#Fan design
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ghostcam4812 · 21 hours ago
Dandy's World Finn Redesign!
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(My version/AU) Finn!!! Our favorite pun-making pal… Remember these r just my headcanons and you don't have to agree! ^_^
Also I'm so sorry the cartoon vers looks worse than my usual ones 😭😭😭🙏... I forgot how to draw it since I got rusty and didn't reference my past ref sheets LOL. why does he have fingers 💔🙁. Opposed to many other Toons, Finn is not very complex; outside of his strange physical properties. Finn is a Toon made of glass and filled with water, with biological fins and webs, as well as a fish tail. The glass is flexible, bendy, yet still somewhat fragile and breakable. Unlucky for him, he is clumsy, and prone to falling and hitting things, causing him to crack and require fixing. And after the Handlers leave, it becomes a real responsibility- he can't FIX glass... so a crack is a real danger to his well-being. It's made him more nervous to do the things he likes, and be as hyper as he usually is, because he knows one day... it won't just be a crack. And a bandaid won't be enough to fix it. But hey, as long as there's water to refill him, he can't really die or anything silly like that. Right??? ...Finn loves all things aquatic or semi-aquatic, and dreams of nothing more but to be able to swim in the ocean! Unfortunately, he is too heavy to swim, as he just... sinks. In result, he must wear a life jacket and floaties when around water or when "going swimming"...so he floats instead of sinking... but that's not really swimming, is it? :( He is a joyous Toon, whether he's nervous about his glass body or not. He loves to make puns, he loves to be around his friends and talk to everyone about everything!! And by everything, of course I mean everything aquatic. Fish, sea plants, water itself, but especially the fish. Who could not like something that breathes water? I mean, it's just SO cool!!!!! It doesn't really matter if Toons don't understand his puns all the time. He gets them, and he loves them!! As his head is shaped like a fish bowl, and he has such love for fish, of course he had to get a pet fish! And they're always together, of course. Chancey is his best friend, a beautiful and intelligent gold fish! Except for when she tries to swim down his throat. That isn't as fun. But hey, of course there's always risks with his body! He could never hold it against Chancey. (Also, I know he has a toy fish in canon with a pre-existing name, but, I forgot about it while working on him for the AU/MV, and I like Chancey too much to change it now!) I don't know what else to put here, besides that he's forgetful (unlike Chancey!), and uhm... have a reel fin-tastic day?
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Dandy's World art & hc/au info requests open (including OCs for art) in my ask box! I will have delayed responses (as of posting), especially to things I want to give art with on my answer! :}
I'll do my best to keep posting frequently!! But if I go silent for a while, do not fear, I shall return! 🤺
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leylinefount · 7 hours ago
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SMTV Amaterasu fan design
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alpheratz17 · 3 days ago
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The last character I have for The Silly Beast Wars Redesigns TM !! :D
THE RAT 🗣️‼️ I love Rattrap so much. I didn’t think I’d have so much fun drawing him, but he was the one I enjoyed the most!
Hope you like this last one, I want to make at least the rest of the OG maximals, I just don’t know when that’ll be :c Anyway, remember you can check Airazor, Tigatron and Cheetor on the tag :D
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hanashi-01 · 1 day ago
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"They'd still die for each other honestly.."
Meet Angel Racheal Jones, the repeat offender and Pink Bandit of Manhattan NYC.
(they even have matching earrings lolol)
#siblings be like # it's how they say they love each other
The other Angel post
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ghostlude · 2 days ago
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hiii slight redesigns of my nick and graey headcanons from a bit ago
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lilkittenofdoom · 22 hours ago
One has a skincare routine and drinks plenty of water to keep his brain healthy.
The other only drinks fear toxin and eats maybe a corn chip.
Green man and dehydrated thing
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ryouichiii · 7 months ago
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Brazilian Miku twitter trend but this time she's Palestinian 🍉
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alleesaur · 1 year ago
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my robo miku design! (m1-ku if you would)
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digdigdigo · 7 months ago
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black miku! (2024 version) i liked the idea of turning her pigtails into braids :) and i decided to revisit an old concept this year, pretty happy with the improvement!
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sketchtastrophee · 1 month ago
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old art again!! this time a rough animation of sawyer and yarnaby 😎 (looks better if u click to view 😭)
im working on a short ppt animation rn. im thinking i should post it to my youtube channel, though im not sure if people here would see it. i think i can link videos on here?? idk
okay I'm gonna talk abt more chapter 4 stuff.. this time about prototype's previous identity.. ch4 spoilers and also a theory below..
hiding the solo yarnaby under here LOL
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people theorized 1006 was elliot, which was recently disproven in the chapter 4 tape where poppy refers to elliot as her dad and wishes he were there. in the same tape she addresses prototype as a completely different person. also recall that elliot died in the 90s, meanwhile prototype met theo in 1989. so yeah, they aren't the same person
I've also seen people say rich is prototype, which cannot be true either. in a ch4 tape he speaks to one of the employees under his supervision. the kid mentions his coworkers joking about him going missing. before the bbi, it would not make sense for this to be a common rumor at the company, which means this tape had to happen after harley was hired in 1990; at a time when the company would have a reason to silence people
prototype existed in 1989 at the minimum, but considering he says "it's always been about you and me" to poppy, he's likely the prototype of HER. she's elliots daughter, she died in the 60s, meaning prototype was probably created around that time as well.
this means that rich can't be the prototype because he was human long after prototype was made
if you want my take on who prototype truly is, i'd say his identity doesn't necessarily matter. i don't mean to say his origins aren't important, just that his name and specific role in the past probably doesn't mean anything in the long run. i've never believed he was elliot or rich, and maybe in the future i'll be proven wrong but for now i'll tell you the theory i've had since june of last year
elliot's daughter dies in the 60s. he divorced his wife in 1930, so his daughter is probably in her 30s when she dies. she gets sick or injured, maybe she's actively dying or already dead by the time elliot begins his research. he looks for ways to bring her back, but it doesn't work on the rats (as he mentioned a note in the 2nd chapter)
so what does he do? he tries it on something bigger as he said he would: a human. of course he's not going to try this experimental method on his own daughter, even if she's already dead, so he finds someone else to use it on. we know that elliot wasn't evil or anything, so it's unlikely he killed anybody to use for the experiment. considering the orphanage isn't open yet (it opened in the 70s, not the 60s), prototype probably wasn't an orphan child either. if i run with my simple version of the theory, elliot may have dug up a body in a graveyard and used that. maybe a fresh one, who knows. he tried it, it worked, then he revived his daughter with the same method.
this is likely what harley wanted to know about in the chapter 3 tape (the "i learn something new about you every day" one), and also what prototype is asking harley to figure out in the ch4 tape they're both in. in that case, sawyer never actually figured out how to revive people with the poppy substance. sure, he can transfer people into the toys, but he can't bring anybody back to life
more reason to believe prototype and poppy are of the same "batch" is because it seems they are the only two who don't need food. it's outright stated about him in the ch1 trailer, and insinuated with her saying the "toys will starve otherwise" when she's talking about how nasty them eating humans is. she refers to them, not herself. her and prototype are probably the only 2 who were ever brought back from the dead, which circles back around to his monologue and gives meaning to the "it's always been about you and me, poppy. what we are". when i heard him say that i felt like my theory was lowk confirmed 😭😭
no guarantee this is right, but it's been my guess for a long time
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radicallymaxton · 4 months ago
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eggmilky · 6 months ago
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⚡️Big Adventure!
Was trying a new more simple style!
Did redesigns of the mane 6 tee hee
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sugarlover1225 · 1 month ago
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MY DESS DESIGN!! I have dessriel coming up on another post cuz I can’t fit all of the drawings together
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Αlso her sprite!! I need edgy dess y don’t understand (I didn’t add her beanie or her flannel but you can pretend it’s there)
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artsy-imogen · 10 months ago
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✩ playing around with designs 💙✨
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 month ago
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to help banish some no-no thoughts I decided to busy myself with my own fan design for TSBS Jack 'O Moon-
leaned heavy into the scarecrow aspect of his design.
(also gonna preface: if Jack ever gets a redesign and I get asked to do it, I am NOT using this one. I won't suffer another Solar situation QwQ This boi is MINE.)
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