. The latter, in the creative process, determined the choice to use cups that the dancers apply to their bodies during the performance, in order to physically concretize the fear.
The goal of the performance is to start from trypophobia to investigate the irrationality of the mind and human behavior towards fear. A performance that leaves you hung by a thread of tension, leading the whole audience, in an incisive way, to face the memory of the sensations that arise from their own fears.
An extraordinary attention to detail can be found in their quality of movement, such as: stillness and compulsiveness, fluidity and convulsion. Even in the lighting design, a white square projected onto the floor, minute details can be captured. To enter inside the light square, in fact, means to get in touch with one's fears.
Cu' mancia fa muddichi
The title of the second performance is a traditional Sicilian proverb related to the following concept: those who do actions will make mistakes … but mistake can be synonymous with possibility, productivity, growth.
That's the first production as choreographer and dancer for Dario Rigaglia, a young Sicilian-born artist, named Best Italian Dancer Abroad 2016 by Danza&Danza and winner of the ACASA 2022/2023 call for applications.
The performance opened with a recording of a short text spoken by Rigaglia himself, an invitation to risk and not to be afraid of trying and making mistakes. A humanly engaging performance that offers food for thought regarding the aspirations each of us has.
Between the scent of dirt and oranges, the choreographer lets freedom travel, showing the range of nuances that might characterize a choice: from the darkest and gloomiest, to the brightest and most colorful.
The #FICFest continues today, May 10 at 8.45 p.m., with Virgilio Sieni's Satiri at the Sangiorgi Theater in Catania.
We'll see you tomorrow with the next Blog news!
Credits Redaction: Matilde Bianchi Reporter: Martina Adelfio Media: Iolanda Longo Text revision: Sofia Bordieri Translation: Luca Occhipinti
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zb1fics ¡ 1 year ago
for zb1
theme ✧ —
eros and psyche, love that consumes. as valentine's day draws near, explore the idea of a love that can be confused for hunger — sweet desire, or the kind that comes with teeth.
sign up here! 🏹
rules ✧ —
draw inspiration from the theme listed above or free-write generally about love and valentine’s day
no hyj rps — platonic involvement only
any rating / genre / length — as long as the minimum word count meets 1.5k
have a form of contact
have fun! 💗
schedule ✧ —
~ first check-in: feb 3rd
~ informal check-in (dm): feb 10th
~ posting opens from: feb 14th — until the end of the month
questions ✧ —
refer to our carrd, send an ask, or leave any questions you have here for a faster response. we also have a discord you can join! — discord.gg/4tFzeCae5Z
✧ — original twitter post
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lunaticcat28 ¡ 1 year ago
can't believe i got the prompt that i wanted
1D Alpha Louis Fest Sign Ups Open
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There is no minimum or maximum word count requirement.
Fics must be completed when posted to AO3. No WIPs.
This fest is not anonymous. Feel free to post snippets or teasers. (Make sure to tag @1dalphalouisfest )
You can co-write this fic with friends.
There doesn’t need to be any pairings for this fest.
There will be no restriction on the writing of explicit, sensitive, or potentially triggering content, though this must be tagged appropriately.
All AUs are allowed such as Mpreg, girl direction, etc as long as it’s involves Alpha!Louis Tomlinson!
Prompt Submissions - 16th September 2023 - 30th June 2024
Sign-Ups - 13th October 2023 - 30th June 2024
First Author Check-In - 20th March 2024
Second Author Check In - End of June/Beginning of July 2024
Submission Date - 31st July 2024
Posting Date - Mid-August 2024 (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays)
Prompt Submission Form
Submitted Prompts
Sign Up Form
If you'd like to contact us off tumblr, our email is [email protected]
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formulampreg ¡ 3 months ago
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✨Welcome to the Formula mpreg fest✨
Welcome everyone! and welcome all kinds of mpreg!
We know and understand mpreg is not everyone's thing, so please don't hang around if you're sure you don't like and don't be rude to those that enjoy it ✨
That being said...
Welcome everyone ♥️ 
These are some tentative dates that will be put up for voting:-
Prompting: January 6 to 26
Claiming: January 27
Check in: February 21-22
Posting: March 8-9
Reveals: March 10
Links for you ♥️ 
The Collection
The prompt form
The claiming form
Further info is on the collection's dashboard but let me add it down here as well
What's mpreg? Whay counts as mpreg for the fest? Mpreg is a term used to describe situations where a man becomes pregnant, resulting in a Male Pregnancy. The fest welcomes all kinds of mpreg: cismpreg, transmpreg, intersex mpreg, a/b/o dynamics, magical pregnancies, fics that go into the carried gene variant, you could also not offer an explanation and just have the world be like that.
Prompting & Claiming FAQ
Is it necessary to submit a prompt to claim one? Do I have to claim a prompt to submit one? No! You don’t need to submit prompts in order to claim them, and you are not required to claim prompts to “be allowed” submit them.
How are claims done? Once we set up the schedule, you will be able to start claiming by pressing on the “Claim” button next to the prompt you want and then filling out the Claim Form. Please remember that If you don’t fill it, your claim will be deleted.
Can more than one person claim a prompt? No! Only one claim per prompt will be allowed. It will be on the “First come First serve” basis, and any secondary claims will be deleted. Anyone that wants to use any other media that isn't writing doesn'tneed to claim it on AO3, just please fill out the form so I can know <3
How do self-prompts work? Right before the ending of the Prompting Period we will post a bunch of “Self-Prompt” prompts. These are for people that have their own, original ideas they want to write or make art for but that they still want to share inside the Fest.
How are self-prompts claimed? The exact same way! Except more people can claim each one. You’ll be able to claim one and that will count for the three claims per person limit.
Remember friends: you can always drop out if life gets messy or if the inspiration runs away!
And now some RULES
1. All Works must include some form of mpreg - this mean that if your story has past or future "off-screen" mpreg, then it still counts! 2. Gen fic is welcomed! Not everything has to revolve around romantic and/or sexual relationships. 3. Minimum word count is 1k! Chaptered fics are, of course, allowed, you'd just have to make sure that the first chapter (or chapters) you post hits 1k words. 4. All works - especially those included sensitive topics and/or smut HAVE to be properly tagged. We will read over the fics before allowing them into the collections and we will ask you to tag properly if we detect a missing tag. 5. Ships must include at least two (2) paddock individuals. OCs or Non-paddock characters are not allowed for final ships. Y/N fics are not allowed. 6. No plagiarism allowed, no unauthorized reproduction allowed. If someone sees a prompt or a work that you suspect was copied from someone or somewhere else, please let the mods know.
RESTRICTED THEMES The only restricted themes the fest will have will be: Pedophilia, incest and underage.If you want to include an aged up character that had a kid when they were teenagers, you can. But you cannot have underage characters engaging in sexual activities in your fic.
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sincerelylancelot ¡ 2 months ago
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a single great error
part one of the hamartia series Lando reminds him of a black hole. Not just all-consuming and endless, but a bridge to infinite possibilities. Oscar’s hands can rip the universe apart, knit it back together, and feel the air shimmer where reality was—but to him, Lando is what’s left in that space: infinite and always.
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iddyiddybangbang ¡ 9 months ago
Sign-ups for Iddy Iddy Bang Bang 2024 are open here! Signups will run through July 17th. Happy idding! :D
We’re also on Discord! Find us here.
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girlcharles-ficfest ¡ 10 months ago
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Welcome to the girl charles fest!
This is a charles-centric fest but with the twist of making him a girl. as one should do.
Most of the important information has been compiled in the carrd which is also linked in bio.
Important dates
Prompting open: June 16 to July 5
Claiming & sign ups opening: June 17
Check-in: July 20
Posting start: August 17
Reveal: August 20
Important links
Sign up form
Prompt form
ao3 collection
But a quick rundown of the rules and guidelines under the cut:
all works should feature charles as a primary character and as a girl (cis or trans).
there's a minimum of 2k words, while maximum is up to the writer
works’ ratings can range from general audience, teen and up, mature, and explicit.
all works must be properly tagged.
writers remain anonymous until reveal but stating participation is fine!
two prompts per people, and if you think you can do more, please wait until you have at least finished the first two & contact me
have fun & be yourself <3
This is supposed to be a low-stress event so don't stress out too much if you miss deadlines or feel that you cannot finish, but do think about telling me so i can keep track of everything!
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dreaminrainbows ¡ 1 year ago
I'm trouble with you
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“Harry,” Louis says in a soft voice, ”in less than a year you'll probably move out and I need to know now, I need to know tonight if I'm going to lose you forever. I'm done guessing!” He says demanding, but soft, his voice low and almost trembling. Harry's whole body is shaking. All of the feelings he tried to bury with studying, alcohol and weed, or sex are coming to the surface now and he can't deal with that. Can't deal with Louis sounding like he is actually afraid Harry is not going to be in his life. Because if Louis is afraid of losing Harry it means that he cares and Harry cannot deal with Louis caring. Every single illusion he's built in his mind of painting Louis as the bad guy will crash down along with all his resolve and walls and he cannot (!) have that. or the friends to enemies to lovers aka idiots to lovers aka they just don't talk until they FINALLY do
Part of @omegaharryfest
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