#Facebook shenanigans
mbrainspaz · 1 year
people might be like "you waste like 4 hours a day scrolling tumblr and sometimes tiktok, why do you hate reels so much?"
well ya see, reels™™™ from "meta™" are a collection of completely uncultivated mindless gibberish content infested with rage bait ghouls that's constantly being thrust into my face on two platforms where I have worked for years to cultivate my experiences. On instagram I followed only artists I liked in order to see their art. On facebook I wanted to see posts from people I actually know, and nothing else. Meta hates that because I'm not CONSUMING enough CONTENT. Not clicking enough Links. Not interacting with enough brandsss.
In barges Reels with its endless stream of drivel about random bullshit like funny horse videos and celebrity drama. Do I watch videos like that on tiktok? Absolutely, and the crucial difference is that I went to tiktok and intentionally cultivated an algorithm that would give me content that I wanted to see when and where I wanted to see it. I wasn't tricked into going down a braindead video funnel by clickbait. I continuously and consciously cultivate my tiktok algorithm with a reasonable degree of success. Meanwhile Reels is over on the sidelines sobbing, begging me to click just ONE VIDEO PLEASE GODS JUST CLICK ONE! I refuse to be suckered in to watching some hour long rage bait video about ice cream in a toilet like 45 million other idiots. Like my aunt from Indiana who had to let the world know that she knows not to eat ice cream out of a toilet.
I wish I could set Reels™ on fire and feed it to wild dogs.
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angsty-aliens · 3 months
I’m on a couple Facebook groups where people can ask veterinarians questions and only vets are allowed to answer
I find this sort of resource to be super helpful because I can use the search function if I’m ever curious about some super specific thing.
However people are dumb. People are so dumb. There are so many posts that are like “my cat got mauled by a dog. What should I do?” And they’ll attach a photo of a cat missing huge chunks of flesh.
“You need to go to the vet.”
Or “I didn’t realize how bad my dogs teeth are. What should I do?” And the photo is of a dog’s mouth absolutely crusted in plaque with a tooth visibly broken.
“Go to the vet.”
“My 5 pound yorkie was just bitten by a copperhead snake. Can I just give them benedryl?”
“Go to the ER vet.”
Please. For the love of god, PLEASE take your animals who are clearly in distress to the medical professionals. I get that it can be expensive but there are often low cost clinics to help with people who are struggling financially. I’ve taken stray cats to the humane society clinics and it’s much cheaper but you do need to be very patient because you’ll have to wait to be seen. But please don’t think your dog that was run over by a car can be fixed by you giving Tylenol at home. 😳 (also don’t give animals Tylenol. That’s a terrible idea.)
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akayna · 11 months
One of my FB friends posted their family Halloween photos ... Her husband and son dressed up as vacuums (a Roomba and a shop-vac) and she and her daughter were witches.
I looked at it and went, "Ah, yes, the two genders. Vacuums and brooms"
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I guess I'm not invited to Atlanta after all boo
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bluebelledmoon · 4 months
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what does she even do on there all day anyway
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #152
Every year around the holidays, a "bug war" breaks out in the Parker-Stark households 
Not bugs as in creepy crawlies. Technology bugs. Surveillance.
Tony and Peter are both determined to figure out what the other wants for the holidays 
The two are on surprisingly even ground: Peter's spider-sense doesn't consider this a threat, and FRIDAY won't snitch. They both have to find any "bugs" the old fashioned way.
Soon enough the whole Ironfam is wrapped up in it. November and December become a time of yearly paranoia, everyone watching what they say and "checking for bugs." 
Even Peter's friends discover tiny bugs on them. When Ned first learns the itty bitty robot behind his coat button is from Tony Stark trying to find out what he wants for Christmas he faints on the spot
Bonus 2, Crack Taken Seriously Boogaloo:
For a bit of drama: it's all fun and games until one year Peter gets kidnapped. The situation is bad. They only find him in time thanks to one of the "holiday bugs" Tony recently snuck on
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Does anyone know what happened to linzels-blog? I went to re-read ‘Delta Palms Tropical Resort’ and ‘Just A Number’ and the whole blog is gone.
It is sad to see so many good blogs being completely erased from tumblr.
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I'm honestly very disappointed in rusty quill for that better help sponsorship on the last magnus protocol episode. I understand if the show can't be made on just the kickstarter and patreon money but better help is a shit company that has been known to sell their user's sensitive health information long before the ftc literally fined them for it. No amount of money should be worth advertising such a company to your fans. Vetting sponsors is common practice and literally one google search on rq's part should have prevented this. Shameful
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mbrainspaz · 11 months
me: people with jobs deserve a livable wage so that they don't have to live on the street.
rich horse lady in my comments: hold up—that sounds a lot like communism to me. Sure, I agree that working people should be able to afford to live but if I know one thing it's that communism is bad. Also we all struggle, even me.
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cocoabubbelle-newblog · 2 months
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dragonwrangler · 2 months
Summary: There are many nexus points in the multiverse and Facebook was one of those points that Torchwood and SHIELD have dealt with over the years
I should probably promote my fanfics when I post them so here's the new one. This is basically archiving stuff I wrote on Facebook many many years ago that I didn't want to lose.
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nerdie-faerie · 5 months
The problem with both my parents coming from families with predominantly sisters, is that I grew up being told that adult brothers don't talk to their sisters and won't give them the time of day. Not the most encouraging message given I have 6 brothers. So I do get unreasonably please when my 20 year old brother decides 'you know what, I'm gonna tell my big sister about this' like really 🥹
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star-vonn-wars · 2 years
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starshipsys · 1 year
🛰️I got cancelled off quotev. Went to discord but then people hated the updates and also I had too much social anxiety, so I moved to reddit but then fuck spez or whatever and the third party apps shit, so I came to tumblr, and apparently everyone on tumblr hates tumblr? I’ve been avoiding Twitter and Facebook because they suck but is there any social media that is not hated but also lets me meet people???
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dragoneyejewellery · 1 year
What happened?
I mean- first of all, I’m sceptical of how much of this is true. partly because the whole thing sounds unbelievable, partly because it’s Jordana and Chris and they’re exactly the kind of people who’d tell a lie like this for attention. but then there’s the witnesses…
arc. let me get to the point. here’s what we know is true. last night in Seafolk, an unidentified Pokémon - what we assume is a Pokémon, anyway - was spotted fleeing a hotel and running into the surrounding forest. shortly afterwards, the entirety of Poni Island experienced incredibly thick fog which lasted throughout the night, only dissipating in the early hours of the morning. I haven’t seen any pictures of the ‘Pokemon’, but based on witness reports it was… really fucking freaky. The popular theory at the moment is that it was a new kind of Ultra Beast - especially since the locals say the fog might have been the doing of a ‘Tapu Fini’? whatever that is - which has everyone panicking about ultra wormholes and that.
now the less reliable part. so I have this friend, Alec (he’s in a coma right now, don’t ask), and his parents - Jordana and Chris - are right pricks. They were on holiday in Seafolk yesterday and witnessed the event. But they claim that this - ‘Ultra Beast’, or whatever it is - had disguised itself as their dead child (aka my mate’s dead sibling). so you know - fucked up if true. but it might not be true.
either way I guess it was a pretty nasty thing for them to experience? I don’t feel sorry for them. More sorry for the others in Seafolk at the time.
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makuta-tobi · 1 year
So anyways after all that
I listened to most of Season 4 of SAYER today, I listened to the first few episodes yesterday and then finished it off today
WOOF, that was really well done but holy shit, it was wild. I'm weirdly obsessed with the philosophical question SAYER raised when it asked about the death of Dr. Young, how it compared to the Thesseus paradox that it had referenced a few episodes previously, it was kind of insane
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