v-lustale · 4 months
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chaostroberry1 · 3 months
I would like to request another yandere please
Like what you did for Apollo but for Nikola Tesla please
The man has barely any media and I'm pretty sure he will never even get a sub plot but okeaseeeeeee I beggggg I beg on my knees for content of him pleaseeeeeee I begggggg of youuuuuu
Ofc! Nikola Tesla 🔛🔝
Yandere Nikola Tesla × Reader
Tesla's love calculations | by chaostroberry1 (loading...)
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Love isn't a good enough word for how I feel. | Tesla's love calculations
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- I'd say you were a janitor, who'd always clean up after him and all of the workers mess. You could say you even cleaned up exhausted workers who were incredibly tired after using up their brain power.
- but, not only that, you had a sweet crush on the main man. One who did not care about resting. Always using his brain whenever it came to new ideas that he believed he could create.
- he never noticed you, he was too busy with his work. And had already shown that he didn't really have given for that type of stuff. It's sad, but you had to get over it. You can't force someone to love some nobody like you.
- What you weren't aware of, was the fact that he also felt the same way. He just didn't understand his feelings yet. But that was all until he saw you interact in a little conversation with one of the men there. It just struck his heart with negativity for some reason, and he didn't understand.
- he had to think long and hard before finally realizing it after one of the dudes beside him noticed his jealous gaze, suddenly calling him out and asking if he wanted to be the one talking to you instead. Of course..how could he not have realized it before? He was in love! Or was it even love..?
- his fellow workers caught on after word spread around, obviously not to you, but almost everyone working with the mad scientist. And do not deny it, I KNOW they gossip. They oughta be snickering when they see Tesla eyeing someone out of jealousy that they were talking to you. Oh man, that was some real drama right there.
- if you look closely, he has a few books that he's been reading. About love, and all. Such a sweetheart he was...or not. (I'm sorry for edging y'all so much.)
- he came across one book that talked about the difference of love and obssession, and it really caught his eye. Making him buy it immediately and then reading about it.
- It was a poorly made book. The pages were torn and made of low quality materials. But that didn't stop him. The book perfectly described his feelings towards you, and it came to be such a surprise to him when he saw that ot was a sign of really unhealthy love. He had to read it over and over again, wanting to believe that maybe it was just a misunderstanding. But it wasn't. Whoever wrote it knew very well what they were doing.
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- the next day, he avoided talking to you as much as he could. The man only wanted to make inventions, he didn't care about things like love. But oh boy was it so difficult to keep his eyes off you. The prettiest thing he saw and felt, it was undescribable. When you got the idea that he hated you, it ended with you talking to him less. And he did not like that.
- he caught you talking to another guy, a janitor who you've been talking to for the past few weeks now. And I am not kidding when I say that all the workers there saw the bitter look on Tesla's face. You thought it would end there, right? Wrong. A day passes, and you find out that the same guy you talked to, had ended up passing due to getting too close to one of the inventions. In Tesla's defence, he had told the guy not to touch any buttons, but the guy ended up doing so anyway, which is unbelievable. But you had no choice but to listen anyway.
- the real story was that the guy tried to clean the invention, which was made by the dear scientist, who made sure to program it as a bomb. Strong enough to kill anything once it's ready to explode. Tesla knew this, it was his plan all along to get rid of that pest, without putting suspicion on his name. And it worked! Good for him.
- finally, he confessed his love for you. Which you happily agreed to. Because you were just a little dummy who didn't know any better. That's why you were better off with him, cus he was smarter, and knew what was good for you.
- you won't even realize his growing possessiveness, not even when he gave such a bitter face to the people who are around you. Would you believe me if I said that he even thought of lying to you that a life threatening world ending virus was spreading and he had to lock you up forever to keep you safe? Let's be happy that he didn't go through with that. He's not THAT bad.
- he loves having you around whenever he's working on something, just so that when his eyes get tired from looking at the board, he can look back at you and immediately get an energy boost.
- he was such a sweetheart and he loved you so much. It was best of you just didn't know his secret side when it came to you. He barely let's you out. He'd drag you around to show you new things or ideas he came up with, and even asked you if you wanted anything made just for you.
- he won't ever let you out unless it was necessary. Like maybe a fire, or evacuating to somewhere safe.
- Expect him to ask for your opinion on basically anything. Just so that he can interrupt your thoughts from going anywhere near the idea of leaving.
- when you and him do it for the every first time, man was he addicted. It's like anytime he's stressed after work, he immediately gets on you so that you could relieve him. He's nice, don't worry. He's very romantic too.
- I can also believe that he'd make good pickup lines. Like geek typa shit that you wouldn't understand. But that's okay, it's Tesla. Your loving husband.
- Promise him that you'd stay with him forever. Don't ever make him think you'd leave. You know what happened to your friend right? He'll threaten to do stuff like that in the future if there really was no other way to convince you.
@gayerthanthegays here you go!! Luv some Nikola Tesla content 😍
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decapitatedrathead · 3 months
𐙚..Love Fool.. 𐙚
Zantetsu Tsurugi x gn!reader
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♡!A/N!♡: I'm writing after a whole YEAR (since I kinda...like...deleted all of my fics) but hey, a start is best when it's fresh
Hence why I have to start with one of my favorite idiots; Zantetsu
♡!TW!♡: grammar errors? Idk I'm as dumb as him. otherwise none! Just fluff! I tried to keep it gn, plsss tell me if there's an error abt ittt
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You never really understood how you got the patience and nerves to put up with him, since...he's been seriously getting on your nerves by how... STUPID he is and can get
But..who wouldn't be when he couldn't understand basic math?
"So, do I just multiple this? Or..."
What did he mean by or ! There's a fricking × sign there...
"....Tsurugi..it's literally just 5×7-0,47. That's all you have to do."
He looked at his paper dumbfounded, then back at his notebook...then back at his paper before finally looking up at you...yeah he definitely didn't understand what you just said......
"Uh..can you say that again in a more....dumbed down way?"
Sometimes you wonder why you agreed to tutor him...
"...Tsu...what's 5×7..?"
He blinks for a few second...then he frowns as he thinks, then hesitantly answers.
Wow....the moron got something right for once, maybe cause you were about to beat him up the last time you were tutoring him and teaching him basic multiplication.
"Did you REALLY have to think for that long to answer what's 3×7...?"
"Hey!- I'm not good at math ok?-"
He huffed before going, surprisingly, silent...it was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke up again.
"...So what's 35-0,47 then?"
"You're not good at using your brain....and it's 34,53."
It was amusing how he stared at you dumbfounded for a few moments, before he looked at his notebook to check it himself. Surprise, surprise, you were right. Yet he was still dumbfounded by how easily you calculated that..
"H-how...did you do that so fast-?"
"It's grade school math at best, Tsurugi...."
After an overly dramatic groan....he put down his pencil, slouching back in his seat.
"Hey, not everyone can be a brainiac like you, y'know.."
"I'm not a braniac...I also struggle with big equations......"
With a scoff, you simply crossed your arms and looked at him..almost in a judging way
Probably judging how stupid he is
Yet... you wouldn't know how much he liked and adored the way you crossed your arms to look serious...
"....but that's like a...whole new world for you."
He rolled his eyes and lightly slapped your arm in retaliation, pouting like a 4 year old...
"Ha-ha hilarious ...not my responsibility to be good with math, I'm good with football-"
"How will football help in math or English?"
He was at a loss for words...he didn't have a good comeback for that one. So he let out another frustrated groan before crossing his arms and pouting once more
"...shut up!...not my fault I'm good with sports and not good with words..."
A snort escaped out of your nose...and they way you grinned at him in that smartassed way..
"You're dumb, that's that. And I won't be mellifluous about it."
"I....am not dumb!- I just-"
Surprisingly, he let out another groan, frustrated at himself and the situation.
"And stop using your big words...I have no idea what you're saying-"
"Aaaah right right, I do solemnly apologise for using such a profound vocabulary on my dearest companion."
He put his face in his hands, groaning in frustration again, then took a few seconds to try and process what you just said before looking back up at you with his brows furrowed.
"Now you're just doing it on purpose..."
"Of course I'm doing it on purpose... you're stupid."
His eye..twitched in annoyance. So he leaned forward, resting his arms on the table as he stared at you with a frustrated but firm expression.
"Hey! I am not stupid, I'm just...not as smart when it comes to words and math and stuff...I'm good at football- at least..."
Then he leaned on to the table, his chin propped on his palm..
"..at least that's what I like to think."
That's when you chuckled... stood up, and took your school bag off the library table
"How about we pack up and finish tomorrow..? I don't want your little brain to fry.."
And with a genuine smile....you leaned down and kissed his cheek....
"See ya, Tsurugi...."
He didn't even have time to register that you left after that stunt you pulled
You left him...flabbergasted...brain short-circuiting when he whipped his head in your direction
Just to see you leave the school library...
Sure, he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he could admit he was whipped for you
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Oh my goodness gracious! Idk why, but it kinda feels nice to be backkk
~Posted on July 3rd, 2024~
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icypenguin · 11 months
☆゚.*・。゚ It’s not her?
HEY GUYSSSIJHSIHSJOHS im finally uploading heehe ill upload for tomorrow and sunday too :D btw this will take place in modern au! reader is a female (sorry T-T) and i suppose its hurt/comfort so enjoyyy!
note: [f/a]: favourite animal
prom was coming soon, everyone was excited ofcourse. you looked at lyney who was poking his lunch food. he looked lost in thoughts which is very odd. “hey lyney? you okay?” you tried talking to him but he didn’t budge. “lyneyyy?” you tried to call out for him again. but no response. “LYNEYYY!” he finally noticed your calling. “huh- oh” he looked at you with a straight face. “hey.. what’s wrong? you seem.. um idk, worried?” you looked at him with worried eyes. he’s never been like this before. “whaaat?! no way! ofcourse i’m not, i’m the brave and charming lyney!” he added a wink at the end. you chuckled at his response but then back to seriousness. “okay okay quit the joke, what’s wrong?” “nothing’s wrong y/n everything is fine!” he forced a smile on his face. you know you can’t really do anything else so you went with the flow.
“fine.. anyway, have you got someone in mind for prom?”. he placed a finger on his chin “mm i guess so…” a grin was added to his face. you didn’t know how to react, worried, glad, happy, sad, frustrated? “OOO who is ittt?!” you tried to act like you were excited but at the bottom of your heart, you were worried. your heart beated fast for him to say his answer. badum badum badum.. “hmmm… i can’t tell youuu! it’s a suprise ofcourse, just wait~” he winked again and now starting to eat his lunch.
you knew this was going to be his answer so you rolled your eyes and acted like you didn’t care. well, you didn’t want to look like you’re desperate for him because you think he’ll probably make fun of you anyway. well, the thought hurts you. “whatever i don’t care anyway” you tried acting cool and stuff. lyney hearing your response, it hurts him. he thought you’ll well- idk? beg for him to reveal the answer. but he’s not ready to say it anyway.
the bell rang, you both got ready to head to class again. “what do you have next?” you asked while you cleaned up your food. “bwiowogwe-“ “what?” you looked at him, his mouth was full of food. he looked like a chipmunk with nuts full in its mouth. you giggled at him, he always got his ways to make you laugh. “lyney! what do you think you’re doing?” you chuckle again. he tried to chew his food down but ofcourse it was tough so he mixed it with some water (idk if u think thats gross or what but u understand right? thats lyney).
after 3 minutes he finally swallowed all of the food in his mouth. “i have biology next” he answered like nothing happened. you chuckled again and smiled “great! we have the same class. now let’s hurry up!” you both quickly ran into the classroom because you were already late 5 minutes.
there you finally arrived and as you open the door, all eyes were on you both. “lyney, y/n, why are you both late? and together?” miss clorinde crossed her arms as she looked at you both. you looked at eachother blushing a bit. “my foot got stuck and y/n had to help me” lyney covered it up confidently. you went with the flow because is they know the truth its well- silly. “alright, if you’re both late again i’ll make you stand on one leg at the front” she declared, then she made a hand sign for you to sit on your desk.
there’s no desk side-by-side thats empty so you decided to sit next to lynette at the corner. lyney sat next to lumine at the middle. through the class, you kept looking at lyney and lumine as they both were passing notes. now, you’re sure he’s asking her out for prom.
the bell rang and you packed your bags. when you looked around, lyney was already gone. ‘oh he’s probably already with lumine’ you thought. but you noticed that he left his notebook in his desk. you searched for him and spotted him in the school garden… with lumine. he was holding a bouquet and a [f/a] plushie in his other hand. you knew he knows your favourite animal, but why give it to lumine? was he playing with you this whole time? was he just using you? the passing notes made sense then.
tears were starting to form in your eyes. you couldn’t hold it anymore and ran to your dorm. you didn’t care whoever was seeing you. your heart was broken. you went to your dorm and huddled up on your bed, letting all the tears out. you looked to the frame on your bedroom with a picture of you and lyney at a carnival together. you threw the picture on the carpet and cried silently. after some minutes lynette, your dorm mate, came in, “y/n?” she knocked on your door. “w-what?!” you continued crying. you didn’t care if lynette sees you crying, she’s been your bestfriend since you were a kid.
lynette opens the door to your room carefully and saw you huddled up on the bed. “oh y/n.. what happened?” she asked you in a worried tone. “i-i saw lyney asking lumine to prom! i mean.. what was i thinking? it’s obvious that lumine is better, smarter, prettier, sweeter, nicer, lovelier-“ “y/n.” lynette looked at you with a straight look. “lyney is waiting for you” “well- he probably wants to talk to me about lumine accepting him” you choked out a sob. “no.. no he doesn’t. please just see him okay?” she wiped the remaining tears from your face. you didn’t know what could possibly convince you to see him but a piece inside you told you to.
so you standed up, not caring if you look bad. and went to the door and as you open it, lyney is there holding the bouquet and the [f/a] plushie that he was holding infront of lumine. you were confused. “in a garden- wait y/n what’s wrong? have you been crying?” lyney got worried as he saw your puffy eyes. “what are you doing lyney? i saw you asking lumine out for prom..” tears were starting to form in your eyes again, and you hate it. they were starting to drop. “w-what y/n it’s not what it looks like. please dont cry” he tried to comfort you. “what do you like it’s not what it looks like?! you clearly asked lumine to prom and i bet she accepted you!” you were starting to cry again. “n-no wait hear me out! it was just a practice. the person i wanted to ask out to prom i-is you. i wanted to make eveyrhting perfect so i ddi a practice with lumine”. after hearing lyney, your tears stopped. “w-wait.. so you weren’t asking her out?” “no, ofcourse not, she likes that childe guy anyway- now may i do my thing?” you felt relieved to hear this.
you chuckled and nodded. “being clever as ever, sitting in a field with a bee. to the sweetest girl ever, will you go to prom with me?” he smirked at the end. you giggled at this and replied “ofcourse! ofcourse ofcourse ofcourse!” you hugged him vigorously and he gave you the bouquet and plushie. “aww you knew my fav animal!” you looked at the [f/a] plushie and the beautiful bouquet. “ofcourse, i’m a loyal one” he grinned. you blushed a bit and hugged him again. “you’re the best lyney” you gave him a supeise kiss on the cheek, now it was his turn to blush. lynette watching from afar, is delighted by the sight.
thankyou sooo much for reading! im sorry if its too long hehe… ill post tomorrow and sunday as well. advices are accepted, thankyouuu!
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mayisgoingnuts · 8 months
hiii its the anon from yesterday who yapped abt alastor being softer to the other hazbins during/after the tickle war, and ive come to provide you with some lee AND ler al content :)
so, after briefly reading thru this blog, i can tell that everyone loves al being SO obvious when hes in a lee mood (me included tbf). so, on top of his shadow being a menace n' him being 10x more touchy/twitchy than usual when he wants to be tickled, id like to give him another tell (that i HOPE?? someone hasn't brought up yet???): his good ole ears/tail!!!
methinks that whenever he's in a lee mood, his ears pin down/to the side whenever someone approaches him, even if they arent planning on tickling him!! yk, a common sign of submission in animals. as for his tail, you couldn't rlly tell unless he had it uncovered, but it'd be face down and 'tucked between his legs', (not ACTUALLY/FULLY bc if he ever caught himself doing that he'd make himself stop immediately out of sheer embarrassment gfajafakags, but he does the closest thing to it)!!! both things he doesnt realize he's doing unless pointed out, and i imagine it as the final push a ler would need to wreck him. like.. imagine someone from the hotel who's been seeing al run around all day, just out the corner of their eye, but theyre able to pick up on him being more twitchy and clingy than usual. plus, his shadow acting up.. and then the pieces all slot into place once they approach him to ask abt it and they see his ears fold back :) they then continue to make those ears flap and that tail wag :)))
AND like i promised, some ler content, still concerning al's ears/tail bc not only am i obsessed with them, methinks they'd also be good tools for him to use as a ler!!! for the cherished moments where al uses direct physical touch instead of magic to tickle his lee, i think it'd be adorable if he brushed his ears/tail against their sensitive spots, especially if he often does so '''accidentally''' after learning about it :) these are the first two scenarios that came to mind that fit what im talking abt, but feel free to imagine your own/smthn different:
ler al and lee husk, with husk having a really sensitive chin/neck!! al keeps pulling him close, making husks attempts at pawing (ha) him off futile by al scrabbling at his ribs and stomach, which eventually leads to al leaning his head forward n' makin' his ears accidentally flap against husks neck/chin, which makes the poor kitty *squeal*. theres like that brief moment of 'oh no' from husk before al leans back in and purposefully wiggles his ears back and forth against husk until hes laughing so hard he cant breathe 🥺🥺🥺 al is teasing him the entire time, much to his chagrin
and, for the tail!! ler al and lee angel dust!!! ive always imagined angel with a sensitive stomach, so al would either have to be holding him down/or against something in this scenario, but just think abt how cute it'd be for the two to be play-fighting but then angel lets out a *yelp* whenever al's tail brushes along his stomach!! angel'd get his own 'oh no' moment where al's suddenly pinning him down, using his hands to tickle angels armpits and ribs while his tail absolutely wrecks his stomach. angel would be making witty comebacks to al's teasing if he had time to breathe :)))
okokok that should be all its past midnight here i need to sleep!!! anyways ajagsfaggaha ty for reading hope you liked ittt :)))))
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And the scenarios too omggg, I freaking LOVED the unintencional thing of the ears going down, animal features doing silly things when someone is in a lee mood or being tickled is my weak point (Alastor's tail totally wags when he's tickled tho I am SO SURE)
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3-pots-of-soup · 4 months
lil zoo keeper au fic:D im not great at writing dialogue and such, so apologies if you cringe + any feedback/constructive criticism is appreciated!!
wc: 663
tw: non
ships: non
Pearl’s day was off to an awful start; first she’d slept through her alarm, making her rush through her morning routine, then discovered her roommate and half brother Grian had drunken the last of the coffee. “This day *cannot* get worse.” Pearl said mid traffic jam.
Her day, could, in fact, get far worse.
She arrived to work thankfully on time and began her trek to the invertebrate house, on the other side of the zoo; she was so excited for the construction on the north entrance to finish.
When Pearl finally entered the invert house she was immediately greeted by loud chirping and a very frantic Mumbo “PEARL PEARL!! THE GRASSHOPPERS GOT OUT!!”
As Pearl took in her surroundings she found that her coworker was right. The grasshoppers were indeed *everywhere*. “The zoo opens in under a half hour what do we do?” She asked in a panic.
“Scoop them up?” Mumbo suggested hesitantly.
“And put them where? It’ll take hours if we do it pick them up and put them back in the tank one by one- hold on how did they even get out in the first place?” Pearl questioned.
“Er, I might have forgotten to close their tank properly after I fed them last night.” Mumbo squeaked out.
Pearl stared at him blankly for a few seconds, then spun on her heel and began walking out of the building “Wait where are you going?” Mumbo asked in a panicked tone “Please Please don’t leave me alone with this disaster!!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a few, I’ve got a plan!” And with that Pearl bolted out the door
As quick as she could Pearl ran towards the nearest drink stand “CUPS!” She shouted
“What?” Replied the bewildered employee
The employee, name badge reading ‘Shelby S.’ responded by quickly grabbing a small stack of plastic cups and a small stack of lids for them “this enough?” She asked
“That’s perfect thank you!” Pearl said grabbing the cups and racing back to the invert house. She returned to a sign on the door in rather poor handwriting that read ‘Building not opem’. When she attempted to open the door she found that it was locked, and when she reached down to grab her keys, she found that the carabiner that normally held them, along with her id, was gone “dammmnn ittt.” She groaned, dragging her words, and began to bang on the doors.
It was only a minute or so until she saw Mumbo race over one hand in a gentle fist, hurriedly opening the door to let her in “what’s in your hand?” Pearl questioned once inside
“A grasshopper.” Her friend replied.
“Here” said Pearl, rolling her eyes and placing a cup in his free hand “you can put a few in here, toss the lid on, and once we have a few cups, we can put them back in their tank all at once.”
“Have I ever mentioned you’re a genius?”
“Yes, but you could certainly do it more often; now let’s get bug catching!” With that the duo spent the next hour or so running about catching grasshoppers.
“I really don’t get why they keep the feeder insects in here and not in houses where they’re used.” Mumbo commented from his spot on the floor
“I agree, but I suppose it makes sense to keep all the colonies in one space, and if they have to be kept in one place, I can see the logic behind putting them with the other bugs, still, sucks *we* have to deal with them.” Pearl said, laughing a bit, “now up you get! We have to open this place up, there’s still like,” Pearl checked her watch and groaned “*eight hours* till closing.”
“Alright, alright” Mumbo sighed, pulling himself up “let’s unlock those doors.”
That’s all i have atm, my plan for the au is to write one-shots for various povs:D might have some shipping here and there (mumscarian my beloved) but it won’t be the focus! Again any/all feed back welcome, and thanks for reading!!!!
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hotarutranslations · 2 months
📚Up To Boy
Thank you very much, to everyone who checked out each of these😌🤍
It seems like there were a lot like, I preordered, so it'll arrive soon..!
Please look forward to it~~
This weekend on Saturday there is a concert in Miyagi, and on Sunday we'll be in in Fukuoka at PayPay Dome!
For Miyagi, I'm really looking forward to ittt💙
Its 1 performance, how fast…
Lets have fun!
From the east to the west the next day
Being able to stand at PayPay dome, Its an opportunity I'm really really happy about, There is a lot I want to enjoy as well🤍
After the match, there is a bit of time but, Lets probably fire it up! at the mini live!
I'm also looking forward to the circus 🫣🫣lol
Its forecasted to be really warm, Since there is a warning on the homepage, Please take care when coming to the venue…!
That is, on the day to day…!
No matter where you go can't travel without breaking a sweat… Take precautions towards moisture, salt and sunlight!
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At the airport on the day of the Hokkaido performance,
Oda, Nonaka, Maria and I, Bought gelato,
and we had fun taking photos in front of the big HOKKAIDO monument like we're tourists🫶🏻 lol
Really, again,
Going somewhere every weekend.. Its different from traveling because I go to a venue every time but, Even then going to various places,
I think its fun~~🫶🏻
With this,
Until buying the gelato, we were each doing our own thing,
I was in a straight line for the gelato, Nonaka was a little lost finding milk, Oda had stopped to get a crab bento, Maria was heading left for some reason,
We each had our own thing but, We finally got together for gelato🤭🤍
Don't forget to apply for the autumn tour!
🪩"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!" September 14th~November 25th 34 performances nationwide
🎫FC Advance Reception 〆Deadline July 26th at 5:00PM
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
Every other Thursday at 11:30PM~ Learning Locking from HIYORI-san
📺Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" Ishida Ayumi Goes~! I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
📺Otoboke POPS
TokyoMX August 17th (Sat) 9:30~10:00PM Ishida, Sakurai, Yumigeta are appearing
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿 August 14th new single✨ "Nandaka Sentimental na Toki no Uta/saiKIYOU"
̗̀📣Cheki Sign Talk Meet Announcement
🪩Hello! Project 2024 Summer ALL OF US "Vega" "Altair" From July 13th~September 1st Traveling To 7 Cities Nationwide All Hello! Project groups are performing🔥
⚾️"Hawks SUMMER BOOST" July 28th (Sun) Mizuho PayPay Dome Fukuoka
After the match, we'll be having a live!
🪩"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!" Its Ishida Ayumi's last tour💙 I'm looking forward to seeing you
📚July 20th Release "non-no September" special issues cover is, Morning Musume '24
Releasing on July 23rd
"Up To Boy vol.341" September Issue I will be on the 7net limited cover page
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
I visited as a guest🪽 "Sayashi Riho and The Time From Now On" presented by Meiji Bulgarian Yogurt
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12861161256.html
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deadxlv · 11 months
Far Away Soul, White Cold Star 💫
Chapter: 3 “I-I can finally see..the sunlight..”
The glow of sunlight would creep its way through the cracked wave walls.. seeping it's way to pass its warmth onto the faces of the resting two. The sounds of slow passing wind echoed outside with the carpets of the cavern blowing softly- the sunlight rested against the Boys face yet its touch did not wake him. The light flowed into Kÿr who was now feet in the air tail swaying left to right slowly until it reached his face, no facial expression changes before he randomly sprung up and flipping onto his stubbed legs. With a wide extension of his arms he stretched in all directions going in random poses until he yawned falling onto his tush, Kÿr slightly chuckled to himself scratching his head turning to the Boy
  The boy had his head low sniffling and breathing heavy as if hyperventilating- he was snuggled up to the pillar shaking in his boots. Kÿr smiled as he approached- hopping over some small pebbles he broke the night prior, coming over to the boy he held his hand out to touch until something caught his eye. He looked down and quickly noticed a gold glow in the Boys satchel and in a swift snatch he grabbed a piece of folded paper only to stare in confusion, "Wh..is this him when he was younger..? And who's this weird animal guy behind him..?", in an instant the Boy would grab Kÿr by the collar of his white T-shirt lifting him up a bit and Kÿr yelled out spooked.
Boy growling as his blood shot tired eyes glared at Kÿr for doing such a thing to him and trying to take the photo from his bag. Kÿr freaking out would fold the photo back up and hold it out yelling, "Ay! Ay! Ay! Watch it Watch Ittt!! I-I wasn't stealing I Swear!! I- I uH I was making sure everything! Was uHhh.. I was making sure everything was where it was... a-And uh.. the photo fell out! Yeah it Fell Out!-". Kÿr gave a awkward scared smile to the Boy who was very frustrated that his so called new friend would try to do such a thing..but after some understanding the boy dropped Kÿr on the ground.
He hit the ground and tumbled a bit feeling his neck a bit spooked from such a instant grab- he was on edge but this was scary weird.. how is he that fast?! Only to look back and see the Boys blind eye and focusing on it he saw a strange black string pass over the blind eye then disappear behind the eye. He shivered under his skin standing back up walking a bit away saying to himself "D..damnn.. something's a bit off about him but.. I dunno probably he's shaken up after being in the desert alone for so long- yeah! He's.. he's just scared is all..-". Shaking off some dust and sliding his jacket back on..
Grabbing the folded photo from the ground the Boy would stare at it for a moment reminiscing at the contents before shoving it back into his satchel close by to his side and fitted his shirt back on properly glancing over at Kÿr who had his back turned to him the whole time. 'Maybe he was a bit too harsh with him.. but he stole from us- Hmnn..Father wouldn't be so proud we did this..' the boy thought to himself finally wrapping the scarf around his neck and face. Slowly sliding his scimitars back into their sleeves he would approach Kÿr wanting to apologize for his actions, he got on one knee and would tap his shoulder. Kÿr turning around with a more stern but bothered look on his face said, "Yes..?", getting slightly awkward the Boy would try to speak to Kÿr using his unique sign language. He finished looking at the feline-like creature attempting to apologize signing (sign language will be italicized) "I can't fluently say what I feel but I am sorry for hurting you that way..is there a way I can make it up to you?", he finished by bowing his head a bit and holding his hand out with a small look of shame on his face.
Kÿr would watch him sign and would be taken back by how confusing it was to even understand- his eyes scanning every movement and he just couldn't bring himself to understand until he saw the Boy hold his hand out to him. He looked at the bowed child and smiled going over and ruffling the boys brown hair and clasping the others hand before softly tapping his fist against it. The Boy looked a bit off put to the gesture, but Kÿr gave a thumbs up and said, "I call it a Bro-Fist, that's our sign of understanding! We do that and we'll be able to get what we mean and all!" He said putting his two fists together setting an example of the motion, the boy attempting the same but doing it a bit harder. Kÿr jolted and pulled the Boys hands to do it softly, "Woah Woah Woah..Eheh..Not tryna kill each other.. please- do it gently."The Boy stood up properly and made a fist- Kÿr did as well, the two tapped fists and would nod at each other the two sharing a smile.
Hours Later..
    The two would be outside in a never ending sandstorm, which blanketing the desert in its white pearly sands. The Boy was fixing his busted up armor with some black leather-like straps while he gazed out into the abyss of white. Kÿr having his face covered by a hood and bandana would turn in all directions trying to see if anyone or anything was in their proximity only to no avail, saying as he turned to the other, "Were out of luck this time..this sandstorm is screwing up with my senses and I can't pinpoint anything, B-but all I have is this jerky and we might have to move someplace else or deal with- I.. I just don't know.." Kÿr yelled out to the Boy as the storm raged on and loud winds roared in their ears, soon turning out to face the blanketing sandstorm.
Looking around almost aimlessly, The Boy would reach by his side, attached to a strap on his waist he pulled out a brand new makeshift board. It was a long piece of strange wood, secured with dark metal-like rivets, and long enough to fit his needs. Turning around as sand blew all over him he would pick up Kÿr by his tail and sling him onto his shoulder, Kÿr of course yelling out as he didn't see it coming from all the sand, "AY! F- oh.. this view isn't as bad as I'd imagine.. but wh-", is what he said before the Boy jolted forward and began to plow down the dune using the new sandboard. The blazed down the massive sand dune incredible fast causing a sand uplift in their wake, "Oooooh Yeah Baby! Whoooooooooooo!! Get us faster boy faster!! AHAHAA!!", Kÿr said holding on for dear life, yelling out in excitement as his hair blew in all directions wildly and sand screaming out with the wind in their ears.
  Skidding on the side over some rocks the Boy did a flip mid-air grabbing the front of the board and spinning around quickly, Kÿr mumbling in discomfort as he grew dizzy from the spinning until he slammed down on the Boys back harshly after they landed, the Boy glancing back at the feline-like creature with a hearty smile knowing his stunt messed with them. Swaying left to right on the board they would descend one final steep sand dune, the world around them shined from the reflective pearly white sand as they descended into the sandstorm again. Barreling down at high speeds burning the bottom of the board with the sand the Boy exclaimed out in excitement as they went down, Kÿr screaming out in fear that they will splat on the ground. A pause as they slid all the way down and as soon as they made it to the bottom they glided off another dune and whizzed through the air for a while, the two yelling out in glee from this whole experience. The Boy finally having someone to show someone his boarding skills to, and finally not being alone after so long with Kÿr made it so much more worthwhile. After some time they would get into a more rugged section of the desert filled with many cracked rock faces and high rise hills, steep cliffs hanging off each hill that extended above the sandstorms cloud.
It was growing closer and closer to the evening as the two stars in the sky began to set on the horizon, stomachs rumbling the two would stop on their journey after traveling hundreds of miles on now just a burnt out piece of wood. The Boy seeing his unusable board and getting slightly upset from the end result, but to make do he would snap it to bite sized pieces so he can use them for fire wood. Seeing there being no way they can make that journey back with what they have in store the two decided to set up camp on a cliff face uncovered by the blowing winds of the sandstorm. Now with some space and breathable air the two relax, The Boy sat back on a boulder, his legs cramped from doing all the work. Kÿr noticing this gave him his flask to drink some remaining water from saying, "Ppshh- still got some sand in my mouth.. eughh.. but, regardless are you okay? We're gonna need to find food at some point it feels like this place is getting emptier each day..-.", Kÿr said looking all around as the new fire they set burned ferociously. The Boy took it and began to drink a hearty amount being absolutely exhausted and without his board they're stuck here. He would nod back as a response fixing his posture, wincing at his legs posture making the recent cramp hurt a bit more.
The two would relax at their new spot as unlike the rest of the terrain this seemingly off set mountain stuck out like a sore thumb against the raging sandstorm, the boys would tell one another small stories amongst themselves. Stories of where they have been and what they have seen- although Kÿr was the one to speak about mostly everything and the boy listened, they were still able to have a long witted conversation about life. The Boy leaned toward stretching his back only to hear a pop, he rubbed his back and had a slight face of discomfort. Kÿr watched and shrugged saying "Felt that man.. if only we'd be in a different world we would be better off, but sadly all we had are these dried meat jerkies I had left over." Tossing one over the Boy sniffed the air for a second only to gaze at the dried meat and take it gobbling it up like a wild animal 'poor guy.. Tomorrow is gonna be a long day- especially to find something to eat and drink, maybe to lift our spirits I can tell him about the tale of when I blew up some flying metal thing in the sky.. he'd probably like it?' Kÿr thought to himself as he finished up his own slice of jerky. Sitting up and getting the Boys attention Kÿr would say aloud over exaggerating his story, the tale of his strange air thing misdemeanor..exalted in confidence in this instance as if no one else was around..
Although a long awaited journey from the small campsite the strange creature lived at, in a attempt to find a better place to live they would find companionship amongst one another. Stars twinkling like diamonds in the sky, the quantity of streaks of light passing on by would only make you watch on in sheer awe of its beauty. Far from Home and separated from all ties it was only them against the world, a strange union and even a stranger bond- even with somber wet footsteps of death sneaking through the fold..you can relax in this moment as the storm begins to die down..
Forgone..like He always used to say..
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koi55 · 2 years
V.1 C01..PG 1__ '' ۰ ۫۫
۰ This feeling...It's like I've been here already before,, like I've outlived this. But it's not the first time this happened.. Wait a second- ..! I think someone's calling me.. " Helllooo? Helloo? " I heard an boys voice repeat. I've yawned, " Yeah, yeah, hell- Gaaahh?! Who are you? " The young girl said in response whilst backing away. " Oh my, I'll do better with introductions next time, Fufufu.. I'm Moulin, Mou works best, eh.. " The girl raised her eyebrow while looking around her surroundings. " Where am I..? " The girl mumbled. " Huh? If it's quite obvious, you're in Watanahi! " Moulin chuckled. " What have you've not known that? "
" No? How would I?! I just woke up in some plac- " getting cut off there was an voice, well two girl voices infact. " Gaaahh?! Get off of me you scum! " She'd spoke whilst running away, " How can't I you're soooo cute! Gaah! I could take you home! You're soooo cute, Awoooo!! " The other girl said whilst chasing her. " Moulin! Help me from this monster! Gaaah! Stop just sitting ther- " The other girl finally catched up, tripping the first girl by leaping on her. " I've got you,, Sato! I've got you Satoo! " She'd giggled tickling "Sato". " Gaaah! Stop it! Stop ittt! " She spoke while laughing, whilst an deep shade of pink crept around her face. " Sato..? Chun? What are you two doing? " Moulin said whilst reaching to stand up.
The girls both stood up, the more younger one cleared her throat, she happened to have orangeish hair and an head band on, she had short hair. She seemed to be having some kiddy clothing on, the older cuter obsessed one had brown hair, orange eyes and and uniformlike clothes..Not sure.
The only difference was the eye color and bow color, one red and one blue. We can infer they're twins to say. " Ahem! This plebian thought it would be okay to chase me already! Although, she doesn't know I'm the queen of chase! Heh! " Moulin groaned.
" Didn't you fall?-- " He said whilst snickering. " Gaaahh?! Well, that isn't the point! The point is- " Chun, the girl who'd started pointing out everything cute taken a peep out at Maieko. " Sato! Sato! She's cute to! *Huh?* LOOKKKK! Awoo!! Awooo! " -- "Sato" paused, " Huh..? " She'd said as she leaned her head back to look at Maieko, quickly glaring at a sign of jealously. The weird girl started hugging herself. " Aaaaahh! You're so cuteeeee!" Chun spoken whilst squealing to herself.
" ..Huh?! " Maieko thought to herself before backing away. " Awooo! Come hereee!- Huh- ..?! GAAAHH!- " Chun said as she started running to Maieko, quickly being pushed off by "Sato". " Did you really think I wouldn't stopped you? Please.. " she'd giggled pushing the girl off. " Waaaahh-- .. But she's soo pretty, gaaahh! " The girl said whilst banging her hands. " Ignore her, she does this all the time! Well I can see why, you're really pretty! Do you wanna see for yourself? " "Sato" said whilst smirking and giggling. " I mean, I don't get what's so special about me,..But if it's so specia- " Sato happened to be reaching out an mirror but gets snatched by Moulin. " Well, I so happened to have a mirror from the maze in my pocket here ya go .. Ms. Eyes!- ..?!"
" Satoku Kishimta.. " Chun stopped squealing and frowned looking at Moulins glare. " Mo-Mo?..Is everything alright? " She'd said whilst backing away.
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claitea · 2 years
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dracowars · 3 years
Really love your draco ficsss 🤗🤗🤗 i was wondering if you can make one before the war where draco obliviated reader then looks for her after the war aaaa would love to see your take on ittt tag me
remember me | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x reader
word count: 1,8k
summary: where draco obliviates y/n
a/n: while doing research for this one i didn’t even know that when you use obliviate, you can’t reverse it anymore if you’ve used the wand for another spell :o i guess you always learn something new lmao @belladaises i hope you like it! <3
warnings: angst, mentions of blood
universe: harry potter
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Footsteps and screams echo through the dark corridors of Hogwarts as Draco finds himself in one of the hallways after apparating there mere seconds ago. Getting to the right place at the right time, he immediately gets hold of some of the Slytherins, including his friends, whom he pulls with him, informing them about his – or rather Lord Voldemort’s – plan. Draco knows what he has to do, but he also knows the consequences his actions will have.
His hands are shaking, and he is having a difficult time to breathe after they walked from one side of the castle to the other, wands drawn and always at the ready in case there are any emergencies or incidents on their way. What Draco did not expect, however, is that he will find you along his way.
With a pained expression on your face, you lean against one of the cold brick walls, about to lose your footing and to fall to the ground when Draco is already at your side and catches you in his arms before you can hit the hard floor. Previously, he quickly ordered Blaise and Goyle to move on without him and wait for him until he is done here. Carefully, Draco sinks to the ground with you and places you close to him in order to be able to take a closer look at you.
“Y/N! Y/N, what happened?”, he asks you with concern in his voice and already reproaches himself internally for not being here to fight by your side. But he knows that he can’t. After all, you are on the opposite sides in this terrible war.
Slowly, you raise your head and do not seem to recognize him at first, until your vision clears, and you look directly into his worried face. You immediately push yourself closer to him, his closeness bringing you some calmness and making you feel protected and safe, although walls are blown up around you while wizards and witches give their lives in the bitter fight for Hogwarts.
“D-Draco? You are here”, you breath out, your voice rough and strained from your previous screams. You had split up into groups to face the Death Eaters, but you were separated from them when a part of the ceiling fell down, several pieces burying you beneath them. The hope that is now reflected in your eyes upon seeing him, here and with you, breaks Draco’s heart. You really think he is on your side.
It is only when you groan in pain that Draco realizes that you are clutching your leg, which is covered in blood.
“Come on, I will get you out of here”, he whispers to you and helps you straighten up, the guilt plaguing him. You are badly injured, and he was not here to prevent you from getting hurt. Carefully, he puts your arm around his shoulder so you can move faster together than if he would carry you. Since it is not anything than safe here right now, Draco hurries to get you out of there as fast as possible.
“It is not as bad as it looks. I promise”, you try to calm him down, but once your foot touches the ground you twitch in insufferable pain and pull your foot back with a hiss, your hand immediately going to your tigh where it hurts the most.
“What happened?”
“I was careless and then a part of the ceiling buried me beneath it.”
The shock on Draco’s face is enormous when he realizes what could have happened, how it could have ended with you laying under masses of bricks with no one knowing. That he could and still can lose you in this bitter war for life and death. Briefly, he carefully inspects your leg – broken – and without any hesitation, he picks you up in his arms and carries you to a safer place. The safest place would probably be where all students, who do not fight, are hiding, but if Draco asked you about it, he would have to pass this very important piece of information on. And thus, he would also leave you to a terrible fate.
“You are safe here. For the time being”, he finally says as he places you at the end of a staircase that no longer leads to where it originally should, and kneels down in front of you, stroking his hand over your cheek lovingly. Shaking, you place your own on top of his and press his palm to your skin to feel its warmth.
“Draco, if we make it to the seventh floor then-“
“Do not tell me. Please”, he almost begs you. His pleading leaves you puzzled and slowly but surely makes you doubt why he is actually here. Gently, Draco takes your hand in his and places a delicate kiss on your knuckles. You sadly watch him until you bring up the courage to ask this one question that burns on your tongue.
“Why are you here, Draco?”
The realization hits you like a train, much more painful than the pain in your leg, when he just looks at you with glassy eyes and fails to give you an answer. Tears well up in your eyes when you notice that you no longer have your loving boyfriend in front of you, but your enemy.
“Why, Draco?”, you ask him desperately, the first tear already finding its way down your cheek, but Draco does not have the heart to look into your eyes, too scared to see the pain and disappointment in them. Sighing, he shakes his head, letting it sink.
“Everything will be fine, I promise”, he manages to say while his heart contracts in pain. Suddenly, he perceives voices that are still far away, but he hears them coming closer. With trembling hands, he reaches for your wand, which is sticking out of your boot as he has made his final decision. Confused, you look back and forth between him and the wand in his hand.
“What are you going to do? D-Draco? You do not have to do this”, you stutter out as he looks directly at you with his gray eyes which seem much darker now. Gray eyes that once shone with so much affection and now only radiate a tremendous coldness that makes you shudder.
“Now listen carefully to what I say, Y/N. You have to promise me that you will not use your wand anymore”, Draco explains to you, but you can only look at him speechlessly while tears run down your cheeks in waterfalls, not knowing what he will do next.
“I am so sorry”, is the last thing he says to you before casting a spell. “Obliviate.”
With these words, Draco pulls any memories you have of him out of your mind. Every shared laughter, every shared grief, he frees you from all of it. He frees you from the burden of ever knowing him.
With one quick movement he puts your wand back in its original place and quickly stands up, watching how your face loses all emotion as you abruptly stop crying over nothing. Before he can regret his decision, he turns away from you and looks into the corridor from which he previously heard the voices. At the other end of the corridor, he discovers Neville Longbottom, who is running through Hogwarts with some students. Clenching his fists, Draco walks in the middle of the corridor, facing them from afar.
“Neville!”, Draco shouts as loud as he can, immediately gaining Neville’s attention, who now comes running towards him with his wand drawn, ready to attack. Draco swiftly runs back to where you still lean against the wall, but just as Neville turns around the corner, Draco disapparates to another part of Hogwarts.
You are safe at last.
Surrounded by nothing but rubble and ashes, Draco wanders through the last remains of Hogwarts alone. His clothes are torn apart, and his face is soiled – all signs of the bitter fight that took place here before. But now it is over. They lost.
But Draco does not care who won or lost. He chose to switch sides in the end anyway. All he wants now is one more thing: to find you and to make sure you are okay. Every time he trips over a lifeless body on the ground, he looks away in fear that he may recognize your face in one of the corpses. Pressing his hand against his aching left shoulder, he walks into what is left of the Great Hall and a glimmer of hope builds inside of him as he recognizes Neville standing in the middle of it.
Quickening his pace, Draco walks towards him, his gaze fixed on the people he is currently talking to. When Draco gets to them, however, his heart sinks and panic pervades him as he does not see you. You are not here.
Desperately searching for any signs of you, he looks around, his pulse getting faster by the second, until Neville finally taps on his shoulder and points to somewhere behind him. Draco turns around immediately, only to see you limp into the Great Hall with the help of Ginny Weasley, improvised stabilization around your broken leg.
Tears of joy well up in Draco’s eyes and he cannot help but run up to you and close you in a tight hug that almost knocks the both of you off your feet. Draco exhales in relief, clutching his arms around your fragile body, glad to hold you in his arms again, until he notices that you are trying to push him away.
Realization his Draco and he abruptly moves away from you.
“What was that supposed to mean?”, you ask him reproachfully, irritated as to why Draco Malfoy almost suffocated you in a hug.
“I- Well-“, he stutters, but the fact that you actually do not know him anymore is driving an ache through Draco’s chest again. “Where is your wand?”
“Excuse me?”, you huff out, the confusion evident on your face, but Draco quickly reaches for you wand before you can react, which pokes out of your boot, as always. Internally praying that you listened to him and did not use it when he was not by your side, he reverses the Memory Charm and watches a white streak touch your temple, piercing through your skin before vanishing completely.
You blink once, then a few times rapidly, adjusting your eyes to the light and when your gaze falls on Draco, tears well up in your eyes right away.
“Thank God”, Draco sighs in relief and hugs you tightly, but this time you actually return the hug. Weeping, you claw your hands into his shirt, your tears wetting the fabric, whispering what an idiot he had been and that he should never do this to you again. But at this moment nothing else matters.
You survived and found each other again despite the difficulties and obstacles. And from now on nothing and no one will separate you again. Ever.
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alynomali · 3 years
Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader  “𝚏𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜”
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A/N : Hi hello i just got into tumblr and this is my first time writing a full on one shot in english because english is not my first language ;( so i’m sorry if there’s any error in my writing but i hope you guys can still enjoy the story :D anyway i’m on an iwaizumi hajime brainrot and i know y’all too so let’s just get into ittt ***** 
Genre : Fluff 
Word Count : 5k 
You woke up feeling lightheaded. You brought the back of your palm to feel your forehead that was burning hot hours ago. But after four hours of sleep and taking your medicine, the heat has subsided and was replaced by your normal body temperature. You sighed in relief but you still didn’t want to step up from your comfortable bed. Instead you rolled to the side to grab your phone that was laying on the nightstand, to get some info on school assignment, or any big news that you missed throughout today from your friends because you didn’t manage to go to school. When you turned off airplane mode, tons of messages from your close friend’s group chat rang loudly with multiple  ringing sounds, coming one after another. When the ringing finally stops, you open the group chat and skim through the chat bubbles your friends sent, curious to what they are discussing.
“Oh? They lost?” you murmur to yourself after getting an understatement. Today is the match of your school’s volleyball team against Karasuno High School. From the people who went and saw the match, it was pretty intense and they were neck to neck to one another. But in the end Karasuno won and they only a point difference from Aoba Johsai. The further you read the chats, one caught your attention
 I saw Oikawa toss the ball to Iwaizumi from the right end of the court and Iwaizumi got to spike it perfectly! That was crazyy
 Yeah, but even with that perfect toss and powerful spike, Karasuno managed to get it. Both team are crazyyy
 I saw Iwaizumi-kun cried In the hallway, poor him. He must’ve think that that one spike was important
 Aww no
 You slowly sat up from your bed, while still reading those lines over and over again. “Iwaizumi…” you mumbled to the air. You then checked the clock hanging on your bedroom wall, you saw that it was 7.56PM. ‘He should be home already..’
 You heard a knock on your door, and your mom peeked through. “Oh you’re awake! How are you feeling?”
“Great! My fever is gone”
“If that’s so, can you go to Hajime’s house? His mother and father are working late and he probably hasn’t had dinner, so drop these for him okay?” asked your mother while holding a nicely wrapped box probably filled with food.
 “Uh yeah okay. I’ll get ready”
 It is not a secret. To you, your close friends, and specifically Oikawa Tooru, that you have a crush on Iwaizumi Hajime. This has been going on for a long time, since the beginning of second grade. You got to be in the same class as Iwaizumi. At first you were a bit scared of him due to the somewhat tense atmosphere surrounding him, but turns out, he is the nicest guy you ever met. He spoke in a deep and gruff voice, but there’s so much tenderness in the way he speaks. His arms and hands are big and calloused from playing too much volleyball, but whenever he accidentally touches you, he is always so careful with his grip, or makes sure that he doesn’t touch you in an inappropriate way. His tall figure always towers over your 160 cm figure, but it made you feel secure. And there are many small acts he does to you that always make something in your stomach flip. You know that those are just the way he respects the opposite gender (from your observation), but it still made him so attractive to you. Plus he looks cute and manly although not you can call a worldwide handsome. Also  He probably hid a well toned body underneath the layers of cloth he wears. Before you got too far and deep into your thoughts of that man, you quickly shook your head to focus on your current mission right now. Iwaizumi probably is sulking as hell right now and you want to do something nice for him, or maybe just there to give him reassurance.
 iwaizumi’s house is just seven minutes walk from your house. Before you rang the bell, you noticed that the gate was not locked. “Did he forget to lock it?” you opened the gate and made your way to the also not locked door. You saw his training bag in the hallway entrance, meaning that Iwaizumi is home. But you were glad that there were no signs of robbery. “Iwaizumi?” you called him. The living room and dining room were clean and empty. Not even a slightest sound was heard. “He’s probably in his room”. You climbed up the stairs and saw that the door of his room is slightly open and you could see him inside drying his hair with a towel, back facing you
You knocked on the door and Iwaizumi jumped slightly. “y/n? How did you get in?”. You sighed, “You left the front door and gate open,”. “Oh.., wait here then I’ll go lock it,” Iwaizumi then went downstairs leaving you sitting alone in his room on his study chair. You’ve gone to his bedroom a couple times but this time it feels different. The room is filled with his scent of cologne and shampoo from his shower earlier. You carefully breathe it in and a blush crept to your cheeks, just in time Iwaizumi stepped back in the room “Okay wha- wait, why are your face red?”
You flustered, “What! N-No I’m perfectly fine! Maybe it’s because of my fever earlier, hahahaha.”
Iwaizumi raised a brow, “Okay? Anyway, why are you here?” he asks as he takes a seat on the edge of the bed, keeping his distance from you.
“O-Oh yea, um, my mother made you dinner. She said that your parents will be home late,” you said holding up the wrapped box in your hand.
“I already ate but i guess there’s still space for your mom’s cooking. Say my thanks for her,” you smiled at his words.
“Should I walk you back? It’s dark.”
“What? No, it’s not even 8pm and my house is just seven minutes away.”
“Okay then, thankyou again. Be careful on your way back.”
‘Wait? No no no no, I can’t just go home like this. He’s probably not going to eat his food and be sulking instead,” You stood up. Iwaizumi thought you were going to leave so he grabbed his phone on the nightstand and got comfortable on his bed with his back resting against the headboard. He didn’t sense your figure leaving his room so his eyes left his phone to look at you, “why are you still here? It’s not appropriate for a girl to stay in a boy’s room.”
“You did very well today, Iwaizumi.”
You clutched your fingers, “You did so well in the match today. I’m proud of you. Never think that you lost because of a big mistake. You didn’t make any mistake. You gave your best as you always do. Winning or losing is just a result. What matters is that even if you lost, you still gave all your might in the court. All of your hard work, your sneaky practices at the park in the late afternoon, it’s all worth it. Because you gave it all in the court today. Nothing goes to waste.”
Your voice was stern, but there’s a hint of tenderness in it. Iwaizumi just looked at you dumbfounded . After a while, Iwaizumi gave you a soft smile “Thanks, sorry we didn’t keep our promise to go to nationals.”
“Don’t mind me. That is your promise to yourself.”
After that, you still stood there. Arms crossed on your chest. Iwaizumi eyed you in confusion. “What…? Is there again?”
You then sat on the bed beside him, arms still crossed on your chest, “You’re gonna cry. I’m gonna stay here to accompany you until you’re done.”
“What?! No, I'm fine, you should go home now.”
“I’m not gonna let you be alone until you feel better,” you said sternly
“W-Wha- ugh..” Iwaizumi turned his face to the side, not facing you as he can no longer contain the tears that have been threatening to fall ever since he was greeted by the emptiness of his house. Because of the silence, replays of today’s match became clear in his mind. Every step, every move, every shout of frustration , every cheer of happiness, and the last whistle signaling the end of the game. It was awfully clear, every bit of it, and it made him feel hopeless. Like there’s nothing that he can do. His shoulder began to shake, and you could hear soft sobs. It’s like he’s holding back to scream because you’re there.
You never actually see Iwaizumi cry and now being alone with him is his weakest state flustering you. You did say that you’re gonna accompany him but now you’re confused as to what to do. You stayed silent, just watching him. He still doesn’t face you and his sobs became softer. You don’t like this, he’s holding back so much because you’re there. This is probably supposed to be his time, when he shut his door, turned off the lights, and curled under the blanket. Letting out all of his frustration into anything he can manage. But then you decided to come. You hate to admit it but you ruined his time.
But still, you didn’t want to leave.
So instinctively, you reached out your hand to touch the back of his neck. You can feel Iwaizumi tensed up a little. As he slowly turned his head to finally look at you, you and your hand up further to the back of his head, fingers buried in his soft brunette hair. Iwaizumi’s red and teary eyes looked at you in slight confusion, and you stared back at him with a pang in your heart. Seeing his hurting expression for the first time feels like something stabbed your chest. ‘So this is what it feels like.. when you care so much about someone..’
Without another hesitation, you lean your body towards him and let his head fall on your shoulder. The warmth of his body envelopes you and you can feel the sturdiness of his body. You wrapped both of your arms on his shoulder, trapping him in a hug. Your fingers stayed buried in his hair as you started to give it a soft scratch in an attempt to soothe him. “I said I’ll accompany you. So vent all you want. I’m listening.”
You couldn’t see iwaizumi’s expression. But you could feel his body relaxed to your soft touches and he began to cry loudly, “Damn it! Damn those Karasuno..! I-I too.. I want to go to the nationals too fucking damn it!! I want to go with my friends too… with my juniors.. damnit! Damnit argh!!” you  tighten your grip on him cause you feel like he’s going to burst. But you’re glad that he doesn’t move away from you. He was always so physical about these things, but now he just uses his words and emotions.
After some minutes, the hurtful scream and cry gradually turns into a soft sobbing. Your grip around his shoulder soften as Iwaizumi slowly moves away from you. “S-Sorry for ranting and um.. hugging you,” he sniffed and rubbed away the remaining tears leaking out.
You smile, “Don’t worry, but it feels good doesn’t it?”. He chuckled softly, “yeah.”
You fiddled with your fingers on your lap, “I’m sure everyone is feeling the same as you, Iwaizumi. I’m sorry I barged in into your supposed to be alone time. But I just couldn’t help it, I just can’t go to sleep tonight thinking about how you will have trouble sleeping. The others maybe will, but I won’t let you. Because you’re-- um..” you immediately stopped your words. Because just now you were just about to say the thing. Being alone with him and getting caught up in the mood urges you to, but you reminded yourself that you can’t do that, not when he’s in this state.
“What about me?” Iwaizumi tilted his head to the side, eyeing you in confusion.
You immediately shot up from his bed and gave him a wide smile, “Nothing! Anyway, enjoy your food. I should get going now,” you said while pointing towards the door.
“Uh? Oh yeah okay, I’ll open the gate for you,” you were tailing behind Iwaizumi as the two of you were heading downstairs. Luckily for Iwaizumi, you couldn’t see heat creeping up to his cheeks and he is starting to register what just happened between you two.
‘Nah, she can’t be…. Right?’
 The next day, you woke up from the ringing of your smartphone placed on your nightstand. You didn’t bother to look at the caller ID and just answer, “Ugh.. hello?”
“Did you just wake up?” Iwaizumi’s deep and gruff voice from the other line jolts you up from your sleeping position, “I-Iwaizumi??”
“I want to return the lunch box from last night. I had been ringing the bell but no one came out.”
“Ah right sorry. My parents left early to my grandparents house. I’ll be there wait a second”
When you opened the door you were greeted by the sight of Iwaizumi looking nice and neat in a pair of black jeans and a slightly oversized denim jacket over a grey hoodie. Your breath hitch at the sight of him until he starts talking, “Here” he handed the clean lunch box to you, nicely wrapped as well “The food was good, thank you”
“Yeah, you're welcome. Um.. are you going somewhere?” You asked while accepting the lunch box.
“I’m going to see Karasuno and Shiratorizawa match,” he said, putting his hands inside his pocket.
Concern filled your expression, “Are you feeling alright?”
He smiled softly, “Yeah, I can’t stay bummed out for too long.”
“That’s good then!” You beamed with a smile.
“I’ll be going then. When will your parents come back home?”
“Um.. maybe at night. They said they're gonna be there for a while.”
“And why aren’t you coming with them?” he asks again.
“I’m starting to prepare for the college entrance exam,” you said while rubbing the back of your neck .
“Ah, that’s nice. Well then, goodluck on it. Be careful, if anything happens, call me or Oikawa” he said, turning his back towards you. This soft part of Iwaizumi showing that he cares about you always makes your heart flutter and makes you fell deeper for him.
“Y-Yeah.. thank you..” and with that, you closed the door. You sighed as you tried to calm the loud thumping of your heart.
You mumbled, “Maybe.. I can do it today.. he seems to be in  a good mood.”
You looked down towards the ground, thinking hard, “Confession huh…”
 Later that day, Karasuno vs Shiratorizawa match ended with Karasuno as the winner thus continuing to the national stage. Surprisingly to Iwaizumi he met Oikawa in one of the seats and now they are walking together out of the gymnasium.
“Hey Iwa-chan~, let’s go grab some food. I’m feeling like shit,” Oikawa said with a scowl on his face, his nose scrunched
“Then don’t come to see the match if you’re gonna be like this!”
“Stop being so rude and treat your best friend nicely for once will ya?!” Oikawa said with his arms folded on his chest.
Iwaizumi sighed, didn’t want to deal with Oikawa’s words any further, “Fine let’s go get something to eat,”
“Yay~! Let’s eat at a fast food restaurant!”
Along the way to the nearest fast food restaurant, Iwaizumi’s mind was wandering everywhere. Oikawa started to notice this because his friend had been bumping into stuff during their short walk. Oikawa bumped Iwaizumi’s shoulder to get his attention. He slightly jolted and he glanced at him, “What?”
“Is there something on your mind?”
“Huh? No, why?”
Oikawa sighed, “Really, Iwa-chan. You should be more honest. You almost stepped on a kid back there.”
Iwaizumi only huffed at Oikawa’s words.
“Is it a girl??”
“Can you shut up.”
“A girl it is!” Oikawa beamed, “Who is it? Who is it??”
“No I’m not thinking of that!” Lies. The truth is he was thinking of you. About what happened last night. About how you gave him the warmest hug he ever received. How you convey your words of comfort to him. He may have kept a dumbfounded face at that time but the truth is thousands of butterflies were raging inside his whole body. He didn’t know if it was because he has a thing for you or if it’s because he was flustered because you’re a girl and he is a boy. He never really thought of fawning over somebody. All he thinks about is just studying and volleyball. Yahaba and Kindaichi always prattle about how much they want a girlfriend but he’s never really into those kinds of conversation. But what if he’s finally getting his first ever love story now? He’ll be damned because he’s never prepared himself for these kinds of things, even though he’s almost 19 years old.
So he decides to swallow hard his ego and eyed his gaudy bestfriend intensely, before he forces words out of his mouth “Um.. O-Oikaw—”
“Oh! Is that y/n-chan?” Oikawa suddenly said as he pointed a finger to get Iwaizumi to also look at where you were standing. Oikawa is about to call you when Iwaizumi suddenly blurted out
“W-Wait! Don’t call her!”
Oikawa looked at Iwaizumi confused, but then his lips formed a cheeky grin “Humm?? What’s this?”
Iwaizumi's face turns beet red, “A-Ah! No I-I’m—Um..” Iwaizumi wanted to die instantly at that exact moment because now Oikawa is clearly holding back his laughter. A mischievous grin is plastered on Oikawa’s face as he ignored Iwaizumi and made his way towards you calling out your name, “Y/n-chaann~!”
Iwaizumi gritted his teeth while covering half of his face with his hand “Fuck that shittykawa,”
You were standing on the side, beside the trashcan as you are currently finishing your drink so you can quickly throw it onto the trashcan. Until the familiar voice of Oikawa beamed through the street, making you quickly snap your head to the side to see Oikawa currently walking towards you with Iwaizumi behind him.
“Oikawa! Iwaizumi!”
“Yahoo, what you doing here alone?” asked Oikawa.
“I just came from the bookstore. I’m looking for stuff to help me study,” you answered, throwing your empty drink into the trashcan.
“Me and Iwa-chan are going to eat right now, do you wanna come? Iwa-chan really wants you to come apparently,” Oikawa said wiggling his eyebrows at Iwaizumi.
“HUH?!” Iwaizumi was beating the shit out of Oikawa while you only stood there smiling awkwardly.
“Uhm yeah sure I’ll come.” You answered when they finally calmed down.
“Yay~ okay then let’s goo! And Iwa-chan stop being so jumpy and fidgety will you?”
“I’M NOT! Come on let’s go,” you eyed Iwaizumi worriedly, wondering if you did something wrong. So you reached Iwaizumi's side and asked him “Hey, are you alright?”
“Huh? Oh yeah I’m fine. Don’t worry about it, sorry,” Iwaizumi said as he averted his eyes from you. Iwaizumi is acting weird when you join their walk to the restaurant just now, you didn’t want to think too much into it yet you can feel slight warmth creeping up your cheeks.
“We’re here!” After five minutes the three of them finally arrived at the said fast food restaurant. You offered to find a seat while Iwaizumi and Oikawa went to stand on the line to order. You finally sat yourself down and got yourself comfortable. Unknown to you, Oikawa and Iwaizumi are having their own convo about you.
“Is there something going on between you two?” Oikawa asks.
“And I will say this to you over and over again, be honest Iwa-chan.”
Iwaizumi pondered for a moment before talking in a much quieter tone, “Yesterday.. y/n came to my house.”
Oikawa blinked, “What? Why?”
Iwaizumi grunted, reaching up his hand to rub the back of his neck to somehow ease the heat on his face, “Um.. she actually came to give me food because my parents are home late. And um.. after that…'' Iwaizumi trailed off, hiding his face from Oikawa.
“What! Don’t leave me hanging!” Oikawa then gasps, “Oh my god don’t tell me---!”
Iwaizumi quickly retorts, “No shithead! She just hugged me because she knows that we lost the game yesterday. And um I don’t know how to explain it but at that time, everything feels so intimate and uh- I don’t know…”
“Ohh~ So you’re in love?” Oikawa smirks.
To Oikawa’s surprise Iwaizumi didn’t yell or smack him in the head but only eyed him, “I don’t really know. I mean, I’ve always been so flustered whenever she does something for me. But I don’t know if it’s just because I feel nervous of the opposite sex.”
Oikawa tapped Iwaizumi on the shoulder, “Well my man, it doesn’t matter if you both are the opposite gender. If you don’t feel anything towards her then you will be comfortable in any kind of situation. Don’t worry I got your back, because I know you’re suck at this so I’ll make the chance so you two can have a talk together,” Oikawa said with a wink at the end.
“Ugh.. I can’t believe I’m getting advice from you… you look a hundred times more annoying right now.” Iwaizumi muttered.
“Rude Iwa-chan~!”
Suddenly people around them were silent and started whispering while looking in a certain direction. Oikawa and Iwaizumi stopped their bickering to try and see what’s going on. Not long after, there are two staff coming out from behind the counter to go to a certain table
“Miss, are you alright?”
“We have a change of clothes if you’d like..”
Iwaizumi pushed himself through the people gathering around the scene and saw that it was you. Your outfit was drenched in supposedly a drink, some of the liquid even splat onto the table and on the floor under too, making a mess.
“Y/n!” Iwaizumi goes into full panic as he runs towards you with Oikawa behind.
When they got to your side, Iwaizumi immediately asked, “What happened?! Are you alright?!”
“Yeah.. just now a guy came up to me and tried to ask for my number. I declined it but he just kept pushing me to do so, and I pissed him off so he threw the drink he was holding at me..” you let out a small laugh.
Iwaizumi gritted his teeth and punched his fist onto the table “Where is he now, that jerk!”
“It’s alright Iwaizumi! He already left. I’ll just go and change now, it’s not like things like this never happen anyways,” you gave him a reassuring smile. Iwaizumi looks at you in shock, “I mean for a stranger to hit on me! They are usually never that aggressive. I'll change now okay.” You said standing up from your seat, following the staff to get your change of cloth.
Iwaizumi let out a deep sigh and began to help clean the mess on the table. He shot a glare towards Oikawa who was just standing on the sideline, “What are you doing standing there trashykawa!”
Oikawa only smiled and shrugged, “I just don’t want to ruin your moment. You’d be a good protective boyfriend Iwa-chan.”
Iwaizumi only grumbled in response.
 After all of that commotion, the three of you still sat down and enjoyed the meal. Even though the staff told you three that the food will be at service, you didn’t think it was necessary so you still have your peaceful lunch with Iwaizumi and Oikawa. The conversation you guys had quickly washed away the tense atmosphere. Oikawa and Iwaizumi talk about the match earlier and how pissed they were that karasuno won. But they seem to be a lot more chill than yesterday so you just laugh it off with them. After that the three of you left the restaurant and walked back to your neighborhood.
You were still talking with Iwaizumi and Oikawa along the way. You seem to not notice but you were talking and smiling towards Iwaizumi more, it has always been like that whenever the three of you hung out. You and Iwaizumi always seem to gravitate towards one another and it’s making Oikawa feel like he’s third wheeling. But he’s not mad though, he finds it cute. Now he’ll just have to give both of them a push.
Oikawa halted his track and cleared his throat, “Guys sorry but I need to go somewhere.”
You and Iwaizumi both stopped talking and stopped your track as well, “Why so sudden, Oikawa?”
“No big deal, I just forgot to buy something my sister asked for. You guys can go home!” Oikawa then lightly put his hand on Iwaizumi’s shoulder, giving him a thumbs up and a big smile, telling him through his head ‘Good luck Iwa-chan!’
 Iwaizumi’s eyes widened, mouth went agape, ‘Now?! Wait, I’m not ready yet!’
“Bye you guys~!” Oikawa sprinted to the other direction, leaving Iwaizumi and you alone. ‘Damn that trashykawaaa….’
“Let’s go, Iwaizumi ,” you said softly. Iwaizumi quickly became flustered, “Uhh.. yeah right.”
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence while continuing the walk. You were looking around as you walked while Iwaizumi on the other hand was in deep thought, thinking of how to use this situation to make his move. His train of thoughts were interrupted by the sound of your sweet voice calling out to him, “Iwaizumi, do you want to drop by the park? There is this small taiyaki stand that I want to try.”
“Sure,” Iwaizumi said with a small smile.
It was a quite chilly day and a gush of wind just so happened to pass through you and Iwaizumi. You didn’t have your long sleeved because it was wet from an earlier accident and was replaced by a short sleeved one provided by the staff from the restaurant. They apologize that they didn’t have a much warmer cloth but you reassure them that it’s fine because your house is close by.
In the midst of trying to keep yourself warm by rubbing the side of your arms, you suddenly felt warmth on your back as a jacket draped over your shoulder. You look to the side to see that Iwaizumi took off his outer jacket and gave it to you, “You look uncomfortable, wear this in the meantime,” Iwaizumi muttered softly, trying to press down his embarrassment.
You felt your cheeks heated up, “T-Thankyou..” you slid your arms into the sleeve to wear his jacket properly. It was obviously too big for you and his scent immediately envelopes you.
The two of you reached the park and your face beamed a smile, “Thank goodness not many people here, the other day the line was quite long so I didn’t get it. Come on, Iwaizumi!” you said as you ran happily towards the stand. He smiled softly at the sight of your small figure on his clothes and followed you.
You both sat on a nearby bench eating your taiyaki, “Ah, it’s warm..” you took a bite and hummed in delight. Iwaizumi's heart flutters upon seeing your cute gestures.
“This really worth 350 yen isn’t it, Iwaizumi---” You looked at Iwaizumi and saw that he’s actually looking at you. You froze and felt your heart beat faster at how Iwaizumi looked at you with such adoreness. You went silent for a few seconds, just looking back at Iwaizumi until you whispered. “Um.. is there something on my face?”
“Yeah.. you’re beautiful,” Iwaizumi said softly with no expression.
“W-What?” you were taken aback.
Iwaizumi sighed and looked down to his hands, he fiddled his fingers as he spoke, “I’m not good at this kind of things.. so um..”
You waited for Iwaizumi to finish as your heart beats faster every second making it hard to breathe.
Iwaizumi grunted and rubbed the back of his neck, “Y-You know how you said that you sometimes.. got hit up by a random guy on the street and um.. I was thinking maybe it’ll be easier to brush them off if you.. you uh.. have a boyfriend…”
Your whole face now is red, “O-Okay..?”
Iwaizumi finally faced you, staring into your eyes, “I-I mean to say—I’ll be your boyfriend!”
You went silent and you only stared at him with your mouth agape.
“I have always been so flustered whenever I’m with you, and without noticing I get jealous when a guy approaches you, like I was so mad earlier when a guy—no, I’ll get mad at whoever did something like that to you. So uh.. I’ll be your boyfriend.. if you’d like… so I can always be there for you..” he trailed off towards the end.
You were so taken aback that you just fell silent. Iwaizumi covered his face from embarrassment, “Argh.. that is such an uncute way of confessing, I’m sorry I don’t---”
Suddenly you let out a laugh, Iwaizumi removed his hand from his face to look at you with a pout, “Don’t laugh at me!”
“Sorry sorry! But you are just so cute. I can’t believe you can be this cute,” you said with a smile still plastered on your face.
Iwaizumi grunted, “S-So.. what’s your answer?”
“Hmm.. but I’m kinda upset that you beat me into confessing..”
Iwaizumi’s head snapped towards you, “Wait what?”
“Last night I actually wanted to confess to you, but I thought that the timing would be bad so I’m thinking when I should do it. But it turns out you confess the day after. So I guess I shouldn’t worry too much about you,” you said giggling.
“Well, I guess you do always made me feel better,”
You both fell silent again. Iwaizumi nervously spoke again, “So.. are you saying yes?”
You smiled, giving him a quick peck on his cheek, “Of course~”
Iwaizumi slumped down on his seat, face already overheated, “I guess I have to get used to this..”
a/n : arrgghh i can’t believe i finish this, more iwa-chan fics will be coming soon because he’s a precious man :D
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slasherwife · 4 years
(I was originally thinking of Michael Myers for that ask, but honestly any slasher you see fit to add would also be a treat to read 💕)
aww kk! 💕 (i literally love this idea here u go uWu 🥺💖💖)
“Sharp as knives...”
by jena marie
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Y/n just seems too badass and lethal for anyone in Haddonfield, except for one man. She signs her fate unknowingly when she snaps a pervert in half at the bar. Just like that, Michael wants her. xD warnings: cussing and a wee bit of violence :) also michael being a total stalker but what were we expecting
Her eyes were piercing. Sharp and direct as knives. It was like she looked right through you. She wore eyeliner that made them darker than they already were, and her hair flowed like a waterfall as she walked the streets. When she was angry, her voice could cut metal, and she never showed her teeth unless she was snarling.
Michael was in love. He though she resembled something of a feral wolf, and yet she was such a tiny little thing. One time she went into 7/11 for cigarettes, and her tshirt was so large that the shoulder-sleeves went past her elbows, and the bottom reached her mid-thigh. Her shorts barely showed, and her hair was in a messy bun. He watched her the entire time, practically glowing with dominance over the whole vicinity even though he was nowhere to be seen. He was there for her only. He was going to be the ultimate nightmare to anyone who gave her so much as a wrong look.
One time he got close enough to see her wrists, and how easily he could snap them within his grip. Once he could see her slender neck, and imagined how perfectly it would pulse around his long, thick fingers. He wanted to feel that, and yet the thought of harming her brought him anguish.
Today was hotter than normal, and Michael sought shade in the pine trees as usual. It was quiet in there and no person thought to go wandering, so that was his home for now.
There she was again. Her languid steps and flowing hair, bounced as she walked with purpose to the new bar that had opened up a few months ago. Michael watched, eyes cracked and predatory, his gaze on her pretty little form.
She was getting closer. Her form growing, although not so much due to the height of this pretty girl.
Michael wanted to sneer at how tiny she looked up close, and was too caught up in his fantasies to notice that she caught sight of his face in the bushes, and was making her way to him.
Her eyes were piercing, sharp, direct. They cut through Michael and he loved it. He never wanted to look away from the sheer power she radiated. They were e/c. Beautiful, like gems, against the glow of hell within them.
Then she was still. And they stood five feet apart.
“Have you been following me?” Her voice wasn’t sharp, it wasn’t threatening, nor did it sound frightened or shaky. It stood tall, and Michael couldn’t read her expression. It was a blank page.
Michael nodded slowly, not emitting any sound whatsoever. It was deathly quiet.
She wanted to know if he wanted to hurt her. Maybe he wanted to take her forcefully against a tree or on the asphalt against the dark sky.
Michael didn’t reply. He only stared. It was something intense, brooding, large. The gaze, Michael’s usually and most casual look, emitted danger, darkness, and sadism. It was something that you didn’t want to come near, let alone be in the view of. And yet she didn’t even flinch. She didn’t even blink. They’re gazes we’re locked, like two lions trying to intimidate each other.
Then, Michael wanted to see something. He wanted to see her reaction. He reached out, and grabbed her wrist, his rough hands scratching against her soft skin. He pulled her towards her, to which she obliged with a blank face, and he could finally smell her scent.
She smelled like an oak forest, peppermint, and jasmine. He could smell her perfume and her shampoo.
Y/n caught his scent too. He smelled like every dark thought she had ever had, every sinful desire, every morbid feeling— and yet so sweet.
He dug his fingers into her hair, something that seemed rough to Y/n, but bliss to Michael.
“I have to go.” She said, an edge to her voice that Michael couldn’t name, and his grip tightened. He seemed to growl. The sound echoed, and it swallowed her.
Michael then let go, and the girl stumbled backwards. Then it showed on her face, giving Michael a sense of satisfaction. She wasn’t scared, but she looked up at his in awe. How morbid, how dark, how beautiful it is to experience a scratch of his impulses and want more.
Michael stepped back, disappearing into the pines like a ghost.
The guitar was loud, blaring in the dark lit room, the bass shook the floor, and Y/n was having the time of her life. A man from the bar licked his lips with predatory eyes and Michael was already aware. He was internally shaking at the thought of competition. Then again, when does he ever lose?
The man with messy hair contained within a dirty baseball cap rose from his chair, and stalked drunkenly over to her. Michael seethed, as he watched through the small window of the staff-only room of the bar with the manager strangled dead on the floor behind him. He growled a guttural and animalistic growl, and watched with eyes aflame and murderous.
She strummed, making her guitar wail in a fit of rhyme and rythme, and she never wanted to stop. She didn’t even notice the poor man until he felt her up from behind her. She initially pushed him away slightly and absentmindedly, too caught up in her trance of music and being drunk on rhythm.
Her attention was snagged like a skirt on a thorn bush when the man grabbed onto her and her guitar, making the music stutter to a stop with unwelcome hands on her body.
Rage in her body bubbled up and exploded like an active volcano. She was in such a shaking, violent, overwhelming rage that she wasn’t just seeing red, she was seeing black spots in her vision.
“Are you fucking kidding me?”
Michael watched in awe as her fist flew to his nose, and the man fell back with a spray of blood from his nose. He clutched it in a pitiful yelp, followed by another pained yell as she, this tiny, petite girl roundhouse kicks him in the ball-sack and he fell to the floor.
“Fucking prick!” She spat, and she whipped her head away from the pitiful excuse for a man keening on the ground, practically immobile. She wiped her nose and fixed her clothing, then sighed, trying to keep her heart rate under control.
Michael was amazed. He was smitten. Yes— The Shape, Michael Myers, was smitten, taken aback, and extremely turned on. He didn’t understand why he felt this way over someone so insignificant, and yet he couldn’t turn himself away. The way she didn’t hesitate to temporarily maim him sent a delicious feeling throughout Michael’s body because it was like she was begging to be tamed. This lone wolf, feral and unpredictable, was undeserved to almost every man alive. Every man alive didn’t have the hands strong enough to carry her crown, but Michael does. And he will.
Her eyes were closed, trying to compose herself when an alarm was pulled, and it was blaring in the ears of everyone.
Police had showed up because one of the employees discovered the body of the manager in the back, and Y/n had her suspicions, and she was smart enough to know soon who the man in the pines was— and she knew.
She knew what would become of her and him, all that was due now was time.
i hope u liked ittt 💕💕
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xpeachesncream · 2 years
omg ur going to vegas? have fun babes u deserve ittt❤️ i’ve been stanning bts since 2016 and i haven’t been able to get tickets do u have anyy tips ?😭 and what section were u able to get btw!!
hi baby! yes, i'm going next weekend to spend my birthday there! ♥️🥺 thank you so much, i really appreciate that love, you are so so sweet!
& oh gosh, tickets are always difficult, but i know you'll be able to see them soon. you'll get that opportunity no doubt. as for my section, i'm sitting at section 142!
i don't know if there's any super good tips that i can provide since PTD LA was my first BTS concert, but i can share what i did! i do have the army membership though, and i think it did help a lot for both PTD LA and this upcoming vegas concert. i pretty much just followed all the guidelines as mentioned in the emails/announcements before ticket day - sign up on weverse, then ticketmaster verified fan. then on ticket day, i entered the waiting room right when it opened, let the page refresh when the queue finally opened up and patiently waited. i know sometimes it gets super daunting and its easy to get anxious when the queue doesn't move as quick, but patience really is key. i also stay off of social media that day because it builds my anxiety LOL hm, i also only used my laptop and opened tabs for each date. never used my phone or signing into another device at the same time. my friend also did the same process as everything above ^ in case she might have been able to get through the queue faster than i did or vice versa, so it was good to have her going through the process too!
hope that helps, but i can't stress enough that patience is super important and to not get too nervous or worked up during ticket days! if you ever need help personally, let me know too! i can be your buddy and try to help you secure tickets if you need extra support <33 we can work it out together so that we can get you to see them!
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the-nysh · 4 years
!!!!!!! OH GEEZ OH GOD hold on (also buaha! your new icon!), I totally pulled an allnighter just in case, but YESS, Murata’s conspicuous Garou inks spammage over on twitter these past few days was that telling sign after all! 8′D (just like he did before the vs Darkshine chapter) CAUSE THERE HE IS!! ;A; UNDER THE RUBBLE HAVING HIS ‘MOMENT’ (as I thought he would) reflecting on what’s brought him here and conjuring the drive/will to continue what he hasn’t accomplished yet...!!
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OooooOOh my god, Murata I can SEE those sharp fangs coming in now! 8′D FINAALLLYYY (also wait Murata did you forget about his spiral outfit design from his last appearance...cause it looks like he’s back to his regular hair + charred black bandages again :O ....hm yeah I think maybe Murata forgot seeing the next pages where he looks like he did before the Darkshine encounter I guess Murata referenced his older twitter inks of him instead of his most recent ones from Garou’s previous chapter...oh no more redraws incoming?)
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Yeah that’s definitely his dominating monster fantasy for the type of impact he hopes to bring towards the masses (also fikshgkhg the zoom in crop of your ICON from this spread, of the exploded monster from his..yeah area, HAH Murata pls I’m cryin) But oh my GOD yes the later images with the people holding hands and stuff in response; oh akjgh I can see those webcomic hints/info coming in about how he really feels (still gonna need that translation tho to see how much ONE/Murata reveal now.)
BUT WAIT!!! GAH! Just fucking destroy me now...;o;
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UGH oh no, he REMEMBERS TAREO AGAIN FOR THE NTH TIME..!!!! ;A; During his moment of darkness, just...ffuffjfukk it’s a fleeting light callback to his volume panel when he answered Tareo before: “because I’m a monster.” But from his perspective and now with the warped redraw of that line too I’MMM!?!? also oshit more sharp teeth and uh, his hands/claws gripping thru the rock?! D8
👀?!?👀👀?!?!👀 But ohoho, what have we HERE!?!
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AAAAAAHHHHHH?!?!?! OFUCK it’s HAPPENING! Looks like Murata’s gone for the ripped muscle + sinew in darkness look 👀 but with claws and teef hello!! Oh geez, and I’ve also gotten your ‘awakened’ messages about his new ARM here too and !!!! what do I say, how do I react, I’ve had no sleep and I’m already at a loss of words here except to just LOOK AT ITTT to have the image speak for itself!! 8′DD Cause it’s....finally happening guys. After our long grueling wait (which I feel immediate relief, grateful for Murata finally delivering), now the hype and tragic suffering ensue, as things pick up towards the next stage...!   
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ginnympotter · 4 years
uhm this is kind of a vague prompt but harry and ginny going on a date in the muggle world doing the things he always wanted to do as a kid but wasn't allowed? x
LOVE ITTT. OK anyone who actually lives in London reading this, I apologize. I know nothing and admit to this. Also this ended up much longer than intended I’m sorry lol. Hope you like it!
“Ginny, I already told you-”
She groaned, closing the front door of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place behind them. “And I’ve already told you that I don’t give a damn.” She took the invisibility cloak from the crook of his arm and threw it over them. “Now, I’m going to need you to apparate us so please concentrate and stop being a humble git.”
Harry sighed, recognizing defeat. “Where to, then?”
“Westminster Bridge Road,” she informed him.
He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Muggle London? What for?”
She rolled her eyes and grabbed on to his hand. “If you would exert some patience, please, you will find out shortly.”
He conceded, securing her hand in his. “Hold tight.”
He spun on the spot, and Ginny felt herself being squeezed into nothing, suffocating, and then suddenly her feet landed firmly on pavement, the rush of traffic ringing in her ears. Her hand still firmly locked in Harry’s, she dragged them into an ally and took off the cloak, handing it back to its owner. “Put it in your pocket.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he responded, doing just so. They both put their wands in their pockets as well, and then Ginny dragged them back to the sidewalk. 
People walked around them in haste, and Ginny looked at the street signs on both sides of them. “This way,” she determined, tugging Harry’s hand and navigating them to the right. Ginny strode down the street excitedly, Harry by her side, chuckling. 
“Are you going to tell me what we’re doing now?”
She chanced a glance at him, and his face held both suspicion and amusement. “Listen,” she began. “I know you don’t care much about making a deal of your birthday, but you should. I mean, need I remind you, it was only about 3 months ago that you almost died.”
“I remember,” he mumbled.
“And so the fact that you made it to 18 is something to be celebrated! And I wanted to do something special, since all I gave you last year for your birthday was an interrupted snog and an overbearing brother,” she smiled. 
He laughed at that, squeezing her hand. “Fair enough.”
“But I knew going out in any Wizarding areas would be too stressful. We don’t need anyone hounding you, and I suppose we could’ve taken Polyjuice Potion but I’d prefer to see your handsome face.”
“Not sick of it yet?”
“Never.” She stopped abruptly, pulled him to her, and kissed him firmly on the mouth. Then remembered herself and kept them moving as to not cause any further pedestrian traffic. Harry had a lopsided smirk on his face as she resumed to steer them towards their destination. “Anyway,” she continued, “we should be pretty safe here. It’s crowded and not many wizards come roaming about Muggle London, except my dad, maybe.”
“I hope you’re right, but I wouldn’t underestimate Rita Skeeter’s determination.”
“Good thing I’m not afraid of beetles,” she quipped back, shooting him a smile. “So now that you’re of age in both the Wizarding and Muggle world, I thought we’d exercise those freedoms in the most optimal way possible- aha!” She spotted the place and made a sharp turn down the block, Harry still holding her hand but tailing her, and stopped short at the entrance. “Ta-da!” 
Harry took a moment to catch his breath, then looked up at the sign above the door. Namco Funscape.
“No...way...” Harry gaped breathlessly. “No way.”
Ginny felt triumph beating in her chest. “Last month, you told me about all the things your aunt and uncle would take Dudley to do, or allow him to do at the house, all of which you were deprived...and I wanted to make that up to you and take you myself. But as an adult, it’s all up to you what we do. And you can even have a Muggle drink now that you got an ID last week.”
Harry continued to stare at the building front, then turned his shocked expression to Ginny, which quickly melted into the kind of warm smile that left Ginny immobile, like the one he had given her when they first exchanged ‘I love you’s, or when they played one-on-one Quidditch two weeks ago and she caught the Snitch right under his nose. He let go of her hand and closed the gap between them, wrapping his arms around her, fitting her snugly into his chest. She closed her eyes, content to just stay like that for the rest of the day if he wanted. But she was a good gift-giver, and she knew how eager he was to go in. “I will always be grateful for gifted snogs, interrupted or otherwise, but this is...really...” He released her from his grip and kissed her once hard, the second time more softly. “You’re the best. The best.”
“I am pretty amazing, aren’t I,” she joked, the look on his face making her heart flutter even more rapidly. 
“You are,” he confirmed, his smile widening. “Now c’mon, let me introduce you to all the fun Muggle activities I wish I could do as a kid that you will surely kick my arse in.”
She could hardly contain her own excitement seeing Harry display his own so openly, swinging the door open and striding through into the massive arcade and entertainment center. Harry explained to her the concept of tokens, and before he could pay for them to have any Ginny took out the stash of Muggle money she brought. She handed the clerk the bills before Harry could get a full objection out. “Ginny, let me-”
“It’s your birthday,” she stated simply. “Stop. Let me take care of it. You can waste all the money you’d like to pamper me in eleven days.”
“Fine,” he replied resentfully but seemed to get over it quick enough as the clerk handed him the cup of tokens. He took her through the rows of video games, and it was some of the most fun she ever had, having Harry teach her how to play and, as predicted, quickly dominating him in almost every game he taught her. The only one Harry continued to beat her in (though only marginally) was Pacman, but she demolished him in Skee-Ball on the first round, and the four others that followed. “Should’ve seen that one coming,” he snorted, trying and failing to hide the gleam in his eye he’d get when turned on by Ginny’s unexpected prowess as she successfully sunk her final ball into the top goal. “Bloody Chasers.”
“How could you forget, when my Quidditch Captain badge arrived just yesterday?” she beamed at him, bending down to collect her plethora of tickets. 
“You’re a usurper, is what you are,” Harry shook his head.
Ginny gasped dramatically as she pulled the last of her tickets up and shoved them into Harry’s hand. “Not usurper, rightful successor!” Harry laughed as he took the tickets and put them in their bucket. “You know, jealousy doesn’t look so good on you.”
Harry pulled her toward him and put both hands on her cheeks. “I’m only jealous of everyone who’s going to be there to watch you shine.”
Ginny felt her heart sink slightly. She knew it was a difficult decision for Harry to forgo the rest of his education, to not return to the Quidditch team for one final season, and most of all, to spend the better part of ten months apart from her after finally getting back together. But they both knew it was what made the most sense, and that they would be okay. He offered her a small smile before leaning in to kiss her. 
She sighed, his lips gone too quick. He chuckled, throwing an arm around her and leading them to another area of the arcade. They tried the jackpot machine game multiple times, and on the sixth attempt, Ginny hit the jackpot, which was 550 tickets. Harry and Ginny decided they had enough accumulated to go claim a prize, and Harry convinced Ginny to get something called a skateboard, which she was able to pick up rather quickly before they were reprimanded for riding it inside. Then Harry taught her ping-pong, which took her a bit longer to pick up, but by the end of it won two matches. All the playing left them famished, and so they went to the bar and got pizza, and Ginny convinced him to try Muggle beer. He eyed it skeptically, took a sip, swallowed, and made a face of disgust.
Ginny laughed heartily. “That bad?”
“Yes,” he confirmed, pushing it away. “I can’t believe anyone would drink this when butterbeer tastes so much better.”
She tugged at his collar and pulled his face close to hers. “Let me have a taste.”
“You’re not of age,” he said, looking at her curiously.
“Not that way,” she informed him, the suggestive grin forming on his lips stunted by Ginny’s crushing against them, prodding his mouth open, sweeping her tongue over his. She pulled away briefly, told him, “I can bear it,” then continued to kiss him.
She only got to have her fun for about thirty seconds, however, as they were interrupted by a loud and recognizable “Oi! You’re in public!”
They broke apart, and Ginny could see the blush spreading across Harry’s cheeks. “I thought interrupted snogs and overbearing brothers were gifts of the past,” he whispered quickly.
“I thought you were grateful for them, anyway?”
“The snog bit, yeah-”
Hermione’s voice cut in. “Sorry,” she winced, then glared at Ron. “Somebody still needs to learn manners.”
“Yeah, them!” he retorted, gesturing towards his sister and best friend. 
Hermione rolled her eyes, then walked forward to hug Harry. “Happy birthday, Harry! We didn’t mean to interrupt-”
“It’s okay, Hermione,” Harry told her as she let go. “I didn’t know you two were coming!”
“I meant to mention it,” said Ginny. “But I lost track of time. I wanted to try that bowling thing, and I thought it’d be fun to have them join us for a bit before we head back home for dinner with everyone.”
“We’re bowling?” Harry shouted in excitement. “Oh, man is this going to be fun. I’ve always wanted to bowl. I got to watch Dudley once but wasn’t allowed to play.”
Ron threw his arm around Hermione, pulling her to his side. “Alright, Hermione, we’re ready to learn.”
After three matches, the first as individuals (Harry just winning, all scores rather close), the second as boys versus girls (girls demolishing), and the third as a couple match-up (Harry and Ginny victorious), their arms were sore and they were ready to apparate back to Ottery St. Catchpole for Harry’s birthday. 
Ginny’s mother made an elaborate dinner and cake that, seeing Fred’s empty seat, Ginny could tell he did not quite feel he deserved but expressed his gratitude all the same. Most everyone he loved was there, including little Teddy, whose hair and eyes matched Harry’s throughout most of the meal, which made Ginny’s heart swell. As her mother insisted Harry stay the night, she helped him bring up all his presents to Ron’s room before turning in for the night herself, although not before making sure Ginny was in her own room with Hermione. And although Ron still could not hold back his disgust, he knew there was something to be gained for himself in having Harry and Hermione swap places once they were sure it was safe. Hermione quietly left, and a minute later, there was a light rap of knuckles against her door.
She flicked her wand and the door opened. Harry, his face lit in his own wand light, wearing his pajamas, stepped in quietly and closed the door behind him, clicking the lock. He walked over to Ginny’s bed, whispered ‘Nox,’ put his wand and glasses on her bedside table, and crawled into her small bed. 
“Hello,” he whispered, and she could see his smile in the dark as she pulled him closer to her. 
“Mm,” she sighed happily, intertwining her legs with his, firmly planting her face in the crook of his neck. “Good birthday?”
He wrapped his arms around her. “The best, I think. Today was...” he paused, and Ginny knew he struggled to verbalize his feelings sometimes, so when he uttered out a loving, “thank you,” and kissed the top of her head, she knew he was happy, and so her goal was achieved.
“So it surpasses last year’s gift, then?” she asked playfully.
“Well, I did receive the same gift this year too, earlier before bowling, didn’t I?”
“I suppose.”
Harry readjusted them and put a hand on her face, causing her to look up at him. “And as incredible as today was, I was hoping for that present in an uninterrupted format if you’d be so willing.”
Ginny laughed, melting at his touch, feeling pierced by the sparkle in his eyes, made brighter by the contrast of the dark. “How could I deny you such a gift?”
Harry grinned widely as Ginny drew her face closer to his. Their lips impossibly close, she whispered against his, “Happy birthday, Harry.”
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