#Facility Management in Deutschland
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Herausforderungen an den Facility Manager in internationalen Projekten nehmen zu!
Durch eine zunehmende Internationalisierung der globalen Wirtschaft steigen auch die Anforderungen an den Facility Manager, Projekte über Landesgrenzen hinaus erfolgreich zu leiten bzw. durchzuführen!
So sind neben hinreichenden sprachlichen Kenntnisse auch interkulturelle Kompetenzen immer wichtiger! Beispielsweise ist in einem Projekt zur Erstellung von Wartungs- und Prüfplänen für die Haus- und Gebäudetechnik in einem europäischen Portfolio neben den vorgenannten Fähigkeiten auch fundiertes Know-How aus dem (regional) jeweils anzuwendenden Regelwerk gefragt!
Erfahrungsgemäß bedarf es hier u.U. reichlicher Diskussionen dem Management zu erklären, wieso in Deutschland eine Personenaufzugsanlage alle 12 Monate durch einen Sachverständigen zu prüfen ist, in den Niederlanden alle 18 Monate und in Frankreich alle 36 Monate (!). Unbenommen hiervon sind die übergreifend anzuwendenden Anforderungen aus der DIN-EN 81–20/50 sowie die sich jeweils lokal ergebenden Vorgaben aus z.B. der Baugenehmigung sowie dem Arbeitsschutz.
Das die vorgenannte Heterogenität multinationale Ausschreibungen kostspieliger sowie komplexer werden lässt und ein Benchmarking über die jeweiligen Standorte hinweg erschwert ist dabei nur eine Konsequenz. Weitergehend sind da schon haftungsrechtlichen Konsequenzen für die Führungsverantwortlichen, welche durch den Facility Manager mittels fachlicher Kenntnisse auch anhand der jeweils vorherrschenden betrieblichen Kultur entsprechend zu kommunizieren sind.
Der-Facility-Manager Peter Schmidt bietet hier mit mehr als 20 Jahre internationaler Erfahrung aus zahlreichen Projekte gerne auch für Ihre entsprechenden Pläne Unterstützung an! Nehmen Sie Kontakt auf: [email protected]
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Top Measuring Instruments Supplier in India
A Legacy of Excellence
Kristeel’s journey began in 1973 with a simple yet powerful goal — to provide top-notch Precision Measuring instruments, engineering gauges, and tools. But their story doesn’t stop there. Over the years, they’ve expanded their horizons into manufacturing photochemical machined parts, press parts, wave solder pallets, SMT stencils, and textile machinery. Today, Kristeel calls Mumbai home and operates advanced manufacturing facilities in Mumbai, Bangalore, and Silvassa.
Crafting Precision:
What sets Kristeel apart is their unwavering dedication to precision. They’ve achieved this through investments in cutting-edge technology. At their manufacturing setups, you’ll find top-of-the-line plant and equipment imported from the USA, Italy, and Germany. This investment not only ensures accuracy but also results in cost savings.
Quality as a Way of Life:
Kristeel’s commitment to international quality standards is what keeps them at the top of their game. They aim for ‘zero’ defects and follow Total Quality Management (TQM) methods, leaving no room for error. To maintain quality at every stage, they employ a stringent Statistical Process Control System (SPCS).
International Recognition:
Kristeel’s dedication to quality has earned them recognition from the European Economic Community (EEC). Their precision measuring rules meet Class-I and II standards. Additionally, they proudly hold ISO 9001 certification from the TUV group in Süd Deutschland, Germany, and are actively implementing 6 Sigma Management practices.
Research & Development:
Kristeel’s journey is marked by their relentless pursuit of excellence through robust research and development. They continually enhance quality control, inspection processes, and machinery to remain the preferred choice in India and globally.
Supporting ‘Make in India’:
In line with the ‘Make in India’ initiative, Kristeel is setting up research and development units for textile machining and Vernier caliper tools within India, promoting domestic manufacturing.
Technology and Innovations:
Kristeel believes in staying at the forefront by investing in the latest technology and machinery upgrades. They’ve partnered with international leaders in their respective fields from Japan, the USA, Singapore, Italy, and more.
Global Reach, Local Connection:
Kristeel’s growth is a result of its sustainable development and inclusive growth approach. Their extensive network spans over 3600 customer touchpoints, including authorized dealerships, instrument and tool outlets, and dealer-appointed outlets across the country.
In conclusion, Kristeel’s journey as a Leading measuring instrument and precision tool manufacturer is characterized by their unwavering commitment to quality, dedication to innovation, and adoption of technological advancements. With a legacy of almost five decades, Kristeel continues to shape the industry, support domestic manufacturing, and contribute to India’s ‘Make in India’ initiative. Their impressive track record, international certifications, and extensive distribution network make Kristeel a trusted source for precision engineering. Whether you’re a professional in the industry or an enthusiast, Kristeel has something to offer for everyone who values precision and quality.
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Heizgeräte mieten: Warme Lösungen für kalte Wintertage
Wenn die Temperaturen sinken und die Wintermonate in vollem Gange sind, wird die Notwendigkeit für zuverlässige Heizlösungen umso dringlicher. Heizgeräte mieten ist eine praktische und flexible Option, um in kalten Zeiten für wohlige Wärme zu sorgen, sei es in Wohnräumen, Büros oder bei Veranstaltungen im Freien. In diesem Artikel erfahren Sie, warum die Miete von Heizgeräten eine intelligente Wahl ist, welche Geräte zur Verfügung stehen und wie Sie die beste Lösung für Ihre Bedürfnisse finden können.
1. Die Notwendigkeit von Heizgeräten im Winter
In vielen Regionen Deutschlands sind kalte Winter mit frostigen Temperaturen und ungemütlichem Wetter verbunden. Ein Beispiel aus der Praxis verdeutlicht, wie wichtig Heizgeräte in dieser Zeit sein können: Ein Eventplaner organisierte eine Weihnachtsfeier im Freien, doch die Temperaturen sanken unerwartet auf unter null Grad Celsius. Um sicherzustellen, dass die Gäste es warm und angenehm hatten, mietete er kurzfristig mobile Heizgeräte. Diese Entscheidung stellte sicher, dass die Feier trotz der frostigen Bedingungen ein voller Erfolg wurde.
Heizgeräte sind nicht nur für Veranstaltungen wichtig, sondern auch für Büros, Werkstätten und Wohnräume unerlässlich. Wenn die Heizungsanlage ausfällt oder nicht ausreicht, um die gewünschten Temperaturen zu erreichen, können gemietete Heizgeräte umgehend Abhilfe schaffen. Klima Mieten AS bietet eine Vielzahl von Heizlösungen, die auf die unterschiedlichen Anforderungen von Privatkunden und Unternehmen abgestimmt sind.
2. Vorteile der Miete von Heizgeräten
Die Entscheidung, Heizgeräte zu mieten, bringt zahlreiche Vorteile mit sich. Ein Facility Manager eines großen Unternehmens berichtete, dass sie in der Vergangenheit hohe Investitionen in Heizgeräte getätigt hatten, die während der wärmeren Monate ungenutzt blieben. Durch die Miete von Heizgeräten können Unternehmen jedoch flexibler auf saisonale Veränderungen reagieren.
Die wichtigsten Vorteile der Mietoption sind:
Kosteneffizienz: Anstatt hohe Investitionen in den Kauf von Geräten zu tätigen, können Unternehmen und Privatpersonen Heizgeräte mieten, wenn sie benötigt werden. Dies reduziert die finanziellen Belastungen erheblich.
Flexibilität: Die Miete ermöglicht es, die Geräte nur für die Dauer des Winterbetriebs oder bei spezifischen Heizbedarf zu nutzen. Nach Beendigung des Bedarfs können die Geräte einfach zurückgegeben werden, ohne dass langfristige Verpflichtungen bestehen.
Technischer Support: Bei der Miete sind oft Wartung und technischer Support im Service enthalten. Dies entlastet die internen Ressourcen und sorgt dafür, dass die Geräte stets optimal funktionieren.
3. Technische Details zu Heizgeräten
Bei der Auswahl eines Heizgeräts sind technische Details entscheidend. Heizgeräte arbeiten in der Regel mit unterschiedlichen Energiequellen, darunter Strom, Gas oder Öl, und sind in verschiedenen Größen und Leistungsklassen erhältlich. Klima Mieten AS bietet eine breite Palette von Heizgeräten, die je nach Anwendung ausgewählt werden sollten:
Elektroheizgeräte: Diese sind ideal für kleinere Räume und bieten eine sofortige Wärmequelle. Sie sind einfach zu bedienen und benötigen keine aufwendige Installation.
Indirekte Ölheizgeräte: Diese Geräte sind besonders effektiv für größere Räume oder Baustellen. Sie erzeugen Wärme über einen Wärmetauscher und sind in der Lage, eine große Menge an Warmluft zu produzieren.
Direkte Ölheizgeräte: Diese sind leistungsstark und eignen sich hervorragend für Heizbedarf in Werkstätten oder Baustellen, wo schnelle Wärme benötigt wird.
Gasheizgeräte: Diese Geräte sind effizient und bieten eine kostengünstige Heizlösung für große Bereiche. Sie sind besonders nützlich für Veranstaltungen oder in industriellen Anwendungen.
Ein Beispiel aus der Industrie zeigt, wie wichtig der richtige Heizgerätetyp ist: Ein Bauunternehmen, das während des Winters mit niedrigen Temperaturen zu kämpfen hatte, entschied sich, indirekte Ölheizgeräte von Klima Mieten AS zu mieten. Dies half, die Arbeitsbedingungen für die Mitarbeiter zu verbessern und die Baustelle termingerecht abzuschließen.
4. Der Mietprozess bei Klima Mieten AS
Der Prozess der Miete eines Heizgeräts bei Klima Mieten AS ist unkompliziert und schnell. Interessierte Kunden können die 24/7-Hotline unter 0800 0060193 anrufen, um sich über die verfügbaren Optionen zu informieren. Das erfahrene Team steht bereit, um die spezifischen Anforderungen zu besprechen und die am besten geeignete Lösung anzubieten.
Ein Unternehmen, das kurzfristig Heizgeräte benötigte, war beeindruckt von der Schnelligkeit und Effizienz, mit der die Geräte bereitgestellt wurden. Innerhalb weniger Stunden war das Unternehmen mit den benötigten Heizgeräten ausgestattet, und die kalten Temperaturen wurden schnell in den Griff bekommen.
5. Fazit und Call to Action
Die Entscheidung, Heizgeräte zu mieten, ist eine kluge Wahl für Unternehmen und Privatpersonen, die in den kalten Wintermonaten für ein angenehmes Raumklima sorgen möchten. Durch die einfache Verfügbarkeit und Flexibilität der Mietoptionen können alle Beteiligten sicherstellen, dass sie auf die Herausforderungen der Kälte gut vorbereitet sind.
Für alle, die auf der Suche nach effektiven Heizlösungen sind, empfiehlt es sich, Klima Mieten AS zu kontaktieren. Interessierte sollten die Hotline unter 0800 0060193 anrufen, um die besten Angebote zu besprechen und eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung für ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse zu finden.
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Jeder dritte Angriff auf cyber-physische Systeme in Deutschland verursacht Kosten von mehr als 1 Million US-Dollar, das zeigt der Report „The Global State of CPS Security 2024". Ein weiteres Problem: Im weltweiten Vergleich sind die Ausfallzeiten in Deutschland höher und das Recovery dauert wesentlich länger. Angriffe auf die cyber-physischen Systeme (CPS) von Unternehmen sind langwierig und kostenintensiv: Bei mehr als einem Viertel (27 %) der Unternehmen weltweit belaufen sich die finanziellen Auswirkungen von Cyberangriffen auf CPS auf 1 Million US-Dollar oder mehr, in Deutschland sogar bei 37 Prozent der Befragten. Auch die Ausfallzeiten liegen in Deutschland mit mehr als 7 Tagen bei 20 Prozent der Betroffenen höher als im internationalen Vergleich (9 % mit Ausfallzeiten von über einer Woche). Zu diesen Ergebnissen kommt der neue Report „The Global State of CPS Security 2024: Business Impact of Disruptions“ von Claroty. Für diesen wurden weltweit 1.100 Fachleute aus den Bereichen Informationssicherheit, OT-Engineering, (bio-) medizinische Technik sowie Facility Management und Anlagenbetrieb befragt. Ransomware verteuert die Wiederherstellungskosten Bei den Wiederherstellungskosten spielt Ransomware weiterhin eine große Rolle: Mehr als die Hälfte der Befragten weltweit (53 %) hat Lösegeldforderungen von mehr als 500.000 US-Dollar erfüllt, um den Zugang zu verschlüsselten Systemen und Dateien wiederherzustellen und so den Betrieb wieder aufnehmen zu können. In Deutschland gibt es bei den Lösegeldzahlungen eine große Schere: während ein Drittel der Opfer Lösegelder von unter 100.000 US-Dollar gezahlt hat, beliefen sich die erfüllten Forderungen bei einem weiteren Drittel auf über 5 Millionen US-Dollar. Eng verbunden mit den finanziellen Schäden sind die Auswirkungen auf den Betrieb Ein Drittel (33 %), in Deutschland sogar knapp die Hälfte (47 %) berichtet von einem ganzen Tag oder mehr Ausfallzeit, die die Produktion von Waren oder Dienstleistungen beeinträchtigte. Etwa die Hälfte (49 %) gab zudem an, dass der Wiederherstellungsprozess eine Woche oder länger dauerte, und fast ein Drittel (29 %) sagte, dass die Wiederherstellung mehr als einen Monat dauerte. Dieser ohnehin schon lange und kostspielige Zeitraum ist in Deutschland noch größer: Hier gaben zwei Drittel (67 %) der Befragten eine Ausfalldauer von mehr als einer Woche an. Bei 33 Prozent dauerte die Recovery zwischen zwei und drei Monate, bei 17 Prozent sogar noch länger. Dies ist besonders bemerkenswert, wenn man bedenkt, dass in CPS-Umgebungen, wie z. B. in Fertigungsbetrieben, die Verfügbarkeit und Betriebszeit kritischer Systeme von größter Bedeutung sind. Angriffsvektoren Drittanbieter und Fernzugriff Bei den Angriffsvektoren spielen Drittanbieter und Fernzugriff eine entscheidende Rolle. 82 Prozent der Befragten gaben an, dass mindestens ein Cyberangriff auf den Zugriff von Drittanbietern und Partnern auf die CPS-Umgebung zurückzuführen waren. Bei fast der Hälfte (45 %) liefen sogar fünf oder mehr Angriffe in den letzten 12 Monaten auf diese Weise ab. In Deutschland verzeichneten 37 Prozent der Unternehmen sogar mehr als 10 Angriffe über Drittanbieter- und Partnerzugänge. Daraus resultierte bei 30 Prozent der Befragten die Beendigung der entsprechenden Partnerbeziehung, was wiederum zu hohen Folgekosten geführt hat. Und dennoch räumen fast zwei Drittel weltweit (63 %) und gut drei Viertel in Deutschland (77 %) ein, dass sie die Konnektivität von Drittanbietern zur CPS-Umgebung nur teilweise oder gar nicht nachvollziehen können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die letzten 12 Monate für die meisten Unternehmen mit cyber-physischen Systemen sowohl disruptiv als auch kostspielig waren. Gleichzeitig gaben die Befragten aber auch ein wachsendes Vertrauen und Verbesserungen in die Risikominderungsmaßnahmen ihrer Unternehmen an. Eine Mehrheit (56 %) hat heute mehr Vertrauen in die Fähigkeit des CPS ihres Unternehmens, Cyberangriffe abzuwehren, als noch vor 12 Monaten. Fast drei Viertel (72 %) erwarten zudem in den nächsten 12 Monaten messbare Verbesserungen ihrer CPS-Sicherheit. Passende Artikel zum Thema Read the full article
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RICHTIG COOL!!! 51 #Jobbörsen für jede Branche und Zielgruppe in #Deutschland.
Viel Spaß beim Reinschauen:
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Top 10 Scholarships to study in Germany
Germany stands as one of the premier destinations for international students seeking quality education in Europe. Renowned for its top-notch universities, cutting-edge research facilities, and vibrant cultural scene, Germany offers a plethora of opportunities for students worldwide. However, pursuing higher education abroad can be financially daunting. Thankfully, numerous scholarships are available to help mitigate the costs and make studying in Germany more accessible.
Here’s a curated list of the top 10 scholarships that can pave the way for your academic journey in Germany:
DAAD Scholarships: The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers a wide range of scholarships for international students, researchers, and professionals. These scholarships cover various fields of study and academic levels, including undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs.
Erasmus+ Scholarships: Managed by the European Commission, the Erasmus+ program provides scholarships for students from EU and partner countries to study in Germany and other European countries. It supports mobility for both short-term exchanges and full-degree programs.
Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Scholarship): Funded by the German government and private donors, the Deutschlandstipendium provides financial assistance to high-achieving and socially engaged students, regardless of their nationality or background.
Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarships: This foundation offers scholarships for international students pursuing undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees in Germany. Preference is given to candidates demonstrating a strong commitment to environmental and social justice issues.
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarships: The Friedrich Ebert Foundation provides scholarships for international students with outstanding academic and social credentials. It supports students from developing countries as well as Eastern European countries.
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarships: Catering primarily to master’s and doctoral students, this scholarship program supports individuals committed to political and social involvement. It emphasises the promotion of democracy, rule of law, and human rights.
Humboldt Foundation Scholarships: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers scholarships for postdoctoral researchers and experienced academics from around the world. These scholarships enable recipients to conduct research at universities and research institutions in Germany.
Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS) Scholarships: Targeting doctoral candidates from Africa, BIGSAS provides scholarships for interdisciplinary research on Africa. The program focuses on the humanities and social sciences.
Deutschland Stipendium Law Scholarships: Specifically tailored for law students, this scholarship program supports outstanding individuals pursuing a degree in law at a German university. It aims to foster excellence in legal studies and practice.
RWTH International Academy Scholarships: RWTH Aachen University offers scholarships for international students enrolled in its engineering and technology programs. These scholarships aim to attract talented individuals and promote diversity in the university’s student body.
Each of these scholarships has its eligibility criteria, application procedures, and deadlines. It’s essential to thoroughly research and understand the requirements before applying. Additionally, demonstrating academic excellence, leadership qualities, and a strong commitment to your field of study can significantly enhance your chances of securing these scholarships.
Studying in Germany is not only a gateway to world-class education but also an enriching cultural experience. With the support of these scholarships, you can embark on an exciting academic journey in one of Europe’s most dynamic and innovative countries. Seize the opportunity, chase your dreams, and let Germany be the platform for your academic and professional success.
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Abdeckung des Fachkräftemangels in Deutschland durch Akademie in Kirgisistan
Monheim/Kirgisistan. Eine neue Lösung zur Bewältigung des anhaltenden Fachkräftemangels in Deutschland zeichnet sich ab, als die Akademie des PROMA Facility Management GmbH in Kirgisistan 2021 ihre Pforten öffnete. Nach dem erfolgreichen Erwerb der Zertifizierungen für verschiedene Module im Jahr 2022 hat sich die Akademie insbesondere auf Branchen wie Gastronomie, Hotellerie und Industrie spezialisiert. Der Clou dabei: Die Möglichkeit, vor Ort Schulungen zu erhalten.
Mit etwa 800 Studierenden, die sich auf Servicebereiche konzentrieren, bietet die Akademie eine fundierte Ausbildung. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf dem Erlernen der deutschen Sprache, wobei das Ziel mindestens das Sprachniveau B1 ist, um die Mindestanforderungen für eine Arbeitstätigkeit in Deutschland zu erfüllen.
Diese Initiative ermöglicht es ab sofort Saisonarbeitskräften sowie Langzeitbeschäftigten, in Deutschland ihre Arbeit aufzunehmen. Dadurch wird direkt am Herzen des Fachkräftemangels angesetzt und eine Lösung geschaffen, um den Mangel an qualifizierten Arbeitskräften zu mildern. Diese innovative Initiative aus Kirgisistan könnte somit einen bedeutsamen Beitrag zur Deckung des Fachkräftemangels in Deutschland leisten.
Für weitere Informationen und Anfragen steht die PROMA Facility Management GmbH zur Verfügung:
Kontakt: Telefon: 0209 - 3897 3737 Adresse: Mittel Str. 11-13 40789 Monheim am Rhein E-Mail: [email protected]
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MBN Bau GmbH bieten Ihnen das beste Facility Management in Deutschland, um die Funktionsfähigkeit und den Wert Ihrer Immobilie zu sichern. Als mittelständisches Bau- und Immobilienunternehmen in Deutschland bietet MBN Bau GmbH das beste Angebot an Bauleistungen.
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Miami Locksmith Services.
All innocent things in vibrancy come at a price. Or suitably is it said. However we take going on on hat where locksmiths are concerned, this has not to be the conflict. Cheap locksmiths are not cheap in the quirk they comport yourself or the way they go as regards making keys. It is just that these locksmiths stroke much less and therefore often drop prey to suspicion. We proclamation you will that affordable should be a second say to all locksmith assign support to to hand. There is no reduction in hiring a locksmith who charges you a very high loan. Hence cheap locksmiths, affordable and reasonably priced that they are, are a much improved another easily reached to the therefore called costlier locksmiths.
Cheap locksmiths are often looked regarding speaking taking into account suspicion. Cheap locksmiths, however fine they might be, often fail to get your hands on the gleam of reply in the support requirer's eyes. Cheap locksmith facilities be anxious from the painful of ample, ironically. Cheap locksmiths, preferably called affordable locksmiths, Schlüsseldienst München as the say suggests, are reasonable. An antique adage goes that all in the world comes for a price. Well locksmith facilities are no exception to this. What we are maxim is so that locksmith facilities, fine locksmith facilities, often are deeply less costly.
Cheap locksmiths, the world future than are regarded to be just that, cheap locksmiths. Cheap locksmiths have to handle the most delicate locks of some of the most prized cars, houses, bungalows etc. Cheap locksmiths the world on peak of are regarded to be masters at their tricky and often boring do something. Cheap locksmiths build up permitted bangs for their buck in the admission they acquire. Cheap locksmiths guarantee you the best treatment to your car and the beatific pardon of make miserable of creature locked out of it. Even even if they be sprightly hence much, and handle all their operate following therefore much care, cheap locksmiths are often ridiculed and called stage pronounce 'cheap'.
Finally, and sadly, there are many locksmiths out there who are not licensed locksmiths. Many become outdated these unlicensed locksmiths who are often with inexperienced, highly sloppy and conveniently call themselves "locksmiths" are simply bothersome to earn as much maintenance as realizable. These locksmiths therefore will meet the expense of deleterious and altogether misguided advice. Most of the get older, these people attain not have any concrete experience in locksmith facilities. They as well as lack training in the security industry. They are often very selfish individuals. These are not cheap locksmiths. These are not locksmiths at all. Cheap locksmiths manage to pay for the same services offered by appendage locksmiths, but at a much lesser rate. We pick to call these locksmiths, reasonably priced locksmiths or discount locksmiths rather than us calling them cheap locksmiths and hence degrading them.
There should be a word of reprove though. There are many touts posing to be locksmiths, who affirmation to prosecution you just a fraction of what he appendage locksmiths are charging you. The main direct of these thus called 'cheap locksmiths' is to enter your habitat and promote you of your valuables. Hence you should receive care and verify the license of the locksmith appreciation to him by the local governing body to be doubly certain.
Business Name: Schlüsseldienst München St
Address: Feldkirchener Str. 10, 81929 München, Deutschland Phone Number: 089 71688415
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Mehrwerte schaffen durch Planungs- und Baubegleitendes Facility Management. Denn nur in der Planungsphase können Sie die Kostenentwicklung wirklich kontrollieren!
Viele große Bauprojekte in Deutschland leisten sich nach wie den Luxus, auf die praktischen Erfahrungen und Expertise aus dem technischen Gebäudebetrieb zu verzichten. Meistens steht die schnelle und preisgünstige Erstellung des Projekts im Fokus. Dabei wird leider immer noch übersehen, dass Bau- und Erstellungskosten im Lebenszyklus einer Immobilie nur ca. 20% im Vergleich zu den 80% der sich anschließenden Betriebskosten ausmachen!
Einer der größten Kostenblöcke im Betrieb der Immobilie sind u.a. die technische Instandhaltung, die Unterhaltsreinigung sowie die Betriebskosten für Energie. Durch die Integration eines erfahrenen Facility Managers in die Bauplanung gelingt es, auch die Betriebskosten bei der Auswahl von Materialien und technischen Anlagen zu identifizieren. Dies führt zu einer erheblichen Kosteneinsparung im späteren Betrieb. Denn die Planungsphase ist die letzte Phase im Lebenszyklus einer Immobilie, in der noch Einfluss auf die Kostenentwicklung besteht.
Die Erfahrungen aus dem Gebäudebetrieb lassen sich dabei in der Praxis recht simpel in die Planungs- und Ausführungsphasen integrieren: Durch eine Integration des Facility Manager in das Bauprojektteam kann das Know-How sowie (umfassende) Erfahrungen aus dem täglichen Betreiben von Immobilien nachhaltig mit in den Planungsprozess eingebracht werden. Die Ergebnisse sind dabei ein wartungs- und instandhaltungsfreundlicher Objektbetrieb, ein kostengünstigeres Betreiben, auch in energetischer Sicht, sowie eine deutlich strukturiertere Inbetriebnahme des (Neu-)Bauprojekts gegeben. Weitere angenehme “Begleiterscheinungen” sind:
· eine verbesserte Objekt-Dokumentation, auch hinsichtlich des Gewährleistungsmanagement,
· die Integration einer Ressource im Bauprojektteam für alle Fragestellungen bezüglich Wartung, Prüfungen, Inspektionen, Instandhaltung, Instandsetzung, Dienstleistungen für den späteren Objektbetrieb wie z.B. Hausmeister, Haustechniker, Unterhaltsreinigung, Bewachung, etc.
· optimierte innerbetriebliche Logistikprozesse (Ver- und Entsorgung, horizontale und vertikale Erschließung, Stoffstrommanagement, etc.) sowie
· eine vertiefte Implementierung von arbeitsschutztechnischen Aspekten.
In der Digitalisierung des Immobilienbetriebs (Stichworte BIM, CAFM, CREM) kann der Facility Manager die Planungs- und Ausführungsdokumentation mit der technischen, kaufmännischen und infrastrukturellen Betriebsdokumentation zusammenführen. Hierdurch entfallen Schnittstellen und es kommt zu einem umbruchfreien Informationsmanagement. Der Facility Manager fungiert dabei in der Rolle des Projektleiters für die Implementierung von möglichen Datenbanken, beginnend mit der Planung bis zum sich anschließenden Objektbetrieb.
Weitere Argumente für die frühzeitige Einbindung eines Facility Managers in die Bauprojektierung sind:
· die Absicherung einer besseren Datenqualität für den nachfolgenden Betrieb,
· ein sich lückenlos anschließendes Gewährleistungsmanagement,
· die Schaffung von Strukturen und Prozessen zum Nachkommen der Betreiberverantwortung,
· die Integration von Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten in das Projekt,
· Bei Bedarf die Implementierung von Zertifizierungen wie z.B. DGNB, BREEAM, LEED, etc.
· ein qualitativ besseres Baukonzept.
Zusammengefasst werden durch die Integration eines Facility Managers in das Bauprojekt qualitativ hochwertige(re) Immobilen erstellt und der sich anschließende (technische, infrastrukturelle und kaufmännische) Objektbetrieb optimiert.
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Taskmaster is a mysterious figure believed to have been born in Bronx, New York City. He has the ability to mimic the physical movements of anyone he witnesses; writers differ on whether this counts as a "super power". He claims that he has had this ability since childhood. He works as a combat instructor and trains others to become lackeys for other villains by utilizing the techniques he has learned from his observation of superheroes and participates in mercenary jobs from time to time. Initially portrayed as a villain, he has also been shown training U.S. Agent and other neophyte superheroes at the behest of the US government. As a mercenary, he has no ideology except that of his employer. Due to his ability to imitate the techniques and armory of other heroes and villains, Taskmaster has occasionally been used to impersonate other characters.
Tony Masters first demonstrated unusual abilities during childhood. After watching a cowboy show on television, he found himself able to duplicate the sophisticated rope tricks he had just watched the cowboy perform. Psychiatrists, called in at the mother's request, determined that the boy had a form of photographic memory which they called "photographic reflexes". He employed his power several times during his youth for personal gain, most notably when he became a star quarterback of his high school football team after watching one pro football game. Upon graduation, he briefly considered a career as a crime fighter, but opted instead to be a professional criminal, which he perceived to be far more lucrative.[6]
He then began a program of observing the fighting techniques of numerous costumed heroes and villains (using archival television news broadcasts). He initially used his fighting skills to execute several successful grand larcenies, but he had not properly anticipated the dangers involved. He decided to use his stolen capital to establish a center for training aspiring criminals to turn into polished professionals. His goal was to become a supplier for criminal organizations around the world.
Designing a costume with a white cowl and skull mask, he took the name "Taskmaster" and began to train many thugs at criminal academies he had located around the United States. However, his existence was eventually revealed when Pernell Solomon of the Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane (a front for one of these academies) used the school's resources to create a clone of himself when the administrator required an organ donation due to possessing an extremely rare blood type; the clone (learning of this fate) managed to contact the Avengers. Taskmaster captured Yellowjacket, the Wasp and Ant-Man when the Avengers invaded the premises;[7] but the Avengers followed, exposing his front operation. Taskmaster held his own against Captain America and Iron Man, however, was subsequently forced to flee after a confrontation with Jocasta since his lack of experience with Jocasta's abilities made it impossible to predict the robot's next move.[6] Taskmaster later established a new training academy in Manhattan, where he battled Spider-Man and Ant-Man, and then escaped.[8] He later used a traveling carnival as a mobile base, where he battled Hawkeye and Ant-Man, and then escaped again.[9] He next trained henchmen for the Black Abbott. Alongside Black Abbott, he battled Spider-Man and Nomad, and escaped yet again.[10]
Deciding to further explore the use of a circus as a front for his academy, Taskmaster took over yet another small outfit, and used it for many months to great success. However, while it was playing a small town in Ohio, the Thing and Vance Astrovik (who would later take the name Justice) assisted a government agent in foiling Taskmaster's activities. While escaping, Taskmaster was captured by a group of U.S. Secret Service agents and taken into custody.[11] There is reason to believe that Red Skull was behind the Taskmaster's capture, since a group of normal men were able to capture him.[citation needed] Through Douglas Rockwell (the head of the President's Commission on Superhuman Activities), Mr. Smith arranged for Taskmaster to train John Walker in order to make him appear to be the real Captain America.[12] In order to conceal Red Skull's involvement, Rockwell had the Commission work out a deal to have years taken off Taskmaster's sentence in return for training Walker. After Taskmaster successfully trained Walker, Red Skull arranged for him to escape from the Commission's detention center so he could continue training lackeys and Red Skull himself.[volume & issue needed]
Having escaped the authorities, he set up a base in a derelict graveyard in Brooklyn, where he battled Spider-Man and then escaped.[13] Taskmaster then competed in a contest against Tombstone, where he battled Daredevil and the Punisher.[14]
Taskmaster's more skilled, successful, and notable students include such characters as Crossbones and Cutthroat (both Red Skull's henchmen), U.S. Agent, Hauptmann Deutschland, Diamondback (Captain America's one-time girlfriend), Spymaster, Spider-Woman, and Agent X. On the other hand, Taskmaster also trains many of his students to serve as low-rent henchmen and cannon fodder. In his early appearances, Taskmaster mentions putting intellect-reducing drugs in the diet of his students. He also routinely sent groups of his more disappointing students to serve as "sparring partners" for Red Skull, routinely engaging several of them at a time and killing them all (Hauptmann Deutschland infiltrated the academy and used one such session as an opportunity to kidnap Red Skull). He has also employed other supervillains, such as when he hired Anaconda as his academy's calisthenics instructor.[volume & issue needed]
On another occasion, Taskmaster was hired by the Triune Understanding—a religious group secretly masterminding a smear campaign to paint the Avengers as being religiously and racially intolerant—to stage an attack on a Triune facility. Posing as Captain America, he contacted Warbird, Ant-Man, Silverclaw and Captain Marvel, claiming that he needed their help to destroy a Triune building containing a mind-control machine. Although they saw through his deception and subsequently defeated him—thanks to Captain Marvel transforming into Rick Jones mere milliseconds away from Taskmaster, thus causing a complete change of attack before Taskmaster could react—the building was destroyed in the ensuing battle and Taskmaster escaped, leaving the heroes lacking any evidence of their story.[15]
Taskmaster continued to train numerous villains and thugs until the Avengers began to search out and shut down some of his academies across the United States. Taskmaster began to spend more time working as a mercenary in order to make up for the loss of profit. This led him to join Agency X at the behest of his love interest Sandi Brandenberg, in missions from time to time, while continuing to teach at his academies around the world. More recently, Taskmaster is once again seen as a hired mercenary, contracted by the Committee to kill Moon Knight (Marc Spector). Taskmaster was misled with information that Moon Knight was broken, friendless and desiring death. During the conflict these factors all proved to be false as Marc's ex-girlfriend and butler came to Spector's defense and found the will to fight back. Despite his superior fighting abilities, Taskmaster was defeated. Moon Knight then carved off part of Taskmaster's facemask, though left him alive.[16]
Taskmaster also worked at training henchmen to copy fighting styles of specific heroes. Taskmaster unleashed Deathshield (trained to fight like Captain America), Jagged Bow (trained to fight like Hawkeye), and Blood Spider (trained to fight like Spider-Man) to face off against Spider-Man and Solo. The three were defeated, while Taskmaster escaped yet again.[17]
When the "Civil War" broke out, Taskmaster was hired by the government and enrolled into a team of Thunderbolts and given temporary amnesty to take down the Secret Avengers.[18] He later battles the Secret Avengers in New York. He attempts to kill Susan "Sue" Storm, only for Reed Richards to take the bullet. Enraged, Sue crushes him with an invisible telekinetic field, rendering him unconscious.[19] He was sent to the Negative Zone Prison with the other "Major-League" members of the Thunderbolts army such as Lady Deathstrike,[volume & issue needed] but was apparently freed by Deadpool.[20] In order to regain his own reputation as a mercenary, Deadpool frees Taskmaster from his imprisonment to have a showdown with him while potential merc contractors watched from their captive position in a nearby prison. Taskmaster is again referred to as Tasky by Deadpool, and a fight ensues between him and the manacled Deadpool. He mentions his professional ethics, but this simply comes down to deciding to simply maim his opponent rather than kill him. In the end, he is defeated by Deadpool who, in spite of the victory, fails to impress his captive audience. After being thanked for letting him win, Taskmaster tells Deadpool that he had not let him win, "The truth is... You're that good. You've always been that good. Which won't get you a cup of coffee until you figure out how to be a professional..."[21] Taskmaster was given a full presidential pardon for his efforts in testing the security of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, in which he was able to break in and place Deputy Director Maria Hill in his sights. Though he was allowed to leave, a threatening message left in Hill's private bathroom revealed that if he ever desired, infiltrating S.H.I.E.L.D. would be no difficult feat.[volume & issue needed]
Taskmaster replaces Gauntlet as Camp Hammond's drill instructor and is tasked with training registered superheroes for the Fifty State Initiative. Taskmaster would also be involved in MVP's cloning process inputting (via technology) the original's move set for the Scarlet Spiders as well as the move set of Spider-Man.[22]
Taskmaster is hired by Deadpool to help his old enemy and occasional friend defeat the Thunderbolts. Being disguised as Deadpool, he gets captured and is about to be beheaded when the real Deadpool saves him. Deadpool finally pays him, but he expresses annoyance at being paid from an ATM due to his major villain status.[23]
During the "Dark Reign" storyline, Taskmaster is chosen to lead the Shadow Initiative after the Skrull invasion, with their first mission to take down Hardball's HYDRA cell in Madripoor.[24] Along with Constrictor, Bengal, Typhoid Mary and Komodo, Taskmaster stealthily leads the group into the country, but they are soon discovered by HYDRA.[25] Norman Osborn appoints Taskmaster to train criminals for the new Initiative, to behave like heroes. His first task is to retrain Penance.[26] Also, when Blastaar takes control of the Negative Zone prison 42, Taskmaster is ordered to lead a squad to take the prison back.[27] Later, he gives Night Thrasher a severe bullet wound to the head, allowing Osborn to take Night Thrasher prisoner.[28] When Emma Frost and Namor resign from the Cabal, Taskmaster is offered membership.[29] Taskmaster was present at a meeting when Osborn discusses about Asgard.[30][31] He is severely wounded at the meeting as a result of an attack by Doctor Doom. While recovering in a hospital, Taskmaster declined to join the Cabal. Osborn cut the oxygen tank next to Taskmaster's bed, reminding him that it was Osborn who plucked him from obscurity. Taskmaster then agrees to join in the siege of Asgard.[29] During the battle, he fights with both versions of Captain America (Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes).[32] As Asgard falls, Taskmaster finds Constrictor and the two beat a hasty retreat, but not before Taskmaster taunts Osborn about how Taskmaster helped Deadpool. After Osborn's defeat by Captain America and Iron Man, Taskmaster and Constrictor went back to mercenary work.[33]
A false rumor is spread that Taskmaster is leaking information about the criminal underworld to Rogers's new 'heroic' regime. A bounty of $1,000,000,000 is placed on the Taskmaster's head by the mysterious Org. The hordes of AIM, HYDRA, the Secret Empire, ULTIMATUM, the Cyber Ninjas, the Black Choppers, the Trenchcoat Mafia, the Legions of the Living Lightning, the Militiamen, the Sons of the Serpent, and the Inquisition take up the chase to claim the money. Taskmaster, ambushed in a small diner, manages to best his opponents. But the diner's waitress, Mercedes Merced, gets entangled in the saga and is included in the bounty. Taskmaster reveals to Mercedes that his powers cause him to lose his explicit memory, meaning that he cannot remember anything about his personal life, and the only way for the whole ordeal to be over is to re-discover Taskmaster's origins.[34] Taskmaster and Mercedes' quest takes them to Mexico to battle the Don of the Dead,[35] and then to Bolivia to the village where everyone is Hitler. Inside an exact replica of Himmler's Wewelsburg Castle, Taskmaster regains his memories. He remembers being S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Tony Masters that had been sent to Bolivia to terminate Horst Gorscht, the Nazi scientist responsible for a corrupted version of the super-soldier serum. Gorscht had developed a new serum that could unlock the mind's potential to absorb knowledge instantaneously. With Gorscht's serum and test notes destroyed, Masters injected the last of the serum into himself. Having regained these memories, Taskmaster recognizes Mercedes' voice as being the same as 'The Hub', a mysterious voice who works for the Org. Taskmaster shoots Mercedes in the shoulder and threatens to kill her if she doesn't start talking. Mercedes reveals that the Org is a S.H.I.E.L.D. front, and that she is not only an agent, but also Taskmaster's wife. Miles above the Wewelsburg castle in an airship, the Minions' International Liberation Front (a secret group composed of henchmen from all of the major terrorist organizations), led by Redshirt the Uber-Henchman, reveal their deception and plot to rule the criminal underground by using Taskmaster to lead them straight to the Org.[1] Redshirt leads the Minions' International Liberation Front (or the acronym MILF for short) into battle against the Taskmaster and Mercedes. Mercedes convinces the Taskmaster to trust her and work together to fend off the forces of MILF. During the battle, Taskmaster regains his memories of Mercedes and how he fell in love with her. Before they can reconcile, Taskmaster is attacked from behind by Redshirt who has genetically altered his body and mastered superior fighting skills to those of Taskmaster. Redshirt gains the upper hand as the pair push each other to the limits. Mercedes tries to intervene to protect her husband, but is quickly and effortlessly cast to one side. Enraged, Taskmaster attacks Redshirt and delivers a killing blow using Redshirt's own fighting style (which causes Taskmaster to lose his memories once more). Taskmaster, not recognizing Mercedes or his reasons for being there, flees and leaves Mercedes alone once more.[volume & issue needed]
Avengers Academy student Finesse later seeks out Taskmaster, thinking that he may be her long-lost father. When she finds Taskmaster, Finesse ends up sparring with him. After much sparring, Taskmaster finally relents to tell Finesse that he very well might be her father, but that the powers to learn so much about others’ movements and techniques have caused him to forget important things in life. Knowing he likely will not remember the conversation in a couple days, Taskmaster tells Finesse that he wanted to fight her so he might remember her.[36]
During the 2011 "Fear Itself" storyline, Taskmaster comes to the aid of Alpha Flight when it comes to forming a resistance against the Unity Party that was formed by Master of the World.[37]
In order for the Masters of Evil to obtain the Crown of Wolves for the Shadow Council, Max Fury hired Taskmaster to retrieve it only for Taskmaster to demand more money for the job and he hid in the Hole. The Secret Avengers went to the Hole in order to get the Crown of Wolves before Fury got his hands on it. This led to a fight between Taskmaster and Agent Venom.[38] However, Taskmaster escaped and returned the crown to Fury, only for Max to apparently kill Taskmaster when he asks for payment. When the crown's effects don't function for Max, Taskmaster takes the crown for himself, which saves his life by making him the Avatar for the Abyss.[39] As the Abyss spreads, the Secret Avengers members Venom and Ant-Man are able to remove the crown and stop the spread, while Taskmaster and the Masters of Evil are left behind when the Avengers leave with Max in their custody.[40]
The criminals of Bagalia imprison Taskmaster and are preparing to offer him up to the highest bidder. S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Secret Avengers come to rescue him and offer him a position. As their inside man, Taskmaster is part of the new High Council of A.I.M. as the Minister of Defense.[41] Mockingbird later goes to A.I.M. Island to assist Taskmaster in helping make contact between the Iron Patriot A.I. drones and James Rhodes.[42] After the mission goes south and Mockingbird is left stranded on AIM Island,[volume & issue needed] Taskmaster works undercover to free her.[volume & issue needed] But when he gets the chance to get her off the island, she doesn't respond to anything he says until both are captured. While being interrogated, Taskmaster is shot and seemingly killed by Mockingbird apparently under the control of Scientist Supreme (Andrew Forson).[43] However, Mentallo discovered that Mockingbird purposely missed any vitals and Taskmaster survived.[44]
At the time when Captain America was brainwashed into being a Hydra sleeper agent by Red Skull's clone using the powers of Kobik, Taskmaster later relocated to Bagalia where he became its sheriff.[45]
When Taskmaster and Black Ant (Eric O'Grady's Life Model Decoy counterpart) found out what was done to Captain America to be made into a Hydra sleeper agent, they planned to have a parley with Maria Hill to discuss this with only for the new Madame Hydra (Elisa Sinclair) to get to them first.[46] Impressed with the fighting skills of the two of them, Madame Hydra made them bodyguards.[47]
During the "Secret Empire" storyline, Taskmaster appears as a member of Hydra's Avengers.[48] During the battle in Washington DC, Taskmaster and Black Ant witness their teammate Odinson having enough of working for Hydra and striking them down. The two of them defect from Hydra and free the captive Champions. When Taskmaster and Black Ant asks for them to put in a good word for them, Spider-Man webs them up anyway.[49]
Taskmaster and Black Ant later attack Empire State University where Dr. Curt Connors was teaching a class. As the inhibitor chip prevents Connors into turning into Lizard, Peter Parker sneaks off to become Spider-Man. During his fight with Black Ant and Taskmaster, Spider-Man is exposed to the Isotope Genome Accelerator that splits him from his Peter Parker side.[50]
In a prelude to "Hunted", Taskmaster and Black Ant work with Kraven the Hunter and Arcade in capturing some animal-themed characters for his upcoming hunt.[51] Black Ant and Taskmaster are talking about the Hunt. Taskmaster betrays Black Ant saying that Black Ant is an animal-themed villain and tasers Black Ant to get more money.[52] Lizard finds Taskmaster at the Pop-Up with No Name. Lizard proceeds to poisons him by slipping a poison into her beer. Lizard offers Taskmaster the antidote if he can take Lizard to Central Park. While traveling there, Lizard and Taskmaster defeat Vermin, freeing innocent bystanders. Taskmaster helps put a taser chip in Lizard's body, and takes him to Arcade.[53] Taskmaster frees Lizard from his binds and Lizard tells Taskmaster that the poison will wear off in 24 hours.[54] Taskmaster makes off with Black Ant before Yellowjacket, Human Fly, Razorback, Toad, and White Rabbit can take revenge on him. As they leave, Taskmaster states that Black Ant would've done the same for him. When Black Ant asks "Do you mean the betrayal part or the rescue part?" All Taskmaster can say is "yeah!"[55]
During the "King in Black" storyline, Taskmaster is among the villains recruited by Mayor Wilson Fisk to be part of his Thunderbolts at the time of Knull's invasion. While having argued with Mister Fear over who was the first villain to wear a skull mask, Taskmaster becomes the de facto field leader of the group. Following the deaths of Ampere and Snakehead, Taskmaster couldn't stop Rhino from walking off and tells the remaining members not to help the Manhattan Defenders. He and the Thunderbolts arrive at Ravencroft to meet with Norman Osborn who Mayor Fisk claims can help them defeat Knull.[56]
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NIS2-Direktive: 6 Tipps zur Umsetzung in Unternehmen
Die EU-NIS2-Direktive verpflichtet bald viele Unternehmen dazu, höhere Cybersicherheitsstandards zu erfüllen - im Oktober 2024 soll das Gesetz schon fertig sein. Was müssen Security-Verantwortliche jetzt beachten? Wie bewältigen die IT-Teams die zusätzlichen Aufgaben? Und inwieweit können Information Security Management Systeme (ISMS) helfen? indevis kennt die drängendsten Fragen und hat die passenden Tipps. Die EU-Richtlinie NIS2 hat ein klares Ziel: die Widerstandsfähigkeit und Reaktionsfähigkeit gegenüber Cyberbedrohungen zu stärken. In Deutschland könnten 27.000 Unternehmen von den neuen Regelungen betroffen sein – eine Verzehnfachung der bisher in den KRITIS-Bereich fallenden Unternehmen. Das deutsche Umsetzungsgesetz befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung. Gesetz: Festschreibung Im Oktober 2024 Derzeit liegt der dritte Referentenentwurf aus dem Herbst 2023 vor, und ein vierter wird noch im Frühjahr erwartet. Bis zum 17. Oktober 2024 soll das Gesetz festgeschrieben sein. Alle betroffenen Institutionen sind dann verpflichtet, eine Reihe an Cyber-Security-Maßnahmen umzusetzen. Wie können sich die deutschen Betriebe adäquat darauf vorbereiten? EU-NIS2-Tipp 1: Starten Sie jetzt Überprüfen Sie zunächst, ob Ihr Unternehmen von der NIS2-Richtlinie betroffen ist. Spielen Ihre Produkte oder Dienstleistungen eine wichtige Rolle für die europäische Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft? Wenn ja, gilt die Richtlinie für Unternehmen mit mehr als 50 Mitarbeitern und einem Umsatz von über zehn Millionen Euro. Prüfen Sie auch, ob die Firma zu den kritischen Sektoren gemäß Anhang 1 oder Anhang 2 der Richtlinie gehört, und informieren Sie sich genauer darüber, ob die Sicherheitssysteme Ihres Unternehmens den Anforderungen von NIS2 entsprechen müssen. Falls ja, gibt es gezielte Maßnahmen, um sich vorzubereiten – denn die Sanktionen reichen hier bis zur Geschäftsführerhaftung. EU-NIS2-Tipp 2: Etablieren Sie ein Information Security Management System Von der Geschäftsführung eingesetzt, ist die Aufgabe eines Informationssicherheitsbeauftragten (ISB), ein entsprechendes Informationssicherheitsmanagementsystem (ISMS) einzuführen. Er arbeitet in der Regel nicht allein, sondern wird von verschiedenen Abteilungen unterstützt. Geeignete Kandidaten für sein Team sind Datenschutz- und Qualitätsmanagementbeauftragte sowie Vertreter aus Personalwesen, Facility Management, Einkauf oder der IT. Der ISB kann auch extern rekrutiert werden, insbesondere wenn vorhandenes Personal bereits vollumfänglich in das Tagesgeschäft eingebunden ist. EU-NIS2-Tipp 3: Wie sieht ein wirkungsvolles ISMS aus? Es folgt dem Best Practice-Ansatz und basiert auf bewährten Verfahren und international anerkannten Standards wie der ISO 27001. Obwohl eine Zertifizierung nach dieser Norm derzeit nicht zwingend erforderlich ist, ist es ratsam, sich auf zukünftige Anforderungen vorzubereiten. Neben der ISO 27001 gibt es auch branchenspezifische Sicherheitsstandards, die ähnliche Ziele setzen und speziell auf die Anforderungen bestimmter Branchen und deren Kritikalität zugeschnitten sind. Zusätzlich bieten Richtlinien wie die ISO 27002 und das BSI-Grundschutzkompendium praktische Anleitungen und Ressourcen zur Unterstützung bei der Implementierung. EU-NIS2-Tipp 4: Sehen Sie es als Prozess, nicht als Projekt Der Prozess, ein ISMS aufzubauen, folgt einem iterativen Ansatz, der als Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) bekannt ist. Zu Beginn werden Ziele festgelegt, eine Sicherheitsorganisation gebildet und Risikoanalysen durchgeführt. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen werden Maßnahmen ergriffen und dokumentiert. Interne Audits dienen dazu, den Fortschritt zu überprüfen. Ein Managementreview bewertet die Zielerreichung sowie die Wirksamkeit des ISMS. Der ISB spielt hierbei eine Schlüsselrolle und arbeitet eng mit der Geschäftsführung zusammen, um das ISMS kontinuierlich zu verbessern und den Reifegrad im Laufe der Zeit zu steigern. EU-NIS2-Tipp 5: Geschäftskontinuität sicherstellen Zudem sollten Sie für den Fall eines Cyberangriffs vorsorgen und vorab Verantwortlichkeiten definieren. Denn wenn Sie unter die NIS2-Richtlinie fallen, müssen Vorfälle an das BSI gemeldet werden. Dementsprechend sind gerade Werkzeuge, um Cyberangriffe frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu bekämpfen zentral, um die Resilienz der IT-Infrastruktur zu erhöhen. So lässt sich Schaden minimieren. Betriebe, die hier gut aufgestellt sind, steigern zudem ihren Wert. EU-NIS2-Tipp 6: Holen Sie sich Unterstützung Wenn Unternehmen Hilfe brauchen, sollten sie nicht zögern, externe Dienstleister hinzuzuziehen. Die Experten unterstützen in allen Phasen dabei, die Anforderungen von NIS2 zu erfüllen. Sie helfen, Auswirkungen zu klären, Verantwortlichkeiten festzulegen und maßgeschneiderte Schulungsprogramme für Mitarbeiter zu entwickeln. Außerdem stehen sie Unternehmen mit Rat und Tat und Tools zur Bedrohungsanalyse zur Seite, um Angriffe zu erkennen und Vorfälle zu verwalten, damit diese frühestmöglich reagieren können. Fazit: NIS2-Anforderungen als Chance Auch wenn ein Unternehmen nicht direkt von NIS2 betroffen ist, muss es dennoch bestimmte Standards einhalten, um Cyberangriffen etwas entgegenzusetzen. Sind die NIS2-Anforderungen umgesetzt und ist ein ISMS implementiert sichert das die Geschäftskontinuität. Die Maßnahmen eröffnen auch die Gelegenheit, Schwachstellen zu identifizieren und das Unternehmen sowie seine Lieferkette resilienter zu machen. Auf diese Weise stärkt NIS2 die Cybersecurity und mit ihr die Wirtschaft in ganz Europa. Über indevis Die nach der internationalen Norm ISO/IEC 27001 zertifizierte indevis IT-Consulting and Solutions GmbH ist einer von Deutschlands führenden Managed Security Service Providern (MSSP) mit Services, die sowohl cloudbasiert als auch On Premises sind. Bereits seit über 20 Jahren setzt das Unternehmen Sicherheitsstandards in der Informationstechnologie und stellt für Kunden jeder Größe und Branche passende IT-Sicherheits-, Netzwerk- und Datacenterlösungen bereit. Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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Logistikimmobilien: Four Parx setzt bei „Mach2“ auf digitalen Betrieb
Logistikimmobilien: Four Parx setzt bei „Mach2“ auf digitalen Betrieb
Der Projektentwickler Four Parx setzt beim digitalen Facility Management von „Mach2“, eine der ersten doppelstöckigen Gewerbe- und Logistikimmobilien in Deutschland, auf die Lösung von qprem qualified premises. …. mehr lesen: E-Commerce Magazin (Quelle)
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The Peripheral Vascular Devices Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.9% from 2021 to 2028 to reach $12.02 billion by 2028.
The growing prevalence of vascular diseases, increasing prevalence of secondary risk factors associated with the development of vascular diseases such as diabetes, obesity, disease-causing lifestyles, and old age, and the rising demand for minimally invasive treatment procedures are the factors driving the growth of peripheral vascular devices market.
Here are the top 10 companies operating in peripheral vascular devices market
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Laboratories is engaged in the discovery, development, manufacture, and sale of a comprehensive range of health technologies and products. The company offers a wide range of diagnostics, medical devices, nutritional, and pharmaceutical products to meet customers’ needs. The company operates through four reportable business segments, namely Established Pharmaceutical Products, Diagnostic Products, Nutritional Products, and Medical Devices. The company offers its peripheral vascular devices products through its Vascular subsegment under its Medical Devices business segment.
The company has a wide geographic presence in countries such as the U.S., China, Germany, Japan, India, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. The company operates through 92 manufacturing facilities located across the globe, of which 23 facilities are dedicated to developing diagnostic products. The subsidiaries of the company operating in the peripheral vascular devices market are Abbott Cardiovascular Systems Inc. (U.S.), Abbott Vascular Inc. (U.S.), Abbott Vascular Solutions Inc. (U.S.), Integrated Vascular Systems, Inc. (U.S.), Abbott Vascular International BVBA (Belgium), Abbott Vascular Deutschland GmbH (Germany), Abbott Vascular Devices Ireland Limited (Ireland), Abbott Vascular Knoll-Ravizza S.p.A (Italy), Abbott Vascular Japan Co., Ltd (Japan), Abbott Vascular Devices Holland B.V. (Netherlands), and Abbott Vascular Devices Limited (United Kingdom), among others.
B. Braun Melsungen AG
B. Braun Melsungen AG is engaged in manufacturing, marketing, and selling products and services for basic medical care, intensive care units, anesthesia and emergency care, extracorporeal blood treatment, and core surgical procedures globally. The company provides a range of products and solutions for infusion, nutrition and pain therapy, infusion pumps and systems, disinfection products, surgical instruments, suture materials, hip and knee implants, dialysis equipment and accessories for extracorporeal blood treatment, as well as products for ostomy care, and diabetes and wound management. The company operates through four reportable business segments, namely, B.Braun Hospital Care, B.Braun Aesculap, B.Braun Out Patient Market, and B.Braun Avitum. The company offers products for the peripheral vascular devices market through its B.Braun Aesculap business segment.
B. Braun Melsungen AG has a wide geographic presence in over 64 countries in Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. The company has its major manufacturing facilities in Europe, Switzerland, the U.S., Brazil, Vietnam, and Malaysia and distributes its products all over the globe via a network of subsidiaries and associated companies. The subsidiaries of the company operating in the peripheral vascular devices market are AESCULAP AG (Germany), Aesculap Chifa Sp. z o.o., Nowy (Poland), Aesculap SAS, Chaumont (France), Aesculap Inc., (U.S.), Aesculap Implant Systems LLC (U.S.), B. Braun Aesculap Japan Co Ltd (Japan), and B. Braun Aesculap de México S.A. de C.V. (Mexico), among others.
Becton, Dickinson and Company
Becton, Dickinson and Company (BD) is a global medical technology company involved in medical research and genomics, enhancing infectious disease and cancer diagnosis, improving medication management, promoting infection prevention, equipping surgical and interventional procedures, and supporting diabetes management. The company is engaged in the development, manufacture, and sale of various medical supplies, devices, laboratory equipment, and diagnostic products. Becton, Dickinson and Company primarily operates through three business segments, namely BD Medical, BD Life Sciences, and BD Interventional. The company provides peripheral vascular devices through its Peripheral Intervention unit under the BD Interventional business segment. The company’s primary customers served by the BD Interventional segment are hospitals, individual healthcare professionals, extended care facilities, and alternate site facilities.
BD manufactures and sells its products in the U.S., Europe, the Middle East, Greater Asia, Latin America, and Canada. BD has manufacturing operations outside the U.S. in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, China, the Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, and the U.K. The company has a wide global distribution network that markets its products through independent distribution channels and directly to hospitals, other healthcare institutions, and independent sales representatives. Some of the major subsidiaries of the company are Bard Access Systems, Inc. (U.S.), Bard Canada Inc (Canada), Bard (Thailand) Limited (Thailand), Bard Australia Pty. Limited (Australia), Bard Benelux N.V. (Belgium), Bard de Espana, S.A. (Spain), Bard European Distribution Center N.V. (Belgium), Bard Holding GmbH & Co. KG (Germany), Bard Hong Kong Limited (China), Bard Norden AB (Sweden), Bard Singapore Private Limited (Singapore), Becton Dickinson India Private Limited (India), and Becton Dickinson Italia S.p.A. (Italy).
Koninklijke Philips N.V.
Koninklijke Philips N.V. is a health technology company involved in diagnostic imaging, image-guided therapy, patient monitoring and health informatics, consumer health, and home care. The company operates through four reportable segments, namely Diagnosis & Treatment Business, Connected Care Business, Personal Health Business, and Other. The company provides peripheral vascular devices through its Diagnosis & Treatment Business segment.
The company operates through 17 Market organizations that are active in more than 100 countries worldwide. The company has 35,640 employees working in 35 manufacturing sites globally. The company has established subsidiaries in over 80 countries. The major subsidiaries of the company operating in the peripheral vascular devices market are Philips Medical Systems Ltda. (Brazil), Philips (Jiaxing) Health and Technology Co., Ltd. (China), Philips Healthcare (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (China), Philips Medical Systems DMC GmbH (Germany), Philips Medical Systems Technologies Ltd. (Israel), Volcano Israel Holdings Ltd. (Israel), VitalHealth Care B.V. (Netherlands), Volcano Netherlands Holdings B.V. (Netherlands), Philips Medical Systems Puerto Rico, Inc. (Puerto Rico), Volcano Therapeutics South Africa Pty Ltd (South Africa), and Volcano Corporation (U.S.) among others.
Biotronik SE & Co. KG
Founded in 1963 and headquartered in Berlin, Germany, Biotronik SE & Co. KG is a privately held medical devices company. The company is engaged in developing, manufacturing, and selling medical devices and equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular and endovascular diseases. The company provides a wide range of products and services for cardiac rhythm management, vascular intervention, and electrophysiology. The company offers products for the peripheral vascular devices market through its peripheral vascular intervention portfolio.
Biotronik SE & Co. KG has a global presence in more than 100 countries across Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. The company has manufacturing facilities in Germany, Switzerland, the U.S., and Singapore, with over a thousand employees worldwide. The subsidiaries of the company operating in the peripheral vascular devices market are BIOTRONIK, Inc. (U.S.), BIOTRONIK Canada Inc. (Canada), BIOTRONIK France S.A.S. (France), BIOTRONIK ITALIA S.p.A. (Italy), BIOTRONIK SPAIN S.A. (Spain), BIOTRONIK UK Ltd. (U.K.), BIOTRONIK (Beijing) Medical Device Ltd (China), BIOTRONIK Medical Devices India Private Ltd. (India), BIOTRONIK Japan, Inc. (Japan), and BIOTRONIK Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Singapore), among others.
Meticulous Research in its latest publication on global Peripheral Vascular Devices Market has predicted the growth of 6.9% during the forecast year 2021 to 2028.
Boston Scientific Corporation
Boston Scientific Corporation is engaged in the development, manufacture, and marketing of a broad range of medical devices. The company provides products and solutions in the fields of endoscopy, interventional cardiology, neuromodulation, peripheral interventions, rhythm management, urology, and pelvic health. The company operates through three reportable business segments, namely MedSurg, Rhythm and Neuro, and Cardiovascular. The company offers its peripheral vascular devices through its Peripheral Interventions operating subsegment under the Cardiovascular business segment.
Boston Scientific Corporation has a global geographic presence in regions such as the U.S., Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Canada. The company operates through 5 headquarters and 12 manufacturing and R&D facilities located all across the globe. The subsidiaries of the company operating in the peripheral vascular devices market are Boston Scientific (U.K.) Limited (England), Boston Scientific AG (Switzerland), Boston Scientific Argentina S.A. (Argentina), Boston Scientific Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. (Singapore), Boston Scientific Benelux NV (Belgium), Boston Scientific Canada Limited (Canada), Boston Scientific Ceskarepublika s.r.o. (Czech Republic), Boston Scientific Chile SpA (Chile), Boston Scientific Clonmel Limited, in liquidation (Ireland), BSC Medical Device Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (China), and BTG International Inc. (U.S.), among others.
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Cardinal Health, Inc. is primarily engaged in the development, manufacture, and supply of pharmaceuticals and medical products for hospitals, healthcare systems, pharmacies, ambulatory surgery centers, clinical laboratories, and physician offices. The company operates through two reportable business segments, namely the Pharmaceutical segment and the Medical segment. Peripheral vascular devices are offered by the company’s subsidiary, Cordis Corporation, through the Medical business segment. Cordis Corporation was founded in 1957 and acquired by Cardinal Health in 2015. Cordis Corporation develops and manufactures medical devices for interventional and diagnostic procedures.
The company has a wide geographic presence in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, and other markets across the globe. The subsidiaries of the company operating in the peripheral vascular devices market are Cordis Corporation (U.S.), Cordis Cashel Company Unlimited (Ireland), Cordis (Shanghai), and Medical Devices Co., Ltd. (China).
Medtronic PLC
Medtronic Public Limited Company is engaged in the research, design, manufacturing, and sales of a wide range of device-based medical therapies and services. The company operates through four reportable business segments, namely the Cardiac and Vascular Group, the Minimally Invasive Therapies Group, the Restorative Therapies Group, and the Diabetes Group. The company provides peripheral vascular devices products through the Cardiac and Vascular Group business segment. The Aortic, Peripheral & Venous division of this segment provides products for treating aortic disease, peripheral vascular disease, and venous disease. The company’s primary customers are hospitals, clinics, third-party healthcare providers, distributors, and other institutions, including government healthcare programs and group purchasing organizations.
The company operates in more than 150 countries all over the globe. The company’s principal executive office is located in Dublin, Ireland, while its operational office is located in Minnesota, U.S. The company has manufacturing and research facilities in countries such as the U.S., China, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, and Israel.
Cook Group
Founded in 1963 and headquartered in Indiana, U.S. Cook Group offers a diverse portfolio that includes medical devices, building materials, manufacturing, plastic, packaging, and containers. The company’s major subsidiary, Cook Medical, is involved in the development, manufacture, and sale of various medical devices. Cook Medical has two major divisions, namely, Vascular and MedSurg. The Vascular division offers products for the peripheral vascular devices market.
Cook Medical offers its products across 135 countries globally. The Cook Group has more than 12,000 employees worldwide. The subsidiaries of Cook Group are Cook Medical, Cook Properties, Cook Services, and Cook Brothers Insulation, among which only Cook Medical operates in the peripheral vascular devices market.
Edwards Lifesciences Corporation
Edwards Lifesciences Corporation is focused on medical innovation for developing, manufacturing, and offering products to treat advanced cardiovascular disease. The company provides a wide range of products for heart valve therapy, critical care, cardiac surgery systems, and vascular diseases. The company operates through four reportable business segments, namely Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement, Transcatheter Mitral and Tricuspid Therapies, Surgical Heart Valve Therapy, and Critical Care. The company offers peripheral vascular devices products through its Critical Care segment.
The company has a wide geographic presence, majorly in the U.S., Europe, and Japan, and has seven manufacturing sites globally. The company’s major subsidiaries are Edwards Lifesciences LLC (U.S.), Edwards Lifesciences LLC (Germany), Edwards Lifesciences (Japan) Limited, Edwards Lifesciences Holding B.V. (Netherlands), and Edwards Lifesciences AG (Switzerland), among others. Popular Mentions: NIPRO CORPORATION, IVASCULAR S.L.U, TERUMO CORPORATION, BLUE SAIL MEDICAL CO., LTD, TE CONNECTIVITY LTD.
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Authoritative Research on the Peripheral Vascular Market – Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast (2021-2028)
Need more information? Meticulous Research®’s new report covers each of these companies in much more detail, providing analysis on the following:
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The Impact of COVID-19 on the Peripheral Vascular Devices Market
The Comprehensive report provides global market size estimates, market share analysis, revenue numbers, and coverage of key issues and trends.
Please download report pages and learn more: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5180
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