#Female protaganist
theluckyfishy · 2 years
Brave Girl: Clara and the Shirtwaist Makers’ Strike of 1909 Written by Michelle Markel, Illustrated by Melissa Sweet 32 pages • first pub 2013  A picture book about a young socialist organizer fighting for worker’s rights? Yes, please. Michelle Markel is a journalist and she’s done nice work here telling this story of poor immigrant women and their fight for labor rights led by Clara Lemlich at…
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metamorphesque · 1 year
hello. I've begun to read your beloved kafka for myself. in your view, how does the nihilism of his fiction reconcile with the deep, deep love expressed in his letters to milena? (anon)
At the core of nihilism is the idea that life has no objective meaning or purpose. Kafka, in my opinion, is not a follower of the nihilistic school of thought. To my mind’s eye he’s wandering on the border that separates existentialism and absurdism, never quite choosing a side. It seems that Kafka’s protagonists themselves are of existential nature and yet they always seem to be surrounded by other characters who might have committed philosophical suicide (a term related to the concept of the absurd). In the Kafkaesque world ideas such as “the meaning of life” and “the purpose of living” do exist, even if they are out of the protagonist’s reach, hanging in front of his face and luring him in like bait. 
Having read all of Kafka’s novels I couldn’t help but notice how his protaganists constantly seek guidance and support in female characters (like Fräulein Burstner, the washerwoman and Leni in “The Trial”). I’ve noticed the same patterns in Kafka’s letters to Milena. In Frank’s eyes Milena is not merely a woman-lover; he treats her like a deity of sorts - he reveres and adores her not with the affection of a lover, but with the devotion of a worshiper. In his letters Kafka calls her “teacher Milena”, “mother Milena” - a source of guidance and nourishment - necessary to withstand the absurd but not strong enough to overcome it, for “the gates of the Law are always going to be locked for you” (“Before the Law”) and “the access to the Castle - eternally denied” (“The Castle”). 
I hope that what I just said made at least a bit of sense. I have so many thoughts regarding this topic but when I try putting them on paper or typing them, words fail me. 
Dear anon, please bear in mind that I’m in no shape or form educated on any of the above-mentioned topics. I’m neither a student of philosophy nor that of literature, so do take my words with a grain of salt.
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skellymom · 12 days
"Vagabonds" Chapter 20
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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To read Chapter 19 - "HEART OF THE MATTER"
Word Count: 2.3 K
Background: The crew discuss what the new discovery means and how to proceed. Some angst, plenty of differing opinions from the crew, bickering (some of it comical-my favorite way of writing tension, without making it too intense). Echo is the grumpy voice of reason. Omega drops a surprising bombshell. And, I forgot to have Mad apologize for beating Echo up when she first met him...so sneaking that in this chapter instead of backtracking to fix my mistake.
For anyone new to this series: "LOVE" is the nonbinary/genderfluid neurodivergent/nonverbal Force sensitive kid of the main OC of this series named Mad. Mad is an older single mother, close to almost 50 years of age (not many older female protaganists in stories, so I decided to make one.)
Warning: Commentary about babies and the reality of raising them, age, and relationships. Some swearing. Some discussion of body parts (very clinical, not graphic).
(Credit: Cool dividers by @plum98 @strangergraphics-archive)
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Everyone BARELY fit into Mad’s stateroom.  A murmur of excitement rippled through the group. 
LOVE placed their hand on Mad’s belly, then the other against Hunter’s temple.  While Hunter could hear SOME of what was going on in Mad’s abdomen, LOVE allowed him a front row seat. 
For Hunter, it was like slowly being immersed in a watery environment.  The feel of floating in a calm pool, surrounded by the hum of sounds muffled from the outside world to the inside world.  Five little aquatic beings swam around him inside that uterus.   
There was a feeling of...familiarity.  Like seeing his much younger reg brothers in their tanks.  He swam and swirled about with them.  Feeling warm, protected, nestled in the safety and comfort of that womb. 
In the background of his consciousness...and the ears of his physical body Tech’s voice appeared...questioning...pulling Hunter out of this comfortable place... 
“What did IT appear as?” His brother inquired. 
“They...” Hunter smiled. 
“Please REPEAT...” Tech pushed closer, as if his ears failed him.  
“There are FIVE of them!”  Hunter murmured...pleased.  “And... they look healthy.  All their limbs...and everything else...accounted for.” 
“What is their approximate size?”  Hunter held his hands out to the appropriate length.  His mind is still reeling from the shared Force experience. 
“It would seem...” Tech addressed Mad “You are well into your second trimester.” 
“WHAT!”  Mad blurted out.  “It’s been just shy a WEEK since implantation!!!” 
“Well, according to my calculations...” Tech rambled “The ovum was fertilized AFTER implantation and BEFORE the other night you and Hunter...coupled.” 
“NO!  That’s NOT now babies work.”  Mad shook her head. 
Tech pressed on.  “THAT is how Kaminoan CLONE BABIES develop.  Their growth is accelerated.  Hunter is the father and OUR aging was accelerated.” 
“Ok...but the timeline is off.” Mad shook her head. 
“Clone trooper sperm can stay alive in the right environment up to and slightly over a WEEK.” Tech calmly added.  “The Jedi ovum was indeed fertilized approximately 24-48 standard hours AFTER the doctor implanted it.” 
Mad’s jaw dropped. 
Hunter smiled proudly; he couldn’t help himself. 
“Congratulations.  You are OFFICIALLY pregnant...” Tech genuinely and warmly nodded to Mad.  Then turned to his brother.  “Hunter, you are a FATHER.” 
EVERYONE cheered out of relief and sincere happiness. 
Mad stared incredulously at Hunter. 
She was silent. 
“She’s NOT lookin’ so happy. “Wrecker leaned over and whispered to Hunter. 
“Mad...?” Hunter took her hand. 
“I... I NEVER expected...” She was flabbergasted. 
“Mad...?” Hunter repeated...now concerned. 
She lay there on the bed shaking her head. 
Hunter’s smile faded. 
“They weren’t mine to keep.  Technically they aren’t MINE at all.  I’m a surrogate.” 
“Aren’t you HAPPY?” Hunter was disappointed in Mad’s response. 
“Hunter...even IF the Jedi who this genetic material came from are long gone and can’t claim their kin...have you EVER seen a woman carry to term?  Or give birth?” 
“No, but I’ve seen clones decanted...” 
“NOT the same!  Not even close.  And with accelerated growth...”  Mad motioned to the red angry stretchmarks on her sides “Women AREN’T meant to carry something growing THAT large so fast...then birth them.” 
Tech butt in “Technically the vagina can stretch...” 
“TECH!  DO YOU OWN A VAGINA???” Mad cut him off. 
“No...”  He pressed on “But as I was relating to you...” 
“Ever been constipated TECH???”  Mad snapped back. 
“I... don’t see how that is relevant as babies are born from the birth...” 
“I KNOW WHERE BABIES EXIT FROM!” Frustration clouded Mad’s face.  “The POINT I am making is most of you in this room DON’T own a vagina.” 
The point Mad was attempting to make dawned on Hunter...and Echo. 
“SO... tell ME again how it FEELS to pass something very large quickly???” 
“IT HURTS!!!” Wrecker shouted out, pained expression on his face. 
Mad snapped her finger and pointed at him “Someone gets it!  And...it absolutely can RUIN the body without proper medical intervention.” 
“The Rebel Base at the extraction point should be of assistance.  Of course...you may have to deliver via c-section.” Tech mused. 
“Oh...I’m sure Mad is absolutely excited to go through that!”  Echo grumbled. 
“As long as they give me ALL of the pain meds.” Mad shot back. 
“But...” Hunter sulked.  “They’re ours.” 
Hunter’s right Love signed. 
“GUYS...” Mad rubbed her head, frustrated and sighed.  “They’re...Hunter’s, and I carried them.  Surrogates DON’T contribute ANY genetic material to the offspring.” 
MOM!  The Nomaadi family isn’t always blood... Love signed heatedly, then glanced at Sil for support.   
“Nah Couz, not gettin’ involved in this one.” Sil shook his head, petting Tiggy to help his stress level. 
“But I didn’t plan for this and it’s MY body!”  Mad hissed.  “Listen I DON’T hate children.  Hell, I’ve made my life about saving children...but...Hunter needs to make a case for HIS children.” 
“OUR CHILDREN!”  Hunter raised his voice. 
“Hunky, we all collectively don’t have a... excuse my language” eyeing Omega “a pot to piss in. We have a ship that isn’t in working condition to even fly, and it needs A LOT of repairs.  The ship that does work is tiny.  We have EIGHT people and a DOG living together in a shared space with a very limited number of resources.  The only money I have is the original credits from the implantation job, and now I don’t even know if I will receive ANY credits at the extraction point since we will be delivering to them babies instead of the original cargo they agreed to.  Do YOU guys have ANY credits?” 
“NO!” Echo chimed in.  “She’s got a REAL good point there.” 
“Not you TOO!” Hunter was disappointed in Echo. 
“Hey, can’t even imagine how much work five babies are...soon to be five TODDLERS.” Echo remarked. 
“Well, as far as feeding them, Mad can breast feed.”  Tech added. “It will save on the cost of formula.” 
“I have two breasts and five mouths to feed.  Rotating them to feed will be an almost round the clock thing, and it’s exhausting.  And that’s if both are fully functional” Mad pointed to her chest. “Besides, if they continue to grow at the rate they did inside my body...they’re going to have teeth almost immediately...” 
“AAAwwowww!” Wrecker held his chest in fear.  “NO!” 
“Besides...” Mad shot a look at Tech and Wrecker “YOU gonna change any diapers?” 
Wrecker grimaced. 
Tech found his sass “I noticed you did NOT include Echo in your inquiry.  Is it because he is missing one hand?” 
“Alright then...pick on the handicapped guy...” Echo smirked. 
Hunter lost his patience.  “I’LL DO IT!  Why even ask them?” He nodded to his brothers. 
“Because IF they have an opinion on what I do with these children, then they can HELP take care of them!” 
Hunter nodded in a way Mad could see he agreed. 
“Hunky...listen...I understand this is a wonderful moment for you.”  Mad glanced at Omega...who was listening intently to everything “Clearly children are a passion of yours.  But...babies...they’re a whole different ballgame than a ten-year-old.  Trust me.  Been there once before.” 
Hunter and Tech were about to interject... 
EVERYONE’S head pivoted to Omega. 
“Mad knows what she’s talking about.  I took care of ALL of you when you were babies.  You don’t remember, do you?” 
The Batchers were speechless.  Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker just nodded dumbly.  Echo sat down in the overstuffed chair opposite the bed, then kicked his feet up on the ottoman.  He was VERY interested in hearing more. 
“Nala Se made sure to keep you away from the regular clone population.  But she needed a caregiver when she was busy...which was often.  I diapered, fed, and kept you ALL from trying to kill each other...at least until you started to bond closely...with me.  Then she took you away...” Omega eyed Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker. 
Hunter face fell.  “Omega...we NEVER knew...” 
“Yeah, why didn’t ya tell us?” Wrecker asked. 
Tech stood still, shocked, but listened intently. 
“Well...we’re together NOW.  I... didn’t see the need to.”  Omega shrugged. 
“Wow...” Mad quietly remarked “...that’s...I don’t even know WHAT to say...” 
Sil and Love glanced at each other, then back at the Batchers. 
“No wonder you felt a kinship.” Echo mused “Unconsciously, you knew she was family.” 
Omega shook her head with a serious face “But...the POINT I was trying to make...Mad isn’t WRONG in asking these questions.  She didn’t CHOOSE to have...MULTIPLE children.  She was just trying to help save any future remaining Jedi.” 
“AND, they're going to have Jedi powers too.”  Echo chimed in “Can’t imagine THAT’S going to be easy to deal with!” 
“Do you want them???” Hunter pressed, looking intensely into Mad’s eyes. 
She sighed, then glanced around at everyone in the room.  Hunter realized the pressure he was putting on her with EVERYONE else present. 
“Apologies...we should ask them to leave, then we can dis...” 
“No. They can stay.  We’ve discussed everything else with them.  And... whatever happens going forward may affect them too...it’s not just you and I anymore.”  
Hunter nodded.  He respected Mad for this decision. 
“I...” Mad stopped, overwhelmed suddenly.  Hunter squeezed her hand.  She could see while disappointed, he still cared for her.  “I think we should speak to the people at the Rebel Base tomorrow.  See what they say.  I don’t know what they had planned for these little lives.  Maybe they found some grown Jedi who haven’t been killed off.  Maybe they were planning to start an underground covert Jedi sect....I don’t know...just feel that this could be something SO MUCH BIGGER than just the two of us suddenly having a family.” 
“My head agrees.”  Hunter sighed.  “My heart...well, I think you know where it’s at.” 
“Hunky...we’ve only known each other just shy a week.  Barely enough time to get to know one another.  This is all too much too fast.  I’m...sorry.” 
“Well, I’VE heard enough!” Echo got up from the armchair.  And attempted to leave the room.   
Tiggy, popped up from the bed, and playfully grabbed Echo’s scomp. 
Tech chimed in “Echo’s correct.  Besides, we have MUCH more to repair on the Beldame before our rendezvous tomorrow.  Hopefully, we can at least get the propulsion fully operational by then.” 
“Come on Couz.” Sil gently pulled on Love’s tunic. 
But...I’m NOT done!  I wanna say... 
“Nunya, Couz”   
“Nunya bizness.  Come on, let’s go and leave them alone.” Sil actively grabbed a handful of Love’s tunic and pulled them, still levitating, out of the room. 
Echo attempted to yank his scomp from Tiggy’s mouth.  It didn’t budge.  Then he lifted her off the bed as she held on.  He went to pull her off with his hand, and she growled. 
“Uh...someone wanna help?” 
Wrecker laughed “She’s messin’ with ya.  Not gonna bite.” 
“TIGGY, MAV!” Tech instructed.  Tiggy immediately let go and dropped to the floor. 
“Olaror” Tech patted his hip as he left the room, and she obediently followed. 
Wrecker picked up Omega as he walked out “So, was I the PRETTIEST baby of the Batch?” 
Omega giggled and hugged him.  “You ALL were pretty.” 
Echo, the last to leave turned to Hunter and Mad “Listen, whatever you BOTH decide, your brothers and Omega will support you.  Can’t speak for the kids, though.” 
Hunter nodded respectfully to Echo. 
“Thank you, Echo.”  Mad replied “Really appreciate it...never apologized for the rocky introduction...” 
Echo chuckled and waved it off “Getting kicked into a wall by Hunter’s girlfriend.  Honestly don’t know what else I could’ve expected.”  He winked as he left, and the door slid closed behind him. 
Mad and Hunter watched him go, then sat in silence together on Mad’s bed. 
Finally, Mad broke the silence.  “I’m sorry to disappoint you.  But I stand firmly on what I said...really mean it.” 
“And...I respect you for it.  Even love you for it, too.” Hunter 
“Love me?  Did Omega accidentally drop you on your head as a baby?” Mad quirked her eyebrow seriously at Hunter. 
“If it helps me navigate this relationship, she was right in doing so.” Hunter attempted to crack a slight grin. 
“You’re upset with me, aren’t you?” 
“I can be angry and still care deeply.” 
“Where have you been my whole life...and are you even FOR REAL???” Mad was incredulous. 
“Well...since I’m only 13 and just defected from the Republic...uh, Empire...” 
“Heh...” Hunter grinned.  “I’m only 13 standard years old.” 
“But...” Mad’s brain broke “You look to be...at least a 30-something year old...” 
“The accelerated aging.  Yeah, I look old for 13.  You look young for almost 50...” 
Mad stared a hole though Hunter. 
“Hey.” He lightly bumped her shoulder.  “Talk to me.” 
“Listen...Hunter...IF we wind up parenting these children...we GOTTA work on US first.  These kids won’t stand a chance if their parents don’t have their shit together.” 
“So, we have A LOT to discuss.  I was hoping we would have more time to just BE US.  More time to discover who WE are...” 
“Oh...so you WERE planning on US to be something MORE...long term?” Hunter bumped Mad’s shoulder again. 
“I HOPED.  But honestly...admittedly...I kinda thought US wouldn’t last long.” 
Hunter cocked his head “Because of your first partner?” 
Mad nodded, ashamed.  “And...so MANY after him...I just...became cynical.  Raising one child on my own was...lonely and SO difficult.  I’m grateful to have LOVE.  Would never change that for the galaxy.  But...” she sighed tiredly.  “I CAN’T go through it all over again.  Not with one or five children.” 
“I’m NOT going anywhere.”  Hunter gripped Mad’s shoulders firmly.  “Take my responsibilities seriously.  Only be absent if I died...” 
“PLEASE don’t say THAT.  Call me superstitious...” Mad warned. 
“Even IF our relationship didn’t work out, I PROMISE to take care of OUR children.  I would NEVER leave them behind...and...I still wouldn’t leave you either.” 
Mad burst into tears “PLEASE...DON’T YOU FUCKING LIE TO ME!”  She sobbed.  “If you break my heart...I don’t think I could take it...” 
Hunter hugged her fiercely “Would NEVER do such a thing.” 
“I’m in love with you too, Hunky.” Mad sniffed.  “But...being in love early in a relationship...and the kind of love in a long term one...two different things.  Takes a lot of work...and...” 
“I’m ONE crazy BITCH!” Mad laughed while she cried. 
“Well, I’m 13 and kinda dumb...we’ll be fine...” 
Mad smacked Hunter as he hugged her tighter. 
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Chapter 21 to arrive SOON!
Please let me know if you wanted to be added to my taglist or removed! Thanks so much for your support!!!
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yellowocaballero · 3 months
hi! i read chapter 1 of you call this a utopia and it was really good. i got many very hearty laughs out of it poking fun at silly little shounen tropes and it made me wonder if you have ever read medaka box and have any thoughts on medaka as a truly bugfuck insane BAMF female shonen protagonist sent from above. everyone complains that they hate her for being a mary sue and "unrelatable" and then just say "oh but shes unlikable on purpose" no. shes everything to me
I have never heard of Medaka Box! Looks really interesting. You do have to love a shonen leading lady who's just as insane overpowered wish fulfillment as any of the boys.
'She's wish fulfillment', 'she's audience self-insert', 'she's overpowered' - yes, welcome to 80% of shonen protaganists? I read a lot of shitty action manwha and literally 90% of the protagonists are generic wish fulfillment power fantasy self-inserts. These protagonists are standard for the genre. The only thing not standard is them being a girl. Sometimes an overpowered unlikable woman can be so personal.
And yes, Utopia makes fun of Naruto a little - mostly because Obito has some conceptualization of how Naruto is the main character of the world, and that there's an inherent lack of dignity to that. I think he's been given an outsider's perspective, and as a result he's more capable of going 'wait this is just shonen nonsense'. I don't believe in writing fic as if I'm too good for the story, though, so I did want to keep the poking fun light-hearted and fond. Obito is very much still a Naruto character, with all of the insane personality trappings thereof, and the only thing better than a normal character going 'wow Naruto characters are freaks' is the single freakiest Naruto character going 'wow all of you are freaks, glad I'm a normal character'.
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beingharsh · 5 months
i didn't know the raven cycle had a female protaganist until i watched cari can read's reading vlogs on the series which i think is really funny
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skuffypaw · 11 months
how much money do you bet that they’re going to do something so astronomically stupid with frostpaw
like she’s going to pray to starclan and they’re going to magically get her uterus back
maybe she throws herself in the moonpool and she’ll regenerate it or something. but yes i bet a lot of money they’re either gonna do something insanely stupid for the sake of making her a mother where nothing in her character or arc would make sense for her to be one except that she’s a female warrior cats protaganist. didn’t she literally decide to become a warrior apprentice to be mates with and have a family with splashtail or some bullshit 💀 free my girl frostpaw leave her alone 🙏
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cinamun · 1 year
Last but not least the OGs
This is more towards the ask me something you've always wanted to ask but anyway...
We've seen our OGs grow and now I wonder where do we go from here? Has Darren tried to confront his past and let go of his control? Indya has grown into a wife and mother, and we haven't seen her in her healing journey. Has she not done that? From her childhood trauma, relationship trauma, her motherhood trauma, her mother dying and not wanting to look older, her daughter being in the hospital, etc. We have seen Darren take on the task of confronting his past, will she do the same? And have they found another way to communicate/resolve conflict other than sex?
I honestly don't know how to answer the questions about Indya's growth because I think we've been witnessing that growth for the same length of time we've witnessed Darren's growth (multiple years). Let's not forget that just *having* children and *raising* them was a slap in the face to the demons that plagued how she grew up. I think we saw that growth when she read that letter she wrote to her mom the day after Hope ran away (after Darren took Hope to the hood). She was honest with Hope about her relationship with her mom and I don't think she would have read Hope that letter if weren't for her running away... that's growth and confrontation.
When Hope was gone, Indya cleaned that entire house from top to bottom and collapsed in Hope's room from heartache. Now mind you, folks were giving Indya shit about it "Oh its mighty quiet in that house now ain't it" and sucking their teeth but what was happening is Indya was facing her fears and *drum roll* growing! (cleaning is a stress response that I happen to be familiar with, not sure if that's a thing that people do but).
Indya did a lot of confrontation of her past during the runaway arc and I admit a lot of focus was on Darren because of how hard he took that. But I'm curious, what were you expecting to see, specifically, from Indya that would mean growth to you since, perhaps, Hope's birth?
For some reason, a few readers have a difficult time seeing Indya's growth but can see Darren's. Have I left something out? Have I not been as explicit with Indya? What did I leave out? I'm genuinely curious! Or are we harder on a female protaganist who is stanky rich, reckless at the mouth, straight out the hood and an overall boss ass bitch?
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claraheaux · 10 months
It seems that black (usually male) mainstream filmmakers seem physically incapable of representing darkskinned women in a feminine, positive light.
My roommate has been delving more into black art and film and while I try to ignore it, it's 2023, the cat has been out of the bag. It's impossible. A biracial woman is the main protaganist/love interest in almost every. Single. Iteration. Just saw Spike Lee’s the Black KKKlansmen, and there’s Laura Harrier in a 4C Afro wig. Don’t worry, though, there’s a dark skinned best friend who loudly interrupts the stale, forced chemistry between the two protagonists-I think she gets about 5 minutes of screentime in total. If we manage to be under the age of 60 we’re the overprotective sidekick that the male (same skin shade as the sidekick, too) protaganist inevitably shoos off screen, then her feminine foil apologizes on her behalf. I've seen this same scene play out in black films wayyy too many times.
To be clear, Laura Harrier is a lovely actress-I’m not going to dog upcoming black actresses for taking roles that aren’t explicitly meant for darkskinned women (cough-Zoe Saldana)-a job is a job. It’s not their fault that black creators seem to have such a difficult time seeing us outside of these narrow tropes.  Zendaya has gone above and beyond to keep the stage clear for us by taking white and biracial roles.
 I’ve seen a lot more representation as of recently. I don’t really think I rely on the media for those things anymore, but it’s still a nice treat. It is little embarrassing for them that I’m seeing myself more in the goddamned Sonic movie. The SONIC movie. Oh, and the Great fucking Comet of 1812?! OH, and the same actress who plays Natasha in that being in the Gilded Age. You know who's involved with the Gilded Age? Julian Fellowes, the screenwriter for Downton Abbey, which, if you've ever seen it, is the pastiest show ever. Our own community is getting outdone in terms of darkskinned female representation by a 74 year old British man, a movie based on a Japanese video game, hell, Shakespeare, and a musical based on a 19th century Russian novel. As someone who's into period dramas, I never expected these genres to represent me diversely, if at all. And yes, there's a lot of flaws in some of these representations; but guess what? They're actually trying.
And before you get on me about rEsPECTaBiLITY PoLitics and EnfORcING gENder RoLes: I have no issue with characters that aren't presented as traditionally feminine, loud, or that act 'hood'. Women like that are staples, I love those girls to death. But don't gaslight darkskinned women for being tired of that being ALL there is for us, and act like we're the ultimate traitors when we finally give up and look elsewhere.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
Hey! I was looking through the tags for Romani and Irish Travellers so I could better learn the distinction between the two, and I saw a few posts from you from a year or two ago about how media doesn't portray your culture correctly. I'm now curious—do you have any things about Travellers that you wish WERE shown in TV and movies? As in, what's your wishlist for how you want Traveller characters to be seen?
honestly just a more fleshed out view on us than what we currently have which is a bunch of harmful stereotypes, sensationalized bullshit & "travellers / roma" who aren't even us! they're pretenders, paid by the networks to larp a disgusting piece of propaganda.
there was a movie that came out in 2018 that actually centered a traveller family, float like a butterfly, & while i still do have some criticisms, i think it was a wonderful love letter to the life me & luke recognize through our own experiences. especially in it's inversion of the gender traditionalism that runs rampant through our community & yet still uplifts the female protaganist. i'd highly recommend watching it if you can 💞
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dilfsuzanneyk · 9 months
drawing the silly guy in my bed with my legs swinging in the air like the female protaganist of a teen movie
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theluckyfishy · 2 years
February Reads
I’m not sure what happened in February. I did not read nearly as much as I expected to.Several reading challenged this year had both “Read a book published the year you were born” AND “Read a book that has it’s 50th anniversary this year”. How nice that these are both the same thing for me! Many of the books published in 1973 make me go “Oof, what was happening in the world I was born into?”I do…
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forthegothicheroine · 2 years
Thoughts as I continue to reread Misery (Folio Edition illustrated version!):
I don’t like that Annie’s ugliness is a hint that she’s bad news. That’s lazy, especially compared to the more realistic hints that show she’s dangerous even before she gets violent- she’s giving him too many pills, she doesn’t like to be contradicted, she won’t talk about why she didn’t take him to the hospital. That’s one change I’m glad the movie made; Kathy Bates looked perfectly normal, albeit less glamorous than your typical movie star.
I’ve thought long and hard about whether Annie Wilkes is a misogynistic character, and I ultimately don’t think so. There are fans like her, whose obsessive love turns to vicious harassment as soon as the art is no longer to their taste- just ask Rebecca Sugar or Trent Reznor. I recall that by the end of the book she becomes almost sympathetic as we learn more about her, ironically as she’s getting more cruel and violent.
I understand the tv show Castle Rock gives her the ‘protaganist’s journey to villainy’ treatment. I should check that out.
A change that the movie made that I didn’t like, but which I understand, was removing Paul’s becoming a better writer under Annie’s evil but correct tutelage. It’s something you can’t really film, alas, but it’s very important to the book. You can see it foreshadowed in the beginning, when Paul reflexively reacts to her not liking his new manuscript by thinking “She must be too stupid to get it!” It’s a little like Jack Torrence in (the book) The Shining thinking over and over again that he was fired from his teaching job for no reason, in that the defensiveness hints that it isn’t true.
In my imaginary version with Paula Sheldon (played by Diane Keaton), her new foul-mouthed “realist” work is something downbeat about a female con artist. “Misery was never mean like that,” Annie would say, “and she had a hard life, too!”
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gta5blog · 10 months
I've just seen the GTA 6 trailer just now and I got to say Wow Wow Wow. I am impressed. The graphics are so clear and amazing. Most of all a female protagonist. I saw from the gameplay leaks ages ago that they were going to feature a female as the main protaganist in 6, and it finally has happened! This is a new milestone in gaming and for Rockstar. As a female gamer myself seeing women in video games just makes my day. There isn't enough women in games already as it is potrayed correctly without being sexualised so seeing Lucia was a breath of fresh air!
I mean other games have done it such as TLOU with Ellie and Abby (Naughty Dog) and Ubisoft with two female assassins in the AC franchise so why not Rockstar as well? I'm honestly excitied now. All the rumours are true. It really is a Bonnie and Clyde dynamic the plot of 6, with both Lucia and Jason seemingly as a power couple robbing people and going on the run. I'm excitied now. Can't wait for 2025!
I am definitely going to get this when it comes out. I can see myself liking the game already. Lucia will probably end up my favourite character I can already tell lol.
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shurisu · 2 years
Mylene :An Analysis
 Part 2:Her Relationship with the Vexos
(click for part 1)
Mylene generally seemed rather cold or displeased most of the time but the more I got to see her interactions with Vexos, the more I realized that she actually saw them somehow  as comrades eventhough she didn't like most of them.
I think Volt was probably the only person she genuinely saw as a friend.
From what we see from their interactions, she respects him and even tried to bring sense in him when  he tried  to go  head to head with Zenoheld, and after that she even called him "a friend" so that should bring no questions, and honestly, I understand her because I also think Volt was genuinely the only person that could count as a good person compared to other members.
Shadow's and her personalities were like water and oil so the writers had done fairly good job with their comedic duo parts.They mostly gave the vibe of “the cool main character and their silly side kick” together.Apart from that it seems Shadow both respected her (most of the time at least) and also saw her close enough to tease her, while Mylene -even though not having his antics- seemed to tolerate his presence somehow.She even accepted him as a friend after seeing how genuine he is to the point of going after her at the end.
Her relationship with Lync seemed the most neutral and I think they make a good duo. Their dynamics when they were goofing around at Earth was rather enjoyable and I definitely would love to see more lighthearted scenes between them. (like in a "big cool sister& the little shit whose also somehow an innocent little kid” team,kind of way)
Yeah I kept the ones she seemed to less "fancy"  for the last
I honestly don't see anything personal between her and Gus, but the way she called him "lap dog" shows she most definitely didn't think of his behavior towards Spectra as loyalty but rather viewed it as having no backbone and despised him for that. (Even though Gus' loyalty to Spectra was admirable, it is understandable why she would think of him that way. He could be way too much at times that  even Spectra would complain about it, despite knowing Gus’ intentions) but as a brawler she seemed to acknowledge his talents.
Now the last and the most important one - the reason why i decided making these series- Spectra.
I think Mylene and Keith were created  to be as   set/opposites  in mind like most of the franchises have done with their protaganists ( like adrien & marinette from mlb or jotaro & kakyoin from jjba), because I remember seeing these two's promo arts for the first time before NV was released and immediately thought what  would these two's deal would be :    
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Here are two characters doing the same pose but one female and the other is male,and one is representing water while the other one is fire.
It already foreshadows the yin-yang feeling between these two,about how they are so alike and yet so different, as we already get to see more and more through the show and at last both of them admiting it themselves. (Something i already mentioned about in the Baku-Zodiac post )
I dont think it would be an exaggeration if one would say their relationship was the biggest  factor  that  had impact on Mylene's character arc even.
Eventhough she often calls him out for being power hungry and for being a traitor she probably also  secretly admired/idolized him
(obviously not in the way mira did)
The thing is she was second to him for being obsessed with power and when he would not be around she would get to be more in charge.
She should've been better of him being gone forever but rather,she kept acting bitter about it and of him being unreliable instead.
My thoughts about Mylene is that she had serious trust issues (and i mean more than anyone) and Keith was the real trigger for it. I believe she did not actually despise him  at the beginning but the moment she realized he was up to something thats how things started to shift.
(PART 3→)
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edgarejart · 1 year
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CDChallenge - Knights' Tournament
A futuristic knight was what I had in mind when I read @CDChallenge character challenge prompt for March 2022. I wanted a more mech like suit for my female protaganist. In the end though, I went with a more traditional looking armor. The glowing sword and insignia's are my only indication that my hero might be of the future and not of the past.
Art timelapse video can be seen @ https://youtu.be/nY3p0bbkFwg
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noco7 · 2 years
Hi! I just read your post on Nemma and Noah's characterization in RR and, although I actually really like Nemma, I totally agree with you about how nuts the writing was. But it made me curious so I decided to ask: what are your thoughts on Emma as a character? I quite like her, but I prefer Kitty lol.
Hello! Nice to hear from you, and I'm glad n*mma worked for some people. As for Emma, I'm going to be honest - I don't know what to make of her. The first (and last) time I watched RR, I really tried to like her. I didn't want to be one of those people who hated the female love interest for getting in the way of their gay ship. And I accomplished that, I don't hate Emma. But I don't love her either. Perhaps I should love her. She's a bit like Courtney - not as extreme and so not as interesting imo, but she's still a mean girbloss. And I like evil women. Hell, I like Amy from Pakhitew and the only thing she ever did was be mean to her sister. And I enjoyed every second of it. That girl was so evil it crossed into camp. Considering all those things, Emma should have been easy favorite. But ehh, didn't happen. And I think that's more on me. The more I force myself to like something, the more attention I pay to the flaws. The more people tell me something's bad, the more I look for the good things. It's like I always want to prove someone wrong, whether thats myself or the public. But enough about me, let's talk about Emma:
IMO, Emma has three main things going for her during RR. Her relationship with her sister, her relationship with Noah, and her trust issues regarding alliances. 1) The sister plot. I have mixed feelings about how this plot began, because yeah, Emma was pretty mean. Which I should like, because I liked Amy. But I was never supposed to like Amy, so I did. But I was supposed to like Emma. Emma's a protaganist. So I didn't. 💀 That being said, even I can't deny how well this plotline resolved. Her problem had been her putting the competition ahead of her sister, but for her to accept defeat because her sister was more important? Chef's kiss. Masterful writing. Great message for the kiddies and adults alike.
So yeah, mixed feelings, but overall, I'd say it was Good. 2) Her relationship with Noah. Yeah, no. You already saw me diss this ship, which, sorry. But I will be nicer this time! Despite my dislike, It does solve the problem of her not being over her ex. That's good, that she could find love again. And tbf, I think it does make sense that she likes Noah, or at least more sense the other way around. Since she's allowed to dislike him first, it's not insta-love. And once Noah proves himself by always trying to impress her and help him out, like.. yeah of course she likes the guy who's dedicated to being her simp. I too would grow to like someone who liked me. So what's the problem? Ehh, it's her weird comments. She compares Noah's ass to apples, when the guy is flat af. Emma says Noah's funny in his least funny season, then laughs at one of Noah's jokes, before admitting she doesn't get it. Like, it feels like the writers weren't sure of how to make Noah appealing without making Emma a little insane. The family thing, the hair fish thing, the obession over him even when he's gone. I know that's her thing, that Emma is slightly obsessive. (And I'd be a hypocrite to hate Noah's SO being slightly obsessive. Like that isn't the whole plot of my Noco fic. But uhh, I use it as a way to deconstruct anxiety, neglect, and talk about the importance of consent. TD doesn't do that with Emma. It's just a funny weirdo thing she does 😜)
And perhaps that would be fine and quirky. Not everything has to deep. And that's true. Unfortunately, I'm an ex BNHA stan. For those who don't know about the manga, good, but also there's uhh some Sexist Writing in there. In this specific case, I'm talking about Deku and Ochako. Deku is the main hero guy, and Ochako is the love interest. They both start off as capable heros with their own unique motives, yet as soon as Uraraka started liking Deku, everything became about him. Every fight she thinks of him, 99% of her plot and screentime becomes about him. She stops being a character on her own and more a sattelite that revolves around Deku.
Now, TD didn't do this with Emma. She is still her own character after Noah is gone, and arguably a better one. But still, her continuing to think about Noah to the point of getting distracted rlly bothers me. It's like war flashbacks to 2018. So no, I don't think N*mma was a successful plotline for Emma, because while it did solve her problem ✅ and did kinda make sense ✅ it made her annoying to watch. ❌ And I hate Nemma, so BOOO! Negative points!!
3) But what about her thing about not being able to trust people? And I don't mean men, I mean alliances. There's this whole thing where Kitty tries to get Emma to consider alliances. The Nowen one works, sorta. (You know, if Noah was a true boyfriend, he would have continued the competition, just so he could stay and help his GF. But apparently Noah's just one of those guys who like... is lazy and annoying, meets a girl he likes, puts massive amounts of effort to woo her - then once he gets the girl, he stops. Oof. 💀) But what about the other alliance? The Adversity Twins. Uhhh. Emma kinda betrayed them. For Noah! A good cause! But it kinda weakens her trusting other people, and willingness to help her competitors, when one of her Big Moments was throwing them overboard for her bf she wasn't even dating yet. Wow. I'd be so pissed if I were the Adversity Twins, lmao. This moment isn't bad in itself, but it confuses the message. She's trying to learn how to make alliances, but she throws one alliance to save the other. Net gain 0. And if I'm remembering wrong, she also didn't trust the Surfer Dudes later on? So uhhh. Tl;dr Emma had 3 main things in RR, she aced one of them, flopped in the other, and kinda... nothinged the third. At least for me. So in the end, it all cancels out. I feel like if I watched RR again, I might like her more. And if I liked N*mma, like you do, I might have liked Emma too. Unfortunately, I have taken the path into darkness.
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If you're wondering if my fic will bash her, the answer is no. She doesn't have much of a presence in this fic for obvious reasons, and if she appears, it will be brief, and as Noah's friend. Emma the dog, however, will be making consistent appearances. I feel less bad about the overlapping names now that the new TD Season also has another Emma. Thank you TD, for assuaging my guilt. They really do care about their fans. 🤧 And if you're wondering why I named the dog Emma, when I could have just not... I took a Jane Austen class in college, thought Noah would like Austen, Emma is Austen's best book imo, thought the coincidence funny, starting thinking of how to insert his Austen like in the narrative in subtle ways, thought of his dog, and well. Yeah. That's the main reason. Should I have just named her Elizabeth or smth? Yeah. But Noah hates the monarchy :(
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