#Fandon Thoughts
ineffectualdemon · 1 year
Fandom elders talking about shipping discourse: Back in my day we imagined people fucking both ways! In the snow! And we liked it!
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thiawen · 2 years
DP Idea
Since Danny hates Christmas and is a space nerd, I offer this alternative. Newtonmas. Here is the excerpt from wiki:
25 December is the birthday of one of the truly great men ever to walk the earth. His achievements might justly be celebrated wherever his truths hold sway. And that means from one end of the universe to the other. Happy Newton Day!
– Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist and prominent atheist[25]
Some atheists, sceptics, and others have referred to 25 December as Newtonmas, a tongue-in-cheek reference to Christmas. Celebrants send cards with "Reason's Greetings!" printed inside, and exchange boxes of apples and science-related items as gifts. The celebration may have had its origin in a meeting of the Newton Association at Christmas 1890 to talk, distribute gifts, and share laughter and good cheer. The name Newtonmas can be attributed to The Skeptics Society, which needed an alternative name for its Christmas party.[26] Another name for this holiday is Gravmas (also spelt Gravmass or Grav-mass) which is an abbreviation of "gravitational mass" due to Newton's Theory of Gravitation.[27]
On 25 December 2014, American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson tweeted:
On this day long ago, a child was born who, by age 30, would transform the world. Happy Birthday Isaac Newton b. Dec. 25, 1642.
In a subsequent interview, Tyson denied being "anti-Christian", noting that Jesus' true birthdate is unknown.[28]
Newton's birthday was 25 December under the Old Style Julian Calendar used in Protestant England at the time, but was 4 January under the New Style Gregorian Calendar used simultaneously in Catholic Europe. The period between has been proposed for a holiday season called "10 Days of Newton" to commemorate this.[29]
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lucienarcheron · 6 months
There are actually so many takes people have in this fandom be it through headcanons/fanart/general thoughts that make me wanna fist fight sometimes but you know what is best to do? Block/disengage/mute/ignore - whatever it is that I need to do to never see it again and I take responsibility for what I consume. Even though sometimes it's people who are my mutuals and friends that I generally enjoy connecting with. Sometimes we don't see eye to eye and that is perfectly okay!
But also...it would be super nice to be able to click on a tag/fanart/whatever and not see fighting or negativity or general asshole behavior. It would be SUPER nice if passive-aggressive tags weren't added to everything. Because I can disagree with your interpretation of something and not like it without it meaning I'm being a jerk. Without it meaning I'm being vague about someone or something. I'm not obligated to engage with things I don't agree with or like. But people can have different thoughts and that is okay. It stops being okay when you tell me that my thoughts are wrong and you're right and because you're "right" I should go fuck myself. Canon is canon, fanon is fanon and everything else outside of what is actually in the books is speculation. Everyone is guessing and whenever the next fucken book comes out, you'll know if you're "right" even though at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter because being right isn't the point, it's about actually enjoying the stupid books.
When people who have been in this fandom for years tell you they're burnt out, you can't wonder why when general fan behavior is crusty as hell. These characters aren't going to come out of the book and fuck you. Go eat some grass, touching it isn't enough.
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diona-98 · 3 months
I'm having some thoughts on making my own oc like not fandom related, yk?
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unityrain24 · 1 year
was just scrolling through all the languages ao3 has listed, and they have SINDARIN?? As an actual language you can sort by???
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homochihuahua · 1 year
Hannibal au where everything's the same, except Hannibal knows of the existence of Ashley Ryder and Colby Keller.
And while no one can replace Will's place in any manner or anyway, Hannibal can still pretend that Ashley's looks is what a younger Will mostly looked like....
Also no one can fault him for enjoying a video of some strangers who happened to look like him and his love interest...
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triglycercule · 3 months
i think the creators in the undertale multiverse is SUCH a creative concept and even though it's fourth wall breaking it's so amazing that it deserves to break the fourth wall
everytime other medias and games or stories break the fourth wall it's either taken unseriously (like pinkie pie from mlp or family guy cutaways) or people shit on it for being out of place and just a deus ex machina or something (hi3 i will NEVER hate you for including the players in the final arc) but the undertale multiverse completely subverts that. actually the entire MULTIVERSE is BASED on the concept that people are willing to make media and art and writing and that is what keeps these ocs and worlds and creations going and alive
the utmv isn't even a real thing. like it's not a fandom that spawned from a book or a movie or a show or game or comic. ok well it technically is but the undertale fandom and the undertale AUs fandon are two different things i think. like undertale aus ofc came from undertale but that's a whole seperate branch of things and sometimes those aus have NOTHING to do with undertale (looking at you dreamtale. and others.)
but the fact that a whole seperate branch of a fandom was created just because people wanted to expand on one tiny game and had so much love for it that it spawned this clusterfuck of a fandom is just so amazing to me. i don't think any other fandom has THIS extensive of a multiverse with aus where the people holding the pencils and typing words are so heavily engrained into the lore (ink and error i will forever love you for being aware of creators I AM AWARE OF YOU TOO!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!)
in other fandoms there's a strict canon for medias but in the utmv a lot of aus are just a brief concept and maybe some charactization and that's it (dusttale ily 4 this. dusttale is peak fiction). and if you like the concept enough you can make another concept based on it. and if someone else likes your au enough they might make another au based on it or write headcanons for it. and it's so cool that this fandom is kinda self sustaining in a way. undertale's probably never gonna get another update or game and even though deltarune has its connections its a completely seperate thing. but somehow the fandom is alive and still pumping out tons of amazing content
and the fact that we control all of these character's actions is so daunting but also so cool. like these characters do these things because we basically script them to do. we as creators are the ones drawing the angst or writing the shit posts. if a character is self aware of the creators that's just because we MADE them aware. so are they really aware or are we just pretending that we are. if a character is powerful that's just because we made them powerful. if a character hates the creators we made them hate us. if a character destroys aus we make them do that. but they don't actually feel that way or do those things, that's just what we tell them to do and i think that's really cool
ive yapped a lot about this topic (i still have so much more to say) but i'll hold it back and just talk about one last thing and that's headcanons and interpretations. I LOVE PEOPLE'S INDIVIDUAL INTERPRETATIONS!!! I LOVE PEOPLE'S HEADCANONS FOR CHARACTERS!!! i love seeing how other people think the mtt (or other characters but i am a murder time trio fanatic) would interact or how they would act. i love seeing people's dumb comics of them bickering or making out (errrmmmmm) because it's all different. all these people came up with their own ideas and thoughts on how to expand these relatively basic concepts and it's all different because everyone's different and gone through different things <333
all in all i love you undertale multiverse. this fandom is one of the most unique i've ever had the joy of being in and i hope it never dies out (if it dies out what will happen to all of the amazing creations and worlds and people we've made 😕😕😕 ink will be sad. so pls don't die utmv)
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ironboyxs · 8 months
Unseen Hearts
Fandom: Stray Kids
Pairing: Felix x Male Reader
Word Count: 4652
Summary: Y/N is a young actor and singer on the rise who has great admiration for Stray Kids, especially a certain member with a huskier voice.
p.s. this is the first time I write about kpop on this blog, I hope you like it! In fact, I was extremely inspired because I've never written so much! and another thing: I mention a Korean ideogram in the story, I tried to do my research but my Korean is terrible, forgive any mistakes. and always remembering REQUESTS ARE OPEN, in the pinned there are the fandons for which I write
Tumblr media
You never thought you would be in a serious relationship with a K-pop artist. Of course, you've been a fan of Korean culture since you were 13 and a friend introduced you to the concept of K-pop, dramas and all the rest.
You were lucky enough to have well-off parents who let you study Korean from the age of 13 because you had become completely obsessed with everything about Korea.
But obviously your life didn't revolve around just that, of course you went to shows whenever you could, once you even got a trip to South Korea as a gift to go to a fan meeting.
But one thing that the idol life showed you was that you also wanted to be an artist, you were in doubt between acting and music. After all, you were good at both. In school plays you always got the lead.
Your mother played the piano and from a very early age taught you everything she knew about music, so one of your hobbies, and also a form of therapy, was writing songs.
When you were 18, a family friend who worked for Netflix knew he had a casting call that was a perfect fit for you. You took the test, with zero faith that you would pass.
But it ended up happening, the series was about a fantasy world, four wizard friends fighting an evil entity, you had a lot of fun recording the first season, you made incredible friends, but you never thought the series would be successful.
Until it exploded. And it became the number 1 series on Netflix, with everyone talking about it. And obviously you and your co-stars started doing press tours.
Jimmy Fallon Show
- Hey guys! Welcome back to the Tonight Show! Today we have a very special guest, a talented young man who is having great success with the new Netflix series: Witchbound Chronicles. Let's welcome the amazing Y/N! How are you, Y/N?
- Hi Jimmy! I'm great, thanks for having me here.
- It's a pleasure to have you. Firstly, congratulations on the success of your series! What has the experience been like seeing your face everywhere?
- It's surreal, Jimmy. I never imagined things would happen so quickly. I'm just enjoying every moment.
- This is amazing! Tell us a little about the series. What can fans expect?
- Well, the series is called "Witchbound Chronicles" and it takes place in a completely new world full of magic, fantastic creatures and lots of exciting twists. I play one of the main characters, a young man named Ethan, who discovers he has incredible magical abilities.
- This looks amazing! And what was the audition process like to get the role?
- It was a little crazy, actually. I auditioned without much expectation, and when I got the call that I had gotten the role, I couldn't believe it. It was a dream come true.
- And what was it like working with the cast and crew?
- Everyone was incredible. The cast is very talented, and the team behind the cameras did an incredible job bringing this magical world to life. I learned a lot from all of them.
- I'm sure fans would love to know if there are any funny or interesting behind-the-scenes stories you can share.
- Oh, definitely! One day, we were filming a scene with intense special effects, and one of the animatronics that plays the magical creatures ended up going out of control. It was hilarious to see everyone running for cover, but in the end, everything worked out, and the scene was incredible.
- And what can we expect from the future, Y/N? More projects on the small screen or maybe even the big screen?
- Absolutely, Jimmy! I love acting, and I hope to continue exploring different roles and challenges. Who knows what the future holds, right?
- Hey Y/N, our research team made some interesting discoveries on your social media. It seems like you're a big K-pop fan, is that right?
- Oh yes, Jimmy! I'm completely obsessed with K-pop, it's one of my passions.
- This is amazing! Any specific groups or artists that you really admire?
- For sure! I'm a big fan of Stray Kids.
- Oh, and our team also noticed that you have a certain “bias” as they say in K-pop at Felix! You've been expressing your crush on Felix a lot on social media. Any funny stories or embarrassing moments related to this?
- Well, now that you mention that this is public I would say that all my posts about Felix are kind of funny and embarrassing, actually. I try to keep it light and humorous, but of course, my friends always tease me a little about it.
- That is great! And if Felix or any of the Stray Kids were watching right now, what would you say to them?
- Wow, that's a tough question. I guess I would say how much they mean to me as an artist and as a person. Their work really inspires me, and I really admire their talent.
- I hope Felix sees this and who knows, maybe you can meet one day!
Some time later, on a live that Felix was doing, a fan asked if he had seen this interview.
Chat: Felix, did you see Jimmy Fallon's interview with Y/N, the actor from the series "Witchbound Chronicles"?
- Oh yeah! I saw! It was amazing. I couldn't stop smiling throughout the entire interview.
Chat: Y/N mentioned that he's a big fan of Stray Kids and that he has a crush on you. What was your reaction when you watched this?
- Oh, really? This is so cool! I was very flattered to learn that he is a Stray Kids fan. I think it's an honor when talented people like our work.
Chat: Would you have a message to send to Y/N?
For sure! Y/N, if you're watching, thank you so much for your support! It's amazing to know that you enjoy our work, and who knows, maybe one day we can meet. Keep being amazing!
Chat: It would be great to see a collaboration between Stray Kids and the series' soundtrack, wouldn't it?
- Absolutely! We would love it! Who knows what the future holds for us, right? Let's hope something like this happens.
Meanwhile at your house
- Y/N did you watch Felix's last live? - Your sister came running to ask you.
- No, I saw the notification but I was busy so I couldn't watch it.
- You NEED to see this excerpt!
Your sister takes the phone to you with a cut from the live stream where Felix Yongbok Lee is simply talking about you, and of course you completely freak out!
- Imagine if you could meet him in person?
You stop and reflect for a second
- What is it? - Your sister asks.
- My Twitter account simply has 1001 posts about how handsome and hot I think he is! I need to deprive that now!
- Wow, but it's great that he knows you have a crush on him!
- He already knows because of that stupid interview, I don't need to be embarrassed anymore! - You run out to get your cell phone.
A while later on a gossip page
“Recently Y/N S/N deprived his Twitter account and opened a new one saying that it would be his professional account. Does the young actor have something to hide?”
Months later, with the end of recording the first season of the series, and the end of the press conferences, you feel that it is time to return to music. You had loved that whole period of recording and promoting the series but you felt the urge to write about it all, to put it all in the form of music, and deep in your heart, you wanted to write about something, something that you thought was really silly. actually, but your mother always told you that music was made to express all your feelings.
Unseen Hearts
🎶 Unseen hearts, a world apart,
In the shadows, you're the spark.
A crush so sweet, yet out of reach,
Dreams we chase, lessons we teach. 🎶
- This song is AMAZING! - A music producer friend of your mother said when he heard it.
- Did you really think so? I think it's no big deal.
- Is beautiful! What was the inspiration?
- Ah, silly thing, you know... stupid youthful passion - You said with a bit of shame.
- Y/N, I know you've been wanting to combine acting and music for so long, Bobby can give you that opportunity. – Your mother said
- You have so much potential Y/N. - Said Bobby, the producer and owner of the record company you were now part of.
- Now, ideas for a music video?
The Unseen Hearts video was a success, number 1 in views on YouTube. The clip takes place in a magical setting, reminiscent of the world of the series that you are part of. Include enchanted forests, ancient ruins and mystical locations, having a sense of magic and mystery. The story of the music video centers on you, showing your magical journey in search of your unreachable crush. Throughout the clip you searche for a masked figure who wears a necklace with the Korean character:  리
Comments on Twitter
🌟 Just watched the "Unseen Hearts" music video by @Y/NActorOfficial and I'm absolutely enchanted! The magical symbolism and emotional depth in every scene got me hooked. Matt's talent is truly spellbinding! 🔮💖 #UnseenHearts #Y/NMagic
✨ The "Unseen Hearts" music video is a masterpiece! 🎬✨ Y/N's portrayal of an unattainable crush, wrapped in magical elements, is pure art. The visuals, the symbolism – everything is on point! 🌌🎶 #WitchboundChronicles #MagicalMusic
🌌 Theory time! What if the "Unseen Hearts" video is a metaphor for the struggles we face in expressing our feelings? The crush, shrouded in magic, symbolizes the elusive nature of emotions. Y/N's journey represents the pursuit of self-discovery. 🧐💭 #UnseenHeartsTheory
📜 Lyric interpretation theory: What if the lyrics in "Unseen Hearts" reflect Y/N's emotions towards Felix? The masked figure embodies the lyrical expression of an unspoken crush, with the ideogram pendant serving as a musical symbol of admiration. 🎤💔 #LyricConnection #UnseenHeartsEmotion
🎵 Melodic connection theory: The musical journey in "Unseen Hearts" might represent Y/N's emotional connection to Felix. The masked figure, with Felix's ideogram, is the elusive muse driving the rhythm of Y/N's heart. 🎭💖 #MusicalMuse #UnseenHeartsMelody
The Kelly Clarkson Show
- Hey guys! We're here with the talented Y/N, who recently released the amazing music video "Unseen Hearts." Y/N, first, I want to say that the music video is amazing, but everyone is wondering: what is the meaning behind it?
- Hi Kelly! First of all, thank you for the compliment. You know, "Unseen Hearts" is a magical journey, an exploration of emotions and personal challenges. I wanted to convey the idea of pursuing something that seems unattainable, but at the same time, it is an experience of self-discovery.
- Oh, this is fascinating! And many fans are curious about the character that appears in the clip. Can you tell us more about this?
- Of course, Kelly. The ideogram is an artistic representation, a kind of personal symbol. It's a way to add a layer of mystery to the story, allowing each person to find their own meaning in the song and video.
- I get it, I love this enigmatic approach! And what would you say to fans speculating about the music video?
- Well, it's amazing to see the enthusiasm of the fans and the different interpretations they are creating. The beauty of art is in its subjectivity, right? I love seeing the theories and stories that people are coming up with. It's a gift to see how music resonates in unique ways for everyone.
Live from Felix a few days later
Chat: Hi, Felix! Did you see Y/N's new video, "Unseen Hearts"? What did you think?
- Oh, sure! I watched it, and I have to say Y/N did an amazing job. The magical atmosphere, the emotional narrative, everything was very well done. I really liked.
Chat: And the music? Do you think it has some connection with you? After all, the character with your name appears in the clip!
- Well, it's interesting, right? I think art is interpretive, and each person can have their own vision. If music is an artistic expression, it's hard to say exactly what it means to Y/N. But I loved seeing how fans are creating their own theories and stories around it.
Chat: We are really curious! Do you think Y/N might have been inspired by you for the song?
- You know, Y/N is an incredible artist, and I'm just one of the many artists who can inspire him. I think the beauty of music is its ability to connect with different experiences and emotions. If Y/N found inspiration in something we experienced, it's an honor.
Chat: Hey Felix, we know Y/N mentioned he's a Stray Kids fan. Do you think he could have a crush on you?
- Oh, really? That's kind of funny to think about. I think it's always flattering to know that people admire our work, whether as artists or as people. And well, I don't really know about that. I'm grateful for the fans' support and affection, but personal relationships are something private, right? Let's focus on the music and Y/N's work, which is incredible.
Chat: We're just kidding, Felix! But seriously, what was it like for you to see your character in his video?
It was a pleasant surprise, for sure! Y/N is a talented artist, and it was cool to see that special touch in the video. I think he did a wonderful job of creating something unique and meaningful.
A few weeks later you are invited to perform at the Billboard Music Awards, it would be your first time performing Unseen Hearts in front of such a large audience, you were nervous obviously, but something made you even more nervous.
- Y/N you have no idea what I discovered! - Bobby, who was now your manager, called you excitedly.
- What was it?
- So I was organizing your participation in this year's BMAs, and you know who will be there, STRAY KIDS! They will also participate
You froze, you had followed the news, given interviews, seen Felix's live and knew that everyone already knew the obvious, you had burst out writing a song about the crush you had on a boy you saw once at a fan meeting.
- Y/N… are you there? - Bobby asked from the other side.
- I'm sorry, I just got a little distracted.
- I thought you would be more excited.
- Yes, I'm excited, of course, it's going to be really cool - You said a little disconcerted.
- Now are you ready for the big news?
- My God, is there more?
- It has! So the organization was talking to me, and they asked me if you would be willing to sit at the same table as them, you know, you speak Korean, so you can help the members who don't speak it to fit in.
- I confirmed your place with them of course, I thought you would love it!
- Wait, was the song really about Felix?
- My God Bobby, I thought you were my manager and paid attention to the nuances.
You wanted to pass out obviously.
Billboard Music Awards Day - Red carpet.
- Hi Matt! We are excited to see your performance today. What can we expect from this presentation?
- Hello! I'm looking forward to the night, it's going to be amazing. The performance will be full of energy, with a touch of magic and emotion. I hope everyone enjoys it!
- Good luck! Now, we've heard rumors that you and Stray Kids have a special connection. Any future collaborations on the horizon?
- Well, I'm a big fan of Stray Kids, they're so talented. Who knows what the future holds? I'm always open to surprising collaborations. - You say with a bright smile
- Hmm, intriguing! And regarding the "Unseen Hearts" video, many fans speculate about the inspiration behind it. Any subliminal messages?
- Ah, "Unseen Hearts" is an emotional journey, an exploration of personal feelings and challenges. Fan interpretations are fascinating, and I like to leave the song open to different meanings.
- What about the ideograms? We saw Felix from Stray Kids in the video. Any special meaning? - The interviewer asks with an insinuating smile
- Ideograms are like artistic elements, each one can find its own meaning. Sometimes it's just a way to add a special touch to the visual narrative. - You say, wanting to curse yourself for when you had the brilliant idea of putting one of the ideograms of Felix's name in the music video
Interview with Stray Kids
- And we're here with Stray Kids! You guys are killing it as always. We're curious to know, are there any secret collaborations you have in mind? Maybe something with our dear Y/N, who is also here today?
- Well, you know, we are always open to new musical experiences. Y/N is an amazing artist, so who knows what could happen in the future? - Felix responds.
- Interesting! And speaking of collaborations, we saw Felix's character in Y/N's "Unseen Hearts" video. Any idea what this could mean?
- It seems like Y/N wanted to add a special touch to the video. I don't know if there's a deeper meaning, but it's an honor to be included in his art in some way. - Felix says smiling
- What if we talk about the music itself? Any thoughts on "Unseen Hearts"? - The interviewer says wanting to provoke.
- Of course, we all watched the clip and were impressed. The song has a unique vibe, and Y/N's performance is engaging. It's great to see artists exploring different styles. - Bang Chan responds
- It seems like there are a lot of secrets being kept! Speaking of secrets, do you have any future projects that you haven't revealed yet?
- Well, we never reveal all our secrets, do we? You can expect more surprises in the future. - Hyunjin responds, ending the interview.
Later, after the red carpet, you have to face reality and go to your seat next to the members of Stray Kids. You're dying of embarrassment, not only because you meet artists you admire so much, but because you know what the topic of the moment is.
You greet everyone in Korean, trying to be as polite as possible, they are all incredibly kind to you.
When it's time to sit down, it's as if fate hates you, and of course your seat was next to Felix.
- I really enjoyed your series on Netflix. - Felix said trying to start a conversation.
- Serious? Didn't you find it a little too fanciful?
- It's too fanciful, but I like things like that, it's really cool.
- Thank you very much - You said blushing.
He looked incredibly handsome that night, you were trying very hard not to stare.
- I really liked Unseen Hearts too, it's a beautiful song.
- Oh thank you, but it doesn't even compare to your work, I'm still quite an amateur. - You always had this habit of diminishing yourself.
- Hey don't say that, your work is incredible. - He takes a strand of your hair and puts it back. - Your eyes are very E/C
He immediately takes his hand out of your hair and apologizes. There was a slight awkward atmosphere but the touch of his fingers in your hair were still there. “You’re not living a fanfic, focus on reality”, you forced yourself to think.
You didn't want to do it but you had to, you didn't want them to keep bothering the boy because of the damn ideogram in the clip.
- Look at the clip, and the ideogram, I'm sorry they keep disturbing you with this, I saw some of your lives and how embarrassed you were.
- Hey no, I thought it was really cool! Was it really a reference for me?
You look down, well, there was no point in lying anymore, right? At least you would leave with the knowledge that your idol would never see you as anything more
- Yes, it was, but you know we all have crushes on famous people, don't worry, it doesn't mean anything big.
- What a shame - He said looking down
What? - You were shocked.
- I wouldn't mind, you know, if it was a genuine crush.
You didn't have time to respond because Bobby came to call you to say that you needed to get ready for your presentation. You ran away with your heart racing, what did that mean, what did Felix mean?
- Ladies and gentlemen, singing Unseen Hearts Y/N S/N
On the Billboard Music Awards stage, the "Unseen Hearts" moment begins with you positioned center stage, radiating a magnetic presence. The mesmerizing melody fills the room, creating a magical atmosphere that captures everyone's attention.
The scenery is full of fantastic elements, as you immerse yourself in the performance, conveying the emotion of the music through each note. The audience, enveloped by the magic of the presentation, watches attentively.
During the performance, the camera occasionally cuts to the audience, where Felix from Stray Kids is sitting. His eyes meet at various moments, creating a visual connection that transcends the stage. You, while singing, exchange intense glances with Felix in the audience, conveying deep emotions and a unique harmony.
The exchange of glances is loaded with meaning, as if you were sharing your story not only with the audience, but also with Felix. Every facial expression reflects the intensity of the song, as your eyes meet Felix's, conveying a silent, emotional narrative.
At the end of the performance, the audience bursts into applause, recognizing the beauty and emotion of the performance. You, as you come down from the stage, exchange a final look with Felix, a moment that remains suspended in the air before being lost in the effervescence of the applause.
On twitter
🌟 The exchange of looks between Y/N and Felix during "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs was simply magical! This emotional connection transcended the stage. ✨🎶 #UnseenHeartsMagic
😍 I can't get over the intensity of the looks between Y/N and Felix during the performance! Their chemistry is palpable, and "Unseen Hearts" became even more special. 🔥💖 #BBMAs # Y/N xFelixMoment
🧙‍♂️ I'm absolutely delighted with the performance of "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs. The looks between Y/N and Felix added an extra layer of magic to the performance! 🌈🔮 #EnchantedConnection
🎭 "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs was an emotional journey! The looks between Y/N and Felix brought a unique depth to the presentation. A masterpiece of connection and magic. 🌌🎶 #MysticalPerformance
🤩 The performance of "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs was a visual and emotional spectacle! Y/N and Felix exchanging looks made everything even more captivating. 😊💫 #KPopMagicMoment
😭 I cried at the beauty of the performance of "Unseen Hearts". The intensity of the looks between Y/N and Felix is heartbreaking. A unique emotional experience. 💔🌟 #BBMAs #EmotionalJourney
🎶 The chemistry between Y/N and Felix during "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs is something that cannot be described in words. A perfect fusion of music, emotion and connection. Angry! 👏🌈 #MusicalAlchemy
🌀 "Unseen Hearts" at #BBMAs left my soul vibrating. The looks between Y/N and Felix transcended the stage, creating a unique and magical experience. 🔮✨ #MysticVibes #UnseenHeartsVibes
You couldn't believe what had just happened, you had performed Unseen Hearts in front of hundreds of people but it was as if you could only see Felix, you were completely embarrassed by it. How could you be so unprofessional to stare at the boy like that? What would they say about you? What would they say about him?
A knock on the dressing room door makes you stand up. It was the boys from Stray Kids and you quickly rushed to open it.
- Y/N, man, you just killed it on stage! It was amazing! - Bang Chan says hugging you.
You're grateful for the compliment, but a wave of self-consciousness hits you. Did they notice your distraction? Did they notice the prolonged glances in Felix's direction?
- Oh, thanks, Chan! I'm glad you liked it. - You say smiling, trying to hide it.
- Did you see the audience? Everyone was mesmerized. It looks like you worked some real magic up there! - Jeongin says.
Everyone laughs, and you join in the laughter, trying to keep your self-critical thoughts away.
- Y/N, that performance was incredible. You brought such a unique energy to the song. - Felix says with a shy smile.
- And I think our friend here needs to speak to you in private. - Changbin says leading the others to leave the room.
Okay, you thought: now he's going to say that what I did was horrible, that it could cause gossip and horrible repercussions for his career. And so you will have ruined the mere chance of having a friendship with someone you admire.
But his response was very different from what you imagined.
- Yeah… I wanted to ask… if you want to go out with me, do you know after the awards?
The initial perplexity is replaced by a mixture of relief and surprise. You expected the worst, but here Felix is, not mentioning anything about the intense stares, but rather extending an invitation to hang out.
- Wow, of course, I would love to! It would be amazing. - You smile trying to hide your surprise.
Felix seems to relax a little, like he's relieved by his answer.
- Great so! Will be cool. The awards are going to be incredible, but I think after that we can relax a little, what do you think?
- I will love it!
- Excellent! See you after the awards, then. - He says with a dazzling smile
He turns to leave the dressing room, and you stay there, processing the unexpected turn of events. What seemed like a potential uncomfortable situation turned into an invitation to hang out. Perhaps the intense looks were perceived differently by Felix.
Later that night…
"Y/N from 'Unseen Hearts' and Felix from Stray Kids spotted holding hands after the Billboard Music Awards!"
"The beginning of a new ship? Y/N and Felix, moments of romance after the awards."
"Fans are ecstatic over photos of Y/N and Felix together. Could this be the start of a new friendship or something more?"
And on Twitter…
😱 Holding hands? This is real? Y/N and Felix together? I'm freaking out! 😍🥰 # #Y/NxFelix  #UnseenHeartsLove
🚢 Is a new ship being born? The internet needs to know! 😏🚀 # Y/Nlix #ShipSpeculation
🌟 The friendship between Y/N and Felix is so beautiful! We loved seeing the two together. 🤝💖 #FriendshipGoals # Y/NAndFelix
🧐 Holding hands? Are we all witnessing the beginning of something special? 🤔🌈 # Y/NAndFelix #SpeculationsRising
📸 Exclusive photos of Matt and Felix leaving the event. Are we seeing the birth of a new partnership? 🤝💫 #CelebrityNews # Y/NFelixMoments
📚 What do you think of a fanfic based on these photos? 😏💕 # Y/NlixFanfic #ShippingDreams
And so maybe Unseen Hearts weren't so unseen...
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sgiandubh · 8 months
What about Grandma then? In recent days, that Barbour issue has been discussed in several corners of this fandon, as you said. Well, the day before yesterday Garance was posting stories showing off his Barbour coats...Obviously those two also follow the topics discussed on Tumblr. 🤷‍♀️
Dear Garance Anon,
You will have to forgive me for the very, very late answer. I wanted to give it my full, undivided attention, because I believe we never spoke seriously about Mrs. Mariline Fiori, aka Garance Doré.
The short answer to your comment is 'oh, but we know they do, as we know they are not the only ones'. Unlike S&C, though, the McGrandmas might see us as a free, useful toolbox of sorts, where readily available ideas congregate. Remember they have deliberately calibrated their public couple personas on exactly what SC are unable and/or unwilling to give/show this fandom. To some extent, it works and, as any good Frenchwoman, Garance understood she was savvy to play the atout charme joker card. Which is exactly what she does - also, being French, she knows exactly what type of European public is instantly attracted to the Barbour reference: a public whose wallets she needs.
But as I just said, your post made me think about Mrs. Doré. Who is she, really? So, sorry, Anon, if I use you as a springboard for my musings.
She was, as I said, born Mariline Fiori, on May 1st (same day as JAMMF, LOL) 1977, in Ajaccio, Corsica's main town and birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte. Not a Corsican, though (same as Napoleon, LOL): Italian father, French/Algerian mom. People who left Algeria when it became independent, after the Evian Peace Accords, and whom the metropolitan French still call, to these day, 'pieds-noirs' (literally and quite derogatorily, 'black feet'). Her family's social status is, however, a bit unclear, as Mrs. Fiori successively played with her personal story in interviews, in what the French also sarcastically call 'des petits arrangements avec la vérité'/ a bit of tinkering with the truth.
In this 2019 interview to Elle UK, for example, her parents are described as owning a restaurant in Corsica (https://www.elle.com/uk/life-and-culture/a29758314/garance-dore-original-influencer/):
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But in another 2013 interview to The Talks, her mother was a shrink (https://the-talks.com/interview/garance-dore/):
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Also, for the sake of clarity:
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Oh, well: different country, different crowd/market, different agenda and perhaps older and wiser when talking to Elle UK, you would think?
Not necessarily and still a divisive figure for the international press/blogosphere. People did not appreciate her frequent flying and luxury travels during COVID, for example, along with her 'white, bourgeois woman entitlement'. Both in New Zealand...
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(Source: https://www.ensemblemagazine.co.nz/articles/garance-dore-new-zealand - I think you should read the entire article, as it is absolutely enlightening, also something I wouldn't go polemic about, you make up your own mind, really).
...and in France, where they apparently are not very fond of her 'cult of personality' approach to social media, to say the least:
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(Source: https://www.madmoizelle.com/a-t-on-vraiment-besoin-de-preter-attention-aux-conseils-antivax-des-influenceuses-1145916 Non Francophones could use Google Translate, but considerably lose in doing so the ferocity of the writing - but then, again, the French press is particularly sarcastic & ferocious, when set against someone or something. I love them to bits.)
The translation is clear, and I deliberately did not insist on the political stance of the article, whose title gives a straightforward idea: 'Do we really have to pay attention to the influencers' antivax advice?':
'This influencer cannot singlehandedly convert a part of her fans to antivaxing, via Instagram, but this comforts those who already thought so and keeps them even more hooked. This is because Instagram is a social media whose model heavily relies on shared affinities, meaning that it congregates likeminded people and creates bubble phenomena, of which GD is a good example.
GD, who built an empire around her handle which she turned into a brand and transformed her own lifestyle into her best product might very well turn her cult of personality into an economic model. Many celebrities already do so and are perfectly entitled to. But in her case, we are not talking about sending a birthday personalized cameo, we are talking about dispensing health advice during a pandemic.'
Truly, Ha-wa-wee 2.0 sounds like kindergarten compared to the above and never made it so far and wide in the international press. But hey, don't we know, double standard is the law of this land.
But to cut the story short, because it's 5 AM in here and we'd be talking about Mrs. McGrandma until tomorrow evening, do we really imagine someone so well versed in the ways and means of social media not following Tumblr?
Yeah, thought so, too.
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He's tall, strong, super intelligent, with scars that scream danger, a pure alpha male who keeps Sirius in check and would be the best father to Harry.
In fact, he is of average height, is unhappy, has no scars and wallows in his own pain. He's never cared about Harry in 12 years or so (he didn't even deign to write a letter after they met) and he's a terrible friend, after all in 12 years he never deigned to try to find out the truth about Sirius.
He wasn't a good friend to Sirius and the opposite is true (we only thought about the prank).
To make this couple work, the fandon needs to destroy Sirius and recreate Remus to the point that neither becomes more recognizable, both in appearance and personality (Sirius needs to look almost like a woman and Remus like a guy from a dark/hot book).
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ravangie · 4 months
I gonna make a Shrek birthday party this month, and I was just searching online for some references when I saw your blog.
Girl, I just wanna say you're amazing.
For the last 4 or 5 months I saw everything I could about Shrek for the party, but when I found your page I remember I thought "We got a winner". I never, NEVER, have seen anything even remotely beautiful as yours fanarts. I looking for this in every fandon, the arts that really got the spirit. And you do.
You're a fucking genius for making Shrek lesbians a thing!!!
I could say a lot more about this, but unfortunately English is not my first language, so is difficult to me.
I gonna finish with a sentence in my own language:
Garota, você arrasa 💚💚💚💚💚
Jesus Christ you're trying to make me cry at this point 😭😭😭😭😭 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! YOU'VE GOT ME BLUSHING AND KICKING MY FEET AND SMILING LIKE AN IDIOT!!!
I don't even know how you found such genuine and touching words, but you sure did! I've been smiling the whole day since I first read your message in the morning!
You're very welcome for the Shrek lesbians😌 Shresbians😌
Best of luck with your Shrek themed party!! It sounds like a lot of fun, you better have the time of your life there!!
Let me also finish off with a couple of words in my native language: Огромное Вам спасибо!!! Хорошего дня и удачи!! 💖🍀✨
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tree0frog · 11 months
Fandon-the how house
paring-raine x eda x teen reader
main master list
The Owl House Masterlist
matchups-closed{check the main page to see if they're updated}
quick note Raine and Eda are parental figures to the reader so it's a platonic ship ;}
you sighed pulling your hood over your head as you walked through a wooded area a mint-haired person walked beside you.
"I don't think this is a good idea" you sighed pulling your hood more so it fully covered your face making the person laugh.
"Don't worry {y/n} you'll be fine trust me Eda will love you plus she already has two kids" Raine smiled looking at you.
the two of you quickly moved closer to the owl house it wasn't much different from what Raine had told you.
now standing by the door your never worse sure you knew that Raine and Eda were dating and Raine was soon going to move in with her but what about you.
Raine had taken you in and soon adopted you from a young age teaching you everything you know about bard magic as well as all other types as well,it was always just the two of you, but now that Raine has their new family where does that leave you in this big picture.
you were pulled from your thoughts as you looked to see Eda she was tall and was missing an arm but it was infact Eda you could see past her slightly seeing Luz and King.
her kids who you had heard so much about.
it was then you realised Raine had moved on that they had a new family one without you in it.
"I can't do this"you muttered turing on your heel causing the two adults to look at you.
"[y/n]?" Raine asked making eda eyes widen slightly.
"{y/n} where are you going" Raine called out after you but you had quickened your walking to a full-on run at this point and they knew they couldn't catch up to you,sighing they turned to their girlfriend.
"I'm sorry songbird I hadn't told them yet I thought we could tell them together ahh I was so stupid." Raine cried out as they entered their soon-to-be home.
"came down rainstorm they will be ok you know I didn't think they would run off like that though am I really that scarry" Eda asked looking at the small pial of paper on the small table in her living room.
"you stay here I'll go find them"eda smiled kissing Raine on the cheek before leaving Owlburt.
it didn't take long to find you sitting beside an old tree head resting on your knees it was then she had gotten a good look at you.
you where young aroun 16/17 you had {s/c}skin and {h/c}hair.
"kid?" Eda called out making you jump a little.
"hmm" was your response. You noticed how she sat down beside you but left a little room between the both of you.
"you know Raine loves you," she said not really sure where she was going with this.
"I know they do i love them as well their my only family" you said your voice shaking a little.
"look kid I'm still new to all of this but I know that Raine wants you in their life for as long as you let them and so do I" She stopped pulling a piece of paper from her hair making you turn to face the older woman.
"so kid what do ya say how about we expand your family if that's ok with you" she held the paper and a pen out to you and it took you a second to realise what she was asking.
"y you want to adopt me "your voice broke tears welled up in your eyes,
"of course, rainstorm told me about you and how they wanted you to come live in the owl house with them and sooo Raine asked me you could live with us too and so i thought why not adopt you." at this point you were crying your tears socked the off white paper as you singed the papers giving them back to eda.
"t thank you s so much"you whipped your eye on your cloak.
"don't sweat it kid now have you ever broken the law"
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hellopol · 2 months
Hii, just here to share some art.
I'm trying to get better at drawing and thought that sharing the process could help me see my progress. (Most of the art it's for LMK's Fandon, btw) I'll leave some quick skeches down for you to see, hope we get along!
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rainybraindays · 6 months
Seeing people call book Colin abusive and being like "he had no reason to be so mad about Whistledown )):" and like...yeah he kinda did?
Whistledown may notbe as bad in the books but she is in everyones business still, shes spreading gossip, and people do have a desire to find her. Hes afraid of what happens when they do. Because hes right, Cressida, to most people is the more pleasing option because shes popular but not liked and conventionally attractive and people will more easily shrug it off. They'll still be mad but they'll consider it par for the course with her and move on. Some may not even believe her, like Lady Danbury but if no one else comes forward they've no reason to think otherwise.
Penelope, short, chubby, unimportant to most everyone Penelope? That will piss them off. She doesn't have the social capital to keep herself from being ostracized, people will be pissed this person they look down on, a spinster, someone who never even talks, had such control over their lives.
Colins worried, he says it himself, about this, about he risks shes been taking for over a decade. Hes jealous she's found something thats her and he feels like he hasn't done the sames. Hes mad hes been lied to, feels like hes been made fun of with his Eloise theory, but most of all hes in love and hes frightened by the prospect of what could have happened to her. By what still could happen to her if she was found out.
The other scene also often quoted as Colin being abusive is him grabbing her arm at their engagement ball.
Do you remember what happened in that scene?
An issue of Whistledown is distributed midball, the one that ends up giving Cressida enough to blackmail her mind you, the one Colin had asked her not to publish and thought she had agreed not to. Penelopes inner dialog tells us this wasn't planned. She'd planned it for a different ball, so she can enjoy hers, she knows Colins going to be mad, and I bet you she doesn't want to argue on their happy day. Colin grabbing her, while done in anger, has always read to me less as some rage fueled behavior with no thought, but as a way to keep her from trying to sip away. He knows she doesn’t wana have this argument again. He likely doesn't even want to have this argument, but he knows they have to.
People often view this scenes as Colin being physically aggressive and this unbelievabley abusive person. They look at this, and have been yowling about how he treats her so unfairly. This fandon is horrible about not looking at the entire scene. The carriage scene has them arguing, Penelope bites back at him just as much as he snaps at her. Their engament ball fight leads to their first night together. This is them seeing each other at their worst. And in the end they still choose wach other
His anger isn't entirely jealous like some try to paint it. Theres genuine worry, hes afraid for her he says so himself. People keep saying how Penelope is afraid of him but shes not thats made clear several times. She's more afraid of them arguing because she thinks that it'll be enough to make him not choose her.
These arguments are necessary. They help Colin see her as a whole person, it helps him solidify that his feelings are as deep as he thinks. It helps Penelope see him as a whole person as well not just the man shes been crushing on her whole life, which she mentions in the book. It shows that they can get through the big issues in their relationship without falling apart.
And remember Cressida blackmails Penelope. Very much one of the things Colin was afraid of. The only reason he can do the big reveal is because its after they're married, and he tells Anthony and Simon whats happening beforehand. She has far more social capital as a Bridgerton wife than she ever did as a Featherington daughter
Should Colin have grabbed her? Maybe not, but I don't think thats enough to label him as an abusive asshole unworthy of love. You don’t always make the best decision, but one slip, especially one so minor as grabbing your partner so they can't slip away before you get to talk to them about a issue you know they won't like talking about, does not make you horribly abusive like some of you suggest.
And another related side note, a huge thing i see ALL the time, is how Colin's anger comes out of nowhere.
"ooooh in the other books colin doesn't have an angry bone in his body, hes so nice and relaxed, how could Quinn write him as such an ass in his own."
A temper not often showing is not the same as it not existing. When he says he wouldn't marry Penelope in the books? Very much an angry scene. Hes being teased after having her pushed on him by his mother, and hes tired of it and snaps aggressively to make it stop. Colin has always had a temper, it just wasn't nearly as important to the other books thus not explored. I know he says in the book how he doesn't think he has one, but we also tend to push away traits we view as negative when thinking on ourselves.
Anyway, please remember that Show Colin is going to have the worst reaction to the Whistledown reveal, as said by the cast themselves, and I'm kinda living for it.
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
I don't know if you already answered this so feel free to ignore.
What is your thoughts on Yu Ziyuan? am I the only one that thinks fandon defence of her saying she is just the typical Asian tiger mom is insulting to Asian mothers? You can be strict and not be abusive and guess what? YZ is not it.
Hell the author themselves made an entire chapter to say that she took things too far too often against a single person to be simple discipline towards a disciple. It was personal and she took great pleasure in it, just bc WY decides to stay despite his treatment doesn't make it any less horrible.
Am i the only one that thinks she only accepted WC orders to whip WY because she always took any chance to do so? That if Wang Lingjao hadn't mentioned she would have to be subservient to someone of lower class she would have gleefully cut off WYs hand and not reacted at all to the Wen invasion?
That in her last moments she made sure to remind WY one last time that he would be nothing but a servant to her, to tie him with a last wish so he would have the moral obligation to give up everything to JC like a proper servant should? I wholly believe part of her sudden tenderness to JC in her last goodbye was to also rub in WY face not only what he never had but what JC was losing just to rub salt in the wound.
Just, in what universe does people see a girlboss misunderstood by the world and its sexism? sometimes i think i read the wrong books or saw a different show... am i really the only one that sees this?
Good evening anon, I've been sitting on this a bit as I was weighing how exactly to answer this coherently. So, for the short answer; I do not like her as a character nor is she supposed to be seen as anything deeper than what she is. A terrible mother and person who let resentment rule her.
The Long Answer: She is not misunderstood, she is very easy to break down. She was a jealous youth who actively agreed to a marriage where the fiancé was already lukewarm to her disposition and continued to cast blame on Cangse Sanren stealing something she never had. Note as well, as she was the one to force a marriage and insisted on this even after Cangse Sanren had married Wei Changze. She is selfish and entitled. This carries over to how she treats her children, she is not happy with her own self, so she hyper focused on the flaws she instilled within Jiang Cheng. Instead of actually supporting him as a mother should, she insults him and instead of love she actively despises and insults her own child. This is not a healthy parental figure. She was hardly there enough obviously to even think of offering care and love in a very negligent household. She laughs instead when Wei Wuxian is brought in she is more concerned about being proven right about adding another child into the household will disrupt their already volatile dislike of each other.
Not once does she praise her children she fixates on despising Wei Wuxian and being annoyed he is able to be talented naturally so much she constantly pits her son against him herself and encourages that resentment to grow in him. She does not care about anything other than her own festering hate, and sure as hell never nurtured her own with love. She is miserable, pathetic and no whatever love she may have held for Jiang Cheng was toxic and all the worse to him as she never uplifted him as an actual loving parent should.
Her treatment of Wei Wuxian is certainly just as vile given he wasn't even her own yet she stayed forever jealous all over her own stories that exasperated her own hate for Cangse Sanren and superimposed that to Wei Wuxian. She has no excuse for her treatment of any of the children under her household. Hate is a sad way to live and end life, and it stops being sympathetic when she lived and died garnering the feelings and reactions she earned with it.
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Best of Times, Worst of Times
Hetalia Fandom Asks
😈 Worst of Times
1. Worst part of Canon
2. Worst part of Fanon
3.part of canon you found tedious or boring
4. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
5. Worst Character Stans
6. Worst Historical takes
7. Overrated Character
8. Overrated Ship
9.part of canon you think is overhyped
10.what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
11.common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
12. Guilty pleasure ship
13. Guilty pleasure trope, headcanon etc.
14. Dumbest reason for fandom drama
15. Any Juicy discord drama?
16. Why do you want to fight Himaruya
17.number of fandom-related words you've filtered
18.worst blorboficiation
19. Has anyone ever gotten mad over how you've portrayed an character or over a headcanon or something?
20. In what ways do you think this fandom should step outside it's comfort zone
21. What frustrates you about the Hetalia fandon
22. Popular headcanon you dislike
23. Is there anything in this fandom that you feel carries an unnecessary stigma
24. Confess your sinful Hetalia thoughts
25. Confess your Fandom sins (you're on Tumblr you have already sinned)
😇 Best of Times
1. best part of Canon
2. Best part of Fanon
3. most chill character stans
4. Best historical Hetalia takes
5. Best fandom interaction
6. Shout out to someone on Tumblr who has the best takes for your favorite character
7. Underrated Character
8. Underrated Ship
9. Have you made any friends in this fandom
10. what character did you begin to love not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
11. Give the fandom a compliment
12. What makes this Fandom different in a positive way compared to other fandoms
13. Anything fandom related that you are proud of?
14. Any place now on your bucket list due to Hetalia
15. Any ships you've come to enjoy because of Tumblr
16. Iconic memes you love
17. Favorite fandom trends?
18. List three artists you want to shout out
19. List three fic authors you want to shout out
20. List three blogs you want to shout out
21. Favorite character?
22. Why did you start watching Hetalia
23. Have you introduced others to this fandom
24. Name something someone has done to make the fandom a more positive place
25. Have you discovered any media due to Hetalia?
Council-of-beetroot will not be held reliable for any outcomes good or bad that come from you answering these questions
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