#Female vs Male
mwbergr6 · 3 months
Judo Girl Vs Judo Man – you want to try !
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tommygunzblog · 10 months
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hanashiz · 1 year
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Pepsi, ocz version
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radifemsara · 3 months
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Dawg, would you look at that??😯😰😨
A trans"woman" just admitted he is a man and threatened a woman for 'hurting his feelings'. His Y chromosome must be acting up again!
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kookoofufu · 11 months
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
I've seen a little trend of (mostly) men being shocked and annoyed at how much sensuality was in this newest episode of The Acolyte and I think it's time to re-introduce 'the male gaze' vs 'the female gaze' and how prevalent it is in fiction.
Those same guys don't complain when women are shown topless in bed, the sheet only covering their ass as the full curve of their back is illuminated while the male lead buttons up his pants and smizes forlornly out the window.
They don't bat an eye at 'Slave Leia's' costume or James' Bond's exploits or the gratuitous nudity and sex in Game of Thrones centered on the male gaze. They don't question dehydrated men with bulging veins screaming at their enemies as they flex.
But the moment there's sensuality for the gaze of the fem lead, all of a sudden it's "soapy" it's "fanfic" it's "ridiculous".
Why is that? Why are you so ok with sexuality when it's from the male gaze, but the MOMENT it switches to female, you think it's not to be taken seriously anymore? All of a sudden, it's not 'fit for the public', it's to be relegated to the dark corners of the internet and not spoken of and MOST DEFINITELY shouldn't find it's way onto our screens.
Was Qimir in that episode sexy as fuck? Yeah. Was that what the episode was about? Partially - but it was so much more than that, too. Unlike movies where women are just there to be ogled at by the male audience and have nothing of importance going on with the plot, the Acolyte showed both the man and woman in those scenes as important players in this story with depth and nuance that yes, included sexuality, but was not limited to it.
Men jack off to 'slave Leia' all the time - why is it suddenly disgusting when a man shows up on screen in a sexy way that's NOT dehumanizing to him? Would you have preferred Qimir in a slave costume being held hostage by the Hutts? (feel free to draw fan art of that *cough* what was that? I didn't say anything *cough*) Would that have made it 'not fanfic' to you? Or are only women relegated to those roles? Only women are allowed to skinny dip in the ocean and then talk to the MALE lead all dripping wet and naked. For a man to do that is...well....it's silly!!! It's fanfic!! That's not what we're supposed to see!!
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baejax-the-great · 1 year
You actually never have to make female aliens fuckable by human standards
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aresonist · 1 year
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another crazy thing about having been a prostitute is to realise how little difference there has been in how many of my male sexual partners have treated me and how sex buyers treated me, especially since i was an escort where often you get paid to simulate dates. i even had sex buyers beg to see me again meanwhile men in real life often ghost or keep me at armlength especially when there are no romantic feelings involved.
this is why i dont want to have sex without feelings and care for each other anymore - it almost feels like im prostituted all over again, bad in a different way because i actually like the men i sleep with and want them to like and appreciate me too and consider my desires (dont get me wrong obviously prostitution is always worse than sleeping with men im actually attracted to and want to have sex with but it hurts in a different way to realise that ive often also been just a means to get off to them).
like for example, since sex buyers often pay for time instead of sex act (or both combined), they want to get the most out of their money and do the most to you in the set time - but as a prostitute you want to get it over with as soon as possible and it feels like torture. meanwhile so many heterosexual men who dont pay for sex try to reach orgasm as soon as possible and then its over, lmao. like the direct comparison between having been prostituted and having voluntary sex with men will make you feel absolutely crazy but it also made me realise why i thought i didnt even like sex for so long. because i was always treated like an object, not a person. men will do the bare minimum to keep you around for sex if they dont see you as wife material (and then they also do just little more than the bare minimum up until they reached their goal of marriage then usually start neglecting their wives as we know).
which brings home the point that we need a cultural and legal shift. as long as men treat sex as masturbation with another person, and women as objects or tools, there will always be demand for prostitution, and there will always be (privileged) women deluded into thinking „might as well get paid for it“ or even „at least now im being appreciated“, paradoxically. thats how bad heterosexual men treat women in bed.
this also emphasises that yes, #allmen, because even the men who dont buy sex contribute to the system of sexual exploitation with their behaviour. the reason ive heard men say most often why they dont buy sex is not care for women, but pride. they can convince women to get them off so why pay for it? same with porn, they dont stop watching because they care about women, but because their dick stopped working. and then of course you have a lot of sex buyers who dont even want to do the bare minimum mentioned above so they buy sex to go immediately to using a womans body with no „hassle“. the state of heterosex is fucking dire because i know im by far not the only one experiencing this.
and even before prostitution i could feel it but not really put my finger on it, now with this horrible experience and a radical aligned feminist view on things i realise and its really dark. and dont even try talking to men about their inadequacies in bed because they will act like youre the problem and an annoying nag for voicing desires.
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mwbergr6 · 3 months
Olympic Level Judo girl vs White Belt Male
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gin-juice-tonic · 8 months
i dont know how many people who follow me played shovel knight but i still think the body swap feature they added was very neat... basically it started as a standard gender-swap where all the male knights were just going to have female versions
But then they decided to let you pick and choose who you wanted swapped. And they added in the choice for whichever pronouns you wanted the knight to have, which were not bound to whichever sprite you were having them use. (ie. you could use the "female" version of the sprite but give the character "male" pronouns.) They added gender neutral pronouns eventually too.
It was a nice way to modernize the gender-bend type concept I think.
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solarflare-s · 2 months
fancy fella (pickleworm moth, diaphania nitidalis)
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avaleigh16 · 7 months
You stood in the lush jungle, the humidity clinging to your skin as you scanned your surroundings. You had come to this remote planet as a wildlife biologist, studying the exotic flora and fauna that called this place home.
But little did you know, you weren't alone.
Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, its towering form sending a shiver down your spine. It was a Yautja, a fearsome warrior known for its skill in hunting and prowess in combat.
You instinctively reached for the tranquilizer gun at your side, but to your surprise, the Yautja raised its hands in a gesture of peace. It spoke in a deep, guttural voice, its words guttural and unfamiliar.
You cautiously approached the Yautja, curiosity and fascination replacing your fear. You couldn't help but be drawn to this mysterious creature, its sharp features and powerful physique captivating you.
As you spent more time together, a bond began to form between you and the Yautja. Despite the language barrier, you found ways to communicate through gestures and actions, building a connection that transcended words.
You shared your knowledge of the jungle with the Yautja, guiding them through the dense foliage and showing them the beauty of the world around them. And in return, the Yautja showed you their own unique skills and abilities, teaching you the ways of their ancient warrior culture.
As the days passed, your bond grew stronger, fueled by mutual respect and understanding. You found yourself drawn to this enigmatic being, feeling a deep connection that went beyond mere friendship.
And before you knew it, your feelings had blossomed into something more, a love that transcended species and worlds. You had found your match in the Yautja, a partner who understood you like no one else ever had.
Together, you roamed the jungle as equals, a formidable duo that struck fear into the hearts of any who dared to challenge you. And as you looked up at the stars above, you knew that your love for the Yautja would endure for eternity, a bond that could never be broken.
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tomboymikayla · 2 months
Get Bent versions of Church and Tex
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babygirltangerine · 2 months
i love how similar the fall guy and bullet train are because david leitch i'm perceiving you so hard. i'm seeing how you shape your ideal version of masculinity and present the emotional action hero as sexy and capable and not at all undermined by his depth of feeling but made stronger for it. it's beautiful and subversive and quite frankly it's gay as hell. genuinely i find it extremely interesting how he handles this balance so gracefully in a way that makes colt and ladybug funny, real, and desirable to both the men and the women in the audience
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electricpurrs · 9 months
tex red vs blue is insanely transgender but im the only one who sees it that way because im crazy in the head.
what if there was a past version of yourself. a woman, a wife, a mother, with long hair and a sweet smile. and she died long ago. and you are her. but you are not her. you're nothing like her, but the people who knew her desperately want you to be her, want to preserve the memory they have in their minds of the woman they loved through you. but you never asked to be her, never asked to carry the burden of someone else's expectation of who or what you should be. you have a new name. you prefer to go by this one. people remark on how weird it is that it's a guy's name. sometimes the people who loved [the past version of] you call you by your old name. they are not referring to you when they say it. you live in the shadows of someone who's long gone, and you're something different now, but you don't feel like you're ever allowed to define yourself on your own terms, to be your own person, to control your own life, because you exist solely through the memories people had of you. and the longer she has been gone for, the more desperately people try to get her back, the less you resemble her and the less you know who you are, or if you ever even got to be anything at all. what i mean is that transition could have saved him
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