cristinabcn · 2 years
ESPAÑA: EXPO-BELLEZA ANDALUCÍA 2023 Feria de la Belleza, Salud y Bienestar
SPAIN: EXPO-BELLEZA ANDALUCÍA 2023 Beauty, Health and Well-being Fair MARÍA PIÑA Periodista – Escritora Consejera Delegada Global de La Mujer Saludos cordiales mis muy queridos lectores del mundo. Sabéis que me apasiona todo lo que tiene que ver con la Mujer y por ello hoy vengo a contarles que el pasado sábado 4 de febrero asistí con mis amigas Rocío Ferrón (Personal Shopper) y Estela Carmona…
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It makes me so happy that Society of the Snow tells the story with so much respect towards survivors and even those who didn’t make it. It’s beautiful that families could have some sort of closure with it. Every actor gave their all and involved themselves so much in the story, truly a movie with so much heart.
As a latin american it makes me happy that Bayona took care of telling the story with actors with a rioplatense accent, like the survivors. This story had to be told that way: with respect, realness and love.
I am hoping it wins the Oscar for best international movie, imo, it should’ve been nominated for best film period.
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miracleintheandes · 8 months
The survivors and the actors who play them
Nando Parrado and Agustin Pardella
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Roberto Canessa and Matías Recalt
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Fito Strauch and Esteban Kukuczka
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Antonio Vizintín and Agustin Della Corte
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Eduardo Strauch and Rafael Federman
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Daniel Fernandez and Francisco Romero
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Alvaro Mangino and Juan Caruso (with Alvaro's wife Margarita)
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José Luiz "Coche" Inciarte and Simon Hempe
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Pancho Delgado and Valentino Alonso
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Roy Harley and Andy Pruss
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Moncho Sabella and Rocco Posca
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Bobby François and Agustin Berruti
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Gustavo Zerbino and Tomas Wolf
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Carlitos Paez and Felipe Otaño
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Pedro Algorta and Luciano Chattón
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Javier Methol and Esteban Bigliardi (Javier passed away in 2015)
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Compañeros, hermanos, amigos escuchen y regocíjense.
Europa está en caos, el imperio español se está derrumbando, Portugal continúa perdiendo influencia y Francia pelea en demasiados frentes, es hora de unir nuestras fuerzas, nuestros pueblos pelearán por la libertad, por la justicia ¡Por América!
No sólo derrotaremos a los gachupines, portugueses y franceses en el campo de batalla ¡También nos veremos mejor que ellos mientras lo hacemos!
Esta encuesta determinará quién de todas estas sensuales personas latinoamericanas será la que opacará más a los europeos, a la que más gente le encantaría tener en su cama por una noche ¡El mas grande ejemplo de exquisitez latinoamericana!
¿Quieres nominar a alguien para tan aclamado premio? Puedes hacerlo aquí
1. Puedes nominar a todas las personas que quieras, el formulario no tiene un límite
2. Animamos a que manden propaganda (en inglés o español o portugués)
3. Sexy man/hombre sexy es un término sin género, todos, todas y todes son bienvenidos.
4. Serán juzgados en base de las edades que tenían durante las guerras por la independencia y los admins se esforzarán para encontrar los retratos apropiados.
Comrades, brothers, friends listen and rejoice.
Europe is in chaos, the Spanish empire is collapsing, Portugal continues to lose influence, and France is fighting on too many fronts. It is time to join forces, our people fight for liberty and for justice. For America!
We will not only defeat the gachupines, the Portuguese and the French on the battlefield. We will also do it while looking better than them!
This contest will determine who among these sexy Latin Americans outshines the Europeans the most, who most people would invite to their bed for a night. The best example of the exquisiteness of Latin America!
Do you want to nominate someone for such an honor? Nominate them here.
You can nominate as many people as you want. The form does not have a limit.
Propaganda is encouraged (in English or Spanish or Portuguese)
Sexyman is a gender neutral term.
They will be judged based on the age they were during the wars for independence and the admins will try their best to find appropriate portraits.
La lista hasta ahora/The existing list is here:
Virreinato de Nueva España
1. Agustin de Iturbide
2. Leona Vicario
3. Juan Aldama
4. José Maria Morelos y Pavón x3
5. Vicente Guerrero x2
6. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Virreinato del Nuevo Reino de Granada:
7. Antonio Nariño x3
8. Antonio Morales Galavís
9. Policarpa Salavarrieta x2
10. Francisco de Paula Santander x 2
13. Simón Bolívar x2
14. José Antonio Paez
Virreinato del Perú:
11. Manuela Sáenz de Vergara y Aizpuru
12. Micaela Bastidas
15. Manuela a.k.a Manuelita Saenz x4
16. Antonio José de Sucre x 2
17. María Ana Carcelén de Guevara y Larrea-Zurbano
21. Manuel Javier Rodríguez y Erdoíza
22. José Miguel Carrera Verdugo
Virreinato del Río de la Plata:
18. Manuel Belgrano
19. José de San Martín x 3
20. Martín Miguel de Güemes
23. Manuel Ceferino Oribe y Viana
24. Juan Antonio Lavalleja
25. José Fructuoso Rivera y Toscan
26. Toussaint L’Ouverture
Brasil/The Empire of Brazil:
27. Joaquim Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque
28. Maria Quitéria de Jesus x2
29. Joaquim Gonçalves Ledo
30. Maria Leopoldina
31. Pedro I
32. Hipólito José da Costa Pereira Furtado de Mendonça
33. José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva
34.Francisco Gomes da Silva
35. Domitila de Castro Canto e Melo, Marquesa de Santos
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The full passenger manifest of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, which set off from Montevido, Uruguay to Santiago, Chile, on October 12th, 1972.
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1. Francisco Abal
2. Carlos Paez Rodriguez
3. Roberto Francois Alvarez
4. Daniel Maspons Hossa
5. Gilberto Regules Zorrilla
6. Marcelo Pérez del Castillo
7. Roy Harley Sanchez
8. Jorge Hounie Sere
9. Julio Martinez Lamas
10. Gaston Costemalle Jardi
11. Arturo Nogueira Paullier
12. Felipe Maquirriain
13. Diego Storm Gornah
14. Alfredo Delgado
15. Alvaro Mangino
16. Jose P. Algorta Duran
17. Francisco Nicola Brusa
18. Esther Horta de Nicola
19. Antonio Vizintin Brandi
20. Susanna E. Parrado Dolgay
21. Eugenia Dolgay de Parrado
22. Fernando Parrado Dolgay
23. Eduardo Strauch Urioste
24. Adolfo Strauch Urioste
25. Daniel Shaw Urioste
26. Gustavo Zerbino Stajano
27. Roberto Canessa Urta
28. Gustavo Nicholich Arocena
29. Fernando Vasquez Nerel
30. Jose Luis Inciarte Vasquez
31. Daniel Fernandez Strauch
32. Rafael Echavarren Vasque
33. Numa Turcatti Pesquera
34. Alfredo Cibils
35. Carlos Valeta Vallendor
36. Enrique Platero Riet
37. Javier Methol Abal
38. Liliana Navarro de Methol
39. Ramon Sabella
40. Juan Carlos Menendez Vilascca
41. Graciela Obdulia Augusto Gumila de Mariani
42. Guido Jose Magri
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
They present themselves as rebels against the system, fighting to preserve a piece of local woodland.
Yet many of the terrorist suspects arrested and charged over occupying government property and the violent attack in downtown Atlanta on Saturday are children of pampered privilege from out of state.
Hundreds of far-left activists, including Antifa, had gathered on Saturday evening at the Five Points neighborhood in downtown Atlanta to protest the death of their comrade who died in a shootout with police earlier in the week at an occupation south of the city.
On Jan. 18, Manuel Esteban Paez Teran, of Tallahasse, Fla., shot and severely injured a Georgia State Patrol trooper at the so-called “autonomous zone” before being killed by returning fire from police. The year-and-a-half long occupation is at the heart of the “Stop Cop City” movement to shut down the construction of the future Atlanta Public Safety Training Center, a proposed training site for law enforcement and first responders. They hate it because it’s a police center, but also claim that they are protecting a forest.
At Saturday’s gathering, masked militants dressed head to toe in black marched in the streets, shouting: “If you build it, we will burn it.”
They then smashed up businesses, cars and the Atlanta Police Foundation building. An Atlanta police cruiser was set on fire with an explosive. Livestream videos recorded at the scene showed the violent extremists working in an organized manner, such as using a large vigil banner to hide the rioters who torched the vehicle and grabbing large rocks from a shared bag to use as projectiles.
Some of those arrested represent the sort of professional leftist agitator who have popped up across the country after George Floyd’s death:
Francis Carroll is the son of a yacht-sailing, multi-millionaire family.
Carroll was already out on bail for a domestic terrorism arrest at the Atlanta autonomous zone last month. He is the son of a yacht-sailing, multi-millionaire family and hails from the wealthy Maine city of Kennebunkport, also home to former president George W. Bush.
Carroll, who lived in his parent’s mansion before going to Atlanta, was among six people arrested and charged with domestic terrorism, aggravated assault and other crimes on Dec. 13 following a string of property attacks around the area, a carjacking and assaults on officers. They were all bailed out by activists who crowdfunded their legal defense using Twitter.
Madeleine “Henri” Feola is orginally from the wealthy Portland, Ore., suburb of Happy Valley.
Feola is a trans nonbinary activist and 2022 alumna of Oberlin College, where they studied archaeological studies with a focus on decolonization. They’re from the wealthy Portland, Ore., suburb of Happy Valley before relocating to Spokane, Wash. Feola authored a February 2022 blog post on the American Scientist titled, “It’s Time to Stop Gatekeeping Medical Transition.”
Emily Kathryn Murphy says her own family “doesn’t fully understand what being vegan means.”
Murphy is a middle-class vegan activist who previously served as the at-large chair for the Chicago chapter of Al Gore’s “Climate Reality Project” organization before becoming further radicalized into eco-ideology. “I have been vegan five and a half years now, and, no matter how much explaining I do, my own family still doesn’t fully understand what being vegan means,” Murphy complained once in a blog post for the group.
Ivan James Ferguson is an award-winning classically trained clarinet player.
Ferguson is a 23-year-old award-winning classically trained clarinettist from Henderson, Nev. who studied at the prestigious San Francisco Conservatory of Music. Before becoming radicalized, Ferguson regularly performed in classical concerts in California and Nevada.
They’ve each been charged with: felony domestic terrorism, felony interference with government property, felony first-degree arson, felony second-degree criminal damage, riot, unlawful assembly, willful obstruction of a law enforcement officer and pedestrian in roadway.
At an emergency press conference following the riot, Atlanta mayor Andre Dickens revealed a shocking discovery: “Some of them were found with explosives on them. You heard that correctly, explosives.”
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation and other law enforcement agencies have tried multiple times to end the violent occupation of the woods. Yet militants have regrouped and continued to occupy the area, heeding the call shared on anarchist sites for comrades to “defend the Atlanta forest.” At the first police raid in May 2022, police were met with Molotov cocktails. The GBI also said it found gas masks and edged weapons at the raid.
During the protest, an Atlanta police cruiser was set on fire with an explosive.FOX 5
Among the previous arrests were more privileged protesters:
* Teresa Yue Shen, a Brooklyn woman arrested on Jan. 18 who graduated from Barnard College before working at Reuters and CNN, according to her LinkedIn. She is charged with domestic terrorism.
* Abigail Elizabeth Skapyak, of Minneapolis. Skapyak is a former Justice Department intern who graduated from American University. She was arrested on May 17.
* Marianna Hoitt-Lange, a violinist who graduated from New York University. She was arrested on May 17.
* Madeleine “Matthias” Gunther Kodat, of Philadelphia, is the daughter of the former provost and dean of faculty at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wis. who was arrested on May 17.
Protesters torch police car, damage businesses in Atlanta after activist killed
In November, rioters tried to set a man on fire who drove into the area.
“It seemed to me like they were going to burn the truck with me in it,” Richard Porter told 11Alive News at the time. He was forced to flee for his life as his truck was torched. In early December, two under-construction homes next to the occupation were burned to the ground. The same month, another raid resulted in six being arrested and charged with domestic terrorism.
Serena Hertal, of Sun Valley, Idaho, was one of the militants charged with domestic terrorism, aggravated assault and criminal trespass. She graduated from Pitzer College, a private liberal arts university in Claremont, Calif. where yearly costs are over $82,000.In addition to the weekend violence in Atlanta over the shooting death of the gunman, far-left sympathizers from around the country have held solidarity direct actions and urged retributive violence. “Scenes from the Atlanta Forest,” a collective that represents the autonomous zone, called for “reciprocal violence” against police in a heavily shared post on Twitter.
In solidarity with the Atlanta occupation, the trans child of Democratic House Minority Whip Katherine Clark was arrested for alleged vandalism and assault of an officer. Jared “Riley” Dowell, 23, was charged with assault by means of a dangerous weapon, destruction of injury of personal property and damage of property by graffiti.
In Lansing, militants attacked a bank, writing, “Stop cop city.” Six were arrested. A Portland UPS center was also purportedly set on fire, with a claim of responsibility posted online saying it was retribution over their comrade’s death.
“We call for more actions directly toward the companies that are donating to and funding the Cop City project in Atlanta. Forest defenders have a right to stay in the forest, and groups will continue to retaliate until the Cop City Project is canceled,” reads the anonymous statement.
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mundillotaurino · 3 years
Le circuit de novilladas de Andalucía annonce les cartels de ses novilladas !
Le circuit de novilladas de Andalucía annonce les cartels de ses novilladas !
Le circuit de novilladas d’Andalucía a annoncé les cartels de ses 3 spectacles qui seront célébrés entre le 29 mai et le 12 juin. A l’issue de ses 3 novilladas, 6 novilleros seront qualifiés pour les demi-finales, qui seront suivis par une première finale à 3 puis une seconde finale à 2. Pas moins de 15 ganaderias andalouses ont été sélectionnées avec la participation de 9 novilleros pour…
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myfontz · 5 years
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anastpaul · 4 years
Our Lady of Refuge and Memorials of the Saints - 4 July
Our Lady of Refuge and Memorials of the Saints – 4 July
4 July – Our Lady of Refuge, Nuestra Señora del Refugio, is Patroness of California and parts of Mexico. This painting is from the hands of the artist, Joseph de Paez, 1750, Mexico.
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The Franciscan missionary Francisco Diego Garcia y Moreno was the first Bishop of Baja, California.   He proclaimed Nuestra Señora del Refugio, as Patron on 4 January 1843, at Mission Santa Clara in Alta California.
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padremax · 4 years
Puedes participar de la Misa de hoy siguiendo este enlace:
Ofrecida por las siguientes intenciones:
~ En Acción de Gracias a Dios, nuestro Padre, por la intercesión:
- del Espíritu Santo, por la Renovación Carismática Católica en Maracaibo.
- del Sagrado corazón de Jesús por una intención especial de la Familia Tulli Durán y por el Cumpleaños de Nelva Rios de Martinez.
- Jesús de la Misericordia por las intenciones y salud de María Isabel Texeira.
- de Nuestra Señora de Coromoto, por los que laboran en el Hospital Coromoto.
- de la Virgen del Rosario.
- Virgen Desatadora de Nudos por las intenciones de Mario Andrés, Víctor Hugo, Yanet Rosa Durán.
- Por las intenciones de: la familia González Parra, la familia Parra Díaz y Marin Farias- Ramirez.
~ Pedimos por la salud y recuperación de:
• enfermos del Covid-19 y por los que trabajan por su sanación.
• Padre Danilo Calderón, Padre Alberto Gutierrez, Hno. Thomas Smith, Flor Navarro y Maria Galindo.
• Jorge Negrón, Rosario Rivera, Antonio Guerrero, Marcolina Quintero, Valentina Paulovich y José Alejandro Delgado Rodríguez.
~ Por los bienhechores de nuestra Parroquia, del Seminario, de la Fundación Cura de Ars y Fundación Comedor Santa Ana.
~ Por el descanso eterno de:
+ Hilda Margarita Carrizo de Morisco. (3° años).
+ Rita Julia Ortega de Borjas.
+ Blanca Josefina Morales Maggiolo de Gill (1º mes).
+ María Eugenia Sánchez.
+ Alfredo Enrique Ule Sánchez.
+ José Gregorio Mogollón González.
+ Pedro Alcalá Rhodolfo.
+ Francisco Jesús Quintero Dajer.
+ Miguel Ovidio Pérez.
+ Doménico Lombardi.
+ Letizia Lombardi.
+ Gerardo Lombardi Bettini.
+ Francisco Lombardi Lombardi.
+ Humberto Martínez Núñez.
+ Elena Molero de Padrón (2/9).
+ Javier Hernán José Verá Urdaneta (3/9).
+ María Josefina Morrel de Morrel (3/9).
+ Maritza Josefina León de Medina (5/9).
+ Antonio José cordero Ball (23/30).
+ Huilan Nelly Maruja Ball Berci (6/15).
+ Nora Montiel de Russo.
+ Giuseppe Russo Graziano.
+ Alexis Raúl Bracho Martínez.
+ Hérmilo Paez Ávila.
+ Carlos Alberto Ortiz Ochoa.
+ Gregorio de la Rivera.
+ Alexandra del Pilar Yánez Quintero.
+ Chichi Quintero.
+ Bernardo Larreal Herrera.
+ Nelson Enrique Sthormes.
+ Luís Marín.
+ Jorge Romero Martínez.
+ Sili Hernández Belloso.
+Animas del purgatorio más necesitadas.
Para anotar intención de misa, escribe por whatsapp o SMS al +58-424-6293617‬. Para transferir ofrenda voluntaria a la cuenta de Max Güerere, C.I. 10.918.893, BOD # 0116-0103-1500-2623-9345.
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TÍTULO: El Eternauta
GUIONISTA: Héctor Germán Oesterheld
ILUSTRADOR: Francisco Solano López
  La mayoría de los países del mundo quedaron vacíos por un problema fatal, el Eternauta, su esposa, hija y amigos se las ingenian para poder conseguir alimento y medicinas. Se enteran de que hay sobrevivientes pero ya no son ciudadanos que se ayudan unos a los otros, si no diferentes grupos de personas con un interés en común, sobrevivir.
   Esta novela gráfica enseña valores como amor por tus seres queridos, porque se protegen unos a otros, fortaleza, ya que nunca se pusieron en estado de depresión aunque todo lo que más quisieron no exista y creatividad, para solucionar los problemas que iban llegando.
Es recomendada para los amantes de la ciencia ficción que desde 1957 inspira a los lectores a transportarse a Buenos Aires y vivir estás viñetas tan detalladas que te hacen sentir que conoces a los personajes desde siempre, es para  todos aquellos que quieren recorrer estas páginas increíbles, llenándose de intriga por este mundo tan particular.
  Espero que haya sido de utilidad!!!
 Mariana Paez
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printedinblood · 5 years
“Visions from the Upside Down”-Stranger Things:Artbook Artists List
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As we inch close to the release date of our latest and most amazing Artbook release to date, We wanted to post a list of all of the included artists in the project. I am including their Social media @nametags  for Instagram (if they have an account there) so you can follow up on their amazing works outside of our new book.
Remember you can pre-order the book here:
Charles Adi @blackoutbrother
Brian Aldridge @aerosoulpro
Nick Allsop @nick_alsopp_art
Rafael Alvarez @alvarez_studio
Kwasi Amankwah @kwasi81
Stephen Andrade @stephen.andrade.7 (Facebook)
Orlando Arocena @mexifunk
Edgar Ascensao @edgar_asc
Dane Ault @monkeyminionpress
Noah Bailey @boyishdeathtribe
Giuseppe Balestra @artbygb
Mark Bell @markbellillustration
Angelina Benedetti @angelinabenedetti
Freya Betts @freyabettsart
Rick "dienzo" Blanco @dienzoart
Alejandro Blasi @alejandroblasi.art (Facebook)
Aaron Bolduc @alphaazieru
Alex Boniwell @erodingdesigns
Mark Borgions @handmade_monster
Bonnie Bozell @bbozellart
Michael Vincent Bramley @mvbramleyart
Matthew Brazier @matthew_brazier
Rio Burton @rioburton
Lin-Zy Busch @withlovelinzy
Matt Busch @matt_busch_instagram
Butcher Billy @thebutcherbilly
Sheila  C @studiosheila
Carlos  Cabaleiro @cabaleiroart
Chris Callahan @rgb_alpha
Josh Campbell @paybackpenguin
Daniel  Campos @stalk_danielcampos
Kate Carleton @keelhaulkate
Simon  Carpenter @simcarpe
Ryan Caskey @ryancaskeyillustration
Christa Cassano @christacassano
Justin Castaneda @whenuwerelittle
Victor Castro @victoroil
Lon Chan @lonchanillustrates
Alexander Cherepanov @cherepanov_inkart
Chogrin @chogrin
GMB Chomichuk @gmbchomichuk
Chris Chuckry @chrischuckry
Darren Coburn-James @asylumartz
Adam Cockerton @adamcockertonart
Joe Corroney @joecorroney
Carolyn Craggs @carriejc1983
Paul Cremin @paul_cremin_art
Ryan Crosby @rcillustration
Ronnie Crowther @ronniecrowtherart
Justin Currie @chasingartwork
Bob Dahlstrom @bobdahlstrom
Ted Dastick @teddastickjr (Twitter)
Jason Davies @jasondaviesart_
Neil Davies @neildaviesillustration1
Rich Davies @turksworks
Simon  Delart @s2lart
Mike Diaz
Garrett Dix @garrett_dix_artist
Rodney Dollah @rodneydollah
Dug Nation @sketchymonsters
Matt Dunn @matthewdunnart
Roberto Duque @rad_pencils
Damian Edwardson @damianedwardsonart
Sarah Elkins @NeilaK20 (Twitter)
Don England @donaldengland_art
Nicole Falk @legendsofthefalk
Bastian Faulk @bastianfaulk
Jaimie Filer @jaimie_filer
Malcolm Fisher @mal_made
Francisco Flores @artofmetalhand
Jared Flores (Circusbear) @jaredcircusbear
Julie Fordham @juliefordham
Luke Francis @twistedabnormality
Devin Francisco @devin_francisco_art
Bryan Fyffe @bryanfyffe
Anthony Galatis @anthonygalatis
Paul Gates @pickle.vision
Bruce Gerlach @bruce_gerlach (Twitter)
Sam Gilbey @samgilbey
Donny Gillies @dirtydonnyart
Dustin  Goebel @dgoebel00
Jason Goungor @jasongoungor
Art Grafunkel @artgrafunkel
Joshua Green @lvciferx
Justin Harder @clausstudioss
Paul Harrison-Davies @paulmhd
Matthew Harrower @hpmatt1984
Jordan Hart @jordyjordith
Simon  Heard @sinagedesign
Tomas Hijo @tomashijo
John J Hill @johnjhill
Michelle Hiraishi @_mhiraishi
Matthew Hirons @saintworksart
Chris Hitchman @chris_hitchman
James Hobson @jamesjamesjamescreative
Tony Hodgkinson @epictonedogg
Josh Howard @josh_howard
Rian Hughes @rianhughes
Faryn Hughes @farynh
Jon Hunt @huntillustration
Ian Jepson @ian_jepson
Bernard Jezowski @berniedave
Robert Jimenez @zerostreet
JoeJr @joejrberrelleza
Adem Kaan @ademkaanillustration
Ana Kahana @kahanita
Sandra Kamenz @sandrakamenz
Chris Kay @chris_kay_art
Michael Kelleher @michaelkelleherillustrator (Facebook)
Josh Kelly @jmonsterart
Tom Kelly @tomkellyart
Jemma Klein @jemmaklein
Heather Landry @sandpaperdaisy
Doug Larocca @douglaslaroccaart
Mark Levy @marklevyart
Alice Meichi Li @alicemeichi
Matthew Lineham @mlinehamart
Chelsea Lowe @cmloweart
Jerry Ma @epicprops
Ian MacDougall @ianmacart
Mike Mahle @mikemahleart
Tomasz Majewski @tomasz.majewski
Chris Malbon @melbs74
Matthew Manlove @mattmanlove
Christopher Maul @christopher_maul
Sam Mayle @sammaylearts
Kristopher McClanahan @deeplydapper
Bill McConkey @bill_mcconkey
John McCrea (w/ Dee Cunniffe) @mccreaman1 w/ @deezoid
Scott McKay @thescottmckay
Axel Medellin @axelmedellinmachain
Kelly Migliori @heyghoulhey
Jason Miller @jasonmillerart
Peach  Momoko @peachmomoko60
Akane  Morinishi @akaneschibiart
Micah Mowbray @curiousartglass
Murugiah @_murugiah
Christian Nannipieri @christian.nannipieri
Matt Needle @needledesign
William O'Neill @william.oneill.792
NOS4A2 Design @nos4a2lives
Angel Onofre @angelonofre
Rey Paez @reypaezart
Luke Parker @artofparker
John Pearson @johnjpearson
Xurxo Penalta @xurxopenalta
Jerry Pesce @pesceffects
Pestmeester @thepestmeester
Lucas Peverill @lucas_peverill_art
Michelle Prebich @batinyourbelfry
Dave Pryor @davepryor72
Gary Pullin @ghoulishgary
L.Jason Queen @ljasonqueen
Aldo Requena @aldorequenavalgorth
Joey Rex @iamjoeyrex
Rodolfo Reyes @rodolforever
Aleksey Rico @alekseyrico
Julien Rico jr @julienricojr
Dylan Riley @dylandraw
Matt Riste @mattristeillustration
Rafal Rola @rolsrafal
Stephanie Rosales @rosalesart1 (Twitter)
Stephen Sampson @thedarkinker
Scott Saslow @scottsaslow
Valerie Savarie @valeriesavarie
SCAR Studios @antoinette.rydyr (Facebook)
James Schneider @boardinker
Markee Shadows @markeeshadows
Jerry Shirts @artisticaerosol
Liza Shumskaya @kino_maniac
Bill Sienkiewicz @therealthatpolishguy
Randy Siplon @randysiplon
John Sloboda @sloboart
Brian Soriano @wrathcomics
Rob Stanley @robstanleyart
Guy Stauber @guystauber
Eileen Steinbach @sg_posters
Blake Stevenson @jetpacksandrollerskates
R.H. Stewart @rhsillustratorgmailcom
Justin Stewart @justin3000stewart
Matthew Stewart @stewartillustrations
Glen Stone @glenstoneillustration
Adam Stothard @ad_illustrator
Laura Streit @laurastreit_art
Mark Stroud @markblackblue (Twitter)
Andrew Swainson @andrew_swainson
Nick Taylor @nickillustratesthings
Theoretical Part @theoreticalpart
Steve Thomas @stevethomasart
Kevin Tiernan @jurassickevin
Felix Tindall @f_tindall
Angel Trancon @angeltranconstudio
Wayne Tully @waynetully
Cody Vrosh @codyvrosh
Jonny Wellman @jonnys_pixels
Bryan West @bryanwestart
Trent Westbrook @2023comics
Chris Willdig @rebelart1984
Matthew Woods @hallowwoods
Scott Woolston @scottwool
Clinton Yeager @screamingclint
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recovecosyrefrotes · 5 years
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Palabras de la griega
No me guardes en tu imaginación. No me pienses. Tus ojos están llenos de espléndida ponzoña. No me mires. Que mi saliva te inunde la garganta. No me asfixies. Deja de agusanar mi mente confundida. No me pudras. Guarda mis incisivos en una caja de plata pero no te arrodilles ante sus resplandores. No me reces. Que mis ropajes no sirvan de velamen a los navíos sin patria. No me rasgues. Que mis coágulos no vivan en tus uñas ni en los nudillos que derriban templos. No me maldigas. En la herida la sal halle su suerte.
                                                                                       Francisco Hernández
Art: Angelica Paez
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Long-overdue Updated List for Latin American Independence Sexyman Nominations: If you want to nominate, the form is here
Virreinato de Nueva España Mexico:
Agustin de Iturbide
Leona Vicario
Juan Aldama
José Maria Morelos y Pavón x3
Vicente Guerrero x2
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Ignacio Allende Virreinato del Nuevo Reino de Granada: Colombia:
Antonio Nariño x3
Antonio Morales Galavís
Policarpa Salavarrieta x2
Francisco de Paula Santander x 2 Venezula:
Simón Bolívar x2
José Antonio Paez Virreinato del Perú: Peru
Manuela Sáenz de Vergara y Aizpuru
Micaela Bastidas
Mariano Melgar Ecuador:
Manuela a.k.a Manuelita Saenz x4 Bolivia:
Antonio José de Sucre x 2
María Ana Carcelén de Guevara y Larrea-Zurbano
Juana Azurduy Chile:
Manuel Javier Rodríguez y Erdoíza
José Miguel Carrera Verdugo
Bernardo O'Higgins Virreinato del Río de la Plata: Argentina:
Manuel Belgrano
José de San Martín x 3
Martín Miguel de Güemes
Juan Bautista Cabral
Mariquita Sánchez de Thompson
Bernardo de Monteagudo
Mariano Necochea Uruguay:
Manuel Ceferino Oribe y Viana
Juan Antonio Lavalleja
José Fructuoso Rivera y Toscan Haiti:
Toussaint L’Ouverture Brazil/Empire of Brazil:
Joaquim Pires de Carvalho e Albuquerque
Maria Quitéria de Jesus x2
Joaquim Gonçalves Ledo
Maria Leopoldina
Pedro I
Hipólito José da Costa Pereira Furtado de Mendonça
José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva
Francisco Gomes da Silva
Domitila de Castro Canto e Melo, Marquesa de Santos
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manuelbs2017 · 2 years
Hoy 5 de julio celebramos en Venezuela nuestra independencia, fecha propicia para reflexionar sobre ella. Desde Francisco de Miranda, su precursor e ideólogo hasta el General en Jefe José Antonio Paez, tenemos una gran cantidad de hechos y personas que nos llevaron al estado de país independiente ante la comunidad de naciones. Nuestra independencia no se hubiera logrado sin el empeño, tezón y genialidad de Simón Bolivar, a quien honraremos siempre como nuestro Libertador, gran genio de todos los tiempos, sol de América y Venezolano universal, sus proezas opacaron a cualquier gran capitán de la historia mundial.
La gran reflexión que deseo dejarles es sobre la figura tan atacada a manera injusta de José Antonio Paez, primera lanza de Venezuela. Ha sido tildado de traidor, inculto y varias cosas más. Para quienes investigamos y nos gusta la historia, sabemos que era autodidacta, le fascinaba la lectura, impulsó la instrucción, la creación de bibliotecas y hasta nos dio nuestro gentilicio.
¿Gentilicio?, pues SI, tenemos el orgullo de llamarnos venezolanos gracias a su decisión por separarse de La Gran Colombia. Al finalizar la guerra de independencia Americana, pasamos de ser Neogranadinos a Gran Colombianos, de Capitanía General adscrita al Virreinato de Bogotá pasamos a provincia de la Gran Colombia.
Paez impulsó un movimiento llamado La Cosiata, nos separó y declaró la República de Venezuela como país libre e independiente ante el mundo, en su auto biografía lo dice "yo no luche tanto en la guerra para ser provincia de nadie", convirtiéndose en nuestro primer presidente.
Habrá quien critique este post, seguramente, pero honor a quien honor merece, hoy celebramos ser VENEZOLANOS, no Gran Colombianos, Colombianos ni otra cosa.
Feliz día de la independencia para todos.
#Venezuela #5dejulio #independencia #libertad #Paez #Bolivar
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tastydregs · 3 years
Autodesk acquires XR firm The Wild
GamesBeat Summit 2022 returns with its largest event for leaders in gaming on April 26-28th. Reserve your spot here!
Autodesk has acquired extended reality (XR) firm The Wild as it aims to provide enterprise services for companies working on the metaverse.
San Francisco-based Autodesk will get access to The Wild’s cloud-connected, XR platform, which includes its namesake solutions that enable architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) professionals to present, collaborate, and review projects together in immersive and interactive experiences, from anywhere and at any time.
This acquisition enables Autodesk to meet increasing needs for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology advancements within the AEC industry and further support AEC customers throughout the project delivery lifecycle.
Serving more than 700 customers worldwide across its two platforms, The Wild’s XR technologies offers affordable, on-demand and in-context opportunities for deeper team collaboration. Its virtual format empowers remote workforces amid a rapidly evolving work landscape and offers an immersive environment for real-time ideation and decision making, the companies said.
“Our acquisition of The Wild reflects the rapid transformation taking place in the building industry, from the complexity of projects to the geographic diversity of teams who design, construct, and operate them,” said Andrew Anagnost, CEO of Autodesk, in a statement. “XR is a must-have business imperative for today and an important part of Autodesk’s Forge platform vision.”
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Autodesk is moving into XR with The Wild.
The Wild’s virtual platform allows teams to work together inside digital project models to explore, interact, and make changes to the model directly in the cloud. This leads to better decisions and project outcomes at a fraction of the time and cost for in-person collaboration methods, the companies said.
“The Wild and Autodesk share a common mission of encouraging a more productive and collaborative AEC industry, and in this case, one where teams can resolve issues in minutes from their desks rather than the traditional miles of costly travel,” said Gabe Paez, CEO of The Wild, in a statement. “The Wild’s customers understand the value from the get-go, building consensus as a team in the virtual world with the ability to make changes to their designs at the speed of thought.”
A convergence of events makes this the right time for Autodesk’s acquisition of The Wild’s talent and technology and leveraging them as the foundation of Autodesk’s XR journey, said Nic Fonta, general manager of XR at Autodesk.
In an email to ventureBeat, Fonta said, “We believe extended reality (XR) technology will revolutionize data interaction and project collaboration for every professional, especially those in the AEC industry. It will profoundly change the industries we serve, as well as how our customers work and interact within their teams and with their clients. Our acquisition of The Wild further bolsters this vision – providing the immersive platform AEC professionals both want and need for complex data visualization, deeper real-time team collaboration, and better outcomes, and establishes a strong foundation for Autodesk’s overall XR journey.”
Why XR matters
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The Wild believes XR matters for making better decisions.
Autodesk that XR can help with greater workforce resiliency and remote collaboration, which has increased significantly amid the global pandemic. With physical distancing and ever-evolving travel restrictions, XR solutions offer a way to virtually keep teams together and projects moving with minimal interruption.
Until recently, the cost of professional-grade VR and AR was unattainable for many. Now, headsets cost a few hundred dollars instead of thousands, and most smartphones support AR – putting the power of XR into the hands of anyone, anywhere, at any time.
In-person collaboration often requires costly travel and unnecessarily contributes to harmful carbon emissions – and, when teams cannot meet to work through design issues together, expensive rework and significant material waste are often a consequence. Offering seamless, instantaneous, and immersive cloud collaboration allows teams to save time, money, and materials, the companies said.
The Wild draws data from various AEC technologies into their respective XR collaborative experiences to perform design review and model coordination. Together, existing integrations include Autodesk Construction Cloud (Autodesk BIM 360, Autodesk Build), Autodesk Revit, Autodesk Navisworks, as well as other non-Autodesk technologies, Rhinoceros and Trimble SketchUp. The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and is expected to close during Autodesk’s first quarter of Fiscal Year 2023, ending April 30, 2022. Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.
The Wild has 27 employees while Autodesk has 11,500 employees.
Autodesk also said it offers a broad range of capabilities within the AEC space.
“The Wild is a strong addition to our growing portfolio, and Autodesk’s larger sales, development, and support platforms will help scale its XR offerings in support of our customers,” Fonta said.
Asked what The Wild adds, Fonta said, “Through the acquisition, Autodesk will gain access to The Wild’s cloud-connected XR solutions, including Iris VR, building on the value of our company’s existing design portfolio for AEC professionals and project owners. At a time in which the AEC industry is rapidly transforming and digitizing, The Wild’s immersive technology allows teams to step inside virtual models to present, collaborate and review projects together, from anywhere in the world. This acquisition enables Autodesk to meet increasing needs for XR technology advancements within the AEC industry and further support AEC customers throughout the project delivery cycle.”
Engineering firm Black & Veatch works with both companies.
“As remote collaboration continues to become the new normal for many professionals across industries and market sectors, the capabilities of systems like the Autodesk Construction Cloud and The Wild’s
“IrisVR platform help Black & Veatch deliver world-class projects regardless of our professionals’ physical location,” said Brian Melton, technology innovation lead at Black & Veatch, in a statement. “This type of spatial real-scale immersive experience is a game-changer for our professionals by allowing us to meet virtually within the project design environment, to talk about the design, conduct reviews and coordinate activities, document potential issues and collect comments aimed at accelerating execution and improving safety. Autodesk’s acquisition of The Wild could create an even more seamless integration of VR into the platforms we use, leading to wider adoption, more capabilities and a shift from what was once sci-fi to a daily activity.”
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