#Fabian Weasley
We'll heal together: Chapter Five
I Will Wait Mumford & Sons
Sirius Black x Reader (Past) / Remus Lupin x Reader (Ambiguous-Past)
Summary: Reader is still having dreams of her past, while McGonagall convinces Dumbledore to remove the curse on her.
Cw: Use of {Y/N}, Mean Remus, Jealous/Jerk Sirius, Fights, mentions of death and murder, minor character death (please reach out if I missed something}
Wc- 4364
A/n: Starting a taglist! Comment to Dm to be added!
You stayed in Moody’s comfort for what felt like hours. You could have stayed for days more, but eventually the strain to your still throbbing limbs and aching body was doing you in.
Moody practically herded you to the couch, allowing you to sit down, and after some push back with him trying to get you to lay down, he eventually gave in and allowed you to sit across from him. Pillows propping up your sides, a horrible tasting healing potion, a cup of tea for a chaser, and a blanket rested on your lap later, you two figured starting from day one was the best course of action.
“October 29th, 1981. What happened?” Moody asked in a careful but stern tone. You weren't used to him being so gentle with you, you guessed twelve years apart could do that to a person. You gave a sigh and set the teacup aside, relaxing back into the makeshift throne and looked at the ceiling, eyes closing as the pain began to disappear. 
“It was a botched mission. Someone sold us out.” You explained slowly.
“With Mad-Eye out of commission sick, we need someone to go in his place.” Gideon told you, having knocked on your door late at night with Fabian at your gate keeping watch. Gideon took the paper that etched out your address, Lupin’s handwriting scribbled on the crumbled paper, as the elder twin set it in your outstretched hand. With the Fidelius charm that protected your home ever since Voldemort marked you for death, you made an impulsive decision to make Lupin your secret keeper.
You hadn't spoken to Sirius in months after your argument and subsequently, your break up. Peter and you were already the Potter’s secret keepers, the last logical step would be Remus. Especially after what happened to Marlene and Dorcus just a few months prior. He was hesitant at first, but when you pushed he caved. He always made it easy for you.
(“You weren't suspicious?” Mad-Eye demanded and you quickly shook your head. “No, if Lupin had to write my address down it meant something. He refused to do it every time he'd been asked, said it was too easily given to others.”)
You snapped your fingers, and the paper burned to ash at your feet. “I didn't know Moody could get sick.” You tried to joke, and Gideon gave you a grimace and Fabian looked back at you two. Your lips twitched. The twins aren't joking? That's slightly nerve wracking. 
“So? What do you say?” Gideon implored, and you nodded, biting your lip. 
“Let me get dressed.”
“They came to your house at midnight to recruit you for a mission?” Moody asked in a shocked and angry tone. “One you weren't briefed on? My mission?” He implored and you gave a small nervous smile, to keep the peace.
“It wasn't the first time if it makes you feel better.”
“Far worse.” Moody practically shouted and you winced. He huffed and lowered his voice, arms crossing and leaning back in his seat. “So what next?”
“Well, I got ready and we left to get to the rendezvous point. It should have been simple, just ambushing a few dark wizards couldn't have been much harder then what we had been doing. The tip said there should be three, two already there and one coming later with what we assumed to be supplies we could garnish.”
“I don't see anyone.” Fabian announced as you three sat among the trees. His wand was to his throat, so even with him across the clearing his voice was transported to your ear, where the weird snake ear clip they gave you relayed his voice. The twins had always been making trinkets and inventions, ever since you first met them, that was one of their defining traits. That and they were absolute children, who tested them on you any chance they got.
“Shouldn't there be people here by now?” You asked, pressing your wand to your jugular, and you heard shuffling before Gideon spoke up. “Maybe we're early?”
(“If you felt it was off you should have left.”
“Would you have?”)
Suddenly there was a loud sound of apparition behind you. You snapped your head around and went silent. Fuck.
There before you were five death eaters and they didn't seem ready for a simple trade off. Fully decked out in battle gear, they began to walk around the clearing and muttered things between themselves.
Then, a voice boomed through the forest. “Alastor Moody!” He called into the clearing. You knew that voice immediately, your stomach dropped. Antonin Dolohovs. “Moody, come out my old friend!” 
You looked to your sides and peaked at Fabian who tightened his grip on his wand, then to your right and saw Gideon already looking at you. He gestured down hill, as if telling you to run, and you refused. Shaking your head you looked back at your left and the other Prewett twin seemed to have the same idea. You pressed your wand to your neck and lowered your voice, as Antonin went on a manic rant. 
“We need more men. One of us has to get someone.” You implored before you quickly hitched your breath as one of the five Death Eaters got too close to your hiding spot.
“Gideon, you do it.” You heard Fabian command and Gideon gave a huff.
“We should send the kid.” He hissed back. “We can stand our own.”
“Send {L/N}? The girl who is supposed to be in hiding straight to the rat infested Ministry? No chance.”
You held your breath as your back nuzzled closer to the tree root you hid in. The closer he got the louder your heart blared in your ears. You took a deep breath as he began to slip past the root and almost spotted you. That was, until Fabian recklessly shot a spell at him. Everything happened in slow motion. 
Gideon raised his wand, mid apparition, watched as Dolohov raised his wand and shouted. “Crucio!” But he couldn't stop, apparating away from the field as his brother wailed.
Fabian fell to the floor, and you covered your mouth. Quickly shooting your hands to your ears and your body shook out in terror at his blood curdling screams.
“I found another one!” One of them shouted and grabbed you by your arm, dragging you out. Tossing you on the ground by your limp friend. You shuttered and quickly stammered to your feet, hurrying to back pedal away from them, before your back fell against Antonin’s chest. Quickly, you tried to rectify your actions, but he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and tucked you closer. You squirmed and hissed, stomping back to try and hit your heel to his shoe.
It worked and he flinched hard enough for you to get out of his grasp. You went for your sleeve but froze when you looked at the manic wizard and saw him holding up your wand. He had snagged it in your tussle. “Fuck...” You whispered and he bellowed a laugh.
“Moody sent you instead, huh? Pretty thing you are, can't possibly have been on your own for longer than a year.” He taunted but you kept your expression mute. The less he knew about you, the better. 
“Wait, sir.” One of his lackeys spoke up and you stifled a wince. “That's {Y/N} {L/N}.” He declared with a shocked laugh. “Voldemort would be ecstatic if we brought her to him.”
Antonin looked you over before he wet his lip and fiddled with your wand. “{L/N}, hm? Your father has done a lot for our cause.” He gave a sickening curl to his lips as he pressed the wand to your neck. “Thank you for your service, darling. Let's get you home.” 
Before you could even formulate a plan, one of his other lackeys pointed their wand to Fabian.
“No!” You screamed, shoving past Antonin and running towards the two, but halfway there and the words already left his lips. Avada Kedavra. Your entire body froze up as your eyes locked with Fabian's, and you watched the light leave them. You stood there, horrified. The men around you didn't even see you as a threat. They allowed you to stand there, talking among themselves. 
You felt pathetic. Without a wand you couldn't do a thing. You found yourself wishing you studied wandless magic, because you were truly as weak as you felt. Just a girl. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. 'What's your last resort?’ You heard Alastor’s words echo in your ears. Run.
So, you ran. Bolted for the tree line. Alastor always told you, if you had no other choice, you were young. ‘Strip your battle gear,’ You heard him as you tore off the blackened leather wrap around your chest, vaulting over an overgrown tree root. Tossing your bulky boots and sharply turning your direction as you heard their shouts after you. ‘Get out of eyesight, go one direction, leave evidence of the contrary.’ 
You stumbled to a small river and looked around. Their voices that were once fading outgrew closer. You were breathing heavily, your socks were stained and one bloodied from a sharp rock cutting your toe, too filled with adrenaline to notice. You looked around before you took the bloodied sock and wet it, chucking it across the body of water before turning sharply on your heel and ran across the tree line to hide behind a moss-covered rock.
You held your breath, closing your eyes tight and remembered his number one rule. ‘Never panic.’ So, you sat there. Their voices and footsteps passed, and eventually you heard splashing as they ran across the river and soon you couldn't hear them at all. You waited a little bit longer before you looked around. You had no wand, no plan, nothing. All you could hope was that Fabian still had his. 
You shakily rose to your feet and began to stalk back. 
You hadn't realized just how far you had gone. When you made it back, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and Gideon was still not back. You kneeled down by Fabian's body and turned him over. You gave a sigh of relief when you saw his wand. You kept your hand on his chest, it was still warm, like it was taunting you. You thinned your lips and raised his wand to the sky. “Expecto Patronum!” You declared. 
You were weak, so was the disobedient wand, struggling to focus on the good in your mind. You waved your hand, and the fox finally appeared. “Take this message to Lupin.” You whispered softly. “Ambushed. Fabian, dead. Gideon, status unknown. May be splinched.” You panted out. “Running. Five looking for me. Antonin Dolohov.” It's all you could muster, quickly dismissing your patronus and looking back to Fabian. “I just... need to rest.” You whispered as you felt yourself slowly fall against his stomach.
You didn't know how long you were out for, but the first thing you heard was Albus’s soothing voice. You stirred. 
“There you are.” 
You turned to look at him and grimaced, slowly lifting yourself off of your friend and shaking to stand. Dumbledore walked over to help support you. You could have sobbed out, letting your body fall against his chest. You didn't even have time to wonder why he was here, not Remus or Gideon. “H-he-”
“I know. I know dear child.” He hushed and ran his hand up and down your back. You shook and sobbed in his arms, and he looked across the field. 
Albus pulled back and you looked up at him threw glossy eyes, arms still outreached and resting on his forearms, looking for any semblance of warmth and comfort. “We found your letters.” He told you carefully. “We know you have been in contact with Regulus Black via concealed letter since you graduated. Before his passing.” 
The heat left your face. What? How did they find those? How did he know? And why was he bringing this up, now?
“Sir, I-”
“Voldemort knows as well.”
You almost fainted. “Is that why?”
“He is after you? Yes. Now, I have a plan to keep you safer than I have. Keep this conversation renewed in your mind, so one day, we will be able to use this connection.” 
“What are you talking about?” You croaked, looking over at Fabian’s body in a daze. This felt like the cruelest form of whiplash. “Professor-”
“This is for the better, {Y/N}.” He muttered against your temples you sniffled. “What is?” You croaked, and he raised his wand to your head. 
“And that was the last thing I remembered.” You sighed and grabbed your teacup, holding it to your palm for warmth. Moody seemed to be a little slower as he realized what was happening.
“Albus Obliviated you?” He asked in a breathy way, you slowly nodded. “... and you've been alive, all these years?”
“Would seem so.” You mumbled and picked at the helm of your shirt. There was a silence, it wasn't awkward, but it certainly wasn't comforting. 
“Lily, James, and Harry?” You croaked out and when Moody grimaced, your heart broke. 
“The boy is alive.” Moody offered and you nodded slowly, trying to gather yourself. Your voice cracked as you began to speak. “Sirius took care of him, yeah?”
Moody frowned harder and you narrowed your eyes. “No... he didn't abandon him, did he?” You prayed to whichever of the cruel gods was above you that it was a joke.
“He was, until recently, imprisoned in Azkaban.” He mused and your shoulders fell in shock, eyes wide. 
“I- you- I-” You sputtered out. “Whatever for?” You implored and leaned forward. 
“He sold out the Potters and... killed Peter Pettigrew.” He spoke carefully, knowing how close you two were, slow and delicate. Your eyebrows furrowed and your lips parted slightly. 
“... what? Peter is... is dead?” You whispered in shock before your eyes widened. “Wait- Sirius killed Peter?!” You bellowed and snapped up to your feet. 
Alastor stood up and walked towards you, but you began to pace. 
“Why would he possibly need to kill him? And he would never sell out the Potters! He'd sooner die! How did he even manage to tell Voldemort!?” You practically shouted and Alastor scoffed. “A secret keeper can tell anyone.”
Then, your eyes widened, snapping over to look at Alastor. “Moody- no, Peter and I-” Then it hit you. It hit you like a bludger to the chest. Your air left your lungs. 
“Moody, Peter and I were the Potter’s secret keepers.” You whispered in a shaky voice. Moody's expression stayed blank, but his false eye began to flicker side to side showing he was deep in thought. 
“Peter would never, he wouldn't-” You stopped and had to think about everything you knew about Peter. He was a coward, but he was bold. He was meek and quiet, but he was confident with you. He was always charming and sweet, but you had heard from Mary and Dorcus how they saw him as slimy when he didn't get what he wanted. 
The more you thought about him, the more traits you came up with for him, the more evidence there was for the contrary. Did you ever truly know Peter Pettigrew? Years ago, you would've laid down your life on the fact that Peter was trustworthy, honest, brave and kind. But the more you pondered it, he was always those things to you. Just to you. You covered your face in shame. “No...”
Moody walked up and patted your back as you tried to come to terms with it all. “But he- I- Rem! What of Remus?” 
“The Lycanthrope?” Moody tutted and you glared up at him. “Don't call him that.”
Moody nodded with an eye roll and gestured to the seat for you. 
You walked back over and sat down. Moody beside you. “After your disappearance, Albus called an emergency meeting. We gathered, and Albus told us of you and Fabian's death. That Gideon was leaving the order and going to America. Molly was inconsolable.”
“No! No no no!” Molly sobbed into Authur’s arms, Albus looked down solemnly at his hands.
A scoff came across the table. “That's it? That's all we get?” Sirius snarled and shot to his feet. “Who did it?” He boomed across the table. He was tired of losing people. But losing you, now, that was a new kind of pain. One he didn't want to discover quite yet, so he lashed out in anger. He hadn't felt like this since he heard of Regulus’s death.
 “Who!?” He demanded as Albus kept a solemn and pitiful look. It burned Sirius up inside. 
“Antonin Dolohov.” Remus spoke up from across the table. He was looking down, eyes bloodshot and clearly distressed. He was in his sleep wear, having been woken up late at night by a glowing blue fox. He could hear what she said over and over in his head. When he got there and found Dumbledore, looking down at Fabian. There was blood, and Remus could smell it. Dark magic and you.
“Ambushed. Fabian, dead. Gideon, status unknown. May be splinched. Running. Five looking for me. Antonin Dolohov.”
“How the fuck do you know that?” Sirius sneered and Remus closed his eyes. “She sent me a Patronus.” 
“Of course she did.” He snapped at Remus, slamming his hands on the table. “Of course she'd send it to you, wouldn't she? I bet that makes you feel real special, getting her last words.”
Remus gawked at Sirius in pure shock. It felt like he stupefied him to his chest. “And what's that supposed to mean?” He suddenly snapped back and stood as well. Alice was quick to nudge Frank, both parties standing up to make sure the two didn't jump across the table and shred each other. 
“Do you think I'm daft? Do you think I didn't notice the way you looked at my Fiancé, Remus?” He bellowed across the room and Remus gave a laughing scoff. “This is how you want to have this conversation, Sirius? Now?” He snapped back and Sirius gave an incredulous laugh.
“When else? She's fucking dead, she can't come save you now.” 
“You've gone mental!”
“No one worth being sane for left!”
“Maybe if you hadn't left her, this wouldn't be happening!” Remus shouted and that seemed to physically stun Sirius. “If you hadn't pushed her away until she hit her breaking point, until she had to come to me of all people, you could be at home right now waking up to her! But you didn't, you failed her Sirius.” Remus cut and cut as deep as he could. Sirius was silent for a moment and his mouth grew dry. Suddenly, he picked up a plate and threw it at Remus, the latter just managing to sidestep it before the Black stormed out.
Alice tutted and Remus looked down at her, breathing heavily. Slowly, he noticed the looks of pure horror on everyone's face. He knew he had gone too far. He cleared his throat and muttered an apology, turning to quickly leave.
Through all the chaos, no one noticed Peter leave moments later. He was walking down the street. His hands in his pockets and head down. Lost in deep thought, about you. No one truly knew the snake that was Peter Pettigrew. He was a people pleaser, he wanted validation and clung to the biggest bully in the yard like a vise. Originally, that was why he wanted to get to know you. You were James Potter's childhood friend, but you also managed to befriend several of the most influential Slytherins and purebloods of their school years. You were confident, unashamed to be you, the opposite of him. 
The more he got to know you, however, the more he truly cared. He loved his friends, he loved them all, but there was only one he'd fight for. You. Foolish you. You swore to him you would give your life for the Potters, for Sirius and Remus, himself included, but he never wanted it to get this far. When he first found the letters between you and Regulus, he felt hope. That maybe, just maybe, you were like him. Buying yourself time with information.
He hoped that when he brought these letters to Voldemort, he would finally be convinced of your worth to the cause. That he would lend him more time to let him convert you. Then the dark lord sent out a notice for your capture; he knew he had made a mistake. He should have de-charmed and read the letters himself, but it was all he could think of. Your safety, with him, like he always promised.
Last night was a fluke. A fluke that cost him more than he was willing to put on the line. It should have been Moody. That's what he knew, Moody, and the Prewetts. They should have been the ones to die that night. Instead, it was you. You lost your life, as you always promised, for the cause.
The cause? The cause. The cause that sent in children to die like cattle. His dearest friend falling to the hands of a god he placated. You died for the Potters. For Black. For Lupin. You died for him… Anger bubbled under the surface. The charm was broken, he would go to the Potters to repair it tonight. Then, he would be there the next night, with the dark lord by his side. He wanted them to hurt. To hurt like he was, to ensure they had no one else. No one, like him. 
“But that leaves one thing that I do not understand.” Moody challenged and you rolled your tongue. He opened his coat and pulled out a long box, holding it out to you. You narrowed your eyes before he opened it, revealing a wand. Not any wand, your wand. You gasped and reached for it, before he quickly shut it closed. You glared at him, and he flicked the box onto his lap. The box looked worn, like it had been in his pocket for years. It made you feel warm. He has been keeping you close this whole time. You were not forgotten. But clearly, he planned to make you work for it.
“What is it?”
“What was in those letters? And why were you talking to the youngest Black?” He leaned closer, trying to use the same techniques he taught you about interrogation. You rolled your eyes, you can count on one hand the number of times you lied to Moody since you were 16, you didn't plan to keep counting. Four times.
“He was telling me things. Things about Voldemort’s plans, what he had done and who he had done it to. In exchange, I kept him updated on Sirius, I promised to keep him safe. He also kept me up to date on a few Death Eaters I had known in school. I want to tell you, but I feel I should talk to Dumbledore first. I feel I deserve a proper explanation as to why this happened to me.” You muttered bitterly and then your face scrunched up in a pout. “I also have a certain cat to see.”
“Glasses.” You mumbled and Moody shook his head in confusion. Tossing the box on the table and you quickly snatch it, opening it up and pulling out your wand with a sigh of relief.
“Until further notice, you are to be on house arrest.”
“What? That can't be true! Isn't Voldemort gone?” You scoffed, crossing your arms. 
“There are some who believe otherwise. Regardless, you are dead, the minister is still working through a story to tell the world about your reappearance.”
You scoffed and rubbed your temple. “And what of Harry? Who has he been with?” You challenged and Moody frowned.
“His mother’s sister.”
“That monster!? No, Moody, I must see him!” You begged. “I have no idea what they could have done to that boy! He deserves to be with family!” You stood up sharply and Moody scoffed.
“The boy is with family!”
“No, for Merlin’s sake he is not! I am his family! Sirius and Remus! I don't care what anyone has said, Petunia Evans is a wicked monster of a woman! I have heard Lily’s horror stories! I am his Godmother! I demand to see him!” Your voice filled the entire house. Lily had spent most of her school years protecting you from your family, you have left her son for twelve years, unable to protect him from her family. He deserved a home, you don't care what people seem to think, people like her could not change.
“And what a Godmother you will be, your home has no wards protecting it, you have nowhere to take him, and your vaults are locked until your Godson turns 18! You must wait until the minister announces you are safe to resume your life!”
“This is absolute shite!” You snapped and stormed towards the stairs like an emotional teenager. “I am going to my room!”
“And stay in there!” He snapped back as your footsteps stomped up the steps and the sound of a slamming door rang through the house.
Even after that argument, Moody couldn't help but sit down and smile at the fireplace. You were annoying and unruly, and he has missed that spunk.
~~  “Make that five.” You muttered to yourself. You walked over to the radio and turned it on. You muttered a small enchantment on a pillow, and it began to levitate. You pushed it out the window and jumped onto it. It began to fall quickly, before you transformed. The sudden shift in weight slowed the descent significantly. You landed in the grass and hurried out into the field. Making sure no one could see you, being a fox was fox was fine, but being a silver, fox is what raised eyebrows. Sorry Moody, I have to see my Harry.
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slytherindisaster · 10 months
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Collins-Weasley family aesthetic because damn it they deserve that happy ending 😫❤️
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reyrey-art · 1 month
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You can find a HD version on my Pixiv. This is the best quality I can post here (>﹏<)
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turvi · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a George Weasley x reader where she's Harry's ago and either Remus or Sirius daughter? Thank you (:
Hope you like this. Both Remus and Sirius are fathers.
Warning: Kissing, Dramatic Sirius
Y/n woke feeling excited to spend summer vacation with the Weasleys. Her parents were alright about it in fact they were looking forward to spending some quality time alone. Because of the war, they were forced to stay apart for nearly a decade. 
“Good Morning Love” Sirius greeted you from the kitchen. 
“Good morning pops” she wished him as he laid her breakfast in front of her and kissed her temple. 
“Did you sleep well?” 
“Yes father” 
“Don’t call me that it makes me sound… old” He gasped 
“You are old” she replied with a smirk 
He sniffed again “take that back” 
By now Remus was also up from all the commotion. He silently went up to Sirius and hugged him while he was busy arguing with Y/n about how he was not old. 
“Don’t you guys have better things to do than bicker?” Remus groaned into Sirius’ neck 
“It gives a kickstart to our morning” Sirius replied his lover handing his breakfast 
“You need hobbies both of you” 
“Good morning Papa” Y/n wished Remus with a bright smile 
“Good morning pumpkin, have you packed everything?” He asked ever the concerned parent. 
“Yes. And checked twice too like you always say.” 
“Do you really have to go pumpkin? Our home is going to feel so empty without you” Sirius gave his best puppy eyes that always used to work in his favor. 
“Pops not this again please” she got up to get her bags from her room. She loved spending time with her parents and cherished their moments together after the war she gained a new perspective on life. This is the reason she decided to spend her break at the Burrow. 
“Has Harry reached there?” Sirius asked helping her with her luggage. 
“Yeah everyone is there except for me” 
“Yes stick with him those twins are always up to something mischievous” Sirius shivered remembering the last time twins were at their home and played a prank on Sirius. 
“Hmm, but they feel a bit familiar to me” she smirked at her father who was trying to process her words.
Before she could leave someone came stumbling out of the fireplace. Remus got up to see it was George. 
“Hey, Darling” George practically sprinted towards Y/n ignoring the glares of Sirius Black. He embraced her and twirled her around but was immediately interrupted by Sirius. 
“Unhand her you dunderhead” 
George carefully put y/n down and took her luggage “It was nice meeting you Mr. Black and Mr. Lupin, we will see you soon” 
As soon as George held Y/n’s wrist Sirius pulled her back. “Not so fast young lad, Y/n why is this creature calling you darling.”
“Pops I told you he is my boyfriend” 
Sirius gasped “Oh no he isn’t” 
“Dad are you alright?” 
“Oh godric I think I am going to have a heart attack” 
Y/n looked up at Remus who was reading newspaper and drinking his morning tea “Oh, he will be fine, you guys carry on. We will see you soon hun” 
“You better keep one arm distance with her” Sirius’ threat fell in empty ears as the couple had left.
George picked up Y/n’s luggage kissing her lips briefly before apparating to his humble abode. 
“My own daughter how could she do this to me?” 
Remus sighed “Exactly love she is your daughter she has a thing for trouble and George isn’t that bad” 
“Not that bad! He dyed my hair purple, you of all people should know how much I love my hair” Sirius sassed. 
“Oh I know” Remus retorted when suddenly noticed a solemn look on his lover’s face. Remus obviously loved Y/n but she had wrapped Sirius around her fingers ever since she was a little baby.  
As a baby when she refused to sleep and wailed in Remus’s arms she would immediately fall asleep in Sirius' arm. With Y/n Remus found a new soft and more loving side of his lover
“Moony my little pumpkin has grown up. She has a boyfriend now.” 
Remus sighed and hugged Sirius. Merlin knows he needed it. 
“Padfoot she will be back before you know it.” 
“Why did she have to date that weaselboy?” 
“I think she takes after me for that matter. Falling for a troublemaker” Remus gives him a loving smile that always seems to comfort Sirius. They kissed as they slow danced in their home enjoying the peace the morning had brought. 
"She will be fine love she has us" Remus tried to comfort him.
"Yeah, "Sirius smiled at him kissing his lips and scars Remus' chuckle echoing in the house.
Y/n and George were under his blanket sharing kisses and laughs. 
“I can’t wait to marry you” George confessed with a lovesick smile. 
“My father has barely accepted you as my boyfriend and you are talking about marriage” she pointed out even though she loved the idea that he presented her. 
“It’s ok I will always be here. With you. It is fine if we never get married I still want to spend my life with you.” 
“Ohh dear, George I think you love me” 
He chuckled “You think?” He kissed her lips, his cold hands leaving goosebumps on her waist as he pins her on her bed. They are interrupted by tapping on the window. They both peep from the blanket to see a very aghast Sirius Black. 
“This is not one arm distance Weasley!!!!” 
“I think you should start running George” 
“Good idea love.”
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lulublack90 · 5 months
Prompt 18 - Sock
@jegulus-microfic April 18, Word count 971
Previous part First part
“Well, darling, he sounds lovely.” Effie beamed at her son as they tucked into their meal. Monty had his mouth full. So he nodded in agreement. 
“You’ll have to see if he wants to join us for dinner before we leave. Invite his brother as well. We don’t want to leave him out.” Monty told James between mouthfuls. James couldn’t keep the happy grin off his face. 
“Okay, I’ll invite them.” He said as he stabbed a roast potato and popped it into his mouth.
They sat quietly as they finished off their meals. Effie ordered coffee for everyone, and they chatted about their day. 
“Mum, Dad. Would it be alright if I went back up to see Regulus for a bit before bed?” James asked, hoping his parents wouldn’t be annoyed with him for not spending enough time with them. 
“James, dear. You’re a grown man. You don’t need to ask us permission. If you want to go see him, go.” Effie chuckled and leaned over to muss up his hair. He felt himself reddening. 
“I know that, Mum. I just wanted to check.”
“I’m sure your mother and I can entertain ourselves.” Monty winked at him. 
“Eww, gross, Dad.” James pulled a face, jumped up from his chair, and kissed his parents on their cheeks before darting out of the restaurant and heading towards the lifts. 
The lift doors pinged open, and James was shocked by what he saw. 
Sirius was sitting on a man, pinning his arms behind his back. The man screamed bloody murder at Sirius as he tried to buck him off.
“Ah, James, just the person I wanted to see. Could you help me with this sack of rubbish, please? He’s outstayed his welcome.” Sirius said nonchalantly as if what he was doing was perfectly normal.
“Er, yeah, sure. Who is he?” James asked, still trying to get his head around the situation. 
“This delightful cockroach is Bartemius Crouch Junior. Reggie’s ex.” Sirius clarified. James’s eyes widened as everything clicked together. 
James helped haul Barty to his feet and dragged him to the front desk. He watched as Sirius put on an extremely dazzling smile and charmed the front desk clerk. “This man got into mine and my brother’s room just now. We didn’t invite him.” The clerk gasped in horror and picked up her phone.
“I am incredibly sorry, Mr Black. Please accept my apologies on behalf of the hotel.” She paused to speak into the phone. “Yes, security to the front desk, please.” She turned her attention back to Sirius and James. “I will personally ensure this man never sets foot in our hotel again. Can I send a gift basket to your room as an apology?” 
“I’ve never said no to a gift basket,” Sirius leaned his elbow on the desk and rested his head in his hand, still grinning at the blushing clerk. 
Two identical burly red-haired men appeared out of a side door. 
“Ah, Fabian, Gideon. Please would you escort this young man off the premises and spread it around that he is banned and not to let him in. 
“Our pleasure, Molly.” One of the twins affirmed and grabbed James by the arm. “Come on, sunshine, time to go.”
“Gid, Gid! Not that one, that one!” She pointed at Barty. 
“Oops, sorry,” Gideon immediately let go of James’s arm and took ahold of Barty. He and his brother disappeared out of the lobby. 
“You coming up?” Sirius asked James, completely unaffected by everything that had just happened. 
“Yeah, sure.” James nodded. He waved goodbye to Molly and followed Sirius back to the lifts. 
When they got back to their room, Sirius clapped his hands together.
“Well, that’s that taken care of. He won’t be back.” He proclaimed. James noticed Dr Lupin sitting beside Regulus with a glass of whisky in his hand but thought nothing of it. It had been a weird day. 
“Sirius, come look at this on Reg’s phone,” Remus said, making room for Sirius to sit down. 
“That dirty, rotten little,” Sirius glared at the device. He took a few screenshots and started tapping the screen. 
“What is it?” James asked Regulus. Regulus jumped. He hadn’t realised James had come in with Sirius. 
“Erm, Barty was tracking my phone. That’s how he knew where we were.” Regulus explained, coming over to where James stood. 
“Shit,” James exclaimed and wrapped Regulus protectively into his arms. “I’m glad you’re safe.” 
“Thanks,” Regulus replied, his voice a bit thick. “James? Why are you only wearing one sock?” James pulled away from Regulus and looked down at his feet, confused. He’d slipped his shoes off when he walked through the door and had one bare foot. 
“I swear I put both on.” He checked his shoes, but there was no sock. 
“Check under the other sock,” Sirius called from the sofa, where he was still going through Regulus’s phone. He now had Remus’s arm around his shoulders. James blinked, bent down and pulled his sock away from his leg. Underneath it was another sock. 
“Oh my god!” He shook his head, pulled the extra sock off his foot and put it on the correct one. “How did you know it was there?” He asked Sirius. 
“Been there, done that,” Sirius snorted. “Nearly finished with your phone, Reggie. Then you two can go canoodle to your heart’s content.”
“Sirius, why?!” Regulus groaned at his brother’s words. 
“What? I like this one. He’s 100% better than the last one. There, I’m done. I’ve gone through everything I can think of, and he shouldn’t be able to get in again. You might want to change your password, though, just in case.” Sirius tossed the phone at Regulus. Regulus caught it and pulled James into his bedroom to the sounds of his brother’s guffaws.   
Next part
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alwayshinny · 4 months
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Hinny 💍 - The One With No Voldy and Where Everyone Lives
AU, where Harry happens to hear a conversation between his grandfather, Fleamont Potter, and his father, James. Fleamont, who has been looking weaker by the day, tells his son he knows his and Euphemia's time is coming to an end, and his only regret is not being able to witness Harry grow up and get married. This bothers Harry, and while on a playdate at the Burrow, he confides in Ginny, who responds as if it were the most obvious solution: "Then let's get married."
They persuade their families to arrange a gathering, and they con the Weasley brothers into decorating the backyard. Ron stands by Harry's side as his best man, while Luna is Ginny's bridesmaid. All it took was one look from Harry and Ginny to convince Sirius to turn into Padfoot to be their ring bearer/flower girl; his outfit consisted of a bowtie and a tutu (James, Remus, Gideon, and Fabian nearly fell off their chairs laughing so hard).
They made each other's wedding rings. Harry's ring was made from the metal from his grandma's old Auror badge (which Euphemia gave to her willingly) and the very first snitch he caught for the first time and gifted to her. Ginny convinced Fabian and Gideon to transform into a ring. Ginny's ring was made of her favorite green bubble gum (that was suspiciously similar to Harry's eye color) and twigs of their broomsticks as the band, which Harry convinced his dad and Sirius to smooth out and place an unbreakable charm on with an auto-replenishing charm on the bubble gum.
They both dressed themselves for the occasion, and Harry asked his mom and godmother Marlene to help him pick flowers for Ginny's bouquet. He smelled each one and was very picky persistent it had to smell like Ginny's hair. It took Harry HOURS until he was finally satisfied with the arrangement. Molly volunteered to make their wedding cake, and a few days before the wedding, Ginny told her dad in a very grown-up tone to wear a bowtie because he was walking her down the aisle on Sunday. Hinny asked Hagrid to marry them, and when it was time to kiss the bride, Harry was just about to protest/lecture Hagrid about how he should have asked Ginny for her consent instead of giving him permission "to kiss the bride" (the boy was Lily Potter's son and a true feminist at heart), when Ginny pulled Harry down and gave Harry a big kiss on the lips. The kid was frozen for a solid minute and then couldn't stop smiling as he followed his 'wife' around all day.
They made Fleamont and Euphemia's wishes come true.
Then, 16 years later, they got married again.
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swolocup · 5 months
Little insight on me: I was just talking over the phone with my crush for about 2 and a half hours
This idea brings me to Weasley sexualities.
Why? Because I can..
Molly: Thought she was bi in her Hogwarts years, fooled around with Andromeda, was straight eventually
Arthur: THIS MAN RADIATES GAY obvi he’s straight (totally dated Mollys brothers at one point)
Bill: You know the song “bi wife energy?” Yeah, well, that’s his theme song.
(They don’t call them the Bi-Wizard champions for nothing)
Charlie: Aroace dragon dad, need I say anything more?
Percy: GAY GAY GAY (for Oliver)
Fred: freaky little bi-romantic man
George: He’s PAN (“of course I procreate with pans! Don’t you love the way they-“)
Ron: Straight, (but totally like the heterosexual supporting cast of a gay drama type of straights)
Ginny: Bisexual mess, need I say more?
Extra bonus: Harry Potter (because let’s be honest, the day he entered the burrow was the day he became a Weasley)
Harry Potter: the sassiest bisexual man the wizardingworld has seen
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dazymaisy · 4 months
Harry and Ginny “fight” about something and Teddy thinks it’s super serious? In reality it wasn’t at all.
“Ted! Ted, look what Dad charmed for me.”
He glanced up at James, who hopped aboard an old-model Firebolt Harry had charmed to fly only a few feet off the floor. He leaned forward and the broom puttered along at a modest pace. 
As the broom neared her, Rose made a dramatic show of shrieking, ducking down and covering her head.
“Make him put it away,” she whined. “‘s making me feel unsafe.”
“Your mum taught you to say that,” James taunted.
“It’s my turn,” said Fabian, rising to his feet and giving James a forceful shove.
“Hey. Stop it. Stop it!” James yelled, aiming a kick at Abe and missing. “Faby!” he said in a sing-song voice, “Faby the Baby!”
“Mum said you couldn’t call me that!” said Abe.
“Mum’s not here!”
Ted rolled his eyes, resolutely bookmarking his page in Hogwarts: A History – a gift from Hermione, since he’d start school next year.
“Knock it off,” he said, trying to project his voice in a way that sounded authoritarian, “or I’ll get Uncle Ron.”
“Daddy doesn’t scare us,” said Rose.
“I’ll get Aunt Hermione,” Teddy qualified. 
James made a show of pretending to faint off the Firebolt, falling to the floor in a dramatic heap. Abe swung his leg over the broom immediately and took off. “Oh, no,” said James, “not Aunt Hermione.”
“You cried last time Mummy told you off,” Rose piped up.
“Did not!” 
“Did too!”
“I’ve never cried in my life!”
The sound of the front door opening echoed through the chambers at Grimmauld Place. Ron’s voice carried up the stairs –
“Oh, thank god you’re back. Harry, your children are right nightmares.”
“Where are they?” asked Ginny.
“Upstairs with Teddy,” said Hermione. “Well, Lily’s in the kitchen with Hugo.”
“Finger painting,” Ron said brightly, “they made a huge mess, too.”
“I hoped they behaved,” said Ginny. “I’m in a bloody awful mood, thanks to Harry.”
Teddy’s ears perked. He scooted closer to the door to have a listen – James caught on and came bounding over.
“Mum and Dad are home!”
“Shhh.” Teddy held a finger to his lips. “They’re arguing, I think.”
Abe and Rose were standing over his shoulder now, too. James cocked his head to the side. “Arguing bout what?”
“Is Mummy mad?” asked Abe. “I hate when Mummy’s mad.”
“What’d you do?” Ron asked, presumably directed at Harry.
“He lost us the quiz, is what!” Ginny shouted. 
“Hey,” that was Harry’s voice, interjecting, “in my defense –”
“There is no defense,” said Ginny. “Do you know what he did?”
“Enlighten me,” said Ron.
“Oh, don’t,” Harry groaned.
Teddy’s heart thudded against his ribcage. He’d heard Gran talking about Aunt Cissy’s divorce, how it still wrecked her, even after all this time. 
“When you marry a person, you think that’s who you’ll be with for the rest of your life,” she’d said, bustling around the kitchen while Teddy worked through a stack of chocolate frog cards. “And when it doesn’t turn out that way, it's quite jarring.”
Teddy couldn’t imagine Harry and Ginny splitting up. The thought of it made him sick with worry. He glanced back at James and Abe, clambering to press their ears against the door. How might they turn out, as children of divorce? Not well. It might be worse than having no parents, even – having parents who hated each other.
He pushed them away from the door. They shouldn’t have to listen to this.
James shoved back. “I wanna hear!”
“Quit it,” Teddy snapped. “Go find your Firebolt.”
“I said I wanted a turn!” Abe yelled, and they both pounded away in search of the broom.
Rose looked up at him with big, worried eyes. “What are they fighting about, Teddy?”
“Shh. I’m trying to listen.” He pressed his ear to the door again, Rose hanging back at a respectful distance. 
“It only made sense to me,” Harry was saying, “since they didn’t win the cup –”
“I thought you were the youngest Seeker in a century!” Ginny bellowed. “The best fucking quidditch player in the history of Hogwarts!” – Ted made a note to check for that in his book – “You can have the most points in the league and still lose the cup, you bloody idiot!”
“Sit down, Ginny,” said Hermione. To Teddy’s confusion, she seemed to be laughing. “You’ve both had a lot to drink.”
“Not enough!” Ginny yelped. “I could kill him.”
“You wouldn’t be the first to try,” Harry said dryly. 
“Oh, the Chosen One card won’t save you from this one.” Ginny’s voice was low and dangerous.
“You might wanna run, mate,” said Ron, “before she sobers up.”
Teddy chanced a look behind him. Rose was watching James and Abe wrestle over the Firebolt. He figured he could leave for a moment without any of them ending up dead.
He slipped through the door onto the landing. He was two stories up from the ground floor at Grimmauld Place, but the voices carried even more out here. In the foyer below, he could see Ron supporting Harry, who slumped over on his shoulder. Ginny also looked a bit unsteady on her feet.
“I’m only saying,” Ginny said, “you might want to think about your answers at the quiz, and how that might affect what comes later in the night…”
Hermione caught Teddy’s eye, and her mouth dropped open. Gently, she took Ginny’s elbow.
“Gin.” She brushed by her, and came up the stairs, apparently trying to stifle a smile. “Hey Ted. Have you been enjoying Hogwarts: A History?” she asked him, taking him by the elbow to steer him back into the playroom with the other kids.
“Are Harry and Ginny getting a divorce?” he blurted.
Hermione stopped in her tracks, her face going blank before she broke into peels of laughter.
“What’s so funny?” Harry called.
Hermione ignored him, kneeling down so that she was at his level. “No, Ted, they are not getting a divorce.”
“But they’re arguing,” he said.
“They’re not really arguing,” said Hermione, “more like… fake arguing. Arguing for fun.”
He scrunched his nose. “Why? That doesn’t make sense.”
“Well, they played the quiz at a pub in Diagon Alley,” Hermione said, “and it seems Harry got a very, er, important question wrong.”
“What was the question?”
“It was, which English quidditch team had the most points in the 1999 season?”
“And what was the answer?”
“The Holyhead Harpies, obviously.”
It clicked. Teddy’s eyes widened. “That’s Ginny’s old team!”
Hermione nodded slowly. “You can see why Ginny was a bit upset – her own husband!”
“But they’re not really angry?”
“No, they’ve just had a big night.”
At that moment, the door to the playroom burst open, and James came peeling out on the Firebolt. Abe was chasing after him, feet pounding against the hardwood, on the verge of tears. 
“You’ve had it all night, James, it’s my turn.”
“Faby the Baby!” James chanted. 
Abe began to cry.
“Faby the Baby!”
“James Sirius Potter.” Ginny’s voice was hard and crisp, and Teddy wondered how he could have mistaken her earlier tone for true anger. “What have I told you about that name?”
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maricoolerthanme · 2 years
𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐖 ; 𝐅𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
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None of them are my work! These are my favorite George Weasley fics written by other amazing writers, so all credits go to them! If you want your work removed from this list, please send me a message :)
THANK YOU FOR 100 FOLLOWERS !!! I was supposed to do this celebration a month ago – so sorry btw! – but I couldn’t find time to do it, but now it’s here! I love you all, thank you again for this and I hope you enjoy it <3
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𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐬 ༉‧₊˚✧
Vanilla & Charcoal by @starlightweasley
Temptations by @ickle-ronniekins
Just the Girl by @ickle-ronniekins
Space Girl by @lottiebagley
Caramel Kiss by @bleufrost
The Store Next Door by @w1segirl
Put Your Head on My Shoulder by @weelittleweasley
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𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭 +𝟏𝟖 ༉‧₊˚✧
First Time by @pinkandblueblurbs
Trick or Treat by @pearlsofme
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𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 ༉‧₊˚✧
Potions and Constellations by @iliveiloveiwrite
Mute by @thoseofgreatambition
Family Reunions by @lottiebagley
Time to Spend by @lord-multifandom-murder
Summer Breezes by @ginnyweasleymybeloved
Pinning for You by @wandsandwheezes
X of Swords by @free-pool-trash
Wonder part. 1 | part. 2 by @george-fabian-weasley
Spinnet? by @eddiethebanishedhq
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As usual, this post will be constantly updated if I found any other fics I like!
~ updated on June 3rd, 2023 ~
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fleursfairies · 1 year
i can just tell that gideon and fabian prewett were hot
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fandomassimilator · 10 days
How old were you when you realized the birth years of the six eldest Weasley kids coincided with an ABBA album release almost perfectly?
you cant tell me Fabian and gideon weren’t the biggest ABBA fans and would assign each of their nephews a song based off their album and play those records for the boys. It’s the only muggle band any of them know, and more specifically Bill Charlie and Percy explicitly remember it
Now imagine, a heavily pregnant Molly dancing around her kitchen with her brothers, husband and five kids while Chiquitita by ABBA blasts in the background
The songs assigned
Bill - he is your brother
Charlie - Mamma Mia
Percy - Money Money Money
Fred - Angeleyes
George - Chiquitita
Ron - Super Trouper
Ginny - no album or uncles for her but i think she’d be Slipping Through My fingers
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lcisabc23 · 11 months
Isn't it annoying?
Fred sighed as he lay back on the bed in his and George's shared room, waiting for George to return up the stairs with their food. After a couple of minutes of waiting, Fred sat up and went out of the room to listen down the stairs, he could hear his mother lecturing George. feeling a bit protective of his brother he went downstairs to get into the middle of this. "my brothers would have never been hiding in their room! not spending time with their family!" Their mother screamed at George making George groan "Mum for the last time we are not hiding away, Fred has a headache so we are staying upstairs till it goes away!" he said trying to stay calm knowing if he raised his voice their mother would find more reasons to yell at him. "Gideon would have never talked back to me like that!" she shouted making George groan he was holding the plates of food while trying to hold the cups while he did. Fred watched for a few seconds knowing George was getting overwhelmed "George what is taking so long mate, you trynna kill me?" Fred said rubbing his head and walking over to George grabbing the plates of food while George held the cups. "your brother tells me you have a headache Freddie would you like some potions to help with it, darling?" Molly said changing up her attitude seeing as Fred actually seemed to have a hurting head. "it's fine mum I just wanna relax for a bit" Fred said moving towards the stairs and making sure George was behind him.
The whole way to their room George remained quiet staring at the ground as he sat down on Fred's bed, "why does she always do that" he muttered as he put the cups on the side table beside him. "what compare us to our uncles?" Fred said jokingly as he sat beside George handing him his plate and making George sigh and nod. "isn't it annoying? She keeps comparing us to them we only met them once before they died, they are amazing but it's totally uncool to be compared to them all the time" George said with a groan as he played with his food. Fred nodded along with his younger twin "I know but that's just how mum has always been, remember when she yelled at us for turning Ron's bear into a spider. She went on and on about how they would have never done that to her." Fred said with a chuckle before eyes the way George was playing with his food "Eat George or I'll shove it down your bloody throat" Fred threatened as he ate some of his own food eyeing George who looked at him offendedly. "I will! it's just that mum always makes the stuff I dislike" he said with a groan as he forced himself to eat the food.
"I wish they were still here truth be told," Fred said with a gentle smile making George chuckle and nod, "they were amazing greatest pranksters to ever exist," George said making Fred agree. HOWEVER ON THE OTHER SIDE "Our babies agree with us we are the best of the best" Fabian said hugging Gideon tightly "True that, they come a close second. The marauders a third" Gideon said making Fabian nod and sit next to the two who were talking about random pranks they should do once they go to Hogwarts again as they eat their food. "Molly needs to relax on them," Gideon said with a frown, the two were talking and following George when she began to yell at him. "She changed so much," Fabian said with a sigh Gideon agreed as he crouched beside George "I hated this food as well it was simply horrendous when Molly made it," Gideon said with a shiver.
"Y'know Freddie why does it feel like we are being watched" George said with a shiver making Fred look at him with a raised eyebrow. "because you have stalkers that are simply mad for you Georgie," he said with a sarcastic tone making George look at him offendedly once more.
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slytherindisaster · 10 months
Lily x Fred + if they had a kid?? -🍂
Name: Fabian Timothy Weasley
Gender: male (he/him)
General Appearance: brown hair with red undertones, green eyes, and lanky in his younger years, but he grows into it
Personality: intelligent, quick-witted, creative, stubborn, sarcastic, an old soul, I dare you to impress him - you can't, he'd seen everything
Special Talents: he's a tortured artist
Who they like better: Lily. They connect more because of art and their hatred of riding a broomstick
Who they take after more: he actually bears the most resemblance to his maternal uncle Tim
Personal headcanon: He was born on February 13, 2009, which was a Friday. Not that he considers himself unlucky, at least not most of the time. He's the youngest of all the Weasley-Potter cousins, which he considers both a blessing and a curse. He really wants to do something impactful in his life, and sometimes, he feels oushined by the rest of his cousins. He was sorted into Slytherin, which wasn't a big shock (considering his mother was a hatstall), but it still caught some part of the family off guard. He's very good at Transfiguration and uses it to experiment with his art (mostly sculptures), and he keeps a safe distance from anything Quidditch.
Face Claim: Corey Fogelmanis
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》 if they had a kid meme
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desideriumwriter · 1 year
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all masterlists
♡ = fluff | ☆ = angst
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♡ Blindsided - As the Gryffindor Quidditch team celebrates their win on the field, Malfoy begins to openly throw insults in front of George and Fred towards them, their parents, Harry, and you. George isn’t able to ignore and shrug off his mockery. It only ends in a shocking altercation between the Redheaded Gryffindor and sneering Slytherin.
♡ Don’t Make Her Wait -  With the Yule Ball coming up, George knows who he wants to take as his date, you. Too nervous to ask, Fred helps him out with a bit of luck.
♡ Here Comes Your Man - Coming Soon!
♡ george comforts you on your period
Summer At Grimmaulds - TBA!
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turvi · 1 year
Darling Mine
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Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
She exhaled as she cracked her knuckles. Her body grew more tired as the hours passed. Today was the final OWLS exam and although Y/n was confident that she would get excellent marks, she was exhausted because of the hours she spent in her dorm preparing for the exams.
She pushed herself to complete the answers as her exhausted mind had enough of this exam and wanted nothing but rest. She flipped the pages revising and checking the answers. Tears brimmed her eyes as she yawned again. She felt like she could pass out right now on the desk if the Professor had not announced that the time was over.
She rested her face on one hand as Professor Filch collected the papers. She closed her eyes and told herself she would take a power nap of 15 minutes as Professor Filch collected answer sheets. But as soon as Professor Filch moved to the next row, Y/n went out like a light.
George saw this and sighed. He sat down beside her and admired how peaceful she looked right now. Her eyebrows were rid of the usual frown. His heart stirred when her lips twitched in her sleep.
He could describe their relationship as complex. Ever since he first saw her he knew she is there to stay in his life. He noticed she was in deep slumber. He picked her up and took her to his dorm.
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He made coffee as she slept peacefully on his bed. She looked so exhausted...just so she could prove to her parents that she is brilliant. They were also the reason why Y/n never even looked George's way even though her heart ached for him.
The L/n's had a reputation. They were not as powerful as Malfoys and Blacks but they were still honored members of the pureblood society. They had warned her when they saw her giggling with George that they will disown her if they ever see her with him again.
George was heartbroken when Y/n would not look at him. He knew how much she loved him. There was no doubt about that. His siblings especially Fred would try to convince him to move on and he would have if he had not seen how much she cared for him even if she tried not to show it.
How George would find a blanket on him if he fell asleep on the common room couch, or how he caught her charming his tea to remain hot on a chilly night, or how after a rough quidditch match she patched him up and stayed with him till morning.
George barely hated anything. Hate was a strong word for him. But he hated how fate was trying to keep him apart from someone he truly loves. But he can't really fault fate, after all, it is because of her he got to know his love.
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Y/n woke up when she felt someone caressing her head. She opened her eyes to a familiar red-headed twin to whom she had lost her heart. She had finally admitted to herself how she longed to stay like this in his arms, to be called his. She wished she was brave like him, brave enough to fight her fate just to see him look at her like this.
Her heart fluttered when he leaned in. He was so close yet so far. She whispered "George"
"Shh. Just please let me see you properly"
She couldn't deny him. His brown irises tried to store this moment. He hoped he could remember her this vividly. She finally smelled the coffee on the nightstand. She smiled as she looked at him "When were you going to tell me-
He couldn't take it anymore. His lips crashed on hers. His hand gently held her jaw. He felt her hand on his chest. She whined as he kissed her with more fervor. She gasped as they finally broke apart. Their chest heaving as they look into each other's eyes. No words were spoken. Like they were meant to be there.
"George..you know I can't do this" Her view of her love blurred as tears clouded her eyes. Pain is evident in her e/c eyes. George wonders how long she has been holding this pain in her heart?
He knew how her parents disapproved of him and how much she loved him but had to let go because she preferred to live in pain rather than see him get hurt by her parents.
"I love you Y/n...and I know you do too"
She was about to speak up when he spoke up again "Marry me"
Her jaw dropped but butterflies stormed in her stomach. She could not believe what she was hearing. She knew her parents would marry her to a man who was older than her father only for money and position.
George held her closer, looking deep into her e/c eyes, hoping she could see how much he craved for her. "We can marry in secret. They can't separate a married couple. We can go far away from here and spend our life together."
He desperately held her hand. She smiled loving the idea of spending life with George Weasley. She got up from his lap and caressed his cheek. "I know how much your shop means to you. More importantly, I know how much your family means to you. That is why we can't be together George. You deserve something better"
He shook his head holding her shoulder, afraid if he lets go she might go away. "Do you not love me?"
Tears finally dropped down her cheeks. She sat on his lap and took his hand and placed it on the left side of her chest. He could feel her heart rate increase.
She sobbed "I love you, George...please I really do. But I don't want my parents to harm you or your family because of me"
Their lips made contact again. The lovers not wanting to say goodbye to each other. "They won't be able to. Just be mine and I will always protect you." He chuckled "You will be one of the Weasleys. I won't let them take you away from me"
She smiled and nudged his nose "I have always been yours. And if you are by my side I can fight anyone who is against my love"
George planted kisses all over her face, her giggles encouraging him more. "Thank you, thank you. I love you so much Y/n L/n"
"I love you so much, George Weasley"
He giggled "Mrs. Weasley. Suits you"
She kissed him ready for the obstacles she knew she was going to face to love, George Weasley. But she didn't mind. Not when the idea of spending life together with him was a reality now
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whinlatter · 1 year
bill weasley, 3, 8, and 37 🌵
(bill) weasley is our king. thank you @evesaintyves! 🌊
3. Obscure headcanon
bill’s coming of age watch is a prewett family heirloom, engraved with a handsome letter P with the family crest, given to molly by muriel for his seventeenth. he’s the only one of his brothers not to receive a new watch (as the eldest child, he didn’t have the same set of resentments about secondhand things as his the younger siblings). muriel is so attached to bill partly because he is the sibling who took most interest in the prewett side of the family, and she was clear she wanted her own father’s watch to go to bill when he turned seventeen. he wears the watch less out of real fondness for muriel than as a symbol of fabian and gideon (see below for more on this!) and of the memory of the last of the prewetts that he carries around with him every day.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
bill let fleur and his family down big time in hbp. dumping his fiancé at his family home and leaving her to fend for herself day in day out while he went to work — unhinged decision making, and kind of selfish imo. it was an arrangement that suited him, and makes sense for bill’s priorities - he sincerely wants his future wife and his family to be really close. but he went about it horribly and these living arrangements made the fleur vs the family beef wildly worse. moving in with your partner’s family - tough! having your son/brother’s girlfriend live with you when she’s blunt and outspoken and rude about your house/life/food/family friends — also tough! bill did nothing to help those tensions, just came home from work, did some weird pda in the kitchen, and washed his hands of the situation. not a good look, king!
37. What they really think of themselves
i think bill thinks of himself consciously as the leader and protector of the family, a role he enjoys and takes really seriously, the most important job in his life that only grows in significance after he becomes a father himself and has children of his own. he thinks about the legacy of fabian and gideon a lot. their deaths were really formative for him: he remembers his uncles quite clearly, and knows how profoundly their deaths changed his mother’s life and her own parenting to his younger siblings (it’s so important that molly is a bereaved person from the moment she enters the canon text! her boggart isn’t irrational or paranoid or wildly hypothetical, after all — she knows the experience of familial loss in war all too well). after the summer of 1995, bill leaves egypt immediately feeling very much like he is answering a call of duty to his family set in motion when his uncles were murdered. i reckon he argues with charlie about his decision to stay in romania and serve the order from afar, and that bill doesn’t get why charlie doesn’t feel the same sense of responsibility to the family as he does. in that way, bill recognises that he himself is more like percy in his solemn sense of duty, though his loyalty is to his family as an institution, rather than the ministry.
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