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"With a goddamn harpoon": The significance of Minkowski's weapon of choice within the narrative and characterisation of Wolf 359
TL;DR: Despite its initial comic role, the harpoon becomes a important symbol of Minkowski as a character; it is particularly associated with her desperate need for control, her desire to keep her crew safe, her stubborn determination, and her occasional unpredictability. These associations add to the narrative significance when Minkowski kills Cutter with the harpoon.
[Tagging people who said they wanted to be tagged: @browncoatparadox @captain-lovelace @goblincaveofvibes ]
Ep21 Minkowski Commanding
First appearance
We first encounter the harpoon in Minkowski Commanding, which is a significant episode for Minkowski's characterisation because it's the first big departure from Eiffel's point-of-view into Minkowski's. It's arguably the most Minkowski-centred episode in the whole show, so it stands out when we think about her as a character.
EIFFEL (over comm) Um, Minkowski? Why is the armory wide open, and also, apparently, robbed? Where's the tactical knives kit? MINKOWSKI Don't worry. I've got that. EIFFEL Oh. And the M4 carbine? The, like, really-dangerous-in-space, select-fire M4 carbine? MINKOWSKI Yeah, I've got that too. EIFFEL And this empty rack I'm looking at right now with a label that says "harpoon" suggests that... MINKOWSKI Yes. I have it, Eiffel.
The harpoon is introduced as part of a list of over-the-top weapons that Minkowski takes on her plant-monster-hunting mission. It's initially just a funny moment to emphasise how seriously she's taking this mission. The weapons arguably increase in unlikeliness as Eiffel lists them, and it's a comic image to think of Eiffel deducing the situation from the empty rack labeled 'harpoon'. It could have been an entirely throw-away joke that was never brought up again. The M4 carbine never comes up again. The tactical knives kit is mentioned in Knock, Knock, but not in a plot-significant or symbolic way.
'Goddamn harpoon' speech
So why does the harpoon become such an iconic part of Minkowski's brand (and I'm pretty certain it was seen as significant by fans long before the finale)? It's got to be because of the next time it's mentioned, when Minkowski talks to the plant monster in the same episode:
MINKOWSKI (getting psyched up) You wanna play with me, huh? You wanna run rings around me? The joyless, boring, predictable old Minkowski? She can't stop you, right? Not someone as smart and powerful as you. You've got her pegged. Good. Get complacent. Get smug. That's right when you'll find me waiting for you. With a goddamn harpoon.
There's so much to say about this speech and what it reveals her character. For one thing, it's all projection - we have no real indication of what (if anything) the plant monster thinks of Minkowski. We don't even really know how much understanding it has when listening to her talk. She imagines that this silent adversary would call her "joyless, boring, predictable". I suspect that these are all things that she's been called a fair bit in the past. (To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they are all things that Eiffel called her at one point.)
But the harpoon is proof against - if not the accusation of joylessness - the idea that Minkowski is boring and predictable. Boring and predictable people don't opt for a harpoon for fighting on a spaceship when plenty of more conventional weapons available. A harpoon is unexpected, and there's a kind of power in that.
Another interesting thing about that speech is that the whole thing would make at least as much sense - if not more - if it was directed at Cutter. In Sarah Shachat's episode commentary on Minkowski Commanding (part of the bonus material available to buy here), she says that Minkowski "is really speaking to Cutter in this moment". It's made clear that Minkowski's behaviour in Minkowski Commanding is not just about the plant monster itself. She tells Eiffel, "I have to take it seriously! If I can eliminate one threat, just one, then we are that much closer to going home!"
The specifics of the plant monster's location, abilities, and origin are mysterious, but - unlike many of the other forces threatening the safety of Minkowski's crew - it is at least tangible and harpoon-able and not light years away. Hunting the plant monster is a way for Minkowski to assert control when so much is outside of her control. It's an attempt to demonstrate that she is - as she puts it - "in charge of this disaster". Minkowski treats the plant monster as a physical symbol of all the threats her crew are facing, and so the harpoon becomes a physical symbol of her fierce (if sometimes misguided) determination to take control of the situation and fight back against those threats to protect her crew.
The line "you'll find me waiting for you. With a goddamn harpoon" is one that sticks in the mind, especially since - with one notable exception - 'goddamn' is about as potent as swearwords get on this show. And it's the harpoon that she uses to give specificity to the threat.
A harpoon is powerful and threatening, which is exactly what Minkowski is trying to convey to the plant monster, but in this context - not only on dry land but on a spaceship - it's also kind of absurd. From the way we hear it fire in the finale, we can tell that it's more like a speargun than a hand-thrown harpoon spear, but it's still an out-of-place weapon for space-based combat. Minkowski's already been shown to have a penchant for archaic weaponry, after her drunken enthusiasm over the cannon during the talent show incident, which is largely played for laughs. Similarly, in the episode commentary for Minkowski Commanding, Sarah Shachat says that the harpoon was introduced mostly just because it was funny; "[including a harpoon] was me sort of embracing the Moby Dick of it all. And I had no idea at the time how much importance that silly harpoon would take on."
Eiffel makes a Moby Dick reference himself ("10 days of Captain Ahab's Space Walkabout"). I haven't read Moby Dick so I can't properly analyse the significance of this reference, but the initial prominence of the harpoon (traditionally a whaling tool) enables that connection. It feels like a good example of the classic Wolf 359 thing where something comedic has the potential to take on a deeper significance. It conjures an image of Minkowski as a Captain with the potential to be consumed by a single-minded mission to destroy... A potential that she resists in the conclusion to Minkowski Commanding when she chooses to leave the plant monster alone. The harpoon also fits with the sprinkling of nautical imagery and language in Wolf 359 (e.g. the repeated use of the word 'boat'), as well as the retro-futuristic feel of the Hephaestus.
We never learn why there's a harpoon on the Hephaestus. It seems like yet another of those bizarre unexplained quirks of the station, like the items in the storage room where Eiffel finds Box 953. Even when the weird mysterious features of the Hephaestus are depicted in a comedic way, these features are still a demonstration of the fact that the characters are in an environment that they don't understand and that their surroundings have been shaped according to the whims of Command.
I think we can assume none of the members of the Hephaestus crew brought a harpoon up with them. For whatever reason, someone at Goddard Futuristics must have decided to put a harpoon in that armory. Like most things in the crew's lives, the harpoon is owned by Goddard Futuristics. So the way Minkowski uses the harpoon could be seen as an instance of reclaiming something from Goddard and their control over her surroundings (in a similar way to how her crew are able to utilise the maze-like structure of the Hephaestus to their advantage when hiding first from the SI-5 and later from Cutter and the crew of the Sol).
Other mentions of the harpoon
The harpoon doesn't actually make another physical appearance until the finale, when it truly comes into its own. But there are a couple of little hints before then that it has become a part of Minkowski's brand amongst the other characters as well as to the listeners. These mentions remind the listener about the harpoon, so we don't forget about it before its big comeback in the finale.
Ep27 Knock, Knock
EIFFEL [to Minkowski] Like getting rid of all the weapons, for a start. We should gather up all the guns, the tactical knives, your harpoon. Put it all in the arms locker, seal that sucker up, and put the key in one of Hera's service canisters.
In this quote, Eiffel refers to it as "your harpoon" - the only weapon he ascribes ownership to here. He sees it as something she's laid claim to. He also thinks the harpoon is worth mentioning specifically, which suggests that he thinks that Minkowski would reach for it first if she was feeling particularly violent. This reinforces the idea that the harpoon has become a symbol of Minkowski's character. This connection is also strengthened by the fact that the harpoon is also never mentioned in relation to anyone other than Minkowski using it.
Ep45 Desperate Measures
LOVELACE [to Kepler] Yeah, right. Nobody knows this station like Alexander Hilbert. He knows every nook, cranny, hidden room - everything. And as back up he's got the only woman's who's ever turned outer space monster hunting into a recreational sport. You'll never see them coming... until all of a sudden there's a harpoon in your face, and you end up on the operating table of the finest medical sadist that Goddard Futuristics ever produced.
Lovelace mentions the harpoon and specifically refers to Minkowski's plant-hunting exploits, even though she didn't witness them. So we know that someone has told her that story. And what she's taken away from hearing the story is an emphasis on Minkowski's harpoon and an admiration for her determination. I don't think Minkowski was the one to tell Lovelace about her plant-monster-hunting mission, because I don't think she's necessarily proud of it. I suspect it was Eiffel who told her - he's the most natural storyteller of the group. In Mutually Assured Destruction, soon after meeting Lovelace for the first time, he says "Nobody's told you about the Plant Monster yet? So, funny story..." And I believe Eiffel would have told the story of Minkowski's plant monster hunt in a way that conveyed both the ridiculousness of her behaviour but also a kind of awe at her boldness and persistence.
The tone of "all of a sudden there's a harpoon in your face" is pretty similar to "That's right when you'll find me waiting for you. With a goddamn harpoon". Once again, the harpoon is portrayed as something that the Hephaestus crew's adversary won't expect, something that will play a key role in that adversary's defeat. You might almost think something was being foreshadowed here…
Characterisation through Weaponry
When we think of the harpoon as a symbol of Minkowski as a character, it seems worth drawing a comparison with the only other Wolf 359 character who I think has a form of weaponry as a big part of their brand: Jacobi and his explosives. While a harpoon certainly has a lot of potential for violence (a potential which Minkowski utilises), it is targeted and intentional in a way that bombs don't tend to be. It's harder to have collateral damage with a harpoon, and I think that reflects a difference between Minkowski and Jacobi's approach to conflict.
A harpoon isn't really designed for combat - it's for hunting whales and other marine animals. It feels significant that Minkowski's key weapon of choice - the one she threatens the plant monster with and kills Cutter with - isn't the weapon of a soldier. She took an assault rifle with her to hunt the plant monster, but that wasn't the weapon she held onto. She's not a natural soldier, even if she'd sometimes like to think she is.
Maxwell's Death
When Minkowski kills Maxwell, it's with a gun, not a harpoon. She's trying to be a soldier there. She's trying to do what she has to. I don't know much about how a harpoon is fired, but I've a feeling that there's less uncertainty about whether a harpoon was fired deliberately than a gun; the ambiguity around Minkowski's agency in Maxwell's death is a key part of the story that wouldn't work with a harpoon. But perhaps more importantly, I don't think there's meant to be a sense of victory or relief in Maxwell's death, unlike Cutter's. The harpoon - as a weapon that has become strongly identified with Minkowski as a character - is saved for moments when Minkowski is asserting her power in an active way that she isn't conflicted about.
Ep61 Brave New World
About a third of the way into the finale, there's another indirect mention of the harpoon:
RACHEL Y-yes, sir… Umm, we also picked up some chatter on their weaponry supplies… Firearms, explosives, something about a harpoon…
This is a nice little reference which reminds the listener of the harpoon in anticipation of its big moment later on in this episode, while once again playing with its incongruity in a list of more typical combat weapons. Given that Minkowski and co. have guessed that they are being listened in on here, their choice to talk about the harpoon might be seen as their way of having a bit of fun, or it might be seen as their way to imply the same threat that Minkowski made to the plant monster. Cutter had warning, but he didn't heed it.
Which brings us, of course, to the harpoon's most significant moment:
Cutter frowns. Then he hears it: CLA-CLUNK! His eyes widen. MINKOWSKI Let's see you catch this. FWUUUMP! An ENORMOUS THING IS SHOT. A moment later, Cutter COLLIDES AGAINST THE WALL, IMPALED. MR. CUTTER ... a... harpoon? That's not... how this is... supposed... to... He struggles for a few more moments...and then he stops.
This scene is a classic instance of Wolf 359 utilizing the audio medium to leave a significant element of the situation unknown to the listener until the right moment. We don't know that Minkowski is carrying the harpoon. We don't know that she's readying it as Lovelace talks. When we hear something fire, there's a moment where a listener might or might not have realised exactly what just fired. It's Cutter who delivers the glorious revelation. It gives the moment an additional burst of triumph that Cutter's final words are an expression of shock, not just that he has been defeated but at the weapon with which the killing blow was struck.
Human unpredictability
It's not just that Minkowski kills Cutter with a harpoon; it's also that she wouldn't have been able to kill him without it. He can catch bullets after all, so Minkowski and Lovelace's guns are basically useless. Cutter thinks he's therefore invincible, but he hasn't accounted for the possibility that Minkowski might have a less conventional weapon on hand, one which fires larger projectiles that he can't catch so easily. The fact that she's carrying an unexpected weapon - a weapon that might have seemed ridiculous - is what allows her to defeat Cutter and therefore to survive.
It's a repeated theme in Wolf 359 that the protagonists' strength is not that they are the most powerful or they behave in the most logical ways, but that they are complicated and human and unpredictable and very much themselves - all of the things that Cutter and Pryce don't want in their 'ideal humanity'. When Minkowski kills Cutter with the harpoon, it's a victory for human unpredictability and individual idiosyncrasies.
Making good on her promise
Thinking back to Minkowski Commanding, we can see that the threat Minkowski made to the plant monster absolutely came true with Cutter. He got complacent. He got smug. (I'd argue that smugness has always been one of his key attributes.) And he found her waiting for him, with a goddamn harpoon. The return of the harpoon for this moment suggests the defeat of Cutter is a culmination of some of the motivations and traits that Minkowski showed when hunting the plant monster, now channeled in a more suitable direction. She continued trying to get them "that much closer to going home". Her - sometimes absurd - determination provides a throughline from an episode that was mostly comedic (Minkowski Commanding) to a dramatic emotionally powerful finale. As Sarah Shachat put it in her audio commentary, Minkowski "makes good on her promise [that she makes in her harpoon speech in Minkowski Commanding]. That's why she's a hero."
It's significant that Cutter dies from an unlikely weapon that is so strongly identified with Minkowski. It makes that moment feel like truly hers (although she is of course right that she couldn't have done it without Lovelace - that's called being part of a crew).
As the Commander, it feels apt that Minkowski is the one to kill the long-standing 'big bad'. Pryce is arguably the same level of antagonist as Cutter, but he's the one that we've been aware of since we became aware of larger sinister forces at work in this narrative.
And if Minkowski has a personal nemesis, it's Cutter. He's the one who recruited her into the hellscape that is the Hephaestus. He played on her ambitions to get her where he wanted her. She trusted him the way she trusted the official chain of authority at the start of the mission. And that trust was extremely misplaced.
The significance of Minkowski being the one to kill Cutter is highlighted by the fact that she kills him with a weapon that only she uses, a weapon that links us back to her behaviour 40 episodes earlier. The sense of control that she was desperately seeking in Minkowski Commanding might not be completely within her grasp by the end of the finale, but she's reclaimed a piece of it by defeating the man who has been exerting control over her life for so long. And she did it with that goddamn harpoon.
#It's harpoon time!!#Honestly I think there's probably still lots more to say#but this is plenty to be getting on with#Feel free to share your own thoughts#Wolf 359#w359#Renée Minkowski#The stuff about human unpredictability was inspired a lot by conversations with my friend @commsroom#so she'd be in my bibliography if I had one#Something that didn't really fit in here but feels relevant is the way that fans#(particularly podcast fans who don't have canon appearances to go off)#will use certain characteristics/ objects/ clothing choices to make a character identifiable in art#Like if I see art of a Wolf 359 character with some combination of cigarette/ headphones/ Star Wars t-shirt#I know it's Eiffel even if it doesn't look like my mental idea of him#And the harpoon is definitely part of that shorthand for Minkowski#because no one else would have it#so lots of Minkowski art features the harpoon#which strengthens the associations that I'm talking about in this post#And that's interesting to me#because it's an unintended way in which fandom has the potential to influence how people perceive a character#but I think in this case it just adds further value to things that are already implied in canon#Renee Minkowski#Commander Minkowski#w359 spoilers#wolf 359 spoilers#the empty man posteth
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So Watcher is launching a Dropout (it's not called Dropout but they're clearly using the same template format platform thing idk what it's called, and the same pricing structure), and the reaction so far has been wildly different than what I remember from Dropout's launch. I was curious about why that was or if I was just misremembering the Dropout launch, so I went back to the Dropout launch video to compare them and I think I can see where some of the difference is coming from.
If you want to make the comparison yourself: Watcher's Video, Dropout's Video.
I wanna clarify first though that this isn't a knock against Watcher or the fans who are reacting one way or another or anything like that, I genuinely am just fascinated with how different the reactions are to what seems to be the same business decision. This also isn't a 'wow watcher sucks and dropout is so much better' I'm just using them for comparison because they did the same thing with different results. ALSO this isn't about the business decision itself, just the presentation! Disclaimers out of the way, here's the analysis.
Title and Thumbnail So the Watcher.tv announcement video is titled "Goodbye Youtube" and the thumbnail is Ryan, Shane, and Steven sitting on a couch looking serious, with a dark background. That really makes it seem like they're quitting (which, ok, they are quitting youtube but not quitting quitting). Viewers are already primed to be upset, and it's easier to go from upset to angry than upset to excited, curious, or neutral.
Compare to the dropout announcement video: "How the Internet is Ruining Comedy" - inline with other collegehumor video titles, might make you curious. Thumbnail - Big News! with Sam smiling and a bright background. We know its big news, but he looks happy, and the exclamation point let's us know they want us to be excited. Viewers are primed to be curious and excited.
Tone The Watcher announcement has 2 main tones. The first half is very sentimental, almost sad or wistful at times, and while there are parts that veer into pride at achievements, it's mostly bittersweet and sentimental. The second half is a bit more uplifting, but still quite serious. It reminded me of a tech announcement, like when they introduce the new iphone or something like that. Very professional, sleek, and serious, which isn't automatically a bad thing! But I do think that's not the vibe a decently-sized chunk of the audience expected or wanted. Many people watch Watcher for the cast's dynamic with each other, humor, and the more relaxed/conversational/friendly feel that most of the series have.
Compare to dropout - excited and comedic tone. Still professional, but also fits the expectations of the viewers. People watch collegehumor for the humor (it was in the name, after all). They also poke a bit of fun at themselves, which lightens the mood, shows self-awareness, and alleviates some of the bad feelings about paywalling.
Focus The Watcher announcement focuses a lot on the creative journey of the cast and company, as well as how this move will benefit them. Which isn't a bad thing, that's actually quite interesting! The problem here, I think, is actually more about what isn't here - a solid explanation of how this will also benefit the viewers and why the viewers should be excited. There's a brief description of one new show, and the promise that existing shows will get an upgrade, but we weren't given many specific details about how they'll be improved, and there's only one new show to tempt us into subscribing. Some people will be excited for that, some people won't, and some people will be excited but not enough to subscribe. Having 2 or 3 series (even if it's 1 fleshed out plus a few teasers of what's in production or what is being planned) plus some more details about how existing shows will be improved would've helped. Without that, it really does seem like it'll just be the same stuff viewers were getting for free, but now paywalled, rather than new and exciting stuff. That makes a big difference. I think with the fans not getting as much focus, this also led to some (accidental, I hope) hurt feelings. Based on what I've seen from fan reactions, all the talk about hitting the peak of what they can do on youtube and wanting more, translated for many people to 'youtube isn't enough' which became 'you (the current viewers) aren't enough.' Which I don't think was their intent! But I also don't think fans are wrong for feeling hurt by that.
Compare to dropout: They clearly explain how the move will benefit fans, and reassure viewers that existing content will stay where it is, and only new content will be behind the paywall. (Watcher clarified this too, but in a comment. It's not in the video itself, which is a huge problem.) They include clips of several new (at the time) series that would be premiering on dropout, including things that specifically could not be made on youtube (due to weed, violence, and sexual humor), so the reason for the shift is clear to the audience.
Advertisers Both videos contain the sentiment that being monetarily successful on youtube means working to appease the advertisers, and that over time what the advertisers want and what the creators want drifts further and further apart, putting strain on the creators.
However, I think the message gets lost a bit in the Watcher vid. Instead, it leaves viewers with the idea that the main problem is just ads are annoying instead of advertisers putting constraints on content. I'm not even sure what the specific constraints are for watcher, because they didn't give any examples. And the focus on ads being annoying leaves viewers frustrated because people typically either don't mind ads or they already have an ad blocker.
Timing and Size Okay, this isn't exactly about presentation, but it is still a factor that impacts perception so I'm tackling it. And I'm actually going to do dropout first. CollegeHumor launched dropout in September 2018. Pre-pandemic, but also pre-Sam Reich as CEO. The company was still owned by IAC. It was a Company, and while it wasn't huge it wasn't tiny either. So launching dropout was a Company Decision, a Business Strategy. Some people were upset about, but it wasn't a personal betrayal (generally, anyways). If I remember correctly, this was also not a high point for the company. They kinda needed dropout to do well to keep things running smoothly (which is why they shut it down and sold it to Sam just 1 1/2ish years later), so the sudden shift made sense.
Watcher Entertainment is a company, but it doesn't feel like one. Ryan, Shane, and Steven own and operate things, but they're also the faces, and they're youtubers. Which makes every business decision they make feel more personal to viewers, especially those who have been watching for a long time. They've also seemingly been doing well on youtube, which makes it more difficult for viewers to understand why the sudden change is happening now. They do talk a bit about it, about the company expanding and wanting to do things that advertisers don't like (which I've already covered). However, mostly the choice to start a streaming platform is framed as 'the next big step' without much clarification on why it's the next big step. Plus, it's post-pandemic, and a lot of people are still struggling financially with the ripple effects of that. Yes, $6 isn't a wild amount of money, but there have been some months where $5 absolutely meant the difference between paying all my bills or not, and I know I'm not the only one. This, coupled with a lack of clarity about why exactly they're doing this, leads to fans feeling hurt, betrayed, bitter, and frustrated.
Now, presentation and framing isn't everything. No matter how perfect your announcement is, some people are still going to be upset. It's a big change, of course people will be upset! But I do think a more careful presentation would've alleviated some of the hurt and anger that fans are feeling. While I do think a lot of the reaction we're seeing is due to the decision, I think (based on what I've seen) that some of it is also based on the poor communication in the video itself, and that could've been avoided!
So I'm gonna get a little speculative and describe what I would've done. In this hypothetical, they've decided to launch the streaming service and brought me on just for the announcement.
Firstly, switch the title out. If they're married to Goodbye Youtube then add a (and hello...?) after so it's at least obvious they aren't fully quitting. The dark color scheme of the thumbnail fits their regular vibe, but they want everyone to be excited so they should look excited. Next, let's lighten the tone up. Being proud of what they've done so far is great, but we don't need the sentimental music and bittersweetness. Remember, the goal is to get viewers excited about what come's next - so let's focus on what actually comes next! Talk about specific show plans and mention why they wouldn't work on youtube. Then, take some time to reassure the fans. Predict a few likely worries and address them in the video. Acknowledge that it's a big change, that it will take time to get used to, and that not everyone will be onboard, and let the fans know that it's ok if they aren't onboard.
Like I said, this wouldn't fix everything. There are a few differences in between dropout and watcher that don't have anything to do with presentation. Dropout launched with primarily new shows rather than new seasons of existing shows, and they continued uploading to youtube relatively regularly in addition to the content behind the paywall, which I do think went a long way to keeping fans happy. At this point it's unclear if watcher will do either of those or not. But, while I don't think it would fix everything, I do think improved communication in the announcement would've helped.
#watcher#feel free to share your own thoughts but please be nice#I just like communication ok! And I really enjoyed the 1 marketing class I took in college#and it's pretty rare that you get such a clear comparison between 2 unrelated companies!
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The lack of empathy afforded to cult victims is exhausting. This post brings awareness to child abuse in COS—which is great!—but still wishes harm on all those who suffered it. I would never defend Neil Gaiman or any cult-connected abuser (whether ex member or current), but the average Scientologist deserves safety, freedom, and happiness! Blame abusers, not victims.
#as always feel free to share your own thoughts below (or in my ask box)!#i am very open to different perspectives#ex cult#cult survivor#cult recovery#trauma#abuse recovery#trauma recovery#religious abuse#spiritual abuse#religious trauma#organized abuse#ramcoa#abuse survivor#neil gaiman#neil gaimen allegations
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So we all know that Riko is King and Kevin is Queen (in my interpretation he‘s a pawn that was transformed into a Queen, to be exact).
But now the question is, which chess piece represents Jean best?
Here‘s my idea: Jean is the dark-squared bishop. Why? Because if we assume the Ravens are the black chess pieces (which makes sense considering their color scheme), then the dark-squared bishop is the one that’s right next to the king. And as long as the pawns are blocking his way, the bishop can’t move. He’s trapped right next to his violent king.
Another thing about bishops is that they can never change the color they’re walking on. A dark-squared bishop will always have black tiles beneath it. No matter how far it goes, the ground that it’s standing on will still be black. And Jean, too, has a hard time letting go of the raven‘s darkness. It haunts him wherever he goes. Then Cat takes him to the beach, and for once Jean doesn’t look down at that black foundation that his life is built upon. He looks to the horizon and he looks at the endless sky and he realizes the world is bigger than the Ravens’ stifling nest.
And what if that pawn that is standing right in front of the king is Kevin? The e7 pawn is one of the pawns that are blocking the bishop’s way, and doesn’t Kevin’s escape, in a way, also lead to Jean being rescued by Renee? Would Renee have reached out to him and eventually dragged him to Palmetto, if she hadn’t known Kevin, if she hadn’t known anything about what Riko and the Ravens are like?
But Jean didn’t leave of his own free will. He was captured. Which means that the moment he left Evermore, he actually stopped being that dark-squared bishop. However, he can’t let go of that role easily. Being a Raven, being number 3, was torturous but it was all he had. He had a clear task to fulfill and no room to even think about who he wants to be and now the Trojans are suddenly giving him so much freedom, so much that it’s disorienting.
So I think I need to correct myself. Jean is not the dark-squared bishop anymore. He was. Now he needs to find out what his true calling is.
#that was a lot#i hope it makes at least a little sense haha#everyone feel free to share your own thoughts and ideas on Jean and his representative chess piece#aftg#all for the game#the sunshine court#jean moreau#kevin day#queen kevin day#catalina alvarez
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no but actually what about bucky's superstitions stemming from seeing himself as bad luck to the people in his life (which obviously ties in with his self-esteem and attachment issues and viewing himself as like. Not Good) so having these rituals and charms is his way of coping/trying to make things better
also probably has to do with being catholic i think. like. believing god will see his efforts and grant him what he's asking for (a mission to go well, betting on the right thing etc)
but then a bunch of his men die. curt dies. gale "dies". and all that goes out the window! in callum's own words: "Up until Episode 5, Bucky is a superstitious man. He lives by his own rules and they keep him safe. But he breaks away from those rules to go and find his friend. I think when you destabilize yourself, you open yourself up to a different sort of vulnerability and, ultimately, he goes down. He betrays his lucky jacket because Buck doesn’t like it. That’s such an extreme thing for him to do." it really is!!! he's going against his beliefs and breaking his well-established patterns, leaving his lucky deuce behind with his sheepskin (arguably because he was not expecting/he didn't Want to come back which!! could be its own post tbh since it's even more of a big deal because you know. catholic. suicide is a sin and all that but i digress). all of this really just goes to show how shaken up he is by everything and how radically the war is affecting and changing him on a fundamental level which we see veeeery clearly in the show
#him using gambling as a way to try and prove to himself he's not actually unlucky#hmmm... idk! much to think about#feel free 2 share your own thoughts btw#john egan#mota#also yeah i'm reposting this sorry my app is being weird i can't see the first post i sent for some reason😭
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See the thing about Jason and Bruce is that it’s the only death in comic books that’s treated that way and so the nuance that comes with the situation at hand is lost
Like yes Jason is the victim there BUT in real life he wouldn’t “come back” and so to critique the way Bruce choses to mourn the son he lost is absolutely heinous
Nobody brings up HOW Martha and Thomas would feel about how Bruce remembers them, because while they are the victims the trauma of the event lands squarely on Bruce’s shoulders. The same with the Graysons death and Dick
But Jason does come back and so people don’t think it’s fair for Bruce to claim that trauma, when in the situation in makes complete sense that he does!
The ultimate problem here is that dc writers don’t get this. They don’t seem to grasp that Bruce would ultimately drop everything to grab Jason and marvel at the fact that he’s back. He’s back. He came back. Instead bruce isn’t allowed to be a character and neither is Jason. Instead the have to be badasses who have no deeper emotions than rage
And so what is essentially someone mourning a loved one and focusing on the good and a young man terrified that his father didn’t truly love him and is lashing out is diminished to Bruce Not loving his son and Jason becoming a d-list anti hero/villain
#it destroys both of their characters#anyways anyways anyways#just my thoughts feel free to share your own!#bruce Wayne is my little special guy though so if you don’t like him I fear we may never reach a mid point but c’est la via#batfamily#batman#batfam#bruce wayne#jason todd
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I’ll go first: Never be afraid to ask for help. More often than not, people are willing to help you.
Awakened Neurodivergence
#advice#good advice#feel free to share and add your own thoughts#awakened neurodivergence (facebook)
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for the longest time i thought william heather (the bloke whose brain gets exposed) was actually william braine. (the dude who was buried on beechey before events of the show). i thought it was a clever wordplay from the writers to have the guy named william braine get a brain related injury. No.
#the terror#the terror amc#william heather#feel free to share your own 'thought this guy was actually this guy' moment#mine is particularly bizarre because william braine isnt even present in the show lol#like i was just looking at names of ppl from the expedition and though OH. that guy must be the brain guy!!#not my brightest moment
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ninjago season 4 is a treat.
Oogh all the episodes are like perfectly balanced with humour, character moments, angst and everything. Including some really funny dialogue like the two henchmen of chens army “chop” and “kapow” who just want to be cool. And Cole getting really irritated over the concept of building a plane underground is so funny to me. DARETH IS SO GOOD. Just such a great character as always but he’s definitely a treat in this season. Man rewatching ninjago I really get to appreciate some of the earlier seasons. There’s rarely situations where I find the characters to be irritating or ooc.
the fact they built a giant weaponised plane and it has giant guns and it’s like RATATATATATAAA is so funny to me like I can’t even explain why it’s just so goofy
so many good twists and turns in this season as well. I’m glad to see everyone’s genuine care and appreciation for Zane that kinda fades in and out as you get further into the series.
also Master Chen is so funny, I love when I don’t want the villain to win but I kinda vibe with their energy yk?
I still have no idea what time the serpentine wars took place though, because I get that wu and garmadon are basically immortal but all the clues point to the war happening ages ago with the age of wu and garmadon and the fact there’s multiple generations of elemental masters in between all of this.. and like.. misako Chen and clouse are somehow alive? It’s all very confusing
but yeah I’d give this season a 7 out of 10.
Edit because I just saw something: this is also the only season where I’ve actually seen Zane’s anxiety and mental health and visions etc come into play, He has a reoccuring nightmare, he doesn’t really remember who he is, he believes he’s a replica of who he once was. Pixal, now inside his head, calmly talks him through his panic attack and helps him come to terms with his identity. This is some juicy stuff. Gosh I love pixal so much, it’s good when she was in his head because she could literally be his therapist in his own mind. A great example of an animated panic attack. She got him to close his eyes, and focus on what he hears, which is shown to be his heartbeat. That’s a strategy! She taught him a strategy for calming down!
Pixal is the most emotionally stable one of all of them and she’s also got her demons. But I suppose she was programmed as an assistant? So maybe that explains her wealth of knowledge
#lego ninjago#ninjago#rewatching ninjago and sharing my silly thoughts now that I’m older and wiser#feel free to reblog with your own opinions of the season!
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love j.erza down but i think its biggest enemy is the sanitization of its dynamic. they r meant to be messy !!!!!!!!!!!!! stop saying he's her knight in shining armor that's her emotionally unavailable situationship
the best part of the ship, to me, is that it's objectively a better idea to move on, and they are, kind of. they're trying. but they keep being pulled back to each other and their hearts are filthy traitors. they WILL have to put in the work to reach a healthy relationship and it'll only be harder if the result is a romantic one.
not every jellal and erza muse ( & mun ) is up for it and that's perfectly normal / understandable bc again - why not just move on ? why me ? what's so special and important about me, about us, that makes it worth fighting for ?
but i think that's exactly why it gets to me. because there's nothing more romantic and beautiful to me than choosing you. over and over again, despite it all. than taking these steps toward healing together.
#ooc. * ( URGHHHHH I LOVE THEM )#ooc. * ( feel free to share your own thoughts negative or positive in response btw i think its SO INTERESTING to discuss them )#ooc. * ( i will never get tired. they drive me insane )#✦ ʃ — out of stars ; ◜ooc.◞ * ⋆
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Fuck, Be Bestie, Awkward 3 hour elevator conversation, Marry, Kill (Dylan characters with S name addition)
Stiles Stilinski
Sam Taylor
Stu Maxsome
Simon Tarnum
Hmmm. Interesting. I'm going to give this some serious thought. Also... so many S characters. Interesting.
Let's start with the obvious. The last two are gonna be TOUGH.
Kill - Simon Tarnum:
As much as that character made me laugh. He's a deplorable little shit. I did like his casual outfits that showed off those yummy arms and he looked pretty damn good in a towel though ;)
Elevator Conversation - Stuart Twombly:
Twombly after all the life experience would be less of an awkward conversation, but if he was just on his phone the entire time and like... being a hipster turd, it could be pretty awkward.
Be Bestie - Stu Maxsome:
As much as he'd be a great elevator conversation because he's awkward. I think he would be an absolutely delightful bestie. I could hang out with him and Burt below the line and it would be the shit.
Fuck - Sam Taylor:
THIS IS SO HARD BECAUSE I'D MARRY HIM IN A HEARTBEAT. He's so fucking yummy. Handy. Deliciously dressed in that casual carpenter kind of way that's always gotten me a little keyed up. Not to mention, him in his flatcap and vest is LITERALLY exactly what he looks like as a character in my novel... so I thirst. But listen... In my mind, I would be with him in the past (I know it doesn't make sense, just shhhh), and he'd always belong to Evelyn, so marrying him would be marrying someone who could never give you all of him, but I'd 'console' him between the sheets as many times as he'd like ;)
Marry - Stiles Stilinski:
Stiles is one of my favourite characters ever. He's precious. Brave. Intelligent. Hilarious. Adorable. Stronger than he'd ever understand. Clumsy and dorky in the perfect ways. He's got enough of his own baggage to display real empathy. He's loyal to a fault, and absolutely the best friend you could ever ask for. NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM DESERVED STILES. Change my mind. Marriage material.
#dylan o'brien#stiles stilinski#stuart twombly#sam taylor#stu maxsome#simon tarnum#BE HONEST#THIS IS THE ONLY SOLUTION#hahahha#ask#ambear9#thank you for this!!!#SO MUCH FUN#feel free to share your own thoughts in the comments cuties!!
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Who says the episode title phrases in each episode of Wolf 359?
I've created a spreadsheet to show which character says the episode title phrase (i.e. the words which form the name of that particular episode) in every episode of Wolf 359. Graphs summarising this data can be found below, but to look at the full spreadsheet in all its glory, and see the progression through the series, you can follow this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cQLkhxbDAItU6rdiUAYGn54FXXxYC-JXlCmP_Dqe9FA/
(Please note: I’ve focused here on which character first speaks the exact title phrase within the episode itself. In some cases, this is not the only - or the most significant - time that the title phrase is spoken.)
EDIT: This post previously stated incorrectly that "the devil's plaything" is not said in Ep57. In fact, it is said by Pryce (through Minkowski). Thank you to @yaghoulghosty for pointing this out!
Season breakdown graphs below the cut...
#Wolf 359#w359#the empty man posteth#I think I'll reblog this with properly worded thoughts about the patterns at some point#but for now I'd like to draw attention to a couple of things:#(1) the proportion of Eiffel title phrases reduces as the show progresses#reflecting both the movement away from a sole focus on Eiffel's narration#and perhaps the balance shifting more towards drama rather than comedy over time#(Eiffel is particularly good at coining a comedic turn of phrase)#(2) After the SI-5 are introduced#there's 5 Kepler or Jacobi title phrases in a row#solidifying the SI-5's presence in the show#If you view the title phrases as often referencing the key problem or issue of that episode#then I think it is significant who expresses it#Please do feel free to share your own thoughts!#On a personal note:#when I make things like this#it seems kinda absurd that I only started properly considering the idea that I might be autistic this year#I'm sure all the neurotypicals are regularly making spreadsheets and graphs about the fiction podcasts they think about constantly...
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I really really enjoy ageswap AUs and would love to take a crack at one myself honestly. It's fun seeing different ideas and takes on things, and I like seeing kid Reigen being a little shit. So I keep thinking about how Serizawa in canon is essentially what Shigeo would be like had he not had Reigen to help him out as a kid, and so in an ageswap au I can see Shigeo ending up a hikikomori, never leaving his room/apartment for anything other than perhaps the barest necessities.
Perhaps one time on a short, midnight run to the local 24/7 convenience store to stock up on food for the next few weeks, Shigeo sees something, just close enough to notice the movement out of the corner of his eye. Some kid with a mop of blond hair turned a dull silver in the pale moonlight and luminescent street lamps lurking around alleyways armed with a bag of salt, saying something about melting evil spirits.
It's an odd sight, but it's none of his business. He wasn't expecting anyone out at this hour, which is why he went out for food at this time, so he moves to leave, just go back home and not go out for the next long, long while.
And then an actual evil spirit shows up, making Shigeo's hair stand on end from the sudden burst of spiritual energy, and the kid makes a startled noise that catches his attention. There's not a lick of psychic energy in that kid, and there's a rather nasty spirit looming over him. It's not like Shigeo can just leave him be, the table salt the kid is violently throwing isn't even doing anything. He could get hurt.
The spirit ends up exorcized, perhaps a bit more explosively than Shigeo would have liked but it's been a long time since he used his powers. Of course this catches the kid's attention, and when said kid turns around to notice this haggard looking man in pajamas at 1 AM with convenience store bags and standing near the entrance to a sketchy alleyway the kid decides that clearly the best course of action is to run directly up to him and start chattering about "Did you do that?! Are you a psychic?!" Shigeo tries making a run for it but this is a man who barely leaves his apartment and hasn't exercised since he was like 13 or 14 for PE classes so the kid catches up embarrassingly quickly.
The kid enthusiastically introduces himself as Reigen Arataka; Rising Star of the Psychic World and soon to be Greatest Psychic of the 21st Century. The kid, Reigen, goes on and on about how he was looking around for an evil spirit he's heard about from classmates at Salt Middle and from gossiping housewives he's passed by, and obviously since spirits are more active at night it's a great idea to go looking then.
And since Shigeo's a psychic, that means he has to teach this kid how to use psychic powers. Obviously.
Shigeo is not thrilled at the idea. Using his powers right then was a one time deal and he's not going to use them ever again because he'll explode and hurt everyone and-
But Reigen's not going to take no for an answer, he gives Shigeo a card for a sketchy looking business called Spirits & Such, run by one Kurata Tome. Reigen says that's where he's working after school and on weekends, and that he'll be taking Shigeo there the next day. Somehow, Reigen manages to get Shigeo's name and address from him before prancing off into the night like it's a totally normal thing for a what, 13?? year old to be doing. Shigeo goes home for the night, that was way too much interaction for him for the next decade. And it's not like that kid will actually remember this and show up at his apartment, right?
Shigeo wakes up to insistent rings of the doorbell some time in the afternoon, and he's content to just not answer but damn that is loud and persistent and just wont stop ringing so he begrudgingly cracks the door open to find Reigen in all his like 5'1" glory ready to drag Shigeo out of his apartment and to Spirits & Such, calling him Shishou all the while.
So it turns out this Kurata person recognizes his name as that kid who refused to join her Telepathy Club in Middle School, which is awkward. Shigeo's not quite sure how he got here, getting a job and a makeover even (Kurata insisted she cut his hair rather than let Reigen handle the scissors) but Reigen's persistent enough that he finds himself falling more into a routine working at S&S, and it's... it's nice, actually. He's finding his anxieties quelling and himself relaxing more, and talking with Kurata and Reigen isn't all that bad. He's getting himself back on his feet. Reigen is impressive with how he speaks with customers and a part of Shigeo wishes he could do that, wishes he could speak so clearly and understand people so easily. He's working on it, bit by bit.
And then he finds himself questioning his life choices because of a spirit haunting an all-girl's high school, shutting down a cult and gaining a sentient fart cloud as a companion, running into a TV celebrity who happens to also be an esper, and a whole lot of other things go down that leaves Shigeo's head spinning.
#mp100#mp100 ageswap#kageyama shigeo#reigen arataka#kurata tome#might as well tag her too even tho she didnt get as much attention this post rip#phantom bunnies#id love to try writing this as a proper fic sometime#im just still plotting out more details at the moment#i thought it may be nice to share my thoughts for the start though#feel free to add on to this and or send your own ideas and such through the askbox#i love hearing other peoples ideas its why i keep searching for posts on this haha
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hey, as someone who's a native (ish) mandarin speaker, i wanted to say thank you for running this blog. i'm from singapore so most chinese students have to take mandarin as a second language subject: and hate it so much that once we get out of school we never touch it again. it's really nice to see that people want to learn the language, and want to put in so much dedication and effort doing it, and to build this little community around it. sending support!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 !!!!!!!
There is a very kind and lovely community of chinese students online. I remember when I found Heavenly Path's site a couple years back, they were so nice to look up all these things they found useful and interesting and link them for people. I've checked out a few language learning communities online, and tumblr's has always been pretty chill, and chinese language forums have generally been fairly kind. I'm glad my blog is a place with good vibes lol!
#replies#ask#yo anon feel free to message any time#or share your own thoughts. on chinese. on something else.#when i was in school i had to take german and i get how it can burn you out. studying something in school ToT#i did not touch german after high school. too many bad classroom memories#...i wouldn't mind studying it again i suppose... but the negative experience of those classes lol... i'm not sure i#m ready
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Leo mask tail theory
Okay so I was rewatching rottmnt for the 500th (fifth hundreth) time and I noticed something really neat about Leo and Raph.

You can't really see it here but Leo has long mask tails just like Raph does. You might not think much of it but I think there's a reason for it and you might call me over analytical but I think it's pretty neat.

(you can see his mask tails better here)
What if this was foreshadowing for when Leo became leader? Think about it! The way I see it, longer mask tails mean you're the leader hence why Raph has long mask tails aswell. And it's not coincidence that the only 2 (two) turtles that have these kind of mask tails are both destend to be leader.

Both Mikey and Donnie have shorter mask tails compared to Leo and Raph wich, if my theory is correct, indicates they're not leaders. Leo has always shown to have a lot of leader potential
Take mystic library for example, or when he was sent to Big Mama's fighting ring Battle Nexus.
Raph also has a lot of leader potential and was leader before Leo. Meanwhile Donnie and Mikey are not as leadery as their two older brothers.
Basically what I'm trying to say that if long mask tails mean that you're leader. Than leo's character arc of becoming a leader was foreshadowed since the start of the series
#rottmnt#rise of the tmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rise raph#rise Leo#mask tail theory#just a random thought i had while talking to a friend#i thought itd be cool to share#if you dont agree kts fine dont be mean tho#feel free to share your own thoughts!
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I just had a thought that I need to bother everyone with
What if miss Pauling became the next Administrator?
the tf2 server was talking abt what could happen in the hypothetical comic 7 we're never gonna get and my mind started wandering
We have no idea what the administrator's plans are, what her reasons for doing what she's doing could be or what the end goal is and yet her time is running out (like one whole hour if engineer's estimate is correct)
Now imagine just how powerful it would be for the administrator to trust miss Pauling to finish her job for her, to continue behind her footsteps until the job is done no matter how long that takes. And Pauling, the woman who's been blindingly following her all these years would not refuse this at all.
The difference however is that unlike the administrator Pauling is attached to the mercs enough to consider them her friends despite sending them to kill each other all the time so this would VERY MUCH become a problem for her
She would be VERY capable of doing all the work but what about emotions? would she feel guilt? regret? at what point does work end and relationships begin? what's more important in her heart? following orders or friendship?
This would all pose a delightfully complicated scenario that I'd love to see in depth with all of them
There's also the fact that Pauling would not have australium to keep her alive indefinitely, she's chained down to a regular lifespan and would be forced to either finish the job before she dies or find a substitute shall she fail
So, would she be a good administrator? well yes, I do think she's more than capable however it all comes down to the fact of does she want to?
#tf2#tf2 miss pauling#demos ramblings#here's your monthly pauling post y'all#i know this probably has been done to death before but its MY turn to think abt it#if you have any thoughts of your own and wanna share feel free to do so! i wanna hear
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