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paint-it-dead · 6 months ago
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biceratops7 · 6 months ago
For fucks sake don’t vote 3rd party.
I would LOVE to not have a 2 party system. It’s a cancer on our country and we need to take action to dismantle it, but just pretending like the bad thing already doesn’t exist anymore and making decisions based on that is a TERRIBLE idea. It won’t change shit and it’ll just prevent us from making actual headway. Trump will win if Kamala doesn’t, that’s the system we live in, the notion that that 200 year old monster of a problem is gonna change in 100 days is absolutely absurd. So let’s just establish that before going any further.
I see people all the time saying to vote 3rd party because “Kamala is just as bad as Trump, democrats just wanna LOOK progressive.” (And before that it was Biden but you get my gist.) because of Biden’s deplorable refusal to stop arming Israel. Respectfully, no tf she’s not, even by just a hair. Kamala isn’t the one with a laundry list of straight up legal atrocities she’s publicly planning to commit if she wins. Being genuinely scared of project 2025 and worrying about ourselves because of that isn’t proof that someone calling for a free Palestine is performative. Genuinely, GENUINELY, what the hell do you think is gonna happen to Palestine if Trump wins? Letting our own country possibly be set back several steps and many of our own citizens’ lives be destroyed to “take a stand” for Palestine when it won’t do shit to help them is just as performative. Actually it’s infinitely MORE performative.
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nothorses · 6 months ago
May I ask why you think Biden stepping down and Kamala being the candidate to be 'good news'? I'm still voting for whoever the Democratic candidate is ofc, but I worry this move threw away the average swingvoter who may have been swayed towards voting blue. I don't see how anyone who may have been okay voting for Biden by virtue of him being an old white dude is gonna be as nice towards a brown woman. I mean, people were too sexist for Hillary, the most milquetoast white woman imaginable. I'd really like to hear your perspective.
Biden has been polling like shit for months, and basically fucking everyone has been calling for him to step out of the race for a while now. It's been the opinion of political experts that he doesn't have much of a shot in this election for a variety of reasons. The vast majority of his own base is incredibly dissatisfied with his stance on Palestine (an understatement), and numbers have been reflecting that he was going to be running against some truly miserable odds because of that.
It is genuinely the best option for him to step out of the race. Literally just about anyone else has a much better shot at winning than Biden did. Kamala included! There was a press conference a while back where someone actually asked him if he'd step down if Kamala polled better, and he said he wouldn't. Which is extremely worrying, because it demonstrates that he may have been prioritizing his own personal ego over the importance of keeping Republicans out of office this election.
I don't like Biden, and I really didn't like his odds in this race. Nobody else did, either. The fact that Obama came out and said Biden needs to step down is indication enough that this happened because the situation is really that dire; you have to remember that Democrats are all about Doing Things By The Book, especially in the last 8-ish years when it's been useful for them to be Rule Followers in contrast to the tantrum-throwing chaos machines that Republicans have been. If there was even a sliver of hope for Biden to stay in the race after being chosen in the sad sham that the primaries were this election cycle, they would have kept pushing just to stay within the bounds of convention.
I was ready to push for Biden regardless, because keeping Republicans out of office is priority #1. But I've been saying for a while now that he needs to drop out (just... not on Tumblr, where the dominant conversation is "does voting for a flawed political pawn make you personally responsible for everything they ever do, or should we abstain and let the fascists hijack our government and kickstart several new genocides for the sake of personal moral purity" and I don't think that kind of nuance would be well-received).
I use my grandparents as a litmus test in a lot of this stuff, because they are very much the Typical Liberal Democrats, and their opinions on these things tend to fall in line with the majority of voting Democrats. They absolutely loved Biden in 2020, long before he was chosen as the candidate. They don't anymore. Seeing them lose any and all enthusiasm for voting for this corpse of a man was evidence enough to me that we needed someone else. Ideally someone people can get excited about, because I think folks have mostly lost the perspective we had in 2020 when Trump's nightmarish presidency was fresh in everyone's minds, and served as motivation enough to get to the fucking polls- regardless of who the Dem pick actually was.
From what I understand, Kamala is actually polling better than anyone else right now. I have my fears about voters' racism and misogyny too, but if she's doing well in the polls, I wonder if maybe there's some other factors counteracting that. She's also got name recognition, and the general impression of Being Qualified (because she's been VP already, like Biden was), and Being Likeable (because she comes with the general positive associations of the largely successful Biden presidency, without any baggage of perceived responsibility that Biden himself carries- like Biden did with Obama). She's been flying under the radar while still reaping the benefits of positive associations, and people know who she is. That feels like a good combination, but I don't know enough, and I haven't read enough into it to make any decently educated guesses.
That said, I don't really know as much about who the other potential candidates might be, either. I've heard Pete Buttigieg's name tossed around, but nobody liked his ass back in 2020 and idk if that's actually changed at all. I just know that every politically-knowledgeable/politically-active leftist whose opinion I've heard on the topic has been citing Biden dropping out as the literal only hope for a non-Republican to win this election, and I'm really fucking excited to see that come to fruition. I just hope the Dems pick someone who really does have a good shot.
As a sidenote, I also really hope this marks a shift in how they make decisions, too. It's become increasingly obvious how out-of-touch Democrats are with their voters, and Biden 2024 was just the latest and greatest indicator of exactly how bad that's gotten. The fact that the party has been able to make such an unconventional decision in response to what their voters actually want gives me a little bit of hope that we might be able to influence more change with them going forward than we have been.
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nervousbreadpuppy · 2 months ago
"the united states is corrupt, im not going to vote for anyone"
do you feel good about yourself? are you happy? do you want a gold star and a medal? are you proud of yourself for not doing the bare fucking minimum as a citizen of the country? are you so defeatist that you'd rather avoid doing the easiest thing in the world to make life even marginally better for people in exchange for feeling like you're smarter than everyone else?
yeah voting for kamala won't fix everything. yeah the united states is corrupt no matter who's in charge. but somebody has to be in charge. the country is going to exist regardless. someone is going to win regardless. and i want you to ask yourself if you're happy being complicit with whoever does win.
and for god's sake, talk to the people who are actually being affected by it. talk to immigrants, talk to black people, talk to trans people, talk to Palestinians. talk to native americans. talk to the people who have fought for so long to have a voice. actually fucking talk to the people you are claiming to be allies to.
and hell, if it really feels so icky involving yourself at all in the democratic process , fucking firebomb the walmart, but do something. if you want to protest, if you want to do something to stop the crimes of the country, fucking do it! but don't sit smugly on your high horse when you refuse to do the easiest thing in the fucking world because you think that makes you a good person. it doesn't. you are more complicit than every single person who votes combined.
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missbaphomet · 5 months ago
Look, I'm gonna be perfectly honest. I've had a lot going on. I've been busy, and my head hasn't been in the game politically for a bit, but I kept seeing posts mentioning project 2025. Not explaining it, just mentioning it. I finally had some downtime to look it up and now I'm posting this for the sake of people like me who were uninformed. Screenshot from Wikipedia bc I could fit it all in one screenshot.
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I think it's time we actually start fucking talking about what Project 2025 is, not just saying it's bad. Project 2025 is an affront to American history. It is against every value I hold dear in my country. It is to unwrite every bit of progress that people have fought and died for, especially LGBT people. This is the worst case scenario, and it is your civic duty to put a stop to it in November. If you are of voting age, go out and fucking vote, by any means necessary. Contact your state representatives and tell them you do not want to see this pass. They are banking on the disenfranchisement of young voters to win. If you value any of the civil progress we have made, especially in the last 60 years, you need to vote.
Kamala Harris may not be perfect, no one is. At least she doesn't want to actively destroy the foundation of the country.
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fullhalalalchemist · 2 months ago
there's this sort of inevitably around trump/fascism. even if he lost this time, it would've won in 2028 because of how conservative and neoliberal america has gotten. and that's not the fault of americans, but the leadership in this country. no one, none of the Dems, have ever or will ever hold him or anyone accountable for anything. hell, none of the orchestrators of the Iraq war were ever held accountable, instead trotted out like saviors of democracy. i'm not saying his ascension to power is a good thing, nor am i in the camp that we have to "break it before we fix it". but when the democrats have so utterly failed to deliver on any of their promises, when we saw our social fabric tear and nothing be done to address the rampant racism and sexism, when price gouging kept happening and no one held the companies accountable for their greed, when people's standard of living is objectively worse now than it was in 2020, when they have abandoned us....what else is there? this country has had a horrific turn towards conservatism that was caused by so many factors, and the democrats, instead of meeting that and the pandemic infected world with robust economic reform and social welfare programs, cut nearly every single one of them back and gaslit the nation on how the economy is "better" and pointed at graphs while people turned more homeless. when their base said again and again we need gun reform, police abolition, an end to climate change, they met it with a genocide. the fix has been in.
they screwed us over. the fix has been in since at least 2016 in their camp. it is now just glaringly obvious to anyone who sees past their shitty DC brain propaganda that their main objective has been always to protect their own pocketbooks and uphold white supremacy.
the institutions have failed us. the "leadership" has failed us. there is an entire oligarchy, an entire cabal of criminals that have a stronghold on western governments who have been working behind the scenes for decades to work for this moment. because it's not just us. this is happening in so many countries across the western world. we're fucked. they fucked us over. i truly believe biden never intended to win. how do you see his internal polling which was showing an even WORSE loss, all his actions over the past year, and expect otherwise? how do you see the internal fights with everyone from her staff to BILL KRISTOL telling kamala to go more left, and him telling her to turn more conservative, and think otherwise? the only reason he didn't go forward is because he got sick with covid, in the most biblical version of irony.
and i say all this to say, do not blame yourself for this. do not blame your fellow voter/non-voter. they didn't fail you. "leadership" did. these institutions did. you are only ever responsible for your response. so either despair and put our head down in hopes you survive a few more years, or get radicalized and get organized. we have to build our own hope, with blood sweat and tears.
i love you for the sake of humanity.
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dosesofcommonsense · 3 months ago
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The Globalists are in panic mode because the internal polling is dasting. The media’s been lying and trying to run cover. Kamala never had a lead. The fabricated “lead” they gave Biden, they just gave it to Kamala. She was selected, not elected. Every week drops her down more. After more than $1 BILLION spent on advertising, she’s losing ground in every demographic in every state and slipping further gaffe after gaffe. You thought Biden was bad falling up the stairs. Kamala can’t even drink a beer and have a conversation with a guy who sold more vaccines than Walgreens commercials. She can’t even have a winning conversation with The View imbeciles. You won’t find a more pro-Globalist show than that group of non-renewed clowns. They softball her a question asking, “Is there anything you’d change from the past 4 years (like separate yourself from Biden and tell us what you’re going to fix outside of some slimy word salad)”? Her response amongst hardline, hardcore feminist, Globalists hoping there’s a silver lining, “Nothing comes to mind.” The lady asking the question had that look of “For fucks sake, bitch!”; you just have Trump the easiest commercial ever!
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vpyre · 2 months ago
This is rough. Watch out
Wow, I’m seriously impressed by how suicidal I’ve managed to get in such a short time. I just want all this to be over. Life has been nothing but a struggle for me, and I legitimately can’t see a way forward. Even if Kamala does still pull off a win, I’m not suited for working. I can’t do it. The job I have now is a once in a lifetime decent fit for me, but I make fifteen an hour. I’m not getting anywhere secure with it. I can’t handle a job with more responsibilities, no matter how much it might pay.
I guess I just have absolutely zero faith in my ability to be functional enough to feel safe and secure and stable at all. Ever. For fucks sake, I can’t even keep our goddamn room clean for more than a day, let alone the rest of the house, let alone handle actually important things. Everything in my life feels so inescapable and insurmountable, and I am too damn lazy to try.
I’m lazy. That’s why I think about killing myself so often. I’m too lazy to try for a better life. If it doesn’t fall right into my lap, I guess I’ll never try to chase it. Great. I’m a shit human being on top of everything. God, laziness is so unflattering; I feel like such a slob and a failure. I feel so entitled.
Ohhhh but those things only matter for me, you see. Anyone else could be in the same exact situation and I’d reassure them that they weren’t lazy, just tired or something. But me? I’m gross and awful. I’m unworthy of anything. Everyone else is justified in my mind, but not me.
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sixty-silver-wishes · 6 months ago
my hot political take is that progressives have gotta be realistic. would it be nice to have a progressive mainstream presidential candidate? of course. but the democratic party isn’t going to nominate anyone more far-left than kamala harris. it’s highly likely she’ll be the nominee for a number of reasons, and it’s purely illogical to think they’ll go with anyone further on the left. the main reason why biden got kicked out was because they felt he wasn’t electable, so they’re not going to go with anyone who they feel is less electable than a moderate candidate. it would be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, for, instance, for a pro-palestinian candidate to get on the ballot, because being pro-palestinian is widely considered to be a far-left stance by a majority of democrats. if you think the democratic party will do the right thing for the right thing’s own sake, you don’t understand how politics work. they’re going to want a candidate that will win, and because this election is going to come down to independent moderates and swing voters, that’s who they’re going to want to appeal to.
however, it’s Very stupid for people to think that not voting will do anything progressive. if trump wins, do you really fucking think that will be better for palestine? the guy who said israel should “finish the job”? the guy who used “palestinian” as an insult during the debate? no; biden was never good. but if trump wins and you didn’t vote, you have yourself to blame for those consequences.
I’m mainly just asking people to be realistic. the democrats are likely going to nominate harris, and in that case, either harris or trump is going to win. is it an ideal situation? no. progress moves very slowly, and not in a linear direction. and it’s going to be a hell of a lot easier getting what you want under one than the other. kick the fascists out first, then push for better than what you get.
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lightboundhellhound · 5 months ago
btw if you vote for anyone but kamala or don’t vote at all, you’re helping trump win
i know kamala isn’t gonna magically fix everything but we can vote third party when TRUMP ISNT FUCKING RUNNING
think of the country like a broken arm. you have two options: put it in a sling, or stab it with a knife. the sling won’t be enough to heal the broken arm, but at least it won’t ACTIVELY MAKE THINGS WORSE
we don’t have a cast. that’s not an option. not this year anyway. i know the sling isn’t enough, and it has problems, but the arm is broken. doing nothing won’t help, and neither will the knife. i know why we don’t like the sling, but for gods sake think of the knife
(btw if this analogy sucks im sorry, im not a doctor lmao. btw pointing out how this analogy sucks without adding anything insightful will just get you blocked lmao)
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dalekofchaos · 3 months ago
I hate Trump and I hate Harris and I just want this election done with
I'm tired of Donny Dipshit and I am tired of the lesser evil.
I can't believe we're doing this again. Once again Trump is threatening democracy and human rights, only this time he's bringing a theocratic nightmare and Kamala is the "nothing will fundamentally change" status quo. I'd rather take the status quo, but for fuck's sake can we NOT do a genocide? Can we have Universal Health Care, Affordable Housing, Education, protected reproductive rights and LGBTQA+ rights and protections? Is that too much to ask for?
Apparently so because our would be "savior" is more concerned with getting the Republican vote than her own voting base. Even bragging about being endorsed by Dick Cheney and 200 Republicans.
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Translation: She’ll govern like a neocon because she is a neocon. She’ll govern like a banker because the bankers own her, and the two-party system. Bipartisanship means the elite wins, the rest loses. That’s not democracy. That’s not healthy.
If you're bending over backwards to get Republicans to like you instead of stop fucking sending blood money to fund and arm a genocide, not giving a single concession to the left, not endearing herself to black people, Muslims, the disabled, actually having a plan to combat PR2025, actually helping the LGBTQA+ community and apparently not the policies and strategy that shut them out. You're telling me not to vote for you.
That dumbass Nancy Pelosi during the first few years of Biden's administration said "we want a strong republican party" and it looks like Kamala is fulfilling that promise. Congrats, you gave us Roe V Wade being overturned and the Republicans realized what they could do and came up with Project 2025.
Like, I'm sorry. If Ronald fucking Reagan and fucking Bush of all fucking people can tell Israel to fucking stop or threaten to withhold funding from Israel and they got them to comply, and instead of actually listening to the people who she wants to vote for her, instead she's trying to cater to the fucking Republicans. Reagan and Bush ARE LEFT OF KAMALA. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?
If your big selling point is "I got DIck Cheney and 200 Republicans to endorse me" you're telling me not to vote for you. Dick Cheney and Bush destroyed this country and you think bragging about The Butcher of Baghdad endorsing you is the thing to entice disenfranchised voters?
Trump is a piece of shit. But at least he's honest about it and he makes it clear he wants minorities oppressed or dead. He wants to strip everyone of their rights and keep white supremacy on top. He is on Epstein's client list and now owns his plane. He's a convicted felon, a rapist and a bigoted piece of shit. He wants Christofascism and he is a clear and present danger. I want him gone. I want him gone so I don't have to fucking worry my boyfriend, me, my brother and my brother-in law being killed for being trans and gay. I want him gone so I don't have to worry about the day where I find myself rounded up and taken to be euthanized along with every disabled person in this country. But even I know Trump would not last long if he won, cause they will oust him and replace him with JD Vance, or worse. Muskrat.
But fucking god....why is it everytime Trump comes back around, we always have to bring out the worst possible candidate to fight this piece of shit?
Kamala is a two-faced underhanded piece of shit. Her biggest selling point is she's not Trump, but she's showing us she is willing to sell out to Republicans instead of embracing progressives. Instead of embracing the policies of her chosen VP. Instead of embracing the interests and well being of her alleged voting base. We want health care, affordable housing, affordable education, clean energy, reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ rights and protections and the disabled's right to marry without losing their benefits. Instead we're getting more fracking, the deadliest storms we've ever seen with only $750 while Israel and Ukraine gets Billions. Funding and arming a genocide, continued police state and embracing the republicans over the needs of your voters and your alleged party.
Malcolm X warned us of politicians like Kamala.
Lets forget that Harris is a top cop who fucked over a lot of black men. Let's forget she sent a trans woman to a men’s prison. Said trans woman was murdered in a hate crime within 8 hours by her male cellmate. Lets forget she's pro-fracking despite we're in the biggest fucking climate crisis and fracking is one of the many capitalist atrocities that got us here. Lets forget she claimed she would be "tougher on boarder policy than Trump" Lets forget that she said that she would make the US "the most lethal force in the world" and let's for once forget she's one of the biggest paid AIPAC politicians while her husband is an AIPAC prick and that she's going to continue to aid the genocide of Palestine and Lebanon and god knows what else Hitler's reincarnation has planned next.
Selling yourself out to the Republicans, the war mongers and the criminals of yesteryear and politicians who followed the two presidents responsible for destroying America in the 80's and set us down the path we've been on for the last 20 years. You are just showing me and the people who want to vote for you, the people who just want to vote to get Trump out of the white house, to stop Project 2025 or just want this nightmare to end. You are showing us that you are not to be trusted.
Chappell Roan was right. and she was attacked for standing what she believed was right. If you want your queers sanitized, women complacent and your artists fluently PR’d n spun., you want a boring and disinterested culture of unprincipled sycophants, I'm sorry but I'd rather my celebrities standing up for Palestine and Trans rights and holding politicians accountable than just blindly endorsing a politician.
Fuck Trump, fuck Vance and the Christian Fascists, but fuck Kamala, Biden and the democrats who refused to say no to a literal fucking genocide too.
So vote whoever you want for, vote for Kamala, vote Stein, vote West, vote for any independent. Anyone but Trump I agree, but use critical thinking and for fuck's sake, if Kamala wins, don't act like this is over. Demand better. Hold Kamala and her administration accountable. If Trump wins, don't blame Chappell Roan, don't blame Jill Stein, don't blame independents and don't blame leftists. Blame Kamala and the democrats for refusing to change. For refusing to fight for their voters interests. For refusing to stand AGAINST A FUCKING GENOCIDE!
Side note.
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The Simpsons DID IT AGAIN
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fatherfigurines2 · 3 months ago
whinging about the left v. Harris
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin, and Peter Kropotkin want you to vote for Kamala Harris.
Of course that can never be the end point but there is no vanguard party at all here so like what is your plan? Keep posting on tumblr dot com and then skip 12 steps and then we're at global revolution or what? Trade unions can barely eke out wins right now in the US, for fuck's sake.
I'm also just posting here and anywhere else just to make it through the day, doing fuck-all to organize the working class but you and I can make the small effort to at least vote against an outright, would-be king. Harris is aiding and abetting war crimes right now but like would anything else in the realm of material, historical possibility (you know, the thing we base our entire political and economic concepts upon) be any better? It's like war crimes or even more war crimes plus we don't even have unions???
I just don't understand that position and any time I see it I suspect that user is maybe a plant or just fundamentally misunderstands the texts they are claiming to be the final word on and apostle of.
Even in an accelerationist view, like what vanguard party or mass line that exists now in the working class in the USA are you hoping to build in response to with Trump as president???
There needs to be efforts to build a party or organize the working class because right now we're just accelerating to total fascism forever and it's maddening that people don't understand that.
You and I can barely get out of bed, girl. Like the best we can hope for is the step zero of maintaining bourgeois liberalism while we educate ourselves and the rest of the working class.
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0pixiepoppy6 · 6 months ago
Why an Australian want’s you to vote for Kamala Harris! A Rant
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Listen I know you probably don’t want to hear some girl across the sea telling you who your president should or shouldn’t be, but considering that your country has a military base on my country’s soil - I’m going to do it anyway.
Australia is very similar to the USA in a multitude of ways; the massacre and colonisation of the native people (Native Americans and the Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders), forced assimilation of the native people/ killing of native culture (for us it’s called the Lost Generation, look it up), a multicultural country that has treated non-European settlers with prejudice, racism, and abuse (USA: African-Americans, Chinese immigrants, Mexican immigrants (they are your sister country wth), etc. AUS: Chinese immigrants, Mediterranean immigrants, etc.), been fucked over by the governing parties for YEARS (fuck you Tony Abbott, Julia Gillard, Scot Morison, etc), and the fact that we are only first-world countries through pillaging, killing, and stealing from others across the world.
I am an Australian telling you that the USA, UK, AUS, CA have all been the bullies of the modern world, stealing from other countries while praying around in the luxurious that we stole.
Only recently have we gotten an actually competent leader, Anthony Albanese, who has advocated for the voice of the Aboriginal Australian and Torres Strait Islander People. The Voice was a bill that would allow the native people of the land I live on to have a say in the way our country is run after 200 years of being forced into silence by white settlers. It did not win, because my country was too afraid of what they would hear from the native people of our land. It did not win and as a result of that the non-native people of Australia (European, Mediterranean, African, American, Asian, and Pacific immigrants/ descendants of immigrants) have broken a promise that we made to them in 1967 (the Uluṟu Statement). Now you can probably tell how much this pisses me off, but don’t let my country’s failure to listen become yours. Please vote for Kamala, the rest of the world if affected by who you vote for, many other countries in the world have USA military bases on their soil that I can guarantee you they DO NOT WANT THERE! We were affected when your country ruled abortion as a state issue, the women of the rest of the world believed that we would have that right taken from us because of something YOUR government decided.
I know Harris isn’t a saint, she isn’t perfect, she has a history of incarcerating African-Americans and using them as Labourers in California, but, for fucks sake, she’s better than Trump. And if you elect her as president, you the people of the USA, can hold her accountable for her past actions. Trump will not allow that, you’ve seen what Trump will make his supporters do once given a hint of power, you know what flag his people fly, the flag of hate, the Confederate Flag is what they hold. A flag that only lasted for 4 fucking years, from a war that is gone. SpongeBob has outlasted the Confederacy, fucking SpongeBob, it’s 25 years old the Confederacy was 4! Trump will become a dictator, that I can guarantee you. Look at the people he surrounds himself with, look at his supporters, and look at yourself.
In conclusion, I can’t vote for who your president is, the rest of the world can only look on in fear as to who your choice will be. We pray that you vote for Harris because we fear a future under Trump.
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caribouv · 2 months ago
i keep saying these DNC lost. and they "lost" but did they lose?
$1 billion campaign. every single one of them made a shit ton of money. and they're all back at work now at their PR firms doing whatever work for whatever S&P 500 corporation.
and now Democrats are like...
"We can STILL split the Republican party! We just have to be more transphobic. Have to be more like the Republicans. We can still brand ourselves as homophobic shitheads although civility and pro-abortion and we will be able to form an electorate with Republican voters! It just takes time for the rebrand to take hold. And in the meantime we'll still reap $1 billion campaign runs."
So yah. The Democrats "lost" but I the more I think the more I get more pissed because they didn't, really.
Or maybe I'm mad because I'm so stupid. Complaining about how they're a business and they get paid and that's their soul+sole motivation. Yes yes yes true.
But yet not even realizing until the Kamala campaign that the whole end-goal is to create an entirely new electorate consisting of fucking Republican racist shitheads while fucking over EVERYONE center, center-left.
they don't want to win they want to get fucking paid and this new electorate (which will never fucking happen) is the money ticket for them while grifting every idiot corporate donor who thinks they can pull it off.
reading a bunch of leaks from mid-level DNC surrogates. They just straight up saying the actual reps in Congress, States, elsewhere have NO FUCKING CLUE about any issue or what's actually going on. Literally the dumbest fucking people you know.
I was watching Hakeem Jeffries Fuckwad talk earlier today. The guy is audibly a fucking idiot. But the most useful idiot ever just hiring and funding the same shitass idiots over and over until eventually they bleed him dry and he loses whatever re-election, house, majority, etc.
and it's the same with Kamala. there's no way in hell she thought this was a winning strategy? i know i know she had to tell all the Biden campaign staff they're running her campaign she had to do the same with Clinton loyalists. but she must've known it was a losing strategy. how could she not just fire all those idiot fuckers the day after they nominated her? WALZ LITERALLY STARTED THE "THEY'RE WEIRD" CAMPAIGN AND THEY MADE HIM WEAR A BALL GAG AFTER FOR FUCKS SAKE.
useful. fucking. idiots.
i'm not saying it's the death of the Democratic party. But if they keep pushing for this split-republican party electorate, if they don't ignore and fire these fucking PR firms and staffers and absolute shitheads, it absolutely will be.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 2 months ago
Even as Democrat Kamala Harris won majorities of Black and Latino voters, it wasn’t enough to give the vice president the White House, because of the gains Trump made.
*headdesk* I don't know what I'm gonna do if the media in general and the AP specifically is gonna bend over backwards to sell fascism like this.
Everyone who voted for a candidate in this election was OK with the US continuing a genocide, which is in the process of escalating towards an expansionist war, provided their team won. They might feel bad about the genocide, but in political terms, they prioritized the win, and if that meant voting for one of two candidates who said it needed to continue, most of 'em were gonna pick their guy no matter what.
A small sliver of these folks had no team loyalty and prioritized whatever other issues they had. They shuffled back and forth based on how the candidates campaigned. Would there have been enough of them to flip some swing states from red to blue if they thought Harris would do a better job? Maybe. But if the voting pool is wall-to-wall "people willing to OK a genocide for political gains," that shit is going to skew Republican. Doesn't matter whether they're blindly authoritarian or enthusiastic Nazis, they will have no trouble falling in line for their Fearless Leader, whoever that may be.
When it comes time to answer a poll or a reporter's question, none of these folks is gonna say, "I'm just an authoritarian! If a big, strong man says 'Jump!" I say 'how high?'" or "I'll throw anyone into a woodchipper if it seems like that'll improve the situation for me!' People don't like to think such unflattering things about themselves and won't answer honestly if they do. And the media doesn't ask mean questions like that, that'll get people to disengage without giving them a story. They say they want jobs and "the economy." The media reports it. And we can omit the genocide/pending world war that we can all see happening and must have had some effect. That's not the story.
It's looking like most Americans are willing to OK a genocide for political gains. ("But Democrats can be pushed left!" *sigh* Fam, if you could push them left enough to stop the genocide, you had over a year to do that, why didn't you? Please think about it. And for fuck's sake, please tell me you're not going to give up and stop pushing left at all now because Trump is... what? Too scary? Too strong? Fuck me!) That scares the hell out of me, but that's not the story either. Democrats on all tiers, including the ones who make the big decisions, are not going to have to reckon with the concept of "genocide in progress = more Conservative political engagement" and what that means. They'll be able to read this slop and go, "Oh! People just want that kitchen table stuff! And, since they think Trump will do better, they must want us to crack down on immigrants and immigration to make that happen for them! We can do that!" They already tried to do that and tripped over their own dicks so hard that Republicans swept everything, but if this is the story, they'll happily do that again, and maybe again!
More broadly, if the average American accepts that the system works and everything Trump wants to do is what they wanted, and if you don't want it you're an outlier with no support, they won't fight back as much or at all. A person doesn't want to be unreasonable... or get shunned or cacked for saying something they shouldn't have said. Please do not fucking pivot. Please do not buy this story. And, if possible, please rewind and review your participation in this process and examine your motivation and its place in reality.
The system is prepared to deliver you an obvious dictator (or a stealthy one, but not this time) with nothing but a shrug, as if they played a good game and that's what really matters. If you're not down with that, you're not down with the system. Not just the system when Republicans are in charge, because they are not in charge yet and haven't been. (Also, the system is designed so that Republicans have to be in charge sometimes to prevent you from falling into a one-party autocracy. The fascists are the last line of defence against fascism!! What the actual fucking fuck?) So now what?
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loveguts · 2 months ago
mostly just. grappling with the horror that the "progressive" candidate option would have rather lost the election to a christofascist white supremacist, instead of just doing the bare fucking minimum and not sending any more billions of dollars of aid for israel to continue their accelerated genocide of palestinians AND their increasing attacks on other surrounding countries too.
it's honestly just nothing but democrat politicans' own faults that trump has gotten as far as he has, they're practically fucking handing it to him at this point. for the past 8 years (even longer but i'm talking like..relative to trump anyways) we have seen nothing but the party meant to represent us consistently fail at addressing the growing needs and concerns of the entire fucking world at this point. the vast majority of american voters are either moving further left or they're moving further right, and instead of recognizing what the main voters they're trying to pull really want to see change, dems just try to pander to like the 5 whole republicans in the country that aren't voting trump and the vague idea of undecided centrists, lmfao.
not to mention kamala's entire platform was basically just "guys look im a republican too dont worry, at least im not trump though lol, if you dont think im progressive enough heres this lukewarm mildly progressive vice president!!" like we learned back in fucking 2016 that basing your entire campaign off of not being trump isn't enough to bring in voters, you need to have a plan that's actually meaningful to leftists voters that are sick of the world being fucked over for the sake of pandering to fascists. not to mention kamala should have gone even harder anyways because everyone regardless of political alignment fucking hates biden, we have seen nothing but everything steadily get worse under his presidency and also every single promise he's broken that he made in his initial presidential campaign.
and it's just so fucking maddening that we know for a fact that we have significant numbers and voting power as leftists, we could win the fucking 2020 election and we turned several traditionally red states blue, but we're all fucking dejected, everything is getting worse, trump is going to without a doubt make it worse but kamala was guaranteed to make it almost just as bad as him anyways because their actual policies and agendas were virtually identical. we've all had to sit back and watch, despite having a blue president and significant numbers in the house and senate too, everything just getting fucking worse than where we started, and yes not all of that is 100% biden's fault but come the fuck on lol he has not done a single thing he promised in his campaign. and instead of reassuring the left-leaning voters that she had a concrete plan to address our biggest concerns, harris pretty much just spit in everyone's face and said we could deal with trump if we don't like her policies. even though we know for a fact now that supposedly not being as bad as the other guy can only carry you so far.
and inevitably, instead of recognizing this is fundamentally just a problem with them, all the white liberals and dems are going to start turning on the non-voters instead of addressing the root fucking cause of the reasons why they didn't vote. it's a fucking cycle and it keeps repeating because dems want to continue to try and have polite conversations about fascism while the fascists are getting bolder and bolder and more organized. meanwhile there's a fucking genocide that the US is directly funding. not to mention the vast majority of the leftists i've seen talk about not wanting to vote are people of color, and again, instead of addressing that maybe people don't want to vote for politicians that are fine with making their lives worse regardless of party, they just wanna say "well we're not making it AS BAD so just vote for us!!". and maybe they worked for getting biden in office but we all saw how "pushing biden further left" went !!! i'm fucking tired !!!!
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