#silco oneshot
a-gal-with-taste · 2 years
Busy (NSFW)
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Summary: Lording over an entire underground nation can be time-consuming - you know this.
Still, you hope that Silco has enough free-time on his plate, to enjoy a little surprise you have in store.
Warnings: NSFW|MDNI. Suggested boss/employee relationship, established-relationship, nudity, wearing-nothing-under-coat, misunderstandings, groping/fondling, light fingering, Sinday is back!
Climbing up the stairs was a risk. Calculated, but you still tugged the thick fur coat tighter around you, forcing it to hug your body... and you took the last few steps double-at-a-time, just in case.
Thankfully, there were no hoots, or low whistles from any potential up-lookers on busy dancefloor below, and you were grateful.
Because there was only one reaction you wanted, and nerves faded as the grin spread across your face, when you thought of the expression he would have when he realized you came in a coat and heels...
And only, a coat and heels.
Knocking wasn't really required anymore, not for you. Though, you still tilted your ear close to the door to listen for any undesired second-party. Sevika would be a mortifying possibility, since she could see through any attempt at a poker-face, and you'd turn right back around if you heard Jinx spending time with her father.
Cold or not, you'd march straight back home if either were the case.
Only the sounds of pen scratching on paper in a curt, sharp pace was heard. And after letting out a small, sharp breath to calm any remaining nerves at what could be one of your more embarrassing ideas, you opened the door, walked in, and-
"I'm busy."
The door closed behind you, and you blinked at the sound, and at Silco. Who didn't even look up... who wasn't even wearing makeup.
You'd seen Silco without it before, but the sight still halted you more than his sharp two-word greeting did. The scars, dark and striking in the pale evening-lighting gave his face a more severe and yet vulnerable look - this wasn't a sight permitted for many, and it stunned you that he allowed you to see this.
But then his red and teal gaze snapped up to glare, and fix you with a look you imagined everyone had been victim to. "I'm busy," He said, low and stressing the word in a way that made you shiver - even though it was warmer than it was outside.
"I heard you," You confirmed, reaching back to silently flicked the lock to avoid visitors, before your heels clicked on the wooden floor as you stepped forward towards him. A small smile crossed your freshly-painted lips, and your fingers came up to brush the clasps of your coat as you stepped closer, "However... I thought that, perhaps, you wouldn't mind a break-"
"If I want something, it would be here when I require it," Silco says, voice frosty enough that you're chilled into standing in place, frozen. "I don't recall requesting your presence, nor do I require it... you may leave."
Silco always had a way with words - and you knew full-well that that 'may' was actually a 'will.'
"What happened?" You said, frowning as you stepped forward, not so much prowling seductively as it was to see what was the matter with the man. "Is there anything I can do-?"
"Yes, you can find the door," Silco snapped hotly, pen held tight between white-knuckled fingers. Your gaze darts from it, back to his gaze... one heartbeat. Then a second, third passes, before that burning iron in his gaze softened, more like hot-stones, but an improvement nonetheless.
"Is... is it the trades? Poor profits?"
"Worse - a buisness-meeting."
The pen makes an audible click when Silco sets it down, before he lets out a long-sigh as he reaches up, cradling his forehead with his fingers as a migraine announced it's arrival inside his head. "Short-notice, as well... if it wasn't something that could directly provide consequence to your other guesses, I'd be insulted it was even brought to my attention. Alas, it does require it."
"Oh," You breathed, trying not to feel disappointed... it was no secret the Eye not only watched all, but usually had hand in-all that occurred in Zaun. A full-schedule wasn't, shouldn't be much of a surprise...
Still, as you tugged the coat tight enough around you that it squeezed at the round of your bare hips, you really, really weren't looking forward to going back in the chilly night-air. "So... you really want me to go?"
The question, meant to be casual but coming out wary, caused the glowing-ember of an obsidian eye to flick between the gaps of fingers, looking at you. Again, there was a softening when he gazed as you - stone to a weaker-copper, perhaps. "Not my preference... not at all, but a necessity," Silco did sound apologetic, and firm in his more gentle dismissal, but you still felt a bit sluggish as you stepped back from the desk, dejected.
And then stepped to the side, walking around the desk towards him. There's a fiery-spark of irritation in both eyes at the clear disobedience, the green and the red, but only the green widens when your hand reached out, pressing and kneading at his shoulder gently.
Silco didn't so much soften as well as he melted at your touch, and it was only thanks to practice that you didn't immediately smile or chuckle at the sight of Silco, Eye and unofficial King of the Undercity, practically reduced to a puddle by a massaging of one shoulder - not even both.
"I hope it goes by quick, smoothly..."
"Doubtful... but your words and well-wishes are appreciated." So was your touch, you noted, as his remaining eye faltered shut and there was the faintest hum from his chest. It was a pity to have to pull away, but, slowly retracting and dragging your fingers, you made to move back... but out of habit or some touch-starved instinct, Silco's fingers snapped up to curl around your wrist.
More specifically, curling around the sleeve covering your wrist.
And that, combined with the step you had taken back and away from him, triggered a two-step chain-reaction that led to your completely bare shoulder bare to see. Which, honestly, wouldn't be so scandalous... except your face immediately heated up to the point of burning, and you scrambled to step back and fix your sleeve.
Obviously, this caught the Eye's attention.
"Is something the matter?" Silco say in an innocent tone that immediately put you on edge. "You look... ruffled." His index finger unfurled around your wrist, and shifted slightly in order to stroke the fur of your coat in emphasis, though his eyes never left yours.
"Just... it's chilly-" "I have a thicker coat you can borrow, then. Though, I imagined the one you wear now had it's uses."
Your breath, and whatever hope you had of replying, shudders in time with his fingers dragging in order to skim between the line of clothing and skin - his fingers scorched as much as your face burned, but his eyes were the worst of it. Impassive, carefully neutral, yet they were quickly melting you in place.
"Perhaps you should take this one off, dear," He mused quietly. You weren't surprise he had put two & two together, coming up with the fact that you weren't subtle, but it still sent an embarrassed flush to your already blushing-dark cheeks.
"I-i... I wouldn't want to bother, you seem busy-"
"I have time. Take it off."
Compliance, unfortunately, was a skill you possessed that Silco loved to use to the fullest extent. He didn't even have to use a commanding voice with the order - the man simply had to look at you, and say it so casually, that you didn't realize your hands were already pulling the fold of your coat apart until there was a silent, but sharp inhale from the kingpin watching.
He's, obviously, seen you nude before. Probably memorized everything there was to see, but the two-coloured gaze still dropped to rove over the skin you were exposing as you slowly peeled the coat from your form - stopping when it was just-barely off your shoulders.
Not because Silco ordered you to, but the subtle flexing of his throat when he swallowed dry at the sight, was enough to stop you still.
"... this is a surprise."
"If I known you were busy, I wouldn't have-"
"Where did you put the rest of your clothes?"
Someone probably could cook an omlette on your forehead, your face never blushed so hard as you whispered, "I... there wasn't any. I came here like this."
A thoughtful hum breaks the too-long pause, and he stands. Your hands fall limp at your sides at the first step he makes towards you, and it only takes another step before his own hands come up, long fingers replacing yours on the hem of your coat. "You seem quite mortified for someone who planned this well in-advance," He comments in a conversational tone, all the while you're struggling jot to tremble as his knuckles graze your skin, and the coat is ushered further, and further down from your body...
"Though," Warm breath tickles at your hairline - it's somehow hotter than your body has become. "I fail to see why you have any reason to be embarrassed... and I am seeing much."
The coat crumbles to the ground in a heap around your ankles, and palms are quick to replace it along your body.
Searing, burning palms that graze with biting nails - you're left gasping, but not long on air. His mouth comes up quick to replace oxygen, and even quicker to mute your squeal when his fingers find your ass as squeeze.
"You walked through the Lanes, with so much as a stitch beneath a flimsy coat. How filthy," He snarls into your mouth with a wolfish grin, one that would have your legs weak if... they suddenly weren't off the ground.
"Silco-" You gasped, legs wrapping around his waist as you were lifted, tucking your head against his shoulder with another surprise squeak as his nails digged-in your skin, before he propped you atop the desk.
"Your meeting-" "Can wait," Murmuring quietly against the shell of your ear, his faint chuckle seemed to echo in your head when you whimpered. His hands seemed eager to map out skin he already knew by-heart, palm coming up to cup your chest and knead, while long fingers took time to trace down every vertebre of your spine. "Paitence can be mastered, and perhaps this could be considered a first-lesson for my buisness partner. It can wait."
Silco, however, could not.
This is proven by how quickly, and smoothing, his hand comes to trace around your hip, and begin to dip between your thighs. This earns another shaking rasp, one that is soothed to a whimper with a kiss along your jawline, as his fingers dip and start to tease along your already wet slit-
There's a knock.
One that makes you jump, and start to slip from the desk, but both Silco's arm around your waist, and the finger dipping between to graze along your clit, forces you to remain against him as he growls, "What?"
"He's here," Sevika's voice drawls, clearly bored and a bit miffed at being intruppted from her card-game downstairs. Considering what you're doing now, you can sympathize. "Not looking happy about waiting either..."
"A pity." Silco's quiet words indeed make you sympathize with Sevika's plight of being taken from her source of enjoyment, as you imagine you're about to be in the same boat. You can't fault him from it, but as you go to creep away, you can't help but feel a spark of dejection-
A spark, that erupts into flame when he pushes his finger through your folds, curling into your pussy. Only to the first knuckle, but it's enough to make you understand that it's not a pity you have to leave - but that his buisness meeting is going to be very, very delayed.
Silco's unyielding and fiery gaze, fingers slowly beginning to pump in, out of your tight wetness, and his next words, were enough to make you whimper again as heat flashed through you:
"Tell him I'm busy."
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[Taglist:@sweatandwoe  @lackofhonor  @betasuppe  @ironandglass  @soullessbody  @syx-00   @bb-8   @bloodmoon-bites   @zillahvathek   @my-awakened-ghost   @agoutighost   @shuttlelauncher81   @stabmemaybe   @rosmariner   @intpthinkinginquiet   @atalldrinkofcaprisun   @ladykatakuri   @littledollll   @of-the-argonath   @mazikomo   @dropssofjupitter   @boredanimatr   @gooseberries88   @yes-these-obsessions-are-healthy   @cat-shapedgoo   @watercolourdreamer   @meimayooo   @constant-fragmentation   @marina-and-the-memes   @masterjedilenaaa   @callistotml   @foppishish   @dad-dumpster   @nyx2021   @beef-bakery   @jennithejester   @the-lake-is-calling   @ariaud  ]
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constantfragmentation · 5 months
Your Regency!Silco its one of the best...I think about him twice a week
Would you make him a separate oneshot for him?
Thks for following
I've never been asked or requested to write anything before so I'm rather humbled and surprised.
First, thank you for the compliment. I love this Rochester Silco. He's a loving dad and a straight-up, conniving bastard. I've been having fun combining the Regency Era and Arcane. Hopefully, it all makes sense.
So, back to the request. What kind of oneshot are you looking for?Keep with the Bend character or just Silco in a Regency setting? I don't even know where to start.
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parvulous-writings · 9 months
Surprise // Silco x M!Reader
This is a special little oneshot - for the amazing @rey-is-not-a-skywalker
Summary: Silco has noticed some of your recent behaviours, so gives you a little surprise
Warnings: It's nothing graphic, it's just rather specifically tailored! partially uncharacteristically soft silco - lots of tension with Sevika. Detailed but also... not detailed?
Words: 2.6K
Notes:  Unfortunately something is wrong with my Tumblr right now - it's going through long phases of not letting me save drafts and/or post. I've submitted tickets but the first one said there wasn't anything wrong (from a couple weeks ago) and the most recent one hasn't gotten a response yet. I appreciate all of your patience <3 My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too!
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Not my gif
Silco had always had a bit of a soft spot for you. At first, he tried to hide it, but here were ways in which you could tell; you'd be the only one he'd offer a drink to at a meeting, his eyes would linger on you for a moment too long every so often, and the mere fact that you worked for him were all signs that some way, somehow, you had wormed your way into his seemingly cold, dead heart. The first to notice was of course, his right hand, Sevika. At first she thought it was merely strange, but then she started to get downright suspicious. First the child he had taken under his wing, and now... You. The child, for the most part, stayed out of Sevika's way, even when spending time with Silco. She could deal with that. But you, you were never too far from Silco - you were practically on display. The man made sure that he always had an excuse on hand to keep you close - preferably within his line of sight. You didn't seem to notice the special attention you always got from the man, but Sevika did. To her, it was akin to a giant flashing neon sign above your head. Though part of her was indeed happy that Silco had finally started to feel emotions strongly enough to care for someone again, another part of her was simply boiling at the prospect. Not out of jealousy, but more out of sheer impracticality. This was not the time to fall in love. Not when everything between Zaun and Piltover was at a head - when Silco needed to keep a close eye on his very calculated moves concerning Topside. The last thing he - or anyone else involved - needed, was a distraction.
But to Silco, the kind of distraction you were giving him wasn't the kind that would be the end of his operation - at least in his eyes. To him, you were giving him a break from the rest of the world, some peace that he had needed for what had now become many years. It was a kind of peace that made him feel almost normal, that for those brief moments, he could pretend that perhaps he had a better life; friends, perhaps a small family, a proper home. This little daydream of his never usually lasted for long, but he wished it would at times.
After about three weeks of Silco's unusual behaviour concerning you, Sevika had reached her boiling point. She couldn't deal with this situation without answers anymore. So, storming up the corridor towards Silco's study, she had a purpose. She was going to get to the bottom of this little mystery, she knew that much. Several scenarios were playing through her mind as she reached the door, flinging it open with such strength that it almost put a hole in the wall. Silco immediately looked up, glaring at the intruder. Even after realising that it was only Sevika, his gaze didn't waver. It seemed that the woman had interrupted whatever goings-on had been happening in the room, and Silco was not happy about it. Silco put down the small objects he had been fiddling with, raising his undamaged brow at the woman. "And what is the meaning of this?" He asked, his voice starting to drip with venom. "We need to... discuss something." Sevika replied, choosing her words very carefully. She didn't want to anger Silco, but she knew that she was already on her way to that eventuality. "Do we really? Well, last time I checked, people typically knock at my door before entering." He glanced to the corner of the room mid-sentence. "It's alright, you don't need to be afraid... You just keep playing..." A small smile plays on his lips as he speaks to you, sat in the corner, happily amusing yourself. Silco's gaze span back to Sevika, becoming cold once more. "Sit down." The woman didn't argue, sitting herself in the uncomfortable - albeit allegedly padded - chair on the other side of Silco's desk. "What exactly is this about?" Silco asked, brushing away the pieces of clutter he had been fiddling with a few minutes prior. Sevika stayed quiet for a moment too long, and it wore Silco's patience thin very quickly. "Well?" He snapped impatiently. "We need to talk about... Him." Sevika's gaze briefly flitted to you, and Silco's eyes narrowed. He wasn't liking where this was going. "What about him?" Silco's tone was cold, almost accusatory. It held an unsaid 'choose your next words very carefully'. Though Sevika was undeniably a valuable asset to his operation, he was not opposed to disciplining her if she dared to speak ill of you. Sevika fell silent again at this. How was she going to put this without royally pissing him off? "I just think..." She began, but soon trailed off as she watched Silco's slender hands slowly ball into fists as they rested on his desk. "... That he's distracting you." There was no other way for her to put it, so she decided to try and face the issue head on, no matter how Silco's temper may to it. "Distracting me?" Silco's voice was... Eerily calm. "And how exactly would you say he's distracting me?" Sevika just gestured to his desk with her augmented arm, then to you seated in the corner with her other arm. "He... He does not contribute. All he does is sit and play like a child. He isn't a child! And you just... Let him? You let him sit in on sensitive shit, Silco!" She exclaimed, getting to her feet. "It's not right." "You wish to lecture me on what is right?" Silco responded, voice practically oozing past his lips. He leant back in his chair as he spoke, eyes trained on Sevika across from him. "After all I have given to you? After all we have achieved together?" His hand trails along the surface of his desk as he slowly gets to his feet. "Have you anything else you wish to say about my arrangements here?" He asks, gesturing vaguely to the room encasing you all. At this question, Sevika falls silent. She knows what kind of test this is - a test of loyalty. Whether she is willing enough to withstand Silco's... fancies, or whether she wants to be dealt with. Typically, Sevika was the one to do the 'dealing', so no doubt she would be left to Jinx, to be the young woman's play thing.
Sevika barely even needed to consider this; she's played with Jinx before, and as demure as the teen could seem to most, she was truly unhinged when it mattered. She had bested Sevika, and the older woman was not too keen to let that happen again. Silco began to turn away, his hand resting on the back of his chair, just above his shoulder height. He heaved a sigh, his slender shoulders slowly moving up, then down with the action, as he tried to rid himself of the tension that had now rooted in the muscle. "I… Didn't mean right as in…" Sevika started to try and explain herself, in an effort to keep herself in his good books, but by the grip that he suddenly had on the top of his chair, he wasn't in any sort of mood to listen to her reasonings. His head whipped round partially, his lips parted in a sneer. Sevika slowly nodded at this, finally deciding to react to the silent message she was being given. Perhaps she would try and get him alone - if that were even possible. Without another word, she left the room, closing the door and returning the room to how it had been before her arrival. Silco runs a hand through his hair, trying to calm himself, before rounding his chair to face you, as you happily sat with your little creations, blissfully ignoring the conversation that had gone on beside you, just a few feet away. Silco returned to his seat, bringing the objects he had been occupied with before back to his attention, and right in front of him. Carefully, and with a deft hand, he clipped all the pieces together, making sure they fit perfectly, and could move with relative ease without being too loose. When he was finally satisfied with the state of his creation, he got to his feet once more, slowly and quietly making his way over to you. "My dear..." He began, his tone dipped in a softness that rarely ever showed itself. You glance up briefly, a little surprised that he's approached you - it's the middle of the day, shouldn't he be working? Your brows furrow as you are about to ask this question to him, but he seems to predict your query before the words pass your lips. "I always have time for you." He speaks, handing you the small figure he had been working on nearly all morning.
It's a small, pose-able bat. Your eyes light up - the model itself had many smaller components that must not have been easy to place. "I made sure it was perfect, for you." Silco's voice breaks you from your thoughts again, the man's smile visible to you before your eyes had even turned back to his face again. "Well? Do you like it?" He asks, not quite impatient, but more... Desperate. Eager, perhaps is the best way to describe him - he wants, no, needs to know that it's to your liking. You giggle quietly, nodding at him with a wide smile. "I love it, Silco..." You stretch up for a moment, pressing a gentle kiss to his scarred cheek. You then turn back to your model - a vast array of little buildings, all of which Silco has, over time, watched you build and place according to your whims. You gaze over the miniature skyline briefly, before finding the perfect place to nestle this little creature Silco had gifted you - perched amongst some billboards, hiding in plain sight of the human figurines lining the streets below. "There..." You say, partly to yourself, before turning back to look at Silco, beaming with pride. "He can stay there, and we can both see him..." You chuckle, and Silco slowly lowers himself to sit beside you. "He, hm?" Silco hums, "And that's his name? I never thought of one for him..." He muses, playing along with you. You purse your lips in thought, trying to wrack your brain for a suitable name for your newfound bat figure. You shake your head, your nose scrunches as you fail to bring forth a suitable name for the little bat. "I've got nothing..." You reply softly, almost sounding disappointed. You feel Silco's hand come to rest on your shoulder. "It's alright... I'm sure we'll think of something, hm?" He pauses for a moment, his thumb slowly moving over your shoulder in an attempt to soothe any true disappointment you may have. "Now... How about we come away from this for a little while, and get you something to eat?" You nod slowly in agreement, and the pair of you get to your feet; Silco's hand fumbles for a moment whilst it seeks out yours, before your fingers intertwine with one another's.
Lunch, as always, was served in Silco's office, but the pair of you had moved over to another part of the room, sitting down at a small table and pair of plush chairs, that Silco had actually put in a week or so after your arrival. Before you, Silco had often had lunch alone at his desk, but now he had someone to dine with, who actually seemed to be less afraid of him than anyone else. In truth, there was little reason for you to fear Silco - the temper and fury that he had so often let loose on others without warning and without mercy, had never been directed at you, not even a smidgen of it. You had seen it before, of course, living with him made that more violent side of him hard to avoid, but he would always go and calm himself down before he came back to you, if something had gotten him too riled up. You sat across from one another, happily tucking in to your warm meals. Naturally, it was no Topside meal, but it was some of the best you'd be able to get in the Underground. Silco had made sure that you would always get the finest of what the Lanes had to offer, no matter what it took to get it. Thankfully, being the one to pull the strings in the majority of Zaun now, this was no issue for the man. He had treated you to the finest things he could get his hands on, most of them from the other barons of the Underground, but some things he even managed to import from Topside - not that he ever let you in on his secrets on that side of things. In fact, it was very rare that Silco let you know of, well, anything in terms of business. You had asked him about this once or twice before, and his only response was about 'keeping you safe'. That's all it ever was, no matter what you tried to discuss with him on the side of business. 'I don't want you getting involved, dear.' He'd tell you. 'It's not safe, and I'd rather not even think about risking you in this kind of trade... Please, understand at least this much, if anything..' And after that particular conversation, he'd brush you off or change the subject any time you'd bring it up. In his eyes, he had made his stance on the situation very clear. In it's own, sort of sweet way, you believed that this was the main way Silco showed he cared for you - even if he never really said it out loud, besides perhaps the pet name. Public displays - hell, most outward displays - of affection were not entirely Silco's area... And you've never pushed for that kind of thing, as it seemed to be a somewhat tender subject for him. You never asked why, it was not your business, and you hoped that eventually he may trust you - and himself - enough to tell you. For the time being, though, you were both happy enough keeping your relationship as it was; a vastly unspoken one, where although your care and affection for one another was deep-rooted and painfully obvious even to the pair of you, nothing was ever truly confirmed, nothing was made concrete by your words. You were happy with it for the most part - though a small part of you yearned desperately for the validation of his love - and although you hoped to bring up the unspoken part of your relationship at some point in the future, it was to remain the distant future for the time being. You didn't want to ruin a good thing and push Silco too much for an answer, causing him to just... Cut off everything entirely. You had seen it happen before, though mostly with lesser goons that he took in to do all of his dirty work, and whilst you didn't see yourself on their level, you didn't want to take any risks.
"Did you like your surprise?" Silco's low, velvet voice breaks you from your trance. You look up to him, and nod eagerly. You loved it - a truly wonderful and sweet surprise. "I did... Was there an occasion for it?" You asked, placing your cutlery on your plate as you finished your meal. "Do I need an occasion to get you gifts?" He responds, his eyes now fixed on the remainder of his meal. You pause briefly, before shaking your head in answer to his question. "No, of course not..." You crack a smile at him, which he soon returns when he meets your eye. He lets out a breathy chuckle, clearly pleased with this response of yours. "Good... Because, I can assure you, there will be many more to come..."
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jane-todd-maximoff · 2 years
Silco x GN Reader - requests are open 
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it was too quiet, that was how he found you. He should have known something was up, he should have been here with you. He should have been home with you. Looking into your eyes, Silco could sense that you were scared of him. If he was in your position he would be scared too. Silco found you curled into a ball on your shared bed in the middle of an attack. Sadly, this isn't the first time this has happened. Your panic attacks were semi-regular. But it has been months since you had one this severe. One where you could hardly remember that you were safe and with him now. 
“Y/n” his voice was soft. It was the same way he would talk to Jinx. You look up at him. Your eyes were bloodshot. How long have you been in this state of mind? He walked forward and took a seat on the bed. “Will you let me put my arms around you?” He had to be careful. It was funny. Him the eye of Zaun being careful. But when it comes down to the people he cares about he's always gonna be cautious and protective. He can't lose you he won't not to anyone and certainly not your own goddamn mind. 
You tried to say something but all that came out was a dry sob. Instead, you nod. Silco brings his arms up to wrap around your torso. One hand slides its way up your back and into your hair. He could feel your body shake and he could feel his dress shirt getting wet. Your breath was still out of control hitching every few moments. “Y/n can you focus on my voice?” He heard a muffled response so he took it as a yes. “Y/n, I'm here with you, you're safe.” He ran his hand through your hair trying to give you comfort. “Concentrate on my breathing. Try to match your breathing to mine.“ He said. It was the one technique that worked best for you. It took a few minutes for your breathing to slow down. It was still not the best, but it was an improvement.
Silco started to rock you in his arms after you had calmed down. “Love, you're safe.” He whispered. ”your home.“ he reminds you. slowly he removes you from being hidden away in his chest. He grabs you by the chin lightly so he could get a better look at you now. dry tears layered your face. “hey Y/N your safe. no one can hurt you now there all gone.” he hoped you know that he took care of them. he hoped you know they were dead. all killed on his orders. and that the few who got away or the worst were killed by his own two hand. 
'`all of them?” you asked, your voice was so soft so unsure. So young. two young to go through All the trauma you have endured at the hands of others. “all of them.”he reassured you, pulling you back into his chest and pressing a gentle kiss to your hair “all of them.”
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ellalalala · 5 months
Being a fanfiction writer is amazing because sometimes I'll write something that makes me so sad that even I have to step back and just ask: hey. Are you alright
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karnaca78 · 1 year
No words could ever grasp what Vander feels. So he just stares. The lines at the corners of his old lover’s mouth hint at so much weariness that he doesn’t wonder why they can’t bear the weight of a simple smile.
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finn-writes-stuff · 2 years
When your meeting with your boss Silco takes a turn, you are more than glad to do as he asks. There's a great view of him when you're under his desk of course.
Silco x Reader
This is,,, ridiculously horny. I don't write smut often, so it's perhaps not fantastic, but you don't get anywhere without practice. Enjoy
Fandom: Arcane
Format: Oneshot (629 words)
Content Warnings: NSFW Content, Oral sex, semi-public sex, praise kink, face fucking, masturbation.
Gender-Neutral Reader
Arcane Masterlist Commission Info
“You can take it, lovely, I know you can.” Silco’s hand had a tight grip on your hair as you took his cock down your throat, doing your best to take it all. “So good for me, you look so nice on your knees like this.” 
The words ran through your veins like wildfire, and you practically whimpered around his cock, causing his hands to tighten in your hair. 
This wasn’t what you had expected when you had been called to Silco’s office, but you wouldn’t complain, not when you were under his desk, worshipping him like he was divine.
The desk was a gorgeous thing, with a decorative front rather than solid wood. You knew anyone who walked into his office would see you there, and they would know exactly what you were doing. They'd know just how much of a whore you were for him. The thought sent a shiver down your spine, but you didn’t pull away. 
You had been fantasizing about your boss for months now, every time you were called into his office, you were left with far too many ideas in your head. Thoughts about his long, elegant fingers and his carefully pressed suit, about how he could ruin you without messing himself up at all if he wished. You were left to touch yourself in the dark and pretend it was him, it’s not like you could blatantly proposition your boss. You'd be fired at best and killed at worst.
But some god must have smiled down on you, and you were going to take advantage of the opportunity. Carefully bobbing your head, you watched the way he reacted, listening to the soft sounds you could pull from him. You knew you must’ve looked debauched when you pulled back to lick at the tip, and Silco stared down at you with a hungry look. 
You had never felt more like prey, but all it did was spur you on. His shoe pressed between your thighs, a delicious pressure that pulled another whimper out of you. All you wanted was to make him feel good, to hear him moan and know that it was for you.
"Can you be good for me, my lovely? Let me use you?" His voice was strained, and all it did was spur you on further. You nodded as well as you could and he adjusted his grip on your hair. "Good. Tap on my thigh if you need air, yes?"
And with that easy remark, he was thrusting into your mouth, taking control. He didn't bother to hold back his moans now, rough and gorgeous. You were made for his pleasure, he'd take it how he'd please.
"So good for me, so obedient and loyal, aren't you love?"
You knew you'd be whimpering if you weren't trying so carefully to keep getting enough air. He took control so easily, as if he was meant for it and you were meant to be at his feet.
It didn't take long for his hips to begin stuttering in their rhythm and he pulled out of your mouth, an elegant hand wrapping around his cock, stroking himself to completion.
A part of you wished you could taste him on your tongue but he leaned back in his chair as he came, spilling over his fist. He seemed unruffled even now, simply reaching for a handkerchief to clean himself up.
"Well, I can't say I expected that from you, darling. But I'm impressed that you finally gave in to your desires rather than just continuing to stare at me every time you step into the room."
And suddenly his hand was on your jaw, tilting your face up to meet his gaze.
"Now, would you like me to return the favor?"
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moonbeam-writing · 1 year
Arcane Masterlist
๑ Jinx
→ Nothing yet! Feel free to request!
๑ Vi
→ Nothing yet! Feel free to request!
๑ Ekko
→ Nothing yet! Feel free to request!
๑ Caitlyn
→ Nothing yet! Feel free to request!
๑ Viktor
→ Nothing yet! Feel free to request!
๑ Sevika
→ Nothing yet! Feel free to request!
๑ Finn
Anywhere Else
→ Special Event oneshot; Fluff; Two (2) sentences of dialogue; Not at all how I thought it would turn out; Use of/Allusion to They/Them pronouns for the Reader; SFW; 641 words
๑ Silco
→ Nothing yet! Feel free to request!
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iisgoose · 2 years
UPDATE: new chapter of I Only Want You
Sounds the horns everyone! A new chapter is coming soon but before I post it I want to make it clear that I decided to change the way I was writing it. I do plan on editing the other chapters to fit this new writing style. 
I want to thank everyone who is reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. 
One last thing: I have my questions open and I’m open to taking requests for any oneshots your heart desires.
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a-gal-with-taste · 2 years
What Is Seen (Oneshot)
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Summary: The scars are not all you see, when you look at him. And in this moment of peace, warmth and closeness, you take the time to study them... and perhaps, finally, tell the Eye of Zaun what you truly see, when you see him.
Tags: Winter/Holiday Fic, cuddling, mentions of hurt/comfort, romance, some humor, established relationship, tooth-rotting fluff because I said so, sleepy kissing, Happy Holidays!
Silco X GN!Reader | 1397 Words | AO3
Too many gave too much attention to his scars, in your humble opinion. 
Admittedly, you had been the same when hired. Momentarily frozen under the sight of crackled-gray, fitted with blood red enveloped in pitch-black. 
It had struck you, haunted you long-after that first meeting, and lingered in your mind. Standing out as a permanent fixture in your thoughts, for days to come, until your next meeting. 
The meeting following after that meeting, you stopped paying attention to the scars. And, though he'd never truly admit it, you imagined that's when Silco began to pay attention to you as well. 
Love didn't come quickly, but the attraction certainly did. Magnetic forces brought together under the guise of business as he built-up his empire, and you eased-in the supplies with a finesse he quietly appreciated. 
But it wasn't your tactics and reliability that made him call you back, and likewise, it wasn't his scars that drew you in. 
Many claim his ruin-eye to be one of fire. True, but also nonsense; the green is far more in its bare intensity, often barely holding back tides of pure, raw thoughts and emotion in that seagreen gaze. 
It was that seagreen that drew you in, lost you in its depths, again and again, until you forgot the scars entirely. 
Forgot who Silco was sometimes, even. The danger of the sea didn't scare you, after your presence became something more than occasional - in fact, a part of you welcomed the drowning. 
And when at last, talks of business ceased, soon with all attempts at speaking failing as your lips found his, you indeed found the drowning delectable, addictive, and magnetic... 
You were more than happy to drown, again and again. 
Silco, though he never said it aloud, was more than pleased you were so-willing to fall to the depths with him. 
And so, you forget the scars. Quite impossible, yet so simple to cast them from your mind as time goes by, as brushes of skin and lips become more frequent, and less hidden. They simply didn't matter, and you so rarely took notice of them when his low-words and expert hands were far, far more all-encompassing. 
Which is why, in this moment of peace, you study your love - and more importantly, those scars everyone seems to fixate on. 
The fire before you both no-longer roars, but exhibits a heat that has long-since sent the Industrialist in a sleep, one that is much needed. You have no doubt your own body, and the comforter you both share, helped get him to such a relaxed state. 
Head tilting-back on the couch, jaw slackened to let soft little breaths whistle through chipped-teeth in his snores, it's a herculean task not to smooth back the ruffled dark-hairs that have fallen askew over forehead and temple. A task failing quick, as your hands begin to ghost up from its placement along the steady, rhythmic beating of his heart, and coasting further up to gently shuffle those dark locks back.
His breathing hitches, and your own stills.
When it resumes, you draw your hand away, tucking it back beneath the blacket, and against Silco’s chest with a tenderness that still, after all this time, feels unreal. It feels unreal, that you are capable of being this close to the man, and likewise, that he remains so close and so trusting to you.
It feels impossible to think a man like Silco can learn to trust again, when you give attention to the scars.
Guessing his weariness would be long lasting, the patch was placed on to hide away the toxified-eye in his rest, but it does nothing to hide the scars you trace with your eyes. Scars that define him. That changed him, fundamentally and morally, into the Eye of Zaun the Undercity knows of today. A man of ruthless and unapologetic nature, a creature of spite and maliciousness, taken human-form…
Others would flinch. 
You simply lean up to brush your lips against the blackened-grooves, the rigid flesh of his marred cheekbone.
It causes Silco’s breath to hitch, and return from the depths of snoring he had fallen into. You say nothing as he awakens with your name on his lips, only traveling your own to follow the line of his cheekbone beneath ruined skin, layering another slow kiss there, as he lets out a dry sigh.
“You realize, the nerves there are mostly dead,” Silco murmurs, in a perplexed question of sleepy affection, masked as dry sarcasm as he fights back a yawn. “I can neither feel nor sense you there, not in the correct capacity. It’s all… muted.”
“Even when I do this?” Another kiss, this one delivered closer to the hollow of his angular cheek, rather than the sharp-bone beneath. The action only earns you a hum, and the arm slung around your hip tightening.
“How about this?” Closer, edging-along the patch that hides his eye. Silco doesn’t even attempt to struggle back the deep yawn this time, but ends it with a tired sound of your name, that you know is secretly amused beneath the exhaustion.
Traveling your mouth closer to the lobe of his ear, you murmur in that honey-sweet, low pitch that you know has him shuddering. “And this-?”
Lips barely make it there, before he is turning, and capturing your lips with his own. 
You melt into him, and it’s not because of the fireplace that lays before you both. The warmth that spreads through your body, at the simple, nearly chaste kiss he offers, is not one that can be born out of such a physical-element as fire. Rather, it originates from something stronger, more heated and powerful, all encompassing, and burning in your veins, through your heart…
Enough to keep you warm, long after he pulls away to lean his forehead on yours. 
“Amusing yourself with my battle scars?” He questioned, more curious than hostile, but the green-gaze of his flickers over your face regardless. Largely from the force of habit, which you don’t blame him for.
“Not exactly,” You murmur, sliding your hand up once more, to cup the unscarred cheek. “Studying, more like.”
“Care to share your findings?”
A smile dances on your lips, shadowed in the dancing of the flames, as you lean closer to murmur against his mouth once-more with hooded eyes. “They aren’t all that scary.”
“Ha.” Silco rolls the singular eye that remains. “I beg you don’t tell the populace. Or else, I may have to find a new career.”
“I could sponsor you.”
“And I would bleed-you dry,” He says in a dark-sweetness akin to bitter honey, as he nips at your bottom lip in a way that has you squeaking, biting back your own grin in an attempt to stay serious.
“I mean it. I don’t normally take notice of them… don’t normally see them, to be honest.” His brow raises, and you shrug, speaking your truth simply. “They aren’t the features I think of most, when I think of you. Not the focal point, and not what I see, when I think of you.”
“What do you see, then…?” His question grows quiet, as your hands travel up to cup at either-side of his face. Angular, sharp, and rough against one of your palms… but you hold his face with all the tenderness that comes when holding something precious, and gazing at him, as though he is indeed something precious to behold.
“What do you think, Silco?” You murmur simply, hand sliding further upward to push away the patch and returning to his cheek the moment it’s off. “What do you think I see?”
Slower, mismatched eyes flick between your own - from habit, ever-assessing, even with you. It’s not one you would fault him for, and you do not fault him now. Only smile, thumb brushing along the rough ridge of skin beneath the infamous eye, as you look at him. 
Look at the man you love. The man you’re happy to drown into, with those seagreen eyes, and happy to burn for, as you hold one-another close before the flames, and all-knowing he would do the very same...
Love. That’s what you see.
Silco never ends up answering your question.
But you think the long kiss he offers you next, as you lay together in the warmth of a crackling fire, says more than enough.
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fr3sh-tragedies · 2 months
Good Luck Charm
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[Arcane] Jinx x Female Reader
Summary: Jinx has been told she's a mistake and a...well, a jinx her whole life, which is why it's such a surprise when you tell her she's your good luck charm.
Word Count: 3.09k Content Warnings: A small breakdown Category: Angst + Heavy fluff || Oneshot
[A/N]: Not proofread. Just wanted a quick break in between characters again. I couldn't stop myself from writing for this dork, especially after seeing the teaser for season two.
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 “Alrighty, toots, I think I’m gonna head to bed. You wanna come with, or you gonna stay up a bit longer?” You turned your head over to glance at Jinx, watching as she repeatedly turned her chair partially back and forth with her eyes fixed on you. Smiling warmly, you shrugged. “Well, I’m not tired just yet, and I wanted to finish this book,” you started, watching from the corner of your eye as she seemed to slump down at your words already. “But I can just keep reading in bed.”
Jinx stood and let out a small cheer, trotting over to you and gently taking ahold of your wrist to tug you toward the bedroom you often crashed in. Ever since you had grown close to the “loose cannon” of the undercity, things in your life had rapidly changed. It started off simple – you would spend far more time hanging out with her than anyone else. Then, as things started to develop between the two of you, you began staying the night almost every night with Jinx cuddled up against you as you slept. Even when she couldn’t sleep, you could feel her arms wrapped around your shoulders while she traced random patterns against your skin.
When Jinx had told Silco of your relationship, you feared the worst, already preparing to write your will or find a way to escape his wrath. Surprisingly, though, he was rather accepting. When you asked Jinx about it in private, she told you she believed it was because he had seen how happy she had been ever since you showed up. A few days later, her theory was confirmed when Silco had called you into his office to set rules about dealing with Jinx and her issues with trust.
He warned you that Jinx could get extremely clingy and would get overprotective of you, which you had already noticed she had begun to do, so you simply nodded. He continued to speak of things such as her hallucinations and wish to keep her past a secret. You agreed to all of the terms he had set to be with his daughter, unaware of the figure stationed above you on her usual platform. Her eyes were trained solely on you, legs swinging back and forth as she let herself rest on her stomach. With her head cradled in her palms, a wide grin made its way to her lips as you calmly agreed to take care of her.
It seemed, however, that she had done the opposite, meaning she seemed to take care of you more than the other way around. More often than not, if you were outside of her hideout, it would come across more as possessive than anything. She’d blurt out insults and impulsively pick fights with people who threatened or flirted with you.
Once they realized who they were dealing with, they backed off instantly. The few poor souls who decided to test their luck suddenly went missing, as well as Jinx for a short time, and then were never seen or heard from again. You had learned to come to terms with her reckless and apathetic behavior towards outsiders rather quickly.
“Trinket? Hello? You in there, or… did ya leave this planet?” You blinked, glancing back over at the blue-haired girl as she waved her hand in your face.
“Hm? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about what’s going on in my book. I’m near the end, so everything is getting chaotic.” She snickered and hooked her arm around your shoulders as she led you into the bedroom. “Ah, then you’ll have to let me borrow that book sometime. You know I love a bit of chaos. Or a lot of it.” You smiled at her and rolled your eyes, playfully bumping against her and earning another chuckle.
As she plopped down to sit in her spot on the bed, she watched you silently while you flipped your book back open and sat on the other side of the mattress. Once you had leaned back against the pillows, it didn’t take long before you felt a head land gently on your shoulder. A quick look down let you know Jinx had already bundled up under the covers and shuffled over to cuddle against you for the night. With weary eyes, she peered down at the pages of your book, briefly skimming over the short excerpt of the story she could see.
Soon after, she let out a yawn and tucked her head further against your neck. “G’night, sweets. Love you.” You beamed down at her and pressed a small kiss to the top of her head. “Love you too, hun. Sleep well.”
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By the time you had finally woken back up the next day, Jinx had already been up for a few hours. She hadn’t left the bed, but she was tracing patterns and words into your arms and back. When you shifted and yawned, she smiled and perked up rather quickly, sitting up in her spot and peeking down at you. Once you had rolled over to look her in the eye, her grin only grew. “Mornin’, toots. Did you sleep well?” You nodded and sat up, yawning again.
“Yeah, what about you?” She shrugged and toyed with the hem of your sleeve. “Eh, I slept okay. I got kinda restless after a while and woke up, and then I couldn’t go back to sleep.”
You nodded at her words. After a while of you trying to keep your eyes open, you felt Jinx lean against you and tug you close. “I don’t wanna leave to go work on those stupid experiments,” she confessed with a frown. “I just want to stay in here with you. I wish I could come down with you to your job instead.” With a small smirk, you raised a brow and glared over at her. “Oh? And why’s that?” She smirked back at you and slipped her hand down to lace your fingers with her own. “‘Cause I could keep you safe. I could beat up all the pervs that keep trying to get their nasty paws on you.”
A gentle chuckle escaped you as you pulled her further into your side. “Yeah, that’s what makes you my good luck charm. Nothing seems to go wrong for me when you’re near.” You had expected another teasing remark of some kind, though nothing came. Instead, you were greeted with silence. After a while of not receiving any kind of acknowledgment of what you had said, you looked down at Jinx. You blinked in surprise when you saw her gazing right back up at you, eyes filled with a concoction of emotions that couldn’t seem to even out.
Her brows furrowed together. One moment, she seemed confused, and the next, she seemed upset or in disbelief. Similarly to her eyes, her eyebrows couldn’t focus on which emotion to express.
“Uh, hun? You okay?”
“What’d you call me?”
“What did you call me?”
You continued to stare at her, unsure of what you were supposed to say. “I called you ‘hun.’” She shook her head and lifted it from your shoulder to be eye level with you. “No, before that. What did you call me before that?” It took a moment for you to recall what you had said a mere moment ago. The confusion of the new situation had made it hard to wrack your memory. “‘My good luck charm?’”
She was silent for a few minutes, which felt like hours with how thick the tension had grown.
“You think I’m lucky? That I’m a lucky charm to you? Do you really think that?”
An uneasy smile and chuckle left your lips. “Well, yeah, of course I do. I mean, I always love being around you, and because of all you do for me, everything seems to go right when you’re around. You really are like a being of good luck to me.”
She seemed troubled at that, which certainly was not what you had expected. Tears welled up in her eyes and prompted them to grow glossy, though she fought them back. “But – no, I’m not lucky. I’m, I mean, my name is “Jinx” for goodness sake! I’m not good. I’m a horrible person. I mess everything up. How could you possibly believe that I’m a good luck charm? I don’t understand.” You felt your nerves spike, recognizing that she was at the beginning stages of another episode. “Woah, hey,” you whispered, placing a hand softly on her shoulder in an attempt to ground her back into reality before she could fly too far away from the present.
“No, I’m not lucky, I’m a Jinx. I’m the opposite of lucky – I’m unlucky. I didn’t – no, please, I’m not. No, shut up! She’s not trying to – stop it already!” Unintentionally, you leaned back, making sure to keep your hand in place. It seemed like Mylo had taken over again, throwing insult after insult at her and flooding her mind with false realities.
“Love, I’m sorry,” you murmured. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” She glared at you, eyes fixed on you in front of her, though she seemed to be staring so far away. Her eyes flickered as though she were reading some sort of script, incoherent mumbles rolling off her tongue. “No, you shouldn’t be… you didn’t – shut up! You shouldn’t be the one apologizing!”
You remained silent, waiting for the right time to chime in as Mylo continued to torment her. Although you had no idea what he was telling her, you could get a general idea based on the few words you could make out in her sputtering.
It took forever, but she ultimately calmed down, panting for breath and clutching handfuls of hair. When she came back to her senses, she found you holding both of her hands to prevent her from tearing her strands out again. Sometime in between her episode and her break into reality, she had begun copying your breathing the way you had helped her practice each time she had gone through it in the past. At length, she sighed and let her eyes bore down into her lap.
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered.
Softly, you cupped her face in your hands and lifted her head up to look her in the eye. She shifted her focus away from you, unable to meet your gaze. “It’s okay, I promise. I’m not mad.” The feeling of the pads of your thumbs grazing across her cheeks to wipe her tears away brought her a feeling of relief. Her tense shoulders drooped down after she sighed once again.
Moments passed. She finally forced herself to meet your eye. “Did you really mean it?” She whispered with a broken tone. “That you think I’m lucky?” You nodded with a weak grin. Again, tears pricked her eyes, though she leaned forward and buried her face in your shoulder before they could fall. Her arms lifted from her sides, hands grasping at the back of your shirt as she sucked in multiple shaky breaths.
“I’ve always thought you were lucky.”
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Weeks had passed since you had started referring to Jinx as your good luck charm, then it shifted into months, and your list of nicknames began to grow. It became a common occurrence for her to hear you call her “lucky charm,” “charmer,” or even “bluebird.” It seemed as though you were shifting to just focus on positive nicknames instead of entirely pinpointing each play on the words “good luck charm,” though she wasn’t complaining.
She certainly wasn’t used to all of the compliments and the nice names. After all, she had been referred to as a jinx, a screwup, and essentially a burden her entire life up until she met Silco. It would take a while for her to accept what you said as truth, but she had started to come around to the loving nicknames. After a while, she even began to look forward to what you would call her for the day. She had started rubbing off on you in terms of nicknames as well. “Trinket” and “sweets” began to creep into your vocabulary, and she adored the way it sounded rolling off your tongue when it was directed at her.
Soon enough, the positivity had worn down part of her insecurity, so long as she was around you. You made her feel safe and secure, which wasn’t something she was used to either. Often, she could be seen practically bouncing down the halls with a cheesy grin plastered on her face, even if she had just left Silco’s office. Silco and Sevika had definitely taken notice of her sudden shift, and although Sevika didn’t understand why she was so much livelier than normal, Silco found himself smiling more often at the sight of Jinx when she’d suddenly remember the nickname you had chosen for her for the day.
When she’d sit up top on her makeshift platform in Silco’s office, she had to be given reminders in between meetings to settle down. Her legs would swing over the edge and kick at the air rhythmically, and her hands would pat randomly at the wooden planks.
She loved the nicknames, to put it bluntly. She absolutely adored them. Since that night, not once had you referred to her as Jinx. Somehow, even though everyone else called her by her known name, the mere mention of what you were calling her for the day gave her a boost of confidence. Whenever a mission would go wrong, she’d come straight to you to talk about it, then listen with a soft smile as you told her repeatedly how things would be okay and how she’s still your lucky charm.
With how suddenly all the flurry of names were thrown at her, she struggled to pick a favorite. Even so, her energy and overall glee grew daily, even beginning to show in her work. Weapons were crafted more cautiously, produced quicker, and had more expressive markings made by her oil crayons. Sevika didn’t enjoy the increase in enthusiasm, Silco certainly appreciated everything.
He still didn’t fully trust you, though it was growing increasingly obvious to him that you weren’t a threat, and in his eyes, you were there for a reason. You made Jinx happy, and that was all he really wanted in the end. As far as he was concerned, you had his blessing. He knew things could change, but after seeing how you treated her during every emotion she expressed, he figured that was a slim possibility.
As he sat in his office one day, he sighed and ran a hand down his face. The door had closed only a moment ago, and still he could hear the tapping and swaying above him. Leaning back in his chair, he gazed up at Jinx sitting on her small platform, biting back a small smile when he saw her grinning gleefully. “Jinx,” he called out just loud enough for her to hear. She finally turned her attention to him curiously. “Hm?”
“You know you need to be quiet when I have people in here. It’s very distracting with you shuffling around up there.” Jinx chuckled nervously. “Sorry.” He finally allowed himself to smile, catching Sevika off guard from her spot on the sofa. “Why don’t you spend the rest of the day with [Y/N]? You’ve earned a break, both of you.”
Instantly, Jinx dropped from her spot above and landed on Silco’s desk. She crouched down and looked him in the eye. “Really? You’re okay with that?” He nodded. “So long as you two don’t cause any major problems,” he added. She beamed brightly at his words and her eyes lit up. “Thanks!” Within an instant, she turned on her heel and hopped off the desk, already out the door and skipping down the hall to find you.
Silco grinned softly with a small shake of his head. He leaned forward again and motioned for Sevika to shut the door as he picked up a few papers to straighten them.
When Sevika returned to her spot on the sofa, she huffed out a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. She bit her tongue with what she wanted to say, but a look of warning from Silco made her waver. “What are you breathing so heavily for?” She waited, trying to rephrase her words before speaking them, but ultimately gave up.
“It’s nothing against either of you. I’ve just never seen her this energetic before, and I’ve seen her get energetic in the past.” To her relief, Silco hummed and smiled. “Yes, she’s certainly been in a better mood as of lately. It’s refreshing, in a way.”
Sevika waited momentarily, unsure of what to say. “You think that girl is the reason she’s been so cheery?” “I know she is. Her name is [Y/N]. She’s known Jinx for a couple of years now, and the two of them have grown quite close in such a short amount of time. I don’t entirely approve of that girl, but Jinx has taken a liking to her, and I’d be a fool to take that away from her.”
Even with her disliking of  the blue-haired girl, Sevika couldn’t help but grin at his words. “Yeah, it is nice to see she’s stable with someone. I was worried she’d drive someone away. [Y/N], was it? She’s patient, and that’s definitely good for someone like Jinx. To be honest, I’m glad they met.”
“Yes, I am as well. I suppose I should include a few of the names [Y/N] has been using to refer to Jinx as when speaking to her. It seems to put her in a better mood, as you’ve said, and I’ve noticed an improvement in her crafts and missions.” A chuckle slipped from Sevika before she could stop it. “Yeah, she hasn’t screwed up another task in a while.”
Sevika swallowed and cleared her throat. “Sorry, sir. It was nothing.”
All the while, as they chatted away about her improvement, Jinx trailed down the hallway and all the way to her hideout. When she saw you there, sitting comfortably by her desk in the extra chair she had pulled into the room to have you nearby while she worked, she couldn’t help the smile that stretched across her lips from ear to ear. As she grew closer, she wondered what you would refer to her as that day.
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lullabyes22-blog · 8 months
Arcane Fanfic Scenarios
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Fic scenarios that will probs never get written but are fun to imagine:
Bobby Pins and Angel Wings: Five times Jinx and Ekko nearly kissed - and the one time they did. Bittersweet snippets of childhood games and cozy rooftop chats, told in flashback form. All interwoven with Jinx and Ekko going all-out during a shoot-out in the present day.
Category: Angst, Fluff, Violence.
Ships: Jinx x Ekko
Some Like it Hot: Crack oneshot. Silco makes a guest appearance on Hot Ones and dishes out the complexities of revolution and the struggles of running the drug trade and being a single father - all while absolutely devouring the ghost peppers.
Y'all. This is Zaun. You expect them not to have spicy food?
Ends with Sean Evans going utterly non-verbal after trying one of Zaun's own homebrewed concoctions... while Silco chugs a glass of yogurt and smiles slyly for the cameras.
And then gets the hiccups<3
Category: Crack, Humor, Politics.
Ships: Zaun x Spicy cuisine.
Arcane Meets Isekai: Character-x-Reader themed Choose Your Own Adventure where reader is flung into the chaotic and magical world of Runeterra, and ends up simultaneously stealing the hearts of a shyly brilliant scientist (Viktor) and a ruthless Undercity revolutionary (Silco). Shenanigans ensue. Multiple endings and wild scenarios. Heimerdinger's poro was hurt in the making of this story - and will be hurt again.
Category: Angst, Fluff, Crack, Smut.
Ships: Primarily Viktor x Reader and Silco x Reader. But there can be so much more.
Empires Rise and Fall: Silco and Mel and up brokering a marriage pact to keep their cities united. It's an unexpected match made in Heaven - with a dash of Hell. Also a warlord mother-in-law who refuses to keep her nose out of the marital chamber. And a step-daughter creeping like a golem in the rafters...
Drabbles of the angsty, fluffy, smutty and political variety. Plus a honeymoon in Noxus. Complete with near abductions and survived assassination attempts.
"Mawwiage. That bwessed awwangement. That dweam within a dweam..."
Category: Angst, Smut, Fluff.
Ships: Silco x Mel, Silco x Power, Mel x Politics.
Through a Glass Darkly: Extremely dark fic. Silco's life post-drowning. Details everything from his recovery, to his rise as a kingpin-on-the-make, to the development of Shimmer, to his alliance with Singed, and his plans for payback. All while he watches Vander from afar with his new family, and plots to destroy both.
Also features plenty of near run-ins with baby Powder - and a sense of fated inevitability. 
The shark was always lying in wait.
Unbeknownst to him, so was fatherhood.
Category: Angst, Gore.
Ships: Silco x Vander
Snakes and Ladders: A retelling of Forward but Never Forget/XOXO from Mel's PoV. Plenty of MelJay cuteness, flashbacks of her life as a Noxian heiress, the grim legacy of Ambessa's lessons, her childhood games with Kino, and a darkly decadent slice of Mel × Silco, as her elusive arch-ally lures her deeper and deeper into the labyrinth of snakes and ladders that is Zaun...
Category: Angst, Smut, Fluff.
Ships: Mel x Jayce, Mel x Silco.
Redux: Multichapter monstrosity. A time travel AU where Jinx, twenty seven years old, is embroiled in an ongoing battle with Piltover - and with her sister Vi. Tired, disillusioned, and with only her ghosts for company, she reminisces bittersweetly about her girlhood days with Silco. Then she breaks into Ekko's workshop and steals his infamous watch, ready to tamper with it and go back all the way to the beginning, before the Day of Ash.
This time she'll make sure they all live: her parents, Vander, Vi, Silco, Ekko, Benzo, Mylo and Claggor.
Safe together.
Long story short: she miscalculates and ends up at the midway point before Vander drowns Silco in the Pilt. Now Jinx has to keep her wits and hide her secrets, as she struggles to survive in a much deadlier and more volatile Zaun. All while she ingratiates herself into their revolutionary circle, and attempts to heal the rift between its two leaders, before it can widen further.
Easier said than done when both men begin taking an interest in Jinx for their own mercenary agenda. And by the end, will slit each others' throats to see said agenda fulfilled. 
Where is that Boy Savior when you need him?
Written as a darkly comical fic from Jinx's POV. Back-to-the-Future flavored adventures. Full of booms, oopsie-loopsies, and political commentary.
All our girl wants is to undo the jinx before it jinxes everyone. Instead, she ends up getting baby Powder quite literally 'unalived,' causing heaps of destruction, and accidentally becoming a mentor figure to young Vi. Meanwhile, as Silco's peer rather than his beloved daughter, she can't help but be confronted with glaring flaws in her pedestalized Papa's ideology. All while young Silco, convinced she's either a spy in their midst, or his very own Lady of the Lake sent to illuminate the rightness of Zaun's path, finds his extremist tendencies widening by a mile. Much like Vander's violent streak and his determination to nip Silco's plans in the bud...
A fix-it fic gone off the rails. Don't time travel, folks.
Oh, and there's a sweet Timebomb twist by the end<3
Category: Angst, Horror, Fluff, Comedy, Mood Whiplash Galore.
Ships: Ekko x Jinx, Silco x Vander, Silco x Revolution, Jinx x Chaos.
141 notes · View notes
abitohoney · 6 months
All I Want for Christmas Is You
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Chapter 6 of 6 - Bells are Ringing
AO3 link
CH1 || CH2 || CH3 || CH4 || CH5 || CH6
Sevika x female reader
Rating: Explicit, MDNI, 18+, NSFW
Tags: Sevika/Reader, AU - Modern Setting, Established Relationship, Fluff and Smut, Lesbian Sex, Cunnilingus, Teasing, Humor, Vaginal Fingering, Orgasm Delay (nothing extreme), Begging, Strap-Ons, Face-Sitting, Corny & Cheesy Dialogue, kinda sappy, light bondage
Word Count: 7.4k
Fic Summary: It’s your first year spending the holidays with Sevika, and though the two of you couldn’t be any different in your level of holiday spirit or view of the traditions that come with it, your shared adoration (and sexual attraction) for each other is more than enough to get both of you through it together.
A collection of little holiday-inspired scenes, technically chronological, but really could be read in any order or as stand-alone oneshots. Includes a nice blend of sugar (fluff) and spice (smut).
Chapter Summary: Beyond excited at the prospect of marrying your one true love, you arrange a small wedding in record time. In less than a week's time, you’ve got your special day planned and set for New Year's Eve. (includes a nice blend of sugar and spice)
AN: Brand new chapter for this holiday season!!!
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Beyond excited at the prospect of marrying your one true love, you arrange a small wedding in record time. In less than a week's time, you’ve got your special day planned and set for New Year's Eve. It helps that the only guests invited are Sevika’s- and by extension your- friends. Silco and all his crazy crew.
Turns out your impatience paid off for more than just you. You learn Sevika is actually quite a mess of nerves when it comes to these things. In those few days leading up to your big day, she’s either pacing your home muttering things to herself or smoking cigarillo after cigarillo at your tiny kitchen table and nervously tapping her foot nonstop.
When the day arrives though, it couldn’t be any closer to perfect. There’s a lovely dusting of snow covering the ground, trees, and buildings. The sun shines brightly above, making everything sparkle like something from a lovely snow globe. It’s chilly, but without a single breeze, it’s actually comfortable.
You sit in the small dressing room connected to the reception hall, donning just a white corset bra and short slip as Ran works on your hair and makeup. You’re rather surprised at how skilled they are, not only in application and technique, but also in selecting such a beautiful mix of silver and white accents. Ran even dons a lovely silver suit, and subtle streaks of sparkling silver in their choppy black hair.
Just as Ran finishes up your lipstick, you hear the door fly open.
“Here’s your dress lady!” Jinx hollers as she comes bounding over to the two of you, slinging your wedding dress around like a ragdoll.
She knows your name, but insists on calling you ‘lady’. Likely something to do with her dislike of Sevika and thus you by relation. You take no offense to it, honestly finding it rather entertaining. How your forty-year-old fiance managed to have beef with a teenager is something you’ve yet to learn, but it amuses you nonetheless.
“Thanks Jinx,” you reply with a smile, “You can just hang it up right there.” You nod towards a small rack behind a privacy screen.
She all but throws it onto the rack before clomping over to inspect Ran’s work. As she leans down, well into your personal bubble, you try not to laugh at her scrunched up face while she scrutinizes your makeup. She too is all dolled up with silver and white. Although it’s obvious she did her own work considering it looks as though she’d simply locked herself in a closet and set off one of her bombs, but full of silver and white glitter.
“Nice job Ran,” she finally exclaims before straightening back up with a dramatic swing of her blue braids. “She looks halfway decent.” Her bright eyes look down at your figure before meeting your eyes. “Lady, I really don’t know what you see in Sevika. You should marry Ran. Ran’s single.”
You nearly choke at that last comment, eyes growing wide.
Ran appears considerably less shocked, their dark lips curling into a crooked grin.
“Well, Jinx, I see a lot in Sevika–”
“Also I thought white dresses were only for virgins.”
Now Ran bursts into snorts and barely contained giggles.
You narrow your eyes at the mischievous blue-haired girl.
“What?” she exclaims, then dramatically rolls her eyes and head. “Everyone knows you two did the dirty deed in Silco’s pantry at the Christmas party.” She accents those words with a circle of thumb and pointer finger on one hand, sticking the pointer finger of the other hand repeatedly in and out of the circle.
Ran’s thoroughly enjoying themselves now, and you can’t decide whether you should laugh at Jinx’s crude and ridiculous gesture, or be embarrassed by the fact that more than just Silco knew what you and Sevika had done.
“Speaking of that lumbering oaf, I’m gonna go see how Silco is fairing with his attempt to make her less ugly,” Jinx states before promptly spinning on her heel and skipping towards the door to an adjacent room.
You turn back to Ran, who is just finally recovering from the hilarity of that scene. “I really don’t know what to make of that girl,” you admit, “She’s funny, but obviously blind. Sevika is literally the most attractive woman I’ve ever met.”
Ran shrugs before starting to pack up all their supplies.
You make your way to the floor-length mirror behind the privacy screen to admire your hair and makeup. Ran had really outdone themselves. All that was left was to slip into your wedding dress. A quick glance to the clock says you have less than twenty minutes before the ceremony starts. You wonder how Sevika is fairing. You hadn’t seen her since breakfast that morning, and she had been a disaster of fried nerves.
You hear the door to her dressing room fly open suddenly, followed by the cackling of Jinx as she prances back in.
“What’s so funny?” you ask suspiciously as you step back out from the screen.
“Sevika is freaking out!” she cackles.
Oh no.
Brows knitted in worry, you rush past Jinx and towards the door.
“Hey! Isn’t it bad luck for her to see you before the wedding?” Jinx calls out.
“I don’t care. She needs me. Besides, I’m not in my dress yet.”
The moment you step into the room, you realize just how bad it is. Sevika is sitting, or at least she’s in a chair, but bouncing her legs so erratically it looks like she’s got bugs. She’s facing Silco as he works on applying her makeup. Or at least trying to.
Before you can even say anything, Sevika’s wild eyes are on you and she’s leaping from her chair, ignoring the fact that the eyeliner Silco was in the process of applying has now left a black streak clear down the side of her cheek.
“Oh, that’s not a problem. I’ve just been trying to apply your makeup for the past hour,” Silco drawls with a dramatic throw of his hands.
“Babygirl!” Sevika exclaims, her stormy gray eyes taking in your state of undress, “Are you okay?”
She too is not fully dressed, donning only a pair of white boxer briefs and a white wife pleaser.
Silco turns in his seat to peer over his shoulder at you, rolling his good eye before capping the liner and tossing it into the pile of cosmetics.
Sevika steps around Silco to get a closer look at you. Her brows are knitted in worry and sweat beads along her hairline. She really was freaking out.
“I’m okay,” you assure her, taking her human hand into yours and rubbing it soothingly. “But it looks like you aren’t. What’s wrong?”
“I’m fi-” Sevika pauses, her eyes growing wide. “Where are the rings?!”
She spins around, searching the small room in a frenzy. You have honestly never seen your fiance so frazzled in all your time with her. She was usually so level-headed, or at worst furious, though never with you. She was quite literally a hot mess.
“Sevika, they should be in your jacket pocket. Remember, we put them in there this morning so you wouldn’t lose them.” You pick up her jacket from where it hangs over the back of a chair, pulling out the two boxes from the inside pocket. “See. They're right here. No need to worry.”
Sevika spins around and you can literally see the relief wash over her face. After you slip them back into the pocket and lay the jacket back down you take her hand again and pull her close. You smile up at her softly. Using the side of your thumb, you wipe away the bead of sweat at her temple. “Everything is going to be just fine,” you assure her. She doesn’t appear to believe that, her brows still tightly knitted in worry. So you take her human hand and sneak it under the back of your slip so she can feel the skin of your bare ass. The corner of her mouth twitches as she takes a handful and squeezes.
So close.
You wrap your arms around her neck and pull her down for a sweet kiss. Or at least you intended it to be. The moment she pulls your body flush to hers, she seems to relax. Her tongue prods at your lips, which you happily grant entrance. She swirls her tongue around yours, both of you moaning softly.
Silco intentionally clears his throat, but neither of you pay him any mind. You’re not about to stop kissing your fiance when you can literally feel her worries melting away, taken over by lust.
Her metal hand joins her flesh hand beneath your slip, grabbing a handful of your other asscheek and gently kneading it. She slots her knee between your legs and uses her grip on your ass to drag you up along her thigh. The long, deep moan you release echoes in the tiny room when she finally breaks the kiss to catch her breath.
The two of you stare into each other’s hooded eyes, aching, needy, and oblivious to everything else around you. Specifically Silco.
“I want to fuck you right here. Right now ,” Sevika husks, emphasizing that last word by dragging your aching cunt up along her thigh again.
“Sevika,” you whine, recalling you two have only a little time left before you need to be out and ready for the ceremony. But Janna, do you want her right now.
“No. Really, don’t mind me. I rather enjoy a free show,” Silco drawls sarcastically from his seat.
“Sevika, we have to get ready,” you say softly.
She stares down at you for a moment, lips parted as she contemplates. You know she’s fighting between admitting you’re right, the logic, and wanting to fuck you silly against the door, the instinct.
“If the two of you wish to be at your own wedding- on time- I suggest you save your escapades for tonight,” Silco drawls.
Sevika releases a long sigh.
He’s right.
You’re right.
She releases her hold on you and steps back.
Though she looks just as hot as she did moments ago, new beads of sweat glistening against her dark skin, she at least doesn’t appear to be the least bit worried. But, just to make sure, you grab the small flask of whiskey you had snuck into the other pocket of her jacket and pass it to her.
“Drink. I need you to relax and enjoy our big day.” Realizing her eyes are not on your face, you follow their stare to find she’s focused on your breasts, which are pushed up and out thanks to your ridiculously tight corset-style bra. You smirk up at her. “Why don’t you give each one a kiss for good luck.”
Silco groans loudly.
Sevika’s lips curl into a smirk and she bends down to not only give each breast a soft kiss, but also to make an attempt at sucking a bruise into the supple flesh.
“Sevika!” you chastise, “You can’t mark them. People are going to see it!”
“That’s the point,” Sevika mumbles against your skin before licking a long stripe from one breast to the other. As she straightens back up, she flashes you one of her lopsided grins, knowing damn well she was pushing your buttons and getting you worked up.
With a roll of your eyes, you stretch up to kiss her cheek. “Save the bad behavior for tonight,” you tell her before heading back to your dressing room.
Now you’re horny and hot as hell, and you’ve got to get into your dress and somehow manage to look and act normal as you walk down the aisle towards the woman who got you so hot and heavy in the first place.
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Though you managed to finish getting ready with plenty of time to spare, you can’t help but worry about Sevika.
You stand beside Ran, arm linked with theirs, as you wait for your time to walk down the aisle. The aisle is a long, white length of silk that runs down the sidewalk that leads from the sliding glass door you stand before, clear up to a beautiful gazebo. The gazebo is dressed in lovely drapes of white and silver silks, flowers, and a sprinkling of lovely green sprigs. The snow is lightly falling, creating the perfect winter scene, just as you’d always imagined it. And the icing on the cake; you can see your gorgeous fiance standing under the gazebo, dressed in a beautiful white suit, perfectly tailored to her muscular and curvy build. Her silver tie sparkles just as brightly as the snow surrounding the area, as does the lovely white snowflake pin that holds her silky ebony strands back in its typical half-ponytail. She looks absolutely stunning.
Silco stands back and off to the side, dressed in a silver suit similar to Ran’s, acting as both best man and the one to give Sevika away. Even from this distance, you can see the small smirk on his face as he watches Sevika. It honestly warms your heart how damn cute this is.
You take a deep breath, and slowly release it through your nose. Nerves tingle and burn beneath your skin, but you wear the most enthusiastic smile. It’s a wild mixture of anxiety and excitement bubbling up with each passing second.
Ran taps you on your arm and you turn to find them giving you an encouraging grin. “Ready?”
You take one more breath, then nod.
Ran opens the glass door, arm still linked with yours, and guides you out as the music plays.
The guests, only a couple dozen or so, all turn from their seats in the chairs along the front of the gazebo to watch. It’s almost comical, seeing all of Silco’s crazy crew all dressed up in fancy suits and dresses, all full of bright smiles as you walk down the aisle. Some even look close to tears.
But your attention is quickly drawn to your waiting fiance whose eyes are locked on you. Sevika smiles that cute little crooked smile you love so much as she takes in the sight of you in your beautiful white dress and fluffy white shawl. The snow is feather soft as it falls on you and your guests. Though Sevika is sheltered beneath the gazebo, you can see specs of snow just starting to melt into her dark hair.
You’re all smiles and bright eyes as Ran walks you up the stairs leading to the podium where Sevika stands with the officiant. Seeing her up close, you can really see how downright stunning she is. Her white suit fits deliciously snug, accenting every line of muscle, every curve of chest, hip, and waist. The silver tie, snug to her neck, sparkles much like her silver eyes. But what really knocks you out is the way she’s smiling at you. Like you are literally the most beautiful and perfect thing in the world to her. Your heart swells knowing that’s exactly what’s going through her head.
You stand across from her, nodding to Ran as they step aside and towards the back as your maid of honor.
As the officiant addresses the guests, you almost tune him out entirely, too lost in grinning at your wife-to-be, who appears just as lost in you. Your warm breaths mingle, little white clouds swirling and mixing between you. Though the air is chilly, your entire body heats with excitement and adoration.
Sevika looks as if she’s finally lost all those anxious thoughts. You’re not sure if it’s the drink you handed her earlier, or if she’s just too distracted by you to care. Whatever the reason, you’re grateful that she finally looks comfortable. This moment is just as much for her as it is you.
Sevika repeats her vows as if on autopilot, her eyes on you the entire time even as she slips her hand into her pocket to retrieve your ring.
“With this ring, I thee wed.” Her voice is deep and low, as if she only intends for you to hear. As if you’re the only person there.
Your cheeks burn and ache with how hard you smile as she slips the ring on your finger. She must be feeling the same, her smirk so big and wide you can see that adorable little tooth gap of hers.
She hands you her ring from the same pocket and you can hardly contain your glee as you slip it onto her thick finger. “With this ring, I thee wed,” you say softly, voice shaking with excitement and emotion. You feel the familiar prick at the corners of your eyes, so close to bursting into happy tears.
Sevika’s eyes are glued to your lips and her fingers twitch at her sides. She knows what comes next.
“You may seal your union with a kiss.”
The officiant barely finishes his sentence before Sevika’s metal hand is gripping your waist and pulling you against her body. Her human hand slides along the side of your cheek, fingers behind your head guiding your lips to hers in a bruising kiss.
She kisses you like she’s been craving it for years. All tongue and teeth with no regard to the onlookers. Not that they seem to mind as they cheer, clap, and whistle.
You wrap your arms around her neck and attempt to match her fervor only for her to pull you impossibly closer. Her tongue swirls around your own. You’re almost dizzy and out of breath by the time she finally releases you.
She rests her forehead against yours, a dopey smile on her face as the two of you attempt to catch your breath. The condensation from your now much warmer breaths almost clouds your vision.
“Not even death will take you from me,” she whispers.
You beam up at her. You’re not sure how that could be true, but you believe every word she says.
The two of you walk hand in hand down the aisle together as the guests toss the freshly fallen snow at you. You giggle and shield your face against Sevika’s shoulder, clinging to her bicep and trusting her to guide you back to the reception hall.
By the time the two of you manage to get inside, you’re both covered in the white fluffy snow. You do your best to dust it off Sevika’s suit and hair as she does the same to you.
Sevika grabs you by your forearms and pulls you against her. You gasp at the unexpected move, nearly forgetting how to breathe when you meet her fiery gaze. She looks ravenous.
“I want to fuck you,” she husks, her lips a hairsbreadth from yours.
“I- I do too, but-” you start, words failing you when she teases her tongue along your bottom lip.
“But nothing,” she rasps, “Let me take you into that dressing room and fuck you for the first time as my wife.”
Your cheeks burn and your core aches at her words. As tempting as it is- as tempting as she is- you two will be expected out in the reception hall any minute.
“We- we just need to be patient. After the reception, we can start our honeymoon and do it as many times as you want.”
“How long is the reception,” she all but growls in frustration.
You giggle at her impatience. Though you don’t entirely blame her. You’re just as enthused to consummate your marriage.
“A few hours.”
“Fuck,” she curses, shaking her head while it still rests against yours. “Babygirl, I can’t wait that long.”
“You can,” you insist, “I know you can. Just be patient and it will all be worth it.” You pull back from her. She reluctantly releases you from her grasp, her nostrils flaring in sexual frustration. “Just think how much more fun it will be when you can finally release all that pent-up energy.” You reach up on your toes to kiss the tip of her nose before whispering in her ear. “I’ll let you have me however you wish.”
You pull back to examine her face. That soft, sexy smirk is back. Seems you’ve placated her. At least for now.
“Now come on, wife , let’s go entertain our guests,” you say as you link your arm with hers.
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The reception goes on without a single problem. With an open bar, you were pretty sure Silco’s crew would be more than content, no matter the circumstances. Most of them mingle amongst each other near the bar after dinner, but several do make it to the dance floor where you and your wife spend a good part of the night.
The first song is specifically for you and Sevika. It’s slow and sweet. Sevika surprises you, remaining well-behaved despite how close she holds your body to hers. Her arms are wrapped tightly around your waist, yours around her neck as the two of you sway back and forth to the slow tempo.
You both wear soft, adoring smiles, gazes locked and turning out everyone else around you. Sevika tilts her head before dipping down to press a chaste kiss to your lips. Your skin warms and tingles at the sweet gesture. Then she brings her mouth to your ear. You expect her to whisper something dirty, but you’re left pleasantly surprised.
“I love you.”
Those three simple words nearly take you out at the knees. When she pulls back to peer down at you, you’re certain you’re going to cry. How did you ever get so lucky to snag such a beast of a woman whose heart she only shares with you? No one else gets to experience this side of her. At least not up close and personal like this.
“I love you too,” you choke out, so damn close to breaking into tears. You rest your head on her strong shoulder, face buried against her neck for the remainder of the song, not trusting yourself to keep it together if you remain looking at her.
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Several drinks in and Sevika definitely starts losing that control, quickly shifting from sweet, lovey-dovey to that fiery passion you knew all too well. Not that you’re complaining. Even your inhibitions start to slip away the more you drink and dance.
By the time the DJ calls for you and Sevika to the middle of the dance floor for Sevika to remove your garter, Sevika has lost all restraint.
Sitting on the chair facing your guests, you know you’re in for it with how Sevika eyes you like fresh meat. It’s no surprise when she puts her whole upper body beneath the skirt of your dress. Not at all necessary for the task at hand, but you know she’s got other things on her mind than just retrieving that tiny bit of lace wrapped around your thigh.
You take your bottom lip between your teeth, biting back the sounds that threaten to escape as you feel her lips press against the inside of your calf. Your cheeks burn under the scrutiny of so many people. And it only worsens when you feel the press of Sevika’s warm, wet tongue slowly gliding up the inside of your thigh. The one without the garter.
Sensing her final destination, you bring your hand to cover your mouth and hope the audience thinks it’s just to stifle giggles. She reaches your thin lace panties and pauses. Unknowingly, you hold your breath, legs damn near trembling in anticipation. It’s a good thing you have your hand over your mouth. There’s no holding back the wanton mewl she pulls from you as she slides that devilish tongue clear up the center of your slit, moaning as she tastes your arousal through the thin fabric.
You close your thighs around her head, realizing all too late that you’d just sealed your own fate. She takes advantage of her locked position, her mouth pressing against your barely clothed cunt. Another swipe of that thick muscle has your mind reeling and your core clenching.
Just when you think she’s going to do it again, she takes mercy on you and pries your thighs open. She moves to the opposite thigh, her teeth catching on the edge of the lace lining the garter and smoothly pulls it down your leg and off over your heel. She stands, garter still between her teeth, cheshire smile on her smug face. She grins at your flushed face for a moment before turning to the audience to show off her successful retrieval.
Everyone cheers, hoots, and hollers, spurring on that ego of hers. If you weren’t so damn flustered, you would give her a good piece of your mind. Unfortunately, you aren’t even sure you can manage to stand on your wobbly legs.
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The remainder of the night doesn’t get any less risque. After several more drinks and dirty, slow-grinding songs, Sevika removes her jacket, rolls up her shirt sleeves, and loosens her tie. She stands behind you, hands on your hips as she grinds against your backside to the beat.
Her mouth moves up along the side of your neck, sucking, licking and nipping at the stretch of delicate skin. You tilt your head to the opposite side, granting her more access as you moan softly, uncaring if any of your guests on the dance floor can hear.
Her lips pause at your ear. “How much longer are we gonna do this, babygirl?” she husks.
You hum and smile as you push your ass further back into her, rubbing it in a motion you know she can really feel.
She growls and nips at your ear. “If we don’t go soon I’ll just drag you to the bathroom and fuck you there.”
You slide your hands down the side of your body until they meet hers where they grip your hips. “Aren’t you the one who always speaks of patience?” You tease. “We’ll be done soon. Couple more songs.” You glance around the room, there’s only a few stragglers over at the bar and a couple on the dance floor. “Almost everyone has left.”
“Well then maybe I’ll fuck you right here then,” she purrs, sliding her flesh hand down to cup your cunt through the layers of your skirt.
“Sevika!” you chastise, but it’s lost to her in the way you moan her name and grind against her hand.
She chuckles, warm breath wafting over your neck and shoulders, and good god you are very tempted to take her up on either of those offers.
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You two barely make it to your private little cabin she booked for your honeymoon before she attempts to rip your dress off. You stumble in as she kicks the door shut behind her, her hands ripping at the zipper of your dress. The dress falls into a pool on the floor, quickly forgotten. You’re left in just your corset bra and slip skirt.
“Wait!” you exclaim as she attempts to rip those off as well. “I bought something special for the occasion!”
“So What. I’m just gonna rip off whatever you put on,” she husks and pulls you back towards her by your waist.
“Fine, but at least let me put it on so you can see it once!” you insist. You squirm in her grasp, too tipsy to manage your movements. Not that you would have ever stood a chance against her strength anyway. “It will be real quick. I promise.” When you dodge her mouth reaching for your neck, she finally caves.
“Fine. But make it quick,” she huffs.
You scramble over to your suitcase, nearly toppling over when you bend down to pull the bag out that hides your lingerie. Sevika snorts from her spot leaning against the wall behind you and you shoot her a nasty glare. “You’re a bit drunk too,” you remind her, “You hit your head not only getting into the limo, but also getting out.”
She rolls her eyes before her hungry gaze follows you as you saunter- or more like wobble- towards the bathroom.
You’re grateful for selecting a fairly simple set of lingerie. In your current state there’s no way you would manage anything complicated. After slipping out of your bra and slip with minimal tipping over, you quickly pull on your white, lacy babydoll. You take a quick glance in the mirror, pleased to find the cut of the babydoll perfect. It accents every curve delightfully and reveals just enough skin to tease.
“Thought you said this would be quick!” Sevika grunts from just outside the door.
When you sneak back out the door, you don’t bother hiding the grin painting your face. You know she’s going to like your little outfit, even if she does rip it off you. “Patience, Sev,” you purr.
She pushes herself off the wall and turns to you. You swear you can see her pupils widen the moment her gaze travels up your scantily clad form. That lovely crooked grin of hers appears and you can’t help but giggle at her obvious approval.
“You like it?” you ask sweetly.
She steps closer, that sexy smirk curling higher. “I do.” She slides a finger across the fabric hugging your breasts. “In fact-” She lets that finger glide down the thin fabric between your cleavage and licks her lips. “-I think we’ll keep it on tonight.”
You giggle. “Doubt that.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Is that a challenge?”
You reach up to grab her tie with a playful smile. “I bet you can’t last more than three minutes before you’re ripping this outfit to shreds.” You start to pull her towards you as you slowly back your way to the bed.
Her lips curl into a crooked grin. “Oh you wanna make a bet, babygirl?” Her hands find your hips, eyes locked on yours as you continue to pull her.
You nod.
“I win, you’re mine to do with as I please for the entire night.” Her voice is low and dangerous. As if what she’d do with you would truly be devastating. But you both know, no matter who wins, you’re both going to enjoy it.
“Well if I win, which we both know I will, you’re mine to do with as I please for the entire night,” you counter.
You take a quick glance at the clock beside the bed. 11:41. She’s got to last until 11:45. Highly unlikely. Your attention returns to her and don’t bother trying to hide your confident smile.
The backs of your knees bump into the mattress and you tug on her tie, pulling her lips to yours. Both of you moan into each other’s mouths, tongues swirling and fighting for dominance. Of course Sevika wins, every part of her overpowers you. Not that you mind.
You continue to pull her along as you sit on the bed and scoot backward. She follows without breaking the kiss, her knees moving along the bed on either side of your thighs. It’s not until your head collapses against the pillows that you finally release her and break the kiss. Lips parted and wet, you both attempt to catch your breath.
Sevika hovers over you, her hands on either side of your shoulders and knees on either side of your hips, eyes half-lidded and burning with lust.
After a moment she finally rises on her knees. She loosens her tie and pulls it over her head. Her grin is lecherous. That should have been your warning, but rather than toss the tie aside as you expect, she scoops your wrists up and wraps the tie around them before securing the other end to the headboard.
Your gasp of surprise is met by a sinister little chuckle. One that has that familiar ache between your thighs pulsing.
She quickly removes her white blouse and tosses it aside before shimmying out of her pants, leaving her in just her white wife pleaser and boxer briefs.
Her mouth crashes into yours again. This time her kiss is wild. Sloppy. But she doesn’t linger there long before she’s making her way down the side of your jaw to your neck. She moves her knees, pressing them between yours and forcing you to spread them open.
You wrap your legs around her waist, moaning as she finds your pulse point and sucks hard. Then she’s moving even lower until her mouth finds your breasts. You desperately want to thread your fingers into her hair as she sucks matching love bruises into the plump flesh of each breast, releasing a frustrated huff and pulling against your restraints. You can feel her lips curl into a devious smile, clearly amused by your distress.
“You’re an ass,” you whisper breathlessly.
“You love it,” she mumbles before licking a long stripe between your cleavage.
As much as you’d like to argue that fact, not only is she right, but your head empties the moment she rocks her hips, dragging herself between your legs.
“Sevika,” you whine, eyes fluttering shut as pleasure rolls through your body.
She chuckles and rocks her hips again.
You can already feel the desire pooling low in your belly. The two of you have been craving each other the entire day. It’s not going to take much to get either of you off. Especially not when she keeps acting so fucking cocky.
One of her hands grope at your breast while the other remains on the mattress. She continues to grind into you, pulling moan after moan from your parted lips. Her fingers slip beneath the cup of your lingerie and attempt to pull it down.
She growls in frustration, the fit of your lingerie apparently a little too good. The rhythm of her hips falters as she diverts her attention to her attempt at removing the offending material. You peer down at her through hooded eyes, a small smile on your face as you witness her struggles.
She mutters something under her breath, most likely a curse, and you barely contain your laughter. It’s only a matter of time before her frustration boils over and she rips your clothes off, just as you said she would.
She glances up at your bound arms, realizing she can’t pull the lingerie off over your head and it’s her own damn fault.
This time you snicker and she flashes you a nasty look. She sits up on her knees, and even though you know what’s coming next, you still release a startled squeal when she reaches down with her clawed metal fingers and tears right through the flimsy lace. She doesn’t stop there either, making short work of your underwear as well.
Now she’s the one chuckling. Not that it matters to you. A quick glance to the clock, 11:43, and you’ve confirmed your victory.
“You lost!” You exclaim, but you’re not prepared to find that smug smile still painting your wife’s face.
“Did I, though?” She taunts, her eyes darting up to your bound hands, then back to your surprised face.
Realization sinks in, but before you can protest, her mouth descends to your breast, teeth clamping down on the hardened peak.
Your sharp gasp dissolves into a soft moan as she soothes the marks she left with a swirl of her tongue. Your eyelids fall closed again. Her lips remain curled in a devious grin while she continues to suck and tease the sensitive nub.
She moves to pay the same attention to your other nipple, alternating between biting, licking, and sucking. All the while you strain against the tie holding your wrists, desperately wanting to touch her. To guide her head lower where your body aches for her the most.
“Sevika, please,” you whine, arching your back when she bites down particularly hard.
“Please what?” she asks.
Your eyes slowly flutter open to find her smirking face now hovering over yours.
“Please touch me.” You know those words won’t be enough for her. They never are. She’s a sadist who loves to make you tell her exactly what you want, just so she can see you flustered. Though you'd be lying if you said that didn’t make your core burn just as much as it did your cheeks.
“I’ve been touching you, sweetheart.” she teases.
“Lower…” your whine trails off into a wanton moan when she intentionally pushes a knee between the apex of your thighs.
“Use your words. Tell me where you want me to touch you.” She’s taunting you, but Janna it’s so damn sexy, especially with that husky voice of hers.
You squirm beneath her, trying desperately to rub yourself against her knee, but she quickly pulls it away with a chastising “Tsk”. You’re so damn turned on and needy you can’t help the pathetic sob that rips from your throat.
Finally, you cave.
“Touch my pussy! Please, Sevika!” you beg, cheeks burning.
“That’s my good girl,” she purrs and you keen. She brings her lips to yours in a passionate kiss, stealing your breath away. She slides her calloused fingers slowly down your stomach until two fingers rest just outside your wet folds, her middle finger hovering just above.
She swallows your whimper.
You swallow her evil little chuckle.
She finally takes pity on you and slides her middle finger through your slit. Her tongue swirls around yours, mimicking the motion of her fingertip circling your clit.
You writhe beneath her. The sensations are too teasingly slow and soft. You need more. You need her inside you. When she hears you whimper against her lips, she finally breaks the kiss to peer down at you.
“Sevika,” you gasp, “Stop teasing!”
“Hmm,” she hums, “You want my fingers inside that pretty little cunt?” That damn cocky smirk still paints her face and it makes the knot low in your belly pull tighter.
You nod your head frantically.
“You sure it’s ready?”
Another nod.
“I don’t know, babygirl. I don’t want to hurt you if you’re not ready.” She runs the tip of her finger through your entrance again, collecting your juices before returning to tease the bundle of nerves above.
Even in the haze of your arousal, you’re aware that she knows damn well you are more than ready. You can feel the wetness leaking down the insides of your thighs. And you know she feels it too. She’s toying with you. Trying to get you even more riled up than you already are.
“I’m ready!” You try to give her a stern look, but it falls short when she slides two fingers through your folds.
She hums again, “You are pretty wet.”
You say nothing, just stare up at her with pleading eyes. Janna, she’s so fucking sexy you’re certain the moment she finally does give you what you need you’re going to lose it almost instantly.
Just when you think she’s finally caving, she drags that blissful torture on even longer, deliberately sinking her middle finger ever so slowly inside you. Simultaneous groans fill the room. For as many times as she’s used those fingers, you’ll never get used to how sinfully thick they are. How you can feel each knuckle and each callous drag along your walls. Likewise, she never gets enough of how deliciously tight and wet you are.
“Fuck, sweetheart,” she groans, her warm breath wafting over your lips as she lowers her head. “Such a tight, wet pussy.”
A wave of pleasant warmth rushes over your lower half, followed by an ache that makes you crave more.
“And it’s all mine, isn’t it?” she husks.
Words fail you as she slides the last remaining length of her finger inside you and trails the tip of her tongue across your bottom lip. Your eyes flutter shut.
“Is this pussy mine?” she asks as she begins slowly sliding her finger in and out.
You swallow thickly and try to answer, but you’re too drunk on pleasure.
“Answer me or I stop,” she growls before nipping at your bottom lip.
You yelp, more startled than hurt.
“I- I-” you struggle to form words while she relentlessly distracts and teases you, running her tongue along the little indents she left on your lip. “Yes, it’s yours. All yours.”
“That’s right,” she husks, her lips grazing yours before she seals them with another quick kiss.
She starts fucking you with a slow, steady pace, rocking her hips with the motion as if she was strapping you. You rock your hips along with her, teeth catching your bottom lip in an attempt to hold back your moans. But she’s not having that.
She slips another finger inside, increasing her pace until you’re unable to keep your mouth in check. Moan after moan spills from your parted lips as she fucks you in earnest. Your hips rock with hers in time with her fingers thrusting. The bed shakes, headboard rattling against the wall. Neither of you notice, too high on the sounds and sensations the other is providing.
You can feel your orgasm rapidly approaching, the knot in your belly burning and drawn tight. The rocking of your hips falters until you finally give up and let her take complete control.
She gladly takes over, speeding up even more, curling her fingers so with every withdrawal she’s hitting that sweet spot that makes you see stars.
“That feels so good,” you mewl.
“Yea? You like that?” she huffs, her breaths just as ragged as yours.
“Janna, yes!” You fight against your restraints, desperate to touch your wife.
“You’re close aren’t you?” she grunts against the side of your neck.
Those fingers are thrusting inside your sopping wet cunt so hard now the room is filling with debauched squelching sounds.
Your body tenses, every muscle pulled taut. You’re so close.
“Cum for me,” she growls before sinking her teeth into your neck.
All the sexual tension that had been building that day finally releases in a tidal wave of pleasure. Blinding light flashes behind your closed eyes. A string of nonsensical words spill from your mouth. Your walls clench and spasm around her fingers, pushing your release out in a gush that drenches her hand.
“Fuck, sweetheart. That���s it. Let it all out. Such a good girl for me,” Sevika groans into your ear, her fingers pumping into you while you ride out that blissful high.
When your body starts to twitch beneath her, overstimulation setting in at the end of your high, she slows her pace before finally pulling out completely.
You’re startled from your post-orgasmic bliss when you suddenly hear fireworks somewhere in the distance. You turn to glance out the large glass door to see the bright colors lighting up the night sky, then you see the time. 12:00. New Years.
You turn back to your wife with a smile as large as you can manage in your fucked out state.
Resting on her forearms and knees, Sevika peers down at you adoringly, her lips pulled into a satisfied grin. Both of you pant, equally out of breath.
All you can manage to think at that moment is how damn lucky you are to have such a wonderful wife. Not just because she’s indescribably good in bed, but also because she’s so fucking sweet. She rented this cute little private cabin for the two of you to spend your honeymoon. Prepacked said cabin with goodies and firewood for the fireplace. She even perfectly time your special moment with the fucking fireworks!
She reaches above you to remove the tie from the headboard and your wrists, and you immediately pull her down for a sweet kiss.
When you release her, she pulls back just far enough to touch the tip of her nose to yours.
You suppose you can forgive her for reneging on your bet. Kinda hard to complain when she fucked you so good AND timed it with the New Year.
“Happy New Year, wife,” you whisper.
She smiles down at you lovingly. “Happy New Year, my perfect wife.”
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karnaca78 · 1 year
The girl's fate is literally in Silco's hand, and for a brief moment, the only thing that animates his body is hesitation.
(Or, a retelling of the ending of episode 3 seen through Silco's eyes.)
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finn-writes-stuff · 1 year
Looking Over Zaun
A reflection on your relationship with Silco and the pleasure you share as you sit in his chair
Silco x Reader
Fandom: Arcane
Format: Oneshot
Warnings: NSFW Content, Oral sex (AFAB partner receiving),
AFAB Reader (Terms used for genitalia include core, and clit.
Arcane Masterlist
Commission Info
Silco’s chair was expensive. You knew that it had been custom-made for him, one of the tangible reminders of his powers down in Zaun. The dark wood was smooth and polished, and the plush backing was soft, unfathomably comfortable in comparison to anything else in the Undercity. 
There was something intoxicating about sitting in it. Running your hands over the top of his desk, or spinning around to face the window. The view over the city gave you a new appreciation for his title. He truly was the Eye of Zaun, watching everything on the streets below. The people looked so small from here, all unaware that you were looking. There was power here, and you could feel it brush over your skin like a careful caress. 
It was Silco’s power, but he had long made it clear that what was his was yours. That he was yours. 
You were his just as much as he was yours, but you still relished in the power he gave you over him. He was all stubbornness and strength of will, but he melted under your touch like wax. Your lover, your partner, you adored him with everything you had.
And in return, he worshipped you like a deity. As if you were his salvation, promising him something holy. It made you laugh sometimes, the way he considered you so divine. Because when he was on his knees for you like this, in front of the window, the light behind him haloed him, making him look like an angel.
He held your thighs like they were his anchor, and he ate you out like a starving man. A practiced tongue pressing against your core, lavishing you with his full attention. Anyone passing by his office door would be able to hear your moans, the way you gasped out his name, half recognizable with pleasure.
Let them hear it. He was yours, and if you had your way, all of Zaun would know.
You gripped his hair with one hand, white-knuckling the armrest with the other. He was so devoted to pleasuring you whenever he had the chance and you couldn't resist rocking your hips against him as he began to suck on your clit.
There was white-hot pleasure building and all you could think about was the man between your thighs, pulling your hips closer as you lost your composure. Even with his hair mussed under your fingers and his face wet, he was so gorgeously put together, steadily working you toward your orgasm. He knew every trick to take you apart and put you back together again.
And the coil in your stomach tightened as his tongue pressed into you until you completely unwound, falling to pieces.
It took you a long moment to come back to yourself, still slumped back in his chair, legs hooked over his shoulders. Silco was pressing gentle kisses to your thighs and smiling smugly.
"You did well, my lovely. Sit, I'll get you cleaned up."
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just-a-sewer-goblin · 4 months
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SFW only
Sacrifice Reader takes Powder's crystals and hands them over to the enforcers presenting herself as the scapegoat. Being the last kid that Vander had taken in no one would even miss her, right?
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Vampire!Vi/Caitlyn/Jinx x gn!reader One scenario for each. When the bloodbank got robbed Caitlyn has nothing to feed on. You're more than willing to share your blood. - blood, blood sucking, petname bunny, kisses -
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Vampire!Vi/Caitlyn/Jinx x gn!reader One scenario for each. When you realize you're being stalked by a Vampire you don't see any other way besides confronting them. - blood, blood sucking -
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Silco x gn!reader Soft Silco as a dad hours. pure fluff
Silco x fem!reader Silco is late and his girls can't help but worry
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Vander x Bartender!Waitress!reader A series of little standalone fics following fem!reader and her relationship with Vander and their kids Warnings at the start of each chapter - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 -
Vander x fem!reader When Vander wants to sacrifice himself you realize that you can't let him do it. The kids need him. The lanes need him. - angst, hurt/comfort, abduction, forced drug use, torture, character death -
Vander x fem!reader You have a panic attack, luckily Vander is there to help. - panic attack, explicit violence/gore -
Mother's Day Vander x fem!reader The kids and Vander prepare a surprise for you.
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Vampire!Vi/Caitlyn/Jinx x gn!reader One scenario for each. You're bad at fighting and Vi hates injustice. - blood, blood sucking, Vi punches people (surprise), hand/wrist kisses) -
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