hanashiz · 1 year
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Pepsi, ocz version
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dgrailwar · 4 months
Round 10, Day 2 - Team Avenger vs. Team Gunner
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There was a flare of magical energy, as a burning figure shot in through the shattered window of the industrial building.
With one smooth slash, the Avenger sent the Gunner careening out the window, the samurai spinning in the air before crashing on a rooftop. The Gunner stumbled up to his feet, before pulling out his shamisen.
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"Avenger, huh? No reason to be stingy with ammo, then! Proto-Arahabaki, go!"
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A barrage of gunshots erupted from the head of the instrument, the Avenger having to dodge and weave through them. A final beam, from a cannon manifesting next to the Gunner erupted in a violent blast, before the Gunner reached into his robes, pulling out a small bottle and lobbing it towards the Avenger, watching as it made contact.
Ice- a freezing agent sprayed out from it. Intense cold washed over the Count, as he waved his flaming sword, the frost instantly evaporating. He pointed the flame blade at the samurai, sneering.
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"Gunner! We meet again! And this time, you have neither the cover of the forest, nor your mechanical army to assist you! Today, you face the might of the Avenger by yourself! As one man! I wish to see your resolve, gunman!"
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"A lot of talk... 'one man'… don't you know who I am? Forget True Names, I'm a revolutionary! A nobleman like you stuck in the past, that thinks the whole world is his to command-- get with the times! The future is now! And the future will send you to Hell, Avenger!"
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"Hahaha… Hahahaha-- KUHAHAHAHAHA!!"
"Imperial Edict. Wage war.": Boosts and demerits will be doubled for the upcoming round, as part of the Imperial Edict!
If someone wins with greater than 15%, they do double-damage!
The Count of Monte Cristo: 6 x 2 (12%)
Takasugi Shinsaku: 5 x 2 (10%)
The Count of Monte Cristo (AVENGER)
HP: 2/3
Avenger has a +3% boost to his skills as long as he's wounded!
Avenger has a permanent +2% boost against Alter-Ego thanks to his Class Trait!
Team Avenger has all 3 Command Spells remaining!
Determination of Steel (EX Rank) - If Avenger is about to take a fatal wound, if there's at least a 3% difference in their score and the victor above him, he may avoid damage. When facing a single-target (1-on-1), he will gain a +3% boost.
Monte Cristo Mythologie: The King of the Cavern (C Rank) - When battling enemies, his flames are like a poison. He reduces demerits against him by 3%, and when he is victorious against another, he inflicts a -2% demerit for their next round. This demerit increases by 2% by every 10% difference in scores.
Wisdom of Predicament (A Rank) - When engaged in a Free-for-All, gain a +3% boost. Additionally, if Avenger earns last place, both the victor and the 2nd place Servant gain a -2% demerit, rather than simply the 2nd place Servant.
Due to observing Alter-Ego's technique, he gains a +2% bonus against her!
AVENGER-CLASS Servants are vengeful by nature. The first time they are defeated by a Servant, they gain an automatic +2% bonus against that specific Servant, without needing to study them (but can in order to increase the bonus). They gain a permanent +3% bonus per wound they attain that will remain if the wound remains, but will disappear if the wound is healed.
Takasugi Shinsaku (GUNNER)
HP: 2/3
Team Gunner only has 1 Command Spell remaining!
Unconventional Child Prodigy (A Rank) - When fighting someone with a higher boost than Gunner, gain +2%.
Innovate - Armaments Reformation (B Rank) - Defeating a Servant once will net special 'components' from them. When at least 4 of those 'components' are gathered, a secondary Noble Phantasm will be unlocked. If 6 are gathered, then the utility and power of 'Kiheitai' will be upgraded.
Current Components: N/A
(Winning first place in a Free-for-All will count for gathering 2 components- one for each Servant beneath you).
Retaining the Japanese Spirit (A Rank) - When Gunner is about to take a fatal blow and the difference between scores is less than 5%, survive with one 'health' remaining. If this is triggered, replace the effect of this skill to instead grant him a persistent +2% bonus that cannot be reduced or removed.
Due to observing Alter-Ego's technique, he gains a +2% bonus against her!
Due to studying Foreigner's technique, you have a permanent +2% bonus against him!
GUNNER-Class Servants are quick to action and yet methodical with their attacks. When engaged in combat, gain a +3% boost. Additionally, if in last place during a Free-for-All, inflict a -4% demerit on the 1st place Servant.
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havendance · 1 year
Velveteen vs The Masterpost
When I was in high school, I stumbled across Seanan McGuire’s series of “Velveteen vs.” stories, staring Velma “Velveteen” Martinez, a former child superhero with the power to animate toys, who stumbles from one misadventure to the next. Taking place in a world where superheroics is run almost entirely by a single corporation and child heroes are put through some of the worst abuses of child stars, the series features fun characters, worldbuilding, and relationships, and of course, cool fight scenes. In true comics fashion, it ends on a rather open-ended note and, as far as I can tell, she hasn’t written any stories since 2017, but most of the main arcs are tied up and I definitely recommend you check them out!
(I became obsessed with these stories after finding them. An example of me getting into comics before I actually got into comics.)
(Thank you to https://broken-engines.blogspot.com/ for compiling directory of story links I could borrow for this post.)
Velveteen vs. The Isley Crayfish Festival
Velveteen vs. The Coffee Freaks
Velveteen vs. The Flashback Sequence
Velveteen vs. The Old Flame
Velveteen vs. The Junior Super Patriots, West Coast Division
Velveteen vs. The Eternal Halloween
Velveteen vs. The Ordinary Day
Velveteen vs. Patrol
Velveteen vs. The Blind Date
Velveteen vs. Blacklight vs. Sin-Dee, Part I
Velveteen vs. Blacklight vs. Sin-Dee, Part II
Velveteen vs. The Holiday Special
Velveteen vs. The Secret Identity
Martinez and Martinez v. Velveteen
Velveteen vs. The Alternate Timeline, Part I
Velveteen vs. The Alternate Timeline, Part II
Velveteen vs. The Retroactive Continuity
Velveteen Presents Victory Anna vs. All These Stupid Parallel Worlds
Velveteen vs. The Uncomfortable Conversation
Velveteen vs. Bacon
Velveteen vs. The Robot Armies of Dr. Walter Creelman, DDS
Velveteen vs. The Fright Night Sorority House Massacre Sleepover Camp
Velveteen vs. Vegas
Velveteen Presents Victory Anna vs. The Difficulties With Pan-Dimensional Courtship
Velveteen vs. Legal
Velveteen Presents Jackie Frost vs. Four Conversations and a Funeral
Velveteen vs. Jolly Roger
Velveteen vs. Everyone, Part I
Velveteen vs. Everyone, Part II
Sponsorship: Velveteen vs. The Epilogue
Velveteen vs. The Aftermath
Velveteen vs. Hypothermia
Velveteen vs. Santa Claus
Velveteen vs. Global Warming
Velveteen Presents The Princess vs. Public Relations
Velveteen vs. The Thaw
Velveteen vs. Balance
Velveteen vs. Spring Cleaning
Velveteen Presents Polychrome vs. The Court of Public Opinion and Not Punching Anyone
Velveteen vs. The Melancholy of Autumn
Velveteen vs. A Disturbing Number of Crows
Velveteen vs. Trick or Treat
Velveteen Presents Action Dude vs. Doing the Right Thing
Velveteen vs. The Consequences of Her Actions
Velveteen vs. Going Home Again
Velveteen vs. Everything You Ever Wanted
Velveteen vs. The Retroactive Continuity (2)
Velveteen Presents Jacqueline Claus vs. The Lost and the Found
Velveteen vs. Recovery
Velveteen vs. Temptation
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gm-warlic · 3 months
DragonFable Timeline
Hello again my friends! Now that Book 3 is complete, I am back with an updated timeline complete with holiday events! It isn't perfect, as I am missing the most recent holiday events (really hoping I can fit those into Book 4 or the space between Books 3 & 4), but I think this is a pretty accurate timeline overall, perfect for all those wanting to play the game all the way through now that Book 3 is finished.
(One thing to remember is that not all holiday events happen exactly on the holiday itself, and not all are explicitly a year after the last event. I have placed certain holiday events in the same year where it makes sense to do so)
Book 1
Year 1
A Hero is Born Bored
Undead Assault
Sepulchure's Flying Fortress
Ice Dragon War
Frostval Chapter 1: A Frostval Tale
(This technically isn't actually the holiday itself, but instead the event that leads to the Frost Moglins creating the holiday, so it does not necessarily have to happen at the same time of the year as the holiday. After all, Jesus wasn't born in December)
Dragon Egg Saga
Robina→The Hatching
Sunbreeze Grove
DragonLord Training
Willowshire Burns
Haunted House
Crystal Clear Lake
Graveyard (Meet Artix)
Sir Ano's Quests
Beach Invasion 
Vampire Tower
War at See
Mogloween Chapter 1: First Mogloween
Saving Lymcrest
Thankstaking Chapters 1→3
Sunbreeze Grove
Titans of BattleOn
Frostval Chapter 2: Out in the Cold!
Year 2
Wind Orb Saga
Water Breathing Potions
Nythera Saga
Stocking the Shelves→It's Elementary!
Wind Orb Saga
Pirates vs Ninjas War→Sepulchure
Hero's Heart Day Chapters 1→2
Lucky Day Chapters 1 & 3
Nythera Saga
Potion Mastery
Darkness Orb Saga
Save Moonridge!→Moonridge: Saved!
Light Orb Saga
Meeting Zhoom→Dynasty Tomb
Darkness Orb Saga
The Outcast
Nythera Saga 
The Storm→The Storm War
Darkness Orb Saga
The Gate Keeper→Extra Credit
Light Orb Saga
The Sandwich→Death From Below!
Ice Orb Saga
Mogloween Chapter 3: Mogloween Theft
Thankstaking Chapter 4: Gooble-ocalypse
Energy Orb Saga
Frostval Chapter 3: Lumps of Coal!
Year 3
Fire Orb Saga
A Letter From Home→The Ultimate Weapon
Vilmor Saga
Hero's Heart Day Chapter 3: Change of Heart
Lucky Day Chapter 4: (Somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge)
Fire Orb Saga
Going East→Epilogue
Water Orb Saga
Mogloween Chapters 4→5
Tomix Saga
The Clashening
Thankstaking Chapter 5: Welcomegiving!
Nythera Saga
Into the Void→Face Your Destiny
Tomix Saga
Penitentiary→The End?
Darkness Orb Saga
A Dark Letter→Memory-Demons
Tomix Saga
Meeting Aegis→Soulweaver Training
Frostval Chapter 4: Frosty Reception
Year 4
Earth Orb Saga
Dravir Siege→Gorgok?
Spy Saga
Earth Orb Saga
Guardian Tower?→The Whole Truth
Nythera Saga
Know Your Nature→Embrace Your Destiny 
Earth Orb Saga
The Temple→Hidden Blades
Hero's Heart Day Chapter 4: The Greatest Hug of All
Lucky Day Chapter 5: Unlucky Escape
The Final 13th
True Mortal: The Rise of Nivalis
Alexander's Saga 
(Not when the events actually occur, but when you should play the questline)
Book 2
Elemental Dissonance
Introduction: Flames in the Dark→A Brief Respite
Mogloween Chapter 6: 48 Weeks Later 
Elemental Dissonance
To Atrea→The Hunt Begins
Thankstaking Chapter 6: The Biggest Thankstaking Ever!
Elemental Dissonance
Frostval Chapters 5→6
Year 5
Elemental Dissonance
North→The Merge
Thankstaking Chapter 7: Good Gravy!
(Yes, this is while the Hero is frozen. But these events actually don't need the Hero to be present to happen exactly as they do, and the feast has character models from both Book 1 and Book 3)
Book 3
Year 5/13
The End of Magic
Hero is Thawed→Player Hatching
To Edelia→The Headmaster
Hero's Heart Day Chapter 5: The Threat List!
13th 13th
The Gnomes Gnow→Autumn Wind
The End of Magic
The Rose Tree→Sands of Eternity
Desert Night→Tithril
Blood and Roses
Full Moon War→Swamp Lake
Deep Void→The Codex
The End of Magic
Discover Sulen'Eska
Song on the Wind→Dancing Breeze
Forest Hunt→The Evil Artifact
Mogloween Chapters 7→8
Thankstaking Chapters 8→10
Frostval Chapters 7→8
Year 6/14
The End of Magic
Smoke in the Trees→Chains of Command
Blood and Roses
Neron's Request→Blood Patrol: Weres
Hero's Heart Day Chapter 7: The Love Ship
Lucky Day Chapters 6→7
Into the Ynnungaap→Epilogue 
The End of Magic
Haven on the Horizon→The Siege of Haven
Serenity Before the Storm
Mogloween Chapter 9: Candy Troubles 
The Valtrith Tomb→Breaking Down
Thankstaking Chapter 11: Attack of the Filler Golems!
Blood and Roses
The Locket→Blood and Roses
Frostval Chapters 9→10
Year 7/15
Hero's Heart Day Chapter 8: Bubble Trouble
Lucky Day Chapter 9: Cysero's Golden Eggs
The End of Magic
One Step Forward→Trust
The Shears
Oculus Tower→ Shear Destruction
Just Chillin'
The End of Magic
Melissa→ A Day for Farewells
Madness→ Weal
The Nest
The Nest→ Leaving the Nest
The End of Magic
Unbound→ Timelines
The Thorns
Dark Devices
The Nest
Mogloween Chapter 10: Bubble Trouble 
Thankstaking Chapter 12: The Felonious Five
Frostval Chapters 11→13
Year 8/16
The End of Magic
The Tournament of Champions
The Thorns
Enigmatic Epidemic→Artifact Heist
Six Heroes
Return to Lymcrest→The Burning Village
Hero's Heart Day Chapters 9→11
The Maleurous
The Thorns
A New Student→Theano: A Thorn's Story
The Maleurous
Mr. Nameless
The Maleurous
Archive E-189-L
Six Heroes
The Apprentice→ ANOMALY 
The Maleurous
The Angel of Azaveyr→Myalos
Mogloween Chapters 11→15
(Time in Apsaydaaun is stated to move differently than on Lore, so these could all feasibly happen in the same month)
The Maleurous 
The Thorns
The Maleurous
Epilogue: Remembrance 
Thankstaking Chapters 13→14
The Thorns
Fortress of Thorns→Epilogue: Loose Ends
Frostval Chapter 15: The Great Giftnapping
Year 9/17
The End of Magic
My Spot→Khvorost
Hero's Heart Day Chapters 12→13
The End of Magic
A Petal Falls→Plans Entwined 
The First Weaver
Introduction→Father of Mine
The End of Magic
Out of Control→Sunfall: Part 2
Mogloween Chapter 17: The Ebil Dread
(Technically this would be partway through Storm in the Night, as I imagine it as the Hero stopping in Falconreach on their way to Doomwood, but the quest skips from talking in Swordhaven to arriving in Doomwood)
The First Weaver
From the Citadel with Love→Marzanna
The End of Magic
Storm in the Night→Broken Circuit (Part 1)
The First Weaver
The Beginning of the End→The End of the Beginning
The End of Magic
Broken Circuit (Part 2)→Of Duty and Dragons
Thankstaking Chapters 16-17
The End of Magic 
Speaker and Slayer→Reasons to Fight
Frostval Chapter 16: The Grand Snowfight
The End of Magic
Into the Unknown→Awakened Depths (Epilogue)
Frostval Chapter 17: The Reindragon
Year 10/18
The End of Magic
The Point of No Return (Part 1)→The End of Magic (Epilogue)
I hope you enjoy the timeline! (It took a lot of work to put together) Battle On!
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daisychains111 · 5 months
live "tweet" books with me (via the Goodreads progress bar) pt. 6 A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas
SHAMELESS PLUG: The rest of the books are on my page as pt 4/4.5 and pt 5 hehe
Nesta laughing at the cauldron is so badass oml.....she was really pissing me off in frost and starlight so this book better redeem her"
you're reading my mind cassian...man up and knock
is he gonna call her nes the whole book YES PEASE
 Nesta "You're not my high lord" Archeron back in action
hahahaha rhys is scared of nesta (for good reason but it's still funny)
I still say that Nesta and Mor are gonna be besties.... it's just a matter of time
HAHAHA self insert smut book shaming
damn Cass brutal as hell
I am beyond excited to watch these two losers lust after each other for the next 700 pages...my favorite annoyances to lovers....plus Cass drooling over Nesta in pants is HILARIOUS
cassian comparing his reactions to things that happened to Nesta to Rhys' reaction to feyre and Tamlin cracks me up....just patiently waiting for their mating bond to kick in
Eris is right, they need him...but 1 he doesn't need to be a dick about it, and 2. I'm not excited for Mor to find out
Nesta making fun of her celibate bat boy "making fun of my smut books? I raise you making fun of you having to jerk off yourself" ICON
how Az isn't laughing his ass off rn I will never know...he's stronger than me that's for sure
hmmmmmm....Nesta dear, that sounds suspiciously like a mating bond
these mf have dirty ass minds....they're really just horny af
cassian don't be a creeper
yes Cassian be very bashful about what the sentient house can see...ya nasty
I would choose to read books with a romantic subplot over just a plain romance book literally every day but sometimes I'm really just like "fuck your war go kiss"
hehe Nesta and Gwen bestie prediction
I love the house so much...such an instigator
choosing to ignore the length of Cassian's hair bc long hair is an ick
I'm really ready for the Archeron sisters to be on one team...this 2 vs 1 bullshit is stupid...like clearly you love each other
YAYA RHYS AND FEYRE BABY!!! I saw that coming from a millleeeeee away
that is gonna be the most spoiled child known to man
reading this in the library at school is an interesting choice
"Just sex," my ass
azrial is the worst chaperone in all of existence... but he's also clearly the biggest Cassian/Nesta shipper in existence, so it's fine... Also, the way he just knowingly ate at the table after what they did is BOLD
awwww smutty book club
the older sister disapproval is real...also Nesta calling Rhys Rhysand is hilarious
I love Emerie and Gwyn so much omg
Emerie and Gwyn giggling at the sword inuendos is peak bestie vibe energy
every once in a while the Archeron sisters will say something very "human girl in her 20s" and it cracks me up to no end to watch their centuries-old faerie boyfriends look at them as if they're speaking tongues
just admit you're in love with each other..." just sex" is just hurting both of you
that is just about the hottest thing I've ever read
ewwww what does Tamlin want
Nesta needs a pin that says "bitch and proud" bc she really owns that shit like no other
"your my friend" my absolute ass
I love dancer!Nesta
bc I haven't read in like 5 days I can't remember what plan Cassian is ruining rn but I'm glad he's doing it...go dance with your girl pookie
Rhys is good at his job bc he can have feyre AND Cassian freaking out at him in his head and still hold a conversation....live laugh love feyre and Cassian as the Nesta Archeron protection squad
ha ha az...can't hide that you are in love with Elain from Nesta, she sees all
Az getting Nesta a gift is the cutest thing ever
Cassian has the confidence of an actual doormat...sometimes it's sweet, sometimes it's annoying as hell
I love Gwen so much...that's all
hehe her mate taught her 😊
there is a little too much plot happening right now for a book that only has 30 pages left
cracking jokes after you almost just died...Cassian I love you
death pacts make me want to kill the people who made them
miracle magic objects are gonna miracle magic object now and bc Nesta's a badass everyone's gonna live...the end
awwwwww nyx
if I die never knowing what happened with Eris and Mor I'll kill Sarah myself (I never got to know)
(Afterthought in post-production: this could've been two books bc the way the plot was resolved in the last 30 pages of a 750-page book is WILD)
I'm also not gonna be reading fantasy for a while just bc that's not what's next on the tbr, so it might be a while before I do the next part cause these are harder to make for contemporary novels tehe
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therenlover · 8 months
Put Me Back In It (I Would Do It Again) Chapter Three: My Dear Old Friend
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Pairings: Haarlep/Tav, Raphael/Tav, Past Astarion/Tav
Word Count: 4,000~
Synopsis: Haarlep offers to distract Tav from her monotonous reality, but the face the incubus chooses to wear is a strangely familiar one.
Rating: E (+18)
Warnings: N/A
Tags: Memory Loss, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Cunnilingus, Dreams vs Reality, Imprisonment, Loss of Identity
You can find this fic on AO3 Here or find the other finished chapters on Tumblr Here
There was no day or night in Avernus. No stars or moon cycled towards the horizon to make room for warm sunshine or stormy grey clouds. The skies burned orange forever and forever and forever with only the occasional blast of smoke or flame to break up the eternal sameness. 
Tav ended up looking into that empty orange a lot while on her back in Raphael’s bed. 
If she turned her head and watched through the frosted glass she could imagine anything in that endless ochre sky. Sometimes, when her situation felt too real, she’d imagine a fleet of red dragons descending from beyond the jagged peaks in the distance, an army of githyanki soldiers with Laezel at the lead coming to rescue her. Mostly she just let her mind leave her body as she accommodated Raphael for what felt like the thousandth time. It could have been, too. There were no clocks in the House of Hope, at least none that were honest. Each and every one had been meddled with in some way to torment the residents. 
Between the clocks and the lack of a sunset, Tav had no idea how long she’d been at Raphael’s beck and call. She measured her life in what she could manage to do between being bedded again and again. It wasn’t unpleasant or painful but it was an empty existence. She seemed to exist only as an object of pleasure. Sometimes she wondered if Haarlep felt the same way, or if the incubus’ nature made things easier. 
Time was an endless stream of eating and sex and reading and sex and bathing and sex. Tav would sleep when she felt the need to, but mostly just to feel like time was passing. She’d given up looking for her contract what felt like an eternity before. The punishment of being locked below with the rest of the souls after she was caught just wasn’t worth it. Rebellion would do nothing besides break the fragile bond she’d begun to build with Raphael. He didn’t trust her and he definitely didn’t love her— she doubted he was capable of really loving anything but himself— but he treasured her, and as long as she remained placid and beautiful no object in his great hoard could hold a candle to the triumph of domesticating her. Docility was safety and safety was a blessing. If only it wasn’t so damn monotonous. 
She was on the bed watching the sky again when Haarlep came into the boudoir looking slightly charred around the edges. “Rough day?” 
They shot her a look that said she shouldn’t have had to ask. 
“Oh, poor baby,” Tav mocked slightly, “Can I kiss it better?”
“Would you?” Haarlep toed off their boots and sighed. They had taken Raphael’s form for whatever errand they were returning from, leathery wings shaking off ash and dirt as they undid their leathers and the harness below them. As soon as they were fully undressed they waded into the bath with a pained hiss. 
Tav crawled to the edge of the bed, flopping onto her stomach and setting her chin on her palms. “As long as you tell me what you used my body for today,” 
“You were awake for that?” The incubus winced, rubbing soap into their hair. “I figured with Raphael gone on business you’d be resting,”
She hummed an affirmation. “Woke me up, actually,”
“Sorry, Tavvy. Forgive me?”
Any small bit of resentment she’d had for her lost rest was gone the second she heard her nickname. 
Her relationship with Haarlep was complicated just like things were complicated in her life these days, but whatever it was that she shared with Raphael’s other pet was the most normal relationship she had left. They were compatriots, like a matching set of pretty tamed tigers in their hellish zoo, and that made Haarlep her only equal. They could talk to each other like people; share jokes, meals, books, beds. After all of his years of servitude, Haarlep understood exactly how important something like an apology or a teasing nickname could be after experiencing Raphael’s special brand of affection and neglect. 
If they hadn’t been there for her, she surely would’ve been dead or worse already. 
Tav nodded. “Just tell me and all will be forgotten, Haarlep. Come on! Man or woman? Where did you do it? Were they any good?” 
“You’re going to be disappointed,” they replied. 
“I don’t care,”
Haarlep dunked their head under the water and remained there for a good few seconds before resurfacing and wiping their face dry. “It was just Raphael,” 
It should have been some comfort that it was only Raphael and not some stranger who’d had their way with her shape and form while she wasn’t there to experience it, but it wasn’t. In fact, it was incredibly disappointing. Tav drooped, letting her face fall into the duvet.
“You should be flattered, Raphael wouldn’t usually pass up the chance to fuck himself while I’m around. He insisted that he wanted you.” The incubus rose from the bath and grabbed their robe from its hook on the wall, shaking the water from his wings and tail. Tav didn’t respond. She just remained limp on the bed burying her face further into the silk sheets, hands hanging sadly over the edge. Haarlep came to sit beside her. “It was pretty though. The full moon was out and the sky was clear enough that, if someone put their mind to it, you could count every planet and star,”
Tav’s head lifted minutely. “You fucked outside?”
“You think Raphael is the type to wait long enough to get to a tavern?” They set a clawed hand on her back, scratching the skin lightly through the back of her dress. It was an affectionate gesture and a welcome one. Tav shifted closer to their leg, enjoying the contact. “No, we were in an alley. It was a nice change of pace from the heat down here, though. There was probably a foot of snow on the ground and…”
As Haarlep continued their description, Tav’s mind wandered away. A foot of snow in Baldur’s Gate? It must be winter then, deep into the cold months too. They’d defeated the netherbrain in the oppressive heat of summer when the phlox and lambs ear covered the parks and the sun had borne down on them every damn moment of the day. If it was snowing now… had it been almost 6 months since she’d sold her soul to Raphael to keep the crown out of his hands and save Baldur’s Gate from his demonic army? She’d been deprived of sun and wind and grass for almost half a year. She wondered distantly if Karlach had ever felt similarly during her time trapped in Avernus. 
Oh, Karlach. Was she even alive? Had the tiefling made it back to Avernus in time or had she succumbed to the engine in her chest? 
How were Shadowheart’s parents? Did she still get pains? And Wyll! Had he taken on his father’s position? Was Gale teaching again? Laezel was strong and powerful, she probably could have defeated Vlaakith just in the time since Tav had given up her soul as forfeit, but had she?
Her heart ached. Had they forgotten about her sacrificing her soul for them? They all knew how to get into Avernus, but none had attempted to save her or even visit. Did they care that she was gone? Had they really been friends at all? She hated that she was even thinking it, but the reality of her situation didn’t leave much else to imagine. It was looking more and more like she’d been forgotten to rot in Avernus for the rest of eternity. 
At least Raphael still saw something he liked in her. 
The blanket beneath Tav’s face was cold and wet. When had she started crying? She sat up and wiped her tears with her draping sleeves, nudging off Haarlep’s hand. 
“Hey,” they scrunched their eyebrows together, “were you even listening?”
“I’m sorry Haarlep, I’m just distracted,” she sniffed. Why was this affecting her so much?
The incubus shook their head, flashing a sad, fanged smile. “Homesick?” 
Tav shook her head. “No, just… confused. I’ll get over it,” She smiled back at them with everything she had in her, but she was sure they saw right through her. Haarlep had a way of knowing just what she was thinking especially if she tried to hide it. Maybe it was because once, a millennia ago, they had been just where she was, so far from home and everything they’d ever known. 
“It’s ok to get frustrated with Raphael you know, sometimes I hate him myself,” Haarlep sighed. 
She drew her legs up to her chest. “It’s not that. I don’t hate him, there’s no reason for me to. He wanted me enough that he put aside his plans for dominating the hells just to keep my soul. I just miss… being a person. I miss days being days. I miss choosing my clothes and my breakfast and what I wanted to do with the day…”
“Tired of reading the same ten books over and over?” They both laughed at that one. Tav’s tears had stopped but the great aching emptiness in her heart was still there. 
“I just wish I felt like myself again, I guess. I was a hero once and now I’m a trophy,” 
Something dark and mysterious flashed in Haarlep’s eyes as their grin grew, wings flaring beneath the fabric. “I think I might be able to help take your mind off things,” They let the shoulder of their robe fall slightly. 
Tav laughed. “Seriously?” 
“What! You need to blow off some steam,” Their voice was lilting and oh-so-inviting as they let the robe slip further. “I can give you that. I can be anybody you want. Maybe, just for one night, pretending you’re not stuck down here would be good for you,” 
This was a game they’d toyed with a few times before, and Tav had accepted once or twice. It was always under Raphael’s watchful eye, though, and somewhat for the archdevil’s pleasure, never just for her. Her eyes shifted nervously. “Do you think Raphael would be ok with it? I don’t want either of us getting on his bad side for this,” It really might be nice to have something different. A secret between the two of them. 
Haarlep shrugged and nodded. “What the boss doesn’t know, the boss won’t mind. Besides, he isn’t due back for quite a while. No reason he ever needs to find out,”
“I just…” Tav gritted her teeth, “I want to feel like me. I want to feel like I felt before all of this, just for a few minutes. I want to feel powerful and desired and- agh, like I’m making love to someone, not just fucking. Does that make any sense?”
Something shifted in Haarlep’s posture and he sighed again, long and deep this time. Their nails clicked softly against the banister. “It does,” 
“If you think you have a chance of giving me that, I’ll keep this between us,” Tav whispered. 
“Good,” Haarlep was their old, confident self again, smiling bright, and yet something had changed. Gods, Tav hoped it wasn’t pity. She had worked so hard to stand next to Haarlep and not behind them. If her crying and whining had put them on shaky ground again… The incubus eased her worries before she could fuss anymore. “Close your eyes and lay back,” they winked. “When you open your eyes you’ll be wined, dined, and wooed. Should be just the right cure for your ails,”
So Tav did. 
She took a deep breath and shifted, laying back on the wooden headboard in anticipation with her eyes gently shut. 
This part was expected. For all of Haarlep’s showmanship, their ability to shift forms was a deeply personal one. It was a side of them Raphael rarely saw given the fact that Haarlep was so used to residing in his preferred form. Still, Tav had learned quickly that the incubus preferred privacy when changing bodies. 
The process was quick but just long enough to build some anticipation in the air. Then cold hand was in Tav’s hair and the game was afoot. “Open your eyes, darling,”
The man before her was a vision. 
Still wrapped in Haarlep’s robe, his elvish ears poked through flowing white hair, broad pale chest glowing in the candlelight. Crimson eyes raked over her body. Tav’s heart thumped an uneven rhythm. What was that feeling? Affection, longing… fear? Desperation? She wanted to reach out and grab him, pull him in close. She wanted to bare her throat and beg him for anything and everything he’d give. Her body was nothing but a puppet to the strange, overwhelming urges in her mind. It was as if she was some sort of animal enslaved by their instinct. 
She squeezed this strange elf’s body to her own, shoving all the air from Haarlep’s lungs.
They were rigid at first, clearly they hadn’t expected this, and then the tears came. So many tears. Wrenching sobs rang out against the domed ceiling. 
Haarlep softened against her, wrapping those cool, pale arms around her back and laying beside her. “There, there,” the voice was posh and gentle, “you’re safe here. You’re so loved here, Tav,” A hand reached into her hair, scratching with rounded, manicured nails. She just buried her face deeper into the chest before her. “You’re home now, and no one will ever be able to hurt you again,”
She had been here before. She had known this man. She had to have known him. Why didn’t she know him? 
Tav’s head hurt. It was like her brain was threatening to throb right out of her skull. The pain didn’t deter her from him in the slightest though. She pushed through the agony in the futile hope for any sort of an answer. “What’s wrong with me?” Her voice was a groan. 
“Nothing at all, my love,” small fangs peeked from their lips as they spoke, “what can I do for you?”
The first thing that flashed into Tav’s was pathetic, there was no way that she’d ever be able to say it out loud, especially to Haarlep. But…
“Will you just hold me for a while?” 
Haarlep nodded. “Anything you need,”
Tav lay still in the blissful coolness, half wishing she could free herself from the heavy wool of her dress to get closer to the incubus’ skin. Everything was always so blistering in Avernus. Hells, even the water and wine she drank were room temperature at the least. It took a lot of restraint to not worm her way out of the sweltering fabric and cling naked to her poor bedmate. The thought of being out of those arms for even a moment was the only thing that kept her from making it a reality. 
She breathed in and out. Her shoulders relaxed. Exhaustion finally took its toll, beating out the constant adrenaline pumping through her. 
“What a strange creature you are,” Haarlep purred in that smooth voice, “I wrap myself up like a present for you and you’d prefer to hug me than fuck me. I can’t say it’s not flattering in some odd way,” They kept speaking, but Tav was drifting away again. Her eyelids felt like lead. She nuzzled closer, relishing in the softness against her cheek. When was the last time she’d been held by anybody? She couldn’t remember. 
Sleep was approaching rapidly, threatening with every passing second to pull Tav into its arms, but she resisted as long as she could. This was a rare moment. It would be such a waste to squander it. “Thank you, Haarlep,” Her voice was breathy. 
They shook their head, soft white curls shifting on the pillow. “Nothing to thank me for. Now rest,” Haarlep pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead, “We can have our fun when you wake up,” 
As soon as Tav stopped resisting, the darkness of sleep pulled her down and swallowed her whole 
She was lying on a bedroll, breathing the smell of fresh wet earth into her lungs. Rain! Dirt! Tav wanted to shoot up and dig her hands into the earth below her but no matter how hard she tried, her body wouldn’t move. Instead, it stayed curled there, watching the wind blow and the rain pummel the grass through a small slit in her tent. 
A pair of fine leather boots came into view, pausing at the entrance to the tent. “Tav?” That voice… “May I come in?” 
This other Tav, whoever was in control of her, replied. “You don’t have to ask before coming in, I know you don’t care if I’m sleeping or not,”
And there he was, that man Haarlep had worn in bed, in some loose cotton shirt covered in specks of blood. His eyes glinted garnet in the moonlight. “It’s a force of habit, darling.”
“Oh yeah,” Other Tav laughed, “the whole vampires asking permission thing. I forgot about that,”
Vampire? That explained the eyes and the fangs…
“Sorry to barge in this late, but I,” he paused, “well, to be honest, I couldn’t stay away.”
Tav laughed, sitting up. “That hungry?” 
“Yes, amongst other things,” Something shifted in the vampire’s eyes, his cheeks flushing with borrowed blood. 
“Wait,” Tav put up a hand, “Are you jealous?” 
His face flushed redder. “No! I absolutely am not-“
“Of Gale?” 
“I- Well- YES!” He was gesticulating wildly now. “Maybe I am jealous of Mr ‘Let Me Show You The Weave’ Dekarios flaunting all of his wondrous talents around camp. So what? You’d still prefer his company to mine on the road, after all, so who am I to talk about it? Maybe you like that sort of thing,” 
Tav was stifling her laughter now, biting down on a finger to silence herself. “So that’s what this is about,”
“Just forget it!” He threw his hands up. What a drama queen. It was a little bit endearing, though, if you looked past the fit. “I don’t know why I thought you’d care,” 
“Astarion, wait,”
The vampire lingered a bit longer, hands on his hips, eyes filled with spite.
Astarion. Finally, a name to put to the beautiful face before you. 
“I do care, I promise,” Tav’s voice was genuine. There was no fake compassion in her, just concern and care and… love. She was in love. “And I promise I definitely don’t prefer Gale’s company to yours. I just needed someone who could open the magic seal on that stupid Selunite lockbox I found in the well and we got sidetracked for a few days. If it really means that much to you, I’ll take you with us tomorrow, ok?” 
Crimson eyes flitted around the tent, landing anywhere but on Tav’s own. He crossed his arms. “I swear you’re going to wind up dead someday,” he snapped, but despite his harsh tone, he sat down right next to Tav on the bedroll, sighing loudly in the night. His hair was wet and it glistened in the thin rays of moonlight that made their way through gaps in the fabric of the tent above, dripping freezing water onto his shoulders. “Being nice to strange vampires is exactly the kind of thing that will get you killed one day,”
“Good thing you’ll be around to set me straight,” 
Astarion hummed thoughtfully. “I supposed you’re right. It would be a shame if you died on me. Who else would keep Shadowheart and Laezel from killing each other and making a mess of camp,” 
Tav was smiling that lovestruck smile again. “Now that that’s out of the way, you hungry?” 
“I thought you’d never ask,” 
She shifted a bit, reclining until her back hit the bedroll while Astarion positioned himself above her. Then she tensed and he laughed like the pealing of bells. It was distracting enough that Tav barely felt him burying his fangs in her neck. 
Being drained was a cold feeling, like having bolts of ice running through her veins, and yet somehow it wasn’t all that unpleasant, especially when it meant Astarion’s lips were against her neck, so low he could almost brush her collarbone with them. He would run his tongue against her pulse every few seconds, lapping at the blood escaping the two neat punctures he had made. It was terrifying. 
It was also the most erotic thing Tav had ever experienced. 
The other Tav whimpered lightly as if she could sense the unbridled lust running through her distant mind. 
Astarion pulled away all too soon. His lips were painted red with the very essence of her. “Thank you, darling. You taste divine,” And then he brought his face down to kiss her. He tasted metallic but somehow sweet, almost sugary on her lips and tongue as she drew him in closer. It occurred to Tav that Raphael tasted similarly. Perhaps it was the lure of a predator, that sweetness on the tongue. That didn’t matter now though. Not when Astarion was purring sweet nothings into her ear and fussing with the hem of her nightshirt. “Let me repay you,”
“You can’t pay for something I offered freely,” 
The vampire seemed hesitant for a moment but pushed forward, pulling Tav’s nightshirt over her head and quickly ridding her of her pants as well. She began to make work of his own clothes but he tutted at her. “I’m not done eating yet,” 
If Astarion had seemed like a predator before it didn’t hold a candle to the look he gave her from between her parted thighs. He held them there, pressing them apart with his hands as he nosed at her core, and when he finally ran his tongue through her folds Tav knew exactly why. The vampire kept her still even as she attempted to buck her hips into his mouth. He held the cards. Hells, he held the whole deck. 
And she let him.
With her shirt shoved between her lips to muffle her sighs she gave over full control of her pleasure to the man worshipping her. 
Rain pattered lightly on the roof of the tent as Tav’s legs shook. 
He was gazing up at her, nose nudging her clit softly while his tongue delved into her cunt, and it seemed as though he was hanging on to her eyes like a lifeline. Looking for approval, looking for pleasure. Something was… off, but only if Tav looked closely. If she hadn’t made that face hundreds of times while sleeping with Raphael, she wouldn’t have recognized it. The half-lidded foggy haze was something she was intimately aware of now. 
Speak of the devil, she smelled sulfur in the air. 
Astarion’s face looked foggy now. It was like an oil painter had run their thumb along his drying portrait. His features dripped with the rain but his tongue continued to work against her throbbing heat. He lifted his odd, distorted face from her cunt, and a husky, bone-dry voice came out. 
Tav woke with a start to the smell of burning and rot, her strange dream instantly forgotten. 
Raphael was standing at the end of the bed and Haarlep… Haarlep’s black blood was soaking the sheets beside her. 
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Raphael hissed, “Looks like sleeping beauty has decided to join us. 
She was so fucked. 
(A/N: Thank you for reading! Alrighty folks, are we Team Raphael, Team Haarlep, or Team Astarion here, I need help deciding how this damn thing will eventually end lol. If you'd like to be part of a taglist for future chapters just let me know)
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moss-cf · 4 months
do u have any music recs similar to Sleeping Lessons by The Shins?
Boy do I. I was raised on and absolutely love the shins and would describe that era of indie as one of my all time favorite genres. Sleeping lessons is a very special song to me. And I literally can't listen to it all the way through without getting goosebumps. The buildup to the payoff is such a perfect introduction to the album.
So without further Ado,
The mid-2000s indie adjacent shins based recommendation list (yay!)
1. The other shins albums
Duh. Except for heartworms. Idk about that one
Included under this umbrella are the three albums by broken bells, also made by the guy from the shins. I don't know if itll exactly match what youre looking for but if you like wincing the night away you'll probably like the rest of these.
2. No light in heaven by strange Ranger
This album came out in 2022 and is absolutely incredible. I'd consider it one of my top 10 of all time. It's a different sound, but definitely similar enough that you'll enjoy it. The entire album acts as a buildup to the payoff track Demolished (which actually got a remix by frost children. Remember them from my hyperpop post?) it blends ambient music, sampling, trance pop, and a saxophone to create a near-perfect album that I would definitely recommend listening to while stoned. Listen to this album sequentially rather than as individual tracks.
3. Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips
When I was a young child, I couldn't fall asleep unless this this album was playing. Nowadays, I think child me was on to something. This album rules. I don't really know if it goes with this flow but I associate it with this era of music so I'm adding it in anyway fuck you
4. City vs Country EP by Mobius Band
I don't know how I know about this EP, but somehow I do. It's got shins adjacent vocals, and great use of synthesizers. I don't really know what to say about it. I don't have a funny anecdote it's just a decent EP that I enjoy listening to. The title track City versus country is definitely the highlight and Id describe it as moderately dancable.
I don't have a fifth one. maybe I'll add one. probably something by the postal service or some shit IDK
Individual Songs That'll Scratch the Specific Itch You're Looking for
1. Mary (Alternate) by yellow ostrich
2. Wildflower (Polygon Cover ver) by Dynastic
3. Nicotine & Gravy by Beck
4. Your ex Lover Is Dead by Stars
That's all for now! I'll update this list if I can think of anything. I'm sure there's a lot I'm forgetting. Hope you enjoy! Maybe someone will ask me about emo or something next.
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typingatlightspeed · 2 months
i'm curious: what all inspired you to make the mercs what supernatural beings they are in monsterous intent?
Originally it was just gonna be Demo the werewolf and that's it, but eventually the idea to make it into a whole-ass AU happened, and it kinda got silly from there. For Scout I'll be honest it was largely because I freakin' love fauns and satyrs. Always have. And modern deer-style fauns are absolutely adorable, and I really like the combination of cute, horny, and impulse-driven, which is very Scout. Plus a monster form that messes with his legs seemed Right for the guy whose job is Runs Fast. I also project onto him a little bit let us be honest with ourselves here. (I also cannot shut up clearly have adhd and am the littlest sibling who constantly feels inadequate and like I gotta prove myself.)
With Soldier, it's the whole yelling at severed heads on a fence thing from Meet the Soldier. What if the reason he had those severed heads wasn't just to fake an audience, but because he collects them? Dullahans and headless, what if he uses those heads to disguise himself? I read up on the actual folklore and then played with it A Lot, plus Cephalophores (depictions of beheaded saints carrying their own heads in their hands) are really cool imagery, so I went with it. Plus while in actual Irish folklore Dullahans are Faeries, they're also very death-focused, and you'll see them depicted as undead in media a lot, and with Merasmus being the guy he is, the connection just Worked. Basically canon gave me a really easy lay-up of a monster type for Soldier, lol. And Silas Mann jokes as a bonus. Gods help us if Soldier ever gets a horse. (I totally wanna give him a whip made of a human spine eventually.)
Pyro took a while to figure out. I knew I wanted him to be something that couldn't disguise himself easily, hence always being in the gasmask, but I hemmed and hawwed a lot. Someone (I wish I remembered who) pointed me to djinn and how they're made of "smokeless flame" in myth, so I did a bunch of reading and, again, kind of made my version for this AU. I try to make sure to put a lot of the actual real-world folklore and myth in, but also give stuff its own fun little spin, too. :3
Demo being a werewolf was the whole point, tbh. When I first wrote Predation, it was because there was a little bit of werewolf smut in the fandom, but all of it made Sniper the werewolf. I get the vibes, but Demo actually had a wolfman cosmetic set for Halloween! It only made sense he'd get to be the werewolf! Since Sniper had the monster (vampire) hunter costume, he got to be the guy "hunting" werewolf!Demo, and that was how it all got started.
For Engie I couldn't think of a monstrous transformation that would feel right, and since he was the skeptic in Predation, it only made sense that he'd be very unknowledgable and uninvested in the supernatural (at least until he had to be involved with it lol) so instead I just leaned into the transhumanist vibe that Engie sometimes has and went hard on him slowly fashioning himself into a cyborg. Pyro's apprehensions vs. Engie's views mirror the way I in real life am of two minds about properly advanced cybernetics vs. removing healthy body parts.
Heavy was the first after Demo, with Sniper pointing out he was half-jotun in The Good Folk. I knew I wanted him to be a giant of some sort, and with his Siberian background and cold and ice vibes, being part frost giant just seemed right, yanno? Plus the eventual opportunity for big size difference play was something I couldn't resist. Giant man, giant everything. owo
Medic was a tough one for a while, too. Him taking up magic was directly because of his line from the Merasmus boss fight event, where he goes "I must learn this black magic!" and generally being hype about all the magic bullshit lol. Him being a garuda was harder. I knew I wanted to give him wings; that was never a doubt lbr I am a SUCKER for winged humanoids and doubly so winged Medic. Finding the right monster was the hard part. I didn't wanna go harpy simply because Scout was already a Roman monster and got turned by a Greek one, and I didn't wanna double-dip in those mythological waters. And in Buddhist traditions, Garuda are a type of inhuman creature that appear either as giant birds or anthropomorphic birds. My first exposure to the name was as random bird monsters in Final Fantasy games, lol. So I figured Medic going for that and still kinda fucking it up (being a dove rather than a brahminy kite) would be a fun way to make him a bird man off the beaten path.
Sniper being a monsterfucking human, as mentioned above, was inspired by his vampire hunter halloween costume, lol. Also because lbr out of all of them he seems most like the kind of guy who would do a stakeout to get railed by a werewolf.
Spy needed to be a trickster. That was imperative. Ideally a shapeshifter. Nothing from French folklore jumped out at me enough that I wanted to use it, and finally I gave in and went with one of my favourite monsters: kitsune. Plus it gave me an excuse to be a weeb and my god I look for any excuse there. (I'm not a huge anime/manga weeb I'm a huge language/culture/food weeb lol) It ended up working in my favour too since him not even actually being a human French dude but a Japanese fox who cannot create human children means that the Spy Is Scout's Dad reveal in 2017 didn't hit MI nearly as hard as it could have, lol. Thank fuck, really. Also instead it lead to a hilariously squicky misunderstanding on RED Demo's part lol.
Spy's a monster but he's not a monster, Tav, jeez.
Also: Miss P as a human diviner just makes sense. In addition to her being a mage fitting in the world and giving Medic another, better role model than just Merasmus, it makes sense what with half of her job being surveillance of and managing the teams!
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sarahjtv · 1 year
My Hero Academia Chapter 390: Shoto Todoroki: Rising Spoiler Thoughts
It’s the dead of midnight where I am while typing this and the leaks for Chapter 390 just finished and holy shit what a ride.  Phenomenal chapter, 10/10, beautiful, stunning, heartwarming, heartbreaking, I need a full 2 weeks to recover.  Which we’re actually going to get because Horikoshi is taking yet another break thank god.  Give that man a vacation already, Shonen Jump.  OK, onto my very long immediate thoughts:
So real quick, things are going to be kind of scattered due to it being late and my mind being all over the place so please be patient ☺️
So, Shoto Todoroki: Rising.  A lot of people including myself saw this one coming once we were focusing primarily on the Todoroki family and we were hitting chapter 390.  Horikoshi seems to have a thing for the 90s chapters since Endeavor Vs. High-End was on Chapter 190 and Dabi’s Dance was 290.  Interesting choice, but it works thematically and it makes it easy to go back and read the important chapters once they come out in physical volume. 
That said, I’m so, so glad Shoto got a Rising chapter of his own.  It’s been a very long time coming and this was his chapter.  Shoto became the hero he is meant to be and used his own personal growth, his friend’s help (especially Iida here, someone please check on him later), and his family to stop Touya and probably save him.  I’m so proud of him.  He’s come such a long way and I love him so much.  Shoto is my favorite character in the series for a good reason. 
I love the part in Shoto’s narration while he’s running at full speed (thanks to Iida launching him and propelling himself via Phosphor) where he basically says the conflicts he’s faced and the way his friends feel towards others are things that helped him start to understand other’s feelings.  This is basic human empathy at it’s core, but remember that Shoto was incredibly cold (no pun intended) and stoic at the beginning of the series.  Even after Deku saved him in the Sports Festival, it didn’t automatically fix that stoicism and social ineptness.  He was still struggling to understand people even, but he’s trying to get better at it to the point where he’s practicing talking to people better.  It’s fantastic growth on Shoto’s part, really.
Shoto thinks to himself that if Dabi’s origin was so simple, it could’ve been stopped long ago.  While I agree with Shoto to an extent, it’s more complicated than that as we’ve learned.  Endeavor could’ve trained Touya more to the point where his Quirk would’ve developed to gain Rei’s ice.  This would’ve made Endeavor’s dream child come true and Natsuo and Shoto would never have been born.  But, Endeavor didn’t want to take the risk of having Touya constantly hurting himself with his own flames and his obsession with making an ice/fire child to beat All Might ultimately pushed everyone to the brink.  Of course, everyone but Shoto played a part in Touya’s decline, and the whole situation is complicated enough as it is.  So, it’s hard to say how “easy” this could’ve been solved in the first place.  Maybe if Endeavor wasn’t such an obsessive bastard in the past, I don’t know.  It’s hard to say, things were rough even before the kids were born.
There’s one panel when Shoto winds up his attack where it depicts him as a crying child and I DID NOT NEED TO SEE THIS TODAY, HORIKOSHI HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME CRY OVER BABY SHOTO’S SUFFERING AGAIN!!! 😭
Guys, the way I sat there for 5 straight minutes with my mind running circles around “IS SHOTO ALIVE???” when I saw the panel of the kids smiling.  Holy shit I was paralyzed.
So, Shoto launches a massive Great Glacial Aegir attack on Touya and actually manages to stop the explosion.  He managed to save his entire family holy fucking shit.  The sigh of relief when I saw the panel of Shoto still standing was palpable, my dudes. 
Really good of Shoto to mention that Rei’s, Natsuo’s, and Fuyumi’s Frost Quirks helped Shoto stop Dabi since his ice alone wasn’t enough to put out Dabi’s flames.  So, Shoto and his family really did stop Dabi all together like they promised.  Way to bring things full circle.
And Shoto also mentions that because he can’t do everything on his own that he’s not the “masterpiece” Endeavor once thought he was.  Again, great way to bring things around.  Shoto’s not perfect Quirk-wise and that’s ok.  It just means he’s still got ways to go and that he’s become his own man.
And holy shit everyone took a hit with this battle.  I won’t be surprised if we see new scars on all the Todoroki’s.  Shoto’s costume is pratically torn in half, though I’m surprised the cooler/heater on his back is still working.  He’s bleeding from his nose too probably from being put through the ringer (he was real intense in that last attack; I’m positive his eyes were whited out in one panel where he attacked).  Endeavor looks like he’s going to collapse and Dabi looks crispy as hell.  No seriously, that man is cooked and his eyes have been burned completely off.  I’m surprised he’s still alive now.
And Dabi still thinks everyone including himself should die.  And then, Endeavor comes in and apologizes for everything to everyone in his family.  To Touya for not going to Sekoto Peak, to Rei for all the abuse he put her through, to Fuyumi for putting all the responsibilities on her shoulders, to Natsuo for abandoning him, and finally to Shoto who says “I’m sorry...” to before he passes out.  Some people will call out Endeavor for this, but it’s part of his arc to do something like this.  Even if it won’t mend all fences, even he continues to apologize for his sins for the rest of his life, it’s still genuine progress for his character and I can’t help but appreciate that.  Horikoshi continues to remind us of what Endeavor did in the past without asking us to forgive him entirely despite his atonement arc and this is another example of that.
Honestly, I really thought someone was going to die this chapter.  The last few pages made it out to be like Dabi and Endeavor especially were going to bite the dust.  For now, they’re unconscious, so we’ll see where Horikoshi takes us with them sometime later.  I hope they’re both alive tbh.  I was REAL worried Horikoshi was going to have the titanium steel balls to kill off Shoto for a hot minute, though.  But, I don’t think that would’ve been a satisfying conclusion to his and his family’s arc, and I think having Bakugo dead is more than enough shock for any of us.  Also, happy 300 days of being “dead”, Bakugo.  Please come back soon 🥲.
EDIT: Ok, so it was clarified that Shoto is the one who passed out at the very end. You can see his small figure spread out on the ground in the last panel. I’m sure Endeavor is out too, but Shoto passing out makes sense. He put so much energy into these last two fights. He must be so exhausted poor thing 😭
Finally, the chapter ends with a POV change to Ochako Vs. Toga now that everyone’s safe from the explosion.  We’re also getting another break next week, so nothing until at least the middle of June.  It’s rough, but I’m ok with it since this chapter was incredible and probably hard on Horikoshi to write and draw.  I truly hope he gets a vacation and doesn’t rush into things though.
So, the Todoroki Family arc is pretty much done for now, huh.  Not gonna lie, it feels weird since it’s been the one of the main side-storyline since the Sports Festival all those years ago.  Though I’m glad to see things wrapped up in a very satisfying way for me at least.  Everything came full circle, I cried, I cheered, I got my emotions thrown out the window and sent on multiple roller coasters.  It’s been an absolute joy watching Shoto grow into a badass with a heart of gold who is loved by his family and friends and learned to do the same for them.  He’s my favorite character and will always hold a special place in my heart 🤍❤️🩵.
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Fanfic Friday - 2/17/23
(More fics may be added in time)
What A Surprise - Wade Wilson X GN Reader (Winner of the poll) - Requested; Reader normally doesn't wear their glasses much, prefering contacts, but after misplacing them, they have to use their glasses. Wade's never seen them with their glasses before, and is pleasently surprised when he gets back from kicking some baddie butt.
Mascot - Sirius Black X Female Reader (Modern AU); Reader plays the mascot for the high school football team. After a game, Reader takes off the mascot mask. Sirius Black, the Wide Receiver of the team; The Wolverine Wizards, is surprised when he sees you after the game. "I didn't realize you were a girl," He spoke up. "Or pretty."
Burning Flame (Part 2 of Just A Kiss) Johnny Storm X Female Reader - Requested; Going to the lab the next day after the Reader's kiss with Johnny was stressful. She didn't know if her kiss with Johnny was a one-time thing or if that had meant they were a thing. At the lab, Reader tries and question Johnny, but work kind of gets in the way.
Frost Castle (Part 2 of Superstar Fame) Steve Harrington X Female (Celebrity) Reader - Requested; Steve and the Reader go to Frost Castle, a small diner the next town over. The date is going well until the Reader is recognized and the paparazzi ruins your date.
Endless Love - Faramir X GN Reader - Requested; Reader is of noble blood, their mother sent them straight off to marry Boromir, but the Reader had no want to marry the man. Once at Gondor, the Reader runs into Faramir, and it's love at first sight. Though the Reader is betrothed to Boromir, the Reader sneaks off to meet Faramir. But what happens when Faramir and the Reader get caught?
Manic Monday - Wade Wilson X GN Reader - Requested; Reader loves helping and taking care of people, especially at work. But after weeks of working, staying overtime, and even working some weekends... Wade wants the Reader to take a nice deserved break. And he will get them to take a break, even if it kills him.
Monsters vs Aliens - Scott Lang X Daughter Reader - Requested; Being the oldest daughter of Ant-Man was fun, to say the least. He was a cool dad, sort of weird, and a bit cringy at times, but Reader loved him nonetheless. But, one day at school, before a big test, the Reader begins to grow, and grow, and grow...
Stars - Faramir X GN Reader - Requested; Reader had been friends with Faramir since they were both very little. They would do everything together, play together, eat together, and even prank Denethor's guards together. But Faramir has a secret... He is in love with his best friend, and te Reader is too oblivious to see it.
Requests Are Open
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i am about 50/50 right now on whether to do a monday excerpt vs A Certain Announcement tomorrow
even if i dont do the excerpt. i want to share this bit from what i wrote over the weekend because in my own humble opinion, it fucks
(aka i improvised this funerary tradition based on the general agreed-upon image of the Goddesses in the Ehlverse + the different climate/interpretations that have been made in Emarye specifically and i really like it)
content warnings: depiction of a funeral and an episode of temporary paralysis; references to fire in a ceremonial context.
In turn, we each bowed to kiss the bowl of red paint presented by the holy woman whose skin was a mural of golden tattoos, and each pressed a kiss to the lid of the casket.
The grain was smooth against my lips, and cold as the frost that crunched beneath my boots that morning. It smelled of the pine cones she would nestle beside candles, and was stained to match the needles of the tree over her grave--because that was the closest we could get to the green of the auroras.
Meerin and Irina’s hands found mine again when we stepped back. Father moved to stand behind us all, and nestled us closer. Kept his hands on our shoulders and stood firm and stoic, as the holy woman sprinkled salts over the casket.
We all cried when the fire licked green and gold across the wood. Meerin shook when the rain began to steam, Irina hid her face when the flames died, Katya let out a heaving sob when the blackened casket was lowered into the grave.
My legs gave out under my weight for the first time when the first shovel of dirt was tossed.
Father had to carry me away.
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sillovn · 8 months
Build Journal: Mind and Soul
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Ive been messing with Golden Order incantations and want to talk about them. Contains some spoilers.
Int+Fth hybrids suffer from a lack of weapon options. For this particular stat combination, only 1 weapon exists - Sword of Night & Flame. As a fix, I tried to use Frost status and Sacred Blade weapon skills to force damage out of single stat weapons. This cold/holy combo then inspired the character's lore.
Idea was 'Snowfield Cartographer' - Zealot of Miquella who fell in the snowfields searching for a place to plant the Haligtree. Revered for his deeds and returned as a Tarnished in the present.
Went for a light+ragged look with weapons and armour - it fits the character (but also hybrid stats are rough, so minimal END investment). Spells are Golden Order + generic support incants - the theme rules out "dualcaster" type character (staff+seal).
Right now, the character sits at Farum Azula, exact spells/weapon will finalize later. But enough; lets get to the point of this journal - what can you do with Golden Order incantations?
~The Golden Order~
On paper, this Int-Fth school looks versatile - offensive spells for long range and wide area situations, status defense spells, equipment buffs and undead slaying. In practice, some parts work much better than others.
Rings of Light
3 damage spells, rare source of offensive holy magic. These may look like standard projectiles with a boomerang gimmick. In practice, they have a distinct niche of coverage over accuracy.
These are clumsy spells - initial cast time is long, projectiles travel slowly and tend to get caught on obstacles. Also sensitive to elevation, difficult to free-aim and will commonly miss on slopes. Really about creating hazardous areas with quantity; throw many rings - they might miss or get caught on terrain. But in the chaos, someone will likely get hit.
1.Discus of Light
Throw 1 small ring. Your basic long range button, costs just 3 fp.
Clumsiness + small projectile = poor accuracy vs moving targets. More usable vs immobile targets (giant bosses, unaware enemies etc.) Its surprisingly difficult to hit during combat, so don't despair if most rings miss. If every cast hits, it is the most efficient damage per. fp spell (~150 base x2 hits/3 fp)
Returns after a fixed delay - If stuck on obstacles; will simply hang in their air until its time to return.
Disc is thrown at ~head level but returns at waist level. It also starts slightly off-center to the left/right due to character's hand.
2.Triple Rings of Light
Spread of 3 large rings. Bigger + more rings = easier to land than Discus, downside is higher fp cost.
Damage wise, 3x ring is functionally identical to Discus (155 vs. 150). Essentially, this is a comparison of fp efficiency vs getting consistent hits. All that to say; use Discus vs. big PVE bosses, use 3x Ring in PvP. If you fought Gideon - then you know the mental threat of trying to avoid this move.
3.Radagon's Rings of Light
1 large omnidirectional ring. This is 'the big one', the most flashy and stat intensive spell the Golden Order asks of you (31 int/31 fth). Unlike many high investment spells - this one is good.
There's nothing quite like Radagon's Rings in combining impact, coverage and cost. Base damage = 310 (395 charged). Among holy spells, only Wrath of Gold hits harder, but has much less area. In fact, you can hit a lot of things from outside their effective melee reach (bosses and players included).
Hunter of the Dead
2 spells with an 'undead slayer' effect (+damage, no revive). Learned from D, these are the earliest spells you can encounter in this school. I found them to be "bad but usable", with 3 issues.
Inconsistent undead classification - Deathbirds? yes. Tibia Mariners? no.
Most undead are not dangerous enough to need a specific counter - Deathbirds and the Axe Skeletons are the only real threats.
Alternatives exist - 'undead slayer' effect can be found on weapon arts and throwing bombs
4.Litany of Proper Death
Holy explosion that deals *very little damage* to non-undead foes. This spell is kinda 'ER in a nutshell' - extremely specific tool that fails at its intended use. Sure, you can explode a room full of skeletons with 1 cast, but what else?
Litany is slow and costly. Even with '10x damage to undead' bonus, its generally worse than using holy weapons, spells and throwing bombs. These options give better character control (reach, speed etc.) in a fight - which you probably want when facing Deathbirds.
5.Order's Blade
The only weapon enchant spell that adds holy damage, also has weird scaling (only takes Faith into account). Like many weapon buff spells, it gets outclassed by similar ashes of war.
If you want a weapon buff with the 'undead slayer' effect, there are 2 ash of war alternatives. 1) Sacred Blade, which doubles as a ranged attack and is found at the very start of the game. 2) Sacred Order, which also buffs all damage sources (spells etc.) These options are also faster, cheaper and are compatible with elemental weapons.
Status Defense
2 spells for status-effect defense.
6. Immutable Shield
Enchant shield to fully block elemental damage and status effects. This does *not* make your guard harder to break, it simply removes the chip effect.
Ideal scenario is; greatshield + this = casually block comets. In practice, that calls for a very unreasonable (or at least very odd) stat spread. The buff also doesn't last very long (~30 secs). Exemplifies Golden Order spells: interesting applications, even when impractical.
7.Order Healing
Deathblight cure spell.
Deathblight is neither strong nor common, so a specific counter isn't needed. One of those things that's obligated to exist; as every status has an associated cure spell.
2 incantations that require pure-Int, theme here is more based on lore than game function.
8. Law of Regression
Removes all buffs in a large area, only way to remove an enemy's buffs.
One of those spells where an *extremely powerful* effect is limited by cost/situation/speed. At 50+ fp, its unreasonable as a 'general use' status cure. With Law of Regression - its a question of how many/what buffs would an enemy use to justify the cost? also how often do these situations occur? Though sure, in a dream scenario - you could purge all enemy buffs and cure every status from friends with 1 button.
9. Law of Causality
Buff spell that explodes after you are hit a few times. Has the highest base damage of any holy spell (~400+).
Explosion damage doesn't seem to scale with spell damage stat. It also requires that you receive the hit, so blocking doesn't work. In other words, its a late-game spell that's quite useless by the time you get it (by normal means). However, there is at least 1 use for this spell - low level PvP.
~Final Thoughts~
Golden Order incants really grew on me over time. They are a very unique set of spells, where even the bad ones have a distinct niche. Radagon's Ring was the standout move for me, very solid AOE spell. The other 2 light rings; also great at their specific niche.
So, why isn't Golden Order caster more commonly seen? My guess would be; extremely limited weapon selection + high stat requirements - this is a 'true' hybrid school; you *must* be Int+Fth.
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WHG 20 - Day 3
Good morning, tributes! Rise and shine, and try not to burn alive!
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Graeme, our resident fire avoider, STILL somehow manages to find himself in the fire zone as the flames ignite, but at least he finds safety, along with Della, Triel, Steele, and Ash! Najdinel, who started with a canteen and went spear fishing yesterday, now finds a river--all hail the water queen? (Vs. Graeme the Anti-fire King?)
Meanwhile, someone is looking to make Asher dangerous, Razzle prepares to give someone the ol’ razzle-dazzle, and Hugo continues to say “no” to literally every experience the Hunger Games has to offer. It’s like he doesn’t even want to be here.
As of nightfall, no one has died for the last 24 hours! Congratulations, tributes! Your prize is...death!
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Gamemaker got bored. Sorry, Hugo and Ares. Cat-dog mutts with phantom-y extensions is kind of a rough way to go. Layla gets psychic damage two miles away.
Graeme, previously roasting, now finds himself in the frost trap with Triel and Yuen, but the luck holds and they survive, along with Angie and Chess, who just cannot catch a break after getting all those sponsor gifts on the first day. And oh, phew, somebody got Steele some medical supplies. Sure would’ve hated the robot to be without bandages!
That’s all for now, but stay tuned tomorrow for more shenanigans, more bloodshed, and more tension as you wait and see how long your characters last! (Except those of ours who are out of the running. RIP.)
District 1
Asher Sang (he/him) @maple-writes​​
Ares Machina (she/her) @concealeddarkness13​​
District 2
Yuen (he/him) @grailfish​​
Razzle (they/them) @grailfish​​
District 3
Cian (they/them) @ink-and-spite​​
Steele (he/they) @grailfish​​
District 4
Hugo Atwater (he/him) @ratracechronicler​​
Vera (she/her) @bloodlessheirbyjacques​​
District 5
Della (she/her) @ink-and-spite​​
Maura (she/her) @bloodlessheirbyjacques​​
District 6
Ash (she/her) @knmartinshouldbewriting​​
Hadrian (he/him) @bloodlessheirbyjacques​​
District 7
Silver (they/them) @pen-of-roses​​
Layla (she/her) @pied-piper-of-hamlet​​
District 8
Lyra (she/they) @forthesanityofstorytellers​
Najdinel Blytridj (she/her) @pen-of-roses​​
District 9
Maya (she/her) @pied-piper-of-hamlet​​
Graeme (he/him) @onmywaytobe​​
District 10
Jubilee (xe/xem) @ink-and-spite​​
Angie (she/her) @pied-piper-of-hamlet​​
District 11
Triel Reeves (she/her) @concealeddarkness13​​
Chess (she/her) @concealeddarkness13​
District 12
Beau (he/him) @drabbleitout​​
Jaime Garnet-Batista “Garnet” (he/him) @drabbleitout​​
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tuliptheoshawott · 1 year
It's gonna be the biggest poll yet!
Instead of 32 matches in qualifying, there's gonna be 64!
Every one of them. From 1-11, to & Bass, to the Stardroids from 5 Gameboy, to the Megaman Killers from the Gameboy games, to even ones from Unlimited.
Qualifying matches preview below
Match 1: Stardroid Neptune vs. Hard Man vs. Napalm Man vs. Dark Man
Match 2: Rainbow Man vs. Glue Man vs. Whirlpool Man vs. Cold Man
Match 3: Knight Man vs. Astro Man vs. Nail Man vs. Pump Man
Match 4: Plug Man vs. Wind Man vs. Clown Man vs. Spark Man
Match 5: Bomb Man vs. Freeze Man vs. Oil Man vs. Nitro Man
Match 6: Concrete Man vs. Frost Man vs. Ring Man vs. Drill Man
Match 7: Punk vs. Dive Man vs. Elec Man vs. Stardroid Sunstar
Match 8: Enker vs. Heat Man vs. Fire Man vs. Trinitro Man
Match 9: Tengu Man vs. Spring Man vs. Jet Man vs. Stardroid Saturn
Match 10: Magma Man vs. Sword Man vs. Stone Man vs. Crystal Man
Match 11: Magic Man vs. Dynamo Man vs. Hornet Man vs. Metal Man
Match 12: Shade Man vs. Snake Man vs. Plant Man vs. Tundra Man
Match 13: Terra vs. Yamato Man vs. Needle Man vs. Bright Man
Match 14: Stardroid Venus vs. Gravity Man vs. Tomahawk Man vs. Flame Man
Match 15: Bubble Man vs. Flash Man vs. Cut Man vs. Cloud Man
Match 16: Ground Man vs. Star Man vs. Stardroid Mercury vs. Guts Man
Day 2:
Match 17: Gemini Man vs. Solar Man vs. Blizzard Man vs. Search Man
Match 18: Comet Woman vs. Tank Man vs. Torch Man vs. Commando Man
Match 19: Stardroid Jupiter vs. Shadow Man vs. Blade Man vs. Strike Man
Match 20: Quick Man vs. Bounce Man vs. Chill Man vs. Top Man
Match 21: Blast Man vs. Fake Man vs. Yoku Man vs. Air Man
Match 22: Stardroid Uranus vs. Turbo Man vs. Impact Man vs. Junk Man
Match 23: Tornado Man vs. Aqua Man vs. Magnet Man vs. Wood Man
Match 24: Yo-Yo Man vs. Time Man vs. Acid Man vs. Burst Man
Match 25: Gyro Man vs. Ice Man vs. Stardroid Mars
Match 26: Stardroid Pluto vs. Pirate Man vs. Pharoah Man
Match 27: Toad Man vs. Stardroid Earth vs. Splash Woman
Match 28: Sheep Man vs. Wave Man vs. Slash Man
Match 29: Skull Man vs. Centuar Man vs. Grenade Man
Match 30: Block Man vs. Jewel Man vs. Fuse Man
Match 31: Galaxy Man vs. Crash Man vs. Charge Man
Match 32: Dust Man vs. Burner Man vs. Ballade
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skyborneveggie · 1 year
Title: Aeternum Fandom: Good Omens (TV) Paring: Crowley/Aziraphale Rating: M Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence (though the violence is not literally happening, it is almost all metaphoric) Tags: Metaphysical Violence, Angst, Pining, Psychological Trauma, Unreliable Narrator, References to Dante's Inferno Summary:
Crowley takes a leap of faith. He’s flung himself into the blaze and, oh, it’s too late now.
An introspective on the finale, and Crowley's trauma in general.
Story beneath the cut
A/N: This story is meant to be an exploration in blurring the line between physical & emotional pain. It’s up to reader interpretation as to how much description is literal vs how much is metaphoric. Crowley is a highly unreliable narrator in this, and says a lot of things about himself here that aren’t true. He knows they aren’t true, but when you’re in the depths of despair your trauma can haunt you in all the worst ways.
Notes on Dante's Inferno: Judecca is the frozen center of the ninth & last circle of hell. It is reserved for traitors, who are encased in solid ice. At the very center of Judecca rest all traitors who have betrayed God himself. There, a three-headed Lucifer is trapped waist-deep in ice, each mouth forever eating those whom Dante deems the greatest traitors in history—Brutus, Cassius, and Judas. (Canto XXXIV)
There is the pain of the fall. The freezer-burn in his bones, in the very marrow of him, frosting over tendon, sinew, muscle. How long did it take for the pain to subside, for the ice-fire to burn away the synapses and nerve endings of his skin as he lay there and writhed in the ice at Satan’s feet? He is still there now even, the core of him, his soul as his body continues to wander the earth. He is numb of it now, from the tips of his fingers to the ends of his toes. Feels nothing.
He will have to go back, someday, when it’s over. March past the vats filled with shit and boiling tar and flaming pyres. Someday he will bend under Satan’s shadow, crawling back down into his hole in the ice, body and flesh stripped away. Naked conscience, reuniting with its soul.
He is there then, to join them; Judas, Brutus, Cassius. Crowley wonders whose brain matter it will be that spatters onto his head, clotted rivers of tissue and blood dripping off Satan’s chins as he grinds their skulls into scarlet meal.
Crowley wonders if he will still feel nothing then.
There is the pain of the fall, and there is other pain.
Demons do not love. It is poison in their veins. Venom spreading beneath their skin with sickly, flush tint. It is not the fall, it is heat. It is a fire beneath him, it is a flaming sun in his chest. Have you ever tried to revive a frostbitten hand? The best he can do is to not think about it, don’t think about it. Push it to the back of his mind. He can deal with the dull ache of a distant, barely present flame, so long as he declines to warm himself. He can stand it from a distance.
Demons do not love. Satan help them if they do.
Except then Crowley, fool that he is, takes a leap of faith.
He’s flung himself into the blaze and, oh, it’s too late now. He is drowning in the boiling river, scalding liquid pouring down his garbling throat when he opens his mouth to speak. And the words tear from his blistered, deadened tongue with silent screams, begging him not to let them go. But Crowley—he is in it now. He roots them up and rips them out and vomits them onto the floor.
And he keeps on tearing. He tastes Aziraphale with ash on their tongues and when he comes away… well. 
The kiss, it rots inside of Crowley’s mouth. Eats away the flesh there like bacteria in an untreated wound; virulent, necrotic, lethal. He spits poison in its wake.
His love is not beautiful. It is a violent, desperate thing. He is sickened with want.
Demons do not love. Satan help them if they do.
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portpebble · 2 years
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[Image ID: a collage of three images, with Argo on the left, Alopex on the right, and Reki on the bottom, separated by a red and black border with the words "Death Battle!" in the middle.
Argo is a koi fish water genasi with orange and brown patches all over his body, and barbels under his nose that resemble a mustache. He has green eyes and red hair tied into a ponytail. He is wearing a tight navy blue turtleneck and a light blue jacket. Argo tilts his head a bit, angled as he looks forward, smirking softly. Behind him is a water pattern, like looking at a pond from above. A koi fish and lilly pad are around him for decor.
Alopex's image is done in limited colors, mostly cool colors with bright red for emphasis. Alopex is a white mutated snow fox, with dark purple warpaint on her face in a frost-like pattern. She is wearing blue wrappings on her stomach, arms, and legs, as well as a tarnished scarf and poncho. In the first panel of her image, Alopex is shouting menacingly, her eyes all white and her jaws open to reveal her sharp teeth. The background is a stark red behind her. In the second, she forcefully kicks to the left with one leg, the background white.
Reki is a Japanese teenager with tan skin, messy bright red hair and hazel eyes. He is wearing a blue headband that has a white geometric face on it's side, a yellow and black hoodie, black pants and gloves, and blue shoes. Reki is skateboarding, hair flowing as he does a jump. He smiles in playful triumph. The background is purple, and realistic flames have been edited around him.]
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