#False God’s Limbo
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pancake404 · 14 hours ago
Character(s) Descriptions in the Limbo: Doey the Doughman
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Doey is an interesting case when he entered in the limbo as the three children are separated into their own individual reflections of themselves.
Jackie: The sad but pure soul, not known for strength and often hides behind Matthew whenever scared. However, Jackie can be a clever and empathetic little guy.
Matthew: The most “Doey” looking one. Still behaves the same except this time, is fully determined to untie the toys into a second safe haven-like environment. I mean, after all, if you’re stuck here, you might as well make this place the best you can make it.
Kevin: Oddly shaped and very tall. Kevin still is the most aggressive one and most distrusting of any other toy. However, with his arms being like blades and claws, Kevin can be tough to fight with physically and often is marked as the main defense whenever anyone tries to hurt him or those he is close with.
They all share one main mirror: “THE GENTLE VOICE”
TGV is a mirror that only occurs whenever all three doey’s are emotionally deep into what torments them(Kevin: Being Hurt, Matthew: Failing Everyone, Jack: Death of his parents). It looks the monstrous Doey from chapter 4 however, it will instead lure nearby victims close by through a gentle voice, attracting them closer. Victims often see those they love like their parents and once they get close enough or don’t get tricked by it, TGV attacks. No one can die but it does hurt…a lot and once your mirror takes control, it’s hard to get control back and that’s very much true for TGV and Doey.
Fun facts: They all can fuse together into one Doey but they enjoy their additional sense of freedom from sharing a body for so long, they’re not forced into their forms, they can change how they look but for some reason, it’s these forms that draw to them, and lastly, Matthew has an odd sense of one’s soul. He could look beyond what others show to others and see what they’re really like and how they truly feel.
So that’s Doey, hope you enjoyed this character description in the AU(there is a lot of them the more I scroll).
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stagefoureddiediaz · 5 months ago
So its 2am and I’m still on my ‘911 is using The Wizard of Oz theming to tell Eddie’s story’ soapbox and thought I’d talk about something I didn’t go into in my other 911/Wizard of oz post - the fact that Oz, the Emerald City, the wicked witch of the west and the Wizard are all an allegory for the Catholic Church and Christian faith more widely!
I’ve made quite a few posts about 911 playing into religious iconography and so I thought I’d add to that post count by talking about the (anti) religious theming in The Wizard of Oz more generally and how it relates to Eddie’s arc!
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The Emerald city is designed to look like a Cathedral
The way the wizard of oz - both the books and the film, plays on religious imagery is similar to the way that C.S Lewis played on it in his Chronicles of Narnia series - but where C.S Lewis created a positive allegory that upheld religion and religious beliefs, Frank Baum was creating a more negative allegory- where religion does't provide the answers, but the individual person
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Dorothy starts her journey in Kansas - in the real world, but finds herself in the technicolour world of Oz after a tornado transports her over the rainbow. The film, especially, plays on the idea of her having a head injury - causing her to have this vivid dream of this fantastical land - which is why we see the people of Kansas appear as characters in Oz.
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Oz is clearly playing on the idea of heaven and hell and limbo. The wicked witch of the west represents the devil (lucifer) and her castle Hell. While the Emerald city represents the house of God (the church). Glinda is supposed to be an arch angel. Remember that lucifer is a fallen arch angel.
The wizard is a man from the same world as Dorothy and is meant to be viewed as a priest (most likely the pope) - priests being Gods representatives on earth
While the silver (book) or ruby (film) slippers are a representation of enlightenment.
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Dorothy is searching for a way out of her ‘coma’ dream and so goes on a journey through Limbo to the house of god to try and get home- along the way the devil tries to stop her getting to the church and subsequently into heaven using the tricks at its disposal. The devil doesn’t succeed and Dorothy and her friends navigate their way to the emerald city and complete the tasks they think god has set for them so they may gain what they seek - to go home, brains, a heart, courage.
It is here that they discover the lies of the priest and once he is gone they all figure out they had what they sought all along - they are enlightened and didn’t actually need the priest or the house of god at all. From there Dorothy chooses to go home and awakes from her coma back in the real world - but retains the knowledge of what she dreamt in her coma.
The wizard of oz as a piece of media (in either book form or film form) is showing the audience that they hold their own power within them and it cannot be granted by outside forces.
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The film chooses to show Oz the great and powerful in much the same way as the crucifix is displayed in a catholic church - praying to a false idol in search of what you seek
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The wizard hiding behind his curtain is akin to the priest behind the confessional screen - offering absolution and healing etc, when he doesn’t actually possess the power to do so because he is just a man pedalling falsehoods and lies.
The residents of the emerald city in their monochromatic green colouring are an allegory for the members of the churches congregation - blindly following the edits and rules set out by the church in the hope of a happy and fulfilled life - but they are shown to be almost drone like - subjugated and controlled into mindless devotion in the same way people follow the churches teachings without questioning.
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Dorothy and here friends never change though - they don’t start wearing green and blending in to the emerald city and they find out that they actually have the power to achieve their desires within them the entire time - as represented by the silver/ruby slippers.
the moral of the Wzard of Oz is ultimately that what we desire or want is within and it cannot be found externally by putting our faith in something outside of us like the church. - Dorothy and her friends always had the things they sought - they just had to figure that out for themselves.
This ties into Eddies entire journey perfectly.
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Just because I couldn't write a post about Eddie and not have a picture of him!
Eddies Kansas pre the tornado is his childhood - before he was parentified/husbandified by Helena Diaz.
The tornado is Shannon - she provides him with the escape from his old life and sets him down in California (Oz).
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There is a reason the Wizard of Oz theming is heavily coded toward him and his arrival on the show - it is the idea that he has landed in California (Oz) and on top of the wicked witch of the East (hence why we never see Eddie at the same level as the red shoes in the rubble) and has been following the yellow brick road the entire time.
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Chris is waiting for Eddie on a yellow strip of flooring at the end of 203
Bobby (Glinda) who shares the catholic faith with Eddie, brings him to the 118 and helps guide him forward on his journey - providing advice and support as and when Eddie needs it, but always watching over him. (one could view Eddie leaving the 118 as the equivalent of the poppy field in the film - leaving his path briefly before returning to it when he wakes up in mayday 'god has spoken')
He has now reached the crux of matters - he has arrived at the Emerald city. It seems likely here that in 804 we will see him have his encounter with the Priest who like the wizard in Oz, will guide him towards a reckoning with his mother (the wicked witch of the west) in order to find his way to inner peace and who he is supposed to be. Once he has dealt with Helena he will discover that he won't find what he seeks in the church - but it will have provided him with something important that plays into the idea that he is a combination of all four characters who journey along the yellow brick road, as their individual traits all represent a part of himself Eddie needs to embrace in order to break free of the chains that have held him back his whole life.
The knowledge (scarecrow) of who he truly is that will also make him realise he already has what his heart (tin man) truly wants if he has the courage (lion) to go for it and that it will get him home (Dorothy) where he truly belongs - accepting himself as a queer man who is in love with his best friend and Chris's forgiveness and return to him in LA.
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writers-potion · 11 months ago
hey, can you do a circles of hell post like the heaven one?
The Nine Circles of Hell 😈🔥
Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy is divided into 3 parts: Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso. The Inferno presents us with the popular concept of Nine Circles of Hell.
Think of this as the Ground Lobby for Hell.
The Gates of Hell have this inscription: "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate" (Abadon all hope, ye who enter here)
Souls who couldn't choose between good and evil reside here, tortued and chased by hornets and snakes. (Seems like indecision is also a sin, haha)
There are angels here as well who chose to be on the side of neither good and evil, and they're also tormented.
After crossing the river on the boundary for hell with Charon, you meet the first level of hell:
First Circle: Limbo
The first circle is home to the unbaptized and virtuous pagans, who simply didn't know that Christ exist.
These souls have lived morally, but failed to accept Christiantiy as a religion
No physical torture, but waves of sadness flow through the souls, lamenting the fact that they're close to Heaven but aren't in it.
Retirement community of the afterlife: Hippocrates, Aristotle, Virgil, Homer, Horace, Ovid, Socrates, Plato, Saladin
Second Circle: Lust
The wind-buffeted second circle of Hell is the final destination of the lustful and adulterous.
Souls are blown about in a violent storm, without hope of rest. They are torn in a raging storm and thrown against rocks.
Cleopatra and Helen of Troy were among its most famous residents. Francesca da Rimini and her lover Paolo.
Third Circle: Gluttony
Those who overindulge themselves are forced to lie in vile, freezing slush, guarded by Ceberus
Unable to move, they lay on the ground forever while being hurled with sweage and dirt.
Ciacco of Florence is here.
Fourth Circle: Avarice & Prodigality
This section of Hell is reserved for the money-grubbers and overly materialistic among us. Those who hoarded money come here.
The greedy battle each other, forever rolling giant boulders on each other. When they push the heavy weights, it rolls back and the process starts all over again.
Plutus guards them.
Fifth Circle: Wrath & Sulllenness
Dante tells us that the wrathful and angry souls of this circle spend eternity waging battle with each other on the banks of River of Styx.
The sullen are forced to breath below the dark waters, chocking on the black mud derived from the world above.
Fillippo Argenti is here.
───〃★ Door to Lower Hell: gate guarded by fallen angels ★〃───
Sixth Circle: Heresy
Heretics spend eternity entombed in flaming crypts in the sixth circle. Think of a graveyard with burning tombstones.
Heresy is the sin of having beliefs opposed to the Christian belief, which can be a little vague in modern times.
Florentines Farinata degil Uberti and Cavalcante de' Cavalvanti are here.
Seventh Circle: Violence
The Seventh Circle is sub-categorized into 3 smaller rings: Oter, Middle and Inner.
The outer ring is filled with blood and fire and reserved for murderers and thugs. Centaurs guard the Outer Ring, shooting criminals with arrows.
The middle ring is where, according to Dante, suicide victims go. They’re transformed into trees and fed upon by harpies.
The inner ring, a place of burning sand, is reserved for those who are violent against God and nature (blasphemers)
Eighth Circle: Fraud
Geryon, a creature symbolizing fraud, welcomes you to the eighth circle. He has a human face, a scorpion tail and giant wings.
The eighth circle is subdivided into ten trenches, where you’ll find con artists of all sorts. These trenches are called Malebolge (Evil pockets) and each contains different types of criminals who commited fraud.
Panderes and seducers, flatterers, sorcerers, false prophets, liars, thieves, people who created false money, counterfeits, impersonators, schismatics, etc. reside here.
Ninth Circle: Treachery
The final circle is a frozen wasteland occupied by history’s greatest traitors. Betrayers of are frozen in a lake of ice, and most of Satan's body is also immersed in ice.
It is divided into 4 stages: (1) Caina - traitors to family (2) Antenora - traitors to nation or politicians (3) Ptolomaea - hosts to betray theiur guests (4) Judecca - those to betray their lords/masters.
In the very center, Satan punishes the greatest betrayers of all time: Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ, and Brutus and Cassius who betrayed Julius Caesar.
Satan has three mouths, each of which eats a specific person: with left and right devouring Brutus and Cassius and the centre mouth devouring Judas. 
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ivycova · 4 months ago
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Power or wisdom. And the price of our real desires.
Was their meeting a temptation only for Galadriel? Or was it a lesson from the Gods for both of them? Did they put the same meaning into the words "power" and "strength"? What did each of them truly want from the world and from each other? Is power inherently evil? Or, like mithril, both light and dark at once, is it just a force? Maybe true evil is born in how one relates to that power, and how much your heart can be corrupted by it.
**Power and Strength as Control of Others.**
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The very fact that Sauron tried to create the Rings of Power already showed that he had lost this inner battle. Celebrimbor predicted as much to him. This is why Sauron became so emotional in the end—because in that moment, he realized that what he desired so much would eventually destroy him. It would destroy him because he had failed to learn his lesson from meeting with Galadriel, and was blind to his true motives behind seeking power and "healing" Middle-earth. This closely mirrors Galadriel’s false motivation to continue the fight in order to defeat evil.
Of course, Sauron craved power for the sake of power, for control. But why?
I find the stories of the Silmarils, which Morgoth stole, very useful for understanding Sauron’s true motives. Morgoth couldn’t take his eyes off the Silmarils for a long time, gazing into their depths. It was only when he shed a tear onto the stones and saw his reflection—pure evil—that he realized his own nature and could no longer look at or touch them.
In this sense, light is the ability to see things as they are without changing, despite your nature or the nature of others. It’s a pure mirror that reveals the truth. So his desire for power was actually a desire to deprive others of their power—the power to reveal who he was, against his own illusions. He wanted control to shatter, distort, just as he himself was twisted and corrupted, so that he could finally feel a sense of belonging in this world while keeping control. Creating the world where he can be just us he can see himself.
**Galadriel: Power and Strength as Wisdom and Self-Control*
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Galadriel, like Sauron, was blind to her true reasons for endlessly fighting and chasing him, seeing him as the source of evil. This nearly destroyed her. Yet, by the will of the gods, their paths crossed—he was brought to her, and she to him, as a teacher. They were like mirrors to each other, revealing the parts of themselves they either wanted to hide or had long lost.
Halbrand (Sauron) partially helped heal her by guiding her to the true nature of her pursuit and desire. In turn, she inspired his creative side, though twisted as it was. In one of their conversations, she admitted that she kept fighting because she couldn’t stop. She couldn’t stop because she was frustrated, facing the fact that conquering her inner darkness through brute force and evil was impossible.
At the time of their meeting, she was in a free fall, being pulled deeper into a vortex. He helped her see this. "What do you know about darkness?" he asked, showing her *her* own darkness. In a way, he gave her a way out of the vicious cycle she was trapped in. What she felt at that moment was a mix of shame, self-disappointment, and, at the same time, relief—relief she couldn’t yet fully explain. She was only able to undergo this transformation in his presence because she felt he wasn’t judging her. 
For the first time, without fear, she gave herself over to this inner darkness during their first and last battle together, on the same side. Incidentally, it's unclear exactly what side that was—I think it was something like limbo, a neutral point where both faced their defining decisions.
The first step to healing is recognizing the problem, acknowledging the darkness within. She chose not to resist it, but to explore it within herself. She was able to do this only because he, the "king," was with her, and because her goal of placing him on the throne—while seemingly noble—was actually a cover for her real desire: to reconnect with her own inner darkness. This time, however, it was without fear or judgment, though she hadn’t yet fully realized or controlled it.
She enjoyed it. She liked the feeling of limitless power, unhindered by the inner barriers placed on her by the duties of being the Lady of Light. This title was more something she was given at birth rather than something she truly felt worthy of. Perhaps that's why she leaped from the ship—to escape those expectations and the burdens of her role.
**Cold Calculation or Fate?**
Did he know what he was doing? Did he realize he was freeing her in that moment? Or was he simply earning her trust by feigning remorse, convincing her of her influence over him, of the “good” she brought out in him? 
I believe both were doomed to act according to their natures and make the same choices they always would. 
It’s tempting to think that, in that moment, he felt both joy and sorrow, understanding that by giving her freedom, he was losing his power over her. Perhaps this was the first time he voluntarily relinquished control over something he desired so intensely. 
On the other hand, it’s possible that the good he did was not a conscious choice, but one dictated by circumstances, pushed by higher forces. There was indeed a sense of fate in their relationship, especially in their fateful meeting in the middle of the sea. By saving her, in some sense, he stepped into uncharted territory, a realm where not everything was under his control. This was the true nature of his trial, one he ultimately failed—assigned by the gods—to accept that love doesn’t mean ownership, but the gift of freedom. And that freedom, not control, is what generates real power, the kind that comes from love, as opposed to power gained without it.
I believe his true test was to acknowledge his love for her and let her go. In some sense, this would have been a way to lift the curse of his need for control and his obsession with power.
Yet, there’s also a third possibility: that he did this deliberately, to make himself indispensable to her in her struggle against her inner darkness. In doing so, he would make her dependent on him. Unfortunately, this strategy likely backfired on him in the end. 
Sauron’s key tactic in his manipulations was that, to deceive another, he had to touch upon their deepest secret. And to do that, he needed to find a similar element within himself—something that would make the other person identify with him and open up. This allowed him to fully immerse himself in their experience and execute the perfect manipulation. (As Adar put it, "he drills a hole and fully crawls inside you.")
The one thing he probably didn’t anticipate was that his desire for light would prove stronger than him, that he would be tempted to touch it, believing that it was possible for him without true repentance.
**Wisdom or Control?**
It's interesting to note that for Sauron, power was most likely the embodiment of control—specifically, the domination of the will of others. He could never change his perspective on this. Meanwhile, for Galadriel, the power she sought was wisdom, though she didn't realize it at the time. It was a pursuit of wholeness, mastery over herself and her inner darkness. This darkness, essentially an impersonal force, was taboo to her because she saw it as evil, which ironically made it evil in her eyes.
This very weakness made her vulnerable to Sauron’s manipulations, especially when he offered her power—his power—as her own. Had she accepted, it would have made her dependent on him, forever denying her the chance for inner growth and integrity. After all, her true strength threatened Sauron’s control over her.
The fact that Halbrand/Sauron never fully relinquished control is undeniable—at least consciously and willingly. If we judge by the results of his actions, the only pure gift he gave Galadriel, the gift of her freedom from inner darkness, was:
A. A surprising twist, something unexpected even for him.
B. A calculated and deliberate manipulation.
C. A genuine attempt at repentance.
There’s plenty of evidence supporting option B. He continuously acted according to his own formula, which he openly stated to Galadriel: learn what your opponent fears most, give them the tools to deal with it, and then you can control them. While things took an unexpected turn for him, this tactic destabilized him briefly and made him believe, for a moment, that he could change. (This is when the gods "caught him by the tail.")
Of course, he was deceiving himself and outsmarted himself in the process. In the end, instead of the forgiveness and redemption he longed for, he gained power and the Rings of Power. "To Caesar what is Caesar’s." And he saw his reflection as pure evil. Galadriel became both the source of his inspiration and his downfall simultaneously.
At the height of his triumph, when he "touched" the light and believed he had gained Galadriel's forgiveness, he plunged himself back into darkness. To feel inspired, he had to believe that forgiveness was his, even though it was a lie. His skill in manipulation was so refined that he momentarily believed it himself. This is the moment when a ray of light pierced his entire being. In a way, Galadriel, even indirectly, offered him forgiveness and gave him her heart. Yes, he got what he wanted, but it wasn’t truly his—it belonged to his alter ego, Halbrand. His corrupted nature prevented him from receiving that forgiveness while being his true self, and he knew this.
He delayed accepting or even acknowledging the truth of his decision not to change internally for as long as he could. He did this to avoid losing his disguise. But eventually, he had to face Galadriel’s mirror, and the truth it reflected, despite all his attempts to distort and corrupt it. Perhaps this was the moment of his revelation with Galadriel—when he saw just how corrupted he had become, like Morgoth with the Silmarils. This realization wounded him deeply, and he fully renounced the light within him—his doubts—the only path available to him toward forgiveness and the light.
But Galadriel’s story doesn’t end with her rejection of him. She, too, remains in a state of inner conflict, struggling with herself, where light and dark are intertwined. She is discovering that darkness can create good and that light can be a barrier to gaining strength, wisdom, and personal freedom (which ties into her ambition to rule, to become a queen). 
At her core, Galadriel’s journey is about understanding the difference between good and evil. The light she understood and remembered was the one she was born into and had always lived in. She took it for granted but had never truly known it internally, as she had nothing to contrast it with. The evil she knew was merely an external manifestation driven by motives unknown to her. This is why she couldn’t distinguish between true light and a mere reflection on the water.
We don’t define our desires—they define us.
Basically, at the beginning of their relationship, they exchanged priceless gifts. He let her touch the darkness within herself, to understand and accept it, but only she could gain control over it. You can see this later in the trilogy when she appears as a calm and powerful figure, fully aware of her strength and able to crush her enemies if needed. The key difference is that she now controls her power, rather than it controlling her, unlike before, when she was relentlessly chasing after evil.
At the same time, she allowed him to experience the light. It gave him an incredible burst of inspiration, but also unbearable pain and torment. Because all the glory and love weren’t truly directed at him, but at the part of himself he was showing her—the part he briefly became. This pain, however, was his one and only chance in his immortal life, the moment when he could have made a different choice. But Morgoth had twisted his understanding of pain, telling him it was a test of willpower, and that led him down the path of power instead of humility. His inner struggle with Morgoth—competing with him for power—never truly ended.
She told him he could let go of who he used to be, that he could be free from it. And he believed her because he was living in an illusion, one he didn’t want to leave, like a fairy tale that had somehow become real. That’s why he missed his chance. What could he have done differently? The only real way out would have been to tell her the truth, accept responsibility for all his past evil, and face judgment in Valinor. Who knows, if he hadn’t been tempted by the rings and his old dream of domination over the physical world, maybe things could have turned out differently.
But her rejection, when Galadriel turned down his offer of power after realizing he was Sauron, wounded him deeply. It sparked an intense internal conflict—on one hand, his desire for control over the material world, and on the other, his connection to the light. He became filled with rage—rage against all living things, against everything that rejected him and reminded him of his past crimes, of who he was and what he couldn’t escape. He had no hope or chance of freedom unless he took real steps toward redemption, let go of control, and stopped trying to distort the mirror.
Of course, Galadriel couldn’t accept his offer. Too much had happened, for too long, for it all to be undone in a single moment. And yet, it was also in that moment that they both realized they could never truly kill each other. They’d never be free from one another, forever bound by the mark they left on each other. Galadriel took a piece of the darkness, which she eventually made peace with, while Sauron carried a fragment of light that, in the end, would be his downfall, plunging him into the void because he couldn’t learn the lesson the gods had given him—learning humility for the sake of love and wholeness, which is the true form of power. The only kind of power that doesn’t lead to self-destruction, the power over oneself.
This eternal conflict between opposites is an existential crisis, a longing for that world where there was no good or evil—where everything was one. That’s why we’re so deeply moved when we see it as a battle between two lovers and irreconcilable enemies, who will never be able to be together. They look like people who could choose another path, who have a choice. But as we learn from myths and religions, pure evil and pure good have no other path than their own.
Just as a shadow cannot exist without light, so too light cannot be distinguished from darkness without touching it.
He tempted her so the gods could tempt him. He was cast into darkness so she could gain wisdom, finally learning to distinguish the reflection on the water from the true light.
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germworms · 1 year ago
Lore Comics: [Jizzie] [The Lonely little sun] [The disappearing sun] [Grians arrival to earth]
-Grian(Sun) [1] [2] [3] [4]
-Pearl(Moon) [1] [2] [3]
-Lizzie (Former Moon/dead) [1]
Lesser Gods (Of Square Earths solar system):
-DocM (God of War) [1]
-Zed (God of destruction)
-Tango (God of Creation)
-Scar (God of Mischief) [1]
Demi Gods:
-VintageBeef (Touched by Doc, The Blood Knight) [1]
-JoeHills (Touched by Pearl, Demi-God of Beauty)
-False (Touched by Scott, Messenger of The People)
[Gem Kingdom]
-Ren (Former King/dead) [1]
-Gem (Daughter of Ren, Queen) [1] [2] [3]
-Bdubs (Prophet of Sun) [1] [2] [3]
-Etho (Bdubs Knight) [1] [2] [3] [4]
-Cleo (Bdubs Knight) [1] [2]
[Xisuma Kingdom]
-Xisuma(King) [1]
-Mumbo (Prophet of Moon) [1] [2] [3]
-Imp (Mumbo Knight) [1]
-Skizz (Mumbo Knight) [1]
Vast Universe:
-Jimmy (Death) [1] [2] [3]
-BigB (Prince/God of Water) [1]
-Scott Smajor (Stars) [1]
-Joel (Black Hole/Supernova/Sun) [1]
-Martyn (Reaper) [1]
-Cub (Secretary over Limbo) [1]
Red = General
Blue = Information
Green = Scene/Lore
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art-bvrn · 1 year ago
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windows to the soul
✧ socials ✧ inprnt ✧ kofi ✧
we often hear about how eyes are the windows to the soul. i wanted to capture each of the origin companions’ eyes (souls) during the height of their personal quests. so here’s the thought process/background of each drawing:
Astarion - when he looks towards Tav, asking them to help him complete the ritual. how desperate he looks to be free of the torment but also how conflicted he is deep down at having to sacrifice all the spawn. he knows now that cazador was just like him. but the power blinds him to the fact that he will become another cazador.
Gale - when he shares a moment of peace with Tav, watching the conjured sky as he accepts his death. he’ll sacrifice his life for a god who doesn’t care for him, thinking it’s for the best. a god that has taken years of his life and groomed him as a child. he doesn’t see any of that. he only sees that dying will atone for sins that are not even his to begin with.
Karlach - when she defeats enver gortash - the man who was responsible for her pain. yet, it doesn’t help her. it doesn’t bring back all the years she lost. it doesn’t take away the torment. it doesn’t change the fact that she’s dying. there is no glory and no vindication. only this overbearing despair.
Lae’zel - when she looks towards the sky with Tav. she has believed in her god. killed for her. bled for her. but her god is false. everything she believes to be true is not. she doesn’t know how to grieve the loss of her self - of ambitions unfulfilled. her love and pride for her people lay in limbo - a place where she has no choice but to face all these painful questions alone.
Shadowheart - when Tav tells her to do whatever she feels is right. that someone trusts her to trust herself - someone who only remembers bits and pieces of her life. she, who has unknowingly devoted her entire life to a god, now falters, knowing she will be punished for her blasphemy, and ultimately, her betrayal.
Wyll - when the devil asks him to renew his contract to save his father. sweet, young, wyll. only a child when he was cast out yet his love for his father - the man responsible for his exile, a man who he has not seen in years - remains steadfast. ultimately, neither choice grants him his freedom. not from guilt and not from mizora.
hello! i really wasn’t expecting that much love on my previous uploads for the bg3 characters 😭 to be honest i was expecting maybe the occasional bot but to have real people like and reblog and say nice things has truly been amazing!!!
i’ve always been a lurker more than a poster (aside from that one time in 2015 i tried to write imagines for fallout) so i’m still learning proper tumblr etiquette and what not
idk how to respond to the people who reblog and say such nice things in the tags 😭 but know that i see it and appreciate it fully <3
anyway thank you for reading, liking, reblogging, and/or commenting!!! :))
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gabrieltheangelultrakill · 10 months ago
Calm down, im sending another mechanic.
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bluebayousblog · 1 year ago
RUMOR HAS IT (pt. 9)
(Drew Starkey one-shot)
This is not a full on story but if you want more l'll be happy to add on upon request
Plot: in which drew and isobel address a false rumor in the most abstract of ways
Setting: isobel & drew deal with temptation on the day of the business cocktail
Disclaimer: Isobel is an OC, 18+
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Isobel slept horribly that night, constantly in a state of limbo between being awake and drifting off into a well needed slumber. Her mind refused to let her fully succumb to her exhaustion with thoughts of Drew filling her head.
He slept in the guest room like he said he would, and the mere knowledge of his existence on the floor below her disrupted her entire being. Before getting back to town she convinced herself that they could get through the break as if nothing had changed between them. It was easy to think that when she wasn’t in the moment—when she was hoping she could keep herself in check.
She was wrong. The damage to anything that could be just friendly with Isobel and Drew was done, it was hard to resist the urge to kiss and touch him when the feeling of it was so fresh on her brain. It was only a day ago that her body had been pinned under his hard one with him roughly molding his soft lips with hers as his hands roamed her body like he was trying to cover every inch of her.
There wasn’t one part of her that felt like she could pretend as if she didn’t want Drew or not feel the need to be around him. It wasn’t coming easily to her, and being in his presence despite their family being there only made it harder to act like he didn’t affect her in every way.
That moment in the kitchen at the end of the night proved to her if she didn’t at least try to control herself, even if every cell in her body was telling her otherwise, she wouldn’t last much longer on this break.
So she left him standing there alone in the middle kitchen.
She couldn’t even tell him goodnight because from that dark look in his eyes he looked to be about a word away from snapping. He let her walk way untouched, and she retired to her room where she got ready for bed just to lie awake.
The hairs on her arms erected at the thought of being able to roll out of her bed, and creep down the steps to him. She wanted him to tell her the thoughts that were running through his mind as he hungrily gazed at her just an hour before. In the heat of his stare she would’ve let him do anything to her, even if it was something as risky as kiss her lips or even him closing the distance between them just to simply touch her.
Still, she had to see it for what this all was. Just being in the heat of the moment together, and not realizing how different the next second be—that she could walk away and avoid crossing the line with him in her parents’ kitchen.
She lied restless in the comfort of her bed for hours thinking of what could have happened if she’d just let go, and when she finally did fall asleep she thought of him in her dreams.
By the time she was roused from her struggled sleep by the sun pouring in through the window, she assumed Drew was gone and helping with preparation for the business cocktail. She hated sleeping in past nine, but she expected no less at the hour she was able to drift off.
When she finally made her way downstairs to the kitchen the house was quiet and most likely empty, but there was breakfast sitting on the island for her. Her parents left a note beside it stating their whereabouts at the company ballroom. As she slowly ate her way through a bowl of fruit she couldn’t help but check Drew’s message thread on her phone and look for a morning message that didn’t exist.
Isobel eventually made her way to the C&S building mid day to drop off some supplies for her mother who was of course running around trying to do last minute tasks for the cocktail.
“Isobel, Thank God!” Lora exasperated, standing in place for probably the first time today so she could pull the filled tote bag out of Isobel’s hands, “The place cards are in here, thank you for bringing them, Angel.”
The breath was knocked out of her as her mother tightly wrapped her arms around her waist in gratitude, “You’re welcome, Mom.” She managed to get out.
Isobel followed her mother while she stopped at each table to place down the cards according to the seating chart she had her reading aloud to speed up the process. They’d been through majority of the tables and she still hadn’t seen Drew around anywhere. She knew it probably was for the best that he was preoccupied, but the greedy part of her just wanted to see a glimpse of him.
She watched Lora sit down the final place card, but before Isobel could ask where everyone was her mother spoke first, “What are you wearing tonight?”
“I have a few options.” She vaguely answered knowing it would drive her insane. Isobel actually adored the white dress her mother insisted she wear to last nights dinner, but when she tried it on she figured it’d be the perfect piece for the cocktail. It was simple yet such a stunning dress and hugged her body in a manner that just made her feel sexy. Choosing the black one for dinner was to save the best option for tonight, and to of course work her mother’s nerves.
“Oh, well I can’t wait to see what you come up with.” Lora forced a smile. It took all of Isobel’s restraint not to laugh at how dramatic she was being about that dress. Seeing her mother’s excitement later on when she see’s it on her body will be worth the current disappointment on her face.
“Isobel!” Drew’s mother Catherine called as she made her way across the room to the pair. She immediately pulled Isobel into her arms, her hugs were a little more breathable than her mom’s but still tight nonetheless. “You better wear that dress tonight before your poor mom has an aneurysm.” She lowly whispered in her ear.
Catherine pinched her on the side as they pulled away to which Isobel offered her a smile, not giving her planned attire away because if she told Catherine then Lora would know as soon as she left for home to get ready. Her and Drew’s mother were extremely close and you couldn’t tell one anything without the other eventually finding out. The two literally gossiped for sport.
Isobel shared a bond with Catherine she held close to heart just as she did with her own parents, and internally she was praying she wouldn’t hate her for what she was doing with her son. Hate was a strong feeling to describe Drew’s mother ever feeling towards her, but when their family had never slightly entertained the idea of them being together it was easy to go to extremes in her head.
“Honey, I have to run and pick up Charles’ suit for tonight, so could you do me a favor and make sure Drew finishes putting everything away in the back?” Catherine was still talking, but Isobel was still focused on finally hearing anyone mention the man that had her hyper-aware of his possible presence for the past hour.
“-and grab that envelope full of tickets off the desk in the back office, I’ll get them from you later.”
Isobel caught her last request before agreeing because firstly she didn’t mind, secondly her mother would actually have an aneurysm if she did otherwise, and thirdly she just really wanted to see Drew.
“I’ll see you guys later on, Love you!” She said over her shoulder as she headed towards the back hall where the storage room was.
When she rounded the corner and glanced down the entryway she didn’t hear any movement or sign of life besides the door being open.
“Drew?” She called out his name as she entered the seemingly empty room that usually stored all the event equipment for the company to utilize whenever the time arose.
A clatter of what sounded like plastic grabbed her attention, but when she looked over towards the direction of the noise there stood the youngest of the Starkey brothers, Chandler groaning as he leaned down to pick up a chair that was obviously not cooperating with what he was trying to do, “Drew left about an half hour ago-“
He eventually looked up from the stack of chairs he had leaning against the wall, and when his eyes landed on her all signs of frustration dropped from his features, “Hey, uh, Isobel what are you doing back here?” He awkwardly chuckled and moved as he shoved his hands in his pockets after he scratched the back of his head, and crossed then uncrossed his arms like he didn’t know what to do with himself.
“Your mom sent me back here, need some help?” She asked with a giggle as another chair slid from the stack onto the floor. He groaned again at the loudness of the plastic furniture and nodded his head in defeat before moving aside, “I wasn’t expecting it to be you back here, your mom said Drew was the one in here.”
He rolled his eyes at her words as Isobel somehow figured out a way to balance all the remaining chairs against the wall without any problem, “Of course she did, she begs me to be here but doesn’t even have the decency to get our names right.”
Isobel just laughed at the boy as his eyes snapped back over to her and seemed to twinkle in amusement at her entertaining his attempt at humor.
“Are you disappointed?” He asked with reservation in his tone, all previous delight on his face gone and replaced with coolness.
The question made her sort of still at the vagueness of it, and the vulnerability that slightly laced his tone despite how collected he was trying to be, “What do you mean, disappointed about what?”
He pulled his right hand out of his pocket to scratch the back of his head again and his cheeks were a little red telling her he was getting nervous. Ever since he turned sixteen two years ago this is how most of their conversations went when they got past more than a few sentences. Isobel found his little crush adorable, but Chandler was honestly like a little brother to her—if anything she hung out with him more than Drew when they were fourteen and he was just barely ten.
“That it’s me here and not Drew.”
God, that made her feel like a horrible, boy obsessed excuse for a human, but it was just circumstance. Drew was heavy on her mind, and being told the man she could not stop thinking about was just a room away and that not being the case was grounds for disappointment.
Chandler didn’t need to know that, so she lied, “I’m always happy to see you, Chandler.”
She supplied a soft smile as he just looked at her, his eyes dropped to her mouth before shaking his his head in what seemed to be disbelief and chuckling, “Okay.”
“What?” Isobel questioned, anxiety curling into her gut at his unexpected reaction to her answer. Was the smile too much?
Chandler gestured for her to follow him after he crossed something off a list he had pulled up on a company tablet. She abided and silently trailed behind his tall stature, all the men in his family towered over her including him even if he was four years younger.
“I know what’s going on, but since you went out of your way to try to get me to believe that horrible excuse for a lie I won’t verbalize it.” He kept his attention ahead until he finished speaking then looked at her with an amused smiled before shaking his head in the same manner as before.
For some reason that bothered her more than his implication, that no one in their respective families not even Chandler could fathom a relationship between Isobel and Drew. Though, it made her feel a fraction better that his crush on her made him biased by default.
She stopped walking and he immediately sensed it as he halted and turned to face her. She studied his face while they just stood in silence the longer she didn’t speak the more he seemed to look amused by her. She continued to look at him waiting for that feeling of horror or anxiety to take over, but it didn’t come.
“I don’t what you’re talking about.” Isobel pathetically supplied, moving past him to make her way to the back office. She figured if she was going to lie to him again she she should do it with her back facing him.
Chandler followed in suit behind her, standing in the doorway of the office that was designated for all event obligations while Isobel rounded the desk to grab the envelope sitting directly in the center of the flat, wooden surface, “That is exactly what Drew said.”
Her eyes snapped up from the envelope to his that annoyingly held a knowing glint in them. Drew hadn’t said anything about Chandler saying something to him last night, but between the multiple almost broken dishes and the all consuming tension between them he didn’t have the opportunity.
She couldn’t help but revisit every interaction she shared with Drew last night. Sure, they’d shared little glances, but could something as little as holding eye contact be enough for his little brother to catch on? And if so who else was watching?
The anxiety she was waiting for out in the hall was now blanketing over her entire body.
“We should go it’s getting close to the evening time.” She said, letting out an indifferent huff of air.
She slid the envelop in her purse for safekeeping and locked the door to the office behind her just in case any guests wandered back there.
“How are you going to get home?” Chandler asked Isobel when they reached the entry way.
“Drew isn’t coming to get me if that’s what you’re getting at.” She gave him a playful glare, she was never able to just be mean to him even when he annoyed her beyond lengths.
No one being home when she woke up meant she had to taxi over to C&S, so she just planned to wait around until her mother was done perfecting every detail until she was ready to leave which wasn’t ideal but her only option.
“That’s not what I meant, Isobel.” His smile was wide at her defensive reaction. She seemed to be constantly making a fool of herself in front of Drew these past few weeks, and now she was doing the same around his brother. “Would you like a ride home?”
“Only If you don’t mind and promise to keep today to yourself?”
“Anything for Isobel.” Chandler wrapped an around her shoulder and guided her to the entrance of the building before adding, “But I have to say this just proves the point that nice guys finish last.”
Once Isobel got home she immediately cleaned and shaved her entire body. Her thoughts prolonged the time she spent under the scorching water with the amount of times she dissociated while lathering her skin with her vanilla wash and as she watched her pink razor glide up legs.
Part of her still wanted to see Drew, to talk to him about Chandler—or just to steal a kiss from his lips. Then there was the sensible side of her that wanted to keep the distance so things couldn’t get anymore complicated. It had been a day and her plan to not share their relationship with their family was spreading her thin.
Doing her best to keep a positive mindset about all of this she put all her energy into her post bathroom rituals. Slipping on her satin robe and lathering her skin with her favorite moisturizer. Maybe tonight called for at least one glass of champagne to calm her nerves.
The Cooper’s estate looked the same in the evening as it did in the early hours of the morning when Drew left without being able to see or bid a goodbye to Isobel. Leaving her without doing so made him feel scattered, like there still something he needed to do.
Drew was the first of his family to be dressed for the business cocktail. Now his mother was sending him over to get something from Isobel since she had to go straight to the event from their home. He’d made sure to text Isobel that he was on the way over, but he’d yet to receive a response.
He punched in the code to the front door and let himself into the main foyer before shutting the door behind him. An intruder would think that the place was empty due to the quietness, but as he got closer to the stairs he could hear a familiar hum of a melody flowing down to his welcoming ears. He’d always been drawn to to sound the of her voice whether she was mindlessly singing a song or simply speaking to him.
The trek up the staircase was made short from him skipping every other step, after not having seen her all day his patience was wearing thin. Her door was cracked when he approached it making way for the sweet smell of vanilla to grace his nose. He would never be able to smell that note in a candle or perfume ever again because he would be taken back to a time where he was becoming infatuated with all that she was—a time where it sort of hit him all at once.
She knew Drew probably knocked before the door let out a whine as the hinges were turned, but all she heard was the sound of his deep voice. He said her name just as he always did, always sounding so gentle yet commanding. She didn’t turn to face him though, not in the current state she was in with her dress resting on the expanse of her waist only covering her bottom half.
Her only reaction was placing an arm across her breast before she froze in place keeping her back facing him.
“Shit, I can come back.” He seemed to struggle to say as he cleared his throat.
She got the urge to twist around towards him, but stopped herself, remembering she was half naked and eagerly replied, “No! Just come in and, um, shut the door.” She stumbled over her words.
The decision was instinctive, she didn’t think it over before she said it. Isobel wanted to see him, to be alone with him, to just be with him. A moment after a day apart where it was just Isobel and Drew no matter what it entailed.
Drew didn’t argue with the woman as he pushed the door closed behind him, but his eyes stayed on her exposed back. She could tell him to do anything and he probably would do it without hesitancy. Backs weren’t usually his thing, but right now with her muscles pulled tight while she was presumably shielding her breast had his blood rushing.
“You can come closer, Drew, I need help with my dress anyway.” Fuck. He was going to dissipate into thousands of tiny pieces of nothing if he got anywhere near Isobel, but he still walked over to her and immediately was suffocated by her scent. She smelled like a woman, she was his favorite smell, and no other woman would ever be able replicate how it made him feel.
It was times where he was this close to her admiring her smooth skin, the curve of her hips and back that led to her inviting neck that he treasured her the most. It was the intimate moments like this, the things Isobel wanted to keep just between them that he was able to appreciate her in ways no one else could, “Can I touch you, Isobel?”
Isobel hummed in permission because if she spoke she’s not sure what she would have decided. She knew they were pushing boundaries, but she wanted this.
His arms slid around her waist with a sort of familiarity that made her backside melt into his body as he pulled her into his embrace. The hard feeling of his chest and torso being pressed against her made her body heat in response—it made her brain turn to gush.
Then she felt him lean down to her height so he could tuck his chin into the side of her neck and all logic slipped from her mind.
“I missed you today, Izzy.” He mumbled into her ear.
His deep voice had goosebumps scattering down her arms, she knew he could see it, watching her body react to him. They both looked as his hands flattened on her stomach, rubbing the soft skin before he pushed down against it with his palm ripping a gasp from her throat, “Don’t ignore me, Is.”
“You weren’t, uh-“ she trailed off when she felt him press his groin into her backside. She thickly swallowed as a surge of desire fluttered in her gut. He lowered his right hand to her thigh pinching it, urging her to keep going like his dick wasn’t nestled against her ass. “-I didn’t see you at C&S earlier when I stopped by.”
Drew stayed silent behind her, and not being able to see him in this position made her aware of everything else. The way his rough hands felt grazing her belly, the shallowness of his breaths as his chest rose and fell against her. And now how his fingers tips felt tapping teasingly along the length of her arm that she was using to cover her chest. Her nipples pebbled against it causing her breasts to ache as she unconsciously tightened her hold.
“You were looking for me?” He mumbled with his mouth still brushing her left ear. She let her eyes flutter close at the sound of his voice, at the way the teasing tone could pass for a sensual whisper, “Did you miss me too?”
As Isobel hesitated to answer him he applied more pressure to her abdomen, coincidentally pushing her ass against the swell of his hardening dick. She skipped a breathe while he cleared his throat behind her.
The urge to satisfy his curiosity and caress his ego so he knew he wasn’t the only one missing the other came too easily to her. But she couldn’t always give him exactly what he wanted.
“I was fine actually.”
She was killing him, slowly, softly, torturously, in a way that just made him want her more. With her words still up in the air, it was then he realized how badly he wanted to hear her say that she missed him. It wouldn’t just be a careless reply to his confession, but a sweet endearment he longed to hear from her lips, “Yeah?”
“Mhm.” Was all she gave him back, but she dragged it out in way that made him bite his lip as the sound hit him right in his lower stomach. He was distracted, his mind so occupied with the feel of her body in his arms he’d forgotten exactly who he was dealing with.
Before he knew it she was using her free hand as leverage, slightly leaning forward as she held onto to his forearm so she could grind her round ass against his dick. She’d been able to wind her hips in a single torturous circular motion before he restricted her movements, gripping her hips with both of his hands and loudly kissed his teeth, “Fuck, stop.”
“Why?” He could hear the pout in her voice as he eyed the way the fabric of her dress had gathered slightly above her ass so her panty covered heat was pressed to his suit pants.
“You said you didn’t want this.” As much he liked having her like this, he couldn’t let this go any further without considering the things she’d enforced in his truck just over a day ago. That’s all it took, a day to go against everything they agreed on. The position he had her in was far from platonic, but they could still stop before things got out of control.
“I know.” Her tone was detached and it made him loosen his hold on her a bit, but she stayed where she was as she seemed to think over her next words, “You just make me want to be bad, Drew.”
His name left her mouth like a prayer, like she was calling out to him in mercy. She let the arm holding her breasts drop and his eyes averted elsewhere not wanting to make her uncomfortable thinking she was ready to finish getting dressed. Until her hands covered his bigger ones, threading her fingers between his and guided them upward. He couldn’t help but press himself further into her when the feeling of her breasts filled his palms, squeezing them when he was suddenly hit with another pang of pleasure.
Isobel didn’t recognize her own voice, or believe the things she was saying. But that’s how everything felt with Drew—uncharted and unexpected. She loved the person she became when was baring herself to him. Sure most of their relationship was physical but he’d somehow managed to get her to strip some of her mental restraints, even if it was just a little.
“Bend over.” The quietness in the room and the knowledge that the house was empty besides them two made the order slice through the room, echoing in her ears in repetitive waves.
Isobel slowly obeyed sliding her hands across the bed as his dropped from her breasts, pushing forward until her sensitive nipples grazed the coolness of her comforter. She waited for about a minute or two, just laying there looking ahead with her ass up and thighs against the mattress.
Then blindly she felt him press his covered dick in between the cheeks of her ass until he was nestled between them, but it was when she felt him fold the skirt of her dress up so she was fully exposed to him that she began to pant from her heart racing.
The sound of a growl disrupted the silence and amplified when she wiggled her hips teasingly. He slid his hands up her ass, giving it a soft pinch before continuing on to her lower back, but when she heard the sound of her zipper being pulled up she whined in disappointment, “Drew.”
“What baby?” He replied and Isobel’s mouth dropped open at the endearment before clamping it back shut, that word alone may be her undoing.
The endearment sounded natural on his lips as if he’d been calling her that for as long as she could remember, and her eardrum’s purred in need for him to say it over and over again.
Drew slipped his hand under her stomach pulling her up so he could get more of the dress zipped. He heard her audibly sigh when she pulled the front of her dress up, covering herself before turning to face him with the cutest pout on her lips. They could’ve gone so much further but all he wanted from her as he looked down at her was a kiss.
“I don’t want to stop.” Isobel mumbled while wrapping her arms around him and placing her chin on his chest, “You always do this to me.”
Drew chuckled at her words with his eyes still trained on her mouth. Thinking back he had been the one to pump the breaks every time things got intense between them, but he was doing it for both of their sakes.
And while being home around family and seeing the way everyone looked at her with such adoration made him realize just what he had. He had no desire to rush things with her, she didn’t deserve that. Trying to fit in a quick hookup before someone got to the house wasn’t how he pictured being physical in any way with her.
Drew wanted to take his time with Isobel.
“Can I kiss you as an apology?” He smirked and tightened his arms around her as she tried to push away from him with a glare. “No you lost your chance.” She affirmed but the smile slipping onto her lips contradicted her denial.
It was now Drew that was poking out his bottom lip in a pout. It took everything for her not a pounce on him when he asked for a kiss, but now with the exaggerated look of sadness it was more than enough excuse to go back on her word.
Isobel leaned up on her toes and closed the distance between them as she pressed her lips to his. His groan and her moan complemented the other in sweet symmetry. She started to pull away but he moved into her pushing her back with the force of his mouth until she dipped backwards in his arms.
“If you two love birds are done, mom’s waiting for you outside in the car, Drew.” A voice that no doubt belonged to Chandler came from other side of the door.
Both of their eyes snapped open as Drew reached around her body and instinctively zipped the rest of her dress up. Isobel stumbled back, pulling herself out of his hold and straightened out the fabric. She caught his gaze again only to see her lipgloss smeared over his lips, and reached up to harshly wipe it off with her thumb before pushing him towards the door.
“We were just talking, Chandler, mind your business.” Drew countered as he opened the door to reveal his nosey little brother.
Chandler took a step forward and leaned against the door frame with his arms cross against his chest. Clad in a suit he looked like was going to be onboarding at C&S just like his older brother in just a few months, “Who knew that both of you were such horrible liars, but maybe seeing through bullshit just comes with age.”
“Let’s just go, Isobel has to finish getting ready.” Drew ignore him, ushering him out of the doorway by his shoulder into the hall, but Chandler managed to twist out of his grasp before facing Isobel again. “Can I get the envelope, Iz?” He requested with an innocent smile.
Drew’s hand tightened into a fist at the sound of his own brother using that nickname for her. It had never been a problem before, but now his endearments for her meant so much more to him—she meant so much more to him.
He watched in silence while she retrieved and handed over the envelope that he’d almost forgotten about to Chandler who still had that annoying grin on his face.
“Oh and Isobel your dress is wrinkled.”
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suigenerisstuff · 2 months ago
The Culmination of a Solemn Musical Triptych: A Critique of W.A. Mozart's Symphony No. 41 (Jupiter)
by @suigenerisstuff
In June 1788, the Austrian composer Wolfgang Mozart wrote the following letter to his friend and masonic brother, Michael Puchberg, from behind a newly won minor position, subordinate to the authority of Antonio Salieri's Kapellmeister at the court of Joseph II:
"I still owe you eight ducats. Apart from the fact that at the moment I'm not in a position to pay you back this amount, my trust in you is so boundless that I dare to beg you to help me with a hundred guilders until the next week, when my shows will start at the Casino."
This is just one of many indications of the idea of an economic failure that would haunt him throughout his life, as well as a mark in the construction of a historical persona of the 'eternal prodigy', always at the mercy of fraternal intervention and ready to live a bohemian, inconsequential life. This image, however - despite the indefensible impudence in life and the scatology left behind in his works - becomes increasingly false - as a persona should be - when we turn our imagination to that summer. In addition to his frequently affected health and mounting debts, we notice the absence of a main figure in his life: Leopold, a later frequent patient of musicologists and psychoanalysts, kept in limbo between a fierce disciplinarian of a shining musical power - almost a co-owner of other people's genius -and a calculating and opportunistic manipulator of his son's talents. This dichotomy allows us to return to Mozart's stylistic choices in his mature period, as well as the consequences for his finances and the legacy of his entire oeuvre. It is necessary, at this point in the reading, to beware of the anachronism of a historical excerpt in which the vast majority of public exhibitions of concerts and instrumental pieces took place in the midst of the effervescence of a court hall, that is, played in the midst of the libertinism of an audience that saw the orchestra as a secondary element of a larger event. In this conception, either numerosity or practicality became the rule for an artist's prosperity. Impunity would not come to the young man from Salzburg, and his father would soon warn him in 1778:
"If you don't have any students at the moment, then write more, even if you sell your work for a lower price; for God's sake, you need to make yourself known. But write something short, easy, popular. Ask a publisher they'd like - maybe easy quartets for two violins, viola and basso. Do you think you'd be demeaning yourself by doing things like that? Not at all […]"
The preoccupation nevertheless tested the musician through his commercial inabilities over the years, bringing out for many the most remarkable trait of the composer who, with a certain frequency, revisited the ideal balance between the pleasant and the disruptive, the first factor being defined by the cruel reality; he would not always be a composer, but also an entertainer, an agent of himself and, in some way, a man whose father would expect constancy and reverence for the Austrian tradition. The second, fatally influenced by Masonic and Parisian academics - like his contemporary Rousseau - would ensure that he "equated existential allegories with the destinies of psyches and societies thrown into change", in the words of Patrick Mackie. With this interpretation, in the summer of 1788, Mozart wrote his last three symphonies in less than two months, the functional examples of his zeitgeist. Especially the last one, the 'Jupiter' symphony, coined after the fact thanks to the opulence of the god who appears throughout the piece in heroic motifs, but which, in reflection of the time, crowns fluidity in balance, It has its own contrapuntal style built on the contrasting themes of the first movement - sonata-allegro - which develop and resolve in the recapitulation, followed by a lyrical andante cantabile with dramatic episodes, ending with the energetic character of a minuet and trio in the third movement, nostalgic for the explosiveness of the first. In the fourth movement we are faced with the most famous kaleidoscope of an era in transformation, the end of a great achievement from the perspective of a definitive enlightenment that would permeate the social and therefore cultural relations of this time as a fusion between harmonic manifestations and the construction of independent voices in a unique phrasing of the classical period.
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issela-santina · 28 days ago
there's actual genius in how @mothercain arranged all of these when you fold this „Pulldrone“ list in half, i.e.
apathy // desolation
being-nothingness, a personal limbo, the great dark. depression. Jobu Tupaki's everything bagel where nothing matters. LCL from End of Evangelion. the world feels grey with no contrast
disruption // annihilation
sound like they should be synonyms and yet used as opposites. annihilation brings a loss of value alongside the loss of materiality while disruption means something suddenly becomes of more value to you than the rest of your situation. the One Ring from the Tolkien legendarium. the life cycle of the universe itself. the theory of innovation diffusion
curiosity // degradation
the respective yang (1-6) and yin (7-12) of Ethel's pillars start to really show. valuation and devaluation, attendance and neglect, activity and passivity. sparks and embers, books eaten by termites, circus freak shows like what PT Barnum spearheaded in real life (The Greatest Showman sanitized the narrative so it seems), anything Philomena Cunk but especially the looks on interviewees' faces when she curiously breaks apart the language of what she's supposed to be discussing and creates absurd questions of it
assimilation // separation
somehow opposites and somehow not. assimilation doesn't require togetherness; in fact some forms of assimilation do intend to separate you — including your sense of self. suburban neighborhoods, nuclear families, religion/cults, cisgenderist segregation, adopting foreign children in a racist country. becoming one with a diaspora after coming from a culturally plural homeland. masking and unmasking, both literally and in the context of autistics feeling like they have to perform all the time. consequence of audience indeed
aggrandisement // resentment
the most blatant of the oppositions. the zones of the yang half and the yin half of the list where the black and white begin to recombine as both of these points entail intense emotions/sentiment/reactions alongside the shift in values one way or another. think the usual response to resenting God is to aggrandise a designated adversary like Satan, Iblis — your shift in values is trapped in the language of the faith you were sworn into
also different effect between the labels of erotic thriller (where abuse is easily understood to be a source of emotional jolt in the narrative) vs dark romance, where abuse, packaged and marketed as the romance a reader would love to aggrandise and worship, is the presented as to warm the heart of the reader who then projectively resents the writer, themself a reader far more meticulous than that reader-aggrandiser would know, for simply having a bias in their documentation of abuse
delineation // perversion
this is the singularity in which all values seem to end up all the same. anarchy destroys prescriptivism, and everything is up for grabs, so grab what you can. I see this in e.g. the false dichotomy of desire and contempt, the intertwinement of which forms the spine of entitlement and rape culture shoved into our throats. the way we define fan fiction.
how Ethel Cain and Autechre insist on calling their respective Perverts and quaristice.quadrange.ep.ae “extended plays” due to the subdued cultural value given to the extended play (15-30 minute recordings) as opposed to the more valued full-length album (30-60 minutes per disc) when by definition both recordings span the length of at least two album discs
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pancake404 · 28 days ago
Sketches of the Limbo #5
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Yarnaby and Doey had arrived, maybe a few others later. I know it might not be explicit about them being part of the Prototype now but I figured it would make sense to add them.
Yarnaby acts the most animalistic but Theo helps take care of them(because no one else will and he relates to that).
If you didn’t know about Chapter 4, in one of the VHS Tapes, we actually hear BBI Hoppy’s voice who is part of the Safe Haven. Dogday most likely was as well so it’s going to be interesting on their friendship with Catnap on how that turns out especially with a lot of Safe Haven members joining the Limbo and they don’t really like Theo or Marie, viewing them as monsters.
I wonder how much does Catnap know about Hoppy and Dogday’s connection to the Safe Haven. They might not have been entirely honest.
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mellowwhumps · 1 month ago
STRIKE 3 — part two
OCs: Zeph and Eythora + Six mention, all not by me
CW: emotional whump, slight violence, mentioned temp. major char death
Zeph lets go of Eythora’s wrist as he closes the door behind them, a soundproof wall the only thing separating them from the rest of the world. It could have been, then, a vacuum in the middle of space and time, a never-ending corridor trapping them both in limbo. And it would have been fine were they not still in the casino, still here. 
He watched as the light left Six’s eyes. He could only watch.
“Eythora,” Zeph starts, hot blood flowing in his veins, “you killed her. She’s dead. We had a deal and this was not part of it.” He wants to scream at the injustice of it all, wants to be undone, unraveled beyond recognition. He barely wants to say it, to admit its truth in all its four letters.
Eythora lets out a deep sigh, hands thumbing over splatters of colour, over and over, a gentle carcass. She won’t meet his eyes anymore. “Do you still trust me?” she asks, and for a moment Zeph might have believed it, time eating desperation eating tail. But it is still a moment, and the short-lasted peace tangles itself around Eythora’s neck and doesn’t let go; a mess of splattered spectrums.
Zeph places both hands on Eythora’s jaw and jerks her head back into position, eye meeting eye, so close he can hear her ragged breathing, false calm interlaced. He’s seen more than enough games to see the signs. Low, resounding. “Why the hell would I trust you after all of that?”
Eythora leans in further and whispers in his ear, “Don’t you remember?”
And the world stops spinning, because there is a dawning dread in his chest, an invisible hollowness that seems to grow into infinity, something beyond the confines of the current reality, something that wants out, out, out. Plunged into icy water, then becoming frost itself, then phasing back into existence. He pushes Eythora away and she stumbles towards the wall behind her, catching her balance in the nick of time.
“Y- You remember, right?” Eythora asks, the desperation in her voice increasing exponentially. A broken record. “You pushed me away, you remember. Y-you have to, right? You have to.”
“I sure as hell remember you, Eythora.” He thinks he does, at least. “But so what? It’s just more proof that you would never understand me.”
Zeph blinks and Six’s warm hand is in his, his brother’s ghost shadowing behind him. There is copious blood on his hands; not a single drop is his. He has always been a beast, he thinks. A cornered dog baring its teeth, a stray that never stayed stagnant. He would rather be a hunter than the hunted.
“Relax,” Eythora says, hands raised and eyes narrowed, “she’s not dead! We’ll go back to yesterday! Just be patient.” She pauses. “Sometimes…people will do anything to achieve our goals. You of all people should know that, I’m proving something to you—”
Zeph slams his fist into the wall beside Eythora, the pain of impact traversing his body and returning him to reality. Her confident smirk wavers. He takes pleasure in it, the thrill of power, the threats before action. There is not a person in front of him.
"Eythora," he more than spits out, her name like something foul in his mouth. "We are nothing alike, you hear me? I would rather suffer a thousand deaths than to ever put her through another second of what you did."
He grasps Eythora by the lapels of her clothes, dragging her forward, his hold the only thing supporting her from falling. “If you're wrong and I wake up tomorrow to find her corpse still lying there, nothing will spare you from what I intend to do to you. I’ll make gods look away if I have to." 
Slamming her against the wall and promptly letting go, he stops himself before he does something drastic. Eythora, amidst all odds, somehow manages to keep on her feet.
Breathe in, breathe out. They are not the same.
"If this loop you speak of truly exists, then don't you dare touch even one hair on her head ever again." He takes a step back, withdrawing. She still refuses to meet his eyes.
“I can’t make any promises.”
“I don’t care about your stupid promises.” Zeph slams his fist into Eythora's face so hard her head snaps harshly to the side, body crashing onto the marbled floor with a cry. "This is your due warning. There will be no more of this." 
As though that could somehow resolve her of sin, she doesn’t respond.
”Fine,” he huffs out, hand already on the doorknob. “Have it your way.” 
He thinks Eythora says something else, but the voices of hundreds are already carrying through the open door, burying her voice thoroughly. Here, where Zeph is surrounded only by strangers, the past finally catches up to him.
He’s going to get a change of gloves after this.
“next part” // previous part
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svt-luna · 2 months ago
Songs that I think Luna will write for Jeonghan:
Timeless - Taylor Swift
Good Looking - Suki Waterhouse
Take a Chance with Me - NIKI
So it goes - Taylor Swift
Call it what you want - Taylor Swift
(Honestly the whole Reputation album tbh😭)
Cinnamon Girl - Lana Del Rey
I’m yours - Isabela LaRosa
Dandelions - Ruth B.
I like me better - Lauv
Intro (end of the world) - Ariana Grande
Limbo - Keshi
Daylight - Taylor Swift
Diet Pepsi - Addison Rae
Paris - Taylor Swift
I know places - Taylor Swift
I like U - NIKI
False God - Taylor Swift
But Daddy I Love Him - Taylor Swift
I wanna be yours - Arctic Monkeys
Middle of the Night - Elley Duhé
Never be the same - Camilla Cabello
My Love Mine All Mine - Mitski
The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives
Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood
Young and Beautiful- Lana Del Rey
(These songs mostly remind me of JeongNa whenever I hear them since discovering your blog and now I can’t listen to them without thinking of JeongNa 😣😣) I LOVE THEM SM!! JEONGNA BABY WHEN?? (Just kidding,,, unless🫣)
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sorenphelps · 2 years ago
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PIRATE AU! Marauders
I decided to revisit and expand my take on the magical pirate au concept I had for last year's @siriusblackfest. This will be an unreasonably long description of my ideas, so if you don't feel like reading it, I absolutely understand. (I'm an artist first anyway.) I’d really really appreciate if you further expand or actually write these ideas into a proper fic, I mean, YES PLEASE!
I will definitely do more art for this concept, so stay tuned! My other pirate au works are here, here and here, or refer to my pirate au tag.
🌊🏴‍☠️⚓pirate AU concept ideas⚓🏴‍☠️🌊
About the lore:
Wizards and witches are all descendants of the lost empires Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu:
The Atlantean mages were once the world's most powerful leaders, who could predict the future with their magical stones, created great underground palaces, conquered the entire world with their gilded ships, commanded sea monsters such as the Kraken, the Leviathan, sirens, hydras and other sea demons. They possessed an extremely high level of technical and spiritual knowledge, which they could use to rule over life and death.
The Lemurians were tall, noble wizards, who were able to turn invisible or into an animal whenever they wanted. They were talented in alchemy, they knew a lot about the magical properties of precious stones and metals, which was the basis of their magic. They were very friendly with non-magical people, who often took advantage of their hospitality and stole their treasure which got scattered all around the world.
According to their belief, the wizards of Mu are the direct descendants of god-like creatures coming from the Sirius constellation. In Mu, wizards were excellent architects and sailors who lived in luxurious homes. Their magic was based on starlight and they had exceptional knowledge of astronomy. With the help of their advanced magical rituals, they could achieve anything. Hence the exact way of performing such rituals was kept as a secret, which was passed down from generation to generation only to those who were deemed worthy of it.
As the power of the "sea wizards" was feared among ordinary people, the wizarding world was forced into hiding, and the islands were swallowed up by the sea, seemingly forever… until a powerful dark wizard named Voldemort began searching for hidden treasures (horcruxes) to bring Atlantis and their superior magical capabilities back to the surface.
According to the legends, each of the Four Founders and the Peverell brothers created a horcrux (seven in total) to perform the most powerful magic known to wizardkind, which managed to sink and forever hide the Islands. They had poured all their power into their respective horcrux, giving up their magic forever. To release the power from a horcrux, a dark, forbidden ritual must be performed: the one who performs it will gather their power in exchange of a piece of their soul. Each horcrux is unique in shape and nature, and the rituals to release their binding requires immerse energy which is the easiest sourced by slaying mythical creatures and sacrificing innocent lives. The one who gathers and releases all seven horcruxes, will break the magic sealing the Islands to the bottom of the oceans and ascend to become a new immortal being with infinite power. However, their soul will be lost forever, never to be repaired, stuck in limbo for all eternity.
The horcruxes made by the Founders are Gryffindor’s Sword, Slytherin’s locket, Hufflepuff’s Cup and Ravenclaw’s Diadem. The Peverell Brother's horcruxes are:
Antioch’s Astrolabe: made from metals as shiny as the stars, could predict the future. If used incorrectly, it could give its user a false sense of assurance of potential events happening, making them too reckless. Most users died young as the results were misinterpreted easily. It belongs to Mu.
Cadmus’ Coat of Arms: a gold ring inset with the Resurrection Stone, engraved with the power to recall people from death. It belongs to Atlantis.
Ignotus’ Crown of Invisibility, an invisible crown-like object resembling peryton antlers. It belongs to Lemuria.
About the characters:
James - The Captain. He is a fun, mischievous and charismatic wizard of Lemurian origins. He is always up to no good but has the necessary natural leadership skills to make the most critical decisions quickly even in the tensest situations. He owns the ship ‘The Marauder’, which can turn invisible upon his command. His ancestors had a strong connection to perytons (large stag-bird hybrids), could call them at will, and because these beasts had the shadow of a man, people thought they were shapeshifters. The antlers can be forged to the strongest of metals possessing great power and their fur and wings are said to be the key to achieve true invisibility able to conceal its wearers so absolutely that even death itself could not find them. As perytons were prophesied to lead to the downfall of Atlantis, they were hunted to extinction supposedly. According to legends, a wizard of James’ lineage will be able to summon them again. He originally started his journey to find and secure these mythical creatures. When conveying his magic, his aura slightly changes to resemble antler motifs, prompting his nickname as “Prongs”.
Sirius - The Navigator. He is the firstborn son of an ancient wizarding family from Mu, therefore he has very powerful magical abilities, expertise in the art of combat and superior astronomical knowledge. Even though he is James’ closest and most trusted mate, who clearly possesses the necessary skills to be Quartermaster or Master Gunner, the Crew voted him unfit for those positions because of his rebellious nature, recklessness, and short temper. (Before they started sailing together as a Crew, during a full moon he decided to settle his personal disagreement with Snape by locking him in the underwater cabin they prepared for Remus. James intervened, earning him his position as the Captain.) He is very skilled in map reading and excellent at calculating the exact latitude of the ship just by observing the stars, making him the perfect Sailing Master responsible for navigating and sailing the ship flawlessly. He also has several magical tattoos to further enhance his navigation prowess. He enjoys music and pranking his fellow crew members, who like him nevertheless as he is fiercely loyal and protective of them.
Remus - The Quartermaster. He is not a wizard, but a sea monster. His mother was a selkie, who gave up her sea life willingly for her lover. Fenrir Greyback, an evil maniac obsessed with sea monsters and driven mad by siren songs, attacked and stole the seal-skin of Remus’ mother. Remus’ father, in a desperate attempt at helping his lover, offered her the skin of their son. The ritual backfired, and Remus became a selkie himself, who transforms into a sea monster every full moon. His mother never recovered and eventually disappeared. Remus has joined James’ pirate crew to find his mother and seal-skin to reunite his family, but ended up finding a new one. He’s elected as the Quartermaster of ‘The Marauder’, responsible for coordinating the ship’s day-to-day operations and discipline, dividing the shares fairly, settling disputes and acting as a representative for the Crew members when presenting their wishes to the Captain. He is very intelligent and practical, enjoys researching and is quite skilled in map reading/drawing. He is fascinated by Sirius’ expertise in navigation.
Peter - The Cook & Cooper. He is a seemingly weak and clumsy man with no magical talent. He claims he lost his right hand in an accident; others suspect it was cut off because he was caught stealing, but the truth is that he willingly sacrificed it during a ritual to gain the ability to turn into a rat. He is very resourceful, always listening to whispers and gathering all information. He serves as the Cook and the Cooper on ‘The Marauder’, spending most of his time onboard in the kitchen and food chambers, taking care of the provisions, preparing meals and making and maintaining barrels. He never fights, even when teased with being a coward. He knows every secret on the ship, making him possibly one of the most dangerous crew members, yet he maintains his helpless façade so perfectly, no one really suspects anything about him.
Lily - The Surgeon. She is a curious young lady with a passion for medical science, which she could develop while observing her father during work. Her father was a doctor, who often visited an orphanage nearby to help the monks. She met and befriended Severus there, they collected herbs and other ingredients for fun. She discovered she had magical abilities when the potions she had brewed all somehow possessed healing properties. (Severus’ potions on the other hand usually turned out to be poisonous.) Lily joined ‘The Marauder’ as the Surgeon, after James’ multiple unsuccessful attempts at recruiting her. (He made his crew to stage very elaborate emergency scenarios, which theoretically required immediate medical assistance... until one time it was not theoretical anymore.)
Severus - The Boatswain. He is an intelligent and perceptive young man, with an extraordinary talent for alchemy. His father married his mother hoping the woman could make him the richest man alive as she was the descendant of known Alchemists. However, Severus’ mother only held the Book of Magick Moste Evile as a family heirloom which couldn’t turn anything to gold. Severus was sent to an orphanage after his father killed his mother, where he met with Lily. He had learned every bit of potion making and dark magic from his mother’s book in an attempt at impressing the girl, but the better he became, the more she estranged from him. He eventually ran away from the orphanage, and lived by his wits and magic. He served as a Powder Monkey and a Cabin Boy of famous pirate captains, where he gathered remarkable sailing experience too. On ‘The Marauder’, he was appointed as the Boatswain, responsible for the general maintenance of the ship and making sure all the supplies (including gunpowder, medicine, magical ingredients) were in order. The Crew somewhat respects his abilities but dislikes him as he has a grumpy and unpleasant personality and is scarily skilled in dark magic.
Marlene - The Master Gunner. She is a no-nonsense witch of Lemurian descent, in charge of the cannons, the gunpowder, the shots and weapons of ‘The Marauder’. She is the foremost expert in the art of combat and war strategy onboard. Her family was tasked to guard the Sword of Gryffindor for centuries, unaware that it was a horcrux. The sword was forged from pure silver and is inset with rubies, said to ignite great courage in the hearts of everyone wielding it and capable to defeat all enemies. Marlene wears a necklace decorated with a large and shiny ruby, representing her brave and combative personality. The stone also enhances her fighting abilities.
Dorcas - The Carpenter. She is an easygoing girl with ancestors from Mu. Despite being loosely related to Sirius, her magic differs a lot from his. She is a fortune teller (uses cards and not the stars to predict the possibility of events), and has a natural affinity for working with wood. (A magical tree is the symbol of the eastern side of Mu, which is also tattooed on Sirius’ neck.) She works as the Carpenter, responsible for the ship's maintenance and damage control, even during battle. Her job is to reconstruct entire sections of the ship and the sails. She designed and built the underwater cabin for Remus’ transformations. She also enjoys music and is in a relationship with Marlene.
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funky-sea-cryptid · 10 months ago
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i took it upon myself to compile all the fics my wife @t-f-t and i wrote here, and make it look at least a little pretty :>
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Noli Me Tangere
rating: mature
dead dove, do not eat! remember to read the tags!
length: 210k words
status: completed (28/02/23)
Magnus Zogratis has never found solace in the extranatural. The war of his kingdom against Clover has been going for as long as he can remember, and even isolated as he is, he knows that they call him a devil. But the devils are not the enemy. The Holy is what must be denigrated, and to survive in House Zogratis, one must know who God is.
A failed paladin has few options, and a failed paladin is not human. It's a lesson the bird learns almost as soon as he's brought to life. The false god who claimed to resurrect him says that he was nothing before this, but the bird is aware this is not true. After all, if he was nothing, why is the real god haunting his dreams?
Noli me Tangere, for Caesar's I am. And wild for to hold, though I seem tame.
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The Awful Edges Where You End
rating: mature
length: 62k words
status: completed (02/06/23)
Seven years after he gained a gruesome gift that he didn’t want, Yami Sukehiro moves from a temp job in San Francisco into a broken-down estate in Maine. It’s expensive and busted to hell, but it’s a place that finally, finally seems empty.
This kind of story only goes one way.
Watch to see if the silverware has turned black. Watch to see if the table has begun to rot. If the blood from the wall starts to glisten like oil and decay, the door will be lost to you, and you will be left with nothing but your sins to contend with.
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The Blood of Both is my Limbo
rating: mature
dead dove, do not eat! remember to read the tags!
length: 210k words (as of 09/06/24)
status: incomplete (as of 09/06/24)
The Black Bulls, save their captain and vice captain, have been missing for months.
Sing praise to the Lord, you His godly ones, and give thanks to His holy name.
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Movement Tethys
rating: mature
length: 76k (as of 26/07/24)
status: incomplete (as of 26/07/24)
Witches are the only living creatures that can do magic, but power always comes in exchange for a terrible cost.
Lucius Zogratis is running from his own mortality. His son falls into a river.
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closetofstars · 8 months ago
Guys what if I was making a ghost and pals au where they're all lovecraftian gods
It's very work-in-progress I literally came up with it a few hours ago but I love the idea
Basically everyone is a lovecraftian god (who would've guessed) and Dr.Teto is researching them and the gods are all just chill with her
She also finds studies that were made by Solaria, who went insane trying to dissect the concepts of the gods and now she serves them
She also came up with titles for them, which are basically what they are or what they do (I definitely want to add more characters, but here's what I have now)
Totem of sin - Christopher Pierre
Blind man's judgement/The blind reaper - Cotard
Creature of limbo - Mai
Body of karma - Almond Albert
The sacrificial goat - Slurpee
The all-seeing knight - Culpability and the panopticon guy
The shunned prophet - Una
Temple of salvation - Say Carnes
Labyrinth of falsities - Arc Carnes
Wings of tragedy - Mothku
The false oddity - Choo Choo
The silent pierrot - Dizzy
I'll make another post explaining what they do,how some of them came to be, and how they rely on eachother
I also have another au, but it's more like an origin story for certain characters
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