#Festivus miracle
mike-pimp12 · 11 months
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I was behind today by 1140 words for my NaNoWriMo novel. I needed to 2807 words to be caught up to finish 50k by November 30th. I ended up writing 2957 words, with a total word count of 6818. It's a NaNoWriMo miracle! But we'll call it a Festivus Miracle because I just like that gif of Kramer.
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calicojack1718 · 9 months
A Festivus Miracle! Man Rescued from 18-inch Hole!
Read about the amazing Festivus Miracle of a man rescued from an 18-inch hole on a California beach. He had to be a human pinball to wind up in that hole!
Rarely, do I share straight news stories here on Ye Olde Blogge. Mostly because I figure we all read the news and the most popular stories are equally available to all of us, and seldom do any of them warrant either the snarky, sarcasticky, or profaney treatment that we give our posts here at the Psy or are better understood by psychological principles, theories, or findings. This story isn’t an…
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thumbclaws · 2 years
Festivus kangaroo fund
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Something silly for festivus. The best winter holiday. Grievance airing, feats of strength, over-feasting and ubiquitous festivus miracles performed by Jirri the silly blue fangaroo.
💰 Money for Macropods. 💴
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doubtingthomasin · 2 years
🎀✨🎄 Dec. 12 - Miracle 🎄✨🎀
Nancy had warned Eddie and Chrissy the evening before the next school day with a phone call: word was out about the two of them at Hawkins High.
They both figured it would happen eventually, but hoped the news would somehow stay quiet until after winter break, when they'd have time to prepare themselves. Instead, news broke the last period of the day, a full week before break, when someone told someone else told another person's best friend that they saw the Freak holding hands with Chrissy Cunningham as they left Melvald's.
Now, Eddie and Chrissy wait in his van, eyeing the entrance to the high school with queasy stomachs—hers moreso than his.
"Maybe it won't be a big deal," Eddie muses, rubbing a hand over his mouth and partially muffling his words. "Maybe someone will get in a fight today and we'll be old news by lunch."
"I don't think it would work like that," she counters quietly. "Being who we are, I just..." She cuts the sentence short, praying to God he doesn't take the words that did escape the wrong way.
"I know, I know," he fills in, looking down at the steering wheel, "you're the queen slumming it with the Freak—"
"Please don't ever say that again," she pleads urgently, turning and fixing him with wide eyes. He simply nods, taking her hand. "That's not what I meant, even if that's what they think."
"But it could be what they think, sweetheart." He squeezes her hand gently. "We just have to be ready for that."
A few minutes later, because they'll be late if they wait any longer, they walk through the doors of the school still holding hands.
And yes, the noise somewhat dies down around them. Yes, many people stare. But as they survey the faces turned their way, they find mostly surprise and bewilderment. One person even laughs a little before their face grows serious, realizing it's not a joke.
But after they pass, people turn away and conversations commence, and it slowly dawns on them both. Nobody's coming after them with torches and pitchforks. Nobody's yelling angrily in their direction. If anything, people seem to have brushed it off as yet another great mystery of Hawkins.
It doesn't just feel like an amazing relief.
It feels like a damn miracle.
Especially as they reach the end of the first hallway and Chrissy glances in the direction of Jason's locker, its owner standing nearby. He's already staring, unblinking, before he turns back to remove more books, never saying a word.
She doesn't know what that means for the future, but for now, she's just glad to walk hand in hand down the hallway, turning a corner in more ways than one.
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3gremlins · 2 years
tumblr: CLICK FOR BELLS me: ooooooooh *clicks* OH HECK YES *plays with chiming bells for the next 10 minutes*
the bells are delightful and now there is also fake snow, fam (you have to play with the bells a little bit before you get the snow prompt)
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alex6186 · 2 years
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Wow you weren't kidding when you said Lovey dovey Ethan gets high numbers lol congratulations on the 3 digits, it was an amazing fic ❤ loved it from beginning to end 🥰
lol Shit! I just saw that! Thanks for pointing it out. It's been a LONG time since I've seen that and truly never expected to again.
Though, I'm sure Ainna's art didn't hurt that.
Fluffy Ethan is the most sought-after these days - that's just a fact. If people want numbers and numbers alone, that's what to write in this fandom (at least, in OH). But I personally don't follow that philosophy, and I don't recommend others do either.
Write what you love, it nourishes you. But if you love fluffy Ethan, you'll see more notes. lol
Thanks, Nonny!
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jimflanigan · 2 years
A Christmas Eve Pot Pourri with Miracles, etc.
A Christmas Eve Pot Pourri with Miracles, etc.
A lot has been happening to me personally over these Twelve Days of Blogging, so I thought I’d recap the highlights for you including more Christmas miracles and a Hanukkah miracle. Let’s start with another Christmas miracle. The television remote control was gone. I was the likely culprit having last used it. Did I dodder off in my typical addled state and lay the missing remote in an…
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madlichen · 2 years
To get a sense of scale for the winter storm this weekend, Houston TX, New Orleans LA, Mobile AL, and Orlando FL are all under freeze warnings tonight. Remember the storm that brought down the Texas power grid? This is worse.
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See that purple region in the southeast? That's a hard freeze warning. Meaning uninsulated water pipes there, or north of there, could freeze and burst. Meaning water damage when the pipes thaw after Christmas.
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punkrockmixtapes · 2 years
Mandelbaums - Festivus Miracles (I Believe In)
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janewilsonrva · 9 months
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Happy Festivus, 2023!
Photo of Charlotte 🐈🐾
Richmond, VA (USA)
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Me: Today is Festivus, Charlotte. Do you have any grievances to air?
Charlotte: Well, this should be obvious, but we're getting low on cat treats. I have to tell you multiple times to get up in the morning. And I don't like being carted off to the vet.
Me: Okay, it's my turn. You like to create a ruckus when you don't get your way. It would be nice if you could respect my need for sleep. And I don't need to be hollered at when we're each in a different room.
Charlotte: But you still love me, right?
Me: Of course I do. You're very sweet when you want to be. And if you can refrain from deliberately turning your food bowl over and creating a mess, one of Santa's elves might drop off a new container of cat treats.
Charlotte: I'd call that a Festivus miracle! 😸 ✨️
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sgiandubh · 1 year
You exaggerate! Mordor only cares about the well-being of the Grannies and, of course, the random walkers passing that sidewalk...
Dear Granny Anon,
Mordor only cares about its own obsessions. The biggest one being the Shipper community and its dynamics: you know nothing, Joe McCarthy.
I sometimes wonder what will they do if, by some sort of Oppenheimer miracle, they would wake up in a world without shippers, Kevin 'I made my family disappear' McCallister style ? Throw a 40 day long Festivus? Get drunk in droves? Declare it a National Day? Jump for joy, then realize it's nowhere near as fun as it used to be, when the yeomen were around? Actively look for alternative scapegoats ? Realize they clutch to their pearls just a fistful of carefully staged pictures and a legal document they can't really make sense of? Finally understand the Sybil of Tydavnet is not engaging with them and shares almost nothing personal on socials (which is a pious way to say she DGAF about them) and McSideburns is, at best, a ghost?
That is a lot to digest. Meanwhile, the grannies (and not only them) will happily buy S's exceptional alcohol in bulk, without a care in the world.
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alldollsarevalid · 3 months
It's a Festivus miracle.
My trashcan Wallymart actually cleaned up and reset the entire toy department.
They finally put out the Rainbow High fashion packs and the mini barbie land merchandise.
There were price labels. Underneath the correct items 😱
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musingsbyserena · 1 year
Yule 🎄
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In the Northern Hemisphere, Yule is December 21st. In the Southern Hemisphere, Yule is June 21st.
Like Samhain, Yule, also known as the winter solstice, is a rather large holiday in the Pagan calendar, but it is also has a large presence across the world. The biggest shadow looming over Yule is, of course, Christmas and Christmas Eve. It's the Christian celebration of Jesus’s birth, but we all know that it’s the Catholic church’s way of shoehorning pagans into celebrating Christmas. Those who are blatantly against the celebration of Christmas celebrate Newtonmas, which is the same basic idea, but in honor of Sir Isaac Newton and science instead. Alternatively, you could join the Festivus gang for people who are fans of Seinfeld. Other holidays include the Jewish Hanukkah, which honors the miracle of lasting oil, the Ancient Saturnalia, a festival for Saturn and the coming of longer days, and Kwanzaa, which is actually a holiday started in America to celebrate African culture and family in much the way Christmas does. There are also a number of other holidays of varying names, and religious backgrounds that all celebrate the same core idea of family, beliefs, the coming of summer, and giving back.
At its heart, the Solstice signals the coming of longer days and shorter nights. In the midst of the dark days of winter, Yule is the promise that it won't last forever  The God has been reborn, and as a symbol of the Sun, he brings a stronger one. A sun that will melt the snow and bring new animal and plant life. Now that the Goddess has ensured the survival of nature, she can rest for the rest of the season. It is a time to celebrate hope and the power of community in surviving the hard times.
Traditional decorations really take the concept of the new sunrise and run with it. Bonfires, candles, Yule logs, and even Christmas lights all come from the same idea of bringing light back into the darkness. You could even be as obvious as hanging sun symbols and using citrus fruit in decor pieces. Pinecones and evergreens are included for the symbolization of being “ever green” and the hope of new life. We’re just looking for the general feeling of life going on through the winter, and bringing the sun back into our lives, also incorporating the standard “Christmas” colors like red, green, gold, silver, or even blue if you want to bring in the cold and snowy element.
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ncdweller · 9 months
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Remember when all things Apple just worked?
I do.
This is an AppleTV 4K that I unplugged from the condo and plugged in at Slaughterhouse House.
It took two days of typing in my iCloud password on that minimalist’s fever dream of a remote, and one password change, as Apple decided yet again that I was using the wrong password. The one I changed on December 1st of this year for the very same reason.
But in a Festivus Miracle, it accepted the two day old password last night, and now this wayward AppleTV 4K is a recognized device in Apple-Land.
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dxctorstephenstrange · 10 months
OOC: From the Mun
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// That's right, it's me, actually back again, and for real this time, too. It's a Festivus miracle! I've spent a month without my PC due to some absolute nonsense that I won't bore you with. TL;DR: Don't deal with CyberPower if you're looking into a custom PC. Just trust me. Anyway, my PC is back and so am I. I've really been missing writing for certain characters, especially Doctor Strange. So, let's do this. Again, for real this time.
I'm up for plotting, random back-and-forth between characters, whatever ya got (within reason).
It'd consider it a lovely Christmas gift. Just sayin'.
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