mjshortformcjesus · 1 month
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in spanish class straight up drawing it. and by ‘it’ lets justr say. amanda young
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charlesoberonn · 23 days
I keep trying to add tumblr-style tags under my posts on places that aren't tumblr.
Other social media sites are really missing out on the ability to add little footnotes to your posts and shares that aren't part of the "main" text.
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popsicle-stick · 1 month
that gender post from last night has me thinking i wish other cis people knew how entirely bog standard and common it is to have zero innate sense or connection to gender - i'd go as far as to say that it's how the majority of cis people feel! it's a sense of being given one of two labels and simply having no innate notion to the contrary, but also, having no real innate sense that you ARE that. you're just that thang by default bc everyone calls you that and it's convenient and it's comfortable and the concept of gender is simply not interesting enough to spend time on
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crushcircuit · 1 year
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also i drew this while joking around w/ @the-valiant-valkyrie
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no okay i gotta rant. the changes Tumblr is making / is going to make Fucking Suck! they do! they clutter the site, fuck up perfectly fine button placements and such, and just mess with stuff that wasnt broken to begin with but certainly is now!
and the shit with like... collapsible reblog chains... all because they want to cater to people joining Tumblr from other sites. like??? excuse me?? they're coming to Our House. you dont completely remodel your home just because a new roommate is moving in. newcomers adapt. the site shouldn't unless it's to improve. absolutely fucking ridiculous.
i really dont wanna lose this site, its the only one i can handle using and i actively Enjoy using it because its unique. @staff please for the love of everything Leave It Be. let newcomers adjust and learn how to use our site as is. if yall kill tumblr for such a bs reason...
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Last line tag game!
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
Tagged by @auniverseforgotten and @thatlittledandere
I'm back on my Ichiryuu bullshit (as if I ever really left)~ uwu <3
The sound of his classmate’s voice earnestly calling out stopped Ichiban from running and he pivoted just enough to see that Zaou’s hand had reflexively reached out – reaching for him – but froze partway. “I was just… surprised,” Zaou explained carefully like he was thinking about each word before he said it. “I am pretty busy, so I wouldn’t have time every day and sometimes certain things come up last minute, but I guess I could use the help.” Ichiban tried to swallow his nerves, but his heart was in the way. “I understand. When would be a good time for you?” Zaou hummed absentmindedly as he searched for an answer, then suddenly his eyes lit up. “Ah! Give me your phone.” Ichiban obediently fished it out of his pocket and placed it in Zaou’s expectant hand. It wouldn’t occur to him until after the shock had worn off that perhaps he should have asked why first, but the fact that Zaou’s fingers were masterfully navigating his phone screen was doing unexpected things to his brain chemistry that he was sure would accidentally translate into a mortifying collection of words the instant he opened his mouth. This was a bad idea. Possibly the worst idea. Why did he ever think he could— “Here,” Zaou mercifully interrupted his spiraling train of thought and held the phone out to him again. “I’ll have to check my schedule first, so I’ll text you when I work something out.”
Trying to pretend that this is a "last line" game instead of just a "last thing I wrote" game is a fool's errand for me at this point. I truly cannot shut up about the things I love and this is my most wordy contribution to the feedback loop yet. //bricked
Tagging: @auniverseforgotten , @darth-salem-emperor-of-earth , @koolkitty9 , @floweryuu , @lanliingwang
As always, there’s no pressure to share and if I missed someone who wants to be included feel free to consider yourself also tagged~ <3
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obsidiannebula · 11 months
I somehow managed to stumble upon the... real estate market side of Tumblr? Fucking actual goddamn listings for houses? With like 0 notes obviously. Is this a new kind of spam bot or just out of touch and desperate realtors trying to reach the untapped market of *checks notes* mostly people who can't afford a house in this economy?
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What the actual fuck am I looking at. Why did you even bother with this
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abandonedsdjfhcvndfbv · 4 months
Both 27 year olds in wh go crazy age regressing Charlie in a more physical manner (literal 10yr old body and for example her penchant for plushie-collecting) Ashe it just happens to him tragically mostly when talking to Noel it's not his fault he happens to trigger the most vulnerable emotions in Ashe on accident every single time (sorry i mentioned them once but then i went off about them in tags.) Charlie and Ashe parallels are so intriguing for real. Something is wrong with you guys
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laugtherhyena · 3 months
Oc stuff in csm chapter 137-138 (y'all get what's happening in just a moment from now)
So continuing where i left off chapters 137 and 138 get shaken around quite a bit, there's no "go lick this devil and I'll have sex with you" or music venue (which sucks because the Chu chu lovely scene is one of my favorites from part 2 but i just can't imagine Mao doing that, oh well, you win some you lose some)
Mao is quick to tell Denji that this is a gig from public safety and that she's there to work as sorta of a bodyguard to him when he expresses being weirded out that another devil person suddenly came after him. He says that she was only coming on him because of her job and that's a let down to which Mao refutes by saying that while she doesn't like Denji in a dating sense, she does like him because chainsaw man is the reason she's alive and that's why she's been wanting to meet him ever since.
The two go to an arcade where Mao asks Denji how does it feel when he transforms because for her it just hurts a bunch and she wondered if it's the same for someone as strong as chainsaw man, Denji tries to put his feelings of wanting to be chainsaw man into words but it's interrupted by that crowd of dudes with baseball bats that comes after him in the canon chapter 137. He fights a few of them off before Mao, transformed into the clock hybrids jumps in and starts attacking the thugs, she says she's meant to do the fighting and tells Denji to go hide somewhere.
He obviously doesn't do that, saying why should he miss the fun part, and proceeds to grab one of the bats on the floor and beating the shit out of those people too. He looks down at his chest and considers transforming before Yoshida shows up and the fight ends. This time he's accompanied by Fumiko and this is where she gets introduced into the story.
He explains that they're all from division 7 and that he and Fumiko, Mao's superior in the mission, were watching them from afar to evaluate how well she would do in her assigned task, coming to the conclusion that she lacks fighting experience but does state that this should have been expected seeing as Mao's most useful abilities are not related to fighting. Amidst his confusion Mao approaches Denji and uses her clock to cure the few bruises and scraches he got on the fight, finishing off by saying that she did tell him the clock was cooler!
Fumiko approaches them and talks about how chainsaw man is strong even when he's not trasnformed and says that she wishes there will be an opportunity for them to talk more in the future, she leaves with Mao and Yoshida tells Denji that he'll set her straight and so he won't have to fight anymore. From there his meeting with Miri in the streets happens just like in canon.
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breadboylovin · 7 months
ok i have to make my own longwinded post about this song because it makes me so incredibly sad and i NEED to get my thoughts out somewhere
just. just the intro alone is crazy. the fact that he is either sobbing or on the verge of tears the whole time. the fact that he's so emotional that he can't even finish some of the lines. the fact that right after saying the last "it's time" he is so overwhelmed that you can literally hear him get out of his chair and leave the room
the sob turning into a laugh that starts verse 1 makes me feel like my heart is being torn to shreds. jesus fucking christ. i personally think "being human" in the context of this song means being emotionally vulnerable with a partner/friend/etc, like letting your "ugly" side show a little bit. with that interpretation, this first lyric of verse 1 is one of the saddest things i've ever heard:
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like. man. yeah i've been there. this lyric coupled with the laugh right before REALLY hurts, it feels like he's saying "god, i'm so stupid for getting myself hurt like this, it's actually funny"
that's not the saddest part of the song to me though. i think what's even sadder to me is the bridge:
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this bridge really reminds me of verse 3 of fantasyworld, in that it's a point in the song where the singer (the ghost pov character in imdthy/actual quad in scrapyard) makes the objectively wrong decision (suicide in fantasyworld and not "being human" in this song)... and it's also the part of the song where they sound the happiest. i think what makes both of these songs hurt so much (at least for me) is that they know they're making the wrong choice, but they've been hurt so bad that it feels like they've run out of options, and the idea of not having to try anymore becomes a comfort. fantasyworld's "i won't have to suffer anymore if i'm dead" and utttwuh's "no one can hurt me based on my true self if they never see it". for utttwuh in particular, it's heartbreaking hearing him basically say "it was nice while it lasted :-)" over something that doesn't have to end. i need to go lie face down on the floor
i also think it's interesting where quad put this in the mixtape. despite being his "scrapyard" for songs that didn't fit on anything else, it's obviously deliberately sequenced- if it wasn't, then he would've just put them in the order the packs were released in. him putting a song that is (in my interpretation) about deciding to hide your true self right after a song called "being yourself" is not a fucking accident. when i hear them back-to-back i imagine this song as a response to being yourself's chorus, like "i can't be myself, this is why". but obviously there's a whole litany of reasons as to why he could've put them next to each other. also this is admittedly a stretch but the sort of "ramping up" that you hear in the instrumentals of both songs (starting at 2:27 in being yourself and 3:30 in utttwuh) feel really similar and makes them seem connected to me
tl;dr every time i listen to this song i feel like this
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kuromi-hoemie · 1 year
so like..
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is the idea that as a compromise to only having to toggle off tumblr live once a month, you now have this permanent tumblr live icon regardless of ur setting choice stuck to the bottom in the middle of everything in the hopes that i click on it accidentally anyways even though it's clear i don't want it or? where is the NO 100% STOP GIVING ME THIS SHIT I DON'T ACCEPT YOUR POLICIES AND LITERALLY COULD NOT CARE LESS ABOUT TUMBLR LIVE AND WILL NEVER BE INTERESTED IN THIS TYPE OF FEATURE OR FORMAT.
@zingring @photomatt @humans idk how many feedback requests people have to cut tumblr for "no" to just be a valid response here. ppl aren't dumb and see u inching over the line trying to force this on them despite the snooze choice.
what, are there so many ppl snoozing and such a low adoption rate that you know you need to trick users into using it so you can "make number go up" or? 🙄
#snoozing tumblr live for a month but perpetually having a big centered button that will take you there immediately at all#times while also inherently meaning that you've accepted the privacy policies and TOS for using a third party service#tumblr is so fucking annoying is2g i should just pester my mutuals repeatedly about getting onto cohost and being active instead#of talking to a fucking brick wall because obviously NO ONE at tumblr gives a shit that NO ONE wants to use their shitty third#party live stream feature. for the millionth time leave me alooooone#my patience and grace for this site is almost entirely spent y'all ngl (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) tumblr is like one or two annoying updates away from#me bugging y'all to get on cohost. was hoping there'd be a few more good updates before we got back to the annoying enraging ones.#like.. seeing if ppl r mutuals or followers on mobile? 👍 snoozing going from 7 to 30 days? 👍 live being there despite snoozing? 👎🔫#I'm STILL not over this whole twitter UI too in the browser too. tumblr's trying sooo hard to be a blogging platform in a twitter trenchcoat#u ARE a blogging platform and are functionally different than a typical social media site in multiple key ways. why r u downgrading urself#it's bc matt thinks elon's sooooo cute and wants to kiss him so bad he'd do anything to get his attention#even crash the popularity of his site and burn his good grace he had w the platforms community.#y'all rich mf need some hobbies i swear to god (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) y'all get bored or divorced n start tryna fix shit that ain't broken. pests.#now it's everyone else's problem too 🙄
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xianhuashi · 3 months
Hello! Incase you are unaware, my iPad that I use for drawing and animation stopped working one day. See this post for more information, then come back.
I got a replacement! Sadly, the god damn replacement can not connect to the Internet, therefore I can't access ibis paint, therefore I can't make money, and most importantly, NO DR HAMADA. 😭 My mother called apple's help line and fought with the Indian lady with her thick Chinese accent. the lady on the other line essentially said "turn it on and off again" and "go to the Apple store to get it fixed".
My mom gets payed this Friday, so we are going to haul our asses to downtown to the Apple store and get the iPad fixed/ get a newer model. I am so sorry, AGAIN. We have to pay $30-$100 to get it fixed, even though the problem wasn't caused by me, it is a brand new fucking iPad, I HATE APPLE SO MUCH!!!!!!
(I shouldn't have to say this, but I am not attacking the Indian reception lady.)
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intersexfairy · 1 year
discord and tumblr changing their shit at the same time makes me want to go back to 2012 and use skype because at least that shit stayed the same (until it got overrun by spam bots but let's pretend that didn't happen for a moment)
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stabbyfoxandrew · 6 months
okay this is really weird, but one of my asks isn't showing on desktop? it was weird because i was tallying them up and i knew i saw someone sent me an ask with a Boop gif on my phone (ily tumblr user Ordei) but it wasn't there.
i thought i straight up hallucinated getting it (i was really scared for a second lol) but it's on the app? just not showing on desktop so. i'll have to answer that one weirdly. like if y'all see a wipw ask pop up and it's blank (on my part) it's because i'll apparently have to answer it on mobile then edit to add in the snippet on desktop? so yeah! that's gonna be happening i guess? :'))
btw i suppose this means don't include gifs with requests since tumblr's being dumb? :((
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robinniko · 1 year
i hate you, tumblr
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irawhiti · 1 year
ngā mihi o te tau hou o te katoaaaa (ki te hunga e whakanui ana) hope we are all having kai pai me ngā kakato hāngī i tēnei wiki
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