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davekat-sucks · 2 months ago
isnt jadenep/olive garden a popular ship in the fandom and even seen as canon by some via davepetasprite^2? ive also seen people even in the woked out sides of the fandom give them a bunch of love and all sorts of queer headcanons. im not saying you are lying or anything because toxic haters exist anywhere but where are you seeing all this nepeta and jade hate? it seems more common just to make them sapphics too and be a part of a bunch of other minority groups to than it is to brush them off as mere straight girls. i saw more people angry at jades character assassination than supporting it. of course a lot of the current hs team are former fans themselves so its clear jade haters are a thing in the fandom? but i just havent seen it be such a widespread thing. yes harleyberts/crocker english get less of the attention than strilondes but where is this huge amount of hate you are talking about? nepeta too cause… i just havent seen any of that. im just curious and if you have any good examples you can provide i would love to see it so i can get a good perspective and know what you are talking about.
JadeNep is a popular ship, yes. Part in thanks to an amazing blog that makes wonderful art, please go follow them. But what about the fans that don't headcanon the girls as queer? What about people who care about DaveJade or KatNep? Are they invalid because they are straight ships despite the fact it was canon in-story that the girls had feelings for the opposite sex? Even it is shown the guys would return their feelings. Moreso on Dave than Karkat, but even then, Karkats in Dream Bubbles were shown to be able to love Nepeta and return her feelings. So technically, it is possible. But as individuals separate from romance, they don't get the same kind of good treatment compared to Dave, Karkat, Vriska, Kanaya, or Rosemary. Not just in the fandom, but narrative as well. See Jade Harley on how she barely had more character development compared to the Strilondes. Mentions of Nepeta is only through "dead Nepeta" jokes. Most of which is uttered by KARKAT, her crush three fucking times (four if you count Epilogues where he even namedrops her potentially coming back from the dead during a FUNERAL). Doesn't help that when Nepeta became Fefepetasprite^2, she does not have speaking lines and is only for fanservice to look cute and funny before being killed off AGAIN. Even in HS2/Beyond Canon where she makes her appearance, she doesn't speak despite the supposed """"joke"""" that she is talkative. It's that depiction that gets shown publicly to the audiences/readers/fandom that makes people assume that Andrew Hussie, WhatPumpkin, James Roach, and HICU, do not give a shit about the two girls and the fandom should do the same. If they hear we liked them, they will berate us in some way in-universe narrative or through Patreon posts. There's barely little evidence that they do care about the fans that want better treatment for the two. The hate is more subconscious in that their presence is basically non-existent as individuals unless they are with someone or part of a joke. The only way for characters to be acknowledged is either A. They have to be with someone or B. They are a certain LGBT label Dave and Karkat are more remembered because of them being together. Less is actually about their character arc or struggles they had gone through with the webcomic. Same for Rose/Kanaya and Vrisrezi. Jade can only be remembered for a joke of having a dog dick or her affair with Rose because she conceived Yiffany. Nepeta can only be remembered through dead Nepeta jokes or needs Equius to push her up. Jade has a better chance to stand on her own because she is part of the main cast, but how her character went through in the main story and even in the shitty sequels like Epilogues and HS2/Beyond Canon, nobody wants to think that Jade is the same one as the base webcomic character..
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davekat-sucks · 23 days ago
feferi x nepeta could have been the ultimate wholesome/comfort yuri for homestuck and it sucks that we never got that canonically
It really does suck. Even when they brought them back as Fefepetasprite, they are only used as a joke.
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davekat-sucks · 23 days ago
Since you said why you hate Erifef and have already done several what-ifs with Eridan as a possible girlfriend (Roxy being the best option), which character do you think would be ideal/compatible with Feferi? For me, Sollux is out of choice, after Aradia revived and Feferi died, it seems like he simply forgot that the Fuchsia troll existed.
Yeah, it sucks that Sollux moved on from Feferi that easily. Sure she made a bit of a cameo with him in Act 6, but it wasn't deep or as serious as Sollux stuck close with Aradia for the rest of the series. His arc was kind of done now that he reunited with his girlfriend. Some might have seen as Feferi coddling Sollux at the time during the meteor too when Aradiabot exploded too. A friend of mine brought up that Nepeta would be a good choice. If not only because of fused as Fefepetasprite^2, but Nepeta would actually be a genuine close partner to Feferi after all the shit she went through. Eridan had gone crazy, Sollux went off with Aradia, and it doesn't seem like Karkat or the others have given a shit about her death by Act 6. Nepeta is the only good person left that she would considers someone close. Could also be good on Nepeta's part if people want her to move on from her crush on Karkat. Have Feferi help Nepeta to gain a bit of independence from her moirail if Equius does feel too controlling. Make it an irony that Feferi would be critical about the moirailligence when Eridan and Feferi's weren't the greatest.
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davekat-sucks · 1 month ago
FefNep could have been what CallieRoxy is if Hussie gave a shit about those characters. They even have the same colors.
It really could have. Feferi reflecting that her other friends were not as great as she thought and that Nepeta is actually genuine about their friendship. Maybe Feferi can comfort Nepeta about her unrequited feelings to Karkat too. The time together spent as Fefepetasprite^2 could also help them try to help the Alpha Kids.
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davekat-sucks · 2 months ago
for a guy who hated feferi and thought she was his worst creation because he found her to be too lame… hussie really did just come up with the ultimate saccharine and pure girl that is calliope. ik calliope had to be the complete opposite of caliborn so thats a given but like cmon dude. still… im also guessing he didnt want her to be too similar to caliborn/lord englishs other opposite doc scratch?
I thought maybe Alt Calliope was this role to Caliborn/Lord English, but her motives and actions are passive. Contrast to Caliborn who took direct and blunt approach since he was kind of an autistic retard. Calliope is more of naive autistic retard that gains sympathy from others to do her work. But then again, media literacy wasn't even that strong either within the fandom even when the comic was active. I also think Hussie didn't play up to Feferi's good nature with her coddling ideals, despite how he stated it in the narrative. It may be implied for Beforus, but even then, Feferi isn't there to speak on that. Not even as Fefepetasprite^2. With the implications that the Horrorterrors made have had Sburb session and had to scratch to create said trolls, and Feferi having one as a lusus and having her wish granted of a purgatory for her friends aka Dream Bubbles, Hussie accidentally made what he thinks a """"joke"""" character, play a bigger role unintentionally.
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davekat-sucks · 1 month ago
But it doesn't help that even when John, Jane, Jake, or Jane do have moments of them being cool or proper leaders, they aren't as favored like the Strilondes. Also, there is more proper development towards certain characters. With Jake and Jade especially getting the least amount. Jade being used as plot devices by the story/narrative and Jake being used as a punching bag by Andrew Hussie and the writers or only part of the love interest plotline for Dirk. Dave and Dirk get the way most focus especially because they are both extensions of Andrew Hussie himself. The former having been what Hussie would talk like around his friends and the latter being what Hussie is at his current self & interests (horses, puppets, and all). This kind of attachment to the Beta/Alpha Kids feels a little different from cases like how Nepeta and Feferi get little development, fans wish they have more that wasn't just Fefepetasprite^2 or people thinking Gamzee could have a proper redemption arc since he was the one of the components of Lord English & could have escaped from his fate of servitude like how Dirk doesn't become too much of a piece of shit by Post Retcon.
Shout out to that one anon who said that the suspiciously large fandom bias for the Strilondes/Derse humans over the Egbert + Harley + Crocker + English/Prospit humans seems like its done out of racism internalized or otherwise. I dont like making assumptions like that when things seem relatively harmless but like… it is just so weird how people want to force and focus on the more obviously white Strilondes and viewing them as non-white and complain about race things a lot can feel like a cover-up at times more than anything. While even though the Prospits were also meant to be white without context on races they can be more easily read as POC. Plus it is weird how assertive some Strilonde fans can be at times with certain things. Like yeah some people do just legitimately headcanon things this or that way and may just like a character more. Thats fine. But I really feel like there are some fans who come across as if they are covering up or being in denial about something about themselves or others just a but too much. Ignoring the whole aracial thing here because not only was it a retcon meaning its not how the kids were originally written in mind but Hussie clearly didnt fully believe in that shit either.
Even for characters like Jade or Jake, who live alone on an island that would have a reason to be labeled as a POC Islander, everyone puts Dave, Rose, Roxy, or Dirk in higher regard.
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