slavonicrhapsody · 1 year
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muusiala · 26 days
9k words of Wirtziala heartbreak…❤️‍🩹
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anmiruzu · 10 months
may i request ace with prompt 22: "They say 3am is the witching hour, wanna test that out?"
too early for this shit
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a/n of course! :3 …i’m finally doneee dhsbsbzb honestly, this (the drabble) sorta be describing how i feel right now… srry for responding late and hope you enjoy. goodnight!
cw: profanity
-217 words-
October nineteenth,
ace trappola; prompt 22: “They say 3am is the witching hour, wanna test that out?"
you were peacefully sleeping for once. it was a little hard for you to get used to ramshackle dorm as it was practically a haunted house with it being so old, run down, and having ghosts, especially the ghosts.
your sleep was undisturbed for most of the night until 3am struck.
the moment it became 3am, ace who was watching some 3am videos went over to your dorm to bother you by throwing rocks at your window until you woke up.
by the twelfth time you heard a pebble hit your window, you opened it annoyed at the first year who bothered your sleep.
“ace! it’s 3 in the fucking morning!” you projected.
“i know!”
“then why are you bothering my beauty sleep?”
“well, y’know, they say 3am is the witching hour. wanna test that out?”
you pause for a moment, thinking about what you should say. eventually, you chose sleep.
and with that you closed your window on him leaving him outside in the cold as you went back to sleep.
only for ace to somehow break in.
“ace!? no!”
“awww come on, i’ve come all this way so why not let me sleep over.”
“fine.. then you can go sleep on the couch or something.”
you sleepily say too tired to care anymore.
{31 daydreams of halloween event lineup}
{twisted wonderland masterlist}
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idkwhyimhere5462 · 3 months
Story Summary: Vex’s Choosing is only one day away and is excitedly awaiting his animal form.
How I imagine Vex’s descent into madness went.
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0rdinaryth1ngs · 7 months
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i promised to forget you now
by 0rdinaryth1ngs on ao3
chapter 3 (& final one!)
this fic has taken up my brain for like a year and im so so so glad its finally our in the world. i love it so much and i am so grateful that you’ve enjoyed it too.
thank you for reading, it means the world to me <3
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I measured it and this thing is fucking 6’6-
(materials and process underneath vv)
Materials used:
-3 pvc pipe segments with the screw adapters
-Eva foam : 2mm, 5mm, 10mm
-Foam clay
-Thermoplastic beads
-Metal wire
-Various superglues
-Spray paint
-Acrylic paint
~~ The Pvc Segments:
I started off with three 2ft pvc segments and glued the cross adaptor on the top, then proceeded to hack off and move around pieces as I saw fit. For the top segment I believe I cut off 5in, then glued 3 to the top of the cross pipe and tossed the remaining 2in. I also cut off 8in on the bottom to make way for the spike which is around 5.5in.
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(The original pipes, I didn’t really have any other progress pics of this part)
~~ The Main Blade:
I started by going into FireAlpaca and separating the halberd from Sinclair’s sprite, then broke it up into various pieces and used Rasterbator to size up the blade. After that I printed it out, assembled it, and transferred it to freezer paper to adjust it as I saw fit.
After that I cut out two pieces of 10mm foam and glued them together as the main blade, then added the details with some 2mm foam I got from Walmart I think? I proceeded to hack away chunks of foam with Eva foam with a box cutter (and almost sliced my hand open in the process) before sanding the absolute crap out of it)
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Once it was all sanded and I was content with it I took my heat gun and sealed all the foam and got rid of the fluffy texture created by the sanding and filled some of the gaps with foam clay.
After the blade I was done I stuck some wire into it, then shoved that wire through some thermoplastic beads I had melted and put in the pipe, and superglued it. It really wasn’t wanting to stay so I added more thermoplastic around the outside and proceeded to add more superglue (Gorilla and Flex Seal glue if I recall correctly) which has seemed to help it stay on. It’s not 100% stable but as long as I’m careful with it I’m ok.
The Spikes:
Just like the blade, I made the pattern based the sprite itself. Using the line tool in FireAlpaca I traced over the top spike and the side spike and got the pattern from that. I resized and reshaped them in a Google doc before printing them out. After that I traced two of the spike pieces, cut one in half vertically and glued them together. After that I used small triangular pieces of foam to connect the corners and with that the skeleton was done (I added wire into the bottom spike for support as it is going to be bashing the floor a lot). i then filled the skeletons with foam clay, making sure to get all the sides even and filled completely.
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(I forgot to add the triangle pieces in the bottom spike until later)
Once I sanded them and attacked them with the same method as the blade the base was done!
~~ Painting:
In order to create a stable base to paint on I shoved three wooden dowels into a fertilizer box and hot glued them down. I then broke the halberd down and put each piece on the spike before spraying it with multiple coats of plastidip.
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(Note- I taped off the parts that would be screwed down as I was afraid that the paint would interfere with the threading. I don’t know if it would actually cause any problems but I didn’t feel like risking it)
Once that was completely dry I sprayed it with three coats of Rustolem Black High Gloss paint.
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Finally, I dry brushed everything with silver paint and added the lettering, using some black paint to mimic the paint chipping.
Once I added two coats of Rustolem clear sealant it was done!! The overall process took about two weeks and I’m quite happy with how it turned out! I may or may not have injured myself a lot during the process because I’m stupid but it was quite a fun project, and I do have more Project Moon props planned for the future such as Don’s lance and Argalia’s scythe. Once I finish my full cosplay I’ll make a post similar to this one :)
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milkiedimitrescu · 1 year
Finally completed chapter 3 people, let's gooo
Took me longer but it's finally doneee
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aalissy · 2 years
Picnic Lunch
Chapter 11 is doneee!! And it includes the final chapter of my lil Buttercup Project saga haha. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please read Chapter 9 and 10 before reading this chapter haha. Lemme know what you think about this <3
“Are you sure this wasn’t just a ploy to get me to bring you pastries?” Marinette giggled, wiggling the picnic basket in her hand as she drew closer to Adrien. He had texted her earlier today, telling her that he finally had some free time for Project Buttercup and that she should bring a picnic basket for lunch outside. 
He was stretched out on a blanket at Place de Vosges which, luckily for her, was right next to the bakery. A bright grin was on his face as he beckoned her over cheerfully. 
When she sat down next to him, Adrien sighed dramatically. “You caught me! I guess I’m just too addicted to your delicious treats.”
Feeling a blush start to stain her cheeks, Marinette attempted to hide her face by rummaging in her basket. She pulled out a small packet of macarons, some chocolate croissants, and two bottles of sparkling water. Taking a chocolate croissant, she began to nibble on it and hoped that Adrien liked the passionfruit macarons that she had taken great care to make. Maybe this time she would finally get him to taste one.
He reached forward and Marinette watched with bated breath as he picked up a macaron. “So how about this as the perfect spot?” Adrien asked her eagerly, “It’s close to home and it’s not as complicated as a private screening.”
She laughed, shaking her head as she remembered their last trip for Project Buttercup. “I don’t think anything could be as crazy as that.”
He gave her a sheepish grin, scratching the back of his neck adorably. Marinette was certain that at this point her cheeks were going to be stained a bright pink forever. He was just too sweet for his own good. It was like Adrien and Chat were the only two who knew just how to cheer her up nowadays.
Suddenly, the chocolate croissant she was eating just didn’t seem anywhere near good enough. Opening a bottle of sparkling water, Marinette took a few sips as she fought against the urge to tackle him into a big hug. 
“Plus, I was also told that the best way to win a man’s heart is good food.” Adrien winked at her popping the macaron in his mouth. After he finished, he beamed over at her. “And this is absolutely delicious, Marinette. Was that the famous passionfruit macaron I’ve been hearing so much about?”
“M-maybe.” She ducked her head shyly, her blush turning a shade darker. Peering up at him from beneath her lashes she watched as he took another macaron happily. A giddy sense of pride flooded up within her. He did like the macarons.
“Well, it’s amazing,” Adrien sighed contentedly after he finished the second one. “I’m only sad that I wasn’t able to try it sooner. Passionfruit is my absolute favorite flavor, you know.”
With a quiet giggle, she said, “R-really? I had no idea.”
There was no way that Marinette was going to mention the countless magazines she had poured over and scanned every day as she searched for any mention of Adrien’s favorite flavor. She was also not going to mention the fact that she baked one for him every Sunday just in case the perfect opportunity arose.
“Marinette, I bet if you bake him one of those he’ll be falling over himself to confess to you.” Adrien gave her a decisive nod of his head, popping another macaron in his mouth.
Fidgeting on the blanket, she tapped her fingers together rather nervously. Avoiding his gaze, she nibbled on her lower lip. “A-and what if he didn’t... what should I do then?”
Adrien blinked, seeming to consider her words for a moment before he spoke up again, “Well, I think that would be the perfect time for you to confess.”
He was right. It was now or never. 
Sucking in a deep breath for confidence, Marinette forced herself to meet his eyes, beginning the speech she and Chat had practiced. “Adrien, the first time I saw you, I misjudged you. I thought that I had caught you putting gum on my chair and mistakenly believed that you were conceited and superficial. But then, on that very same, rainy day, you gave me your umbrella and I got to know the real you. I got to see what you were like deep down—someone sweet, sincere, and generous. But every time I’ve tried to tell you how I feel, it’s like my brain freezes up. But because of this... because of you... I think I’m ready now. Adrien, I... I... I love you.”
Wow. She had finally done it. Fighting the urge to clench her eyes shut, Marinette tightened her fists on the blanket. Adrien’s lips had parted during her little speech and she hoped that was a good sign. Finally, after another moment's pause, he murmured, “That was absolutely perfect, Marinette. If you do something like that, I’m sure your mystery guy will love it just as much as he loves you.”
She choked back a disbelieving laugh. What was she supposed to do now? She couldn’t exactly ask Adrien for his input again. Holding herself back from giving him a pained smile and nod, Marinette instead nervously asked, “L-let’s say that um, hypothetically, I’ve already given that exact speech to Buttercup. A-are you right? Does he feel the same?”
Adrien frowned, looking puzzled for a moment. He opened his mouth, presumably to ask something before his eyes widened in what Marinette assumed was understanding. She swallowed the large lump in her throat as he murmured, “Oh. Oh!” Adrien moved closer to her, scanning her gaze before he pointed to himself with a choked gasp. “Is it me? W-was... am I Buttercup?”
“Maybe,” Marinette squeaked out, her teeth clamping down on her lower lip.
“Oh my god. Oh my god. So all this time,” Adrien ran his hand through his hair before he chuckled as he looked at her with a small smile. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, avoiding his gaze as she stared at the fountain. “I-I was scared. My brain froze up whenever I tried to talk to you. I couldn’t seem to get my words out without getting them all jumbled up.”
“Oh wow, that makes so much sense now,” Adrien reached forward, one of his hands landing on hers as he squeezed it gently. Her gaze snapped over to his, feeling her heart race in her chest as she saw his almost adoring smile. “I really wish that you had told me sooner, though, Marinette. You could have saved me from a lot of jealousy over this Buttercup guy.”
She couldn’t stop her brow from furrowing in confusion. “Jealousy? Why... why would you be jealous?”
“Because I thought you were pining over someone who couldn’t see it. I didn’t understand how someone could miss the amazing girl who was right in front of them. Turns out, that was me all along.” Adrien chuckled, shaking his head at himself.
“That’s not your fault,” Marinette’s frown deepened. “I wasn’t exactly sending the clearest of messages.”
He moved even closer to her. “Yes, it is,” Adrien murmured, lifting his hand from hers as he tucked a stray strand of hair back behind her ear. He lingered next to her cheek, sending a warm flush of heat up her spine. Finally, he whispered, “But I want to make it up to you. Marinette, can I kiss you?”
She didn’t think she was even capable of forming words at this moment. Practically wheezing with shock, she nodded her head before Adrien connected their lips together in a sweet kiss. Her fingers ran through his hair as pure joy billowed within her. After a few moments, she pulled back to murmur, “So, does this mean you do feel the same?”
“How could I not?” Adrien chuckled before tugging her back in to caress her lips with his own. Marinette poured every ounce of love she had for him in that kiss, content to remain in his arms forever. He pulled back, though, causing her to almost chase his lips before he whispered with a gleaming pair of emerald green eyes, “What do you say we do some more ‘location scouting’ next weekend?”
Marinette giggled, putting her forehead on his before she softly said, “As long as I get to kiss you again, I’m fine wherever we go.”
“Good.” Adrien pecked her lips again. “Because I still have plenty of ideas.”
With a happy squeal, she embraced him, memorizing the feeling of his lips on hers. She was never going to give this up. Hazily, she made plans to get Chat a gift for his part in Project Buttercup. After all, without him, this never would have happened.
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skfatumart · 6 years
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Finished Keeper of The Old Lords, in two different versions. Looking at a finished piece I thought that a clean one might look better, buuut the embered one had some charm in it, so... yeah...
The reason why it took so long was the fact, that I started doing study sketches and illustrations, completely forgetting about the project. BUT IT’S FINALLY DONEEE
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macheiw · 5 years
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"Little Pierrot" 🃏🎶 . It's doneee! It's finally done 😝 I learned a lot with this project, to the point of actually trying out Adobe Premiere (with a stick, from 5 meters away and lots of tutorials...) . I still have many more projects in mind for future sculptures...so yes, there will be more of this thingies around 😂 . #sculpting #sculpture_art #pierrot #clown #clowngirl #cuteclown #airdryclay #claysculpture #claysculpting #DASclay #bustsculpture #costaricanartist #escultura #payasito #circus https://www.instagram.com/p/B0FSdTvnjRK/?igshid=1lpl699wu55j
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adih1d0official · 4 years
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Finally doing #LeatherScraps-ALG comic here's one of the demons ahahahha 5years of wip for this project and im halfway doneee
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syasyasibcasblog · 5 years
Borneo Project CCA: Lapathon
CAS: service
Time: 15 hours
Borneo Project is a CCA which I joined for the first term of Year 12. For this CCA, my group were in charge of a charity event called 'Lapathon' where we organize a marathon after school hours which parents, teachers and students can participate in. Of course, planning this major event took time (about 2 months of school CCA time) and in the end we managed to reach our goal: to pass a donation amount of BND$1000 (this was from last year's group) however after spending some time reflecting on everything I realized there were a few things we could have done to get better results like inviting parents as well instead of just teachers and students.
ITS FINALLY DONEEE *selling pics
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str9led · 7 years
Viking | Facial Rigging Animation from Thales Simonato on Vimeo.
Hey guys!! I'm so glad that we finally finish this project! It has been a long journey! Please! Check my friend's portfolio! They are amazing! All credits bellow.
Also, A special thanks to Tribbo Post (tribbopost.com.br) that put their renderfarm available to render the animation. They've made 8-days-one-machine render into 20 hours render. Thanks guys!
Extra links, making of and stills: artstation.com/artist/thalessimonato
Concept art: Pedro Junior [ pedrominho.tumblr.com ] Rigging | Luis Fernando [ vimeo.com/user17592874 ] Animation | Nico Taro [ artstation.com/artist/nicotaro ] Modeling, Look dev, Hair, Render | Thales Simonato [ thalessimonato.com ]
I really hope you enjoy this project! If so, spread the word and share with your friends!
Thank you guys!
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aalissy · 3 years
Day 22 is doneee!! Sorry it’s pretty late but I’ve been swamped with work now that finals week is coming up D:. I’m not readyyyy. Anywho, I hope you guys like this chapter!! Lemme know what you think <3
Adrien flopped onto his bed with a loud groan. Slowly, he pulled out his phone to stare at his lockscreen with a fond smile. It was a picture of him and Marinette that he had taken a few months after they had revealed their identities. In it, she was kissing his cheek as he grinned at the camera rather dopily. With a quiet sigh, he checked the date. Yep, he was definitely screwed. With another pained moan, Adrien buried his head in his pillow.
He felt Plagg squirm out of his pocket before the small kwami floated above him. Adrien was absolutely certain that he was staring down at him rather judgmentally. With a soft exhale, Plagg spoke, “What’s got you so down in the dumps, kid?”
Adrien spoke into the pillow, his words coming out muffled and inaudible.
The kwami snickered at that. “You’re going to have to speak up, Adrien. I may be a God but I’m not all-knowing.”
He lifted his head up, staring blankly at his headboard before speaking rather monotonously, “I said that the anniversary of my first meeting with Marinette is tonight and I still don’t know what I’m getting her.”
“Just get her some camembert,” Plagg shrugged. “That’s the best gift that you can give anyone. Plus, you might not have a lot of time but you do have plenty of cheese.”
Adrien turned around to glare at his kwami. “I can’t just give her stinky cheese, Plagg! She’s worth more than that. Besides, I just know she’s going to make me something amazing while I still don’t know what to get her.”
“Well, why don’t you just make her another good luck charm then? She seemed to like the last one you gave her.”
He sighed, scrubbing his face with a hand before muttering, “I can’t get her the exact same present, either. That’s too unoriginal.”
Plagg rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. “Then just take her out somewhere. That’s easy and simple. Besides, I know she’d love that.”
A light flush lit up Adrien’s cheeks. Images of him taking Marinette out to a nice dinner filled his thoughts. He’d pull out her chair and could finally brush a kiss on her soft cheek. Marinette would giggle and turn pink and he would be able to give her a lovestruck smile. They’d finish the date and he’d walk her up to the front door of the bakery before he would, at long last, lean in to give her a kiss that they’d both be able to remember.
Snapping out of his daydreams, Adrien finally realized that Plagg was smirking directly at him. His blush turned a shade darker as he rubbed the back of his neck. Glancing back at the phone screen, he mumbled, “I can’t just ask her out, Plagg, as much as I might like to. Marinette’s important to me and I already know that she’s in love with another boy. Besides, we’ve already decided to meet at the top of the Eiffel Tower later tonight.”
“Right,” his kwami drawled sarcastically with a roll of his eyes, “Then I really don’t know how to help you, kid.”
Adrien pursed his lips, tapping his phone against his lips. Flipping his body around, he stared blankly up at his ceiling and tried to come up with more ideas. Heaving a sigh, he began scrolling through his camera roll, looking at the many pictures he had taken with Marinette for inspiration. Eventually, an idea sparked in his mind and his eyes lit up.
Sitting up straight on his bed, he grinned brightly. “Plagg, I can make her a photo album! That’s pretty easy to make and it shows her some of our best memories together!”
Plagg stuck out his tongue, making a face. “Blech, you may as well write her a heartfelt poem at that rate. I thought you were trying not to tell Marinette you were in love with her.”
Adrien turned a deep red even as he glared up at his kwami. His lips tightened as his eyes blazed angrily. “Shut up, Plagg! I know she’ll love it.”
Not waiting for his kwami’s answer, Adrien went over to his computer to begin printing some of the pictures he had already saved. Finding images of him and Marinette was easy, considering he took a picture with her every time they hung out. It was choosing which one of them would go in the album that was difficult. Marinette looked amazing in every one of them and Adrien couldn’t help but grin adoringly at his computer screen as he worked on his project.
After finally selecting and printing all of the pictures, he set to work on making the actual photo album. Scrambling through his desk drawer, he found an old scrapbook. With a satisfied smile, Adrien began carefully gluing the images onto the pages. So focused on the book, he barely noticed when Plagg hovered nearby to peer over his shoulder. Once he had filled every page, he took a few colored pencils and began doodling small images on the pages. Adrien’s tongue stuck out in concentration as he worked hard on making certain it looked good.
When he had finally finished, he held the book out in front of him with a beaming grin. He then quickly shoved the book into his backpack before shouting proudly. “I did it!”
Adrien then grabbed his phone and checked the time, feeling his eyes bulge out of his head. “And not a moment to lose either! Plagg, claws out!”
The kwami got sucked into the ring with a loud yelp. Chat Noir then leaped out from his bedroom window, making his way over to their meeting spot on the Eiffel Tower. When he finally got there, he saw Ladybug tapping her foot at him impatiently.
“You’re late,” she huffed at him, her arms crossing over her chest.
“By five minutes, m’lady,” Chat gave her a bow. “Plagg wanted a snack before he transformed.”
Immediately, her arms uncrossed as her sapphire eyes sparkled at him in amusement. A mischievous smile twitched at her lips as Ladybug giggled adorably, “You were still working on my gift, weren’t you?”
“What can I say?” Chat shrugged his shoulders sheepishly. “I’m a purrcatsinator.”
She scrunched her face up at his pun even as her smile grew fonder. Punching his shoulder lightly, Ladybug laughed. “That was terrible! Now, can we detransform so I don’t have to hear any more silly cat puns from you?”
He couldn’t stop the goofy smile from stretching across his face at her laugh. Chuckling along with her, he nodded his head. “Alright, but unfurtunately for you, m’lady, the puns may stay even when I’m Adrien. You’ve already told me that you pawsitively love my sense of humor.”
She flicked his bell with a roll of her eyes. “That was before I knew that after I made that comment you would make a cat pun every other sentence.”
Chat chuckled, his eyes fluttering closed before he called for his detransformation, “Plagg, claws in.”
“Tikki, spots off.”
Opening his eyes back up, he saw Marinette’s face grinning back at him sweetly. Instantly, he ran towards her and wrapped her up in a tight hug. Leaning in, he whispered in her ear quietly, “Joyeux anniversaire, Marinette.”
“Joyeux anniversaire, Adrien,” she murmured back before brushing a light kiss against his cheeks.
Adrien’s heart thumped painfully in his chest as he pulled back to stare into her bright, blue eyes. How was she this perfect? And, for that matter, how did he get so lucky?
Plagg’s cough broke their tender moment though. He then spoke up, even as Tikki gave him a harsh glare, “All this lovey-dovey stuff is giving me a headache. Can I get my camembert, now?”
“Plagg!” Tikki hissed, her lips pursing as she crossed her arms. “Be quiet!”
Marinette simply giggled before stepping out of his embrace. His arms felt empty without her there and he disappointedly dropped them before turning to his kwami. She stepped up first, though, pulling a macaron out of her purse as she held it out for the tiny creature. “It’s alright, Tikki. I know you’re hungry too.”
Her kwami’s glare immediately disappeared as she took the macaron with a grateful smile. Adrien then sighed before pulling out the piece of camembert he knew his kwami wanted. Plagg’s face instantly lit up before he gulped the cheese down in one bite.
When he then turned away from Plagg with a disgusted grimace to face Marinette, he saw her staring up at him with a rather nervous smile. In her hands was a black, wool sweater that contained a small, green pawprint next to a tiny ladybug. Instantly, he took it from her with a gasp of awe.
Rocking back on her heels, Marinette murmured, “I hope you like it.”
“Marinette, I absolutely adore it. It’s purrfect for me.” Adrien gave her a bright grin, already excited to go home so he could try it on. Realizing he had his own gift, he then dug through his backpack and thrust out the picture album. “I got you this! It’s nowhere near as amazing as yours but I still hope you like it.”
She blinked before slowly taking the book from him. Opening up the first few pages, her eyes immediately softened before she cooed happily. Looking up at him, Marinette threw her arms around him once again, murmuring, “Adrien, this is absolutely amazing! I love it so much! I hadn’t even realized you had this many pictures of us.”
She leaned back before giving him a quick kiss on the lips. Of course, almost as soon as he realized that Marinette was kissing him, she pulled back with a gasp of horror. Adrien’s lower lip jutted out slightly as he quietly groaned at the fact that he didn’t even get to kiss back before she began stammering, “I-I am so, so sorry, Adrien! I don’t know why I just did that. I know you don’t like me that way anymore!”
Immediately, he frowned an almost indignant feeling building up inside of him. Didn’t like her anymore?! Was she blind? He spent practically every waking moment with her and she didn’t think he liked her. Wait... did that mean?
Slowly, Adrien reached out and grasped onto her hands tightly. Marinette peered up at him with a quiet sniffle, looking anxious. He gave her a soft smile before murmuring, “Marinette, I’ve been in love with you for years. That still hasn’t changed. B-but I thought that you were in love with someone else.”
She looked shocked, her mouth was gaping open as she practically stared at him with disbelief. Slowly, she shook her head before gulping. “A-Adrien, the boy was you. I-it’s always been you for me too.”
“So, all this time?” He breathed out incredulously.
Marinette nodded her head before a large smile bloomed across her face. Cautiously, she lifted her hands to cup his face, her grin getting even bigger as he leaned into her palms. “D-do you think we can make up for lost time, then?” she whispered.
“Definitely.” Adrien nodded back before the two of them leaned in, connecting their lips together into a kiss they’d both remember. As his hands ran through her hair, tugging out her pigtails out, he made a promise to himself. He was never going to let her go again. Pulling back, he placed his forehead against hers with a light chuckle. “So, is this still going to be the anniversary of our first meeting or is it going to be our first anniversary.”
Marinette threw her head back to laugh loudly. Eventually, she leaned back in to flick at his nose playfully. “Both, my silly kitty.”
“Both it is,” he said before wrapping her up in another perfect kiss.
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aalissy · 5 years
Midnight Meetings
Chapter 10 of Dreaming in Black and White is doneee!! And it’s on time wheeee!! I really enjoyed writing this chapter and the Marichat fluff that comes along with it! I hope you guys enjoy reading it! I also hope you like the fluff while it lasts hehe. There’s going to be some angst sooonnn. Lemme know what you think?
Adrien flopped face-first onto his mattress as he released a relieved sigh. He snuggled into his warm pillow, his eyes fluttering closed against the harsh light of his bedroom. 
“Long photoshoot?” Plagg snickered, floating out of the boy’s front pocket.
“Mhm,” he said tiredly, nuzzling his head further into the warmth of his pillow. Blinking his eyes open blearily, Adrien looked at his phone to check the time. Seeing that it was only 7:00 pm he groaned in frustration, “It’s too early to go to bed and I still have homework to do. How am I going to stay awake, Plagg?”
The kwami merely shrugged, “I could tell you but you’d have to get me some cheese first.”
Brushing a hand through his hair agitatedly, Adrien reluctantly got up from his cozy bed, tossing Plagg one of the cheeses he kept lying around. The black cat’s face immediately turned into a beaming smile as he ate the delicious treat in one bite. “I will never understand how you do that,” the model said with a disgusted expression, “Now will you tell me what I could do to stay awake?!”
“Two words for you,” Plagg’s face transformed into a mischievous smirk, “Baker’s daughter.”
“Marinette?” Adrien’s brow furrowed, “But I already saw her today.”
“Yeah, but Chat Noir didn’t,” the kwami practically sang, “Don’t you think your purrincess is getting a little lonely? After all, it’s been a while since your last visit.”
The model’s cheeks warmed slightly before a pensive expression overtook his features, “Actually Plagg, I think you’re right. It has been a while since I’ve talked to Marinette as Chat. Besides, this could be a great way to gauge her feelings about Adrien!”
“Yeah, yeah, lover boy, whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better about seeing Marinette,” Plagg snickered.
Rolling his eyes, Adrien called for his transformation, “Plagg, claws out!” 
With a rush of renewed energy, his tiredness from before was completely eradicated. After shaking himself slightly to get rid of the last flickers of exhaustion, Chat Noir carefully snuck out of the Agreste manor. Slinking out into the cool Parisian night, the wind gently brushed along his cheeks as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop. Chat gazed up at the brightly lit full Moon as his tail swayed gently behind him. It was with remembered practice that he eventually found himself back at Marinette’s balcony and a subtle smile overtook his face as he stood above her trapdoor. With a quick knock to the hatch, the superhero awaited her presence eagerly.
After a few minutes, the girl emerged, rubbing a hand sleepily over her eye as she yawned, “Hello?” Marinette called out tiredly.
A soft smile spread across his face as he took in her messy bed-head and pajamas. Adorable, the thought flitted across his mind before Chat bowed, “I’m sorry purrincess, did I wake you?”
“No, I just look this amazing all the time,” she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes before giggling cutely, “Kidding! But I am glad you woke me. I took a much-needed nap because I’ve been staying up way too late in order to finish a commission.”
“Can I see it?” his eyes lit up excitedly, “Your designs are always amazing!”
Smiling shyly, Marinette opened the trapdoor wider before ducking away, “Sure. It’s not the best right now but it’s only a rough version of the final piece.”
Jumping down, Chat landed gracefully on her bed. He watched her go down her ladder curiously before he saw her hold up a sweater. Though he, unfortunately, couldn’t see the colors properly, to him, it was a very light gray, stitched with darker grey hearts on the sleeves. “That’s pawsitively amazing, Marinette,” he grinned happily at her.
“You think so?” she looked down at her own design, “Maman assures me that it’s a pretty pink but I can’t tell or even know what pink is or looks like. Hopefully my customer likes it,” Marinette shot him a small smile.
“Well I love it and it’s not even finished yet, so I’m sure she’s going to love it,” the superhero slid down her ladder before going over to her and placing a warm hand on her shoulder, “You’re an amazing designer, Marinette. Even without the ability to see colors.”
“Aw, Chat!” she beamed before wrapping her arms around him in a giant hug, “You’re too sweet to me!”
He chuckled as his arms came up to hug her back, “Only telling the truth, Mari.”
After a few seconds, the girl pulled back and gave him a serious look, “But are you alright, Chat? I haven’t asked why you’re here yet.”
“I’m wounded purrincess. Can’t a kitten come and visit his favorite civilian without something being wrong?” Chat placed a hand over his heart.
Rolling her eyes, Marinette said warningly, “Chat!”
“Honestly Mari, I just missed you,” his eyes softened as he watched a small smile take over her face before she ducked her head down.
“Well I missed you too, kitty,” she peered up at him before looking away and giggling nervously, “You know, I haven't seen you or Ladybug for a while. There hasn’t been an akuma attack in a long time. Maybe Hawkmoth’s finally given up.”
The superhero let out a puff of breath, “Wouldn’t that be nice.”
Marinette nodded before falling backwards onto her chaise, “Yeah it really would,” she murmured as her eyes took on a far-away expression.
“So how’s boy trouble going?” he tried to ask unsubtly as he nudged her so they could share the small couch together. Shooting him a nasty look, she moved over and sat cross-legged so they could face each other.
Chat gave her a charming grin as Marinette rolled her eyes again and grumbled, “What boy trouble?”
“You know,” he nudged her slightly with his knee, “How’s Adrien?”
Her cheeks puffed up before she blew out a long breath, “Honestly half of the time I want to punch his stupid model face.”
Chat’s eyes widened and his hands unconsciously went up to cover his face protectively, “What?” he whispered.
“I mean seriously! I don’t know what’s wrong with him,” Marinette ignored his reaction, “I swear it’s like he’s going around making certain that we’re ‘just friends, Marinette,’ or ‘I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable. I don’t want to remind you that you had feelings for me.’ God, it’s exhausting.”
“I-,” he swallowed, “Maybe he’s just trying to make certain you’re okay?”
“I know he is,” her lips pursed, “This is Adrien, the sweetest boy in the world! I know for a fact that he isn’t doing this on purpose but it still hurts.”
Note to self quit asking Marinette if she’s okay, Chat thought to himself as he watched said girl stand up and begin to pace.
“And then,” Marinette chuckles dryly, “And then he goes and interrupts my conversation with Luka and I do stupid things like hope! Hope that maybe he’s realizing he does have feelings for me even though I know that I’m wrong!”
“Mari,” he stood up as he placed both of his hands on her shoulders comfortingly, though his face felt as though it was on fire from her words, “Are you alright? I don’t want an akuma to come...” Chat trailed off as he scanned her face.
Her eyes fluttered closed for a second as she took in a deep breath, “You’re right, Chaton. I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry, Marinette. You should be allowed to get upset without the added fear of an akuma,” he ran a hand through his hair frustratedly.
“Hey, that’s not your fault, Chat. You and Ladybug are trying your best and I know that in the end you’ll win,” she grinned at him.
The superhero shook his head slightly as he chuckled at her, “How are you the one cheering me up when I’m supposed to be cheering you up?”
Marinette giggled, “We can both cheer each other up! That’s why we make such good friends!”
“While we’re still on the topic, do you have any other feelings of residual anger toward Adrien you need to get out? I'd rather an akuma come with me here rather than having your emotions build-up,” Chat asked as a smirk tickled at the edges of his lips. Am I really this much of a masochist? he thought to himself, Well if it’s to help Mari, I suppose that I am.
She snickered before shaking her head, “Honestly no. I’m more mad at myself than him.”
“What?! Why?!” his eyes widened as she plopped down in her desk chair, spinning around slightly.
“Because even after he’s told me he likes someone else I still can’t help but like him back. I mean, just when I think I’m getting over him he does something and all I want to do is lean in and smooch that pretty model face of his. Take today, for example, we were working on a school project together and I couldn’t stop myself from looking up at him. And then, suddenly, the setting sun hit his face just so and I really did almost kiss him,” Marinette sighed as she lowered her head on the desk in front of her.
“You almost did w-what?” Chat’s eyes practically popped out of his head as his face burned. He tried to scan his memory for any sign that she had continuously glanced up at him as they studied together. Finding none, he looked at her helplessly.
Marinette’s head whipped up at that, scoffing as she rolled her eyes, “Please, you know what I mean! Smooching, kissing, making out it only means one thing!”
“L-like on the cheek you mean,” he stuttered nervously.
“Yes Chaton, I want to make out with Adrien’s cheek,” her words practically dripped with sarcasm as she stood up and swatted him over the head, “No, you idiot! On the lips!”
“So y-you want to do WHAT to Adrien’s face?” he practically screeched as he envisioned her leaning over and actually kissing him from earlier that day.
“Shh, Chaton! Be quiet or you’ll wake up my parents!” she hissed, getting up and smacking a hand over his mouth quickly, “And surely you know what it’s like to want to kiss someone! Don’t you want to kiss Ladybug?”
“Well, I mean... I guess... yeah... but that’s different,” Chat stuttered and stumbled, still trying to erase the vision of Marinette and him kissing instead of focusing on their assignment.
Marinette’s eyebrows rose as she said incredulously, “Different how? We both have feelings for them. Usually you want to kiss the person you have a crush on.”
Because I wasn’t imagining kissing you, he thought to himself desperately as he sucked in a harsh gulp of air, “But... but...,” Chat’s face paled as he couldn’t stop himself from envisioning leaning over and connecting their lips right now.
“But what, silly kitty?” the designer giggled before concern took over her features, “Are you alright, Chaton? You look like you’re going to be sick? Do you want me to get you some water?”
 “Yes please!” he gasped out, “You’re right! I’m not exactly feeling like myself right now, though I’m certain a glass of water would help. If you wouldn’t mind.” 
“Okay! I’ll be right back!” she nodded quickly before ducking down her trapdoor. 
What in the world is wrong with me, Chat thought to himself furiously as he ran a hand through his hair, suddenly Marinette says she wants to kiss me and I turn into a raging lunatic. I rejected her a few nights ago and I’m in love with Ladybug. Ladybug! I can’t go around thinking about kissing Marinette! As the superhero raged to himself silently, he collapsed back onto the chaise. Staring up at the ceiling he attempted to get his thoughts back in order when Marinette finally came back upstairs with a cup of water.
“Here you go, Chaton,” she said, looking at him with clear worry etched onto her features. She handed him the glass and he gulped it down quickly, shaking his head to rid his mind of its errant thoughts. 
Chat cleared his throat before smiling, “Thank you, Marinette. Sorry I really don’t know what just came over me.”
“It’s alright,” she grinned softly back at him, the concern in her eyes slowly receding, “It is getting colder. I hope you’re not getting sick.”
“Don’t worry purrincess, I’m feline just fine,” he winked at her cheekily to erase any remaining tension between the two.
The anxiety completely left her features as Marinette rolled her eyes, “And there are the puns. I was wondering where they had gone. I suppose you must be feeling better then.”
“Well, if I’m being honest, I’m pawsitively famished. Do you think this little kitten could get a treat from the bakery, purrhaps?” Chat pouted up at her.
Her lips pursed in annoyance as her brow furrowed, “Did you come over here just so you could get a croissant?”
“No,” he said innocently, “Why would I ever do that? I come here for you and only you, Marinette,” Chat’s lips jutted out further as he blinked at her innocently.
Marinette’s lips twitched into a smirk before she giggled and shook her head, “You’re too charming for your own good, kitty cat. Keep those eyes to yourself,” she flicked his nose once before ducking back down her trapdoor.
Pushing himself up from his reclined position on her chaise, Chat looked around her room. Not for the first time, he wished he could see colors instead of the light greys and whites that decorated her room. He wondered if one day he’d actually be able to see it, preferably after winning over his sweet lady. The superhero sighed longingly as he thought about where Ladybug could be and what she was doing at this particular moment. Chat chuckled as he imagined she was most likely in bed sleeping by now.
“I’m back!” Marinette practically sang, interrupting his thoughts when he turned to look at her. She was smiling brightly as she held up a plate of steaming, hot croissants. 
“Food!” he chirped as he plucked one of the delicious treats off of the plate. Biting into the buttered, crispy pastry his eyes fluttered closed as the flavor exploded on his tongue, “Mmm! This is delicious, Marinette! Thank you!”
She merely rolled her eyes at him with a fond smile, “Yeah, yeah, you’re welcome Chat. I swear though if my parents ever catch me up at almost midnight reheating croissants you’re taking the blame!”
“If it means I keep getting some of your delicious pastries then I’m alright with that,” Chat smiled widely at her.
Marinette chuckled before a wicked expression twinkled in her eyes, “Want to get destroyed in Ultimate Mecha Strike III?”
“You’re on!” the superhero said before sitting on the desk chair next to her as he grabbed the controller, “Bet I can beat you at least once,” he smirked at her.
“Good luck,” she scoffed, booting up the video game. 
Marinette’s fingers easily flew across the buttons with well-timed practice as Chat’s tongue stuck out in concentration as he attempted to win. Though he got close several times throughout their multiple rounds, he never quite managed to beat her.
“Aw come on!” he whined as her combo completely destroyed his character.
“I did say you wouldn’t be able to beat me,” she smirked at him triumphantly.
Chat’s eyes narrowed as the need to erase her smug expression filled him. I know I can beat her in at least one game, he thought to himself determinedly, I just might need to play a little unfairly. “One more game,” he pouted, “Purrety please, Mari.”
“Fine, one more,” Marinette giggled, “But then you need to head home. We still have school tomorrow, you know.”
They restarted the game and this time when his character was on the verge of death, he pointed behind her, “Mari, look over there! It’s Adrien!”
“Wah?” her eyes widened to the size of saucers as her head whipped around. Marinette’s brow furrowed as she realized, but she turned around too late. Chat Noir is the winner, read very clearly on her computer screen. Her mouth dropped open as she gasped in shock, “You cheater!” she shoved his shoulder. Chat fell off his chair laughing as the young fashion designer glared down at him. 
“I-I’m sorry,” he panted out, wiping a tear from his eye, “That was just too easy.”
Marinette’s arms crossed over her chest in annoyance, “Seriously?! You just had to say Adrien!? How would you feel if I said ‘Oh, look over there! It’s Ladybug!’ You big cheat!” she grumbled.
“What did you just call me?” Chat asked before standing as a dangerous smile spread across his face.
“A big cheat!” her chin lifted as her eyes flashed threateningly at him. His hands raised up as his fingers moved slightly, causing Marinette to take a step backwards unconsciously. 
“Do you know what happens to people who call me a cheater?” the superhero drew nearer to her.
“What happens?” she asked warily.
“They get tickled!” Chat pounced as the fashion designer darted to the side squealing. She ran across the room and stood with her dresser to her back so she could watch him cautiously.
A flicker of remembrance brushed against his mind but, before he could hone in on just what it was he was supposed to remember, Marinette giggled at him, “Leave me alone you pesky Tomcat! Go back home and take your cheating fingers with you!” 
Chat gasped in fake offense, “I’m no cheat, Marinette! How dare you accuse me of such a thing! I am a superhero!”
“Not right now you’re not!” she grabbed a sock from her drawer and threw it at him as he crept closer.
The superhero’s hands raised in surrender even as he continued to walk to her, “Alright, you got me. I apologize sincerely, Mari.”
“Uh-huh,” Marinette dragged out suspiciously, watching his every step with laser focus.
“I purromise to never use Adrien against you like that again. Cat’s honor,” Chat dipped his head in a small bow.
The designer smiled, dropping the sock that she had clenched in her hand, “Then I forgive you, Chaton. I also promise to never use Ladybug against you like that.”
With her guard let down Chat leapt at her, brushing his fingers against her sides mercilessly as she laughed. He chuckled along with her as she attempted to push his hands away, “Got you, purrincess,” he said quietly.
“You-you pr-promised,” Marinette panted out in between her giggles. She attempted to squirm away from him but the dresser behind her effectively blocked her escape.
“Ahh but I only promised to never use Adrien against you again. I never promised to not tickle you,” Chat slowed his hands to a stop, a wicked smirk on his face as he stared down at the still gasping girl.
“You’re terrible! Getting me to trust you like that,” she glared up into his eyes as she finally managed to catch her breath. Her tongue darted out to wet her dry lips and he couldn’t help himself from tracking the movement. 
Clearing his throat, Chat stepped away from her as an image of him leaning down and connecting their lips hit him in full force. Shaking his head, he gave her a shaky smile as he looked at the trapdoor over her bed, “Well, thank you for keeping me company, Mari, but I think it’s time for me to head home. As you said before, it’s getting rather late and we both have school tomorrow.”
“Ugh. You’re absolutely right,” Marinette groaned, “I’m going to be so tired. And to think, I even tried to get a good night’s sleep tonight. You ruined my sleep, Chaton!”
“Ahh but it was worth it, wasn’t it?” he winked at her before climbing up the ladder to her bed and the trapdoor which laid above it.
The designer rolled her eyes as she followed him up, “Hmm, sleep or Chat Noir? Sleep or Chat Noir? Honestly, I’m pretty sure I’d pick sleep every time.”
“Meouch,” the superhero pouted at her, “That hurts purrincess. And here I thought you loved spending time with me.”
“Not when it disrupts my sleep schedule,” she smiled prettily at him as her head tilted to the side innocently.
“So harsh, what did I do to deserve a friendship like this? Everyone else thinks I’m pawsitively wonderful.”
Marinette opened up her trapdoor as she practically pushed him out of it, “Get out of my room! I can’t take your puns any longer.”
Chat laughed as he leapt up through the small hatch, feeling the cold night air brush against his flushed skin, “Goodnight, Mari. I’ll see you soon,” he paused at the edge of her terrace before turning around and winking down at her, “And I know you think my puns are the cat’s meow. It’s alright, I’ll keep your secret fur you.”
“Go away!” she shouted up at him, yanking her trapdoor back down.
The superhero threw back his head and laughed giddily before taking off into the night. The pitch black of the sky camouflaged with the darkness of his suit as he raced back to the Agreste manor. A twinge of loneliness hit him as he carefully and quietly entered through the large window. Where before Chat was warm and happy within the brightness of the Dupain-Cheng bakery, he felt as though his empty bedroom sucked the last of his energy away from him.
“Plagg, claws in,” he whispered before collapsing face-first onto his bed.
“So?” the small kwami floated above him with a small smirk.
“So what, Plagg?” Adrien turned his head to the side so he could talk to the small cat.
“Still dreaming about kissing your purrincess?” he snickered.
“What?! No!” the model practically spluttered as his face flamed, “Plagg you know I’m in love with Ladybug! Why would I even think about that?!”
Plagg rolled his eyes, “Still in denial then.”
“Denial? What do you mean?” Adrien’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Nothing at all,” the small, black cat said quickly before whining, “Just get me some cheese already. I’m starving.”
With a groan, Adrien shoved himself up from his bed, heading to his usual storage of cheese. His muscles ached with exhaustion as he longed to be back underneath the covers of the warm mattress. Tossing Plagg a piece of the stinky food, he watched as the kwami ate the entire thing in one gulp. Sticking his tongue out in disgust he quickly changed into his comfy, Ladybug-themed pajamas.
“Goodnight, Plagg,” Adrien whispered as he shut off the lights and flopped quickly onto his bed. His eyes fluttered closed though his mind strayed.
I can’t believe Marinette actually almost kissed me today. That’s so weird... but is it? I mean, she does have pretty lips. Would it really be so bad if..., he shook his head quickly before turning over, Okay, that’s enough for one night, Adrien. The only lips you should even consider kissing are Ladybug’s. Besides, you’ve already rejected Marinette. There’s no way she’s actually going to kiss you. Squeezing his eyes shut, Adrien listened to Plagg’s quiet snores as he finally felt himself drift off into his own deep slumber.
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